[Music] e e e e e e 24 and we will begin our meeting can we please stand um for the flag salute and a moment of silence PL allegiance to the flag United States of America stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all this is to advise those present at this March 12th 2024 regular board Workshop Action meeting of the Board of Education of the city of Pleasantville in the county of Atlantic that notice was given on January the 20th 2024 of the revised annual designation of the regular monthly board meetings as required by the provisions of chapter 231 of the laws of 197 75 notice thereof has been distributed for publication in the Press posted in the administration building and forwarded to the city clerk of the city of Pleasantville within the time required by set act roll call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King here miss melow I just want to put it on record that Miss mow um is absent Miss Morgan Miss silver present Miss gray uh I just want to put it on a record also that Miss gray won't be here today she's not F Well M roell present good yes next 1.5 public comments agenda items only when you come could you just please St your name and please be courteous and respectful next we first we have Mrs Priscilla Noel good [Music] evening [Music] I had a question about um item for educational support services and wondering was this going to be a temporary behavioral number 3.20 behavioral academic and health support services is this just a temporary fix or is this going to be a continual service provided to our students to um retain them in the district or is this um and where are these funds coming from that is one concern I have um in addition to that I see that there is under human resources Malachi Timberlake a recruitment Committee Member I think that we when we do these things and we appoint people who are helping the community and helping our student athletes that we have mechanisms in place to support them like having a website specifically for High School athletics to highlight our athletes so that those who are recruiting them do not have to go through a Labyrinth of our district website to access the information to contact those people that are in charge of managing recruitment which leads me into from the board minutes uh item 2.1 as far as when y'all voted in a transportation to hire a transportation person I hope moving forward that our student athletes do not have to worry about transportation to a away gains to a away competitions because it impedes the process of them being able to just focus on their compe ition like when our boys had their basketball game and for some reason nobody seems to have uh for our district enough care to have for the students so that they can be transport instead they do late callouts and all that how can we Implement things so that that is avoided or that that doesn't happen and that people care enough that they will come to work and report and feel incentivized to do the right thing like instead of my father-in-law having to step up and be the village person and take not only my child his grandchild but other students but that's what a community mindset is and I want to applaud my father-in-law for doing that thank you thank you Mrs [Applause] no anyone else next the superintendent can everyone just come down for we can um she has a presentation and we have the um Awards we want to give out thank you yes good evening notes if I would ask the the principles of our schools to be ready to join me all right good evening board members staff and members of the audience and those that may be joining us online thank you for joining us this evening I'm very happy to share with you the latest District updates the National Education Association launched read across America 1988 to strongly encourage reading and to educate children about the benefits of reading to support our mission to ensure that all students can read at Great level by the third grade our district celebrated read Across America the week of March the 4th this year the elementary schools partnered with a variety of businesses organizations Community leaders and government professionals to read to our students to support our reading initiative in honor of read Across America week the Middle School welcomed a special guest appearance by The One and Only The Cat in the Hat they had a Super Fun Day celebrating a love for reading to celebrate cultural diversity the Middle School participated in a dress from your favorite era activity students were treated to a movie night to award them for exhibiting good character the middle school students had a great time time Friday night with the Harlem magic Masters where they watch staff and players perform amazing tricks on the basketball court the wio African dance Ensemble visited the middle school and everyone and had everyone on their feet we have so many talented students and staff here in the Pleasantville public schools our very great high school art Department put on an amazing performance that showcased their many GI gifts through song dance instrumental music modeling acting and original fashion attire our high school students visited Monmouth University where they learned about the many great opportunities that it has to offer at the Leeds Avenue School they celebrated Black History Month with the African-American Heritage traveling Museum of Southern Jersey by Ralph Hunter uh this was funded through a grant from Comcast the students enjoyed learning about the many fascinating contributions of African-American it really was a great exhibit uh the wio Performing Arts company also engaged the students in dramatic performing arts for Black History Month students and staff were graced with storytelling and music again from the wio Arts integration and parents experience authentic traditional African-American food sponsored by our very own the Pea North Main Street School had a week-long event for the light the night formerly known as pennies for patients at the south street at South Main Street School it's Legacy week every day the students their families and staff celebrated the rich Legacy of African-Americans by reading poems by Langston Hughes with their parents and Guardians they learned about the African-Americans from the Renaissance period and the songs music skits and dance the students created Gan K claws in art class they originally produced in West Africa K clothes have now have grown in particularly in popularity and are warn worn worldwide students were celebrated for their academic achievements attendance and other areas of improvement at the awards assembly South Main Street School concluded the month with this great show which they call never give up encourage others and do your best anded and lastly the Washington school at the Washington School students and families listened to a story and completed various literacy activities as part of our bilingual ESL family literacy night our Washington students honored the impact of black artists and their contributions through songs skits poetry and dance to top of the month students celebrated the 100th day of school fast forwarding their age to 100 so it's a really cute uh kids wearing um costumes uh this is a lot of what our kids do we have tremendous activities in our Public Schools we want to recognize our students of the month with the first school being Washington School Dr Cooper she in the room if not let's begin by celebrating uh Dylan Jimenez from [Applause] kindergarten come on our next one is Valeria Hil [Applause] Hernandez right after her Val it's Michelle Alias Hernandez [Applause] [Music] alias we have Daniel Alan Daniel Danelle here if not we have Kevin Martinez Martinez H how are you good thank you and last but not least is nazra [Applause] Gerald please give a big round of applause if you want to take pictures you can take pictures all right thank thank you next we have is our principal Miss mcy guy here from North Main here you are come on now miss spagetti guy here I'm going please do the honors let's switch oh you want a share glass I'll read them and you say hi yes I I know about that all right let's start with Jared Pia [Applause] figeroa all right we have Matthew urvina linarez [Applause] okay Aria [Applause] Moro Karen Alo [Applause] Solano there she comes nice and we have danelis Martinez [Applause] ayal Aiden wited well thank you miss m guy for a job well done we appreciate you South Maine all the wonderful Miss Bron want do the honors switch greetings everyone I'm proud to announce our February student of the month starting with Natalie Blackwell in [Applause] kindergarten please welcome at this time Jasmine Banks our first great recipient student of the [Applause] month our second grade student of the month Phoenix Nelson our third grade student of the month ebony Lorenzo our fourth grade student of the month Saia Graham and our fifth grade student of the month Sky [Applause] Smith [Applause] a big congratulations to all of our students of the month from February from South Bain Street school thank you job well done thank you so much let's move ju she's ready that's right ju and only leads [Applause] out she brings her own van Club thank you Dr Martinez good evening everyone even it is my pleasure to announce our students of the month for Leeds Avenue School Angelo Franco Martinez kindergarten not here all right from first grade Christopher Rodriguez P Christopher I know he's here looking sharp too come on [Music] Christopher Christopher thought it was a fashion show go on [Music] Christopher from second grade Jacob Fernandez come on Jacob got a color scheme going on with the brown here all right and from third grade Kendall Joiner did I see [Applause] Kendall all right from fourth grade Miss T [Applause] Barnes go t look at that walk that's a Next Top Model Dr [Applause] Martinez and from fifth grade we have Miss dashel Valas come on dasel she go that way and Mel's coming we' like to say congratulations to all of our students of the [Applause] month let's give him another round thank you thank [Music] you [Music] and from our terrific Middle School we have all right we have our assistant principal Mr Bullock I'll good evening everyone Mr Bullock the vice principal of the middle school and I'll be announcing the February students of the month we have um eten Flores Hernandez believe he sixth grade all right next we have Mayer mered okay and last but not least we have Christopher Salazar [Applause] Vasco 6 sth and eth all right give it up for our Middle School recipients [Applause] thank you to our Middle School staff and students last but not least our Pleasantville High School we have four students to chat you [Applause] here all right so before the high school students come up I'm just going to read what the actual certificate says you're getting closer to to your dreams each day keep up the hard work and you will get the best results I wish you a great future because you deserve it Rolan Lopez [Applause] Martinez and we have Zaki Martin Hey sir how are you this is our freshman Giovani [Applause] Flores jaavan are you Junior all right this is our Junior coming up congratulations sir and a big round of applause for our senior K Nunes oh I know this young lady all right she brought her own fan club [Music] nice let's give these young people a big round of applause what we do is all about them thank you so much thank you thank you thank you so next we have several students that are very distinguished because these these students are being recognized for what the New Jersey State Department of Education um Awards which is a seal of biliteracy the New Jersey state seal of by literacy is an award given by the New Jersey Department of Education in recognition of students who have studied and attained Proficiency in at least one language in addition to English by High School gradu uation this designation on a student's high school diploma also provides employers and universities with a method of identifying bilingual candidates students with 21st century skills and those who have prioritized the study of other languages and cultures moreover the state seal of biliteracy emphasizes the importance of both bilingualism bilingualism which facilitates improved communication and boosts the local economy and cultural understanding which promotes social acceptance so these students um and there are over 40 of them so uh this is a really big deal for Pleasantville public schools to have this many students receive this bilingual litery so the first one is that's right where're where're it's happening Diego [Applause] belan ad Caba [Applause] P so if you're here just come up and get your certificate Juan Ceres [Applause] barera Osmani Kona [Applause] ortis Miguel Colorado [Applause] Guerrero Mariela contas gimenez Jana Cruz Samora Jasline deac [Applause] Cruz mayeli De R [Applause] Martinez this is Jasmine Jennifer Galindo moradel Luigi [Applause] Garcia Jasmine errera Daisy errera jelene [Applause] lato jaline [Applause] Martinez roio Med [Applause] figeroa Jennifer Perez Mariana Nikolas De Jesus Anabel Peralta espinal [Applause] Giovani Perez esil we're past the first row aren't we Joanna Perez [Applause] M leari put Antonio aidis Ramirez [Applause] marero Estelle Ramirez marero Jake Roso jiselle Rivera [Applause] Lopez she said you got a fan club z l Salas [Applause] masas Darwin Salinas Martinez that's right Hennessy Santiago Abrego are you all seniors are you all seniors these are all seniors Hennessy Santiago hesis hesis ingred Santiago Lopez Stephanie salento DTE Armando Solano Vasquez Chris Sosa hiis Tapia Ryan tones Velasquez Helena trillo Raa we see you nice Fabiola Vel Galindo Roberto Quon celestino Mia Torres there's Mia coming up and jel [Applause] Raa franel pul [Applause] Perez and last but not [Applause] least but I would like this other uh person to please join me her name is Miss gimer would you please join me at the stage you see this particular leader supervisor who I call Jack of all trades uh really is the leader to have made this happen and she's at the Forefront of our bilingual Multicultural program let's give the students who are all seniors and miss gimer a big round of Applause Miss gz there 46 this year was it uh 46 students this year 43 students passed this really important um milestone in New Jersey Pleasantville High School is represented much thank you very much so great job they do get recognized by the state uh at graduation so we just uh acknowledge them today thank you and we have great students they're fabulous we also have great staff so thank you I want to take few moments to recognize our employees of the month when you call your name if you're here please please uh let's give them a big round of applause and come join us come join me up here and get a certificate please first is Miss Betty Murray our custodian from Washington Elementary [Applause] School all right all right graia so you can stand right up here with us we also have Mr Derek Talia pharoh our custodian where are you oh I know Mr Derek how are you sir oh very nice it Mr Derek thank you for your appreciate all right that's right and from the Great lead school we have Miss Barbara maset she's our par [Applause] [Music] professional thank you for everything you do got the preschool crew on look at that at the middle school we want to recognize our teacher Dr Carla BL RI thank you so much for everything that you do and the certificate reads coming up your commitment has been exemplary and your hard work is an inspiration to everyone around you you are one of the people who make this District great congatulations and last but not least our very own special education teacher at one of the greatest high schools in South Jersey Mr David [Applause] duck now let's give our great staff a big round of applause thank you so much ladies and gentlemen and I have one more I sure do from South Maine oh I didn't forget here it is so par professional let's give a big round of applause to Miss beatus [Applause] Moore okay so thank you to our great staff we're able to do what we do for our students because of great leaders like yourselves which graia thank you congratulations thank you to all uh uh board members we can uh resume sign certificates [Music] [Music] see [Music] nobody stay I got to s yeah yeah yeah I think little starts everywhere you know to see more than just St yeah yeah yeah particular a lot of seniors it's good you know so now I would like to know where they go after this does anyone have any any um questions on the superintendent report or the presentation thank you Dr Martinez next uh 1.7 the presentation of the audit by Ford Scott good evening uh I hope it wasn't me that they saw on the agenda that pushed the rush out the door but I'm here to present your 2023 St so happy rep first off that you had no audit findings in either the acfr or the AMR which is the smaller report you would have gotten uh that's not so much financially related it's more management how things are run and that would be where we'd have any small comments for the year ended June 30th 2023 you had an increase of just under $5 million in your general fund balance primary drivers to this were your some participated miscellaneous revenue and over $700,000 of U extraordinary aid over and above the 300 that you had budgeted so you were actually able to bring in over a million dollars in what's called extraordinary special education Aid so that supplements the cost for your students uh for your special education students and the rest of it was in savings within the budget so you spent less than you had anticipated spending uh primarily through controls and monitoring over the expenditures your fund balance as of June 30th 2023 which on the budgetary basis which is your day-to-day operations was just over $25 million this is broken up into about seven different components the two largest being your EXs Surplus so these two together totaled just under $16.2 million what these amounts represent are the state does make you do a calculation annually any fund balance in excess of uh in this year 2% in Prior years 4% is required to be returned to the taxpayers in the form of surplus anticipated in your budget so fund balance anticipated out of the 16.1 million 7.7 million has been included in the budget you're operating in currently and the balance of just under $8.5 million will be in year 2425 budget uh the increase of approximately $800,000 to this number was a result of the decrease in the percentage the state allows you to keep during Co they allowed you to keep 4% now they're back to the 2% that we were previous to co I'm also happy to uh tell you that your fund balance in the Food Service fund increased just under $170,000 last year so again um as many of you know for many many years that had run in a deficit position and it has been brought back around so uh that is good and keeps you guys running with liquidity in there and I don't know whether you know it or not but last month you made the last payment on this building and across the street so you have no more bonded debt as of February 2024 uh does not happen very often in larger districts uh but you are debt free in your in the big book that you had received if you would like to see if you start on page 92 through Page 109 these are called the D3 schedules and what these are are the expenses by each individual school so you can see what each individual school has spent on office supplies uh principal's office Health all those types of things they all roll back up in the front uh it's just some unique schedules that you have in your audit that many other local districts won't have because of the school-based budgeting requirement and if you would enjoy some light reading uh you have J schedules in the back year audit report starting on page 118 these schedules provide uh various Trend analysis uh whether it is 10year periods so each year listed for 10 or it is a current year and nine-year look back these give you the ability to see how the district is doing over time uh and it's nice and include your enrollment information uh full-time equivalent employees various debt calculations which as I mentioned earlier now out of debt so that schedule's going to turn to zero but those were the uh highlights that I had from the report did anyone have any questions I'm happy to hear how good we are doing in the food service because like you had mentioned that we were in deficit which brought us State monitors because of that and this may be what like our second year without having it for us to continue to not be in debt that is an excellent that's we're doing real Qui on so I want to thank you for that report and the public can hear that as well thank you looks good any more other questions thank you thank you thank you thank you may I have a motion to accept the audit report motion motion by Mrs Alberto second by who's second second by Mrs Clemens any questions no questions V Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss melow oh sorry she's absent Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss roell yes motion carries next is 1.9 no 1.8 I'm sorry uh the openal office of is this Miss Waters here Mrs Waters okay you can come up Mrs Waters yeah come all the way out [Music] please I'm Miss wers I'm Dale White I'm the board secretary I'll be swearing you win for the oath of office if you can repeat after [Music] me I state your name I the ERS do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I the your ERS do Solly swear do Sly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of member for the office of member of the Board of Education of the Board of Education and that I'm not disqualified and I'm not disqualified as as a voter as a voter pursuant to pursuant to rs19 rs19 4-1 4-1 nor disqualified nor disqualified due to a conviction of a crime due to conviction of a crime or offense or offense listed in listed in njs 18 njs 18 12- 1 12-1 and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of that office of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God I just need you I just need you to sign and then also I have a copy of the code of ethics and I'll give you a copy and this is an acknowledgement that you received it I just need you to sign that too congratulations you can sit on the Das welcome to the pleas Board of Education your seats right here congratulations M spers welcome next 1.9 the code of ethics yes okay did you give it to her yes she has a copy okay so we don't have to read it then okay have a copy of yeah next 1.9 may I have a motion for the monthly Fire and Security fire drill report oh wait I'm sorry I'm sorry messed up it's 1.10 I'm sorry motion by Mrs Morgan second by Mrs Clemens any questions no questions go call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss roel yes motion carries next uh number two board minutes I have a motion for 2.1 for February's minutes motion motion by Mrs Clemens second by Alejandra Mrs Alberto any questions no questions uh I just have one question uh Dr Martinez is your report in the minutes from betterway or no CU I know you were an emergency last meeting is a Tex oh her her minutes are for the superintendent oh okay all right I wanted to know if Mrs um Dr Martinez's uh minutes was in the report because last month she had to leave her ear okay all right um no more questions uh roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters change to okay abens M roel yes motion carries next is finance may have a motion for 3.1 to 320 wait who motion Alejandra motion by Alberto second by Miss Clemens any questions about the finance no questions we call Miss White M Alberto yes m Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters Miss roel yes to everything but I abstain from the charter school and motion carries next is transportation may have a motion for 4.1 Mo motion by Mrs Morgan second second second by Mrs Alberto any questions no questions vote on M Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters substain Miss Rell yes motion carries next may I have a motion for facilities 5.1 motion motion by Mrs Morgan second by Mrs Alberto any questions no questions welcome Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters Miss roel sheain yes okay uh yes motion carries sorry um next policy may I have a motion for 7.1 oh wait I'm sorry no we did he resources no we didn't do we didn't do don't do okay I'm sorry may I have a motion for 6.1 to 6.7 motion by Mrs Alberto second by Mrs C any questions no questions what Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters obain Miss roell yes motion carries next is policy 7.1 may have a motion motion by Mrs Morgan second second by Mrs Clemens any questions also board um if you didn't get a chance or if you did I think you should read these policies because they talk about the stress as May um change so if you did or if you didn't um it's advisable to read them no more questions roll call Miss roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters I'm M roell yes motion carries next curriculum and instruction may have a motion for 8.1 to 8.3 motion motion by Miss Clemens second by Mrs Morgan any questions no questions go on Miss what Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters I'm same Miss roell yes motion carries next executive oh I'm sorry uh there's addendum for curriculum motion to approve the extended school year summer program for the dates of Mond Mondays through Thursdays starting July 8th through 2024 through August the 1st through 2024 four weeks from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. transportation for all extended school year students will be provided extended school year staff reports from 8:00 a.m. and ends at 1: p.m. 8:30 a.m. student arrival 12:30 p.m. dismissal North Main Street school le Avenue Middle School and Pleasantville High School second resolution motion to approve summer academic enrichment care and sports programs for the dates of Mondays through Thursdays July the 8th through August the 1st 4 weeks from 8:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. staff arrival at 8:00 a.m. until 3:15 student arrival 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 and 1 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. enrichment visual performing arts and Sports in The CARE program Transportation will be provided for eligible middle school and high school students location North Main Street school le Avenue was Avenue and middle school and Pleasantville High School final resolution Pleasantville High School jrtc to go to trip to the Golden Nugget Casino on March 22nd 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 to assist the Fort Dicks chapter with the presentation of the flag at the convention banquet of the spring Northeast region of the associated Association of the US Army that's the curriculum dum uh I just wanted to let the board know that last addendum just came in and I know we had committee so it didn't have time to go through committee um but it just came in so we don't want to cheat the kids we want the kids to go out so as on March 27 so we just thought that it would you know we could bring it to you guys if you would how you felt okay so want to deprive our kids so may I have a motion for that motion by m M Morgan second second by Mrs who second oh second by m Clemens any questions I do have a question okay yes go King uh as far as he extended the summer program um have children I mean has the um Administration already registered children or parents aware of the enrollment we were waiting for this approv so um we were waiting for this approval before um sharing with uh our parents but it's the esy the extended school year program is a program where every student that has an IEP um can attend and they do get trans every one of them gets transportation for the summmer program and then the our summer enrichment program we're excited that we're going to be able to one inform our staff quickly because we want to have a full staff uh ready and trained and we want to be able to share with our parents the opportunities and have them plan accordingly so we're happy to share this early thank you thank you Dr Martinez and the staff here for being prepared and ready this year no more questions anyone else anyone else wel Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters obain abstain okay Miss roell yes motion carries next executive session may I have a motion motion motion by Mrs Alberto second by Mrs Morgan we'll go we'll be going into executive session for the hi and Personnel so it's two different matters okay Madam okay it is hereby resolved that the pleasant Board of Education may go into close the private session from which the public shall be excluded in accordance with the provisions set forth in njsa 104-112 and 104-113 the following subject shall be discussed on this date in the session of the board closed to the public personnel and pupil matters be it further resolved that the discussion in closed session will be disc close to the public at this time or at a future meeting of the Board of Education when it is no longer necessary to maintain the confidential nature of the items [Music] discussed Mrs Morgan and Mrs Alberto yeah Miss Alberto yeah all in favor I all oppose okay [Music] second e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e can I get a motion to come out of executive session motion by Mrs Alberto second second second by Mrs King all in favor I I posos Dr marz um yes I request uh from the board that you consider for approval um the recommendation to terminate employee with initials l m and the um ID numbers to follow we need toid a motion we need the rest of these board members to come back okay all right okay any questions roll call Miss White motion Miss Alberto yes Miss King yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss roell yes yes thank you motion carries thank you board next uh public comments General matters only uh General items only uh what's this lauel okay Emma Martinez Emma Martinez okay next I cannot read this I think it's a Lopez Orlando Rolando I'm so sorry Rolando Lopez no okay next board comments Miss silver no comment all is well miss King good evening everyone good evening uh just want to wish everyone a Happy um women's month a lot we have a lot of of women those even in this room to uh be thankful for and also to honor and and we stand on the shoulders of so many that have gone before us and those of that are present here also this evening um and I just like to say have a good night thank you Miss King Mrs Alberto Mrs wers no Lees up to me I I have I have a comment I want oh I'm sorry uh Mrs silver Dr Martinez I appreciate the summer program because it helps our children to continue to learn so I want to give you kudos for that and I hope it's successful um we're all here to do our job and we're all here to do a good job and we have to take a lot into consideration we are responsible for a lot and we have to be mindful how we make decisions it's the best interest of the district best interest of the school and the best interest of the children thank you Mrs silver I just want to thank everyone for coming out want to thank the board members for coming to the meeting I want to thank the staff and the district um I Echo Mrs Gray and Miss silver and Miss King we have a hard job and sometimes we have to make the decisions that sometimes people don't think we should make but we have to make them in the best interest for the district because that is what we are elected to do to do what's right and sometimes right may not seem right to you but it may seem wrong but wrong is right and right is wrong but we have to make those decisions so um with that I want to thank Dr Martinez and her team for the C sack report that we got back um from the state was great uh just want to encourage the staff to keep on keeping on keep doing what you're doing we appreciate you and we're happy that you're working for Pleasantville um I just want to say everyone to have a great weekend happy safe healthy and blessed weekend until we meet again also I want to let you know we will have another meeting on Tuesday next Tuesday at 6:00 to pass the budget so we welcomed you to come back out we're passing the budget for the district so with that um and we w we won't be long with this we do need to pass our budget for the year so should be maybe like an hour um not even that so um we'll see you again on Tuesday if you come if not we'll see you next month and enjoy and can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting motion by Mrs Alberta Alberto second second by Miss King but you know what I have something to say can I say something in the middle of that I just want to say I know it's not a lot of people here but I want to talk to our board members that are here the public elects us to do a job so I'm not saying that we're not doing our job we are doing our job we come to the committee meetings um we try to we we uh take our time but we want everyone to try to make the meetings I know Miss gray and Mrs melow are out because they were under the weather but we just want you to try to come and I want everybody to try to get along to agree to disagree but we just we want to work good as a board we want to work together and we want to be together um and I'm not saying that there's nothing wrong but I just want to encourage us to do better so with that meetings adour oh I need all in favor I I I no oppose see you next time [Music] here