##VIDEO ID:cZeQ6eboPOA## [Music] good evening everyone this is the city of pville city council work meeting today is August the 19 2024 and the time is 6:30 p.m. this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call please saport here Kona pres Korea present pres Obby Thomas pres and for the record Mr dport will not be here this evening Madam CLK approval of previous minutes I sorry Council approve of previous minutes motion second all in favor I agenda review first agenda is ordinance number nine first reading amending chapters 84 alcoholic beverages and chapter 300 Land Management of the city code to regulate liquor stores and regul and related sales of alcoholic beverages within the city council any questions see now ordance number 10 first reading adopting the Redevelopment plan for the properties identified as block 382 locks 1 and 14 on official tax of the city of pleasant pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law and JSA 4A col 12-1 Council any questions I have a question um what are they requesting as a 5-year tax abatement what are the uh the numbers and the parameters can you come [Applause] up uh good evening good evening um just as a note so today's uh ordinance is just for the Redevelopment plan the 5year tax abatement will be brought as part of the redevelopers agreement at date but 5year tax abatements are regulated by the new third Department of Community Affairs they look at what the assess value is what the taxes would be and basically over the first 5 years it's 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% And that is that's how they are throughout the state that's how it's regulated and uh and that's you know that's how that works they will be assessed based on Equalization of vales property any properties at that value in the city are we assessing them at the same amount as everything else that we've been assessing for these so so and and Barry might be able to answer that better when they when you do a tax assessment on new construction for any sale you can't do a spot assessment so if someone were to list their property today and sell it it's going to sell for a higher value than the current tax assess the last time the city did a tax assessment was several years ago and values have gone up so when you put a new property on the market you look at the value of that property compared to other properties in town that have the same sale value and the assessments equal what those other properties assessments are well we've been doing the assessments at 140 correct that's what the ones are California Avenue on on on Peterson way they were assessed in in the low one 4 so 140 and the 2% what are they paying on taxes taxes for the first year I 7,000 on 140 with with the where's the assessment where's the the 20% on the first year would be400 2800 3600 till it gets up to the $7,000 $1,400 $1,400 thank you yeah Madam Bron from um can you just give us an overall idea before we get into the numbers that one do nonsense and everything else and back and forth about the finances can you just give us an overall of of what is it how many prop how many units get get us excited about it I will so so just as as a little reflection um back in June um city council approved a memorandum of understanding with the developer um this is for this is for the site right across from the rec center right um Brighton Avenue Wellington Avenue um so they look to do 40 uh Town Homes three bedroomroom town homes I do have if you want to see Illustrated picture um going to have garages um um with these houses that's a site that's been undeveloped I mean since the 80s um so you know this this is the kind of product it's a market rate home ownership um that they're you know that they're trying to do here market rate housing for the city of pleas how many and and what before for us today for the Redevelopment plan is to that's the first reading of the [Music] ordinance so that the zoning can match that from from this today if city council approves the first reading of the ordinance it will go to the planning board for planning Board review and recommendation then it has to come back to city council for the second reading and then after that there will be a developers agreement that will come back to city council with any of the business terms um that Mighty which is um you know the council woman brought up about a 5year tax amay the developer owns the property has property for years what you like to hear from twe yeah why not I mean yes uh Mr Tweeter and the developer are here why not let's hear from I the is talk about the plan tonight not the that's that's made excuse me excuse me I feel it's very important to talk about money and abatements while the public is here because they should be brought in on all of this I mean like they're the ones that are going to be making up the difference in the abatement for five years with their taxes so I think it's very important that the public is well aware of what we're doing today and not a year from now when they come before us I've never from transparency and uh it's just this was supposed to be just for a plan I know supped so I mean that's going to be discussed so that's going to be open will that's ex my voice little scratchy uh will was born and raised in Pleasantville lived on thec Avenue and he's very committed to Pleasantville he uh he built the Fox Run and The Landings and uh when he first started this project not even started just mentioned uh to uh the mayor um business administrator he mentioned about Community benefits where he would you know paid the partment out and this is the kind of things that he wanted to do is to uh you know he's very committed to pres he wants to do a lot for Pleasantville and also U thank you and also um he currently has been looking for other properties in Pleasantville so we can do things some pleasant go and so that's why you know I voted here tonight so you can you know be visible and you ask some any questions you want to ask Mr TW can you talk a little bit about the project not yet oh not okay no and I said we after this reading it goes to the P Board just approved from here okay that's all you know well you know what the P Bo does anything but I just came here and like to introduce him and let you guys know a little bit about him okay going come a process come back thank you any other questions Council nothing further m i mean Madam resolution 132 reject all bids for the various parts improvements of Le Avenue Max Manny and Creston Avenue project bar can you come up and give us an explanation on this please: uh the resolution is to reject the bid that we accepted I think the end of July um we had second time we bid them both times uh for the engineering and review we're like 35 30% above the estimate his estimate and what funds available so we we looking to reject it uh with the anticipation that we can probably uh we will start negotiating with the contractor to get a better number hopefully um and there's a lot of things that were going on down with the parks we're looking at um pck ball courts basketball courts soccer fields and all three of those areas uh and most of the money in fact all the money being part of a grant from the County Improvement Authority uh but again 30 we're 30% above the funding and also the estimate from the engineer so that's why we're asking to reject it for the second time bar how long do you think that this process will take I'm tell I can't I wouldn't think probably less than a month less than a month I think so once we start once we reject it uh and we'll start negotiating with the contractor as soon as possible if they're willing to negotiate if they're willing if they're willing that's all it's all uh depending on whether they're ready to talk about numbers um we may have to scale back a little bit and Le be within the boundaries of what we have to do but that'll be determined once we start talking to these guys but bar that's a month after we identify who's going to do it right y we already have the two cont we may have we may reach out to additional additional contractors but we have two people have time that bid on it we don't know if that if they will if our engineer can reach out to other contractors and maybe bring somebody else in because sometime people don't like the the bid on numbers especially with the acia there's a lot more requirements that they have to do do the bidding in order to get the money so we'll discuss all that with the engineer and contractors and ACI to see what we can do about expa process how far how far are we on on the difference of of $130,000 $30,000 30,000 thank you any other questions see thanks resolution 133 Ann approval of the Mexican Independence Day Festival on September 14 at the Tilton Avenue Vault Park any questions Council see none resolution 134 Grant approval of a community yarn cell in the city on September 7th at Tilton Avenue ballark any questions Council see that yes I do is there a fee for this for the vendors no it's $5 for your um permit $5 for permit going to cler right they go through it go no I know say nothing that only be there is I thought there was going to be something the recreation center do this would be placing that that's a different event oh okay 135 accepting the resignation of the business administrator Linda Pon any questions councel see on next is review of the build hello again um we're talking about the bill that were paid to the next council meeting this council meeting um let's see at the top of the page uh HDM Jeff this was the fourth third third quarter of propery liability Workers Compensation Insurance that had to be paid by the 15th of August um and really is 495 there's 90,000 uh two lines down part from the sore fund the 405 from down return fund based on uh the announcements that we do based on employees and coverage and whatnot um and then you'll see down the bottom we've got uh two small things $7,000 and $199,000 paid for Green Acres Deb service and then the 522 996 Fork roll for last question it says $45 to FL what that $45 for diner that was would we pay flowers for it not not by G look I think we a okay thank you um now we're looking at bu to be paid again the type is very small uh but for next council meeting I can guaranteed that the font will be larger back to normal processing um that will start buying people to cheaters that I need them too if you look down um down near the bottom of page one uh the Hua trash collection fee for the month of 144 um if we jump over to page two halfway down the middle command code that was another draw on the Dew Avenue Unity Park um for work that was done probably six or eight weeks ago this is the draw number eight um if few down there Durant engineering we asked them to draw specification for replacing the roof at Rec Center this is the partial payment MBA let's go back to the um Joker f is that the park right that means that we back on track and based on what our Engineers had said and what they have said that they had to order some material CU what had happened was that um they had to do test pilings and they're waiting for the report from the test pilings down then at the very end where to have to the stage and once they get the report which I believe they have material will be ordered for the for the stage and they'll start thring it up they expect we probably next I'm believe it's maybe November things will be done with the grand opening last time we talked about oober I know if if I may interrupt Madam ba Madam president last time we talked about this project we talk about October deadline and also it looked like a site that it was an abandon okay uh so please if you V look into it and and let's let's make it look like we're doing something over there I think I believe um Mr Ludy talked to the contractor yeah I talk to the contractor I I know our guys clean the outside of the fence yes I haven't been down Rel to see if they've done the inside the fence that's where I put my walk and it looks like an AB the $73,000 check beeld $75,000 and it look really oh and I told it's all abandon ites so November it is that hopefully hold you to we'll St uh with probably not Grand open till spring all [Music] right um you go over to page page three couple down the bottom uhw construction uh for 111,000 that's for partial payment for the roofs that have been done over at the at the annex and the firehouse that's we're working on they will start police station September 9th because they're having a hard time getting the guy who does the environmental andus testing out before that that point they according to my and I talked to them Wednesday at that time they didn't have a schedule for as of today they had a schedule for the inspector for the asbest and and they're looking for September 9th to start and it'll probably be 3 weeks once that'll be done after that um and then we have the boardwalk I'm sorry board of education for their monthly payment for taxes uh two below that uh as you know Friday we have another fireworks uh displayed down the marina and have payment for that uh other than that that's everything we have really just our normal operating bills and things we need R City any question sorry I want to know um KK both refund why was that a refund oh Mr H never got to put his vote in and he had a death in the family so he never he time but never utilized it and he's a repetitive repeated customer for the past years okay he called me early on he was really excited about yeah but he never got to put his boat in he made payment back in March but never put his boat in and then his wife got sick and she passed away thank and my he was a long time he's read it for many many years coun any [Music] questions I mention that going back to the finance Comm councilman OB is asking and thinking um 666 come back to U commit sure yeah I requesting that a few months ago but it hasn't happened but I do believe now we definitely need to send that back to the finance committee over that issue we have a meeting coming up so you can add my understanding wasn't I wasn't about the interpretation of of a couple attorneys were required to pay that what we are I mean that that was our attorney we had time very we can discuss that fin I might ask to go back okay we'll go back please expl that okay address haven't settled a date for the finance committee correct uh I believe we did I'll go with check tomorrow with okay mayor you have something no I just wanted to let everyone know that work on Park Avenue has and the issues been Sol and work is reason I got a couple calls people residents happy that that's you know going on um for those who don't know or haven't heard but um our previous business administrator Linda pton Linda Payton has resigned that but I want to welome Kenya okay um well retired um and I want to welcome Miss Kenya Nunes who is our acting um business administrator um when you see Kenya just say hello and welcome Kenya um really back to pleas yeah thank you so welcome Miss officially welcome and you have something mayor you want to do it now no doing the appropriate just the appropriate accomodations not okay well I mean I can it doesn't matter that's what we usually do can you do it this is about the agend item right everyone is the person here or no no okay and next question uh bar the question I have is for the fire department for the air conditioner I know you're retiring but uh I You advis in September that the second air condition unit um so I know before you leave I I like to have something on that actually talk about October November October November yeah because okay I we'll explain that the finance committee why that that will be for the secondary the first one's already taken care of we expect to be taken care by October yeah sometime at at the end of October beginning of November we should be taking care on the Fire and Fire Department yeah the air condition down and the V correct yeah I believe we have one I don't know if it's up there that actually there are three air condition units two are already operating the third is B so we have one that we need and we we need one two are working thank you sir I have a motion to close work session second all in [Music] favor good evening everyone this is the city of pville city council meeting today's August the 19th 2024 and the time is 6:30 p.m. I'm I'm sorry 6 54 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for invation and United States of America indivisible andice [Music] pres Thomas may have a motion to dispense reading of the previous minut second all in favor mayor good evening everyone as council president said we have a new business administrator now uh she was introduced to everyone at the last council meeting but she's officially here now and our okay and our um our um business administrator Linda pton has retired and we have an accommodation for her she won't be here tonight but I'll still read it reads as follow city of Pleasantville Office of the mayor certificate of commendation whereas Linda deep Payton excuse me began her professional career with humble beginnings in the city of Pleasantville in September of 1999 as the accounting clerk for the finance and uee departments in the year of April 20 excuse me April 200000 Linda pton was personally requested by the late former mayor Ralph Peterson to be his his Aid she served as mayor's aid until her next job promotion as Deputy municipal clerk in 2003 upon entering May 2025 excuse me 2005 Linda Payton Advanced the Personnel officer an NPP coordinator in her role as a Personnel officer Linda pton assisted with the implementation of establishing the human resources department for the city of fenville when the city became Civil Service municipality toward the later years of Linda Payton's career she continued to elevate to the following positions a Personnel director in January 2009 acting City administrator in April 2011 under mayor Jesse Tweedle and City administrator in August 2011 where she served in the office for 13 years and is noted to be the longest sitting business administrator for the city of penville where is Linda Payton served on several City committees throughout her tenure such as Municipal Alliance coordinator P pep committee which is Pleasant go EnV Visions pride and prosperity president excuse as the president Ralph Peterson Scholarship Foundation is President bab summer series planning committee and the Multicultural Fest planning committee in addition Linda pton was the representative for the city of Pleasantville as a board member of of the John Brooks Recovery Center and Atlantic here and whereas Linda Payton was an advocate of education and skill development she possessed a myad of State certifications and study courses Linda Payton received numerous local and Statewide recognition acknowledgements and honors throughout her career and now therefore I Judy M Ward mayor in the city of Pleasantville New Jersey on behalf of the city city council this Administration and citizens of Pleasantville do commend City administrator Linda pton for 25 years of service and pray for a healthy and rewarding retirement and witness whereof I have set my hand acuse the Seal of pleasant the city of Pleasantville to be AIX this 19th day of August in the year of Our Lord 2024 sign Judy and mayor God [Applause] anybody want to say anything thank anyone would like to sign I mean e next we have C portion we have Mr Tim Jones good evening everyone I would like to start off by trying to say something positive as I go around town I'm seeing a lot of streets being paved one of the main criticisms I've heard over the years is streets need to be paved little by little as I go around this Street's getting paved this section is getting paid I would just like to acknowledge that and I say it looks good that a lot of work is getting done thank you here's the other side it's coming there go as a citizen of pleas as you know I'm most to the president of pleas concer citizens we have a monthly meeting and we decide issues that need to come to the four and and here I am to present those issues as well as our um other members the issue that I'm here tonight to present is a need for a Manpower study for our police and fire to be actually heard by the public as as I understand it there are two studies in the air with regards to this matter one bu by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and another one conducted by Stockton um university my understanding is that the Stockton um study has been completed and the DCA study has yet to be approved to be conducted is if my understanding is correct I'm here to stand that I think that the public deserves to know where we stand as a because this is a city a city runs like a business to some degree you know I was I worked in the casino 11 years they decided we need to cut one less in my department 11 years I was gone it's just the way it works you know and I think the city needs to run the same way if that is the fire everyone like I love having every single um employee of our city employed and working as possible but when it comes to needs needs assessments need to be considered and respected and delivered to the public for their hearing and I'm asking will you provide those things to the public Madam president because I supposed to address you with everything and please share this question with your colleagues good question um I think before the study is presented to you for the community it needs to be presented to us as a council we did get a copy of it but we haven't had any discussion on so we will let you know um maybe um with the new VA sitting here that we can call for maybe a special meeting to discuss the the you give us the time frames I mean about having a meeting and in the next two months two months I mean well that's what you're saying at least G answer um I'm is there anything you like to share with regards to this [Music] m as far as the the two surveys go uh with the Public Safety Committee we have uh reviewed it that's what okay I'm sorry one of our uh members is not here this evening we reviewed one we don't know the aspect of the other one with the DCA I don't personally know if that has been done or how is it been done I know we brought it up that the Public Safety Committee we asked for it and this has been going on since April and here we are in August now I do know we had an agreement with the administration that before we moved on anything in the police department and the city solicitor out for this that we made an agreement that we going to do the DCA then the mayor came and she wanted to do Stockon so we said okay we had a meeting a special meeting with the sler and we agreed that and I compromised and said well we'll have the stop the survey and we'll have the DCA by the state and once that was done we would take action that Council will the whole Council will be advised what both studies is and then the action will be taken by then I have not received the DCA study I don't even know if that's going on right now so as far as the public Safety Committee is we are not moving until our agreement has been met so that was agreement that uh the Public Safety Committee made we do have the stoping if the president uh wants to release that or do whatever fine but you know I'm going to stick by what we agreed upon and what we set up and that was done in may we met with them this all start this is April and here we are in August so we don't have that done I I don't know what to say isent yes and with all due respect no stocking was done prior to anyone ordering any study stocking was done a while ago and then DCA came into play so now D every for Department of Community Affairs that's the one that supposedly we're waiting for in the meantime there are promotions that we're waiting for that's going to expire on uh Civil Service list and that's why I was encouraging to um encour enaging the promotions because we have three people that are working in that capacity of the jobs they pass you know they pass the test through attrition that's how we're remoting and uh laying off or whatever and that's um that's what we're waiting for right now so you're saying excuse me oh go ahead so you're saying the D DCA study has been um initiated no we have not received that one back yet the Stockon was back a while ago so but so it's been conducted the DCA study you say it's not been received back I'm confused what do you the DC the DCA was approved by the mayor in the middle of July as of that time we had 45 days to collect the data that DCA is is is is asking for so that's in the process yes so I contacted um Rick radella from the DCA last week as of Wednesday possibly Thursday we should have all the data that that's needed and then it's going to be approximately 3 to 4 months so sometime probably New Year you you'll be able to hear something thank you um oh thank you Captain Chief and and also that that is that is only for the police department so if we're doing studies work for both we're waiting on the fire department as well but promotions were just done a couple weeks ago to backfill those those promotions that that people retired from good thank and this is being conducted for police and fire correct because I feel you know both them giv the same impact wait wa we all over the place I mean people speaking out of term and and everything like that but Mr Jones I'm sorry get three minutes and we'll just answer you know the questions um I guess when we have our special meeting or or the other meeting well the special meeting then we can discuss this as well oh absolutely I didn't even know that was did I didn't know we move that part yes with all of these studies right here on this Planning and Development we have about 400 new units coming into the city of pille that's 400 units that's not 400 heads we can times that by two most likely that's 800 more people I hope that has been taken into consideration in these studies the DCA and the Stockton one because we're putting in about 800 more people in the city so I just want to make sure that that's part of the study and that's in there because it's 8 400 units coming on board with that being said Jo and you brought that up in committee and there was a discussion between fire and police that they said that they didn't need any more man power and you'll remember that what I wasn't even on I'm not it was a a special meeting that we had last year about one of those projects on there and one this is four Pro there's 400 new units coming on I'm just I just I'm not I don't want to I'm just saying I hope those are included in the study I understand we don't sell our sh but just remember that we have it in wri as well Madam president EXC just doing and I'll just give that me thank you I'm sorry mayor I said let's just discuss committee meeting okay well Brown not to that extent I just wanted to know if about the r control committee what's going on with that control committee you want let know what the situation is we sent back some revisions to the uh landlords and we're waiting to hear back from the landlords and go back out to the committee I don't understand um could you explain to me why uh what you do with BR control has anything to do with the land like what what is their what what is their inut we were just trecking some legal language the attorneys were actually talking back and forth so we were a meeting to discuss it with the committee that was handling it and so there were some recommendations that were that that were willing to to make so we sent it back for review and I'm waiting to hear back from the attorney okay so in other words you're saying there was some discrepancy in what yall agreed upon it was just the language yes the legal Le speak yes and may I add to um there's a committee meeting on THS to the control yes okay so I guess we'll have something done soon absolutely yes absolutely a long time Madam president I may that being said sending as FYI to other members no I don't have I don't have the you send [Music] it I've been out for 10 days so I'm my Emil i' like to see the uh oh absolutely okay thank you been waiting for quite some time to uh get an understanding and get something definite I'm just yeah I would think that the second reading should either be at the next meeting or okay all right at the latest all right thank you um another thing is September is um a few days away and we're talking about Manpower um on the police department um our children need protection okay they need protection on um Le Woodland um Broad Street um Washington Avenue and the high school middle school campus um is there anything um being done to make sure we have the man power to facilitate those areas because traffic is heavy traffic is heavy and it's dangerous out there um we kind of held up our end um but we especially with Le Avenue I'm sorry wi the Board of Education Board of Education okay um we had um curb sides U painted we did that we did that okay um the city did not okay we changed the traffic Route in front of Le Avenue in the very beginning it was fine it was smooth we had police officers out there we had administrators out there right then after the second maybe third week nothing and the traffic picked back up security is directing traffic which is not our responsibility all right we need another crossing guard out there all right our parents are not respecting our children and it seems like the only thing that will um alleviate this situation is police presence we need you guys out there someone and I've said it before to God be the glory nothing's happen right somebody's going to get hurt somebody's going to get hurt whether it be staff parents or children God forbid so please if we can make the accommodations to have um police um presence out there all right we greatly appreciate it you know we're not a big school district and I know we we may or may not have enough numbers okay but we need you guys out there thank you Mr carington yes ma'am um we did have a public safety meeting um with the school district so maybe you need to be there at our next meeting because we do have to schedule a followup um so maybe you need to be there at that meeting okay all right is there a scheduled time no we don't have that yet okay all right somebody going to let me know yes sure thank you very much right I just want to ask one question what you're saying is with your question is you wanted police Personnel and you named all our schools when our schools open you want to have police officers there is that absolutely and pro and and and hopefully during the whole school year you know I mean it's it's dangerous out there it is dangerous case in point the loop in front of Le Avenue these parents are coming in hot and when I mean by hot when they make that left hand turn right they're almost at 15 M 10 miles an hour that's dangerous right and when the kids are coming across the street right they're not paying attention we're out there at security right directing traffic that's not our job that's not our job because we don't have the credentials to do that so we need a police pres on lynon Avenue at times it's it's parents are part three lanes okay and on leads Avenue and in that um um um um area directly in front of the school right they're doing whatever it is they want to do and they do it because there's no police presence I'll get back to you thank you next we have Mr btis good evening members of council mayor evening uh I would concur with uh Mr Carrington's concern about the safety there um of course this year was unusual but on the primary election day uh and Madam president you you were there it was a mess uh and I had a snatch a kid almost I of driving to keep from getting hit by a car so serious situation at Le's Avenue and I did make a private suggestion to uh the official in charge of of determining uh where elections are held uh about moving the primary election away from Le school to another facility nearby that might be fit the uh qualifications m so I did make a private suggestion on that for safety reason so I can um I do have a concern as we all know Pleasantville is probably the one of the most built out communities in the County compared to the other Shore communities we don't have a lot of land to develop and to develop them in the most economic way so that the residential taxpayer can get some relief by developing commercial other than dollar stores so uh with regard to ordinance 10 uh usually I don't know if there's a rationale or cause or purpose for bement I have been out of the game about 21 years so usually somebody has a reason for Vance and my question is uh concern expressed by m fero is can can we get a financial analysis or projection if if the abatement is approved uh what would be the difference in tax revenues coming to the city if it was not I'm not saying I'm against the the project I don't know that much about it but I I do think that uh the question that raised is is really relevant uh in in terms of and also it's on New Road uh which I would suspect is going to be have to require State approval too right the project am I correct uh yes I have state approval but uh I do have a concern about us continuing and I I said this 30 years ago uh uh giving up uh radal for either nonprofit abatement or churches now I am not a religious liberty however we got more churches than pleas C than any other town in the county so uh I I I have a concern about uh us allowing uh development to occur when it's going to be on the backs of the taxpayers to compensate the lost money thank you oh Excuse Me Miss Thomas that is arrival and dismissal yes okay president that's been ongoing we hear the same thing about lenue have you ever considered con up the streets uh on the rals and because it's been ongoing problem but that's the school district do the school district but anyway bring it back to committee to to community and uh we got to find a solution to it it keeps coming back here so good may I have a motion to close public motion motion second all in favor M okay first is ordinance number nine amending chapters 84 alcoholic beverages and chapter 300 Land Management of the city po to regulate liquor stores and related sales of alcoholic beverage within the city may I have a motion motion may I have a second second roll call please pamero yes kimona yes Korea yes parlay yes usty yes yes okay ordinance approved to move the second schedule for September the 4th ordinance number 10 first reading adopting the Redevelopment plan for the properties identified as block 382 loocks 14 on the official tax map of the city of Pleasantville pursuant to the land Redevelopment and Housing law in JSA 48 12-1 we have a motion motion second have a second call please no Kona yes Korea yes Maran yes obisp yes yes ordinance approved and passed for second reading scheduled for September the 4th resolution 132 reject all bids for the various Park improvements of Le Avenue Max MD and prent Avenue project may have a motion motion fener yes kimona yes Korea yes Bay yes over speak Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 133 Grant an approval of a Mexican Independence Day Festival on September the 14th at the tilon Avenue ballpark you have a motion motion second second pleas yes Kona yes Korea yesl yes o thas yes resolution approved resolution 134 Grant approval of a community yard Cale in the city on September the 7th in Tilton Avenue ballpark may have [Music] motion yes kimona yes Korea yes Bay yes ausby yes thas yes resolution approved resolution 135 accepting the resignation of business administrator Linda pton may I have a motion second may have a second roll call please P yes Simona yes Korea yes for cl yes AUST yes Thomas yes resolution approved need approval for the bill motion second roll call yes kimona Yesa yes CL yes o yes Thomas yes motion approved next is comment for mayor City C mayor good evening everyone thank you for coming out I'd like to remind everyone that um the Hispanic uh Festival is going to be the Puerto Rican festival is going to be Saturday at Langston park on the 17th at 12:00 if everyone coming out and also um I was just at uh mer uh excuse me the African-American Chamber of Commerce of Tri State Pennsylvania Delaware and uh New Jersey just had their um uh black mayor convening in Philadelphia this past week and I went there and with different mayors from across the country really really good information networking and there's a lot of things that we um that they discussed there that sometimes we reject here and part of it is about the pilots and abatements because even though it may not sound good and even though it may not be what you really want for your community sometimes that's what you need to draw in businesses and um Redevelopment just to be able to get something started because we do need ratables here do everyone have a good evening I I have to say and I'm not not singling on any one person but we've had quite a few retirement in the past year over two years and we've had retirements of people that have been paid a lot of money through the taxpayers and what really and truly bothers me and I like all these people I have nothing they don't even come they don't have to they don't have to thank the city council or the mayor but my God the taxpayers are the ones that go out to work every day to pay their property taxes to pay these people and these people don't even come back and thank you the taxpayer and that is really bothersome to me because it's like we don't even exist that they kind of like don't care about us they got what they wanted and they left and that is very very troubling to me and I don't like it to be honest with you I like the people I don't like how this was done and I'll say and you know I there were many people on that list that I have that I got along with that I respected this I don't go anyone else next we have exective session we're going to go into executive session so um if everyone can step out should [Music] be half hour you don't have to give us anything no that's it [Music] [Music] t [Music]