guys so fast like I just I know right like I just seen you guys all is well all is well St all is well how are you good okay what you [Music] do [Music] are this friend Hi how are you good good good thank [Music] you e 13 2024 may we please stand for the flag salute and a moment of [Music] silence I of the United States of America to the stand One Nation God indis and jce thank you this is to advise those present at this February 13th 2024 regular board Workshop Action meeting of the Board of Education of the city of Pleasantville in the county of Atlantic that notice was given on January the 20th 2024 of the revised annual designation of the regular monthly board meetings as required by the provisions of chapter 231 of the laws of 1975 notice thereof has been distributed for publication in the Press posted in the administration building and forwarded to the city clerk of the city of Pleasantville within the time required by said act roll call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens president miss King Miss [Music] melow Miss Morgan here miss silver present Miss gray Miss roel present next is public comments agenda items only uh when you come please state your name and please be courteous and respectful first we have Mrs Priscilla Noel good evening everyone good evening board when I start this I wanted to commend the board on implementing a girls flag football program that is thinking forward and providing something for the female student body that is different and Innovative so I want to commend the board on that thank you now I looked and I saw that there was a purchase for a vehicle for the facilities Department uh is that a new vehicle there was a vehicle purchase I believe in December how many vehicles are we going to have for the facility Department because I believe that money could be better utilized for other things like the shed that has been in disrepair for the better of almost a year um it looks like it's an abandoned uh facility because there is a board on there and it's not even attached and that not only is uh eyesore it can create risk for items that we're supposed to be protecting for our student athletes especially with the spring season coming up so that's kind of where I'm just wondering we're buying a vehicle for over $67,000 we need a new shed because we have guests come here and it frankly doesn't look good that we are hosting events and we have a broken shed that has dry rot and all are just like I look today the elements are all up in there because it's open in the board that's supposed to be boarded up is not there so I would appreciate if we we make these purchases that we consider or at least walk around and see what do the eye test see what's going on so that we can better utilize those funds thank you thank you Mrs Noel next is Mrs Hernandez Lydia no is there a Lydia in in the auditorium no going once going twice we'll come back to you next is Karen next is Isaac Keys going no okay next is the superintendent report um and I just want to uh put it on record that our superintendent she had to um leave so our superintendent report will be followed by Mrs uh there's not going to be no um superintendent report but we will do the other part so I just have to apologize our superintendent had to leave we'll recognize the students for students of the month at this time good thank you we're going to start with these Avenue for the acknowledgement of student of the mon [Applause] foren good evening everyone good evening it is my ploud proud privilege to introduce you to the students of the month from leads Avenue School I will begin with Isaias Ortiz where are youa there he is he's from prek or kindergarten I'm sorry Kinder Garden Isaias first grade we have Eric Luna [Applause] Ramos there he is come on [Applause] Eric so cute from second grade Adriana me stre she's excited look at Adriana come on that's Eric and third grade nah [Applause] Hicks from fourth grade one of my morning announcers Hannah [Applause] Williams I didn't have enough fifth graders from student council to do morning announcements every day and Hannah stepped up as a fourth grader and offered to do the morning announcements thank you Hannah and last but not least from fifth grade Alma car Flor RZ Hernandez there he is they're all here we're so very proud of all of them they are great students thank you parents leave Le the [Applause] way do I see principal M guy I know she had think she had a conflict this evening she's not here you want me to to North M sure okay wonderful North Main Street School are you in the [Applause] house okay I'm not sure if there what the order is Charlotte Grant is she in kindergarten Charlotte okay so it is Charlotte from first grade Jason Ruez [Applause] noola no Jason okay Jason's not here so second grade um gianella Flores tahada she's here come on [Applause] Janella and we have osar let me see osar Mendoza Hernandez no Asma all right Mia Pena [Applause] Ortega no M um I hope I'm saying this right asaiah daso I say that right asah all right okay she's right up front and those who our students of the month from North Main Street School they look [Applause] Lov is Miss Williamson in the house South here she's here come on Southside let's go Miss Williamson our Pastor [Applause] Mike oh you can stay we enjoyed having you up here looking lovely go Miss [Music] Williams good evening everyone I am proud to present to you our student of the month starting with hadasa [Applause] Tales next up we have Victor Ruiz [Applause] Sanchez next up we have janah [Applause] exantus next up we have rileigh [Applause] Turner we are so proud of all of our students of the month for the month of January congratulations coming to the stage this time is Ivan Garcia I is making his way and last but surely not least our fifth grade Nicole Vargas Ortiz congratulation to all of the students from South Main Street school for your recognition for student of the [Applause] month Dr RS coer okay all right thank you sou thank you all right first we have up lose Mar Maria Baloo L [Applause] mariao congratulations to Francesa Franchesca [Applause] Marquez congratulations to juniel Rodriguez jelle's coming to the stage with his hat on looking sharp okay all right yes next up we have Danel Morales ma m van and we're acknowledging Alexander Perez [Applause] [Music] Mahia it takes a lot to be student of the month so we're so glad to recognize everyone tonight coming to this stage is Belinda [Applause] Santana congratulations to Belinda Santana congratulations to all the Washington Avenue students of the month on behalf of Dr Us Cooper thank you before we call the Middle School principal Miss Randolph to the stage can we have Leeds Avenue and North Main students to come back with their certificates Dr Chapman is here taking pictures and did you get did you get South Dr Chapman they come back to and South man you want one group or you doing individual schools one group okay all right and we have all our students of the month Le Avenue North Main South Main and Washington Avenue our elementary students [Applause] of as Miss Williamson said it takes a lot of work to be the student of the month and thank you parents and families for being here to support them that means a lot we appreciate you thank you for putting your children in our care they look lovely come on we might have to Bunch up Dr Chapman how you how how would you like them oh here's Dr medley on the scene directing him did everybody come up are they all here North M did you come back up no okay leads roll call Washington South me she's excited we good Dr Chapman all right excellent thank you Dr Chapman good job okay thank you students you can go back with your families thank you Middle School principal Miss Aaron Randol I will gladly pass the [Applause] [Music] microphone thank you Mrs [Music] Williamson I am proud and it is my privilege to honor our middle school students of the month and middle school age it's a tough age so as it's been just now said it takes a lot to to be a Middle School student of the month Mr Abigail Miss Abigail [Applause] [Applause] Lorenzo Miss Lindsay [Applause] [Music] Medina and M Michelle [Applause] [Applause] Fernandez thank you all Dr chap now comes up for the high school I volunteered to assist with his camera student of the month for PHS is awarded to wadin [Applause] [Applause] harell [Applause] we're right there we're right there Ayana [Music] Hubbert [Applause] Melvin [Applause] Lewis [Applause] and Anthony Garcia [Music] [Applause] got Anthony's not here tonight well all right Pleasantville High School student of the M give another round of [Applause] applause can you please get a picture of our um administrators can excuse me Middle School principal she need to get up can someone take a picture of our administrator sitting there too can she get up here can someone take that camera and take a picture for me please of the administrators they look so pretty up there and the teachers no that's for you guys you guys do a great job we're proud of [Applause] you be the [Music] Principal just the principal she just went the principal she just went the [Applause] principal okay [Applause] and can we get a picture of our administrators over here too administrators um the staff Mrs farcus Mrs Terrell Mrs hman medley help I need zoom in zoom [Applause] out I got [Applause] everybody at this time we would like to acknowledge our football players national Signing Day I call you Champions I'm excited to um present this award this first one is one of my South Main babies I'm excited about this one too I'm excited about all of them Jaylen [Applause] Ford jayen Ford will attend he signed to attend Johnson C Smith in North Carolina it's a wonderful night to acknowledge all the accomplishments of our staff and students in Pleasantville especially when they go to that collegey career P he's taller than me I don't like right here the next W this is nice the next one I would like to present to you is Quil sheperson yes sir come on Family come on up Quil will attend Slippery Rock University ladies and gentlemen it's amazing you have scholar athletes that can represent our district okay cousin uhhuh okay cousin that's my son that's Mama right there thank you I would like to now announce a future Hornet Delaware State University Dwayne Carter please come up to the [Applause] stage all right we want to still make sure he has that shot out he deserves it another one of my South M babies you're a little crippled but we want to still give you a lot of ACC tonight khil Withers spoon khil will attend the universary of an in Ohio make sure you continue to represent us K and all of our wonderful student athletes our Scholars excellent job guys keep making us proud thank you all right all [Music] [Applause] right yep cousin all right so at this time we are going to recognize our employees of the month for the month of January and for PHS we have Jeffrey [Music] [Applause] hman okay the certificate read your commitment has been exemplary and your hard work is an inspiration to everyone everyone around you you are one of the people who make this District great this District's future is sure to be bright with team members like you your heart workor and creativity is an inspiration to all of your colleagues congratulations [Applause] congratulations Miss Rand for the middle school we would like to recognize Miss Janet Manny she is unable to attend tonight she reached out apologize we selected Miss jany Miss Janet man she oh she's a gr Hound former graduate of [Music] distri we recognize her because her commitment has been Exemplar and her hard work is an inspiration to everyone around her she's one of those people in the backgrounds that makes everything flow smooth and efficient for the cafeteria she knows all the students names and with a smile she still directs them and makes sure that the um the breakfast Duty 300 kids and um in the morning but she calms them down and makes the mornings start well for them so we appreciate him here this is M guy North Main Street School the North Main Street School employe of the month is Rachel Weber she could not be here with us because she's out serving the community she's working with Voyage tonight the voyage Club of the county so congratulate her let's give a special shout out to her [Applause] thank you Miss mcy Guai on behalf of Dr RZ Cooper principal at Washington Avenue School we want to recognize Miss Vanessa Ramirez is she with us tonight yes she is come on now MZ congratulations to [Applause] you Dr Ru Cooper isn't feeling well tonight so she could not be here hi M Ramirez so tell us what do you do everything she's a kindergarten teacher doesn't she look lovely congratulations and I am very proud to present to you the leads Avenue employee of the month she is also a former student board member she was my fourth grade gifted and talented student she graduated from FBO high school and now this is her second year teaching fulltime Miss Destiny Hernandez RZ she's doing a phenomenal job as many of you know our teacher Mr Jeffrey lter passed away last year and Miss Hernandez was able to step in and finish the year here and Mr lter was also her teacher so it was very appropo that she would replace him Miss Williamson South Main Street School it bring me great pleasure to introduce our staff of the month who is also our teacher of the month and that is no other than Miss Carolyn Goldstein she serves as a fourth grade teacher who understands the needs of our students who works well to service them in all areas Miss Carolyn [Applause] Goldstein everyone let's give him a round of applause to our wonderful staff at Pleasant Define Pleasantville public school district thank you for all that you do on behalf of Dr Martinez our superintendent of schools hand thank you so much another round of applause to all of our students of the month for our PBO School District Dr Martinez our superintendent is very proud of you and our board is very proud of you thank you [Applause] everyone congratulations everyone thank you for coming out next we're going to have our qac um report by Mrs Dale White we have micophone testing [Music] testing Chris now anyone else to go down you have the y see yeah I'm going down I can't see it I think that's what this is MHM see can yall say everybody say good okay thank you Miss roel um as as it's been already said that um Dr Martinez is not with us tonight our superintendent however she did visit the girls club at Leeds Avenue school and they were going to be a part of her superintendent report tonight and I believe they have some than they did want to say Miss Henderson Miss Linda Henderson is one of their advisors along with Miss Chrissy Bishop who could not be with us tonight due to an emergency but this is just a portion of the Leeds Avenue Girls Club okay Miss roell Board president and board members this was going to be included in the superintendent report but they are here and thank you for giving them this opportunity we appreciate it Miss Henderson good evening boor thank you so much for your time um as she said the superintendent had already um agreed that we was going to come to the board and um and speak um it is my pleasure to introduce the girls um club for Le Avenue and these are our future ladies now we only have a certain amount because our meeting is really on Wednesdays so we only have a certain amount and we wanted to share with you some of the things that our girls are doing and then the superintendent ask the girls what do they want so some going to tell you what it is that they would would like to have so girls we're going to tell them what girls stand for G gift i inell r respectful L leading Ladi s supportive okay good job good job baby good job and some of the things that we did during Thanksgiving and um Christmas which was what do we do for Christmas and Thanksgiving we gave um food to 10 different families yes yes we we we donated food to 10 different so actually was 20 families and name something what is something that we do um when we meet every time we meet you going to give an example you tell it what it is and they'll do it what is it that we do we do affirmations to each other so we can build each other up now give them an example you are pretty thank you you will be successful in life thank you the whole goal is so that we can get the girls to love one another love themselves and love one another um one of the students said that her mother said she wasn't going to send her child to middle school and high school um and so it's a bad rap you know if you put fruit in a basket and you don't you it get bad it it mess up the whole bunch so we're going to be the generation that makes um make a change so uh we want the goal is that we love one another because we won't hurt each other we love one another right and we need one another right right so the goal is to go to the other elementary schools and let them um form a girls group and so by the time they get to the middle school they would know one another they would get along one another because you won't hurt the person that you love or that you get along with and by the time you get to high school we we want to have stop the fighting and we understand they're hurt and people hurt so we trying to seow season to these kids um to the students and build them up and let them be leading ladies um one of the things the superintendent asked us well she asked us what do we want um my want I'll tell what I want then I'll let you share um we would like to have people from the community um leaders to come and speak to Our Girls and show them what it is what they had to do to become to have the position that they have superintend sister superintendent Felicia you can come the superintendent did come um we do we do want to have detective leech she asked cu gcom so we want people from the law we want people from politics we want people from schools we want people from medical just to speak into our children's lives and to show them what it is they need so they could too take when they pass the mantle they'll have everything that they need what was the other thing that we said we wanted and make sure yall tell her superintendent cuz she's not here um we wanted to go to a Black History Museum and get snacks because some of the people are hungry when we meet right we want snacks when we eat I mean when we meet we want snacks and she said we wanted to go to the the Black History Museum anything else you good all right so you say thank you for your time thank you for your time have a good night thank you Mrs thank you Mrs Henderson we want you to keep up the good work with them because this is the time now to get them so I encourage you the board encourage you to keep up the good work and you ladies keep up the good work we're proud of you [Applause] [Applause] all okay now I will review the new New Jersey quality single accountability continuing act and this is our New Jersey husc report for the 2223 school year the district received a 70% for instruction and program fiscal management we received 96% governance we reive 56% operations was 84% and Personnel was 64% the district did not satisfy at least 80% of the indicators in instruction governance and Personnel therefore the district was required to create a district Improvement plan to address all non-compliant areas and with that plan we will be reviewing that plan to make sure we are compliant when we have our next qac report so for instruction and program qac indicators 1 through five and 7even the district will show significant increase in all student and student subgroups at mic and Ela math science prog science progress and then there's strategies listed to what we're going to do to meet those uh goals such as meet with math and science Ela teaching staff including elll and special education teachers to implement the njss to conduct data study analysis using the results of formative chapter tests exit tickets anodal notes and asstive assessments and end of cycle assessments classroom observations and walkthroughs you're going to provide intervention strategies via supplemental programs at each grade level identify standards where subgroups of students are underperforming and select three and four major cluster standards from the list and differentiate a customized plan to approve student performance we want to focus professional development on njss formative assessments culturally responsive teaching character education second step and differentiating literacy and numeracy for instructional program qet six the high school graduation rate will improve and these are some of the strategies we're going to do to improve the graduation rate create a ninth grade academy to support students beginning their freshman year and providing postsecondary College and Career Workforce opportunities and partnership with Atlantic County Workforce Development Atlantic C Comm college and stockin university we're going to develop an all student transition program through a case management beginning 9th grade with a counselor for students at all grade levels including students with an IEP 504 and English language Learners counselors will loot with their ninth grade students until they graduate and we're going to provide a comprehensive approach to supporting high school students with on-site social emotional and Mental Health Resources and providers to improve chronic absenteeism and reduce student out of school suspensions instruction and program qac 910 11 12 13 14 and 15 to ensure that the ELA Math Science Social Studies World Language Comprehensive Health physical education Visual and Performing Arts curriculum and construction are aligned to the New Jersey student learning standards in accordance with the Department's curriculum implementation timeline and include njac 6 a-8 align with New Jersey standards the strategies are beginning with February 24 for newly formed curriculum committee that will meet twice a week to work on realigning the math and Ela curriculum and adjust the pacing guides realign materials and resources to match the new standards provide year-long professional development and content instruction no and curriculum instruction with an emphasis on comprehensive English language to ensure that all students are able to read write speak and communicate effectively across the curriculum and subject areas conduct weekly data analysis to Str strategically Ed instructional time Target additional instruction for struggling students and challenging learning for advanced students create Eng gouge the effectiveness of classroom lessons and provide effective feedback and to deliver no develop peer-to-peer teaching and coaching model to share Exemplar teaching promote a robust literacy program that aligns with the district's mission and vision statements qac 8 instructional program the superintendent will report participation and performance of Statewide assessments to the board of education so the strategy we're going to develop a timeline for submission and we and there will be reviewed weekly in the superintendent executive leadership meetings submission will beeped for entry and certification at Le to 2 to 3 days prior to the deadline the superintendent will present the data to the board committee and then in the board public meeting Finance Management QC 9.15 the District of Education approves purchase orders approved by only the purchasing agent uh we're going to have annual purchasing training every August for administrators and we do have that training annually provide staff and administration with purchaseing memo semiannually at as a reminder and the accounting staff will notify the business administrator and assistant administrator of any confirming invoices and professional development and signning sheets and emails will be the staff periodic reviews for governance QC 2A the board will evaluate the chief School administrator annually based on adoption of goals and performance measures highest priority given to student achievement and subgroup achievement each board member receives training on the chief schools administrators evaluation Q SEC 2B the chief School administrator is evaluated the evaluation will be completed by July 1st in accordance with njac 6A 10-8 8.1g all oh sorry QC three all new negotiated amended altered or extended contracts for the chief School administ Ator Deputy superintendent assistant superintendent school business administrators are submitted to the executive County Superintendent for review and approval The District Board of Education takes no formal action to approve or Implement such contracts and we will have a board training by New Jersey school boards for the uh superintendent evaluation the board will evaluate the superintendent and the board will approve all contracts accordingly by the end of June governance number qac 4 The District Board of Education approves appointments transfers and renews all certified certificated and uncertificated officers and employees only by a roll call majority vote of the District Board of Education and full membership upon this superintendent's recommendation adoption implementation of written policies and procedures for the budget and financial planning process that are inter integrated in align with school district priorities and planning objectives based on Statewide assessments and applicable strategic plans qac 8 the Board of Education ensures compliance with all stakeholder engagement requirements for federal Grant programs for which the district receives funds such as Esa Ida and car Perkins Grant qac 13 The District Board of Education members and School administration trators annually file their timely uh Financial disclosures forms the District Board of Education annually discusses the school ethics act and no no District Board of Education member or administrator has been found in a violation of the school ethics act so the strategies are that the Board of Education will approve a strat plan the Board of Education will approve all appointments transfer transfers and removes and renewed certificated and uncertificated staff by the roll call majority of a vote upon the superintendent recommendation the business administrator will send ethics disclosures fors by February the 1st to all officials and all newly elected officials and administrators will need to have them completed by April the 30th or new officials have to complete them within 30 days for operations Q Act 10 the Board of Education will approve the completion of both spring and fall School Bus emergency evacuation drills according to njac 6827 11.1 11.2 and 12 the transportation manager will follow all policies and procedures by reviewing and resolving Transportation incidents and ensure the safety of students by meeting the Motor Vehicle Commission requirements for inspections and eval evacuation 16 the district will accurately Monitor and present monthly security drill drills for the board of education for approval by June 30th yearly the Board of Education will approve the district's comprehens comprehensive Equity plan designed to eliminate discrimination according to age race Creed color national origin ancestry marital status affectional or sexual orientation gender religion disability socio economic status pregnancy or Parenthood that is approved by the department Additionally the school district submits to the department and the annual C statement of insurances so the district will have their um School Bus Adit School Bus evacuation plans reviewed in August the superintendent will present the board agenda monthly for security jals we currently do that the the school district will submit the comprehensive Equity plan and statement of insurance by June the 30th for personnel HC 1B School leaders to receive a summative score that measures the principal practice and student growth SGL msgp administrative goals QC 2A to provide a nurturing climate that produces high quality professional learning for teachers and administrators all professional development plans are aligned with the performance evaluations and link to the school district school and individual ual goals QC 3A all newly hired certificate Certificate of Eligibility and Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced standing employees register in the appropriate Residency program within 30 days of employment qac 4D for All State holders to understand the significance of accurate employee attendance and how analyzing the data and following the district policy will improve Student Success QC 5 ABC provide accurate tracking of the position control roster to reconcile with the district's budget so some of the strategies we're going to streamline expectations establish a common vision and expectation for all administrators provide timelines for review collaboration and completion data certified annually through the evaluation score certification tool is accurate for 2A we're going to review teachers administrators pdps in or caps by October 31st or within 25 days of receiving receiving the cative score Provide support to new and tenure teachers by clearly defining initiatives and focus areas that link to Professional Standards for school leaders and teachers and meet with new hires to explain The Residency program before the employee starts work C candidates 50-hour verification of program completion form prior to starting work and set T timelines for enrollment and completion of registration clearly Define the district policies and expectations and how staff attendance concerns will be addressed provide meaningful data that will identify patterns and chronic absenteeism and to facilitate a document that will forecast the annual budget and all District employees by properly identify the essential reporting requirements and work simultaneously with the senior accountant to make contain an accurate position controlled so this is the qac report and it's on on the agenda under curriculum for approval tonight for the board to approve the qac report thank you thank you Miss [Applause] White next is sorry next is 1.8 um we want to interview our candidates for our vacant seat are our candidates here Mr madx is Miss Waters here can you guys come to the front please okay okay okay um thank you guys for coming out to um interview for the vacancy can you hear me um okay we're going to do things a little bit differently I have a set of questions that I'm going to ask each of you going to go back I'm not just going to ask one one person then the next person I'll ask your question Mrs wers then I'll ask you a question Mr Maddox and you can answer then I'll go back to you Mrs Waters and then I'll go back to you Mr Maddox okay um next uh first is Miss Waters yes can you um tell me why you want to be a board member for the Pleasantville Board of that my first calling was as a preschool teacher I started to go to school for that it got my direction got pulled in another Direction and I went to school for nursing so this is my chance to can you speak into speak into the microphone we can't hear so my first call was to be a preschool teacher I went to school I started but my career took another turn I went to school for nursing this is my way to give back to my community and to service not only preschoolers but preschool through high schoolers and see their future is as such and Mr madx I'm going to ask you the same question why do you want to be a board member for the pleasant School Board well my main reason is my uh desire to serve uh the students in the city of Pleasantville uh my heart is in this I have skin in the game my stepdaughter attends Pleasantville High School but I've always had uh concern for our youth and I just hope that I could make the world a better place and contribute to their future in any way that's possible but mainly my love for all you thank you thank you Mr M next question for Miss Waters yes what do you believe your role will be for the um as a board member what do you think your role will be my role would be an advocate for our students a voice for the staff voice for our students bridge the gap between the public and public schools uh I will be helping for assistant making policies um I'm sorry I'm nervous um establishing thank you establishing policies uh and helping our Stu students move forward to achieve their goals I will also be like I said an advocate for the voices of our children thank you thank you um Mr madx um I'm going to ask you the same question what do you think your role as a school board member would be pres School Board member would be well basically um to serve to do anything I can to help uh the district reach its goals of course I won't have answers but I will have questions and my thing is to see the goals set and have metric see how well we do with achieving those goals goal and hopefully uh be able to uh be a part of the team to move the district towards those goals and Beyond so mainly uh to be a team player uh I don't come with the expertise I believe the expertise is in the people who have the degrees and they do this as a career but I do have eyes and ears to listen and to evaluate as we go forward so uh if we can goals let's see how we do it reaching those goals uh set Matrix so we can have ways of determining whether we're reaching those goals and just look for results and as long as it's uh positive it's all good okay thank you uh next Mrs Waters um what do you Mrs wers what do you hope to accomplish by being a school board member for Pleasant V so like I said Bridging the Gap in between the school board and public hoping to make a difference in our children's lives their needs in the public school system and listening actively to all of their needs and being one of the team members that can do so thank you next Mr madx same question yes would you repeat it please sorry yes so would you repeat the question I just oh I'm sorry um what do you think you can accomplish as um a school board member my goal would just be make a positive contribution uh to uh help the team reach where or meet any goals that we're trying to Set uh contribute in a positive way and uh mainly to serve you know I'm motivated by wanting to see our district improve become a better district and anything I can do what I bring to the table to help that happen that's my goal if I can when I leave say that this is a better place or I made a positive contribution then I'm good thank you and lastly we know as being board members um it's volunteer service we don't get paid for it so Mrs W I just want to ask you um are you one second I just want to make sure I say it right so I don't get in no legal troubles okay uh I wanted to know if you're going to be able to come to um board meetings we have a board meeting in once a month um normally we might have another one a special one if it's called but we would let you know and we also have committee meetings we have form we form committee meetings and I would like to know are you available for the committee meetings because as being a board member it takes all nine of us to come and sit up here and make decisions and sacrifice our time and when we have our committee meetings that also takes us take time from us because some of us have to work have to change our schedules have to get off early so I just wanted to know would that be a problem for you no it won't be a problem for me volunteering my time for the school board it will not be a problem thank you thank you Mr madx wanted to ask you the same question as being a board members were not paid but we do have a commitment um and the district and the community does rely on us to make decisions for the district and we have meetings once a month sometimes we may have a special meeting um if need be but we have committee meetings um the first of them all and it takes all nine of us to come together and to attend the meetings um and be committed because we owe it to the district district and we owe it to the community because they the ones that put us here so do you have a problem coming to any of those meetings no I don't that's why I'm here today uh it's to volunteer to make the commitment sounds and I'm a man of my work thank you so much um can I get a motion I'm going to do each person can I get a motion for um Mrs Waters motion by Mrs Al Mrs Clemens can I get a second second second by Mrs Gray questions questions B call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King no Miss melow yes Miss Morgan no Miss silver I obain miss gray M roell yes so motion oh you want to do both of them yeah we'll do both of them next can I have a motion for Mr madx motion by Mrs Morgan may I have a second second by Mrs King questions no questions roll call Miss White Miss Alberto sorry we just okay Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Melo no Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel no okay so motion fails for Mr madx and motion passes for Miss Waters congratulations rations you can see the um business administrator after you sheay for me are you going to stay for the meeting yes okay all right and um Mrs White will get with you afterwards okay okay congratulations thank you guys for coming [Applause] out 21 they have a motion for 2.1 board minutes for January motion by Mrs Alberto may I have a second second by Miss King any questions no questions roll call Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss [Music] melow Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roell yes motion carries next can I I have a motion for 3.1 to 320 motion by Mrs Morgan second by Mrs Melo any questions uh the it's for 3.2 to 3 I mean 3.2 to 3.20 I'm sorry I stand correct yeah yeah that's did we pull the other thing out of here that we discussed in committee oh you not okay it's not on there second oh miss Melo second Miss Morgan okay no questions okay roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss gray yes Miss roel yes motion carried I have to take that back I yes to everything but I want to abstain from the charter school okay Charter School motion motion carries next may we don't have anything for transportation fa facilities 5.1 to just 5.1 motion by Mrs Morgan second by Mrs Alberto any questions no questions roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss gray yes Miss roel yes motion carries next Human Resources can may have a motion for 6.1 to 6.7 motion by Mrs Morgan second may I have a second second second by Mrs Alberto any questions no questions well call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries next may I have a motion for policy uh 7.1 to 7.2 motion by Mrs Morgan M second second by Miss Clemens any questions I just want to let the board know when you get a chance to read these policies there a couple of changes uh roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss gray yes Miss roel yes motion carries next curriculum may I have a motion for 8.1 to 8.3 motion by Mrs clons second by Miss Morgan any questions I know you wasn't in um you were out Mrs Greg do you have any questions me a second please no no question looks good Miss King no no okay okay roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss gray yes Miss roell yes motion carries next executive session do we have anything okay we have a curriculum addendum there's a curriculum addendum on everyone's desk it's out for the public as well um 8 8.4 it's for um one of the resolutions for Le Avenue to attend pleas High School to view the Black History Month show on February the 28th and the second resolution is for the ESL students at the high school is to attend the Philadelphia the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia the tickets were free so they had a cancellation so that's why it's the 28th they didn't they couldn't have the um to date prior to the next board meeting and resolution number three is for technology teachers to be approved for professional development uh from October and for um February the 6 for February the 16th may I have a motion motion by Mrs Morgan second by Miss Clemens any questions no questions we call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King okay Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss gray yes Miss roell I'm up stain too motion carries and just want to say we have a Pleasantville school um newsletter the board members received it so if you get a chance look at it it's very interesting next is executive session I have motion oh wait one second I'm sorry take that back it is hereby resolved that the Pleasantville educ Board of Education may go into executive session from the P from the public well to wait a minute into a private or close or private session from which the public shall be excluded in accordance with the provisions as set forth in njssa 10 4-12 and 104-113 the following subject shall be discussed on the date in the session and the board of the board and closed to the public Personnel P matters pending and anticipated litigation be a further resolve that the discussion and closed session will be disclosed to the public at this time or a future meeting of the board when is no longer necessary to maintain the confidential nature of the items discussed first and second oh first is by Mrs Morgan second by Miss Clemens Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King Miss melow yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss gray yes Miss roell yes motion carries shouldn't be that long [Music] I don't want today you're going to be BL say want to let me [Music] go foree for foree spee speech foreign of executive session motion by Mr [Music] Morgan oh second can I get a second second second by mrto all in favor I okay next is okay this is a resolution for uh the board's consideration it's a resolution to improve the settlement in the case entitled ZF on behalf of ZM under docka number ed-80 d22 which is pending um in the office of administrative law um it's pending execution of an approved agreement as per board Council uh recommendation um which same shall be executed by the board president subsequent to this meeting providing it is consistent with the terms discussed with the board in close session the agreement uh will be available for public review in the office of the board secretary r made a motion oh have a motion motion motion by Mrs Morgan second second by Mrs second by Mrs King any questions no questions we call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Gray yes M roell yes motion carries I have a motion to approve the hip report motion motion by Mrs Morgan second second by Miss King any questions no questions call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss gray yes M roel yes motion carries next public comments anyone for public comments Mrs no no General okay yeah Mrs Noel I'm sorry you can come forward good evening um you know for the most part the employees of the district uh do a wonderful job of exuding positivity but one thing that I repeat to myself when I come to these meetings is that there has to be accountability so in that we have to call out me myself speaking of me have to call out the few who might spoil the bunch uh recently I had a interaction with an employee and they were on the clock and um I made a concern about a young child in the gymnasium area and um they looked at me and looked me up and down rolled their eyes and say we good so in those experiences I wondered okay before I had that experience I wondered okay there are parents who are complaining about their interactions there students who are complaining about these interactions and until I experienced myself I didn't I wasn't sure about it but now that I have I hope that the board puts mechanisms in place to minimize uh employees of the district because they're representatives of the district from uh exuding or being agents of negativity because it's not it's not a good look and it can be a liability if somebody feels like there is intentional tort going on in addition to that the other employees who may bring their children into the district we want to be mindful that um there are not there is not an inequality as far as uh reprimand or repercussions that other students who don't have their parents in the district are not afforded in that turn if a student is supposed to respect an adult it shouldn't matter if their parent is a a worker in the district it should be the same across the board I've seen children get reprimanded for Less so in the instance that I was made aware of I think we need him to look at that so that those students who don't have advocates for them or don't have a parent working in a District can receive the same treatment and aren't um a victim of inequality when it comes to reprimands thank you thank you Mrs Noel and that first part of what you said I will have Mrs White forward that to Mrs Dr Martinez and she'll look into that thank you uh next Miss Linda Henderson no Mr Alan medx and Mrs Nadia anyone else wish to say anything no okay all right um board members comments Miss silver no comment Mrs Melo Miss King M Alberto Mrs Morgan Mrs Gray and it's left to me I just want to thank everyone for coming out taking time out of your busy schedule to come out um we hope that you get home safe uh we want to let you know we appreciate you guys we appreciate everyone in the district we want you to keep up the good work um we see great things happening um I'm excited I'm sure the other board members are excited I know we do have a lot of work but um we're going to get there I just want to say congratulations to our new incoming board member she can see Mrs white afterwards and she will inform her what she needs to do next and also just keep our superintendent in prayer as well um and with that we'll see you again next month and we hope you have a safe and blessed day and week can I have a motion to adjourn oh wait yes okay thank can I have a motion to adjourn motion motion by Mrs Morgan second second by Mrs Alberto all in favor I I I no oppos good night we get to keep these right