e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e want to meet in the order please stand for the pledge statesis andice for all Mr secretary can you please take the role M charer present Dr Connors pres Mrs cordino Mr King here M Rasheed here M Rivers Mrs Salgado count Miss Smith here miss Stafford here we have six present thank you hereby it being known that the pasaway Township Board of Education has complied with the notification requirements of the open public meetings act for the announcement of this meeting dat in place on April the 30th 2023 in the following manner posting of the public notice on the posting board for the Board of Education in the administration building email notification to newspapers servant Piscataway the home News Tribune and the CER news email notification filed with the municipal clerk at the municipal building on hes Lane this meeting is being videotaped this recording is not an official record or supplement to the minutes is it intended only as a source of information that the public might utilize at a later date to familiarize themselves in the board's activities executive session be it resolved that the board adjourned to Executive session for the purpose in review and discussion of the Personnel agenda litigation HIV monthly report and other matters persuading to law njsa 10 semicolon 4-12 can I have a motion to move can I have a second all in favor we are in executive session thank you ma'am e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you e e reconvene from executive session to public session be it resolved that the board reconvenes to public session can I have a motion can I have a second all in favor we are now in public session um this evening tonight's student presentation comes to us from kakac middle school whose chorus and JZ jazz band will perform for us so please join me across the hall in the multi-purpose room where principal Dr Matthew Richie will tell us more about it e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the agenda we're going to have a student representative report good evening everybody I hope you're all doing well um can't believe we're almost done with the year um we have like one month left especially for us seniors um so pretty Bittersweet moment for all of us um but again the high school is always busy never slowing down up until the end so um a lot of great things going on at the high school we actually had our first ever winter and spring Sports pep rally um this past Friday which was a lot of fun um we got to engage all the winter and spring teams that often aren't recognized at the fall pep rally of course so that was amazing and then we just got a chance for have to have like battle the classes and somehow The Freshman won but we don't talk about that don't know but right but yeah overall it was great um also um with the year ending a lot of clubs are like selling a merch for their um Club so like the Muslim Student Association selling merch for their Club just so like seniors have something to like uh remember everything they did throughout their High School career um the icca is hosting their heat show on Friday May 17th at the high school and they're just going to be having a lot of cultural performances and just a fusion of a lot of cultures which is really exciting um ver seni years we've been really busy we have our prom coming up at the end of this month on May 31st so we've been busy finishing up touches with planning that and then also for the first time in like recent history we have a senior trip um to Six Flags on June 6th I believe so tickets are on sales tickets sales actually end on Sunday for both prom and the senior trip so a lot of us are looking forward to that um especially having a senior trip for the first time um the National Honor Society is hosting their spring blood drive on May 20th so it is only piscato high school students or staff that can donate but um I know they've got it exceeded like the amount of donations um they wanted in the fall and they're looking forward to exceeding that goal again in the spring um which is exciting um for seniors also we have decision day coming up so that um students can celebrate usually traditionally it's on May 1st but with all the delays we have it on May 15th this year so we're going to be celebrating everybody um whether that's going to college or going to a trade school or whatever um they choosing to do Post High School which is really exciting um we also have AP exams going on um which is definitely going um it started on Monday and they end next Friday um so a lot of students have been busy with that um and yeah that concludes my report thank you so much rahee yes so R mentioned the year is coming to the an end I can't believe this is our second to last Board of bed meeting together but there are a lot of things to look forward to um so starting off science National Honor Society um are having applications for new candidates uh due May 10th so they're looking for new members which is always so exciting um fall Sports have started they're looking at their interest meetings um all the spring sports are coming to an end I know boys volleyball has had so many good hits um girls Spring Track just had their senior night like a couple days ago so overall sports are coming to an end can't believe the season's already coming to an end um I know science League was back this year and chemistry 2 Team actually placed fifth in the state so that was super exciting uh the team was led by anoj who was a senior and he ended up with an individual rank of third in the state um and bi the biology team plays seventh in the state which is also something to celebrate because it's been a hot minute since we've placed like that so it's super exciting um I know World Kappa um H Society is also having applications coming out so they're looking for new candidates so all these honor societies are you know recruiting now um HOSA uh is hosting a volleyball game on May 23rd from 6:00 to 8 um I know that's a huge big event at the high school so it's definitely something to look forward to um safety ambassadors their application is due on May 15th so we're looking for new people and new sophomores and juniors to recruit and the safety Ambassador lunch is actually May 21st and I can't believe this is also our last year doing it together so it's pretty Bittersweet and um this week was teacher appreciation week so so many students made cards and showed their appreciation um and overall it's been all going pretty good so that concludes my report thank you so much thank you guys for coming out tonight I know there's work to be done I know you're prepping for AP so go ahead home get your rest and do your best thank you yeah thank you also I just want to mention you mentioned on um the icca on 17 the heat show also that night is our RC uh moving on ceremony and stepen will be be at that so we're we're proud of him and uh all that all that he does here for us too so thank you guys thank you next is my president's report I want to congratulate all of the schools teachers of the year and Education Service Professionals of the year we have so many dedicated Professionals in our district and these people have stood out among their peers for the extraordinary work that they do on behalf of our students approximately this year the teachers appreciation week so I would like to thank all the Educators in our district whether you are a teacher a service professional administrator secretary custodian everyone in our district should be considered an educator because we all work together to make sure our district gives all of our children the superior the superb Education and Care they truly deserve now at you state I want to give a congratulations to our very own student representative to the board Raheem hasmi for being selected as the outstanding student of the year for scataway by the middlex County secondary principles Association Rim is vice president for the class of 2024 and a member of the principal advisory Council Rim maintains a 98 GPA while taking 17 AP classes and honors classes he is also active in the community and in his mosque congratulations again and thank you for all you have contributed to the board over the past two years give you stand bab that's no apprciate it we are incredibly proud of you for all that you have done your determination your success but most importantly you've done it all and you've enjoyed doing it it wasn't a job it was something you put your mind to and you have achieved it and 17 AP and honors classes well let me just say I don't know if college is ready for you but you're ready thank you thank you so much super proud of you can't wait to see you walk the stage on June 18th have a good evening now you can officially get out with us we appreciate it next on the agenda um we have the superintendent all right thank you uh again as always please check out our superintendent report on our website under our superintendent Corner this month's highlights include our our own board members professional development put a lot of time in and do uh a lot of work uh learning and and trying to do this job volunteer job better um freshman Field Day PHS freshman Field Day happened a couple of weeks ago where they had competitions against one another team building and friendly uh like I said competitions in the superintendence report are various award and recognitions Elementary intermediate and Middle School events and a special section on our volunteer recognition night which we had this past Monday uh which we honored I think about 150 volunteers were there we invited almost 400 uh it was a great night I think everybody um really enjoyed enjoyed the evening principal spoke about about the the events and the people that volunteered and it was a really good feeling so I wanted to mention our uh boys baseball team on April 16th our High School pitcher Bobby brezler had uh the first no hitter in the past 32 years in PHS history so uh we really thought that was you know it's in in the superintend report I wanted to mention it again first no hitter in 32 years for PHS so we wanted to congratulate baseball team and Bobby and I believe he also took the the the record for the most doubles wow that's great I'm pretty sure he did that too yeah that's awesome yeah he's he's he's quite a player so congratulations and we're proud uh finally for me so our district participates in replenished food collection Drive uh and it's the middlex county uh food collection for uh you know food insecurities and and things of of like so I'm proud to say we had 100% participation all of our schools we collected almost 10,000 pounds of food which is second in the county uh Martin Luther King school was 11th highest in the county and no doesn't matter what level right even the high schools and things like that and no school was the sixth highest in the county all right so replenish would like to thank all the schools who participated in the 2324 School food drive food insecurity is a very real issue right now we're too many families facing making difficult decisions between paying the rent utilities putting gas in their car or food on the table thank you for helping to facilitate these donations that will directly assist our neighborhood struggle our neighbors struggle to meet their basic needs so I just wanted to mention that we're really proud and anything that we can do to help we do so thank you includes my report I appreciate it h next on the agenda we have personnel and Labor Relations Miss Nancy Sado Cohen be resolve that the following motions identified as items a through F be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you please take the roll call Mrs cordino yes Mr King yes M rashed yes Mrs alado C yes M Smith yes M Stafford yes Dr Connors yes M Cherry yes motion carry committee reports uh we'll start off with policy with Miss Smith the policy and legislative committee met On th Thursday May 2nd 2024 to discuss subscription busing political activities and cell phone use the committee discussed a propos a proposal by board member Sarah rasheid to revise the discount for multiple siblings using subscription busing The District offers a 15% discount for second siblings traveling to the same School Miss rheid proposed extending this discount to second siblings attending any school in the district committee members are re were receptive but concerned that this not impose a significant financial burden on the district the committee directed Mr Rubin to ask the administration for more information about the financial impact the committee will revisit at a future meeting and suggested referring the issue to the fiscal planning and operations committee as well the committee discussed board policy 3233 and 4233 addressing political activity on C campus since the policies are limited to conduct by staff the committee debated whether it should be expanded to include ground rules for electioneering by political candidates or organizations the committee agreed there should be a policy establishing some guidelines consistent with constitutional freedom speech rights so that individuals and organizers involved in political campaigns would have clearer guidelines Mr Rubin will compose an initial draft of a policy to serve as a starting point for further discussion the committee discussed policy 5520 addressing disorder and demonstration at demonstrations at school the policy for bids demonstrations or other disruptive activity that interferes with the orderly operation of the school day but direct staff to exercise appropriate restraint and deescalation strategies to address these situations the committee was satisfied with the policy in its current form and lastly the committee discussed a concern raised by Miss Patel regarding District policies on cell phone use by students so so far as the committee is aware there is no uniform districtwide policy Mr Rubin was directed to gather information from the administration on what practices are in place so the committee can determine whether a formal policy is required and that completes my report thank you M Smith fiscal planning and operations Dr Connors fiscal plans and operations committee met on Tuesday May 7th 2024 to discuss the 20 2425 budget facility capital projects Food Services and more uh on the uh 2024 2025 budget uh was submitted for final approval by uh the county office the userfriendly budget budget book in tenative budget presentation have been posted on the district website collaborative Federal desk monitoring uh cfdm report Mr olera summarized the cfdm process and the report completed by the NJ Department of Education committee R the corrective action plan that will be added to the May 9th board meeting agenda and then submitted to the um NJ doe facility capital projects the committee discussed updates to the following projects scataway High School wood shop dust collection Paving projects pway high school media center and AC acoustical upgrades the committee approved shingle roof Replacements on sections at randville and Norwood schools which were built in 1992 after a leak was found at randville Energy savings Improvement program update roof leaks were identified at Grand View school where solar panels were installed the district has contracted the solar panel operator for remediation the most recent debate uh not rebate amounts approved for the uh esip were less than the uh projections provided by Honeywell Mr ala negotiated a reduction in the price of the contract as compensation the change order will be included on the May 9th board meeting agenda honey well will tours at pasc high school with four uh different business uh Career Technical education classes over two days in May and this is this is uh good because when we negotiated this uh 15-year with uh with this with Honeywell um they said that it would provide some um learning for for some of our students up the high school so glad to see they're doing that use of facilities policy 75100 the committee discussed progress on the review of policy 7510 and the related review of The District's uh facilities management software Transportation Mr olera negotiated an increase in the main transportation contract with Leila transportation that is uh below the Consumer Price Index District administration and the policy legislative committee are reviewing an expansion of The Sibling discount on subscription busing to any sibling rather than just a sibling attending the same school which was mentioned in the previous report Mr Ola expects the financial impact to be minimal and the committee did discuss this we did just some per estimates and the committee supported expanding the edibility for the discount um Food Services the evaluation committee completed its review and prepared a report recommending the award of a f service contract to mashio Food Services Wellness committee the wellness committee led a very successful Step Challenge during March one building winner was selected as well as three individual winners from each School Department business office the committee reviewed the current balance on the April 2024 NJ arm statement and current interest rates and something that the business administrator pointed out which I thought was a is really ke has a has a Keen Eye is that if you go back to um the roof leaks identified at uh the two schools the amount of interest that we're earning on this NJ arm will pay for that project those those projects so that's a really good thing um the committee reviewed a summary of the numerous bids and rfps that have been prepared by the business office this Spring Middle sex County Office of the uh NJ department of education completed its uh quality standard accountability Continuum visit on April 24th the Financial review was completed without exception and that is my report thank you Dr con next approval of minutes uh Mr K can pleas that be it resolved that the following minutes be approved as submitted special meeting April 22 2024 Mr secretary can you can I have a motion motion have a second second all in favor business meeting April 25th 202 for an executive session April 25th 2024 can I have a motion motion can I have a second second all in favor are approved uh public comments from the floor uh being I do not see anyone for public comments from the floor we are just going to have a motion to open public comments and close public comments motion have a second second all in favor motion all in favor all okay we've opened and closed public comments okay thank you so much Courtney uh fiscal and planning Dr Connors um be resolved that the following motions identified as a through BP be approved as as presented Mr secretary can take the RO SEC oh I'm sorry can I get a motion no did it BR wheel Brenda did the second I okay thank you Brenda Mr secretary can you take the also I just want to make com now that we made a second and it's open for discussion I just want the um i' ask the uh David our um business administrator to just explain why there are so many uh contracts that are listed on here and what we've done as a as a as a past so um so this meeting is um always our typically largest volume meeting um and that's because remember we operate on a uh school year basis July 1 to June 30th so the bulk of these resolutions are reappointing or appointing brand new um uh services that we need for the upcoming school year we do it in may get ahead of the game and line everything up for the start of the school year on July one uh gives us time to um you know take care of paperwork contracts Etc uh you also see individuals are named for various uh functions within the district uh I am the public uh the PCO officer it's called as just one example public agency compliance officer but there's many other folks as well who are appointed for various titles uh and it's pretty standard all these different appointments and things for the year uh the one item I will also just draw attention to um items n and O just to acknowledge um we're recommending that contracts be awarded to ESS and uh we have two individuals in the crowd here um from ESS we have a longing in relationship with them and um they uh you know we had to do an evaluation report they knew the recommendation was awarded to them and they were very eager to come here and uh show their support for the district and their ongoing relationship and I and I just wanted to add that the um that item H um and thank the um the evaluation committee for um looking into um the uh Food Service management and the RFP and uh thank you for uh work you're welcome uh Mr secretary take the V Mr King yes M rashed yes Mrs algado Cowen yes M Smith yes Miss Stafford here yes Mrs cordino yes Dr Connors yes M Cherry yes motions Carri policy Miss Smith be it resolved that the Piscataway Township Board of Education adopts on first reading the following policy policy 241 15.04 revised title one districtwide parent and family engagement second Mr secretary can take the vote can I just question is that the um the revised policy for the extending the discount or no no okay just update to an existing title one policy we have some mostly language Chang okay thank you Miss rashed yes Mrs Salgado Cowen yes Miss Smith yes Miss Stafford yes Mrs cordino yes Mr King yes Dr Connors yes Mr Cherry yes motion carries curriculum Mr King be resolved that the following motions identified as items a through o be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you take the role Sado C yes M Smith yes M Stafford yes Mrs cordino yes Mr King yes M Rashid yes Dr Connors yes Miss Cherry yes motions Carri pupil Services Mrs cordino we resolve at the following motions identified as items a through F be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you take the role Mr Salgado po yes M Smith yes M Stafford yes Mrs cordino yes Mr King yes Mr rashed yes Dr Connors yes M Cherry yes motions carry administrative and auxiliary Miss stord be it resolved that the following motions identified as items a through G be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you take the role M Smith yes Miss Stafford yes Mrs cordino yes Mr King yes Mr she yes Mrs alado C yes Dr Connors yes M Cherry yes motions Carri old business anyone with old business Dr Connor uh Madam president just a couple of things first is that um I want to thank the um the superintendent and the staff for uh providing us with what we need for Memorial Day and uh you'll be getting an email from me on the detailed plans of us Marching In the Memorial Day uh parade you know we meet over at uh the uh what do we mean we meet over in get it right your back and then uh and then you know we got all we need so that that that's going to be a fun day and uh thank you for that and what else did I have let's see um that was it and if you're going to the parade and it's kind of warm make sure you have some water with you a hat on your head some uh some tanning oil for protection and a lot of energy if you have any questions or any doubt just call me on the phone and I'll I'll update you and tell you what you need to do and rain gear just in case they say the weather's forecast makes a big difference anyone else with old business new business I have a couple of things uh first graduation is set for June 18th at 6 P pm. at Jersey miks Arena uh board members please look for uh before our next meeting so in between now and then uh emails from my office either myself or Mrs CIS uh about directions we'll ask you questions whether you're planning on coming here there'll be a dinner set here the little things like that um but just check that out it's a really great night there'll be a bus that that goes from here to there where you could choose to drive yourself but we'll give you directions on things like that uh just check out those things and please if you could answer the email so we know uh what your intentions are uh as we head into the next board meeting and I want to uh wish all the moms out there happy Mother's Day uh this coming Monday um Monday Sunday is weekend uh so thank you very much thank you I just had a question so on the letter from Mr Balano it says for us to RCP to him we just R RP to him to be on the stage you can yeah or either way it's fine okay that's what I was wondering okay yep you can do either way all right okay one Madam president one more oh go ahead go for it no uh you know you got the new uh updated spring Sports senior nights there's a few left I know uh this Friday is that tomorrow um it's been rescheduled it's been rescheduled it'll be Wednesday Wednesday rain rain okay so uh there's a few more senior nights left make it I have something on the athletic I'll keep it going um so I went over the operating budget we were kind of looking through that we passed last um last meeting um and I was looking at numbers and looking at our athletic department which has about a $1.5 million operating budget which then I had a little bit of questions about how how the money's spent or how it's like dispersed between um Sports so when I looked through it I saw that um you know a chunk of it is salaries and personnel which is pretty self-explanatory um but what I wondered was how much money is allocated or budgeted for each sport um is it equally distributed um if not what's sort of like the funding formula to see how it's like broken down um the formula for how many coaches or assistance per sport Varsity versus JV boys teams versus girls teams um fall winter spring Sports so just kind of wondering how that money is sort of shared between you know all the sports and we do have a lot and we have a lot of successful um Sports um I saw that we hired obviously we passed a new basketball coach uh last meeting to yep boys and girls um which again made me think criteria right what is our criteria for hiring coaches um are we looking for educators first are we evaluating coaches progress development for teams um like we did for the basketball coaches um this one might be for you David it's budgetary um I don't know if you know um so I saw that purchase Services about $161,000 of the athletic budget um it was about 300 to 500 series which I looked up which said was predominantly like sports physicals and official fees it also said it was like equipment rental or lease purchases so I wasn't sure like what kind of equipment or lease purchases that would entail a big chunk of that is officials and um the chaperon staff if you will that attend the games okay that's the that's probably the largest portion I can get more detailed breakdown I was wondering like I didn't know what we would be leasing sort like that's nothing Springs to mind in athletic so those um those budgetary codes you're referencing can be used across any of the account lines in the entire budget within Athletics that 500 series line is mostly at officials and and which makes sense because there's a multitude of sports and you know officials um supplies was about 165,000 um so then I wondered you know that's how are we allocating supplies right so like how we allocate could impact successful functioning and the longevity of programs um so again how many supplies or how we allocating that um for different teams different seasons um are we are we sharing between the boys teams and the girls teams um are you know so that's kind of some of the stuff I was wondering um and then again you might know this David um the last category is other objects uh which was about $45,000 so I couldn't think of what other objects could be so an example of that is um fees to register the track team to go and compete at XYZ competition that there's a joining maybe like the $150 organization yeah joining an organization other objects is really meant if you look in the chart of accounts to capture anything that didn't fit elsewhere so like it's like an umbrella for what doesn't necessarily fall okay but I I can tell you that sports teams tournament registrations and things is one of the things that comes out of there which again makes sense you know especially for those super competitive that are traveling and competing at a high level okay I questions about the booster club so we don't have the booster club anymore um and we know that we rais a lot of money through the snack stand um I know that that clubs volunteer and I was wondering how that money shared uh what the parameters were for how that money is sort of spent and like who's providing the checks and balances for that money coming in so that activity um all deposits get deposited into a specific account and the expenses for the food that they sell come out of that account that makes sense um uh from what I understand various sports teams assist in in operating the stand so would that be like a 50% for who's ever volunteering and then where would the other 50% go would it go into a general athletic fund broad broadly speaking the money the profits are to help fund scholarships for athletes at the end of the year which I believe the high school scholarship night's coming up so so even though it's not the booster club anymore which sponsored a lot of those athletic scholarships they still do that well the but not the booster club I don't know if disbanded is the right Bird but it's not currently operating let's say that um so there there's there wasn't people available to continue its operation so the High School athletic department thought that the concept of uh giving scholarship money was a good cause to try and continue and so some of the high school staff came up with a plan to I think it's smart because people want to eat food when they're at athletic events and I think it's a if it's being used for things like scholarships that's a really good use of you know fundraising and it has been profitable I don't uh you know someone in my office tracks the day-to-day activity but um you know I keep an eye on the overall profitability by season to make sure it's worth running the operation and thus far it's been they open for more than just the fall season do you know yes they've been at they were at wrestling and basketball events in the winter and I believe they've done inside but not outside okay believe they may have done a couple of events in the spring but it's mostly um football and then the and wrestling in so that's there for those teams as well to have that opportunity okay um okay I was thinking about data you know as an educator always thinking about data so here we are constantly updated on like the status right um Improvement of scores academic growth social emotional growth overall Wellness we did that last month um Arts development but really we're not really informed of the status of Athletics unless it's something like super newsworthy like winning championship ships um but considering there's about A1 and A5 million dollar um allocated to the programs I would think it's logical we should be apprised of like the progress of our athletic programs so I'm thinking and there's like data like a longitudinal sort of like um plan where maybe we look at our teams for five to 10 years I mean 10 years might be a little expensive but I was kind of thinking like looking even you know you compare your pre-co versus your postco um you know thinking about things like the divisions are they are there any changes are we growing are we stagnant are we you know um moving in the opposite direction um win loss record lengths of coach's tenure how many coaches does each team have the number of students trying out does that fluctuate are there less kids trying out for certain Sports than maybe in the past um the number of students on teams the number of students um that are being cut does every team release players are there teams we all interested are able to participate um if they're able to participate is it related to the amount of funding for those teams um maybe new sports added so I know we did flag football for girls this year um are there any sports that have been discontinued because of lack of interest um I feel like field hocky was relatively new six or seven years ago um so I was just kind of thinking that I'm wondering how we determine like interest in new sports so do we act like student surveys are there sports that you wish we had I'm thinking that somebody expressed interest in flag football that um that then we brought and that was fairly successful it was more the that that particular one was the njsiaa yeah they brought that it was New York Jets uh provided a grant for all the team all schools in this area for if the grant was available we applied we got the money uh the first in Middle six County I think there were about 12 teams okay um and then it grew from there but so something like that uh yeah just I just wonder like there's there's other sports that maybe other team other U towns have we don't so I don't know if it's like lack of Interest like I I don't really know how like um they're sort of developed so that's kind of what I was thinking and what about like things like um like if something you wanted to improve um like sportswise would that be part of the athletic budget or part of like a facility so so let's say and this is just from experience um like baseball for example doesn't have a scoreboard right which when you travel around to lots of other you know um sport uh towns every town has like a a scoreboard to keep track but like our team doesn't so I realize It's Tricky for us because we're over at Columbus Park but if something like that would that come out of athletic because that that's not a lot of money 1.5 million for something like typically not out of the athletic budget so that would be more like a like Improvement a facility um so that's just something like I I I thought of you know when you're sometimes you don't know until you're like in it and then remember we talk about the scoreboard going up for basketball and for wrestling we discussed at the last meeting yeah so just you know that's sort of what what I was thinking um again you don't notice and then you're like wait a minute everybody has a scoreboard um so it's a tricky part you're right because it's it's it's not our faer right so I don't know do we find ways to develop it here right like I don't know what that would take um to build something lights or some what whatever to make it feasible where it's you know more on sure I I don't know it's just sort of what I was thinking and that might be more of a long-term plan but something that maybe we um you know so how do you want to handle this you want to email me all that stuff I'll email you it's pretty long um I will definitely I I'll will email to you and you know no one's ever going to accuse me of you know not not having my information got okay thank you Nancy and we'll wait for to feedback you bring us after Dr Manelli gets his email and updates everything uh also on new uh new business right now executive session be it resolved that the board uh will adjourn to Executive session for the purpose of a discussion of the superintendent evaluation no further action will be taken so at this point can I have a motion for adjournment uh a motion for EXA motion for ex EXA second can you second okay now a motion for adjournment we're not going tojn okay you guys will adjourn an executive session but I'm going to tell you guys it's been a pleasure seeing you tonight I'm getting ready to pack up my just so just so you know when uh they come out of executive session no business will happen they'll just adjourn at that point so they're still going on the clock and I've just checked out thank you all for coming out tonight have a good one it was a pleasure meeting you did it ready all right thank you I appreciate it NY e e e e e for