e e e e e e e e all right I want to call the Monday March 18th meeting of the school committee into session if everyone will join me for the PGE of allegion flag United States of americe thank you everybody and our first piece of business today is to go into executive session for collective bargaining do I have a motion Mr Pano oh sorry Jackson uh just saw hands I move that we go into executive session for the purpose of collective bargaining thank you second got a second and I need do a roll call so miss saywood yes M Jackson yes Mr Rano Dr s and I vote Yes so we are now in executive session and we will return um for the rest of our meeting into public session right we'll go upstairs my conference room where Dr bla e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e right thank you everybody we're back into um open session after our executive session our next part of our agenda is comments from the general public and as usual I'll read our statement so the Plymouth school committee would like the opportunity to learn about the concerns and opinions of Plymouth residents input from students and parents and Guardians within the pum Public Schools is especially important to the school committee public comment is part of the school committee agenda and is not an opportunity for a discussion debate or dialogue between individuals and the school committee it is an individual's opportunity to express an opinion or concern on issues within the school committee's Authority and scope each speaker will be allowed to 3 minutes to present their material and must begin their comments by stating their name and address topics for discussion should be limited to those items within the school committee scope of authority the authority of the school committee primarily concerns the review and approval of the budget of the District's Public Schools the performance of the superintendent and the educational goals and policies of The District's Public Public Schools public comment and complaints regarding School Personnel apart from the superintendent or students are prohibited comments made during public comment portion of the meeting do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the pum school committee or individual committee members thank you and I know we have want to come up and state your name for our public comment hi Michelle westerling Ireland Spiner Drive good evening I've been a Plymouth Public Schools parent for the last 14 years and a health teacher in another local town for the last 21 years throughout those years I've given input and feedback on the health education my children have or have not received both the state health and physical education Frameworks and the national health education standards and National physical education standards have had their first updates in over 15 years recently released I was a part of both development processes and pride myself on making sure my own health program makes even the most sensitive topics as comfortable as possible and does so by making sure all stakeholders are informed listened to and respected a lot has changed in health education since many of us were in school sorry I was just thinking about my own experience not going into detail there we've only got three minutes it is less about learning all the facts to pass a test and more about developing all the skills to help make good choices and be good people a true skills-based health education program helps students practice skills that will help them throughout their lives the national health education standards and the Massachusetts and different wording want students to be able to use Functional Health Information analyze influences access valid and reliable resources use communication skills decision- making goal setting practice Health behaviors and advocacy I think we can all agree that those are skills for life in order to help students develop these skills Plymouth needs a focused effort on examining their health education program and properly training and supporting its health education staff to do this important work there's a lot of misinformation and disinformation about what goes on in health class and about the new standards parents and Guardians deserve to know what is being taught and how in all of their students subjects but especially those that they are worried might conflict with their values or beliefs the only way to reassure families is to inform them by Massachusetts law parents and Guardians have the right to opt their child out of certain content they also by Massachusetts law need to be given reasonable access to the curriculum I am asking that PPS Implement specific updates in order to make health education a truly collaborative effort among students teachers families and administrators my ask is the following add health and physical education to the curriculum and programs page on the PPS website it is the only Department without a section at all include an overview of all curriculum at all schools in all grades provide detailed information on curriculum and instruction opt out policies how to access additional information and who to contact with questions give health and PE one department head to coordinate all of the above and the continuing education of Staff ensure that only teachers with a health education license are teachers health education courses send all health and physical education teachers to one of the Desi professional development workshops or something comparable on implementing the new standards and provide parents and Guardians with an overview of each health education course their student is enrolled in which is easily done through an aspen all class email to parents and Guardians I more than happy to speak further on these asks I've emailed a copy of these comments to your chair the PPS Health Services used to have a banner that said students must be healthy to be educated and educated to be healthy it is my hope that the Plymouth Public Schools can work together as a community to ensure quality health education for all students and clear communication for All Families thank you very much for listening tonight thank you all right next piece uh we have our student representatives and we have Maya here from pum South to start us off so I'd like to start off by congrat um congratulating senior Molly Roy who was selected by the Patriot League to receive the 2024 Boston Bruins MIAA scholarship award this award is presented annually by the Boston Bruins and the MIAA to one individual from each High School hockey hockey league in the state who best exemplifies the highest standards of fair play and sportsmanship the presentation of this award will take place on Tuesday March 19th at TD Garden during an intermission of the Boston Bruins game against the Ottawa Senators congratulations Molly this week at Plymouth South is March Madness spirit week and students are participating in the appropriate themes our AC capella group South Avenue performed last week in front of a large crowd at the Pine Hills at their annual W Wade te in addition culinary provided the food for the event this wonderful group raises money to support students in need in the Plymouth Public Schools we hosted the annual staff versus student basketball game last Thursday there was a great turnout of Staff competing however the students won with a three-pointer at the buzzer last Tuesday the senior class hosted a volleyball tournament the DECA team beat the teacher team in the final match prior to the event each team picked a charity of their support in which the proceeds were donated the DECA team chose to donate the $500 raised to the CLA zon scholarship fund our trim Honor Society induction was last week and a new student performance was was added to the beginning the World Language Honor Society will be next Wednesday at South we have also had students from China visiting Plymouth High School since the end of February each of the seven students have been partnered with the pshs Ambassador and I myself am lucky enough to be one of these ambassadors it is hard to believe that they will be leaving this Friday it has been a fantastic partnership for both the students from China and the pshs students they have seen a seal release visited Harvard attended numerous after school activities including the staff for student volleyball game and basketball game they also visited local stores like locally yours we wish them well as they head back home this weekend we will say goodbye on Wednesday with an authentic American lunch provided by culinary last Friday 93 students from pshs competed in the skills USA District competition against other schools from Massachusetts three students placed first one placed second and sixth place third in their respective program they'll be moving on to States congratulations to all the DECA students who attended States last week senior will Kenny attended a leadership acad will will be attending a Leadership Academy for winning a state photo contest featuring a photo from with the DECA flag at the Eiffel Tower last year in Paris seniors Riley Kane Kendra Foley Larry curtain and Addison Clawson will also be attending ICDC after placing at the state conference incredible job by all congratulations to Junior madakin chub who represented pshs at the Poetry out loud state finals today in Boston she was aming amazing and made us so proud special thanks to the teacher Mrs Evans for her guidance our Panther booster club will be hosting a first annual casino night for parents on Saturday March 23rd all proceeds go to the support of our student athletes we hope you can attend our theater Guild students had a great performance at the Marshfield high school competition a few weeks go congratulations to Dylan long for winning the state managers award Corey Dodge for his Allstar award for lighting design and Ava Davy betet for her All-Star award for acting as well as the entire company of tracks for a great production spring Sports started this week at South and everyone was very happy with the nice weather finally our students and staff have started planning for the second annual mock crash which will be an event for all seniors on Tuesday April 23rd while a very sad and emotional event we feel that this is a great way to expose our students to the importance of making safe decisions both in and out of school thank you to the local groups that support this important initiative thank you thank you Maya anybody have any questions I'd like to know what authentic American Cuisine is they're having Pilgrim sandwiches okay that's what I was gonna ask love that that's fun thank you thank you for sharing everything choose they had mac and cheese and burgers so was other option I love it I love it that's um Miss savory's daughter when we went to Japan taught her host family how to make um mac and cheese cuz she just didn't like any other food none of them have ever had mac and cheese yeah know and she was like are you kidding me I can't believe that's a thing so they all learned how to make mac and cheese it was the highlight um thank you thank you for that all right our next piece is we have our school Improvement pen we're going to start with man Elementary School FR yeah Dr FR like Oh Mr fr sorry good evening everybody thanks for having me here so this is uh man Med Elementary School's three-year update third year this plan next year will be uh initiating a new plan this click right here just wanted to say thank you first of all to the following members up there from the uh current school council U Miss Badger also thank you so much for uh being our school committee leaz on to that group uh it's been uh it's been very helpful to have perspective from all of our stakeholders in that group one of the things on the Mana met at a glance you'll notice that 280 students as of a year ago that number was 252 so I think it's about an 11 just over 11% increase with redistricting at bamt uh we think over the course of these next few years those numbers will continue to grow as well the other number that I just wanted to draw your attention to was on the students from lowincome households that number a year ago was 35.2 so that was a a significant jump upward uh for our school um this year as well that was something that caught our attention when we're looking at that data uh from the October one report as far as opportunities for students a lot of these listed up here are available to students in all the schools their districtwide programs like the children's uh business fair and the uh uh the different home and school events that each of the schools have as well one of the things that we're particularly proud of is our after school theater workshops that we have just last week we had three live performances of Finding Nemo our fourth and fifth graders did a great job with that and they performed in front of the entire school during the day and then had two evening performances in front of a total of about 500 people so they were very excited for that they're getting ready to kick off their grade three uh Theater Workshop as well they do a musical review every spring for that as well one of the things that we're really proud of is all these different opportunities are free of cost excuse me free of charge uh they cost uh money but they're what it's not something where we're needing to charge students for them uh one of them down below there the Tulip project as well is something that our school nurse is uh very excited to lead this year over the course of uh several months throughout the year leading some of our fourth and fifth grade students the tool of project is to uh draw attention to the need to uh remove the stigma from uh mental health uh issues so she is uh talking to students and and and leading them through that project and and she's uh got some great feedback and or given some great feedback on uh on the work that's gone on there as well as far as our drones our home and School Association had purchased nine drones for us to use and we're excited to be able to get going with those and use those on an indoor drone club uh we also happen to have an FAA approved drone pilot who's able to uh lead the students and teach them all about drones uh this spring one of our fifth graders uh parents so we're very fortunate to be able to get those up and running uh they're very excited to use those this particular year has been probably busier than just about any other in terms of the amount of professional development that our staff have been involved in the teachers College Workshops the embedded lab sites that they've been uh participating in man's been partnered with Cold Spring Elementary School so over the course of five or six days this year they've done learning labs in one school or the other and one of the things that for all of these embedded professional development pieces the powerful thing is they're able to learn about these strategies and then have them modeled with their students so they're not reading about how it's happened in another school or read you know hearing about it they're seeing it with their own students so it's powerful in terms of them being able to apply those and see it applied right with their own students in front of them inquiry based learning is very much something that we're working hard at uh throughout the district and AD manim met the investigating history curriculum uh our fifth grade teacher who teaches social studies across the grade level Katie Stout has been working very closely with Rob powers and they've gone uh to several different workshops this year to try and grow the implementation of that we've got third fourth and fifth grade teachers who have stepped up to volunteer to do a lot of extra hours preparing uh with the open SED science pilot to get us ahead a little bit in terms of what's coming with some of those State assessments around science it's been a lot of work they've worked very closely with Alis and Reen on that the embedded PD again that's Jen powers in our building and Natalie lroy white who have done a fantastic job grabbing teachers whenever they can grab them it's not always easy during the day but they've made that happen many times during the day also before after and in between uh we were honored this year to have Lucy ckins actually come to our school for a day and spend an entire day in in our classrooms with our students coaching students on writing and having the teachers be able to watch that so that was a powerful piece she's planed on coming back to do that again with reading uh to do the same thing again so we're excited to have her come and do that it was an honor to have her there with us and uh tremendous amount of energy and enthusiasm for the work that that she does uh the ongoing refinement of data analysis what we're talking about there is looking at specifically this year in light of the recent legislation around the literacy data the added structured sessions and mechanisms throughout the year for uh looking at that as staff at five different specific points as well as in between uh to talk about how we're going to apply the lessons that we're we're learning from that data as well the SEI endorsement man is now an ell Services school this is the first year that that's been the case so that means that all of our staff need to get trained up and get their SEI endorsement their sheltered English immersion endorsement many of the teachers who have graduated in recent years already have that because you just get that now as part of your coursework we had about 15 or so who needed it who hadn't had it so we had the Lion Share of them take that course including myself this past fall it's a 16we course uh that we participated in and several other teachers are doing that this spring as well so that's been great to help us all get up to speed with a lot of the best practices and strategies and context uh for working with students who are um designated as uh Ells or M mlls in terms of any specific best practices outside of just good pedagogy the mathematical discourse is something that uh in math our coach has been working on with our kindergarten teachers and they're going over to to Marshfield I think within the next couple of weeks to have a couple of their math coaches teach our teachers and model for our kindergarten teachers math talk it stings a little bit because the two math coaches that are doing that presentation were classroom teachers at manat who left us to go be math coaches in Marshfield but uh we're over it and then I'm sure it'll be a good day I'm sure we'll have a good time uh the small group instruction for guided math groups is another area of emphasis I know that they're working on as well so we were thrilled to celebrate the National Blue Ribbon School Award with our students today we had a a rotation where each grade level was able to go through a series of fun events and sort of celebrate their achievement with that uh we over over just under a thousand Public elementary schools in Massachusetts and we were the one that received that designation this year there was one other Elementary it was a charter school that received that and then there were some element uh middle and high schools as well so we were thrilled to achieve that South Elementary one that would back in 1988 as well and one of the things that was really a rich experience for us as a school is when you're nominated for that you have to go through the entire application process and it's extensive so one of the things that struck me as we were going through it you're reflecting on every single aspect of our programming districtwide so it really as much as it is a school award it's a district award because you've got to outline all those practices and social studies within reading within Health across the board what are you doing in terms of servicing all of your different subgroups all of it so a lot of those pieces were in coordination with our coordinators throughout the district and drawing that information that are in place throughout so it's something where much of what weth submitting is can be said of of all eight of our elementary schools so we were thrilled to be able to represent that so as far as the the plan itself strategic objective number one um for the outcomes for all Learners through an inclusive and Equitable education again I mentioned inquiry based learning as a big piece of that looking at next steps as we try to use data to drive instruction and then using some of the F uh feedback mechanisms as well to promote a a reflective environment so as I had mentioned the inquiry based instruction those two people pieces are are ongoing in science with the open sayet and investigating history in grade five there are other pieces of inquiry based learning going on as well those are two biggies uh that are ongoing right now as far as the different academic data points under this initiative a couple of the things we were thrilled uh with when you look at the lowincome subgroup to be in the 96 percentile Statewide we were thrilled when we look at our students within that subgroup uh in terms of where they St up against students throughout the state within that same subgroup and then sped has been an area of emphasis for us within this plan when we initiated it in terms of uh our services toward those groups and our practices toward meeting that population of students so we were happy to see uh the 998th percentile there as well the feedback piece when we talk about the learning walks one of the powerful pieces there is this year we added the teacher learning walk so we had two these in September and to have that teacher voice in there was powerful to reinforce and and and hear from their perspective some of those same themes that we were noticing administrators but through a different lens as well so that was helpful uh you'll see the 909090 schools up there this is something that I'm just scratching the surface on myself but a 1990 school is a school that uh is 90% low income 90% ethnic minority 90% High proficiency so those schools uh there's been research done on those schools what are the practices that are allowing those schools to achieve at very high levels so as part of our upcoming School Improvement plan that's one of the areas that we're diving into is to try and look at what some of those different practices are at an initial glance some of them are practices that we're already familiar with but we want to look to see if there are additional ones as well and then one of the really cool things when you go into the Blue Ribbon Schools portal we had to submit I think it was a 17 or 18 page packet and one of the things in there is a section on sort of what are some of the practices about your school that you're particularly proud of that are unique to your school so we put ours in there but we also now can go in and use those as sort of an idea Factory for those last few Decades of schools that have received that award and posted their information in there so part of our plan going forward is to try and pick some of those ideas and look at some of those practices uh around the country uh to do that it was it was a lot of fun going down there to DC and seeing that all 50 schools all 50 states were represented as well so you're seeing States uh seeing strategies that have been implemented in very diverse settings so we're pretty excited about that as well so for goal number two the social emotional supports for all learners uh coordinating staff resources so to coordinate the resources that we have in the building in the form of people to to make sure that we're having a cohesive message and cohesive practices in place uh engaging staff for a range of elements associated with maintaining a safe School environment so things like our safe safe School uh committee our school resource officer Etc uh opportunities to deepen our own best practices in that area as well so when you look at this one uh one of the things that we do when children are struggling typically those conversations that that information gets funneled through either myself our school psychologist or our school nurse in one form of another the teachers are reaching out for support uh in those ways so we try to huddle up regularly to have conversations to see sometimes it's that we need to connect families with specific resources sometimes it's that we need to connect with our attendance officer to make a home visit any one of a number of different uh pieces so we try to we try to meet regularly to have those conversations on the individual student level as situations arise and also to try and get ahead of some of them our health educator does uh Linda B Linda Bokus does a great job with the whole class piece and some of those whole class themes uh throughout the course of the year and then specific staff assigned for individual intervention or small group intervention our school psychologist and our speech and language pathologist as well uh does a fantastic job of those targeted interventions in meaningful ways for individual students aside from all the great work that the classroom teachers do on a daily basis intervening in whole group ways or small group ways but those pull out sessions with the speech and language pathologist and school psychologists go a long ways there as well we're also very happy this year within this area to have gauol back we had lost gald at the beginning of the year we have a new gald counselor who's recently joined us and and she's done a wonderful job already we're hoping we can hang on to her for a good long while as well for SAA safe School environment officer Roth is fantastic he's very much a part of the fabric of everything that we're doing at the school uh our ongoing conversations we incorporate him into uh conversations around the safe environment committee and steps that were taking along the way for the best practice piece our pride assemblies are very much at the heart of that a lot of those different conversations we've received some embedded coaching here as well within some of those seal practices through uh Diane Hughes our uh District uh Behavior Uh coach as well as through uh some other uh Specialists that have been in for various reasons that have provided us with some information and specific coaching that we can use to Target certain situations and when we use them once we then can go go on and use them and apply them in other contexts with other students as well our Wellness fair is something that we have every November and it's representatives from all over the community that come and and drive home many of those important messages around seal as well uh and another thing that's underrated that I think is a really important piece to highlight within the literacy program all those text to self connections uh and text uh where students are connecting with different themes in some of these books that they're reading or some of the different different uh Mentor texts that are chosen within making those connections some of those connections also happen within the social studies curriculum as well there are some great opportunities that deepen some of these themes within there that might not be as explicitly obvious but over time they have a cumulative effect and and students are making those connections as well so engaging all stakeholders one of the things this year for us obviously with redistricting is we had about 20 new students for Indian Brook come and join us so we had about 28 new students Al together but 20 of them coming over to us from Indian Brook so we wanted to make sure that we were very quickly helping them uh become acclimated to this new environment one of the things that helps is we've got some tremendous curriculum infrastructure throughout the district that's consistent so uh we're talking the same language when they come over in terms of um the programming that's in place but there are different elements and aspects within each school so we want to make make sure we're aware of that also with engaging stakeholders is we're we're novices with the elll MLL communication and Outreach uh to families as they come in we're we're humble beginnings in terms of the numbers at our school where we've got five right now but it's something where we want to get up to speed with all the different translation tools with the different apps with the um you know making sure that we're having uh certain considerations in place that we may not have been aware of that we're more aware of and uh we've had some we've had a new elel uh teacher that was hired who is shared between our school and South Elementary School she's wonderful and she's helped lead a lot of that work and lead a lot of those discussions because she had experience that she brought uh with her as well so uh so it's been that's been very helpful as well so like I said that's one of the things that that we're trying to do within um within that building staff Capac capacity to meet the needs of uh families the on the left there one of the things mentions the literacy piece again not only in the building the piece around us meeting and talking and having discussions around literacy and data but also making sure that we're communicating that well with families so that's an important piece of that new model as well the second uh on the left there the second bullet on the left talks about all the different opportunities that are in place for family members to come in to celebrate their children's learning staff members have got some great uh vehicles through which to do that and and we get a great turnout whenever we open the doors and have family members come in to celebrate and share their students work that's always a very positive positive piece the podcast we just had our first one and we've got another one that's in the works now so we're hoping to continue those as well and then for objective number four Community Learning Community that recognizes and Embraces diversity and talents of all people so we've been working to build some of these different physical resources a lot of them around different literature different Mentor texts that we have in the building but also resources in connecting with people who can come in and help share some powerful messages with our students and again our our PBIS assemblies our pride assemblies have been a big part of that as well we were thrilled just a couple of weeks ago to have a representative from the mashby tribe come in and share hundreds of years worth of history and and culture uh throughout the course of an entire day with our second fourth and fifth grade students we chose those grade levels because we wanted to go class by class and connected to specific themes in their curriculum uh so it was wonderful and it's something I think that will make a regular uh regular occurrence in terms of having uh members come in again continuing to deepen the Mentor text Tools in place uh and also the other resources that are in the hands of students every day so the mentor texts are typically the text that the teachers are using to drive home some of these messages but also deepening the selections available for students uh last year we did a lot of work uh with Brian hatab Rob powers and I did a lot of work to uh try to look to see where the connections were within our curriculum around Black History Month themes that were already there learning standards that we needed to try and connect with rather than trying to force in sort of oneoff activities we were trying to look for those opportuni so we spent a lot of time as a staff uh doing some of that work those are the different areas that I had and I'm happy to um answer any questions that you have anyone have any questions Dr Sorenson I'm sure I speak for this whole committee when I tell you that we are so proud of you uh to be the only Elementary School Massachusetts re recognized as a blue blue ribbon school so really and a lot of work went into that as you said there was a 17 Page a lot of people put information into that very well done very well done very much and there were so many things that you said in your presentation that that we could highlight uh I was particularly pleased to hear that when the Indian Brooks students came over the curriculum was smooth and that's very important we worry about that all the time so I was glad to hear that thank you anybody else have any questions I wish we could uh we need to replicate that your numbers with some of the testing I mean how I I think you'd probably win some sort of award if you knew what was making the difference with your special education population in how well they're doing um with the 96% was it 96% 98 98% don't cheat US very important no but you know if we could figure out what that was and tap in like what do you think is the difference I think one of the things that the first of all there's been great stability on our sped team in terms of Staff over the years so I think that has a lot to do with it when you have people who have worked together for a very long time and I think the other pieces uh they've really worked very hard in terms of coordination and co-planning and I think also um the amount of time that uh the the amount of emphasis that they put on making it you know inclus inclusion Services whenever possible I think those are big pieces that and again I don't see every single so it's hard to say what's different in this building but I can tell you that those are three areas that I think have impacted for us yeah I mean consistency helps with anything right when you know you have the same staff the same message the same so thank you that was a wonderful presentation I don't think I can say anything better than Dr thornson did we're really proud of Mana mat so thank you all right and now we have India Brooke good evening evening my fish everyone everyone on this side of the table knows how how much I love my our mascot sort of my pet project um thank you for having me I I often follow Dr FR so I'm used to this all right so Indian Brook School Council um we've had a pretty consistent School Council some very involved um members um so they are listed here I'm going to lose Nancy kanduchi who has been a teacher for 20 something years in Plymouth but prior to that she was so we wish her a wonderful retirement but I will miss having her at Indian Brook as well as on my school council um this year at Indian Brook we have 541 students enrolled that is down down from 578 last year so the redistricting um we lost about 37 students I think most of them went to manat um and some went to South Elementary and I would agree with Dr FR we worked really hard to make sure those students um felt welcomed and supported when they went um both schools had uh information sessions and um like a little um orientation for them that I went to and South and manam did an amazing job of making them feel welcome and the consistency of everything helps as well um but I've heard back from several families or I've run into them that are just thrilled with their experiences at at manam and South they miss us at Indian Brook but um we have 25 general education home rooms that was that's two less than last year so the redistricting we were able to um gain two classroom spaces back which was very helpful since we had art and music on a cart um and it able it also allowed us to have a um special education uh classroom where they can pull students in who have pull out Services which was great which we were in hallways and closets before so um that was really helpful we have we are home to one of the district elementary strive programs which is our our autism program we have 16 students in the program three classrooms um and we range K to five we have students in every grade level um and that has just been such a great addition now we're we're going on quite a few years now although it feels like it just happened um it it helps you know it just makes us we're an inclusive School we're very we feel very strongly about that and and having them just reinforces how you know how inclusive we are so it's great um we have about 21% students that receive special education some type of special education services that's up a little bit from last year um and about 25% are considered lwi income at um Indian Brook it was about 27% last last year so that's down a little bit I say this every year I don't know that that's an accurate reflection um with free breakfast and lunch we don't get as many um free and reduced lunch forms filled out um so it it may be a little higher than that we're not a title one school so we don't receive Title One services and we are also the only Elementary School in Plymouth that is not in elll school um we do currently have two students that would qualify for elll services but their parents opted them out of services so that they could stay at Indian Brook so like Dr FR said we have a a ton of ton of activities for students outside of the school day um right now we're running 12 clubs after before or after school clubs we probably could have run 20 if if we had the time and the money um our our art Club is incredibly popular uh Miss bansa could run one every day of the week every day of the year and she would have plenty of students um but you know we have chorus drama band children's business faar is is sort of a a little bit of a baby of mine I I love helping run that that's been amazing um we do yearbook science night literacy night all kinds of things it feels like there's lots of things going on all the time this this week There's a dodgeball tournament um and so it's just amazing to be able to see students outside of the classroom and enjoying themselves and have families come in as well um that's all I have there so here are some pictures of some of our club science Night children's business Fair band so we get into our all of our strategic objectives so our first one these are of course are in no order of importance they're all important social emotional Wellness what I it was interesting when Dr Frank was talking he he I kept saying oh I forgot to add that to mine I for there's so much that happens that it's it's really it would be really hard we we could be here for a long time and nobody wants to listen to me for that long um um but there's so much that goes on that you just can't even remember it all when you when you sit down um and I think too what happens is a three-year plan we're on year three so we'll be writing a new plan next year as you move throughout the years what you wrote might not apply or might need some changing and tweaking so um it's always nice to sort of reflect where we were and and where we're at now but as far as our you know SEI or social emotional we are I'm really proud of the staff with second step they implement it with Fidelity every week they are really they use the language they they really have um bought into second step the kids can can repeat back the lessons teachers know where to find a lesson if something arises in in issue that they think needs to be addressed um we also have a have gnal in our building we several years ago we had a gal counselor 5 days a week we currently have her one day a week very happy we have her because we had nobody um but we could use the five days a week um again but it's great her she's she's full and we're again like Pat said we're very happy to have them and and hope that this same person stays because we've sort of been through quite quite a few um each year and I think this is something the district is looking at the social emotional screener um PBIS I'll talk about a little bit more in a second because that's been a real Focus for us we do a lot of um peer program so peer peer helpers we have fifth graders help the kindergarteners get on to the bus find their bus um we also have peer helpers that will go into the lower level classrooms to help out with whatever the teachers need sometimes they're reading to A student sometimes they're helping a student start his homework um our fifth graders are a part of that and it's something they they really look forward to our teachers look forward to them coming in and helping support them um and we continue to do staff professional development around SEI our our school counselors our school adjustment counselor Nikki quinland and our school psychologist Karen Monty created a professional development for par is because we have most of the powers in Indian Brook are part-time and they often miss out on a lot of the professional development that's provided so they worked over the summer to create a professional development for them about managing students with oppositional Behavior so they've been able to to um train some of the staff this year and they'll continue to build off of that and work with more of the Paras and hopefully transition it over to the teachers as well it's been very very well received this is our PB this is my my other baby that goes with the fish um this is our our motto this is what we go by the kids say it every morning on their announcements it's um very ingrained in in the building right now which is great so part of our PBS program is we do swim Awards and Miss I I have to give um assistant principal Jill dug in the credit for a lot of the PBIS now she's really taken taken the reins and has created some great things to motivate the students so we do red carpets so when they win swim Awards the whole grade level comes down they get to walk the red carpet it's fancy um they can be fancy or they can just wear what their favorite outfit and one student from each class receives a certificate that the teachers nominate some of the classes which was really nice to see this year some of the teachers asked the students to nominate their peers which has been great um one of our fourth grade classes Cheryl Newell she has her students nominate their peers and and write exactly why so and that's great and so the teachers get up when they present their certificates they read off either what they've written or what the other students have written so that's been really nice to see in a a great Community builder in her class classroom in particular and across the school so this is continues to be our our Focus um there wasn't a PB there wasn't PB well I shouldn't say that there was there there was a little bit of the beginnings of it but we've really taken it and expanded it since I've been there and it's it's made a huge difference in the climate and culture of indrian Brook and we all use the the same language around things and so it's we want to continue to build off of that and expand it as much as we can um we also work which it's not up here but we work closely with our school resource officer um officer Roth he is embedded in our community he's he's there he's he he engages with the students they love seeing him they can talk to him about anything he recently did an internet um safety assembly for our fifth graders um I think he could probably run that every week um considering what we we see um and Amy Harman our our health teacher has also done some bullying assemblies for the students which have been very well received so we're going to continue to build off of those pieces next family and com Community engagement um we have really worked hard the staff have really worked hard over the last couple years of of of streamlining and their communication with parents so a lot of our teachers use class jojo which is which is great teachers can send messages to the whole class to every parent in class they can send it to just one parent parents can message back um that has been great our other classes you some use Google Classroom some use seesaw seesaw you can post picture so parents can see like what's happening right there that day um which has been great I am continuing to send monthly newsletters with as much information as I can um our Specialists have created a newsletter a quarterly newsletter that they send out which is that was um recent feedback actually I received from a parent was that they'd like to know more about what's happening in in Specialists so we had already started a newsl but you know we're we're going to sort of ramp that up a little bit um I've talked about this before a PTA is incredible they are very involved very active um very invested in in Indian Brook they've created outdoor teaching spaces a family the Coopers built them themselves um and they just did an amazing holiday night for us they're doing the dodgeball tournament they they're very very involved in in very active in the community we are currently school council is currently working on a survey I think we've got it pretty much ready to go and and we'll use that um I'll talk about that sort of what our focus is going to be for next year um but the other thing I wanted to mention as I was sitting here thinking um we also partners with partnered with Plymouth South High School this year we had a couple of kiddos from their Eco Club come and do a recycled book fair with our first graders which was really cool and I recently talked to Patty fry about doing some more partnering with the with the high school so we're hope hopeful that we'll be able to do that this was the PTA holiday event I don't know if you can see it but they were thought it was funny to put Miss Doug and and I above the fireplace on the mantle um you know how much I like my picture out there um so our Focus really next year is going to be the survey and taking sending out the survey the end of this school year before it gets too busy and then taking the results and analyzing it and and tweaking what we need to do and helping have that help guide our new school Improvement plan that we'll be writing next year next academic achievement um very similar to what Dr FR talked about a lot of the professional development the teachers are in involved in um the early literacy screening has been has been a big Focus this year um I I don't have mcass on there but I I should um so you know these are a lot of the pieces that that we look at I do want to highlight these are so these are our star assessment scores so this is first grade all of first grade literacy they take it three times a year and and in October the we had 54% um students meeting or exceeding The Benchmark and 23% approaching so about 77% of our students were were where they should be approaching or meeting and exceeding and you can see in the winter which was just in January we've gone up to about 89% that are approaching or meeting exceeding where they should be so that's great to see that is um pretty similar across grade levels when you look at the star data and this is you know all about the teachers and their hard work and the curriculum it's it's really nice to see math even looks better um uh in the fall our first grade 91% were approaching our meeting exceeding in in just recently in January 97% so um there's lots of good things happening across the board academically in Indian Brook and so next year our our big Focus will be you know it's always been our Focus but this this I will I will admit is not my strongest thing that one of my goals is the data teams and looking at the data and you know really taking the data and and and doing something with it you can look at it which is easy to do but actually you know doing something with that data and supporting the teachers and in what they need um so that that is a big Focus um and that goes along with the grade level teams and working with um our coaches and our our coordinators academic coordinators to you know talk about best practice and meet the needs of all of the students and I didn't put it in here but because we just did it recently but the learning walks we just did our first teacher learning walk um which was great it went it went really well the teachers loved it um and that is definitely something we want to look at implementing in the future with our teachers Equity diversity inclusion and belongings our next area um this is you know uh Indian Brook isn't the most diverse school but um you we definitely have ways that we can support and and make everyone feel well represented so um that's a focus for us um particularly well we do it a lot with our one school one book which um we do every year this is our little preview of our book this year is the wild robot um so we're looking forward to that that's coming up in May I'll send you all an invitation if you'd like to come um and a couple of other things there but really next year we want to focus on using what we can so you know our PTA is is invested in bringing in cultural arts program so we really are are trying to look at our our student and and staff makeup and and demographics and make sure they're well represented when we bring um Cultural Arts um into the building and then the other piece that we're really focusing on that we really we haven't done enough with is highlighting Heritage and and Diversity Awareness months it's just sort of one of those things that you got to get off the ground and then once once you do it it rolls and so that's going to be one of our f one of our main focuses next year that's it I have some pictures it's always fun the 100th day of school and story book character day fund run or PTA does the fundr run every year which raises a huge amount of funds for our school um we started uh the tradition a couple years ago of having the seniors Indian Brook students who are seniors this year coming back for a walkthrough so that's always a lot of fun and our school resource officer was on a um quest for a missing burrito that's a long story [Laughter] Sor and this was our one school one book last year pictures from that and this was also part of our one school one book and this was sort of my my favorite one the students were um given fish to fill out and they said I'm special because um and they could write whatever they wanted so this is one of our strive students who who wrote this um this is sort of a picture I I keep in my office office because it says a lot questions thank you anybody have any questions that one's Dr senson thank you uh so many things just like before um your statistics on first grade literary and math were really outstanding great numbers but it made me made me look at the uh those students who in the red those students who were in The Red those poor students you know they know they're really struggling so School must be an unfort experience for them but when you look at your number the red is going away so we don't have students that come to school so sad because they are learning yep and the numbers show it and that's really exciting y else no thank you that was a great presentation I really appreciate it thank you right right our next we have our school committee matters and uh bus and transportation fees and uh I know we've talked a little bit about the bus the transportation the preschool fees and athletic fees before um and we wanted to kind of have a either action item or have a bigger discussion I don't know if Dr blazedale if you have additional information you would like to share or no really these are the the same the same information from the the previous meetings um I did the one difference is when you look at the bus fees um chart down at the bottom where it says proposed rates what I did do is I I remember right now we have a tiered system yeah and so I what I did is in the green at the bottom you'll see the proposed rate at just 125 getting rid of the tiered system um and what the revenue would be if we just looked at the 125 and getting rid of the tiered system um one of the things that I want to comment on is also just kind of going back and comparing our fees to other districts um we're actually very very very reasonable right now we're lower than many of the districts around um I know that's not attached to this one but it is attached to some previous um some previous agendas but I can answer any of those questions too if people had specifics what they are around anybody have any Mr Mr Pano yeah 125 is the current rate one we have a tiered system right now that's the highest of the tiered yes of the you're I know you're showing 150 175 200 is there a a recommendation I think if I had to recommend one I probably wouldn't go higher than 150 at this point in time I think as we go forward in the future it might be looking at others um 125 if we look at that number it really doesn't necessarily bring in extra Revenue where we're looking at all of our costs across the board the 125 if you if you look at it it really is right around where we what we currently bring in and at the 150 we' s be like you said like good relative to other districts we are yes when you look at other districts around um if you look at Abington they're 255 coassets 350 dam is 190 oneway 250 round trip um Hanover's 300 Mansfield's 225 Marshfields 180 Norwell's 350 so we're even at 125 we are below and obviously we don't want to strap our familyes either so questions um and then with if we were to say do the 125 or the 150 part of our um change is also the change in the process for bus fees so the July 1 I would recommend that we change the process anyway yes no matter what direction we go with fees because it would it would give us a handle on in regards of who's riding creating bus routes based upon who we know is riding um and we what we're trying to do is we're working with the town to do to go online payments as well people can still pay via check and so forth but we're trying to to make it a little easier like like they do would for water bills and Sewer bills and and taxes as well people don't have checks anymore correct I still write them but yeah you have the same supply for like six years Dr sson did I see you sorry I thought I saw you Le floor anybody have a desire I would move that we accept Dr boy please Dell's proposal and uh or recommendation and uh and move for 150 as a raise in the fees I'll second a second thank you so I have a motion and second any questions on the motion all right we have one question well just one statement that would Al there's a family cap on that chart too just so people are aware there still would be a family cap of 450 and it would just really be paying for three kids if you have any more than three okay should I restate my yeah uh well you said a proposal so I think you've got everything covered with the with you've got the piece for the the rate with 150 the family cap at 450 and then the July 1 and the whole process change too so all right if nobody has any questions I have a question I don't really understand the motion is the motion for 150 effective for this July yes coming up and uh the family fee will be 450 so we're going to expect a family to come be able to come up with $450 by July 1st if they that would be the cap so if they had four students it would still be 450 understand that yeah yeah um This concerns me that you know we just saw we just saw in two schools the low income numbers increasing in both schools believe me I I think we yeah I think we need to have a bus fee but what I'm what I'm addressing is those low income families to come up with $450 and they and they wouldn't be do you want to speak to how they would still qualify if they were free or reduced um they would if it was free then it would remain free free okay um and if it was reduced we would set that as Wellwood just to use your mic remind remind us um but what is the current current rate yeah current rate we have two different tiers we have um a if it's early it's 50 75 100 if it's after July 1st it's 7500 125 125 and so this would move it to 150 flat period okay Mr person what what's the current cap we um the current cap is either 225 or 300 depending on when you do it okay before July 1st after July 1 you said 325 uh 225 sorry and 3 so that's additional 15 may I ask another question how does how does a family demonstrate its uh economic status to get this free would we still use the free and reduce forms um that are processed through cafeteria and then the cafeteria does have some direct um the state yes direct something from the state I can't remember what it's called we're getting direct data from the state now regarding economically dis disadvantage students so in addition to that information we're also getting information that's being sent directly to us so in the event that they aren't submitting that we also get that from the state okay I thought I just saw a hand okay any other questions on the motion Mr Bano I'm going to retract my second okay does somebody want me to amend the motion or pull it I mean I can amend it to 125 I think if people feel more comfortable with that given the cap um I think from the floor and then start again yeah Mrs hwood I I just think given the fact that the previous the tier was 5075 and 125 and now there's an expectation um I mean even on the top end of this to more than dou please you can to more yeah but it's about the people at home I can hear you okay to more than double that is it's a big leap okay so the motion has been removed from the floor do you have a motion that someone would like to put forth Mr Bano I have a motion my reason forting this second wasn't so much that I don't support going to the one 150 I feel since we didn't you know we've kind of this was presented to us is here's a bunch of uh different options and we're kind of trying to you know come to a consensus on one I think it'd be more fair to the public if we had a you know a a a recommendation from an Administration that was put out there posted say he we plan on raising it to whatever number we come up come up with so that we actually have time for people to react and get feedback to me going to 150 across the board is reasonable I I think the fact that you know my son is a senior now and the fee was the same you know obviously we weren't paying during uh elementary school but the fact that it's been the same in my entire you know 13 years as a parent in this District it's been the same in my 16 years it's way so it's way overdue so I don't think it's unreasonable that we're doing here but I do think it'd be more fair to the public if we had a clear recommendation that was posted and then we yeah um were're coming in to vote on it a great suggestion anybody else okay so then if we don't have a motion and uh we' hear a recommendation for a 150 from um Administration so then I guess the our request is to go back and put it on the school social media to get feedback or uh what what is what is the committee's desire I mean I'm think like normally when we have a more voting on something you know there's a recommendation as part of the posting so I'm not but yeah more of a direct you know which is why I was asked in the first place of this what are you recommending so I think we have that and I think it's reasonable but I think we should be um put you know posting it as such so we could we could for the next I'm just sorry to interject that for the April 1 meeting we could put one administrative recommendation now that we've had conversations about this put it explicitly on the agenda it it certainly gives people opportunity we could promote that if the if that's the the the interest of the committee as well that there are fees that will be uh discussed and potentially voted on in April 1 we could do something out that'd be great on social media regarding any and all depending on how everything else goes this evening yes put that on the agenda certainly gives people an opportunity to um both reach out and also come here no I think that's great thank you um it's seems like the other conversation we were having was about the family cap and about how not necessarily the 150 for one student but the 450 per family was a bigger sticking point so I don't know if we finished that part of the conversation because that's a much bigger jump than the 150 for one child y um I'm just wondering if we come back with the same proposal and have the 450 in there if we're going to still have more of a conversation around around that that maybe we want to have that's a great idea now before there's a proposal like written in stone for us to vote on so what's our current family cap I know you just told me 225 2 225 early or 300 after July 1 okay so worst case you're doubling it but that's doubling over a period of probably 20 years Yes again I mean I don't think it's unreasonable least no I'm thinking of like the I I don't think the I mean obviously I'm the put out the motion so I don't think the 150 is unreasonable at all I'm thinking about the to Dr Sorenson's Point like the people who have four kids in the school district right now and have to go from you know like more than doubling what they're having to pay and what we're talking about with like current economic situations because he makes a fair point on that one yeah P early normally yeah anybody else Mr Pano did I see your hand yeah well I mean if you had four kids you wouldn't be paying on all four of them because the cap would cap you would only three it also assumes that they're all between grades seven and 12 and all riding the bus I mean that it is a finite number it's yeah so it's also as that's a good point Mr bazano that we do have a lot of families that were obligated that aren't paying for the bus that we have to consider this you know so at the K to six for those that are you know fewer than two miles that's aort of a luxury that that we that we provide that you pay into and then we're not obligated although we do transport obviously beyond that um for a whole host of reasons that are right yeah safety um anybody else no um I think the other piece that we talked about too and my brain just lost a train of thought um is that three if we did the 450 trying to really get my train of thought back here sorry I don't know it's gone it's really gone um in terms of the it went right off the rail Ra was it related to asking for it all in advance I think so I don't I don't know we'll come it'll I'll I'll at some point remember it'll be like midnight tonight like oh that's what I was trying to say um but yeah okay oh that's what it is it's the policy like right now or not the policy what we currently do the current practice we have so many families that don't pay anyways and they just don't pay it doesn't mean whether or not they're free or reduced or um and so I think that's a thing that we need to also focus on in here is there's plenty of families that can afford that aren't um and so with the policy or the procedure that's behind this the hope is that we get to those families too and it's not just the families who are you know diligent conscientious and diligent and are doing you know what we ask them to do but they may not be doing it because they don't have checks I'm just kidding but with that something to consider right so absolutely and I think yeah knowing that and being able to communicate that on early yes right not only what the fees are but how the bus routes and stops are going to be determined based on subscribed writers yep uh will be critically important because we have as Dr BL Dallas demonstrated we have a lot that have been paid yes and we would post that in our application and it would be integrated into what we work with with invoice Cloud um so they're in the process of developing that now so we would have to make sure that we get that to them as soon as possible okay in the April 1 if we make wait yeah April 1 it doesn't mess up any kind of communication that was planned okay no most just want to make sure we're not not for the buses okay we probably wouldn't necessarily be live and then anyway online payments as early um it might be taking the traditional route a little bit longer but okay any other questions all right so then we will move on to our preschool fees this one may be a little more timely um speaking with principal toin in terms of communication and Outreach to families um that process begins sooner than later so any recommendations that are that potentially could be um considered would would be appreciated if we could make it a termination here okay all right and this one is just as to I think remind everybody it was 1250 a day that these students are paying um and that was considerably lower than any of the area uh preschools if I'm remembering correctly um anybody have any thoughts any questions or do you have an update that you would like to provide really that's what we've been talking about so far is really um I think really like we talked about on this one is over the next few years T it towards FY 27 as the as the chart yes demonstrates the expenses or not the expenses chart the um top of yes the chart of the top the 253 27 Yes red blue light blue orange maybe yes exactly um lost my thought on this one um and and this one again has has not been looked at at least in my years here a long time it's considerably lower than yeah I think where him might be the only one that's or that was different oh and the other thing I'm sorry I wanted to say that keep in mind that the majority of families that are in our preschool you're looking at one maybe two years of preschool they would be paying these are our peer models that are taking advantage these are not the students that that are automatically enrolled they're not paying yes that's an important thing peer model piece yes have any thoughts Mr pan typical student paying student codes what two three times a week I know it's not every day I'm just looking at like trying to two to three times nobody is five yeah um two to three maybe four but most of them are two to three yeah so you're talking 5 to 750 impact per week times 39 so okay it's not too B yeah that current rate is about $5 an hour it's amazing do you need a calculator Dr sson does the director of the program collect the money or or do you collect it at central office it goes through the director um and then we're also looking to do online payments for this as well anybody else right does the committee have a desire a recommendation I think in this case Mr Pano do Dr blel actually has a recommendation here so I think here it's a little more clear yes so I would move move that we um accept Dr blaz Del's um recommendation to increase the fee by 250 U per day per year over the next four years or three years $2.50 $250 sorry $2.50 over the next three years second thank you I have a motion and a second any questions on the motion all right if we don't have any questions we should be able to vote that motion passes unanimously thank you right and our next set of fees are Athletics fees Mr Dr blell there's anything you want to share in additional sure nope this is really the same that we've talked about the past couple couple meetings that we've had um whereas the bottom right now when it looks like in FY 23 um we brought in about 255,000 um and at the top it shows your total expenses for both north and south over the past few years um and right now we don't have an accurate number as to what is brought in FY 24 because they are literally just starting the spring um season at this point in time um there's two numbers down the bottom where you're looking at $175 per sport or $200 per sport I wouldn't again I wouldn't necessarily recommend the $200 I would I would look at the lower number at this point in time and when was the last time that we increased it's been a long time about a decade yeah I was going to say I think I was just joining the committee last time we increased anybody have any questions desired to move forward on anything I mean this is something we can also put out to the um to the community if we're going to if we know that the 175 is a recommendation it's all up to the desire of the committee is there a cap associated with this see currently it's $675 and this is something we could discuss as the committee as well um some of the Caps of neighboring towns um Cohasset 600 Carver 7 50 um quiny 700 North quiny 700 Handover is a th000 henham is 1150 ducksbury is 1250 or some of them so that cap is based on five I was just going to say it's five sports so what is that you you could have a three sport athlete and a two sport athlete so depends on yeah how many how many sports they're playing in a given year some other towns do also charge and I'm not necessarily recommending this they do charge more for for sports like football and hockey yeah that caught my eye it does um and this could be something that the committee would recommend too I'm I don't have a recommendation on that that would be a conversation when we jumped to 135 I remember the the athletic directors at the time wanting to stay away from that because they found it very complicated to quantify because some of those families are also paying a significant amount of money to to get into games and the expenses associated with the sport and the equipment and everything else so trying to find that balance and never found they never really had a recommendation at least this was we talked about this 10 years ago that they felt um comfortable with with making they felt that doing this people know this is what it is regardless of the makes unequitable yeah and the athletic directors are really good about working with families yes with this fee never deny a student so if it's if it's the if it's the wish of the committee we could put that one recommendation on the next for 175 for April 1st for the 175 if that's what you would desire say we we will be 175 with a cap of 875 right 875 five sports if that's if that's what it's traditionally been just for consistency I think if we're going to do that for one we should do it for the other you know have a yes clear you know one clear recommendation to vote on yep okay we can do the same thing for that as well yeah I think that'll work and we'll do that on April 1st and that obviously won't mess up anything with Athletics because get a long time before we start talking about FAL buses buses are more critical yeah would time thans all right nobody has any additional questions thoughts before we move on no okay perfect um now we have superintendent report Dr Campbell thank you very much Miss bger um brief brief update uh strategic planning is is going along nicely again we have about 32 uh Community Representatives uh teachers students um parents AD ministrators school committee members that are taking part in the strategic planning process our third committee meeting was held last Monday where our next meeting is next Monday um we started prioritizing we're in a good place with prioritizing our overarching themes next Monday we'll finalize that and start looking at developing very specific key initiatives with strategic initiatives and timelines and and and outcomes uh really getting into a very um concrete place with that so a lot of a lot of work to be done next Monday excited about that um had um our monthly copy and conversations on March 14th school health services thank uh our uh school health office uh school health service director um Carolyn Reigns for her support um we had I believe we had 12 or 14 in attendance had some good discussion Miss Badger was there um our next forum actually um is April 10th and we're going to be talking about health curriculum actually at that at that so coincidentally we will be we will be discussing that and we can show where that exists on our website and get into what that looks like and some of the things that were actually mentioned this evening so I look forward to that um just an update on some of our administrative postings I'll kick off one both and then turn it over to Mr chopi for one the South Elementary principal finalist interviews were last week Wednesday March 13th um and we have a candidate that has been selected although I can't tell anyone right now because we have out of respect for the other District who is trying to send out their communication um but it'll be we'll be Mak that announcement tomorrow um I think I think the committee I think the the the general General Community will be very very excited with um the candidate and look forward to having them come um hopefully to April 1 if we can logistically make that happen to the next school committee meeting to to meet everyone uh a director of special education posting we've actually extended the deadline for applicants to to seek additional candidates um I don't know if you want to speak a little bit to this Mr so it's a it's a small applicant pool it's even smaller when you are looking at certifications and experience uh so we wanted to run it for another two weeks so we had originally hoped to have a first round interview um later this week but we've decided to run it for some couple more weeks uh we have found a couple candidates that we have already secured interviews with uh looking at August 4th uh we're hoping April 4th April 4th um and our hope is that we are able to find a couple other candidates who would be interested in the position as well thank you so more more to follow on that uh Caucus meeting updates we've been attending as many caucus meetings as possible to try to get the word out uh regarding a budget the I also sent a presentation to all town meeting members with the narrative in the event that we can't represent because of commitments like this evening y um and so forth um I think they've gone really well look for forward to the many more that we have before town meeting um but it's been well received and just a reminder we have a joint meeting with the select board tomorrow very brief meeting um at 6 PM uh we will be discuss we will be presenting the statement of interest uh to the board for their consideration for the final part of our application submittal to msba and having a brief conversation both school and town about the current state of our FY 24 budget which we've shared with this committee before and we'll be sharing that in that joint session as well that's it for this evening thank you anybody have any questions right we have retirements uh yes this evening I have four retirements to share with you uh first we have Linda Harding from Plymouth North High School uh she worked as a librarian Media Services and she will be here to the end of the year uh with n years of service to plth uh next we have John corus who is a South Middle School second shift custodian uh he spent 20 years with us and he will also be here at the end of the school year in June uh Nancy kanduchi is a fifth grade teacher at Indian Brook Elementary School 27 years of service will be with us till the end of the year and then last but not least I thought this was more years than actually is listed here uh 39 years years is Dan Harold uh principal at Indian Brook Federal furnace and most recently at South Elementary School uh will be retiring uh at the end of this year again with 39 years of service to Plymouth Public Schools crazy Mr P yeah on behalf of the committee and the district I like to thank these staff members for their combined 95 years of service to the district that's incredible because it's average of 24 years even with that many of them so thank you very much to all of them it's incredible some real institutions um all right now we have I think I just call uh school fundraisers sure um tonight I present to you um after we talked last year um I should have given you one around the around Christmas um one of these reports but really just to try and do more of a quarterly type report so um this is where we stand as of March 4th um fundraisers through the schools have brought in just over 320,000 gross 320,000 and netted about 230,000 to support all the different Student Activities and trips that that students go on and there's a list of all the individual fundraisers there's a lot of fundraisers that have been approved that are still open um and then as school winds down I'll bring back another report to you as we as we stand at that point in time any have any questions it's crazy um I think my only thing is I mean it's a hard thing where you've got some of these that ended in November um in September and some of these still aren't reported I know it's really hard to get the information but um is there something that we can do where we're like sorry you can't do any more fundraising until we get that piece I mean I know if it's a PTA it's probably it's a little bit more difficult we've we've that's been our word for non PTA events right um but we haven't we haven't done that with ptas yeah no I mean really it can't yeah right right they're separate the only thing that we do is is vet like what the what the ask is of students in those cases or in all cases really um to make sure that they're not doing door too and they're following our policy really but yeah this is something that is a constant um we're reaching out to the secretaries constantly trying to get this information and they're chasing I mean because it's there it's to their benefit because it there's a lot of things that can happen between one date to the next date with funding and we've we don't need any of that and not people don't want that even if nothing happened you just need to you know transparency it's helpful any other questions thoughts okay thank you for that I appreciate it you're welcome um now we have Committee Member reports anybody have anything they want to report Mrs Jackson um I had PC um on Friday uh we had a lot of conversation it was a very dense meeting but all you know really good conversations um one of the big topics that we talked about were nicotine pouches um and how that's becoming more of a thing and I think I mentioned that at the last meeting too um and uh and we did talk about um how some of these places are offering reward programs like airpods for kids kids you know I mean it's not they're not often specifically to kids but something like that would be geared towards them so it's sort of marketing towards that and some of the very unhealthy side effects that can happen from these uh vomiting headaches confusion and some worse things you know with taking that amount of nicotine um and how hard it is to track sometimes um so and we sorry I have lots of notes Here we talked about the health and safety fair that was another big one on April 27th from 10: to 1 and right before that we will have the walk for the yellow tulip project I think that starts at 9: yes uh but we already have a lot of vendors signed up for that so it's going to be um a really big day um and then um and then we had a very long presentation from my point in all the good work that they're doing um and I don't know if we wanted to mention the other announcement that Kelly made or about herself yes I think um at the last meeting I think right did we talk about that the last meeting that she's not going to be yeah I believe I did they said Kelly B cumber is um has taken a position with the office of student um advocacy advocacy yeah um and actually last day is this Friday um it's been six years with us originally started through the DFC Grant and when the DFC funding went away we you know through Title One grants and other resources we were able to keep her on to do some really great work she's she she'll be greatly missed so that was going to be my only other thing that I think it's a huge loss for the district because she's such an amazing person and such a you know high standard you know a high bar to reach for anybody I think but we're very lucky to have her for so long and I wanted to wish her the best of luck with that I also went to Mean Girls uh which was amazing I feel like every year they outdo themselves like each year the shows get better and better and they just did such a great job it was phenomenal um and then the only other thing was strategic planning which like Dr U Dr Campbell said it seems that it's going really well and there's a lot of really good commentary coming coming from everybody I think anybody else have anything to report right I feel like I have 157 things so bear with me um went to the wellness committee um meeting earlier this week no wait last week because today is Monday um and we they talked about how there's a teen substance group that's meeting um that's just starting in March I believe uh yeah at the end of March and it's a beneficial to our students which I thought was really good thing um and then we also highlighted and I know Dr senson has spoken about this before the committee before but uh talked about the IIM bike which is sponsored by The Dream Ride uh but also they have a lot of fundraising and activities that they need they need volunteers so they're going to I I can bike is going to be in the Plymouth uh Plymouth North High School from June 24th to the 28th and they need help between 8:30 and like 450 each of those days um they're short little like one they're hour and a half sessions that you volunteer for or 75 minute sorry sessions uh Monday through Friday um so they would love people to help out for an hour and a half each day so if anybody is interested in that you have to be I think at least 15 years old and it can be used towards um you know all those National h Society hours people need so but on March 28th they're having a fundraiser because although um the school is I think gives the um the space to I can bike there's still a lot that they have to do in order to um for ION bike to come here with their bikes and everything like that so um March 28th from 6:00 to 9 6:00 to 10 p.m. at the new world travern it's $220 a person and it's all going to go to support um the great cause so I someday I'll be able to volunteer um and then we talked about rad kids which happened over February break and started this summer two of our school resource officers um Sean Ireland and I cannot remember the other one I'm sorry um are have been trained in this and are going to be putting this program on at each school break they're talking about doing like a mini camp in the summer but it's for students ages 8 to 12 and they're thinking about maybe taking that band down to 8 to 11 or 8 to 10 um they're finding which is a good thing that many of the students are getting the resources and the things that they tell them in their health class or in their classroom in another way and so they have the skills so they may not necessarily need to like stop leave me alone like some of the things that our younger students may not have absorbed fully yet so um they said just they have a waiting list for the the next time they have this kind of going out but it it sounds like a really great program and the students I guess love it and they want to come back and keep being a part of it so um I think that is about what we talked about at Wellness also March's National nutrition month um was part of our discussion and we talked about how they your currently policy is currently looking at our food in the classroom policy and some other Wellness policies so um that was part of the discussion there um also had um the pilgrim collaborative meeting at some point um in March and everything seems to be going well we they're in the black for about $216,000 which is really great at this time of year for the collaborative um and we're working on hopefully keeping our executive director for another five years so um that's that piece the talked about the coffe coffee and conversations which I think spurred a lot of conversation and it was nice that you had such a big group so hopefully I'm guessing at the next one it will grow even more so thank you for that bless you and then Mean Girls like you already said phenomenal just amazing bless you um and then hitting all of those caucuses and then there's one thing that I can't remember the date because I didn't write it down but the English language arts program presentation that's smart very much that is um we will do that that is 2 I it was 26 but I I thought it was too and I March 26 it actually went out in social media this afternoon six o'clock we'll be doing a uh what our literacy program looks like at the elementary level in terms of curriculum interventions professional development supports all of that so we have a panel of experts and practitioners that and some of us here that will be a part of that and we've also uh will be asking for questions in advance in relation to that um and that will be part of that presentation as well so that information has gone out through social media this thank you thank you I just was like I meant to write the date down and I didn't yes this is like a like a public seminar Workshop what do we call it's um it's going to be pre not pre-recorded but recorded so it can be webinar and we'll be seeking questions in advance and answering them live that way it was the whole thought was like nicer quality to be able to share it so that it's not like not the zooms aren great or like you know you've got a camera in the back of the room like this situation sometimes it's not as great as it could be with the graphics and things so um that was kind of I know Dr Campbell's thought process on that so that'll hopefully answer some questions and you know in advocacy we've talked about it that we've been talking a lot about our Ela programming and um so thank you for that um and then just if anybody has looked at that sheet and they just have an extra night and they have an opening and they want to tenac caucus we have to split ourselves in like six different ways on April 3rd so let us know um so that's good and then the other thing that if anybody here I know I can currently do April 4th for the special education director interviews but if anybody else on the board feels passionate I know it could be between 9 and 12:30 or 900 and 4:30 uh so if please let me know if you're available on April 4th um and then the other piece it sounds like I'm thinking too far in advance but it is actually not the truth Kathy and I I mean Mrs Jackson and I during our meeting on Wednesday with Dr Campbell I uh we're talking about uh goals so we have our superintendent evaluation is coming up so April 1st will be when Dr Campbell gives us his overview of his goals where he is where we've where we've gotten and he will present us all the information for us to then fill out our own individual um evaluations and then on I'm going to ask that everyone get their evaluation to me by April 22nd um and then I will have until May 6 really not until like the 3D of May in order for it to get posted um to put everybody's thoughts into a um a narrative that incor ENC encompasses all of our individual um thoughts on Dr Campbell so that is coming up fast it seems really far away but it is not May is upon us um yes so I think that's all I think I've got everything thank you for bearing with me uh does anybody else have anything they want to share or any questions did you have a question Mrs hwood um just for leeway just from the 13th through the 20th is spring break and some of us are away um so I have a I'm going to be out of state from the 25th to the 27th so I'm trying to or 26th to the 28th so I'm trying to get a little bit ahead of time ahead of time I'm sorry out of the country yeah well you have it on March 1st I mean April 1st you're going to get all the details that sun that Thursday before April 1st so that's going to give you that gives you 20 days or fifth or 15 days before um spring break starts right because it's the 15th yeah it's like it's just two weeks yeah so if you want to get it to me ahead of time before you leave I'd appreciate that too you know um and not wait till the 22nd so um otherwise I just don't think it's plausible to get it for May 6 then we have to have it for May 6 and these are the dates we talked about in the beginning of the year may yeah that's when it'll be presented May 6 any other thoughts a little bit more leeway but I can't with my schedule um all right so if we don't have any other things there there's the information now we have um um Personnel reports oh sorry pouth building committee Mr sorry all right the building committee met uh last Thursday the 14th um just a few key updates one for the school roof projects at the three um elementary schools resuming uh project meetings to basically ramp up for the uh the mini project this summer to do the fixes that were a result of the uh previous project so this is going to be like a two-e big main project all three schools to raise up the uh um AC units on all those uh schools so trying to start planning now so that you know in good position to pull that off and get it right this time um uh on the fire station side uh the West fire station station 2 is pretty much all done all the furniture and Equipment has been delivered installed just finishing up some details on the uh uh exterior so if you drive by it all looks like a bit of a construction zone but it's pretty minor work that s to do so it should be 100% done by May and station five uh down south they're making great progress there the new second floor is actually coming uh together so it looks like a a real construction project now so that's about it thank you any questions all right moving along now we have Personnel reports Mr Trophy yes uh this evening I can share with you we had one certificated appointment we had three classified appointments we did approve one parental leave uh one medical leave and then we had eight uh resignations that we accepted thank you does anybody have anything for unfinished business any new business all right that brings us to the consent agenda does anybody have anything that needs to be taken out of the consent agenda right no then I can take a motion to approve from approve Mr Bano I have a motion do I have a second Mrs Jackson second any questions on the motion no questions on the motion we can vote potentially awesome that passes unanimously thank you everybody if anybody doesn't have anything that they additional things they want to share that brings up us to the end of our meeting this evening at 8:55 all right every everyone have a wonderful evening thank you e