[Music] good evening everyone this is the city of pville city council work meeting today is June the 17 2024 and the time is 6:30 p.m. this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law vo call dport B here Kona there Korea present tom Pres for the record councilman DAV and councilman OB will not be here this evening for personal matters appr may have approval of previous minutes second all in favor next we have Laura from C good evening good evening um so we had issued a report dated June 12th 2024 I'll walk through the highlights of the projects starting first with uh Pump Station improvements we're looking at various upgrades to pump stations mainly um combinator gen generator those type of equipment that project is substantially uh designed for going through comments with Public Works um moving forward to the generator over at the rec center we confirmed with Lena that phase one of that is actually complet and installed full installation will be completed within the next few weeks update on that um when I last updated you um we were prepared to say that full installation would be done in a couple of weeks we ran into a problem with alant City Electric just today um and um due to some things that they're requesting and mayble the project up to the end of the summer um as it relates to Walnut Avenue Park um that's mainly drainage improvements and that project um is currently under designed and we anticipate it being a full project uh various Park improvements so that was basically rehab of the tennis courts and resurfacing the basketball courts bleachers the bid opening for that was held last week my offic is going through the bids we felt like they came back very high so we will likely um recommend rejection and to rebid to maybe get additional bids just of no three people three biders picked up the package but only one responded so we'd like to just get additional quotes on that um we are going through that the uh gym floor installation that um design is underway and we're seeking input from the city just as it relates to color I would expect that that would be advertised for big by Band Of The Summer uh the senior center so the city was awarded over $2 million worth of funding for the building uh we are pending authorization uh to do the engineering portion of that work our 2024 cdbg application uh was applied for soccer field over at Tilton Park uh uh Tilton Road Park uh Claus Avenue the tennis the pickle ball and then crosswalk signage um at the bike path so that is pending authorization through the county uh as it relates to our DOT funded projects um Ansley decator and dowy are all substantially complete and pending uh pumch list items as you go to what I knew is uh phase two of dowy but it's really Park Avenue that project was awarded we had the preconstruction meeting for that but we were waiting for the improvements on dowy to be done so we're expecting a mobilization on that and that project to move forward um as it relates to the streetcape improvements on Black Horse Pike we were hoping to have the pre-construction meeting this week but we just got work from do today if they can attend so that would likely be scheduled for next week um the phe two of the Black Horse Pike that uh proposal is still pending I mean we're still waiting on phase one but that's pending um streetscape improvements for Old Turnpike that remains under maintenance Bond the safe routes to school so GPI is handling that for the city that's through the design assistance program uh we were able to confirm with them that that is spending approval with the state for funding and once that's done an agreement will be sent to the city so that preliminary design can occur I will tell you my experience with the federal projects is they take a lot longer even though it's a 2022 award they usually take a while to get off the ground um as it relates to uh improvements along Ridgewood and colaus um that project is substantially um complete the design and that would be advertised later this year we're pending Outside Agency approvals for that uh um the bike pack for the lighting improvements of the bike pack along decar to Milan that is also substantially complete and has been submitted to the do for their incurance to that project uh similarly uh the city was awarded a Transit Village grant for improvements to Green Street from Main Street to Franklin that also is designed and is with the dot for concurrence of that that project be to bid uh South Franklin Boulevard and East bayew Avenue that is currently in design design um and we anticipate that that will be complete and ready to for submission to the do by the end of 2024 with uh Construction commencing in Spring of 2025 um as it relates to our Municipal Aid Grant from 2024 for improvements on Marine Avenue from Main Street uh to its Terminus to the east um that proposal is is waiting authorization uh and the project will not include sewer improvements um as it relates to the transit Village grant for 24 which was for second third and fourth um four streets from Pleasant Avenue to West Adams Avenue that we were looking to do a scope modification with the do just to get the price more in line with the funding um our Safe Streets to Transit 2024 Woodland Avenue and Route 9 that project is substantially designed um and again is a waiting concurrence from the dot to bid that project um as it relates to the bik Lane improvements along Franklin Boulevard from the blackor pike to East theila that is also substantially designed and with the do tending conance to bid that project as it relates to uh storm water update uh we had the city was awarded $25,000 from the state to start doing Map upgrades those have been completed and has been submitted to the D pending their comments um the unity Park is still under construction we expect that to go through the summer um and hopefully completion in the fall they had structural I think as I even reported last time there were some Hang-Ups on structural um lead times as well as the design uh Princeton Avenue so that was actually a drainage project where we were coordinating with New Jersey American Water to have them install uh curb along the rear of the property uh the Easter most rail outs along Princeton Avenue and the crab dock so we are looking at some alternative locations for crab dock where it was initially proposed I I don't think it's warning us proceeding at this point due to where it sits at low and high tide so we're looking for an alternate location and then that would me what that would require as it relates to permitting um and that concludes um my report I'm happy to answer any questions anyone may have any questions comments so thank you have a nice evening thank you first agenda is resolution 94 authorizing appointment of special law enforcement to officer to Mar question coun the office will be done at regular session ordinance number six second reading public hearing now on regular session amending chapter 195 regulating the operation of mobal retail food businesses any questions councel resolution 95 authorizing appointment of police officer to Eric green I have a question um for resolution 95 did Mr Green start already this Academy the same 496 so I'm just asking in the future for 95 and 96 um if we can just follow the procedure the policies and procedures for the oath of office for any new hire of police officers resolution 96 authorizing appointment of police officer Octavia FR any questions resolution 97 approved to submit a municipal a Grant application and execute a grant agreement with the new jerse Department of Transportation any questions Council see resolution 98 approved to submit a Grant application and execute a grant agreement with the new judge of Department transportation for the Bikeway grant program any questions Council us explanation so resolutions 97 98 99 and 100 are all of your njd grants for 2025 these resolutions just allow the city to uh uh to give notice to njd that the city will be submitting application for those projects and those projects will be discussed at the respective committees thank you resolution 100 approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the Safe Streets to Transit program any questions Council see none resolution 101 authorized execution of a memorandum of understanding between the city and the government workers union locals 710 and 720 any questions Council see n resolution 102 approving the renewal of public licenses for the 2024 through 2025 chck any questions Council sen resolution 103 approving the renewal of plary retail consumption Li the licenses for the 2024 through 2025 CH any questions Council I see none resolution 104 approval approve in the renewal of plary retail distribution of the license for the 2024 through 2025 term any questions Council C please note this uh renewal is for all our licenses this would be complete at this meeting resolution 105 authorizing a personto person transfer of a plary retail consumption liquor license to CED the liquor Market LLC mam can you give an explanation of this resolution uh this was a pocket license um that was obtained for several years and now the um buyer is Ceda Liquor Market that plans on opening up on Main Street I believe it's on the resolution on the address they plan on opening up question and all all process has been done as far as background check and clearance um that also includes the source of income clearance and it's been thoroughly done by the department it's also been presented before the public safety for approval to go for C and this is only for the legal license this is not for the building that they want to there has nothing it St it states it's a personto person trans so it's not at a place yet there is an ideal location however license is just for person to person so the liqu license is not attached to the location no they put down where they anticipate but the actual owner had no location so it's a personto person transfer and once it becomes a ideal and gets approved by the city then they will update ABC regarding where they plan on happening there is anticipated location that's notated on the resolution that's on the application but that doesn't mean that they are entitled to that location it's for a person to person train thank you 106 thank resolution 106 Grant approval to the society in espanol for Colombian holiday in the city or July 26 at the toal ball park any questions Council July 2 oh thank you all right may I yes resolution 107 BR approval for a church cultural Festival to Our Lady Star of the east on July the 26 to 28 any questions Council see none resolution 108 authorizing the tax collector to cancel Municipal lean on the property acquired by the city any questions Council C next is review of the bill good evening good evening U over the bills that were paid between next council meeting and this council meeting um on page one your there two minor ones on the bottom of wire transfers you see 94551 that was money we received for U phase one money we moved it into their account everything comes into the current fund um and then we transfer it out uh the next one 546 was payroll for last week and the 149 is money we have received from the opiate settlement we transfer they finally we finally were able to open your own account and we move that money in um and just as a point of reference I get notification today will be another $115,000 cominging in for the op M um and the build I'm looking to be approved for this um um going down the bottom of page one you'll see the sewer annual fee this was the second quarter for um that we paid ACA water wastewater treatment um Mr the the payment is that based on a fixed number of no it's based on Flow okay okay depending on how many gallons of go through the system they they accumulate the whole entire County and based on our percentage of flow that's a percentage that they Char to appri on the building on their budget off the top is is there a ratio of flow to money like yeah they they they bill I think it's like $27 for every million gallons okay that's that number based on your budget okay thank you and in years past we've gotten money back we're credited because because our flow is not as high as they anticipated in other years we've had to pay more because been more okay a projection okay thank uh on page two halfway down cost of payroll services uh this are second quarter payments to for ca for running our payroll and 195 employees that we do every two weeks uh if go to page three thir one edmin go it is some of the software that we use for both payroll uh and sorry Finance as well as tax collecting that is we uh as you know we were able to take payments over the phone or through the internet and this is part of the fee that they charg us to set up to processing um down to page four and right bottom page four you'll see a couple things for Lafayette Utility uh we had a problem with Le FL repaired they had to do some repair down there and then 4,900 hour if You' been down West East e Ed Water Avenue they've graded all that and and put uh recycled blacktop in your thr got rid of all the possible better um on top of page five we're starting to getting into some of the things that are being done by the Pathways to Recovery ideal technology this is they're sending uh the grant send people to them for construction training as well learning how to run a food truck um going down a little furthered Board of Education bar yeah um this 15,000 is this the last payment uh it depends on how many people go so it is the last payment um we closed out the payment the program May 31st so um we believe we submitted all the invoices so you probably should not see anything after this unless we get the grant again because we did re right thank you what is is that these people are learning now something about a food truck is that they're going one of them is learning how to do run a food truck and the other two uh are learning the construction trade they have a couple most of everybody we've sent there is more in a construction trade would you mind the names of those two the individual are assistant of school do we do we have them we have a name but I'm trying we'll talk about that okay um and this last report just so you know we we sent 31 clients to school between ideal Institute of Technology the uh medical school and um there was three schools for truck PR school so CDL for CDL training so the state uh Department of uh work with labor actually commended us and said that we ended strong um our reimbursement I think was 87 87,000 where we actually had 31 people going to school by the end of that how many are going to be uh fin school by the end we had 31 in roll as of May but throughout the 10mon program we probably had 50 something people in school but at the last this last month we had 31 enrolled between those three schools and you'll see in my builds later uh we have 13 people going for CDL licenses in the educate training for transition um again on page five two3 way down is a school tax of 830,000 we pay on a monthly basis uh we go to page six uh halfway down into the earnest Transportation school there are 13 people that are being sent to uh CDL training and other than that the other bills are normal operating bills that make the city go where it goes any questions yes page three it says firefighter one LLC it says replacement and new equipment what is that that in the contract we provide them uniforms if they want something above and beyond the material uh called noax equipment they have an opportunity to buy up to $350 wor reimburse them for there better grade rather than just giving him um clothing allowance uh this been in the contract FR for 3 four five years not a lot of them do it but some of the newer guys want better equipment better clothing better material how many uniforms this it come under under uniform allowance we give them uniform allowance but okay I'm following okay but there's extra above that thank y okay uh thank you very much I want to ask a question maybe the be can answer how are the people selected that people that go for the treat so um through the pathways program we had what we call uh int takers they were two we actually had four we started out with four we ended up with two but those people actually were the boots on the ground they went out they advertised the program and then we uh targeted unemployed people so um anybody the way that the program is set up any individual in Atlantic County who was impacted by opioid doesn't mean that you or anyone in your family were users you are impacted my neighbor was a user or so almost all of us are eligible now with the exception that you are unemployed so we reach those people through the different agencies that we connected with one one stop was one of the agencies and then you just they do an intake for and find out what their need is and a lot of it was training um to get them back into the work thank you very much you're welcome and out of 50 31 stayed in the no no no we we probably put around 50 in school but this in today's invoice is reflecting the 31 that's a pretty good percent really good and others have graduated through the program a lot of them went through the medical school I don't see that bill here but I know there um there was some medical training as well right I think in in the past we we PID the medical bills for the for trainings scholing for Medical Training I have one other question for page three I know the the amount is very minimum but it says vertical deescalation training with theart is that for which uh 14389 the third one from the bottom on page three um that is for Police Department police okay Council anything else thank you [Applause] okay couns you have anything to add motion to close discussion all in favor may I have a motion to close session all fav the time is 6:55 this is the city of pville city council meeting today is June the 17th 2024 the time once again is 6:55 this meeting has been Dy advertised in the City newspaper and conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for implication black please our [Music] [Music] unes here Kona present Korea pres clay pres OB Thomas present may I have a motion to dispense previous minutes motion I have second all in favor mayor any um proclamations accommodations not next we have public portion first we have Missy Thompson good evening good even um first I'd like to congratulate our mayor thank you Council people thank you thank you um I'm here on behalf of Pleasantville chapter a we are as I said the Pleasantville chapter we chartered in 2000 so we are about to celebrate our 25th year as a chapter here in Pleasantville next year um we have been meeting at North Main South Main uh the high school in the library now we at the library when I came to the Forum NAACP Forum that they gave all the council people or or the uh candidates said they were looking to work for the children and the seniors so here I am I'm a senior and and we need a place to meet we have as I said met at those places through all the years um we were pretty successful at the high school um but after Co we've had a problem trying to get back to the high school so we're at at the library so we would like to have a place here in fenville where all seniors can meet where they can play games nit so meet have meetings not just a but we need a place here Pleasantville for the seniors to meet [Music] um we have no idea where the rec center is really not conducive to a uh senior environment meeting place for us to socialize or like I say uh for seniors to have their meetings and we only meet once a month all right so I'm I'm speaking for seniors I'm not speaking just for us our chapter meets once a month September through June and for 3 hours two to three hours so it's not like we're asking for a lot or anything for just us we're talking about the Pleasantville seniors need a place to meet here in Pleasantville most communities have a senior location and we have nothing for our seniors so that's why I'm here what else oh the high school um it's my understanding when the high school and the middle school were built they were built for not only the students but for the community and we have we did meet there for a while and I've had some push back so you know we're just trying to find out what to do I'll go to Schoolboard meeting too but that's where we are right now we need a place to be the reason it was brought to your attention understanding that it's a separate entity but it was built with the understanding that it had community and City support so we don't know if you can help or not there a problem right now well it's a problem seeming I don't know you know exactly but uh We've applied and applied and applied and given the oldfashioned Runar around Miss Andy what month did you say September we beat September through Jun our chapter me but we're talking about something for seniors all year the 12 months not just not just for us us we're talking about the seniors some place where the seniors can gather and you know have meetings games socialize like other communities have hi Sandy hi yes I was one that that it and you know when I when I talk one onone I'm always trying to find a place because we definitely definitely need it the uh answer that the only thing that I can think of the answer that I have is so far in advance it's not it's not a quick remedy for right now but um at the high school you were meeting on Saturday mornings right yes we've always met Saturday morning okay that was once a month okay and then um at the recreation center that's good for gains and all that is that working out okay no it's not working out even though it's early in the morning well it it's not really conducive to um like I say if you had a senior citizen you don't have to worry about not being able to go because the children are there not being able to use the facility so that's I'm saying the rec center is not the place for the seniors okay we want our own not that the room no the rooms aren't that aren't that large no we've done Bingo there we've had the movies there but we need more we want more about how many meet when you meet we yeah sometimes we have 90 members on our role in our aerp but when we have our meetings we average anywhere from 25 to maybe 40 people still the library okay and at the school we had the table so we could have nice refreshments and sit and relax and chat and chew because we meet from 11: to 1: but usually 11: to 11:30 is our chat and chew time at the library we can't do that because we're sitting in rows of chairs like this so it's not conducive to socializing so we need to would you would like to be back there if they were to consent to you being there right oh yeah we wanted to get back there paperwork Mr LEL Dr here yeah we would love to go back to the school until yall find us a real nice place I volunteer to go with with uh Dr Chapman okay to see um Dr Martinez and see thank you so much how are you when's the next time you guys are up to meet uh we're finished for our season we meet September through June so we don't meet until September until September yes so you could be ready by September thank you to thank you thank you next we have Miss Renee Brown Miss Renee I'm coming Rene brown6 West um first let me just give you guys a friendly um reminder that the deadline for um for city code to remove the campaign side signs for tomorrow and it's $1,000 per offense has to study that sometime thank you B oh the other thing I want to ask about does anybody have anything to report on rent than Char we had a meeting today and um we're doing some uh checking off on uh a couple of things that we land requested so uh we still working on that right now okay would you care to share any uh what their request are they're going to get it over to us they haven't got it over to us we had a meeting prary meeting they to discuss with them and they said they and they didn't tell you what they wanted they just wanted to talk about uh things in general um as the attorney I'm not going to go into the specifics of it but they're going to give us um their stuff in writing I want stuff in writing I don't like it okay um one of the things that I know that they are asking for is to um I'm Sorry's thing the landlords are asking that when uh they mov people in the place right and the place is not up to Cod so when the people move um once the people are in there they want to be paid for um renovations to bring it up to par which it should be before they move in and um they want to charge the tenant for it so I don't we don't agree with that okay so I'm just you know that's so I think to help us with this process re good question and just like the attorney said we want to see what they're requesting in writing but we did explain to them that part of the process will be once we meet with them that we're going to meet with the citizens right so there's nothing that's going to be presented to full Council or to the public without everybody understanding what's being put on the table um so you guys will have your opportunity um we said that we would give them about 5 to 10 days or so to give us the information um once we get that we'll review it and then hopefully we'll meet with them again and then we'll meet with you all okay okay and feel free to you know ask about you know the updates in between but right now that that is the steps okay all right all I just want to you know let you know that we're aware of that and we don't that so I don't know how y'all feel no so we'll get together and talk through that okay okay and what other other issues that are out there you have another question I did I'm trying to find oh um is there any update from Recreation on upgrading the playgrounds like when will that start or will it be when will it something be complete like for the summer for the kids like I just went through um her report is there any way we can give a copy to this to Miss Brown so yeah this this is a public document at this point I believe um but I to specific to her questions she's been asking about playground equipment and all of that that's really not on here um so I'll get that information if you can call my office I'll let you know we've met with Recreation all of the playgrounds have been assessed we know what's needed we're getting quotes and making sure that we can get the equipment in for summer okay I wasn't just talking about equipment though I was talking about the things they said they were going to do like repaving tennis courts that's a part of this report get that all right okay that's fine and um and also cutting the grass in the playgrounds I went to Le's Avenue and the grass was about this high and people were leaving because they couldn't enjoy themselves but that's get on top of that now okay okay thank you you're welcome thank you may I have a motion to close public motion all in favor all right first resolution 94 authorizing the a special law enforcement to officer to markar may I have a motion motion may I have a second second all roll call pamer yes kimona yes Korea yes Mar clay yes Thomas yes resolution next is the the office for Mr M okay this the oam office State of New Jersey County of Atlantic read the after you I do Solly swear or affirm you shall swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear of true faith that I will bear of true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and the governments established and the governments established in the united stat States the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of the offic special law enforcement number two officer special law enforcement number two un that's that one not special law enforcement two two officer special law question two for the city of Pleasantville for the city of Pleasantville according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations well I was hired it's kind of weird because I this my wife we uh originally under mayor R Peterson in June of 2003 and 21 years later here we are okay glad to have you back thank you okay thank you [Music] first is ordinance number six second reading public hearing required amending chapter 195 regula the operation of Mobile retail food businesses anyone from the public would like to speak on behalf of ordinance number six what isance number the Mobile retail F chart business one may I have a motion to close motion second motion for roll call motion for second roll call yes to 19554 a and b and no to C okay so what is that no for what does that s excuse me it it's the the places allowed to and what number was that c c so know Kona yes Korea yes CL yes Thomas yes court is adopted resolution 95 authorizes the cour of the police officer to Eric green I have a motion motion I have a second second roll call pemer yes kimona yes Korea yes barlay yes Thomas yes resolution approv resolution 96 authorizes appointment of police officer to aavia motion second rall P yes kimona yes K yes clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 97 approve to submit a municipal Aid Grant application and execute a grant agreement with NJ do and motion motion second BR yes Kon yes Korea yes bar clag yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 98 approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the Bikeway Grant Advocate Program motion second Fe yes kimona yes Korea yes par Clan yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 99 approval to submit a grant appliation and execute a grant agreement with the NJ do for the transit Village grant program have a motion motion have second second Fe yes kimona yes Korea yes par CL yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 100 approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant agreement with the NJ do for the Safe Streets to Transit program may have a motion second second yes hona yes Korea yes par CL yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 101 authoriz the execution of a memorandum of understanding between the city and the government workers union locals 710 and 720 motion second R yes yes Korea yes Mar Clan yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 102 approving the renewal of public licenses for the 24th through 25th term have a motion motion second second yes Kon yes Korea yes barlay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 3 approving of renewal plary retail consumption of the licenses for the 24 through 25 CH I have a motion motion and second second roll call B yes kimona yes Korea yes Mar clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 104 approving the renewal of plary retail distribution liquor licenses for 24th through 25 term may I have a motion motion second Ro yes kimona yes Korea yes barlay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 105 authorizing the personto person transfer of a plary retail consumtion liquor license to ca liquor Market LLC may I have a motion may I have a second second roll call Fe yes kimona yes Korea yes CL yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 106 WR approval to the society in espanol for a Colombian holiday on July the 21st motion second call yes kimona yes K yes Mar clay yes Thomas yes resolution approve resolution 107 Grant approval for a church cultural Festival to Our Lady Star the east on July the 26 to the 28 have a motion motion second second second F yes kimona yes Korea yes clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 107 authorizing the tax collected to cancel M Le on a property acquired by the city may I have a motion motion may I have a second second call Pam yes kimona yes Korea yes bar clay yes Thomas yes resolution approve I need a motion to approve the build motion second yes kimona yes Korea yes Baran yes Thomas yes motion approved next motion to approve uh big raal licenses motion second [Music] Fe yes pona yes K yes barlay yes Thomas yes motion approve next is comments from Council mayor mayor any comments I like to thank everyone for coming out and say um to uh Mark Mard that I'm glad to have him back as our class officer and also um as for ARP left already but um I'm happy that they've been in the city I didn't realize it was 25 years and hopefully we'll find a place at the high school we they're comfortable we can do better and that's it everyone have a good evening thank you counil any comments anyone further from me I just want to uh make the community aware that the goverment body has an opportunity to reach out to you through the meeting and through my own committee which is responsible for Community Affairs asone you can utilize those two mediums to send your points for to the government body before you know it gets late so I'm always available I'm on Wheels the community meeting you s me I can be there as a to inform the body of your concern also the mayor is available she's always hosting meetings let us use those opportuni to discuss our city and our problems in a proactive faction thank you very much thank you everybody for coming out have a blessed safe day night I want to say uh congratulations to um officer mer um welcome to the family once again and I just want to say that I'm excited about this NE report um this is the first time since I've been here that I seen it for four four pages which is exciting that means we're doing something here and you know I just can't wait to see all the work to be finished and good night everyone and happy juneth and may I have a motion to a journe motion second all in favor you [Music]