##VIDEO ID:W8to5rr3HqU## Philipsburg Town council meeting August 28th 2024 you please meet the open public meeting act this meeting is called pursuant to provisions of the open public meeting call this meeting of August 28 2024 was included in the list of meeting notices sent to newspapers of record and posted on the bulton board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notic under the statute in addition a copy of this notice has been made available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk thank you very much for pled of algi I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the [Music] Republic couna would you please do the invocation Lord we are meeting today to conduct matters of business guide our hearts and our minds in the spirit of fairness right thought and speech impart your Supreme wisdom upon our activities so that our Affairs May reach a successful conclusion thank you for being our source of guidance today amen amen Susan roll call please councilman CL councilman Kennedy here councilman scuro here Council vice president bis here council president here bills list please the regular bills list as of August 28th 2024 is 462,000 for a total of councilman scuro yes Council vice president paus yes council president Marino yes okay the minutes of August 14th 2024 regular session minutes need a motion so move second any discussion hearing none seeing none roll call on that one please councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president bace yes council president Marino yes August 14 2024 executive session minutes so move second any discussion seeing on roll call please councilman Kennedy yes councilman scbo yes Council vice president yes council president Marino yes at this time mayor would you like to give a report uh yeah just have a quick update tonight um in this um comes from uh uh something that was brought up last meeting at just a little after 5 tonight the uh um NJ do did approve our uh our um ordinance for the truck route in fburg so there is um uh some more steps that have to go if uh if you don't mind if Tim could just give a quick update as to what has to happen to go forward just so every I mean it was asked last time so I thought maybe a refresher appropriate so do has approved your ordinance that designated the roads for the truck route uh that was the major step the next step is the town will take the process to adopt ordinance to have enhanced fines on roads over 5% in the town significant several thousand doll each incident um and then the town's going to start the process to uh purchase and have the designated truck route signs installed that's uh that's about it that's where we were at that was a big step and um everything else is internal we do have to do I believe we have to go back to our sign inventory get pricing on the signs because it may have changed from the last time requisition and fund those signs so correct any questions from Council uh I just wanted to thank you Tim for I know I've been probably thorn in your side with this but uh trucks were a thorn in side to the people of this town and uh this is a great step forward everybody's going to appreciate it and uh hopefully we can move forward as fast as we can to get an ordinance in place and get those signs up and uh relieve everybody of truck traffic around there thank you thank you Tim just one question so that clarification on the hiford Avenue United States Route 22 to Marshall Street so that's on eastbound side correct going towards New York I I have to double check that particular spot it's Marshall streets parallel to uh Route 22 so the only part of that would be there's no parking on that street Community col it's deci Side by so there's a loop for the designated route that brings any trucks basically coming down Marshall Street right get back out to 22 Yeah that they so they make the right at the old car dealer got it and they can enter 22 if we didn't have that Loop then they can continue down Marshall by by forcing there any truck that makes delivery to say McDonald's oil place further down they would actually you make it right out of those stores they have to go off to 22 or in case that garage would ever activate again for selling Parts whatever correct and that that kind of covers all your Highway commercial right there for the down Marshall it's all residential okay thank you Tim any other questions thank you thank you mayor anything else mayor uh not thank you okay public discussion on agenda Idols is state your name three minutes Joe Miner uh 17 uh R R1 175 uh six brand new heavyduty pickup trucks uh I assume it's for snow and stuff like that but it seems like a whole lot of is who who said they needed it who authorized it give me a little bit of strength why why that's a lot of were uh capitalized um in previous years but never acted upon um we went back uh to previous Capital budgets um we have like a 450 that would be considered uh heavier than a regular pickup truck um more for snow um the 350s are good for Town um operations they're a little heavier than let's say a 250 we have a lot of mainten Maintenance that's been going on welding of uh body that have been um rusted out things of that nature um they do a good job and they have done a good job in past maintaining them but at some point the I would say the snow salt and um Regular wear and tear do wear on the vehicles over time this is six of them in one year yeah well it's not just one year's worth of capital these were Capital budgets that were passed approved and held for previous year but they're all delivered now not over when as the trucks wear out that it's they they probably we probably should have a rotating schedule um um you know like I said our guys uh they have done a good job maintaining the vehicles over time uh we probably should have as a town been a little more proactive in rotating those in and out would have spread the monies yeah that's all thank you Jeff anyone else want thanks Dan Boyce um concerning the the stop sign on Irwin Street there was some things that came up I used to live on Irwin Street and I would constantly walk out in front of people that were speeding up there because the kids playing oh the the excuse I know that did a couple councils ago don't remember when they voted to put a stop sign at Schultz and Irwin and it was vetoed by that mayor that time then last week it was said that you couldn't put a stop sign if there weren't school bus stops or something there's two school bus stops on Irwin Street that I know of unless they changed them one on Henderson and one on Schulz okay I mean it it it is really thankfully you haven't had any kid that has been hurt terribly or killed but they do use that if you can't put a stop sign put speed bumps in I me I know they you know somebody said you couldn't do that because of snow plows well if you go up to Newark they have speed bumps two of them every block there there's an ordinance to put a stop sign that's why oh that's what I'm saying I'm I'm behind it I'm saying I'm hoping you you that you agree and and go for it it is something that is yeah will be beneficial there sure okay thank you anyone else yeah sorry if I screwed you up I'm sorry anyone else okay moving on ordinances for the second reading I'll read them and uh anyone who wants to come up and discuss it you're welcome to it three minutes left ordinance 0224 d18 ordinance amending 67-1 17s schedule one no parking so move second anyone from the public see anyone hearing no one I a question is that new it's it's I don't know never mind I'll ask the other attorney never forget I'll find out later I do we'll show it to you if you like to hey roll call please councilman Kennedy yes councilman sco yes Council vice president PA yes council president Marino yes coordinates for the second reading 0224 d19 ordinance of the town of filbur County of horn state of New Jersey renaming Needler Avenue from the intersection of fiser Avenue to the intersection of Anderson Street consisting of approximately 1,090 ft pursuant to njsa 40 671k so moved second any discussion from the public this is the renaming of the street seeing n hearing onone call please councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president PA yes council president Marino okay ordines first reading here oh yes yes yes okay ordinates 0224 d22 and ordinance of the town of filbur amending chapter 29 development fees motion need a motion so move need a second second anyone from the public first oh excuse me excuse me excuse me it's it my fault I don't know okay it's my fault there uh ordinance for the first reading Z 0224 D20 ordinance of the town of phsb County warrant New Jersey approve an application for a long-term tax exemption and authorizing the execution of a financial agreement for tax exemption for urban renewal project with respect to block 10005 lot 3 540 Marshall Street this is only for the council to discuss any discussion on that one for those who don't know where that is it's down on street closer to rosebury okay we have a motion coun on you need a motion Mo motion need a motion so move second Mo on councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president hollace yes council president Marino yes ordinance for the first reading 0202 4-21 in ordinance of the town of fils for County of war in state of New Jersey amending section 6723 schedule 7 stop intersection to the Cod of count of fburg to add stop intersection on Schultz Avenue at Erland Street and Bartlet Street at Lindale Street Some Mo second any discussion on Council seeing n Roll Call councilman Kennedy yes councilman scy yes Council vice president PA yes council president Marino yes first reading or 0224 d22 in ordinance of the town of filbur amendment chapter 29 development and fees so move second any discussion on Council I do I have a comment put it on the record that these fees haven't been increased since 2014 so we're finally cting into the modern ages roll call please councilman Kennedy yes councilman scuro yes Council vice president paus yes council president Marino yes before we do resolutions on the cassette agenda I'm pulling resolution 2024 d176 and we're adding resolution 20247 resolution authorizing a contract with Van CLE Engineering Associates for Mercer Street Park improvements engineering design and Survey second edition resolution solution authorizing a contract with anle Engineering Associates for Brainard Street Park improvements engineering design and Survey you need a motion so move second any discussion see on hearing on roll call please councilman Kennedy yes councilman yes Council vice president paace yes council president Marino yes old business councilman Kennedy I don't have anything Council farbell don't have anything Council vice president nothing I have nothing new business counseling Kennedy consent resolution there was three missed yeah okay did you ask if we were pulling anything he just pulled the one he pulled it just but then added the two that there 17 can I get 175 pull please oh well we're past that we're past that we did the resolutions I asked yeah he asked I asked I even read to two new ones okay but you know I Believe In fairness I don't believe in partisan politics what would you like to pull that I just had some questions regarding it uh first things first I kind of agree with Mr Miner um six Vehicles is a lot in one year this you're looking at $46,000 and specifically I have no problem with a fire truck I have no problem with a fire truck specifically I want to know what what is the white uh regular tab 4x4 pickup truck for okay I'm not the here I don't run the town so I can't answer you here but you can contact them and find out and then I will answer when you're done with that about Vehicles okay well what I would like to see happen instead of placing a good portion of the fleet here they're all in one shot um perhaps we can replace just a couple of vehicles and maybe next year look at doing two more and maybe two more a year after that because uh when we don't when we we're discussing not having enough money for for signs to enforce the truck rout and now we're spending all one shot $46,000 in trucks May mayor excuse me let me answer that I was considered an expert federal vehicles for 25 years we had a rotation schedule the town obviously did not have that rotation schedule and if you have a vehicle out there that's not fit for the road and had injur employee gets there we're going to get sued so I don't think it's this Administration or this council's problem what was done in the past number one number two if you ever sold new and used cars which had five years experience a pickup truck now it goes anywhere between 45,000 and sometimes 70,000 secondly if you ever sold for pickup trucks you cannot put a plow on 150 so that's why they go to the 350 and if you're plowing a hill you're not going to plow it with a 250 that's coming from people who sold them and drove them so I understand your problem with money as well as everyone does with councilman uh on that though it was read for the record so that we can't play politics that you weren't aware of it and I let you speak because I believe in that but with a question like this what I like to see council do is call it during the day and find it out okay they're in Need Is it a a lot of money yes there's nothing cheap in vehicles today try to go get them with a plow and all that I think this is going to be good if you do get a lot of snow you just can't plow every street with some of this equipment it's not equipped well there's no there's no partisan politics involved this is strictly what it costs for these vehicles and it cost the taxpayers this money doesn't belong to DPW it doesn't belong to the administration that money comes from the taxpayers and I'm just trying to hold the line on the cost that maybe we don't have to put out for all these vehicles in one shot that's the point I was trying to make the point is there should be a rotation it's not the May's fault he was not the M Li I'm not blaming anybody I'm saying there should be a rotation period I agree with you wholeheartedly but if you need the vehicles you need the vehicles they're not going to be any cheaper next year or the year after mayor I'll let you talk yeah as a um the funding mechanism is through Capital um they were approved in previous years so it's uh for a very specific purpose when you your capital budget has to be um passed separately from your operating budget um these were passed in previous years for this very specific purpose they weren't utilized so we're now utilizing those past past those past past ased uh Capital funds for the purpose they were supposed to be UTI for but we're not okay well I I'll get you I'll get you the the years and the fundings if you one have you know I just want to kind of quote uh Council vice president paulus she what she said on another issue um I forget specifically what it was for but she said and I agree with her on this just because it's in the budget doesn't mean you have to spend it okay so that's how I'm looking at this I respect you for that but what I'm saying is if you've ever dealt with vehicles they should have been rotated all through the years they weren't done when we're catching up things that when something is allocated for Capital it's sitting there it's not like you have to it doesn't go into future tax rate um it was already allocated and put aside for that purpose so that money is there for that it's not going to affect um this tax rate or future tax rate mayor would you explain to the audience what capital projects are so um you have it on the school you have it on town government it's money set aside for when you need it you have it so yeah certain things have certain um uh cost and life value anything over 5 years um in most cases are put into Capital they have a life expectancy of at least 5 years and I think $15,000 um when it gets to buildings you're get you're looking at 30 years and x amount of dollars but there's a schedule of what uh can fall under Capital these vehicle Vehicles always fall under Capital um sometimes light poles sometimes um Road repairs thing things of that nature things that have certain life expectancy and cost that meet both those requirements and under State contract well council president excuse me may I no hold it hold it can I ask the mayor question pertaining to this yeah sure so when was the last time we uh purchased new vehicles for DPW uh uh there is a white truck that was purchased a couple of years ago so it's been a couple years there there's some trucks I think one of our oldest Vehicles is 2005 2005 yeah there's some Vehicles they they really have kept for a long time okay um thank you it's I mean we have we've always had good mechanics good maintenance schedule on the vehicles and um uh it's to the point where they if you look at some of the bills list you'll see a lot of replacement parts welding materials to keep the bodies um kept kept together um um things like that Council M Kennedy you brought up a good point mayor what i' would like to see is a bonly report on the vehicles every vehicle should have what they call vehicle jacket the repairs and all that because you do see all these expenses that are occurring so if you have a vehicle let's say with 50,000 miles in a small community that 50,000 mil equates to 75 80,000 mies based on it so therefore we can get a system going of rotating the the the crop as these be but if we have a copy of that vehicle jacket we know if the maintenance was done properly we know how many miles are onun it and counseling that would help you out you'll see that you'll rotate the vehicles instead of one shot sure that should have been done all along so well none of us ran to town you know it's a good statement but none of us ran to town so we can't do what they did just said we'll get to you any other new business councilman um Council M scur I have nothing at this time Council woman vice president um I'd like to propose that we start holding monthly sewer meetings that's a very good idea I agree with that any councilman have any problem with that may it the first Wednesday of the month you have to probably check with the the professionals and see but I you know get a consensus as to what is going to work for everybody else okay we'll look into that this week I think it's a great idea and we'll get back to council at the 11th of September meeting anything else nothing no that's it okay I don't have anything under new business other than everybody have a safe Labor Day and be careful in the streets all our little kids are back to school we're up around the Green Street area today never seen so many kids so many cars in my life so be careful okay motions I'm going to do this in a b social Affair permit for you Center 33rd annual fundraiser September 12th 2024 special event Philipsburg Eastern Halloween parade October 27th 2024 special event indel tree lighting Chappelle Park December 3rd 2024 we have a motion please so move second call call please councilman Kennedy yes councilman Sero yes Council vice president paers yes council president Marino yes public petitions anyone want to come up state your name three minutes name I'll wait Jo go ahead go ahead Joe you are you Joe Miner uh now you you have money for six Vehicles put into a hunk of the budget so you can deal with it you got two that need replac am I I am now going to take a guest and ask for verification you're probably going to buy two vehicles this year and then you'll be you'll be backed up to buy for as you need them I'm guessing but am am I close to correct Joe as council president Council can't answer that question but since the mayor's here and he runs the part of that town we don't we only legislate the laws so I think that's what everybody has to understand we legislate the laws I hope that we can get them in so mayor would you kindly answer question nobody's U nobody's expressed a a want to purchase more upw Vehicles next year at least not yet um we'll have that discussion if they ask but I I with this I doubt we'll move forward with that right probably two to buy because you got two or worn out well spoke up yeah these will um these being put in this year won't arrive until uh next year but we will get all six next year um if they're it depends on uh the 450 might take longer the bigger truck uh especially with some of the outfitting um um the plow packages things like that and I didn't quite understand it yeah they won't arri if we if they're ordered now they won't arrive until next year and sometime you don't have to buy you can hold off for another four years until you actually need the you have to put in for them not yeah I got you ordered the money now you approved the money if I got it yeah and now you don't have to spend it till you need the trucks uh there's but you can because you so I think what happened was uh there was uh Capital ordinance in previous year setting aside the money for so it the money's already been set aside in previous years this is a resolution authorizing the purchase of the vehicles so we the money's already set aside now this is authorizing the township to go out and actually purchase the vehicle so they will be purchased right is that dat it is dated the purchase order is then dated it's not an open purchas order it is dated they're going to buy Six V uh six Vehicles then well they can't issue a purchase order until Council authorizes this purchase order so they would need council's approval to which what this is yeah so it would go requisition um by department head and or and certification of funds it would CFL would uh sign off on it and then purchase order would be completed sent to the vendor that's a legally binding contract that would come back saying that they certain spec whatever that is is um they agree to the spec we agree to the spec and the price and they'll give us a time frame based on when they can deliver you I I didn't hear you mention when the council had has that final right of approval of actually buying that vehicle just there is no yeah this is the this is the authorization to allow the mayor and the administration to actually execute it but but there is no obligation by the mayor to uh actuate uh a purchase until somebody thinks it's necessary the council the council approved for the mayor to purchase that so resolutions year to year right yeah so the resolution would expire at the end of this year because resolutions do expire at the end of a year Y and if the money is not spent it would just remain in their Capital budgets it would that's but it would remain in the capital budget yes um yeah that's where it is right now and uh we wouldn't have to pay for it because you've already paid for it though because the money's already set aside right set well it's still our money until you spend it understood okay thank you thank you anyone else oh he'll know the he hi Bill Ben just a question for clar it has to do with and again financials and municipalities are quite complex I understand that as the capital exists in the form for the vehicles are there any other budgets any other accounts on the books of the municipality that have provide that kind of um access to cash access to resources besides there there are some some that are very specialized like trusts um like our sewer trust things like that that that would be for sewer payments but there's also um I think there's a a community event trust um and those are they they can carry over from year to year say if somebody donates money it would it can be put in that trust um and wouldn't go back into the general fund year to year so those trusts keep the money set aside for a very specific purpose so we could have this other conversation with the same outcome without increasing our tax base for a different purpose and I'm thinking of land juice for example if you were to decide to buy you know based on the 2% tax for an for each of the buildings we pay for every year isn't that in a trust is that what you're referring to uh for land use the one the open so open space um actually goes into the is it separate it is separate there's but I brought up sewer sewer has its own Capital um so the pump we're in the process we've had use a pump on at Mercer Street we've been renting it it's very expensive to rent at some point at right now it becomes um more cost effective to purchase that pump uh to keep that water out of there so we but since it's a pump that is that can be utilized for sewer issues um and it is a storm water issue that we can utilize sewer capital budget to make that purchase so essentially they reserves they in some instances yeah like sewer Capital could be I understand can be yeah there's also Grant accounts as well but those are extremely focused on whatever the grant is um supposed to be utilized for the scope of that Grant so the grant would have its own um there's escrow accounts but those are trly focused as well thanks for clarity anyone else Dan no it was answer thank good evening David Moret by Fairview hpes phur New Jersey um I would like to clarify some comments made by res residents in previous Council meetings there have been two lawsuits filed by myself and my wife on behalf of the filisur environmental watch group lawsuit one was filed against the first Warehouse ordinance in June of 2021 and lawsuit 2 was filed in December 2022 against the second Warehouse ordinance lawsuit one against the May 2021 Warehouse ordinance is still active although in evaders a resident stated that lawsuit 2 was a frivolous lawsuit and that the judge had taken all the tea out of it well we representing fisberg environmental watch fighting for the residents of the flats residents along South Main Street St James Avenue and New Brunswick Avenue won the second lawsuit and the November 22 Warehouse ordinance was vacated now the town is on the verge of potentially passing yet another Warehouse ordinance the warehouse ordinance that you are potentially going to pass is functionally the same as the warehouse ordinance that is subject to the suit filed in June 2021 the issues before the court in the last brief filed in the June 2021 lawsuit is that members of Council in particular Frank McVey and Robert fuler who voted for the May 2021 Warehouse ordinance are alleged to have voted with a conflict of interest due to having been represented by the steinhart peruchi law firm now for some reason Council appears to be trying to pass another ordinance in the current potential ordinance the ordinance states that it believes that the June 2021 lawsuit has no merit if the June 2021 lawsuit has no merit then why does it appear the town continues to do everything possible to avoid letting the June 2020 law 2021 lawsuit run its course and let the judge make a decision is it because there are people who believe the town will lose the June 2021 case and do not want to see Frank McVey and Robert pulper dinged with voting with a conflict of interest is it because there are people that don't want to see that Frank McVey and Robert fuler may have been given bad legal advice when told they could vote excuse me Dave your time is up and would not have a conflict of interest please let the lawsuit run his course anyone else I'm still damn voice for bber um I was the one to make the comment about the frous lawsuits and I stand by my comments okay whatever the case may be the way I understand it a lawsuit wasn't one the judge just suggested today that the zoning board go back and look at things again that doesn't mean it was one now speaking on behalf of the benefit for the people who live down in the Flats I Wish I Had a DI I was planning but if you can picture the plats right in this area and what your concerned is the the trucks and the diesel fumes running right along here is Route 22 that is filled with pick uh tractor trailers every day right along here is Route 78 running tractor trailers every day day and night going right through here a couple other areas you got diesel locomotives running anybody knows that the soot leaving all of these Vehicles is heavier than air which means it dropped so from 78 it's dropping right down onto the flats now it makes no difference what a warehouse is going to do or traffic okay you got your truck route planned approved for a bunch of yo-yos that said they don't want trunks on trucks on Center Street which I can understand but you have to go back and look at filbur which was long before I lived here when right in that Center Street area the vicinity Center Street sck Grave Street area you had at one time at least at least 10 different industries that trucks use those streets what if those industries were still being used what would you be saying now okay you want filbur to go back to the way it was but you're preventing filbur from going back to the way it was another Resident mentioned you don't want the pollution then ban all gasoline powered engines and maybe that's what you need to do maybe Council needs to put an ordinance outlawing everything gasoline powered meeting cars trucks lawnmowers weed whackers and everything which then you're going to have to you're going to force residents to buy sheep and cattle to eat the grass which is going to produce an enormous amount of of methane gas which will Rod oone melting the PO caps and billb is going to be flooded anyhow so it really doesn't matter you might as well just build the warehouse and let people live happily ever after thank you anyone else um Kelly Craven from 58 sick Reaves is this even on no from sik RE um I want to say thank you for letting me have sneaker day with the community this last Sunday at Walters park it was a huge success um the community wants to thank you but the community all couldn't come in here today um so yeah uh there's a big sneaker outside and there's markers so I would love for everybody in this room to put all of our differences aside and go out there on your way out and sign your name on that sneaker draw a picture a smiley face whatever the hell you want and have a good night after you're done signing it of course right it's right in the doorway so we can't miss it out outside the doorway I mean but um I want to thank you I want to thank Matt no he's not here um and all the volunteers and the support that came with sneaker day because this was the second one we did and we got approved to do s'mores in the park too on December 14th so I need volunteers and donations I have the list of stuff we need if you want to be a part of it I'd appreciate it the community does appreciate it last year sores in the park uh mayor heu was there um he could see how the turnout was and I believe this year it would be greater so it's something that's part of a change and a small way but yet it's big impact and it brings people together and that's kind of like what I like to see happen regardless of who we are I just want us to come together and um like what Dan said about the whole past like we can't take the past and bring it now we can only Embrace what we have now and enhance it and make it better you get what I'm saying am I making sense here I'm probably not to some but I don't know I feel like getting together with the community it's allowing people to believe again um that change does exist after they see results of things happening so that's it thank you anyone else seeing on Council over time councilman Kennedy yeah first of all I want to wish everybody a safe and happy uh Labor Day um I do have a couple of announcements uh as many of you probably already know the Philipsburg State liners open up their season September 6th at uh Maloney stadium and it will be a uh veterans appreciation theme night and uh on at the middle school in front of the media center there's going to be a veterans Gathering sponsored by the FFA so uh get up there early and stop by that before you go into the game and also uh Sunday at Chappelle Park from 10:00 to 2 will be the uh farmers market and we'll have an island destination theme the Castaway band will be playing they're going to have a costume contest coconut bowling a prize wheel totem knockdown and many more activities so try to attend that if you can that's all I have okay thank you councilman C yes um I is want to thank uh Kelly and all the volunteers for putting on sneaker day um it's a great event unfortunately I wasn't able to make it cuz I had to work that day um so hopefully that can make s'mores in the park um it's really great like she said we got a good press positive press um Channel 69 News um seeing the smiles on the kid's face seeing the pictures uh that's what p is about um we got to continue with that momentum and keep doing these events um providing thanks for families and children um is well received um also on Monday August 26th we had a Rec advisory committee meeting and an open space committee meeting um the subjects of the meeting on the agenda uh we talks about uh Mercer Street and brainer Street playgrounds uh 2025 youth recreation programming Arts music and Recreation adult Recreation all ball league posle kickball league and pickle ball and there was some talk about a volunteer events committee as well um so that's that's all I have thank you Council vice president uh I also would like to thank Kelly and Dan and all the other volunteers and everybody who made donations um that day it was very successful that when I was up there a lot of the kids were there the parents were there every everybody was having fun there were absolutely no issues you know DJ was there so I'm sure you know that was you know a donation of their time I think it was a great event and as councilman scuro stated the Press was very positive and I hope it continues so thank you um for all of your efforts and time that you put into it as well as happy safe uh Labor Day to everybody and I'll you the rest of my time to the mayor um I I forgot to ask something I just wanted to uh from our wreck and open space meeting the other night I just wanted to ask uh um Council if we can start exploring we need a change of use I think in the PO hat property for uh we need to go to PO hat for the disl um proposal um we'd like to talk to them about um since we own the property it's technically in kakan we do need to go to that municipality for some approvals and permissions um and uh we'd also like to start looking at trying to get proposals for the environmentals on a couple of the park mediations um so nobody has any issues with that we'd like to maybe start exploring those items anything positive through the town go for [Music] it get it done as soon as possible I have eight delay get it done okay I'm going to make this I think anything positive for the community the community should go behind if you want a successful town instead of complaining be positive get these Affairs done thank anybody that takes the initiative it's a lot of work a lot of doing a lot of finances so real hot day we're up there is a great event anything for the kids because all you do is hear kids in this town so if we're going to hear kids let's get them what we can afford to give them there's a lot of things coming up that uh uh are going to be costly they're going to be really costly they're going to be because the the neglect of Prior administrations so I want you to be prepared for it so when you come you're going to get told to truth so help is God whether you like it or not because it's not easy to sit here you want to go on Facebook go on Facebook I can care less if you have something to say you're going to say it right up here to our face so I want to prepare next month the 11th there's going to be some things coming up and uh they're not the result of this Council or this may so I just want to forewarn everybody so when you want to throw the darts I'm a big boy I can handle it okay we're back no executive Joe you got to tell it like it is just candy stuff you know you can't do it any read I know there's no executive session everybody had to say holiday enjoy yourself motion to adjourn second second all in favor I have a good night