[Music] not really [Music] good evening everyone this is the city of pville city council work meeting today is May the 6 2024 and the time is 6:30 p.m. first we have on the agenda oh I'm sorry the sunshine statement this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper and conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law Madam cler agenda review roll call d p pres here Kona present Korea present baray pres Thomas pres all in attendance may I have approval of previous minut please second all in favor first agenda is ordinance number one first reading concerning I'm sorry number five thank you sir concerning rent control regulations and amending chapter 215 of the city P should we turn you or just an explanation oh you than thank you um yes U it brought to my attention that there was um a request to prepare an ordinance to uh hand um address the uh issues of rent control in the city of fenville um so what I went ahead and did was to um um go went ahead and prepared a ordinance um today would be the first reading by title only um for a room Control Ordinance that would amongst other things um propose um amounts that would be allowed for annual rent increases would also propose a rent control board um to be established that would oversee that and would deal with those issues as it relates to that for land have concerns and the ability to come before but it does also provide for um certain um new construction projects uh and um new mortgage projects that would beow allowed to um establish their their new uh rental amounts at the beginning of their establishment coun right okay next is resolution 66 authorizing the tax collector to cancel taxes to a disabled veteran any questions see none resolution 67 authorizing the insurance of duplicate certificate pursuance to chapter 99 of the public law of 1997 any questions seea resolution 68 authorizing a change order for a decrease of$ 72,2 [Music] 3927 and the contract to command company for the term pipe improvements project any questions see none resolution 69 authorizing acceptance of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs emergency building inspection program M CL I mean I'm sorry yes okay for those who are not uh participants of the I believe Public Safety Committee um the committee has recommended that this item be come before Full Count Council for consideration uh is something that was presented by the governor under the Department of Community Affairs for when there are state of emergencies that we would have a pool of licensed professionals that can assist during times of emergencies so specifically this is related to uh building licenses and our building inspector has agreed to be in that PO so this is our resolution that will support our participation in that program Council any questions question our bill inspector is leaving who's going to take this place it is not our construction official is the building inspector that not leaving okay you're welcome any other questions see resolution 70 establish an opor settlement checking account any questions counc see that resolution 71 endorsing the propos in theone assistance fund project entitled Pleasantville UE fireworks project in the amount of 91,8 any questions is that for a firewor what is that yes July so this is for um a summary event it's stated for four different dates um all of the fees will be paid for through the grant um and we're hoping um to have this presented as a kickoff for the late Bay Park understood thank you I do have a question have we received the grant yet or the Grant's already in place it's in place any other questions see resolution 72 Grant approval of a cultural Unity event at the Woodland Avenue Park or maybe 11 at no any questions see resolution 73 WR approval of the annual American Cancer Society charity bike ride through the city on June the 2nd from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. any questions councel c n resolution 74 gr approval of movie Nights at the Lakes Bay Water Front Park on July the 17th 31st and August the 14th 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. any questions com okay this is just another Community project that we will have slated for the new park um all the fees or expenses um will be taken on by the um presenter which is Jonathan Diego Law Firm so we're excited about that is one of the events that we're trying to get the families to stay in town and utilize our park so we're looking forward to that event resoltion 75 Grant approval for the annual Atlantic city tr line time through the city on September the 14th from 4 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. any questions see resolution 73 is an Ador providing 76 I'm sorry provide anticipation with the state of New Jersey Federal grant program administered by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety certainly yes so this grant was awarded in January of 2024 um typically the department due to whatever their um allocation is for the municipalities throughout the community um give a certain amount of Monies to uh municipality the the amounts change every year um this year the amount is $67,200 [Music] is basically $67,000 that's coming into our budget to help offset police officer Sal any questions Council yes M president uh do we have control over what changes the amount every year we do not it's based on the formula that is used by the state and again it changes every year um once you think you got the formula down pet then it changes again so you never know what you're getting so it's really one of those things that we just we take it and we anticipate getting each year to help offset the uh police Madam is it just for police salaries or for other [Music] things thank you Mr L good evening evening and said numbers do vary for we've had it up up high of 90,000 low 46,000 so the number do VAR um over the bill list that were paid between last council meeting and this council meeting you'll see at the top of page one for checks that were written before today um you'll see mid midatlantic fire and fuel Fire and Air for 43,000 and for the down one for 649,000 that a grant from a FEA um It's the Grant is shared with us sum point and L City airport fire department uh out of this total 700 and some th000 uh we will be responsible probably about $122,000 for that the other portion we come from Su point and also the the airport the 649 the direct grant that was for PPE equipment for both for all three fire department one second 7 $757,500 yes one more questions thank you um look down the bottom of uh the same page we've had two payrolls because we were three week between Council meetings the pay of April 18th to the pay of May 3rd uh you also see some uh payments going after Debt Service to East Brunswick and also to amroy bank um we've re ref finance a lot of our short-term notes into long-term notes um the rate we got for the long-term with 3.51% um and you'll see later on some bills to but U couple companies help us do this get the rate down and they're being paid out some of the proceeds so it's not going to matter our budget page one the township of each friends with 7,2 they they L out some money last year for a couple different things a B for for our shortterm notes yes and we got bond from um TR remember from it from a u Finance Company not a finance compan but a company does a lot of these things that Finance for us um and we had to pay back uh east east brly is this a final payment or we have more no we that's their final payment that's their final payment we got actually we we already we got the money in and we sent it back out so we refinance the whole thing all right final payment please thank you we look at the bill to be paid um monthly even though we were five 3 weeks between council meeting most of them are are normal payment bills I'll go some some of the unusual ones if we go to um page two um little more halfway down Bowman Company this is the first and second draw of the audit for 20 23 they'll be working on order from 23 um in fact they I think they were here today they were there last week here the next one down is the second quarter for Jeff for property and liability insurance with 495,000 um you go to page three two from the bottom is one of the companies that were involved with the refinancing there's a lot of pap work involved with us they have to advertise we have to the whole book is bound U it's probably a 35 or right probably 80 page book that bound that we keep a copy of we also send things out to uh reporting agencies so and this money doesn't come out of our budget it's come out of some of the proceeds from the from the sale of the bond what type of bond what type of B you're doing what there is a formal bonding binding of the of the of the nuke M and uh we've got a copy in our in our office they it's like that thck it gives all the all the rules and regulations of the of of the thank you I just didn't know what it was um you hop on over down to P six near the bottom Institute ofch Tey for 30,000 this is part of the road to Pathways to recover road to recovery Pathway to recovery Pathways to recover and they did training for um believe seven of our clents they're involed in training that again yeah very EXC thank so you all know we received the grant for Pathways to Recovery under the Pathways to Recovery required to either send them to school and get them employed so seven of the clients have gone through ideal Institute of Technology for schooling so this is the bill and the city gets reimbursed back for the grant question who ad ministers that Grant from for us who's administer over this Pathway to that is done by Miss pton and and the people that were send the school or getting a job are they from pleas or just a county it's a county Grant do we know how many people from pleas uh and we getting affected by this grant you can you will get you the report but under the grant the criteria of the grant we have to service anybody who lives throughout the county there's no Pleasantville preference but because we're stationed or located in Pleasantville most of our clients are Pleasantville but we can I ask um since we have ideal here what is the length of that course how longs that course take for these people 3 to 6 months 6 months 3 to 6 months depends what what the course they select okay thank you we look at top of page nine you'll see S&P Global rating there the one who gave us a rating of a for our financial bonds uh of course we the cost for that um the idea is that based on our rating or interest rate was lower so we over over the years our Phoenix advisors expect we will save close to $300,000 interest based on the rating that we've received that cost of 25,000 and that's uh other than our normal normal bills any questions [Music] yes on page one I'll start there for our easy pass for the $1,000 is that is that a monthly bill that's probably about 8 weeks two months B I have a question for number nine for tri Care Medical Transportation it says a stien of 10,000 bill I don't know why why is this tight but that's their monthly bill for us for them to do the medical there the bill so the bill is 10,000 mon for TR service our community yes sir the only other question I reference to our Wi-Fi is that system up I see we have Comcast Wi-Fi but they got comast Verizon and different different comp Verizon from some of the cell phones we have AT&T for emergency phones that are now with fire department um that's a completely different service and we also have the Comcast is we have small Comcast unit throughout the building but we also have a fop Network that connects police fire and City Hall and that's $5,000 a two months worth of fiber Ops cost and which one of the rock is that contast yes it's through Comcast okay at the time we have nobody else has fi roets this is based on recommendation of work um it people to to get fiber optic is more powerful faster and more secure question yes back to my normal questions uh and reference to are the roof for fire department and stuff we supposed to discuss that with the dates the RPS and stuff that was taken care of days we we bit open more morning 10 B open tomorrow morning thank you and um I was asked again that's for the roof for the police police fire n and I guess soon we have to get on the right cent of the city hall yes police fire and then my next question is a reference to uh the bid for the air condition and I'm hoping it was air condition for both UNS right we have one already we're expecting another one prior to the next couple days so what would be our next course of action after the next couple days depending on the cost we will make a decision which one to go with the one bid we have is below my threshold which I can't award that I going to bid is below $44,000 um I'm expecting the other one to be be probably in the same area which was close to 30 but we can make a decision once we get the other bid in we can make a decision to go forward can I be notified when this B when the bids are coming in please we would know and uh how to move forward hopefully we can have this air conditioning done in the fire department we not bids or these are quotes these are quotes these are not bid so you're not going to have a bid date um the quotes that we're soliciting for because it's under the uh the threshold that's just for the air conditioning right if if the number quot come in above 44,000 we would have to go to bid for it so these are quotes for they add this correct bids for the RO correct because that'll be more than 44,000 so we should have the quotes done by next week yes yes thank I'm done that so with the quotes once they come in how how long after that will we be starting the actual work on the air conditioner starting start once we get them in we will do a contract with the the company and I would say for week 10 days max good thank you that'll be good anything else coun thanks Mr thank you sir may no I didn't anything from counil a motion to all in favor the time is now 6:51 this is the city of peille council city council meeting today is May the 6th 2024 the time is Once Again is [Music] 6:51 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for invocation by Pastor rlin and the flx please can we do a moment of silence for Mr Bernard TI passed away right let's bow our heads today Eternal God our Father we thank you for your ho comass peace pres we know that where there is no chems for purposes are disappointed so we pray for your wisdom your knowledge and understanding for the uplifting of both our community and the resident of our community we pray for your grace to forge ahead to do those things that glorify your name and celebrate your greatest creation we thank you tonight for the word spoken to upgrade our nation to upgrade our community in Christ's name we pray amen amen I United States of America to the it stands one nation God [Music] indivisible pres Pres Thomas present may I have a motion to dispense the previous minut motion all in favor mayor you next we have public portion excuse me first we have M Mr Ren good evening again uh I came in front of you to share a good news ideal Institute of Technology is officially in 1 Washington Avenue open to serve thank you and trust me we couldn't do it without all of you and pleasant so we're very proud and thankful to the s Council and City residents that uh we bring the very Innovative work-based learning Career College to Pleasant addition to May 22nd I came here to invite the all Council and City official we are bringing first private university in South Jersey in partnership with ideal university sanary university it's 15y old private Methodist Church run University in hecktown in Warr County in New Jersey uh ideal did a mou collaboration and they are opening up their teaching site in our building with our partnership this uh May 22nd is an inauguration lunch uh every time when we he college is not for everybody college is not for everybody we are a vocational school so technically speaking it's good for business for a vocational school but if I'm sending I have a twins they're seniors and they're going to the college I'm sending them to the college then every kid especially at risk youth Community uh from a lower income Community coming to Ideal I want all of those kids to have an option to explore the college education without them exploring uh we just keep saying them that college is not for everybody they didn't experience we are changing that with this partnership our students will have a no cost uh 32 Credit in part if they Ro in ideal Institute of Technology youth program or the folks who are referred to us through prac recovery they have opportunity to take 32 College credited no cost to them so any students enroll in ideal Institute of Technology if they choose to they will have 32 college credit and with our partnership with Centenary they will have tution free uh if they qualify for tution free associate or bachelor's degree so I want you guys to join and we did very good work with the building our students did the construction off it and we're proud so we wanted to invite you uh city council City official private tour on May 20th 400 p.m. I was told that uh it's right before the the council meeting so everybody can I would love to host you guys uh to show our students work because all the construction that you see in that building is done by our student while getting paid and that's our uh mission and vision that we become a first Career College that pay students to come to school so again I have some invitation I'm going to hand you guys also but please uh take your time to schedule it that you come visit us and see and join us to make Pleasantville a college town because we will invite all the students from South Jersey come for associate bachelor's Master's and doctorate degree uh through cener University and that's going to happen right get in Pleasant thank you very much thank you Tom I just want to ask you about the credits because I know we're doing that at Pleasantville High School already and I just want to know like what colleges does that carry over to because I know sometimes it doesn't go to all so Centenary University is a regionally accredited by middle State same accreditation as a Stockton university rers university so just like any other Public University univers or private university except they accept as long as the credit is matching their major so somebody is in Atlantic c community college and they wanted to transfer over whether they go to rugers or sanary the college credit is transferable thank you what will be the age the age L for this program 16 and up up to any age 16 to any age [Music] thank Miss Renee Brown 126 West Adams Avenue cville New Jersey okay just two questions I can't hear M I have just two questions okay one can you um de could you give me the date that you that you guys decided to move the public push up I have to get back with know ex I po ask your next question I want to research okay my second question is I want a I wanted to know um is it possible for the city council committees the chairman of of each committee can they give us a briefing of what's going on and that in the in their area that they take care of in our committee in our committee M okay we can take that consideration my answer is March the 18th posted on the on our website on the March 18th agenda okay and last um the last meeting that I came to um y'all y'all had a 18 minute meeting cuz I sat outside in my car um I was waiting for somebody to arrive and the meeting was over in 18 minutes I seen everybody leaveing says 18 minutes on the YouTube that the meeting was only 18 minutes but and the the prior meeting was supposed to have had started I'm telling you why I want to know that information um the prior meeting was supposed to have had started 20 minutes early and but there was no notification given of it opening 20 minutes early um starting 20 minutes early in the 18 minute meeting there was no public portion I believe um something no the first meeting I believe I was told that Carla said you missed it it's over so I just wanted to let you guys know that um you really not that's when it was the meeting was adjourned at that time mhm okay I just wanted to let you guys know that you're not allowed to change the time of the meeting without notifying the public because it's a public meeting and if you need the law where it's written down I'll bring it to you next time I come I have it time we can't start earlier we we're aware of that um because of the sunshine law but no it started on time it's just that it was a short meeting I I remember you being outside with that meeting that's no that was the last meeting the meeting other one trying to that but we never start early we sit here and wait for 6:30 okay well when I was here I Was Here by um what maybe 620 6:25 and you guys left at 6:40 that up may started no was our right actually that was our shortest meeting ever but no one came to actually speak it was no public comment if you actually look at that meeting no one came to speak at that time I'm I'm really concerned more concerned with changing the time of the meeting tell never changeed the time we can't commence it no earlier than 6:30 without me doing a public notice according to the and the last meeting was not available to Us online now there was I spoke to Carla about that outside remember I said that it wasn't online you said it's posted online it is it's post it's not posted online and the fireman said no it's not online and the policeman said no it's not online but I'm sorry we were talking about the website the website was and then remember Miss pton and and the mayor had walked past and I guess I think I asked you miss you asked me what I the website work on the she as me about the website I'm sorry she only asked me about the website okay but I only I'm asking about that because whether it was the website was down or whatever it was we weren't notified and we are supposed to be notified it's the law Brown I'm sorry wait minute m brown that is correct we had some technical difficulty CU our website is uh given uh by the County however if it's not on the website please by all means come to City Hall cuz it has to be posted in the public area which is posted on the city Hall's bulletin in the hallway and you're more than welcome to call me I will email you fa you and give you the uh agenda however it wasn't available on website because we had some tech technical diffic but it is posted you know on our we on our bulletin normally it is I have the one for today every every Friday is that one was not and that one was posted on the bulletin it wasn't posted on the website because of our website Miss Miss Brown I I know my job there every 5:00 it's before 5 I'm notu I'm not I'm trying to you that it's there yeah I'm trying to show you that it's there and it's so if Friday you can't make it by Monday morning it is posted we have to by law had to post it so it was there it wasn't on the website that is active Okay that's all yeah all right thank you and iate yeah I just look we most assuredly did not change the time of the meeting we do start at 6:30 very prompt she did it tonight at 6:30 and nobody was quite ready but we don't change the time of the meeting and the meeting that you saw that's when the president said it's over we had already had public portion nobody maybe somebody spoke no we right and then when we adjourned we had already adjourned the meeting and somebody was trying to speak at that point it was adjourned and that's when council president said no it's over so we weren't cutting anybody off we were going through our procedure okay I'm not accusing you of cutting anybody off I just wanted understanding about the time frame and how that happened and I know the last one when I was here it was over by 640 because I was sitting out here watching Everybody leave so I'm asking the question and I'm also saying what after asking the question I'm also saying if you have to to let us know if you're going to move a meeia or change your name or change your time it was never moved that's what they're trying to say I heard that I heard that I I'm not trying to go back and forth I'm just telling you what I came up here and ask you okay and I would also um appreciate you giving consideration to the Committees giving us a briefing on what's happening in each committee so we know what's going on thank you Mr Tim Jones good evening everyone that wasn't me i' like to um thank you um city council um committee and all those involved with um actually bringing us a rent Control Ordinance is Pleasant I feel it was much needed and um I looking forward to that actually going into effect um can you give us any kind of like rough time or timeline ask you when you think it may be going into effect May May 20 excellent and basically what is the fundamental rate of increase that would be available to um yearly so either be based on um Consumer Price Index um or no more than 5% but there's more to it so you need to read the ordinance which will be available now that the first reading has occurred oh very good I think that's good num that will serve our community well I mean if you're paying that means if you're paying $1,000 a month rent no so so there's a lot more to it so you need to read to read the but ites it doesn't break down to any kind of simple way of looking at it no there's no simple way of looking I read it thank you what Mr Jones numbers are numbers so if you figure it out yeah now that it will be available our the ordinance and hopefully everything wonderful answer I I do um I Heard everyone say May 20th so should it pass at the second meing we do have to give consideration to all of the landlords and we'll be sending out those notifications so it may not take effect May 20th but it will be sometime thereafter because um we do want to take consideration uh for the landlords and notifying them okay very good um the second I like to bring I brought this to the attention of a few of our Council persons and I just wonder has it been addressed like I'm coming down the bike path from Northfield when you hit Richwood Avenue the stop signs are white and I yes sir are they still there the ba and we are working on having those stop signs that already ordered to be replaced I uh wanted to the committee's attention and I was advised that the stop signs we already ordering them so they're going to be taken care of sir great thank you for for sing that and there's one other issue that I just like to bring to the attention at large and I did share this with a couple of my council person there's a haunted house on our D um bike path that needs to be taken down apparently it's a house that hasn't been occupied for probably 20 years and it's basically falling down from the center and it's right one I bypass about A4 mile from the north Northfield entrance and I think it was Ser as well to not have this on our bike pad so I I know there's a process of kind Dem Demolition and condemnation and all that but I would appreciate if city council would give consideration to getting this eyesore off of our bik Pa thank you thank you we are aware of thank you thank you sir it just says Karen that would misses good afternoon everybody good evening um I just have a few questions uh TR care I heard the report that we are we paying them $10,000 per month yes that's what I was just told okay well we did um our school did put in a complaint against Tri care who else do they service besides Pleasantville what other communities do they serve I believe cherry and somewhere locally they there are other commun okay because we found that these um the the ambulance drivers they don't they're not familiar with the city we had someone at our school that had a stroke and they were not able to get to us so a lot of us had to go outside and try to direct them how to get to the school and they said they kept missing it cuz they don't they don't know these streets so I just was wondering who was training them to be familiarized with the street I just hope we don't need their services that much that means nobody's being sick in our community but I just we did l a complaint against that company because they could not find us they could not locate us short of us taking person down the stairs ourselves up the stairs I mean um they they it was not good it was not good so um the other thing we had talked to um the mayor at at some of our meetings about affording us the detailed um agenda so we can see what you're seeing because these um the this agenda is very very vague and it sometimes it doesn't even make sense and we don't understand and sometimes I don't understand I'll speak for myself what it is that you're you're you're reading an ordinance for so we need to see something more detailed put it online so that we can look at it and read it if if if if that that that's something that could you can afford the community so Linda I did take that M each time that you off and our CL does have an explanation to that go ahead and explain M listening um where do I begin by Statute we have to give the ordinance so the actual agenda so that's what we do we do provide explanations of what those items are um as I conveyed to um is it PCC I'm saying um those items are actually work items so a lot of times the for uh Council does not get to see the agenda some of those items are only being reviewed by three Council people without the other four being aware and being made uh known of the actual agenda so when it gets out on Friday sometimes there's only three Council people who are aware the item if we give it to the full public we don't allow the actual counsel to actually review it and then decide if they want to proceed with it or pull it so that is the reason why oh myself so that is actually the explanation why it does become public such as ordinance once it passes first reading in addition to any other items that they have reviewed but it doesn't allow your board members to ask proi to the stakeholders so how do they vote consciously how do how do they they vote on an ordinance that they're not even aware of they have to they have to trust the three that reports to no they trust the three by committees to bring it to the full body okay however they get it by Friday to allow them to review and ask questions to the ba by Monday before the meeting occurs if they decide collectively that they don't want to pursue with it the other four who weren't made aware of it then that gives them opportunity to pull it before the puppet does so let's say we we did this and you all said the public says we don't agree with all this well we don't give the body a chance to so that is the reason why by Statute they only have to show you the agenda uh two years ago the city decided to actually give the whole expanation I don't think it's vad so if there's a lack of a knowledge to it it could be because of the fact that you don't work with it I don't think the explanation is vague because we do disclose the dollar amount so when this grant you see how much the dollar amount if this contract you do see how much the city is going to be spending on so I think this full disclosure transparency so you're saying three people on the council are afforded to see a detail when you look at the agender to the right that's the committee that's actually sponsoring the item so they look at it on committee wise and they review it with City officials and then they present it to the rest of them saying CU you're only allowed to have three at a committee because more more than that that it becomes an open public meeting and the public has to be involved so it allows three to sponsor but this meeting allows them all collectively to decide if they want to pursue do those three ever rotate Ann and they do rotate if they can't make a meeting then there's another councilman uh council person that sit stands in instead okay so so when we want to speak to each person who handles whatever committee that's not Comm to us no you can skip with them chair person chair of that committee oh okay there's a chair and then there's two Council people that sit to and when do we have opportunity to speak to those shairs you could call my office and I can give you that number or you can leave a message you can speak to them whenever oh okay all right and then the other thing idea I I'm not sure if you can answer this and this gentleman may can answer it we have a shortage of par professionals and one of the Criterium for them to be highly qualified is to have 60 credits um and I was wondering do you take those type of students uh adult students um that will come in and do 60 credits in order to qualify to be highly qualified as a par professional that's a Aid in the classroom whether it's special ed or regular Ed do you train those people and and and for free too we will be from June 24th with the partnership of Senter University yes we are clock hour school we're vocational school we don't offer college credit okay now we will be able to offer it with this partnership okay so and very unique program that sanary university has is to prepare the future Educators okay the other question I had too are you saying that they get 30 32 credits in 6 months no okay it takes a year they have ability to take up to 32 credit while they are enrolled ideal that's how it's no cost to them if somebody but somebody's not enrolled ideal and they wanted to enroll directly they can just like they would enroll at any other university okay thank you that's all the questions I have thank you thank you Mr P I have three minutes or clock went off a long time Jerome pige 23 West Pleasant Avenue um I just want to say thank you to all the council people up there man uh for being here attendance very good um when you change the agenda with the public portion did the council vote on it well I didn't make the change okay did the council so the council president is you did not no whenever you change a legal document as a agenda it has to be approved by the body because anybody can come in and say hey change it no the body changes doesn't have to be no the public portion and how the agenda is read it doesn't have to be voted on the council president has the ability to change how the how the agenda is going to be uh utilized it wasn't for an actual spefic meeting was done prior to the meeting no but I'm talking about you're actually putting the public portion at a different location on the agenda correct so that doesn't have to be voted on well I I'll show you differ okay that's fine um the court system and pleasant is that part of the budget yes do we do anybody know what that budget is for the court system court system just approved agreement with Atlantic City that they do some of the cases pleasantly the problem I have is I had a case in I have a case in from 2022 of May and still today it hasn't been hurt it is a uh criminal case of violent harm against me um I'm surprised because the candidate is running for president of for May and uh I think if he feels that he can get away with the court system and do whatever he has to to do then um if he ever becomes mayor the court system is done okay uh and I'm only saying that because the threat is still there on when I see him out I got to be careful of how I look at him I got to be listen I just turned 63 so I'm I'm his Elder you know and it's just no respect from this particular person Julio Sanchez I bring his neighor um I talked to some counsel people I talked to the man talk to the business administrator uh my case was eventually um transferred over to britin britin found it and had the hearing and the person didn't show up second warrant for his arrest he finally just paid it not too long ago I'm still waiting for a hearing because it's the court system I can take care of my own business I can make sure as a man that I take care who's threatening me but I'm not doing that so Mr P I would tell you that you need to speak to the court clerk about that issue and deal with the courts about that sir situ this is my time and I'm addressing the councel um I will talk to you privately trying to give you an answer I got you I've heard that before okay and I have contact Mr P you have 10 seconds okay the problem is when I call the number for Pleas Court it goes right to Atlantic City Court I cannot hear it anything from this court of why my case has not been scheduled okay um I'm asking as a tax player help this out help me out on this because if things happen the way it's going to happen uh we're in trouble thank you for public portion I have a motion to close public portion second all in favor okay first number five first reading concerning rent patol regulations amending chapter 2115 of the city [Music] code second yes yes Kona yes Korea yes yes over spe Thomas yes yes ordinance move the second reading scheduled for May 20th resolution 66 authorizing the tax collector to cancel taxes to a disabled veteran may I have a motion motion second second roll call please dport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes clay yes yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 67 authorizing issues of duplicate certificate to chapter 999 of the public law of 1997 may I have a motion motion second call please Dort yes yes Bona Yesa yes yes Overby yes thas yes resolution approved resolution 68 authorizing a change order for a decrease of 72,2 3927 and the contract to command for the old improvements project have a motion second did you get M yes I davp yes yes yes K yes yes th yes resolution resolution 69 authorized acceptance of new Department of Community Affairs emergency building conection program may I have a motion motion second dport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes yes yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 70 establishing and opal opioids Che first motion umer and second okay thank you dport yes Kona Korea yes clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 71 endorsing a proposed Urban Enterprise Zone assistance fund project entitled Pleasantville U fireworks project in the amount of 91281 I have a motion motion second please second BR dport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes Paran yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 72 Grant approval of a cultural Unity event at the Woodland Avenue Park for May 11 they have a motion motion second BR D yes yes Kon yes Korea yes or CL yes o yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 73 Grant the approval of the annual American Cancer Society charity bike ride through the city on June the 2nd motion call please Dort yes yes kimona yes K yes baray yes o Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 74 reging the approval of moving nights at the Lakes Bay Waterfront Park on July 17th 31st and August 14th and 28th have a motion motion second call please dport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes CL yes o Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 75 gring approval for the annual Atlantic City trial line through the city on September 14th may I have a motion motion and a second second call second who was thank you dport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes yes OB yes yes resolution approved resolution 76 add on approving the participation with the state of New Jersey Federal grant program administered by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety may I have a motion motion second please second roll call D report yes yes kimona yes Korea yes Clan yes o yes Thomas yes resolution approve next a motion to approve the bill list motion I'm sorry that's dport yes yes put 66666 so not kimona yes Korea yesan yes o yes 66 and Thomas yes for everything but 66666 so so not motion appr next is th for mayor have anything yes I'd like to thank everyone for coming out tonight and U hear your concerns I want to congratulate ideal this has been a long time coming and your collaboration with Centenary University that's going to be big I'm glad it's in Pleasantville until everyone else out there May 14th Tuesday always the second Tuesday in the month 5:30 at the library will be the ward meeting so I invite everyone to come out here concerns and just hear anything that may be going on in the city thank you and have a good evening counil yes um as we see on what is it resolution 72 we'll be doing an event at wooden avenon again this year um I invite the community to come out um as we have done the last two previous years and have fun three on three basketball we'll be feeding feeding the community and we're going to cater to our seniors this year so we like for everybody to come out and enjoy the day enjoy the music and um enjoy the time that we have this good time so thank you and congratulations I will look forward to talking to you I have mayor I I have one thing Coalition for a safe Community Wednesday May the 15th 2024 at 4:00 um Mr Pleasantville Community walk on the south side the meeting location will be the max Manning complex the football field all right counil anything elsee I want to thank uh ad for what you're doing thank you for that uh also want to let people know that in fut uh soon we'll be doing street cleaning God permits uh we trying to get some equipment so we do street cleaning so you'll be notified we going to put up signs on the streets for the street clean thank you and uh have a blessed night can ask a question are they going to be put signs up to let them know what okay I I want to use this time to EXC thank you I want to use this time to recognize our mayor for a kind guest yesterday people from Liberia decided to host a big occasion here in blessing bille I got to know two nights in advance and I called upon the mayor I called upon the council president but the mayor was there it was a historic occasion was the induction of citizens from Liberia that live in Canada Mexico in the United States of their newly elected officers and I want to apologize anyone that may have heard it through the wi I didn't know about it in advance when I got the news I started to call right away and then but it was a great location and I want to thank you mayor for making our city to become welcomeing to most especially the Immigrant Community they F happy when they left and I know they are coming here for the inauguration by the grace of God thank you very much anything else counil I just want to thanks everybody for coming out um glad to hear you concern I'm PR sure they're all going to be addressed um I deal I'm just looking forward to May 22nd I'm not going to say congratulations I want to see what you got but I'm really happy that I'm really happy that finally came to okay thank you um the fireworks um project that we just approved tonight it's not like we're going over to Sam's or to the hometown store and buying some fireworks and shoo them off this is like a big deal fireworks okay and also I want everybody to get their change and their dollar bills and everything ready because the Jokers are having their coin drop on Saturday May 25th so be ready as you're driving down Main Street at delilo road to get those buckets filed yes I like to thank everyone for calling out what they govern Caron you can have one number I do try to call everyone back that do call me I receive a lot of calls Mr Jones he keeps us very busy so I'll make sure I give you my number before we leave thank you anyone else may I have a motion to adjourn the meeting motion all in favor [Music] down