Zoning Board of adjustment meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in the curer news notice posted on the Bolton Board of your Municipal Building notice made available to the Township Clerk notice sent to the curry news and the Star Ledger will the clerk please call the role Mr Weisman here Mr Tillery here Mr Patel here Mr reio here Mr haka here Mr Mondo here Mr Ellie sorry Ed chairman here will everyone please stand for a salute to the flag pledge allegiance to the flag states of americ to The Republic stands one nation nation under God indivisible jce thank you Mr Canal are there any changes to tonight's agenda yes there are 100 Lake you rear is going to be adjourned until March 27th the applicant must Ren notice lnr properties will be postponed until February 22nd with no further notice by the applicant those are all the changes that I have sorry Mr canell 100 Lake VI is March 14th uh March 14th I apologize no problem thank you those are the only changes okay let's move on to item number six 23- ZB d106 V Rolando soless Mr soless are you present I'm here okay I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes thank you could you explain to the board why you're here sister okay I want I want to replace my pool is his existing pool he he's looking to repair it yeah uh M Mr chairman you want to make ask Mr hste to weigh in on this yeah Henry you will have some side impact information on this yes um Mr chairman this this application um the majority of the variances are for existing conditions um the pool I believe a shed and uh it's also a unique situation so we have a few existing conditions that always existed there uh the pool being replaced uh although existing uh what happens is there's a deadend paper street that backs up to this property so it results in actually having two frontages um so there's really a hardship here it's again it's an unimproved paper Street uh which results in two frontages so majority of these variances are result of either that uh unimproved paper street that touches the back of the property or some pre-existing conditions that I don't see any issues with um the only thing I would ask is that the plan did show that a shed and a I believe a fireplace uh was to be removed can you confirm that that was already removed or going to be removed fireplace see shed yes so he is going to remove the shed the fireplace was removed uh years ago okay so those would be the only conditions I would impose on this application if you looked upon it favorably is that the shed and the fireplace which appears to have already been removed uh are indeed removed from the property as noted on the plan okay so otherwise yeah I see any other than you Henry um Mr Solus do you have a estimated time as to when the shed will be removed do you anticipate the spring or something or to be the by April almost by April in springtime spring he says fine that's a that's just we don't want it out there for a year or so you know we want to move forward with as quickly as possible so I appreciate that any other members of the board have any questions for this application what this applicant hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this um application can I get a second second it I'll second it please call the rooll thank you Mr Weisman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr Regio yes Mr hucka Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman K yes your application has been approved we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting we'll mail that document to you and you'll need that to get your permits thank you thank you very muching have a good night thank you very much have a good night thank you thank thank you let's move on to item number seven 23- z-10 NV and that's NM NYS MSA Verizon Wireless NS say thank you thank you Mr chairman members of the board my name is Edward purcel I'm an attorney of price me Schulman and deino here tonight on behalf of ryzen Wireless we're here tonight um with respect to a a request for interpretation involving block 3402 lot 1.01 that's 171 bakeland Avenue um there is a 180 foot uh Tower that's located on that property Verizon is proposing to remove uh three remote radio heads add six remote radio heads and three antennas and some other ancillary equipment and what that uh represents is not a substantial change as that term is defined uh by applicable federal Communications regulations and what that effectively means under the federal Telecommunications Act under Section 64 Ona uh which is a federal law of the 2012 middle class Tax Relief act is that the municip alties you know cannot deny and must approve such minor changes um so effectively that's what we're asking the board to a pine on tonight um that this is not a substantial change and direct the zoning officer to issue administrative approvals Mr purcel you're not increasing the height of the tower are you that is correct you're not creating any new variances correct and are you enlarging the ground equipment area we are not uh Mr chairman this appears to uh comport with the representations by Mr pel for a site plan exemption thank you sir any other members if I could just pop in I did Mr prel said and I concur that it was accurately prepare presented thank you John I agree with the uh conclusion that it's minor this is probably one of the biggest towers you have in town thanks John any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm going to open this to the public anyone in the public have any questions or comments about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application second thanks please call the roll Mr wasman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr Rio yes Mr Hua yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman K yes Mr we'll memorialize this at our next meeting thank you very much good evening sir let's move on down to item number 11 adoption of resolutions from the regular meeting of January 11 2024 first resolution David Nani which you voted to approve Mr Wiman we can't hear you Jim Mr Weissman Mr Hillary yes Mr Patel yes Mr Regio yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman K yes next is Beverly Reynolds which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes next is Derek Bradshaw and aah Gonzalez which you voted to approve Mr weissan yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr hauka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes finally Shalia Hobson which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes those are all the resolutions for this evening thank you Mr Canal item number 12 adoption of minutes from the regular meeting of January 11 2024 all in favor say I I make a motion to Jour all in favor say I I 9 Minute meetings guys I love these wow all right good night