e e e e e e e from all right we going to call the May 6th meeting of the P school committee to order and if everybody will join me in the Pledge of Allegiance flag the United States of America the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and justice for all all right now we have comments from the Community do we have anybody who wishes to speak to the committee all right seeing none we will not read our typical little um policy on the comments from community members and we will go right to um lilyan from pman South they give us her update hello everyone so each season we host a captain's breakfast where the sports captains from across town eat breakfast together and hear from a guest speaker today was another great event for our spring captains at Plymouth North the guest speaker was the varsity baseball coach at Mass Maritime it's always a it's always great to see our students gather as friends meet the coaches for fall Sports is quickly approaching it is June 4th and 5th information has been sent to families and this includes incoming freshmen the testing schedules are detailed for the weeks ahead we have AP testing that began today math mcast testing for sophmores science mcast Testing for grade n students in June and ultimately final exams beginning inun June senior dinner dance tickets are $50 and on sale this week no tickets will be sold after Friday the event is at pompet Inn in Mash p on May 30th last week we recognized many artists at the art Gala that takes place annually and tomorrow night we will honor the seniors in the biomedical program congratulations to all the theater Guild presented the musical Guys and Dolls this past weekend and it was a huge success great job by all members of the cast and crew Panther TV hosted their live show last Friday and it was a huge success thanks to our students and EDTV staff and teachers for making this authentic event happen for our students annually thank you to guest speaker and local architect Bill fornari who shared some words of wisdom with students at the second annual vision of a graduate celebration last week invited students are recognized by a specific staff member for representing one of the Five Pillars highlighted by the vision of a graduate document thank you to all who attended congratulations to senior Abby Brown who signed her National letter of intent to continue her cross-country career at Lynn University in Florida we celebrated Abby with friends family and coaches congratulations this past weekend the following students competed in the skills USA state competition in Marlboro congratulations to the following medal winners bronze medal team of Kay gendrin and Julia bizero safety poster design silver medal stylist Liliana vaugh and model Nia Baldwin Kyle kilum for telecommunications cabling and gold medals and qualified for the skills USA national conference in Atlanta Georgia katron Ellis exploratory project demonstration and the team of Jacob Olsen and Dylan long for audio and radio production we are very excited to announce that the following Panther TV students have have been recognized by the New England student production awards for excellent in broadcast journalism Aiden Maro for artist Spotlight Sophia damal Ava Davy betet for Panther PW Club Declan Davis from the class of 2023 for great blizz Bethy Lombardo also from the class of 2023 for pingpong Dylan long for Panther TV 2023 live show director great job everyone in collaboration with the nurses office and the Medical Careers club we have added the yellow tulip project to South High you can see the beautiful garden as you approach the entrance to the school we hosted the second annual mock crash event for students in the senior class seven students and a parent participated in a simulated drunk driving crash thank you to the local businesses and police fire and Emergency Services who helped support this event the debrief and event were very powerful for all involved and lastly the year is flying by and we have so many events we look forward to celebrating our seniors in the weeks ahead and encourage families to check news and social media Pages for up to date to the minute information thank you awesome thank you so much Quinn pouth north um for the May 6th North updates um for juniors the junior prom will be held Friday May 24th at Lake Pearl in Ram uh guidance information AP testing begins Monday May 6th through Friday May 17th we have 224 students taking a total of 424 exams parents of sophomores and juniors applying for financial aid and paying for college can be overwhelming and requires Advanced planning stay informed with an overview of the financial aid process with a brief discussion of the FSA and CSS profile forms and see the tools available to determine your specific eligibility for need and merit-based Aid visit this website for date um and time of upcoming events for uh 2024 and 2025 bus applications um 2024 to 2025 bus applications were sent home electronically please have the application filled out and returned along with a payment to the school by June 30th the senior showcase Thursday May 16th the students from the technology programs offered at North will showcase their projects in the cafeteria and Plymouth North High um at Plymouth North High School for the vpa um upcoming concerts of the plum North music department all of these concerts are in the Performing Arts Center at PL North High School um the course and choir concert um on May 7th at 7 p.m. band and Orchestra on May 10th at 7 p.m. P&S art show on Thursday uh May 16th spring AC capella concert on May 17th at 700 p.m. tickets for the spring Acappella concert concert are on sale and the other two concerts are free and no so no tickets for skills USA North 16 students qualified um for dist as District winners to compete at the skills USA competition last week Sebastian kazakov and Ethan Borges placed second in the State winning it's the silver medal and mobile um robotics competition on Saturday this is an impressive victory for the two engineering students who are only sophomores who compared against all the seniors and with three years of skills USA experience congratulations to all students who qualified and their teachers Mr neelen and Mr South Deca Nationals 19 19 students represented North High School at the international Deca competition in an Anaheim California last week all earned their spot to compete after qualifying on both the regional and state level the best performance came from Katherine Anderson a sophomore who was a medalist for her role play congratulations to all the students who qualified to T and Mr and Miss fig fotti um Miss brow and Miss Burns and their um who are their Market marketing teachers upcoming dates Wednesday May 15th the Patriot League track championships at Plum North Tuesday May 21st and 22nd grade 10 math mcast testing Friday May 24th class day um 9:00 a.m. to 11: a.m. Tuesday June 4th and Wednesday June 5th great grade n biology M CL mcast Friday June 7th Wednesday um through Wednesday June 12th is underclassman final exams for student council uh we would like to congratulate all of our elected student council officials from the class of 2025 and 2026 as officers as well as the eboard officers and eboard board members seniors senior families yard side uh yard signs that are pre-ordered can be picked up on Wednesday May 17th from 5:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. in front of the school by the main office entrance lastly for guidance May is mental health awareness month mental health awareness month is observed annually in May to raise awareness SL and understanding about mental health to reduce the stigma regarding mental health and to encourage individuals to take care of their own mental health and seek help if needed we are very fortunate at Plum North to have a mental health resource and support available to students and amilies in school as well as the greater Plymouth Community to learn more about the resource available please reach out to one of your school adjustment counselors or your guidance counselors and remember talking about mental health promotes acceptance and encourages others to seek help whether we share resources encourage others to seek help or simply are there for someone when they need us we make a difference thank you and that's it thank you so much does anybody have questions for Quin or Lillian awesome thank you I know it's a busy time so thanks for making time for us here um all right we're going to go to our next uh special education director appointment Dr Campbell thank you Miss Badger so um as you know um we've been in the process of looking for a permanent special ed director uh for the two to start in July of 2024 um as Miss um delori was in the interm basis and I just want to take a moment to thank Mrs delori for her exceptional leadership this year um we had several uh several candidates and I want to thank the committee that was a part of this process including Miss Badger for taking time out of her extremely busy schedule um to the entire committee so this evening um I present to you remotely because uh she is out of state but I present to you uh my recommendation for the director of special education Miss Christine Smith Miss Smith is a distinguished educator whose career has been marked by a steady commitment to special education uh with an extensive background uh Miss Smith brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table uh she began her professional Journey at the Boston public schools in 1992 as a special education teacher she's held various roles within the educational Community including teaching at the elementary middle high school settings assuming leadership positions both um at the district and school level uh notably her tenure um as the administrator of special education at wett Regional Schools really showcased I think her exceptional leadership ship overseeing an array of programs uh catering to support 1300 students districtwide um spearheaded a number of initiatives to really ensure Equitable access for all Learners uh really demonstrating you know Financial stewardship and managing budgets um IEP placements and uh fiscal resources Miss Smith is um has consistently championed the rights and needs of students with disabilities has outstanding letter of recommendation and references and for these reasons uh I recommend to the school committee to consider her candidacy with the utmost regard um confident that should be a valuable asset to our team anybody have or I guess we can turn it over to to Miss Smith hello can hear from you can hear us oh yes yes I can hear you if you want to take a moment Christine to to um introduce yourself and say a few things sure so again uh thank you so much for this opportunity uh Dr Campbell and to the Plymouth Public Schools I am very excited um going through the interview process I had an opportunity to meet with the outstanding leadership team um and the interview committee and felt very um much like there it was a it was a nice connection and an opportunity to um come into the Plymouth Public Schools and continue the excellent work and service Equitable service for our students um with special needs thank you um does anybody have any questions for Miss Smith or Dr cble I know being on the committee itself it was um a great opportunity to hear more and um the wealth of knowledge that Miss Smith will hopefully will hopefully bring to our district and um so it was lovely to get to know you that way and I look forward to hopefully getting to know you further absolutely anybody else no so we need a vote this is an action item that we vote to to approve the approve the recommendation okay that's what I thought okay yes Miss Avery I move that we accept and approve the recommended candidate Christine Smith for the position of special education director okay we have a motion do we have a second second Miss Miss Jackson thank you so much all right we have a motion a second any questions on the motion seeing none we should be able to vote Yes are we going to Al soit it looks like I don't know if it's coming up remotely because Dr senson I don't believe he is on so you may need to is he on Dr sson I don't think I thought I so he's not so then needed do a roll call do we need to do a roll call okay so Mr Bano yes and we'll go over Miss Jack Mrs Haywood goodness yes Mr Morgan yes Miss Avery yes and Mrs Jackson yes perfect and I vote Yes so they we that is a unanimous welcome to the district and we're excited to get to work with you uh also also um I did want to mention that um I will be um now that I'm appointed I will be doing a coffee and conversation with Dr Campbell next Monday night at the central office office from um starting at 4:00 perfect on May 13th at 4 yes okay put that in our calendar so it's 4 I know we had it scheduled for like 5:30 we did have it scheduled for 5:30 but we can we'll work that out and put okay just want to make sure we communicate with the families or that so they don't absolutely okay I just moved in my account we'll make an announcement okay thank you um and again thank you for we're excited to work with you and a big thank you for uh cherl delori who's taken us through this year so with um everything so thank you all right we will thank you Miss thank you so much and enjoy your vacation thank you for coming in all right and now we have our legislative update so we have uh representative moror and we have Nicole manf Freddy from um Senator Moran's office that if they would like to come up to the table that would be wonderful um so this legislative update is a bit of a ruse uh for a saory I hope you don't want to kill me but uh seeing that this is your last meeting we wanted to make sure we honored you and your 12 years of service on the on the board and um so we'll turn it over to State Rep moratory and to start sorry you're welcome surprise hi kept a secret I know I saw like one family member at a time yeah they screwed it up didn't they they walking in you had no clue otherwise I my sister I'm like okay it's a teacher thing at first and then I'm like wait a second well we are are pleased to be here um it's not easy what you all do particularly in the times that we're in uh and for as long as you've done it um Kim it's just been amazing and on behalf of the community we really thank you for your years of service your dedication and um on behalf of Kathy lanatra and myself cath is out of the country so I'm here to represent uh the House of Representatives if I may Madam chairman please do Madam chair if I can read the citation please from the house Comm of Massachusetts the House of Representatives be it hereby known to all that the Massachusetts House of Representatives offer it sinceres congratulations to Kimberly Savory in recognition of 12 Years of remarkable remarkable leadership and dedication to the Plymouth school committee students and the community fostering incl in inclusive and collaborative uh every step of the way collaboration every step of the way the entire membership extends its very best wishes and expresses The Hope For Good Fortune and continued success in any ende that you do given the sixth day of May 2024 at the State House in Boston signed by the Speaker of the House Ronald Marano state representative cathine arter who's offered this and your friend to say representative Matt Meritor thank you thank you and then I have a letter that um Kathy say batra asked me to read so she says Dear Kim I'm sorry I cannot be with you this evening as you step away from your role on the pus school committee I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering dedication and tireless service to the community your commitment to students to the students of Plymouth has been nothing short of remarkable through your passion and hard work you've made a lasting impact on the education experience of countless young minds your advocacy for their needs and their Relentless pursuit of Excellence have not gone unnoticed beyond your professional accomplishments I want to acknowledge the kind and compassionate person that you are your warmth and sincerity have touched the lives of many leaving a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to know you as you embark on new adventure Adventures please know that your contribution to the Plymouth school committee will be fondly remembered and deeply appreciated while your presence will be missed your legacy will continue to inspire all thank you once again for your time dedication and positive impact you've made on our schools and Community with heartfelt appreciation Kathy latra thank you thanks if you want to go Nicole hi so I just want to say on a personal note I've known you for a long time um you filled my shoes after I left school committee so I know what it's like to be on that side of the table um also as an educator in this District I can truthfully say to anyone listening that you have the respect of the staff in this district and your advocacy for students and staff equally was always recognized and your transparency was always appreciated so I hope you really know that because that's really heartfelt from I'm not just speaking for myself I'm not going to cry um so this citation is actually from the Massachusetts state senate but um Senator Moran couldn't be here but it is a bigger honor for me to be here to give this to you personally because it means very much to me to do that do you want to read mine Commonwealth of Massachusetts state senate official citation be it known that the Massachusetts Senate hereby extends its congratulations to Kimberly Savory and recognition of your 12 years of exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to the the Plymouth school committee and be it further known that the Massachusetts Senate extends its best wish wishes for continued success that this citation be duly signed by the president of the Senate and attested to and a copy thereof transmitted by the clerk of the Senate by president of the Senate Karen spilka attested by Clerk of the Senate Michael Hurley offered by state senator Susan Moran on May 6 2024 thank you we appreciate you thank you I appreciate you too it's not over yet Dr Campbell not done so um to kind of echo what Nicole said and I've known you long I've known you 12 years on school committee but I think I've known you since 2005 when you were just Marley's mom I think Marley's here I think I saw her here too it's good to see you hi um but no and seriously you know as parents at Nathaniel Morton when I wasn't working here in the school department your active enrollment uh active uh involvement excuse me not only a school committee but PTA um an advocate for families an advocate for students and an advocate for staff and I think that um that that's that's widely known by anyone who knows you and and what you've done uh for the children not only here in Plymouth but across the state with with your work at Mass PTA so um and I thank you for your leadership assuming the role of chair during covid new superintendent coming on um um but really uh just thank you for everything you've done and always had the best interest of our staff our students and our families and uh really appreciate that and wish you well but we do have a plaque as we give to all of our employees as well you um just saying Kimberly Sly and appreciation for your years of service to the Plymouth Public Schools school committee 2012 through 2024 thank you thank you and we're going to take some photos yeah and I think we I know I don't know if anybody else on the committee wants to say anything um just to continue to um embarrass you I just wanted to say personally I have you know benefited greatly from your like leadership and your help and guidance in the last 12 years and it's going to be really weird to be on the committee without you but I um you you know I a phone call away and a text so you're not you'll still hear from me um but it's been wonderful working with you on the committee and thank you for all that you've done for the students of Plymouth and our teachers so thank you thank you all right so m m doctor Mr I'm sorry I just elevated you um no just wanted to say it's been an absolute pleasure uh serving with you and as some people know I probably wouldn't be on the school committee if it were not for your encouragement to No Yeah well yeah yeah I don't know if I should blame you or thank you I'm sorry I still remember that day it was definitely your your encouragement um you know and and support and it's been wonderful serving with you so we will miss you thank you thank you I agree it's uh oh Mr Jackson I'm I'm happy to thank you to have been able to spend so much time with you I would not be nearly as you supported us so much and you supported me when I came onto the school committee and I'm happy to be here with you and to call you my friend thank you Mrs Haywood um Mrs Avery I just want to thank you um you have been very much a strong advocate for um students and the teachers and a person to kind of model after in a sense um you in terms of your chairmanship you were always Equitable um uh and it was a pleasure serving with you and it will be very strange here Mr Morgan yeah no I just want to say you know I um we served together like 10 out year 12 years um we did like five or six years on the executive board together um and um while we didn't always agree always taught uh treated me fairly and I really appreciate that so like um Mr sa just said you're just not a colleague but a friend thank you thanks thank you now we can speech spee speech well do you want me to do it now because I do you do it now if you'd like I'm gonna try not to I know you said you want emotional but oh wasn't through time for the kids here we're so proud of you love you anybody that doesn't know two of my three kids thank you um I I tried to write this and not cry and I'm really hoping that I can do it it seems a little sappy but it's um um it's heartfelt and I just I didn't want to leave I didn't expect any of this but I didn't want to leave today without at least saying something to everybody that inspired me so um so thank you for letting me do this um I wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation for all of my fellow school committee members School staff students parents and community members 12 years ago when I first ran for a position on the school committee my youngest Marley was in elementary school my middle child Ethan was in Middle School and my oldest was in high school so I thought this was a perfect time for me to jump in um it's hard to believe now that all three of them are amazing adults um thanks to Plymouth Public Schools they're thriving and accomplishing things that make me proud of them every day uh my oldest got married a couple weeks ago my middle son Ethan accomplishes amazing things every day and I'm so proud of him and my amazing daughter Marley is graduating from UMass Boston next week I believe or the week after next um so prior to my tenure on the school committee I was an active as I was active as a volunteer advocating for parents in public schools for almost 30 years I I put that in there just so that you know that that it's been a long time and that's why I'm taking a little bit of a break um tonight I'm filled with mixed emotions it's not been an easy decision to not seek re-election this year and today marks the end of a chapter in my life that's been incredible incredibly meaningful and rewarding and while I ref reflect I spent a lot of time today reflecting on my time serving Plymouth Public Schools and I'm reminded of countless hours spent with all of you in meetings brainstorming sessions and community events each moment has been a testament to our shared all of our shared commitment to the betterment of our educational system and most important the children it serves we fac challenges head-on navigated navigated uncharted waters and celebrated triumphs big and small we've worked tiously to ensure that every child in our community has access to an equitable quality education and the opportunity to thri thrive all of your on raising commitment to our schools and our students is nothing short of inspiring to me it's been an honor and a privilege to serve alongside all of you and I'm filled with gratitude for the friendship and the memories made and while I transition to my next chapter although I'm not sure what that is I know that the work that we've B begun will continue to flourish and is in very capable hands and although I may no longer hold a seat at the table I'm still very much invested in our committee and I'm not going too far so thank thank you all again for your support dedication and friendship [Applause] [Music] now we get photos of a committee yeah so we should probably take like a five minute stoto yeah we do a five minute yeah we'll just take a short five minute break is that okay okay I was just thinking if I could slip in thank you you guys e e e e e e e I know I was I was planning on doing this at the very end so I could just run out the door sorry all right well thank you everybody up with us in our um short little break but we just wanted to make sure we honor Miss Avery and her time on the committee the next thing we have are the is the cape Cog collaborative Mr blazel Drell Sor blaz sorry I'm gon turn over to Dr blazel um I'd like to introduce Paul Hilton um the executive director of Cape cug collaborative and Amy Amy I don't know your last name um from Cape C collaborative um we currently have about 12 students or so on aage average um annually that attend Cape Cod collaborative um there's a lot of opportunities that we have taken advantage of over the years um and so they are here this evening to kind of talk a little bit about um possible membership and what it would entail if we were to become members of Cape C collaborative um and what it would take I know we are already members of Pilgrim Pilgrim area collaborative um but we're going to kind of talk a little bit because we have so many kids that that attend Cap Cod collaborative annually um possible benefits of possibly joining and it's not as simple as joining but but I know PA will explain that too so sure thank you for having us uh members of the school committee members of the administration uh this conversation's been a long time uh in origin uh Dr mestas back in 2009 and 10 talked at length about this and Bob Sherman going way back and um Dr Rogers came down from Cape Cod and we've um had the benefit of having many students and administrators interact with us through the years I'm going to go back in time a little bit before we go forward uh collaboratives Cape Cod collaborative and Pilgrim area collaborative were established in the 1970s in the Advent the special education um school districts needed to determine how to best serve students and for loow incidence populations uh they developed programs together the statute under which they um enabled these programs was Master General Law chapter 40 section 4E this may become important at some point later but collaboratives are outgrows or agents of the member School committees um it's not a private school it's a public school it's public day programs and they governed by the school committee members the advantages of collaboratives are there are better educational opportunities for children offered when program is occurring together as opposed to independently it's increase Effectiveness and increase efficiency in the program because you can pull your resources and Target it particular um focus areas District participation um contract it's a contractually and efficient organization we don't do anything that districts don't want to do our goal is to finish at zero doar every year um the tuition that we have for programs is the tuition that it cost to run the programs if there are more students and the tuition's cheaper we make the tuition cheaper if there are students and their tuition goes up we work with the districts to determine when and how that program should exist and the benefit is the shared overhead cost for Plymouth Plymouth has had an increasing number of students participate in collaborative programs over the past 15 years that have been in the collaborative they've consistently utilized collaborative services and the Plymouth schools have been integral to the continueed development of our programming um I grew up off cape and I fond of saying that cape does not begin at the bridge Cape Cod begins in South Carver it begins in South Plymouth and mant and it begins in wereham so um where him is part of the Cape Cod collaborative in 2024 um I have to put my glasses on because I can't read my PowerPoint um the Plymouth Public Schools currently has anywhere between three and six students that attend Waypoint Academy which is a special education public Day program program for middle school and high school children with behavioral and emotional disorders um in our program in austerville we have between nine and 11 students at any point in time uh from Plymouth and that's three different types of programming emotional and behavioral Elementary programs uh programs for students with significant autism or developmental disabilities and a bti needs or medically fragile classroom for program development there are increasing numbers of students stents that have acute needs and decreasing numbers of private placements that can serve them uh we seek to sit with our districts on an ongoing basis uh Dr Bell attends our business managers meetings we have special education director meetings we have meetings with curriculum directors to continually reassess what the needs are and develop programs and reaction to express needs of the school districts and I'm not going to continue to go by the PowerPoint fiscal year 24 um we relocated our Waypoint Academy program as the uh buildings in which we were located um were going to be reutilized for other purposes at that at that point in time we worked with Bridgewater State University to develop a partnership wherein we shared a building that is used uh not only by the Cape Cod collaborative but by Bridgewater State University which allows us a lab in some manner for student teachers uh to work with our students it also offers us the the opportunity to serve students and um college students uh in developing programming to increase the educator pipeline which is become increasingly challenging uh Plymouth um opportunities with the collaborative we have an advanced studies program each summer at mass mura time and summer 2024 which is fiscal year 2025 we will have two students from Plymouth engaging I believe three years ago we started having a few students from pouth engage um we have an all cape in service where we have anywhere between five and 900 um professionals engage in professional learning opportunities either in October or in November in the federal election years uh we do special education transportation we do Consulting for transportation and we do uh coordination and and assist in the Contracting not only as a provider but for districts to seek to gain efficiencies in special education Transportation when I started in 2009 my first month on the in my position we worked with the Plymouth schools to reassess their transportation because at that point in time uh company judco had been offering your transportation and the rates were going up exponentially and we sat and looked at gaining the efficiencies and worked closely with the administration at that point uh to rearrange different opportunities that could be pursued um in gaining efficiency and transportation we offer a virtual High School which is a Consortium it's a nonprofit Consortium we're in licensed Massachusetts teachers teach online courses and that Consortium has been existing since 2000 we do graduate coursework in coordination with Bridge State University we run ongoing cohorts for um graduate education to licens teachers and to have them work through their um Career Development um in the past two years we work closely with Bridgewater State University to develop programming to serve the um lenser needs for um individuals teaching with emergency license and during this current year uh starting this summer there were 550 um individuals that are participating in that Grant programming with Bridgewater State University a little bit about our Advanced Studies program uh it's a twoe summer program it's going through the summer uh for the past two years and it's hosted at Mass Maritime and it's stem from focused at the end of that summer the top male and female um program participants rewarded full scholarships full tuition scholarships uh for Mass Maritime University we talked briefly about transportation and all cape in service the regional professional meetings each month the special education directors get together and talk about what the needs are and what the developing needs are uh throughout the region and we've started to focus in different different parts of the region Cape Cod is 200 square miles so having provinc toown and wereham collaborate on a program is not always cost efficient but having Carver Plymouth and weham may be much more cost efficient we have our curriculum directors develop U opportunities uh for educating professionals we're re reassessing the curriculum in the districts the business managers come together each every six weeks and we've had quarterly facility directors facilities um at least on Cape Cod continue need increasing attention we have decreasing capacity to manage those issues and we have an administrative board where when superintendent gather once a month either at one of the the Cape Tech School in hartch or the upper Cape Tech School in sandwich and talk about the needs that they have and we're in the collaborative might be able to meet some of those needs and you don't really care about Dennis Yarmouth in Virtual High School um the articles of agreement which is the purpose that were here for today five years ago uh Plymouth asked about an adjunct membership status where um Plymouth had consistently had students enroll in both of our programs at that point in time we talked about what that meant and shared what is called the articles of agreement which is the governing document for the collaborative and I can leave paper copies behind and I know you have electronic copies but I think paper works much better for some of us an adjunct membership um needs a request from the school committee to ask to become a member and a vote of the board of directors occurs uh wherein they can accept or not accept the adjunct member to the collaborative um the membership does not include voting rights so that they wouldn't the adjunct member does not have a vote and determining the tuitions or the direction of the programming full membership occurs in a different process that must be approved by the department of Elementary and secondary education and there's outlined to process here wein a school committee can apply to become part of the collaborative where an application occurs 180 days before the beginning of a new fiscal year which is around March each year and um at that point the board determines um if and how the membership will be actualized and the permission of the board of Elementary and secondary education has to be sought and once that um membership is approved through the articles of agreement the full membership is granted uh the July 1st following that approval that's the details but I'd be happy to answer the questions which is really the purpose I'm here for today anybody have any questions M saywood did I see oh I thought I saw your hand go up okay um anybody have any specific questions uh I mean I know that we're I mean I'm the member for the pilgrimmary collaborative so I know kind of familiar with how that process works I know it's different um but I guess so if we were to make the decision to become adjunct members we have to do it by March of this coming year 2025 full membership requires full m full membership requires the application the um and approval by the state okay and that's the 180 days but the other one we can vote depending you can vote and we can bring that and then you need to accept it for your board do your does your I guess when does your and it would be for the following year it's obviously not for the year that we're in from what I read or is it immediate I believe as soon as it's approved by the board um it could become effective immediate okay okay and the board meets monthly it's also a school committee board Paul can you explain the difference between adun membership versus the full membership what's the difference other than voting if there any are any other differences um in an adjunct membership the rights of the member at the um determination of the full board and Jun member will never have a vote um on the board they don't have a um they're part of the board for the participation but they're not part of the port for the uh determination of assets or liabilities or program Direction they can certainly participate in every way but they would not be able to vote on budgets and personnel and benefits from an adjunct membership are they different the other benefit it's different than from a full membership that would be entirely up to the board currently non-members are have a sear charge of up to 10% uh an adjunct member that would be up to the board to Grant but it's more likely with an adjunct membership that would happen but it really would be a board vote Mr Bano yeah I guess this is for you Dr B I mean is is there any reason we wouldn't want to like it just kind of seems like a no-brainer like why we're not already a a full member it seems so like an administrative thing uh from my perspective no yeah um obviously there is responsibility of the the the school committee to be yeah part of the membership active participation and making engaged yes um there is also a financial commitment that we would make but the financial commitment is not necessarily anywhere near what we're paying when we have the additional 10% sear charge um there additional pieces in regards to there's some Capital pieces that that might need to be some in the event that there is a capital outlay on behalf of a district that cost is born by that District if the board determines that there will be additional Capital then that would be an assessment that would be made to the member districts a question okay um so you're so we don't have to pay the S charge um but there's no guarantee on what we pay it's decided by the board is that what I'm hearing or am I not processing properly so there there's a membership fee which is a dollar poor student in the in the district enrolled in the district um the non-member fee for an adjunct member because we don't have adjunct members at this time would be determined whether or not to charge by the board um Plymouth has participated in committing to a certain enrollment uh in one of the programs in the past and that membership non-member fee was waved at that point in time so there was a precedent okay but the board is determin it for that okay Mrs Haywood no oh sorry just just the thought process sorry processing information and I think tonight doesn't necessar I mean tonight I mean you can start Gathering questions I can reach out to Paul and Amy get answers um and I'm sure I know Paul and Amy will both email back and forth and and be able to answer any questions and so forth that you have yeah um so I mean if you get those questions to me I can even we I can pass them through Paul and Amy and um we can deal with anything so it's not a decision that that has to be made tonight it's just something to start thinking about um like we have we have 10 12 kids that that routinely tend um when you look at tuitions we're adding 10% to every single tuition and every service that we have um so it adds up so the dollar per student honestly and truly is really nothing to be honest with you when you're considering what we're what we're spending um and the opportunities that that our students would necessarily have access to and some of our staff would have access to by being members it would be very helpful anybody else have any additional questions no thank you so much for your time and coming to present I'm sure we'll have plenty of questions moving forward thank you thank you all right now we are moving on to our uh school committee matters we've got the district grade eight international field trip Mrs Reen and team and two ambassadors from our most recent trip I believe good evening everyone even U congratulations Miss sa you know we've we've worked together for a while um I'm here tonight to seek approval to return uh with our Exchange program with kisio s Carlo in Milan um Rafael ctoa or orano and Moira Ballinger are here tonight uh as well to speak um The Proposal you have I believe leave and we are seeking to go in February during uh the February break of 2025 um the reason the change we went in April of this year and the change to February is due to um their holiday schedule um and so continuing this is something I talked to Dr Campbell about at length um we started this with a a meeting that Dr mest has had with someone John Moors actually who is uh still working at CIO and Carlo uh who we spent some time with during um this past visit and it was uh started in 1920 it was very successful we had as you know a middle school and a high school group come from Milan and then we sent a high school group and then Co happened so this was our um way of getting back into the exchange this is different than other programs this is not an EF tour this is a homegrown effort uh we put the whole exchange together on our end and they put the whole exchange together on their end uh they have truly made a commitment um at s Carlo for us which has been great uh they have put um someone in charge now of exchanges over there and it's those relationships um are building like friendships and what I was explaining to Dr Campbell what's really great is we're getting to a point in this exchange where the adults are so comfortable with when with one another that if we get into something with our students that is not going the right way in Midstream we're comfortable enough to say we need to change gears uh we were in The Da Vinci Museum was a long hot morning we weren't all having the best of fun and we knew we kind of needed a break so we had a gelato stop on the way back to school which definitely perked everybody up but it's that kind of stop and exchange that as we get closer we're finding out for instance our students obviously use Tinker CAD in our technology engineering classes and that's at the heart of this exchange is history and science and their students also use Tinker Cad and so so we're trying to develop more of those curriculum related projects as this goes um we had teachers uh during our trip in Milan that adjusted lesson plans to fit our students um and so I I I can talk more about it in a little bit more of the details but I want to give our students a chance Dr Campbell asked if we could have some students and I said absolutely so Raph and Moira we were selected um by our chaperon who were on the trip uh Aaron derky from South Middle um Amy marcaron from pcis Sarah vendetti from pcis and Kim Whitney from South Middle also attended um and they selected these students when we met uh president Fontana who is the president of the Lombardi region we traveled to his offices in Milan and these students were selected to present gifts to him and and speak to him so we thought it was the right thing to bring him tonight so I'm going to let Raph talk hello good evening everybody um as she mentioned uh I'm Rafael Cardoza and I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed uh the trip that we had not only because I got to know more people but also because um like she like she mentioned um they really adjusted their Lifestyles for us and um I I like to think that we did the same um and I really enjoyed going over to Italy because we just got to like bond with people that we never would have thought we would have ever like gotten to know and I just loved it and I hope that other people can have the same experience that I did and just enjoy like enjoy their time there and um I think it's a great experience and I think that more people should be able to try it out and just like go places good job um and I think also it's not like an experience you can get by just going on vacation because you really got to experience the home life the school life and it's really good for like students it it's especially good for me to like see how different School the school was there and like how their different lifestyle was because then it like improves on how what I do and like how I think and it was just a really good opportunity to see all the differences and all the similarities between something that's so far away the trip cost we've proposed to actually increase um the the original cost of the program when we went in 19 was $1,200 and that's kind of an agreement at that time that we would really just ask the students for airfare um we raised that we we talked about this at the beginning of of getting it re going again and so we increased the price to 1300 but it was five years between 19 and 24 and we only increased at $100 and if you've traveled internationally you know that um flights are a little bit more expensive than that so um thankfully we we have um utilized some funding that we had in the district to help with that but we want to um really over time make this um self- sustaining so we have proposed an increase of the price to ,650 um which we believe uh will be a comfortable price to not only provide airfare but when Italian students come here to provide and uh cover some of the cost of some of the activities that they do and the same thing when our students traveled there um the same thing they cover the costs and and the things that we did there uh we were very fortunate we we did go to the Leonardo da Vinci Museum we went to the Natural History Museum uh we went to uh we took a a trip in visited a Ferrari and we experienced a traditional Italian lunch in Marinello uh we took a bus trip there and and they provided all of our students and all of our chaperons with um tickets to ride all the public transportation all week as well so there were a lot of when we went there we didn't our students didn't have to incur any costs if they wanted to buy souvenirs Etc they did but families and their Homestay they provide everything the school provided lunch as well for chaperon so it was really we were very well taken care of just like when their students came here um so I don't know if anyone has any questions I I can just say uh we did meet with the head of school um when when we were near the end of the trip and he is very much committed to continuing this if if we're able to do that as well um and I do have a commitment like I mentioned the four sherons we have a commitment for those chaperons to continue next year as well which again I think is is really important to start building that that deeper relationship so questions than you anybody have any question sorry ra would like to add oh sorry um right ahead I just wanted to say that um while taking this into consideration um I just like really wanted to talk about how on our way to the trip and on our way back I feel like it was really kind of like tense but between everybody um but I feel like I got to know a lot more people and I really liked that I just bonded with so many people like on the way on the trip and I think that um this program really provides like the availability to make new friends and just kind of like enjoy yourself uh and it's a new like kind of like switch on school life so yeah sorry um adding to what rap said not only did I like get to make friends across in another country but I also made friends from CCIS as someone who goes to psms so I got to bond with people not only in my own Community but a community 100,000 miles away awesome the the tenseness uh it was 24 hours of travel there it was 22 hours travel home there were um there were there was a a sick child traveling there were there there were um misf flight a rescheduled flight um that's a lot delayed three lost bags delayed flight flights uh there was a freak ice storm on through our connecting flight um it it it'll happen but um in the end you know the one thing I did want to say is we we took 21 students we had five adults um we actually three adults got got ill for one reason or another while we were there and and it just goes to like when we travel I mean there were days when you know you you you have all intention to go with five adults to wherever you're going it was design week uh it was the um largest populated design week that ever was on record as well so you're traveling with if the Italians come with us on a trip you're traveling with 50 people on the train and on and off in design week and then take a chaperon or two out of it for one reason or another there's a reason why we travel with five adults and and that many kids internationally because we're always having to do something so um it's it was just a great experience I think the kids truly um when you're 13 and you travel away from home without your safety blanket in so many ways you sit down to dinner the first night and you get something on the table that you may have never had before and how do you respectfully handle that and not say hey Mom I don't want this tonight um the the growth um the example I give the the first day when the kids got dropped off uh they just left their luggage at the bus like it was magically going to get on the bus and of course like parents helped get stuff on the bus this was like the day we left but when we arrived back at the airport um and met the bus um this guy LED all the guys without really being asked and they just in the bus 26 giant very heavy suitcases uh with lots of stuff and it's just that growth of of how they bond and how they become friends at 13 so that's awesome you also got all of our luggage off the belt off the airport so yeah oh how good of you Mrs Haywood um uh just wanted to say I'm always thankful for these opportunities and and just looking at the cost will there be opportunities for um students to raise money or or their activities to raise money yeah we've we've not done that in the past but I we we are very clear in signups that in in depending on approval the idea is we get approval now and we would do signups essentially between now and the end of the school year and make those decisions known and in that process we do make it known that if students need to seek financial support um those opportunities are there we just need families to speak to us about that and to be open about that and our principles again it's a little bit different because where I'm working behind the scenes on the project I don't necessarily know the kids as well so we do involve the assistant principles and the principles um when those students do apply and and we do have those conversations about need and we will continue to have those conversations so um it's not something we've needed yet um but yes the opportunity is there and like I said it's we're in charge of it companies not which I think is the best part no and looking at the cost and even having uh a a recent um doing some recent planning on my own I said wow that is not as exorbitant um as it could be um so kudos to you for for kind of it was about flights for the 26 if was were about 45ish like that was really the cost yeah no I could see that the other minor costs when they came here we had a couple buses we went to MIT there wasn't a whole lot of money spent um and just in a side if you can um uh impart some of that knowledge of the 22 hours I'm our our family's about to uh take one of those trips and I'm I'm gearing my son up for that big kid trip um the the the other four chaperons they were essentially the group leaders and just the the kids were so well trained at the the end about here's my passport here's my passport um you know they they were really great it was it's again until you travel with 21 13 year olds um you never know what you're going to get thank you anybody else Miss just a comment I I I think um any of us that chaperoned a trip to Japan can sympathize with you and I know uh Mr Bano and I went last summer and you know when when we're going there and we're on the bus with all these people that we don't know it's it's kind of scary but when we were coming home it was like they were our children and they were messing with us and they were teasing and you know they're going up on the plane to the select board the Selectmen and teasing them and it was just it just created such a bond with all of us so I I I can understand exactly I mean you hear me say it every single time you guys come this is this is the key to World Peace as far as I'm concerned so you got to get these kids to to spend some time with people that aren't like them yeah but I love it okay I didn't know if you had something to say no I I think 24 hours to go what is it8 or N9 hours which what the flight should be it is God you guys are Troopers I mean it's a when you have to do any of that so but I really appreciate you coming and talking with us it it was really nice to hear your perspectives as students and what you got out of it so thank you so much for taking time I know this time of year there's so many other things to do and it's actually nice out so which hasn't happened in a little bit so thank you um but do I have anybody else who Mr Pano no I was just going to move to uh approve the uh the request of trip as presented all right we have a motion to have a second Mr Morgan thank you Motion in a second do we have any questions on the motion perfect then we should be able to votee do we have to vote oh shoot do we have well he's not is no I think I may have fixed it okay thank you for the Remer work behind the scenes it should work thank you oh it looks it working it looks yes this is promising yeah see while while that's happening I just want to thank Mrs re for her leadership in in that as well yes thank a lot of work into it several months in advance for that Tri and it's why it's so successful all the logistics to it so it looks like you're going to have all that Logistics fun again I hope that you have a 9h hour flight instead of a 24-hour Adventure thank you everybody thank you so much and thank you both for coming really appreciate it thank you all right our next thing so we're gonna um if the committee doesn't object uh we're going to kind of skip over the superintendent recommendation and come back to that and we'll do West Elementary School school Improvement plan so that you know you can go home and exactly exactly first I also want to say Mrs saory congratulations thank you so much for all you've done for Plymouth it's very much appreciated so I am Martha duser I'm the principal at West Elementary School um this these are the members of um our school council right there corner pocket Mr Robert Morgan pocket he enjoys it pocket um this year we've gone up our numbers have increased quite a bit um not only from the redistricting um from some students from fed Federal furnace um but as most of you probably know there's um a new development that was built behind Colony Place that we've had a lot of uh increase from those uh units as well so we're just about at 360 students um so that was a big jump this year we went up from uh two sections of kindergarten last the year prior to four sections this year we had 72 kindergarteners um this past year which is a lot of 5-year-olds in the hallway um we have two Care Home rooms um we were able to kind of consolidate down and kind of increase some more of our support staff um in adding a bcba and an RBT just to help with the supports and the behavior systems in place um we have had tremendous success um this year in uh with some new staff that we've added to the building so um you know in terms of restraints or any type of timeout areas I would say at this time last year we were probably in the high 260s this year we're in the 30s so I think that there's a lot of there's a lot to be said when there's a skill set working with the difficult population and just really truly understanding the the children's needs um is it it's it's very evident this year and it's just a really really really nice place to see the kids getting what they need um our special education students were at uh 23.3% um our El students were at 7.3% and our economically disadvantage is 33.1% and we are not a title one school um last year our school council redid our vision statement which I think is really all-encompassing of what we're trying to achieve at West Elementary School um for me the last little paragraph that's the pursuit of Social and academic opportunities and achieving one's personal best with the desire to become a lifetime learner um is something that I think is important for to be instilled not only in all of the students um but as well as the faculty and staff as well um so something for everybody um you know band Orchestra um we have our Garden Club that this year we're actually partnered with 4H so we're kind of taking it to another level we also have gotten new beds that we just got delivered the other day that are amazing head custodian Robert is uh helping put together he is a Workhorse um Lego Club Lego Club and uh EDTV um I'll talk a little bit in a moment about our EDTV um through a grant with the Plymouth Education Foundation we were able to kind of expand on that for next year which is really exciting um we have our coffee house on Thursday the business Fair as always and our care Club um we stuck with our effective effort initiative um really just again focusing on that growth mind set finding something to honor and kind of celebrate all students so some may excel more in music or Excel on the sports Fields but others in the classroom so I think it's just finding something for everybody um and also just instilling um those traits and characteristics as to be those lifetime Learners and really we're finding especially we amp up a little bit more right around mcast time just to really um imploring students to use all their their learning strategies so that's been something that we've seen very to prove very effective um we also jumped on board with the yellow tulip project this year um I have some pictures a little later on and a little quick funny story is that for some random reason there was one random red tulup so we made a couple rocks around it I was like oh where did that one come from um but it's just like it's okay to be different so we kind of like took it and ran with it so that was great but it was a wonderful event um and I know that obviously that started at pcis and nurse Marissa our school has definitely embra Ed it um and it's it looks beautiful they're all out um so for next year um again I had written a grant for the Plymouth Education Foundation um so we kind of spun off of our what's up Westies which is our Weekly Newsletter that goes out every Friday um we're going to be doing a Morning Show for our announcements so we're going to get um our fifth grade students um and very generous grants so we're going to even have like a news desk kind of emulating a little bit of what they do at the upper grades um but we're trying to kind of build that up just to get them a little bit more prepared Brian is very excited to order all of the the stuff so um this is just a little bit about effective effort I know I talked about it a lot last year um but really these are kind of the cornerstones of what we're looking for students um to utilize if they're in the classroom and especially if they're in a test taking situation um just really being resourceful and not automatically once instructions are given the hand goes up and have somebody save the day so really you know whether you're phoning a friend next door to you or you know trying three different strategies before you go to the teacher in the classroom is something that we're trying just to build that indivi individualism of of being a self-sufficient learner so here's some some pictures here we had taken this down so we had our one school one book so I had taken this down for we was covered with a whale so we did have two cups so it's like spotlights but those are all the kids so far this year we just had our last um our Westy Awards which is something that we brought back last year it's really just a huge pep rally that we do in the morning um and each month represent a different letter and our acronym for our PBIS strategies in our school um it's really exciting there's music there's dancing they all cheer each other on but it was really amazing this um this past week um to every single student that received a Westy award this year and it it's almost the entire gym of kids standups so it's just a really nice way to celebrate one another and it's a fun way to actually be able to get back in one big space together again um so for our academic achievements um same kind of run-of-the-mill that I'm sure everybody at this level is doing um our grade level meetings and data team meetings is something that took a little bit of a shift this year in terms of the dyslexia screening and our star um reports that we had sent home this year I think that those data team meetings were very productive um and really trying to find more creative and unique ways to provide interventions for students at whatever level they may be coming in at um you know being a non-title one school that can be challenging um but we have two um ctls in our building um and Jen marciani is our math coach who's you know present at all of our child studies and is such a uh you know vast knowledge she's just an amazing amazing educator so we're very lucky to have her to be a part of that team um again our child study process is something that we've pretty much honed in on which is nice um supporting our MLL students um this year and again I'll talk about it a little bit in a second but we were School of recognition in terms of our mcass um but means you know short and long of it is that we've kind of met some of our met or exceeded some of our T targets ahead of time that the state had allotted us to do which is great it's always better to move forward um one of our action steps kind of going forward is just more of a consistent approach to embedding professional development um to deepen the coordination between regular staff and special education staff and also um just really building up that paraprofessional staff skill set in delivering academics I think utilizing another educator in the classroom is only going to benefit not only the par professional the teacher but as well as the students they just kind of able to hit a hit a little bit more targets while they're in there so we have amazing par professionals and amazing teachers that really work well together so again with maybe not as many humans to provide interventions there's more skill sets being taught and an understanding on how to work collaboratively in the classroom to kind of get that same result through the interventions maybe not just not having as many of the humans to do it I think we're working smarter not harder so this is I'll go through a quick little this is just some star report so this was our third grade fall math so we were at 73% at or above Benchmark and we had all the way going down to about eight at an urgent status come winter we were at 77% and our urgent category fell down to 2% so they're definitely making gains which is great um see think we did oh for ELA sorry we have from did I do I'm going the wrong way Kristen's probably going a different way well she's doing it right I'm doing it wrong on the computer in front of me so um so for third grade fall Ela we were at 71% at or above Benchmark um 21% partially meeting and 8% not meeting come winter we were at 90% at or above Benchmark 6% partially meeting and 4% not meeting um fourth grade ELA um in the fall we were at 80% 10% partially meeting 10% not um come winter we were at 82% 10% and 8% so we're we're getting there for math um for grade four 61% at and above all the way going down to on Watch and into urgent at 5% and then jumping forward to the winter we jumped up to 82% and dropping down to our urgent to about 5% which is great we like the green um and then fifth grade um for fall for math 70% at and above going all the way down to about 5% and Urgent um in the winter we jumped up to 85% and we were at 0% for Urgent which is great fifth grade fall Ela we're at 84 4% um 5% partially and 11% not meeting um and then of the winter we're up at 87% and dropping de non meeting to 5% so some of these links on this one isn't working because they were they were just added in they guess they weren't embedded right or something but I can I'll share a little with you so the highlights for us to again is that we're a school of recognition which is great um so 95% meeting or exceeding our targets um increase of accountability percentiles and 20 22 we're at 49% and in 2023 we jumped up to 61% um just an example of what we're starting to find in a lot of these data uh meetings that we're attending we're finding that a lot of students are they're just at the cusp so they're like just almost meeting or not meeting but it's at like 498 4.99 497 so the kids are ready we just I feel um you know the teachers want to make sure that the kids are feeling you know supported and ready to take those risks I think everyone just needs to do one more big push and really you know try to hit their stride in terms of what they can achieve academically and I think we're right there on the cusp which is very exciting to see um so I'll just pull up for instance for mine like I have um you know we have a lot like colorcoded ones that even that jumped from being um not meeting to partially meeting and again they're right hovering around like we have students at like four like I said $4.99 you know both in ela and math which I think is amazing amazing when they can have the same score in each subject but um but we're getting there and I think the kids understand and they've really taken an ownership um of themselves um and I think the preparation that the staff is doing around mcast has very I'm really excited to see the results after this year um this is just more of those reports but that's okay um your guys are like okay social emotional Wellness Second Step we're doe we have outside Counseling in the school we have two different services in our building um I know this year we kind of gone away from a social emotional screener but I know that that's something that we're looking into um our PBIS our Westy Awards is something that the kids are very excited about um leadership opportunities so we have peer helpers or bus buddies for our fifth and fourth grade students um at TV as I spoke to earlier that we're going to be expanding that and kind of recruiting the fourth grade to kind of jump on board mid year so then they're up and ready to go for the following year after that um we have two therapy dogs now Raven and salty Rose they're amazing they're happy to see them so we have a wall of Westy Hall of Fame in our building so when you walk in our front door it's on the left-and side so this is our acronym um that the staff all came up with which was great we kind of revamped it a little bit last year um so in the lobby there we have every month that we celebrate the Westies are on the board there have to print the I and the E uh community and family engagements we just like I said t our one school one book event we did Nims Island so it was very Under the Sea theme which is very exciting um our PTA sponsored events and fundraisers are unbelievable uh you know everyone Raves about their PTA but ours are just go above and beyond and really kind of have a group conversation about what assemblies like I may think are fun what they may think are fun so um I'll show you as we get on a little bit um in a second that we had an artist um his name is Rick and he all of a sudden goes he's done with the painting in like 15 minutes and he just uses chalk and he literally uses a bed sheet from Walmart that he pulls across a canvas and he's just using chalk and he's playing like all this like heavy metal rock music which was amazing actually Alicia cardelli's son was in the front he was like banging out excited it was hilarious but the kids got really into it they kept focus on it for an hour cuz he did the painting which was very engaging but then he just he and embeds a lot of life lessons in it as well and he talked about his daughter that has Down syndrome and um how much she enjoys art and art therapy so he really kind of unpacked a lot that the kids were actually able to kind of carry that lift that he was um sharing with them so it was really exciting um our fifth grade peer leaders has also partnered with the Rotary Club um our bedtime great bedtime story pajama drive and story night was amazing um we collected over 800 pajamas and socks with a goal of 500 so that was great um I was able to actually make a connection with a woman that works in the Plymouth courts um in the juvenile department and she actually works with the rotary CL Club in Barnstable um and they have a connection with bombas Soxs which is great so we were able to get some donations from them as well in terms of like 500 pairs of socks um for this and also for our yellow tulip fundraiser as well so it's like a great little connection there so it's wonderful um our coffee hous is this week we have our art show coming up next week um the Bingo night coming up as well um in our nature classroom for each partnership that we've already done that so these are just some of our pictures of going on Miss Jackson there you are Cameo top right there um our peer leaders are really busy um we have um Heather Mento who was um a nominee at the beginning of the school year for an inspiration award that is not un uh earned by any means she's Workhorse um but we partnered with pcis and did the yellow tulip um Club to plant over the 200 uh tulips which is amazing it's right out front of the building they look really nice with the one red one of course and they sell coloring sheets they do a couple different fundraisers throughout the year just to kind of raise money to help towards the pajama drive or things like that if for raising money around the school um they made uh tissue paper stained glass for the elderly so they're really trying to expand out more and I think having that partnership ship with the Rotary Club and people like the 4 each Club is really kind of helping them be start learning how to be a part of the community and how to give back in a place that they live so I think that that's something very important to Foster um we've also started a whole recycling campaign you'll see uh no um you turn your cards off because we have our parent pickup line that go so no idling we have got like 10 of those signs we partnered with safe schools um so I know a while back over the summer I had talked with some people in West Plymouth who um right before covid had started putting some funds together to build a sidewalk um along the street there on Route 80 so they had asked me about I had them come and do an audit of our arrival and dismissal process if it was safe if there's anything they suggested um and everything seemed fine but they were beside themselves to understand where the crosswalk goes so if you come into West there's a crosswalk but there's it goes to the woods right so I was like I'm really not sure if it's like for raccoons or like what's happening but it is a hope is that we need to extend the grant so I want to say and roughly around like say it was a million dollars years ago to build that now they want them on both sides of the road but in order to help be a part or have a better chance to that Grant we had to have a an established um relationship with the safe roots to school so we've done that and we've started that partnership so hopefully in the next hopefully over the summer the beginning of next year we can start looking at the grant to get sidewalks on both s side of the of the road there which would be nice be awesome yellow tulip project there are all the bomas socks it was really great so it was really nice they you know they donated all different you know socks coloring books and these are all students that are you know hospitalized um and look kind of looking for something to do and keep them busy um so even if it's just a little something um the kids really got into it and it was really meaningful for them so I was happy to be a part of that this is them planting I should have zoomed in on the red one this was the kickoff to our one school one book we do the confetti cannons so we have everything so the whole gym the lights were turned off everything was blue and it was like SE like it was under the sea theme so there was fish going everywhere so they didn't they don't know the book and then J Jen malany from EDTV who is a wizard she's amazing um put together a a video to kind of kick it off not to give it away but kind of hint at it so all the books are wrapped and they have a bookmark inside so once the Cannons go off they get to open their book and that's that starts the the reading so fun um so yeah these are just some pictures from there these are um I I did it last year and I did it again this year so from South um High School in their culinary Department um we' got our cakes so they ended up being the senior projects for some of the students in the culinary front so last year they did Willy Wonka this year was Nims Island um and they came out absolutely amazing so that one on the left was at the end of one of our pods in our school so it was like a whole river but I mean the entire School is redone so you actually felt like you were on an island which is nice just some more events that we have some Med events so this is um the next one is the picture that the the um that artist Rick that I had spoke of earlier is that on yours oh must not have been I'll try to I can show you guys after but it's really cool so the one he did at the end of our cafeteria there's one now that he did about five years ago um and he actually touched it up when he was there which was so what he did is um he asked what did you want it to be about um and I just really wanted to Encompass our PBIS so it's all of our um words from our acronym um and then it's a Westy dog reading so it's just it was really cool to see him doing it with chalk and like it was unbelievable I I'm not I can't do stick figures so I'm always impressed by people who are artists um yeah then again we started um continued on with our care Club this year um they really focused on new student welcome bags which at the end of this year we've had a big increase in in students so we've been using the welcome bags which is great um but yeah things are really going well I think people are starting to get in their strides and I think that um the year is coming to a close very quickly there's a lot to do um but we have one more our PTA has one more event for us it's a human board game so all of the students are going to be out on that huge field and they're actually a part of whatever this game's going to be so it's either going to be amazing or we may find something else next year I don't know but it sounded fun to get them outside so we'll see how it goes hope the weather's nice hope the weather's nice of course that's great anybody have any questions any questions Mrs Jackson I just wanted to say those sidewalks are a long time coming I went to West school and uh I lived on Route 80 so and I know exactly the crosswalk you're talking about it's hilarious so yeah I think it will be and they started so they started they did some of those Gardens out in front of our School Federal furnace and then right at Colony Place so I think that they're starting to work their way down 180 but it would be really nice to have that it would be great to have that the community definitely needs it for sure I agree Mrs Haywood um I just wanted to um I I really enjoyed uh what you did in terms of starting off um The One book one school a way to like kind of Garner excitement for it um I I just think of you know towards the end of this year even with the fourth and fifth graders there's a tendency with a lot of book projects they don't want to see this one book one school so that's a that was great that was an excellent way to kind of like drum up excitment for it and it's exciting too and for me it's like you know I scroll in to make sure like are the fourth and fifth graders like actually think this is cool or are they just annoying but they're like just it's excited grabbing at everything it's just like the little on so thank you yeah it's exciting anybody else Mr Bano um one just very impressed with everything you're doing there just blown away a great uh presentation um the thing that caught my eye the most was your uh test scores and I feel like I need to go back and look at all the other STS but I feel like I have not seen numbers anywhere near what you're showing tonight so I mean it's got to I mean if not the best among the best but I swear I was not seeing numbers anywhere near what you're showing so you could speak loudly just so Pat hear that that would be wonderful yeah like it's like it seemed like yeah like not they're not even close so continue doing whatever you're doing there because it's very impressive well and I think honestly and thank you and you know the kids are working so hard and I think um just the the overall culture in the building is just supportive um it's a really strong community and I think that the the teachers are working together the students are working together we have you know our one school one book night you know every single staff member came and that's not something that they have to come to it's something they want to be a part of so I think once you get that shift in the overall School culture it's just a it just Fosters a safer place to start pushing academics and they're very capable so we're hopefully this year we turn the corner yeah no yeah to um figure out a way to replicate some what you're doing it's very impressive thank you thank you anybody else Mr no I just say I was going to comment on the academic success but Mr pres to but the community engagement is terrific and I think we finally got through covid and and then the schools pulling together so it's great to see that um involvement to the parents the staff the students so lots of fun yeah thank you thank you so much do I didn't want to miss anybody anybody else okay no thank you so much that was wonderful and like I that Mr Bano said I think we were all thinking it like those numbers we need to see what how we can reproduce them in other schools so thank you for your hard work and of your staff and everything but thank you thank you so much good luck with the end of the school year thank you all right now we will go back to regularly scheduled programming um to um the superintendent's annual performance evaluation um and so let's see I'm going bring it up sorry um all right so I hope everybody had an opportunity to look through I tried to I want to thank everybody for taking time to like really think about it you guys had some really great feedback to share and I tried to take your words and everybody else's words to try to find some themes throughout um I won't read the whole thing I don't think it's um uh a great use of our time but I I do think just some of maybe the I'll read the um the overall um evaluating comment where um we just said Dr Campbell's leadership within our district is characterized by a steadfast commitment to our core values translating them into actionable plans that promote alignment across action staff and resources his clear and Co cohesive vision for our community Fosters engagement among stakeholders demonstrated through initiatives like learning walks one-on-one administrative interactions and the work of development developing a three-year strategic plan to reinforce our Shar Vision Innovative family engagement programs like Hometown voices and coffee and conversation have Amplified the district's presence showcasing Dr Campbell's dedication to understanding and molding our school and District culture his proactive communication strategies including podcast and Community engagement events like the coffee and conversation exhibit a keen understanding of the importance of transparent and accessible dialogue with parents staff and students putting students first welcomes Community CR putting Student First welcoming community criticism to enact positive change accessibility and transp transparency are Hallmarks of his leadership um he continues his learning walks to gather Insight from staff and administrators uh ensuring thoughtful communication of success and the integration of Community Resources and services to to strengthen school programs family practices and Student Learning and Development stepping in stepping it up a bit this year by adding classroom teachers and Specialists this enables him to share his vision with more staff and see better results conscientiousness defines Dr Campbell's approach as he considers the multitude of factors impacting the district's future goals actively visiting uh actively listening to students F families and staff he incorporates their input into actionable steps evident in int initiatives like redistricting efforts and navigating recent budgetary constraints despite fysical challenges Dr Campbell maintains a steadfast focus on fiscal responsibility while driving forward and initiatives priorities goals and student outcomes in our postco recovery Dr Campbell and his staff's res res resilience easy for me to say in navigating the complexity of current environmental environment reflects a leadership style characterized by grace and perseverance this is evident in his development of new initiatives such as working with legislator school committee and staff to develop new Transportation legislation that will not only impact Plymouth but other communities in the state he's also working with Dr blazedale and his administrative team to continue managing the fiscal the financial uncertainty by taking a hard look at the district and coming up with additional creative measures that could potentially help the district in the future given the constraints placed on the budget by the town in the state notably his proactive engagement in areas such as special education multilanguage Learners and literacy showcase a commitment to continuous Improvement and transparency throughout the district initiatives like the literacy Forum underscore his dedication to keeping the community informed and involved the ongoing strategic planning process marked by thorough discussion and clear goal setting highlights Dr Cam's Forward Thinking approach to advancing the district's objectives there has been much improvement in the documentation of his accomplishments and goals as they are clear and measurable measurable in summary Dr Campbell and his team's diligent diligent ende Endeavors highlight their dedication to Excellence and honor ongoing enhancement positioning the district to sustain success B public schools are indeed fortunate to have a leader like Dr Campbell whose unwavering commitment always prioritize the district's best interests his dedication ensures the continued quality of service uh Pro provided in reflecting his steadfast commitment of to the district's long-term success um and we rated the professional practice goals as exceeding student learning goals and the district Improvement goals were uh met and and uh let's see we've got I just want to make sure I so overall we have proficient in all categories and the standards that standard 1 through four um and then throughout we've got most yeah uh proficient sorry um and you can see the details in each and the kind of explanation under each of the different um standards as we try to pull in everybody's thoughts and um to make sure so I hope I was able to capture what you all had in mind uh for our um evaluation of Dr Kimo that's it that'ss okay Mr Bano um one I want to thank you you personally Badger for because I know how hard it is for each of us to do this individually um so I appreciate the work you go through because I think each one of us can look at this and find plenty of elements of things that we personally wrote that you managed to Cobble together into a cohesive uh um evaluation and just to Echo the overall uh sentiment Dr cam I do feel we are very fortunate to have you um I know you you know it's a tough job so it comes with you know uh plenty of appreciation but plenty of um criticism from the community and I wholeheartedly want the community to know how fortunate we are um to to have you because it is not easy um especially now to to find a good quality um you know superintendent that's as committed to the community as um you are so for those that think that you know we could you know someone else could do the the job better I don't think it'd be it would be nowhere near that um easy so 100% you know appreciate everything you do for the community and we're luy and it's your team too I think that's important part too it's it's a team effort but yes right anybody else have anything they want to say before we let you miss I just I just Echo everything and and Miss Badger I know because it was only a year ago that I had to do that and I know the time is involved with uh having everything spread out and I was making spreadsheets and assigning numbers to things and um but Dr Campbell thank you and again thank you from me um but exactly like Mr bazano said I don't think people realize how how hard and it's easy to stop and and say that we're not doing what we should should be doing or could be doing and um I I think that people just need to know that there's a lot of hard work Sweat and Tears involved and thank you else did I see now it's your turn Dr Campell thank you for your I really do appreciate uh both um the formal evaluation but more importantly the comments it as was said it is a team approach and that includes all of you not only my team here and our principles assistant principles coordinators directors and teachers and really supporting them as well on our shared Mission but I really appreciate the committee's support um certainly don't we're not always perfect but we're trying to do the best we can and lead with our core values I think if we lead with our core values um spend the time and the energy that it takes to do the work um and be reflective in in in and do the work um with our students in mind um at all times that then great things are going to happen and we've It's a Wonderful School District I've been blessed to be here for 16 years now and and live in this community actually will be this Saturday 24 years that when we first moved here which is hard to believe um but it's a wonderful Community um and I just want to thank you for the opportunity to to serve the community that I call home as well thank you so this an action it it need a motion to approve Mr Pano I'll move to uh approve the superintendent's evaluation as presented thank you do I have a second Mrs Jackson thank you do I have any questions on the motion seeing none we should be able to vote right that passes unanimously awesome thank you so much for your service thank you I appreciate it thank you all right our next piece we have is our our audit correct no Financial audit yes so Dr blazel right yes there we go um tonight I present to you um the fi23 endof year audit that was conducted by powers and Sullivan um annually the Plymouth Public Schools under goes an end of the year audit along with several other audits um we are this is an annual process that we have to undergo um we also are involved in single Grant audits that usually the Auditors are over at the town but they're really doing an audit on our grants um we're involved with the town audit as well um I just had to sign off on the audit for the whole entire town so it's a it's a combination of several different signatures including the town manager Finance director Treasurer and myself um even though I'm not necessarily involved I may have to contribute to that as well um we are also about to undergo a Desi audit of several of our federal grants so we just got notified of that the other day um so we learned of that the other night um so again powers and Sullivan conducted this year's end of the year audit um they've been bought out by Maxim so if you see Maxim and powers and Sullivan connected they are one and the same now so Maxim owns powers and Sullivan um this audit report is for fiscal year 23 end of year audit will we required to report all expenses and revenue for fiscal year 2023 um including costs that are held on the town side so that includes Insurance it includes things like trash pickup anything that the town provides for us um even though necessarily it's not held in our budget we have to report it um it also involves the principal and interest payments that we have for any bonded projects so Plymouth North and Plymouth South were included along with some some Roofing projects and some older produ projects that were done years ago so we have to report all of that information as well um they look to ensure that we have fiscal procedures we're following those procedures um they request samples um of expenditures to make sure that we're following procurement laws um they're making sure that we follow have correct documentation um we're coding each expense correctly um they can't go through every single expense but they they take samples and make sure um they're testing them um so again the the FY 23 audit that I present this evening states that we are in compliance with agreed upon procedures without exceptions um this report also is now posted on the business services page for anyone in the community to view um and if there's any questions I'm more than open to answer anything you have about this anybody have any questions no I just want to say that thank you for doing this thank you for I know we've we've had a lot of Rumblings in our community about whether or not our our books are audited and if we have more than one set of books and the fact is we only have one set of books it goes through you know as you said munice and so right munice yes mun um and so thank you for going through that I think uh also thank you for putting and updating your I think that's an important key the website that you talked about I know you've been working on getting more and more information out there for our community to be able to understand our budget even more clearly than we already had and so I appreciate your diligence with all of this so thank you most welcome one and one other comment to the point you just made in just regards to transparency um the town has a website um I call it open checkbook I don't think it's called maybe it's open finance I think it's open checkbook actually um but it it basically you can and I actually put a link on our website to it as well now the business services page so anyone in the public can go on and they can see any expense who who what vendor we spend the most money towards um they can see what what and they can even see payrolls as well um so it's it's it's wide open for anybody to view and that's all fed through munice um which you said is our like I said our financial accounting system thank you did I see Mr Morgan did I see you I thought I saw your hand sorry okay I didn't want to all right yes Mr ban I was just say it was the report was a very uneventful read which is exactly what you want to see in an AUD so not wrong and this is not an action item it is not oh I it might be an action no that's not oh okay we don't need to approve it perfect is an action but it is yeah that was a mistake so we don't have to approve that's great Perfect all right then if no one has any other questions we'll move on to our next thing thank you for putting that doing that so quickly for us uh Dr Kimbell superintendent report thank you a few things first of all uh just want to extend appreciation to our teachers ass Teachers Appreciation week started this this this week today actually um you know again we have we're very Bloss to have some just amazing dedicated teachers it's been a very challenging time as we all know uh challenging time to be in education and I just have the upmost respect for um our entire staff our teachers our support staff and everyone else but just wanted to extend my appreciation to them during our meeting uh as well as to our ptas and all the organizations that are supporting teacher appreciation this teacher appreciation week this week um and in providing opportunities in in uh lots of great foods and a whole host of things um at our schools for our staff um as Miss Smith said our coffee and conversation will take place next Monday uh we'll do an announcement um in the next day or so um about our new appointment for our director of special education be an opportunity to have an informal uh meet and greet um at the you know in the afternoon late afternoon for um for any one really uh families teachers and we hope that we get a a good crowd that comes in here um next Monday administratively just to kind of quick update we have our finalists uh interviews this Thursday for nith Morton principal ship um that's Thursday May 9th over at Nathaniel Morton U we will do sort of a round robin approach with our two finalists uh starting uh with my team going to meet with staff as well as as families and give an opportunity to um not only interview with us but to have conversation with everyone and and to give us some specific uh feedback regarding um that process the initial principal interviews for col spring were held uh Tuesday the 30th last Tuesday and the finalist will be on Tuesday May 14th again um at Cold Spring as well uh we had a a beautiful day for the health and safety Fair this year really got fortunate the weather was much better than last year not that it was terrible last year but it was a little cloudy and uh a little rainy but beautiful weather cool but Sunny um just amazing I think we had 47 vendors The Early Education uh portion was very active saw a lot of um a lot of families a lot of Staff with their kids a lot of Staff with their grandchildren um it was a great it was a great day not only to engage in that piece uh go on the buses the touch a truck but also to get a lot of resources from about 47 I believe uh Community organizations nonprofits here in Plymouth and the in the General Plymouth County Plymouth area uh on health Wellness safety a whole host of things so really thank everyone uh thank our YMCA uh for volunteering as well and just making it a a great day a police fire department our staff volunteers uh we started at 9:00 as I think was mentioned earlier with our yellow Tula project uh walk um from the um Center for active living down to the library and back U was a wonderful opportunity to sort of embrace the work of that was started by Julie nurse Judy over at pcis um so just a a wonderful day wonderful day uh and tomorrow some more celebrations and I've mentioned this before but it's it's coming upon us tomorrow believe it starts at 5:00 in in Devin Massachusetts where uh the what desie calls the amazing Educators ceremony it's a Statewide Eon Educators recognition uh and we have three amazing Educators three of our amazing Educators that will be recognized uh by the Department of Education which I think is probably the largest number uh from one District that will be represented at this event but Jess Fuller uh Mass teacher of the year finalist Shelley Terry was the milin Ed education award recipient and Miss Kathleen Shaw at PC who's a math and science teacher who is one of five massachusett State finalist for the National Science Foundation presidential award so really excited to to join them join their families and the principles uh to celebrate them with with the other uh those those other teachers that we'll be recognizing uh tomorrow night um and then the last thing this Wednesday I think I mentioned this before um the msba started a couple years ago what they call the post occupancy study so they went into districts that they had recently been a partner with uh the build process eval and did an evaluation sort of um um a qualitative evaluation through surveys kind of talking to staff Administration about the experiences we will be hosting a post occupancy spring event at uh self High School School uh this Wednesday um so we have about 80 people from I think 30 communities that are currently going through this process with the msba so their business administrators facilities directors principal superintendents were invited uh to come to this event uh Mrs fry myself um and others will be on a on a panel we'll be talking about our experience with msba uh construction Architects owners project manager that sort of thing and giving some tours of this so we w we look forward to that event as well uh and that's all I have this evening Miss Badger awesome thank you so much anybody have any questions Perfect all right we will be moving on our next thing is retirement Mr Chi yes good evening I have one retirement to share with you this evening uh Robert Ellis 31 plus years as a second shift custodian at pouth South Middle School his last day will be July 15th Mr Pano I'm on behalf of the school committee and District just want to thank Mr eler as 31 plus years of service the district that's amazing really is thank you all right now we are on report so um last time um Mrs Jackson referred to a transportation um uh what is my resolution that we were kind of discussing and we are hopefully going to bring this to another school Comm committee locally who we think will want to partner with us but we're not really sure uh but we know that we have only until June 1st to get a resolution in and so we wanted to bring this back in front of the committee or no to the committee and get any feedback you all might have basically this is putting a cap on our um um my words are really leaving me today sorry um back on our buses for out of District transportation there we go anybody have any questions any thoughts that they have um so we can take this as an informational item and vote on it at our next meeting or it's really just the uh desire of the committee Mr B outside does anybody think they need more time I think this one's pretty straightforward I don't know I need so then we just want to consider it and you guys want to look at it and we'll bring it back at our next meeting or do we want okay I mean I can't look at you but anybody else just looking for desire okay so if you have any questions or any ideas on how we can edit this before our next meeting please send them our way um and we will move forward with this thank you okay all right and now we have Committee Member reports does anybody have anything to share Missy I was just gonna Echo um Dr Campbell and and wish all of the teachers a happy Teacher Appreciation Week um also Wednesday is Nurses Day School nurses day this we this week as well the oh it's the whole week oh c i whatever I read said the eth so so um thank you to all the nurses as well that's out there so that's all I have anybody else have anything to share oh Mr Morgan yeah I just want to say that I attended the uh Plymouth North biomed celebration uh with Miss Badger um 34 students amazing last year there was nine so it was weird they had about 8 I guess they had like 84% make it from beginning to end or something like that which is amazing cuz usually it's around 50 so great program uh Mrs rosac retiring hopefully you'll find someone to to not fill her shoes but to take that role and it's a great it's a great program and uh South I think their celebrations tomorrow night so it is it's great anybody else have anything to share oh Mr Jackson sadly I sadly I missed that since uh we were at strategic planning but um I was able to make it to the health and safety fair and I always love going there and the yellow tulip walk and it was great especially the two girls from pcis who sang they really did an amazing job so uh and of course I love going there because I like going to the Early Childhood place and getting to see everybody I haven't seen since Lucy was a baby love it anything else Mrs Haywood um I also attended but I attended very early so just saw you know the setup and um and just all the work that goes into um putting the fair together um so just great job it's a great Community event it is a lot um anybody else have anything um I just have an update just so that you all know we went to the Charter Review Committee um and Mrs CH Mrs Haywood I not Mrs Haywood Mrs Jackson I can't even what is wrong with me Mrs Haywood I mean Mrs Jackson join me my goodness okay names today I'm sorry um and we talked about I brought up some of the kind of ideas that you all shared with me one of the main things and takeaways and I think uh Mrs Jackson will agree that what what we heard from them is what they're kind of considering is taking out all references to anything that is by Statute or by law with from this that the state gives us right to do because if things change then they then have to go in and change the charter itself and so they're thinking about doing a much um kind of scaled down Charter and a kind of a a supplemental like how this works document um that will be easier to change if we have state mandated changes so that was kind of what we took away we talked a little bit about the budget process and how and if they wanted us to put anything in writing as to how it should go when we are communicating with the select board uh we didn't I mean I did not believe that was something we need we are hopefully going to meet my hope is in June with the select board members and just have a conversation about how we move forward for the fall uh to make sure we continue to be um heard I guess is a good word um let's see um we had advocacy meeting we had one and we had a a nice uh presentation from CPAC I had to leave early because I had to then attend the pilgrimmary collaborative meeting but I think it was a nice opportunity for conversation and hopefully it starts a dialogue that um can um kind be heard from other people too and and it will um inform some of the future presentations that Dr White might put forward for our Ela and and inform our our our our community uh and then I went to the pilgrimmary well I went in virtually at the pilgrimmary collaborative meeting and uh I can't remember if I shared it but the collaborative agreement is officially signed by the state so we are back in and we are good um and we talked a little bit we talked a lot about our budget and improved our budget for next year which is about $1 million um and we approved like the cost um structure and everything like that at our meeting so so we know what our um fees and everything will be we actually also approved putting $500,000 into a fund for potential expansion or renovation of a property whether it's something we own right now or something we might in the future it it is something that that um especially the the Pilgrim um Academy is really busting at the seams with what they're able to do they're actually moving Administration out of that building into another space uh so that they'll have more space for to serve students which is is great but it's a it's still a problem space is always a problem um let's see I also went to Guys and Dolls on Saturday that I think the students did a really Mor like wonderful job uh it's a hard it's a hard show cuz it Doesn't Really I I appreciate because so often we're doing shows that relate more in like the modern day you know we've got less classical musicals and classical theater and more or what maybe a classic isn't the right word because rent is a classic in my opinion but classical in time you know when was Guys and Dolls written and so it was it was fun they did a really excellent job kind of um pulling it all off um and then I had an opportunity to go to the retirement lunch and so thank you for that invitation it was really nice to be able to thank uh some of our retiring teachers and um it was and the I mean the go for the food if nothing else I mean it was delicious I didn't have to eat for the rest of the day probably shouldn't eaten the next day for all the food that they had but it was delicious um and yeah so that's my update and then we also have in here another piece from advocacy I don't know if M Pisano or um Mrs Jackson want to say anything but we have went forth and I reformatted our uh committee descriptions and I know that our next meeting will be with a new member um or new membership or looked different um and so just kind of wanted to get your thoughts I believe I took anything I found and added it into this but um the budget I made purple cuz that is new we haven't really even uh we haven't officially approved it but if we approve if we want to vote on this article we would be or not article if we want to vote on this document we could officially make the budget committee part of our um committees moving forward and then we decided to do the consolidation committee as red just to we don't we may it's up for discussion if we want to just keep it and we can make it an ad hoc committee um but yeah so that's that's where we stand if anybody has any thoughts or any um you like to move forward Missy um the dbdc still says as needed instead of monthly me I fixed it jeez oh yeah God I fixed it 27 times I'm sorry no I just don't want people to think that it's occasionally you know it's nope we can make that change again does anybody have any other thoughts on it favor just just a a quick thought and I think you and I have talked about that or maybe Dr camel and I if if your um if this committee has an alternate an alternate and if you can't go just to reach out to that person and let them know because I know that there's been several circumstances where an alternate could have gone but wasn't notified so maybe you could note we could put at the bottom of it or something yep um any other additional thoughts or motion or I would like to move to Mr approve the uh proposed uh committee descriptions with Miss sa's two suggestions um Incorporated do we have a second miss saory you all right we have a motion in a second do we have any questions on the motion no questions on the motion we should be able to vote Oh I thought we made it an AC item I think when electronic School Board got broken up in a certain way that the info went to the action oh that's why the other one was info in action that's fine do you so I can we can just do a roll call vote to Mr Pano yes Mrs Haywood yes Mr Morgan yes Miss saav yes Mrs Jackson yes and I vote Yes and I got everybody's name right today it's it's hard yeah it is um and that so that passes uh unanimously and we will I will make those two um edits thank you so much for your help and this will help our our committee moving forward all right next thing we have is we have pydc Mrs Jackson um maybe no okay perfect no meeting wonderful there was a virtual meeting but it was like a reiteration of the in-person meeting that I recorded on last time Perfect all right and then we have nsba update Mr Morgan you get the exciting stuff yeah I attended the uh um the conference um in April um and it was a it was a great conference a lot of good information um I took full advantage of the sessions that were available um I took ones on collaboration between the committee and superintendent uh one on U vocational um um programs um legal challenges um you know um School achievement um um and U and another one for better student achievement so um without getting to all the material materals it was a lot of information I took some the app is great cuz I could you know track my courses and I got the uh the most of the um handouts electronically so I can share them with members if you wish awesome um and um got to I attended a a reception for the Northeast um school committee so able to see people from from Mass from um New York New Hampshire um so it was it was good to kind of collaborate with people from the Northeast and uh we have a lot of the same challenges um um and then with the main conference there's people from all over the country they have some people have strengths where we have weaknesses and vice versa so it's quite interesting U to collaborate with folks from around the country so um so I was I was able to keep myself busy you though I oh I'm sure sorry I missed town meeting but uh it was um it was a good good conference and New Orleans the weather was very good for you it wasn't it wasn't so nice up here when you were gone so thank thank you for taking one for the team and going we really appreciate it um I know that you know several of us had initially wanted to go but we weren't able to but I really appreciate you still going and you know being our uh our representative there thank you I need words today goodness thank you and thank you for sharing what you learned with us and we appreciate it and then we have Personnel reports Mr Joy uh yes tonight I can share with you that we received and approved eight parental leaves uh we had four medical leaves and then received uh four resignations as well thank you all right and now we're moving on anybody have any unfinished or new business they'd like to bring up for a future agenda nope all right moving on look we are at the consent agenda I know Mr Morgan you wanted yeah I just like to make a motion to um vote on the um warrant separately okay the 9.2 accounts payable warrant because it's not in the grants right I'm assuming yeah it does just making sure so we'll take out 9.2 yep okay all right I have a motion on the table oh I don't have a motion I'm sorry we'll take that out we'll remove it all right do you have any other questions or anybody else who needs anything else removed from the consent agenda okay all right do I have a motion to approve well sorry anybody miss miss Savery I'm you I'm going just get them all in now um I move to approve the consent agenda with the warrant removed 9.2 warrant yes okay I have a motion do we have a second Mr Morgan um all right we have a motion a second any questions on the motion all right now we can vote all right all right perfect that passes unanimously and now we just need to so we've now we have accounts payable warrant S 04252 4 that we pulled from the consent agenda that um no do we no Mr Morgan doesn't because his um reimbursement is in it so if we want to vote I just need a motion to approve that outside of it M Jackson I move that we approve the warrant perfect thank you and do I have a second second Mr Pano perfect um can I do we do a roll call Vote or actually I think you may a to vote oh perect okay Mr Morgan could abstain all right any questions on the motion all right no question on the motion let's see if we can vote I can't can you no on the last no I'll just do it we'll just go with I click on it shows accounts payable War but it says that we vot because we already technically because we used it yeah so that's fine we'll just say yeah list separ Mr Morgan I'm stain and Mrs Miss Savory yes Mrs Jackson yes Mr Bano yes and I vote Yes that passes with one exstension okay all right and before we adjourn I mean I know we've already embarrassed you a ton but I just want to once again you know thank you for your service to the committee in our town and everything like that so um thank you very much I think you can probably take your name plate with you I have a couple of them already I changed my name but thank you it was a it was a hard decision um and I still wasn't 100% sure until the day that the papers were due so just thank you everybody I just need to regroup and take a little break and see what happens next thank you very much for it all right anybody else has anything else to share no all right we'll close the May 6th meeting at 9:09 e