I'd like to call this meeting of the township piscato Council to order adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 1 PL 1975 specifying the time date location login or dial in information and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building municipal court and the two Municipal Library bulletin boards Municipal website providing a copy to the official newspapers of the township and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk in accordance with certification by the clerk which will be entered in the minutes there will be public comment periods for both remote and in-person attendees separately each member of the public shall have only one opportunity to speak during each public portion as the technology does not allow us to know if there are multiple callers on an individual phone line or logged in user account we ask that if you wish to speak that you log in or dial in separately so that we can recognize you as a separate individual should you have any further comments or questions the township council is always available by email and phone and you can always call the mayor's office during normal operating hours missar would you please take the roll call councilwoman Carmichael here councilman Espinosa councilwoman Lombardi here councilman Rouse here councilman Shaw here councilman Eran here council president K here would you please join me in a salute to our flag alance to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right um this brings us to number five which will be comments from Administration and Council regarding adjournment of any matters on this agenda administ or councel any concerns seeing none we'll move on to number six this is open to the public but this is regarding com uh comments regarding item number 13 which is further down on the agenda and these are the consent agenda items anyone um remote we're going to open up to the remote attendees first if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item thank you Miss Cedar I'll close the remote attendee portion and we'll open it up to the public public who are here in person again regarding item number 13 the consent agenda items if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take your seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary hi prati Patel 29 Ro I just like to uh just get details on what are the criterias for solicitor license is the solicitor lawyer or this is something else this is for people that go either door too or are selling you know at a location in the public the other question that I had is uh the municipal lean for various block and lots and public nuisance uh what was that for 13d 13B oh I'm so sorry that's the lean of abatement of public nuisance on the various blocks L yeah so this is where you know Property Owners aren't taking care of their properties there may be issues with pest rodents Etc um the township of course notices them and provides proper time for them to do something about it but if they don't then the township has to go in and take care of it so it doesn't affect the neighbor then the township then puts a lean for the costs associated with with it on the property so that hopefully they'll redeem those cost back you do that for the home inside also some of the homes that are like they have this kind of stuff if if they're like V or yeah we we try not to enter properties we we don't enter properties unless we have to I mean I've have seen in past where like a home right behind me was just like absolutely horrendous and regardless of what the assessments were carried out I didn't see any action thank you Mr Patel is there anyone else in the public wishing to comment regarding number 133 David aens and post Valley Lane good evening Council is this for the uh dot Grant all right this is just an application to submit for the de this is a section of old new brunic road from the bridge to the uh the old Luke oil gas station that section of the roadway that's all we don't know how much money we're going to get we're just filing the application we're applying for one Mr Akin the press the uh when you speak just hold that button down on the mic so we can hear you yep this is I believe for the parcel Maps Normandy Drive yeah the maps what was that amount before what contract it was for $300,000 okay that's all I have thank you anyone else in the public wishing to comment about item number 13 okay seeing none I'm going to close the public portion that'll bring us to sorry folks let's get here number seven this will be an ordinance on second reading it is amending chapter 7 section 25 this is Vehicles over designated weight excluded from certain streets it will be open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss would you please read the resolution they resolved by the township Council of pasaway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to amend and supplement the revised General ordinances of the township of Piscataway County of middlex state of New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic section 25 Vehicles over designated weight excluded from certain streets was introduced on the 25th day of June 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 30th day of June 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the offet ordinance having had a second reading on July 23rd 2024 the adopted pass and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be a further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-16 thank you Miss Cedar and now I'm going to open it to the public first we'll do for the remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their handris regarding this agenda item thank you misser so I'll close the remote attendee portion I'll open it up to the public for any comment on this item if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take your a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary seeing none I'm going to close the public portion for this item so I'll open it up to uh the council um for an offer offer councilwoman Lombardi do I have a second car Michael thank you Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president Cahill yes and the item passes on second reading that'll bring us to number eight which is also an ordinance on second reading this is authorizing title 39 inforcement 20 New England Avenue it will be open to the public and it is a resolution adopted ordinance misser would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of piscatway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to amend and supplement the revised General ordinances of the township of Piscataway County of middlex state of New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic section 40 control for the movement and parking of traffic on public and private property to assert title 39 jurisdiction on 20 New England Avenue was introduced on the 25th day of June 2024 and had passed the first reading I was published on the 30th day of June 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the offet ordinance having had a second reading on July 23rd 2024 be adopted pass and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be a further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-17 thank you Miss Cedar and um we will open this up to the remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star N9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand raised regarding this agenda item thank you Miss Ceder we'll open it up to the uh public for comments of this item if you wish um who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary seeing none I'm going to close the um inperson public portion of this item and I'll open it up to the council do I have an offer off offer okay we'll go first with Carmichael second M thank you very much Council um Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president kahill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading that'll bring us to number nine which is also an ordinance on second reading this is authorizing the execution of financial agreement with RG nor Normandy urban renewal LLC block 3702 lot 1.02 which is 10 Normandy Drive it'll be open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Ceda would you please read the resolution be resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance of the township of Piscataway County of middlex New Jersey authorizing execution of financial agreement with RG Normandy urban renewal LLC pursuant to the long-term tax exemption law and njsa 40a colon 20-1 at secc was introduced on the 25th day of June 2024 and had passed the first reading was published on the 30th day of June 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the upper set ordinance having had a second reading on July 23rd 20124 be adopted past and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of passager approval in the official newspaper be a further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-18 thank you Miss CER and so now we'll open this up to the public for the first if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand raised regarding this agenda item thank you Miss Cedar we'll open it up to the public here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary seeing none I'm going to close the public portion on this item I'll open it up to the council do I have an offer for this item offer do I have a second second Miss Ceder would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Anin yes council president Cahill yes and the ordinance pass is on second reading that'll bring us to number 10 which is another ordinance on second reading this is authorizing addendum to Redevelopment plan block 1701 lot 2.03 that is 4100 New Brunswick Avenue it is open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss CA would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled authorizing addendum to Redevelopment plan for Block 1701 lot 2.03 4100 New Brunswick Avenue as shown on the tax map of the township of Piscataway was introduced on the 25th day of June 20124 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 30th day of June 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the offset ordinance having had a second reading on July 23rd 2024 the adopted past and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of pasture approval in the official newspaper be it further resolved that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-19 thank you Miss Cedar and so now we will open it up to the public for the remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star N9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item thank you Miss Cedar we'll open it up to the attendees here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary yeah hi 29 pel what is it that this and what is this Redevelopment about it's basically just uh the site at 41 it's a current uh site that has a building on it they're just asking for the zoning to revert back to what the original zoning was which is light manufacturing light manufacturing right so it's an existing building the the zoning is going to change to go back to its original intent which was light manufacturing if you didn't will be made as manufacturing Building light though like okay thank you you're quite welcome there's anyone else in the public who wishes to speak about this you may do so at this time seeing none I'm going to close the public portion I'll open it up to the council um do I have an offer offer councilwoman Lombardy okay so we'll do Shaw and Lombardi okay um Miss Cedar would you please take a roll call Vote conwoman carmichel Yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Eran yes council president K yes and the item passes on second reading that'll bring us to number 11 this is an ordinance on first reading this is Acquisitions of right of way and easements for New Durham Road improvements project it is a resol a resolution adopting ordinance misser would you please read the resolution we are resolved by the township Council of PCAT Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled an ordinance for the acquisition of Rights of way easements and land and fee simple for the improvements of new dorm road block 8502 blot 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 and 17 and also including portions of the new dorm Road right of way as shown on the tax map of the township of Piscataway be is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading of public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the pasca municipal building 455 hos Lane pasca New Jersey on the 13th day of August 2024 be it further resolve that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar do I have an offer offer councilwoman Lombardi do I have a second second we have a second over here lywood so um uh okay Miss Cedar um could you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Anin yes council president K yes and the item passes on first reading that'll bring us to number 12 which is also an ordinance on first reading this is authorization of special assessments for sidewalks on Sutton's Lane and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Cedar would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to provide for the construction of local Improvement sidewalks on the Sutton Lane Sutton's Lane Frontage of block 9101 lot 4.01 and block 9301 Lots 47.0 3 51.0 52.0 2 52.0 3 and 107.0 3 on the township of padway tax map as permitted under njsa 40 65-1 Bean is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading and public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the pcad municipal building 455 hose L pcad New Jersey on the 10th day of sep setember 2024 we have further resolved that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar um do I have an offer offer Carle do I have a second second Rouse Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote Council carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Anan yes council president K yes and the ordinance passes on first reading that'll bring us to number 13 which are the consent agenda items for efficiency items have been Consolidated into a consent agenda to be voted on together the materials for these items have been distributed to the council in advance of the meeting at this this time Council are there any items that you'd like to have removed from the Cent agenda item and to be discussed or voted on separately see none then I'll open it up to the floor do I have an offer offer councilwoman Lombardi do I have a second second Rouse Miss C would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president Cahill yes and the consent agenda items pass that'll bring us to number 14 uh this is announcements and comments from officials councilwoman Carmichael uh yes I have a comment I would just like to um commend uh actually our President Joe Biden for the unselfish uh bold uh no I'm I'm saying I am because I I think he did a good thing for the country and I was I was sad about it but after he did it in the next day and I saw kamla Harris going around and the love and the support that she got from this from the uh the country people around the country I'm looking forward to her being at the top of the ticket and I'm feeling much better now thank you thank you councilwoman councilwoman Lombardi yes a couple of items uh our summertime concert series is now underway and being very well attended on Thursday evenings so this Thursday um over at the kazeebo we have carnaby Street which is music of the British Invasion so come down and have a lovely evening uh free of charge uh on us um it's uh very well attended and a lot of fun and we have our National Night Out coming up on let's see what wait when we have that it's uh Tuesday August 6 it's out there by the YMCA um it's a fun evening to get to know your um local um police officers and your local community people so um come on out to that and I'm pleased to announce that we are going to launch this year a Township wide garage sale in October so please go online to look at the information and join in if you'd like to get rid of some of your um junk laying around the house so uh the township wide garage sale will be October 5th and 6th and the details are online thank you thank you councilwoman Lombardi councilman Rouse uh no comments at this time thank you councilman Rouse councilman Shaw on 15th August we are doing Independence Day flag hosting at YMCA 10:00 in the morning so I invite everybody to come on the morning 10:00 thank you thank you councilman councilman Ern yeah one other thing that's happening is we have a Bike Rodeo which was moved to July 30th and it will be at the Little League field at 5 o'clock okay that's uh a Tuesday or Wednesday that's Tuesday okay thank you councilman er um Mr Mayor um miss Corbin nothing counselor no comments thank you okay and uh I just reiterate there's a lot going on in town and um suggest uh that folks participate take advantage of all the town has to offer uh for residents whether they be young middle-aged like me or old um older I should say um okay so with that um we're going to move on to the next item um this is item number 15 which is the agenda session for the August 13 2024 meeting um right now uh there is an ordinance on second reading that is the Acquisitions of Rights of way and easements for New Durham Road it's in the improvements project and it'll be open to the public at that time it'll be a resolution adopted ordinance any comments or questions from Council regarding that item no okay um see none that's the only thing on there so we'll move to number 16 this is going to be open to the public for the remote attendees so for our remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star 6 on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item thank you Miss CER so now I'm going to open it up to the public who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app oh apologize um if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary khed zad 831 hosc as you guys know what I'm talking about already you can I guess you can tell what I'm going to say uh I'm here to talk about one topic only and this is the only topic that I'll be talking to you about until my people the Palestinian people are liberated I will continue to show up as much as I can to remind you that there's genocide going on in Gaza I'm really happy that genocide Joe stepped down because he doesn't deserve to be president of the United States he has blood on his hands he participated in these war crimes in Gaza he gave Israel everything they wanted to commit these war crimes he gave them 2,000 PB bombs he gave them all these we weapons just to continue to Massacre the Palestinian people since I was here last time a few weeks ago hundreds more Palestinians got were murdered killed children women everybody Israel is not Le let leaving every anybody alone they bombing everything that moves in Gaza they destroyed more buildings more hospitals more schools they bumbed shelters tents and I'm not going to stop talking about this I will talk about it everywhere I go because it's my duty to speak on behalf of my people and I wanted to remind you I again you guys passed the ceas fire resolution which is a good thing but I was hoping that you guys mentioned the hostages the Palestinian hostages Israel kidnapped over 10,000 more Palestinians since October 7 just nine months ago and everybody's talking about Israeli hostages but nobody talks about those thousands of Palestinians many of them are uh underage children and Israeli presence um this continues to go on and on and on war criminal nyaho who was indicted by the international criminal court is coming to United States he's actually in United States he's going to be speaking tomorrow in Washington DC hundreds of thousands of people will be there to protest his against him against Netanyahu he should be arrested and Biden should also be arrested in my opinion I wish somebody take him to court after he steps down from the White House cuz he participated in these war crimes and I wanted to ask you please consider revising this War uh this uh ceasefire resolution and talk about the Palestinian hostages Israel in 2014 invaded Gaza they bombed Gaza 10 years ago and they killed 2200 Palestinians no one t no one condemned that act as far as I can tell when it comes to townships anything like that so you guys in that resolution mentioned see um the October 7 you condemned that you asked for release of Israeli hostages again I would like to ask you to please revise a resolution and call for release of hostages on both sides in my opinion actually the Palestinians are the ones who are hostages Israelis are prisoners so call for that call for release of hostages on both sides and condemn Israel's attacks on civilian infrastructure in Gaza that's all I have to say about that I hope you consider that because one day sooner or later everybody's talking about independence Fourth of July you know you know that August 15 Independence Day whatever that I missed what that Independence was about but we one day we the Palestinian people will celebrate with our Liberation from Israel because we under 75 years of of military brutal military occupation since 1948 everything we are controlled by everything thank you sir so we will we will liberate Palestine and we celebrate that Liberation thank you very much for your comments we do appreciate you coming up and speaking um because are so P passionate the municipality supports you know the local population um no matter who it is and uh we you know we uh feel strongly un supportive but our the resolution that we came together with and agreed upon I do believe says all hostages um it does not specifically say Israeli hostages and so I think um we stand by that um resolute if there's anyone else in the public who wish to come and speak please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments gas FS 58 C I like the newsletter those numbers are nice but you don't tell us is how much taxes we're going to pay this coming year coming over George Washington Bridge there's a swell in the as fault an attempt was made to fix it but it's worse making a ride on all New Brunswick there's three Pooles one right on all great lake view and Stelton right in the middle of the intersection a big pothole turning onto Stelton I like the repay but you neglected to do the curve and some walkways desperately needed puddles going down to all new Bron in that block there's still three po hols there coming down to the where George Washington and Stelton meet that again that e sign please turn it into a light with that extra traffic road rage getting worse there's been a few traffic accidents there people want to go into the gas station or on Washington Road R Property Maintenance is not working for Pas scatter away residents moreover there may concern is how to embezzle the public with some bogus something bogus and that people may get prosecuted and fined for nothing prosecutor our justice of the peace and every one of you and Empower that Mor it happened fix the pole of seventh and Clinton for God's sake the might pick is dangerous my complaint is non-existent thank you sir is there anyone else in the public wishing to speak at this time please state your name and address and note that you have three minutes minutes in which to make your comments hi prati Patel 29 redb Road first of all I would like to really thank you for the work that was done on sat's Lane um it was due and I would like to make sure that over the course of can you can you hear me okay so I just like to thank you for the work that was done on S L it was much due uh but thank you so much from complaint to execution in a month uh that's fantastic I just say continue on that momentum uh going forward all the way to road to to so that way the entire Street along the way uh with Rodgers with students coming in becomes better um so this is this is the good side of it now let me just tell you the bad side of it um Mr Mayor and again I don't know whether it's lies or distortions or whatever it is in newsletters and in websites we hear that the taxes are coming down I look at the budgets down 7% and all this kind of stuff when we get our tax bill um it's jumping up by a thousand and look I don't mind paying thousand or 2,000 more but if it's not aligned with the wages or the incomes that we are generating um somebody has to in that newsletter figure out how we are going to finance these things um and I think that's a real problem because in order to solve this whatever welfare or in inequities or inequalities we are actually making it worse um and whatever process that is being used today to build affordable housing and all this kind of stuff to me in the long run it's the benefit uh actually the cost is going to increase against the Ben benefit so I think the cost will outweigh the benefits with whatever being proposed all over the place um and the general trend from what I'm just going to um and again you can call it as a fact or a fiction I'm just going to read few things most buildings on Hos Lane are empty you can call it fact and you can just say whether fact or friction most buildings on ethal road which is a which is I guess commercial or whatever they are getting empty or becoming empty we lost two big grocery stores in our town um kids I think they were having hard time finding summer jobs and I can tell as a father uh because you applied at 5 10 places I'm sure some would get it and it's not like my son is like out there I mean he he has some honors degree and obviously Shide got an interview but it took him a while he had to sit around for two weeks that's a valuable time for somebody graduating from a school and going into college to pay for summer education it shouldn't be that way um there is a vandalized type building on Washington Avenue which used to be the paycheck building if you look at the glass of those building that's har us that's just disgrace for this town the glasses are broken then you have all this vavas and everything opening up the question should be for Planning and Zoning Board how come there are six gas stations in 25 mile radius and what what are they doing when they're approving all these permits nobody's doing land survey nobody's doing any any kind of due diligence it just passed through as rubber stamps we lost close to and and again this is my numbers we lost close to 70 to 80% edible landscape over last 25 years while the food prices High rocketing so you got to figure out some way somehow to balance this I'm not saying indust buildings and and industries are not important but it should be a balanced growth Mr Patel Mr Patel I'm so sorry your three minutes um have expired so as I said I'll I'll come back but there are few things that I send it in an email um which I'm reiring with all this assessments I I highly encourage to you look at that and thank you thank you Mr Patel is there anyone else in the public wishing to comment at this time please come to the podium state your name and address address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments AB Awad 306 Grand View Avenue excuse my voice allergies I'm glad thank you for all being here tonight I appreciate it councilman kahill the thing that Ked brought up before and you mentioned about all hostages it was actually written in the ordinance here says all hostages held by Hamas that's all it says it's actually right but it's actually they're prisoners they're not hostages and it's um there's actually over 10,000 Palestinian hostages currently being held who are children underage all different things all different ages all different men women children it's disgusting but the reason I'm here also is because like how it brought up the simple wording that we discussed originally when the resolution was passed and we appreciate you passing this resolution we really do don't think it's going unnoticed it is it is not I mean but the one thing I ask is that we asked for simple changing of wording and the council seemed very Pro very fine with it at the meeting and then the following meeting it wasn't even when it was bought up for a moment it was basically no like no we're not touching this we're not talking about it nothing now I'm just wondering what happened in between that timeline it's something somebody uh come to you guys and threaten you God for a bid or or uh discuss something else that we don't know about we're just asking because uh it just seemed very weird that all of a sudden it just everybody's mind quickly changed to no no no no no and we don't want to discuss it anymore so that's my question to you tonight thank you very much that the council was not threatened I tell you much you know I don't think that there was something that was said I think it's um you're commenting that they're um hostages and that um uh those isra the former gentleman talked those people being do you understand it's like two sides we've letters from Another Side telling us that by saying cease fire that a for Hamas to stay in power does that sound reasonable I mean I could tell you Hamas is obviously not in power as you could see it's technically just a genocide happening I don't know if you're familiar with the region or how it goes but it was basically either you this is the government you're allowed to have or you have no government that's it that was your vote vote for these people or no government that was their options for the people that's why it's traditionally not our job to be that deep involved in foreign policy we're a Town Council we stand with you local and so we have to represent everyone in this town if you can understand a a position of ours where our resolution is not going to change anything it makes a statement the this Township this mayor the the senator Smith have been a friend to the mosque to the members of that Center we are not the elected officials who are going to change right now what's happening our vote will and who we support and that's why this country has um um the really the responsibility of its citizens to vote to see who they want to have run the country but we here cannot legislate that and I'll be honest with you you know um language that is um that sounds um not reasonable isn't going to get us anywhere on either side and I'm not pointing fingers here or there anyway what what we have to do is we have to support our residents in town do right by the residents in town and this Council very much does so and the mosque very much has enjoyed a lovely relationship with not only the township leaders but this town in general we are never in the news it's very important right we are a town of people who are highly educated and who respect one another and if I cannot equally represent and speak on something that I probably as a council as a body may may or may not should have or should not have I should say commented on um on International Affairs I mean we've never commented on it our job is to know our local community not to get involved in international politics I understand and a lot of your constituents are and and honestly we yeah absolutely we app again we appreciate it coming out and speaking your piece that is you're right but as a body you you have to understand where we can effectuate change and where we cannot we do stand with you that's why we did the resolution there are many towns that did not many towns that many many towns and we enjoy a very good relationship with every house of worship here in town where people are not throwing things um I mean there was one incident obviously at the mosque but that didn't have to do with anyone here locally um and there's a reason behind behind that is because we're not putting up signs here about um those sorts of issues but we do stand with you as a body for sure I think you know that we appreciate you coming up thank you for your time a good thank you very much is there's anyone else in the public who wish to comment may do so at this time see none I'm going to close the public portion council president I just want to jump in um Mr Patel got up there and complained about uh saying about the tax rate the tax rate we have the second lowest tax rate in Middle SE County you don't have to take my word you take this The Star Ledger the problem with Mr tell is he's still doing not not let the assessors in he's probably paying more than he should be at the assessment but the law is sir I am speaking you are not and this is his attitude how he's always rude to the township employees but with that being said uh unless he's subsidizing basically everybody else because he's probably paying way more all he has to do is pick up the phone make an appointment he knows that uh he has several rental properties also to make the appointment to have the assessor come in for about a two-minute walkthr to verify to make sure what's there on the list that's all they have to do he refuses to do that which is his own right but the assessor under state law correct law and counselor has to assess it at highest and best use that is the law of the land and this is something that he doesn't want to do so he continues to get up here and complain when the fact is that everybody else is complying with the law and he doesn't want to do that that's basically it thank you Mr Mayor do I have an offer for adjournment offer do I have a second all those in favor say I we are adjourned thank you everyone for