good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville city council work meeting today is uary the 21st 2024 the time is now 6:31 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law V call please D Court pres here kimona present Korea present parlay present Obby present Comm present all in approval of previous minutes can I give can I have a motion roll call all in favor I anyone n right agenda review m first on the agenda these four items will be um doing open offices after um we all approve of them in the regular session starting with resolution 38 authorizing the promotion of police captain to Angela monado resolution 39 authorizing the promotion of police Lieutenant LC gushan resolution 40 authorized the promotion of police Sergeant to as arelis and resolution 4 1 authorized the promotion of police Sergeant to Mar Hernandez any questions next is ordinance number two public hearing will be held during regular session to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank any questions see register 28 authorizing a community highway safety Grant application available from the New Jersey office of highway traffic safety any questions C resolution 29 approving the submitt of a Grant application and execution of a grant agreement with the new United States Department of Transportation for rebuilding American infrastructure for sustainability and Equity Grant any questions Madam CL sorry um Madam VA can you just elaborate on certainly um for those of you who may not know approximately 15 years or so ago when we uh demolished the old uh Pleasantville High School and built the new High School in the Middle School on millroad uh in that project uh there was supposed to be a pedestrian bridge to take our pedestrians specifically our young people across uh the expressway on Route 9 to safely U get to and from school uh due to some funding issues or constraints um some decade ago the city was unsuccessful in completing that project um and now there is money out there through the uh rebuilding America infrastructure s sustainability and Equity Grant um which is really just an infrastructure Grant through the federal government where the city of Pleasantville now qualifies for 100% funding to seek uh the money to get that pedestrian bridge built um so this is a a um a resolution supporting the city's application uh to the state for the for the pedestrian bridge I do have more question Mr does that mean that the grant is 100% you know that we're going to get it or this is just put in appliation question no we are we have to compete for it um but we 100% qualify based on the criteria any other questions see none resolution 30 authorizing the assignment of Municipal lean certificates to Benjamin Franklin Capital LLC any questions see n resolution 31 authorized an assignment of mine certificate to access divers and Recovery LLC any questions see resolution 32 authorizing the city to enter into an inter local service agreement with ATL County to perform an arrow application of special signes for mosquito control any questions see you resolution 33 directing the planning board to conduct an investigation to determine for the certain properties in the areas of Hampton Court East bayw Avenue East Edward Avenue Oakland Avenue and East Greenfield Avenue may be designated as an area in need of Redevelopment as defined the njsa 48 col 12 A-6 of the local Redevelopment and Housing law questions ask can you explain that just so they understand me certainly So currently um we're speaking about the same area where the old high school is which is considered the Lakes Bay Redevelopment area for the city of Pleasantville um as you some of you we hope that you would take the time to go over in that area we're actually beginning construction of the old Joker field which is our Green Acres site um which is under construction for a um a uh a a park that is going to be an attraction for the city of Pleasantville however that area is considered the city's uh Lakes Bay Redevelopment area um and the Redevelopment plan was done sometime ago and since the initial um Redevelopment plan there have been some updates but as we sit and look at that area again because of flooding and other issues that are taking place back there we want to revisit that Redevelopment plan to see if there's room for um expand resolution 34 authorized an execution of an access assess easement I'm sorry with Savage collaborations LLC with regard to the California Avenue Redevelopment Pro any questions seeing n resolution 35 authorizes execution of a memorandum understanding between the landing County Improvement Authority and the city for the Community Development block grant CB F any questions see resolution 36 authorize an execution of a second amended memorandum of understanding with Kea real estate Development LLC to exceed the time to negotiate a Redevelopment agreement and an agreement of sale for certain city owned properties located within the city center Redevelopment area any questions just comment please yes so this resolution is asking for an extension for another 180 days and this is not due to any issues of the redeveloper um we had the holidays the Christmas holidays we did a transition of uh professionals and some other things that transpired um at the planning board side which held up uh some of the time as we were working throughout this uh Redevelopment agreement so we think it's fair to um give the redeveloper another 180 days so that we can work through those particular thank you any other questions c m resolution 37 support for suitability of cannabis business Happy Tree Pharmacy LLC any questions see n next is review of the bills get out the way let everybody else sit down good evening over to PID between death council meeting and this council meeting to go to page one that list you'll see that there were one of the big one of the bills were to County gas Park gine they had not sent us the bill for October so we paid that this last counc meeting now and go to page two we have two couple Debt Service payments we have payroll we have the benefits for medical and the county tax bill a mil 1112 bills that we looking to be approved for tonight both them are all operating bills excuse me you go down bottom page one it's our normal trash collection bill for and County Utility Authority if you go to page two in the middle we have um done a contract for the cleaning of the fire department Bay Area room that is processing will probably started within a week or so once that it's done uh check will be sent out to them once it's approved on top of Page Three see big number 1439 that was for four police cars that we purchased we ordered them Friday last October uh they came in in January for 143 then if you if you skrip over on page 3 to five you'll see one more time page 52 Mee about $90,000 on page four wait in the middle Municipal Enterprise page four $90,000 um the first number to 143 was only for the purchase of the cars uh the the $90,000 that upfit them for everything that buil in the police car computers lights the cage everything they us on for that uh this was all part of the capital Improvement plan that we did last August like I said cars were ordered in October November and they finally $800 of debt service that we collect on their behalf and they pay the debt service bill that's why I one for um anything else with normal operating bills questions any questions Council thanks Mr next we have public portion on agenda items only anyone from the public would like to speak about agenda items how y doing hello how are good um my only issue is with resolution 32 about the um incde spring over our area um I don't believe that's a good idea uh there's many animals and Wildlife that are out there not not only that but a lot of people are not educated or given enough information in our area and they are outside during the times of these sprayings it's not safe and people are getting sprayed animals are getting sprayed and I have seen this by growing up in this community um half a century I've seen many animals and many people come out with bir defs animals that are mutilated when they're born um it kills all many of our our Wildlife the ecology I should say also and I think we should re re-evaluate this it's no more running behind the mosquito truck anymore like we did before when we were younger it's it's it's horrible it's not a good idea I know we can find another way that's going to be better to our society and for the ecology if we could work on that some way I mean I I kind of talk to the mosquito guy so um on these issues cuz I was looking for the lantern fly Lara and the ecology at the end of my street which is conover's tributary and I was down there looking for the fox turtles I know this is all crazy and reinking and sorry sorry but our ecology is dying and that's pretty bad because the ecology used to come halfway up my street to my house so I really think we need to rethink us if we could please if it has to come to your community meetings that you have on Tuesdays do you still have them yes maybe I'll come with some information for you that we could bring to this the meeting because this is this is bad this is bad for people it's going to sit on a car somebody touches the car handle guess what they're touching their mouth touching everything just like Co so thank you for a record can you just state your name please oh I'm so sorry I'm just usually called Miss new Mark I wanted to say that but Miss Carol C from mark avue thank you question thank you when do they start doing the spring so I don't know the time frame and we can find that out but they just do not come out and just spray so it has to be a severe case of it and usually they would um the the residents in that area would contact the County to say that there's an issue to have them come out so I don't think we have any designated areas um there has to be a call for it but I can get more information just so everybody's aware but there's not just a a time that they just go out and just spre yes he does come and he he does test the water at the end of the street to see if there is any Lara in there that should not be there just you know fars with the landing FL I know we dealt with that last year are they going to come back and revisit that again we are there's been um I guess an extension of that Grant and we plan to apply for the extension okay thank you thank you m hello hello how are you my name is Michelle S I was here last month um talking about Lake Bas and thank you so much I was really happy and proud to see that my that I Was Heard um I just wanted to just read a letter and reference to our was sending to councilman Korea Bert he gave me his card after the meeting I sent a email to him uh this morning and I also have some of last Tuesday I could not leave my house for 5 hours due to the flooding that was a 10:45 hike tide and I couldn't leave my house until 2 so I got hit from the canal I had pictures of the backyard as I explained to you all that I can see the playground where the walking track's going to be and I have proof of flooding that from my from the can now not being cleaned out in the back of my home from the bed we need something to protect us from the bay and clean up the canal so the flooding I have it up to the houses where you guys bought the back property and it's up and wers up to the fences up to the property that's being provided in new playground I'm watching it closely because it's an investment and I will like to see the investment Prosper helps me too so this is a letter that I wrote my husband and I are new presidents of pleaseno I I have the pleasure meeting you all last month city council meeting I spoke of my frustration living on my face the councilman informed me that that this is wasn't on agenda item it was a first meeting I attended and I was not familiar with the protocol yet at the end of my meeting you were kind enough toce introduce yourself to me and offer me a business card I greatly appreciate it and I do I see the topic R development in the lake Bas area is on the agenda for today's meeting I am unsure of this topic including problems current homeowners on East Edgewood Avenue are experiencing I hope it does my primary concern is related to the flooding my street and my property flood regularly on the full moon I have to follow if it's a lunar moon L Moon whatever Moon I've never met heard of any moons there were so many I actually uh I actually bought um actually uh the children bought me binocular for Christmas that go to my anyway my street and my property fled regularly on the full moon which last up for 5 days it's usually 3 days before and two three or four days out per month last down last Tuesday as I said the high tide came in with a 30 mile winds and on top of that was only expecting to be 4.7 end up being 7 in my whole backyard was under water um and that's when I saw that he was going up to the property the right called the dinosaur organ Ty my neighbor has friend for that not to mention dor storms it's worst dor storms our safety's compromised movement is implicated in our properties including our cars are at risk we are in close Pro proximity to the the marina I have beener water breaching the marina and water so deep that anything not nailed down is R is rushed Away by the current and as I said I have three videos I have one of the street being ripped up showing that the layers of the potholes that are in the street that are two two lens of two houses properties in my home are usually 30 by 100 figure out 60 ft of a half of the street is being is completely ripped up I mean I am like if you're in a Jeep it's even worse but that's my friend has but it is unbelievable and I have a picture of the no Outlet sign it's about as big as your plaqu so people come down our street that familiar the only people I like seeing is that presence of the uh Pleasantville police I will grant them they are exceptionally on there they are on top of come down on my street they're come top of uh being at the municipal building I see the Poli I see the police presence and I feel safe in my home and I'm hoping I still see extra police presence and they should be paid for and being taken care of because they're doing their job because we're going to need it for back there for a new park we make sure that there's no riff ra back there that's my one concerned so I feel the safety of that we be taking care of body the police par CU they are very great on top of stuff that and I feel very safe here and I'm from Philadelphia excuse me man you want to finish reading your letter because actually it's time so this is fine here my neighbors and I are on East V where need help managing the flow orders fixing the sters uh storing up to the Shoreline and closing up the canals that run from the marina behind my house the canals are overgrown it's currently State I already said that if the challenge of water prevents to have currents um current residents are not to of the investigation the investigation I'm asking that you are doing I just want to know what broaden the scope of it includes otherwise if it can be see open separate Topics by the lake bay neighbors and be greatly appreciated by that looking forward to spending our time in here but our confidence is shaken and we don't want to be we want to be here it's a beautiful place to live here it's gorgeous every day in h go contact you know free to CP but I just want to water even if you build a wall with how they did in make Harbor Beach something to restrain that water from coming down and then draining Canal is the most important thing so we can keep our home and help me with my home insurance rate I can't even get insurance in in a 10x10 area thank you so much for listening to me I wish you all have a nice thank you thank you is there way I can I wrot my phone number down okay and I'll follow up with perfect anyone else anyone else from the public would like to speak I have a motion to to speak um hello I was outside so we on public portion and um it's on agenda items only okay so is is this an agenda item about the uh residents that live in lakes Bay no but you can speak okay no no no not now at the end okay return okay that's what we try and go at please sign in your name please and we'll call you uh portion thank you thank you anyone else from the public seeing no one may I have a motion to close the public motion second all in favor anyone oppos see none Council any discussion counc discussion nothing may I have a motion to close work session motion second second by Council all favor right this is the city council this is city of pville city council meeting today is February 21st 2024 and the time I mean I'm sorry 21 202 4 the time is 6:55 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for implication by Pastor jome paage and the flag please thank you thank you and thank you uh Madam president normally when you open up with the invocation it's the Lord's Prayer I want to share with you tonight that I'm going to pray but it's going to be Jesus prayer okay and for everybody that's sitting up there you are there because of the Lord yeah votes happen and whatever but you're there and pres uh mayor business M all of you you're there because of god so let's go to God in prayer before Jesus went to the Cross he prayed to his father my prayer is that for them alone is not just for them alone I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message that all of them may be one father just as you in you are in me and I am in you may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me I have given them the glory that you have given me and that they may be one as we are one i in them and you in me so that they may be brought to the complete Unity then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me father I want those you have given to me given me to be with me where I am and see my glory the glory you have given me because you love me before the creation of the world righteous father though the world does not know you I know you and they know they know that you have sent me I have made you known to them and will continue to make you know known in all in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them heavenly father thank you for this word with that being said Mr paig i' like for everyone to just take a moment of silence for the sensus war that's going on over in pal in the Ukraine so that being said can you have a moment silence for those people that are being killed over there and also there was two young little kids that was drowned up in a uh on a beach in Florida and they passed away thank you thank you amen the flag of the United States of America indice K present CL present o pres Thomas present allend um reading of the previous minute may I have a motion motion second all in favor mayor accommodations okay sorry so we're going to approve vote on them and then we just going to follow the agenda so number one we got resolution 38 may I yes authorizing the promotion of police captain to Angelo malado I have a motion roll call DP yes Taro yes kimona yes Korea yes bar clay yes off Thomas yes resolution approv resolution 39 authorizing the promotion of police Lieutenant toose scush motion may I have a motion second roll call dport yes kimona yes Korea yes barlay yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approve resolution 40 authorizing the promotion of police Sergeant to as arelis motion second roll call Dort yes feo yes kimona yes Korea yes or clay yes ausby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 41 authorizing promotion of police Sergeant to Marin Hernandez may I have a motion motion second please Davenport yes family yes kimona yes Korea yes or clay yes oras yes Thomas yes resolution approved next we have the op offices uh for promotions police promotions done by mayor is your chance is this okay good evening everyone this is office Angela state of New Jersey County of Atlant I Angela M do Solly swear or affirm do solemly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and the government's established and the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office of the of the police captain police captain for the cityne of pleasant okay best of my ability the best of my ability so help me guide so help me guide yeah Angelo turn to the side he wants to turn that's so I'd like to introduce my family my wife Jerry my oldest an my youngest J I'd like to thank everyone that was a part of this first and foremost I like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ because without him this would not be possible service of the Lord and of everyone here the residents of Pleasantville and I thank you so much and I will do my best uh to make everyone PR amen congratulations next we have Bram can you see them all got it okay for state of New Jersey County of Atlantic I I presession do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and Allegiance to the same to the same and the government's established and the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially partially and justly performed and justly performed all the duties of the office all the duties of the office of the pleasant excuse me of the police UT tenant of police Lieutenant Lieutenant for the city of Pleasantville for the city of Pleasantville according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ab help me I think everybody knows SC my Dad Steve Bram my mom loose my son Christopher and my other son Johnny um I think everybody in this roommate met them already I would like to say thank you to God for putting me on this path that led back to PUO um I'm thankful for it every single day for everybody in this room all the people who came from near and far uh not just for me but for all of us it really means the world thank and next we have Ash aill mayor mayor got okay minut of office State of New Jersey County of Atlantic I I Asis do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that will bear true faith and relance to the same to the same and the government established and the government established in the United United States in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office a police Sergeant a police Ser for the city of fenville according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God help me God um first of all thank you to God for allowing to be here um I have plenty of moms my mom right here second mom and my firstborn Caitlyn second mate my right hand right here Edison um I would like to thank the city of penville and also everyone who made this possible for me and you know who you are and I appreciate every single one of you guys being here thank you congratulations congratulations okay we have Marlon Hernandez he could wait I'm try to get you office State of New Jersey County of Atlantic I I Mar hernz do swear or affirm s swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the Constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the and the government's established and the government's established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of pleasant excuse me of police sergeant of the all the duties of the office of police Sergeant all the duties of the office of police Sergeant for the city of pleasant for the city of according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities so help me gu so help me gu congratulations you can Stu three times right Chief I think he need I just like to introduce you my family here my roommates my son my two sons and my daughter Valentina my wife Marcel thanks everyone for being here today appreciate you guys uh thanks for all my co-workers and friends have here today thank you real quick everyone thank you for all the officers that came out here today I mean this is a really big showing for the people that are getting promoted thank you for friends and fam for coming out for these officers these are a great bunch of officers the ones that are getting promoted I'm so proud of it one of the other things that I'm very very proud of that that I was here to see 24 years ago when I was hired here it was two females here just two right now we have about 8 n all RS from Captain down the sergeant trollman I am extremely proud of that these female officers are making their Mark in the pleas Police Department yes so on that got promoted can you come up Council wants to have you up here have a picture group picture what I got conratulations congratulations we that be wonderful great we want you here you we slide this way can we slide this way a little you guysa everybody here on one 2 three a good looking C hold hold I'm get I'm send it to you right now okay thank you ordinance number two public he required exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a c bank may I have a motion motion second oh I'm sorry that's okay anyone from the public would like to speak on ordinance number two see no one close public hearing have motion motion second call motion for roll call please motion second Dort yeso yes Kona yes Korea yes oray yes Thomas yes ordinance adopted resolution 28 authorizing the community highway safety Grant application available from the New Jersey office of highway traffic safety may I have a motion motion may I have a second second more please dport yes B yes Kona yes Korea yes Mar clay yes orus yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 29 approving the submitt of a Grant application and execution of a gr agreement with the United States Department of Transportation for rebuilding americ infrastructure with sustainability and Equity Grant motion second please Davenport yes yes kimona yes yes Korea yes Oran yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 30 authorizing assignment of Municipal lean certificates to Benjamin Franklin Capital LLC may I have a motion motion second call please davp yes yes Kona Yesa yes Mar clay yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approv resolution 31 authorizing the assignment of mpal certificate to access divers and Recovery LLC may I have a motion motion BR call please dport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes parlay yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 32 authorizing the city to enter into a enter local service agreement with ATA County to perform an aerial application for ptid for mosquito control motion second please dport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes barlay yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution approve resolution 33 directing the planning board to conduct an investigation to determine whether certain properties in the areas of Hampton Court East Bay Avenue East Edgewater Avenue Oakland Avenue and Greenfield Avenue may be designated as an area in need of Redevelopment as defined the njsa 40a colon 12 A-6 of the local Redevelopment and Housing law may I have a motion motion second call please dport yes P yes kimona yes Korea yes bar clay yes oras yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 34 authorizes the execution of access e was Savage collaborations LLC with regard to the California Avenue Redevelopment problem have motion call please Davenport yes yes kimona yes Korea no so noted clay yes o yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 35 authorize the execution of a memorandum of understanding between Atlantic County approvement Authority and the city for the Community Development block grant CB may I have a motion motion second call please bport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes B clay yes ausby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 36 authorizing the execution of a second amended of memorandum of understanding the key share real estate Development LLC to exceed the time to negotiate a Redevelopment agreement an agreement of sell for certain city owned properties located within the city center Redevelopment area have a motion motion second call please avort yes B yes kimona yes Korea yes barlay yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution resolution 37 support the suitability of cannabis business aperture Tre Pharmacy LLC and motion motion second bport yes P yes kimona yes Korea yes rang yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution approved I need a motion to approve the bill list second dport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes yes AUST yes Thomas yes resolution I mean motion approved I need a motion to approve B license motion second yes yes Lona yes Korea yes Maran yes a yes Thomas yes motion to approve next is everyone sign and need to speak are you married oh good thank car I'll let them go first since I went first Noor it doesn't matter okay okay hello again car from new Mark avenue um first of all um I want to thank you Miss Payton um I left a message on your machine um it's about the Public Works um I want to give them uh a high five um I I caught up on all the YouTube of the meetings and everything um I saw how they were getting stamped on tramped on on about new vehicles and everything let me just say there's a retention Pond behind my house crack people are coming there the beginning of the month and the end of the month when they get their money they sit in there they get drunk they get high you can ask the man that lives down that way I'm not saying any names but they had broken into his yard they were stealing his water his electricity on the outside so so when they get done there they work their way down to my house so then I have locks on my water on the outside I also have blocks on my electric on the outside I can't get them the police the police do come out make me look like an idiot because when I call 911 someone gives them the heads up somewhere or they have a radio or something that they I don't know how it works nowadays but they're gone just like that they hop over the fence you hear them and they're gone I can't get them on camera but this is insane I mean my dogs they've thr things that are theend to poison my animals they've done graffiti they've even sprays pepper spray on my house this is just not acceptable I mean I've never had this in the 50 years I've lived in pville and I mean I'm not scared of them I mean cuz I've lived here in PLO I mean we're not scared I mean but still this is this is PLO we never had this kind of thing happen at that end of plal I mean besides the number one toxic landfill in the United States okay PR is landfill um my second issue is the Public Works they came out they did a wonderful job of cleaning out that retention Pond back there they were super not a complaint from them they didn't knock on my door or anything saying hey we're going down here to do this for you know your complaints it was beautiful cuz I tried to go in there talk to the boss to get him to do it person that owns the land there so thank you to the head of the public works and everyone who works there I thank you all and the lady who gave me a call back also she was wonderful she also explained to me how the house on the side of me who you can also see right through the house from the roof is all caved in all is the standing is four walls and they go hang out there at night music playing till 4:00 in the morning I can't it seems like I can get no peace so um also I want to thank the police officers too from running out to my house to try to catch these people I mean they're probably thinking oh God is the Lum again you know and I hate to waste resources that way but if I could get out there and do that myself I can't chase anybody so I thank the police officers all I mean there's a lot of work they have to put up with I mean we need more police officers more Public Work people I know we need a lot here in penville I did have a chance to go to an AB seeking council meeting and I learned a lot over there I mean boy is the grass different on that side so um I learned a lot over there so um I would like to us to get rid of the crackheads on Main Street um a lot of the Trap houses um if I know about them I'm sure you guys all know about them I mean and I'm just an everyday citizen there's one right next to a church how bad is that for pville what does that say Bill Martin's wonderful historical place in pville you dri I'm sorry you drive past there and there just wrap it up Miss Carol yes ma'am I'm sorry you you walk you walk or drive past there there's five people sitting out in the front of there even handicapped people I'm sorry you got to start you got get them off our street no one wants to come to Pleasantville I'm sorry how about JoJo's the restaurant oh yeah you get acrossed by pan handlers everywhere you go in I'm sorry even City Hall out here at Police Department right out in the parking l so if we all all work together come up with a plan it would be wonderful thank you very much for your time everyone so basic I would reiterate what I just spoke about or any other concerns I have my only thing is I want to know just I wanted if there's any way that I can be a part of what or find out what the investigation entails for the L days and I guess once that's display um is there any way that the public can have any like a voice um I know that they are the that is giving funding for sewers um and street that were managed by Hurricane Sandy which uh I was told that we lost uh is it 44 I think you know L 4 back I um my main thing is help me fix the sters so I don't have all this water coming up to my house uh the canals definitely have to be done and the street um because right now I'm having a hard time getting homeowners on my home I have I'm renewing it and it's very costly and from the zone that I'm in if it was repaired it might be not as expensive if they see they they come in and rezone it instead of being like an fzone if they can have to repair I mean even blue Acres I mean we would like to speak to them as well because the homes that were taken over and bought by them it's a flood it's flooding into our homes it's not draining you know from there it's coming into our homes and I think that you can help us with you know building a wall that they did in EG bar I hope we have the money in FEA that they gave you to the Grand NE was two one was last last year and mom was just getting this year by mom was from B and mom was from so if you can help us and if you want I I basic I volunteer my time whatever you need me to do you can call me I am an honest person and when I say I want to do something I will if you need me to do polls I will be there at the BS you I've been a d TR for 27 years and I plan to stay that way excuse me excuse me what's your name again Michelle sin Michelle sin I'd like to come talk to you because we had something that we almost had in place to deal with the sewer problem um which I think would have in the long run been very good for the city of Pleasantville so I definitely want to come and talk to you just that you know I can see where you're at and know what we're talking about okay I I did a 2hour walk every day through the perimeter of what we're doing the park and the homes for 2 hours because I couldn't find a job for four months when I first moved here and I took a picture and saw every single sewer around the area what you're developing including my own streets and it's Fring I figured if they were clean we' be able to have we would dream you know that's why thank you so much I appreciate thank you thank you for listening Mary me Michelle and I live next door to each other we moved in at the same time she came from Philadelphia I came from New York and um I always want to own him and this was where I was able to afford one and I didn't even IM I was going to be able to have the blessing of having water that being said well you know what I knew I knew it was 10 out of 10 flood zone I thought that meant you know if there's a storm you're going to get flooded one night no storm walked out of the house inundated inundated water everywhere not only in my property like my dogs couldn't even go out to use grass and water all the way up to the marina so the Marina's beautiful I mean how can you complain right but you know we're excited about this project but we just hope that like somehow like we're going to be okay so if you can share with us like how how it's going to be improved not just like that these things are being built but how the water is going to be dealt with because of water is problem we so so when we step out of our doors during the high tide during the high the um the full moon and God forbid a storm we can't move we can't move we are locked in our driveways or our cars are on the street the the water is raised up to our cars I just went and bought a higher car and if we're Michelle and I came home one day we sat in a driveway for an hour and a half to wait just to get into the houses and if one night she and her husband went out to dinner I called them I said you guys can't come home because it you can't make it down the street so you know we like and you know I made a joke I was like well we want to live by the water but it's beautiful but it's it's like it's it's it's hard to deal with it's hard to deal with so if we can get some help because this is not something that we can do on like an individual basis you know this is like a infrastructure issue so we're excited about the um the arena and all the you know but but you don't we don't know what it entails and we don't know how it's going to help us and if it's going to help us and if that project is not going to help us it we were asked if there's an ANC project that could help us too and we're happy we we said we watch on Sunrise every day sun sunset no we not Sunrise people we watch Sunset every day but thank you we're very happy to be here we really are we just need some help and and and we're excited about the project and it's awesome it's beautiful here it's underrated and you know we're being that we're both not from the area when we tell people oh hey we're from Pleasantville then we they're like oh we we didn't know it was a bad thing but it's not going to be a bad day it's not going to be a bad day it's going to people going to be sorry that they didn't pick up on it and I'm happy for that cuz we I I am happy have a beautiful house a beautiful SP just if we can get some help how you been in your house I bought November 2023 and I didn't I came back in the spring oh playing just two years not even not yeah not even oh so um I don't think she mentioned this but we have um right on you guys website is like report a pothole we have a pothole that's not a Poole this Poole is like a sinkhole like it runs from one side of the street to another you can't even roll around it and so I we reported I reported the pothole right there and it's got you know it's just like you just report it and that's it like can it actually be dealt with Street East edge water so that hle I swear has been there since I bought in November 2023 okay no 2022 pardon it oh okay res and orted it right on you guys website so we really need help because our cars you know we can't get it's it it it it it spans the whole street so you can't even thank you thank you something for Christmas I asked my children to buy me an aqua suit I just and we're actually get aay wait case of Emery can I can I say something I didn't sign but I have a picture I'm on Oakland Avenue so I stop all their water and it comes and this is my freak picture but after the me yeah is it after the so you show us after okay okay yeah because I wasn't going to talk I just wanted to come and listen but it's really but we're happy cuz like we see them across you know from us and this is all us we're leg F thank you any comments I need a motion to close um public portion motion all the favor mayor any comments yes i' like to thank everyone for coming out say congratulations to all the officers that were promoted I think they do a great job also and we're doing the best we can to work with the amount that we have um and every municipality has this issues I just wanted wanted to say that I to say you went to abse and and I don't know if that was good or bad the expression that you made but they have their issues too I talked to the mayor there uh Public Works yes they do a good job they work very hard over there and they do it the job but what I'm excited about with council with um Bridge the rais bridge for students you know for the safety of our pedestrians and students when they're trying to cross the express way so I'm glad that everyone have a good evening I want to want say congratulations all the officers got I want to thank everybody for coming out you know we your concerns and if we couldn't you know best hope you your concern also I have an update uh in future uh not in the future but a few months we're going to have law enforcement uh parking law I mean parking enforcement it's going to happen in pville so you guys are letting you know now now park your car the right direction because you park on the wrong direction you want to get a ticket thank you have a blessed night huh next week next week okay next week good put us one we've been working and will be continuing to work on some of the parks throughout the area um to upgrade them to put in different facilities and one of the things that is being done this year and will continue on is flag football which gives the kids of the city something else to do extends their playing time and it's open to males and females anybody who wants to play do you want to play yeah to I forgot about the Jokers you know we never seen them out like collecting we used to always see at the lights and everything they do they do can you send them down our way I mean we the DK Donuts and CVS I'm not joking because like joking us to be at Walgreens on uh Del the road and I us to get but I have not seen them we have not seen them in year I'm telling you we've seen them heree no cuz we're not kidding because we've been here since 1959 and we have always contributed and I just watched the last YouTube of this of the city council and I'm like you're you're right I haven't seen these little kids in ages all I see is is the one the Greyhounds but I mean not the little kids we'll let you know cuz they usually do two coin drops is what you're talking about they usually do two a year and we'll make sure that somehow we get the notice out to the public as to when it is and where it is yeah and and then when I heard what happened they didn't get codes and all the stuff and they won the championship I was like what um well first of all I want to thank everybody for coming out congratulate all the uh police officer dedication commitment service I me finest uh my belief uh in the whole state if you if you ask me so uh but I also chair um the SE uh committee now um and I hear a lot about the SE what going to pretty soon we're going to have a uh sewer committee coming up but the more I hear about you complaining about this the sword I think that's more like Waters like storm water rather than sewer we're still going to bring it up at committee and we're going to uh see if it applies to it and somehow we can um you know work on your concern but I think that's I don't think this it's a SE issue okay but we'll follow up okay thank you it's a storm because water coming yeah okay that being said thank you all thank everybody for coming out and just want to say congratulations to all the officers that I promoted um it's one thing that was good that we talked about was a de development getting ready to happen down in um the Lakes Bay Area open a all over there and um the good things that we had in the Redevelopment committee to enhance that area and make sure that it's um accessible for the people Pleasantville also so that's one of my goals to make sure that Pleasantville has access to that area down there so that we can enjoy as much as everybody else um but one thing that I just got wind of earlier today which was kind of concerning and I know we just approved the million dollars that we turning over to the school system um tonight was that our boys basketball team had a game away and was it cinnamon and or and um no bust to taken they had the car pull there so that is a big concern when we continue and it's not the first time that this is happen it's happened to the soccer team and things of that nature so you know we talk about our children in the future of this community we have to make sure that our high school kids as good as they're doing we just had five of them I think it was had letters of intent to go to college and here we don't have a bus down there one so those are the type of things that we as a community have to make sure we take care of so that's true with that being said you know everybody have a good night thank you oh I love the murals can I say that they are beautiful oh the flower one near the the B stop beautiful m m president I may have ex session to discuss a contract issue for us to BCE right may I have a motion to go into executive session motion all in fav everyone thank you everyone for listening y