I wish it for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for for for for e good evening uh we're going to start the board meeting now today is June the 11 20124 may we please stand for the flag salute and a moment of silence can someone please pull the flag out out of respect e e this is to advise those present at this June 11th 2024 regular board Workshop Action meeting of the Board of Education of the city of Pleasantville in the county of Atlantic that notice was given on January 20th 2024 of the revised annual designation of the regular monthly board meetings as required by the provisions of chapter 231 of the laws of 1975 notice thereof has been distributed for publication in the Press posted in the administration building and forwarded to the city clerk of the city of Pleasantville within the time required by said at roll call Miss wife Miss [Music] Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King present Miss Melo Miss Morgan Miss silver present Miss Waters Miss gray Miss roel pres yes next is public comments agenda items only when you come to please be respectful and cour and stay us first we have Mrs Priscilla Noel good evening everyone even few items that I saw on the agenda that have make inquiry about was 3.22 as far as the roof repair will that include mold um assessment and Remediation because when you have moisture it say for a long time it permeates and they start to grow and that and that can to contri element so I want to make sure that we got the H if we're reping the roof that we make sure we look at those areas as far as 3.28 I have been waiting for something like this for so long with the website redesign and I want to thank this board for taking that into consideration because it's been a long time needed and a long time waiting we have one of the worst websites um operationally if we look at other districts other districts it's easy to use even Mobile use is easier and it's accessible all the information is easily identified so I really hope that and look forward to 3.28 as far as lunch 3.25 um I think we really need to re-evaluate what's going on I had the pleasure of being a chaperon on a trip but this right here with blue number 40 would you eat this I don't think so and when the kids pulled it out of their bag lunch the first thing they said in unison e so for me I had to bring it so y'all can see it's bright little I wouldn't eat this I wouldn't give this to a homeless person my worst enemy I wouldn't give this to them so I think we need to think about that um item 6.9 item z i me o is that o for October o item o I appreciate that we are bringing forward and making considerations for the timeline for hiring coaches because for far too long in this District we have had to wait and wait and wait until whatever sport is coming up to see if we're going to have a coach when we need to align ourselves with all the other districts so that we can be competitive and also have an opportunity to attract uh Superior Talent to uh commend this board on doing as far as hiring a uh or considering to hire and vote on uh basketball coach with a impressive resume and extensive knowledge and experience in the sport of basketball as far too long our boys in basketball have suffered thank you thank you Mrs Noel next is the superintendence report by Dr Martinez [Music] thank you good evening board members staff to our guests and to members that are watching online Welcome to our June 11th board meeting ready I'll begin this evening's superintendent's Report with our student safety data system uh incidence report for our school year of 2324 um up to date I apologize for those numbers being very tiny that report actually comes from the data that is reported into our New Jersey home room and New Jersey smart official data there are one there are eight categories for incidents uh the first one is incident total violence vandalism substances weapons hip confirmed other incidents leading to removal and the last category is Hib alleged each school is um each scho has a number to report for each of the C categories so to begin and there are three reporting periods so for the first report two reporting periods and the aggregate is the total number for the first reporting period at the pleasant well high school we had a total of incidents in number 38 so 38 total incidents of which six were classified violence three vandalism 22 substances three weapons four Hib confirmed and six Hib alleged hip stands for harassment intimidation and bullying at the Pleasantville Middle School we had a total of 27 incidents 10 were violence zero vandalism 12 substances three weapons two Hib confirmed and five Hib alleged in our Washington Avenue Elementary School this school year we had zero incidents in violence zero zero vandalism zero substances zero weapons zero hi confirmed and four hi alleged at the leads Avenue Elementary School we had zero incidents in total zero violence zero vandalism zero substances zero weapons zero hip confirmed and three Hib alleged at the North Main Street Elementary School we had zero incidents in total zero violence zero vandalism zero substances zero weapons zero Hib confirmed and one Hib alleged and at South Street Elementary School there was one incident zero violence zero vandalism zero substances zero weapons one Hib confirmed and zero Hib alleged in total there were 66 incidents reported in Period one there were 16 incidents in violence total three vandalism 34 in substances six in weapons seven hip confirmed and 19 Hib alleged in report period two which is from January to now at the pville high school we had 27 incidents total four in violence one in vandalism 17 in substances three weapons five hip confirmed and zero hi alleged at Pleasantville Middle School we had zero incidents total zero violence zero vandalism zero substances three zero weapons zero hi confirms and Hib alleged Washington Avenue we had zero incidents four V four [Music] violence wait a minute at Washington Avenue we had zero zero in violence zero in vandalism zero in substances zero weapons zero hip confirmed and three alleged hid alleged at Leeds Avenue we had zero incidents zero violence zero vandalism zero substances zero weapons zero hip confirmed and zero hi alleged at North Main we had zero incidents zero violence zero vandalism zero substances zero weapons zero hip confirmed and zero hi alleged and at South Main Street we had zero incidents four violence zero violence zero vandalism zero substances zero weapons zero hip alleged with a total of 27 incidents four van four violence one vandalism 17 substances three weapons five hi confirmed and three hi alleged so in total we had 93 incidents 20 violence four vandalism 51 substances nine weapons 12 hi confirmed and 22 hi alleged and so so I did a comparison with last year's data which is that one there go the next slide thanks and what we see actually I I'll I'll wait till the next one what we did was um here's the student safety data systems training there's a significant difference this year in our hip training uh you'll see in the next slide that for the districtwide training we got zero points last year this year however for report period one we had three trainings two programs for report period two we had one training and report in total for four trainings and two programs that's pretty significant um the trainings were occurred on September the 1st 2023 uh on metal detectors and x-ray machines also in September the 5th there was training on conflict resolution deescalation and guidelines on using force and restraint there was additional training on October the 25th on nonviolent intervention and more training on February the 16th 2024 on school safety with uh Mr Gambino and so you also see uh total of trainings in each school and the total report for trainings this school year was 54 that includes districtwide training and school trainings 29 programs in report period 1 11 trainings in report period two and five trainings in report period two with a total of 65 trainings and 34 programs next SL that's last year's data in summary comparison between two years there was an overall decrease of 21% in total instance thus far from 167 down to 131 however in several uh categories for instance violence there was an increase of from 11 to 39 incidents U there was an increase also in vandalism from one to four incidents yet in substances we decreased by 50% in weapons we even doubt um in hi we had confirmed 21% which is 15 from 15 to 19 in incidents what we know is that we had professional development specifically on uh our staff using our equipment particularly the uh metal detectors and x-ray machines so when I took a look at the weapons uh those incidents actually occurred before they came into the building which means that our staff is using um our equipment correctly the training was effective um we've also had um um we're working on ensuring that we're reporting accurately so I'm happy that uh it seems that the data is showing that we are there was an increase of technology in terms of new metal detectors and x-ray machines and WS that have helped in the confiscation of substances of Contraband uh which could um correlate to the decrease in substances and there's also been training with staff to to um also work with students uh particularly on social emotional and mental health which could also correlate to some of the decrease in substances additionally security officers received training um and began the vestig projects at both middle and high school um Dr Thomas Gambino's site visit when he came there were several things that were um that we needed to uh do in order to be in compliance and there were the following security staff are deployed to the front of buildings for student arrival and dismissal and are outfitted with colored safety vests and handheld radios and as per the New Jersey Code the Pleasantville police department has access has now has access to the school live stream video surveillance system which they didn't have in the passed the police department also has key and swipe access to all of our school buildings in the district as mandated by code uh the large screen monitors for our district were ordered for display in the main office where the front office Personnel could easily monitor the exterior of the buildings and we are going to uh install them quickly all staffer issued a red lanard which is this we see here for identification it is a requirement for all of our staff to wear a red lanyard visitors are issued a blue type lanyard which is numbered for identification in all of our buildings police access to all buildings and surveillance is tied to the police department these are the improved security measures that were accomplished this school year further good news we had the Multicultural fair and parent workshops uh we had wonderful presentations as well we had the junior Jr OTC military ball um I attended it was absolutely amazing uh Sergeant Mack and his uh students do a fantastic job and we honored the Pleasantville High School Jo JROTC members at its annual military ball at North they hosted an amazing Multicultural day filled filled with music performances and foods from various cultures and yes they were highlighted uh on the news and it was just wonderful there and we had our high school students present as well was a fantastic uh activity and event We are continuing to build Partnerships to help our students and their families and um I attended on May 31 ref first the first meeting for the leading with enrichment Alternatives and division diversion initiative Le a provides an open dialogue between several agencies throughout Atlantic County that serve our children with the purpose to provide guidance for youth throughout various services and resources and it was a really great pleasure to be among that group uh we had great conversations about how we're going to continue working together in collaboration to improve resources to our district uh was wonderful uh the Atlantic County Governor's educator of the Year recognition luncheon uh we celebrated our educators of the [Music] year and the Washington in elementary school did a fantastic job um in showcasing The Lion King play here at our very own high school I attended and it was it was just fantastic um if you got a chance to come it was Lively it was wonderful um I think it was streamed so you can see it I also got a chance to um visit uh this year's don't feel fear your future Teen Summit on June 7th our high school kids are phenomenal um they did a great job I believe there was like 17 of our high schoolers represented this year's Teen Summit it was held at Atlantic Cape Community College in manding campus and it was led by the Coalition for uh Safe Community um the leader Mr Perry may always does a fantastic job U and I'd like to publicly recognize Miss Chris Holt who serves as our district liaison in this very important initiative and she was extremely instrumental in coordinating this important Team Summit last but not least we congratulate this year's top 10 Pleasantville High School students and our top 10 middle school students of the class of 2024 would you join me in giving them a round of applause thank you so much uh to the board I request uh that you the board accept and approve uh this student safety data report as well as the school security drill statement of assur assurance to be submitted and certified by June 30th of this school of 2024 and next we we are going to end our school year board meeting with recognizing our students and employees let's begin with our Great Schools South Main Street School all right South M is in the house and let's begin with Michelle Tyson come on Michelle if you're here kayen Gregory all right kayen kayen has a fan club almost come on kayen big round of applause for our young man [Applause] kayen Hayden let's come on all right here we go how are you let's give kateen another round of applause stand right here with me next is Crystal G Medina Chelle G Medina Anabella Marte Anabella Mal okay nice Crystal ah how are you Crystal get another round of applause hi Crystal how are you congratulations this is Crystal come stand over here yeah let's squeeze over thank you Allison velis man [Applause] all right Alison conratulations what grade are you in fourth grade Allison's in fourth grade hey Kay what grade are you in first first grade what grade are you third grade nice what grade are you in second look at our students second GR grade and last but not least Samina nir she [Applause] here congratulations and what grade are you fifth grade right here please give a round of applause to our great South Main Street students we are so proud of you thank you thank you thank you thank you next we have we are celebrating our lead Avenue School our [Music] students Le is in the house like we'll begin with Leila Santiago Lea are you here oh Ila's coming up it's okay Lea mom you want to come get it for her all right Mom we going to celebrate Lea it's okay sweethe we're going to celebrate you and mom's coming [Applause] [Music] up Andrea Reales Andrea you here there she go nice Andrea congratulations what grade are you in first grade first grade right here next we have camora [Applause] Spence Carlos Perez G [Applause] IA Victoria and nandes [Applause] Jimenez right that's Carlos right uhhuh [Music] okay Victoria what grade are you in she's in fourth grade congratulations MOS what grade are you in huh Gallow is in third grade all right and Remy LM Ry all right Remy what grade are you in ramy's in fifth grade [Applause] give him a big round of applause these are a great kids from the Le Avenue School thank you at North M where's North m is North m in the house all right I know they are you understand North Maine is doing some wonderful things I'd like to recognize aai Bradley here he comes it's like the price is right come on a c come get your certificate here you go what grade are you in kindergarten ladies and gentlemen kindergarten thank you Brian Sano Ben are you in the house Ryan Sano benav Sky ly Briggs Sky ly Briggs there you [Applause] go and what grade are you in second grade you take this that's right stand right here Gabel nandez is he here Gab [Applause] there he is he's coming Gabrielle Hernandez Christopher Casmir Christopher all right G Gabriel what grade are you in Gabrielle is in third grade and Cesar escovar CCO here he [Applause] comes s how work gr are you in sayas in fifth grade congratulations to our fabulous students from our North M Street School we are so proud of you thank you I know Washington Elementary School's in the house I see Dr Cooper where's Washington let's start with Mato mendosa agil Mato Menda agil here he comes all right now Mel what grade are you at and do H [Applause] kindergarten Jackson shepherdson all right here he comes what grade are you a young man first grade here we [Applause] go Ed Santiago Ed [Applause] Santiago okay Ed Coles [Applause] SAA Eddie what grade are you in what grade are you in and in third grade all right Ashley Diaz is Ashley here here she comes [Applause] Ashley get out of P we're greater you fourth grade thank you Ashley and Sandia freder did I say that correctly all right what grade are you in fifth grade congratulations show of love for our students from the Washington Elementary School and our certificate reads you are getting closer to your dreams each day keep up the hard work and you will get the best results I wish you a great future because you deserve it congratulations to our elementary schools our middle schools we our Middle School we recognize three students Jonathan [Applause] Escobar davana [Music] [Applause] Brito and cashes Payton [Applause] from our high school we recognize the following four students Scott profit Nelson y newon clay Diesel and Tamaya MC mcen those are four of our high school students we also want to recognize some of our members of our uh athletes particularly our girls track first team Allstar in our high school we have Brianna [Applause] Perez now Bri this must mean that you run really fast right you run really fast she tries what grade are you in Bri we're great and she's a senior ladies and gentlemen give it up for Brianna FES Sonia pal Kara Lou all right [Applause] Kara what year are you in she's a freshman give it up for Kiara Caro and Eternity Roberts love that name eternity it's eternity here congratulations to our uh girls track first team allar we are so proud of you congratulations to our senior [Applause] we are equally as proud for our boys track first team All Stars Yousef golden Elijah marabel Melvin Lewis Germaine Lewis and Brandon St Martin [Applause] hello what's your name Brandon what year are you in this young man is a senior please give him a round of applause Jermaine Nelson what your you he's a Junior give him a round of applause we are so proud out of our high schoolers thank you for all of the work that you do and representing Pleasantville High School Greyhounds the way that you do give it another round of applause thank you we're also going to recognize our boys volleyball John Howard III and our from our boys baseball adrin gavo [Applause] we have great students and we have great staff we do at this board meeting we're going to recognize the following employees of the month Christina fa technology teacher at Washington Avenue Elementary School thank you Matthew Bernard teacher at North Maine Street Elementary [Applause] School hello thank you please stay and after 32 years she softly says I am retiring so thank you very much congratulations to you Matthew Bernard uh Ras Austin first gr teacher at Leeds Avenue rise rise thank you so much everything you do from South Maine Street Elementary School Eugene Eugene crof fifth grade [Applause] [Music] teacher and a teacher at our Middle School is Cara lipit and from our great Pleasantville High School social studies teacher Jennifer [Applause] woly we also want to recognize members of other departments this evening we recognize Larry snow bus driver in our transportation department thank you to not only you congratulations to you but to all staff who do a wonderful job at educating our students thank you for all the great work you do this concludes the superintendent's report may have a motion to accept the fire fire drill report oh wait I'm sorry thank you Dr m young lady what is your name hey tell the crowd camur and what grade are you in second are we going to give her a big round of applause congratulations to you Mr Jones is looking for your certificate thank you for being here and listen you have a fabulous shirt can we can I show off your shirt it says strong girl power [Music] yes I like the pose thank you Mr Jones here you are you lady thank you for you great work Round of Applause you thanks Dr Richard any questions forward on the super report no question may I have a motion to approve the fire drill safety drill motion by Miss p m second second second by miss any questions no questions calls right Miss Alberto yes Miss Clem yes Miss King yes Miss Mellow yes Miss silver yes Miss gray M roel yes motion carries may have a motion to approve the superintendent report oh okay sorry we don't have to next minutes 2.1 um we're going to be pulling the minutes for May 14th because they're not complete so we'll pull those into the next meeting because they're not complete so may I have a motion just to approve 2.1 the minutes from May 7 motion motion by Miss King have the second second by Miss um gray any questions no questions roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss K yes Miss melow I understand I was Miss silver yes Miss gray M roel yes motion carries next may I have a motion to go into executive session to discuss personal matter and a student matter motion and matters of attorney client per motion uh who motion motion by Mrs Clemens may have a second second by Miss King any questions no questions F call Miss Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries Michelle Miss Kennedy will meet you in the back for for AUD the AUD e offic Lane is e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for PR e e I have a motion to come out of executive session moot motion by Mrs Alberto second by Mrs cumins call Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries resolution to accept the hit report may I have a motion to accept the H report motion uh by Mrs Clemens may have a second second by Mrs melow any questions no questions call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries resolution to approve increment withholding withholding for employee ID number 1 z235 for the 2425 school year and transfer to the Pleasantville High School may I have a motion motion motion by Mrs King May second second by Mrs Clems questions no questions roll call Miss Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss Rell yes motion carries next one that's it oh this is a resolution for um a special education matter it's a resolution to approve the written settlement agreement in the matter entitled ZM versus Pleasantville Board of Education um it's a special ed case under doca number Ed s-8 58822 the matter was previously approved in substance but was subject to language in a written agreement which has been prepared and is now being offered for approval have a motion motion by Miss Clemens second by Mrs Alberto questions no questions moom Miss wife Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roell yes motion carries next Finance I have a motion for 3.2 to 333 a motion motion by Mrs King may I have a second second by Mrs Gray any questions for no questions oh call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roell yes to everything but abstain from the charter school motion carries next is transportation may I have a motion for 4.1 to 4.8 motion by Mrs Clemens may have second second second by Mrs melow questions board no questions Miss what Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries next facilities I have a motion for 5.1 motion by Mrs King may have second second second by Mrs Alberto questions board no questions Mo comment right Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes carries board for human resources there's a correction on 6.9 page 2558 actually it's uh page 28 item I Pleasantville High School items two and three it's actually a dollar amount for last name Mike half a stien of 1,050 and for last name paa the same half a stien of 1,050 I have a motion Human Resources 6.1 to 62 motion by Mrs Gray I have a second I need a second for second who second who second I did second by Miss silver any questions Bo no questions call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens you said 6.7 and 6.9 Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries next policy see M motion for 7.1 motion by Mrs Clemens M second second second by Mrs Gray questions I do have a question yes um unfortunately I I'm in policy committee but I kind of missed this and making I'm wondering uh can I uh introduce an amendment or table is and my reasoning for that is um I think the language in the proposed changes are kind of um confusing it's not really in language um so I table this or we can table it okay uh we have to take the move who it was first and second who first it um Miss Clemens and who second okay may I have a motion to table motion by Mrs Clemens I have a second second by is gray questions no questions roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss mow yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries next is curriculum and instruction may have a motion for 8.1 to 8 three motion motion by Mrs King may have a second second by Miss gray any questions no questions roll call Miss Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens 8.2 Mrs King yes Mrs melow I yes for everything they what page P what page is that um 58 you work for them you work for them yeah what okay so yes and you're staining from Consultants yeah consultant number two number two number two out of Home Services M okay okay Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries we are went into executive session so we don't need to do that next is public comments General matters only first we have Janette brvo hey good afternoon uh my name is Shannon Bravo I'm the lead AR over at the middle school and I want to be perfectly clear before I start I am talking about the staff bathrooms I am not talking anything about the student bathrooms because no staff member should be used in the student bathroom while school or clubs are in session the problem we with the staff bathrooms is that we are in OSHA violation approximately we have about 110 staff members not including maintenance not including HR or cni over at the middle school according to OSHA regulations table j.1 we should have about five or six depending if we're under or above 110 uh staff we should have five or six ated bathrooms to the staff we do not currently we have a bathroom across from the hallway a ladies room that has been locked for months because we're waiting for a repair we have on the second floor so-called teacher Lounge which is actually a construction site full of construction equipment from tile setting Cutters to ladders to all kinds of construction material in there that we have to to the one stall it has already been framed out for two additional stalls with the plumbing I was told that we already have the fixtures we've already bought them this is the way those bathrooms have been for an entire year all right so bear in mind teachers in the time I have to talk have three minutes between classes to use the bathroom I have already tried the chain of command Mr Brock ignores our emails all right and actually had the audacity to say that they were working on other issues for T student safety if was concerned about tudents Davey can we please get more bathrooms for teachers so that we are in the hallways monitoring student Behavior instead of waiting online for bathrooms all right it is a real Health concern it is called teacher bladder it is not just a female problem I'm also hearing from men teachers too all right so we have this equipment already Bard can we please fix the bathroom on the first floor and can we please finish installing the two additional stalls on the second floor okay and I still have 17 seconds left I'd like to remind you of something I said on September professional development do not overbook us where we need to be working and setting up our classrooms the first few days in September thank you next is Tariq Cosby how you doing this evening good um my name is D Crosby um I was a security guard here at this great school um I was terminated in September um waited this time because it's heavy on my spirit and I wanted to address the situation that I had in my experience at the school and um I was hired as a bus driver and a security officer um while as a security officer M Dr Martinez explained that um all security officers had training well I never had training I never had a certificate or anything but I was given a contract by doc Mrs Dr Martinez herself as a full-time security guard can you hear me okay um and I think that in that process it set me a fa um I had a student prior to that we had the children in the school disrespecting security guards I had met with Dr um Mr ancock and the principal and we addressed the issue of harassment kids one of the children that we was that was speaking about had assaulted me and I restrained that CH child for my protection and for the protection of other students um after the situation happened the child didn't have to receive medic he know I didn't put the B har T no scratches he didn't go to see the nurse the child was in in hallway hallways 10 minutes later and nothing was you know nothing happened to the child I was then at the next board meeting I was terminated while under investigation I had met um got up with a lawyer with un rep and everything like that and we were requested to see the tape and which we were Deni um I met with um I had actually put some applications in because I don't have a job now I have a family I have children I got to feed um when I put the applications in for several jobs I was denied because pleas said that I had a case of child abuse I met with uh the lady that works for child abuse and she allowed us to secretly see the tape and which after I had had a conversation with her they found no finders of child abuse no finders of child abuse so why was I terminated while in the investigation I had went um talked to my union rep I was trying to figure out what's going on what the process was she said that no one would stand up for me so I stand here alone she said that that the security guards were afraid that they would lose their positions if they spoke up um I've been active in the community um I've been working here since 2011 um this is not the first time I would have been done justly file um I just asked I'm not asking for a job I'm asking for answers and I would love to have a conversation with Dr Martinez and I just want to know you know what is the process of um termination you know and real quick I just want to say thank you I'm sorry we can't go over the limit of three minutes thank you so much next we have Mrs PCA Noel sometimes I sit here and I think about and I listen to people when they come up and speak to piggy back on what that young man said you know I do disagree with some of the decisions that this board has made to cut Staffing when we are already underst staffed so we're a community and we provide education for our youngest stakeholders and we have them work with less and we want them to do without so I do disagree with this board reducing staff when we are not at full capacity for staff I want to commend the lady for speaking out because that has been a going thing there needs to be accountability with Vance Brock because I've been hearing this again and again that's how we lost our first track meet and we didn't have the title we didn't get to get the title for our division because the facility was not up to Snuff the athletic department does not have control over that and still if people care about basketball the scoreboard since last year has not been repaired we only have one operating scoreboard so when people come into our venue they are not receiving a operating facility so from that aspect these are things that seem to be resting with the head of facilities that need to be taken care of so I would implore you that when you have work orders that you give that person and his staff timeline in addition maybe you need to look into Staffing more or if they cannot have more staff Outsource some of the jobs because obviously they're incapable of executing within a reasonable time frame like the prr at South Main it took too long to get it done that should have been an all hands on deck wham bam thank you ma'am we're done the kids patiently waited Time and Time and Time Again when's the playground going to open when's the playground going to open and it was no expected time to be done it just went never at the women fancy of Brock and whatever he want to do I don't think that's right if teachers have a timeline if everybody else has a timeline to do all their stuff their PD their lesson plans and everything then he should have a timeline as well we can't we waiting around and not have no progress and we have Gatekeepers doing what they're doing to hinder the benefits for these stakeholders the youngest stakeholders our children in addition to that I'm just wondering how committed some of y'all are because y'all were all ready to just use this as a springboard to go somewhere else how committed are you to these children and I see your name want a ballot for something else you're not committed to being a board member then you should have never took the position in first place cuz you automatically said oh yeah I care about the children but when you do this that makes me question your commitment thank you Mrs Noel next we have Jonathan Diego good afternoon me superintendent for those of you that don't know me my name is Jonathan Diego born and raised here in pville Adams Avenue Lyon Avenue Franklin Boulevard Washington Avenue uh North Main Street Elementary School was my elementary school I still do a lot of volunteer work over there uh and also um graduated from pleas High School when it was on although I no longer live in Pleasantville I'm a proud Pleasantville graduate U pleas Mara white my family was in pleas for over 80 years my parents went to pleasval high school I did and so did my siblings my law office is now in pleas for the past 5 years I moved my law office from Atlantic City to Pleasantville right across from Jojo and if you can see my signs it's all Maroon and white and to White because those are my CS I'm here right now to um I listen to Dr Martinez report and also some of the information from other board members and I know that some people come up with concerns I want to come up and say that at least as far as this alumni a pleas High School this Al alumni the pleas School District supports what's been going on this school year um I know we have challenges the school district has challenges every year but we have individuals not only on the school board but I I also want to focus on with Dr Martinez I do not know Dr Martinez other than a few conversations that I've had with her during this Academic Year and I can tell you I'm very impressed with some of the policies the procedures that she's implemented along with the support of the board um hard decisions have to be made by the board and by the superintendent every year and this year's no different um I have definitely heard um some concerns of Faculty staff um and Educators um but I think from what I've seen this year this past nine months the focus on the health safety and Welfare and quality of Education of our children has been a really great focus and we have some great administrators we have great faculty and staff teachers um but the reality is sometimes hard decisions have to be made and it doesn't mean we don't respect or appreciate what our faculty stff ministrators do but sometimes hard decisions have to be made um and I just want everybody on the board to know and also Dr Martinez to know that there are people in the community that support the board and also support Dr Martinez and and what you're trying to do with the school district and I just wanted to thank you as an alni and also as a business owner and taxpayer for this city thank you thank you so much next we have Victor Camaro good evening everybody good evening I want to make it short I don't talk much but U I want to say something to Mr Martinez U I don't know much of the board members this is my first time being one of these meetings I'm also a councilman here in city of presal second ward I'm also a presal chap for the sher's Department I just want to say that U I've been uh dealt with Miss Martinez uh several times already like two or three times and I appreciate what she's doing here for the school system uh I've seen a lot of progress and I'm very happy what she's doing and I want to say congratulations to what she's doing thank you miss you don't thank you everybody thank you next four comments Mrs silver no comments Mrs Melo Mrs King yes I'd like to say something uh good evening good evening um I would just like to say that I do thank uh uh the administration of Dr Martinez her staff uh the teachers this year this has been a challenging year it's my first year so I've learned a lot there's a lot more to learn um but I think that the board has done his best and meeting the challenges U say presented to us and I think that Dr Martinez has done her best to try to write the ship and I'm encouraged and I hope that the rest of the uh Community is encouraged as well and I would only encourage parents um to uh use the summer reading uh book list that that has been published and encourage encourage your children to read this um uh and I wish everyone well thank you Miss King Miss Clemens Miss Alberto Miss gray so I received a um a letter in my packet and it was from a uh Miss Mr and Mrs dght so um since the letter was sent to me from the public I felt this so I would address the public uh so it says to whom it may concern I would like to inform you that the Middle School of Pleasantville principal Aaron Randolph is married to Theodore gray to whom is a direct family member of school board member and vice president Andrea gray the hiring of Miss M Randolph gray legally married to Theodore gray was done in a nepotistic and immorally intrusive way the hiring of Miss gray Randolph was not in good faith nor in a respectful competitive process the abuse of power introduced by vice president Andrea gray needs to be investigated and put on record that the hiring of a family member due to nepotism to which is simply end quote just not right and unfair end quote the fact that Mrs Randolph gray did not expose herself as being married to Theodore gray family member of a school board member vice president Andrea gray it would be safe to say that the hiring of her was in fraudulent and immoral fashion nepotism is frowned upon in the workplace and should not be allowed no matter who you are or who you know or who you are related to nepotism interferes with fairness due process because it gives an undue advantage to someone who does not necessarily Merit the treatment Pleasantville public schools has other inhouse administrators who are just as qualified and has years and years and years of tenure within the system that should have been forwarded the opportunity for upward movement she literally just walked in and cut the feet from underneath one of pleasantville's own but with the assistance of her husband Teddy gray and Andrea gray as we all are aware Pleasantville has always been in the spotlight for immoral and unprofessional hiring practices let's stop this once and for all do not rehire her or renew her contract respectfully submitted Mr and Mrs d right Pleasantville Pride breaking AC SE so I don't know um Mr and Mrs Theodore gray uh and I just wanted to clarify any suspicions uh suspicious people suspicions that people may have due to this letter however just to make things clear I am not from here when my family came to New Jersey there were only four of us grades the only remaining grades in this area of Pleasantville New Jersey is my brother his children my children and myself so if there are any other gra that is out here they are not related to us because when I came I was only 14 years old moved up here with my mother and my two brothers one of my brothers has passed passed away and it's just my brother and myself my mother has is also passed away so it's really just my brother and me so and his children and my children and we are the only grav that is related to us that is here so there was no nepotism or anything done in that nature because if the lady was to walk up to me now and hit me in my face I would not know who she was or Mr Theodore so when you guys want to put things out there on me or any other board because we are one you know make sure you got your facts right and make sure you telling the truth because you're telling a lot of lies on us and it's not fair to us thank you thank you Mrs [Music] Gray I just want to thank everyone for coming out um um I want to thank the board and as everyone said I can Echo it has been a challenging year the last couple weeks have been very challenging um and we this board right here we're here to do the right thing for the district regardless of what anybody says or what anybody puts out we're here to do the right thing I believe we are um and I want to thank Dr Martinez and sometimes when we praise or we give thanks to Dr Martinez some of our board members were put on a platform where we're doing something wrong or you know we're on a Facebook page or like Mrs Gray said Anonymous letters are put into our boxes or given to us Dr Martine is in the N mon she's been here her and her team have done a great job job we understand things have happened some [Music] things the board I have to say we don't run the district that's why we hired the superintendent to run the district that's not the board's role to run this district and make the decision of who does what or who stays that's not our job our job is to support her and so far we have not seen that Dr Martinez or I haven't seen that Dr Martinez has done anything unethical or anything that was wrong um and like some of the board members say sometimes we get a bad rat but it's hard to sit up here sometimes when the public comes out and they don't know the whole story so that's why I had asked Dr Martinez please you know Enlighten the community and let them know we do care I know I do care and I don't have to prove or show anything to anybody because I know I do care um and I am here for the kids so it's not about what you say it's about your actions behind what you say and as I said when we got on the board in the beginning when I was on the board we have tough decisions to make and sometimes sitting here and anyone that's a board member or sits on any type of board that have to make decisions they can understand where I'm coming coming from sometimes it may not make sense to you guys but we have to do what's right for the district so with that um I encourage the staff here to keep on coming to work keep on doing things that we see that's not right I understand that you're um you can come to the mic and voice your frustrations or say what you have to say but remember please follow the chain of command because you're not supposed to come to us with the complaints that's why we have the superintendent now if you've done all the chain of commands that you need to do then you come to us but make sure that you have a paper trail of what you do because the board members are not supposed to you know you come to us and tell us every little thing so with that uh I just want to thank everyone for coming out I hope you have a blessed week our next board meeting will be on the 26 and I also want to say I you know I don't want to bring religion into this but I just thank God because I've been dealing with personal issues as well and I've been sick for a while and you know God is blessed me and he's enabled me to still be here so with that um anybody that knows how to pray pray for the board pray for me pray for everyone and we will see you again on the 26th and God be with you may I have a motion to Azure oh one second yes Mrs Dr Martinez would you like to say something thank you to the board every member for your support for your courage and for your Insight uh sincerely I want to thank my administrative Team principls all of the administrative staff and to teachers and all power professionals and the staff custodial facilities by start naming Department I'm going to miss somebody but thank you for the work that we're doing to make the change so that our district exemplifies Excellence I believe it's possible I think we're heading in the right direction and our students and our community deserve Excellence thank you for everything you do may I have a motion to adjourn motion by Mrs Clemens second by Mrs Gray all in favor I I for for