[Music] good evening everyone this is the work meeting of the city of Pres today is February the 5th 2024 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call please dport pres hereon pres pres Thomas Pres we're going to go into executive session it should not be that long um I guess if uh all of you could leave and someone will instruct you to come back in s all inor next we have agenda review Madam cler can I get a motion to approve previous minute second all in favor anyone oppos see n first on the ordinance is ordinance number one second reading public hearing will be held during regular session fixing the salaries of officials and employees of the city any questions c i ordance number two exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cat Bank First reading any questions CN resolution 22 authorizing the fiscal year uh 2024 local Recreation approvement Grant application funded by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Madam PA can you elaborate on this please certainly there's um additional funding additional funding from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs under the uh Co um monies which uh the state is really pushing for municipality to use that money for more recreational uh activities um you know specifically uh trying to get municipalities to be uh conscious of being healthy and going back Outdoors after being closed in for Co for two years um so with that being said we are looking at our new part um that we're constructing and trying to make that a state of an art attraction and any additional funds that are coming in uh specifically around that project we are going to apply for and hopefully we get to help leverage funding to that part thank you that c resolution 23 amending the agreement between the city and the county of Atlantic for the installation and maintenance of flashing signal equipment at various locations uh the county has a capital Improvement project uh that was on their radar for probably several years now and they were behind schedule due to covid um so they are asking the city because some of their improvements involve our main street where there's intersections particularly around our schools where flashing lights are needed um because they are behind schedule they are asking the municipalities Pleasantville being one to extend that agreement to to give them time to get caught up um with all of their planning and projection so that they can start the project soon so this is just the a an extension agreement the agreement is already in place and they're asking for an extension of the agreement so that they can move forward with the project thank you madam resolution 24 authorizing the tax collected to cancel and refund property charges any questions seeing none resolution 25 dorson in support of the New Jersey Department of Transportation closure of decada Avenue M this is another uh Improvement project this is um from the New Jersey Department of Transportation um we probably will not see the manifestation of this project for another few years what this resolution does is to support the need for traffic improvements uh at Route n in Blackwood Pike as we all know we've been very fortunate there where it hasn't been a lot of uh incidents but it is a busy and dangerous intersection so they'll be doing some studies over there should this be approved eventually they'll do studies over there which will cause some closures on decada Avenue as they do the studies to count the traffic flow and and any other um issues that they may study for traffic Improvement so that they could uh come up with a plan that would be sufficed for that intersection thank you any questions see none Adam resolution 26 authorizing the implementation of a corrective action plan for the 2022 City's budget any questions I'm sorry than any questions councel see none resolution 27 authorized an execution of an amended agreement of sell and an amended and reinstated redevelop an agreement with Savage collaborations LLC regarding California Avenue Redevelopment plan any questions CN I next is review the good evening like over the bills that were paid between last council meeting and this council meeting you look on page one you'll see right in the middle says South State $60,000 then below that near the bottom says South state $515,000 that was a in progress payment for decator Avenue repairs and sore infrastructure down on decator Avenue you go to page two and bottom wi transfer you'll see thing for payroll for medical cost and two small Debt Service payments that we made in uh in February 1st the bills to be approved look at those most of all of them are just our operating procedures I will point out a couple of them that are a little larger than normal if you go down the bottom of page two you'll see CME for uh both Asbury Park Asbury Boulevard improvements as well as Bay View Avenue choker field engineering work U that brings us up to date with them on those two projects you go to jump over base three right in the middle see cyber Security Experts this is a new company uh and you past we had Mainland office off Mainland computer doing our cloud coverage they're no longer in business uh we through eh they were able to find cyber um security expert to do our cloud backup at a cost that was less than we were being charged by Mainland um fourth from the bottom of page enforce police system this is a software program for for PD an annual program that we do ex me on page four you'll see fifth one down Fox one condom as as you know we reimburse with trash this payment uh we asked us to pay this in in November last year we need an additional backup before we would release the funds and then Duran Bel Duran engineering uh we've been this has been working on probably about 18 months or two years for the Sal report to do some injuring work over at the stport behind the police station um near the bottom of that page also Shi International this is an annual payment for buer software to keep us as safely as possible from uh the outside world um and look if you look at page five midan Fire and Air um as you know we're hiring new additional firefighters and that takes the equipment they have we have to purchase for for fire equipment for uh I guess I guess Chief uh TR give you more everything that they need for the Academy as well as their own equipment that they would need in case they had to fight a fire boots helmets um basically this is the ensemble uh and also the Escape harnesses uh to prevent death um for the uh IGS we hired and also the six new recruits this is a 10-year um outfit that the turnout gear that we wear so it's it's fit for the firefighters so that's you know we had to purchase that um if you go to page six um in the middle pled Technologies again this is more software to protect us this is really our email server that we have throughout throughout the city um this is an annual fee and actually the fee was the same as last year else and other than that that's are normal operating bills the bottom of pce eight you'll see Miss any questions on any of these bills be happy to talk to you do you have any [Applause] more yes Mr Lou can you do me a favor sure can you explain to me the one uh with Cooper and lenson I think it is 0 66559 sure I think it says there I know there's two bills 11 one is for I believe $5,000 that was for negotiations with PBA this been ongoing the other one was a bill that was submitted well they said they submitted we never saw it from in J January 23 um they called last week want to know where the bills were we never received them I did a research on everything we had paid Cooper Lon in the last 15 months those bill among them it was a one was like 2700 one was $63 one was $99 had to do with work that was done December 22 before they were relieved of their duties any other questions about the bill L thanks bar next we have public portion on agenda items [Applause] only good evening everyone good evening my name is Tim Jones Pleasantville and I know we're going to have a hearing on the ordinance number one in the um in the regular meeting coming up but I've been sharing some information with the public and I would just like to share a public with regards to our ordinance number one that we're going to be undertaking and said did you know you know U did you know that right now the elected people s and all the cities around us Northfield EHT and abin they are less they pay less for city council and mayor than anybody uh we pay more than everybody we pay $1 $330,000 a year in salaries to you where in Northfield they pay 63,000 e 91,000 abse 88,000 and then just here that you want a $80,000 um a year Collective with raise on top of that you would take it to $210,000 it just seems astronomical and I think theu needs to be aware of those figures thank than you thank you anyone else thank you uh Jose alant cville resident attorney I want to thank you all for the service that you do anytime we have criticism of each other there's always Goodwill intended and we're going to have differences and that's okay we're not the same people as long as those differences are workable are you know that's it and as long as you don't get into the level of using V vulgarity I'm not saying you do than everybody then this city can improve by having that General Goodwill even though we have differences and I don't have a problem you getting a little race I said that before and also the mayor because you are working a lot of hours a lot of time but this is too much this too much this is too much this is too much money you know we understand you have to put ours up there but this is this is supposed to be a job that you're doing for Google Community you know not to make money and I'm not saying this this is not much to make anyway you know but this is we we can't afford it nope and um I I noted I came to court today I'm a lawyer Municipal Court of pleas was closed it's now being handled in Atlantic City as a cost-saving measure wow and we we kind of lost that why because the money that's an example and groups like The Jokers you know who are you know sports team here in pville they're hurting for money the kids to have things to do and we're you know doing this we all got to sacrifice a little bit yes that's what we're asking for thank you anyone else good evening evening Willams question what is your salary now and how long has each individual been on the board usually you get a raise when you've done something productive okay so we I know Mr Obby is new um how long you been I mean what is your salary I mean I'm asking the question I mean is is it public knowledge yeah okay so I'm just asking do you know what your salary is how long you've been in office this is I just ended my first threeyear term I'm going into my next threeyear term our salary is about $112,000 a year um and I don't know when the last time there was a race I don't have any idea that's everybody across the board is 12,000 ex mayor long' there no anyone else from the [Music] public yes Edward um everybody wants a raise everybody but if you have money to get all these big raises right what about this city what about this city this city looks a mess I haven't seen a street cleaner in five years okay I think I had called Judy one time like on my corner at edley Avenue from all the dirt and stuff in the street I have to get out there and dig the mud and put it in the trash can okay we have no City facilities if you need to hire somebody to do these things if you got money to do this okay the taxes are high enough we don't need any more raises and taxes not whatsoever I work every day every day so I can maintain because I certainly can't live off a social security check by any means okay I am 78 years okay and I have to get out there and dig the mud okay I have to get out and clean all the dirt and the trash that comes down to my corner I have to do it where's the street cleaner where is it where are the workers that used to do all that the last time I called about the street cleaner was they said it was broke that was like four or five years ago it still broke down you have people that have retired that you haven't replaced okay you're going to do spend some money you need to spend some money in this city you need to clean up these streets you need to fix these poles I said to Judy one day I said you know what you need to pay us to ride these streets they so B Every Street every the only decent street we have now is where they fixed anley Boulevard which is beautiful which is beautiful okay come on put some money into the city beautify this city for a change it's a sloppy mess it's also a deterrent for somebody that wants to come in here and buy something when they take a look at it on top of the taxes being Sky High high you know yes absolutely you got to have people going out of here not coming in here so work on that with some money excuse me man what what what street you talking about I didn't hear the street name you were saying I live at the corner of right and edgely Avenue okay dirt dirt dirt hello good even I have a couple of questions one made you made a promise that you were going to look out for the Jokers they were going to get the jackets that they brought the championship home and they were going to get that field done what happened what happened to the what happened to the to the promise the kids don't even have a brand new Banner they didn't even get EXC nothing it's my either right it's a genda items only excuse me but I'm addressing a couple of things no it's aenda items only the second portion of the meeting then you can say okay well then let's address when did all of y'all switch positions and we weren't notified because you weren't the president you were sitting on this side okay we want to know when did all of y'all switch positions and why weren't we notified okay we're going to stick with agenda items on and then you can at the next okay let's go to the raise part I don't okay because there's half of y'all that don't even have the the contential to be asking for that money but we got people that's sitting out here that do that do and ain't nobody bragging okay we just saying the truth how you expect to get paid more imp pleas Bill than Northfield and AAR Township and ask seeking okay there's no way when look at how our city looks there's no way you took our taxes and raised them way up okay you might have put a freeze for the older ones okay but that's only for a certain enough for time okay they they are hurting you got a lot of people hurting you got a lot of people homeless won't we do something with some of these empty buildings and turn them into dag on lowincome apartments instead of bringing in outside contractors okay and they want to put us about of here and you selling it to them for the same thing that you done estimated somebody house at which is not right which is not right how are we supposed to clean up Pleasantville if we got more homeless people walking around that they are originally from here but then y'all want a raise show us why you want this raise show us who you hired to replace the people that retired cuz I'm tired of calling the city I don't called the city yard so many times they know my name they know my voice okay I ain't even got to say who I am okay it's ridiculous if we're going to work together as a team okay and I'm keeping it real if we're going to work together as a team we have a bunch of people that actually is qualified to take these jobs and can pass them drug tests and don't have a criminal record thank you why can't we have these people thank you in these positions in anyone else [Music] was okay I know everybody deserves I'm not saying that no one deserves a raise a little bit of money but last year when we had to go off on money because you know you said you had to we had to pay a little bit more for um the sewer bill and we had to pay a little bit more for the real estate taxes and we fought against it but we realized that it had to be done so so to improve the city okay so we we took that on but now we're taking on more if you take take a race and we're already in this city we're borrowing from Peter to pay Paul okay we're Peter out here these people are all Peter because we're just like whatever you do it's costing us the money us okay because a lot of these places that had like these buildings that we gave abatement to they're really not giv paying the taxes that we are paying that's right they're paying the percentage but not what they really should be paying so what I'm saying is I know that you all everybody deserves to get a little bit money but I think at this time and place we should think about waiting holding off and seeing how the citizens of Pleasantville are going to handle the raises that they've already got my neighborhood's full of senior people they they're in their 70s and then they're going back to work because they can't afford it they can't afford to to to eat like you know and and it's really sad because they this town is being built on the older people the younger people they're not going to stay nope cuz you know they they just like well the taxes get too high I'll just sell my house or I'll just leave it we have kids like okay so something happens to us our kids don't even want to come and stay in Pleasantville because your taxes are so high so I'm just saying you know let us think let let you think about it and then come back at another time and address this that's all I'm asking and thank you for your time thank you good evening everyone good evening leise Sanchez longtime residentville I'm not opposed to you guys getting getting raised I'm oppos to you guys getting raised at this time I've been around politics in 44 44 years of my life 15 years ago I thought you guys needed more money 15 years ago Pleasant a lot more for Pleasant um all I'm asking you guys as you sit here as elected officials is to when you come in and you vote on different agenda items and different issues like the young lady said before me the abatements had we didn't give all these abatements out you guys could have got your if we didn't give that land away for dirt Che you guys could have got your ra what that land should have did was been a 55 and above Community because they would have gave back to the community and not took out of the community so all I'm asking you guys to do as elected officials when you sit up there is when you vote on something think about the longevity of it what's going to happen later because when everybody voted for these abatements there was your raise so I'm not saying you guys don't deserve raises you do you deserved it 15 20 years ago not now but now we're at a stand still we gave we gave PL will way for free um we have people coming in from the outside not paying anything all I'm asking is for the future when you guys vote on things just think of the longevity of it because at the end day like now right now you guys are suffering for your votes before that's all I want to [Applause] say I just want to get a cop we have the second part of this meeting have second yes okay the regular meeting I hold anyone else from the [Music] public uh good evening Jerry King resident of the city number of concerned citizens of pville um as it pertains to this raise we all know that cost of living is what it is everything's gotten higher more expensive we're aware of that um but you know some sometimes you know my dad used to say sometime you have to have those hard conversations those difficult conversations nobody wants to have and my question to you is as elected officials uh and I and I was remind you of this oath that you swore to the Constitution the Federal Constitution first the New Jersey Constitution Second and like we always I hear you guys talk about the fact that the city is you know on hard time you don't have money need ratables and my question is this $80,000 like where's it coming from the city is already broke the city is already broke where's it coming from I mean I'm at this point now like we went through this whole mathematical equation about this building down here that they're trying to build at the old High School site I said it before the math don't matter I'm beginning to think that you guys can't abtract multiply or divide cuz the math does not math and it's not personal understand something my father told me everybody that smiles at you and says nice things to you is not your friend all right everybody that gets in your face and challenges you to be better than you ever thought you could be is not your enemy that's right all right that person is challenge you cuz they want you to be better we want yall to be better than this yes yes we not we not just we're not just trying to cause a problem we know you have it in in you to be better than this and if you don't you better learn real quick because organization that I belong to we got a voting block for about 200 people so I hope y'all real comfortable cuz you might not be there cuz we have enough votes now to change the whole face believe [Applause] that this gentlemen when we were talking about the whole thing at with at the high school this gentleman mentioned oh well I didn't see any lawsuit well does the city really need another lawsuit do we really have to do that to get your attention and we've already discussed it we've talked about it but we know that doesn't benefit the city another lawsuit that cost the city money that's crazy so I say be reasonable and I I I still need to answer where this 80,000 is coming from or or or is it just that old or is it just that same political maneuver that when the city overspends they balance the budget on the backs of the people to make the people is that it I don't know I mean help me out help me understand where is this 80,000 coming from can anybody tell me anyway Thank you m Mr King can I get an answer to my question please I know my time's up can I get an answer to my question that's you talking not me oh the answer is you don't have [Applause] it even [Music] everyone of course I live in Township but I have property in pleas that I pay a lot of taxes my question to you is you are City officials and I know it's public records how many of you pay taxes in pleas and the question is okay so you're taken away from other people and I I have properly and pleasant of cuz I'm trying to help other people what are you doing to help people with taken away and you don't even pay taxes in place so how many of you pay taxes in place sit on count I know you do Joy but I'm just saying Search Your Heart Search Your Heart tell the truth tell the truth to set you free thank [Applause] you is this on cuz I want my community people to hear me well good afternoon city council mayor um some time ago each one of you solicited votes from these people out here right it's not a SE it's a little Lake you solicited votes from these people here can we solicit your vote to table ordinance number one and for to for further consideration I believe that we deserve to have input or your increases because you work for us and you didn't ask the employee if you could get a 80 80% increase how unfair is that this is not your individual company if you have your own company give yourself the biggest increase you can get got but you running a city a very deprived City at that and you have the nerve to sit there to really rationalize that you not that you don't deserve it we're not taken away from the deserving although I question that but 80% for real I need to be on city council me too yes I'm running yes this is the greatest part-time job going ever I don't have to do anything I don't have to improve move my city I can just count on these people to get tax increases so I can get a raise raise up city council we're vexed in this city we voted for you because you said you wanted to do right by this city and we're all here tonight because you're not honoring that promise I told you last city council meeting that if you can show me a 80% increase of beautifying this city clap it up for the 80% I'm still waiting and see I had the opportunity to express how I felt to one of the council members that I will I will allow to be remain no name right now and I express the vexation of my soul to that council member and I have a feeling that if you don't do right by this city it's going to be a great purging it's going to be a great purgy because if we can impeach you we going to work on it yes sir we going to work on impeaching every one of you who think that what you're doing is fair on the backs of these people don't do this city council don't Vex us any further I got my tax bill the other day $88,000 honey you're not mine is 8181 $8,000 in taxes I'm paying what for a property that's the size of this here it's guarante your time up thank you B I'll see y'all in a few more [Applause] minutes anyone else on agend items only good evening um I wasn't going to say anything um it was mentioned that we have Public Works equipment that's not operable here in the city um but sometime last week I saw the prettiest the brand new four five of them four five four I only saw two I seen five and I almost ran off the road coming back from lunch Silverado or a Ford F-150 pick up truck but we don't have any money but we don't have any money wow right you want a $10,000 raise annually annually but we don't have any money you compare yourselves to other municipalities we see the wor in AB seeking Northfield oh yeah a har Township yes that's right Atlantic cityan City Ocean City we see that Ma land uh an $88,000 tax bill in this city is outrageous it's sicking outrage but you want a $110,000 raise my question my next question is I was going to hold it to the next por if you have jobs if each of you have jobs is your employer giving you a $110,000 an 80% raise on your jobs get [Music] so I'll save my other comments for the second half but um I'm interested see how many of you are gainfully employed because you're using Pleasantville as a cash [Music] cow and it's not fair to the taxpayers yes it's not fair so I'll see other comments for the second hand thank you very [Applause] much I want piggy I want a piggy back sorry you already came up to speak so you can speak the next meeting still on the same meeting you can speak on a regular meeting can I get a motion to close the work session I mean public portion all in favor did I get a motion to close the work session motion can I get a second second all in favor I we open discussion no anyone to go for all right [Music] good evening everyone this is the council meeting of the city a pleasant this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call I'm sorry ocation and flag will Earth we for those who Tres against us us not into tempt us of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stand one nation [Music] cleron Kore Thomas present all in attendance can I get a motion to dispense previous minutes Mo second all in favor mayor any presentations proclamations I nothing thank you madam okay first is ORD number one public hear required fixing a salaries of officials and employees of the city of Pleasantville this is the public hearing anyone from the public would like to [Music] speak everyone now that you allow me to take the mic okay I'mma keep his just say your name for the record please my name is Wanda H would you like call me Miss and that's not my name okay Miss W just remember you're talking to us miss W I'm speaking to the people that you I need y'all to acknowled okay because there's some things that is not right and we all need to get on the same page to work at the same same Pace people now there's only one person that was willing to tell us what their salary was and that is Miss Joanne over here everybody else stay quiet okay this is public knowledge why can't we know why what you making so that we understand what you want to raise for because at the end of the day we see poverty in Pleasantville we see homelessness in Pleasantville and we're not just talking about drug addicts we're talking about families with children okay we see empty abandoned buildings that actually need to be restored rebuilt so we can beautify Pleasant Bill and give them housing lwi income housing okay this is what we're seeing so at the end of the day if we're going to all work together for one agenda which is a true fact we need to know why where is this money coming from okay and then why do we have so many empty buildings that they could be used so that we could get these families off of the street okay I work a food bank you know how many people I see over there and I'm talking about 70 80 year olds I'm talking about mothers with five to six kids okay on a daily basis on Wednesdays and Mr King can agree to what I'm saying here okay cuz we worked this food bank we feel sorry for those people and it's sad and we've been seeing this for the last six years when are we going to see a change some improvement okay and with all these people that retired why can't we get them get some people in there why do y'all have brand new vehicles but you claim you don't have the money if that's the case then why' you buy the city yard brand new trucks and stuff to ride around so they could just hang out and go to sleep down by New Jersey Transit bus stop on his door and be like yo man what you doing why you sleep why you not on your job who's who's policing them cuz I sure enough done bang on his window several times asking him why he hiding back there okay thank you Miss Lon so if we're going to buy brand new trucks I feel as if though the debt money should have went towards y' [Music] raises I keep it real why give them something to ride around in and they ain't doing their job they don't even clean the streets properly when the snow comes but yet they claim their contract ain't Main Street but if you are the Pleasantville dad going um Municipal you Main Street is a part of your contract it should be clean thank you I know you you always say that to me you don't never let me get my point across no matter where title to three minutes yeah but the bottom line the bottom line is nobody else on the panel is saying anything and there is more than one person on that panel we need to hear from each and every one of y'all not just one only person that says something is Miss Joanne and this young lady right here miss Kenny that is not right okay that is not right we voted y'all Miss w we y'all we need y we need y cooperation okay another public if you want to do it then but there's a three minute limitone please let apply by that public hearing come name good evening everyone again Tim Jones Jersey I would like to DV tail off of what Miss H H just said I mean she makes a very valid point this is a public hearing on this Warriors matter and you open it up to hear from us we have plenty to say oh yes I would like to hear from what you have to say what justifies this $10,000 raise individually in your minds let us hear from you it's a hearing let us hear from you appreciate that anyone else and unless you're going to donate it to the fire department hi my name is an I just want to say one thing is that you guys all ran for office I don't know what your intention was but it was what mind would understand is is to be you elected for whatever we have is to serve the the public of pleasant and at that time when you ran you knew what your salaries were okay so if you weren't really interested in you know working for Pleasantville residents then you shouldn't have ran for office okay because you can't run you mean you get in and then all of a sudden you hear you have to get you have to get a race you're supposed to be public servants if I'm if that's what I'm understanding you're here to work for the public to make sure that the city of preso is not suffering and I am a senior citizen and I still have to work every day cuz I can't afford the taxes or your sewer bill and everything else if I just set on my social security it's a lot of seniors are here and the City of pleasant I keep saying this to you the city of Pleasantville is the main St here is the senior citizens and I've heard someone say the senior citizens have um real estate tax free mine isn't because M my real estate tax 8,000 so I don't know where the the Freez is up but y'all forgot to give it to me so I just want to say if you don't want to be public servants then you shouldn't be up here this is not the job for you you need to get another job outside where you can get all this kind of money but this city of pleas we can't handle thank you evening Williams 1301 Street Comm this ordinance number one says it is for employes of of the city what employees of the city does this raise include are you saying you guys city councilman are employ of the city that's what it says says fixing the salaries of officials and employees of the city what employees of the city are you also included [Music] everybody why is it and and you know it it makes people frustrated when they ask the question and they cannot get an answer you know where there's Unity there is strength where there's disunity there is Discord that's right so you get the Discord and you get the frustration and the feedback because you don't even unify to answer a question this Mar earlier there was employees that wasn't uh included in this there was you know about salaries for the um I guess it just that wasn't taken out so then the ordinance is not written correctly if it wasn't taken no it doesn't affect any employ may I Che it doesn't affect any employees it is a default s ordinance and that is the title however the explanation explains who is being affected affected so that is a defar ordinance by Statute however it is not affecting ordinance okay so where is the money coming from in order for you all to get this race and also hold on hold on please I asked the question also when was the last time that the mayor got a raise she doesn't when everyone else did and that with the B it's been a long time go about 2016 that was the last time you got a race okay and mayor and uh Council we get it at the same time okay okay where is the money going to come from are they not obligated to speak back or answer any question excuse you say I have three minutes but you're you're saying my time is up okay and Al respect in my in my first couple of 30 seconds I asked a question and I've asked the question three times and I think it's very disrespectful that you don't answer the question when when when you were raised when your parents asked you something you responded with respect I had no respect here this is total disrespect you don't want to answer I want to ask our um CFO if he can answer that [Music] question y y yall for me it just goes to show you're sitting up here you really don't know what's going on where though he has to answer the question where the money is going to come from you should have some type of knowledge to be able to answer the question just so you know the money comes from whatever we do wherever we utilities everything that we pay pay for for the City come from the [Music] taxes we we do have we do have like $2 million from state from federal from state grants but the majority of the money is raised by taxes why say so and I'm sorry you said my 3 minutes was up but if you would have gave me that answer a long time ago I wouldn't have this question for you now so how do y'all feel that we're paying for your increase and we can't even really live in pleas my mortgage went up $300 they don't care they don't care excuse me can you explain of fun we have coming in as [Music] well for the city for he wasn't voted in we voted y' in so why barrassed that he answered we want the ansers from the board we voted y councilman in we voted y'all in be honest we don't want to hear from you no excuse excuse we don't want to hear from you excuse me we want you cannot call yourself a coun excuse me out of order Mr King you are out of order you are as well you are we don't want to hear from him excuse me anytime y'all matter Mr King Mr King question def to you are out of order going to you are out of order listen this is Mr King please have a seat we don't want to hear from that from we voted y'all in anytime you have a difficult question you defer to the attorney or to him we want to hear from you if you don't know you don't need to be up there please don't hear [Applause] from we do have Mone approxim $100,000 from [Music] canis $2 million come from State we have other Revenue comes in also cannabis construction cost and other things but again back of the tax does that mean the taxes aren't going to go up anymore excuse [Music] me anyone else for the public hearing I know you said my 3 minutes was over EXC but I say this and I'm going say this in love y'all need to examine what you're here for and what you're doing for the people you are not representing the people if you cannot answer the people's question that's just plain and simple you have no knowledge and the word of God says my people pass because of lack [Applause] [Music] of Psalms [Music] 23 minutes ago got up here Psalms 23 speak it Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer M how can you sit up here and quote the Lord pray and robing the people y robing the people y'all got elderly people out here asking yall questions out of respect for them they didn't ask him they ask you you you and you why not answer that question if you don't know just say you don't know don't sit up there and look stupid most of y'all probably you don't even live in Pleasantville I know you do I know you do I've seen you around never seen the rest of y'all I live right down the street for you like respected people they asking your questions answer their questions out of respect everybody sitting there this one on the phone you on the phone like respect the [Music] people that's all that's all they asking is [Applause] respect cuz these is the people that y'all going to see when y'all walk out the door they put y'all up there sure enough sure enough they pay you so give them some respect we already know this is just Cosmetics y'all going to get the money regardless trust me they get it no they Ain believe that you can believe you can sit there and think that they not going to get a dis just Cosmetics so that y'all can have what y'all want to say I'm I only got up here because I don't like how y'all being disrespectful to some of these elderly people 75 years old working 70 something years old cleaning her own gutters in the streets but you want to raise these J around here driving $100,000 trucks that they not us exactly I live right down the street from the mayor and I can count on my hands how many times they come down the street and make sure that the street is clean when it's snow make sure that the gutters is clean when they flood one is right on the corner of my house guess what when it flood it's me out there cleaning say excuse me so all respect you saying they do more no they don't oh oh okay I was going to say I anymore they need they need to do it more out of respect for the mayor but I you know okay I just want to clear that up these people asking y questions about stuff that they want to know if you don't know just say you don't know don't revert it to this man he he lost yeah he lost on the [Music] [Applause] spot remember we in there we're still in a hearing for ordinance number one yeah microphone the microphone I was going to speak loud and Fast because I know your time limit and I don't want to break your law don't start my time until I I have uh a couple of commendations uh of great things that uh our municipales has done and I think it's appropriate uh number one was the continued work of that Police Department how I see them as a Boulevard yes is a location where they do a job and they are writing tickets that's Harman I'm sorry this is just for the ordinance ordinance number one this the public hearing I can't no okay so when do I get to public portion this is this is the Audi the hearing for the ordinance number one November the 6 uh ordinance number 25 spoke to what is taking place tonight I saw it and I had it set where you were sitting I said this must be a test okay now as you sit there and some of you have to take everything that's said tonight but you're not in favor of this that I know because I know you and I know your concerns and I know when you ran your election you ran to serve Pleasantville and not to make a Council seat a fulltime job a coun doesn't even have a office a counsilman doesn't even have a secretary you are a public service and you know and I know like I said some of you I love all of you I think we have now one of the greatest teams ever and I did see 17 telephone calls two ministers in those groups so you have tested your community with a 80% raise nowhere in this country have anyone of you can speak to 80% we get 10% raise that not so I I stand before you I know that this is a test council person and as you vote tonight you will be a SP counsel now those of you that vote for this do not contemplate of being sitting there right next [Applause] year and the prop has I do want to say I'll take my seat I'll take my seat my good council person this is a test okay I did I want to Madam clerk you wrote 21 resol s and I counted them just a lot of work along with my city city administrator then the p i stand to commend you guys in the support of our mayor okay War your job we used to come back in the day Tuesdays the 2 and the fourth for work session a few years ago it was changed now you come out twice a month that's all and you get some telephone calls that's the job but building a counsel seat is not a j o we can't live on that now the 10% again I said I know it was a test and some of you sit that don't believe that and of course you going to vote tonight so I I applaud you for your efforts uh continue your good work uh this table advancing because I asked for it to come glass but we're going to work on that okay so we can see all of you but uh I know when you're going through I can't call a few names but I won't do it who does not support a 80% R right we have almost employees and if you take a raise what do you think they want so keep up the good work Mr O welcome to council I didn't get an opportunity and you guys keep doing what you're doing and be all right thank you thank you can I thank you thank you Mr and that was very heartfelt being that you were a counsel person yourself 49 years thank you 49 years and you never got a ring [Applause] right 49 year veteran on the counsel Mr O how long you been on the I just got left I started you just sorry I'm not I'm just asking okay so I'm just asking because this man served 49 years you've been on for a couple meetings and now you want to vote for real your conscience for a $110,000 ordinance number one is what I'm addressing a $10,000 increase 80% so right now what you make is about $500 a council meeting ,000 a month you meet twice a month with us and a couple times do where is the money coming from again I'm sorry I got mixed up taxes so wait a minute you're voting to give yourselves a 80% increase without asking us I just heard the man say it's coming from my taxes that's right so that means I'm paying you and when I did the evaluation 2 3% at best some of you not and when I say n i mean the people that just got there they ain't even prove themselves n only thing they proved was they were at the meeting come on Council people MH this is no stretch of the imagination that this is your full-time or part-time job you were voted to serve I'm telling you the truth if Jesus did this right here a servant going to turn around and charge us for dying y'all must be under a gag Al and I'm not trying to be funny and I'm not trying to be disrespectful but just like I told the council person I spoke to the other night I am vexed beyond measure I'm so vexed that you don't even understand what you're doing to the people that live in the city that you chose to serve I don't care you get an increas but don't have secret secret count Council and pull up some false information about other neighboring cities and you have not produced nowhere near that don't do this I told that councel person that I was vexed but I tell you what and I mean this from the dep of my soul if you vote for this we going to vote you out and we are going to remember we're going to remember what you did and what you didn't do because not only are we responsible for what we say we're responsible for what we don't say and when you didn't answer us up here and you pointed to somebody that we didn't elect you're telling us that our voice means nothing right and when you try to hush me up you got a problem now time okay thank you and Mr O don't vote for this sir you've only been here for a few minutes that's right you can't in your right conscience vote for something like this guarante your time up all the other ones who only been here for a couple years Mr Mr Harmon served for 49 years time is up I know it is and your time is up too good evening councel my name is Maxine Christmas I live at 720 new Maple Road and I've been here since 1972 I know all of you and I voted for the ones that have are in my district my husband William christas shortly after we came to this town was asked to served on the board of education by David lakens that's right he served on that board with not a penny in his pocket for 18 years and he enjoyed every day of it he got elected and the people they were really sorry to see him when he got off the for then he said I'm going to maybe go run for city council and he did that and he stayed for 12 years and he didn't ask for another Penny over what he was making but for the of Education he didn't make a dime they sered the free and Tony you know calling you know I don't know I don't remember if you Mr uh barlay oh yes Joanne I'm sorry but to ask for a $10,000 raise that is somebody's salary that's a job you are on the board to serve the people right not for them to serve you and as long as I've lived in this town I have complained about the streets being as dirty as they are we used to have a street uh Street I haven't seen I don't know when he left and went down south I understand and he wasn't never replaced but you need I'm going tell you right now don't come looking for my vote if you vote for this I know I'm not voting for you you should be a shame of your if you [Applause] did what we're talking about okay because this gentleman over here spoke that this money is coming from the tax so that means that our three people you spoke our three people that is they live in Pleasantville is that money coming out of your tax pay money that's what I want to know seriously if we going to take the money from the taxpayers like he said we know three of y'all and you were my neigh Miss Wanda you already spoke okay I need to know is that money coming out of your pay money your and not from us from your tax money answer no not they going tell me to go they going to sit there and they going to talk back and forth each other which is rude and disrespectful go okay uh for 20 27 years I coach for the presal Jokers all right 27 years okay the life of a head coach assistant coach and Pleasantville I want to talk about coaches particularly football coaches okay nothing against the cheerleading coaches all right but from July to November 7 days a week that's right we're coaching that's right 7 days a week that's a job within itself that's an extra eight hours that's right between game planning League meetings organization meetings conditioning and fundraising yes am I missing something no right time practice dealing with the parents dealing with the parents dealing with the children and we're often called We're often called to the school syst to the schools because one two some of our ball players have uh less than desirable classroom conduct okay 7 days a week we never got paid never got paid we are true servants true Servants of this community now how many meetings do you guys attend weekly monthly daily the life of a football a Junior League football coach is seven days a week and the most we get thank you for appreciation thank you and it's not out of any disrespect but it's what we can do what our organization can do is a hot dog and a cup of [Music] soda and you want a $10,000 raise for not doing a third of what we do on a weekly [Music] basis it's not fair it's not fair at all all the next thing I want to say character and integrity go a long way it proves who you are as a man and as a woman especially if you profess the name of [Music] Jesus you've lost my respect three minut up that I did when you told I can come back thank you I'm not done character and integrity when everybody else doesn't want to stand up fails to stand up at least those who profess should stand up for righteousness I can teach cuz he knows nothing anyone else for the public [Music] hearing christm you already spoke I got one more thing to [Music] say along with Mr Christmas serving on the board serving on Council he coached literally B for how many years 10 12 and didn't get a dime [Music] [Applause] that's my [Applause] girl good evening good evening did you turn this thing off no good evening I deliberately waited and tried to be last deliberately a lot of it I don't have to repeat tonight is your turn your night to shine this is your night you've come before the citizens and said we need to sell the water company I mean sell to the water company because we need some money you came before the citizens and said we need to sell the sewage system we need some money now you come before the city council I mean Council comes before the citizens and says we want some more money from you now's your turn to stand up tonight really it is when we dealt with the issue of the abatement for the new apartments few with a couple of the council people held back and said we need to table this this is your night to shine if any of you are on the table thinking back and forth maybe maybe maybe this is your night to shine oh I forgot I almost put in as much as him my little Le goes over him but I had put in 44 years between School Board Council and planning board so I I should get a minute or two more than he did but I repeat this is your night to shine you you have i' like to see two different decisions what one of two one that you say maybe we need to go and take another look at this right I don't think anybody in this room really feels you shouldn't get anything and I hav talked to them is the amount of the increase and the other thing just turn it down that's the two choices I see right just turn it down and I guess I'm speaking to those and I'm not mentioning names that I think is on the fence up there you need to really think yes yes the public has really talked to you tonight it's time for you to shine and show them where you come from thank [Applause] youy Marvin Ro 1300 I got you you pray tonight right and saying all the reasons why to consider I guess you prayer tonight why not to consider the proposal that you put before us we you know told you we voice to you right our objection to this manner right say of uh of negotiation self- neego iation this manner of money where where it's going to come from and who's going to pay it we've talk to you about the not just the financial harm but the physical harm to some of our households what you're doing and what you're proposing right saying is ludicrous I come from a union background as I've told you time and time again and before we can even start to talk about monies right we have to find out whether or not right saying a person can pay the money that we're asking for no one can in this room can afford a $10,000 90 80% increase in salary this country is not even built like that the government right now right understand we're trying to just sign fund two Wars we're trying to do all these different things right the say including down the Border adding new things right say so person can come into the country legally all of these things and you folks some of you folks these five of you right youve come up right and saying with this idea of a $10,000 ra well the have ask you well what are you going to do to earn the money what have you done you got two Council persons right in here with over 93 years of service 44 and 49 you know they didn't get that money they never even came to us for that money that's right because the bottom line right this see you know is that it's about service you take a oath of office and the oath of office is say that you are not to benefit from anything that you do or the decisions that you make that's what it say and if you don't know it then read it again you know it it it disturbs right and see it disturbs it would disturb anyone to know the harm that you're going to try to do to this city we can't afford right a $210,000 increase rate and in you know on the annual budget for the city we can't do it we're a full service City we have the police here right and they're doing a good job we have the fire department you know and if you're not know that that good the job when the last time have you heard right there saying you know buildings burning down you got good public service so how are you going to pay these employees and when they come to you and ask you for a 20% ra how you going to pay cuz they're going to turn around and ask you for it based on what you what you're asking us for I'm telling you to shut it down shut it down it's the only reasonable right say fair and Equitable thing to do because what you do that's questionable to us right what you do that self-serving to us right there are laws on this books right this say that talks about Behavior such as this please don't go down that road I've seen it done before I've seen it done before and I'm not talking about something hypothetical I've seen it done before in this city right and people pay prices don't you folks right in Stand follow right on self-serving you know decision right that then turn around and diminish right the living capabilities of each and every person in this room outside this room and that walks in these [Applause] streets first of all let me apologize Madam president for my Outburst earlier that's very uncharacteristic of me but it's outgrowth of frustration and many people here feel the same um all those documents downtown that you guys swore oath to they all say we the people we the people we the people it didn't say we the counsel didn't say we the mayor didn't wa say we the president or the council didn't say we union rep but we're Financial rep it says we the people and you swore oath to protect and defend that Constitution and to Faithfully execute the duties of that office on behalf of We the People but it also says that when the government ceases to be of the people for the people and by the people it says it's our duty to destroy or abolish that government isn't that interesting nobody reads that second part but it says when you CE cease to do what the people want that it's our duty to move you up out of them seats that's it and I don't know if you realize like making this type of move that I guess you feel like you can get away with cuz there's so many lethargic people in this city city of 20,000 on 300 vote I guess you fig you can get away with it I don't know maybe maybe not but at the end of the day you you're you're you're setting yourself up for like a small January 6 here and we're not violent we're not violent we're trying to be reasonable we're coming to you talking to you over and over and over again but every man and every woman has a Breaking Point I haven't forgotten anything the Marine Corps taught me I know this army officer hadn't either he also served like 26 years in the Army we need to that man right there name need to be up on a plaque somewhere but anyway you you you don't realize what you setting yourself up for that Outburst was just a frustration of what everybody in here is feeling because to be disrespected an elder who asked you a question and can't man if you didn't answer your Elder you got slapped thank you thank you yes sure did that's crazy to me so the only thing I want to know is like I I know the fire department has some issues if we're going to spend $80,000 let's deal with that mold remediation that the fire department had I was a fire that's near and dear to my heart them firemen putting their lives on the line breathing black black Mo will kill you yes like if we just going to drop $80,000 let's drop it let's start with public [Applause] servants I went in burning buildings are you willing to go in a burning building those guys do they are if if we going to drop 80,000 let's put it over there and forget about yourselves for a [Music] minute us that you are for us explain yourself defend yourself that's all we asking why do you deserve 10 grand increase let us know why do you deserve 10,000 why do you deserve 10,000 cuz your head been down the whole time disinterested why do you deserve 10,000 explain that to me explain to the people that voted there's no reason for it n why do youer 10,000 Mr Pary why do you deserve 10,000 Mr K this is I'm just saying the people are speaking answer us why do y'all deserve a $10,000 increase based on what y'all come through the city every day and y'all know and you can't answer a question and nobody's answering anything so why have these open public meetings and y'all will defend yourselves why we voted for you for what to leave to make this better City better am I answering for you okay why why did you want why did you want CU I care about this city okay this is what we want to hear bro for 2 and A2 hours for 2 and a half hours I'm been waiting for somebody to speak up and say we got your' back but no we not getting yall we get y $10,000 increase there has been no improvements in this city that's asy as do better be better act like y'all for us instead of lining your pockets y for what people out here on the streets begging you don't see that norfield sumers point menwood they drop them here in the Ville and it's disgusting you can never go to Summer's point and see the traffic that see in Pleasantville never never cuz they'll bring them right back here they got the crack house there they give the pills for 8 hours and they zoom in this city begging for money they in the traffic on Main Street don't forget the W in the cars at the W everybody in here just want to hear what y'all got to say don't get up nobody let them let them have the floor defend yourselves are you for the people are you for the people okay then defend yourself speak we need to hear from y'all and you know what that's all you been saying all night I need you to say something else girl please I need you to say something else you know what I'm saying come on I need you to say something else I need you I need to hear an agenda I need to hear something else you know what I mean I need to hear from all of y'all thank you I'm done Melle I just want to say I just want to say and I don't want any Applause I'm Sorry Miss Wanda [Music] I I just want to say to everyone I don't W Miss [Music] Wanda I just want to say to everyone I don't want any Applause comments or anything from anyone if you don't mind but I just want to say to you all I don't I'm going to be straight out I am not in agreement with the Rens and it's not because I don't think that we deserve it Council deserves it but it's just that the timing is bad the timing is bad and the the distress that our city is in I just don't think it's anything and this is I'm saying this now and I'm not doing this is not about votes this is not about popularity or any of that because I said to council a couple of times how I felt about this told us so it's not as if you know as if I'm being insensitive I'm sitting up here saying nothing also because rather than throw anybody completely under a bus or anything and I'm in this mix I'm in the mix with everyone else I just want you all to know it's not the feeling of all of us and if you know we've talked about it over and over I don't know how much more we can say to get a different point across at this point I I mean it's very I think we should shut it down these officials have spoke and defend themselves it's it's disappointment we've been here for over two hours but what what more is it that we can set I mean what more the people have set it we waiting for them at what point do they even respond to the questions that's being the whole thing is I watch Mr Victor walked Main Street Carla walk M Mr Thompson [Music] wse need to Y y'all know what the problem is we need to hear from you we see you walk in the street we need to hear if anyone else for public hearing m food Avenue so we have as she said two and a half hours you asked a lot of questions a lot of questions have put out my only question is when do we get answer to our [Music] questions well I would like to speak this is what I was told right when we have questions that they were supposed to be given to the clerk and they're writing the last meeting I told we supposed to have a reg questions that's for y'all that is for us thank you Mr hold on second hold on one second so when I'm hearing the question for the first time if I don't personally have a response to it then I write it down like tonight when I get my turn speak later on then I'm going to address what was said at the last meeting that was brought up concerns from the last one CU I was able to check into that so tonight's question I couldn't answer you know some of them so I had to write them down I check them out then I respond back to them but that's the only way I can do it I'm not going to say [Music] nothing EXC so again I we ask the question when should we expect answers so nobody like that's some ignorant ignorant stuff I'm G say stuff because I was going to say something else when do we get answers I think it's a great question in a case like this most of the time I've seen the the the answers we'll be be reflected on the vot that's that's the way I look say that again come again like I know you're looking for answer to certain questions but with this is a hearing we want to hear all all voices we want to hear everything we want to hear all the questions and so on and I'm pretty sure the answer that you're looking for should be reflected on the vote on the ordinance that's what I'm Hing for Yes sounds good that's politically correct no that is politically correct I appreciate you you vote on it that I'm serious I'm as an educated woman I I'm I'm not even stand here brand about what I do have but I'm intelligent enough to know when PE when people approach you and have a question the answer is not just in the vot what are y'all feeling individually about your people you you guys represent us we're taxpayers here at tax okay I'm not going to beat y'all with a dead horse because they already said all of that that y'all work for us and please believe there are strength and numbers y don't have to answer us today that's right you will but there'll always be a June and there'll always be a November okay since you guys can't respect us the ones that's going to pay your $10,000 right we'll do y'all the favor and wait till June and November right I know I personally carry nice block me personally I don't even have to stand with PCC right but along with PCC my number is probably quadruple but I do have a nice voting block and I do have a very big follow so I don't have a problem doing what I got to do because not only do I pay taxes I got an elderly aunt that pay taxes in pleas I got elderly father that pay taxes in pleas and if I don't do anything else I'm going speak for them when they can't speak for themselves but the very least that you guys can do is respect us enough to give us some kind of response somewhere at some point I don't want to know the vote communicate with us communication is two ways it's not just a vote I appreciate your response but it's not just a vote it's more than that we deserve more than [Applause] [Music] that I everybody needs a race at some time or another especially inflation is now but if you have that kind of money to each individual you need to put some money into the city you need to clean it up clean the city up uh hire some more people in public works perhaps uh get the street cleaner going and it can't go without a person evidently being hired because it hasn't been running but the amount that you're asking for is just it's too much it's too much and sooner or later our ta are going to go up even more can't afford anymore I work part time as it is to take care everything that I have to take care at my tender young age cuz Social Security doesn't cut it n okay does not cut it so you need to think about all that okay get this place cleaned up you know you'd be looked at in a better way to get any kind of a RAC really okay sorry can I read something anyone else one can I get a motion toose the all in favor I anyone oppos see that for roll motion for roll callot can I get a second for roll call okay roll call for ordinance number one Davenport yes that I feel very bad for the people out there that don't get answers to the questions can you us everybody deserves an answer everybody knows where I stand on this issue $10,000 is incomprehensive in this it's not $10,000 it's 80% nobody gets an 80% raise I don't care who you are nobody gets an 80% raise I'm not even so sure that never mind but I just think that I can't even say let's table this and and do it at a later date because we're just kicking the can down the road so my vote is [Applause] no yes [Music] no I requested to speak before I vote good and I came well prepared to vote for this ordinance I don't make my decision and take it lightly take itly can I have I took a oath to serve people and I took a oath to take care of people that deserve rewards what happened to me tonight when the CF came and said this money will come from taxes that is my only problem I I can determined to vote for this but my understanding is there's some money coming that this money that will cover this money it's not the case so I feel compelled and I know I was disappoint a lot of people because I made up my mind but if it's not if it's coming from the taxes then put me in the CH I will [Applause] know know well I was going to make my vote but I didn't appreciate that someone tell me what I should and shouldn't do but my eyes is opening this and I know this is my tough call coming in here new but and if I'm want to be red out either way I D matter what I I got to [Applause] [Music] go no said no [Applause] Okay order please uh next is ordinance number two first reading exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c motion moot second any question all in favor I'm Sor Davenport yes cimona yes K yes clay yes o yes Thomas yes ordinance move to Second reading scheduled for February 21st resolution 22 authorizing the fiscal year 2024 local Recreation Improvement Grant application funded by the New Jersey Department Community Affairs can I get a motion roll call please D cour yes fero yes kimona yes Korea yes faran yes oasby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 23 amending the agreement between the city and the county of Atlantic for the insulation and maintenance of flashing signal equipment at various locations motion can I get a second second roll call please dport yes yes Simona yes Korea yes clay yes OB yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 24 authorizing the tax collected to cancel and refund property charges motion can I get a second second motion I mean roll call please D for yes Fe yes kimona yes Korea yes baray yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 25 endorsing and support of the New Jersey Department transportation closure of decada Avenue motion second please second Ro dport yes yes Kola yes Korea yes barlay yes orus yes thas yes resolution approved resolution 26 authorizing the implementation of a corrective action plan for the 2022 City's a motion second call please Dort yes Kona yes Korea yes maray yes o yes Thomas yes resolution approv resolution 27 authorizes the execution of an amended agreement of sale and and amended and restated Redevelopment agreement with Savage collaborations LLC regarding the California aty Redevelopment plan motion please motion second R call D yes yes kimona yes Korea no don't noted baray yes OB yes Thomas yes resolution approved I need a motion to approve the bill list motion second roll dport yes yes to all except 66 Kona yes Korea yes or CL yes o yes to everything except 666 so not Thomas yes to everything but 66666 I need a motion to approve R yes yes kimona yes Kore yes yes B yes yes motion approve next is please okay she'll call your [Music] name [Music] public portion first we have Jose [Music] Ela Tim [Music] Jones Jerry King Caron Miss k Mr [Music] [Music] [Music] Harmon Avenue sh CL it please I uh didn't quite finish earlier apologize for being out of return but I tell you what tonight you have said to the world not not USA those of you that are assembled right now you have responded to the people during the whole process I knew that some of you we're not ready for that and I'm not standing here saying no but the time just so bad we broke ground at the Y B thanks to and Southern cville is come one to defin we're talking about Baltimore Harbor we're talking about networking across that ocean to city now those of you there and you voted right tonight relax because we're going to be with you I got 17 calls and two ministers I to take my phone off I cut it off my daughter came home from Washington said Daddy don't do that and my phone is back working but again thank you guys thank you for listening and we love pres and we have an opportunity together the words of our President Joe Biden I spoke to him because I like the guy he said together we can move M may I know you wasn't in favor this and I won't go I'm not going down the line but I thank you guys just to table of this we want you compensate but theonomy is just so bad let's let the work the car wash is there and get that uh Red Cross Village rented we're going to be all right thank you and God bless you all I love you guys you love David Haron thank you thank you everybody thank you for hearing my vexation now I can breathe I have another issue though on the table we have a large influx of patients and Dominicans coming into the community in light of the governor of Texas sending them out by force on buses so now we have this large influx of Haitians and Dominicans that's coming into students are coming into our schools but we don't have a facility to teach the parents English if we can't teach them English we're going to end up taking care of them because they don't have a skill to get a job we used to have um in the district um funding for English as a second language and those parents were afforded to come come to go to that that program for free and even have daycare um provided for them for free but we don't have that anymore so we need a person from councel or two people to partner with the the um Pleasantville Board of Education to understand the Dynamics of these populations that's moving into our city so that we can be um better equipped to serve them so they can turn back around and and and um invest in our city we don't want the burden as a lot of them have dropped off in New York as you know if you look at the news they're dropped off in New York but a lot of them are traveling south they're trying to find um uh more affordable living so they're stopping here and we have a lot of them so far we I think we just at North Main Street School of loone we've uh already have uh uh eight students not to talk about how many is in a family there a lot of them are living in in two and three families in one home because they do not have the means or the communication skills to communicate what it is that they need so they're housing themselves in in in uh two and three families so we do need layons from the counil to partner with the board of education so that we can educate these people and help educate their students that's all I have thank you very [Music] much one minute please I want to address the issue that you brought to the floor um that's one of the most positive things thing I've heard about immigrants in this country coming from pleas beille resident he didn't say I hate them you said we want to help them to become more productive I want to commit myself to that process so that we can work together and see how we can help them okay and my colleague here wants to join as well okay so please make the contact so that we can follow up immediately okay and give them help and see how we can uh make them to assimilate better okay thank you okay Linda took my spot oh yeah she did yeah did okay so um I want to say this and I'm not going to back up off of this um at all the safety of our children during arrival and dismissal times at our elementary and uh middle school and high schools all right we need more police presence yes um almost had a Breck of a fight today between two parents that's not my job that's not my job but because of the frustration of of of uh of parking on E Avenue school right now we have parents who are bypassing the um the crossing guards right when they put the sign when she puts their sign up we still have cars going through the crossing guard and they're not considering the children only thing they want to do is get to where they're going all right we need more of a police presence during arrival and you know you see me and Mr down trying to straighten this thing out so we've already set up a meeting with the superintendent even though it's a little far off um we're going to have another public safety meeting hopefully next week and try to deal with this situation because I understand what you're saying we've been down there we tried to deal with it um but we're waiting for the school to get back up so that we can have meeting yeah we've been deal this since November we've been trying to get this meeting done and we've been joing with J for the past 15 plus years the other thing is I Applause you for your decision right in regards to the raise okay but again I'm for the Youth right if we have $80,000 okay support the youth yes all right the Pleasantville Jokers are the biggest um Youth Organization in the city okay and it was brought to my attention that last year the Pleasantville Track Team out of the wreck had some difficulties with finances all right I can't remember what the situation was it was probably Transportation or it was uniforms equipment or whatever okay support the youth at least support at least half of that $80,000 okay support the youth give the kids what they need before we have to pay for their destruction that's all I have to say thank you Miss Wanda yes fine coun I really appreciate Y tonight because for one I watch each and every of walk down Main Street y'all know the issues with C it's not like you don't you know what I'm saying the problem is the communication with us you know what I'm saying y'all communicate with each other okay I see you I see you out there I know that you're looking at the issues I know that you're discussing the issues but we need know how you feel issu now I would like to say something to the rest of the council we going back okay to when the playoffs came before the playoffs Miss Joanne when you spoke about EG Harbor Township playing pleas fille okay Jokers okay said you like disciplin they were how good to coach okay and and I came to the board and asked the board I'm sorry you speak bought that trophy home okay would you guys buy them jackets would you resurface the tur would you re would you give them something that they never had before they used to they used to have a nice great big shebang form with trophies and everything okay there should be a brand new Banner inside of the rep center it's not there okay Christmas time when we had our Christmas party and the mayor was there okay the Jokers came walking up in there and guess what none of them had on their brand new jackets and they had already won okay none of them had their brand new jackets so what happened to the agreement that y'all made y'all voted it in and said yes yes you did yes you did and said yes no no that's not true Miss habash who voted in she spoke about it cuz I brought it up and then she said she was there at the game okay and that's when I asked if they brought that Championship home okay they needed uniforms could we get those uniforms could we get new jackets something that we have not had Championship jackets in a very long time could we resurface their Turf when it rains outside it is nothing but a puddle of Mud which is not right those children work hard for that their new Banner is not even up and they brought that trophy home they didn't even have a parade they didn't even get no trophies nothing no acknowledgement at all these kids work hard and they they love their mentors they really do and they go to them and the school even calls them for these children that's how much those kids look up to them so I feel as though we should get back to those children we really should thanks Miss W I have one more question just one just one just one and I don't need the mic cuz I speak loud enough loud you know come on neighbor you know I do okay um when we speak about the taxes I know you said no to it okay most of y'all live in we all do we all live let's end that right now all seven of us and the and and I'm getting ready to go with my point I'm getting ready to go somewhere with my point okay if the taxpayers if the money's going to come from the taxpayers is it also going to come from your taxes because you live in Pleasantville so that means that so that means that you guys should be giving yourself your own race and not us that's all I want to say that's all I [Music] say one I'm done thanks all for voting that rais down I appreciate that but could y'all please consider to communication we come up and respond at least jot the questions down and at some point respond to the questions even if you get a general theme that's happening you have everybody out here every all of us are saying the same thing that's a theme respond to the them y'all sitting there looking at us and it's like they don't even care I'm looking at each face I'm a I'm a watch of people body language behaviors all of that that's what I do so communication is two ways if we come could y'all please just think about that the format of your meetings at what point could you even respond to some of the frustr or not even frustrations just questions in general you know what I mean just just food for thought all right y'all have a good night appreciate y'all [Music] excuse me anybody from The Joker here Craig I think his name c CRA here can you come up for a minute [Music] please okay if you give me a diagram how you want that post that U Banda I'll get it for you okay you're VI okay I I'll at least them left but I'll let them know okay all right just give me a diagram I go get it and I give it over to you guys okay my pocket we appreciate it thank you you're welcome wonderful good [Music] evening thank you for the decision an ordinance on this evening and I just want to read something that was posted on the Page by the mayor it says the future will be brighter for pel and it citizens as we work together through these recessional times that's where we are right now and I'm going to be honest with y'all I was very upset that you couldn't get an answer to a question y'all know what's on an agenda before the agenda that comes to the public take some time do the research ask yourself the questions on there so that when the public comes up to ask you a question that you can at least give some type of answer okay so just just think about this if you're at work and your boss asks you a question and you don't answer them do you feel that you're doing what it is that your boss has hired you to do now other thing she has written on here our vision for tomorrow is clear and certain you're coming to pleas bille will strengthen our part partnership to ensure the continuous the continuing success of the community you can feel the energy and pleas tonight let it feel the energy not a positive energy anyway and then it says please call on us whenever you may be thank you whenever you may be of assistance and let me know how we are doing to make you proud of your decisions to join our community I want to be able to do that when I come here when I look at y'all when y'all vote on something tonight I was very disappointed because it just answer a question and if you don't know say I'm sorry I can't answer you and what are we doing for the streets in pleas what's the next project for the street to be uh Park G on this I think it's almost done it's looking good no it's looking good okay where are we at get where where are we at you know just the little things you know the streets are horrible and I just pray that y'all would really examine what you're here what you're doing and just continue to move forward and God has called you to this spot next we have passor jome page good evening good evening 213 West Pleasant Avenue I am a taxpayer I didn't want to say anything ear I wanted to to see what the vote is going to be I would just say to the seven counsil people up there nothing should go on your agenda if all of you were not on the same page nothing should be placed on the agenda to be voted on unless all of you are on the same page now that that doesn't mean that you vote for it don't vote for it understand the issue and understand what the people would think about the issue CU remember they voted you in and they came out tonight and that didn't have to be because seven of you voted today tonight and four of you said no that should have been know before it even was placed on the agenda back in the day when May Peterson was here whatever mayor Peterson wanted he got it but it still was strong Council weak May and now you have Miss Miss uh Ward doing a good job but she's not Peterson she's Judy Ward new Council one thing I seen on that flyer about the Rays it said new council is vote this you are a new counsel that means you have to communicate with every one of you and know president when that hits the agenda it's already done when people come up you've already talked to the people you got these people you know some of their names you got their phone numbers you call them you talk to them you get their opinion shouldn't be like here tonight that was very is some of it was not really intelligent okay but listen guys I pray for every one of you cuz you got a job to do you could have not run somebody else else could have had your seat now you're on proud of you I'm proud of you Linda Pon smile a little bring it back bring it back yes listen every one of you in here have done the best job you can do but if you do it together you'll be better be even better I had no intentions of coming back to either run for counsel or anything now I'm looking at it looking at in the Democratic position um mayor and Miss Linda Payton yes as a taxpayer the court system it is my understanding that the court system now we have a partnership with Atlantic City can you please find out my case that I had found you still don't know it hasn't been heard and I'm not going to remove it I want it to be heard because there's other ways I could have dealt with this and as a pastor and the religious man that I am I didn't want to go that way I wanted to come the way the proper way and go through the the the court system okay I'm asking you please just find out what it is why can't I I have a court day it's been off almost two years all right um again as Mr Harman said it's a test for all a test and it came out good today because okay I know 3 minutes right it came out good today because the people came out but what I'm telling you is get it in check before it even comes to us four of you say no it don't go on the agenda and move on we got a lot of things to do a lot of things to do and I need y'all to help me out this even the school board members will get paid but anyway have a good night thank I would just like to thank you for putting up the flashing stop sign at Dela Road and Linton avue hopefully we'll see less accidents there thank [Music] you no any um comments comments or mayor counsel I'd like to thank everyone for coming out tonight they got what they want the mayor like to thank everyone for coming out tonight than everybody have a good evening everyone good evening everybody just want to let the public know that we are looking into doing uh fille um red controls in pleas looking at that so we'll let you know with further notice what was that I'm sorry we are trying to look into rent control here in pille rent rent control rent control so I just want to let everybody know thank you have a good night God bless anyone else yeah I do um you know this isn't how things are supposed to be come to the meeting your voice your opinion we vote and everybody leaves it's like going to Catholic Church everybody Lees before the priest is done because they want to get out of the parking lot first what the people did tonight was a complete lesson in Civics and I hope to God that anybody that was in here tonight realizes that and takes it back to the school district and says we need to take teach Civics in school because they were able to do this but when you leave and don't want to listen to us either this is a two-way street here that's right and everybody walks out out cu they got what they want except means are here and I thank you for that but everybody deserves to be heard as well as us and by leaving you kind of leave us like okay thank you I wish I could respond to that anyone else see can I get a motion to adj second [Music] y