ch how far you ride yes sir so it's you's brother prob yes that's true thank you thank you good evening everyone today is April 15 2024 this is the city of pville city council work meeting this meeting has been duly advertised in City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call pleas presona here Thomas president attend may I have approval of previous minute motion second all in favor first is resolution 61 important Stacy Slater as fund commissioner and shelana Stewart as alternate commissioner and the municipal joint Insurance Fund for the city any questions see n resolution 62 the title has been changed it is now entitled authorizing application for the local efficiency achievement program leap implementation Grant any questions C resolution 63 endorsing the proposed Urban Enterprise zones assistance fund project entitled CBD U holiday liting project an amount of $736 694 any questions excuse me um is this just for Christmas Time Is that the whole that's what that is it's for Christmas time but what this resolution does it sends it to the state as a project and what we learn from other Urban Enterprise Zone um communities that they've been using their money for how they lighting to so it doesn't come out of the taxpayers money and what we are planning to do should we be successful at the state approval once it gets approved here get approv here at the state approval is to move the to create more of an effect and start from anley because we just R did that so it be an Boulevard down Main Street um Mar with the king and the old Turn Pipe so all those areas that have new uh Street improvements will have the lights and all that kind of stuff so we'll really have a a holiday effect during the Christmas time is this the total budget or is this what I mean are we just going out for that much or is this what it's going to cost is it's close to what it's going to cost so we got estimates right so it could be less and definitely um you're not going to spend more but you know just going to that we got we you know we put in Bas 20 estimates our goal would to be to spend less thank any other question resolution 64 enabling the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections against uh prot Green Acres Program any questions see resolution 65 introducing the 2024 budget for the city any questions I have a motion for the bill list motion I'm sorry come on bar I talking to my wife she read my mind all the time um the bill that we paid in last council meeting this one um is really the biggest one is going to be the payroll from last of 539,000 um and other than that uh in the build Green Acres I'm sry uh 2022 this was a reimbursement for 2022 money that somehow they never signed a Pur order they finally did and we had Ved to check before and now we're reissuing it um go to bills to be paid you go down to the bottom the bottom of page one where it says bch Industries uh these are repair parts for a street sweeper there were um obviously there was a malfunction with street sweeper and we had to buy more part to get back up and running again um the last one janitorial by Nate this was the cleaning of the fire department all the foot and everything is over there um go to page two halfway down command code there's two different bills there one is for the over turn by Street skate just the last payment 27,000 there'll be a change order coming in uh Pride next council meeting reducing the budget and then the 134 is another draw number six on old Joker field down on Baby R um you go to page three you'll see about halfway down GT land uh laan care uh we're redoing the softball fields uh at the guess it's ma Manning field where being done to remove all the old dirt and bring in new and making the feel understand pretty nice um then we're looking at uh three down below that Lea concrete uh there's the final payment for phase one of the dowy Road Park Avenue and there will be another change order coming in next one reducing that I believe like $72,000 from re contract um uh you see on page four says Pleasant Acres uh disregard that that been a change asking for some backup information they haven't given it to me yet it was on the bill list and I missed it by I had stand report and I guess we didn't Mis communication but don't worry about that we're not paying that um that's plug makers U okay for 12,000 that's not being paid that's a reimbursement again for trash and everything else um they didn't supply all the information I require so I ask them for additional backup for and I'm waiting for that um other than that just normal every day so this might be paid in the future um probably re not that much all right so I would recommend that you make sure that that's one of the ones that you do pull off any questions I'm just asking if we can um table the Parker of McCay conflict attorney bill for $690 because I didn't have enough time to talk to the May yes sure okay um where we at first page 0 2624 yes I those other questions Public Safety to training for ENT education this for a firefighter for firefighter yeah it's really but it's for the four new recruits that do not have EMT um two came in with EMT so our P still have sir yes every single one of us does thank you chief on page five there the uh Zone striping for Le Avenue School can we look to get some reimbursement from the school district for things like I be thank Christmas lights and thank I one how long is the baseball field done it's done today the first game 6:00 Council any open discussion I have a motion to close the work session all in favor once again this is the city of pville city council meeting the time now is 6:39 today April 15 2024 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for invocation and flag Al uned States stand indice everyone the seated can we have a moment of silence for charell Morgan's um daughter who passed away amen pres Thomas pres allend may I have a motion to dispense previous minutes moot second all in favor mayor any comod this time now we have public portion anyone like to speak like to sign in sign I have a motion to close public portion motion second all in favor all right okay Personal Agenda is resolution 61 ACC Court in Stacy slat as fund commissioner and Shalon St as alterate commissioner in the municipal joint Insurance Fund for the city I have a motion motion call please D yes P yes pona yes Korea yes clay yes o yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 62 is the title chain authorizing application for the local efficiency achievement program leap implementation Grant may have a motion motion have second second please D yes yes Simona yes Korea yes CL yes o Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 63 endur the proposed uran Enterprise Sol assistance fund project entitled CPD D holiday gliding project in the amount of $ 73,9 I have a motion motion I have second second please D yes yes kimona yes Korea yes Baran yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 64 enabling the state of New Jersey Department of protection Green Acres Program motion second please D yes yes kimona yes K yesan yes yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 65 introducing the 2024 budget for the city second Davenport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes for yes or yes Thomas yes resolution approved next any a motion to approve the bill list motion second D yes yes Kona yes Korean yes CL yes yes Thomas yes motion approved next is Comm May and city council you have anything mayor no everyone thank you for coming out have a good evening wow anyone from Council have anything to I just want to put it on a record that U we had a meeting today of recreation committee with the Jokers and it was a very productive meeting so we just look forward you know with the relationship with the Jokers and hopefully you know we get our next meeting plan as soon as possible U I don't know if anybody know but I went out this morning to Le Avenue I went this morning I went this afternoon everything's working out pretty good the way they got it all design so I'm happy take that how it's going on thank you guys have a good night yes I I just want to inform the public that uh the African students organization that stuck to having a fashion show I think the price is just about less than $20 and they have lot of students from C that that are there so I just want encourage you you can go on my Facebook page you can see how you poniz them they would love to see you there it's very entertaining and it's raling people 27 27 yeah anyone else from Council see no one may I have a motion to ad the meeting motion all in favor yes