chairman ready to start the reorg meeting the zoning Board of adjustment reorganization meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in The Courier News notice posted on the bulle board of the municipal building notice made available to the Township Clerk notice to The Courier News and the Star Ledger will the clerk please call the role Mr Weisman here Mr Tillery here Mr Patel here Mr reio here Mr BL here Mr haaka Mr Mondo here Mr Ellie here and chairman K here will you please rise and salute the flag pledge alance pled Allegiance United States of America States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible Justice for All at this time we'll open up nominations for the election of a chairperson of the zoning board for 2024 are there any nominations yes Steve wsman I would like to nominate kahill for president chairperson the chairperson is there a second are there any other nominations all in favor I any opposed chairman kahill I'll turn the meeting over to you thank you Mr K I appreciate that thank you board for your confidence and faith in me I appreciate that more than you know um at this point item number six uh entertain the thought of a uh nomination for uh a vice chairperson and I would ask that Steve Weisman remain as my vice chair can I get a second a second all in favor say I iOS thank you Mr Weissman uh at this point it's uh accept the nominee or election are you nominee for secretary I would Steve Weisman I'd like to nominate Sean Cahill as our secretary I need a second I a second thank you all in favor say I hi he opposed could thank you again um I've been on this uh zoning board for over 20 years and Mr Canal has been our board attorney um even longer than that he was on before I started um his leadership and his uh legal prowess is an essential tool to the day and day out uh zoning board um proceedings that we go through and without his um leadership I think would' be a lesser um vessel for the township of badway so I'd like to nominate Jim Canal for The Zing board attorney can I get a second I'll second all in favor say I I any oppos thank you very much you're welcome um at this point I'd like to appoint a planner John Chadwick done a great job for us as well for over those same years that I've been on this board and uh his his leadership is also something that we cherish very much here so I'd like to nominate John Chadwick for our planner can I get a second all in favor say I I no post okay I also I also thank you very much for your support thanks John you're welcome John um we have to have an appointment of recording Clerk and this is the store that the straw that stirs the drink here on the zoning board Miss Buckley is um she's godsent she's essential to whether it's paperwork she sends out or just getting these emails out to people she's on you if you're G to get to the meeting get back to her so she is really the glue that that keeps us all together and I'd like to ask Miss Buckley if she would remain as our recording cler of course thank you chairman can I get a second second okay all in favor say I I um Miss Buckley can we keep the same committee appointments that we had from the last um rior yes we could do that I'll just take him for the last minutes that's that's what I think it be uh makes a lot more common sense okay okay problem thank you chairman okay item number 12 is an adjournment all in favor say I I okay this meeting is adjourned and going to start the new meeting Mr chair I'm sorry sir I'm going to excuse myself because the remaining por of this meeting I have no input on have a great evening John yes you too everybody happy New Year again Happy New Year joh Zoning Board of adjustment meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in the curan news notice posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building notice made available to the Township Clerk notice sent to the curryer news and the Star Ledger will the clerk please call the role Mr Weisman here Mr Teller here Mr Patel here Mr Rio here Mr Blount here Mr Haka here Mr Mondo here Mr Ellie here and chairman K here Mr canel do we have any changes to the agenda this evening yes we do uh the matter of Rolando Solace 120 Montgomery Street is adjourned until January 25th the applicant must send notices that's the only change I'm aware of that is okay let's move along to item number s 23- zb-1011 7 Fairview Avenue PCAT New Jersey thank you could you explain to the board what you would like to do here I've submitted plans to add a second floor addition as well as a rear addition to this house Mr uh htin could you weigh in on this most of the VAR that are being before that really can be corrected and sort of dominous in nature with the exception of the front yard set variants um and then I had comment on here that with view those comments and if he's in agreement with them um if he is this could be sped up and we could look favorably upon the application well I think my OB to the board would be that look fav beyond the application if um he has no objection to that comment Mr nissani have you seen Mr henin's report I I did look at the um I did look at the report I I had a hard time hearing uh what he said in his uh deposition right now the audio broke did I Mr henin was breaking up uh can you address the comments Mr henin contained paragraph two of his report um from what I understood um I think what he was saying was that the setback issues that I have are mostly acceptable except for the front uh front of the house um I'm willing to do whatever the zoning board asks of me if if that's if that's what is um required I uh the only the only I could ask is uh seeing has I've been I guess in the approval process of the plans for several months if the board would be lenient on I guess my front setb and allow it to go as um as I currently have drawn up then I'd appreciate it but if not then I accept that decision and I'm I'm willing to make the changes to the plans again my recommendation would be that um to the to the um the the overhang on the front porch is um it's not necessary to go beyond the porch itself which is the way it so reducing the the roof coverage on the porch I think really has no impact on design whatsoever other than the fact that it'll cover the porch and not the steps um which I think is still you know sufficient and as far as the 18inch C can lever uh that's what's Allowed by ordinance without it impacting the front yard um the front yard setback so you're allow 18 in it doesn't impact it I believe it's a reduction of only six inches to the um to the front so um I again I think these changes that we're asking for are modest at best I think it maintains the Integrity of your addition and uh helps meet the uh intent of the thanks okay understood not a problem I accept it oh thank you Henry any other members of the board have any questions for this applicant seeing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application okay if anyone from the public would like to speak you need to raise your hand so I know that I can unmute you no one chairman okay let's close the public portion and I make a motion to approve this application with comments I'll second please call a roll Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr Blount yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr iley yes and chairman kahill yes Mr Nani your application has been approved with a slight Amendment uh requested by Mr hinterstein we will memorialize this in a written document at our next meeting you don't need to be here for that we will mail that document to you good luck okay thank you very much I appreciate it have a good night can I I can sign off yeah you have to say the whole thing we have to thank you let's move to item number eight 23- zb- 108v Beverly Reynolds is Miss Reynolds present you guys have to unmute okay Beverly is here okay Beverly I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony you're about to give shall be the truth yes thank you could we have your name and address please bever Reynolds 11 Smoke Tree CL scway New Jersey thank you could you explain to the board what you'd like to do here now I didn't know I had to do that since you already had everything I was just going to make a general statement we tell the board what you'd like to do here well we've already okay we replaced the fence but we did not get approval to do it because we didn't know we had to do that since we were replacing something that was already there that's been there for 49 years and the pr the fence basically was deteriorating so I searched out someone to do it and we were trying to get a survey of the property but nobody had it we couldn't find it I went to the township we went to middle County Clerk we told the call the fron office but no one had it so I just said to the guy we just put the fence in where it was put before and basically that's what he did so we did that but once this was done well somebody took a picture of the fence and the truck the company that put the fence in the next day I got an email that we did things that we weren't supposed to do basically we didn't know we had to do some of the things but but anyway we went to um they told us we had to get a survey so we used we got in touch with what's his name Brun service L survey right U one of the ones that you recommended to me to use and he came out took a survey of the property and then when we got it oh my gosh I didn't understand it saying that the house had two fronts and at that time when the house was being built Drake Lane was nothing but more than a a gravel road and I don't even remember the road went all the way through 49 years ago but we got this and we went there and they tried to explain it to us and we were saying but all the other houses that's like in the same area they said okay look you can put through a a Vance so basically that's what we did we did everything we were supposed to do we put it in and basically here we are uh I am 80 years old and and I've been here since with this house 19 since 1975 I know many laws policies and procedur have changed over a period of years but I'm just hoping that maybe some of it can be grandfathered well M Reynolds I think I think we can we can straighten this out tonight and we could do it rather quickly Mr hinin did you just go over your site impact and make the I'm having a problem with my audio hopefully it's not too bad right now and you can hear is it still breaking up yeah it's better than it was okay I apologize my wife be U not having a good night but uh there's really no issues with this application it's the standard comment if for some reason the township ever needs to gain access to that easement they would be responsible for any cost associated with the removal and replacement of the fence it's hard it's hard to hear what he's saying I heard that let let me give it a try yeah this Reynolds part of that fence is on an easement and if the township ever needs access to that easement which is not likely but if they do you would be responsible for moving the fence that would be fine I don't care that would be fine I accept that that's all we need to hear Mr Reynolds we can move on right you got it you got it any other members of the board have any questions about this application hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application Miss Buckley no one chairman okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to approve this a application with Henry's comments can I get a second please call the Mr Weissman yes Mr tiller yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr Blount yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman K yes Mrs Reynolds your application's been approved we'll mail you a document in a couple of weeks with a written document that approves your application can I just say one more thing I just want to say thank you and have a blessed and a Happy New Year you too have a great night bye bye bye can I leave now yes sure please go okay sign out good night all right let's move on to item number nine 22- zb- 69v Derek Bradshaw and Ida Gonzalez yes we're here I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand the testimony about the give should be the truth yes your name please Derek branchaw thank you could you explain to the board what you'd like to do here yes we purchased the home with uh an existing wood fence and we replaced it a few years ago with a vinyl fence in the exact same locations um we found out later that there was no permit for the original fence and we didn't know we needed one to replace it so we're looking for variance to uh keep the fence in the existing location uh Mr hinterstein all right we'll give it another shot is it better yes it's better okay so this is sort of a unique situation uh it is a property uh and the the existing Stockade Fence the solid fence is located well within the the side triangle for the for the intersection but so with the previous report and I believe the previous time they were here um again the original report talked about some shrubs in front of the fence and cutting off a piece of this uh Fence located in the Triangle there was also I think at that time some other obstacles in that front yard located on the corner within the site triangle uh since that previous meeting um the applicant has taking the shrubs out in front of the fence to help with visibility they removed I believe the decorative well that was in the front yard as well and really All That Remains now is that six foot fence that's in the in that site triangle um what's unique about this corner is that it's not your traditional Corner intersection in the sense that you come to the end of the street at murial or at Quincy and you have a stop sign and you're looking for traffic either direction when you're when you're coming down here really Quincy and Muriel are really a continuation of each other so you cannot go past Quincy or continue past Mario uh on this road or you cannot continue pass Quincy they're really one street that just goes around the bend so the vehicles can only stay on their side of the road and continue on in the same fashion that they're driving so for that reason it's a unique situation where I don't think cars are barreling down here and have any worry about uh the oncoming traffic because they're staying on their side of the road the entire time um with the improvements that the applicant has made as far as removing the shrubs I think in this case uh which is a little bit unusual I I think that the fence can remain uh with I think an agreement with the township attorney that they would be responsible if there was any you know future road construction that um again obligated dispense to uh to be removed that would be on the applicant's um again cost to do so uh for some reason um construction had to take place here triangle Eastman area but I don't see that really ever being the case but just as a precaution as long as they're agreement to enter into a developers agreement with the township attorney and they can work that out um some other time not in this form but it would be condition of the approval I think we can look at this application favorably the only other two items would be is providing temporary construction easements a 5 foot along both quiny and Mel Avenue North for future Road improvements that may take place so if the applicat in favor of that I think what we can do is uh my suggestion will be approv it on condition of again those temporary construction easements on both streets and U entering into a developers agreement with the township um that basically states that defense could stay there but for some reason um it needs to be moved on L Construction be the appli responsibility so at that time Mr brra you got most of that uh I was having a difficult time hearing it but uh I I didn't hear really that last part about keeping it or doing an adjustment on it uh you could keep it for now but enter into developers agreement with the township that says that if there's any future road construction that changes uh the uh degree of angle of that site triangle you may have to remove it the future but you can keep it for now okay okay you're in agreement with that you said there's uh an agreement that I have to apply for or you guys no the township will send it to you okay all right thank you very much no problem is report BR we still got to vote any other members of the board have any questions or comments about this hearing none we'll go to the public anyone in the public have any questions or comments for this application no one chairman okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application with the notes from Henry's uh side impact I second please vote a call Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr Blount yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Elli yes and chairman kahill yes uh Mr briell your application's been approved we'll memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting and we'll send that document to you good luck okay thank you very much have a good take care sir happy New Year have a good night thank you you too let's move on to item 10 23- zb- 90v uh Sheila Hobson is the applicant present it's Shalia Hopson and yes apologize I'm present Miss Hopson did we swear you in at the last meeting yes you did uh you remain sworn in to tell the truth um Henry you want to jump in on this and work on the exite impact yeah trying to catch up here on this one wasn't here for the so Henry you're breaking up really bad we can't hear you okay um if you give me a minute I'll try to reog on thank you is he calling in La I didn't hear that yes okay yeah he's he's going to uh just shut off and resign back on again okay okay yes so just few seconds please no problem better say you get yeah say something so we can see if it's worse or better no it's the same Laura can he call in we don't need to see him we don't need to see you no yeah use your cell phone and call maybe that's a better um issue to it yeah just m yeah mute your computer and then just call it in and then I'll give you access to talk you could just actually just put your phone on speaker phone for for so e for we're having no luck here we just got a text messag I Jim you just cut out in in here I just got a text message from him saying that he can't do it and I don't know what that means lur isn't there a dialup number that we could just use yeah it's on his uh it's on the sheet on the agenda are you not getting some service Henry I'll re-email it to him sorry Miss Hopson how are you doing can you hear me yeah you sound great you're fine all right awesome all right yeah let's go over the side impact we could for chilia you just muted yourself again Henry I guess it automatically it automatically I guess guess cuts out the other one you hear me now yeah sound fine so I'm sorry again uh this the site impact on this particular one again is this is regarding a fence that's in a front yard setback we have overage on coverage here uh we have multiple sheds on the property um so there was there was a bunch of issues here um so I think to compromise and try to get the best solution here for both um both the resident Miss Mrs Hobson and um the town is to again limit this to two sheds I I know the discussion was that there's only two sheds there now but there were some other structures there one of them being a sort of like a seasonal type CLA gazebo which that's not an issue but there was sort of a makeshift sha uh shed on the side of the property behind the fence and according to the zoning officer who went out there I believe today or yesterday um she thinks there's three sheds so again I think in the one shed that's on the right hand side of the property there's no issue with even the shed that's on the which is currently in the front yard along with the fence uh there's not I think it's been there for for so long at this point um that we're willing to allow it to remain um the biggest issue is is that again if there's a third shed the third shed has to go or any materials that's storage out there underneath a even if it's a makeshift type shed that would have to go that's behind the the fence on the on the side there on Newark uh Street and um there's also some Stone almost as driveway I think that was placed um in the right of way along that nework side of the property and I I believe the town wants that removed and that area seated up so the fence get stay I think which is the biggest uh concern the shed that's in the front yard setback the large shed uh closest to the corner could stay and I I think any other sheds have to be removed and that stone area in front of the fence along Newark Street would have to be um removed and top St and seated returned to to a lawn area uh they don't want that being used as a driveway off of the edge of the off the edge of the road like that so I mean doesn't prevent cars from parking on the street they just don't want a driveway up against the fence uh in that manner so if the applicants want to adhere to those conditions I don't I don't see an issue with the with the variances that are being requested and in light of some of these variances the coverage Varian which is pretty substantial um the fact that the shed is in the front yard setback the fence is in the front yard setback um we typically move these um back so that they're a little bit more in conformance I think it's a good compromise uh but I'll leave that up to the applicant to agree or disagree thank you Henry Miss Hopson yes are you okay with those changes yeah I just needed to know what the fees that's associated with it Henry I don't believe there's any fees associated with this that what would happen would be there would be a condition on your approval that states you have to remove any stone driveway area outside of the fence on Newark Avenue we return that to Grass top so and Seed it uh the other condition would be is if there's a third Shen on the property has to be removed um and those are be conditioned so there's no fees associated with that you just have to comply with that um so what will happen is if they go out there and they see that these things haven't been done you're GNA be given a summon and so that would be the see at that point but if you comply there's not going to be any issue um can we just um she will need to get a permit though once she gets a resolution for that shed and that fence cuz they are not permitted she will need it' be $40 but she will need a permit for those I I did get a I did get a permit for the fence uh I have the paperwork here uh I came into the office that's when I found out I needed a permit because I was told I didn't but when I came in um Miss Buckley you helped me with the permit and I have a copy of it but if I need another one I will come and get it you might need new one so they if they denied that permit then you would need a new one get it approved with the attach resolution that says it could be in that location no problem can we also goad man how long do I have before that's what I was going to ask can we give can we give them a um based on the weather and what's going on currently in pway could we attach she can get the stuff done within six months yeah I think that's fair that's yeah wait till the Walmart weather comes and it's more the atmosphere and the climate outside is more amiable for outdoor work okay m yes that's fine and my husband did take down the Gazebo already so I know there was a issue with that they thought that was a um a shed but it was a gazebo so he took it down all right no problem any other members of the board have any questions for this application hearing none I'm gonna open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application okay can do me a favor can I call you back in about a half an hour um um is that somebody on our end Laura yes I I muted him no one in the public chairman no in public so close the public portion and I will uh I will ask to approve this application with the language that Henry mentioned and that they agreed upon can I got a second I'll second okay call Ro Mr Weisman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes yes Mr reio yes Mr Blount yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mond yes Mr Elli yes and chairman K yes Miss Hudson your application's been approved we will memorialize this in a written document at our next meeting you don't need to be present for that we'll mail that document to you okay thank you and I'd like to thank Miss Buckley for all her help and her colleagues that uh assisted me when I was is uh trying to figure out where do I go so thank you so much thank you Fe you're very welcome Miss Hobson thank you okay let's move on to item number 11 adoption of the resolutions from the regular meeting of December 14 2023 first resolution Allen Cruz to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr tiller yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr mando yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes next is Azhar noi which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr killary yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr hauka yes Mr Mond yes Mr Ali yes chairman kill yes next is sh Patel which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel goodbye yes Mr orio yes Mr yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes next is voo V yo USA which you voted to approved Mr wasman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mond yes Mr Ali yes chairman Cahill yes next is Cass Beverly which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman cill yes next is Robin Shephard which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kill yes next is VJ singal this was an amended resolution or amended approval which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mond yes Mr Ali yes chairman Cahill yes CZ piscado this was the bifurcated use variant which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr till yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes those are all the resolutions I have this even item number 12 adoption of minutes from the regular meeting of December 14 2023 all in favor say I I uh item number 13 adjournment motion to adjourn all in favor say hi hi all right guys Happy New Year thank you for all your work assistance happy year thank you Happy New Year see you guys in two weeks