##VIDEO ID:u## [Music] good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville city council work meeting today is August the 5th 2024 and the time is 6:30 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the sunsh Sunshine Law vote call please D hereon pres K pres pres Thomas pres always may I have approval of previous minutes motion second all in favor first we have um ping ceremony for firefighter Ty G um I want to thank everybody tonight for coming out uh recruit boy has completed his 8we Academy class graduated with no [Applause] problem we want to welcome him to the fire department and uh he will be getting pined so he's an official member of our department so you come up with I want to thank Council the mayor everybody for uh helping us get boarded to our department conat congratulations [Applause] just want to say thank to everybody big sh to fire department appreciate y forc um finally completed the academy uh I'm happy I'm in the Happy State right now we got a great team I can't wait to work with them I appreciate everybody coming out and supporting me the service [Music] [Applause] Community next we have agenda review okay first on the agenda is ordinance Number Eight Second reading public hearing will be held reg s amending chapter 278 Article 2 of the city code entitled vehicles and traffic any questions see none resolution 126 support for suitability cannabis business La Wellness Incorporated any questions Council CN resolution 127 authorizing demand city clerk to execute a federal aid agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation any question questions stand resolution 128 authorizing the execution of memorandum of understanding between the city and International Association of f fighters local [Music] 4929 any questions see that resolution 129 authorizing the execution of memorandum of understanding between the city and international associations of firefighters local 2616 any questions stand on resolution 130 authorizes the assignment of Municipal lean certificates to admin leans Ops LLC any questions stand n resolution 131 authorizing execution of a second amendment of The Redevelopment agreement with Savage collaborations LLC regarding California Avenue Redevelopment plan any questions we have Mrs um Redevelopment coordinator Mrs Jack mod Dev here if there's any questions The Madam presid I yes I i' just like to since the last time we talked about this has it been any any movement uh the haven't been back there the TRS been clear I think the last time we talked about it has something to do with um a special permit for them to start clearing the land and so on and so forth can you just give us an update land is clear um so we had the last time I think that entered into an access agreement where the developer could go onto the property to clear the land and that has been done um and we are now in the stages where he is getting his other permits from other agencies as far as take soil and um that is moving along and we are here today for the amendment to the Redevelopment agreement to extend it for 12 months in order for him to do his due diligence and to do the site plan with his Engineers to get him to the planning board that is his next stage for a full sight plan review but the project is moving forward thank does he own the land the city owns the land okay he has put the all of his deposits down for the land according to the Redevelopment agreement but he does not own the land he does not own the land as of yet uh land to the r development agreement he will be eligible to purchase the land once the full sight plan is approved by the plan approv can you say that again he will he will be able to buy the land completely once he has done the full sight plan and approvals through the planning board process can you tell us where else that has been used in the city that don't purchase the land you get your site approval done um I cannot sense that I wasn't on the uh City projects then um but I know that we did it with cities that the projects that I do know about I know that we did it with City Center um and I'm not sure how we did the High School site I wasn't a part of that project then so I'm not sure how that went um that we did do with with r and Avenue we sold the land first before the site plan and as you know that RIT Avenue is still sitting there empty but a developer owns [Music] that thank you thank you thank you good next we have the build this good evening good evening um first we'll go over the build that we PID between last council meeting this one it was 3 weeks so it's little more than normal bills being paid um you'll see on top of page one where says R Pro Shield uh that was a replacement check we mailed at probably back in April they never received it we avoided it and reissued it and then uh the couple below that have to do with uniforms and 4354 is for postage for our mailing of our uh tax bills go down to the bottom of the page uh $500,000 this look the first draw from store utility into the current fund as we always do to help offset the the budget uh payroll a 533 is for medical cost for uh active and retirees um to 43,000 is just a note with NJIT from years ago and a 494 is a bond from 2015 incl principal and interest that covers both U current fund as well store utility to build to be paid and you see a new format Ed upgraded their software I hate it just let you know it's just I need I need Mr O glass to read this as you look down the bottom of page one you have the ACA uh monthly bill for trash recycling um and then two below that attic County treasure for for fuel and for gas de fuel that we uh share services with the county do you need me talk of these um as we go down to [Music] um down at the bottom of page two see cyber Security Experts they are the people who Monitor and take care of our um Internet it's on the cloud this was two months worth of Bill they never sent us one in for July this for July and August go over to page page three um near the bottom you'll see U Public Works uh2 we purchased stop sign some of them have been damage we also installing your toop signs um and what all these let's go to bottom of page four lexic cont um we were having problems with some of the Andy Bou I'm sorry Tunis Avenue as well as prinson Avenue some road work being done there seemed to be some underwater seepage that was kind of um corroding or having problem with the road they were able to put in what's called a test pit to kind of collect this water so it's not running into under under the road it's crafted and divert to another position really undermining the new road we just put in this was natural water um not rain water just natural spr water natural water from the from a low level is this the company that did the work or yes it is this is the same company this is the same company we were able to negotiate a price that was reasonable for engineers so it wasn't u under warranty like how long has that been um well this was it wasn't part of the warranty unfortunately I wish it was it was an under underground stream that was I guess not expected or maybe when they did the work it kind of resur maybe could be just because time of year we're at but with undermining the road work our Engineers caught it right away these guys were able to go out there and prevent any more damage effective they repair whatever damage would have done and really there um good bottom of page six you'll see it say fatal data logic that a do software for code enforcement they had a software called Road Runner that was has been has been terminated would say um the $8,400 hours is for $77,000 for software is normally 14,000 they're giving it one year for seven and then there's a 4,400 hour for training or people um I believe two three people jacking five people five people take care of training I'm sorry page six third from the [Music] bottom Mr L can you explain that again I'm sorry pardon me can you explain that again okay there is a software that code enforce uses right now called road runer that is being phased out um it has not kept up to date with what the state's looking for uh this LSD is a software that's now being used by a lot of municipalities to replace um Road M the normal cost for this is $144,000 a year the first year they're giving it to us for $7,000 and then 1400 hours which will train five [Music] people so what we're going to do pay right now we're going to pay $7,000 once the training is completed we'll do the other, 1400s you go over to page seven um you'll see about 3/4 way down uh Willet Goldman fiter 26947 that is the cost of our bond attorney when we did the the bond back in April um they finally came across and billing us and then course number 6666 yes uh any other questions or any questions I do have your question as far as with the uh 8400 you said it's going to be five people that's going to be trained five people in Code Enforcement building it's for building and construction building and construction has a database system called Road Runner this is a New Jersey state system all of your permits and everything that you do in the building department is is um supervised by the state so we have to be in compliance with the state they're discontinuing Road Runner Road Runner will not exist after December 31st so we have to replace Road Runner with sdl so sdl you're paying for the database and you're also going to pay for uh we'll need our tech department to help us transfer all of our data from Road Runner over to SDF almost like your phones when you're transferring your data from your phones over we have to do the same thing with this system and building and construction and we have to be trained on the system and the people that will be trained of course is your um construction technician your uh clerk your third party subcontractors myself and our construction official thank you thank you you're welcome any other questions counil thanks bar Barry this new edmin system can we get the print any bigger on this it is all small oh have them they they upgraded everything and we'll see if we can do it okay I don't like it may I do I'd like to introduce uh Kenya Nunes if you noticed I'm lonely sitting up here tonight our um ba has retired and we have acting ba here with us tonight and she came to introduce herself Kenya NZ who will be starting uh Monday August 12th yes August 12 thank you Council thank you mayor and residents and those attendance here I want to thank you all and I'm excited to be here U for those of you that don't know me my name is Kenya n and this is not my first time around in fenville I used to be here 10 years ago or so and I'm glad to be back and my official day which be Monday and I'm open to the community and that's what we do listening to your concern pres the council mayor and then take it from there and I'm excited to be here thank [Applause] you thank you mayor [Music] C may I have a motion toj the session second all in fav the time is 6:48 this is the city of pville city council meeting the date is August the 5th 2024 this meeting has been dly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the sunshine Lord please stand for invocation and flag salute [Music] United States of America stand na indivisible andice for all call please kimona pres K pres Thomas present allend may I have a motion to dispense previous minutes motion second all in favor mayor you have any accommodations Proclamation first we have David Caron hello everyone hello all right a couple of things um in regards to the playground can we get a timeline as to when the repairs and everything's going to be done to to the playgrounds here in the city I give you few he took bids last Wednesday for Le Avenue Max Manning and cres Avenue major repair dener um the coach came in $100,000 over estimate from our engineer we are probably the next two weeks will we reject them and we will start negotiating with the contractors to order to get to work done we we know there's a lot of things we want to do with the parks everything from replacing baseball courts getting new equipment getting uh pickle ball courts Sofer Fields doing a lot of things uh but the estimated game uh access $100,000 of engineer investment for all Department and Max okay and um are our playgrounds governed by the green nees does anyone know believe so right I don't believe so no I think anything was was the Joel Joker field was was greenr second I don't believe any other ones are is you sign out there Mr caring that says green right okay but we'll find out if all of them are okay and um again no estimation um rest of this year or the beginning of next year to when this work is going to be you know what Mr kingon we're going to have another um planning and development meeting and at that meeting we have engineers and everybody here so at the next meeting we'll have a solid answer for you on when and what's going on all right okay um this weekend I was um in nor and um I took the opportunity to visit uh weekway and the playgrounds on Hillside and um Park and Market um Place Market Avenue we're far behind you know those playgrounds are Immaculate you know um when you think a new you don't think positive things okay you think crime a lot of times you think violence right you think of Oppression um desolation that's what you think of when you you know when you think about n okay um but that's not that's not the case all right their playgrounds are Immaculate and ours should be more Immaculate here in Pleasantville all right uh they spent a lot of money for their kids all right for for recreation we can do the same thing all right I I just would like for you guys to keep that in mind you know we're dragging to me we're dragging our feet on this all right thank you thank you thank you Mr did I say that right R thank you sorry afternoon everybody um I'm here for my delinquent taxes 17188 222 East o Avenue East what what's the address again 22 e okay 7188 requesting more time to catch up with my link with taxes reason that is this something you want to talk to just the tax office because you can do that in private talk to the tax office about that unless it's something that you need Council to do I mean it it sounds this is personal matter just about your taxes you don't have to come here to discuss your tax situ I Reed oh okay no you could call the tax office about that okay Mr Ronald the letter said to come to the council meeting it said if you wanted to be heard so it's up to you yeah it is up to you okay all right all make sure he knows what days they're open cuz they're not there [Music] good evening good evening um I have a couple questions the gy road Park Avenue project I noticed that it's been installed for the past couple days and I wanted to know if anybody knows anything about what's going on with that project or why the Park Avenue by the uh crew has left the project half the street is done um they haven't completed the sidewalks I just wanted to know if there was an issue or anything going on that anybody's aware of the other thing is 318 West Park Avenue that's my father's lot nobody was in touch with him about how the project was going to proceed um they didn't leave any access to that property so what I'm saying when I say access is there's no driveway apron to get into that to the to that property they plan on building the sidewalk straight across which means that you have to hop the sidewalk or I'm going to have to come back to coun and have them approve them to cut the concrete and put in an apron so I want to try and get that situated Now by whatever stalling the project um the other thing was the drainage that they in is way high I was talking to one of the for there and he said that they noticed a couple things that they did wrong so I don't know if they're going to correct it or what's going on and the last thing is I wanted to know if there's going to be a May meeting this month there will not be one no on the 13th okay so you cancel that meeting for okay that's it anybody have any information where I can contact anybody to talk to anybody about this situation Mr Hill I'll have a conversation with um Barry and I get back to you tomorrow I appreciate it y thank you very much Mr Tim Jones good evening everyone Tim Jones Pleasantville pleas concerned citizens I would like to start off by thanking you carer for your message regarding the tragedy invol with some of my family members a week or so ago I really appreciate you reach sh kind words there um the main thing I would like to um bring to attention this evening is something that's kind of been lingering but it has never been addressed yet we understand that in the city of Pleasantville the line share of the budget is consumed by police and fire Public Safety as is with many perhaps most municipalities so that's not the the shocking Factor however um we do understand from the Legacy in the history of a and that there are considerations in terms of the the the structure of the police and fire department that need to be addressed um it came to our attention some time ago that a Manpower study has been conducted by Stockon University and another one done by New Jersey Department of Community Affairs that gives you a an assessment of your police and fire requirements and your man uh and I'm standing here today to ask that you actually have a hearing on those um results because I think the public needs to know where we stand in this community with regards to that and the one of the main drivers is this is the fact that as we work in our community we find need for more resources more people and public works and code enforcement and things like that and we realize there's only so much money in the budget our taxes just went up again okay but what we want to do is make sure that the money spent on salaries for the City or doing what best serves all of the citizens of Pleasantville and so I'm asking that you give consideration to this and actually have a hearing on those um um studies thank you thank you U Mr Jones as a chairman uh two things first we have not received the DCA study sir I just want to say that we only received the stockin study so but we will be having a public safety meeting and then we'll be moving forward hopefully we we can go public with all the information and work the situation out I have a motion to close we have someone else Miss V sod she's from the Puerto R parade am I say right yes H hi everyone on behalf of um of atan County Puerto Rican parade Inc I'm very proud to present um this certificate of award to of appreciation to Mayor Judy Ward to the city of penville and to all the council members and appreciation for allowing us to have our Festival every year at in Pleasantville this will be our 25th Annual um and I do thank all of you and invite all of you to be there thank you so [Applause] much thank you Evette you're welcome and we really appreciate you coming every year to do that you know Co stopped us for a minute with a little hiccup in it but we're glad that you're back it's really a nice Festival every year have some of my board members and our two queens thank you thank you they said I read the um excuse me they yes did I read this can you hear me yes I'm trying to see it give me my glasses I need your glasses you want my readers okay okay it reads as follows the Atlanta County Puerto Rican parade Incorporated presents this appreciation award to the city of Pleasantville mayor Judy W and members of City Council on this uh fifth day of August the date two excuse me 2024 sign IET SoDo president and founder thank you thank that find a nice place to put [Music] this thank thank you thanks so may I have a motion to close public portion have all in favor MD okay first in agenda is orders Number Eight Second reading public hearing requir amending chapter 278 Article 2 of the city pool entitled V traic public hearing required anyone for public hearing they okay see no one for public hearing excuse me I don't know how that's what appropriate you just kind kind of elaborate as what that's about since they was speaking on it because we understand about vehicles and things like that Park but you know just kind of elaborate Madam cler can you read what pleas yeah yeah I don't have this is uh chapter 278 -6 is entitled parking prohibited at all times um there's amendment to this section it states that the following are prohibited from parking in the city on a public street right away or Highway between the hours of 10: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. such as a camper uh travel trailer house trailer mobile home self Prevail housing unit Mobile Boat cell boat or other Motorcraft or any trailer orus for carrying the same truck larger than one ton commercial in size tractor trailer semit trctor bus vehicle exceeding 850 cubic feet in size for inoperable Vehicles so this is pertaining to um Vehicles such as trailers and mobile homes and uh such for being parked on the street you're welcome um if you want this is also online and uh available to for you to download to thank you anyone else from the public may I have a motion to close public hear second all in favor I have a motion for ordinance number eight motion have a second second call yes yes Kona yes Korea yes clay yes oi yes Thomas no res ordinance adopted resolution 126 support for suitability Canabis business large Wellness Incorporated may I have a motion may I have a second who's the first and I [Music] don't and second is okay roll call Davenport yes family yes pona yes Korean yes Clan yes o Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 127 authorizes the mayor and city clerk to execute a federal aid agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation I mean motion motion second dport yes family yes Kona yes Korea yes CL yes Thomas yes resolution approved I just want to add something um I just want to put it on a record that this is one of the largest um awards that have been granted to Atlanta County and here in Pleasantville we are giving this award to um get it it's called The Safety project focusing on upgrading the sidewalk and pedestrian Crossing to provide safe connected sidewalk systems in the vicinity of North Main Street School leads Avenue Elementary School and Washington Avenue School so they will be installing LED flashing lights and replacement of G gutters so I just want to put that on the record I'm no we already voted I'm sorry resolution 128 authorized an execution of memorandum of understanding between the city and International Association of firefighters Local 49 49 a motion moot second roll D for yes yes kimona yes Korea yes Clan yes OAS yes Thomas yes resolution appr resolution 129 authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding between the City and international associations of firefighters local 2616 may have a motion motion may have a second second roll call Dort yes yes Kona yes Karan yes CL yes a yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 130 authorized an assignment of Municipal lean certificates to admin Le opsc and a motion motion second second R Dort yes yes kimona yes Korean yes CL yes a Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 131 authorized execution of a second amendment of The Redevelopment agreement for Savage collaborations LLC regarding California Avenue Redevelopment plan and have a motion motion and have second roll call D for yes B no kimona yes K yes clay yes OB yes Thomas yes resolution approv next I need a motion to approve the bill motion second D yes yes to all 666 so it kimona yes Korean yes yes over yes to all 66 so noted Thomas yes to all not to 6666 not again next is comments from May C mayor good evening everyone thank you for coming out I like to congratulations to time and wording and President we hear your concerns have a good evening welcome counil thank everyone coming out 23rd yeah the 23rd down at the Marina and the last time we had midle real nice so everybody come out and the fireworks please bring your chairs though yeah uh if you come out to the fireworks bring your own chair thank you Mr Nice I want to thank everybody for coming out I name want to thank for the God bless make sure you I just have a reminder that tomorrow night is tomorrow evening is National night now going be on Lon H the time is what 5 to 8:00 5 to 8:00 yeah so hope to see everyone there may I have a motion to adjourn the meeting motion may I have a second second all in favor uh if it ain't raining I'll be help cooking on the grill if it's raining I won't be there but I [Music]