[Music] good evening everyone evening this is the city of Pleasantville City Council work meeting today is March the 18th 2024 the time is 6:30 p.m. this meeting has been goly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call please mam cler D for here kimona here Korea here barlay oasby here Thomas here for for the record councilman D for and Council Barkley they would not be attending tonight's meeting May I have approval of the previous minutes motion please second second all in favor I anyone oppos stand on okay uh first we have a capital Improvement report by seeing me ass Laur Newman hi good evening good evening so we have um report that's dated March 15th I'll walk through each of the projects um we have designed of some Pump Station improvements that is substantially complete or working through comments with ppw um that project utilizes ibank uh funds and should be advancing shortly uh the generator at the recreation center I know the construction official is actually meeting um with that contractor this week to uh advance that installation anley Boulevard at this point is substantially complete and that's at a punchless phase similarly decator Avenue is also in punet space and Clos out the contractor um the dowy road project phase one of that I'm sure if you saw was recently paid final restoration occurred last week it was stried uh believe today so that project will now be at punch list and close out phase that will enable us to start the next portion which was Phase 2 which is essentially um on Park Avenue from Route 9 to dowy um that preconstruction meeting was held that contract is awarded but uh construction was kind of set to phase with uh the phase one portion so that will be continuing and starting up in the spring um streetcape improvements along the Black Horse Pike um that construction is expected to start this summer um it's pending sorry about that pending a highway occupancy permit issuance from the do the phase two of that street sque a proposal has been submitted for that and that's pending um award uh old Turn Pike stream scape improvements we're just awaiting for the 2-year maintenance bond form and then we prompt final payment for that project um The Ridgewood Avenue improvements that project is in design phase including sanitary sewer replacement lighting improvements along the bike path um that is substantially complete and it's uh the design is substantially complete I should say it's a waiting for concurrence from the do to bid that project uh similarly Green Street improvements along Green Street that is also designed a substantially complete and pending concurrence from the do to bid that project um improvements along South Franklin Boulevard um that project needs to be uh advertis we anticipated being advertised by the end of this year with construction next spring of 2025 uh the city was awarded a municipal aid grant for Lorraine Avenue that project does not need to be awarded until October 2025 and that proposal is pending uh authorization with the city um intersection improvements at Woodland Avenue and Route 9 that project is substantially designed and again pending concurrence from do to bid that project um similarly installation of bike Lanes along Franklin Boulevard that project is also substantially designed and pending dot concurrence to uh bid uh storm water management earlier this year um we had did the CP plan that has to be updated annually in may we submit an annual certification but I did also want to make Council aware that the state has um is requiring municipalities to adopt updates to their storm water ordinance by July of 20124 we have drafted that and I believe that's with City Administration um Joker's field uh I know it looks like construction they may have been concerns what's going on out there we're at a structural phase so there was some testing done for the design of the structural members The Pavilion so the contractor is working on those to get the um shop drawings submitted and approved um once that done he will need about two months to complete that project so we're still looking at probably a June completion or early summer completion uh Princeton Avenue we are again still seeking quotes um there were some water improvements that New Jersey American Water was doing out there so we were requesting uh quotes to extend um the balance of Paving out there um the gym floor that design Still Remains um underway uh various Park improvements there were a couple Park improvements we were doing specifically tennis court basketball court resurfacing that uh design is complete but we're reviewing some additional Park needs that the city may have as well as well as other funding opportunities and uh Senior Center is still is still pending so that essentially completes my report at this time can any [Applause] questions the generator uh for the um Recreation Center how is that going to be um fueled is it by natural gas is it going to be hooked up to natural gas or so I I don't know Linda I'm not sure if you know that so we didn't do really the design of that um certainly with the generator there's not much by way of design I think it was natural gas but I can follow up and certainly answer through the natural gas yeah I that was a question can be for you all and actually the um the vendor the contractor we met with um our construction official and others today so we um came up with where the proper location should be um he's working with Kevin's office for permitting and we should have the generator installed very soon and saying that I think is good for the public to know that um once that generator is installed then we'll have a facility here in the city that should we have um unfortunately if we go through any experience in the city where we have a major power outage or anything of that nature we will now have a warming centor thank you L I have a question I don't see anything on here about the roof at the fire department that's not done office that's under Durant engineering oh dur okay that's our alterate and um we can certainly send out um actually dar's here we can give you an update the latest update is that they're waiting for the results of testing on the police department roof which has P but they expect the thing to be out and bid by mid April and bid back in by the end of April oh coun so who came up there this rested in on the police department Ro because this been going on a while so like it wasn't found in inspections okay they they I think when Engine want to stand up with the dress yes sir I believe when they went up there they had suspicions over disp right they had to bring in an sup inspector okay so the engineer was not is not certified to say it's susp they had to do some testing took and once they test once they found a testing and susp they had to redesign specification to take care of their special so we have a report that is a special is it just if there a special on the police department is it a special on the fire department no they they looked at all the buildings fire department the only I mean sorry Poli Department was the only one that had a special so the concern right now is we have a special in the police department and we have to wait for that test to come back the the test is coming back test has come back we they have to redesign the specification to take care of your speci and I will hold up all the RPS for all of these we're doing it all one time but our thinging was it's more economical to do all three at one time than PE one all right so will we have a report on the speci would you notify Council like when this report is done so we can expect this RP soon as I get one you'll get it you send that out to me sir I get it and also what about the air conditioning for the fire department I believe that being worked on with the Jim Rella through U we have a firm called mccul M that's doing um all our buildings for air conditioning as well as liting and they are I believe we have another meeting with them this Thursday regarding all the buildings including U we talked to them about the air conditioning in the in the fire department I believe the fire department is an extrem gu situation being out for a couple years so you meet with them on Thursday in reference to the air conditioner we're meeting here on Thursday for all for the entire town the council get update on how it's going to be when they going to repair this or put a new one in so we would not can I may I add um this is the item of the discussion on public service that you're part of that I think it's tomorrow I on now I can't be there well no we'll make before you get the information um however but I think it's important um for you all to understand so and I understand the priority but it's more cost effective for the city to make sure that these projects are grouped and you just not going to get the HVAC system for the police department so we're we're meeting with this company and we're we're a public agency and there's certain ways that we have to bid out things there's certain ways that we have to pay for things and handle things so we're going through the public process so that we can make sure that we get all the benefits of uh the newer efficiency and all of the for the entire city just not the fire department even though we understand but there's a great need there so we're working on it but I'm just trying to say to you that we're not just specifically purchasing an HB system for the fire department will be for all the needs of the city what other what other bill is do the HVAC system it's not the HVAC system what we're doing is going through an energy efficient program so they have to do an audit of the entire city to make sure that we up in order to be eligible for any of the monies you have to make sure that all of your buildings are checked assessed and audited and we change an UPG any kind of Appliance or system that's in place that's not updated and so I was asking how long is it going to take for us to to know this since I believe that some guys have been a couple years without air conditioning I just want to know when when is this going to be done that's all I'm asking if he's going to meet Thursday let give us an update on it well that's what we're going to do I just wanted to give additional information thought I was being helpful no no it's helpful I just need it don't know that's all thank you thanks any other questions for Laura thank you Laur thank you have a good evening Madam cler agenda Ral okay first of the agenda is ordinance number three second reading public he will be Rec SE amending chap 251 Article 2 of the city code entitled storm water management councel any questions see n or number four first reading amending and supplementing chapter 187 of the city code entitled parts and plays Council any questions CN resolution 46 enabling the state jg's department enironmental Protection Screen Acres Program councel any questions seeing nothing but um Madam this is actually good news the uh state of New Jersey under the newers Department of Environmental Protection under the program has additional funding out there for recreational programs the city has become eligible so we already have the grant for the leg part um so this is additional money that will help supplement any of the construction that we're going that's going on at the park um so what this resolution does is to amend the existing agreement that we have in place with um green makers to accept the additional funding from brain acres to help supplement the funding thank you m resolution 47 amending the current account for the temporary budget for year 2024 any questions stand resolution 48 amending the SE utility account for the temporary budget for year 2024 any questions see n resolution 49 provided for budget ins into the 2023 budget any questions see next is review of the builds good evening good evening um talk about the build uh paid between last council meeting this one there really one major one and then the middle ocean receives Municipal maintenance that was replacement of a pump station down on the I believe California Avenue and then we the last one the payroll for last pay uh the bill to be approved this time uh you'll see right in the middle of page one Aban Veterinary there's quite a few bills there uh we kind of have the policy if they don't send us a bill we don't pay them so they're catching up on bills that were never paid never sent to us and low you think are for either police police department or for Strays that were picked up uh if you look at page two you'll see Landing electric of $888,000 is two months worth of bills approximately 60,000 of that is for Street lighting uh we have about 1,800 street lights in pleas that we pay the electric for it and it's like for close to $30,000 a month that we pay the one after that is the ACA this is our accordly payment for to the County Utility Authority for the store uh system processing on top page three you'll see Ed gotech that is that is software that we use to run our bills or um vouchers everything every all the finances Financial things go to uh Ed Gtech tax collection store collection payment of the our bills um you'll see down a couple below that Duran engineering one of the draws for the roof speci ification that we just talked about for the building um you see in bottom of page three we had over probably last month we had some three kind of sore problems in certainly area not large enough to go out to Major bidding but U on kle Avenue tilon Avenue Bridgewood Avenue um that was done by uh La utility where they had do some road work um and replace some Lin we go to page four uh near the bottom is pleas Board of Education taxes for the this this month and then we go to we go to page six um Township um you know we they do our dispatch as well they do our it this is the first quar payment for both it as well as dispatch or the other bills are uh normal bills that we pay on a regular basis uh we'll go one more right below the AC Township that is cost for their security we we build we pay them on accordly basis we can reimburse by the county after make the payment uh so this really is I mean that zero come back to from the county um put a security on C library uh any questions on any bills any questions thanks said you had a question on Madam cler may I have a motion to close work session motion second all in [Music] favor this is the city of Pleasantville city council meeting March the 18th 2024 the time is 6 4 49 this meeting has been duy advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for the invitation and the flag please father [Music] [Music] amen our pledge Ali to the of the United States of America and to the for nation here Kona Korean pres Thomas pres B may I have a motion to dispense of the previous minutes motion second all in favor I mayor any accommodations thank you okay now we're at public portion anyone signed in for public portion when you come to the mic please state your name when you have 3 minutes all right [Music] car good evening everyone good evening um first off um a couple of dayss ago we were talking about the aerial spray and that we all have to agree to if there's any kind of pesticides being dumped on us um so I I did call over to the mosquito control guy he was very very very accommodating his name was Doug he sent me the four um excuse my shaking so right the four um types that they use and the ingredients um I'm going to put them in a folder and I'm going to email all these to to all of you okay because I know you really won't like what's being put down on you or your pets animals grass Whatever Gets stirred up outside you'll be pretty shocked okay that's one um number two um I got people in uh my neighborhood not abiding by the noris ordinance it's a party all night long till 4:00 in the morning and when I call the 911 they say which house is it well I'm not running out of the house at 4:00 in the morning running down the street my night to find out which house it is um so I I think we need to stick to the noise orance if they don't know what it is I think it needs to be reiterated that these people know and once again for parking the wrong way on the street I know you guys just reinstated that um bunch of people on our street and especially the man across the street from me he will no matter how many he's been told three times and he still pared his car the wrong direction so I I don't know what to do about that gentleman and his issues anyway the next thing is um I've I need to talk to our our mayor Mr Ward um I spoke to um Frank Frank Matt denafo from the acua about us here's an idea for our waste that's being blown all over our Pleasant Bill and to keep it cleaner about um purchasing trash cans that have the lids on it they're the big cans the 96 can 96 gallon cans and we ALS we also get a grant for the recycle cans that have the thir the 96 gallon get cans too where we can get them for just $15 a can it which be from a grant that the city would buy and be entitled to um that would keep you know everything from blowing out those little blue cans and people would have you know some sort of limit that you know we're not going to put out like you know 10 of those little blue cans when they can have one huge can so um I hear it's working really well in norfield and abin abin is where I got the idea they said they cut their their messiness down by 50% all right but the residents have to pay for them right um we we would buy them the city yeah so I don't know okay the $15 goes $15 is the grant that we get okay we can get but I'm saying $15 for the can or $15 toward it um no $15 for the can yep it's a bargain thank you thank you next we have Mr Harmon thank you uh Madam president my name is Augustus SE Harman uh 300 South Chester Avenue the great city of cville I Rise this evening to say that uh love the time yesterday guys but I'm not to talk about it here but this familiar speech was nice uh as I speak at this moment there's two vehicles uh one on the sky glass property and another one we have I call it a pandemic but there are a host of vehicles that come and park their stealing signals from the box and I definitely want to commit our police department at 5:35 they were ring tickets um the area is being hacked okay and uh our policeman has been extremely busy even the township Poli these cars I've seen coming to help to move those vehicles uh my son and I we just e up behind them and in their car they had this big screen whatever it is you can sit there and steal signals and talk to family members in another country Believe It or Not uh we have been in contact with the uh the FBI the new sheriff in the county have a police chief Mr Willam I think I don't know what but he's aware of it and uh I have't bu you my city administrator and my mayor about it but that is a live thing and uh I will pull these up you on the job now to praise him and not to praise our fire department talking to Department who we are grateful that we haven't had uh any big farms in town in 3 months so that's good also the citizens of Pleasantville have been good uh the police count is low and that's a good thing uh I would like for us to be known as a safe City a safe city is good and uh I Comm in all you guys that I saw yesterday uh anyway we in great times and president uh thank you for listening and the open area where Sky grass owns now people do come to an area and sit in their cars and not to talk about what happens but so that and U my people and my son is they going crazy but uh again I commend those police officers because they are visible and they are there and they're writing tickets doing a great job who is in who's our commission our Police Department you mean the comme the committee Person Public safy who is the police commissioner the chair the chair the chair the committee chair okay yes the chair I sir okay and you know I'm not happy to see one two three hi seats okay we're working on the glass than and yesterday too next we have Miss scner she stepped out for a minute you come takeing hello everyone H hello my name is th Skinner and I am here about being able to walk on the Pleasantville school ground the Feld my tax has gone up so much and I would love to be able to walk on the school ground again the field again and and there's a lot of us would like to be able to walk on the football field again and I would like to know why as for myself I don't throw trash I don't throw bottles I just go out there around 5:00 in the morning and before the kids get out of school come to on your take on the ground I'm going it's better for my knees my ankle my whole body this about have you gone to the school board or about this okay have you I gone oh okay but because I used to walk out there and I walk the baches about three or four times before I go home it was doing good that when they told us we couldn't go back out there see at my knees and my ankles and my back and everything trying to fall apart I like the gym but I like the fresh air so somebody please me an answer so that's a school board um issue with the pleasant bille School District but if you leave your phone number and um someone will contact I can actually contact the superintendent or we have a meeting with or the mayor as well okay my number is 609 we'll get it okay yeah we'll get it from you and the track the track yes yes president soon miss our Park will be done and you'll be able to walk there thank you have a good evening M you too thank you for listening to me thank you for letting us know may I have a motion to close public for may I have a second all in favor okay first of the agenda is ordinance number three second reading public hand requir amended chapter 251 Article 2 of the city Cod entitled storm water management public hearing anyone would like to speak for the public hearing ordinance number three seeing no one may I have a motion to close public hearing mo may I have a second second all in favor I may I have a motion for roll call may I have a second second roll call M CL yes kimona yes Korea yes overp yes Thomas yes ORD is adopted ordance number four first reading amending and supplementing chapter 187 of the city code entitled parts and playgrounds may I have a motion motion may I have a second second roll please from yes kimona yes Korea yes orus yes Thomas yes courance move to Second reading scheduled for April the 1st resolution 46 amending the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections Green Acres Program may I have a motion motion may I have a second second roll call caler yes kimona yes Korea yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 47 amending the current account for the temporary budget for year 2024 I have a motion second yes kimona yes Kore yes old yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 48 amending the SE utility account for the temporary budget for the year 2021 may I have a motion motion second second call please yes kimona yes Korea yes OB yes Thomas yes resolution approved res resolution 49 providing for Budget insurgence into the 2023 budget now the motion motion second call please yes yes Korea yes obis yes thas yes resolution approved I need a motion to approve the bill L Mo second second R call P yes kimona yes Korea yes oldis yes Thomas yes motion approve next is com Council mayor you have anything on no I just like to thank everyone for coming out and this skner thanks for bringing that to our attention we had addressed that earlier or at the end of last year and we thought that was taken care of and wish everyone happy Easter weekend happy Easter thank you anyone I just want to thank everybody for coming out tonight thank you everybody for coming out God bless and stay safe thank you woman um I would just like everybody to know that what you say to us doesn't always fall on dep ears we hear you we actually do we are reactive to things that you bring to us there are things going on that you see things going on that you won't see for a little while but there are things going on and I would like to thank all the gentlemen and all who were at the Tilton Avenue basketball court the other day remember is Thursday or I have never seen so many cars it looked like Madison Square Garden on Tilton Road but so many people playing basketball and everybody was having a good time and you know it it was like if you build it they will come they had a basketball court and they were all there and it was nice that everybody was there so and thank you for coming out ni thank everyone for coming out coun enjoying you know this is the basketball championship 23 years I have never seen that many people here we're great basketball football I'm glad to hear the love Jokers and uh thank everyone for coming out this evening God bless you I want to say um thank you to my colleagues for approving the revenue and finance agenda from our committee um there's great things like councilwoman um P said there's great things coming to the city of pville um and I'm just excited and I can't wait to see this water park I mean the Waterfront part project to be completed so um in our Park so with that being said thanks everyone happy Easter to you all and may I have a motion to adjourn the meeting motion second all in favor I into that into [Music] that [Music] y