e adjustment meeting please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways one notice published in the curer news two notice posted in the bulletin on the bulletin board of the municipal building three notice made available to the Township Clerk for notice sent to the curry news and the stall ler will the clerk please call the role Mr Weissman here Mr Patel here Mr reio Mr Blount here Mr Mondo here Mr Elli here thank you we have a quarum we do we havek you sir uh will everyone please stand for the salute to the flag I pled flag flag un States Mr Canal are there any changes to tonight's agenda yes there are the application nbad D1 LLC 431 Park Avenue is being carried to May 9th 2024 with no further notice next the appeal on Sparks Car Wash Stelton Road has been withdrawn finally lnr properties that application on 60 Normandy Drive has been moved to the planning board those are all the changes I have this evening thank you Mr canel okay moving moving right along Mr wman I would like to note um Mr Regio was on the meeting thank you thank you good evening Mr R um the application oh come on item number six 23 ZB 104/105 B transcontinental Steel Inc right thank you thank you Mr chairman members of the board all present my name is Kevin moris attorney Woodbridge New Jersey I am appearing on behalf of the applicant transcontinental Steel Incorporated subject properties block 805 lot 31 commonly known as 2011 11th Street in Piscataway Township we are before you this evening uh for preliminary and final site plan use and bulk variant approval requests for the subject property to set the table give you a little background uh former opic for the former occupant of the property was uh the company everybody knows binsky and Snider they' been in business there for about 25 years at business fixture in the community they conducted a custom pipe fabrication business with outdoor storage which is a permitted use of course in the Ali Zone where most of this property is located uh they were there without a formal site plan approval that company really uh recently ceased operations the applicant transcontinental steel some of you may recall actually be appeared before this board on June 22nd of 2023 where we sought a temporary use permit so that transcontinental steel could move in and conduct business operations that temporary use permit was granted was memorialized by resolution dated July 13th of 2023 uh and one of the provisors in that uh resolution was that we submit uh a request for formal site plan approval to the board uh which of course we have done and we're before you this evening seeking that I can tell you uh since the uh permit was issued uh the applicants principal Joel Rosenthal acquired the property owned it uh owns it now now with his real estate holding company and Trans Continental steel has moved in and commenced its business operations Mr can before we proceed I just want to confirm I previously submitted our affidavit a publication and mailing I wanted to make sure that they were receed that they are in order so that the board has jurisdiction to proceed this evening they were received they are in order and the board has jurisdiction to proceed all right so folks I have two witnesses this evening Joel Rosenthal who's the principal of the applicant who's testified for you before and Angelo valetudo who hasn't testified on this application yet but I know you know his uh credentials as well so I would first call Mr Rosenthal if he could be sworn Please Mr Rosenthal could you raise your right hand SAR that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth do your name and address please Joel Rosen home address 29 summer Court Westfield New Jersey thank you all right uh Mr Rosenthal you are the owner of transcontinental Steel Incorporated is that correct correct and it is a steel fabrication business which I understand has been conducting operations since 1999 is that correct 96 but yes 96 I was close right now uh previously you were uh conducting business operations at a site in Newark New Jersey and as you've heard me described to the board in the history of the property you've uh acquired the subject property and moved your business and joined the piscatway business community and I understand you you uh commenced operations in the fall of last year is that accurate all right so I'm going to ask you a confirm testimony that you had previously placed before this board uh back in June when we were appeared and you testified regarding our application for the temporary use permit uh again just describe for the board what the steel fabrication business produces what you do we we fabricate uh building parts for most jobs around New York City okay and the steel fabrication has commenced and will continue to be conducted indoors uh at the existing building at the property that you moved into is that correct correct and there is an outdoor storage component for either material or finished fabricated product which you're commencing and doing right now is that correct yes now that outdoor storage has and will continue to be located at the property uh in the area that's depicted on the site plan basically where it was before when you moved in and we're now formally showing it on the site plan we will uh let Mr valetudo give some details on that correct yes all right now uh this outdoor storage again is predominantly on racks with some on wood blocking on the ground and the height of the racking uh will not exceed uh 12 feet is that correct correct right now to confirm again your hours of operation uh your business hours are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 7: a.m. to 1: p.m. is that correct all right and again as you previously testified uh your staff has 40 employees on site during business operations about 25 in the shop area inside the building and maybe uh 15 in an office area in the building and that varies a little bit from day to day is that accurate right now based upon your business owner transcontinental you testify the sufficient Park on the property to accommodate uh the vehicles of your employees yes and I understand those vehicles are either personal employee vehicles or some of them are work pickup trucks for your business that they utilize is that correct correct and I do also understand that you mentioned to me that number of your workers is it's typical in these type of work environments actually car pull to work so they a few guys come in with the car is that correct yes right now again to confirm your deliveries uh average delivery is one Steel trailer incoming per day for material and two steel trailers outgoing per week with product is that still accurate yes right now Mr can I interrupt you for a minute yes I just want the record to reflect that Mr hea has joined the meeting uh and since testimony has just commenced I believe he would be eligible to vote on the application if we get to a vote tonight and we now have seven members right uh thank you very much Mr Canal all right so now Mr Rosenthal you've been uh you've been operation of the site since the fall number of months now uh and I understand your business operations have not created any type of issues for the surrounding neighborhood is that accurate No that I'm aware of okay uh but you made a big investment into the P scataway business Community I just ask you are you happy with the relocation your business from New York to Piscataway yes all right now one thing we are additionally requesting besides the approvals for your business the formal approvals is uh you have a portion of the existing building uh that space you don't need to utilize and you have a proposed tenant lined up to occupy that space is that correct yes now I understand that proposed tenant is a business known as like new products is that accurate yes right now from what I understand uh the like new products business is a is a business that does or conducts small electronic repairs and refurbishments is that correct now uh I also understand that these repairs and refurbishments basically done for the Amazon company and it has to do with the fixing up uh small electronic items like cell phones or iPads things of that style and nature is that accurate yes now this particular tenant I understand would get uh one delivery a day uh to the site and either at Amazon or UPS box truck is that accurate yes and on that one day delivery boxes are offloaded for with items that need to be worked on and Bo and boxes are also onloaded with repaired and refurbished items ready to go back out is that accurate correct now importantly here all work of this proposed tenant within the existing building uh uh that's going to be conducted inside the building only is that accurate yes and there's absolutely no outdoor storage component uh proposed or required for this proposed tenant is that accurate yes all right now with regard to your tenants operations I understand they're a little little less than yours uh their operations would be Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and they don't have any weekend hours is that accurate I understand there'll be approximately 10 uh tenant employees at their uh their tenant space is that correct yes and in the nature of this business it's a little a little bit hybrid I understand some of those employees will actually drive to work correct yes but I also understand that this particular business has a number of other locations and that they often uh will drop employees off in a van because they'll put certain employees in different areas depending on the workload of the different sites is that accurate correct so some of the employees I understand typically will actually not be driving or parking on the property anyway although there's sufficient parking to accommodate all 10 if they did park at the property is that correct correct right so based upon your business now you've settled in for a couple of months uh the proposed tenant um is it your opinion as an experienced businessman that the site will has and will continue to uh uh operate adequately egress and Ingress also your parking that will accommodate both the your business and that of your proposed tenant uh based on the the proposed site yes right all right so look I have no further questions of Mr rosenal at this point Mr valetudo is going to give you some more details Mr Rosenthal will be here for the entire hearing if questions come up unless there are questions now I'll move on to my next witness Mr chair Mr chairman I have a number of questions and I think it's probably more appropriate to ask Mr Rosenthal than to Mr valud okay go ahead there are two reports on this uh application one a staff report it's dated uh revised April 17th and a second report a revised report of myself dated April 22nd both referring to the latest revised site plan submission my report and the staff report I think could be considered collectively because we get to the same items but the items I think need to address with Mr rosenfall is the outside storing is a proposal of racks 12 feet high is that correct uh yes that currently they're already there and when I met I don't want to when I met with before I bought the property that's that's what they asked for and they ask to put them on that we'll call it the side line closer to 11 Street that's where we the fence you propose is six feet high correct I don't recall proposing there's a there's an existing is an fencing gr lots of the property correct in some cases it's excellent condition and in some cases it's in terrible condition agreed so the F the the area where the racks are right now are all Bush covered we we we'll we'll fix the fence there but it's all you can't see it from the street as it is now well I haven't been able to get to that site since the revised plan came and I didn't know what you were going to do so I'll take you at your word that it's thank you it was the rubbery was there then and it's still there I'm sorry to the Shrubbery was there and it's still yeah the shrubber has been there since way before I mean it's tall way before moved and honestly way taller than 12 feet have you re have you reviewed the staff report I went through it briefly with Mr Morris this I got it around 4:30 today I can tell you Mr Mr chck just so you know uh and and Mr Rosenthal will confirm uh Mr vaton and I are prepared to go through these item by item most of it pretty quickly because there's really not not a lot uh and I will have Mr rosenal confirm on the record because I think we'll get through it quicker and we cover everything and he will confirm what we already discussed with him earlier today if that's okay with you if not we can do it way the one item is the one of the variants is the outside storage correct and you're proposing to be 12 feet in the air and both reports from myself and the staff suggest lowering that and I think you could probably have a compromise if in fact the Landscaping that exists covers up this new storage area then I think the height is at 12 feet is acceptable if it's looming over the top of the fence then I think you would need to return and either demonstrate to the board new Landscaping to be installed or lowering lowering the racks or combination I I could comfortably say the fence is a lot lower than than the landscaping and the Landscaping more than covers the racks that already there and honestly I don't believe they're more than 10 feet tall but um I'll double check that so you're comfortable with that as a compromise I'm comfortable that if the Landscaping doesn't cover the racks that that we let's go back to Mr mois you have a better way of moving this along be my no no it's not I'm not suggesting agree please don't don't misunderstand me I just we had taken the time and I want to make sure we hit everything and address every item for you um so right ahead all right so look I I'll call Angelo valetudo um I don't want to change your procedure in any way shape or form but if Angelo can testify and then we'll wrap it up with whatever else the questions are if he could be sworn please you SAR the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes sir I do Angelo J valetudo VA l e T 424 Amboy Avenue Woodbridge licensed professional engineer licensed professional planner in the state of New Jersey both licenses are in good stad and I've believe Mr been accepted as anert engineer and planner before this numerous thank you thank you all right so if you're accepting in both disciplines I would first call him uh in his capacity as an engineer uh Mr valetudo you prepared the plans that are for the board this evening is that correct we have and the revisions are as you had stated earlier in response to the original um staff memorandum um and we believe has resulted in uh an improvement to the plan and hopefully something that uh everybody will be happy with yeah and and just so the board's aware we filed a site plan we got a staff report and we took the time to go through the first staff report and address almost all of the items on that report to refine the plan so I'm happy to report when we go through that in a minute uh all that stuff has been covered we took that opportunity so that you could see that we could comply with the items and otherwise follow your suggestion so that being said just briefly describe the site as it exists today well the site I like to refer to as a peninsula in that it has three frontages which makes it uh difficult from the standpoint of the setbacks and that's part of the uh bulks that are existing that we are asking to continue in addition the vacation of the street that ran through the property in parallel to 11 um is really what the split zoning was everything to the 11 Street side is in the LI light industrial and everything Beyond it is in the r10 which lends itself to the number of variances that were identified in Miss corran's report all right so just describe the uh generally uh the improvements to the site well the major Improvement to the site is with regard to a parking lot that we are proposing coming in off of Mansville road we have it set back 23 ft to allow for that heavy growth that has Mr renf fall had indicated that exists pretty much along the uh corner of the intersection of Mansfield and 11th uh and would help buffer the uh parking lot we're showing a number of uh spaces of uh 32 parking spaces on that pocket lot with regard to the additional parking spaces that exist on the main property now we come up with a total of 50 spaces that are striped including 10 that we are proposing for Ev spaces and with regard to the EV spaces it is our proposal to put four of them into ready use as an EV parking and the balance the remaining six in accordance to what the law is and I believe it's over six years um to accommodate that and even without seeking any credit for the EV spaces we have more than enough that's required for not only for uh the main purpose Mr Rosen Fall's use but also for the tenant use all right uh the building itself uh is already constructed there is uh three uh existing outdoor storage trailers they're located behind the building is that accurate yeah in the back corner essentially these were um containers that were up against the building by the prior tenant and Mr Rosenthal have them moved into what I call a horseshoe shape and then he put a canopy over the top to allow his men to be able to do some um ready repairs without getting into disrupting and doing it outside all right thank you and then we have the outdoor storage racking is that correct that is correct and the racking and I can support what Mr rosenfall had indicated if you are a pedestrian walking along Mansfield or the frontage of 11 we are uh it it's covered by the growth I wouldn't call it shrubs just the overgrowth of it so that you don't see it and the racks which we we have a detail on the plan are really racks that have three different levels and the top level keeps it under the 12 Mark at a little over 11 and a half but certainly it would be my suggestion recommendation to Mr rosenvall that uh something he's already agreed to so I'll just say we obviously include that into any hopeful condition of approval we are fortunate to receive all right from a drainage perspective do the proposed improvements that we have I know they're limited is that going to create any negative impact with regard to drainage on Jason or neighboring properties no sir none whatso all whatever and again the grading and the storm water management which is in the staff memorandum is to be reviewed by the township engineer and we accept that as a condition which is is not an issue all right so let's go through then since you've brought it up uh first let's look at the staff memorandum dated April 17 2024 uh I just want to make sure we go through the items so we have um accuracy items one and two are acceptable correct they are I believe there's notes on both of them and if there isn't on the second we can add it but I believe we have a note there item three you will provide planning testimony Mo momentarily item four is accurate No signage is proposed the applicant does understand if we need to put signage that doesn't conform a result and us coming back here for Relief correct that is correct right now item five there was initially a request for a traffic impact statement however we believe that had to do and the original application had parking proposed along the side of 11th uh street that backed out onto the street um that was uh disfavored by staff uh which is one of the reasons why we revised the plan which I believe eliminated the circulation Report with regard to the driveways or the swing gates um I understand in the Turning time ples requested uh as well as item six the parking spaces you'll uh confirm those items to the satisfaction of the tanip engineering department but you believe those all work appropriately we will and if in any event the uh swing gates do not work we always have an option of using a sliding gate but we believe we can make it work with the existing Gates and again one of the items that was touched upon by Mr Chadwick we do indicate that the entire uh perimeter property that has the fencing will be repaired removed replaced as necessary to meet the township standards and one of the major uh conditions that we have on the plan is that the all of the Barb wires is going to be removed all right items 7 through 14 we reviewed those those are all acceptable correct that is correct and and particularly with item eight the corner round easements i s I sent those over to the toship attorney today they were in place already they were uh offered or and they recorded uh produced for the uh in favor of the municipality by the prior owner so that's already done and I sent those to the township attorney 15 shipping containers you talked about that there are three we do agree with the well did you indicate that 9 through 14 we're going to comply with okay yeah 15 shipping containers you testified there three requests here that they shall not be stacked on top of each other uh we are prepared to accept that condition there's no intention to stack them uh and then there's the uh limitation of they're not higher than 12 feet either correct that is correct and there's no intention the um the layout as we described them and is out there now and has been out there every time I visited the site is what the proposal is there's no intention for stacking or anything else it was just as I indicated to use the three that were already on the site so as to prevent a somewhat covered area for repair work to be done uh without having going into the building all right now item 16 we already talked about the storage rack height item 17 the lighting I understand that Mr Rosen Mr why don't we put a note on that uh there probably some minor revision put a note in of no stacking or inventory higher than 12 feet so it's right on the plan that would be fine uh item uh 17 the lighting plan board should be aware that when Mr rosenal acquired the site little green initiative but he took all the bulbs out and uh replac them with LED lighting which of course is efficient and much more uh much more energy efficient uh I think he only added two fixtures Mr Rosen th is that correct and they shine towards the building itself is that right on the building are the same fixtures are replaced we added two in the parking lot that face back towards the building all right so the only item and I'll cross over to Mr Chadwick's report that I believe we would would need to comment on your report Mr Chad is number five um talking about like a light out provision yeah any problem with that uh I think we can work that out with staff obviously we need security lighting as you've denoted um you know some point uh we're prepared to work with staff to an acceptable resolution of that fine all right uh 18 we've uh is acceptable you've agreed to that right 19 uh note on the plan already that's acceptable number 20 EV spaces uh we did have discussions today earlier with staff um the you know there's a sliding scale you start with two of go UPS it goes up to nine in the spirit of cooperation uh we would uh agree to initially have um four spaces made ready and then follow the status of the law when they have further spaces have to be Implement so a little more than we initially would need to start with but that's a bit in the spirit of cooperation um as we uh you know improve the sites overall for operations items 21 22 23 um those are acceptable yeah in fact we believe that they are on the current revised plan I had the benefit from Peter czecho Who provided me with all the current details for the township however we obviously will agree that we will comply to meet the township standards for all improvements on this site all right then with regard to items 2425 there's a request for some plan things along uh 11 Street and some shade trees I can tell you because my client had a thought something I think we can resolve um subject to the um satisfaction of all parties uh is a long building facade and I did speak to the township attorney today because it would require some some input from the township but we may be in a position uh if uh the township agrees to offer that as a some type of Municipal mural to be painted along the whole side of the building and there was some interest in receptivity to that suggestion again subject to a mutual agreement that might be a student initiative it's right across from the Park might be beautification things so with regard to 24 and 25 uh request that we have the ability to uh work that out to the satisfaction of uh the uh landscape architect and also possibly with a uh as an alternative part of that might be a mural some offset um but leave that subject to working out with the staff that's acceptable with regard to uh number 26 we will agree because the existing vegetative wooded buffer to the back which is in the residential Zone and buffers are used from all the Residential Properties uh we'll be happy to meet on site and go through the entire area to ensure that we meet what they're looking for not only in terms of trees to be replaced but also in terms of the type of trees and the heights which are already identified in the staff memo all right so that being said and and then moving over to Mr Chadwick's memo I think at this point Mr Chadwick I think it's been covered with the other comments okay just wanted to make sure so that would be our uh and I just want to confirm Mr Rosen Tha we did have the opportunity you've heard the representations Mr valetudo and discussions uh you're in agreement with the uh the itemization and responses to the two members that we discussed is that correct yes Okay so we've got that so unless there are any technical or engineering questions at this point for Mr valetudo uh I'm prepared to have him switch over put his planning hat on and have him testify with regard to his planning analysis go ahead all right so Mr valud I'm ask you to switch gears now you had the opportunity to uh review the uh application from the standpoint of professional planning is that correct yes sir that is correct right I would ask you to detail your analysis for the board any uh conclusions or opinions that you have reached in the basis for them definely and and as part of it I visited site the surrounding neighborhood drove around walked around and I think I did it inconspicuous enough because nobody called the police to say I was a a stalker in fact you've been over to that site on a number of occasions working with Mr rosabal it wasn't just one time for this hearing but you've been there on multiple occasions correct yes or that is correct all right so um we viewed the zoning ordinance master plan New Jersey municipal L use law the surrounding neighborhood is pretty much we're at the center point meaning everything across the street is that beautiful uh Park a field there's also a park across from Mansfield some indust light industrial uses as you go on the other side of pelum and then once you go into the r10 Zone it's all a nice welldeveloped single family residential units um as far as the use of the property the was already stated transcontinental steel uh has been in possession and currently in use of the property pursuant to the temporary use permit that was approved by the Zoning Board of adjustment uh by resolution dated July 13 2023 uh the major already a property is located in the li1 zone the industrial with the the balance of the property which is pretty much the Northerly I would say 25% is in the r10 residential Zone which lends itself into um majority of the variances because the use which has existed as has been already uh testified and confirmed with Mr chadt report for over 25 years um the applicant uses the property for as was already testified as steel fabrication business with outdoor storage and anyone who's visited a site knows this is not where people can go in and just pick up some copper iron just to try to get out um these pieces are substantial and uh and would not be easy for anyone to try to attempt to uh remove them the applicant doesn't provoke propose any changes to the footprint of the existing building at the property and all the fabrication will incur will occur indoors the outdoor storage is conducted for business operations of this transcontinental steel only uh the applicant utilizes nearly all of the same equipment operations outdoor storage and the processes that were previously used by the prior owner operator of the property binsky and Snider which occupied the property for approximately 25 years the applicant also proposes as was um introduced by both Mr Mars and Mr rosenfall to use a portion of the existing building of the property for electronics refurbishing business which the business will not conduct any outdoor storage on the property property uh thus from a planning use perspective based on the consistency between the prior use of the property and the applicants current and proposed use of the property property will continue to be used as the same light industrial purpose that it has been for over 25 years uh use variance approval is requested in as much as while the proposed use of the property is permitted within the LI Zone it's not permitted in the uh rear 25 30% of the property which is the r10 residential Zone as the proposed outdoor storage and long-term use of shipping containers is not a permitted use in either of those zones the bulk variance approval is also requested as noted in the site plan note number three zoning requirements and specifically identified it in Miss Porker's uh report in terms of the positive criteria or the special reasons looking at the municipal land use law 40 colon 55 d-2 I offer the four as for consideration letter A to encourage the municipal action to guide the appropriate use or development of all lands in this state in a manner which will promote the public health safely morals and general welfare letter C to provide adequate light air and open space uh both of which are really not changing with regard to main development the only change as we spoke is with regard to the outside storage with regard to racks and on the pallets letter G to provide sufficient space and appropriate location for a variety of agricultural residential recreational commercial and Industrial uses and open space both public and private according to their respective environmental requirements in order to meet the needs of all New Jersey citizens and as always my favorite letter M to encourage coordination of the various public and private procedures and activities shaping Land Development with a view of lessening the cost of such development and to a more efficient use of the land and we're going to achieve that all of the utilities that service the property are in place we did agree with regard to staff's comments to put in uh some conduits for um the future expansion of uh underground utilities and that the fact that we are as part of the request by the by staff putting in curving and sidewalk around the entire perimeter which will also assist in these goals by providing for a safe pedestrian travel with regard to the particular suitability of the site the longstanding prior and continued use as um been permitted in the li1 zone for over 25 years really confirms that the property is particularly suited for the continue use and that the app that the applicant is seeking uh for the reasons I've testified it is something that um has been pretty much consistent with regard to its location as it relates to the adjoining residential use site improvements requested do not change the particular suitability of the site but rather are nice improvements that simply enhance the continued use of the property as we proposed the property has existed with its light industrial use for these many years as part of the fabric as I indicated of the surrounding area in terms of the enhanced quality appr proof as such this application is not in my opinion inconsistent with the master plan and zoning ordinance as far as negative criteria the request of relief in my opinion can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good for the reasons I haveo testified to and which was already discussed with regard to the racks the outside storage and to have it buffered pretty much from uh the adjoining properties the residential and also the traveling public on the streets that we front on um I see no detriment to the public good and no negative impact on any adjacent properties number two without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the Zone plan and zoning ordinance as the application is not inconsistent with the master plan and zoning ordinance again for the reason that I so stated it is also my opinion that the both variance requests are equally subsumed by the use requests which carry a higher standard of Cru which I believe the applicant has satisfied based on our presentation and my testimony nevertheless the bulk variants requested by the applicant are cognical cogn ible under the C1 or hardship analysis uh due to exceptional odd shape and as I indicated calling it a peninsul uh Peninsula with three front yards which requires setbacks with regard to all three of our U frontages that uh a new hardship would be placed upon giving the majority of the property is located in the li1 zone also uh as the industrial Zone with the remaining 25 30% in the r10 zone which is as we've discussed the residential Zone the bulk Varian is requested by the applicant in my opinion are cognizable also under the C2 or flexible C analysis as the application meets the criteria as well number one relates to a specific piece of property it's a unique piece of property given its location surrounding uses and the two zones it's located in and the requirements there under uh and also uh the fact that it has been utilized for similar uses for well over 25 years number two that the purposes of the municipal land use law would be Advanced by a deviation from the zoning ordinance requirements again for the same reasons that I've already testified to under the applicant's use variance application under either bulk variance relief analysis again the negative criteria in my opinion are satisfied the fact that the variantes can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good I see no detriment only ultimately will be a positive benefits from everything with the improvements along the public rideway to the enhancements with the uh mural or Landscaping that will ultimately be propos along the building Frontage on 11th street that the debt benefits of the deviation would substantially outweigh any detriments again I see no detriments and finally that the requested variant will not substantially impair the intent and purpose of the city's Zone plan and zoning ordinance as I've testified throughout my discussion all right that concludes your planning testimony Mr valetudo it does subject to any questions by the board or when they open to the public all right so that would conclude our presentation Mr chairman thank you Mr Morris John do you have any uh questions or concerns at this point I think the going through the staff report at length satisfies use variance criteria but also it set up all the conditions which I'm sure Mr canel took down that they've agreed to yes I did I think uh is the complete case and it's uh U I think more important it's a building old TI building that they're going to fix up dress up fix up the outside the bual part of the application is very interesting uh concept I think it could add from the park to look at this wall would be a vastly different perspective I think would be something that would be somewhat unique and that was Mr rosenthal's suggestion and uh you know sort of embrace the community a little bit give it a a canvas to perhaps work on so hopefully we can work that out I think I think it would be it's a unique setting and it's across from the park uh and it's probably something that can be um done over and over yep that may be true thank you John you're welcome anyone on the board have any questions comments or concerns at this time hearing none I'd like to open up to the public anyone in the public have any questions comments or concerns at this time no one chairman thank you I'd like to close the public portion of this meeting and I would like to make a motion to approve this application can I get a second have a second thank you can you call the role please Mr Patel yes Mr Ario we lost them Mr blam yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Elli yes and chairman Weissman yes Mr Morris we will memorialize this at our next meeting and send the copy to you all right thank you I would ask could you please send me a draft Mr canille I just want to make make sure that we uh um cover everything we talked about um yes there will be a lot of conditions so we will review those together before we vote on it I appreciate that thank you all right ladies and gentlemen we thank you for your time have a pleasant evening you to thank you good night thank you moving on to item number 10 on the agenda adoption of resolution from the regular meeting of April 11th the first resolution is m would you voted to approve Mr tiller Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr hea yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes second is Alano which you voted to approve Mr tiller Mr Patel yes Mr orio Yesa yes Mr M yes Mr blun yes yes Mr Ali yes those are all the resolutions for this evening thank you item number 11 adoption of minutes from the regular meeting of April 11th 2024 all those in favor I I it carries finally item number 12 adjournment you make a motion to adjourn do I get a second yes all those in favor have a good night night good night everyone thank you everyone good night e