e e e e e e e e e all right we're going to uh call the May 20th meeting to order if everyone will join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and justice for all all right now this is our first first meeting after our um Town election so congratulations to miss Haywood Mrs Haywood and Mrs Jackson and Miss Shaw thank you so we're excited to have you joining us and we're excited to have the two of you um staying on board so congratulations um but before we can begin we have our annual reorganization so turn it over to Dr Campbell thank you Miss pader yes congratulations to everyone and welcome Miss sha we're happy to have you here thank you look forward to working with you um as Miss Badger said this is the first meeting uh since the election so um what we do here is our annual reorg excuse me as the first item of business so as the chair turned the meeting over to the superintendent uh and I'll explain the process per our policy so um now we'll take an opportunity for nominations for the school chair the nominee will be given the opportunity to accept or decline uh that nomination with a yes or a no um and then I will inquire if there are any further nominations uh and any subsequent nominees will be given an opportunity to accept or or decline with the yes or no and then once that's uh determined that everyone has accepted or declined if there's more than one excuse me nominee each nominee will be given a one minute opportunity to to approach or to address the committee and at which we will um then take a a vote okay very good so given that uh do I have any nominations for the chair uh for school committee for the for the I'd like like to nominate Miss Badger for chair okay one nomination for Miss Badger there any additional nominations for chair okay all those in favor do we do a roll call okay unanimous congratulations do we have to do a roll call um you could it I don't know if it matters I don't think it does okay perfect just checking you unanimous nomination congratulations thank you back to you Miss Badger thank you all right and the next um position we have to nominate is our vice chair for the year do I have any nominations for vice chair Miss ja Miss Jackson I can't speak sorry I nominate Mr Pano for vice chair do I have any other nominations Dr I would like to nominate uh Mr Morgan for vice chair please I have a nomination do you accept that yes perfect so I have two nominations so I I guess that gives both of you a minute so we will start with start with Mr Bano since he got the first nomination and keep track with that hold on let me get my handy dandy all right if you want to give an explanation and I will start the timer now all right um so I've been uh Vice chair of the uh previous year I think it's m badrick going to uh test you I have uh served all and covered uh as representative of the committee to a number of uh Town committees I've overseen a couple of our school board uh meetings I think I have missed one uh school committee meeting in the past three years so I'm definitely uh you know committed and put in uh the time and I'm enjoying uh the role we like to continue to serve in the position thanks thank you m hold on Mr Morgan let me reset this give you your due time it should be easy not sure why it's not what is happening there we go all right go ahead okay great thank you uh thank you for the nomination um yeah I would um um be honored to serve as the vice chair of the school committee I've served 13 years on the school committee along with other various boards I've also been a a member of the uh advisory finance committee uh West P mising committee nuclear matters committee so I have experience working with the town again I've served in the leadership role as Vice chair and secretary in the past uh I bring I bring uh a good perspective I work well with others of the committee and I also listen to the constituents the stakeholders and I think I can bring their perspective to the executive board and um I'm honored to serve in any capacity but I'd be honored I'd be honored as well to serve as a vice chair thank you thank you all right so I guess we then we can do all those in favor of Mr Bano as Vice chair I can just raise your hand I guess we'll do it that way so that's fenna is I mean M hawood is that as well right so that's five and all those in favor for Mr Morgan and that's two all right so that looks like um Mr Bano will be our vice chair thank you thank you thank you all right and our next position is secretary do I have any uh yes mate Miss Jackson for secretary please right do we have nomination for Mrs Jackson do I have any other nominations for secretary all right seeing no other nominations we can all vote who is in favor of Mrs Jackson being our secretary Perfect all right so Mrs Jackson is the secretary wonderful thank you everybody for um working with us as we do the reorganization and I really appreciate your support in taking um continuing on this role I think we've kind of um done a lot of good work this year and hopefully we continue to move it forward so thank you very much for your your support in that uh the next piece of our uh agenda is the subcommittee and Lea on appointments we won't appoint them today obviously but I will ask that um if you can take a look everybody got a copy of what we approved last meeting and what we've been talking about for a while which is the descriptions of each of our committees when they meet um and the like frequency and that that deal and that to give you kind of an understanding of each of the Committees that you could be assigned to and if you can please get that information back to me by what you'd be interested in being on by next Monday um that would be really helpful and that gives enough time so that we can get ready and get it posted for our next meeting um do anybody does that timeline work for everybody I I have a question I have a question know maybe you could help guide us a little bit on the distinguished visitors committee yes um um I would hope that uh that Kim would stay on I believe she is staying on but in obviously she can't be our representative but I think I believe she is staying on with them so we still want somebody we still need to have somebody I think it's because some of our budget budgetary dollars can go towards that so that's why but yeah any of these please if you have any questions on any of them I know that this definition kind of description is brand new so as we go through this process we can continue to um kind of really pick at what it at what what the purpose of each of the Committees are because we just want to make sure that it's easier as we move forward and we know what everybody's doing when they're doing it so that's that's that and I will get hopefully the assignments done by our next meeting Perfect all right and our next is I don't know sorry electronic Schoolboard not doing what it's supposed to do is confusing me comments comments perfect thank you comments from the community do we have anybody who wishes to speak this evening okay then I will foro reading our traditional descriptions and then all right now we have um our last this last time we get to have an update oh sorry it says that it's an action item what the assignments they are not because we don't actually have anything yet I don't know why it was listed as an action yeah it was listed as an info action yeah we're approving the descriptions no because we approved them last time so and we can take like I said up at any point um any other questions that I missed sorry all right so we have now our student representative reports this is the last time in ODC is going to be giving us a report tonight and we thank you for coming this evening because I know you have a lot of other places to be um but we will um start off if you want to give us your update and then we've got a little something for you um so uh today was the last day to pick up uh yard signs they were available in 331 which is Miss Walcott's room so if you forgot to pick your sign up today uh please make sure to go back tomorrow and pick that up hypnotist night is uh Wednesday this Wednesday uh May 22nd at 7: uh tickets are $1 and can be purchased from Mr cardoso or cayin Montgomery um they're having a light dinner at 6 so purchase your tickets now so they know how much food to purchase at the door tickets are $5 there's a class meeting Thursday last period um on May 23rd they will discuss class day grad practices dinner dance and convocation Chromebooks and Chargers will be collected and yearbooks will be distributed so make sure that people buy their yearbooks and uh will'll bring in their Chromebooks and Chargers uh on that Thursday and then class day is on Friday uh May 24th uh we encourage all parents to come um they want seniors to be in the cafeteria dress nice by 8:00 a.m. and if there are any other obligations that need to be taken care of that needs to happen before caps and gowns are distributed also this Friday is Junior Prom uh the doors open at 6 o'cl and they close at 6:30 so make sure you're on time and are all ready to go and tonight was uh senior athletic night which honored all the senior student athletes at Plymouth North High School that's all thank you so much and again I know from on behalf of all of us we just wanted to say thank you for coming here every Monday or every other Monday that you're you're here we really really appreciate it and we just wanted to kind of give you a little certificate to to thank you for your your time and effort on the committee and your advocacy so and I'm sure we'll be seeing you a lot more in the next at all the other things we have to go to in the next week and a half so um but thank you again really for your time and commitment to the board yes and feel free to take your name tag you can put it over your dorm door everyone knows who you are thanks all right and our next piece we don't have Maya but um our next we do our the Strategic plan so Dr Campbell very exciting thank you for the presentation up so um really excited to share um our proposed strategic plan for the 2024 through 2027 school years um charting the course to success this was a wonderful collaboration uh among 32 uh commit very committed uh committee members I want to thank TLA for helping to facilitate that so that we could be active in the process ourselves and not being um tied up with the facilitation part it was very valuable for us um really helped us to kind of push us and to ask the right questions uh so I'm going to walk through I'm going to invite our uh volunteers to come up to the table and introduce themselves um four of our committee members who will be sharing in this presentation an electronic Schoolboard you have a word version of the presentation that's not what will get published that's just that's the content once it's approved we will I would say pretty it up with a lot of great photos and illustrations and Graphics um that really cons speak to the pum Public Schools but um if you just want to go and introduce yourselves we'll start with you Steve just to introduce yourself sure uh my name is Steve gof I'm a teacher at PMA South High School Brian Paladino principal at pcis Karen fette director of accountability and measurement I'm Leo Carlin and I'm a sophomore at Plymouth North awesome so again this has been a a wonderful process and I think we have a really a great document here um for us to to guide us for the next three years so I'm going to start it off and then kick it off to some of our committee members so just for the public what is a strategic plan so a strategic plan clearly is a road map that gives direction to a district to stay focused on uh What It Is What It Wants to be and how to achieve its goals really you know how do we identify as a community what's important to us what are our priorities so really taking the priorities of of our community this plan represents a set of actions that we choose to pursue to achieve our goals and objectives so very specific deliverables that are included in this plan again over the 3 years uh the strategic planning process affords the opportunity to seek feedback from constituents uh that comprise the school district our students our parents our staff Administration school committee and the community to best serve the educational Community for the next three years and we we had a very active process for that and we'll talk about that a little bit as we go through that so there are really three phases to the strategic planning process first building the foundation I'll talk about that actually developing the plan and this is where the committee got to work and then the phase three is really the plan implementation across our organization across the district and we'll talk about how that plays out um so building the foundation so early in the fall we started this work actually in the summer we started this work before the committee actually came together so really uh to try to shape that process um we informed the committee of the process we we sent out Communications we try to identify willing participants we had over 100 uh volunteers willing volunteers from this community to take part in the strategic planning process we identified 32 which is a great cross-section of all schools all levels um so we have great representation that was on this committee great discussion um so we identified a lot of um internal and external data uh prior to meeting with the committee to make sure that we were collecting everything academic achievement data demographic data um opportunity data financial data HR data we we were inundated with data to really try to dive through that um and then getting feedback and input um collected through surveys and forums um so we had um we held 10 focus group forums we had uh focus group forums for families we had two amazing forums with our students got a lot of great feedback from our students and Leo's here and he was a very active member of a student Forum as well uh we had faculty and F uh staff forums Administration forums and a forum with the school committee actually during one of our Retreats here on a Saturday we had over 2700 Community surveys that were completed both in English but also in uh Portuguese and Spanish uh which far exceeds what we had last time so really uh really happy about the number of participants in that survey and a lot of data to go through as a result so we took all that data we took all that the focus group information we synthesized that and then we met as a committee and we had five meetings we also had a data meeting so there were really six meetings that took place uh with this committee um and we met for about 2 and a half to three hours at a time and we went through uh looking at the Norms uh we looked at the strategic planning process really trying to familiarize ourselves with the process to begin uh we Revisited the mission and the vision uh analyzed the data uh did a lot of analysis between meetings uh we finalized our mission and vision which had been revised since the previous plan and you'll see that this evening uh we continue to work on strategic objectives over a couple of meetings to really look at like kind of synthesizing through that identifying our overarching Focus areas and getting very specific with key initiatives that we would prioritize over the next three years understanding that we can't do everything but what can we do over the next three years um and then we reviewed that um and and what you'll see in this plan that there are specific outcomes but also timelines and and people that are responsible for that or departments that are responsible for that and we'll get into that in Greater detail I just want to thank the committee these are the 32 Representatives that were on that but again we had a representatives from all schools uh both families and students Administration um just really very thankful for uh this the commitment of this committee we had great conversation sometimes we thought a meeting would go two hours and we were there longer we had one meeting with would be an hour I think we ended up going for two so just really thankful to the group um so and this is really at the end of the day with when this plan is hopefully supported by the school committee uh it really is going to guide our work for the next three years not only the committee's work but uh my work my leadership team teams work our administrators is back at the at our schools our school Improvement plans are Guided by this work and our staff goals as well so really aligning um all of our work collectively to make sure that we're going in the same direction with the four overarching priorities that have been identified and all the key initiatives that are part of that so at this time I'm going to turn it over to Mr Paladino who's going to start off by talking about our mission y so uh as Dr Campbell had stated you know I think everything that we did which was nice about this is we uh it was done as a group it was done with different stakeholders whether it was school committee members central office teachers parents students so you know everyone's Voice Was Heard and I think that's it's important to note in this plan that it's you know there are multiple voices from all different walks of life that help implement this and one of the things we spent a lot of time was uh time with was our mission statement you know what is our mission um and we looked a lot of different things we spent a lot of time with language and just trying to figure out what who we are and what we're about um um so we came up with that what I believe is a pretty uh well established and something that I feel comfortable moving forward with is you know making sure it's something we believe in uh so I'm just going to quickly read the mission statement uh cultivate creativity resilience in Innovation and a safe inclusive educational environment empowering all Learners to thrive and contribute as members of a local and Global community and I think what you'll see in this plan as well is a lot of uh Dei put into it and it's one of the things that we spent a lot of time with to make sure it's embedded in in in what we do um along with that we looked at core values what are our core values as a as a district uh these values provide the foundation for our work and influence how we conduct ourselves engage with others the following set of core values were establish student centered everything that we do should be student centered every decision that we make should be student centered the social emotional Wellness I think we've really uh have seen the importance of making sure that's established in our plan uh you know with our with our students and with our staff providing resources and support to cultivate mental health and ski mental health skills and well-being among students and staff Equitable access making sure no matter who you are where you come from you have Equitable access to anything that we do uh in our schools is very uh important empowerment just empowering our students and our staff uh with self-determination confidence uh autonomy among Learners and uh to reach their fullest potential uh so those are a few of our core values continued respect build and maintain trusting respectful authentic relationships among all members of our learning community and I think that's important as we move forward uh collaboration being collaborative and this whole process was collaborative and I think that's what we need to make sure we're uh we're we're doing with our students and our staff promote teamwork cooperation collaboration to achieve common goals uh and solve complex problems communication encouraging open honest and transparent communication to facilitate understanding and resolve conflicts and strengthen connections uh in just Excellence pursuing high standards of quality performance uh continuous Improvement in all aspects of educational Community engagement um so that I felt like that really encompassed everything that we were looking for and again uh this was just there was a lot of discussions a lot of work uh to come up with with those um we also have a vision statement what I learned about the vision statement was you want it to be too lengthy you want it to be something that you can remember it's it's it's only a few words uh that really say a lot and I think we did spend uh a lot of time and Dr Campbell referenced just you know some of those meetings this was be an hour I think this is one of them we spent a lot of time making sure that our uh our vision statement uh is clear and choosing uh our current and future course actions and it's pretty simple inspired lifelong Learners who are confident and compassionate and I think that says it all right there um our theory of action uh it's our organization's theory of action represents a set of actions that will be implemented in order to improve the organization and help it reach its Mission the theory of action is closely related to the Strategic objectives and how their implementation will lead to organiz organizational Improvement so these are the actions that we're going to be uh we're doing I'll read the action plan but I do need glasses small so I apologize uh if we improve the outcomes of all Learners through inclusive Equitable and Innovative teaching and learning experience develop and Implement a network of Social and emotional support engag all St stakeholders to support success and allocate equ uh adequate resources to provide appropriate Staffing and modern facilities to enhance learning experience then we will cultivate creativity resilience and innovation in a safe inclusive educational environment empowering all Learners to thrive and contribute as members of a local uh and Global community and our next is uh is that I'm going to go over is just the uh and I have to use I had a bigger one than I could it's a small fun yes I'm sorry uh just to highlight a few things and and as you can see just few of the the core values and the theory of action it's it it references uh know diversity Equity of inclusive practice so I think it's pretty obvious it's something that was important to our team and also our district um so looking at uh diversity just making uh understanding diversity enriches educ experiences and prepares our students to thrive in a global society and what we think there is just diversity is important for all Learners uh you know that we we have those and enriches their educational experience um Equity just making sure that we strive to ensure Equitable access to Opportunities resources uh and support for all um inclusive environment uh that we uh individuals feel a sense of belonging and acceptive and support so that's part of our Dei inclusive uh practices um at this this point um I will turn it over to our student Leo uh thank you so in the strategic planning committee we came up with four strategic Focus areas to uh really focus on what we wanted to do with this plan uh one was teaching and learning with nine strategic initiatives with the objective to improve the outcomes of all Learners through inclusive Equitable and in Innovative teaching and learning experiences social emotional Wellness with five strategic in initiatives with the objective to develop and Implement a network of Social and emotional support for all Learners Community engagement with six strategic in initiatives with the objective to engage all stakeholders to support the success of all students and finally with human Capital Finance and Facilities with six strategic initiatives with the objective to allocate adequate resources to provide appropriate Staffing and modern facilities to enhance the learning experience hi um I'm going to talk about the specific uh strategic initiatives in each of those focused areas um except human capital I'm going to throw that over to Steve because it's his game um so the first strategic Focus area was teaching and learning um there are nine um I'm going to read them to you because I think um I'm not going to do them Justice if I try to summarize them um and we spend a lot of time on the wording um encapsulates exactly what we're looking for um number one is uh continue to develop and train teachers on Universal Design for Learning udl principles and evidence-based instructional methods to ensure accessible Equitable and inclusive learning experiences for all students number two is Implement comprehensive strategies to prevent and address chronic absenteeism taking into consideration cultural socioeconomic and systematic barriers to attendants by conducting Outreach and providing support tailored to the needs of diverse student population number three uh provide expanded professional development opportunities that incorporate culturally relevant pedagogies and language acquisition strategies sensitive to the diverse lingu itic backgrounds of multilingual [Music] Learners four procure translation tools and materials that are culturally sensitive and accurately reflect the L linguistic nuances of mlls MultiLing lingual Learners um to ensure relevance and Effectiveness uh number five provide ongoing professional development to support culturally responsive teaching practices uh number six utilize data teams across all schools to drive consistent datadriven decision-making processes and Implement targeted interventions for areas of concern identifying and addressing disparities based on race ethnicity gender socio economic status and other factors number seven expand pathways for College and Career Readiness through internship opportunities after school clubs and Leadership forums number eight enhance student learning through mentoring opportunities across all academic levels number nine evaluate and improve transition processes between grade levels based on family student and staff feedback that is the nine um initiatives under teaching and learning our first strategic uh Focus area second Focus area is social emotional Wellness um there are five initiatives here one evaluate and expand social emotional learning programming from pre kindergarten to 12th grade two Implement Wellness promotion programs addressing physical and mental well-being including stress reduction activities and resources for both students and staff number three Forge Partnerships with local organizations to support Mental Health Resources and internships number four expand peer support programs to address stress among students fostering a supportive peer Network and prompting mental health awareness uh number five develop programs to Ed educate parents and students on health wellness and safety topics and resources and for strategic Focus area three which is community and engagement there are um six initiatives number one being to increase communication efforts to engage community at large in District happenings to organize educational forums to provide insight into District Operations three invest in technology Staffing and communication strategies to support diverse students and their families number four utilize existing groups such as parent teacher Association special education parent advisory Council English learner parent advisory Council and school councils as a mechanism to gather input and feedback number five develop a branding strategy to highlight District successes and achievements and number six strengthen Partnerships with Community organizations to enhance opportunities for students and Steve thank you um moving over to strategic Focus area number four uh that's specifically focused on human Capital Finance and Facilities um several initiatives came out of that track um initiative one is uh develop a staff retention initiative plan to reduce turnover rates across the district um and a lot of the feedback that came through from the staff level um specific areas that are under review is obviously comp professional development uh resources and Facilities that'll come up um in the future initiatives initiative two is develop and execute uh targeted recruitment plan and effort to diversify uh to improve diversity in the workforce so that'll tie into the recruitment um track um initiative number three is pursue funding initiatives for facility upgrades to cultivate optimal learning environments uh actively seeking alternative funding channels and Grant opportuni support this endeavor um facilities came up in the track the the high schools are spectacular um some feedback in the in the in the elementary level came up in the data we received um but there's also opportunities to foresee uh to get funding through for technology equipment things like that within the schools that would uh be very helpful um to to the staff um track item four is develop a comprehensive plan to expand Early Education opportunities um I think everybody's aware this capacity um constraints at the um preschool level um so it it evaluating options there um track item five is conduct a comprehensive assessment of Transportation needs and explore Solutions there um that's obviously an expensive item that everybody's aware of so looking at tactical and strategic options there and item six is create a structured programs to facilitate career progression including internships and mentorships uh with the aim of fostering growth in leadership within the district and that's both for teachers and staff uh for their professional development so professional development around there but as well as for students meaning mentorships uh career um education and opportunities there to help them figure out and I'm actually going to hand that over to Leo to elaborate a little bit further on on the student perspective from that so as for a student perspective I have felt like students at North and I'm sure South as well there's like there's internships are a thing but they aren't a super well established thing like there is only one senior right now in the class of 2024 at North who has an intern internship and I feel like there is so much more benefit from internships over a senior project because it develops in insane career Readiness it helps you um like test which field you want to go into to see if it's actually what you want like what you want to do and um it'll help get the community more involved because there are plenty of people who wish to volunteer and Mentor so I feel like from a student perspective a lot many would benefit from more internships and the district absolutely okay and just to kind of wrap it up so what's different in this plan is unlike the plan that we've been working under are specific timelines uh Personnel responsible for the implementation um and regular updates that we'll share with the public so I think that this again very comprehensive very collaborative very um inclusive process I mean we looked at so much data um both you know quantitative data qualitative data from the public feedback forums uh just really appreciate this community both the 32 that joined this committee but the 2700 plus uh that contributed to this process to really I think I think this really paints a picture of what this community is looking for um I think our student focus groups were amazing through this process and and you'll see their influence and their voice in this plan as Leo said uh to some of that um and I think this is something that we can that we should be really proud of I don't know if our committee members M Miss Jackson or Mr Bano have anything as standing committee members want to say about the process oh miss miss sh sorry fine sorry I was there as a parent technically so yeah I was as a parent I was say yeah thankfully you know B the license we now three members that were part of this but M was parent so now she gets to wear two hats um but no I think u m probably do know set I think this is a it was I was very impressed by the way the committee collab collaborated um and I think the result really is very representative of you know the full not just the committee but really the the the district and I think where we all want the dist the direction we want the district um to go so I think it's something that you know represents so many different um you know uh people and it really like I said it's it's very very broad I think it's um ambitious um but I think it really represents where where we want the district to go so I'm very uh proud of it and really impressed with the work of the the committee and uh you know and the the whole the process of you know um getting there um there's a lot of lot of time spent you know discussing very specific words phrases Etc you know it's a lot of work to get to this uh Point Z I'm very happy with how it turned out you Mrs Jackson um I second what Mr Pano said um I think there were a few things that I was really happy about one was the um embedment of mentorship in there I really think that that's like the next step for taking our district to the next level is to start to embed things like mentorship and Community involvement and it's really important if we want to start thinking outside the box um as to how to get our district to where we want it to be and also the embedment of Dei in everything that we are doing was very intentional um so taking it out as a goal wasn't a um wasn't wasn't the idea was more embedding it in everything we do and I thought the intentionality of that is really important to address too M um I really enjoyed the process um it was a very collaborative environment I felt like everybody worked really well together um from all of the different you know places that we had people from parents Administration school committee um I it was a very interesting group of people that really listen to each other like it was a very collaborative environment and I thought that was really great um question though um what is it was something that we never discussed what are the accountability measures in place like how do we track our progress towards the Strategic goal do we get like a yearly update or so that's a very good question so we we had discussion about that and I think that that what happens is in those annual goals that we set as a result that there'd be measures depending on which ones we're working on so um again looking at where we are in relation to one of those initiatives and and actually identifying the specific measurables based on where we are in that given year so there'll be annual reports and I imagine that we'll um not only do annual reports but have regular updates here at school committee and also um thinking of having like a a data dashboard or a website dedicated to that so that we can track our progress towards our goals and identify those initiatives that are in year one year two year three and and making them very um transparent and specific yeah that'd be great thank you Dr thoron thank you very much um yeah everything everything everybody else said I'm sure this is this is listed on our our agenda as an action item so I really expect this commit to to to endorse this and send it on forward um it's very professionally done there's no question it's well polished um is I'm going to make a couple I'm going to make two very minor suggestions in language and if the committee the Strategic committee feels like it makes no sense just get rid of it I I it's here before us and you know that's our responsibility so I just want you to turn to core values for a second under core values the second item on that slide is called so social emotional Wellness it happens to be slide eight on the presentation that I have in front of me now in that sentence it refers to something it says providing resources and support to cultivate mental health skills and well-being the mental health skills is a phrase that I have a little difficulty with because usually you don't have uh mental health by itself as a noun I think that sentence would be clearer and again I'm going to throw have the Strategic committee throw out my idea completely if it makes no sense I think the sentence will be cleaner if it says provide resources and support and skill development to cultivate mental health and well-being I'm just transposing that one phrase because mental health skills doesn't really make a lot of sense by itself so again throw it out it's just and my other suggestion occurs on the next slide under theory of action and on that slide uh I think just the just a pronoun would really clear something up on that slide uh in it says I can't get to it oh wa minute uh let me get to here it says under uh all third line down engage all stakeholders to support success that phrase could use the word t HEI are in there because what support what type of success success for the district success for finances but if it says but if it says all stakeholders to support their success it makes that phrase much clearer so those are my two suggestion and I said three times already if they're not valuable I don't I'm not married I totally appreciate your uh your adjustment to the core values particularly given your your profession I think that's very well St stated in I think that adding there makes perfect sense as well that's my opinion thank you thank you anybody else on the committee have anything to say Mr Bano I was just going to support Dr Sorenson's suggestions all of us that were on the committee we've stared at all these phrases and documents like over and over again so I think I'd actually appreciate the you know you're your professional um life aside just having a you know a fresh perspective I think is valuable so I think those those very minor edits make sense no okay I just I don't have any questions I just want to thank you for the hours of work I know you put in I um I heard a lot about the really great engaging discussion heard a lot of what Leo has done I mean thank you so much for being on it I think that your voice was really important I heard it from a number of people so it wasn't just Dr Campbell or school committee members it was a lot of people have said so thank you for taking that time because I know that's a lot of time um but my only question went to the metrics piece and that's already been asked so um thank you thank you for your work and I guess now it's what is the will of the committee it's an action item Mr Bano I would move to approve the plan as presented um incorporating Dr Sorenson's to suggested edits okay so I have a motion do I have a second second second M sha thank you I have a motion a second any questions on the motion okay we can't um vote using electronic school board so I will just start and I'm going to start with Miss Shaw yay perfect Sorry Miss Haywood yes Mr Morgan yes Mrs Jackson yes Mr bazo yes Dr senson yes and I vote yes that's unanimous so thank you so much for your work on this and we're really excited to see it take off very excited thank you for being here tonight too appreciate it thank you now we are our next is the masc resolution for transportation reform to prevent price gouging uh we have talked about uh last meeting and it actually works out really well that it goes right after the Strategic plan because it's strategic Focus number four and track number five so I think get you looking enough already you're welcome um just aligning with all of our goals but um so I don't know if the committee has any questions or suggestions since yep I do have a suggestion just with the word price gouging is there a way um Monopoly predatory pricing I like that demand B demand based pricing or surge pricing surge pricing I think is is technically like across the board what people use for that type of surge pricing is that is it surge pricing because that would I'm just thinking because that's like uber Uber and lift do surge pricing pricing and that's if something is needed at a you know there's a high level at the time that there's a lot of need for it um like a concert or yeah exactly so I guess we it works for that I don't know what the rest of the committee feels or predatory pricing predatory pricing might be hold on let's make sure we're following Robert's rues sorry or order um Mr Bano or Dr senson Who had there I heard I I asked for repeat of what uh VNA had said because I didn't hear her okay you I had trouble with gouging word as well okay I a question sort of sort of a generic question here u u I'll give you a sort of a metaphor when the when the um minimum age minimum pay went up in many many states a lot of the larger companies who would pay time and a half on Sundays for people to come to work on Sundays got rid of the time and a half because the minimum wage went up so this is a great resolution but I'm worried about what's going to happen here could if if if some board sets the rate and if they don't want to do it then we won't have any transportation y so I'm sort of concerned about where's where's the where's the balance here yeah it's a great question and I think when we were going about talk having the conversations it was if we if they create some sort of um like equation of sorts like this is what this is this is how much it cost to maintain your vehicle this this this I mean obvious this itself does not lay that out it gives it to professionals so hopefully figure that out but I I I I concur it could be a concern for sure we already have a problem enough anybody else M um just kind of a a St I would assume that in that in that situation where we would create that situation that you described Dr Soren and I would assume that at some point the state would have to step in and provide something at that point if if they're mandating that we transport students and there are no Transportation companies left willing to transport students we're going to put it at the ball back in their court and they're going to have to figure out how to transport the students true Miss awood I I would even um I would agree with Ashley I mean when you look at for instance um the situation with insurance like homeowners insurance where there are certain states where they've now relinquished they no longer um will provide say a flood or whichever and so unfortunately the federal government Andor the state had to jump in and and provide it Mrs Jackson and I I think that was when we tried to put that together that was our actually Our intention was to try and force the hand of the state to step in to try and um mitigate the pricing and to try and hand it off to like Massie and then have them push the legislators to come up with something so um I think in that way we were trying to like Propel it in that direction mhm anybody anybody else have any questions thoughts concerns if not I can take a motion or what the will of the committee is this is due by May 31st to the um Miss hawood have we chosen a name oh a you just if and you do it in your your um motion oh okay I didn't know if we've chosen as a Comm it sounded like predatory okay anybody have a motion Miss sha um I'll move to approve this um changing the language of price gouging to predatory pricing and submitting it for the masc yes thank you all right we have a motion in a second thank you Mr Bano we have a motion in a second any questions on the motion Mr Morgan um just to be aware that that P um price ging is in several areas of the most policy so you'd have to change it throughout we'll control F and we'll find it thank you though thank you all right any other additional questions Perfect all right we'll do a roll call again miss sha yes Mrs Haywood yes Mr Morgan yes Mrs Jackson yes Mr Bano yes Dr senson yes and I vote yes that's unanimous so we I will work with Mrs Jackson to get the two resolutions submitted and um we've already submitted the was it four three four resolutions that we were kind of starting up again for them so hopefully some of our motions or resolutions will make it to November so thank you all for your help with that and I will make sure to change that predatory piece and we'll also get that on to the other school district that's interested in maybe joining us can I ask one yes M Jackson are we submitting this with Carver did that make it on to that thing no not I haven't yeah hopefully okay we're just going toit it and hopefully come right along in the behind us hopefully um I haven't heard um I never heard from them either so I don't know I believe that the last time I spoke to Dr blazy that they have a meeting tomorrow and it's possible that that might happen but okay I haven't heard anything as of late okay because I just heard their chair was going to reach out to me and I haven't I haven't heard a word okay um but whatever we we moving it forward so thank you everybody all right our next one is is our student services update Mr Halen welcome all right well good evening everyone it's good to be back uh in front of you tonight and um I have a PowerPoint presentation that you may have taken a peek at and I I do apologize like I do most times I come in front of you that you know it's a 42 slide presentation but I I'm going to move through a lot of them relatively quickly um I will try to highlight you know the key points um that I would find to be important for you to know uh about what we're doing in student support services and I'll just kind of move right into it right now and look forward to any questions you may have uh you know as well so you know the student support department covers these different areas and I will go through the presentation uh you know somewhat in this order to to give you an update on the general en LED services that we have here in Plymouth uh the first area that I'm going to cover is the school counseling department and I always put this slide up because it's important to know that over the years and we continue to do this we focus on the three main domains of counseling um and it's the academic the social emotional piece as well as Workforce Readiness and college carea development and and everything we do really is aligned uh not only with what we want to do in plmouth but what the uh the state in the in the United States declare to be important for our school counselors and um we have a mission statement we try to follow that we talk about that um with our counselors and it's very important to look at some of the things that we do each year uh as you can see we have group and individual counseling sessions with kids we use Naviance in grades 6 through 12 uh We've followed a curriculum now for a number of years we've adapted it a bit um we make sure that the students are having annual review meetings with their counselors and um at the at the element levels the model is more um adjustment counselors and school psychologist so it's a little bit different um but we do provide a lot of programs as well uh to help parents and that's this next slide you're probably not going to be able to see everything um but we've updated our program to include a lot of virtual options for parents especially in the realm of financial aid which has helped a lot uh this year um to provide more options for families to know more about uh how to finance postsecondary education and other um pathway way that their children might have also just this slide I'm going to go briefly through this student support roles um you know my office oversees guidance and adjustment counselors but we also have school psychologists we have school nurses all play a vital role uh in the success of our kids and families this slide just gives you a general idea of some of the recommendations around case loads actually I spoke to Carolyn Reigns this morning because I didn't think that the school nurse one looked quite right and and it really isn't the rest of them are fine fine um because I know that our our staffing for School nurses is pretty good as well um but I I bring it up more for the the School site The Adjustment and the guidance counselors and this next slide kind of shows us a little bit more of what um I'm sorry this this slide actually shows us the um the Personnel in our schools uh who who we have at each school um I'm not going to go through line by line on this but it does include guidance adjustment School psych and also um our specialized program so we have adjustment counsels in our in our special ed CARE program as well uh this slide is the one that I'm referring to and it's it's a newer slide that I've come up with and I I've been looking at this data for years because we're always talking about you know the importance of Staffing and making sure that our buildings are appropriately staffed so this shows you the ratio that we have of student to student support roles in the buildings it doesn't include the School nurses it's the guidance adjustment and school PES and we're in pretty good shape so it's it's really what we do within those roles and make sure that um sort of the workflow is is the way we want it to be to support kids of course um yes go ahead please um it was just relevant to the slide so um is there um a look at getting an adjustment counselor into man Elementary School I just noticed that on the prior slide that was the only Elementary School we have that doesn't have an adjustment counselor currently on staff there is and we've we've had some discussions about that preliminarily uh it's something we've known for years we've talked to Dr FR about this I don't know uh how how soon we're going to be doing that necessarily but you're you're you're right on the money with that um observation and and so that would probably be the our next step okay perfect thank you thank you for asking that um this piece just describes to you some of the professional development that we've been doing this year with our school counselors some some of them are similar to years past some some of the newer pieces we've done the suicide prevention uh we've had mobile crisis come in uh and talk to not just the coun s but um the nurses as well and some other groups um we've also done some workshops that have focused on attendance this year uh and engaging families with that and we've done some work with with uh car Solace and the Nan project which I will describe a little more detail during the rest of the presentation I'm going to move to the attendance supervisor now uh Mr janowitz I try to put up the goals that we established uh each year and this these are his goals for this year that we come up with um you know in July or a August prior to the school year couple of focus points certainly professional development um Mr junz is very good at working with staff um and he's done a good job of that and supporting us that second one um we actually had a a different wording for it at the beginning of the year and then as we discovered what we were trying to do we we reshaped it kind of like the strategic planning piece a little bit um supporting thoughtful decisionmaking by providing a menu of options for students and families who are considering schooling outside of with Public Schools you know by the time the attendance supervisor is involved in a lot of these decisions especially at the high school level kids are thinking about leaving school and what we're trying to do we've always done this to some degree but what we're trying to do more of is just really slow it down for them and the families there are a lot of great options out there for kids it's it's not always Plum with Public Schools we want it to be we've usually tried every resource and and um trick that we can sort of think of to help them through the schooling process but we've tried to really slow it down get the schools involved d uh get Mr J involved and I think it's it's it's it's helped I think it's helped with our relationships with families um so those the pieces that I wanted to share with you about his goals this slide is interesting because he shared it with me and it just gives you an idea of what not only he has to deal with but the schools have to deal with in terms of attendance patterns throughout the year and if you took a calendar and I couldn't really do this I would have tried to do it and like M mapped it right against that slide you would notice that it's before the school vacation weeks it's Fridays and Mondays uh there are just Trends and patterns that we've seen over the years and this slide is kind of neat because it shows us that um and I think uh Mr Jay is trying to help with getting these things early and and and sort of detecting what the patterns are and then working with the schools to engage them more on uh trying to come up with ways to get kids in school some of the pieces that uh I've shown you in the past and I'll just touch on them quickly the number of referrals that he's had over 130 this year most of them for treny some residency verifications as well you can see the towns this year that we've been dealing with um I would say you know the the the C he works hard on getting kids and families really involved it brings the courts in um but he's established a good relationship with the courts and that's helping in a lot of these cases um he's helped us with some homeschool resolutions as well and uh that one on the right where it says chronic absenteeism students with 10% or more unexcused absences um for the district is down now to 6.9% from 10.4 in mid December I thought that was a good data point it's always nice to hear that because we're hearing so much about chronic attendance and it's very much a challenge but that was just good to see that so I thought I would share it with you uh and then this last slide is something we've been working on we we got a small Grant uh from the state excuse me and um the state is messaging around attendance the Department of Education is doing a strong campaign to message around student attendance and we decided to sort of mimic that and and using that money so this is something that we came up with with uh the help of EDTV you may see this around the schools next year a little bit um is going to be a k through1 focus at the beginning and but it's going to spread out to hopefully you know all of the schools uh you know just with the idea that we really want you in school um you know every student every day and so you got to sneak peek get that hopefully you like it as much as we do um I'm going to shift gears now to mckenny vinto and foster care so this slide just explains the law around mckenny vinto I know you folks have seen it um the the next slide shows the law around foster care and um the this slide actually describes the differences between the two because the laws are similar yet different and we pay attention to what it is we need to do which basically is is removing barriers for kids continuing their education uh to have it be stable um and we do a lot of work around that with DCF uh with the families uh making decisions to try to help kids um have some continuation of their services and um sometimes you think that would be an easy decision to make typically it's not and there's a lot of different reasons why kids May either want to move to where they're living or stay in the school where they're at it oftentimes gets a little complicated um I think we try to stay as focused on the kids uh in all these situations and what's best for them so um this slide that I'm going to share with you now and it's interesting that um the resolution you kind of looked at tonight is it does it hit home with me a little bit because we are you know we're definitely seeing price increases this slide just shows you the number of students we have over the years and I tried to keep that last year in 201819 in because that was one of the higher years as well for not just mcken vento but also foster care students and the number that you see on the right hand side there the transportation cost that's that's as of April 30th so we're actually projected out and Dr blazel knows we're we're we're looking at a higher cost um you know towards the end of this year probably will will be the highest we've had um since I've been in the role and I do think that's reflective of of um you know the numbers of students but I also think that it's it's reflective of the price increases for sure uh so you know it's always interesting to look at that and and our cost Shares are up for a lot of reasons as well um and those um we are transport ing students to a number of places that are a little further than we're used to uh some schools in in Boston um schools in just places that are probably good you know an hour an hour and 15 minutes away those those roots cost more uh shifting over to English language education and I'm not going to do all the acronyms that I tend to do every year it's okay there's enough of them um but the one that we're seeing a lot uh lately about is is is the MLL the multil linguage learner which you know I think is wonderful it is more of an asset based approach when speaking of kids I'm not a big fan of labels I'm I'm sure you're not either but we do you know use a lot of them um sort of in in education just to really do the best job of servicing kids so I think it's good to just see the difference between MLL and elel um and I may use them not necessarily interchangeably but I'll probably use them both because our English Learners are the students in our classrooms who are receiving the services from the ESL teachers and that that would be to me to be the biggest difference where the multilanguage learner they are they are multil language Learners as well uh and we have students you know who may also sort of meet that uh definition so I just thought I'd share that with you tonight this is um you know the slide that I show every year and I've kept it 2006 just like I I'll probably always keep that back there just because the numbers were so small back then um but this is where we're at I know it's hard to see but we're up up 4:15 um the numbers may look a little bit bigger this year it's because I've just included opt outs um and kindergarten is in it's it I used to just put the PE students on who were receiving services this includes um basically all ours so that's the the trend that we're looking at digging a little deeper into that as I mentioned so that included the opt outs um it doesn't include former English learners but we're you know that's always the goal is to have our students move uh you know into enough English language acquisition skills so they're moving away from the service and then you can see the home communication language you know Portuguese is is our our number one language but we do have a number of other languages as well and I thought I'd show you the last five years the the top um you know four or five languages and our access scores so these are the 2023 access scores um the 2024 access scores are out we have them but that they're not in this format yet and this is the slide that kind of helps us learn a little bit more about how we're doing as a district so I thought I would share it and it ties into some of the information I'm going to share with you in terms of you know our growth and how we're doing with English Learners I'm not going to get in the weaves on this slide right now I'm going to keep moving for time's sake but we can come back to it if you have any questions um this tells us the progress we're making and it's hard for me to see but I know that we um we were about 60% progress um and I think in 201819 and then we started to dip a little bit um we're at about 40% right now uh which is still a couple of percentage points ahead of the state which is good news um but it's not where we were before and you know I could talk about reasons why that's the case I think there are a lot of good reasons why um but I also think we have to pay attention to it and make sure that we're you know doing the best job we can moving forward so uh having said that we as you know we're part of the tiered Focus monitoring um for the state and they did that for special LED civil rights in English language education the results for English language education come out so um out of the 12 criteria that they looked at we were fully fully implemented 10 of them and the two that they looked at and said we need to do a better job on I'm going to describe to you now it's it was the program placement and structure and then lure requirements so this slide is important to look at the first paragraph is the first um is the first criteria really there's three aspects to that um they're looking for us to improve our English learner scores basically to improve our acquisition skills and and to see that those percentages are going to go up um they want us to do that um through our program and and by hiring um more ESL teachers they made that recommendation and I when we've we've had that discussion I mean we've gone from three ESL teachers years ago to now 12 and we've done that pretty rapidly in the last four or five years we've really increased having said that um they're they're recommending more um and then looking for us to update and modernize our our ESL curriculum um which we will do and so I and I I think part of their recommendation um of more ESL teachers also reflects a change in the way ESL instruction is is being delivered to some degree I think you know there's much more of a focus on uh classroom model um less pull out of of of those students certainly when necessary um so it's the whole school approach it's the classroom teacher certainly involves the ESL teacher um but there's just a different delivery approach um that we're looking to shift towards then the second piece is our SE endorsement data which we just have to do a better job of having our teachers who have English Learners in the classroom become endorsed we we run about 85% every year so it's not a terrible number but there's 15 to 20% of those teachers who are supposed to go and take the course the full endorsement course and get endorsed and they don't and so we're going to have to make sure that we do a better job of um not just encouraging them to but kind of sort of mandating that they do this we are currently putting a plan together for that I've actually sent one draft out to the state they came back with some recommendations so we're going to really get um you know sort of sequential with what we're going to do and uh hopefully in the next year to 18 months get it done and and just do a good job with it so um I guess I I would say that I'm pretty pleased about the results like honestly I think um we've had a lot of growth we've had a lot of change and so they picked out areas that you know we knew we' need to do better on so it's a good thing these are our our staff members um or the English language education department 12 um you might recognize a few new names certainly uh you know new schools Indian Indian Brook's the only Elementary School now that doesn't have an ESL teacher um and you know if we had a student who who was at Indian Brook we would we would probably offer them that service at man met that was our discussion like with a bus route hasn't happened yet um and we'll have to be talking about sort of what the next steps look like for us in terms of ESL Staffing some of the professional development that we've done uh this year it's been a lot we've had a lot of focus um with the ESL teachers with the classroom teachers too uh and administrators um Dr Rogers has really helped us with u identifying a great uh group confianza that we've been doing a lot of work with this year doing you know learning walks and visits at the schools um we've also worked with the uh Lisa white has helped us work with the um English Department and the elementary ESL teachers on some work and we've done a lot of work with just our ESL teachers in general I always feel like it's we need more time you know uh and but we will definitely have a a focus uh next year on a lot of these things you're seeing and we're going to have to put in place the pieces to uh the report that I mentioned as well the lpac uh we have our next meeting on J January June 10th um be our second meeting of the year we we wanted you know we'll probably do at least meetings a year maybe more if we can get things rolling a little bit more with the parents we've gotten good feedback from the parents and the group has grown uh over the years so we're we're happy about that and it's a lot of fun talking to the parents about what they want to see in the district um just some of the things that we've done that you know I think you're aware of the increase in the numbers but the shift that we were able to make with um the transportation costs has helped us um with Staffing we've also seen you know some money coming from the state um due to the emergency shelter system where we've utilized that money for ESL teachers as well um you know we have Mari Costa in the district who really helps us a lot and then we've hired Paris as well and um we've got the ESL teachers coming in for some summer work and we also have the student summer programming as well that we've been doing for years now the tutoring uh I you you know the process so it's probably more important to show you just the data around it 94% of the tutoring we do is for medical health most of it's Mental Health um these numbers are not too drastically different from prior years you know across the schools um just looking at the clock let me just keep moving here for you folks home education plans um this is the data for this year 166 plans that's the breakdown U by level and then this is the slide that shows you where we are right now the big blip was the um Co year and we're in the middle now from where we were prior to that if that makes sense to everyone see we're read about the 150 160 Mark the last few years okay I'm going to keep moving um increasing access to behavioral health and mental health services so we do have gnal and higho in the district we have gazol on a contract and we have anou with high point gnol is our main supplier um for the schools there are challenges around clinicians um that there's been more stability this year with their staff so I threw a slide up on gnal these are the number of students that are being serviced currently across the school okay I'm going to go quickly you can just take a peek at that doesn't seem like a lot of students but it is and it isn't the reason it's not a lot is because if you see that's the breakdown of the days that we have it's not it's not a lot of time we only have the clinicians for you know a day or a half a day and so they they can only take so many students and but that slide also uh tells us that we're using using them fully this year which is a good thing because when the Staffing problems we're not always using them utilizing them fully this year has been a better year in that regard this is both gald and High Point these are the numbers not you just want to see them you know by school um the three High Point counselors they just hired one a week or so ago so um that they've really only had two um but the gsol folks have been have been good this year and then I'm just going to jump to car Solace I know you're all familiar with car Solace so I thought I'd throw this slide up um I like the aspect of how it it complements our mtss model because it does um we're we're doing a lot with car solace in terms of referrals and the uh the counselors are using them we get a dashboard that helps us track the data I look at it often these are some of the key indicators of of the usage and so I'm not going to go through all of it but it's getting good use I have meetings with the representative there every month and she tells us that you know plymouth's doing a really good job I I think it's great I know we have the new behavioral health line in the State uh but I will advocate for this service um for as long as we can keep it I think it's worth it and um the counselors really enjoy it as well as some of the other folks who work in the schools more slide here on AP I put this up just about every year and like if you look at it now you might think well the numbers are going down I don't necessarily see it that way um I I think you have to look at the enrollment data at the schools and the fact that we really push for years and we sort of plateaued out this slide just tells me that we have a lot of great advanced opport opportunities for kids and our kids generally do pretty well um on the scores themselves so even if it dips a little since our high peaks and and those were years where we had more kids in the high schools this these numbers are still pretty pretty something to be pretty proud of in Plymouth um new and exciting so what would I say yeah we we've been using Aspen more um for the teachers for the ESL teachers and for the kids so we have English learner success plans in Aspen now for those students but we're talking about the growth percentile will'll be rolling that out fully next year to really like Benchmark what they need to do in the different domains what the students need to do and what the teachers need to do to help them get there um with the Nan project it's important for me to mention this because I know you know we went away from preventure and um I really feel good about the Nan project it's a seventh grade tier one intervention for all kids in the health project the health classes who get a piece of information from folks from the N project on Mental Health um but they get stories from young adults it it's as the the people at the Strategic plan were talking about mentoring a little bit I I I thought this isn't mentoring but what it does is it gives kids a piece of um someone's life story and what they've had to come overcome to sort of meet the challenge and these are all success stories um both Brian Paladino and Joe Murphy have have said they've been very impressed with the program I've been in the classrooms to to observe them I think it's really good I hope we can stick with it um I just wanted to share that with you folks we're coming up with new medical and Behavioral Health Emergency Response plans as well and I'm actually very excited about the new strategic plan I took a look at it there's a lot of great um stuff in there that has to do with the work that we're doing in student support services so I know it's going to be a busy three years um but it's all you know stuff that I look forward to uh accomplishing together with people um one more these folks I just want to recognize I think you folks have heard about the um the fasta issues this year and it you know it's it's affected things at at the school level and the scholarship level um guidance department and it it stresses people out but like I really have to say people have risen to the occasion on this one in terms of like getting the information to the scholarship committee so that everything could be processed Fair as fair in a fair Equitable way as possible um the department heads at the high schools Kristen and Sher just doing a really good job of getting information out uh to the high school parents about the FASA and what the problems were like it's something we could solve but the information was there to to get out to the folks I thought it was really good Matt carpenito um he's in charge of the the English Learners uh he's a department head and and he just spent like countless hours with me and the ESL teachers working on the audit and I just want to thank him and he's just wonderful he works with the staff he does a lot of PD and he's a pleasure to work with and Ben janula it's also um I think he's just really establishing new relationships with people in his role um and you know spreading information on how to try to get our our students into school uh as much as humanly possible so I'm grateful for the people that I get to work with um I appreciate the support of the administration and the school committee in a lot of these um you know programs and and things that we're trying to do for kids and families and and I I I I know uh how important it is to you folks I'm sorry for going over my time you are fine but I'm happy to take questions or or comments or anybody have any questions Dr sson I just saw you moving forward I I saw it it always amazes me Dr Halper and what comes across your desk the presentation tell shows us a lot of that I want to ask a couple of sort of specific questions I was you know the your comment about uh unexcused absences around the holidays uh you didn't say it and I was wondering if that has the component to that is families taking kids out of school to go to Disney World or some vacation just before the holiday well so I don't mind talking about that and you you might talk to I think we need I'm we need to talk about that because we these families need to know that's an unexcused absence I agree with you okay I I do I agree and I think like you know the talk to the building administrators and it's it's frustrating um when that happens you know because there's work to be made up there's time lost um and and I think it that's probably one area that I think people really try to make it important to the fam that they understand that I I I think you know from my experience in in the district like that can be a problem but the bigger issue is engaging families who don't who don't want to be in school and some of those families their kids for some reason may not want to be in school but to me it's the families that like for some reason we're trying to engage them and they're not they're not as engaged as we'd like them to be and and those I think are the hardest you know yeah families to to make the connections with and and and I that's I totally agree with you and there's there's definitely aspects of that that we see all the time and and my other question my other question U is the U almost almost a half a million dollars to transport 34 students right from that slide did I read that correctly I did I did I you there's no the 34 is those are just the cost shares um we we are of of the 82 um mckin vinto students there are probably a third to a half of those we're transporting and then it also included the foster care students on that slide so it wasn't it was the cost Shares are are a pretty uh the cost shares probably represent about 140,000 of that if I have to it's not that's not maybe exact but it's pretty close so it's the it's it's mckenny vento it's foster care and it's the cost shares we're the we're about the 17th largest District in the Commonwealth so that means there are 16 districts larger than us who um they're paying the same amount of money to transport these kids yes there are districts that this is going to break this system is going to break somewhere 100% yeah I mean like I I couldn't agree with you more I I don't know we we've been proactive in Plymouth to um create a budget line to account for this and we've we've noticed it over the years and we've always looked at that higher number to to make sure there's sort of a buffer there but I mean I agree with you I think we have to budget it as much as we can it's our responsibility to get these kids into school so we do that and um I don't know I I that's why I thought the The Mask resolution I understand the impetus behind it I also understand the concerns around it I I don't know what the answer is um I there's probably not an easy answer to this um but there has to be awareness around it because if you you if you saw the the quotes that come in and and the the amount of money that would be charged you know per route for a day you You' just be it would shock you and so some of the terminology I wasn't surprised to see was used in that yeah what what shocks me is where where writing a resolution where are the other 16 districts that are bigger than us yeah well and I just I'll come back around to um I work collaborating with a lot of districts and there there are some excellent districts out there I do think think that in Plymouth we the people I'm working with it's it's students first and that like it's why everyone got into education I I'll say it till the day I I I stop you know working in education it's students first and you're absolutely right about the money and the budget it's a huge issue and at the right level that should definitely be addressed and then what do we do though every day we we we try to make sure that the kids are in school and we're doing the best we can to educate them and there's a lot of there's enough challenges around that as you're all well aware of so we have there it's a lot and I'm glad the school committee sees um these factors that are extremely important for us to to look at thank you Mrs Jackson um I also had a couple questions um when it comes to um absenteeism other than the Disneyland and things like that are there trends that we're seeing is this like a postco like people don't take school as seriously as they did preco or I think so I think it's a great question I think we've um there was there was some um we're still feeling that to some degree um Co was an interesting phenomenon for everyone and I I think it it it made people feel a little bit more LAX about in-person oh yeah um engagement I think you know it schooling became uh a different priority in certain ways to different people and so I it it's definitely we have been trying to say that Hey look it's we're back we're in person um and and there's a little bit of a push back to that to some degree and I also think that there are people who legitimately have have a hard time for whatever reason it may be with the imperson piece and we we we it's it's our job to help them with that like um I think you know there's a place for virtual education there's a place for meetings on the computer and it can work great but we still are a school district that works with people you know face to face day and day out in the classroom so we our job is to make sure that they I think to that they understand that and that but you're like we're dealing with that where it's it's I do believe that that's real for us still it's not as bad as it was but we're still kind of coming out of it I don't know you know how long it takes to kind of even before it it was we had problems with it before the pandemic and it's just exacerbated it yeah um when you're talking about um the changing of the elll curriculum and um hiring more staff do you have like an idea of what you'd like to see going forward or what you anticipate do um I I I've I've shared in the past um the the numbers across the district and the um projections and where we're at with teachers and I I I talked to you know my colleagues about about that so we we have I think an idea moving forward what the next step might be and I I we're really bless you we're really looking at you know like sort of one at a time I I don't funding still a concern you know you know it's a concern so um yes we definitely looked at that um and then the curriculum yeah it's it's not like it was years ago when we did curriculum I back in between 2014 and 16 it was Maria Silva was here we wrote a curriculum we wrote like K through four K through 2 3 through five then we did 6 through eight in the high school and it was like a pullout ESL curriculum that's what it was and it's just it's old it's outdated the curriculum we going to have to come up with now is going to be an integrated model that's going to show us you know what classroom teachers um might do a little bit and also like what it's going to be the ESL teacher but it's going to be less pull out more push in and it's going to expand on like the content standards um that kids should get in their classroom every day know with the the standards in the four domains it's a little bit more complicated than what we were doing years ago and we'll we'll start that process and and pro it'll you know we'll probably take a couple years to to really get it yeah we want it and then my last question is around the mental health piece and the providers that we have at the schools in person um I know you're saying we're fully utilizing people do you see that there are people that are struggling and waiting for supports in a lot of these schools or um do you you think that we're at a place where we have things I do I think there are schools that that probably would would ask us for more if we had more would give them more and that's why like even that the high point like I've been tapping them on the shoulder as much as possible and that's why we just had a new high so if we if we could get more we would um we would do that and we would identify the schools that need it the most because you're right there is there you know there is still a waiting list I I think having K Solis you know there as as another piece is another way to still go about that um but I you know you're right there's it's not it's not easy necessarily to get someone into mental health counseling if they need it I think we I think as a public school district we have a pretty good like um resource pool to do that um but no it's not it's not perfect thank you Mrs awood yes um thank you again for your thorough presentation I do have a couple of questions um one just regarding the access for e um uh numbers so I saw that there was the dip existed I guess during Co um and then um we had this increase from like 175 to 415 which is almost a 2 and a half percent or two and a half times um increase um you said there were some reasons for that in terms of us not going back to our numbers what are those or can you identify some of those okay um yes I I believe that um there was Co there was some learning loss there for sure because you can see it just did I think too that we've had such growth in those in that time period the numbers of Els that we've had um I think a lot of those students um came in as beginners um and I you know you could make one argument that you know it might be easier to get a beginner up to a certain level it it depends on where they're at um and I just a study today that came out from weeda that K1 and two beginners lagged in scores across the country um I so I think it was the growth of the number of Els in a short period of time the Staffing changes that you know we've had and and I'm it's it doesn't have anything to do with what the staff is doing it's just the change and the growth so I think like we've been a a moving Target for that and so it's affected you know how the kids and I and I the classroom teachers you know we've we're doing this in different schools now in New schools um that um you know uh it's taken years at some of our schools um to be able to provide them with the professional they need to feel that they are confident enough to support kids well um and so there's a lot of that's those are the things I left out but that's what I would say yeah kind of echoing up just piggybacking on that I think in years past we saw sort of a predictability of our English Learners who were multi- language Learners that were coming into the district District um in recent years again this is only anecdotal but I think we see a lot of students that have had disrupted education on top of it on top of Co which has really impacted not only their um their education in general in terms of access to education before coming to us so we've seen a combination of that yeah makes sense I guess in terms of even their migration whether it be from their country and or with in the state yeah so there is quite A disruption for sure um and and thank you for pointing out even some of the numbers in terms of this expanding bridging and reading a reaching piece um and some of the deficits um there I am going to ask you just another question just in terms of the provider shortages um with mental health um is there any way so I know that we've Incorporated in the past I don't know five or six years or so disincorporation of the um in terms of identification or some sort of coping um uh mechanisms it are there any best practices from other districts on how to fill those gaps and I um I go to a lot of professional development around social emotional learning and and mental health supports in the schools and there's there's a lot of newer research on what should be done and how to you know a lot of schools have a lot of different ways of doing things for that um I my belief is that we somehow have to integrate it into our our daily practice uh it has to be you know and I'm not saying we're changing the curriculum like I kids need to learn in my opinion you know they need to learn how to read and write and math it's all very important I've seen some where they talk about the um mental health literacy like incorporating that within students but you were yeah I mean that just the the example I gave you as seventh grader is like I think when we can when we can bring in um you know different aspects of mental health uh whether it's through the health curriculum whether it's the way I just described raising awareness um that is very important and I I um different school districts have a lot of different ways I don't know that there's a model out there that I would necessarily follow I matter of fact some of the models that I've seen I don't necessarily agree with the way they do it um that that's just my professional opinion I believe that um school counselors School psychologists adjustment counselors are educational counselors some School departments and you could you could someone could sit here in front of you and talk for the next hour about why those people should be mental health counselors in the district and they would put on a very compelling argument I don't agree with it it's why I think it's important that we have Community Resources Bridging the Gap I think we utilize our school counselors as professionals who can provide social emotional support for their students in an educational setting I that's the way I will approach it um I think it helps them do their job professionally and well um but you you literally could and I I would tell you that there would be a school districts across the state who would disagree with what I'm saying you um and and and and provide a very compelling argument for a different model altogether that um I I would I would not be encouraged to try thank you anybody El oh Mr Pano yep uh one comment and two questions um one thank you for the great uh presentation just wanted to uh say that I think we're really lucky to have you in uh this role it's such a you play such a vital you know role in supporting our students particularly the more vulnerable um you know populations um I think you've earned our continued uh support in this Ro so thank you for everything you're doing thank you two uh two questions um one one I appreciate you walking us through the uh um areas for improvement identified by the uh by the state regarding the license the SE um endorsement for the licensure are we as as a district providing uh opportunities to those folks to get those there not taking advantage of it or is there more that we're planning or trying to do to make we we we have definitely provided a lot of opportunities around that we have and we will be uh providing even more intentional opportunities which we've also provided some very intentional opportunities and we we will definitely be engaged in that yes good that answers that good um on you obviously we're have we have plenty of uh Staffing challenges we focus a lot on uh teachers and stuff but are you are you having difficulties on the like the counseling and uh psychologist side with filling positions with quality people so um we to there's there's probably a shortage of school psychologists that's that's the hardest position right now I think in the area that we're discussing tonight to fail um it's it's not as easy as it used to be to find guidance and adjustment councils either um however we're in a pretty good place and I actually think recently in this current hiring cycle even for school cyes we have we might be okay and and I know you know we've looked at that model a little bit and how we could potentially use utilize people to test a little bit um but to answer your question right now in the Staffing where I am it's it's it's it's okay we're probably good on we're probably not having the turnover so you're not probably having there's not there's not a lot of turnover and the and the small turnover that we had uh we've been able to fill uh with with qualified people and as we discussed earlier we we kind of have an idea of what maybe the next step would be um you know for school counsels and what school that would look like appreciate it thank you very much anybody else have additional questions I just have a couple some most have been answered already so I just G want to follow up on Mr Pano's question about the the training is is does it have to be like contractual is that something that we need to get to this this training is actually like it's a state course it's the SE course there are vendors that are approved that can do it yes um it's it's a semester class yes um and we have enough connections with folks that we can we can provide it um and we will do that but there's also a lot of opportunities now to do it virtually yeah and those um those courses are shot out relatively frequently Dr Rogers sends them out uh to all staff will become more intentional um we actually get the lists every year of the teachers that need it and and we we have we'll have a plan in place to make sure that letters are being sent meetings are happening and the state came up with this in 2016 right and they the initial cohort that had to do this they required lure back then yes it was the state was the was the person or the people who were making sure that the LIC license are happened yes remember that after a couple of years they they they backed off on that now the schools have to be the people to do this but we don't really have a lot of teeth we have some teeth with this if that makes sense um and we're going to but it still is up to the educator to do this and it's a requirement for their certification so we will be the one sharing that happy news and and just making sure that we give them enough opportunity to do this okay thank you and my other question goes to your the home school numbers and this is probably like something it's just a projection so you see that the numbers they've like peaked obviously right around Co and they've come down but they look like they're going to like maybe they're evening out they're going up a little B do we see it the trend going back to pre-co numbers or we think we're kind of stuck there I think we're like in the middle I like that's the way I described it like I think we're between where we were calm down yes and you know the lower end or or the average was about 100 let's just say and then we went up to the 225 I think we're going to be in that 150 to 170 range for a while I just I think there people who who it was new to them y uh it it was a new way to to to work with their kids and um they just decided that this is what the way they want to do it and and that's that's why the numbers are the way they are I I I would you never know like it may it may come take a few years and come back I don't know for sure but it seems like it's it's it's in that in between and that's a trend for the rest of the state too our numbers aren't I'm not 100% sure on that I don't I I haven't been able to look at like homeschooling numbers across the state I it's it's hard to find it's all done by school district and it just like if I maybe someday when I have more time when you have all that time on your hands I know thank you so much and thank you for the thorough presentation don't worry about taking too much time it's really important material that we only get to hear once a year I mean obviously we get updates but I really do appreciate all your time I'll try to cut a few slides out no no need I'm sure you'll have extras to add we appreciate it thank you than all right the next one we have is policy um section [Music] did I go to the wrong one no it it something's going on this wasn't before and then it's appeared you're you're seeing it twice you're seeing double yeah okay I'm just making sure I wasn't policy policy section I uh Dr Rogers yep so um policy section I which is instruction it's been up for a while we meant I meant to move it on onto an action item last meeting and forgot to hit that button so it is up for an action item tonight we were hoping to get Jay on as an info item but we didn't get the edits in time so it'll be for next time um so section I is an action item um we captured all the edits from the last time Michelle umk you got all your commas in um and so this is an action item for the committee tonight did miss cwood or Dr senson do you have anything to add from the committee perspective nope no any yes Mr Morgan sorry sorry I I just want to say I just in the health education piece just because of a prior conversation that we had um regarding the exemption um area I know that there was going to be um notification sent at the beginning of the school year but then there was a conversation that we had probably a couple of months ago regarding the second piece where just before this is being presented would that be more of process and not necessarily need to yeah so that's going to go in the handbook okay so we were going to do sort of a global overall sex education sign off for parents with the handbook but then be more explicit um the health teachers were going to be more explicit like as the units come up to make sure that the parents know what is explicitly in that unit um so there was a parent who was here Michelle Ireland a month or so ago so Jenna senson and I actually had an opportunity to meet with her she had some great suggestions um so those will be in the handbook I think we're voting on the handbook maybe June 17th or maybe the week maybe before that so those edits will be in the handbook okay great so it's a little more detailed great thank you Mr Morgan um so this is going to be a paly a paly handbook seems like it's more of a statement than anything else the whole section um with this this academic freem freedom right that's the am I looking at the right thing the first page first page first page okay yes it's a recommendation from masc okay anybody else Mr Pano see your hand up yeah iall what this originally was put up like early April I call this one of the ones that we had the CPAC members had a lot of uh feedback and input on did all that get Incorporated I don't know you not yep so we've had members of the CPAC at the last couple of meetings was at the last one and then Christine has been at the last yes yeah few yeah all right anybody else is nodding so I'm good anything else I have a couple tiny things that I probably should have sent to you but I just didn't get around to it so I apologize the a policy ID it says it refers to the committee instead of school committee which isn't a problem but I know in everywhere else it's referred to as the school committee um and then I a m r um my question is and I know we've kind of just talked about this the health piece and I know that Dr Campbell and I had a conversation with the parent a while back about uh about in the policy it says you can only be except for certain parts of it but I know we've had we have parents who are interested in exempting from the entirety of it should we put a line in there that says something along the lines of you cannot be exempt from the entirety of the um I don't know if that's possible but I know that was a concern for some parents who wanted to exempt um at one of the coffees we had a conversation with yeah so it goes back to vna's handbook question so you can exempt from from the entire from parts or for the okay we can entirety okay I didn't know okay sorry y we would rather parents not opt out like just a big blanket statement so that they know what they're exactly opting out for so that was one of the things we talked to Michelle about is being more explicit when the units are coming up okay um and using the templates that are in the curriculum to say we're going to talk about um substance abuse and then these are specifically what we're going to talk about okay um and including and being more I think intentional around laying out the material for parents so they know what they're saying okay okay now I understand sorry um and then um the same thing for ihb referred to the committee and not the school committee um and then the let's see if I can remember with this one okay so then IH hbaa it says when a parent Guardian requests an observation of a special need student or program the special education director or design will seek approval from the director of special education and the building principal before it is p before it is pro processed if the special education director is the one doing it then they need approval from themselves I see you're saying that looks a little redundant yeah that was just can you remind me of the letters again I HB a a a oh God it I just read it but it's it's confusing just because it says the special education director and the next line is the director of special education so I thought about it for a little bit and I was like are they two different are they two different people um but yeah so that's just a confusing um piece on that um then i j o a a which is I think the last one is it the last one I J it seemed really very random there were words at the end that didn't seem to going to find it um sorry I should have brought this up um o a um I think it's a Fiel trip one okay uh and then page 20 or3 it says the swamp boats are exempt whatever and then you go on to the page three it says tournaments that have overnight Deca marching band since and then it like it's just like three listed things it just seemed like on an island of itself and maybe I just wasn't reading it properly so we had a lot of dialogue on field trips and the different um I guess and we had a couple of principles join us for these meetings so and I didn't realize there were so many nuances to the field trip so I believe what you're referencing it'll take me a minute to get there was there were certain circumstances where students don't always know like that they're going to go so in other words you don't necessarily know that you're going to qualify until Friday night at 8:00 that you then have to wrestle on Sunday yes so there was a provision put in that allows for a little bit of flexibility for when those kinds of situations happen so that makes sense so then that makes sense it now makes it make more sense but I think maybe we should flip it so where we have sense participation either Athletics or academic competition may not allow for time needed then maybe what we do is put that above the list of tournaments deck and marching band because it it you go right into the three examples but there's no reason as to why the three examples are there so I think if we flip those two paragraphs yep um we're in better shape there um at least in my perspective and then one really tiny stupid one but i j n DB website is one word throughout except in one place it's two words sorry I appreciate you but those are my thoughts perfect thank you so I'm happy to make those edits and bring it back the next time it'd be great I think if everyone else is okay with that thank you all right now we will move on to our next agenda item which is superintendent report Dr Campbell thank you Miss Badger uh just a few things to report this evening's uh first we had our last coffee and conversations on May 13th an opportunity to do a meet and greet with our incoming special ed director Christine Smith very great attendance and and great discussion uh a lot of um just good conversation I think and uh really looking forward to working uh with Chris when she comes officially in July 1 uh speaking of administrative positions um and these updates went out happy to announce uh two new administrative uh PRP principal appointments so at Nathaniel Morton Chrissy Chase be assuming the role of principal effective July 1 um and at Cold Spring Elementary Stephanie van winkl will be the Principal as well both are very excited um both um just tremendous uh feedback and support from both communities um received a lot of emails and I think people were very appreciative of the process and um gave really not just I want Mr Chase for principal or Miss fan Winkle but just very specific feedback regarding uh not only the form that they took place in but just what the individual has contributed to them as a leader in their building already um and and how they see them supporting not only their their own child but the school in general the same with the staff so it was really very excited for them and welcome them to our administrative team um and we'll be sure to invite them to school committee before the end of the year either the next meeting or the meeting thereafter so we can greet them collectively um busy time in the high schools academic convocations are next week so Wednesday the 29th uh if you're available 700 pm at sou high school and the following day Thursday May 30th at 6:30 at North High School so it's 7 on the 29th at South and 6:30 Thursday the 30th at North and then graduation this year I can't believe we're less than two weeks from graduation Saturday June 1st we'll have graduation starting at South High School better it's going to be 69° and sunny according to the Weather Channel right now we're going to go with that can't have another winter will that that's perfect not too hot partly partly sunny um so not like last year oh my gosh uh South High School is is the first graduation this year um it will officially go off I believe at 9:30 but at 8:30 we'll have breakfast at the at the cafe at the culinary which is wonderful so welcome you all to be there um and then we'll get in our cars and head over to North and have lunch before the 1 1M start for North High School so be here before we know it that's all I have this evening thank you our next one we have is retirement I didn't know if there was actually retirement Mr JY perect y we do have one retirement to share with you this evening uh Cynthia kums who has been at West Elementary School for the past nine years she'll stay on with us till the end of the school year uh she was a par professional supporting our special education students Mr B yep on behalf of the district and the commity I like to thank Miss G for her nine years of service to the district thank you all right I know we don't have a Master Plan update right Bob no we're um I just got a notification last week that we do have a meeting scheduled next week and then we have a public form scheduled in June so it's kind of King back off again thank you Mr Morgan uh committee report does anybody have anything they would like to share Mrs Jackson um I had PDC um uh there it was a long I mean there was a lot there so I'll just go through very quickly um they had a conversation about the car crash rooll clay at South um and talked about uh the fact that they sent out a prom letter uh signed by the da the chief of police and the schools um South already had their prom but North is this weekend so um they also talked about the photo voice project which was held at pcis and incorporated into the art show um and it was around mental health and substance of use and I was able to go to the art show and I thought it they there was a f they did a fantastic job all the students um they circled back with the Zin training which I think I mentioned last time just to see um if he had some luck with that and I know Al gonin put stuff up um in all of their laundry rooms which I guess is where where a lot of the kids seem to congregate um the health and safety fair was also mentioned um May from High Point had a table there and spoke to over a 100 people Plymouth cope gave out 150 doses of Naran to the community um yeah they talked about maybe um how to up the um enrollment for the early childhood education piece and so that was that was a long discussion there um they also asked about any con connections with the local dispensaries I think they wanted to do some education around that as well um the the one thing that came up that we were talking about um you know we talked a lot about saying like teaching your kids how to say no but one of the things that they brought up that I thought was a very impactful discussion was how you model that at home and how by coming in after work and having a glass of wine or something like that you're modeling for your children the same thing that you're telling them not to do and I thought that was a very impactful part of the conversation so um we also talked about virtual training nights uh there was a youth mental health night um first aid training that Hyo was doing and um the promise campaign for the prom and bamsey pride is June 30th um yeah just a lot there it was a really it was a really great really great thing and uh I want to say thank you to kyosha for taking it over because now that we don't have Kelly she did a fantastic job taking it over that's awesome thank you anybody else have report anything they'd like to share I'd just like to say thank you for putting that coffee and conversation together I think it was really I know Mr Pisano and I attended um I think it seemed like great conversation it was a nice opportunity I think for families to be able to meet um meet her and before she starts and to get kind of a acclimated as to kind of what what the district is looking for and what our parents are looking for so I thought that was a really great um opportunity for her to interact um and then uh attended the senior showcase which I always enjoy uh and just the the cool um things that the students do and that they want to do and you know some of them are like we're going to I'm going to take this facilities and I'm going to this is what I'm going to do and then others are like no I don't really know if I'm going to use that but you know you think about all the money they're going to save over the time in their life when they can actually they have a skill that they can build something at their house I I just pay people to do that you know good for them um you know and so it was interesting the number of students I talked to who are going to college or who were going into the field and uh some who still just weren't really sure what they were going to do but I mean that's part of life right so had some really great conversations there um and then had an opportunity to go to the Nurses Day celebration on Wednesday uh felt like last week but I think it was two weeks ago maybe um and they got resolutions from uh Senator Moran which was really nice and um Carolyn did a really nice job with you know get them t-shirts and um made these cute bookmarks for each of them with their picture on it and just some kind of informational updates for you know get people to come to the nurse's office which I thought was really nice uh but it was really well done and and um and thank you for the invitation to be able to be a part of it so that's it that's it for me right if nobody else has anything else um we've got pouth building report Mr Bano yep couple of uh updates one on our School uh roof projects at West Ro furnace and Indian Brook we discussed plans to finish those roof projects this summer probably the most substant substantive thing we did was approve uh giving Mr derky um the latitude um to spend the additional funds he needs in order to get the contractors to do the additional work of raising the units and and any necessary repairs that he might find along the way we do not want have him to be in a situation where um you know they find find some emergency repair and he's having to come to the committee for approval so we basically gave him a not to exceed limit which should more than cover the uh uh the work so that work will start right as soon as uh school ends um so hopefully things go smoothly this this summer um on just on the fire station side um the West fire station is uh wrapping up they finally removed that old trailer for anybody it's been um that drives it's driven by there any time the past a couple years so now that it's gone they can work on landscaping that's really the only thing left to do so they expect to be 100% complete by the end of the month and work down in uh man amend is continuing well on schedule no issues to report so a thank you for the update um and then we have Personnel reports Mr Trophy yes uh recently we approved one parental leave uh we had four medical leaves and then we also accepted one resignation awesome thank you and then does anybody have anything for unfinished or new business they would like to bring up no all right moving on a consent agenda does anybody have anything they need removed from the consent agenda no okay if no if no one has anything that needs to be removed I could take a motion Mrs Jackson I move to approve the consent agenda think you have a motion do I have a second second thank you Dr senson motion and second any questions on the motion none we will start vote Miss Shaw yay Miss Mrs Haywood yes Mr Morgan yes Mrs Jackson yes Mr Pano yes Dr senson yes and I vote Yes so that is unanimous all right that brings us to the end of our meeting before we end it I didn't know if I know you've newly elected but if there's anything you wanted to say to anybody in Plymouth for um I appreciate the support of everyone that voted for me I'm really happy to be in this new role on the town um after you know six and a half years on the advisory and finance committee I feel like this was a good um shift into an elected position um and for anyone looking to go into town government or run for an elected position definitely consider the finance committee because it really taught me um what I feel was a good basis for moving on to um an elected position within the town so um I think the advisory and finance committee for um having me for so many years and I'm really excited to be here now awesome excited to have you thank you so much all right and that will bring our May 20th meeting to an end at 8:56 thank you everybody have a good for