[Music] good evening everyone um first can you please read the stat this meeting has been duly advertised in the city's newspaper performance with the open public meeting act otherwise known as the sunshine call please Presa pres K pres pres o pres Thomas presid all attendance please stand for the invocation and the pled please I'm sorry please have a seat can I get approval of the previous minutes please Madam motion second all in favor anyone oppose see you know all right so we have our um annual report I not on the agenda it says Michael Is It Michael not available so Michael's not here we have Scott Baron from Bowman and Company good evening thank you for the opportunity to attend tonight good evening sir you mention I'm Scott Baron I'm company with the city's outside auditing firm in addition to the audit that we file every year we also assist with the filing of the annual financial statement the annual debt statement and we do assist your finance office with the budget tonight is on your agenda you have an acceptance of of the audit which is the 2022 December 31st 2022 audit we did complete the audit had our exit conference with City officials a couple of months ago um we also had I had the opportunity yesterday to meet with finance committee and review the audit and pretty good detail yesterday so um this evening just going to kind of give some highlight keep it a little briefer than than yesterday and it's certain if there's any any questions on the AIT we can go over those just to point out the audit is performed under our government auditing standards it's also in compliance with requirements issued by the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services New Jersey Division of local government services is the oversight Agency for municipalities in the state of New Jersey so that's to the audit once it was completed IS F the divisional local government services government auditing standards also require that we plan perform the audit the main main purpose is to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements and the records as presented to us are free of material misstatement and to that end I'm pleased to report we're able to issue what's called an unmodified opinion on the financial statements that's the audit opinion and a modified opinion would be if there was a major Omission we couldn't uh find certain records things of that nature would be a modified opinion but the city was we were able to issue an unmodified opinion on the financial statements the audit uh another purpose of the audit is deter was any internal control deficiencies or items of non-compliance uh we did have one uh one finding in the report it is a repeat finding it's in regards to the city's general ledger which is the source document of the city's records and there has been a finding the last couple of years that there's been some adjustments required to those records at the end of the year to accurately reflect the city's balances and so we have been working the last couple of years with the city's finance office uh to try to correct that issue and it does take some time and effort on their part we've been assisting them we do have seen a lot of progress so I'm hopeful that in future audits whether it's 2023 or the future that we'll be able to clear that finding as a result of that um we don't have it on the agenda for tonight but there will need to be a corrective action plan filed uh with the state of New Jersey so you'll see that probably in a future meeting free to approve tonight on your agenda uh is simply accepting the audit and certifying the have a chance to review it in addition to the financial statement audit uh you did have this year also a federal single audit that's an audit over the grants that is not something that you necessarily have every year it's based on there's a $750,000 threshold of expenditures on whether you would have a federal or state single audit so not it's not a routine it's not a routine audit it is based on that expenditures the last two years you have and that was primarily because of the pandemic related federal aid the city did receive and most the municipalities and the state received over the last two years so the last two years youve had Federal single audit both years they were over the grant that was called the coronavirus Relief Fund uh please report there were no items of non-compliance uh in relation to that single audit in addition to that I just like to say there was no no difficulties uh performing the audit I certainly want to thank the finance office and City staff for their assistance in competing the AIT and I thank the government V for the opportunity to continue to serve serve the city I can take any questions you want to have I do have one question yes you said that there's going to be a corrective action plan yes further does that come from the city or is it that would come from the finance office yeah yeah bar put that together and you would approve that and that eventually gets sent to the state of New Jersey it's no longer sent it's uploaded through through an online system that we have that they have but it is it is sent to the state you just bottom line figures what is our total budget the total budget for the city for 2022 yes sir an approximately $32 million budget for 2022 and can you tell me out of that $32 million approximately uh what are Sal wages pension and insurances sure I can kind of give it to you to you to you separately yeah it would be easiest thing to do now the current fund is your current fund the budget is the current fund it's a general operating fund of the city and salary and wages uh for [Music] 2022 just under 14 million salary 32 yes okay you said Pion yes all those Associated so the annual pension payments that are made to the state of New Jersey there's two systems there's the public employees retirement system and then there's the police and fire make an annual contribution to the state of New Jersey they based that off an Actuarial type formula and things like that uh the payment to the for the PRS was 478,000 roughly and the payment for the Poli fire was 3 mil just about 3 3.1 million 3.1 and 400,000 so yeah yeah just under half million three and a half million for the annual pension payments y Social Security that's the Social Security that's the employeer share of Social Security on salary and wages is about 432,000 so that gives us another 4 million yeah you could take 4 million and take that with the Sal and wage number it was like 13 and a half yeah it's like 17 and A2 any questions any other questions thanks a lot thank you thank quier than yesterday try to right we [Applause] do next we have the I mean agenda review okay first the agenda is ordinance number one reading fixing the salaries of officials and employees of the city any comments resolution 13 authorizing the tax assessed to file Petition of appeal or appeals for the tax year 2024 any [Music] comments resolution 14 creating the current account temporary budget for year 2024 any comments see resolution 15 creating a sewer utility temporary budget for year 2024 any comments resolution 16 awarding the contract for the blackor PIP streetcap phase one project to Charles randino LLC in the amount of $ 48,4 63 any comments uh yes can uh someone tell us like where's this starting at you know starting and ending what's the scope of this project start Main Street I know it's Main Street but far so yeah this is phase one as a stat um project under your local a Main Street black Pik going down to Chestnut chest I'm sorry did you say this is this grant money or grant money so chenue South yes is that designated by the state and that it's grant money or did we designate that we we did we designated it as part of the continuous Street skate because as you recognize that we have the street skate on South Main Street you know all of the work that we're doing there so as we think about people in the the aesthetic coming through town we wanted to continue that work and and particularly as we do that the goal is to make sure that all of that connects to your l b section so all of that will be completely up uh improved any other comments sta resolution 17 certifying that all city council members have review the 2022 annual audit for the city any comments see resolution 18 approving the community energy plan and authorizing an application to the pbu community energy plan implementation grant program Madam ba can you um elaborate on this please certainly so this is a um as it says an energy uh and it reads a little funny because it says an energy Community energy plan this is for us to file an application for the plan uh under the BPU which which is the Board of Public Utility um to do a plan Citywide plan regarding our energy with the outcomes to help us leverage grants for electric vehicles stations energy efficient appliances you know and anything that's associated with Energy savings throughout the city which also includes the Citywide um LED lights throughout the to thank you any comments questions see n resolution 19 authorized to prepare and energy saving plan and to award the energy audit agreement to the Cur company any comments stand resolution 20 authorizing an agreement renewal for share emergency and non-emergency dispatch Services between the city and the township of a Parker any comments resolution 21 authorized an agreement renewal for shared services for information technology Services between the city and the township of Aer any comments see I I have a um a question um M for uh resolution number 20 and number 21 how long have we've been in the shared service with uh EHT you have that three years years years okay thank you EXC will be another three years and that's just a dispatch service right that's dispatch nit n it okay and this will be for another three years yes Mr we going to go over the bill list [Music] AG good evening um there was only one bill paid from the beginning of the year till now that was for payroll um we haven't been paying any bills until we had approval of a temporary budget even though I overextended payroll I can't not pay our people if you're looking at Bill to be approved on page um one the fourth velia this is a software that's used for uh abandoned properties and also with uhp property through through code enforcement this an annual cost we've been doing it for for a number of years two from the bottom is the December trashville $133,000 to Danny County Improvement Authority you go to page three um like going in this is for um the old old goer field um Park been I worked on down by on the um Fiers to draw three uh total contract like 3.5 with the payment will have probably about 1.9 paid off into it they expected the thing to be done uh before spring um you go down to the middle of page ever bridge this is again a contract for software used by the police department uh on the bottom of page five it is the the January payment through school for tax reflect on we have would be [Music] $130,000 this doesn't have anything to do with this amount of money but I have a question who actually determines the amount of money that the city pays to the school district it detered by the county and state um they have a whatever the state doesn't pay uh whatever Revenue they don't get beyond that it's responsibility of the city and it's it's passed on the cost is passed on to our taxpayers and uh they do we do an analysis they do from July 1 through June 30th where they take and we Bill uh once a month for that Cost Plus in August and February there Debt Service that our responsibility also we pay that in in February and in August otherwise every month it's going to be to $830,000 must return by the state county and school go to page six there went in are okay okay Industries this is a service that we use when we do our tax and and uh tax s uh in December uh this is an online service where people can uh bid on lant properties um we've been doing it for like five or six years it's been great uh it's alleviated kind of a crowding in City Hall where people used to be biding on properties now it's Nationwide we have we have people from uh uh New Orleans we have people from us bidding on on our properties and taking care of the taxes for uh after the tax sale that we did this year there are only seven properties not sold I about I believe we had like 900 that were on the tax sale list all seven were not sold and as a result our collection rate is pretty close little over 99% for uh for the year um if you go to page seven you'll see Triple R Lighting um this is the the annual cost that we're paying for the lights the Christmas lights up and down um Main Street they take them install them store them renew them if anything broken or need to be repair um and this is a cost the in page out of the neighborhood Improvement program so it's not really part of the city's budget it comes out of the grant program from the state for neighborhood Improvement um and then want reload that nothing said any questions on any of these I uh R Industries is this the first time that we've gotten we've been doing no I mean have they have we have they bought up the r is a software that we use oh okay okay and R puts it out on the web where people can bid on on this kind of like an eBay type of thing where um you can know you can bid on properties that are delinquent right or okay it's just a software company that provides that information to everybody else but some of the companies that you just mentioned is what I'm asking about you said New Orleans and all that have have they bid on any other properties uh they they've been on a number of we have a number of properties that out of town people okay and they're really just investment purposes uh with the idea that they will buy property or buy leans with the idea that someone down line will redeem it maybe not them but they'll get interest at interest back all right thank you yes I do have a question there um being that we are doing this for outside entities that come in here and buy property what are we doing to makeing sure that uh people Pleasant get a chance to put on those properties also everybody is is open market it is is on it is on the web we have put on the web probably about 6 weeks MH uh where they can come in and anybody can put on it anyone except for me or anyone here but anyone from um l City anyone has the opportunity to bid on okay but it's up there in enough time so that everyone gets to see it because I know those people that do that for a living they look at it all the time but people in pleas might not we we start I believe the first week in November M and end I think this year we ended 20th of December so there's like six or seven weeks where people have an opportunity and people um and we also publish it something in the paper that says the tax s is available this is where you can go for the website and a list of all the properties that are available um also people who are delinquent are are given probably two or three notices notices that this is what's going to happen mam yeah just to add to that from Clarity we're not these people or investors of individuals companies whoever that are participating in sell they're not buying property that's not what they're doing they're buying those Le and there is a 3year process prior to them going forward to pursue any type of foreclosure so the individual or the entity that owns the property still has you know CH yes to redeem that uh lean back from the third party holder so they're not buying the property okay all right and I and I I just want to add to um where I believe that mayor Ward was going and she said investors were coming in and buying a propert so they're not taking ownership of these properties right away there's a a three-year process uh regarding that as it relates to for and probably by this time in from a month we probably had 30% of the properties Redeemed by the owners or the mortgage companies um and for some reason mortgage companies just wait the last minute but we've had a lot of lot of redemptions in the last month since we since we did this one is this annual thing like every year you going to have it from November this this going be annual start second week in November once our tax collector analyzes all the delinquencies okay um and then notices were sent out to the homeowners or businesses wherever it may be and then the process starts and we usually end the middle the end of December um to close it out give people plenty of time to redeem what's their property should be thank yes just to add um because I I I hear the concern um around the the um the residents or Property Owners or taxpayers we do here in the city of pville and somehow we probably have to make it more known to the public that we have that 36 month program for anybody who is delinquent that they could apply for and become eligible to go onto a basically a repayment plan uh prior to it going into to a tax lean um what we've done in the past is we would have the tax collector assess and see how many of those properties are out there um at one time we sent out both notices to most of the the local people a lot of them happen to be seniors and we sent those notices out and they applied for the 36 month program and went under that program so you know it's up to you guys too as elected officials to make sure that people are aware of that but we do have something in place to help those that are struggling M Madam can you make sure that we bring that information to the committee that's exactly what I was going can I and to follow up with what you're saying U Miss pton is that we do have a 98% collection rate in the city of Pleasantville so we're really doing everything that we can do to keep everybody in their homes Absolut because we don't want anybody to lose their home coun woman this year is like 999 I mean every percentage helps because as as Mr Spar was talking about yesterday in the budget there's something set aside for uncollected uncollected taxes and it's a percentage of your budget so if you collect 98% of your budget there's a number we have to put in as to raise the higher that number is the less we have to raise for it so 99% we probably cut this year we had that line item was 700 something th000 for 24 hopefully it'll be under 500,000 so that's that's money you have to have to raise for taxpayers any other questions comments thank you Mr next we have public portion on agenda items only evening everyone evening Tim Jones pleas citizens I have two questions with regards to agenda items the first item is Ordinance one um Madam president could you please explain in as much detail as you can what Orin one really means in terms of dollars and cents well is to adjust the salaries of the mayor and city council dollars and cents numbers please give me a second so for city council that's 20 up to is a range 22485 and mayor 5321 and what are the current numbers I don't have that in front of me you don't to my understanding the current salary of a Cil person is in the neighborhood of $12,000 so you're talking a $10,000 a year increase in the the salaries of city council members I think that needs to be reflected in a way that the public is aware of it now I don't know where the mayor s is and I don't know how this applies to the mayor however this is the action of the city council and not the mayor this is the shig that goes on that I think we're going to have a problem with going forward and I want to make the public aware of what's going on that's our job as citizens of this community we're talking a $10,000 a year raise that you want to Disc Go dismiss and not have any public comment on any questions nothing asked the second item I would like to raise is resolution 17 um could you tell me who was on the finance committee please Finance uh is myself Council DAV for and Council good now I um I Heard the gentleman earlier today uh he gave it like a summary report of the meeting you had I'm glad you had a meaning about this but I would appreciate it if each of you could tell us one significant thing in that AR report that you have concern about for example like what are the total liabilities of the city you read the report you're ready to approve that you reviewed it please tell me that show me this something that you've actually read and understand something about what you read because I have a concern that people always just pencil whip stuff and don't know what they reading and so please you can do it for everyone or you can have in your members just tell us something about that report what is I give you I could suggest you ask what are the total um liabilities and reserves in that audit report how many questions do you have Mr that's this it this is it I have my time man' I'm asking this no I'm asking how many questions this this is my last question okay we can give that question to The Madam Clerk and then we can answer your question no I am asking of the members of the committee like I said my concern is that people are just saying yes yes yes yes and not understanding what you're saying yes to it's been a historic problem in the city and it needs to end if you cannot answer just say you can't answer no that it can be answered but if you give your question to The Madam clerk we will make sure you'll get your answer well I mean I can anybody I can get the answer to myself if I get it L I just want to say do you have the ability to look it up she don't know you're telling me you're ready to vote and you're going to vote on that and um get sexual whatever yes yes yes yes we reviewed it and I just want to make the public aware you're ready to say yes to stuff that you have not done your homework on thank you thank you Mr Jes anyone else anyone else on agenda items only good evening everyone good evening I don't frequent these parts but seeing that everyone is getting a salary increase everywhere all the way up to the state level um it draws my attention because it's a trend when we have these things occur I understand there's inflation and all that and personally I think that the mayor should get an increase I think she only had 47 4 something, salary business administrat uh Finance uh had been getting salaries all this time is due for you just because you're a part of this whole Administration so I think that it's it's not unreasonable as far as the council people who are the ones making the decisions to have this $10,000 increase or that amount similar approximate amount it draws concern because okay fine you want to do that you want to Pat yourself from the back say you're doing a good job well what are we getting for that right so let's see what we're getting do you walk around the city do you see what the city looks like in order for you to do that does that warrant that increase right when you look at our town and you see this can any of you recognize this you can take it if you'd like to pass that along for them to look at this is our city this is your city right can you identify this this is supposed to be a pedestrian walkway can does there any indication that this is a pedestrian walkway the bike path the bike path right here's another part of the bike path can you tell where's the signage now I when I asked maybe two years ago councilwoman farmal Laro said it's the responsibility of the people you can look you can look at the tapes or whatever it was the responsibility of the people in that area to take care of the bike P that's ludicrous but okay then when I spoke to councilman kimona afterwards he said he didn't want to waste the people's money spending it on paint these are I'm not making up this is verbatim so when we look at that you're doing that increase can some of that go to perhaps making a proper fence over there on Old Tilton Road I believe that is because this fence for the basketball court is dilapitated right how about the basketball court on Crescent Avenue which has cracks and vegetation going through it or how about the Lincoln Green Park which has been missing a swing and is Rusted at the base of the structure for the last two years so when you say you're going to give yourself increase can we get an increase on the beautification of this town where the children walk because this is a walking District can we have lighting where the high school is when they leave athletic events that they can have safe and secure at least a bright walkway to leave where they're going from the high school or the Middle School please thank you I implore you think about the children do you want I'll take [Music] them um I just want to know with um with the rate increase that you're proposing what is the percentage the base percentage how much of RA percent okay people here who work in casinos okay they just got their raises and most of the people got 2% okay 2% increase we are a small town we're struggling trying to pay bills um trying to keep the city together trying to people to keep their houses and stuff and we're giving out 80% ra to what when the people out here in your town is not getting that kind of raise and most of them work in the casinos they don't get that kind of percent rate they're getting 2% which is maybe $1,000 a year you're talk about 10 with this poor struggling town just like she was just saying we need a lot of repair here like the especially on tilt Road there where the bike path is that really needs to be cleaned up because a lot of times the fence is broken that the kids can't really play there you know basketball so I I just don't understand I mean what was the reasoning for this kind of increase I could see a small increase but not 80% okay because we just can't afford it the city of cville the residents here we can't afford that kind of race thank you [Applause] M council president M mayor members of council uh residents and fellow business owners here in Pleasantville my name is Derwood kinket uh I represent um Sweet Spot Holdings where Real Estate Investment Company recently purchased a21 North Main Street um but to today I'm here on the issue that a lot of people been speaking about and I'm not here like some of the other residents um I'm not sure if they know the type of work that councel and the mayor getting phone calls 24 hours around the clock answering calls having to deal with accounting Finance construction management these things that most professionals that make these type of decisions get paid well into the six figures to do um but I digress you guys do the best you can with a little bit and at $122,000 I'm assuming it hasn't been raises in probably quite a while and the work is heavy and it it's going to require more of council and the mayor to get it done so I agree with that and the other item that I wanted to speak on is the budget I have a plan with my partners of in real estate investment here in Pleasantville that can add a substantial line item to the budget in terms of excise taxes from the Cannabis industry and hopefully as conversations devel in the coming months we can put something together and we can actually do something to add some relief to the taxpayers and to council and the mayor and um making Pleasant Bill thank you anyone else from yeah thank you Jose pres Bill resident I want to thank Judy mayor is doing a pretty good job and I can see like I do with this lady for getting a race um it's a lot of work for you I've seen you you try to go everywhere you try to be too many places ease back it's too much for you but um as far as this raise this is way too much um because if you look at the number it's like lady said 80% going from 12 to 22 you can't really justify that and with our town not doing well um you got watch our budget and we're just this is supposed to be really the work of councilman is supposed to be mostly voluntary um it's just the way it is and if you don't like it if you want money for it then you know job good job ex thank you good job this is this is this little money that's given to you is to pay for those out of pocket expenses you naturally incur in the process but when you get into a 22,000 level you already begin to um cut into the city's budget when the city's already hurting it's hurting a lot um it's it's an embarrassment so I'm asking you not Mr Robby you're not in this picture because you're new here um so I can't pick on you yet but uh everybody else here you got to you got to think about it you know and uh just voluntarily I like to see this proposal I'm not even though which might be passed I will take one half of the money coming to me and give it right back to the city glad to see something like that happened that would be like wow thank you thank [Applause] you um when the gentlem was talking about the budget for 2022 he said that the budget was 32 million and the budget for salary and wages that came out of that was 14 million that's almost half the budget for the city somebody get paid too much money um the other thing I want to say I know everybody has to make a m I gotta make one too but we are in the citizens of Pleasantville I feel are in a financial trold and last year um our sewer went up our taxes went up and you gave a 20e of batement for housing project which means we got to cover that too so I I I just feel like you're this is why your demographic is changing the high cost of taxes is another reason why you can't get the ratables that you seek um Pleasantville has the highest tax rate in New Jersey at 5% and the salary per capita is 21,6 they don't go together so we need a break like y'all are killing us unless you just want to lose all your citizens if you really don't want the town to go up or to prosper or progress then you continue along this vein but if if what you really are seeking is to improve Pleasantville improve the school district get ratables in here then you going to have to do something ma different you have people that are not even retiring now because the taxes are so high and you need need to come out and let people know who you are because I'm telling you they don't know who you are the people that you know know who you are but the rest of Pleasantville doesn't even know who their Council people are they don't even know what Ward they're voting in and that's a fact that's not con the other thing is you need to change your venue for these programs that you have every year everything is done with an avue of course cuz it's laid out um and on chelton road you never go back and do anything in the in the other parts of the Ws that you're not giving any attention to like Le Avenue that playground over there is not getting anything and it's a huge population back there that's being undressed people are complacent because they feel like you don't care about them you don't address them you don't they don't know who you are you don't have your pictures up you don't do things in their Community you just do the same things over and over again um I guess it's be beneficial to you guys but it's not beneficial to Pleasant so I'm asking that you consider what I've said and try to make some changes that are more beneficial for the citizens as opposed to just how much money people make in Pleasant they can come here from somewhere else and get a job making what they couldn't make where they live so they come here and they take that job thank you room are you telling me I'm done minutes thank you thank anyone else from the public just the items only okay Linda car how you doing C hello are I absolutely agree um that you deserve an increase I do I absolutely believe that you have a difficult job but you ran for the position knowing what it was going to pay you knew you knew the pay you knew the pay out before you took it most of us do when we apply for jobs and we get them they already they tell us how much we're going to make yeah I there's a there's another city and maybe you're mimicking this city I don't know but Ocean City um city council did the same thing I go to Ocean City every weekend I ride through the city you can ask my husband he goes to it's absolutely gorgeous in the summer and the winter when everything is dead Ocean City is still looking good and I I all often tell my husband I said you are you are the mayor of pleasant and I'm the mayor of Ocean City it hurts my feelings to say that but I'm just saying because it's so beautiful and I like beautiful things I like for cities to look good I like for people to come to my city and when I go to C uh Ocean City every weekend people are visiting there in the winter time so and not only that their city council is known by the people everybody in they they know who that I know who their city council members are I only know you because I've been coming up here talking I have nothing personal against any one of you I believe that it could be a difficult job and when I retire I probably run for a position myself but what I don't understand what I do understand too is Ocean City has a huge budget mhm working with multi-millions like like we have multi-million 32 but they have a huge more than double this and all of them got increases and their city is beautiful if you can make the City match your increase I'm with it that's right I'm I'm all the way down with it I'm all the way down with it if you can make this City look 90 80% better you deserve you deserve that I'm going to clap you up because when I walk down streets doing a fire drill with a whole bunch of children and all the the sidewalks is cracked and people are falling getting on work on scun because the the the sidewalks are so terrible and the houses that are empty is all grown over it's it's it's ridiculous so just just let me just say this and I'm going to say it one more time time if you can make this city the percentage of this city look like your increases I'm clapping you [Applause] up good evening um I respect what you do mayor Ward much love right I really do okay however a $10,000 raise at this point in time is not beneficial for the city right um we've been up here before out of your own admission we don't have the money we don't have the money by your own admission different projects we don't have the money but we have one 2 three four five 6 7 $70,000 right now um I have an issue for two days in a row the presal Board of Education had a 2hour delay right y that means that our children and uh our parents had to make adjustments to get to school okay um we do what we do we try to make it work and we do make it work all right now out of your own admission we don't have enough money for police officers right crossing guards were not on duty all right on their post for the past two days all right now police officers had to fill in okay I am not allowed to direct traffic all all right but we found ourselves directing traffic on Lyndon and Le AB I don't know about any other school but I know what we did all right we had a police officer there today and when I turned around that police officer was gone which meant that the children were crossing the street by themselves until one of us stepped in to direct the traffic on leads and Lyon Avenue so what is my point my point is if you have the money to give yourselves ra raises right then you have money right to hire police officers or crossing guards these parents right they don't care about our children and I'm telling you someone is going to get hit because of the negligence of this city in regards to protecting our children $70,000 I'm sure will help pay for a piece of a police officer two or three crossing guards three or four crossing guards we had none on Lyon and leads for the past two days but you see fit to give yourselves a $10,000 raise it's time to start doing things right in this city anyone else from the public good evening good evening my name is Mike Carbone I'm with Sweet Spot hold you guys met my partner Derwood my other partner Eric he's not able to make it tonight um I just came out uh we purchased a commercial property about four months ago and um I just wanted to let you know we're here to contribute to the tax base and um you know help beautify the city a little bit uh we moved into 821 North Main Street and uh we've already started fixing the place up we're here to benefit the city hopefully um benefit the culture of the city and everything else so I just want to do a proper introduction to let you know we're here uh I've been service servicing this city for over close to 30 years now Plumbing sewer and drain cleaning Water and Sewer Septic work and um you guys have always been good to me so now it's time for us to get back and hopefully we will all benefit from this thank you thank you anyone else from the public good evening evening I am a resident of Pleasantville and I do agree with something that I would like to say that I am proud because I work in the public and I would like to say that I am I from Pleasantville instead of lying and say I'm North fi just so I wouldn't get judged for living in a town that could be so beautiful you have a beautiful building right across the street and I'm I'm sorry I'm call can you repeat that can you repeat what you just said I said there's a beautiful building you said something about it you said you're from I'm from Pleasantville but I'm embarrassed to say that I am from Pleasantville she's from I tell people I'm from Northfield because I'm embarrassed that I live in Pleasantville because of some of the things they go on because of the personality of the people who they are I'm going about I'm here today to talk about the community my street can we get your name please I'm sorry my name is Michelle s ases and Sam i n and I I actually went and met the mayor uh just a few months ago at the M municipal building in the parking lot there I live Freight down the street on Edgewood Avenue and I just moved there n months ago and I was told that there's been complaints of my street being ripped up because of the canals that haven't been dug out they were dug out on Sandy hit and now I have debris I have pictures on my phone of seven bags of debris of things that don't belong in my backyard and I don't have it growing in my backyard I don't have crabs tampons um people's uh alcohol uh jingles and as best as tiles I actually have a bag in my backyard right now that I was going to say to show you all because it hasn't been cleaned up I'm sing back there so I've talking to the residents that rent there or the people that live there half part time I'm a full-time now so if I have half a foot of water in my front of my house because the sewers are broken I want to know why you're getting a rais I want to know why I have to fear for my car to be put on the water or my home being put underwater because the sewer systems wait a minute my street is ripped up and I'm telling you that I'm going to probably need a new everyone who's new people who bought their homes I'm calling about like if you want to get raised help the city first help the city first beautify it and then ask for a raise I'm going to be around that corner for that new project that was all Grant free money and it's supposed to beautify I can cannot wait to see you buil I'm watching it from my backyard on my deck I can see it from my home but I see with the floodings doing around it the fence is broken in the municipal building the water's coming over it yes you D out right down the bottom of my street I watched it for two weeks when another dig out the new person that just built who's planning building the football field when people go there to do events aren't you worry about them getting flooded their cars going under water people going to live there look around the city first before you build something like that help the people around there Egg Harbor did they have snoo silvers I go to that pach over there m Michelle get the boots on the ground your time up sorry I'm saying Help the city first beautify it and then ask for race because then more people will come here and want to live here and be proud to save from Pleasantville I hope to do that one day anyone else from the [Music] public Marvin 1300 Garfield J am proud to say I live here right first and foremost right stand you know we chose to come here I could stay in some's point right definitely those folks wanted me to stay because of my son because of how right first and foremost right say he was an academic scholar right while and elementary school so was my daughter yeah there uh and then also the fact that he was a young athlete went on to win right two division one championships like Fairfield and sart University today he's a doctor my daughter is the teacher my other daughter is uh she works rate sub abuse recovery for the courts state employee I would say this here when we start to look at the city of Pleasantville right see there great opportunities here if they weren't then people wouldn't be moving in here like they are right they wouldn't be living right saying 10 to a house that basically only should have three they wouldn't turn around right and saying behind buying properties up right and say that we don't even get the right or we don't even get the advertisement right and say that properties are available I'm pretty sure David and I can get together and buy a couple these right so again I am Union I the vice president right say of the second say largest Union in the state of New Jersey CWA I come out local 1038 now let me say this to you I am not opposed to you having an increasing Sal unlike the gentleman in the back right and saying you know who wanted to rub your back and say you get 24-hour calls that don't know I I can well understand you know to come up to swo you up right and say with some nonsense right and saying about 24-hour calls you get 24hour calls when in emergency not every day right you know I can bet you I can look one your cell phones and see how many reg calls that you got right in the last year right now I probably only see four Dev point about it right thing is that you guys deserve a race you deserve a race but we are the person that sit across the table and bargain what that amount should be you don't give it to us right it's say something that you you put on the table and then you just give it to us ask us right and say put us into consideration because the fact in the matter is right and saying the way that the economy has G up the responsibilities right saying of officials you know mayor included right folks deserve a raise they do right $10,000 right is not a bargaining check you know what you know what 10,000 is that'll break us that will break the budget and if you can't afford something right and saying how you going to turn around and propose it to something that we can't pay and the only way that you can pay right and saying is by going up on our taxes so we're going to suffer I keep the propit I pay my taxes right you know I'm here to represent right say all those folks right say who live on Garfield who live on friendwood right say who live on Park Avenue I represent that part of the town and I'm speaking to them right I know who my counsel persons are right and the M matter of fact one of them lives down the street so if I want to touch him I can right and I'm telling you right right now you know Victor right that we're going to have this discussion but we're going to have it on [Applause] block anyone else from the public seeing oh good evening mayor good evening Administration good even councel I want to start off I know what's going on in this town and who has routed these people to come no other than the guy Tim Jones that's right who's supposed to be the charge of the Pleasantville coner citiz just don't follow him he's just trying to make a name for himself no he's not he's trying to make no he's not that's a lie can I speak I didn't interrupt no one else please don't interrupt me well speak of truth then listen start from the crowd be respectful be respectful agenda right and I'm minutes but I tell you most people in here are hypocrites I know Tes is a hypocrite I agenda this is about and I'm getting to you you sit me down sit down okay all right all right he's a hypocrite because of the last I that the tax I'm not on the record good good I want it on the record excuse I want it on the excuse me Mr Callaway just stick with the agenda this is the agenda the taxpayers for paid for the majority of your school budget I never heard Tim Jones or other teachers go when it's time for them to get raises and me myself I don't think they deserve raises in with the shape the schools are in touch School that's not the responsility and I never heard you come up and say excuse me you can't speak from the back this is not fair he we can agree to disagree but this is not mature I never heard him say the taxpayers can't afford that why Try certain people work for the district and they going to get a rais they don't care it's all hypocritical but now you know people want a grand stand cuz they want to run for city council that's the hypocrite part now the lunatic part Tim Jones is a man not agenda who slammed a student in a wheelchair through a wall this is not theend only this is not on the agenda don't allow this yeah me I am a concerned president as a citizen I would like to know how this guy is still after he what he a handic child after what he to that child he AAC what you need to do is go running high in shame after what you done to a handicap child and believe me everyone's going to know what you did to that child a handicap [Music] child [Music] I can't answer that I guess they wasn't needed I don't know was something controversial the agenda public portion Clos you slam a hand child in the wall straight [Music] [Music] C open discussion open discussion any any comments concerns okay close um open discussion motion to close work session second all in favor all right um Madam thir St we I'mma call the meeting to order this is a our regular meeting you yes please this is the um city council city of Pleasantville regular work work meeting is January 17 2024 no regular meeting rly meeting the time is currently 7:34 let's stand Sunshine statement is this meeting has been duly advertised in the city's newspapers in conformance with the open public meeting act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law can you please stand for invocation and M standing for the flag salute yes um before we do the invocation I'd like to have a moment of silence for jome Garrett uh the gar family just lost him he was a big part of this community I watch this guy do a lot in commun so I just like have a moment silence for GU [Music] thank let us pray [Music] flag United States of America stand One Nation God indivisible liy Justice for All roll call please Madam cler pres Kona present K pres Presby Thomas present all in attendance motion to dispense reading of previous minutes motion second all in favor mayor any um accommodations I have nothing thank all right thank you all right mad okay first on the agenda is ordinance number one first reading fixes the salaries of officials and employees of the city I have a motion motion second one councilman OB any comments see none roll call dport yes no kabona yes Korea no Ro clay yes over yes Thomas yes cour is passed for second reading scheduled for February the 5th resolution 13 authorizing the tax assessor to file Petition of appeal or appeals for the tax year 2024 motion second any questions C call please D yes yes yes Korea yes yes [Music] yes that Thomas yes are you going to wait for him go to the keep rolling sound resolution approved resolution 14 creating a current account temporary budget for year 2024 can I motion motion second all in favor I you D yes P yes kimona yes Korea yes clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 15 creating SE utility temporary budget for year 2024 moot motion by can I get a second second [Music] second roll call please D um for yes yes gona yes Kore yes clay yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 16 awarded the contract for the blackp pipe Street skate phase one project of Charles Marino LLC in the amount of $ 48,4 630 may I have a motion second stand DAV yes Kon please sorry yes Kon yes Korea yes clay yes Thomas yes oasby would you like to vote on resolution 16 oh yes resolution approved you're welcome resolution 17 certified that all city council members have reviewed the 2022 annual audit for the city can I have a motion please motion any questions C please Dort yes F yes kimona yes Korea yes faran yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 18 approv of the community energy plan and authorized application to pbu community energy plan imp implementation grant program may I have a motion second any questions CN n roll call please D for yes yes kimona yes Korea yes parlay yes ausby yes Thomas yes resolution approve resolution 19 authorizes to prepare an energy saving plan and to award the energy audit agreement to the Cur company may I have a motion motion second any questions n broke call please D yes yes kimona yes Kia yes clay yesp yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 20 authoriz an agreement renewal for Shar emergency and non-emergency dispatch Services between the city and the township of Aer motion may I have motion second question car see no questions call please DAV yes Rao yes kimona yes Korea yes play yes over Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 21 authorizes an agreement renewal for shared services for information technology Services between the city and the township of AAR have motion second motion Korea I mean I'm sorrya any questions seeing none roll call please Davenport yes B yes kimona yes Kia yes Marlan yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution approve any comments on Council next is pres 2024 City yeah right the last oh this is all over that's on the last page all right I have it thank you you're welcome so this is the 2024 city council committees we have can you all hear me yes okay thank you um committee Relations Committee I mean I'm sorry community relations committee is James Barkley chair ber Kia Charles oasby finance committee chair Carla Thomas Lawrence Davenport ber Korea Planning and Development chair Lawrence Davenport Carla Thomas Joan famero Public Safety Committee chair Charles olby Lawrence Davenport Victor Carmona Public Service committee chair Victor Carmona Charles oasby Joanne famero Recreation chair Joanne famero James Barkley Carla Thomas storm Waste Water Management B Korea chair James Barkley Victor Carmona senior citizens ofer board mayor Judy Ward so that's the 2024 city council committees can I get a motion for the bill is motion second um I just have one item on the bill list which is 01827 I'm asking that to be tabled for um to for review for committing what item first page 01827 that one yes I do okay um you're asking to T who second second any other questions comments what the table sorry all in favor of the table yes I need a motion to approve the bill list except in uh number 01287 I need a motion motion 827 yeah motion all right so that's second any questions roll call Da for yes yes to everything but 6666 it's in the of my over now okay I'm sorry kimona Korea yes barlay yes AUST yes Thomas yes that everything 666 all right motion approved next I need a motion to approve the B on raffle licenses motion please second motion second by coun comments CN roll call D report yes fear yes kimona yes Korea yes clay yes oasby yes Thomas yes motion to approve next is Public public portion please state your name and you have three minutes okay we have Miss Renee Brown Mr CH temp Jones good evening again everyone pleas I first I'll start with a question who made the decision to hire I believe is guo law as our City attorney firm question who made that decision Council everyone on city council agrees yall all make the decision to hire this firm okay okay that was prior to my arrival professional picked last year let me okay I'll continue from here the terrible reality is City councils can take actions that are suspect and contrary to the interest of communities they are elected to represent and still be lawful that is why it is the responsibility of citizens to Be watchful to the best of our abilities question the city leadership and to publicize our concerns according to the advertisement for the job and this is the public not to was issued in J um um December I believe of last year notice is hereby given that the city of Pleasantville seeks qualifications for Professional Services for the period of January 1:24 to December 31st 2024 for the position of Municipal attorney the applicant must be licensed attorney in the state of New Jersey the municipal attorney must have a minimum of 10 years experience for the municipal for a municipal entity or government entities in the state of New Jersey must be fully versed in fields of Municipal law Municipal land use laws public contracts law Redevelopment law it must also have knowledge of the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone act and experience representing Urban Enterprise Zone municipalities possesses the ability to develop and litigate complex Municipal issues including Municipal land use and public works construction our research reveals that the sitting Attorney Edward Hill I believe is here is listed as practicing only General law in fact the law firm that Mr Hill comes from which is guzo law which is based in Camden County lists the following exper expertise on their website family law child support custody alimony divorce domestic violence Municipal Court traffic violations Wills trust in state planning how does this choice meet the public notice requirement that's the first question question how does uh someone who has General law experience meet the requirements of to actually fill that job you have six other attorneys that you've hired for doing various aspects of the work and most of them do have the same the qualifications to do the job however our Le who sits here and gives you advice has no experience to do what the job you're asking them to do ab well at least as as reflect in the docum no you just have you just look at the website though yes my my actual resume is that's all it is Municipal work that's all I do for the last 15 years it's listen to sir absolutely I do and I represent multiple towns and I represent counties yes that's all I do sir I don't do family law excuse me so I'm just I'm just answering your question fine I appreciate it hold on this a point of order well you were disparaging my name excuse me I'm not disc excuse me if you interpreted that right but you were I don't know I just know I know you're L I know you're listen what else do you have okay how this this is the other question I have how does the law firm is based in Camy County and not even a member of the ATL County bra Association represent the best interest of the citizens of pleasant B we should have someone here like our previous attorney who did represent have the same kind of experience that Mr Hill was here representing but she also was able to tell you that what you were doing is wrong and apparently you just didn't want to hear it and she said I'm out of here thank you so I would like to know that we're getting qualified representation have a great night you too next we have um Mr Carbone yes he left someone signed in as D Prill no hello again um I implore you to critically think and actually get some boots on the ground and walk through these spaces um particularly my uh focus and I would appreciate your focus is our bike path it is vastly different you can tell when you leave Pleasantville when you go into Northfield the difference visually I'm just doing an eye test when I look and I'm seeing in my community I'm doing an eye test I walk I drive I run in my community so I'm just doing the eye test and I'm like can are these people up here on this Das walking through and saying oh this is fine and this is okay are is that really what's going on CU if I see something that's an ey swore and comparatively to the adjacent municipality is looks dilapitated what what what feeling does that bring to the students who getting dropped off right there on Tilton Road from the Middle School what what feeling does that bring when they're getting dropped off on uh around Edgewater in Broad Street from the high school what feeling does that bring when they see their their Town look like that and they're walking along a pathway even if it's in the evening and they're hanging out with friends even at summer it's it it's not properly lit and they can even ride their bike without navigating it on a smooth pathway or even having the coloration that indicates to um vehicle operators that this is where people will cross that really bothers me so I implore you that in combination with the Willard Avenue Broad Street intersection please collaborate with the district the school district to make that a safe intersection for students to go there are a lot of people who are driving who have total disregard and I believe that Willard Avenue and Broad Street intersection needs a Crossing L there because there's no signage there's no lighting like how uh the church over on Tilton Road and what is that dolphin yeah they have a nice time when you press the button it lights up can we get that for our children please I would appreciate it and then we want to get grants if no no one's uh able to provide the firm that you got is able to provide uh means to get a grant to revitalize our bike path maybe we should look to get another firm because we need those resources to improve our community so that we feel good about it because when somebody feels good about their Community they don't leave it doesn't become a transient Town it stays and then generations and generations contribute so I implore you to think about that and collaborate with school district so when our children walk around that they have something that they feel internally good about instead of being like I can't wait to get out of here thank you thank you oh thank you David Caron I don't have anything at this time Linda car josea and Miss Anna I just have one thing um just hitting on you know when you go down South Main Street that South Main Street school at night because sometimes I get off most of the times late at night and the kids are trying to cross and I see you had like the big lights that face to school but all those lights we have over there in front of the old high school you know I'm talking asy where you can land a 7:47 why shouldn't we have some of those lights put in front of the school or more Lighting in front of the school because a lot of times those kids are trying to cross at night for after school program and you have to be really careful to see them because they're trying to D across the street because it's kind of dark in there I don't know if anybody's paid any attention or look but it is it's like I'm always aware what street did you say it's on you know Main Street in front of the South Main Street School oh in front of the school in front of the school you have the big lights that face the school but you have none that are on like on the curve to make it light up you know lit up so people can see them there's kids that are trying to cross from the school in front into the school across the street and sometime you have to really pay attention because they're like darting there's no crossing guard there thankfully sometimes there's a parent out there they'll try to cross the kids but I think it's a little dark in there that we need some lighting there we should take a look at in front of our schools make sure we have enough lighting especially if the kids are getting out at night that people in cars can see them that's my concern it's been my concern for a while because I see all these lights on an anony Boulevard and we took two of those lights and put them in front of the school it would make it a lot safer for our children that's all I'm saying I don't think that's bad but maybe someone you know you take a walk down there or maybe tonight you go down and drive past Joan I know you go that way drive past and look up and notice that how dark it is in there for our children to cross from over there to go to their houses okay thank you thank you I get a motion to close public portion in favor may you have any comments thank you all for coming out tonight we hear all of your concerns we hear all of your concerns I want to uh uh address Mr Carrington about the crossing guards we have the hardest time keeping crossing guards I I we hire them constantly but they leave just as fast and there's been other parents that said that they wanted to you know wanted to do just what you're doing but of course you know for liability purposes we couldn't you know we can't condone that I um I wanted to say also about the races we do we I think we work hard we try I I can speak for me and I do try to work hard for you and and I'm sure I can speak for my other Council people too as far as the raise I'm not for it and I did ask that we you know we hold off on it I I I when you all started coming in and coming up to the mic and everything I'm thinking oh boy this is going to seem like a setup you know when I was waiting when uh you started talking I was waiting to hear your butt you know when you were saying that I deserve to a raise you know but no there was no butt because usually you have something you know how it usually ends but with the race though I think that we you know we could do it but at a different time I think that we you know the time is not right while we're raising your taxes and doing the things that we're you know that we're doing and it's not because like I said it's not because it's not deserved but it's just because of the timeing and the budget we just don't have it right now I had a I know you were saying about the crossing guards and you can't keep them do you think it has something to do about their pay I do I do because other municipalities are paying more and and again but if you PID more then it be a big thing you know oh we don't have the money well it's not that so much David as we that's part what we're talking about now I'm not saying you okay but no that the other communities do pay more and and then I did hear about ventner and you know other communities they have more money they have more ratables they have more everything that we have we're we're working with what we have and you know and doing the best that we can with what we have and when we get our ratables and everything in we will do better right right don't but don't expect us to be able to um squeeze a dollar out of 50 and you're not willing to do it everyone have a good evening anyone from Council like to speak um I voted no for the raises you don't come to the I I wish Mr Royal was here because he's he's a negotiator uh you don't come to the bargaining table with 80% right if you feel like you deserve a raise okay but here's the problem miss kton you brought up Ocean City I had the auditor tell us how much our budget was $32 million you know what ocean City's budget is 99 million exactly they collect $5 million a year on beach badges that's right okay on beach BS now they do have to pay out lifeguards and that kind of stuff but just the fact that they can say we're going to bring in $5 million just because somebody wants to go sit on the beaches but if we had that and we had the money coming in then yeah maybe I I know we haven't gotten raises in a long time right but you know I did kind of a I don't know if if my math is right spreadsheet is right whatever but I kind of did a spreadsheet for if if Council hasn't gotten a raise since 2008 at a 3% increase at some point right now you would be up to $557 as an increase as it is now our salary is 122,000 you put on an 80% increase you're looking at 10,000 as opposed to 550 that's a lot of we can't get crossing guards because we don't pay enough pay I'm sure $22,000 will have a a plethora of people on city council right um I don't I don't think this is the time to do this we just raised property taxes one of the issues that they said for Ocean City with their uh gring increase for City Council Members was on a million dooll home it would be two cents a day increase wow million anybody home worth a million dollars I think my house is worth a million dollar but I'm not taxed on a million dollars thankfully we have no million dollar homes in pleas we pay more taxes that two cents per household is 365 days a year two cents what's that $6 or something on a million dollar home apples and oranges that's why you have to do everything in percentages because that's what keeps it when you go to get a raise whatever collective bargaining R it's percentages you never say I want a raise of $22,000 right you don't get that it's percentages and that's what we have to work with and 80 % has a large percentage so I just wanted people to know that that's why and everybody's a taxpayer everybody's got to pay into this city and here's the thing we have the second highest tax rate in the county in the county that's right but we have 99% of the people coming and paying their taxes I find that amazing I love it it's good for the city but you know people are willing to stay here people want to be here people are willing to pay the high taxes to be here and I think that's something that we have to take into consideration thank anyone else else M president pame yes I can't see here tonight and just hear uh and I'm going to address the comment I'm going to address it in general okay when it comes to not feeling proud about our city I can just not sit here lay back knowing all the work that we put in I'm Not Jus defying by the way I'm Not Jus defying to race as you can see my vote reflects how I feel about it uh I feel it's about vocation calling to serve and so on and so forth but that's not what I want to go with it um if you look around just look around our city whenever I'm faced with people talking bad about my city I tell everybody remain positive and optimistic and if you look around there's so much we got to feel proud about I can go down the list but I'm just going to mention a few things state-of-the-art park being developed right now I think it's at 20% or so am I correct on on that um uh we dredge the uh the marina hopefully a great Development coming up there Old Turnpike how you guys going uh by old TM Pike how beautiful it looks I visited most of the commercial places there they're so happy they're complaining like always there's room for improvement they're complaining about now a lot of people are parking in other words those those businesses are being visited more often they're complaining about parking now um and those are when I go around and visit the the the people uh those are the comments that I he about it but let's go a little bit further beautiful Ashley Boulevard have you guys drawn by it's beautiful horison um uh the infrastructure uh decator Park Avenue D Road I'm not sure I haven't passed by D Road uh lately but I think it's uh yet to the second things now um I'm sorry madam no they're not completed they're not completed but working on it um and now we just tonight we just approved verifying uh uh Route 40 so there's so much to be to feel proud about not just what we've done about how far what the city have moved lately have we noticed so let's remain positive and optimistic about our city I've moved here like 30 years ago and I've been proud of living in ponville SE not moved so thank you very much anyone else so I want to make a closing comment by acknowledging the presidence of the Republic the president help us to do our job better and not because we don't speak when you are speaking but we hear you but I just want to demolish us as we govern this city to do with a bit of Civility to be calm and be nice as we approach one another because we need you but we need to be very calm be sure in the audience we listen when you speak but we don't just want to entertain a dialogue so I want to thank you for your presence and I want to encourage you to be present more than before so that our city together can be covered thank you madam president last comment I forgot listen just a sign know how good we're we're doing just notice 99% which we're talking about the budget 99% collection tax collection and there's a reason why all those properties uh uh Mr uh Ludy mentioned it was uh from unless all how many um properties were um out there forclosure or were we had like 900 tax from a 900 at least of 900 down to a seven there's a reason why investors looking at our city there's a reason why they're coming here and buying this tax lead and so on so there's a lot to be proud about uh pleasantly and I am one that is proud of living in in this city anyone else uh yes I do have something um you know when we look around the city in Pleasantville and the things that are being done and where it's concentrated at uh the way some of the projects are being I guess I would say allocated into one side of town you know that's why we spoke tonight that's why I spoke and said what I said about are these things going to be done on the other side of town on the north side of town all right because all the work that's being done is being done on one side of town so as I see that and then I hear residents come up and make a comment about the events that are being done at one of the parks in my neighborhood in my District where I grew up at where I go out and I raise money to make things better for our children you know and that's all it's about I could you know it's hard to deal with um this thing where you try to make something bad out of the council doing something good for our children because that's what it's supposed to be about that's our future so when you hear that and I make a comment and I try to make you guys understand is that we have to stop concentrating on one side of town and I know it's not by on purpose but I this to our business administrator the work that's being done has to be done evenly across our town the next project that should be done should be done on the north side of Pleasantville whatever big project that comes up Street Improvement or whatever it is it needs to be done over there so I'm very proud of the work that I did at Willen Avenue and as we speak we had a public safety meeting last night and we're looking to put cameras in every park around Pleasantville because it's our children that we need to keep safe with all the shootings and stuff that that's been going on at our parks and for anyone to say that there's a problem with doing an event or upgrading our Parks I think that's an issue because that means you're not here for the future of our city and the future of our city is our children that's what it's all about so with that being said you know as long as we start moving and moving and doing things equally amongst across the city I think it's going to be okay and as far as you guys sticking to your guns and standing up for what you leaving tonight you know I'm proud of you look forward to moving forward and uh you know God bless you and happy New Year everybody that's here thank you no that Public public is done Public's done Public's done well any I said to you was very misleading wait a minute Miss Brown we're done very Mis else she okay I just wanted to say to you all that I don't know who was who looked at YouTube or was here to here our state of the city but as councilman Davenport said we're working on all parks we we have work done being done was there any left out I don't think there was any left out when I did my state of the city we're doing the basketball courts I don't think we had this one swing set at Green uh Lincoln Green Park that's the only thing that you mentioned tonight but the other parts are all being upgraded with grants that we got it's nothing it's not a burden to the city it's the grants that we got I want you to stay you know be looking forward to that I just no I just I just want to say something because if if it is a burden to the city it's good because it's for our children whatever we do for our children should be accepted and with that being said with the mayor saying that you know I really want to thank Miss pton because of all the work that she's done with me to make things happen around here that we do every year we're trying to make that an annual thing and I look forward to the next event that we do at Willen Avenue so thank you very much and I'm just hope that that event is bigger and better and maybe you can collect enough money to have it on the south side of town you know to move it it all on my the other thing is that um there is the city we are going to have a job fair on January the 26 from 4: to 6: p.m. and on January the 29th uh from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. where at and yes at the pville library Madam ba will this be on the um website yes okay we have so this fly will be on the website as well and one one thing that I would like to add that um we do have uh we have income coming in we have a MPX um cannabis we just received revenue from from that entity as well so I'm glad to see that the candid industry that we do have here it is generating money for us as taxpayers us you know for a city so I want to say with with that and closing it's not just what we have here and and the C I mean the the the amount of money that you all see and the amount of money that you all you know talk about but we do have money coming in and with that being said I just want to have if anyone can give me a motion to gotion all in [Music] favor [Music] y