e Zoning Board of adjustment meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in the carer news notice posted on the Bolton Board of the municipal building notice made available to the Township Clerk notice sent to the curry new and the Star Ledger will the Clark please call the role Mr Weissman here Mr Teller here Mr Patel here Mr Ario here Mr Blount here Mr haaka here bill is not joining us this evening Mr Ellie here and chairman kill here will everyone please stand for a salute to the flag pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for Mr Canal are there any changes to tonight's agenda yes the application of face field LLC 1300 West 7 Street will be adjourned until August 15 2024 they will Ren notice okay thank you all right let's move on to uh first item which is is 24- zb- 24v Aina oims is akina oims present yes good evening all I'm here good evening you were sworn in at the last meeting you remain sworn in to tell the truth yes okay I understand we have Mr mrai here with us tonight hello how are you all good evening good evening sir Mr Mahi can you describe uh the the settlement that you have agreed to with Mr oen surely so the day after our last board meeting we had a conversation Mr oims and I had a conversation about a uh agreeable solution to the fence placement he initially was requesting 12 feet of an offset off of Crestwood Street our initial recommendation was 25 ft and I believe a 20 foot setb back off of Crestwood Street excuse me allow me to clarify a 20 foot setback from the property line along Crestwood Street would provide adequate distance from the road it's approximately 25 25 to 30 feet off of the curb so this is a significant setback and I believe a good compromise Mr oims also agreed to moving the fence back along his Alia place to be in line with the structure of the dwelling uh and for the portion of the fence along Crestwood Street we also spoke about the top one to two feet of the fence being an open lattice which would provide an openness of up to 33% for that Frontage Mr oims is that your understanding as well yes that's everything he said is correct and you agree to that yes Mr chairman I don't have anything else neither do I uh any other members of the board have any questions questions or com comments hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application Laur no one chairman okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application can I get a second second second roll Mr wman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr Rio yes Mr BL yes Mr haka yes Mr Ali yes and chairman kof yes Mr oims your application as amended is approved we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting and send that document to you good luck thank you so much thank you have a good one have a good night take care let's move on item number six 24- zb- 29v Atul karia is a to cania present we see your hand went up yeah you muted we can hear you no they're not muted we just can't hear them oh can you guys hear us now yes perfect yes we can is uh I see two people here are you both going to be testifying yes uh that's Atul Canaria that's my father I'm n Canaria I'm his son and you're gonna speak for him we can both attest uh to this case I'm just stepping in in case he has any issues with the language barrier that's fine could you each raise your right hand sure do you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes okay we have aul caneria and your name sir nay SP up please n i l a y thank you you could put your hands down could one of you explain to the board what you'd like to do here sure so we built a shed in our backyard to replace two of the existing shed structures uh that were structurally unstable we went off 8 ft off the fence line and later after getting the survey done we learned that the fence line is not at the property line so from the property line the offset is 7.6 ft on the rear instead of 8T um which is the reason why we're asking for this variance uh if unless anybody has any objections we would like to keep the structure as rected as it is a new structure that was built on concrete foundation so moving it is not really a feasible solution here uh Mr chairman I believe Mr mrai has a a report on this matter as well yes M uh Jonathan I'm going to call you if that's okay uh would you please proceed with your findings of course so we we agree that the shed is uh extremely close to the property line it's less than half a foot um however at this property there was uh evidence of soil being brought in without the proper permits being obtained so we would like to see um some sort of grading plan landfill permit documentation uh that the township requires for these sort of activities yep so to address the soil issue we did have whatever was brought in removed and brought back to the the pre-existing grades um I can share my screen if you guys me yeah I think we'd like to see that yep one second well while they're doing that I think the Varian is for 6 in on the shed John not the 6 in from the property line if I'm correct correct survey shows 7 foot6 Ines are you guys able to see the photos I'm sharing nothing nothing came up yet no you could hit share screen on the bottom you should be able to get it up yep we still see you guys okay there we go there's the folder and here so I have 8 foot two Ines from the shed to the existing fence there's no there's no picture yeah we still don't see your picture oh I see okay ah okay here we go all right so from the from the shed to the existing fence is 8 fo2 however the property line from the shed to the property line is 7.6 feet um our understanding was that the fence was built on the property line so we had the minimum 8pt but that's regarding that rear offset this is the rear of the lot and then these are the pictures of knee removing the soil that was brought in I'll Circle through them and then you guys can uh tell me if you'd like to see any one of them again existing uh property also had a stone bed along the back which stopped um somewhere along this point where the pre-existing sheds were however I extended that stone bed to the all of the rear of the shed uh to prevent any sort of drainage issues that may be caused to the neighboring properties so all of the soil that was removed was this is this is before it was removed so we place the Filter Fabric Stone as a as a source of water source of uh tool to control the water runoff and this shows that all the soil that was brought in has been removed to bring it back to pre-existing uh grade are you satisfied Jonathan is any is any portion of that stone area still open and able to be inspected uh this Stone area yeah the the depth of the how deep is that stone yeah it's not open but we can dig it up if you like yeah there was one picture showed it the the initial one that I was sharing let me ask you a question why did you bring the soil in the first place so we were having uh puddles in the in the back this portion of the the yard so we brought it in to level it off to to get rid of those uh dips in the ground every time it rained or there was any sort of precipitation uh we would have yeah why didn't you just take and move some of the soil around on your property it looks like the old yard really was needed you know res re ration I guess is the best way yeah this what you see this is uh pre-existing vegetation anything that you see in this area was what after but so your test your testimony is the amount of soil you brought onto the site has been removed correct okay and I believe this is about eight inches or so of six to eight inches of uh Stone bed that be installed six in six in okay some of the concerns brought forth by surrounding Property Owners was the change in the drainage condition MH uh assuming that the stone was installed at a similar grade to what was existing 68 inches of stone I believe would be sufficient for a drainage Channel yeah Mr Mahi is this something you would want to inspect before the board makes a decision uh yes so uh I think Mr chairman we should probably adjourn this matter so that the township can go out there and take a look at the work that's been done and then come back at a future time and have a report from the township and see what we should do what time frame should I be looking at August again we can probably do July we we can have the someone from the township go out that that quickly yeah okay cool all right so uh Jonathan so Mr caner would you be agreeable to adjourn this matter so that the township can come out and inspect the work you've done yes we're okay with that good okay uh what's the date of the uh July meeting uh July 11th Mr canel so anybody here on the caneria matter this is going to be adjourned until July 11th with no further notice by the applicant the only notice you're receiving is announcement here tonight all right is there going to be a link for me to join again on July 11th yes yeah when I send the links out for everybody else you'll be on the link again and I'll put you back on the agenda got it sounds good thank you have a good night gentlemen thank you let's move on to item number seven 24- zb2 V James is Ling is James lying present Laura do you see James line um I can't see I can you sh unshare your screen Mr yes looking for it well if you just log off it'll get rid of it there all right have a good one thanks you too have a good night there we go I don't see a name up here like that you want to jump in double back see if he joins us later he was here he is [Music] here it potentially that Samsung that they're trying yeah they're waving it looks like there they are you're muted again you have to unmute yourselves hello yes we're here perfect okay is this Mr Lang yes okay uh we're here on the matter of James Lang 13 K teris yes Mr Lang could you raise your right hand do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes sir uh your name and address please uh James Lang 13 Kate terce scway New Jersey could you explain to the board what you'd like to do here I just want to put a second level on over to one side of my house to have a more Living Space Mr mrai I believe most of these variances are pre-existing in nature due to the size of the lot that is correct and you have a report in this matter our recommendation is to ensure that all the downspouts are directed away from neighing properties to prevent any uh drainage or flooding issues and Mr Lang are you agreeable to do that yes that's all that I have Mr chairman thank you any other members of the board have any questions for this application or comments I have one comment the architecturals don't show the height of the building it doesn't look like it's over 35 ft but there's no scale to verify that does the applicant know how high the building is to the peak we think it's 33 we think the problem is if you didn't think correctly and you get it built and it's over 35 you you have a risk there meaning there variance is there any way that you could be more than I think well Mr CH that would be caught when they submit their building permits they would get denied if they're over the 35 ft I'm just trying to make sure we don't have Big B well if if they mess up their plans and they they have to come back to the board okay all right any other members of the board we go with that okay hearing none from the board I'm going to open to public anyone in the public portion have any questions or comments about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application a second thank you please call a roll Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr Rio yes Mr BL yes Mr Haka yes Mr Ry yes and chairman kof yes Mr Lang your application's been approved we'll memorialize it in a written document at a future meeting and we'll mail that document to you you'll need that document to get your permit okay thank you very much have a good night sir have a good night okay item number 8 24- zb- 2122 V Muslim Center of middle six County uh good members Tim Arch I'm sorry I'm clear you can hear me right you are E I think there may be somebody else that was speaking as well everyone else should be muted please before you go ahead Tim uh this isar uh I have a conflict and I won't be voting on this uh application yeah Mr Ellie has to recuse himself thank you Mr Ellie thank you uh good evening members of the board my name is Tim Arch I'm an attorney licensed in the state of New Jersey I'm here representing uh Muslim Center of middlex County uh 1,000 hos Lane uh West uh we're here tonight uh seeking um uh bulk variance relief for a uh sign digital sign uh to be erected at the uh the Muslim Center um there's already an existing sign that's there just a regular uh sign that was uh um granted approvals in a previous site plan application for that location we just want to uh basically modernize and update that existing sign uh to a uh new digital sign similar to uh what the pasaway uh Community Center has down the street uh the YMCA has that um really nice uh digital signage that's out front and so the Muslim Center wants to have something uh similar um we do I do have two witnesses tonight I have Sharie Ali he is our um engineer uh he will take us through uh sort of the location of the sign and the relief that we're asking for then I also have Dr uh Safi Fula who is a representative of the Muslim Center he is here uh for any questions uh and to address any uh comments of the board we do have two staff reports uh one joint staff report I'm going to call it uh signed by three members of the of the Piscataway staff uh and that is sorry picked the wrong one to look at first uh The Joint one was from June 17 2024 dated June 17 2024 uh from uh three members from dawn her uh Don corkran Joseph Herrera and Jonathan Mahi uh that we will address at the end of the testimony and there's also a report from Mr Chadwick that is dated June 21st uh so without any further Ado I would ask that uh Mr Sharif Ali be sworn in so he can provide testimony Mr Ali could you raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth I do your name and address please uh Sharif Ali at a757 Ridgewood Avenue armor Tech engineering North I believe Mr Ali has been accepted as an expert engineer board on fire occasion Mr wal you can proceed uh thank you uh Sharie if you can if you can please just uh uh essentially uh Orient the board to where the sign is located and uh what it is that we're asking for tonight yeah Laura would you allow me to share the screen oh I mean cool yeah we make it easy go ahead yeah so um the uh you heard that we uh the Muslim uh Center of middle sex County uh 1,00 hosin just for the record it's slot 9.05 and block 11201 and we happen to be uh uh in the R15 Zone and our major Frontage is on hose Lane South Coast so what you see on your screen is um this is hosin southbound uh so if you proing from uh North and you will see quite a bit of uh elevation rise and as you proceed up to the entrance of the facility uh you will be that's the main entrance we also happen to have a secondary entrance on uh hos Lane West so so many hosl here um so the main entrance and the location of the sign obviously need to be located uh by the uh main entrance and uh you heard D's talking about uh there's already an existence sign uh and if you're driving on hosing um you will be uh you'll probably not see the sign uh it's pretty much because the elevation drops uh it hides the signs uh you will see the tip of the sign but as you get closer you may see the sign as you get in in so people that the frequ frequent uh visitors to to the MOs you know exactly where is the location uh and they don't bother with the sign but it's not really in the right place uh so the sign uh uh the subject of this application will be located at the highest elevation uh nearby uh the right of way which is a line that you don't see at on around but you will see the curb line so we're probably about 20 ft from the curb line the ordinance requirement as far as assigned location and that is the variance that we have is that 25 ft from the proper line which is this line here which is about 10 ft behind the curve that will put us in a driveway or as you get closer uh uh as you get in uh will be pretty much on top of the guard rail but you'll be again on about 4T elevation drop so we need to put the sign a lot higher and you will be seeking another variant so we that's the reason we selected that area just to stick with the location variants but we also because the view as you driving on uh Hy uh on um hose Lane uh going south uh and with the elevation rise uh you need to see the sign from a distance so it's a safety for uh the motors that the traveling on uh hose Lane so that is the reason for the location the sign as far as the area meets a requirement the requirement is 32 square feet uh what was granted and by the way the location and the distance were granted previously um not in that particular area but uh as far as the distance uh from the RightWay so that was already granted um the as far as the area was approved previously 30 square fet we are now 24 so we smaller we still meeting the requirement so we are in compliance and as far as the height was granted 9 ft and we sticking with the 9 ft so the sign is 9 ft high and we are in compliance what's permitted is 10 feet so so that's what what that's what I have as far as is the location of the sign the variance that goes along with the sign I see there's uh two reports here as uh Tim mentioned uh one of the items is the Landscaping definitely will do a nice uh bouquet of uh low shrubs around the sign and will enhance that entrance which will be also good for the facility so that is not an issue at all and we'll comply with that um and as far as I sign you heard that is a digital LED uh that will have uh images and uh we'll display the images uh and we can talk about the frequency of the images and um the hours uh yes uh and and sorry to Interruption Reef yeah we'll get into that with uh with Dr safi's testimony I just want to direct you to um uh I think you've addressed the Landscaping we will comply with that certainly um and I just want to note uh Mr Chadwick's report his first uh comment was that the proposed sign uh is well buffered uh from the adjoining home to the South so I just wanted to to mention that that is true uh if you drive out there uh from the beginning of the entrance uh by the right of way there is a six foot high solid white fins that is hugging the the curb line and the guide rail so uh in addition to that there is another fence behind it too so so the six foot he pretty much uh is giv a good screening uh to the neighbors yes and also the orientation of the sign is not oriented to the neighbors is oriented exactly I would say uh Northeast uh so it's hitting pretty much the two lanes as you approaching the facility thank you I have no more direct questions of uh of Mr Ali um any other members of the board have any questions from Mr Ali hearing none you go again Mr arch your next witness uh my next witness would be uh Dr safy Fula and if you can stop sharing your screen and chance thanks Dr could you raise your right hand you swear that testimony you're about to give read the truth sir yes sir thank you uh your name and address please s to Carpenter Road PC New Jersey 054 thank you uh Dr safy um you are familiar with the uh the Muslim Center if you can just uh let everybody know what is your your role with the uh middlex County Muslim Center yeah so I was a secretary and the president and I'm the leading the expansion committee now okay excellent um so I want to just go through some of the comments that we got on the uh the report and uh and get some uh answers to them first of all in terms of the Landscaping you agree that we agree to to attractively landscape the uh the sign correct definitely we'll work with Mr Jonathan like we worked with M with Henry before perfect um one of the uh one of the comments that uh Mr uh Chadwick had mentioned is uh he said uh restriction on any sort of flashing or strobing effects um we would certainly agree to that that we would have a restriction on any flashing no flashing just for messages mostly for messages just to say where we are and then occasionally like Ramadan and some festivity things like that maybe very small clips of activities and servic nothing okay so one of the one of the comments that Mr chapm had on his report was he was uh suggesting that if if this were approved that a condition would be one no flashing uh um uh you know flashing or strobing which we certainly can agree to he also indicated no no animated images um now what you just indicated was that we would like to keep the flexibility to occasionally on times such as Ramadan that you just said to maybe show a brief clip of of services or something along those lines similar to how the the the YMCA and the scataway center um occasionally has some moving images as background images showing people playing basketball things along those natur uh in that nature correct very very speci special occasions yes okay and these and these would be these would be short clips uh they would you know you're not showing a movie out there this isn't uh you know this isn't a um you know movie night in the summer or something like that these are just short little Clips to uh to advertise what's happening at the uh at the center yeah similar to you'll see in different churches like if we have a service you have a health screening if you have a u just open house or something like that some uh ethnic foods things like that uh just to announce to our communities at large not just Muslim communities whatever is happening it's very short uh on special occasions okay and one thing that I want to I don't think this was mentioned any of the reports but one thing that we can say is this is not going to be used for any sort of commercial advertising space or anything along those lines correct no we are not using it for that okay per uh excellent um one of the questions that we also had uh in the um in the report was that we should uh talk about the hours uh that the sign will be illuminated um one of the one of the things that you were telling me and correct me if I'm wrong uh Dr safy is that uh your timing for uh for prayer changes throughout the year and that's based on the lunar calendar it's based on when the sun rise and the sun sets um and your uh fifth prayer of the day um which I believe is called Isha is that correct yes correct okay your fifth prayer of the day um can occur in the uh in the late summer months and the early fall can occasionally occur um where it begins after 10 o'clock and doesn't end until sometime after midnight would that be accurate that's accurate so the last of the service in summer months because uh if you allow me two things first major events are on lunar similar to like our friend Jewish friend and Jewish faith and others it's lunar it's not according to Sun so it's very difficult to put a and the second thing is that it's also the length of the day so summer some of the summer months and maybe fall month will be that it could be that late most of the year we are done 89 pm. the center is done unless it's Ramadan so even before even before 10 o'clock at night done majority time during the year your your final prayer is is done at that point correct yeah and we will agree to to say it to stipulate here that we will close it after the last service so we would agree to if if the board were to look approvingly on this we would agree to a condition that the sign would uh would stop being illuminated at the close of the final prayer every uh every day yes only uh we will agree to that if the board wants us to do that we will do okay uh Dr safy is there anything else that you want to uh put on the record that you want to uh uh testify to um uh before we uh we ask for questions from the board no so the only thing I think Sharif already mentioned we already have a sign there and in our previous application we did ask for changes to that sign the only thing which was not mentioned was the digital and the modern form which we which we believe will benefit the community more and a lot and and a lot of that is based on the sign that's right down the street that is quite frankly a gorgeous and and you know wonderful addition to the uh to the community correct yeah it will look nice like YMCA when you go there it's pleasing to the eye it will be very similar the other thing is when you're coming uh on southbound after the signal you don't have an opportunity to see it so if a new person is looking for the center uh they don't see it currently very easily as Sharif said this will help him to see that thank you Dr sappy I no further questions of Dr safy I don't know if the board has any questions um any other members of the board have any questions or comments I have two quick questions please the height of the sign is this is a brand new sign the fencing that's in there and the Landscaping I think Shields it from the adjoining homes but is there any reason you need to have it nine feet high now that you're right up at the crest of the Hill um I'll defer to uh to our engineer uh to share uh I'm certainly not one to make a decision no I agree I agree totally with sharie's testimony that's the best location for it it just doesn't seem to need to be 9 feet high any yeah so the 9 foot high is from the ground all the way um to the top of the sign but most likely the images will be displayed maybe uh within uh I would say within 4 to six feet uh above the ground uh so um are you going to have poles going above it uh no the the no no it's not going above it uh the the poles that shown on the uh image that I have on the plan is pretty much flush with the top of the sign okay so the image will be 9 ft in a the top the the the frame itself yes okay you you thought you don't think it'll be as I it just seems to me whether it's 8 feet high s feet high the visibility will be the same uh keep in mind that the the lower bottom of the sign will be uh it's four will be about 5T above the ground so you you you may lose some of the images at the bottom all right the other question I think is for the um I'm sorry I didn't yeah I didn't get your name is is the messages are you gonna scroll them or they going to be a fixed picture and then you change them occasionally so things will change like all the time will they continuously change or will they sit there and then two hours later you do a different message yeah um it will changes I don't know the frequency because the IT people will if there is any guidelines at the township wants we will take it to consideration but it will be similar to any other places that there will be changes now how frequent is it hour 30 minutes 10 minutes um but they're not gonna be flashing a CH no there's no flashing no no no and it's not like it's reading you gota like one of the signs okay it's not gonna be like a stock ticker right it's not going to be continuous going okay the the other thing is the technology of these signs they can dim those signs during the night but you you're going to shut it off as opposed to dim it correct we will prefer dimming it if the township has no issues and the reason being is the point I was making is that after uh if the sign is used to as an identification as well Demming at least will say okay the center is here if he completely shut it off then it it will have no sign why don't I offer this you you can dim it and put your name up on it just like a we will agree to that yeah I think that would make more sense Mr chairman I appreciate the input there any other members no questions Mr chairman yes my apologies I just wanted to mention if uh I wanted to ask rather if there was a letter of approval from the dot just seeing how hos Lane is uh a state road um I will have to I'll have to defer to Mr Ali if there was a uh if there was a do approval from the uh previous uh site plan application um I'm not sure uh yes so we are talking about rud 18 but uh what would be the concern as far as d uh we not within the do uh right of way we off the do right of way so um I my life practice I have not heard of uh going to do to get a approval on a sign or get their input on a sign is is hos L State roadway I didn't think it was yeah it's still uh it's still Route 18 yeah extension of Route 18 okay so there's if there's no letter of approval or exemption needed from do then there no issue to proceed I wanted to ask a question thank you Johnson yeah sure um Mr Arch at this point I'm going to ask that we put this um this vote off carry it to the next month I'd like to have an opportunity to go out and look at the um the site location and I'd like to afford that opportunity to the rest of the board members and Mr chairman we could also request that the applicants Supply us with additional information such as they talked about special occasions perhaps they could give us a number or a some parameters on how many we're talking about um also they're talking about scrolling the message and we're saying it's not going to be a ticker tape but it might be every 30 minutes it might be every hour what are we what are they proposing um and the hours of Illumination I I heard that summer and I'm I'm thinking sept or August and September might be later perhaps they can give us some specifics on that so that the board has some concrete information to make a decision on and for instance I'm the board attorney I'm going to have to put this in a resolution and I don't have a lot of specifics right now well what what I will uh what I will say and I appre I appreciate the comment Mr Canal um what I will say in terms of the hours of operation for keeping them illuminated I think what the what we indicated that we would certainly agree to is that um any sort of either dimming or or or ceasing of the illumination uh whatever the board's preference would be would occur at the end of the uh at the uh same time as the end of the daily prayer the ISA prayer and the reason and I understand that and I have no problem with that but the the end of the daily prayer there has to be some predictability I think every I think they talked about you know summer or late summer that's approximately the same time every year and just give us an idea of what that hour is going to be yeah I don't think we're we're going to hold your feet to the fire if you're off by a day or so but you have to give us some type of parameters I believe that that's that's a good point Jim thank you so just so just so I can just for clarification on my point so I can also direct my client are you suggesting something like you know uh during maybe these three months X time to X time is what we would generally consider the the issue that the the only issue that that brings up is that every Year my understanding is every year in the Muslim calendar the the day everything goes back basically 10 days and continues to do that each year each subsequent year so at a certain point those that three-month span is going to change is going to bleed into another three month ban so there there's a there's a while I don't while I don't claim to be an expert on the Muslim calendar I do know the lunar calendar and the lunar calendar resets every so often so perhaps if you can just Define that time period we could put that in a resolution Dr zafy do you you hear what the board is saying yes uh so do we have to have for next hearing or is this something that we can doing approval we will work with with Jim give them to his satisfaction so that he can put it to resolution will that well the board would also like to do a site visit because you're talking about relocating the sign so they'd go like to go out there and take a an eyeball to what the new location is plus we're asking for additional information so I think it's appropriate to carry the matter to uh the next meeting um this shouldn't take very long um so that we can get some details to put in a proposed resolution assuming the board votes in the affirmative okay that's what the board wants understood Mr Mr K if I could just asked if there is any document and maybe you're not the right person to as maybe it's to to Laura um if there's any documentation or any um uh sort of previous schedule that is applied to other digital signs in this in the town such as that Pas scataway Community Center if there's a a you know a timing for illumination for that just so that we can see what sort of information that you are uh that well Mr Arch I think every application is taken on its own merits so since you're asking for relief and the justification for the relief is based upon your worship schedule I think you should provide that information absolutely I'm not I'm not saying that I want that so that we can just say we will do the same thing I'm merely stating that you're you're asking for a schedule you're asking for other sorts of things just for the every lawyer cribs nobody makes it nobody no no lawyer creates every anything out a whole cloth so I was merely asking if there is a existing sort of schedule or resolution that pertains to it that has language such as that that we could look off of I'm more than happy to do that if it doesn't exist it doesn't exist it was not aware of one so work on okay Laura how do we look in August one meeting right yeah because July's in like a week and a half where we're not gonna make July uh August 15 Mr don't you have one in I can get out I can get out to the site you know next week sometime so anybody else feel free to stop by and share your thoughts at the next meeting we're going to do August 15th Mr Arch are you agreeable to August 15th I I will certainly defer to to my client if he has any uh uh issues with that date um I can certainly be available Dr s are you agreeable to August 15 yeah uh yes but is it is there any space in end of July uh meeting we only have one meeting we don't have meetings in the summertime yeah that's the problem yeah there's only one meeting in July one meeting in August till September July pushing everybody on so our apologies I can provide what M Mr canel wants uh well ahead of that July 11th meeting if the Wizards can happen before that I'm not sure well with the holiday coming up I don't want to put any pressure on the board to get out there and in a week's time um I'm walk next week yeah so unfortunately I think August is is when we're gonna hear this again we we'll certainly agree to that uh there's no special meetings between now and then that we could just get thrown on since this will be no we only have there are not and in fact I doubt we could get a quum yes but also we have to remember anything I need I would need 10 days before so I would need everything by Monday so it's just it's not feasible Laura I trust that you can get things done about that yeah but I won't be here so it's fine hope you're not even thinking about this place when you're on vacation my daughter's dancing it's not vacation Mr Arch and Dr sappy are you agreeable to carry the matter to August 15th um yes okay that's the board's wishes absolutely thank you any anybody here on the Muslim Center application it's going to be carried to August 15 2024 with no further notice by the applicant the only notice you're receiving is my announcement here tonight thank you gentlemen thank you have a good night I hope every have a good week than all right um we're gonna do the resos on the 11th correct yes so let's move on to item number 11 which is the adoption of minutes from the regular meeting of June 13 2024 all in favor um item number 12 adour thank you all again for your time and your dedication and have a happy and safe 4th of July happy 4th of July everyone happy of July have a good night night everybody