e Zoning Board of adjustment meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in the curan news notice published in the Bolton on the Bolton board in the municipal building uh notice made available to the Township Clerk notice sent to the Cur news and star will the clerk please call the rols Mr Tillery here Mr Weissman here Mr Patel yeah here PES Mr Mr mandoo here Mr Ellie here and chairman K here will everyone please stand for the salute to the flag the United States of America Mr can are there any changes to tonight's Agenda One change to tonight agenda the application of Chris V 1120 Eva Street to the the July meeting without I can't hear you Jim the date July 11 ju July 11 yes application will be carried to July 11th with no further notice those are all the changes that I thank you Mr canel let's move on to item number five 24- z-13 V Christopher hello hi can you hear me yes sir I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes sir uh explain to the board why you're here you can put your hand down okay I'm here because um uh we want to install uh mini splits in order to save energy and become more carbon neutral um and we um we are uh really into that and then so we started this by putting in a permit to put in uh Mini Splits and we we did the we did them and then we realized when I called for inspection that I only had put down on the original permit one instead of two so when they asked me for details on the second one I gave them the details and they said um you need a variance for that so so that's why I'm here so so it it is already installed uh sorry about that um so uh this unit uh I think I don't know what copies you have but I don't know if I can share my screen and get to the pictures that I prepared I don't I I don't see them here but I had them all ready to go but somehow they're not here right now anyway I I'll get back to this so so I I could send the photos in order to uh put them onto the record if you like um the photos show that from the street uh well yeah that that that that everything you gave yes yeah that that that that's a close-up view and then I just took some pictures from the street and from my neighbor's driveway and um it is approximately 35t from his house there is a lot of bushes in between but it is visible from his house um it's very quiet the specs on this say that it shouldn't be louder than 55 DB which is basically a conversation uh noise um it's much quieter than the three window air air conditioners that we would have had on that side of the house in normal years so it's I think it's an improvement in terms of noise when it comes to that that kind of thing um it's also very energy saving um and so that's I think a plus for everybody Christopher did um your neighbor voice any concerns when he no situation I I I speak to him often he he never voiced any concerns I tried to get him to come to the meeting but he travels a lot and so he wasn't able to come uh if you'd like I could ask him to prepare a state and and he could he could he could prepare that and send it in we could have it motorized or whatever I I don't know if that would be necessary I think I think quite honestly had he had concerns he would be on this um call tonight uh whether he's in town or traveling it's just a matter of a phone call so when we go to the U public portion if anyone has concerns we can entertain that at that time Mr Chadwick did you have any concerns that you wanted to address no I don't uh most of the listed variances are all pre-existing uh the retaining wall that's uh brought up is maybe 18 inches high okay and it's just a front yard gotcha landscape okay any other MERS sorry sorry yeah I can expedite this Chris at this point don't is better um any other members of the board have any questions or comments about this application hearing none I'm going to open it to the the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application M Buckley no one you could raise your hand on the bottom of your computer if you have any questions no and chairman okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application a second please call the rooll Mr wsman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr mandoo yes Mr Ellie yes yes and chairman kill yes your application has been approved we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting and we'll send that document to you thank you very much have a great night sir have a let's move on to item number six 24- zb- 24v ienna oims I think M there you go I am here I am here good evening everyone good evening could you raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth I swear your name and address please you put your hand down my name is aena oim my address is one aelia place piscar New Jersey 08854 thank you could you explain to the board why you're here I am here because I'm looking to install a fence uh a barrier around my propy here in uh aalia place because my children play outside and and they've been there there's been a lot of movement along the road uh we can guarantee that they will be safe without some kind of barrier around the house and that's why I'm making this application there's also when we bought the house there was a shed that was there before we bought the house but I believe if we put a fence around the house we'll be able to cover the shed and that should take care of that Mr Chadwick yes there's a uh report that makes the uh comments in terms of site impact ma'am have you seen this report it's it's dated May [Music] 14 did you did you see it is that question for me or for someone else it's for you for you yeah the staff report yeah he he saw it he came in with it and had some questions yes I got yes I got the memorandum that I was asking that uh I got the's a bunch of recommendations can you agree with those or not I don't all right explain what let's do number one the the existing shed it should it recommends it be relocated uh from from to the rear or side property line you're not willing to do that well the the existing shed is there was there before we bought the house and I believe if who put a fence a barrier around the house it will cover the shed from being visible from the outside so I believe uh uh putting up a fence should take care of the uh of the shed itself actually we using let's let's go and deal with the fenes then and see see if your comment makes any sense the next one is item two is defense along a Zia place should be moved to in line with the existing principal building and your comment on that is my comment is I'm looking to on aelia place I can lower the fence from a 6ot barrier to a 4T so that uh it do so that it complies with uh some of those recommendations but I it would be 50% open either be a pick it rail or one of the some of that sort is that correct I don't I don't have uh I don't plan to make it 50% open but if the board recommends that I will consider that at at this moment however it's required by ordinance I think you should uh comply with what that recommendation is okay I can go with I can go with a 50% uh open fence uh in in the front side of the aelia place and can you do that along CR Crest I don't well I I don't plan to do that along Crestwood because that will be that will provide the barrier for the shed existing shed and it also provide protections for my kids who four foot high fence how big are these kids oh well I have a six-year-old David who is very very active I have a foury old and a and a 12 13 year old boy okay and the four foot fence you don't think will'll be adequate it wouldn't be adequate for the uh why would the six foot fence be they kick the ball over the fence and you see them running across the road and that would defeat the purpose of the fence itself I I I hear what you're saying but I just don't think the ball leaving the yard 4 foot fence or a six foot fence is going to make a lot of difference I think you ought to reconsider the recommendations keep uniformity so that your front yard looks uh doesn't have one type of fence on one side of the street and another type of fence on the aelia side I just so think that's appropriate uh and it doesn't meet the ordinance as well so you're you're offering to meet or substantially meet the ordinance by doing a 44 ey fence that would be 50% open how you choose the design is up to you can you agree with that well I really like to I would love to agree with you but the the the major reason why I'm appearing before the board today is because I'm looking to have a a uh private not just privacy but protection for these children 50% open in the uh Crestwood along the Crestwood area will not provide the protection that I'm looking for for this for my kids cuz I know how busy and how active they can be and I know my David can slide through the fence and get into trouble and that's the reason why I'm asking for variance here well your alternative to provide the privacy is to install Landscaping the fence item in terms of safety you could put six foot high fence in conformance with the ordinance on this property and there isn't any reasons that you've stated that you couldn't do that the board is offering um a alternative and I suggest you consider it Mr oims you have to provide legal proofs that support your ass your request for variances you have not provided any of those legal proofs uh putting a fence in for the safety of your children is not one of the legal proofs uh so if you were to ask this board to vote on this as the board lawyer I would have to tell them that there is not sufficient evidence to Grant this variance the board has offered you a compromise Mr O if you were to go if you were to go with the four foot and you're concerned about anything getting in whether deer or or kids or balls getting out you could put deer fencing which is a clear it's a mesh that could go on the fence itself would prevent animals from getting in not jumping over but getting through and it would be a deterrent to your child to get you know you'd have to actually peel and break through the fencing um that's something you might want to think about but I I I agree with Mr Ken I don't think we're going to be able to support a sixwood solid fence along Crestwood well I'm willing to uh go with a 4ot solid fence along Crestwood if the board would allow it so that I can make sure that I have sufficient protection for my kids safety and also protection from the incoming animals that come from the back of that area and that's really my uh what I'm requesting for and is really my humble request if the board will grant it Mr kahill the staff report recommends a 6ft fence at 25t he has a 40ft setback yeah that's got to be changed as well yeah unrusted one yeah John what do you think well I think the open aspect of the fence is important and she wants a solid the the way of dealing with the um open aspect of the fences simply with um a wire or plastic that can be attached to the fence will stop any animals that's what I recommend as well yeah so u i I don't recommend you rant the uh 4 foot solid I think it should stay % open I think the compromise is substantial compared to what the ordinance requires she has the op option as well is put Landscaping in uh in terms of privacy sure um oams I would uh take a minute couple of seconds there try and uh think if you can do if you can deal with what we're offering as a compromise if not then I'll put it to a vote after we have the public portion obviously Mr Mr chairman I apologize can you just what exactly are you offering him because there's been so much back and forth I apologize yeah my notes I think we're we're offering a 4 foot 50% he doesn't need a variance then that's what's permitting then he doesn't he then there's no reason for him to be here okay no I'm just that's what I'm asking based on what John's testimony I thought that that would be appropriate for the um Crestwood to do it along Z so can he do like a board on board maybe like a shadow box Mr chck a four foot high on a board on wood just is not attractive it needs the height it's an alternative but uh I just don't think it would be very attractive Mr O's I could do is put this application off give you an opportunity to come into uh the town hall and discuss it with um you know some of the people there to give you better options if this is too much you know to um to grasp around tonight in our you know couple of minute meeting otherwise I if I do put to a vote I can pretty much guarantee you it won't be a favorable one I put on the 27th I why don't why why don't you go and meet with the people uh in the planning department in town hall I think probably there's other options that can be discussed uh I think the one that we just discussed now made sense but doesn't mean it has to be uh and I think you do yourself a good service just uh taking a few weeks uh to come back with it an alter it's you want me to we'll put this off till the 27th of June and you'll come back after youve discuss with the planning board what do um some options and Alternatives unfortunately 24th of June I'll will be out of town uh would that be a zoom 27th of June would that be a zoom meeting or inperson meeting Zoom no it would be Zoom okay I would I would do that let's do that okay Laura Jim okay so anybody here on the oims application one aelia place it is being adjourned until June 27th with no further notice by the app we'll see you in two weeks Mr oams thank you so much no problem take care byebye let's move on the item number seven 24- zb- 27b uh Verizon Wireless good evening Mr chairman members has anybody else losing audio yeah Mr pcel your audio is fading out still no go Mr pcil it looks like you're muted is this better much better okay good all right I think it was because I was using the standing desk um all right my name is Ed Purcell I'm an attorney at Price me shman and de Mino here tonight on behalf of Verizon Wireless uh Verizon has an existing base station that means they have antennas on a building at 251 Circle Drive North that's block 432 lot 11.01 uh we're here tonight because Verizon uh requested a zoning permit to replace one antenna on top of that building with two antennas and to do some add some additional ancillary equipment add a um uh add an equipment cabinet uh the zoning officer uh directed us to the zoning board for an interpretation so we're here uh basically we've discussed this before there's a federal law section 649a of the 2012 middle class Tax Relief act which states that when a wireless carrier is proposing to add an antenna or collocate or revise its equipment as long as it's not a substantial change uh the application has to be approved and can't be denied so that's what this is it is not a substantial change so uent to uh the zoning officer's request for an interpretation we would request that the zoning board um uh direct the issuance of a zoning permit for this change which is non which is not not substantial Mr purcel was the original uh antenna placed with all zoning board approvals yes it was okay are you increasing the height of the antennas uh the height of the antenna is increasing slightly by roughly 4.4 ft but that's within the amount permitted by the federal law are you changing the equipment base the equipment base is not no they not and have you supplied or will supply the RF report showing that the new antennas will comply with the Federal Regulations we will provide that as a condition of approval and how about a structural report indicating that the building support the new uh we will stipulate to that too that's all that I have Mr chairman thank you Jim any other any other members of the board have any questions comments just one thing prior conditions of the approval gy should carry on to this correct yes any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none we'll open it to the public anyone in the public have any questions or comments about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to approve this can I get a second a second please roll Mr wisman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr Rio yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Elli yes and chairman K yes Mr purcel will memorialize this at our next meeting thank you very much have a nice evening you too sir thank you move on to item number eight 24 C b-25b David Richardson Mr Richardson are you present yes sir uh could you raise your right hand you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth of Hell together you're muted Sir Mr Richardson you're muted there you go there you go yes Mr Richardson could you explain I I can't hardly hear you sir can you explain to the board while you're here oh yes I I want to erect a stent alongside of my garage I have recently um cut down some dead trees and as a consequence of it it it my backyard is fully you know you can see my my backyard from the street and so I like to do something to deal with that issue Mr Chadwick yes can you shine in Mr Richardson did you see this staff report dated May 20th yeah okay can you comply with those recommendations or do you want to discuss them I would are you referring to can you can you point to which ones in particular sir let's start with number one is a accessory structure that wasn't shown on the survey and the recommendation is to be moved at least eight feet from a property line can you do that uh I can't do let me let me give you a little background as you probably know that that pool was was put there in the 50s you probably know and I and when I moved in 2002 too that structure was there so I could only imagine it was there a lot longer um so I come to love that structure uh I didn't put it there um so is it on a concrete Bas excuse me is it on a concrete foundation yes it is yes it is what is separating that accessory structure from your neighbor a stone wall any vegetation along it no sir the picture that you provided is that the stone wall in the background yes sir and your neighbor's deck is in further than the background correct yes sir does appear to be some vegetation I'll let the board decide on that the next item was the existing pool we all know it's in nonconformity is simply a comment if if and when the uh pool is replaced it would be done in conformance with zoning I don't think you need to respond to that there's a fence in the front yard and they're recommending relo realignment with the corner of the garage with some evergreens are you capable of doing that is I would ask is it is it necessary to do that or can I can the answer is yes itary yes the comments wen't made lightly they are made in consideration of your uh proposals so if you can do that done as well I'm referring to the other sir there's another issue that's not the only fans that we're talking about I'm not sure if you're aware of that you explain there's a fence that we're proposing on the other side of the of my garage that's the fence an issue okay it should be outlined on the survey before you you look I'm looking at the survey right now the survey was adjusted by someone to show the shed which wasn't included in the original survey and you're saying the fence the fence that is referred to in the report is recommended to be at the corner of the garage which would block the view from uh B Street to the pool and backyard area and are you agreeing to that or not excuse me I'm sorry say that one more time the um are you agreeing to that location yes yes okay yes I am all right that's all we need to do that's right so item one was left up in the air somewhat um the we don't have any pictures of what this accessory structure looks like I mean is it in good shape are you there's a item number one we pushed aside for the time being right we gotta get closure here and right I okay and answer the question you said the sheds on a concrete foundation obviously that's can't be readily the other issue let me finish the other would be whether the shed is in good shape or is dilapidated and it should be taken down now which case is it it's an excellent shap okay fine um and that and you show that there is a wall of vegetation between it and your neighbor yeah okay I think all the questions in the uh Township been addressed Mr J no huh we're not finished tell I want to put up a new F where my garage excuse me I think we're aware of that but I'm not sure if we came to a resolution about that yet have we I haven't heard you guys you said you could agree with the relocation of that fence and align it with the cor of the garage we're not concerned about the other side not concerned there is no there is no fence C up yet there is nothing there that I want to be able to put a fence there okay that was the purpose that I came to you guys I want I want uh you know okay to do that a permit to do that there's nothing there now we understand that but where you were propos where you were proposing it the stashus report is to align it with the garage meaning instead of having it parallel to the front of your building your home it will it will come back be perpendicular to your side property line that little kind of pi-shaped area that goes into your front yard is the VAR by moving it back then you can U have have the same privacy you talked about and I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference in terms of usable question question one one question sorry um from the street from the curve I I it my proposal was 21 what are you saying I could do the 21 do you see the DED line that has the dimension 34 63 feet if you put the fence along that line that's what the report is recommending so there's a small area that would not be um enclosed by the fence that you could see like a little triangle area that's formed by that uh Dimension line and where you drawing the fence I I believe that's a pretty I believe that's a pretty good compromise with all the other okay okay I'm I'm sorry sir just one more time I'm just sorry I just I'm just a little confused when you say along the garage I just need to know from the one you said from from South 16636 East from that point forward I mean back how far can I go from that point from the street that's what I want to know I'm trying to follow your question to me I let me start again the report is recommending that you place this new fence yeah where the line and the dimension of 34 I'm sorry 34.6 3 ft that would be the location of the fence it would be 40 feet be roughly 30 feet from the street okay I got you we okay with that I yes sir okay any other members of the board have any questions hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any questions or comments about this application no one chair okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve the application where Mr uh Chadwick told the applicant and I got a second just call the rooll Mr wisman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and Sher M Mel yes Mr Richardson your application as amended has been approved we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting and we'll send that document to you thank you sir good evening let's move on to item number nine 24- zb-26 V Mario Oita and Eda vivana Le de uh good evening members of the board board professionals my name is Tim March I'm an attorney licens in the state of New Jersey uh can everybody hear me yes sir uh I'm here representing the OA family uh for a property located on 147 Montgomery Street you may remember the OAS uh you were gracious enough to allow them to build their dream home here in Piscataway um a little while ago um they have finished construction of that home uh it is gorgeous they love uh living there um inadvertently and unbeknownst to them when they put in their hbac system they did not realize that that also included or was also counted towards a sidey guard setback so the building itself meets the sidey setback however they did put in their HVAC system and so that does encroach into the sidey yard setback and so because of that we're back in front of you again to ask if we can have relief uh for that uh minor encroachment onto the side um we did get recommendations from the uh the staff uh to screen that um there is a fence permit that the OAS have already put in for that is going to go along the side of the home and there's going to be a gate that goes across that we believe is going to completely um obscure the view of the HVAC system on the side from uh the street um however if the township feels that additional screening is necessary when they come and inspect for the co um we are more than happy to add additional uh screening to that uh to the to the township standards um one of the questions of the report too was why can't we move it uh quite frankly at this point uh it's already been installed it would be uh it would require a lot of effort uh money time to to now reroute everything um and we feel that it is really a very minor uh encroachment into the side again it was done inadvertently um and and as uh I think you can see from I think the first application that was here that uh a lot of times people don't appreciate that an AC unit or a very small sort of uh accessory unit like that uh is counted towards those sidey yard setbacks I do have the o family here they are ready to testify if anybody has any direct questions for them um but uh quite frankly I think we can agre agree with all the comments of the report and they're available for questions if the board has any no I don't think that's necessary right now John are we okay with just the screen only thing I would do is I'd recommend that the uh application for defense permit put a time frame for when it's installed oh I believe it's already being installed I think it's em so we did yeah I I that the Ojos are nothing but um very anxious to get everything complet but you can agree with that that the fence would be installed within 30 days uh absolutely or if we want to say screening will be installed within 30 days screening will be on field inspection that is perfectly acceptable thank you nothing else Mr jar okay any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone on the public have any comments or questions for this application no one chairman okay close the public portion and we are GNA get a approval from me can I get a second I'll second Mr call roll Mr Weisman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr Rio yes Mr mandoo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman kale yes we'll memorialize this at our next meeting Mr thank you so much have a good night thank you thank you thank you have a good night let's move on to item number 11 24- zb- 17b HC Enterprises management uh good evening again members of the board professionals my name is Tim March still an attorney licensed in the state of New Jersey I'm here representing HC Enterprises uh Inc this is for a property located at 1081 uh River Road it's uh currently a vacant property uh it's a corner property that's uh right on the corner of river and Kroger Lane uh we are um uh proposing to build a single family home which is permitted there uh but we do need some relief uh one is a dimensional relief uh for the lot which as Mr Chadwick points out in his um report is quite the Minimus it is a uh essentially .11 ft uh deficient on the uh the lot width um and then the other uh variance that we are requesting is a front yard variance for the uh for uh the frontage on Kroger Lane uh required is 40 uh based on the uh the design that we have we have a uh we are requesting a 21 foot uh front yard setback um Mr Chadwick in his uh report did indicate that um or just to explain that that setback is really taken up by a porch that's on the front of the property um if you did away with the porch the the front yard setback would uh to the building envelope would be 29 feet Mr Chadwick had suggested that we eliminate that porch um obviously we would like to keep it if the board is agreeable to that however um if the board uh feels that we need to uh eliminate that front porch and reduce the setback back to 29 fet we uh we would agree with that um however our preference would be to keep it um we would ask perhaps there would be some compromise where we could maybe make the porch a little less Grand and so maybe compromise it maybe 25 ft as opposed to the entire 29 but we can certainly get there when we're at the end of the application um I do have one witness tonight and that is um uh Mr Paul Fletcher he is our uh engineer uh who will take us through the uh the survey and so unless there's any questions of me um we can we can get to Mr Fletcher please proceed Mr Fletcher please raise your the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes it will thank you and uh your honor or uh sorry your honor I was in court this morning you're on anytime man uh if I if I may I'm just GNA share my screen so that I can bring up the survey while Mr Fletcher is uh is giving his testimony and I believe Mr Fletcher has been accepted as an expert before this scor on prior OCC thank you Mr Kay thank you all right Paul I believe the uh the survey is up zoomed in on the home if you want to just sort of give us a brief overview of of what we're proposing and uh take it away certainly the property is a corner lot uh on the corner of River Road and Lane uh it's in the uh it's the r10 Zone I just need to pull a copy that up of my own screen I can have a little bit better view bear with me one second Paul would it help if I shop stop sharing am I am I interrup okay okay I'm I'm set now I'm sorry that's okay uh yeah the property is in the r-15 zone uh subject property is 15,7 square F feet required in the zone is is uh 15,000 squ ft² minimum lot width is F feet minum lot depth is 100 uh we actually have a lot width slightly under sized and clearly dimin ofous lot width of 9989 uh because of the setbacks uh the uh front setback being uh 40 feet uh the uh side setback being t 10 rather uh and the desire uh of the owner to face the property to coret and I I think you can understand why uh the topography does not lend itself to an entrance off River Road Quest River Road is a very busy road uh it's much safer coming in off the side street Kroger uh so to face the uh the house to Koger uh we're quite restricted in the depth of the house that we can uh provide uh being constrained by the 40 foot front setback and then the 10 foot side setback so to put a uh a modern uh home on the property uh to provide the you know future homeowners with uh know a adequate size for this Market in this this area of the scataway uh we require uh certainly request a variance relief for the front CER uh to allow us to uh construct a slightly larger home uh it it is a corner lot I can assure the board that there's no PCT on site triangles at the corner and it would certainly not uh feat the vision of motorist on Kroger or with Road uh thank you Paul uh uh real quick just because you're familiar with the uh the area the lot that's right behind I guess or right to the left of our proposed um uh building that existing home is actually quite close up against the uh the existing property line is that correct yes it is it's a about 10 feet off the common property and and in fact there's actually I believe there's a brick patio that's actually technically encroaching into ours so the proximity of that home being so close to our lot line and being non-conforming is also part of what is uh causing our home to to really make more sense to to push it a little bit forward into that front yard setback on crover is that correct that is correct I would agree with that statement yes okay and uh again just to zoom in on the uh the area that uh Mr Chadwick was talking about we are uh proposing a sorry I'm hitting zoom out that would be completely wrong okay uh that porch area in the front um this is what uh is projecting out that causes that 21 ft uh setback to the road is that correct that that is correct okay and if we eliminated that then we would have approximately 29 feet of setback um to where the house is correct yes and from your perspective as a as a civil engineer uh in order to to enter into that front area of the home it would be quite frankly uh a a preferable to have some form of of steps or some form of a landing there from your opinion would that be correct yes it okay maybe not as Grand as the ports that we're that we're presenting here but uh maybe something that wouldn't be right up against the the side of the house would be appropriate yes I I believe something that extended out at least three feet then steps from there would be appropriate and uh suitable for the home okay and so if we were to compromise at at approximately maybe a 25 foot setb that could still accomplish that while not being as uh having the porch project out as far as that is correct correct okay uh and we also got a report I believe from uh from Mr Herrera uh that had four comments on it the first two comments had to do with grading uh on the site you have no issue complying with those two comments is that correct we do not okay and I believe the third comment was about installing um the PVC conduit along the frontages and a lateral to the home we have no objection to uh agreeing with that as well correct that is correct we would show those on uh on revised plan should the the board see fit to Grant this application okay and finally uh there is a note in there that there is the current moratorium on Road opening on Kroger Lane we are aware of that that's until 2028 we and just so that the board is aware we're currently in talks with the administration uh to see if there's any way that we could uh enter into some some sort of agreement to at least do a driveway cut to avoid that moratorium however it is what it is if we if we have to wait until that time period in order to construct the house we do understand that but we just want to put on the record that we're aware of that and we do under and we're trying to work with the administration to see if we can come to some compromise on that um I have no further questions of Mr Fletcher I'll stop sharing my screen now thank you is Avil any other members John you want to touch base I think my report basically recommended some kind of compromise and I think that's a reasonable offer of three foot Landing with some steps as opposed to it was quite a elaborate front door forch whatever it was okay any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any question questions or comments about this application no one chairman okay going to close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application with the compromise of the front Bo I second please call a rooll Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman kahill yes we'll memorialize this at our next meeting thank you so much and for the record I just want to say I'm a big fan of board on board fences so I thought Laura suggestion is quite nice oh Lord good it all right thank you very much lastly let's move on to L item 12 yes 24- zb- 08b arvind Patel is Arin Patel present uh yeah um no he is not present this is Adia taker I'm representing Arvin Patel are you an attorney sir no I'm not an attorney I am his family member he he was not able to attend the meeting so we have the architect Marina Rina present on the call as well and I'm attending on behalf of him okay can I get your name again please Adia a d t y a okay I I have the application before me um we are not going to hear from your architect tonight because we need some additional information before we can hear this application this is a very unusual application we don't get too many of these applications permission to build a single family home on a lot that does not front on a street okay we will need a letter from the Fire official indicating that your proposed driveway will be sufficient to allow emergency personnel and vehicles to reach the proposed new dwelling in addition you are proposing a dwelling within 20 feet of a stream we would like to proof that you have D permits that permit this uh finally when you per when the applicant purchased the property they may have obtained a title search if so we would like you to supply a copy of the title sech board so that we can understand how this lot came into existence okay okay uh that's kind of a lot to comprehend and if you or the applicant want to contact me or Laura Buckley the secretary we can provide that in information in writing to you so that you know exactly what we're looking for uh I will definitely be in touch with Laura tomorrow yes okay can I interrupt one second there's also the issue of lot coverage doesn't seem to be finalized so John are is saying their calculations don't seem to add up there's a question raised on it so amongst the other things somebody needs to verify okay calculation all right so we're going to need to carry this matter to a future date some of the things that we've asked you for may take some time to obtain uh so I recommend that we carry this to the July meeting I think it's July 11th if you need that just let us know and we can carry it again okay yes um um I just would like to point out that we did get the staff report and the item number one on the staff report what the e was the easement we did get the document uh detailing and uh documenting the easement into the propert uh property so now we will definitely I'll I'll reach out to Laura tomorrow and uh try to get this all in the right order thank you so anybody here in the orent Patel 52 School Street application it is going to be carried to July 11th with okay see you 11 okay thank you chairman we have someone raising their hand Marina she had a question on anything hi Marina hi good evening um I'm the architect working on this project is it possible to ask a couple of questions uh we're not going to hear this matter tonight um if you want to contact Laura Buckley or myself you can ask those questions tomorrow sounds good thank you okay have a good evening thank I want to make one other comment and the stream issue may become much more complex than you wind up with what they call reran buffers on some of these streams and without the board knowing it we could go through the application have a long discussion about safety in terms of getting to and from the house emergency vehicles and for not because unless you have some kind of indication from D that they're gonna allow encroachment into these buffer areas we we would just waste the whole board's time okay appreciate the heads up John okay thank you okay guys let's move on to item 13 adoptions of resolutions on the regular meeting of May 23rd 2024 first resolution rald Roso which you voted to approve Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel Mr orio yes Mr Mondo yes chairman kahill yes next is Mustafa Chala which you voted to approve Mr Hillary yes Mr Patel Mr Oria yes yes Mr Mondo yes chairman Cahill yes finally nbad D1 LLC which you voted to approve Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel Mr orio yes Mr blunt Mr mandoo yes chairman Kum yes those are all the resolutions I have this evening item number 14 adoption of the minutes from the regular meeting of May 23rd 2024 all in favor say hi hi hi number 15 notice movement for Jour all in favor say I I once again thank you for coming out guys and ladies see you in a couple weeks have a good