##VIDEO ID:R3cukxHolkM## e good evening everyone the Piscataway Township planning board will please come to order adequate notice of the meeting this meeting has been provided in the following ways notice published in the ker news notice posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building notice made available to the by to the Township Clerk noce sent to the cover your news and the Star Ledger Miss Buckley would you please um call the RO mayor Waller president councilwoman K here miss corkran here Miss Saunders here welcome back Reverend Kenny here Mr Atkins here Mr Foster here Mr ahed and Madam chair here um can we have the open public meeting notice please yes Madam chair this meeting is being uh conducted in Conformity with the Department of Community Affair guidelines on uh virtual meetings and it's appropriate for us to go forward in this fashion um could we all recite the Pledge of Allegiance you can see the flag over my right shoulder in unison I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and all we can we are going to take a moment of silence to honor the Fallen people 911 their families and all the First Responders thank you um we don't have any professionals to be sworn into this evening um just um Mr Clark and will be testify okay we do have have a a professional Mr can you please raise your right hand pleas were the testimony about to give you the truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you are there any changes to our agenda tonight Mr Baro yes Madam chair there are a number um okay matter number 13 Clawson uh RP urban renewal LLC which is 24 pb13 has been postponed until the October 9th meeting the applicant will Reen notice for that matter number 14 which is deie Communications Incorporated 24 pb21 12v is going to be carried until the November 13th meeting there will be no further notice for that matter if anyone is on for that hearing you will not get a new notice it will be heard on November 13th next number 15 on the agenda 24 pb8 sl9 lrn Properties LLC that has been postponed also until the November 13 2024 meeting and again no further notice will be coming if you're here for that matter it'll be heard on November 13th that was number those are all the um changes to the agenda I'm aware of Madam chair okay thank you what okay um can I get a motion for the duly audited bills to be paid second thank you um roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman kill yes M corkran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and madam there yes item eight adoption of resolution to memorialize action taken on August 14 Madam chairman Carol sers I'd like to memorialize application 24 pv15 for River Road estate LLC final major subdivision is there a second second councilwoman kahill roll call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman Cahill yes Miss Corran yes rever Kenny yes and Madam chair yes Madam chair I like the moralize application 21 pb31 Eminem hosing Phase 2 LLC for General development plan there a second roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman K yes M Corin yes Reverend Kenny yes and Madam chair yes Madam chair I'd like to moralize application 24 pb-4 AGI deviations uh block 352 L 1.3 Zone revelop I have a second Foster I'll second roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman kill yes M Corin yes Reverend Kenny yes and Madam chair yes Madam chair I like to moriz application 24 pb-05 AGI deviation block 3502 lot 6.2 Zone Redevelopment you have a second one cor second R call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman K yes Miss corkran yes Reverend k yes and Madam chair yes I like to moralize application 24 P6 AGI deviations lot 3502 lot 6.6 Zone Redevelopment by a second call M mayor Waller yes councilwoman K yes Miss corkran yes Reverend Kenny yes and Madam chair yes item number oh no you have another I'm sorry oh I um Madam chair I was going to make the resolution to adopt the minutes from the regular meeting of August 14th 2004 it's fine do I get a second second at Mike fer thank you roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss corkran yes Reverend Kenny yes and Madam chair yes item number 10 discussion one year extension of time for a minor subdivision on application 22 pb06 07v Madame chair on behalf of of the applicant uh Mr Arch had forwarded a letter um this is a minor subdivision that this board approved in May of 2023 uh unfortunately they're running into some um issues with regards to the njde they're confident they will have those issues resolved and have asked for an extension through November 16th of 2024 so while it's asking for a one-year extension um what what we're really doing is extending it two more months from today kind of backdating into the um extension so if the board has no objection as I get as I said he set forth the requisite reasons with regards to the D permitting and is essentially asking for an extension till November 16th of 2024 does does anyone on the board say have any problems with an two-month extension hearing no uh objections um I think we can extend it do we have to open it to the public we don't need to open it to the public but we would need a motion just to um okay extend the give a second and then you could do it by um just an all in favor and then we have a resolution that's been prepared also okay can I get a motion please and I apologize because there's a resolution you should do a roll call my bad okay can I get a motion for to extend the time Madam chair I'll make that motion councilwoman kill thank you do I get a second second Jo cor thank you roll call Mayor Waller yes counc woman K yes Miss Corran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes and I believe Miss Saunders you have a resolution with regards to same or okay I'd like to moralize application 22 PB uh6 07b uh for an extension of time do I get a second second councilwoman kahill thank you roll call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss Corran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes item number 11 um three Monon extension of time for minor subdivision on application PB uh 4 41v similar situation uh Madam chair this is a matter where M Kevin Morris represented the applicant um it was granted a two lot minor subdivision he's requested a three-month extension to December 14 2024 um he forwarded a letter on September 9th it took D almost 14 months to um to get them a a permit that they needed issued and as a result of that permit they have to go back before middle 6 County um to get a tww permit so he's requested an extension until December 14 2024 Madam chair if there's no objection um I would like to get a motion from a member to extend this uh until the requested time motion councilwoman kahill thank you uh second second thank you sorry mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss Corran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes Madam chair this matter came in uh so late we will uh handle the resolution at the October meeting okay okay item number 12 amended uh Redevelopment plan for Block uh thir 3702 Lots 102 and two and 10 2.10 Normandy Drive discussion yes thank you Comm evening members of the board good evening uh I will be presenting this to you tonight so 10 Normy drive this is the amended Redevelopment plan uh I think it's originally uh presented this plan probably almost two years ago but um if you recall last month I presented the area in need of Redevelopment City for two Hancock which is the neighboring property to 10 Normandy Drive so really all this amended Redevelopment plan is doing is including that property um so what I'll do is just for quick context I'll go to the map at the bottom this large parcel here is blocked 372 lot 1.02 and this smaller corner lot at the intersection of 10 Normandy and and U sorry not Ur at of Normandy and Hancock is um to Hancock so now the Redevelopment study area includes this parcel as well as the larger parcel um nothing is really changing in terms of the development of the site is going to remain pretty much the same um but let me go through the quick changes real fast so if you jump to page five all that's like I said all that's really changing is I'm adding um lot two to the Redevelopment area so it's adding like point3 Acres so instead of 35 you're at like almost 35 and a half um in terms of the bulk standards and the permitted uses nothing is changing so we're still doing Warehouse receiving shipping and distribution of products and materials light manufacturing and assembly your typical accessory uses for such a use all these bulk centers are staying the same so really what is changing is on page six so when I testify during the area needed Redevelopment study I touched on storm water um and better site access and site triangles for um the reason for inclusion and that's what these three bullet points are really getting at so I'll just Freedom out loud for the record with the addition of two Hancock road block 372 Lot 2 to the Redevelopment area the structure and improvements on that property will be demolished so that two and a half story um two family home will be demolished everything on the site will be demolished uh and that will allow for the Northeast retaining wall to be removed and natural grading to be utilized so storm water can naturally flow and drain onto that lot um instead of potentially impacting a homeowner and then further adding lot to allows the Normandy Drive right away to be widening to 60 ft all the way up to the intersection with Hancock road so this will improve sight triangles and sight access the the Redevelopment area um just for a quick visual with the actual site plan so you can kind of see it so this corner property is two Handcock so they'll demolish everything here uh they do need to update this before they go before you but they will remove this to retaining wall so you'll have a more naturally sloped and um grassy area for drainage and possibly more area for a vegetative buffer and then also this widening of the radway will extend instead of it cutting in it will just go all the way to the intersection um and that is really it um sidewalks on Hancock and Normandy will be included I believe um and I think that concludes my testimony it's a short and sweet one okay members of the board do you have any um questions of Mr I forgot his name that quick um Mr Clarkin I'm sorry Mr Clarkin at this time regarding his study of this property hearing no questions can we open it to the public any members of the public who may have any questions regarding his testimony on this property is it open no any you open it Madam chair I just see if anybody raised their hand okay members of the public do you have any questions regarding uh the testimony of Mr Claren regarding 10 Norman D Drive no one Madam chair thank you close to the public if there's no questions of this witness uh can I get a motion regarding uh whether or not this property is uh ready for [Music] redevelopment can I get a motion Madam chair d I'll make that motion second second roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Mr Corin yes M wers yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes do we have a resolution yes we do Tom you're muted sorry yes Madam chair I prepared a resolution um advising the township Council that the planning board was in favor of amending the Redevelopment plan as testified to by Miss Clark and and I will turn it over to miss sers okay one second keeping her busy mad can you hear me yes Madam chair I like to moralize the resolution for 10 Normandy Drive for the Amant Redevelopment plan Lots 3702 Lots 1.0 two and two do I have a second Reverend Kenny I'll second it thank you roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss corkran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes thank you Mr Clarkin thank you is lrn is item number 15 still on for tonight no it's no Madam chair that's been carried till November 13th we are done oh I'm so sorry to hear that I quick reminder those residents out there we have National Night Out on 17th next weeking residents to come out 17 time with the men and women in blue and First Responders in town absolutely okay until then everyone have a good weekend hope the weather continues and have it hope that night is just as night as is tonight yes thank you thank you