e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e motion to move second second all in favor we're back in public session jumping right down to the president's report congratulations to the class of 2024 it was a it was wonderful to watch our graduates be rewarded for their hard work talent and resilience at Piscataway High School graduated over 500 seniors in a joyous ceremony at the Jersey mik Arena congratulations to all the parents families and friends who celebrated this great achievement alongside their children and to the teachers and staff who guided and encouraged them conrat congratulations also to all of our students on their promotions in 2024 and who will continue their educational Journeys in September we are very proud that our district has earned four national awards for achievement in community outreach and Communications this is the second highest Awards total of any District in New Jersey the national public schools relations Association recognized the scataway with an Award of Excellence for the second year in a row for our annual School guide and calendar and awards of Merit for social media our superintendent reports newsletter and photography community relations Communications and transparency are virtue to our success as a district so we are very happy to have our efforts recognized in these areas thank you to public information Officer Gary Miller for overseeing our communication efforts and for continuing to keep our community informed and involved um with that being said Gary is one heck of an individual with his photography his layout the photos that he's able to capture and to be able to publish and for the state to recognize us it's such an honor and a privilege um very proud very happy for Gary which is why he was recognized last year at school board with the amount of awards that he received there as well so kudos to Gary next we have the superintendent report thank you very much uh as usual please check out our superintendent report on our website in the superintendent Corner this month's highlight include um as Miss Cherry said our graduation and moving up ceremonies our our juneth celebrations uh no wood and King Awards uh proud of this for the top food drive collectors in the county and their respected uh grade levels and things like that so it's just fantastic how much our County uh I mean our our district gives back uh and much more also in our superintendent's report our own Mr Courtney King's Daughter Jada performed her poem uh in person at the governor's mention for uh pride month celebration and event we want to congratulate Mr King uh it was in uh in tap it was in the newspaper uh really really special event and uh we're proud of Jada as well as as Mr King so um in your packets was an emergency virtual instruction plan board members uh we got a notification that we had to approve this again this year uh basically the plan did not change we had to just reup and approve it uh covers areas like quarantining of students virtual home instruction student attendance the equity of Technology the continuity of nutrition staff remote work and Facilities planning so uh with the nightmare that Co was let's hope we never have to use this but we have to approve this plan um our high school received our AP scores back this week and I wanted to highlight a few areas of success uh our AP US History we had 56 students take our test our average was a 4.27 New Jersey average yep New Jersey average was a 4.53 the global average was a three I'm sorry the New Jersey average was a 3 .53 oh the global average was a 3.23 and 95% of our kids got a four or higher okay awesome our AP Physics one was the first time we ever taught this class we had 38 students take the test our average was 3.53 the New Jersey average was 2.71 and the global average was 2.52 84% of our kids got a three or higher our AP African-American studies also the first time uh we taught that in our district our PHS average was a 3.6 the New Jersey average was a 3.2 and the global average was a 3.2 90% of our kids got a three or higher and also the first time taught uh for the subject was AP pre-calculus we had 10 students take the test seems like a low number but all three all we had 100% of our kids get a three or higher wow so we are really proud of our high school our teachers uh the dedication that they have and the work of the kids um so that concludes my report thank you Dr Manelli next on the agenda we have Personnel of Labor Relations Miss ncy yes thank you be it resolved that the following motions identified as items a through J be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you please take the role M cardino yes Mr King yes M rashed yes M Rivers yes Mado Cowan yes uh Miss Smith yes Dr Connors yes Cherry abstain from B yes to the US motion carries there are no committee reports approval of minutes Miss Loretta Rivers be it resolved that the following minutes be approved as submitted business meeting for June 13 2024 executive session June 13 2024 motion second all in favor next one sorry special meeting June 25th 2024 motion second all in favor I uh public comments from the floor the ni I see no one in public comments have have a motion to close public comments some can I have a second second all in favor public comments closed fiscal impend operations Dr Conor be resolved following motions identified as items a through n we approved as presented can I Mr secretary can you please take the role Mr King yes mred yes Miss Rivers yes Miss elado Cowan yes Miss Smith yes Miss cardino yes Dr Connors yes Miss Cherry yes motion passes there's no policies curriculum Mr King being resolved with the following motions identifi as items a through b be approved as presented motion second Mr secretary can you take the role Miss Rivers yes Miss Salgado cow yes Miss Smith yes Miss cordino yes Mr King yes M Rashid yes Dr Connors yes Cherry yes pupil Services Mrs cordino be resolved at the following motion identified as item a be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you take the role this is July M Mado C yes Miss Smith yes M cordino yes Mr King yes M Rashid yes M Rivers yes Dr Connors yes M Cherry yes Miss King uh not miss King uh Miss Smith can you please read administrative and auxiliary for me Resolve that the following motions identified as items a through C be approved as presented second Mr secretary can you take the role uh Miss Smith yes M cordino yes Mr King yes M rashed yes M Rivers yes M Elgato Cowen yes Dr count Dr Connor yes Miss Cherry yes motion passes old business I know there's a few things under old business uh no y good um I wanted to give some updates from our last board meeting I usually don't write this down but I know this is a really important topic so I wanted to make sure I I got everything that I needed to say I wanted to give some updates from our last board meeting regarding the high school MSA club and their yearbook picture I was able to gather more information that is relevant to the situation but I wanted to start by saying I appreciate all the individuals who came to our June board meeting and gave a public comment I personally understand more how this Global situation impacts people in every community and most importantly ours at our June board meeting I offered an apology for the lack of communication to the MSA students that the decision was made to remove the Palestinian flag from the yearbook at that time I was under the impression that the students in the MSA were not made aware about the flag removal and the first time they saw the new picture was when the yearbooks were distributed on May 30th after reviewing the facts it turns out that our club adviser was made aware of the decision in March and on March 20th she sent the new photo to all the members in the MSA asking the students to check the picture and also verify their name was printed correctly I met with the MSA students two days after graduation on June 20th Mr baldasano and I had the pleasure of meeting with the current MSA officers as well as next year's officers these you these students were were wonderful I have been working with high school students for almost 30 years and this was one of the most mature and meaningful conversations that I've ever had with students students were articulate and were able to further explain their personal feelings as well as what the situation means to them as a group they did understand why the decision was made to alter the photo they also thanked Mr baldasano for all the support and time he spent with them all year during this meeting we uh as a group discussed possible solutions they continued to understand why we couldn't reprint that entire yearbook page with the original picture we will however be printing copies of the original picture for the CL Club advisor to distribute within the MSA Group the MSA officers were very appreciative and we ended the meeting agreeing on a time frame for us to distribute the photo thank you thank you Dr anelli drelli um what's the time frame before the end of the summer and we'll mail them to their houses thank you you're welcome and they they asked me and I agree to include a little note to capture the spirit of that meeting that I had with the MSA students um which was again fantastic so we'll do that uh we'll have it uh run by the club advisers and um really a good solution to to to the situation thank you thank you again anyone else with o business just an announcement uh New Jersey school board's uh board training that we're um doing we are down to the last two credits uh thank everyone for meeting every few months and we need 16 we're at 14 So the plan is to finish it this fall so come September we'll pick a couple more topics and uh we'll a couple other things a policy check New Jersey school boards does and then all the other board individual board members have to be up to date in their mandated training and uh looks like come October we'll be done with board training thank you Dr Kish yes um if I could suggest uh a topic um uh for the next thing I know that ethics came up a lot when we were here at the last um training session so I just want to put that out there if anybody else has any you know suggestions but I think ethics if that's one of the courses that's in there that would be a good topic it is one of the topics and the uh the handout that everybody has uh we've been picking topics from from that particular handout the field service rep ethics is one we can do that thanks for a suggestion an anyone else and I just wanted to thank Dr relli for all the information regarding the Athletics that I will uh go through I know it took a lot of time for you and your uh staff to put together so I do appreciate all of uh your hard work right thank you n new business anyone with new business uh Madam president uh when we got our csos what was in there was the district 2425 annual goal drafts uh from uh from Dr relli Administration and it said that if you had anything to to call him or any comments uh I compared uh last year's District pools to 23 24 annual goals to the ones that uh were given to us and I went through them with Dr relli and what I feel from uh our strategic planning and uh last year's goals um even though we have we've met this particular goal I recommend highly that in number one of the of this what we add is um an item e and Dr M said was going to do put that there and it it it says uh deliberately Implement District safety procedures to create the safest schools possible and why I feel this is important is that this was a goal last year and it's those people that were not conflicted and we did the the C Chief school administrative evaluation realized is that uh drelli would put what ft was accomplished a lot of it was accomplished so it wasn't listed as a single goal this year but I still feel we need to have that element going forward in this draft about um deliberately implementing our district safety procedures um and that's my suggestion so Dr Conor called me during the week uh I I don't uh I mean I agree 100% I wrote it down that way if you want to change the words or or offer any more suggestions I think it's a a good thing to put in there for the Community to see that we're still working on our safety uh as we always will and offers some some kind of comfort in the in the realm of Wellness um I have one question about the goal number four sure on letter c yeah I'm not quite sure so there was some that means there were some questions about um the volunteer opportunities and how the change happened from before uh Co to now with the entire booster club with a booster club for the entire District versus how how they run right now now again there the the coaches I know this nor the school is looking to go back to a one booster club for everything but they do want to make it a more Equitable for the teams to be able to volunteer for the teams to be able to raise money for themselves as well as a a kind of a an equitable distribution of if everybody's participating right and that good bit distribution of that so basically the goal is to create those opportunities and really make sure we involve the coaches involve the parents involve the kids Miss Cherry was at many concession stands this this uh fall and winter and at at any given time a new team would come in cycle in and the kids would be there and the kids would be helping uh there were some teams that didn't right because we just didn't set it as a goal we just didn't set those parameters that that was expected um so in the realm of of you know Athletics we really want to make sure that people feel like the the things that they're giving they're getting back right that's part of the goal yeah I just I like with the wording and stuff I wasn't quite sure what it meant I didn't want to get I didn't want to get too too into it like but I'll make sure that those things we've already started to to set some of the parameters goal or not that that had to happen I think it's really important that uh you know we we get to where people feel like again um the volunteer time that they're giving is worthwhile for them and for understanding is that the history of uh the athletic booster club goes back away and remember the athletic booster club is a volunteer organization corre just like the pto's ETC and so there's a perception with some people that the Athletic poer Club was also a school sponsored organization and that's just not true and when covid hit and we lost a lot of volunteers and the officers and and and it basically just yeah you disbanded and started up there was this perception is the school going to have an athletic booster club and the reality is no it's a parent volunteer organization how can you get involved in your child's uh right uh extracurriculars and you help and I think that this is also an outfall of that is how do we how do we get how do we get back there but also equitably because you know some some uh to me what you do not want to have happen is because one particular team has more wealth in terms of parent involvement versus another you want to try and make sure that each team gets that same opportunity attention and opportunities you know makes sense thank you with that being said that was all new business can I have a motion for adjournment motion second all in favor we are J and I I just forgot to say one thing and that is that um I attended a wake yesterday and uh the the State lost a very uh valuable person um Dan Sinclair was a a board member in wanu and he was involved in school in his own you know working in schools for 39 years he was a past president of the new School Board Association and he passed away but during his presidency New Jersey school boards from uh 2015 to I think 2017 18 he was the one that did the task force um on non-bound um students that a lot of um districts around the state use as a model and as a matter of fact we did um uh you know was talking to Frank about it when I was president and when Chantel took over as president and we started that what Next program and we were featured in school leader which is the magazine of New Jersey school board and I just wanted to say is that's going to be a theme we're going to be hanging with a theme at this year's Workshop it's going to be a theme about non- colge bound workers but I just wanted to say that it was sad that we lost uh somebody with so much experience dancing play and um it was a great guy all right thank you everyone