e e e all right I'm going to call the June 17th meeting of the school committee to order if everyone will join me in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and justice for all there we go all right and now do we have anybody here who wishes to speak uh G comments from the general public all right seeing none we will move on to our next agenda item and for go reading our statement about um comments so we have a writing Achievement Award recognition Dr White good evening so I'm always happy when I can come here in general but I'm really happy when I can come and talk about student achievements so I'm very excited to um be able to tell you that we had a student who earned uh first class distinction from NC writing Awards NC is National Council of teachers of English and there were 633 students who entered from across the country and I think internationally as well and uh they achieve four different levels Merit excellent Superior and first class and first class is the highest distinction and so Caitlyn richer from Plymouth North High School is one of five Massachusetts students who scored um first class um for her writing and um obviously we're very proud of her I'm very proud of my English teaching staff who do a wonderful job and I'm just happy to acknowledge her tonight wonderful come on Miss P you want to get a photo with her sure yeah congratulations go with Dr White Dr way you want to go get the photo with okay oh the pet school is behind you in front of them congratulations [Applause] congratulations that's a nice always a nice way to start a meeting right and our next we have the appointment of school physician Dr Campell yes I'm just gonna um ask if um Miss Reigns can come up um and we'll we we'll talk about this so as school committee knows in order to um to initiate a a school physician with with the district we need the authority of the school committee about four years ago we came before you um right at the height of covid um making such a request um carollyn Reigns and I uh met recently and um this is Dr saludi and I'm going to ask uh Miss Reigns to introduce Dr saludi Dr Cudi's practice is local right on Long Pond Road um but our so if you wouldn't mind uh carollyn just introducing Dr saludi sure um I had the opportunity to meet Dr saludi the first time um I was acquainted with her by Aaron guli who is the athletic trainer over at pouth North High School and I knew Dr saludi was um a practicing pediatrician who also specializes in sports medicine and who not too long ago I don't know the exact year started her own practice in Plymouth and so she does specialize I think mainly in concussions um concussion management which um certainly is going to be very would be very helpful to us in the school district as well as other sports injuries um and she has been you know even prior to having a conversation about being the school physician she was really um interested in being able to provide education for our staff and I thought you know this would this would be really a good fit we need more collaboration um from a local pediatrician from a local physician um to do you know for just a number of initiatives that we look at doing during the school year so I thought um you know Dr Campell and I thought this would be a good opportunity to introduce her to everybody and see if anybody had any questions does anybody have any questions P oh sorry I oh sorry Miss sha um so is your main focus going to be on sports injuries or is your role more expansive than that with like health injur health um of students in general right it'll be Health in of students in general I'm a pediatrician and then I did a fellowship in sports medicine um so a pediatrician by training and I I worked at PL Pediatrics for um a little over nine years doing General Pediatric tricks and the sports medicine part and then started my own practice about two and a half years ago um but I'm I'm als but I will be the school physician so I will look at everything right not just injuries perfect thank you you're welcome May notice that U Miss Reigns passed out a handout and I don't if you can just briefly explain that Caroline sure the Department of Public Health in Massachusetts requires schools to have a school physician consultant um which has certainly it's it's um you know it's a great role in terms of being being able to have um somebody to consult with on any issues related to anything infectious disease any problematic concerns that are occurring in the school with illnesses I think that one of the um the big pieces that we have missed in the past is having the opportunity to have professional development opportunities having a school physician be you know consult with us in terms of some of the topics that we discuss at meetings and I know that Dr saludi has also had experience as a school physician for upper Cate Tech so she's well aware of the role and the expectations of the Department of Public Health and I think that's certainly a plus and a benefit for us um she was a little daunted by the number of students we had I think she was surprised but I feel like overall our population is relatively healthy we certainly and I'll talk a little bit about some of the medical concerns tonight but I think overall generally supporting the health and safety of students in their academic success during the school year is our role as nurses so she will fit really nicely into that anybody else that yes Mr J um I just one more question um it kind of went along with what you were just saying um I did read I looked um up your website today and I was reading your um the CV that we were provided um and it does look like you have like quite a lot under your belt currently and it looks like are you're a sole practitioner currently at your um own office so like uh do you feel like you can provide us with the service that we would need um in relation to like your schedule I do because I work um I typically work about three days a week so I do have two other days that are flexible that I could you know come here and meet Carolyn if needed or she could pop in my office I'm not too far away so yep I'm I'm flexible and I have the availability great thank you you're welcome that is a great question because we have had issues in the past um around Physicians um having time not necessarily they weren't willing but not having time to be able to to do that so this was I felt like a really good fit because of her her um you know access close access locally and also her you know willingness to participate in a lot of the things that we talked you know we've talked to vote great thank you Dr thoron yeah I would make a motion to um approve Carol and saludi as the school physician for the 20425 Academic Year I'll second that does anybody have any questions on the motion I do um are we is it supposed to just be yearly or is it just appoint as a school physician it's appointed um if it's if there's ever a recommendation or a need to change School Physicians then it would come before the board again for another vote [Music] so are you amenable to changing your motion I don't think I don't think it's necessary to change the motion because we're appointing a school physician for the Academic Year if something were to come up that we'd have to readdress it we'll readdress it okay I mean that just means that we need to make sure we put this on the agenda each year depending on what's Happening that's that's all I'm saying because I know the last one we was four I think four years right four years and then prior to that was many many years okay all right any any other questions right then we can vote on the motion we need music they vote electronically we go all right motion passes so thank you so much for being our school physician thank you and also too it's interesting just to mention too that some of our staff have worked with Dr saludi at Plymouth Pediatrics and are really very happy about this wonderful oh welcome it's wonderful all right so we'll move on to our next agenda item right you're Carn you're still here you are right I I have to put my glasses on cuz I didn't quite see what was next all you okay now this could be challenging here to me so I think cently if you just click the right button it will it's the right way okay right arrow yep should I be pointing it somewhere I don't think you need to point it okay y my technological Savvy is pretty bad so are you trying to transition it no I'm just trying to start yep okay here we go so obviously um one of the issues that we have looked at over the last several years is Health Equity which is part of our comprehensive School Health Service Grant and looking at um this is a group of children waiting for their screenings at South Elementary um and so I think you know look at Health Equity and looking at a lot of the tasks the nurses do I thought it was a good picture to show but um again you know just basically prioritizing student cented care for our kids is the battery we okay all right so basically the goals of Health Services I I'm not going to read all of this but again you know supporting academic success of students um maintaining health and safety needs there are so many students that attend school now that weren't unable to years ago because of health conditions and this um is certainly something that um equals the playing field in many ways for kids to have a health services department and have a school nurse in every school and we're really fortunate here that um health and health and education are seing as very valued and um you know one being just as important as the other um um so the there a nursing framework that the National Association of School nurses has put together um and it certainly aligns with the work of School nurses when you're just looking up there at you know looking at leadership all of the nurses I think in our schools are leaders in their buildings um quality improvement performance care care coordination and community and public health um is certainly a piece of what we do every day so the mission um again looking at um Developmental and educational achievements of students is critically important and School nurses are essential essential to the educational team interdisciplinary team in all buildings so a and we'll talk a little bit about specifics about what School nurses do um I think that looking at um some of the things that as we've moved Beyond Co we were finally being able to get back to some significant foundational things that the nurses are doing in the buildings every day to support kids and we'll get into that as we go along so again just some of the basics um the Emergency Care um with emergencies that arise during the school day medication administration some skilled treatments also that need to go on during the school day the routine office visits um you know addressing special medical concerns with students um and supporting them also through their health screenings okay data collection I think one of the big things with data collection is that we know it's critical to inform decision-making um we do utilize our electronic health record um frequently to look at different types of data um and what's going on in the different schools at all times I think one of the things that we look at is you know how are we performing what's the impact we're having on students so we can keep going um so I'm going to have to like I think we did not have the month of June numbers in this um data set right here yet because we had put this together prior to that we had an additional 4600 visits during the month of June um and so you know this is a typical usually a typical number that we tend to see every year we always see over between nine and 10,000 student health office visits um and this does not include medication administration um 8816 staff visits plus I think the additional 23 we had in June um so the nurses is part of their job description care for staff as well as um not just students and our return to class rate is excellent that's above the state average so really happy about that because that's one of the reasons why nurses are in schools is to keep kids in the classroom sort of an analogy I think we did a Tor Swift one last year but I think that's probably a little outdated now maybe I don't know maybe not um so believe it or not 90,000 people a day are close to that cross over the Tobin Bridge every day so I thought that was crazy I had no idea that it was that many people so um you know just looking at the at like the numbers the amounts of kids who we see constantly during the during the school school year okay go ahead so one of the things that we wanted to look at um you know obviously as part of our grant is looking at some of the different populations of kids across the district looking at our elll kids kids on 504 fors kids on IEPs kids who are homeless kids in foster care and also looking at other demographics of students and making sure we we looked at these numbers and this was great with the help of Karen Vette who who's been super helpful because our Aspen actually um communicates back and forth with our electronic health record so we can um you know look at different student populations and calculate you know if these kids are what kids are accessing the school nurse so for every marginalized population and again some of it is just demographics um kids who are say for example English language Learners are accessing the nurse more than kids who are not English language Learners kids who are homeless are accessing the nurse more than kids who are not homeless and so forth and so on you can see the breakdown um we did this in the first third of the school year the second third of the school year and this is the third the last one we did a few weeks ago and um with each successive um graph um it was it continues so I think these these numbers reflect at least six Health office visits are not including medication um Administration skilled nursing care or screenings so these so you know again it's important that it's Equitable and many cases the only healthc care um students are getting is through their school nurse um and so I think this was was just a good graph just to assure that again all kids are able to access the health office so a chronic medical conditions um these are just districtwide numbers of kids um and one of the I just realized that we left out earlier we left out seizure disorders um we have about 80 students with with significant seizure disorders in the district um and so again you know these are definitive kids who are diagnosed every year and our numbers change a little bit from year to GE our diabetic numbers have gone up a little bit um but a lot of these kids require significant amounts of the nurses time during the school day so I think it just important to mention life-threatening allergies we have a large number of kids um obviously the majority is food allergies a few years ago we decided because of the huge numbers of allergies not just peanut are not related we decided to put together some signs that just said allergy aware um so we have those in in our schools um we know that we cannot be say that we're a peanut free dist District because that provides a full sense of reassurance um and hope that you know obviously we're doing our due diligence in classrooms where there are kids with specific food allergies um the nurses have been you know really good with that um all of our kids that have chronic any chronic medical concern even something as a a life-threatening allergy um the nurses reach out to teachers and they um share this information as a need to know um which is under fura um just so that everybody is you know teachers in the classroom can put this information in their sub book just so that everybody's aware of kids who um you know have some significant medical issues this past school year we did um administer six epipens um in the last three years the majority of our EpiPen Administration is to firsttime allergies not to kids who have a diagnosis um or a kid who has a prescription in the building so again it's one of those things that we you know you always have to sort of be on the lookout for it can happen at any time to any child or any adult actually we had I think it was a bus driver last year maybe um who had come in so staff and students alike we need to just you know make sure that we're doing our due diligence with this um our concussion numbers increased by five additional um concussions and per usual our statistics have pretty much shown that the major more more concussions than not happen outside school um and that can be from outside Sports as well so this doesn't necessarily um um we're not specific here but um obviously the majority of our concussions happen at the secondary level as opposed to Elementary but we still had an increased number of Elementary concussions this year as well um and I think that again you know concussion management as Dr salut could address um has changed over time um it's not quite what it was since the concussion law came into place in 2010 um and I think concussion management continues to be a really significant important piece in terms of the work of the school nurses it's um it takes a lot of time in terms of bringing the team together whether you're you know just dealing with the primary care physician um The Specialist um sometimes kids are seen with all different types of therapy if they have concussive symptoms that you know continue and linger um so it certainly impacts health and um academic achievements so it's really important that I think we you know we have a you know keep a close eye on the concussion piece we had 53911 calls and these do include staff as well um and we do break them down between obviously injury illness and behavoral health I mean fortunately our injury numbers are down this year as opposed to past years um but have a really good relationship um with Brewster ambulance they've been great and so um and as well obviously as the fire department so that's mainly all the Emergency Care um so this is like kind of like was supposed to be a funny picture but um keeping teachers in CL the classroom too um we do have had you know a number of teachers who do see the nurse I mean most of the time it's for not huge issues but um we got to get this guy back to class so thanks so this is like one of our least fun topics um the majority of the fail trips that we have been L looked at in terms of like with the school nurse piece is know we do have a lot of field trips that require a nurse if parent is not able to attend a fail trip um for a child with a specific medical concern for example we can send teachers we have medication delegation so teachers can certainly um if willing um and following our policy teachers can be trained to administer daily medication um they can also be trained um they've been trained in EpiPen Administration as well so when nurses need to attend a fail trip it's for a student who has a medical concern that could potentially need a nursing assessment um and so 78 trips um required School nurses I mean you know substitute nurses to attend the trip and um for the most part you know it everything went pretty smoothly I would say this year it's just the the biggest challenge was getting the Staffing to cover the trips so we can go to the next so some of the things that we like to work on and I think last year was we had a really big push with medical emergency response planning we've done um every year as part of I think you all know the nurses are required to have be to be BLS instructors um so every year we you know retrain our new nursing staff um to be trained we have a great um self- sustaining program um as opposed to many other school districts and we do a number of trainings um not for just students but also for staff we did a big training um on Friday for facil ities and they we usually work with them every other year we did a training a few months ago for all speech PT and OT staff which was great um and so again obviously in in the buildings as well we had some more codes we've done as part of our Medical Emergency Response plan also an State requirement which was great um one of the bigger pieces with medical emergency response is we had a good a great collaboration with Plymouth County Outreach um and just a shout out to Kelly obviously for her collaborative relationship with Plymouth County Outreach um we were able to bring the locks boxes in and put them with all of our community access IDs um aeds and so that that is huge um again so again just looking at some of the you know get kind of moving into the Community Partnership piece we have certainly so many Community Partners that are proud of our Wellness committee and we'll talk about that in a little bit but um professional development programming there's so many Community um groups that have come in and done programs for us um we have our new case management nurse so we'll talk about in a few minutes um School Medicaid which is really big substance use prevention with our espert that we're continuing with every year and certainly our monthly healthy headlines new was letter that goes out and so these are just some of the trainings um Laura Wilson and alien at North did some training for their Allied Health Program um we were able to again there's like a lot of facets related to Medical Emergency Response maintaining our equipment which I know Adam knows is like can be pretty expensive um between AED pads and batteries um just the tourniquet the clotting supplies just a lot of um the epipens we have to have the Naran every year so there's a lot that that is entailed with that and the nurses obviously maintain all of that throughout the school year so school-based Medicaid expanded billing I did want to mentioned this because the nurses um as of several years back um had some abilities um because of this new state law was amended and um we are able to bill for more than we were before so students who uh in the past historically it was just students who were on IEPs um who could we we could build for Medicaid for and then that changed when the state amended our state plan so now the nurses can bill for screening so any screening that impacts health and and learning Vision hearing or expert screening we can bill for and the nurses do that as well as bill for some other skilled nursing care they do um and we've had a bill in the legislature for multiple sessions I think this was the fourth session um at one point back a few years ago um rep murator had also sponsored AIT this particular bill on in the house um and right now this bill um Senate 74 is um was sponsored by Senator Moran um who's been a big advocate for this this bill is to Health Equity for students across the Commonwealth and is now sitting in Senate Ways and Means um we were fortunate and that the superintendent um agreed to send a letter of support um for this bill based on rep mtor's and Kathy lra's um recommendations and so have had an opportunity to speak to Senator fredman's office and Senator rodri's office who are the co-chairs of that committee and hoping that that bill will hopefully move and it's going to have to move soon because as of July um I know that there are so many bills that sit in Senate ways and meanss at the end of a session so that's a little daunting but um we're just a little hopeful because what that would mean is if this bill passed um all of the school based Medicaid monies would not go to the municipality they'd be returned directly to the school district so we're just not going to mention that to the town yet so um but it would be great because many school districts don't necessarily have the town support um and don't get any don't get any of the money Regional School Districts do receive all of the funds okay we can go the next obviously Health screenings um especially at the elementary level the nurses really do their due diligence to get their hearing and vision screenings done early obviously in the preschool we have some pretty sophisticated um vision screening that we can do with children and over the last several years the nurses have picked up some pretty significant issues um around kids who had serious um eye you know eye issues with their Vision um and then we do our espert again pretty time intensive for the health offices um to do the espert screenings um it's again state law since I think 2016 we've been doing these um in grades one Middle School grade and one high school grade so grade seven n in Plymouth trying to be on the more of the prevention side and I think the nurses have had some good success and there's are some nurses here tonight who can answer questions about that specifically if you're interested we can go on so our new nurse case manager is um Tammy she's here this evening and um has done some really great work her office is based out of Plymouth H Academy downstairs and she's been a great support to that program as well um and I'll talk a little bit more about her role when we um when we go a little further but she's got a great background in Behavioral Health and um has been a really great support to a lot of the nurses in the district so one of the programs again this has been a good collaboration with the town um and I found that Karen Keane has been great in terms of being you know as a in her role as public health director um the public health excellent for shared services grant program has in she they have pulled in um two of our nurses Susan Austin from hedge and Ranna and Ty from Cold Spring and looking at um you know just a lot of the things that they can do in the community to support Children and Families um and this is a program that just Bas basically basically got underway this year and they are both here later if you want to have some specific questions about that and they're also working with the Board of Health as well um professional development programming we have been it's been a great opportunity to um work with the DA's office um Hope Floats from Kingston we were lucky to have um one of our school attorneys come and present um looking at just a myriad of Health needs that impact students in the health office um that and you know so again this has just been supportive to the nurses in their practice I mean we like to usually try to do one evening program during the year and the woman who is in charge of the pandas a National Alliance um Aspire came and spoke and we had a really good-sized audience um rep murator also came and talked about the legislative advocacy piece U Massachusetts has passed some significant bills on this topic to where where this diagnosis is actually recognized and paid for now by insurance companies for kids to be treated um so that was a a good you know great program so we do the our bulletin boards um every month the nurse is a pretty creative um with the bulletin boards I think that we're having sometimes we don't have contests to see who does the best one but um all in different topics during the school year so our healthy headlines newsletter has been um successful um I think I have another another at some point down the road I think I have another slide that talks that just shows a little bit it goes out to all students and um families and staff um I was sending them out in the staff Wellness Wednesday and then we we we're now sending out to everybody in thrillshare and we have um on average um some months we have over 7,000 I think June had over 7,000 um people open it so we can look at how many people are accessing how long they're accessing it how many links they click on and I've had I've had actually had parents and families call me and give me suggestions for topics they think are good which is certainly helpful you want to make you know make it interesting for everybody and um we will having our our summer um healthy headlines will go out July first and so we've had some good success with that quickly can um yes and this is reminds me um convenient MD has a great school nurse program where we um have collaborated with them and they offer physicals um at no cost and um or at a reduced cost and um they've been a great partner they this is actually sort of a practice that they have with all of their convenient MDS across the state yeah so here's our healthy headlines um we did really really well um I think in February I think you know we certainly at8 over 8,000 views so that was that was good and you know again this is great because we can actually measure people stay on it and read it for over eight minutes so that's another good thing um so so our district Wellness committee meets quarterly um District Wellness committees are required by state both state and federal law um to be held at least quarterly during the school year we have an enormous number of Community Partners that come and um um again you know share a lot about different programs one of the things that we really want to focus on moving forward and hopefully Jenn Dennis thoron and I will be able to meet over the summer and really look at how can we can how we can best support staff with staff Wellness initiatives and also maybe some more initiatives for students as well um but it's really it's great and it's it's wonderful to see how so many people in the community come out and support our Wellness committee and how many really want to be invested with the kids so these are just some photos from the health offices um go ahead Kristen we had school nurse day here um kind of like not an original slogan but we had um on the back of the t-shirts the nurses have n Plymouth nurses Rock and um we actually had somebody from Senator Moran's office come and present citations to all of the nurses and so it was it was a great and I really appreciate Michelle Badger coming to support that I know the superintendent was up in western Mass so he couldn't come so so looking at the yellow Tula project I think um this is something you may all be familiar with I know that um our nurse from pcis has presented with her students um we had a great hope day walk um this has had an amazing trickle Dawn effect in so many of our other schools um and again some of our nurses are to answer any questions about that Judy has been um on the radio and in the paper on TV and um presented nationally on this so she certainly has U made her mark and um most importantly for her is supporting students and reducing the stigma of mental health problems so we're continuing we're in our second year of the school nurse Le um active surveillance study this is a CDC project in conjunction with the National Association of School nurses and um you can go into the next slide Kathy Riley from federal furnace um is doing her due diligence on this she's um has always been heavily involved as many of our elementary nurses are on chronic absenteeism and student attendance in the first um three years that this project was out Luan neus at manamed elementary was involved and that particular three-year project part one of it led to the school le um active surveillance manual and just talked about how the impact School nurses can have um on attendance in terms of educating families supporting families um and looking at you know how to get kids into the building and developing a better relationship with the nurse and having families trust the nurse and so that was um a great publication we had an opportunity this year to work with the American Academy of Pediatrics on on their teams project um that was really focusing on student Behavioral Health and we look we were we started looking at and we've talked about putting together a more uniform um protocol around student re-entry so that was a good opportunity and Karen came from the Department of Public Health we were supposed to we had Community Partners that were involved in this as well um I was asked by the Department of Public Health to get involved in the school nurse recruiting campaign that they did and so we got a chance to go on a couple of different radio shows um I've actually had five nurses reach out to me to become Subs in the district we included it in um and knowing that there may be more field trips next year that was like that was great um and we just you know again knowing that um there is a shortage across Massachusetts for School nurses not all districts have the number of nurses we do are access to having School nurses so this was a really good opportunity for the state to roll out um you know sort of a media campaign about how great being a school nurse was so again thanking a lot of our local community supporters that we have had an opportunity to work with through different projects professional development and through Wellness we really appreciate their support um so our social media we kind of restarted our Instagram page again and we have over a thousand people that like our Facebook page and that's kind of tends to be a little bit more popular um so just trying to keep the social media piece going and keeping people informed about what's going on in our health offices regularly um certainly want to thank our district health aids um they do so much to support the nurses um here's here's our sub substitute some of you may recognize and power is in the far top left she was in my role previously and we still are able to snag her to substitute on occasion when she's not traveling so um they're all a really great group um so I just talk a little bit about our nurse case manager I know we talked about this before because we've had this role for several years with the grant um so tamyia gear is our case manager again she has a a very um significant background in Behavioral Health and has done a lot so one of the roles of a nurse case manager in the district has been to assure that all students have health insurance everybody has um a medical home primary care provider um if there are issues with glasses or other needs that kids have um she sort she is like you knows all the community supports one of the things I do want to mention is on a national level there's a I think it's 5.1% of all children across the country do not have health insurance in Plymouth it's a little tough to determine um we have um approximately 0.5% of our kids do not have health insurance um and we have tried to link and connect them with the supports that they can um get you know obviously to to be able to get insurance we have a large number hundreds of a few hundred families who have not answered our question about insurance whether we have that they have private insurance or whether they have medic you know probably not Medicaid because we we would get those numbers so some so that's been a little bit of a challenge is getting filmies to to answer that and also to follow up with um some failed screening so Timmy also does that um the nurses will reach out if a student has failed a screening asking parents to follow up and um if they don't get a response then Tammy will pick that up and so she's also go ahead go ahead Kristen um I don't know if you want to show this to the school committee it's a little the little thank you nurses video it's like a minute or two long don't have sound right there's a sound issue if we knew ahead of time the L is there huh it's yeah we would need to know that in advance for that TV that's fine not a problem um it's just coming from the kids it's h sound isue right so again um just wrapping up and I I I put this picture so my nurse at the bottom right is um that's her field day and they actually ended up it was Rainer shine but it actually ended up shining so she didn't need any of the rain GE after all but I do want to knowledge rean and because she just um we have you know many of our nurses have advanced degrees um but she just got accepted into a dnp program so I thought that was worth mentioning and um so she's you know super energetic and has a lot of energy to do this stuff so I'm really happy for her and I think you can go on I think there may be just one more and then just thanking the superintendent for all of his support I wasn't going to say anything it's from the archives from The Archives yeah considering all that's gone on in the last so many years that's okay we have to get an updated one I think you still look pretty much the same keep that does anybody have any questions anybody have any questions there's one more slide Kristen I think after this okay that's it any questions from committee members I have one question um particularly it's not really about Behavioral Health but it's really about children who don't speak English quite well they come and end up in your office and a behavioral health issue do you have to get somebody to help you understand their issue can I let one of my nurses be address that who can who does the Hands-On every day I can speak to that come can you come up to the mic just so that people at home can hear you thank you it's all you thank you so we have a translator in school Patricia Santana She's wonderful she has a very close relationship with almost all the kids at hedge so if I have a child who comes into the nurse's office Patricia will come down and help me I also have the translation line I can put them on speaker phone and I can have translation services that way as well and talking points which helps me text with the parents okay and that translates I think it's ined both ways but you can do that as well awesome and I had another question not related to that maybe to Dr blazel when when the money comes in from Mass health does it come directly to the schools or go to the town no Town it goes directly to the town um when we go forth for with town for town meeting um we usually put a request in in regards to how much money we need for the FY the next fiscal year um usually it's it's it's a some nursing um there some busing nope I'm sorry that's different but we put a request in regards to what we need for that year money the reimbursement money goes to the town reimbursement money goes to the town um we have to submit reports quarterly in regards to the expenses that we've had um we have to submit who is on that list who can serve um service the students so we have to do all of that and all the money does go to the town all right thank you Miss sha um is that number significant um it's usually it's been about probably averaging between 7 and $800,000 a year um and we request doing this off top my head so I want to say we're in about the 350 range 300 350 range that we request are we able to make some type of revolving fund or anything um would that be a mechanism that we could have that money earmarked when it comes back in to go into a specific fund it right now and I think this is what Carolyn was talking about with the it it goes to the to the town and then that law that that we hope passes um would make that money come directly to us okay um right so right now we we really can't make a fund out of it a revolving fund it's just we have to request okay thank you that's a big discussion as part of like some of the town meeting because people are really kind of frustrated by that so Mrs Jackson um this is just an overall question and um I didn't know with the changes in Behavioral Health over the last several years PR Min L since Co how the scope of the school nurse's role has changed and how that sort of fits in now differently than it did before and how we expect that to change or stay the same in the future it's a great question sorry Caroline I think that like the nurses can answer the day-to-day piece on that but I feel like I feel like a large percentage of our Health office visits are related to behavioral health and one of the things that had happened about six or seven years ago we changed our monthly reporting system and to look more at um more at the nursing assessment piece as opposed to the student complaint because lots of kids will come in with the headaches and stomach aches whereas they're really that's not the issue the issue is anxiety or other issues so I think it's difficult to say but I mean I know that I remember the superintendent had done a grant a few years back and I was actually shocked at the percentage of students that we saw um they were coming down for just a number of very different types of Behavioral Health Care um and certainly you know the school counselors are involved in that as well um but sometimes the first line is the school nurse and I don't know if any of the nurses want to address the changes they've seen in that friend well we work really closely with guidance and with the um adjustment counselors and also my colleague Laura had worked with Carolyn she was one of the nurses that worked on that um pilot project that you're developing and I know guidance is also working on that too so the closing the loop from the behavioral health we see in the office to the kids that go out for services or admissions um were closing that loop with their re-entries and right now we're involved in any student that goes out for behavioral health issue comes back with a meeting that involves a behavioral health person a nurse and the parents and the student and there's a safety plan bu and we we have a new behavioral um mobile crisis intervention team that actually is located in Plymouth and they' have come and provided professional development and have I know there have there's been a good rapport with the nursing staff um and I know Sean halpen had also had them come and present for his staff as well um they even came to an admin meeting at one point in the beginning of the school year so having that mobile crisis intervention kind of back and active is so much better than calling 911 for kids and sometimes parents can come the nurses will tell me that you know they avoided a 911 call mobile crisis actually was going to come and then the parents were able to take the student or child directly directly there um so I think that that's important and one thing I do want to mention briefly is that every 3 years um we submit a medical emergency response plan to the Department of Education and that's been going on since 2010 I believe and it was my from Michael's law when a student died on a playing field because there was no AED and that's how that evolved and so the law was re that particular law was recently amended last spring or a year ago this past spring so um that now need to include Behavioral Health emergencies when we when we're looking at emergencies in schools so it's now it's it's considered the medical Behavioral Health Emergency Response plan and we just sent those um revamped plans out to all of our building administrators um the superintendent as well as the nurses and counseling staff to review that um and the state has certain expectations and there's a set template and we can talk a little bit I know our plan our Medical Emergency Response plan was considered a model program and a um because we do a lot more than a lot of the other school districts do which is great but we get the support to do that so um I know with Behavioral Health it's looking at who the team is having a mock situation come up and how you're handling it so that's one of the ways that behavioral health will be addressed moving forward those plans will be submitted to the Department of Education in late August and it's every threeyear thing thank you very much sure anybody else have any questions I just have one just the the second I know you probably have not done because only in the second year of kind of the the surveillance study uh well it's the second part so it's really the fifth year to fif year okay yeah so how how is that like what have we found out about the impact on attendance and I know that you kind of alluded to it really quickly but sure Kathy sorry so she's Kathy is right now in her second year with this project so um and she's the former nurse leader for mon MO schools and um so she can talk she can talk about that better than I can it's really interesting when you because with um this project you really take a deep dive into looking why kids are chronically absent and um interestingly enough this year some months uh the second leading cause of missing more than uh four days of school a month was vacation which is kind of surprising but since covid par and I um we met every other month with nurses from all over the country that are doing this same thing and everybody's seeing it parents just take off when they want to um that was really eye opening um a lot of it um the kids that are chronically absent obviously have social determinance of Health their their low income if they miss the bus they don't have transportation um and really stressed out parents is a big thing too um in attendance and all across the country we're all seeing kind of the same Trends but the thing I think that works best is um from a school nurse point of view working with a team with school psychologist adjustment counselor and just a lot a lot a lot a lot of parent communication CU you can't help them solve the issue of why their kid is chronically absent if you're not communicating with them and then this year also too there you know everybody talks about anxiety since covid but some of the stuff we see at school is not that I like my school's not very big about 370 kids we had three parents um diagnosed with Advanced cancer so they're in treatment for that very stressful in the kids parent deaths um so those kind of things they happen every year too so thank you thank you do is there something we can do about like or the district can do that like the vacation thing I mean I know lots of people who do that you know take their kids out of school because it's a cheaper and B you know it might not be super important and I know there's you know I think we heard about a little bit of plan at one point but I think the I think do Kimbell can address that with the Department of Ed moving forward for next year right yeah this is a this is a big as was said already and thank you all for coming here by the way just think on your you know summer summer vacation um but in all seriousness this is as been said this is an issue across not just the Commonwealth but across the country and I think we've seen a big spike um chonic absenteeism was always high at secondary level we saw a shift across the state Elementary became higher and a lot of it was because vacation people rethought education because we were encouraging people to stay home we were doing modified schedules hybrid Etc trying to get back to normal and the state has really pushed from Secretary of Education to Department of Ed now to really do this campaign about why it's important to be present and come to school and so we're going to be doing a lot of that next year as well um through the support of the Department of Education through some Grant funds to just really try to highlight you know through statistics and messaging and branding trying to get people to understand the importance of um we understand that vacations could be cheaper at different times s but it's really important like the impact that a couple of days or missing you know five days in the first term as a freshman in the likelihood of passing that class significantly drops giving people that kind of statistic so that they can walk away they might not realize that but going to have a huge impact on their child's success sense thank you anybody else have any other questions all right we move on then now we have our policy adoptions thank you very much yes thank you so much all for coming I'm sorry uh really appreciate all that you do I really we really do so thank you um our next piece of the policy adoptions uh I and J Dr Rogers you want to introduce Jim I'm gonna have Jim Hardy um come on on up thank you to our nurses we love seeing you um so as you know um for the last 18 months the policy subcommittee um has been working on a comprehensive review and reorganization of our policy manual and Jim has really helped us through this process so um and we were under a timeline because Jim is retiring in August so just want to thank you so much for all of your help um I said this at our last we had our last official policy meeting was it last week I think it was last week um I've learned a tremendous amount um from you so I appreciate you coming once a month sometimes twice a month and being on my end of my text messages when I'm like what do I do when um so we just very much appreciate that and so wanted to invite Jim back um just to kind of talk a little bit about the process that we've gone through over the last 18 months um and where we will go over the next last couple of meetings and then get to uploading um our final um version of our policy manual and Jim and Venna have been amazing in the process as well so I mean I just I just want the committee to know that the gym has been indispensable to us us answering all of our questions giving us guidance that we needed uh Mass General law uh regulations uh every single time we had it he had the answer and that's why we're able to present to you pretty soon uh a complete manual policy manual Bena do you want to add anything no I I actually I reiterate or support what um both no one heard you I said I I I I'm not I will be um repeating myself or repeating what you guys have mentioned so I support what they both have said it has been a long process but it has been very informative in terms of um you know the particular updates that we have done to some of our um policy um and truly had the answers when we did have questions so yeah thank you yeah I'll turn it over yeah um I checked my calendar was just about two years ago I came in made the presentation um to this body about the policy revision project and I estimated it would took take anywhere from 18 to 24 months to complete so we were pretty close we're right about 24 months um so uh we've gone through uh you know 18 months as a subcommittee meeting with me but my work started six months before that with reviewing all the material um that the district sent me um the manual as as it was uh contracts student faculty handbooks athletic handbooks Health handbooks uh curriculum guides all that stuff and we kind of sorted it all through and came up with a big pile of stuff um and then as I explained then we use a different codification system than you use so we then had to Resort everything out by the new code put it all in word process it all to get into a workable format then came the hard part um and that was the meetings with the uh subcommittee and I I you know nobody does this in a vacuum um in addition to um Dr Campbell and Dr Rogers and uh the two school committee members there were a multitude of other people in the district that assisted with that including um let's see uh the school business administrator uh your health director Carolyn uh helped out with that um both High School principles sat in and reviewed uh a number of the number of the uh policies your facilities director who I think you hired the same night I made the presentation here um and uh I'll I'm missing some people I I I know I am I don't know was Eric part Eric was part of it too yeah and then there were people who Dr Rogers would send things to and say review this get back to me in 3 days type of stuff and so that feedback got rolled into our meetings as well and uh really you know with uh bner and Jim being diligent about making the meetings um that was important um we always kind of started right on time we ended when we said we were going to end and it you know kind of flowed right through it so U tonight you're looking at the two of the biggest sections um in the entire manual uh the instruction section and the student section I can tell you that the next two are significantly smaller um it'll be a little bit easier for you to view with the last one being about four pages long so um when it's all said and done um and you're comfortable with it um I I provided the motion to Dr Rogers that you would use um once you do that we will start the process of uploading putting it um been putting it online but cuz I can't do it until you vote it so once that's done hopefully that's going to be my push with my facil my technology guid to get it done before August 13th my last day award because I want to be able to send the link back to you before I leave so it's about 57 days right now somewhere there but you're Notting there's that app on I flashed my app all the time got to get moving got to get moving time for it out well thank you for all the work that you put into it I know and everybody else put into it um does anybody have the commute was miserable though oh I know so far so far away I live in Pine Hills if anybody doesn't know anybody have any questions about I and J Misha um I do have a few questions um first I don't think I'm familiar with you I'm sorry I don't think I'm familiar with who you are oh my name is Jim Hardy I'm a field director with the mass Association of school committees uh we were hired by the Plymouth school committee about two years ago to help revise and update the policy manual all right perfect thank you so much um I just um was there a process within this for um checking compliance with like a legal team mhm okay um because I I have a couple questions regarding legalities within the policies um the I I've used the references within a few of them and I am I'm concerned with their compliance with the regulations that are cited um so I didn't know if it would be best to ask you about that or if there was um someone else so um I'll start with ihba AA um actually I'm sorry IG I'll start with IG um that one I really just wanted to are there state requirements available where we said um compliance with the state requirements um under number one um I tried to look for minimum requirements from the state and I couldn't find them um easily uh the other thing again I'm sorry um that one was IG so um it was the curriculum development evaluation and communication number one page four um it says the school committee will monitor the curriculum to ensure at a minimum compliance with the state requirements um like I found some general requirements but I didn't know what we were comparing that to and if we had a plan for curriculum that we currently have that doesn't meet state requirements currently the requirement from the massach Massachusetts Department of Education is to align with the curriculum Frameworks okay so everything that we have needs to align with those Frameworks our curriculum aligns with the Frameworks there's different discussion at the state about getting curriculums approved in the future that's not something that's in place now so not only um following the Massachusetts Frameworks which we do and we always have but that's why we have academic coordinators who actually sit on those framework committees both at the state and National level um but there's some talk about kind of even having the department of Ed getting even more specific okay I think that's finding we're not yeah we're not there yet as a state um but we're constantly monitoring that but our curriculum again goes back to State Frameworks okay perfect um so then ibaa was the one that I had a little bit of a concern with the compliance with the master laws um and the reference Jessie article um that was there so I didn't know um how that was developed because I was I was very concerned about that one um that's the uh observation special education programs um that policy was initially developed by the state um CPAC group in desie uh in particular Desi's legal council in fact your um CPAC group here yes um had offered some suggestions which we incorporated into uh into this document as well based off of what practices here are in Plymouth okay so so that was taken word for word from another policy that no this is not the model because it reflects input from your CPAC CPAC group okay um yeah I I just have a big concern with that one I feel like there's I would I would like to hear opinion of legal councel on that one of the what sorry opinion of a legal councel an IA on that policy before we implement it is there a specific concern um I I mean there's a spec I I can yeah uh so under master General law 71 B3 um the parents and their designated afforded uh it's in there and then the compliance with the reference desie article it says in our view the language of garding confidentiality and practice does not provide a legal basis for districts to require either that parents or designes Surrender their personal notes of their observations um so I had concern with the one um that was requiring The Observer to to submit um reports and then the number 12 specifically even your CPAC group said that the observation they they wanted to make sure it was placed in the students's file the only way that's going to happen is if they're provideed to the district right I just I was just concerned with the compliance with like the referenced laws and stuff so I understand that people will make suggestions I'm just very concerned about there's two parts one is the law itself and then there's the regulations that the state agency develops to implement the law and sometimes there's there's different terminology used in the regulations than the statute so you can't look at one without looking at both of them right I did I did look at both and I was still concerned with that one and I would just like us to get the opinion of legal councel before we made any policy change in that way certainly do that I just wanted to make sure that there was I just if they could look over that like that in its entirety because there was more than one piece that um um made me question compliance um in that way so I would I would just like an attorney to look it over and and see that that complies um in the way that we think it does before we put that one into effect um same with the ibf um regarding Home Services um for students let me find where my yeah so bound instruction yes so my concern with this one was that homebound instruction is offered in basic Elementary subjects and secondary subjects which do not require Laboratories and special equipment subject in all cases to the availability of qualified teachers was the part that made me concerned um because the 603 CMR 28.3 um subsection 3 c um doesn't really give a lot of gray area to Staffing shortages um so I'm just wondering specifically about that the compliance of that statement um subject in all cases to the availability of qualified teachers i' I'd be interested in um the legality of that specific statement I'm not sure what you're asking because the law contradicts that so we can't make a policy that supersedes the law right but this policy is not superseding the law I just I was that's what I'm looking for conf formation of so there's a difference between qualified teachers and highly qualified teachers so you have to make that distinction first qualified teachers are teachers who are certified to teach highly qualified teachers are teachers who are certified to teach the subject in which they're doing which is why we don't say highly qualified teachers we say qualified teachers no that's not what my issue is and the issue is subject in all cases to the availability of correct right you um I you lost me I have no clue what you're asking me yeah that's why I'm concerned um so in the Massachusetts the 603 CMR 28.3 3C yeah does not say that you can be excused for not having a teacher available so I don't think we can make a policy that states that we that it is subject to us having a teach are available okay uh you can go ahead I I just don't want to talk over each other you can can you provide me with a citation for that stat just practice it's the way the regulations been implemented so there's a legal precedent in place from Desi yes just as there are waivers available for someone who may not be may not have uh a certification to teach something they can still go ahead and teach it get a waiver the idea being is that what they want to do is make sure you can provide the home services so if you have to use a non- teer to fill that services to provide the services you're not you're not you're not limited to only having qualified teachers being able to do it I don't I would need to see the the president for that or I would like the opinion of legal counsel on that we we can get that I mean easy we run them both by that's all I just want the I just would like a lawyer to read it and say and look at the law and say that's fine yeah um before we put it because we'll just open up a whole can of warms for ourselves if we don't do that and our legal costs will increase significantly more than they already have um the other one was imgb regarding emotional support animals yep um so an emotional support animal and a therapy dog are not synonymous no no um but it says in the policy that they are um there are two de different designations of dog um and an emotional support animal and a therapy dog there is no certification for an emotional support animal um so F saying that um that we need a certification of a therapy dog for it to be considered emotional support animal doesn't track because a therapy dog is especially trained dog to provide therapy to multiple people while an emotional support animal provides emotional support to one person um so that's there's a lot of contradicting language in there regarding emotional support dogs and therapy animals um that's simply inaccurate um so that one should either be scra entirely or or would need to be fixed okay so what would be helpful Ashley is if you could just email me the ones that you have concerns about we can bring them back I wanted to make sure that the that we had an open discussion about this because prior I had sent an email um to everyone by accident um so I just want to make sure that I put these out in an open discussion so that we could all um be informed on what I was looking at rather than try to request that in private but I will send you an email after list them that would be helpful for I have the whole list I'll send it right after and we've gotten several from the CPAC as well or other people and we bring them back to subcommittee and we go through the subcommittee in order to make the recommendation um jfa was just the residency verification concerns um I was just concerned that column B for anyone that has everything included in their rent producing something from column B would be difficult um so suggestion would just would be to um maybe allow them to provide a second document from one of the other columns which sorry which um regarding uh residency verifications for um students what are the letters again sorry um that one is jfa yeah can I just make one point about the uh imgb policy in that the purpose of this policy was to separate service animals and everything else right I totally understand the service animal policy is very specific the service animals are trained they're trained to provide service to an individual therapy dogs support dogs uh Comfort dogs social assistance dogs fall all under emotional support dogs they do not they do for the purposes of separating it from from support the policy numbers difference is that one is to one person person and the other provides Comfort the others provide Comfort to groups of people correct but what has happened in the rest of the part of that policy is because those two designations were used as synonymous in the beginning the other requirements of that section do not track and are not possible because there is no certification for an emotional support animal and then in number five it references an emotional support animal um being trained in a task or to work which if they were then they would be a service animal under the design necessarily it depends on what the task that is the legal definition of a service animal one person to talk at a time just no talking over each other sorry go ahead Miss sha continue I just it um it's it's very clear in the law what that is if they were trained in a task or to work they would be a service animal therefore an emotional support animal is not trained in a task or to work um okay jih interrogations by police I would like an attorney to look at that and is there a reason um because it it states that the school has legal custody during the day and therefore can can consent to an interrogation by police and I find that to be a problem and I would like to get a legal Citation for that great um JJ if f it that was just I that seemed like standard language but since we had um just appointed The Physician with a background in concussions I didn't know if it would be helpful to just have her look that over but if that's just standard language from Mass law which it looked like it was that's fine I just while she was here I just thought of that um and then well can we just because if there's conversation on this I think Miss Haywood has something so I just want to make sure so in terms of the concussion law so that so when we spoke of or did anything in terms of health we had Carolyn there okay so Carolyn was there perfect yes yeah that one I just wanted to it was it was more because she was sitting right here um that I thought about that one um and then jka AA is just missing um a procedure so under 603 CMR 4604 um there should also be listed a procedure for receiving and investigating complaints regarding restraint practices and I did not see that listed great thank you anything else that was it Miss awood because if is so there's policy piece and there's procedural piece and the procedural piece is in actually in the school handbook so what we decided is because this is policy the procedure would be separated from the policy it it just listed like every other one except for that one so that's why I was wondering because all of the other requirements under that were listed except for that um but yeah that was it for those so just so I can make I don't know if I got all the letters right so I have them all listed I'll send you an email right after this and just like I have this these are all my notes I'll send the whole thing to you that would be um but I just yeah those were the ones that I had the biggest concern with um I don't know if we want to pull those out and vote on the rest or if we just can wait um I don't think we I think it might get confusing if we do so I think just leave it for now okay and then if you send me that yeah email then we can go back into policy and okay talk about those sections perfect and and just to be clear we are not voting on this tonight this is so it has been given to you and then now it is for everyone to really I wasn't yeah cuz the action so I didn't know if we were supposed to vote on it tonight so because it's a such a a large piece we're giving people time okay perfect yeah so this is the second time for I but if there are still questions CU I know that you just joined the committee recently so you haven't had a chance I'm sorry I feel like I've set everyone back like a whole bunch right now no that's okay um yeah so we can go back and review inj again and then if you send me that list we can go back and review it and then the next two sections are like as Jim said much shorter okay perfect thank you so much okay do any Dr s I just want just want to recommend to the committee that these uh these are really good suggestions I think that the procedure should be they go back to the policy committee and I hear there's a request for councel but I don't believe the request for councel should come from an individual member I think it should go back to the committee if the committee feels that Council needs to be brought on board we have to bring it back to the committee to vote for Council okay you think we have to vote for Council well an individual member well but I'm saying if you're in the committee the subcommittee decides to oh the subcommittee yeah we don't have to vot want to go Council okay I was like okay anybody else have any thoughts I just have one really quick one that um is in a couple of the different policies and bll sections but I think we were going away from uh he she and doing like they and there was a couple places where that that was in policy I Jr imgb and then jlc D and jlcc CC they both had his her yeah so we can do a find at that's what I figured so but that's that's all I had really to share anybody else great all right thank you so much for coming really appreciate that and all your work on this with us so thank you we will look at these next time all right our next thing we have is the cape Cog collaborative um Dr blo sure at our forget what meeting we had a present ation from Paul Hilton um and am Lipkin from Cape Cod collaborative discussing um membership at the time he talked there two types of memberships it was a full membership and a adjunct membership I think it was um the adjunct membership is not necessarily something that really anyone is a member of in that way um and he at that time he had presented um both a PowerPoint presentation along with the manual in regards to membership what it entails um what it involves um and at that time we it was just an informational at that point in time um he had asked afterwards what the decision of the committee was they said well it was going to come back to another meeting um so obviously in order to become a member of Cape Cod collaborative um the school committee would need to vote in the affirmative to become a member and then there's several steps from that point the board has to um approve or deny at that point in time it has to I believe go to the Department of Education for final approval um and then it wouldn't go it would go into effect July 1st really of next year um at this point in time um so one of the things that I know that we've talked about is we benefit a lot from Cape Cod collaborative right now we're currently members of Pilgrim area collaborative um but we have quite a few students at Cape Cod collaborative um in order to join it works out to be a dollar a student so it's about 7 it would be about $72 $7,300 um we spend a little over a million this past year um a Cap Cod collaborative as we talked there's also a 10% um me non-member fee that's added to every invoice this year we just we spent a little over $80,000 in non-member fees um yep to send our students to C Cod collaborative um I think based upon what they provide for us I don't suspect the number of students will decrease significantly going forward um in the future so I I suspect those 80 that $80,000 to stay the same or at Le or increase um as being a member it also as we talked a little bit I think I don't know if Paul mentioned it um that it does require a school Committee Member to be a member of the board um as well um I think that's it anybody have any questions Mich um what are I because I wasn't here for the presentation what were the what were the benefits of of membership other than that savings that you had just talked about are there other sure there is obviously the financial piece but also the cap C collaborative does provide professional development um for staff um there's a summer program for kids I don't Michelle you would know more about it than I know on that one um it's for like like uh High achieving students that are entering gosh is it like eth 7th 8th and 9th I think um and it's at Mass mayor time and it's a it's a sleepover camp for like 3 weeks um and so it's a little bit different than the the collaborative service all students it's not like you know like Pilgrim or collaborative is a very like um kind a narrow part of our population but um and then just one more um I don't know I I don't know how to word it um so I'm sorry if this comes out sounding incorrect but um I know there's always a concern in situations like this that we will start to send kids that may not fit the criteria to a collaborative school um to that collaborative School simply because we're members there um I would just like I think I would just like to address that and and there's no like incentiv ation to sending School sending kids to the school or any any type of thing like that the membership is simply to help alleviate cost that we're already spending with the collaborative school yeah absolutely so we're always looking at the least restrictive environment first and foremost and secondly when making a referral for a particular program it's after much thought and deliberation um and they have to be accepted then they're accepted not because we're members um but because there'd be a good fit for the particular program perfect thank you of course the collaboratives are usually pretty um selective on the students to make sure the student fit what they want I mean there's the whole Admissions and yeah because they want they want their programs to be successful and to have the right students and the fit and all that so perfect thank you um and if I remember sorry Dr ton uh Mr P say and another key uh benefit is we would actually have one of us one of the sub committee members actually on their board and actually be a voting member right now we have no say in how the collaboratives yes um run even though we send plenty of students there uh there are approximately 20 districts uh in the Cape Cod collaborative I think that's a that is a a political Foster Recon with if there's an issue that we can everybody sign on that carries some weight anybody else have anything um my question is I if I just want a clarification I think when we talk last time it was we would become an associate member which we'd be the first of this this year and we would be on we would have a member assigned but that member would not vote there would just be kind of like a listening ear and then that would then give them the year to kind of make us a full member as long as the the board is okay with us joining that's that's the timeline right I think so that sounds right so we would vote if associate M if we were to have a you know a motion it would probably be like uh to become an associate member this year for the further down the road to become a full member of the collaborative with the intention of with the intention yeah whenever that might happen if it's tomorrow it's tomorrow but maybe it they've changed their structure but that we do it appropriately to make sure that we have immediate kind of involvement and involve our relationship so correct anybody have any burning desires any emotions any member I'll make a motion thank you Misha and can you say tell us what your motion is um I move that we become an associate member is that of Cap Cod collaborative with the understanding that we want to be full members yes okay so we have a motion we have a second second Mr Pano seconds do you have any questions on the motion okay no questions on the motion we can vote so while you're voting it'll if um so now it's unanimous so what I would love to have is if someone on this committee you know by Friday can send me an email that just says you're interested if it's a fight we can fight over it later but I'll look and see your assignments and who has what um you know so nobody is overly not burdened is not the right word but doesn't have too many things on their plate so please send me an email yes M Jackson can we um do we know like what the obligations are of being a board member like how often the board think it was once a month so once a month if I remember correctly from the the the presentation but we can get that try to get the specifics of the they meet and day and time but if you're interested just shoot me an email and then we can um figure that out and check with you on your schedule and then Michelle if we could I'll draft one I'll draft the letter saying the the and ask you to sign it that's perfect and then that would be presented to the board perfect awesome thank you problem all right now we have reports and proposals from superintendent Dr Campbell thank you Miss Badger uh just a few things um something that I communicated last week but just um a reminder and um an opportunity also to to thank a few folks uh Mr Murphy principal P South Middle School will be stepping down as principal for the coming school year um for for personal reasons as a as a single dad um and I'm happy for the decision he's making um and I want to thank him for the dedication he's had to pumma sou Middle School since the beginning of his career uh Miss Barrett Erica Barrett will be assuming the role as interm principal um giving how late it is in the school year um we will appoint an interm with a full um search process uh next year Miss Barrett um for those who don't know her has had 19 years as an assistant principal with us pcis has also led the new teacher and induction mentoring program for many many years um has already met with faculty and staff last week um and it's eager to meet reach out to families and we'll be doing that very soon so uh we wish her well have all the faith in in her and we'll support her um and also thanking Mr Murphy um just a few updates regarding special education where we're talking about Administration so um just a few updates for you uh We've as you knew we mentioned this at the beginning of the year program evaluation that we we be doing specifically on our Sub sub separate programs the evaluation uh draft has been provided to the dist district and it's currently being reviewed Miss Miss Smith also has a copy of that once that draft is reviewed academic discoveries which was the the agency that did the uh is doing the evaluation will provide the district with a final copy we're anticipating uh that we'll get that by July 1st so hopefully we can get that on a meeting in the near future either the July or the August um but we're we want to make sure that the the evaluation is complete and we have all the information that we can share which will be I think a good um in addition to the tiered Focus monitoring that we went through this year will be a great opportunity for uh Miss Smith the department to really set some goals related to both of those both of those documents our extended our esy extended school year program uh is uh will be starting after the fourth um preschool program will be at the preschool um the programming for secondary will be at North as it's been in the previous years uh the elementary program will be taking place at Indian Brook this year as South Elementary is going through some building upgrades um all esy supervisors are the same as they've been in uh last year so the same people are are in charge of those programs which is great um as of June 12th last week the program was fully staffed uh our again our program runs from July 9th through August 8th uh we have approximately 230 students that will be uh attending our es y programs some of those being related service only that will come in just for that but it's a good uh percentage of students that will receiving extended school year Services All Families have received communication or should have um by by now um a while back uh we asked families to let us know if the child planned to attend by May 17th um I think it was right after April break that the communication went out uh we also requested families to let us know about Transportation needs by June 1st again um that went out from the case managers who work with students directly as well as the esy supervisors and I would say if any family has not heard or anything or any questions please encourage you to call Central Administration talk talk to our special education department and we will take care of you immediately um Christine Smith as you know will be coming on officially July 1st but she has been meeting with department heads with Miss delori with the preschool with um Denise Tobin our assistant special ed director um as as recently as just a couple of weeks ago um our new department heads we've hired two new department heads at the elementary level Katie bedro who is a current sen at nathani Morton will be stepping into the role um she's been working as a special education teacher since 2009 so she comes with some great experience and is a wonderful educator uh and Dr um Mansfield will be was was a second Elementary department head the background in speech and language pathology as well and she's been almost 25 years of experience in special education so we welcome them to the new roles and uh look forward to um working with them um as I said oh another another thing that all families excuse me whose children receiving special ed services should have received a notification on a free online training for families all the trainings through the Federation have been done I think the last one was actually last Wednesday if I'm not mistaken um so um there was a few opportunities through the Federation um just um hopefully we had a lot of families that took part in that um so that's it regarding the the um special education update uh just a reminder to the committee that our next two meetings are virtual the agendas tend to be a little bit lighter although we'll have some policy but um those will be remote so the zoom links I sent those out last week we'll make sure that they're hyperlink on our agendas of course for the public access because we have to make sure that we're accessible to the public will do that so um if you have issue with the Google invite it will be the link will be on electronic School Board as well so there will be July 8 and August 12th um I'm going to ask if um Mrs deg gravio could put up our website just this this is a great resource that I just want to make sure that our families are aware of uh the summer happening so if you go to our website um to the main page we tend to change these icons but you see the icon that says summer it's a big sun right there if you click on that there's an extraordinary amount of resources here for our community bless you U so summer happenings and if you scroll down a little bit Mrs DEA you'll see um there's a message there from car Solus to let let people know that there's also that the availability of those resources Mental Health Resources continue to exist and encourage people because Summer can be can be tough you know um you know there's a lot of access to we met a lot of them here tonight our he our nurse Educators um a lot of our counselors and and sometimes the the summer can be a difficult time so just being mindful of that resource our summer lunches a lunch program summer math summer reading opportunities our our our um summer school for our credit recovery for the high school we also have all the APN honors work there uh science the planetarium has a number of shows starting as early as July 1 I looked at them all today it's great uh when our freshman orientations will be and if you click on all those and you don't need to do that Mr gy maybe you can pick one if you click on one of those it will open it up so you can see all the details right uh but below all of this if you scroll a little bit further down on the page you'll see this summer learning and activity guide and this is this is just dense with so many resources um I I lost track of how many pages it is but it's just incredible from academic resources to camps to programs that we're running across all disciplines the Arts uh things that are happening in the community um things that um the library is doing it just goes on and on and on it's a wonderful resource I want to thank Dr rogers's office all the academic coordinators um liby Hurley for just the amazing work that she put into this because this this isn't something that is um easy to put together um all there's hyperlinks in here so it can take you to all those resources just it's a rich document full of resources not only things that are happening in the school but things that are happening in the school Community or in the community itself so just I would encourage people to to look at that uh when you have an opportunity download it um so I just wanted to make a point of that um think I had a couple other things I wanted to mention uh just a a big congratulations to plumouth North High School's baseball team yesterday 9-2 win division 2 state champions um I think it was 2012 was the last time that happened uh our own DC Brown I know uh was in he six Innings six in the third I think struck out 12 batters had an amazing night um was only taken out because of a pitch count really rule uh just tremendous the the whole team did a wonderful job and just great way to end the season and great way for DC to end his season um as a Plymouth North baseball student who will be going on to pitch at WPI he an amazing athlete and just a great person they're all the kids were wonderful um just so I just wanted to recognize them and then just um again thank you to this committee for a wonderful year uh to our teachers to our nurses to our counselors It's you know we've had some challenges this year for sure as we do every year but it's an amazing team I think at the end of the day um we're very blessed I feel blessed that we have a lot of people just really care about kids and want to do right by kids um so just want to wish everyone a wonderful summer um we look forward to having our teachers back on August 27th and the kids the following day they don't want to hear that [Laughter] dat it's a long summer so enjoy the long summer let them have a minute yeah um anybody have any questions I did ask Dr Campbell to share the IEP training with us just so that um we could have a clue if people are talking with us and we have questions just if if you have time you don't have to do it but just to be out there um so our next piece we have is Committee Member reports we'll start with um Master planning committee maybe um yes so um yes the master planning committee is basically um a committee that's working on the the town's next master plan um the vision for the community and a blueprint to guide town government for the next decade so there's members from I'm representing the school committee there's member of from the planning board a member of the select board community members at large so we've been meeting we picked a um consultant and we are having there is a meeting for the public on um Thursday June 20th it's a kickoff meeting it's at P South Middle at 6 p.m. so the Public's invited you can hear about um uh PM strength and opportunities and challenges uh visions and goals and we get input from the public um there's refreshments and child care to be provided so you know folks that are interested or concerned about the community are welcome to attend again this is kind of more of an informational meeting but it's so you know it's the first one we're having um we're inviting the public and there'll be other meetings down the road that will be open to the um to the public so um again Thursday night at 6 p.m thank you anybody have any questions okay move on to Committee Member reports does anybody have any anything they want to report Miss sha um I just it's not like an official report but I met with Mr blazel um to go over budget things and I just wanted to mention that um on the back of the Plymouth Public um schools website tutorial that Chris was giving um if you go to under district and under Business Services and you scroll down and hit budget reports you can get the fy2 line item budget report for any interested parties that may want to look at that yes lots of detail anybody else um I just Dr Campbell and I had an opportunity to meet with no place for hate on THS Wednesday last Wednesday um just to kind of go over the current like we we're unfortunately had to eliminate the position for now of the the diversity coordinator and that was their biggest concern was what does this mean for the district and so Dr Campbell put together a really great presentation and we talked to them about how you know just because this is happening doesn't mean we're we're dropping all of our Dei efforts it's it's throughout the the Strategic plan it's all throughout um what we're doing and that you know wanting to be a partner with them and it was really I think well received I think initially we were not they they were not very happy with us but when we went through everything that is planned and will be going on the their biggest concern was how do you do it without a point person how do you do this how do we keep you um on track task and so they offered to be kind of those task Masters if you will um inviting us to their meeting and just um continually have us back for updates and to really be um really help us with it so I think I think it we left I think it was a good meeting overall I'm really happy that we were in invited in to have that conversation uh to answer those questions um and then uh the other thing is uh Miss savy asked me to because she's on the um distinguished visitors committee asked me to read a posting oh shoot now it's going to go away um so we have students coming from shishi Gama they'll be arriving in Late July July 29th um and during their stay they'll be accommodate accommodating that doesn't make any sense they'll be with us until August 7th um what we need is h Homes we need families that want to open their homes up to students um students that have maybe already kind of participated in the exchange students that are interested in participating in the exchange would be something that we would they'd really like to the DVC has activities planned during the day uh I think there's a couple free days that they usually have planned where the families take care of the students uh but there are some of these students have learned some English uh so there there'll still be a language barrier but these wonderful things can really get rid of those language barriers for all of us uh but there are two translators coming with the group uh to ensure smooth transition um and Communications the financial responsibilities um host families are kindly asked to provide meals for the students during their stay- atome additionally they may be requested to pack lunches for Student Activities students will have their own spending money so it's really just about the the food and the housing of these students um and then the support for the families there's a DBC Lee aison that will be there to help at any time anything that is needed but we as a school district and as a town really need housing for these 14 students I believe is it 14 12 17 that sounds about right okay somewhere between 14 and 17 students that are planning to come here and currently we do not have enough beds but um they just basically it's said accommodation Transportation host families are needed to provide a comfortable bed for each student uh Transportation responsibilities include picking up and dropping off students for events or to a central meeting spot if necessary and I know some of that happens during the day or at off times but I think you I've being involved with this and not as deeply as Miss saory but um there's usually families that work together to be like okay I can bring the kids this day if you bring them that day because it is difficult if to get a student if you have to be to work and things like that so please reach out and um so Kim sav's email is Kim saory 66@gmail.com and that is what she's asking people to reach out if they're interested in housing a student so um that is the update but if everyone in this committee wants to save July 29th August 7th on their calendars I'm sure there'll be events that will be uh invited to attend and I hope that you know we can all make as much as we can yes I did get an email from Kevin KY today and it's they're coming in July 30th oh 30th and then they're leaving Plymouth on the 5th oh on the fifth okay they staying till the 7th they'll be in Boston a couple days but they'll be in they'll be leaving okay so it's even shorter July 30th or the 5th perfect so hopefully we've got some people watching at home that want to host these students who are just incredible um and it's just a wonderful experience to be part of uh and then like Dr Campbell said I just want to thank everybody here for a really great year and all of our teachers and staff that uh put the time tear all the things into making Plymouth School District wonderful and uh and wish everybody a happy and you know safe summer so just thank you all all right next thing we have are appointments and leaves of absence Dr Campbell thank you Mr tropy had today off we told him he did not have to come back to do this so this evening we have um excuse me we have four certificated appointments one classified one parental leave three medical leaves and two resignations where is it I'm sorry I skipped building committee I apologize go ahead sorry I cut you off did I cut you off I already I already perfect I'm sorry I got distracted sorry um all right thank you for that um we're just going to go up here I don't know how I missed it but I missed building committee so Mr Pano or Mr Morgan um I left my notes in a car I can go over it and Mr ban can certainly fill in the um anything I missed but the school roof projects the uh HVAC units are being worked on this summer um and and we hope that should be done by beginning of the school year um and the facilities director and Dr blaz St are keeping close tabs at it and keeping the building committee informed so um we're um we're hopeful that that can get wrapped up um this summer um and that's inan Brook um I forget this um West fedal furn and West yeah so um station two the West plumet fire station um they've done the Landscaping that was one of the um last pieces um it looks if you drive B on um samet Street you it really looks a lot nicer now um now they're down to punchless items so we should be signing off that in the very near future um but it's it's a great facility and anyone wants to take a look at it call the U fire chief I'm sure can get you in it's it's quite amazing um facility um station five that work is on going they moved the um RV trailer from Station 2 to station 5 um which I'm sure the um the the staff isn't thrilled about but um you know we need to transition them out of the building so we can get to work done um so that's ongoing um really not not much more on the fire stations um and um that's it I think Mr Pano there anything no that was it perfect sorry I skipped you I don't know why it didn't it didn't appear in my drop down here I should have been looking at my paper so um now back to regular regularly scheduled programming um does anybody have anything for unfinished business or new business oh Dr I have a question of unfinished business that does I don't know if the central office knows uh has any progress a presentation came to the building committee when I was on the building committee years ago about sidewalk from uh to West School West an update on the um do we know where that that project lies safe roots to school um we just had there's been talk I can bring it up at one of our I go to the department meetings on Tuesday Mornings um so Mr chopi and myself could bring that up and and get an update and I know they've consulted with principal duser on that as well I don't know where it is in the process but we can get an update that's that would be a very good one Mr Pano you yeah I I know the West PL searing committee has been driving I thought there was Capital funding for it about a year ago so they've been doing it in sections so there has been progress I don't know if it's 100% they're doing it in sections y that's correct and I know that's part of we have a advocacy meeting to talk about school bus fees because we had somebody reach out and say hey I act my kid actually can't save walk to school so is this so we're going to have some conversations about that too because it's true Federal furnace want to get on that road do you want to get on West no we don't really parts of Born Road you don't want to be on that either so um we're going to have a conversation about that so thanks for bringing that up any new business okay no new business and now we're on to the consent agenda does anybody have any pieces of business that need to be removed from the consent agenda seeing none I can take a motion Mr Morgan I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented perfect do we have a motion do we have a second Dr senson thank you um we have a motion and a second any questions on the motion Miss Badger can I just make one yes change coming forward it's fine the way it is but just in future school committee meetings starting in FY 25 you'll notice that right now we have two warrants one for Budget one for Grant y it's going to be combined to one after the new fiscal year um because basically what the town is doing is the process twice so rather than running the process twice it will be run once and it'll be one warrant going forward starting in FY 25 okay will that I mean there'll still be the distinction and being able to tell the difference between what funds are or what's from what okay y perfect anybody else have any all right we should be able to vote then I won't be able are you vot voting on consent agenda yes I I won't be able to go back in it kiic just kicked me out okay so then we can just do a roll call Dr sson yes Mr Bano yes Mrs Jackson yes Mr Morgan yes Mrs Haywood yes Miss sha yes and I vote Yes so it passes um unanimously I almost said anonymously all right with that if anybody doesn't have anything else to uh share or uh I call the school committee to uh close at 8:50 thank you everybody have a lovely evening thank you too e