e e e e e e e all right I'm going to call the June 3 meeting of the PMA school committee to order if everyone will join me in the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands indivisible andice for all all right the first item on our agenda I'm going to ask if the committee is okay with it but I would like to move up our artwork our central office art work Awards up to right now if nobody is uh so we can make sure our parents and students can uh get along with the rest of their evening all right so we will adjourn the meeting for a few minutes and go outside or not adourn it we'll just move it sorry move it right out outside all right thank you e e e e e e uh so they're going to come this way going to come [Music] this it to you good sorry folks just going over some Logistics good evening this is wonder what a beautiful day for this so happy to have you and thank you for your patience CU we're waiting for Mr cable to get things going no um I'm for those who don't know me I'm Chris Campbell I'm the superintendent here um this is an annual tradition actually twice a year uh we celebrate our young artists here uh at central office um it's it's been wonderful to have these young artists artwork displayed across our entire central office on all floors and I hope you had an opportunity to see that while I was here um really um the Visual and Performing Arts is something that we hold near and dear to us I know our school committee supports Visual and Performing Arts uh very heavily it's a it's a really important part of our curriculum uh it's a wonderful experience for our students and um it's just so wonderful to be here to celebrate all of you this evening with us so in a moment uh we will be passing out a certificate for all our young artists and I know that Mr cap looks I could hear him from my office earlier on the microphone told you that this is also being recorded so you'll have an opportunity to go back and see it people could see it not only live but after the fact um one thing that I want to say is if I mess up your name which I may feel free to correct me so that I can say it properly okay so I apologize in advance if I U mispronounce your name but just really happy to have all the families here with us to celebrate this so Mr Pano will pass me that I will hand it to miss Badger chair of our school committee and she will present you with a certificate okay we ready very good I need my glasses too okay so from Nathaniel Morton Ana Hager [Applause] from federal furnace Samantha [Applause] Collins also from federal furnace K Fitzgerald from West Elementary School Emerson Simmons Simons thank you from West Elementary School Anna cly Anna Anna Cly thank you for correcting me that was good that's exactly what I want you to do from West Elementary School Ava vaugh from Indian Brook Elementary School Jude Leonard from West Elementary School Andrew Thorley also from West Elementary School Adeline Warren from Nathaniel Morton James Garcia okay West Elementary School Kaa Lily Foley you got it sh from pcis Brook Thorley from Indian Brook Elementary School Elizabeth [Music] chrisoro from Indian Brook Elementary School Evelyn [Music] Curtis also from Indian Brook Jackson [Applause] oguma from Plymouth South Middle School Quinn Gaffney also from Pou South Middle School Carissa [Applause] Lake from pcis Michaela Codwell from Plymouth North Gabriella Brooks from manat elementary school Evelyn Fleming also from manamed Elementary School Brooklyn kersch from Plymouth North Victoria Barkley from Plymouth self High School Leo SEO from Indian Brook Elementary School Annie Flanigan very nice from P John Burke okay Lola ready uh from Plum South Middle School Lola Sam gelis Samar jelis my apologies from Plymouth South High School Lilia excuse me Liliana Von sorry you think these glasses are thank you Dr from Plymouth South High School Sandra shonesy from Plymouth North High School Bennett Hutchings from pouth North High School Brendan [Applause] odms from plumouth North High School Colin ssky SOI uh Nathaniel Morton Elementary School Gavin triger triger Gavin from Nathaniel Morton Elementary School thater [Music] Keegan also from nathani Morton Landon douly from Plymouth South Middle School Thomas Haywood from West Elementary School Bo [Applause] muray from Plymouth pcis Jameson Billings we missing a couple [Music] Mr missing one from nathani Morton Thomas Flynn and [Music] from nathani Morton Piper King and we are going to get you a certificate before right after before you leave let's hear for Piper King congratulations all right so once again beautiful night for this um again thank you to supporting the Arts supporting your children uh and thank you to our students for for the amazing work that you do and I hope that you're inspired um each and every day by the artwork that you do in our school so I know that we have cookies and refreshments for our students downstairs and uh we wish we could stay out here with you this evening but we have to finish a meeting uh inside so have a wonderful night and thank you so [Applause] [Music] much e e right thank you everybody um we will proceed with our agenda The Way It Was Written now uh so we will start for comments from community members I do not believe we have any anymore but um so we will move forward on that and now we'll do the introductions of our new principles Dr Campbell thank you Miss Badger um very excited to um invite to the front and to introduce our newest Elementary principles this Christine Chase who will be taking over um as the incoming you both can come up together we'll let you come up together how's that as a team uh in coming to Nathaniel Morton Elementary School uh no stranger to us and Stephanie van winkl who will be assuming the role as principal of Coldspring Elementary School also no stranger to us so uh really excited about um these two appointments means we have two people who are really dedicated to their school to to our community at large uh but to their school communities as well and have no doubt that they'll do a fantastic job um in this position so if you want to say a few words if you want to just say a few words sure uh well thank you um so Christy Chase I'm currently assistant principal moving up to um principal and coincided with our um enrichment day today at school which was our uh moving up day or our leveled up we linked it to video games each grade had a different video game and leveled up they visit visited the next grades classrooms and I said well I'm having my own Mo level up dat this afternoon or this evening so um I guess just a public um thank you to the Nathaniel Morton Community the parents um the staff uh the students um throughout the whole process I did feel really well supported um and that was really nice to feel um and honored to continue working with that school community that I really care deeply about awesome I'm Stephanie van winkl I am currently the school adjustment counselor at Cold Spring um moving up to the principal um I'm looking forward to this opportunity I'm so grateful for it um the school means a lot to me the community means a lot to me and I felt like Chrissy a lot of support from the parents and the teachers and the students um um it was overwhelming and humbling all at the same time um I hope to be able to do justice because this is an amazing Community um and I'm just so thankful well thank you thank you we're really excited to have you in these roles for I I speak for myself but I don't know if anybody on the committee has any questions or wants to say anything at all well just welcome and it's nice the internal hires when possible yeah no thank you I'm really excited go Mr B no Echo that Mr just one thing if I may yes Dr C um as you you all know the process that we go through we have our internal screenings and in the initial interviews and the finalist interviews um and sort of a round robin style uh for for the faculty and the families and then we ask for feedback um I have never been inundated with as many uh just heartfelt not just I want miss vanwinkle and miss Chase for the positions but the the reasons why like behind it like what they not only what they think they'll bring to the position but what they've brought to their school Community already and I think that speaks volumes to um what they just said in terms of their commitments to to our schools and and they have no doubt that they'll be a great addition in their new roles you thank you thank you um Mr Bano yes you already have the job so don't don't think of this is an interview question more just probing and more for the public um what excites each of you the most about getting to take into the helmet each of your respective schools so I think for me um it's just that next step I'm have worked with the families and provided resources for them for um mental health and therapeutic resources and now to be at that Helm where I can bring different things into the schools like trauma sensitive um thinking and um being able to be somebody that our demographics can look up to because um for them I might be that one person that looks like them or sounds like them and I think that's really moving to me and I take it very seriously I appreciate that one a lot I tell you my in my own company which is very large I have nobody my color that I can look up to so that makes I mean and it matters way more to a to to a small kid than it does to a you know 50-year old adult so I'm you know I love that response thank you m Jason um I think for me I just um you know I think being able to take what I think is already a really great school um and and move it forward but I think um the relationships that I've that I've created and and nurture developed over the last you know 10 years to be able to do that now in a broader role um bring somebody else into the assistant principal role I think there's a lot of exciting times ahead for that and to just continue um moving athani Martin forward and you know I think it's a place now where kids want to be um and to continue that thank you Michelle um I my son goes to Nathaniel Morton so I'm very familiar with you I I love Nathaniel Morton I'm very happy that you were put into this position um not only just I think the continuity of of a person in a face that you know um even for kids that may not be personally know either of you um just having a familiar face is really important for a lot of our students um but I I just think that promoting someone from adjustment counselor to principal I think is is an amazing move I think that um having that background is really really important in that role and especially in that Community um so I'm really really excited about that thank you very much I appreciate that Miss Haywood um I just want to congratulate both of you um I was part of the process uh in terms of um one of your um interviews or um Miss Van Winkle's um interview and um to see how much she was beloved um in that room uh is a testament to you as a person and so so I just both of you um and obviously um the multiple multiple letters we received um and emails so uh just congratulating both of you and I I as I spoke with you there understand the sentiment in terms of you know what this is for you and what this is for the community honestly thank you so much so thank you I think with that too just uh thank you to Chris especially like I know people said like I actually got a reply oh yeah won so a lot of them yeah that's that's incredible a lot so um I think they all felt heard um from from you guys too and the personal responses meant a lot to me too somebody speaking on my behalf and that they're heard it meant a lot for sure I mean speaking for myself I think that's it's the first I mean we've had people in principal like positions and people have advocated for but it's the most that I've ever seen and they were genuine and like Dr Kimbell said you know they it wasn't just like we really like her she's really great and but it was this is what she's done and this is what she can do and it's not about what today is it's about what she can do tomorrow and that I think was really you know exciting to to read and to see that um you know how much you all are beloved thank you thank you anybody else have anything awesome thank you thank you both so much and good luck and congratulations thank you so much congratulations thank you all right we don't have any student reps right okay just making sure wasn't missing something um now we have our school Improvement plan so we have um pack update excited to have uh principal Tobin here I didn't know if we wanted to do the field trip first sorry like totally out of order yeah right Dr Campbell what Oh I thought you said something go right ahead sorry sorry good evening I'm Denise Tobin I am the principal of the Plymouth early childhood Center um and I'm here tonight to give our program update and um I didn't come last year so there's a couple things um that I'll be talking about um from last year as well so um I'm going to start this year just by recognizing my staff I've been here for six years now and this has probably been the most challenging year that we have faced um in the six years here and they have just done an amazing job to continue um you know providing the level of service that they've been able to do the entire time so I just wanted to recognize them first for um you know for being able to do that so at the preschool we have um 12 special ed teachers in the building we have 22 power professionals um we have related service providers speech link um speech and language otpt for um other support staff we have a bcba that comes one in a half days a week and then um this year I was very fortunate to have a part-time special ed department head to help and you'll see in a few minutes um our numbers and why we need her and then um this year we also have a grant and I'm going to talk in depth about the Grant in a few minutes so again from back to my staff you know um like I said this year has been very challenging and they were still able to we we pulled off an amazing field day um we're our end of the year celebrations are coming up and they've just really continued to do um an amazing job with the students throughout the entire year so I wanted to thank them for that all right so current enrollment we are as of May 22nd we were up to 293 students at our preschool um it's a lot yeah it's a lot of three four and five year olds we have um 201 active IEPs right now M um out of that 293 and this year we conducted 187 evaluations and you can see the breakdown so 52 were parent referrals 77 were early intervention referrals um current students so maybe some that came as peers or some that we recognized needed some additional testing 13 at Head Start so we have a special ed teacher and a speech therapist who spend two mornings a week at Head Start providing Services um there Head Start and then our grant team has also done 13 evaluations out in the community at area preschools um just to kind of give you an idea too within that 187 our speech therapists they've conducted 113 evaluations and we have 170 students um receiving speech services and um for OT I think it's around 50 evaluations and um probably around 58 to 60 students um um that he's servicing so again like I said um we get many referrals in different ways um early intervention so the early intervention process when a student is 2.9 they are um referred and our department head she'll do what's called a transition planning conference with every single one of those families that come through early intervention so I think that was 77 so far that she's done um they come into the school now and she meets with them ask some questions then we determine what areas we're going to evaluate them in um parent referrals come in throughout the year when they have concerns um and of course we see a a big increase when they're getting closer to kindergarten because parents start to get nervous about that um Head Start and cppi grants and then the PEC staff also make referrals for evaluations so the cppi grant so we um were very fortunate to receive the cppi grant there's only um a few in the state of Massachusetts um the cppi grant is it's stands for um Community Preschool partnership initiative and the idea is to keep students in their area preschools and dayc carees so that families have access to full dayare because we don't provide full day um and make it affordable for them and then also for students to have access access to special ed services in those centers so that they're able to stay there they don't have to get on a bus travel to PEC to get their services and then go back to their daycare setting so um the idea of the grant is fantastic and um it's been very well reive so we have two partners um Tiny Town and bright ideas the part of the grant so um a lot of the money goes to the itinerant team so we put together an itinerant team that has a um full-time special ed teacher full-time speech and language pathologist a full-time OT and a part-time bcba so um our partners that are part you know a big part of the grant are tiny town and bright ideas so the itinerate team goes out to Tiny Town goes out to bright ideas and provide services um a large part of this too is building capacity within the centers so that they're able to um learn from our staff and able to carry out whether it be behavior um or you know some of the special ed and um speech and language and then our OT has done a phenomenal job um bringing in some of the self-regulation things because we know behavior and self-regulation is very um you know very important at this age and a lot of places struggle with behavior we get a lot of referrals for behavior um we've as part of the grant we were able to bring in some curriculum things to them like second step so at least the area preschools are doing some of the same curriculum that we're doing here in our preschool and Handwriting Without Tears and things like that so that was all able um to be purchased through the grant our um itinerant team is also going out to the YMCA to provide services there they've conducted observations at hopskip and a jump and big leaps and some other places around the community um so I have a lot of goals that I would love to have more itinerant teams and service more kids um again it you know some of the benefits the kids have access to full day they don't have to transition midday on a bus and it builds capacity and I think kind of selfishly for us it saves us a little bit of money on trans um transportation and it also saves us um some spots within our own school where we are exploding um so much we recently had the state come out um last week they came out for a visit so there were two representatives from the Department of Ed and two representatives from eec um to hear about about how how our first year went in our grant um and so the renewal for the grant will be coming out probably any day now and we'll have a month to complete that and then the grant goes competitive again in 2026 so of course we will be applying for that again so here's just some cute pictures of students um learning through play play is probably one of the most important things in preschool that we do it builds communication it builds social skills um and they're just cute some more pictures so um some of the professional development that we've done over the past couple years um we had last year we had the life is good Playmakers come out for a couple sessions and that was probably um one of the best culture building events for my staff we just got to learn how to you know it just reminded us of the importance of play where we got to play and um you know do the things that we often don't take time to do this year we did two sessions for um strengthening elll students learning in prek I had three teachers participate in a year-long um Consortium for TLA with um through tlaa curriculum where they worked on creating inquiry inquiry based curriculum and then this year um we were able to have our um parent conferences in one day so we one full day so we decided to bring in um we brought in somebody from Paces to do a par professional training for that day um and they loved it because they don't often because they're all part-time so they often don't get a lot of professional development and they loved having professional development geared just towards them and it was in social emotional and behavior um every year we do our cppi we do CPR every year um last year we had Alan Bloom come for four sessions and he's kind of a guru in IEP writing um and it was really kind of preparing us to get ready for the new IEP and this year we've had um several trainings for the new IEP how to write the new IEP that will be um you know we'll be mandated to do that come September and then for the upcoming year we just signed up um we're going to be doing mtss for the entire year um part of the pyramid model Consortium and it's free for us um and it's really PBIS at the preschool level so which will be great and we get coaches um and all kinds of things to help us get through that so we have lots of Partners um that make our school even more special so um pcis they have done so much for us there um they did a whole stem day where our students got to go in and the kids had centers set up and they got to do all kinds of experiments um it was great the um the health teacher they did the kids did a whole lesson on um different health and safety topics which is great because we don't have a health teacher um at the preschool so we're going to have them do more of that next year hopefully and really expand on what they're teaching us um you know what they're learning for health um the babysitters club they come over a couple times a year and hang out and practice the skills that they're learning in their babysitters club um the middle school had a book drive and then they brought over all of um the early readers for our students to take home and to have we've have visited the planetarium several times um this year and they have some great um Early Childhood things um for our students and then the holiday concert is always a favorite um where Mr Shaw has um the chorus the orchestra and the band perform for our students on that last day before um the December break and then this year the Wildland trust they came out and they did a training during lunch the teachers went on a walk through the path behind us and um they taught the teachers all kinds of things about what they could PR practice with their students when they're out and what they could look for when they're out on the trail um several of our teachers received Cape Cod 5 grants um both last year and this year we have had several Allied Health um from the Allied Health program at Plymouth North the interns have come over um and they stay with us for the most of them have stayed for the year working with our PT and our OT and they have been um a tremendous asset to us and then this year the Plymouth fire department they donated over $1,000 to us um from their autism awareness shirts that they had um sold and when I asked why did you choose us they said well when we talked about it several of our own kids came through PEC so we wanted to do that so that was great so for our one book one school last year we did a stem theme Oscar the snail and um this year we went along with Peter Reynolds and we did the be book and um I think that's what Dr Campbell read a graduation as well this year oh and then um you don't have to go back it's fine but at um when we did when we do our one book one school obviously at the preschool level it's a little different when the parents come and um the teachers they do different centers in the classrooms and all the kids you know go through with their families and participate in the different centers that we have so we've done some um updates at the school um we did an update for the security entrances so we added the badge readers at the end of Apollo and then the doors between Gemini and Apollo where are Outdoor Classroom spaces so that um you know people aren't stuck out there and have to walk all the way around they can get in now um at those places technology um all the classrooms now have the touch screens so they're able to um do some pretty cool interactive things with students and then the updates to the playground we I call it the merrygoround um we've added that and it is there's a seat in there for students to sit down and then there's a space for um our students in wheelchairs to be wheeled on and then spin around um it has been a favorite I go on it for a minute and feel like I'm going to throw up but the kids love it and they can be on it for a really long time so um that's been great and then we also had a track added to another part of um of the playground where students can ride their tricycles around the track just some more um students you could see on the left that's um one of our Middle School some of our middle school students came over they wrote books and um they were reading the books to the kids and then they made activities for the students to do also so our PTA um again we're we're small and our PTA is small but they work really hard um and our parents have been extremely generous so um we do do some fundraising um the PTA supports our teacher appreciation week they do some family fun nights and some enrichment activities um this year we had um last year was drums alive this year we had big Ryan come in um um every student gets a t-shirtt at field day so they help support that and then all the classrooms get the caterpillars to grow into butterflies so the PTA supports that as well so this year because we have so many more students and um we are so big we got some sponsors for our t-shirts so these are all the sponsors and I just wanted to make sure that they were all recognized thanks so even though there are a lot of great things happening we still have some concerns and needs um you know we do have a lot of students with social and emotional um and behavior concerns um mental health of some of our students we're seeing more and more students come in with um you know with trauma um um space is an issue and on the next slide we'll talk in a minute we'll talk about what we're doing about our space and then just um you know the support staff like I said earlier in the presentation I am you know concerned they've done a they do a lot of aows they have a lot of students that they're seeing um you know so I am just concerned about that so one of our upcoming changes to um deal with our space issue um as many of you know pfn um moved out for this year and they're here now um we've already used the two classrooms that they were um using and next year we are opening up a satellite classroom at manam met Elementary um it will have students in the in a morning session and then students again in an afternoon session which will create 14 additional specialed um spots as as long um as well as our community peers and then um again just kids playing kids learning um the little guy over um at his um play center they were having an office and I went over and asked him what he was doing and he said I can't talk to you right now I'm in a meeting um and then he picked up his play phone and started talking on the phone so um you know they're learning a lot of uh real life things in their in their play um so again just wanted to show them in play and then you could see over in the right hand corner our speech therapist working with a student um and the little guy with the bubbles what you don't often see when he first started um he probably spent the first week on the floor by the door and all the staff went over to him and worked with him on the floor by the door um until he was able to um you know make it into into the classroom and now he's sits at Circle and is amazing um and his mother is thrilled with his progress so those are some of the things that you don't see behind you know behind the scenes how hard the staff works that's it anybody have any questions Miss saywood um I just want to thank you for um your presentation um my son also came through peek um and had the services for about two years and uh to see a grant now that um and I had to go in between um pick him up from peek and bring him to daycare so to see a grant um uh that kind of provides in that way um is I truly understand uh that tremendous value uh that that Grant has and as that it mitigates some of that disruption in a sense um you mentioned challenges and I'm glad that you were um you know able to bring up some of these concerns um I see that you're currently servicing nearly 300 students which would amount to um some of the size or population of some of our elementary schools if not more um and and over 70% of those students are on IP that um is a tremendous challenge um aside from space and are there any other things that you would need of us in C in terms of the district um to support that um do you want the list no so again I think um really support with the behaviors um I know we are getting the bcba um a little bit more next year um the mental health is really a big a big piece um you know we don't have a guidance counselor we don't have an adjustment counselor we don't have a school psychologist um we use school psychologist at elementary schools at the students home school to support us um but they you know they're not able to leave their schools and do any direct service they um you know they really just do evaluations for us um you know so those are the things in the future that I would certainly um you know would want support with thank you Michelle um the grant that you applied for and the grants that your staff is getting who writes those grants so I wrote the cppi grant M and then the Cape Cod 5 Grant the teachers write those okay um is there um I don't know the answer to this I'm I'm obviously brand new I know um on the town side they have a grant writer do we have one of those on the school side lots of individuals okay yeah um so I think that maybe a way to get creative in the future is is to find help for ES especially peek but other you know our our district in general with writing grants um grants obviously this grant is amazing um being able to to go out into other places and provide services is a very creative way to get people the services that they need without disrupting their day um and without you know moving the students and without increasing population at our preschool um so I think that something that maybe we could look to in the future would be to get help with grant writing um obviously not a lot of people want to hear that but um that's too bad um but yeah so I think that I just wanted to highlight I already knew the answer to that question but I just wanted to highlight that you and the teachers are writing these grants on your own and if anyone has ever tried to write a grant they know that that's not an easy process so um thank you and your staff for doing that sure Dr senson I gotta say it's amazing you have to deal with 293 toddlers in a single I mean the good thing is they're not all there at the same time like it sounds like a Stephen King movie you know you have three principl sitting beside you they're wondering too you know he has over a thousand adolescence can he do 293 Toddlers and it's just amazing that you can do it and you're doing a wonderful job all I can say is oh just it's just amazing thank you so much thank you anybody else I guess my question is and thank you this is amazing I don't know exactly like everyone said how you are able to do it I can't imagine it but thank you for doing it um but how long how long will man Elementary lasts for you and make a difference I think CU if we are growing exponentially what is the end go what what's the end because you have to be you have to to um provide services right um so according to Dr FR he feels that we would be able to be there for at least two years okay before he would need that space back okay and so then there's the what are we going to do as a district that Dr Campbell yeah so before I jump on that um Denise doesn't she's very humble the work that she does Ian she's not only 290 preschoolers um but is supporting more students on IEPs than our largest elementary school as well um and and that Grant is a lot of work and she's done an amazing job not only writing it but coordinating that it is a wonderful model I think it's a model that we need to as we plan for the future look to see if we can expand that whether it's through grants um operational funds or a combination of because I think to build our capacity it's um it's space and that I think as our options to try to um to to meet this demand that we're seeing and we've seen it an increase since covid with rise in uh referrals and head start start and and whatnot so we know that that exists and we're you know we're at a Tipping Point at the preschool so we find ourselves you know using man anden elementary school but I do think aside from having another space physical space for our preschool this is why we put that in our strategic plan to come up with a a plan so to use the next couple of years to come up with a well articulated plan uh so that we can provide not only the support to um to the preschool which is another thing looking at the things that deny said in terms of services I think we need to make sure we prioritize those as those needs come up just like our El's uh supports have gone up continue to support that um the mental health piece which I think people don't realize that the largest number of students that are being expelled from school is at the preschool level across the country just because behavor not at no to be clear not at our our preschool but across the country because of the behavioral demands and students that that that need more support so those private preschools have a hard time and they find themselves and the families find themselves um out of preschool so I think this model has been having sat in on that that exit meeting with the state was just tremendously implemented um and greatly appreciated from the preschool staff the preschool owners um ju and just and the state themselves so it's a model I think that we need to continue to think about because it's not only good for the preschool schol but it's good for families as well getting back to uh what Denise said earlier it's you find yourselves in a situation do I get the services or do I you leave my preschool or do I stay in my preschool and that's a very difficult decision for a lot of our families some families can't make that decision right it's something that they just can't do so I think this this serves not only our kids really well but it also serves our families very well so we do have to come up with a a long-term plan though and and is there is there a reason we pick those specific preschools to partner with in that way or are we if we can expand the program just to as many preschools as are interested so um I initially picked them because we get a lot of referrals from them but also I didn't want like a company I wanted small um you know small area preschools to start awesome thank you so much thank you for all you do anybody have any additional questions awesome thank you thank you all right our next we have out of town overnight field trip Plymouth North High School Washington DC March 21st to the 24th not the inauguration hello good evening school committee good to see you again since Saturday yeah I'm Alex cardo from from Plymouth North High School I'm Nicole jber biology teacher from north um as you um as you are all very aware one of my biggest passions besides teaching is traveling and I love sharing that passion with students um they know me as someone who's always on the go and traveling trying to conquer my conquest of visiting every country before I pass away um and I just feel that traveling really is the way to expand our Horizons and make connections that we wouldn't be able to in a building setting um and one of the places I've been going pretty frequently was Washington DC and after doing some digging I saw that we haven't offered that trip as a class open since 2013 uh I investigated why that has stopped and even after our last schol meeting when we were proposing a different field trip uh the idea of doing domestic travel was brought up and I figured this would be a great way to revive that program and actually I'm expecting to be a co-advisor with Nicole drabert as the freshman class and I think this would be a great opportunity for us to try to um offer that opportunity for our students again um we used to offer them as an eth grade type of trip um I believe ninth grade just be as we work just as well um in the future maybe we could even see about doing a joint combination of grading to ninth grades to help them share ideas of how high school transition is so I'm just thinking of all those different ideas but I I feel that having something to culminate their first year in freshman uh in high school is just going to highlight and something for them to look forward to um so I did some digging with the prices and the most popular company when I was visiting myself I saw so many student tours and um explorica really was offering the best price for that itinerary they have been doing that type of trip and that's their main type of trip and um I think the timing would be perfect so we're right around March so it's not too cold or not too warm it's before uh the end of this the chiness of the end of the school year and that we give them still one full term to um right after the trip as well uh so we were leaving on a Friday returning on a Satur uh on a Monday and we're there for three nights um and I again we're trying to see if we can start offering that the earlier the better because then that gives parents an opportunity to just plan accordingly um and we are hoping that we can also bring this up during the freshman orientation that will be happening um right before school starts in the end of August do you have any questions for us anybody have any questions Miss Shaw I just I have it's more of a comment um but I was lucky enough to be a student in Plymouth when we did the eighth grade Washington DC trip and it was really awesome it's one of my favorite memories from school aside from when we all went to Camp borale um but like the the Washington DC trip was really really awesome and it it it we kind of like we were able to cross over in like our Social Circles I guess a little easier when we were on that type of trip which I think is really important when you're at that type that age um but I I love that you're trying to bring this back and I think it's an important thing that we could offer our students um I do have one question um is there any type of like fundraising or anything that the students can do we do we so we have lots of fundraisers we do from um selling healer chocolates outside Market Basket or car washes free car washes but extremely profitable as a matter of fact and we have scholarships for them as well so for our most recent trip that we are organizing to Italy uh we were fortunate enough to work with for example our company that is taken us there so that we have one lucky student that's going to be traveling for free and we're planning on doing the same thing with this trip as well work with the company so that we can I'll be writing grants or asking for donations so that we can put that into our travel Club fund and be able to support that great thank you saywood oh did you you not have a question I saw right here it's more of a statement um I oh yeah maybe there's a question what is the talking to the mic huh mic okay sorry just I'm in looking at the um at the itinerary pleas oh I'm sorry it's for the people at home not for here okay um what are the majority of the costs associated with this trip just given that transportation in hotels hotels unfortunately are very expensive um so just wonder the mes will be included uh except some of the launches but we would have that in the transportation I would say the bus itself and the hotels that's the biggest since most of the attractions in there are are free uh but we would have our tour guide as well someone that would be um giving us all the instructions and we not only that but they also provide um not a tour guide but someone that's going to be carrying out all the activities with the students so the learning goes on it's not just regular tour guide but it's someone that has the whole planning so they have a handbook with activities they complete before visiting each of the sites okay I so um I can kind of speak to that because I know that's always a concern it's a concern for us too it's a concern we had talking about that I'm not just here as like an evaluation to these two um I'm I'm here because I actually ran this trip uh I've talked about being a social studies guy for a long time so this specific trip with this specific company maybe I'm not in the mic enough maybe I need top in you're good you're good just making sure um I don't at home so uh I ran this trip uh and so uh to your point it's it's almost the first step in getting kids out of town uh and a lot of times that this will be it'll match up with our Civics a lot of our Civics requirements and honors but we also have a a a younger underclassman elective we're trying to tie in with Civics um on top of just trying to bring the trip back but uh but I can tell you it it is typically uh a trip that has opened up to more kids uh that we obviously do uh they actually are kind of the Masters at trying to find ways to to fund raise um the uh the the company has somebody with you uh the entire time uh they handpick the hotels so that they're already vetted uh ahead of time um they pick the tour guides that work with that company so they're all vetted uh the benefit of of using these companies um is that they know they know what they're doing they run these like clock work and they they have vetted all the people that are you know in in with you um all day um and I can tell you when when you take kids who are generally going out of town for the first time uh some of them are going going originally getting on that bus to just hang out with their friends and then they have a very different experience uh but having a company and having people that are used to doing this stuff like walking freshman through you know the EO gima memorial for the first time and trying to connect with them is is really valuable and I can say that they they raise uh funds specifically for this trip that's a student activity trip but I can tell you um and I know it comes up a lot uh but we very quietly make sure and I think you guys know this but we very quietly make sure uh that if a kid is really interested in going and and lets us know or lets a friend know a lot of times uh they'll come to us and we'll find the money for it I I know uh with my student council trips uh in the summer we've paid for kids that that have nothing uh to be able to go because they show all this promise uh yard sign senior yard signs we had Parents paying for other ones um I could the a lot of the the course trips that will go places um like the Newport trip uh that we just did um band trips that have happened in the past we try and find money so I have a gift account um I have the principal's discretionary account um corporations when like the yearbook people will send us checks I put those all aside specifically for these purposes so so while they do a formal process to cover kind of the Student Activity piece I'm squirreling away money to make sure uh that if there's a kid who needs you know 990 or 550 bucks to go uh that kid goes CU because we usually find out these I mean they're they're way better at it than I am uh but we usually find out that a kid really wants to go and they can't and we make that happen and and we've done it for a long time it's really hard to describe the protocol for that ahead of time um but I know I know Patty does it at South I know Brian and Joe do it at pcis at South Middle um and I know that's a concern of yours and that's a concern of ours too so I hope that that uh kind of explains it a little bit on our end because I know it goes kind of Beyond just the work they do in fundraising which is why I came today Dr s well that's wonderful because I've I've been critical of past trips because they're so been so expensive and a small group of kids can go this is wonderful because this is going to this and it's a great place to go a lot you learn a lot when you take a class to DC so I'm very excited for the trip and um everything you said makes it just even better and I'll say to to miss jilbert's credit she brought all these freshmen to Six Flags for a couple years and our conversation was I'd rather have them go see the Supreme Court than go to Six Flags although that's a lovely trip I don't want to disparage Six Flags on live TV tradition I just uh this I mean I when I brought those kids like they won't ever forget walking through the capital and that's why I love doing it yeah I might actually be even riding the bus when they go but that's that hasn't been settled yet you guys have to approve it first Mr padoo yeah just Echo Dr uh s comments as one of the other people that's been highly critical the more expensive uh trips so I appreciate you guys looking for cheaper options and that lots of kids can uh a lot more kids can take advantage of and yeah I mean it as someone has traveled to uh DC quite a bit for work it's almost impossible to beat DC for you know any direction you look seeing something cool that you've seen on TV and that you can go into for free and actually you know getting to see living uh living history especially uh these days so I think it's it's a great trip and um yeah much rather have kids see DC in person than you know read a history book any day so I'll make a motion to approve the trip as presented right have a motion do we have a second second motion a second anybody have any questions on the motion uh seeing none we should be able to vote yes we need music it's coming up you it's not working I had to log back okay why we vote I'm just going to say that I was also like Miss sha able to go on the eighth grade trip and I think it just was so I don't know important it gave you that first time to go out of the town without your family you know your safety net or whatever and it I mean you can't go to DC without it being a magical experience anyways at least in my personal uh feeling but it it's wonderful and to go with a uh a tour guide that puts it together is great I was in Du not that probably like four or five years ago and I accidentally booked a hotel room with six beds for me for work it was really creepy um but I think it was in one of those places that they bring groups like this but it was I opened the door and I was like there are far too many beds in here like I'm all alone um but yeah so you can avoid those travel things like I just wasn't paying enough attention um but yes so it passed unanimously have so much fun thank you so much for putting it together all right yeah all right we are moving right along we've got um policy section J Dr Rogers thank you um so section J has been loaded just as an information item to give you guys plenty of time to take a look at it Michelle I do have your edits so we'll work on those um I just ALS want to let the committee know that um we've had a little hiccup with the workflow um so we're a little bit behind so I'm still waiting for the last edits from J I'm sorry last edits from I to come back um and then those will be loaded so my hope is that by June 17th we will have i j k and l potentially to present to you Jim Hardy um from masc will be joining us at our next meeting to kind of talk about the process um that we've gone through over the last 18 months to um review all of the pro um policies within the district so okay thank you anybody have any questions on the just so everyone knows what Dr Rogers I just put together a really long email with a bunch of different things so thank you for going if you have any questions please let me know I just didn't think no that was it was very clear so thank you thank you um I do have a question kind of just procedural like if I were reading through these um and I had edits that I wanted to propose do I just send them to you do I do we have to do it in a public forum or do we have can I just so what typically happens is um you would send them to me I would bring those back to the committee and then we would review the edits some of them are just like a comma or misspell like things like that we're not going to debate about that kind of stuff but if it's content related then it would go back to the committee with the suggestion and then the committee would kind of have a conversation about the suggestion we would decide and then bring it back to the full committee depending on the level of like the content of the question like a lot of mine are like grammatical or like this doesn't make enough sense to me so that's why I figured I wouldn't kind of all right okay perfect thank you pull us through that all right anybody else have any other questions all right C then we move on all right now we have the student handbook Dr student handbook so it seems like a lot but a lot of this was cut and pasted from the Strategic plan that was already voted on so um I'm happy to go through individual changes or we can go you if anyone has any specific questions want me just to go through does that make sense prob overview would be good um so the first change is obviously just to change all the dates to 2425 um the next change was the diversity equity and inclusive practices the mission statement and the vision statement that are part of this new strategic plan so that'll be updated in the handbook as well um we talked about getting rid of the radio stations because none of those numbers are actually active anymore and some of the radio stations don't exist either so that's always a little bit of a struggle on snow days when I try to make phone calls that don't actually go anywhere um so we will obviously continue with 45725 social media and those kinds of things but it seems a little obsolete to be calling radio stations now everybody's live streaming everything um so we updated we put a little um I think a little bit more teeth on our attendance policy so as you know the Department of Education is really um has risen sort of chronic absenteeism to the top of their priority list so um and there have been some changes in Mass General law and just some I think a little bit more heightened language around student attendance and the need for student attendance so um we've added some of that as well um we added language with regard to having decisions note to um excuse an absence and then we're seeing a growing increase on um ID camps and Elite tournaments and things like that so we just wanted to make sure that that was included in as an absence so that parents were aware um I should have numbered these so people could follow along I apologize um School notification of absences so this was a paragraph that I think and this happens from time to time when we're making edits that it ended up kind of in there twice um so that's just a deletion it's recited earlier in that section so we don't need it we don't need our handbook to be any longer than it needs to be um transportation that just um reflects the changes in the fees that were voted on earlier this year um and talks a little bit about um how to pay for that and that um parents need to pay by June 30th so just updated language for transportation offenses for suspension so this is always being updated only because of a lot due to technology and new technological advances that are becoming disruptive within the school day um so this includes we included vaping we included the misuse of technology that results in school disruption so if something happens outside of school and Snapchat and then it leaks into the school and then also we included in um fighting bullying and harassment anything through social media text or messaging or any other forms of digital communication so again just trying to keep up with the unfortunately the trends that we're seeing um the next section so this was a um a conversation that we had during our tiered Focus monitoring so a student with a disability um who is not yet eligible for special education so that information has been updated um a student is not yet determined eligible for special education has protections if the district has knowledge that the student was a child with a disability so this has to do with our child fine processes so making sure that that is clear for parents and administrators um how parents can help so we just added a couple of bullets so monitoring your child's cell phone and digital communication and reinforcing the cell phone policies at home so I think two years ago now we went away for the day which is has been a huge help for each of the buildings um but hoping that parents can help to relay that message and help to support us at home as well um search and seizure so again just continuing to try to stay updated with the language nicotine tobacco and vaping devices um they're getting pretty creative with with what some of that actually looks like um and then just updating some language so the class of 2024 will no longer have access to their Google accounts so after their graduation date and this um gets sent to the kiddos when they're um signing out you know returning their books and getting their caps and gowns how they can get all of their Google information off of their drive before they head off to college and then destruction of Student Records I don't think we made an edit to that I think that was an error on my part there's no change to that section um type three discipline what we added was identity theft um and this actually came up in a couple of our schools this year where um students were misrepresenting themselves on social media so we didn't know how else to describe it but there was a situation where a student posed as somebody else or a posed as a teacher and made some not great comments and there was an investigation that involved that so you know either imposing themselves is imp yeah impersonating somebody on social media where you don't have you know proof that it's them um the next section so this is just to reflect the new vision of The Graduate so plymel high school is going through their neas visit next year so this was given to me by um principal fry um they've updated their core values and beliefs um and then have three sections under that academic social and civic responsibility graduation promotion requirements so this was the last year that um there was any sort of um change in credit status due to covid-19 so we're removing that yay um because the the kiddos who graduated on Saturday were our first freshman class so we're removing any reference to covid hopefully we that never has to come back um we're changing um foreign language to World Language throughout the handbook because it's more inclusive um class rank this isn't a change but it was just clarifying the language was a little cumbersome in the last handbook so it's still the same so a student who um in order to be eligible for validator and salutatorian in class rank they have to be here for three years in Plymouth um we just tweaked the language a little bit to make it a little bit more clear for parents because it was still a little bit um not reading the way we wanted it to um plagiarism so this continues to be a struggle because of AI so we're trying to keep up with it um so this tries to reflect um and make parents and students aware that the full use of artificial int intelligence is AI generated um or anything that they hand in which is AI generated um is Al also falls under plagiarism so teaching students about that so much under the Middle School appendix we're changing pre-algebra and algebra to mathematics and that is to um to be in line with the new Frameworks from the state which was changed in 2017 um we started down the pathway of making those changes and then with Co that got halted so that'll be an official change for next year um athletic fees that just reflects the change that was voted on earlier and then clubs and activities um we just changed the language a little bit so below is a sample list so we had lists and people sort of held hard and fast to those lists and say well why aren't you offering the Lego Club um sometimes there's interest and sometimes there isn't and then sometimes we have advisers and sometimes we don't so the list is really more of a sample and not a hard and fast like these are absolutely running so we just softened the language on that a little bit um again acceptable use image alteration so um this is the wonderful world of AI that we live in so taking an adult's picture and um intentionally altering it um and putting you know putting the the picture in you know bad situation so um either with you know drinks in their hand or whatever so um just again trying to keep up with with the AI realm um the next section is the preschool rates so those have changed for next year as well so those will go in the handbook and then the last change is just to update um the mcast testing date Windows when they're released from the state anybody have any questions about the handbook Dr I don't have a question but just a minor change on page s of 14 all reference to special education should be upper case Okay on page seven or 14 did you have a miss Mr okay my only question is did you mean to put the class of 2025 in the CL 2025 yep other than that it's very hard to operate in like two fiscal years in school yep I get it I totally uh so that's school year 25 that's for the Google accounts right yes yeah Google okay of 2025 thank you maybe but um related again to the the student with a disability is not yet El eligible for special education where did this did this language come from like a a statute or from it's in the regulations okay yeah okay thank you any other questions no other questions or any changes this is an action item um someone would like to move uh move to approve with the one uh edit suggested by Dr senson two or two sorry anything so we have a motion do have a second second thank you Mr Morgan seconds any questions on the motion we should be able to vote all right that passes unanimously with an absence but yes great thank Youk you thank you for your yeah I'm Powder Horn awesome thank you all right our next piece we have is a sabatical uh for Alison rearin Dr Campbell yes so we've had some discussions about this but this is a uh something that we need to do um before it's official so as as you all know from my communication that Allison Reen will be on sabatical next year um Allison has you know how amazing she is in the what she's done for Science Education here the Plymouth Public Schools and part of the work that she's done has um involved our open SED curriculum at the middle schools and the high schools as well as the elementary as started that um it's really transformed um not only our practices but I think that the the excitement that students have for Science and really their understanding of a phenomenon and how it relates to their their learning but um that work has been supported by two organizations in the past one a foundation which has supported a lot of um a lot of the work financially and Boston College and Mrs Reen has been a leader among both organizations across the state um as a as a lead of of leaders um in the work that this is has been taking in place place across the Commonwealth Boston College has since decided to step away from that because they're having a hard time trying to fit it into their higher ed model the 18 Foundation finds itself in a situation where they have 100 school districts that are utilizing this curriculum as we do U and want to ensure that that transition is it continues and that they come up with a long-term plan on how to support the open S curriculum across the state which continues to expand the Department of Education is a big proponent of it as well um needless to say U Mrs Riden um was approached because of just the amazing work that she does across the state uh for many organizations in particularly these two that I mentioned um and we were approached um for an ask to put her on sabatical to allow her to um lead not only our districts in this work uh but the 100 other communities across the state and to come up with the plan for 18 uh sort of a succession plan so this work continue for this fore the future we have um granted her that sabatical for the next year um but conditionally the 18 foundation will be paying the pet Public Schools all expenses related to Mrs Ren's and employment both her you know her benefits her salary and anything else associated with uh with her employment uh in order to allow that to happen the school committee must support receiving F funds from the 18 Foundation specifically to pay for all expenses associated with Mrs Ren's salary and benefits I don't have a hard and fast number here for you it's not necessary uh we are through going through contract negotiations so that will change um and they will pay us in two installments one at the beginning and then one Midway through um or or once an adjustment is made upon successful completion of negotiations uh whichever comes first so that F those funds will come directly from them but as I said we need the approval of school committee to to uh support 18 providing us those funds anybody have any questions if not I have a have a motion from someone to accept the funds from the 18 Foundation to cover Allison miran's salary and everything else what is that called I'm losing my words anybody Mr Morgan uh I'll make a motion to approve the foundation provided by one 18 Foundation to support the one-year sabatical Alon Reen District science coordinator thank you I have a motion do I have a second second thank you motion and a second um anybody have any questions on the motion seeing none we should be able to [Music] vote right so we are we have what five um in favor and one OB exstension so motion passes thank you very much all right all right our next piece that we have is our superintendent report right back at you Dr Campbell thank you um so just just a few things uh one we had the one district one author celebration this year the first which I hope of annual celebrations really celebrating literacy as a district uh it was a wonderful uh culmination with local author and illustrator Peter Reynolds last Thursday um so last Thursday we we we had that cination we had story walks we had a special show um in the pcis um planetarium we had an opportunity to do um augmented reality in the library and then uh presentation from Peter Reynolds himself and book signing and it was a it was a great event uh a lot of families a lot of young families showed up um it was an opportunity for them to get creative with with their children there as well and it was it was great so I just wanted to but I want to take a moment to thank uh Mrs mulany and Dr White for putting the plan together uh special thank you to Mr bun filio for leading the planetarium event m Mrs Nolan from central office for all of her logistical support as well as Mrs Sullivan at pcis who was supporting us there and also getting us Waters that were locked up that we needed access the custodial staff our high school volunteers there it was it was really it was a great a great Community event and then lastly just a special thank you to the Plymouth Ed Foundation uh for helping bring Peter Reynolds to Plymouth as well as the Kanas club for their General Financial donation which led to a lot of Peter Reynolds books um in in the on the shelves in our classrooms uh for all of our students at the school so really excited about that uh we talked about grants this evening and I just excited to announce that um P the public schools received a competitive Capital skills Grant over $2,000 uh largely thanks to the the doctor to my left Dr Rogers and the south high school administrative team um Mr burn uh CCT staff uh this competitive Grant again just over $200,000 will completely outfit Plymouth South's uh broadcasting equipment that equipment if you may recall we brought over from the old school to the new school and we've been open since 2017 so while it made do and done a tremendous job with it it is getting very challenging to continue doing what they do so this will allow us to completely um upgrade that so really excited about that and just thank you thankful for everyone for putting that together it was actually written over a year ago and it took a long time to get noticed but we were really excited when the word came out that we receive that uh just again graduation was beautiful um beautiful day a little bit different than last year to say the least and just a special thank you to our you know High School administration the guidance counselors the school secretaries custodians and and for all their work and the teachers for so many just love to see the of teachers um welcoming all the kids coming in uh for their final uh farewell um our our schools it was great and then one thing that went out um earlier this afternoon so as the school committee back in May of 2021 voted and passed this uh secure gun storage resolution really to help us to provide families in the community with resources to help keep uh you know bring bring awareness and to keep our kids safe and um you know this resolution has a particular focus on gun violence prevention uh the leadership what we do as a district information sharing and how we Empower uh the education in our school so uh National Wear orang INE weekend takes place June 7th through the 9th um orange has become like the defining color of of gun violence prevention in that movement um and we're inviting our students and staff to wear orange this Friday for gun safety and gun violence awareness and uh we've sent out a communication regarding this uh few hours ago I believe um not only on this uh kind of rallying together but also a lot of information there from great organizations the Attorney General's office be smart uh safe gun storage and a number of other resources so um we hope that people read that that publication that went out this afternoon and and join us on Friday to um to support safe gun storage and and gun violence awareness across uh our community and that's all I have this evening awesome thank you does anybody have any questions Mrs hwood I just want to um thank you for implementing the wear orange uh weekend um I just remember um years ago uh joining just a rally in um in Boston after um the shooting at Parkland and and just walking with them and I wear orange every single I wear it on my pen at work because unfortunately it's the you know it's the business that I do um in terms of gun violence so thank you of course anybody else all right okay all right next one we have is retirements Mr jopy yes we have a big list for you this evening um first uh we have juliia silzer pcis science teacher after 14 years uh Regina Young young at Plymouth South High School is a Student Activities monitor has been with us for 18 years uh Lori cadoo uh at PE preschool par professional 16 years Elise Martin Plymouth South High School vocational par professional 23 years um Kristen uh Kristen fona from Nathaniel Morton will be retiring the ones I just listed were all going to be here through June 30th uh Kristen is a music teacher at Nathaniel Moore she'll be here with us until September of next year uh Sheila borell from pcis foreign language Spanish she will be with us until November of next year and just to um also share we have Diana Rosetti uh districtwide Elementary special ed department head 32 years um here's a little curveball for Mr Pizano one of our staff was a resignation but then today she is uh changed it to a retirement so she was going to be on the other list so I'm going to share with her tonight so I'm going to see how fast he does his math um good thing he in the background he does Elizabeth Rio she was an art teacher at Plymouth South Middle School 17 years uh so we have quite the extensive list for you tonight Mr pan math time all right well one it is an illustrious uh list with an average uh 10 year uh 20 years including the the latest uh addition and two my my both of my kids were lucky enough to have two of these uh teachers at P yes so they'll definitely be missed but on behalf of the district and the uh uh School Comm like to thank these eight Educators for their combined 172 years of service to the district wow that's a lot of knowledge thank you all right now we have Committee Member reports um anybody have anything to share that they'd like to share with the group no um I just wanted to say thank you to everybody who put anything together with any of the graduation uh uh graduation celebrations at Plymouth North and pouth South I think everything was wonderful everything went perfectly I think for we were lucky with the weather this year much better than last year um but both days were really great so everybody involved in that just a big thank you for all that hard work um and then just to reiterate the one book one District I think was really very well done and just it was nice to see all the different activities and parents and kids all together kind of working on on things so uh thank you thank you to everybody all the and I know there's so many other things happening towards the end of the year so thank you to all the faculty and staff who are working hard to get all those together with like what eight more days left I think it is so so thank you that's all I have anything else um School building report do we have one we haven't met since yeah we meet next Thursday all right Personnel report Mr Trophy well today I had to do a little math too so we had nine resignations uh we did uh um Grant four certificated appointments and then we had one parental leave and one medical leave thank you does anybody have any unfinished business they'd like to bring forward any new business okay um that brings us to our consent agenda does anybody need anything pulled from the consent agenda okay seeing none I just need a motion to approve the consent agenda or the will of the committee Mr pan I move to approve the consent agenda as presented I have a motion do I have a second thank you Miss saywood um we have a motion in a second uh any questions on the motion all right we should be able to vote perfect that is unanimous and I that brings unless anybody has anything they're burning and want to share that brings us to the end of our meeting at 8:28 thank you everybody have a great evening thank you e