the following is the agenda for the regular B council meeting of the bur p and lakes mayor and Council and Municipal Corporation in the county of the meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. May 22nd 2024 in the Municipal Building 25 L Avenue pton Lakes New Jersey consistent with the open public meetings act the meeting will be open for public comments and shall be according to the terms and conditions of burrow municipal code and please for luk pled to FL of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all please remain standing a moment of silence for Liz our Clerk's husband Eric who passed away thank you in conformance with the open public meeting Law Public Law 1975 chapter 231 adequate notice of this meeting setting forth the time date place and purpose of this regular meeting through notice posted on the Bolton board in the municipal building mailed to all have requested and paid for same and published in the Suburban Trends roll call please yep hello hi okay you're on speaker nap off is that it yeah you there everybody okay the meeting [Music] start here council president line will be late he'll be late yes Council Cruz councilman Cruz yep Council Ken here coun herec here here this evening ourne okay I'm going to jump around a little bit only because some the some of the people have if they masic would like to make their presentation now that would be a good time thank you for seeing us tonight we uh we do appreciate you just need your name and address that's all oh no I don't actually I'm sorry do I need to do that or doesn't need to no no okay thank you for seeing us tonight and taking the time to uh consider our our situation and our our presentation basically in a nutshell I guess you've been given documents by Michael we want to take Steward chipet of the property known as wildness Island and uh I may I may have been uh more optimistic about the what can be developed from there but at the very least we want to clean it up plant some milk beads put our sign up in the [Music] front we ask for your blessing oh so you know Michael has the pl in front of him as you know we've gone back and forth a little bit there's a lot not much you can really do there because of the uh flood uh the sign is there so you are able to use that sign if they wanted to re Revitalize that sign um I if anybody has any questions concerns about it just just since I'm more used to public speaking I just want to share with the council we did go to the Environmental Protection committee meeting um spoke with them in detail but in an overview of what we're discussing is that that property used to be owned by the Mason then it was sold so we have some historical connection to it and as a good service feed we'd like to help out and see that it's maintained uh to that end uh we felt that this is a great program for the community whether that be the Boy Scouts the Girl Scouts and we'll we'll Splurge for a on classy tube Stakes okay and uh and ships for the kids if we can get them to Rally with us okay and take some ownership in their town I think it's a great idea and I didn't know you guys own that property so it's even better back in the50s did anybody I heard somebody have a concern I just want to make sure that we understood that they they've been to the Environmental Protection committee meeting and Council M hilberg was there as well and um I think I think it's been approved correct well I think it was back before me right in December yes November December so I I don't see any issue with it so good luck if you I can help you in any way reach out you know you got my number make sure that we're in compliance know Fally funded uh property so uh we're not looking to build anything there we're just looking to help keep it clean uh we have other residents that volunteer with River cleanup T so I know that we'll have interaction with them because obviously the river runs through it but we want to be there to help out more we can get the community engaged in it a little bit and like I said let the Next Generation know this is your town good and and your contact would be Michael great yeah we have no issues thank you for your for your offer thanks making your offer thank okay that I'm sorry not that Council line just came in 731 7:30 you couldn't be here a minute that no one had to do apparently not I just couldn't make it work that walk from the high school year it took a while so it's my pleasure to swear in two new officers to our fire volun fire department we're going to talk a little bit later about how fire department is but I'm so happy to see new members coming in all the time so bring both members up with your families or anybody else you want [Music] okay I your names Solly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Allegiance true fa Al to the same to the same to the government's established to the government's established the United States in the United States and in this state in this state under the authority of the people the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will Faithfully partially partially and justly and justly perform leg Volunteer Fire Department volunte fire department according to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so congratulations thank you [Music] [Music] and you can give them to the clerk then you're done thanks guys again for volunteering it's important to us thank you okay anybody wants to leave sort of swearing in can if you'd like to stay for the whole meeting you're more than welcome to stay for the whole meeting as they to the door okay hold on one sec [Music] was like no no no no no no leave it open leave it open please thank you we all good Liz everything good yeah the screen there's a something came over in the screen but Michael said it's okay it's record yeah okay okay motion to open the meeting for public comments council president thine second councilman venon all in favor I against anyone from the public like to address please step up this is my first time doing this so uh just need your name and address that's all I need all right I live at 124 Legion Street my name's Anthony Panza um the reason I'm here is I have a tree in front of my house that is a hazard um the issue is it's frankly huge it's at the edge of my driveway right by the skirt to get out when you back out you can see come or either way um I've been removed here in 2020 uh right before Co and I've been fighting this fight since then uh the first email I sent out was May 26 2020 and I spoke to councilman Kent coup couple couple days ago also um it's frustrating to to to deal with I've had you know the sh Tre commission out and the the answer that I get is well it's a good tree but it's in a bad spot so it's a homeowner right and if somebody that works in Insurance it doesn't mean it's a good tree that means it's that means it's a hazard right I have a 2-year-old son um and I'm going to do whatever I have to do to make sure he's okay I come out to my car to go to work go to the gym go hang out with friends I'm pulling branches the size of me off of it that's not a good tree right and uh from my understanding from the people in my neighborhood the tree was supposedly going to get taken down but then the old homeowner refused whether or not that's true I don't know that's the story I'm told um so whatever I have to do to try to get it taken away that's that's what I'm talk here to talk about all right so I'll answer at the end but I got I got all your information and I I'm going to answer you in two minutes great okay thank you thank you thank your time anyone else from public like to address pleas Step Up Randy head 443 Monclair Avenue speaking for the shade tree commission and addressing this gentleman and his wife it's been years since he's wanted that tree Don he's absolutely correct it's the nicest biggest beautifullest tree on the North part of Legion I've been reluctant to take it down I'm the gentleman who hasn't taken it down um but right now this is this Springs removal L Mrs Kent councilwoman Kent had called me and gave me your phone number but this is tomato PL season so I've been planting tomatoes I haven't got to the removal list yet this tree is on the removal list um just keep it this way oh I I can't talk to now no okay and um when I saw that the tree is lifting up the sidewalk really that's the homeowner the way the town works that's the homeowners responsibility when it was lifting up this driveway apron that's still the homeown but when it's pushing the curve out or lifting the road up that's a different story so that's why the tree is being put on the removal list this year this spring um so that segues me into my next discussion Mr Mayor with you of the last meeting when you said that you have no idea what I do with the shakes commission that's one of the things that I do I know exactly I'm sorry unless that was just a sarcasm from you which it could have been but that's really not your job from the podium to be sarcastic to your volunteers so I tossed you won on that one because I tossed the turn for two weeks and I wrote so much down but I don't think I have to go through it so maybe just a little apology for your sarcasm would be nice that would be helpful but as far as the gentleman's Stree it's on the removal list and we'll be taken care of within a month or two okay thank you that's all anyone else from the public like to address seeing no one can have a motion to close the public session motion councilman V second councilwoman kilberg all in favor I against so to answer your question Anthony the uh looks like it's on the list to be removed this spring uh the shade tree is actually the group that we rely on to kind of Mark those trees and do that we do as a town pay to remove the to get it out but that would you would work out between that and shade tree commission so um I think you got what you're asking for so that's a good thing okay uh Mr Bron um you just discussed thank you for explaining about the tree it's a little strange that you're accusing me of sarcasm but every time you're up there you're having sarcasm with me so it goes both ways okay I'm not apologizing for sarcasm nor am I asking for an apology from you for the sarcasm you give me so it goes both ways um and that's all we have for Open Session motion to approve the following minutes regular meeting minutes May 8th close session minute May 8th so move council president Del line councilwoman kilber all in favor I against have anain okay councilwoman Kent abstained uh authorizing payment of bills as listed below motion councilman venon second councilwoman Kent all in favor I Against okay uh does anybody need any of the consent agenda is removed 24224 24- 224 2 three4 two4 2 two4 224 yes please okay anybody else okay Liz where is a mayor and the B Council of the bur of P Lake consent consisting of ARS proposed resolutions whereas the mayor and Council of the B of pton L does desire to remove resolutions for individual action from that agenda from that agenda now therefore be it resoled that the following resolutions on the consent agenda are hereby approved resolution 24-2 222 through 24- 237 we're going to remove the 24- 224 motion to approve the resolutions motion council president dine councilman bennon all in favor I yes uh resolution 24-22 4 calling for the modernization of the open public records Act and the Swift passage of s2928 445 question can we just can you just explain it what it is that will the details of the Amendments yes thank you councilwoman uh and I I'll let the burough attorney take it out after me but in in short the New Jersey legislature for years has been looking at uh the open public records act and and possible reforms for the for the ACT um due to the reason of people and companies using Oprah for marketing purposes um you know the burrow clerk sees uh several opras a week with regards to uh police accident reports uh construction permits and these companies are essentially using that data to sell it to other people and it's really become burdensome on the municipalities part for Oprah um if there's anything I'm missing certainly yeah no I mean it it is to control the data mining done by commercial entities that not anything to do with citizens the private rights of citizens but to put a control on the data mining that um is just such a burden to this municipalities bler and all of the uh government recors what are the like identifiers or controls that are being put in place that I couldn't I couldn't tell you the specifics of it um but I I believe it's limited to the commercial entities that are um without a uh a a private interest in things but I can't I I don't know this we don't know how they're making that determination though um I it would be in the language I have not read the language of it and what is our resolution saying basically oh it just it just supports it and and would be sent to the uh to the governor for um to uh ask him to sign any other discussion it has no and if I may uh both both chambers of the legislature uh did pass the bill and it's currently with the governor for the for his signature so our reso is a little bit late in the process um it only just came to us from the municipal clerks Association of New Jersey 2 weeks ago so um you know the league of Municipal municipalities is in support of this and sent out an eblast to the to the towns uh encouraging us to support it so the league is backing the bill and like I said it's with the governor right now for his signature but we do know that there's something in place preventing it from blocking access by private or people that have an interest to really is targeting like Mass commercial yeah it really has to do with the selling of the data yep um so what what we can do is we'll send the bill text to the governing body so you can take a closer look at it okay thank you and I apologize I should know because my law partner is one of the Prime sponsors thank you okay motion to approve uh 24224 so council president bline second councilwoman kilberg all in favor I yes uh whenever R Liz second ordinances for final adoption an advertisement posted on the municipal buing board ordinance 24-23 amending the code of the B of Pon L provide for the administration of the appointment imposed by the state of New Jersey for red based paint inspections of certain residential rented dwellings and to EST pleas for inspection motion to open the meeting for a couple comments on ordinance 24-23 councilwoman pador councilman venin all in favor I against anyone to like to address just this [Music] ordinance ready H 443 month around um this is going to affect me House was built in the 1890s one um but it's been since ready 443 M oh did I do something wrong I see fingers going we'll clarify um but the question here is it's been renovated so I mean I still have to go through the inspection correct uh this is only rental properties but then you get a certificate that you're clean but then you have to go through it every couple of years again is that the the way the legislation reads I but you're not a rental are you a rental property excuse me EXC me this is for rental properties two family hats I have yes right but okay so you're renting yes okay so then uh yes then it does affect you yes okay but then again they don't even sell lead paint you can't even buy lead paint the paint I mean how ridiculous is that it's ridiculous it's absolutely Randy if you rent out a unit that was built prior to 1978 Correct and you have to do it within the first two years of the adoption of law you have to get a legation certificate correct then you have to do it upon change of tendency for every time you change a tenant or every 3 years I don't know how let pain is going to reappear in a 3E time period it's a good question completely agree but this is another one of de's brain Childs that became state law that became gone through the legislature and somebody's not thinking clearly that once you've identified that there's not Leed paint in on the walls or anything else like that that it's not going to suddenly in 3 years so but that's the law so what you're asking is yeah I think what they're saying is every 3 years you would have to get a certificant certificate that's ridic that sounds but I understand your position and where where you guys are on it what you have to do but I just because I talk to people at show own ways we don't sell more you know you can't go to Home Depot you can't go up to the service and buy it so thank you okay anyone else from the public like to address this seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-23 so Mo council president the line councilwoman Paula dor all in favor hi hi against against I'm going to vote no no okay got that list she's a no I I for what no we're closing the meeting that sorry oh I apologize okay you can vote next I'll vote no next motion to approve ordinance 24-23 for final adoption I'll make a council president deline second councilman benon roll call please councilwoman Ken no councilwoman kilber yes councilwoman poor we can I jump no can I sure again this is pretty close to our tree protection ordinance we have to pass have this law we have to be we have to in compliance with the state if you're upset about the law blame the state but we have to do what we have to do on the municipal side needed the clarification of that there's nothing we can do anyway correct so yes yes [Music] okay councilman Ben yes councilman Cruz yes councilman G yes okay 24 24 amending chapter 2 of the revised General ordinances and revising the organizational structure of the police department motion to open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-24 motion Council woman Paul dor councilman venon all in favor I against anyone like to address Justice ordinance please step up I'm the only one that's like ready head 443 monair Avenue uh all due respect to our bur administrator I've checked the paper I checked out here in the hallway I watched Council meetings and I picked up the paper here it shows this is a uh restructuring of the police department correct it just shows one Chief not less than one no more than two police captain it doesn't explain nowhere that I've asked why why are we doing that why is this being done I asked at the last meeting you kind of mumbled something I don't want to be sarcastic that's what that's sarcastic and then our administrator M something and the meeting was closed and I never got a straight answer I'd like to have a straight answer so the chief has asked for reorganization of his Department because of the changing population in town and we're going to entertain uh restructuring the department that doesn't mean we're heading officers it doesn't include that yet it's just restructuring at this point okay what God bless councilman Bill beg Soul he was the last captain and then for like 20 years we didn't have a captain then we have a captain now God bless him he's a good guy but now we can possibly have another Captain it's possible we could we couldn't that's right I mean we're only 2.97 square miles how many chiefs do we need how many captains how much brass do we need in our Police Department I mean it seems a little excessive to me and I never still got an explanation as to why we're doing it I just gave you the explanation the chief has asked the chief has asked to reorganize his Department that's what he's asking to do to do that you have to change the ordinance in place okay thank you anybody else again again anyone else from the public like to address just this ordinance no motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-24 soov council president line Second councilwoman kilberg all in favor against motion to approve ordinance 24-24 for final adoption motion council president uh gline councilman benon roll call please counc yes counc yes coun yes yes Council Cruz yes yes Wars 2425 chapter 2 ofis General ordinances and requiring commissioners of the new development agency to be residents of the B discuss motion open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-25 motion council president the line second uh councilwoman kilberg all in favor I against anyone from the public like to address just 24-25 Step Up 3 for three Mr H 443 Monclair Avenue um this one I'm in favor of because uh Redevelopment of our town is so critical whereas we want the residents of the town on that board so that they live in the town that they worked on for redevelopment and uh presently we have someone on that board that does not live the town was a good man did a good job but I agree that with this ordinance that you should really live in town if you're going to make decisions that are going to affect the town for the next 50 years I'm in favor L thank you thank you anyone else to address this ordinance 20 4-25 seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-25 motion councilman Von second councilwoman kilberg um I'd like to add that when I reread this ordinance I thought we were doing all our boards of committees had to live in town you know just picking out one board member is isolating one individual for the same reason to get rid of him why are why aren't we addressing all the boards in town if we're so adamant on and asking this one gentleman to step off it should Fair across the board we shouldn't be picking and choosing which board because now we're we're we're head hunting is what basically what we're doing we're head hunting the conversation was very specifically detailed in in saying that this was for this because it applies to this and that everything else will be Revisited at a future date but we were working on this for now okay and I don't agree with that idea I think if we're going to do it we have to do it all together all right so I'll weigh in couple things is the the the the planning board is governed by the municipal lands law the zoning board is governed by the municipal land law historic preservation that does have car rout for non-residents is is a statute established at the state that allows for certain class members not to be residents okay everything else that is covered under the boards and committees in in the Burton Lakes requires the residency of a in the buau P the L um I don't is that true I don't think that that is correct so all the other boards are correct the fact that there's a health department member that is a member of that Health Department board or Board of Health that has not been a resident for some time doesn't excuse the fact that we have not been properly um properly executing the law itself okay so everything else if anything this comes into compliance with what how we govern the rest of the boards of committees that are that are not otherwise controlled by the municipal land use law or other state law so really it's it's just this particular board I know there was other discussion about um a member of the library Board of Trustees But ultimately they are a resident of the burough pumpt and lakes they own a property in burough pumpt and lakes that is different than any any of this um so again the idea that it it we should be fixing other other boards and committees as part of this all the other boards and committees are already properly in line with requiring a residency with exception of historic preservation commission but again those are car outs that have already identified by state law and thank you for that explanation CU maybe I misunderstood but in his we use historic and I'm not bringing anybody by name there's requirements to be certain classes on that board correct and if you're not that class then it doesn't for then you then if if you're not one of those like I don't know if it's like a Class A Class B member whatever it is if you're not one of those assigned members and so and you're not a resident ppon lak you cannot be on the historic preservation it's only those particular class members that you would be permitted not to be a resident ped lakes and then you can also be on the historic preservation commission and there is a slight carve out for the the planning board right let me set that aside that there is an employee of the buau that can be appointed on the planning Bo they are not required to be a resident of the burrow as long as their employee of the right so I just want to make sure everybody understands you know when we're talking all boards the historic board is one of those boards that doesn't have an individual who lives in town who fits those criteria of of the other departments um and it's a board that's not covered I don't think under our residency it's not we already have a separate the the preservation is governed under different law than the rest of our boards and committies right so I just want to make everybody aware of that that there is another board involved with this and then of course it's enforcement of the whole thing too which we have to do um you know and that brings a whole another level to this so that's what I'm thrown out there okay motion to approve ordinance 24-25 for final adoption motion councilwoman pador second councilwoman kilberg roll call please yes coun yes counc yes counc no council pleas [Music] yes yes okay thank you under my report I have some appointments a motion to appoint uh councilman e venon as commissioner of the Pompton Lakes Redevelopment Agency on expired term to end December 31st 2024 I have a motion motion councilwoman Kent second councilwoman kilberg all in favor I I against okay I also have another one that's not on here I'd like to appoint motion to appoint uh Melissa huha as a commissioner to the library board I don't have expiration of term would be December 31st 2024 can I have a motion motion uh councilwoman um palor councilwoman councilman venon all in favor I against okay okay under my report uh I got to start with um we had a very moving uh ceremony at the firehouse on Sunday we did have a fireman that died on the job 50 years ago downtown on Raymond kill there's a memorial for him here off at Hamburg Turnpike his son and daughter came up and gave a very moving speech about what had happened and how he passed away and we forget our volunteers all of them are putting their life on the line every time they go out to do a job could be a simple call and what really run to me was he was 9 years old when his father passed away his father was on his way to lenx school to pick him up and when he got to the school he got the alarm so he just waved to him from the from the playground said I'll see you later and he went to the fire and never came back you know this is a 9-year-old son who came back and this family lives in Texas now they came all the way back I got to thank the fire department for putting it on they did a great job it was a great server very moving and and it just we got to remember at the end of the day all our First Responders put their life on the line every single day [Music] um uh what else do I have here I had a meeting yesterday with Senator Joe panacho uh we had a nice conversation we talked about how he can help us with our flooding issues that I brought up before with the other Mayors I talked about the meeting I had with some other Mayors it didn't go as well as we'd liked he's going to help us set up another meeting uh hopefully to have more conversation and get some more people involved the D and Commissioners to help us get our push forward he understands what we're asking for he's been our our Senator before many years ago and he's done a good job for us so I'm hoping he can help us with that he's also going to help us with some funding uh opportunities that Michael has out to him so I'm hoping that works tomorrow I will be presenting uh a career day for the Middle School um but not as the mayor I'll be presenting as a research scientist which is my previous job before this uh I'm always excited to go present to the kids um I attended with most of the people up here uh councilman B's uh um dinner that they had for him well over 200 people there it was a well-run dinner it was nice to see people and talk about Billy that's really what it was about to talk about what Billy has done for this community which was a huge thing he he touched so many lives in so many different ways for so many years so you know when you looked around that room there were people from 30 40 years ago and people who just met him in the last couple years so that's a nice way to to go out and and you know to this day we still miss him up here so it was a nice event um we did The Walk For Hope with a lot of us up here a beautiful day we all walked it was a great event they had over 150 people I think walking um we walked from here to the hersfield and from herfield back a lot of vendors put out food when we got back really just to make a awareness of mental health it's not to be hidden in the closets but to talked about and if you know if you have situations or you're struggling to reach out so I I commend uh Ryan gossinger who runs our our uh Alliance and all the kids there was a lot of kids that showed up for this event to do that so you know it's good to see them attending that um I did a couple weddings I attended the bid me meeting uh we've had numerous conversations uh with the administration about some issues we're having and that is my report Council present on thank you mayor um I also attended The Walk For Hope it was a great day um great energy uh two great speakers um as a veteran myself um being able to hear about those two two people hearing from those two people um talking about the importance of mental health especially among veterans and and asking for help and supporting each other so it it was a really um really moving speech and actually hit me hit me pretty hard um but again it was thank you for Ryan gossinger and all the volunteers that made that happen because it was a it was a phenomenal well organized and put together event I'm glad to be colle with and part of it um this past Monday I attended the Municipal Utilities Authority meeting um as I announced at the last meeting they did hold their public hearing on the consideration of um adopting new uh rates um which were going to need to be increased that meeting went through uh those rates were adopted for 2024 2025 Again part of it is being driven by capital projects that they need to perform and two of the things that they were talking about was they've started um into planning and design of the upgrade of the north pumping station and then also the wealth 3 posos um which is the chemical that needs to be treated it's now a requirement treat that so some of that is driving the expenses the Capal project that they need to need to do as part of maintaining the water quality for the bur pumpt and lakes um as a result that just they just have more projects and they have to raise the rates as a result um this was the first meeting of the new mua superintendent John uh petski um I believe he was a previously a a um an employee of the MUA more recently he was in parci uh uh Water Utility Authority so he's got experience working with a much larger water system than what we've got and I know uh the Commissioners in particular spoke very glowingly of him and his ability to to to take over um otherwise it was a pretty short meeting uh coming up on Sunday June 2nd uh the trails maintenance commit is happening at Trail's maintenance day at 10:00 a.m. uh we meet at the uh basically the Metro entrance on Lincoln Avenue which is again down by the MUA the end of Lincoln Avenue um if you hit the MUA you've gone too far at that point and finally I want to congratulate um councilman bennon on his appointment to the Redevelopment agency I'm sure you do a great job um unfortunately I had to step down because of conflicts um and we'll see where that goes in the future but uh good luck to you thank you and that concludes my report thank you uh councilwoman Ken good evening thank you mayor um as the public safety liaison and a current CT member I participated in an emergency communication drill using the ham radios and what is a ham radio I never heard of such a thing but it is a radio that is used for non-commercial Communications that allows you to speak to any other operation evidently anywhere around the world with the proper uh equipment without use of internet or cell phones and that's very important because if for some reason we have some kind of catastrophic loss or attack or something uh we now are able to communicate with other towns and other communities and other states evidently and so these radios are set up in the field and they have to be licensed by licensed operators and we had five licensed operators um in this drill and they're just everyday citizens but they are licensed with by the state of New Jersey and so they oper we had a um mock uh drill um and I I'll just take something that Deborah Ross she ran this along with aliv angelista from the OEM but this past W uh this past uh May 15th and some people saw people walking around their blocks they thought they were lost or something but this is what they were doing they were taking um they were taking incidents and we had a drill with the uh OEM the Boy Scouts the teen CT team and the drills conduct simulating a complete communication blackout with no access to Police radios or 911 our team C members and boy scouts acted as civilians and they gave emergency reports to the C members on patrol throughout various neighborhoods in town these Ser members were then relayed messages to the local ham radio operators and the ham radio operators passed the message out to our OEM coordinators and the ham operators alev angelista acted as the emergency dispatcher in our Command truck we all had a great time doing this and we all learned about what a ham uh what a ham radio is and how it can affect us during a major disaster but the the most important part of this if you take this is that now we have another means of communication that is not connected to the internet and that's that's a pretty important point which I never knew we needed but I guess things come full circle right so now we're kind of back to where we started years ago everybody had one right yeah I never I never heard I short wave radio but not that so anyway and it was really a well-designed um well-designed drill it's never been done my under understanding so we are really one of the first towns to actually run this and and Al you did a great job um we had a lot of fun I also attended the memorial service for firefighter reming K Hill and I I I think it's important enough that I just read the fire department pred a beautiful brochure type of thing handout on on memor uh remembering him uh it's a 50-year anniversary and I just want to read it because I think it's important on May 14th 1974 firefighter Raymond Cahill lost his life in the line of duty while fighting a basement fire in the town in country Supermarket on Hamburg Turnpike he was 49 years old with two children we are here today to recognize the 50th anniversary of the sacrifice made by firefighter Cahill the Pompton Lakes fire department which was founded in 1895 and Incorporated in 1901 had never lost a firefighter in the line of duty until that fateful day that day will forever be remembered in Pompton Lakes each year on May 14th the anniversary of his death Pompton lakes's fire department celebrates his life and sacrifice and prays for his family who are with us today ours is a dangerous job which we willingly do for our beloved town and neighbors it is in the spirit that we met here today to recognize that tradition and to honor one of our own and then they thanked us for coming and it was a beautiful ceremony and uh very very touching so want to we do that every year uh um I want to thank Al for his solemn and uplisting memorial service and along with the fire department we had the women's auxiliary Pompton lak's Police Department participated and a race family I also attended the rotary dinner as the mayor mentioned with Bill beg and um there were there were many organizations there that that bill supported over the years and it was a really wonderful event I also attended the pon links prevention call ition Walk For Hope uh with Ryan at the helm and it was amazing to see so many support this initiative as you know mental health touches many Souls so it was a wonderful thing for Pompton and for our Coalition group did a great job um I was away and I didn't make the last meeting because I was at a conference but I just want to personally thank uh our Pompton Lakes Environmental Protection committee Steve begs and all the members of that committee for an amazing River cleanup program on Sunday May 5th although it did rain it did not stop the volunteers from cleaning up the parks and streets and rivers and the open space lands and I want to especially thank councilwoman kilberg for she took over one of my jobs that I did for many many years and you did a great job Lisa and you've organized it very well with the group and um there's a lot of moving parts to that so I want to thank you very much and it's very nice to see the brow free and clear of debris so thank you for that um the shry commission received a uh 16 years now they are Tree City USA they received a plaque and a beautiful gold gold plaque a gold plaque and a plaque that's going to go on the signs at the entrances of the burrow thank you very much uh Randy and the the shat Tre commission for all the work that they do and I I want to thank the uh residents here they've been very patient sh tree really his job is to protect the shade trees and you know that's a that's a tough job to do especially when it's a tree that's in um disagreement sometimes but we're doing the right thing for the residents and we're doing the right thing for the tree so you have to bear with us sometimes but thank you very much for all that and um thank you for the MUA update uh is probably short because Lloyd wasn't there to talk you said that not I said [Laughter] that but um I I think the rats are important and that we treat the water properly for our health so I'm with that and that is my report thank you uh councilwoman kilberg has a whole page of stuff she needs to read and I have my own too so I'm going to start with that first okay I attended the rotary club's beef steak dinner in honor of Bill bag um his family was presented with the service above self award in recognition of Bill's commitment and service to his community and I don't know anyone more deserving than him um our Recreation committee held a passport event for the Explorers on May 10th at the Pompton reform church and they all received passports and whoever and they whoever entered visited the country of Mexico um the room was decorated and the Explorers were asked to dress in that atire and they were served food from that country and it was very well organized and I'm looking looking forward to see what country they do next um I attended The stigma-free Walk For Hope it was a beautiful day for the event and it was nice to see so many people participate and thank you to Ryan goser for um putting together an amazing event uh this past Sunday I attended the kill 50th Anniversary ceremony I would like to thank everyone that took part in putting together such a special event um it was an honor to learn about Raymond Cahill and listen to both his son Raymond and daughter Ruth speak the ceremony was heartfelt and I attended the library board meeting last night um um we do have one person that's was um put on the board tonight and I have other people that are interested so hopefully by next month we'll have a couple more people um okay um uh I have a motion to approve the request for Veterans of Foreign Wars of the US John Han Tri County Post Number 2906 to conduct the annual Memorial Day per sponsored by the John Han Tri count Veterans of Foreign Wars post 2906 and the burough of Pompton Lakes on Sunday May 26 2024 parade to assemble at 10:45 a.m. at the intersections of Lakeside and Jefferson ABS and the VFW Memorial services to be held at 11:30 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial Park Jefferson and Lakeside ABS parade will then commence and Route following the services and ending at the VFW Post 2906 6 located at 260 Wan Q AV where Refreshments will be served the police department will temporarily close the route portions of this route include County Roads notify police fire first aid can I have a second second second council president deine all in favor I I okay okay uh motion to approve the request of pton Lakes High School to close Lakeside AV from the pond hole entrance to Adrien Street on Thursday June 20th 2024 from 5:15 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for 2024 High School graduation ceremony that will commence at 6:30 p.m. rain dates Friday June 21st 2024 and Saturday June 22nd 2024 with a time to be determined depending upon the weather forecast police fire and first aid to be notified can I have a second second councilwoman Paul Dori all in favor Mo motion to approve the request of Pompton Lakes Recreation to close Lakeside AV from Roma to Elks and parin AV on Sunday September 1st 2024 rain date Monday September 2nd from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. for Pompton day County police fire and first aid to be notified can I have a second second Council woman paor all in favor I a motion to wave permit fees for those vendors who hold a burrow food license and wish to participate in Pompton day can I have a second please second council president deline in favor I against motion to approve the request of Lauren venon and surrounding neighbors to host a block party on sun Sunset Road on Saturday June 8th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. police fire first aid to be notified can I have a second second council president bline all in favor I I um councilwoman paor thank you uh first I would like to welcome and thank the two new individuals that were sworn in for uh oath of office to join our fire department this evening I would also like to thank everyone that was involved in uh planning The Walk For Hope it was an event that was put together across multiple organizations spearheaded by Ryan gossip of our prevention Coalition but we also saw a lot of community organizations pitching in um and corporate Partnerships and of course Chef Foley preparing lunch for everyone so it was really nice to see the turnout and uh the speeches that were given by the veterans were a really nice touch so thank you to everyone that came out to support that um I also attended the rotary dinner so it was an honor to it was nice to see uh councilman beg honored in such a in such a wonderful way with uh the turnout that we had that evening his whole family was there his son spoke a little bit so it was nice to see everyone together um I attended the bid meeting there was some further clarification on the discussion as far as the uh facade and sign Grant that the bid promotes so that Pro uh that program is underway again so that gives building owners and business owners the ability to utilize uh some bid money if they want to improve the facade or enhance or change the signage on the front of their store I signed this month's borrow bills uh I continued the conversation today with an individual that represents uh the flags for Heroes program he is a veteran who has iated the program for uh almost all of our surrounding towns actually Bloomingdale Butler kelon and bhen so I had uh passed them off to our burough administrator with some additional questions as to the best way to implement it what other towns have done we don't want to reinvent the wheel we want to see what works what has been successful as far as size fees uh how you decide how you allocate them so more to that more on that to come um I was happy to hear that we have some sponsorships coming in for the dog park I saw we have some renderings for the first few corporate sponsors that will be uh hung on the exterior around the perimeter of the dog park which if we continue to get those sponsorships in hopefully will'll create enough of a revenue stream for the improvements of the dog park to sustain itself at least for the most part um it had been done in part by open space funds and burrow funds so this will be nice to see that it can actually sustain itself through its own funding um I also work with the bureau administrator to assist the Elks Club of pton lakes in spreading out the area to which residents can drop off donations to the deployment Drive uh the Elks has initiated an ongoing deployment Drive of personal products and um snacks small snack items there's a list outside on the door it's also been posted online there's a collection bin in the municipal Lobby there's also a collection bin in the lobby of the Elks building so anything anyone can drop off to help would be greatly appreciated um and I had a question I'm not sure if you're going to include this in your report or not to our bur administrator we received a notice in the in our email uh from the DP regarding a possible notice of violation for the property along the river behind the stores on Wan have um so I'm just interested in hearing a little bit more about how we got here and how that happened specifically because this was brought to the attention of the buau about a year ago I had sent an email along with some video clips that were sent to me by a resident that was concerned about rock and gravel being moved from a an off premise location and then dumped along that area and I had reached out to at that time our bro administrator was Paula garelli she had reached out to the construction official in town uh who I had also reached out to independently myself and we were both given the same answer the area was inspected the work was looked at and everything was fine so when it could have been addressed a year ago and it wasn't I'm not sure why now we've recently had a visit from the D and there seems to be an issue or a pending issue I could just have some clarification on that um and that is my report thank you you're going to bring that up in your report mik yeah okay uh uh Council councilman vennett thank you mayor uh Monday evening was uh Lakeside Middle School uh Spring Concert held at the high school I'd like to recognize Mr steer for his hard work with the students um they sounded amazing and we were able to have a unplanned intermission when the smoke alarm went off and the fire department had show up I heard it was due to a parent vaping um I'd like to once again commend the pompin Lake School District for their amazing uh music and arts program I'm also looking forward to the Pompton Lakes High School spring concert uh tomorrow evening Thursday evening and as well as uh this weekend chaperoning the choir students with Mr Napa as they perform at Carnegie Hall on Saturday evening the Walk of Hope was very well attended I'm so glad that the uh rain held off we were talking about having uh pawn shows at the ready um I also want to thank Chef Foley thank you for bringing that up um the hot dogs on the grill were just phenomenal after a long walk like that uh speaking of prevention Coalition um we went uh Dr P the assistant coordin orator Ryan the coordinator as well as myself went down to Atlantic City for the New Jersey prevention Network annual conference uh among other sessions there was one uh that was hosted by the person that wrote the article about the rise and fall of the jewel Vapes as well as how how danger how dangerous vaping in general is it was very very interesting session Girl Scout camper 2024 was held at Camp Rick a bear last uh Saturday I am a co-leader um of my older daughters troop and um again the the rain held off so we we lucked out just as we were turning the camp over to the next uh bunch of girl SC com in the the uh the rain started so I hope I hope they held off enough for them uh up there we were taught how to play pickle ball by pette brous as well as uh Mary Beth Morton so I learned the rules was very interesting to learn and play as well as uh did some archery today the um New Jersey bicycle and pedestrian Resource Center held a webinar I want to pick up where councilman Del uh started the ball rolling as far as um making our community more bike and pedestrian friendly I'll work with you to let you know what I found out today and lastly I want to thank senator pachio for uh inviting me down to Trenton on Monday I was able to see how the sausage is made as council president deline likes to say uh a very interesting voting session where Senate Bill s 2594 that appropriates $2.8 million for Dam maintenance and inland waterways projects was advanced in that was Senator bu's Bill and there's my report mayor thank you thank you councilman Cruz do you have a report I may but yeah okay okay I don't I don't need you getting into an accident that's good um just before we go to the professional reports just some dates to remember we have a Memorial Day parade this uh Sunday uh we meet at the memorial which is next to wakeside bridge the the services about 11 from 11:30 to 12:00 then we have a parade that marches down kofax through town and ends at the Elks Lodge where where there's hot dogs and and drinks for everybody so please come out it's going to be a beautiful day line the streets let's I can also thank Michael for putting up the S uh new flags that will be marching to uh down the streets in Pompton so we'll back to having flags on all the polls which we used to do years ago and now we have it back that's a nice thing to see uh we mentioned the trails maintenance Memorial Day Monday May 27th the burrow is closed here uh and just a reminder primary election day is Tuesday June 4th okay uh professional report uh thank you mayor nothing okay ad report thank you mayor um I'll answer councilwoman Paula dory's question last um so uh the Lincoln AB improvements Phase 2 project will begin tomorrow uh Thursday May 23rd uh the Milling the Milling of the roadway will be on May 23rd and May 24th while the paving will be on Tuesday May 28th and Wednesday May 29th um all the residents have been notified via the mail uh we sent out a reverse 911 and we're working with our Police Department to uh maintain traffic control for that project uh the project for Howard Street started today the vendor is doing Ada curb ramp upgrades up until the week of June 1st at which point we will be then be milling and Paving the roadway which should take approximately 1 to two days so that should be a nice project when it's all said and done I'd like to Echo the mayor's comments and thank Jake and Mark Sunny for volunteering their time and hanging all of the American flags on kofax AV so that's a great Improvement and I think it'll be well received for the parade on on Sunday the burrow tonight uh the governing body tonight awarded the bid for the acrian place and herfield Street improvements project the burrow engineer and I will be having a pre-construction meeting with the contractor and we expect that project to kick off uh sometime in the next month so that's another project that's coming up as well as the Dos Highway improvements project which is the full Millan Paving of Dos Highway that project is under engineering review and we're hoping to pave that road this fall does that go over the bridge or up to the bridge up to the bridge up to the bridge lastly uh today the the burrow submitted a grant in the amount of $500,000 to Senator Paco's office uh for consideration of a state budget appropriation in the 2024 state of New Jersey budget it would be a direct line item which would fund uh which would in part assist funding for the replacement of the DPW garage so we thank the senator for his consideration with that and then to to respond to council woman Poli D's question uh we did we did have a site meeting with the D land use enforcement Bureau last week I met with them on site with the burrow engineer the D has two notice uh two incident reports excuse me for several Parcels of property behind Max Bar uh and the hardware store so there are several Parcels of property that they're looking into I have a report here that I will send to the government body tonight uh the site essentially the site investigation determined that there are notices of violations that will be issued for the property uh there's a variety of issues with fill in the reparan zone uh putting Phill along the riverbank uh the clear cutting of trees etc etc so we're working with our burough engineer very seriously to address these concerns and to preemptively come up with a restoration plan because ultimately I think that's what the D will uh hand down to us is to order us to facilitate a restoration plan so we're proactively working on that and uh we'll we'll be in further communication once we receive any formal notification from the DP I'm disappointed that this was brought to the attention of the burough a year ago and nothing was done about it well there was Contin continuous site investigations I don't think there was ever a determination made at that point um the the private property owners that are affected by this uh apparently did not respond to three notices sent to them so this is why they contacted us okay any questions Administration uh I just want mik I first of all I want to thank Michael because after I met with the senator yesterday he told me that the cut off date for the asking for the money is tomorrow so Michael had to put all this together today to get it to him tonight so I thank him for doing that we did get it out hopefully he'll entertain the idea because it would be a big boost to to red the uh the the DPW building so hopefully we get some money from that um any other questions for administration no okay uh Workshop let's start with the bamboo and before you even start with the bamboo just today and Michael knows this already I received a call from an individual who has an empty property one of the houses that came down where bamboo is running a muck on that property and it's now going all over the neighbor's property so bamboo is an issue in this town and it's becoming worse so that's why we'll talk about it thank you mayor so uh just for some context this normally wouldn't be something that would be brought up in any other municipality but the fact that we have a lot of state-owned vacant properties it seems to have generated a bunch of complaints that I've received over the last few months so in response to the complaints uh our burrow attorney provided a draft ordinance to prohibit running bamboo and I just want to explain there's two types of bamboo there's running bamboo and uh you know household not not running anyway the draft ordinance essentially states that the planting of running bamboo on any property in the burrow is prohibited and if you're found to plant it after this ordinance has been adopted you'd be issued a property maintenance summons um and then the ordinance further describes that any bamboo that was previously planted uh prior to the adoption of such ordinance would essentially be grandfathered in but the property owner must uh must um word I'm looking for uh not encroach the uh bamboo onto the uh adjacent property so if they're found to be encroaching they would be issued a notice of violation so we think that's kind of a uh a compromise with grandfathering some people in that might have it for aesthetic purposes um so in other words if they have it on their property because it grows I guess like a weed I don't have bamboo but and it spreads to somebody else's property they would be issued a summons for that absolutely okay and they would have to remove it okay uh on on the not they can keep it on their property on the other proper correct furthermore the uh the ordinance uh prescribes that the uh the running of bamboo on any plot of land premises or place uh would be subject to a 10-day notice to Abate and then the violation fee is $100 per day if the violation continues so I just wanted to bring this up to the governing body and get everyone's feeling on it and if it was something that we wanted to move forward with how's everybody feel about it I I support it I think it's a good idea I think we're in line pretty much with there's some state law around that I think there's State legislation around who can even sell it or where you can even plant it it's super invasive yes and it's really difficult to get rid of we what are we doing with public property because we actually have um what must have been a small patch at one time that's gotten exponentially larger off the side of Joe bril and that strip at the end of Walnut and it's just getting bigger and bigger we would probably have to just take care of that ourselves uh I believe that it probably is a state-owned property so I'll have to talk with the construction official on how we would deal with that but it could be a very difficult situation considering it's the state of New Jersey so it's it's something we might just have to take out ourselves we should okay let's move on to the everybody good with that yes okay uh a workshop discussion so I think I'll hand it off to Michael first then so I just wanted to bring up Workshop to the governing body again we adopted ordinance 2408 to essentially incorporate the workshop session into the meeting I think when we incorporated it there might have been a little confusion as to if the workshop was for one meeting a month or for both and the determination from the burough attorney was that it's for both so I just wanted to reiterate that and ask the governing body if anyone has any concerns we can certainly amend the ordinance to prohibit the number of topics the length of the topics or move the session in the beginning of the meeting or the end of the meeting uh essentially just to to reconfirm that this is the intent and if anyone has any questions uh you know certainly let me know so my only question is from last time we so we put this in place for the council specifically so that we have the opportunity to discuss the together without violating quum um i' like to see it moved before the voting on resolutions and ordinances right because sometimes we have questions and we want to talk about that um it seems silly to vote on them before we've had a chance to discuss them so my concern is that these can get timec consuming I you know I was under the impression when we put this in place that we would do it once a month if we have a concern it's always brought up in the administrator's report and we could discuss anything at that point um it doesn't have to be in a workshop Forum uh so I would like to see you know I have no issue with a workshop once a month I'd like to see some limits I don't want to see a list of seven things there you know talking half hour on each one that's that's a increasing the meeting a couple hours um and that's where I have an issue with it I don't agree with reducing or limiting it well well I think that if we if we only have one a month that will make it get bigger because then if we have more issues like right tonight we have all this included is four but if we did it once a month we might have eight and then how do you say that we can't talk about well we can only talk about this but we can't talk about that then you're picking yeah restricted from talking about and and I know that mayor you have some concerns about this but this is this is for the council so it should be up to us as to how we feel about it or the time or right so the council won make a a determination right that's why we're talking about I like it I like it twice for that reason because then you're going to get too much stuff in one well do we want to limit it in in I I don't think that we should you know it we've done it before where we started talking about something and we just couldn't resolve it so we moved on to the next time and maybe we should keep with that and not you know but then we'd have to do that talk about process would we have to be a time or a number or because just I think that we should talk about one topic for a half hour that's too long we haven't had it I mean it's it's been working fine since we've implemented it I'm not even sure why we're actually spending more time talking about not spending time on workshops that we already talked about well I think like we've had some heated discussions so it's time to like Nix it and move on to the next meeting because then you're you come back with a cooler head and everybody can you know what I mean better articulate what they really want so I just think it's anybody else so I'll weigh in a couple things um I have no issue with having it twice a month I originally I thought our understanding was that it would be once a month but I think twice a month Works totally fine um I actually disagree a little bit on councilwoman's pad dory's point of moving the workshop up because it's my understanding that this Workshop discussions are related to things that are pending getting some guidance related to something that the council is looking to do or something that the administrator needs guidance on not necessarily something that's on the specific business of the council that night because there is an opportunity to talk about resolutions when the resolutions come up we can pull them we can have discussions on them and then we can discuss them uh ordinances as they've been presented upon second reading and final adoption There's an opportunity to discuss all of that within normal course of the business so I personally think that the workshop location in the agenda is totally fine um I don't I don't agree with limiting the number of items I don't agree with limiting the the time associated with it we have a saying in the military you train to task and not to time if we have five things that we need to discuss it's the responsibility of the council to discuss all five things if it takes us two hours it takes us 2 hours if it takes us 15 minutes it takes us 15 minutes I don't think we should we should assign um subjective uh limits onto these kind of Workshop items to that point though um I think what we do need to do is we need to Define specifically what is appropriate for Workshop um and get a little bit of guidance on what can actually fit on the agenda that it's not just this this open toolbox that we can just put anything in and say I would really like to discuss this and it doesn't really fit in anything in my report or things like that so I think we do have to at least more narrowly ter uh narrowly tailor what we are permitted to add onto the workshop on the council standpoint and from the administrator standpoint can we defer to the attorney on that from in his experience what he's seen other towns do as far as Workshop maybe if I I I don't think we've done anything yet that's gone outside the scope of what should be included no no and and normally I I I would agree with what council president theine said the normal practice is these are these are things that are are pending is your question about whether the workshop should be before or after resolutions is that what you're I'm okay if it doesn't move but then I just need to understand that there is actually a defined point in this and it it hasn't historically been the way the last few meetings we've allowed for it I just need to know specifically when we're doing an ordinance right so is it first reading is it second reading is is it before public is it after public cuz sometimes we see these and we see them on our agenda but we haven't had a chance to really understand where they're coming from or normally you would want to do it during first reading um and it would be after it is um moved and seconded you can have a discussion that's that's typically the practice discussion and then a roll call okay so I'm okay with that as long as we do allow for discussion for ordinances that we have questions on yeah and actually to the point I think it's been prior guidance that you don't have discussion upon first reading um that's just an introduction and then you let it sit if the guidance now is that we can I would definitely like to see that yeah I will I will my my reasoning there is that if you do it during the second it's too late yeah you you have to start over again right that's correct but I will I will I will confirm that with everyone okay Ben you had something no I'm good mayor C no I agree with the uh the ordinance issue just like with the lead tonight because for issues so I I do agree with that and I'm fine with the two two a month and I think we're reasonable people and if we see it's getting heated we have to just you know tailor it to what what what what is what is productive anyway so I I'm fine with it all right but going back to council president's uh point I don't know if Michael or the attorney or us or we if he's asking for guidelines on how we present things on that who would come up with that well but are are we are you saying that we can't talk about specific things so if we have questions we can't because if this is the only way like especially like so I'm the newest member and I don't know how particularly everything runs so if I have a question I just I can't put it on here and I I think it has Le from my opinion from my from my viewpoint is it has to be geared towards some kind of program or action or things like that for example and I'm going to use councilman V Von's point of he attended this this webinar on Viking pedestrian safety what if if councilman venon has has an item to add to the workshop that says I want to I'm interested in initiating let's say a bike and pedestrian Safety Committee let's have that discussion that's fine that that's an actionable item if councilman venon says I want to generally discuss bikeing pedestrian safety in the pped Lakes well now we're in this NE nebulous concept of not this conversation isn't really going anywhere it's too broad it doesn't really lead to any specific thing that's I think what what I would like to see of I think know that we haven't really gone out we haven't gone out of that but I also want to make sure that we don't get into that at that point I think that would probably just have to be an an understanding with the council how do you say you're not allowed to talk about you know what I mean well that's what I'm saying is and that's by by defining by defining what we how and what we can talk about Workshop that gives us proper guidance to say if I want to talk about bike and pedestrian safety I have to come to the table and have a specific item that I want to discuss that's related to an actual program or or physical Improvement or something like that so perhaps we can do that behind the scenes if if the bur administrator feels that something's been brought to the attention of Workshop that either needs to be refined or maybe not discussed we can kind of work it out before it hits the agenda the only issue that I have is and I don't want to I don't want to use the term ego but I want but I I want to be very careful is if any of us ask to the point of saying well I want to see this on the workshop and then Michael says well that's not really appropriate for Workshop well we don't have any guidance on what's appropriate for Workshop so why are you unilaterally deciding what's okay for Workshop or or not if we set up guidelines specific guidelines to say this is these are the kind of topics and or at least the method of topics that we should be discussing then we walk in the door and we're not asking to have XYZ added on on knowing that um and and having somebody make the determination well no we shouldn't put that on so actionable I uh actionable items and guidelines on on executing business that's I mean I think I mean again like I'm not I don't want to limit to only that I mean I'm going to leave leave it to our professionals to kind of come up with those guidelines at least presented to the council for our consideration but I think we have to start somewhere and I just don't want to leave this as an open all right so Michael can you put together something like that yes so I think what we'll do is thing would be like a guideline of doing business sorry I think what we'll do is I'll work with the burrow attorney we'll try to find some comparable ordinances in some surrounding towns and see if we can come up with some sort of uh of uh definition uh for consideration for a possible ordinance Amendment okay good all right and thank you for your comment about what whatever the time is the time is you know I appreciate that we're here to do a job we had meetings rent we're here to do a job regardless of how long it takes um bur Forester you want to just an update on that we're going to cover that uh under contract negotiations in close s CL session okay uh the tree ordinance thank you mayor I will defer that one to the burrow attorney so for the governing body the from the last council meeting I guess there was some concerns about the uh uh burdensome of the ordinance on the residents so the burough attorney looked at our existing ordinance that we adopted a few meetings ago and has some possible suggestions with regards to verbage to possibly lessen the burden on our residents so I'll let him go through it yeah that's exactly right you should have a Redline copy of the ordinance and those revisions are based upon the conversation we had at our last Workshop meeting and also um the the um the email the May 16 email we received from Michelle hovan um and essentially just going through the red line revisions you'll see at the top of page two um I I just thought that a hazard tree shouldn't be already causing obvious damage destructors because then it's too late right it should be causing were threatening damage to structures and I don't know why homes was left off there but we've had homes there um because you want to be proactive the tree is tree is dead and it's dangerous you want to take it down unless somebody get hurt or or property um I made clear in the definition of trees that it applies to deciduous perennial plants not fur trees um the there was a time in the 70s where everyone thought White Pines were the perfect thing to have privacy but all the white pine wants to be is 80 ft tall and doesn't really provide privacy so if people come to their senses and want to cut down their white pines they should be able to do that um tree removal um just uh on the on the heels of um Council woman kilber comments I think tree removal we don't need to instruct people on different ways to kill trees what we need to just say is tree removal means to intentionally kill or cause irreparable damage to a tree and we'll leave it to the Forester to determine whether it was you know something intentional uh applicable procedures see there was one other change oh yeah okay 29-4 there was a typo in there we had any any per was required for any tree more than 6 in tall I think that's 6 feet I said keep 6 in um tree removal application um so I I took out the drip line of the trees because I don't think most of our residents are going to be able to calculate the drip line of a tree um when they're when they're in their application so I just wrote you know just made it species of the tree if known diameter and the location of the tree and the existing structures I think that's that's really all our um all our our arborist is going to need he's not going to need the drip line here she is not going to drip line um the fee for processing and tree removal um the uh I just you know based upon our conversation I just reduced that from 50 to 35 and then on the basis of that change uh reduce the per tree for six trees or more to $7 and then you'll see for subdivisions and major uh developments um that number was reduced from 1,860 to 1,300 and that's really just based upon the earlier changes so that's based on $7 versus $10 um moving down uh just some you know clarification 6 in or more uh in place I think that's it for really The Substitute changes well this one this one here on the violations what we pulled out each tree so we're just finding one offense one maximum yes okay so that's a maximum then whatever you do correct correct per property per property per property yeah so if you did it and 6 years later something else is wrong with that property and you hit the th already you're still done is time it's per offense but but per property like not per tree it's going to be if you clearcut your yard that's thefe it's yeah if you cut down one tree it's $1,000 if you cut down five trees it's $1,000 okay right so we thank you Dave so we took we took some suggestions the these are these are our suggestions uh you'll see a memo from our uh storm Water Management Consultant essentially confirming that our our uh grace period that we adopted at the last council meeting was good and and will lessen the burden on our residents I'm working with our new soon to be Forester to come up with an educational program for the residents and other than that she seems to indicate that our fees are in line and we're basically doing everything else that any other town is doing so again we feel that maybe some of these changes could be beneficial so that's our recommendation anybody okay is everybody okay with these changes they all seem reasonable yeah AB all right so then we can incorporate those in thank you okay yeah I just explained to me now this is going to now come up back to resolution no it it'll be on an ordinance for first reading at our next meeting oh okay and we'll have time to talk to the shry commission about what what well it won't happen till our next meeting two weeks oh okay so then we'll be able to talk I'll I'll provide a copy of the redline version to the commission and yourself thank yeah thank you okay we'll get you there okay uh have good yeah have a motion to open the meeting for public comments council president D line councilwoman who was that uh Paul Dory all in favor against anyone from the public like to address hit in 443 Monclair Avenue in that discussion with your new ordinance um any fines for the contractor like I brought up last time is there any discussion on that or is that in the ordinance at all um also uh when councilman beg was here he used to give a report from the Police Department fire department in first dat on calls and different things that happened in town um rest of the Soul he's gone um is that going to continue or doesn't seem to or could somebody do that and um just along with shade tree also uh Columbia Bank donated another tree to the town and uh it was planted at the dog park by the DPW I was just wondering if you ladies were going to have a dedication on that tree or or what was going to go on with that I sent the pictures to jie you miss it was supposed be a redo a red maple it wasn't it's a October Glory Maple which will turn red in the four so right now it's in it's in the center of the two red Maples so it looks it looks nice it be frame nicely but we'll have to wait till the FL from the mall to do that all right that's it thank you anyone else from the public like to address seeing no one have a motion to close the public session moved president councilwoman kill work all in favor hi hi fines for contractors I do think that was a good point is that something we want to put in there we can we can add that is everybody good with that adding that yes I that is a good point just to be clear it would be an addition to add property yes yes how everybody sees it because you know I think Mr Hinton has brought up before sometimes the contractors don't know what they're doing either so let's uh make sure we can do that uh calls uh that's up to the aison how they want to present uh I you know if they decide they want to do it that way they can if they don't they don't have to um it's not something that's required but I'll ask them uh the tree dedication let me talk to Jean if he's willing to wanting to do something and then I'll get a hold of everybody and see where we're going to go with that okay appr the floor any appr the floor U motion to go into Clos session I'm Sor Sor see I I just want to I just want to say that I'm concerned with the retesting of the lead we have a lot of apartments in town that are older homes and that really is a significant cost because you have to have a I believe unless I'm wrong you have to have a lead expert you know do the testing over and over again once you test your home I mean it doesn't grow it doesn't you know it doesn't expand or anything it's either there or it's not so it makes no sense why you know and if you have tenants moving in and out you know sometimes tenants don't last a year so you're going to be spending quite a bit of money and I I'm just concerned about our our landlords um and the homes and and the apartments uh you know apartment complexes that would take on a really unnecessary expense and I understand why we have to have I do understand that but that is I'm just curious how we can get away from that aspect of it so I think we identified and correct me from like 38 was it 38 something like that homes there's 138 138 homes have been identified yeah um and at the end of the day we have to follow the state guidelines so it is what it is we can't change that this is State guidelines yeah I I I think it's nuts and uh you know we should make we we make good laws up here it's unfortunate that the state the fees and cost for that that's at the state that state guideline or that's something we we chose no so we actually so the the property owner has two options they can either use their they can retain their own contractor or they can use ours and ours can either be an employee that gets the certification which we do not have and I'm going to work towards getting that done or we retain a third party company but we do have to offer the service to the residents according to the law so I did an RFP for companies and I'm going to move it to the next council meeting uh for consideration but we made the fee for our contractor very high because we want the property owner to do it themselves we don't want to get involved in the business of doing lead paint inspections so we made the fee High to prevent that and to have them use their own cont contractor now the cost to use your own contractor is generally around $150 to to $400 depending on the size of the house so that's that's the cost to the resident but if we had someone on the DPW that was certified then we could make that more cost efficient is that what you're saying absolutely so we're working towards that hopefully over the summer okay thank you okay yeah thank you anybody else okay motion to adjourn into close session motion Council uh president of line councilwoman Alor all in favor against okay we're going into close session so I got to throw everybody [Music] out in Clos session we discussed uh negotiation with two employees motion to adour second president Council inen all in favor against okay bye Bobby bye Bobby bye thank you which