[Music] good evening everyone this is the city of peille city council work meeting today is June the 3rd 2024 the time is 2 2:30 6:30 p.m. this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call please ad preson pres pres CL pres o Thomas pres six for the record Mr oens has has he's going to miss tonight's meeting due to a personal issue thank you may have approval of the previous minutes second all in favor all right Madam clerk okay first in the agenda is resolution 84 authorizing appointment of firefighter uh appointment of firefighter to timing boing question do the appointment the regular meeting okay we're going to do the appointment in the regular meeting okay so right after the work [Music] session ordance number six first reading amending chapter 195 regulating the operation of mulle retail food businesses any questions councel c i rition 85 endorsing Urban entprise Zone assistance fund project entitled litter collection equipment project for the public Improvement of U in the amount of 536,000 um this is a project that will be funded under the Urban Enterprise Zone um which is no money from the city's um budget uh this is grant money to help supplement uh the city with equipment this particular equipment will be used for the litter collection program or project for new sweepers and also will help us leverage another grant for um an electric vehicle thank you Council any questions CN resolution 86 approving the renewal ofy retail distribution liquid licenses for the 2024 through 2025 ter any questions Council see none resolution 87 approving the renewal of retail consumption liquid licenses for the 2024 to 2025 term any questions councel see resolution 88 authorizing a person to person transfer of a pling retail consumption liquor license to Ceda Liquor Market LLC please note that this resolution will be pulled for this evening all parties and asks were to be pulled and asks were to be rescheduled for the June 17th meeting thank you you're welcome resolution 89 authorizes submission of a Grant application and execution of a gr contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for pedestrian safety improvements within the city M certainly this is as stated a Grant application uh for the city to apply under the uh New Jersey Department of Transportation for um digital signage throughout town that will be your speeding your speed signage um and also your cameras throughout town thank you any questions Council see9 resolution 90 authorized an execution of a memorandum of understanding with gnm Associates LLC to create a Redevelopment plan and to negotiate a Redevelopment agreement to develop 40 town home homes houses at Lots 1 and 14 and lot 382 questions Council I yes go ahead did this resolution or did this um Redevelopment plan and everything go back through the uh planning board so right now I'm going to yield to our um Grant professional to come up to explain the project and through the summary of the project I hope that it would answer any questions that you all may have U Mr Jan I take my question back I take it back um good evening Council good evening even evening this uh this is this is located down by the um our our rec center okay it's right it's on the corner there like Wellington and going out onto uh rout n it's you've seen a for sale sign on that property probably for 30 years saying 16 single family lots OFA we had been able to do anything with that property the owner and developer had approached us I I guess the first time over a year ago about what they could do with that property and they have proposed and put together some preliminary um site plan for 40 units of town homes and what they're asking Council to do is run this through a Redevelopment plan and not through uh the zoning board where there might be several hundred zoning variances that you'd have to get they' like to do it you know try to go through that which gives the council more input on the style of the homes and some of the other things you make one in that area because now they have to work with a Redevelopment agreement there is nothing approved here at the planning board at this time the the Redevelopment plan is not written at this time it would have to be written after theou because the developer will fund all of those activities yes uh uh thank you very much I I know that uh these issues raise questions concerning tax benefit to the city can you elaborate on that little bit yeah so so I know the biggest part of the city is pilots and there's a difference between an abatement a short-term abatement and a pilot um there is not a request for an area in needed red Redevelopment which would allow for a long-term tax pilot um have they discussed a short-term five-year abatement they have discussed it but none of that's approved because that goes through here and that's not what's being asked for tonight in the memorandum of understanding that would be part of the Redevelopment agreement whether and it would not be for the developer this is a home ownership project not a rental project and the uh developer has said to to give an inducement to new home buyers coming to town that they think it would be to the city's benefit it's obviously to their benefit as well to give a five-year tax abatement to the home buyers that were coming to town at that time but all that is to be negotiated in the redevelopers agreement which is this is just step one to get a memor understanding so they can fund your Council and fund the city planner to do the things that are necessary to negotiate those matters um first of all they're looking for us to give it approval so they can bypass the zoning ordinances it is not zoned for townhous okay and um what do they expect to sell these out we are being told that the sales price is around $300,000 okay and what are they going to be assessed that well they're going to be assessed that's a tax assessor question um I what I do know is that they going to be assessed at 300,000 well they they can't be by by by regulation right there's new town homes that were being built on what I call Peterson way off of California Avenue those sold for a little over 300,000 and they were assessed for a little over 140,000 because there's an equalization of values which can by best be explained by tax assessor on how that works well you you can best explain it too because the difference between 300,000 and 140 is almost I I think the way I can explain it as as a realer if I were to come sell um somebody's house in count at 300,000 that is assessed at 150 the tax assessor cannot by law raise the assessment to the sales price right they can only adjust all the houses in town through a Citywide re-evaluation so you can't do spot assessments so when an assessor assess the value of the property for tax purposes they look at all the properties in town that are worth 300,000 and see what those are assessed at taxwise they don't look at the particular property because otherwise it wouldn't it wouldn't be equal so we cannot can that sell your property for 300 and raise the assessment so these are going to be assessed at like $140,000 through what the comparable with Peterson way of their own comparable yes um and they're going to have a fiveyear tax abatement on it well that's that's not that's be your decision in the future um so what would the homeowners beay in property tax so it's 20 40 60 80 100% so I think the taxes uh on about $140,000 assessment what is our rate about four no five is it five so that's close to five so that's 7,000 a year so they'd be paying uh you know 1,500 3,000 um you know up to you know 60% Mak that's far map there right 4,800 up to $6,000 or up to $7,000 20% a year increased over five years to get to a five year and at year five it's the full it's full time okay fine uh thank you again I don't know if this question belong to him but has this matter gone through the full committee yes Madam president understand you can uh correct me if I'm wrong mou is just a start negotiation am I correct on that very first piece okay no and they'll be negotiating with who through through Council through C council is the Redevelopment I know I just want to make sure you I know I know [Music] you thanks for thank you can excuse me C I may I don't know I'm a stranger here but everybody knows my name Jesse former mayor pres bill um I have a Rend out the U buildings and just one copy but um I represent G&M which is Guero and uh Miller Associates I'm a license consultant my own LLC business I specialize in city government and uh Guero was one of the developers I don't know if you guys know will Guerrero he's done a lot of building in this area he did The Landings and he did Fox Run and a lot of projects and a so he's born and raised in Pleasantville he wants to do something for Pleasantville and he's really big on what they call Community benefits devel comes in and build something he'll get some kind of income and he owns that parking lot at the rec center he on since support the property and uh he's that the he use it as a you know parking area but what he proposed to do when you come off a new road is a lot he wants to propos to pave that and you can use that as a parking lot but he has me checking out a lot of properties in Pleasantville because he wants to do something in Pleasantville like I said this man has been born and raised in Pleasantville and he wants to do something for Pleasantville and he's built homesa and Township he built homes in fishing woods so he's well established and he wants to do a lot of things in and so so just want to bring that up and like you said it's 40 town houses garage three bedrooms basement and it's good for first time homeowners and it's really something that we can really diversifi because it's market rate it's really a nice looking building did you pass there no R yes question yes because one of my concerns was size of that lot and whether it's going to be you know feasible to put 40 town homs in right that will all be a part of the compliance you know ordinance and so forth it would have to be within the specifications of what's required allowed in pleas this is a really good project CU right offer expressway xfi right in bton Avenue off ready in a good location so it's a good prodct in fact I wouldn't take them on as a client because I've had a lot of clients come to me and I turn them down because they're not for the benefit of they benefit for their own pockets and all so um I can't name these people that I turned down but uh I spoke to the mayor and business administrator they know so um I have affinity for Pleasantville everybody knows I love Pleasantville and I'm big on property so this is a good project thank when he when he F in fish wood did he get tax batement oh I don't know uh this was years ago he Built Homes he built private homes there no type of project other I have one more question as far as the parking for the rec I mean is he going to take that over and use that yeah that's going to use the part of the project okay but there's another property acoss the street is that owned by the city so a city owned so prior to us getting to the m uh phase that was one of our concerns and immediately uh as uh former mayor stating um the owner said that he would do something to make that the city had conducive parking for the recreation center so we hope that during construction should this be successful that he would construct the new parking lot on what is already City owned property and some question about OU this is an execution of memor memorandum understanding talks about the fees and so forth professional pleas okay any other questions any other questions thank you sor that's all right thank you so much yeah resolution 91 authoriz an execution of a memor of of an amended memorandum of understanding with t family LTD Partnership Act to extend the time to negotiate a Redevelopment agreement any questions Council seeing none vertion 92 adoped and certified the update and review of various sections of the personent policies and procedure man and can you just go over please certainly so as a civil service Community some titles under the Civil Service regulations are bilingual titles um but the person that is interested in being certified as a bilingual uh employee have to test under the state guidelines should that person test and successfully pass the test they will then be considered a certified by title and there is um additional uh increases for being a bilingual uh employee um and there's also benefits to the city as a diverse city um someone who is not certified as a bilingual they don't get extra pay and you can expect them to to translate um when necessary but should they become certified then they're required to translate and help the city when we have those challenges situations with uh languages any questions [Music] counc all right so Mr has taken a vacation G me theill L Just sh with me um if you go to your pay our check register on your first page under ocean chur current fund a lot of those bills um had to be paid out under the Pathways to Recovery program um for instance the Academy of healthare Excellence you'll see ideal Institute of Technology and also again another repeated bill for Academy of healthcare Excellence this is these are the students that were in the program that are now being trained uh through these uh these educational facilities uh the program as you all know the grant ran out May 31st so we have to uh incumber the funds by May 31st so that's why you see all these bills um and everything under the Academy of healthcare Excellence is all Pathways to Recovery you go a little further down you'll see the deposit um for the bill Mark plumbing and heing that's for the hbac system at the firehouse and you go down to the bottom of the page you'll see the city's payroll and the medical for our active and retirees going to the document for bills to be paid um page one the only thing that really sticks out is to go to um down towards the bottom of the page to Cherry Valley Tractor Sales um that's for Le blower and the amount of $1,136 48 if you go to the second page you'll see the second draw for Bowman and that's our Professional Services for the audits uh that was conducted and also some Bond work that was done for the bonds that the city has put in place most of everything else that you see on this page is your normal operating um expenses if you move to page three um you'll see the second ball for the uh design and specifications for the roofing um and that's under Doran engineering $1,922 moving along to the next page you'll see a payment of a little over $3,100 and that is for the psychological tests um that were taken by the previous newes or six firefighters that recently going to the next page you'll see a storm water discharge permit that's the annual permit that is required for the city to pay to the state um for our permit under the storm water management which is uh [Music] $5,250 and if you go to the last page you'll see um a name under the tax collector's office for $1,378 and that was approved by the finance committee that's 100% disabled veteran uh credit or reimbursement that's all that stands out is there any questions from counil anything discussion coun anything have anything motion to close session second all in favor this is the city of pville city council meeting today's June the 3rd 2024 the time is 651 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper and performance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Sunshine Law please stand for implication and flag Earth United States of America [Music] naon over Thomas pres may I have a motion to dispense previous minutes second all in favor mayor any um Chief uh triol oh okay [Applause] Tri reti and this is our acting Chief and he'll set this on his behalf I'm still read to and it reads as follows city of Pleasantville Office of the mayor certificate recommendation whereas Chief triol has been a swor member of flexible fire department since May 1999 and whereas Chief Tri trial has held ranks the firefighter fire captain Battalion Chief and Fire Chief and whereas Chief triol was instrumental during the onset of the pandemic by assisting with coordinating and activating the city's first full-time emergency Co operations center where he was affectionately referred to as Co Scott because of his unwavering commitment to providing a safe and healthy Community he also volunteered his time and services at the city's annual community event and now therefore I judym Ward mayor of Pleasantville New Jersey on behalf of the city of city council this Administration and the citizens of Pleasantville to commend fire chief Scott triall for 25 years of service and pray that this next chapter will be filed peace happiness and joy and witness whereof I have set my hand and caus the Seal of the city of Pleasantville to be affixed this third day of June on the year of Our Lord 2024 signed Judy thank you uh CH Tri up make it tonight he had a family matter so I'm accepting the award on his behalf he was a great leader for our department and uh we wish him the best thank you words about you oh certainly so you guys can we we've said A A Farewell to Chief at our department head meeting uh so at that time we took we took the time out to just really talk about the years and how he uh transitioned from patalan Chief to the Chief and one of the things that um was challenging for for him and uh the acting Chief we had these discussions is about you know the passion that you all have for your department and how hard it is when you come over to this side and try to keep an open mind about how to make this work together but he did that and he did that in a short period of time he was very open-minded and and communicated with Administration and I believe that he created a momentum within the department that I hope to see move forward forward um to kind of bridge the gap of of communication so that we're always working together as a strong Unity so we appreciate all the work that he has done he's very passionate as you all know um about people um he is very instrumental in helping our Emergency Management coordinator get on board with her new duties and responsibilities because he really cares about the safety and the well-being of of of people um so he shared a personal story with me that I didn't remember but you never know um whose life you're going to touch when you're touching it and many years ago that you all may remember he was in a real bad car accident um and there was some issues back then with his paperwork and he was on the verge of losing his job but we stepped in to make sure that we got those documents in place and saved his job and he was ever so grateful so he is going to be missed and I'm sure that um his successor is going to do a a great job as well and um we just wish him well on his retirement [Applause] [Applause] this is Jimmy our gentle teddy bear just left this last week June 1st I'm going to miss this read as follows Office of the mayor city of Pleasantville commodation where James Hub III joined the city of Pleasantville as a public works laborer in July 1988 whereas James Hub III has received several promotions throughout his tenure such as laborer truck driver supervisor and assistant superintendent whereas in 2005 James H III received special recognition commending his efforts on the marina installation of electricity and water James Hub III has developed a great work in relationship throughout his career with his supervisors and staff Kyrie Nory Public Work Street supervisor State congratulations on your retirement James you have dedicated 40 years to the city of fville public work and your hard work and commitment will never be forgotten I will miss having you around but I know that you deserve a well earned break enjoy your retirement my friend now therefore I Judy M Ward mayor of Pleasantville New Jersey on behalf of city council this Administration and the C C of Pleasantville do commend James Hubbert III on retiring from 40 years of service in the Public's works department and pray that this next chapter of his life will be filled with peace happiness and joy whereas and witness whereas I have set my hand and caused the Seal of the city of pleasant to be AIX this third day of June in the year of Our Lord 2024 find Judy M Ward amen [Applause] James James deserves that more I remember Di when I first came just what you see right now is what Jimmy is made of and I'm really really going to miss him he was always there each time that I called you were you just you're there for the resident you're there for the employees and I really really am going to miss you and I thank you for the job that you've done thank you and I just like to say past present and future Council people Mayors I met a lot of good people uh through my time here in the city that I work work with I just appreciate all of you I appreciate it and the guys that's coming behind me I know you guys going to do a good job I appreciate it thank [Applause] you 40 unit we got too many stories that's okay I thought we had so can we take a picture they can come come on can you get that the picture yes [Music] [Music] we got a long a long time together a long one on that and [Music] [Music] got [Applause] a frame does he get a frame for that does he get a frame for okay oh yes did okay [Music] por you only have one can I say something about yes I hope there's only strikes in his from here on MREs good evening everyone um I would just like to start out by saying um you may not believe it's coming out of my mouth got the camera the comments of Mr janetti here this evening I'm kind of like hearing this is my opinion I'm just sharing um I have some other comments with issues that don't relate to city council here and because of the joy of this occasion I think I'll leave him to our next meeting [Applause] [Music] okay first is resolution 84 authorizing the appointment of firefighter to timing boarding have motion motion all roll call I'm sorry D yes yes Simona yes K yes or clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved next we will have the open Office for Mr Gordon I need you [Music] [Music] okay this is our new fire titer recruit we went through changes again to the academy so I'm happy to have him the state of New Jersey County of Atlantic I I do solemnly swear or affirm do Solly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and the governments established and the governments establish in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully faithfully and partially and partially and justly performed and justly performed all all the duties all the duties of the office of firefighter of the office of firefighter for the city of Pleasantville for the city of Pleasantville according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] I just want to say thank you to the city of P fire fire department um still got the job not done I still I get through the academy and I'm wishing to be a servant to City of pville where I'm from this this color was worn for a reason to express where I'm from [Applause] [Music] thank you to Mayor thank you to Administration councel appreciate uh your guys assistance with uh hiring the recruit timey thank you to everybody coming out support appreciate the fire parts for being out for our new recruit and he has a lot of work to do so thank you guys [Applause] [Music] first is wit is number six first reading amending chapter 195 regulating the operations of Mobile retail food businesses have a [Music] motion Dort yes um I have C yes to a and b and no to [Music] 19554 title second read when okay Kona yes Korea yes barlay yes Thomas yes okay we just move to Second reading scheduled for June the 17th resolution 85 endorsing the Urban Enterprise Zone assistance fund project entitled little collection equipment project for the public Improvement to the U C in the amount of 536 7920 may I have a motion motion second Roo please dport yesera yes kimona yes K yes or clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 86 approving the renewal plary retail distribution liquid licenses for the 24th and 25th term may I have a motion moot second second dport yes Fe yes kimona yes Korea yes kimona I mean bar clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 687 approving the renewal of plary consumption liquid licenses for the 24th through 25th term may I have a motion motion may I have a second second R please davor yes P yes kimona yes Korea yes bar Clan yes Thomas yes resolution approved 88 authorizing a person to person transfer retail consumption looking license transfer to CED liquor Mark I have has been pulled for June 17th I'm glad you all resolution 89 authorize Assumption of submission of in application and execution of a grant contract with the New Jersey Department transportation for pedestrian safety improvements within the city I have a motion motion second call D yes PE yes Kon yes Korea yes for clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 90 authorizing an execution of a memorandum of understanding with the G Associates LLC to create a Redevelopment plan and to negotiate a Redevelopment agreement to develop 40 town houses at loots one and 14 in Block 382 may I have a motion motion may I have a second second R call Dort yeso no pona yes Korea yes clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 91 authorizing the execution of a m mandum of understanding with t family LTD partnership acts to extend the time to negotiate and revelop have a motion second [Music] roll yes yes kimona yes Pera yes V clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 92 adoptin is certified the update and review of various sections of the Personnel policies procedure may I have a motion motion second roll call D report yeso yes kimona yes Korea yes bar clay yes Thomas yes resolution approve I need approval for the bill list a motion for the bill list motion you have a second second d report yes yes but no to 66 666 so not kimona yes Korea yes bar clang yes Thomas yes the everything but 66666 so next I need a motion to approve uh bingo and raffle licenses mo may I have a second second call Dort yes yes yes kimona yes Korea yes CL yes Thomas yes motion approve next is the ratification of the Mercantile license for Pleasantville tobacco and Associates is there anyone here from fenville tobacco and Associates hearing none the hearing is not concluded Okay resolution 93 revoking the merel license of pleasant tobacco and and accessories motion second Council any questions C dport yes Fe yes Kona yes Korea yes clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved next comments from Council this time everyone have thanks for coming out and have a good evening thank you anyone and I I do want to say congratulations to um gy the time of gy we've been trying to get fville residents to be on the fire department and he is from Pleasantville I congratulate and welcome yes I just want to say congratulations to um Mr Hub and to Chief Char retirement anyone else congratulations to the reies uh God bless you stay safe and um everybody have a good night thank you for coming out thank you all for coming out congratulations to uh James I don't know he left right he's hry to retire uh and of course to the new fire fire so thank you all for coming out I want to say um to T welcome to the pleas bille family and congratulations and I just wish frol and hub the best in their next um level of life here so with that being said may I have a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor [Music] St [Music]