I'd like to call this meeting of the Piscataway Township Council to order adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 pl1 1975 specifying the time date location login or dial in information and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building municipal court and the two Municipal Library bulletin boards Municipal website providing a copy to the official newspapers of the township and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk in accordance with certification by the clerk which will be entered in the minutes there will be public comment periods for both remote and in-person attendees separately each member of the public shall have only one opportunity to speak during each public portion as the technology does not allow us to know if there are multiple callers on an individual phone line or logged in user account we ask that if you wish to speak that you log in or dial in separately so that we can recognize you as a separate individual should you have any further comments or questions the township council is always available by email and phone and you can always call the mayor's office during normal operating hours Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call councilwoman Michael president councilman Espinosa here councilwoman Lombardi here councilman Rouse mman Rouse can you unmute yourself star six please councilman Rouse here here thank you councilman Shaw here councilman Erin here council president kill here would you please join me in a salute to our flag alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay are there any comments from Administration and Council regarding adjournment of any matters on this agenda none at that time thank you we'll go on to uh number six number six is a proclamation Muslim Heritage Month Mr Mayor thank you council president uh whereas bisc is are proud of its Rich cultural history and diversity and whereas the township of Piscataway is home to a significant Muslim American population from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds and is home to the Muslim Center of middlex County and the Anora Academy and whereas history of Muslims in the United States states Back to Before the country's founding and whereas Muslim Americans have been making valuable cultural and economic contributions in the fields of medicine law business education technology and government just to name a few and whereas strong commitment to Family Faith hard work and services enriched and enhanced our community whereas during this month we should take time to recommit ourselves to rejecting hate embracing inclusion through education and awareness and therefore I Brian Waller the mayor of bcat Township in the county of middle six in the state of New Jersey along with the township Council recognizes the contributions of the Muslim American Community declare the month of January wisom heritage month and encourage all residents to celebrate the strength found in our community's diversity as we work together to Foster peace and unity for all so all yours counil um yeah please uh press on the microphone and you have to hold it down okay okay all right um good evening everybody I didn't really have anything prepared but now that we're here I feel compelled to say something so thank you guys for doing this um I just want to say thank you for the township Council and the mayor for recognizing Muslim heritage month because piscato is such a diverse Town um just like growing up in this community being at the high school just seeing the many diverse perspectives we have um that's what makes piscatway what it is and being at the high school just today actually like we because we are so diverse like that obviously comes with challenges and so we have a task force designated with um as representative as possible and we just have discussions every month about such diversity and something that came up was the fact that like everything we've accomplished over the past two years and just the school district in itself um getting Halal food in the cafeteria recognizing Eid as a day off for the school community and that's such a huge component of mus for Muslims and it's so great to see that that's happening right in Piscataway um and all of this begins with recognition and so this is such a good step in the right direction and I'm super glad that this happened um and something that also came up in the discussions was the fact that religion for many isn't just religion it's a huge part of their identity um like personally speaking I can definitely say like more often than not I represent as Muslim first before anything else and so by recognizing Muslim heritage month not only just Statewide but also in the town reaffirms that sense of belonging and purpose and identity for so many Muslim residents throughout piscato so thank you thank you so much those just wonderful words good evening everyone is it working you have to hold it down and keep it held down yeah it's is it working now okay than my name is Khaled Zed thank you Mr Mayor and everyone thank you city council members uh this is a great uh opportunity for us to again to to have this good relationship and we feel welcome here uh if you remember me I'm the guy who came in last time uh last month and asked for uh I requested a passing of a a resolution calling for ceasefire I know like you are you handle most mostly stuff in piscata away you don't handle international relations uh but it is still important for me as a Palestinian American um one of my relatives got was killed about a week ago in in Palestine because you know we Palestinians are getting killed every single day so I really appreciate if you take this opportunity and consider uh the The Proposal the pass a resolution calling for ceasefire I'm not here I know this is not the maybe this is some of you might think this is not the time to talk about this uh you know you did a great great thing today uh for recognizing Muslim heritage month but uh as as a Muslim and Palestinian uh we are going through a lot in in the in occupied territories um and I'm not asking you to take sides uh actually even though you should take justice you know side be on the side of Justice uh for Humanity but I do I do just want to ask you to please considered passing a resolution calling for ceasefire other townships across United States already done it um so it's not something that you you cannot do uh this will deliver a message that you are want a ceasefire you want to stop a Bloodshed um so calling for ceasefire it's nothing like you know you're not like taking one side over the other you're just asking for the war to stop and this can be something that we can take on and deliver to the white house uh and deliver to our representatives in Congress um we have been trying to push our Congressman palone to ask him to call for ceasefire but he's not listening to us uh and it's unfortunate so I would like to ask you to please please consider this I know we talked about this a month ago and I haven't heard back so please consider passing a resolution calling for ceasefire and allow humanitarian Aid uh to the people in Gaza uh 90% of them already became refugees for the second time and uh um you know over uh the last 24 hours 300 300 Palestinians got killed in just one day um and uh 90% of the hospitals destroyed all the um universities in Gaza were completely destroyed no single University still intact and um the schools uh 800 uh 1,000 mosques actually were destroyed this is not something I'm making up it's available you can look up the statistics and uh people are just dying every single day I know friends of mine uh Palestinians from Gaza I'm not from Gaza I'm from the West Bank which uh you know basically the town that I'm from is rala area uh in the West Bank but some of my friends are from the Gaza they L I know a couple of people here in New Jersey that one of them last over 20 people in his family so it's unfortunate and this is something that opportunity for the city council to take the leadership on this in New Jersey and be one of the first townships uh to pass a resolution calling for ceasefire and allowing humanitarian Aid if you need any more information about this I'm not going to spend too much time talking but I'm wanted to ask you if you want to talk to me I'll be available to speak with you after the meeting uh any question any evidence you need anything I can tell you uh please come talk to me but we need to pass a resolution so please let me know if you need anything from me thank you thank you so much um we're not going to open this up that was a special moment there since we were recognizing um Muslim heritage month but for anyone else who'd like to speak publicly we will have a public portion for you to do so um and so that will bring us to number seven which is open to the public this is regarding number 15 so this is for only about number 15 which are the consent agenda items as you see on the agenda so you can look through and if you have any comments regarding that please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments see none I'm gonna oh we're doing the remote ones I'm sorry council president there are no remote attendees with their handr regarding this agenda item yeah I apologize I forgot we have two sessions public and remote um and did I do it Opposite are we doing remote okay either or okay great thank you um okay so then we'll close the public portion for both iners and remote uh for number that will bring us to number eight this is an ordinance on second reading it is amending and supplementing chapter 21 zoning open to the public resolution and it is adopting it is in a resolution adopting ordinance Miss CER would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of PCAT Township New New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to amend and supplement the revised General ordinances of the township of piscatway County of minc state of New Jersey amending chapter 21 zoning was introduced on the second day of January January 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 5th day of January 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the offer said ordinance having had a second reading on January 30th 2024 be adopted pass and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-1 thank you Miss Cedar and now we'll open up to the and let me read the uh um attendees which will go to so wish to this is for REM attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand raised regarding this agenda item Okay so we've close the remote attendee public portion we'll open it up to the in-person public portion anyone at this time wishing to comment regarding this item please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments seeing none I'm going to close the public portion do I have an offer motion offer and do I have a second then do we have a first and a second a second thank you missa would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman Carmichael yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes Council Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president kahill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading that'll bring us to number nine which is also um an ordinance on second reading this is amending and sorry right amending and supplementing chapter 7 traffic section 40 control for movement and parking of traffic on public and private property to assert title 39 jurisdiction on 88 Centennial Avenue it is open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Ceder would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of piscatway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to amend and supplement the revised General ordinances of the township of piscatway County of middlex state of New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic section 40 control for the movement and parking of traffic on public and private property to assert title 39 jurisdiction on 88 Centennial Avenue was introduced on the 2 day of January 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 5th day of January 2024 now therefore be resolved that the offet ordinance having had a second reading on January 30th 2024 be adopted passed and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be further resolved that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-02 thank you Miss Cedar so this is now open to the public we'll open it up to the remote attend if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on Zoom app or by phone by pressing star9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item okay so we'll close the remote attendee public portion we'll open it up to the in-person public portion if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and note that you have three minutes in which to make your comments seeing none I'm going to close the public portion do I have an offer offer do I have a second Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president K yes and the ordinance passes on second reading that'll bring us to number 10 which is an ordinance on first reading this is amending chapter 7 traffic sections 14 and 15 parking prohibited and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Cedar would you please read the ordinance be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to amend and supplement the revised General ordinances of the township of pasaway County of middlex state of New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic section 14 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets and section 15 parking prohibited During certain hours on certain streets B and is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading in public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the Piscataway Municipal Building 455 hosan Piscataway New Jersey as well as by remote meeting format on the 13th day of February 2024 be it further resolved that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss CER do I have an offer motion do I have a second second Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Eran yes council president Cahill yes in the ordinance passes on first reading that'll bring us to number 11 ordinance on first reading authorizing sale of certain properties block 11307 lot 7.02 481 Park Avenue and it is a resolution adopting ordinance misser would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of piscatway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of Piscataway County of middlex stadi of New Jersey authorizing the sale of certain lands owned by the township of Piscataway pursuant to njsa 4A 12-13 b b and is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading and public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the pasca municipal building 455 hos Lane PCAT New Jersey as well as by remote meeting format on the 13th day of February 2024 be it further resolved that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar do I have an offer offer do I have a second second thank you Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Eran yes council president cah yes in the ordinance passes on first reading that'll bring us to number 12 ordinance on first reading this is a bond ordinance various Capital Improvements 5,4 m750 th000 res and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Cedar would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of pasca Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements in and by the township of piscatway in the county of middlex New Jersey appropriating $5 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $4,750 th000 bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof B and is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading of public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m prevailing time at the pasca municipal building 455 hosan pasca New Jersey as well as by remote meeting format on the 13th day of February 2024 be further resolve that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar do I have an offer offer do I have a second second Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Eran yes council president Cahill yes and the ordinance passes on first reading that'll bring us to number 13 which is an ordinance on first reading it is a bond ordinance it is improvements related to The Energy savings improvements program 7, 6,665 th000 it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Cedar would you please read the ordinance I mean resoltion be it resolved by the township Council of piscatway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance providing for certain improvements related to The Energy savings Improvement program of the township of Piscataway in the county of middlex New Jersey appropriating $7 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $ 6,665 th000 bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof B and is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and then a second reading of public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the PCAT Municipal Building 455 hose Lane Piscataway New Jersey as well as by remote meeting format on the 13th day of February 2024 be it further resolved that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar do I have an offer offer do I have a second second Miss would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Anan yes council president kahill yes and the ordinance passes on first reading okay that'll bring us to number 14 which is also an ordinance on first reading and it is a bond ordinance Energy savings obligation refunding Bond ordinance $20 million it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Cedar would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled Energy savings obligation refunding Bond ordinance of the township of piscatway in the county of middlex New Jersey providing for the acquisition construction and installation of energy conservation improvements appropriating not to exceed $20 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $20 million Energy savings obligation refunding bonds to provide for such improvements B and is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading and public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the piscatway municipal building 455 hosan Piscataway New Jersey as well as by remote meeting format on the 13th day of February 2024 be further resolved that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar do I have an offer offer do I have a second second Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman Carmichael yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president k Hill yes and the ordinance passes on first reading excuse me for one sec I just wanted to for the record there was supposed to be an additional uh second reading ordinance for portions of clawen um field Etc that has been pushed to next meeting February 13th instead of this meeting for the second reading okay thank you very much all right so that brings us to uh number 15 these are the consent agenda items for for efficiency items have been Consolidated into a consent agenda to be voted on together the materials for these items have been distributed to the council in advance of the meeting at this time are there any items that the council would like removed from the consent agenda to be discussed or voted on separately okay seeing none do I have an offer offer offer do I have a second or first and second we go there okay thank you Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman Michael Yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Eran yes council president Cahill yes thank you and the consent agenda items pass um I have on here number 16 a proclamation the retirement of Robert Gore thank president uh whereas the township of Piscataway recognized Robert Gore for his distinguished 40 years of service to the township of Piscataway and whereas Bob began his career in the Department of Public Works where he held several positions and whereas during his tenure he served as a special police officer and actually a snowplow driver and whereas Bob eventually found his home in the fire prevention office where he started out as a fire inspector in 1987 and was ultimately promoted to the fire marshal 1995 and as working hardworking and dedicated public servant Bob stried to safeguard the public safety for all who visit live and work in piscata whereas Bob has provided courteous and comprehensive assistance to Residents and businesses in Piscataway and whereas Bob Gore has protected the community as a volunteer firefighter with North Stelton fire Volunteer Fire Company for over 48 years and served with distinction as Chief and fire commissioner and whereas during Bob's tenure of exemplary service he has demonstrated the highest standards of ethics and values whereas Bob has been a valuable asset to Township of badway and I be resolved that Brian Waller the mayor of PCAT Township in the county mesc stadi in duai congratulate Bob G for an outstanding career honor him for his loyal service and dedications to Residents P Gathering and offer the best of wishes for happiness good health and reti here tonight because I actually presented the plaque to him on Monday uh but uh knowing Bob as many of the council members know he still will be volunteering at the buy house so he's he's retired but he's really not re tired so we're going to leave it at that um yeah it's just a great gentleman and um his I I I don't know if he has more than one child but I certainly know his son very well who seems to be any well his son seems to be really following in his dad's footsteps with the you know the compassion and the volunteerism sure for Bob um all right um that bring brings us to uh announcements and comments from officials councilwoman carmichel uh thank you U Madam president yes I would like to uh say that uh Black History Month begins on February 1st through February 29th and I'm happy to say that the scataway Civil Rights advisory commission is partnering with the Kennedy Library for a black history program on February 24th and more details will be forthcoming coming um I also noticed on our calendar uh that the pascaly community outreach advisory commission is uh doing uh uh awareness programs for our middle schools uh one is behind the smoke screen and the other is it's just marijuana so I just want to um commend the piscato community outreach on uh advisory Commission on doing those things for our youth thank you councilwoman Carmichael councilman Espinosa yes thank you madam president uh would like to congratulate our three new officers to our uh our Piscataway Police Department uh which were sworn in today congratulations to them and happy Muslim heritage month thank you councilman espanosa councilwoman Lombardi yes I'd like to offer my sincerest condolences to the Piscataway family of Marquee Hudson who died in the line of duty while fighting a fire in planfield last week um he is a Piscataway resident but he is a planfield firefighter and he um lost his life while fighting a fire in planfield last uh last week so my sincerest condolences to the family um it's very um hard to absorb a situation like that when you are so closely related to the fire service and know and understand what that family could be going through so uh I hope that uh they get all the love and support that they need um also we have an upcoming fire Commissioners election that is on Saturday February 7th 17th and for those who receive vote by Maes for that election they should be receiving them in the mail shortly so keep an eye out for those thank you thank you councilwoman Lombardi councilman Rouse um no I don't have any comments at this time I think uh any other comment I would have made uh different from anything has already been mentioned about uh the death of the firemen and uh other things so uh I just concur with what they have already said and said keep the whole keep the family in our uh town of Pas scataway in uh prayer thank you thank you councilman Rouse councilman Shaw yes I want to say I'm very proud councilman for diversity town for pisc and I want to say thank you to the mayor and all my colleague for May uh flag hosting Republican day India Republican Day on last Saturday behalf of South Asian Community I want to say thank you thank you councilman sh thank you councilman sha councilman ER yes sir i' also like to off for my condolences to family of Maris Hudson um I've known him for a long time he was very involved in the sports in piscato I actually coached him in baseball and as of last year he was also one of our tball coaches so he will truly be missed he was a great guy and he's going to be missed thank you councilman or Mr Mayor I just want to reiterate what everybody just said about Mares thank you we had a very successful rabes clinic this past Saturday uh it'll be followed up this s of by second Clinic details on our website and I actually stopped down there with Duncan and Captain right there make sure everything was being every yeah the boys everything was being operated correctly there yeah Ali was supervising as well next 30 will be on the watch um Raj do you have no comments thank you okay um and I'm you know my sentiments are the same as what all of my council members um and the mayor have um said right here there's probably not much more to to be said but to remember to keep um this gentleman's family in your thoughts and prayers and for those who knew knew him for um to do whatever it is that you can do for for the family um at this time um I'm going to reserve well I already made comments so I guess I can't say I reserve my comments um I wanted to say a few things um about one of my um council members who is um up here and um just spoke so eloquently so um Frank ER has been a longtime resident I don't even know how many years here and Piscataway has raised his family here uh he has grandchildren now um a very a stalworth part of this community when it comes to um the sports in town and the recreation last year Frank was our council president and he uh led us through a year where there was uh some trying times um but with dignity always Grace and you were always here and you always are here Frank and so perfect attendance perfect attendance um and you know and that um that has meaning because it means that you have dedication to this town and that it's not just um you know the the coming here and and the formalities but it's your heart that is here in this town and for all that you've done we are going to present you with this plaque with a gavel for your service last year yay Frank Frank conratulations okay so um that'll bring us to um number 18 which are the agenda which is the agenda session for February 13 2024 so the first item on is an ordinance on second reading amending chapter 7 traffic sections 14 and 15 parking prohibited it is open to the public and it'll be a resolution adopting ordinance are there any comments or questions from Council regarding this item seeing none this will be on the next item is an ordinance on second reading authorizing sale of certain properties block 11307 lot 7.02 481 Park Avenue open to the public it is a resolution adopting ordinance there any comments or questions regarding this item seeing none that will be on the next item will be an ordinance on second reading the bond ordinance for various Capital Improvements 5, 4, 750,000 it will will be open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance are there any comments or questions from Council Administration on this see none this will be on the next item will be an ordinance on second reading Bond ordinance improvements related to The Energy savings improvements program 7 million 6, 665,000 it is going to be open to the public it is a resolution adopting ordinance any comments or questions from Council or Administration on this item okay seeing none that will be on the next item will be an ordinance on second reading it is a bond ordinance Energy savings obligation refunding Bond ordinance $20 million it'll be open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance let any comments or questions from Council or Administration on this see none that will be on the next item is an ordinance on second reading an ordinance releasing extinguishing and vacating the rights of the public in portions of Clon Street Brook Avenue and Field Avenue it will be open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance any comments or questions regarding this item Council or Administration seeing none that will be on uh the next item is a resolution authorizing return of safety and stabilization guarantee block 4102 Lot 2 141 Circle Drive North 21- pb-05 8 any comments or questions regarding this item see none that will be on the next item will be a resolution authorizing cancellation of taxes due to 100% disabled veteran status block 302 lot 79 any comments or questions regarding this item seeing none that will be on next item resolution authorizing Award of contract through ESC NJ 2024 Chrysler Pacifica Touring four-wheel drive neelon Ford of Morristown Inc not to exceed 4 $ 28713 any comments or questions from Council registration on this item seeing none that will be on the next item will a resolution authorizing Award of contract through sourcewell 2024 caterpillar backhoe fully Incorporated not to exceed $169,000 are there comments or questions regarding this item from Council or Administration oh I did sorry people I skipped one yeah let's get back to that one if we need it uh sorry for being so snarky um the item before that actually I apologize um to the folks in the public and on the call I I skipped a resolution authorizing Award of contract through escj 2024 hanky snowplow for freight liner 108 SD Packer trius Inc not to exceed $4,560 8649 are there any comments or questions regarding this item from Council or Administration see none that will be on the next item will be a resolution authorizing return of performance shity and cash bonds block 4102 Lot 2 141 Circle Drive North 21- see none that will be on the next item will be a resolution authorizing Award of contract in need of Redevelopment study for Block 3702 Lot 2 to Hancock Road Four site planning LLC not to exceed $7,500 there any comments or questions regarding that from Council or Administration see none that will be on okay very good that'll bring us to number 19 this will be to the public for remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear or a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item thank you Miss Cedar we will close the public portion now we open it up public if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium St your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions in the council or Administration will then respond if necessary gas Christos a treasured loving memory of thus my condolences hum sufferage will never end remember the island of Cyprus 20% of that population died for what it got never resolved it hurts me just to hear this under Mr cus I love you for your speech young man to the point please State your address Mr Mr costus please State your address for the record 58 Curtis Avenue thank you sir I welcome each and every one of you to come and walk around that house and tell these people what you see Justice picture this Easter Sunday Backyard Barbecue great grandma was an infant in her L Mam and Papas and uncles and cousins a great little barbecue it was fun and a beautiful day when a squad of police turned the corner of the house with arms ready don't anyone move I froze like a stone of all Vietnam era veteran post-traumatic syndrome to two Naval Personnel active duty came to visit Grandma to show her baby they came over there and harassed the heck out of me I we got a 911 call and we came here to investigate it's about guns all over this place I said what guns no such thing happening do you have a gun yes I do where is it it's locked in a cabin in the closet up there go get it after the police did the harassment they left like little wet puppies with their tails between their legs and the next door neighbor says h H Poli officers to harass me I demand some kind of Justice another time the same neighbor this my son and three other children playing in the backyard Mr costus your time is up let me finish this point Saturday I look out the window and the three four children a spread eagle on the ground and a police officer with a gun standing over them the neighbor called up harassing these children I went outside and I said what's the wrong officer well we got a 911 call Mr people playing with Mr costess your time is is up now my time is not up what I would ask that I understand that ask after the meeting if you would present your issues to either Mr Daisy or the mayor thank you so much thank you Mr cus Mr Mayor councilmen and women I'm here just to say thank you very much for the proclamation of Muslim Heritage would you mind just stating your name and address for the record my name is Sayed hammed husseini I'm from t Marion Court piscat thank you thank you once again I want to thank mayor and everybody here for proclamation of Muslim Heritage and as a Muslim and a part of the piscata community we will welcome any other uh same Proclamation for any religion and cast or anybody we all welcome for that and we are here for uh unity and to say thank you again for you thank you thank you so much you I appreciate your words yeah you have to hold it hold it and state your name and address for the record I have to keep my finger on it while I'm talking I'm so sorry I'm doing must have to hold it all right okay all right uh my name is Imam Abdullah Smith um I reside at 640 hose Lane West scataway um I I believe that I'm probably the newest member uh here in uh Piscataway and I wanted to uh reiterate what uh with with Hamid had mentioned and express my gratitude uh to the city of piscatway as in our religion our prophet he said whoever does not thank the people uh then he has not thanked Allah so I wanted to express my gratitude to you all for uh for the proclamation and uh the level of diversity uh that I have witnessed uh here in in the city of piscatway Since since coming here um one of the things that I had mentioned in the MLK program is uh that our our work uh is not just to come here in meetings uh on special occasions and present plaques and you know and talk about you know you know throw around Buzz words and have fancy uh discussions on on just special occasions while this is appreciated please don't let to these don't misunderstand me uh however our work uh to understand one another and to build Bridges between uh one another something that must be uh continued uh even after January is is over uh so I hope that we can continue our discussions uh we can talk about uh what your need is from us and then what our need is from you how can we as the Muslim Community how can we serve uh piscatway and then also how can the leadership of piscato serve the Muslim Community uh I just hope that we uh can continue those discussions um if there's any need to get in touch with me please um write down the street and you can always uh meet with me there you have access to my number and my office and I'm always open for discussion if we want to meet here or meet wherever have some tea or some crackers go to the mayor's house uh I heard your living room is quite nice so hope hopefully you invite us over for some tea and some crackers uh my wife is the tea person I've never track a thing of te in my life um she's the expert on everything so again I just wanted to say thank you and I just hope that and I wanted to to express my appreciation and hope that this conversation and discussions of how we can help one another move forward uh in unity I hope that continues uh into the future thank you thank you Mom you you're my neighbor so I might go knocking on your door I'm right on River Road around the corner so I think I need yeah of course just hold the mic button down as you speak and state your name and address for the record my name is Golam raban my address is 901 Gates Avenue piscar so respectable mayor and Council men and women and everyone I just want to say thank you again and you know I moved to piscar in 2009 from Bedminster which was only 5 minutes from my work and I have to tell you after coming here till today there was not a single day when I was not happy and grateful that you know I'm here so I just wanted to thank every one of you to make it a home for me for my kids it's a wonderful place to be in I feel safe I feel um recognized and from my side I recognize each of you you know and and thank you so much let me know if I can do anything for you I'll be here for your support thanks again and by the way I also support what Dr khed said here about what's going on in the world we all have to be you know I think sensitive and and respectful about people's life we everyone is a human being and everyone deserves respect you know Health um food shelter and I think you know wherever it is uh we should speak out and we should support humanity and you know dignity for human life thank you thank you for your comments is there is there anyone else in the public yes please good evening everyone uh I just want to say thank you uh the council members and the mayor and especially Raj for coordinating the effort for Proclamation really appreciate for recognizing Muslim Heritage Month could you just state your name and address for the record we do that at all to do that un forgot Sayad Hashi Forever Green Court bisc Mr Rashi so I really appreciate that you recognize that month and uh really that means a lot as a Muslim resident here and I see the diversity in our community is great that we see the representation in different areas in committees and whatever uh capacity we can support and also would like to thank you for your support when the time comes uh but I want to say again that what brother Khalid and brother gulam also said and we we were here last time as well that's something which is really close to our heart as a Muslim as a human being what is happening in Gaza in Palestine in Palestine or or anywhere in the part of the world is something which we all come together and then demand something which which can help the humanity right we understand there are some uh uh you know issues there that recognize but we really see that as a Humanity ground that what can be done you know to to have that Ceasar uh you know resolution but again I really appreciate and I think uh we're not far from Ramadan so you all will be there in month of March for the interfaith and I'm sure brother Ahmed will invite there as well so we'll see you there thank you thank you very much thank you so much for your comments anyone else in the public already spoke I'm so sorry you have only one opport I'm I do apologize there's another gentleman who would like to speak to give opportunity come on thank you everyone uh I already I already said what I needed to say but I just wanted to ask um again you by the way you are welcome to come to our our Interfaith of T and our brother Ahmed is going to give you the invitation uh coming up in March but I wanted to ask uh last time we introduced a resolution uh for ceasefire and I talked about it today is it possible that we can get some uh is a decision do we know we what decision is going to be made regarding this going to make decision Council does not have a decision made yet but we have been discussing it and you're more than welcome um to reach out to either the mayor's office or here we can talk about that further but we've not yet made a firm decision that I could absolutely tell you so can is it possible are we expecting some decision to be made soon like next meeting maybe or is just just I don't want to bother you I sent you an email oh you're not a bother you're not a bother at all um I would I would guess hopefully by then um we should have but I think um either myself or another person from the council or mayor's office will reach out and we can speak to you directly okay thank you very much thank you very much okay I'm G to close the public portion see no one else do I have an offer offer second all fa say I I I we are adjourned thank you everyone thank you