the following is the agenda for the regular burough council meeting of the burough Compton Lakes mayor and Council Municipal Corporation in the county of faade the meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. on April 24th 2024 in the municipal building 251 AV new Compton Lakes consistent with the open public meetings act the meeting will be open for public comments and shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the barrows municipal code and B please stand for a colle pleas to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all please bless this Mar Council to deliberate on the best ofs [Music] [Applause] in conformance with the open public meeting Law Public Law 1975 chapter 231 adequate notice of this meeting setting forth the time date place and purpose of this regular meeting through notice posted on the bulton board in the municipal building mailed to all have requested and paid for same and published in Suburban trans roll call please mayor Sarah here council president dine here councilman Cruz here Council woman Kent here councilwoman K here councilwoman P Dory here councilman Ben here with us a bur attorney Jamesy and our bur administrator Michael Corelli okay thank you uh before we start I it's my honor to read some one of them is going to be for our superintendent of of the municipal uh Utilities Authority John wegley but you know one of the funny stories I have about John I was mayor new and he called me in the middle of the night and said we have a small hole on the side of the of the mountain you need to come just take a look and there's this massive I mean it had to be 30 ft deep and it was water running all over the place and I go what's going on he goes oh it's a it's a big deal we're going to be in here working they brought their machines with John's guidance right to the edge of that cliff and we're digging this thing all night to get that water back on and I remember that to this day you guys were out there all day and night so I thank you and all the residents thank you for that before I get to the proclamation so let me read it here and then we'll come up front um John wegley superintendent of the burough of Pompton Lakes Municipal Utilities Authority will Fishery retire on April 30th with over 30 years of service John graduated from high school enlisted and served in the United States Marine Corps as an electrician prior to the employment as the at the MUA in 1985 John began his career with the MUA a separate entity from the burrow responsible for the Burrow's water quality and Supply sewer collection and treatment of water as a senior maintenance mechanic became the operational manager in 1994 and superintendent in 2010 John attended votch and Morris County schools and attended New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection licensing and S3 water wastewater treatment C3 Wastewater collection W3 water distributation and T2 water treatment John currently oversees a staff of 14 and has trained more than two dozen licensed operators who continue to work in the field under John's Direction the burough of Pompton Lakes mua was the recipient of the best tasting drinking water contest in the state of New Jersey through his tenure some of John's biggest accomplishments have been upgrading the infrastructure with the plant Wireless water meter systems installing of water mains and lower Twin Lake restoration John was a liftime resident of Pompton Lakes lives in the town for 30 years where he raised his three children Andrea Sabrina and John John will reside in his new home located in forcett River New Jersey after his retirement now therefore I Michael Sarah mayor of the burough of Pompton Lakes do hereby congratulate John on his retirement and wish him continuing and happy success I do hereby declare April 24th 2024 as John wagley Day in the bough I want to thank the mayor and councel for this awesome award and I want to thank the residents of f lak for trusting me all these years 39 years of service to you it's been a pleasure thank you [Applause] John want [Laughter] else thank you all guys so much good Lu have a great night everyone all right here's the big announcement anybody who would not like to stay for the rest of the meeting can leave right now oh is anybody here from the casa oh good okay just stay there wait till everybody gets out and I'll read it okay I have another Proclamation that I like to read um whereas children are vital to our Burrow's future success and quality of life child abuse and neglect in a community responsible affecting both the current and future quality of life just [Applause] close no she can't close the door can't close it don't tell the fire more uh all members of our Community have a role to play in strengthening families to Ure children grow up in a safe nurturing environment all Tri children deserve to have safe stable nurturing and healthy homes that Foster their well-being there are close to 300 children in pic County who entered the child welfare system due to abuse or neglect some of these children reside in our burough for the last 17 years court appointed special Advocates Casa casasa has provided court appointed volunteer advocates for children through throughout P County including in the in our burrow due to an unmet need the casa organization has expanded its operation to support to close to 300 abused and neglected children living in fostered care in Union County Casa of pic and Union counties needed additional advocates for all the children who are eligible for an advocate due to limited numbers of volunteers whereas as of April 24th Kasa pic and Union will officially operate under the new organization umbrella named Child Focus to more fully support the multi program approach to migrate the negative effects of children abuse on children within our community now therefore I Michael Sarah mayor of the burough of Pompton Lakes in the county of faic call upon all citizens and communities Faith groups medical facilities elected leaders and businesses to increase their participation in the effect in the efforts to support children who have been abused and or neglected be it further resolved that the burough of pompon Blake supports Child Focus organization and the mission Casa programs and proclaims April 2024 as Child Abuse Prevention month and I think our past uh uh councilman councilman B was a member of this group and and did serve in this group for many many years so I thank you guys please step [Music] forward thank you everyone from we have a bunch of residents who actually are part of this town that serve as AA advocate so we thank you on behalf of child focus now as you as you saw we changed our name to reach even further into say again Union County and further from different counties so thank you guys so much for your support and we hope that some of you who are interested come to find out we're loing in in our wing office off of Owen Drive P Sheriff's Office and if you want to call and let us know come find out what we're all about and how we serve you these foster kids I will be more at your disposal to be able to answer any questions that you have so thank you so [Music] much thanks take care okay moving on now we have another nice presentation of our sh tree Commissioners and our Arbor Day essay contest and I'm going to give it off to an are you gonna do the talk so I'm move it off to Proclamation after it's in the resolution okay after yeah we have it as a resolution we have it as a resolution not a not a oh never mind that's on day yes we do want on day yes good evening everyone thank you for joining us this evening my name is an tasselli and I'm chairperson of the pumpt and Lake shry commission we're here tonight to commemorate Arbor Day this is the pumpt lake shade Tre commission's 9th Annual Arbor Day contest event the fifth graders have been asked to write a letter to a tree be it in their yard in town Parks or anywhere in the state of New Jersey then we the commission read each of these essays and choose one winner from each of the two fifth grade classes these winners will receive the opportunity to read their essay tonight and will then receive a special gift from the STC and a certificate from both STC and the Town Council now with that said I have some people to thank and bring notice to before we can move on to the readings first I would like to thank our mayor and councel for allowing us the opportunity to hold this event here in the council chambers each year a special thank you to Liz Kathy tro Barbara San for their support and hard work when residents come into the municipal building with their concerns and or when someone from the commission needs their help also thanks to our burrow administrator Michael Carelli for his support and assistance even in the short time he has been our administrator I would like to thank my co-chair Randy [Music] Hinton who spends countless hours throughout the town surveying trees and determining their safety or their need for pruning or removal he has become the shade tree Steward Randy will soon be putting up our 16th year Tree City Signs at the entrances of town yes this year we received our 16th Year award a flag and a trophy for following all of the criteria necessary to be approved for the tree City USA designation Randy Works tirelessly with Pete Oteri our County liaison and Treasurer also Steward of trees and commissioner who also travels through town with Randy his buddy who also serves surveys trees while he runs his marathons through town mateline denty our secretary yes and an absolute asset to our commission is in charge of organizing planting throughout the town for our spring and fall plantings she also organized for eight years now this Arbor Day event and does so with great pleasure and expertise mateline who also organizes the National Night Out event to keep shade tree in the Forefront of the town's visitors at that event we have giveaways we have a raffle and we spend time educating or just interacting with those who wish to learn more about trees or have questions or an issue with a burrow tree lastly our newest member Alexis Reed could who could not be here tonight full-fledged and recently core trained commissioner who has proven to be an amazing asset to our commission with her knowledge of available grants and strong technological experience to help us over hurdles we may encounter we truly appreciate you Alexa I would also like to thank last but not least well not really last anyway you're not really last Maria Kent who was a past member of shade Tre commission years ago and had been a part of many accomplishments is now offering her expertise and support to us as liaison to the shade tree commission thank you Mar Dan roor our DPW superintendent and Tim Duffy our assistant superintendent I hope I got that right help out in any way they can and when we ask for one or both of them they're always there so that ends my long- winded speech I apologize for that but we have to include everyone thank you for joining us and we will now move on to the two fifth grade essays we'll call you up okay um Lea Lea would you like to come up we brought a copy of your essay just in case you didn't everyone this is Leila McLendon go around dear trees okay dear trees you do so much for us some people don't realize how much you do for us that's what Arbor Day is for to celebrate implant trees you provide so many things for both humans and animals you don't just help us breathe you provide us shade and some animal shelter you can provide human shelter too we use wood to build houses and some trees even provide fruits and nuts for animals people don't appreciate you you keep some animals live alive they eat food off of your branches or even your leaves you're especially beautiful in the spring and summer you turn all types of colors and glow in the sunlight some you're even pretty in the winter when you're covered in snow you provide fresh oxygen oxygen and reduce air pollution by filtering harmful gases you also help regulate the water cycle you absorb carbon dioxide as they grow in carbon your store in your wood helps slow the rate of global warming I will always make sure the trees in my backyard stay healthy I live where there's a lot of trees and plants um and they are all so beautiful I would love to plant a tree on Arbor Day I will think of you and all you do for us you are so are some of the be most beautiful plants in my opinion so what's not to like about you I love trees and I'm so thankful for them from Lea Mendon [Music] here we have a nice certificate for you do that great job you know it's hard to it's hard I know we have another one still to talk it's very hard to talk in front of public I still don't like doing it I've been doing this 15 years so very good job for you I'm talking the [Music] bring [Music] our next essay was done by Isabelle [Applause] Rosario good evening everyone I will be reading this essay about an oak tree dear oak tree I am writing to you today to show how much I appreciate you trees help the environment so much I don't know what the world would do without you you are special because you keep energy are like teachers and Playmates and help people hear faster one way you help the environment is by conserving energy by reducing the energy demand for cooling our houses we reduce carbon dioxide and other pollution emissions from power plants without your energy consumption houses would be so hard to live in another way you are amazing is by being teachers and Playmates whether as houses for children or creative and spiritual inspiration for adults trees have provided the space for human Retreat throughout the ages you help me learn different kinds of flowers and birds and give me a beautiful space to play in the last reason why you are helpful is you help people get better children with ADHD show show fewer symptoms when they have access to Nature when people have ADHD or anxiety show trees show signals of peace to help them calm down some ways I will help trees survive are by taking care of the soil and environment I will make sure nobody does anything bad to trees tree since trees do so much for humans I will make sure to do the same for trees thank you for everything you have done for me and everyone else your biggest fan is a raria here how lucky am I to give a a proclamation to my neighbor who now that you're INE so much anytime you want to come on my yard and pick up all the branches great job good job great job speaking again the two girls did a great job speaking just for that great job okay that's going up anybody you want bring everybody yeah get with you and then I'll bring it is me bring it up we get one more did the last meeting okay [Music] [Music] ready all right here we go [Music] perfect thank you thank you guys thank and while we're talking about shade tree they really do an outstanding job in our town and keeping track of our trees and keeping everybody on on the up and up on how to work with trees I know they get a lot of calls and there's a lot of running around so I thank you guys for everything you did from shade from okay let's whenever again anybody who wants leave can get out now okay so now this is the public hearing for [Music] they do it later okay go ahead in adoption of a budget in the amount of 3233006236 council president line Second councilman ven all in favor against motion to approve the 20124 special improvement district Sid budget for second reading and final adoption so moved council president dine second count councilwoman kilberg roll call please Council yes yes counc yes counc yes coun yes yes did you want to make any comments yeah um so you know the bid or SID as as it called I a lot of people don't realize that ta is there a special tax put on businesses in town and a lot of the improvements that you see in town are done through that tax um you know all the concert series that that are put on at the library which is a great job brings all the residents out to support is all put on by the bid the Holiday Stroll some of it's put on by the bid this is a group of volunteers that put a lot of time and energy into making our town a better place with a lot of nice things to do they have programs going all the time and their biggest one right from the very beginning has been bid bucks people come you know we sell out bid bucks in want an hour sometimes um you know $15,000 worth of B bucks get sold in an hour and all that money is spent here in Pompton Lake you can only use a bid buck in pton Lakes so most of the uh businesses accept them and use them and presidents love them so we thank you guys for all the hard work and everything you do with the bid thank you [Music] okay okay uh adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget um you want to have the statement Mar do you want me to you want to read it first or yeah let's read it first resolution well because w't you come in the open session okay yeah why come up first then just read the title and the agenda that's just want read the tile wait okay go give us an update um good evening everyone uh tonight's the public hearing and adoption the 2024 budget every 3 years the state uh reviews your budget other than that one you do self-examination of the budget the other two years the state has given their approval to adopt the budget uh basically hold the public hearing of the budget any comments and then after that point in time then you can do the resolution to adopt the budget any questions comment from questions [Music] by title y resolved by the bur Council of bur LS County that the budget here in set for hereby a document shall constitute an appropriation for the purpose St of the sums therein set forth Appropriations and authorization of the amount of 10,913 4728 Municipal purposes 8,595 for open space Recreation ation farmland and historic preservation trust fund Levy and $573,000 for minimum Library tax okay motion to open the meeting for public comments on on the 2024 Municipal budget motion councilman venon second council president line all in favor against anyone for public like to address just the budget seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 2020 on comments on 2024 Municipal budget counc president line councilman Cruz all in favor against motion to adopt the 2024 Municipal budget for second reading and final adoption so move councilman deline second councilman vennett roll call please councilman Cruz yes councilman yes Council Ken yes Council M yes Council yes Council yes okay okay I have a motion to open the meeting for public comments so mve councilwoman kilberg second some president gline all in favor against anyone from the public like to address please step up out oh go you go next come on up yeah come hello everybody hi I'm Jen f is my wife I just want to show you something we found in our uh okay got all I need you to do is just give your address okay 527 Lincoln Avenue recently it was worked on Lincoln Avenue um putting in new uh concrete facilitate walkways so that people can cross Lincoln Avenue and like my and my street is the same Avenue my my street my my lawn has been destroyed by this this is something they first of all pitched it incorrectly so the water is not coming off of won't come off as it goes down it'll stay there and freeze and the little C problem this is just one of the one of the things that they buried glassass okay this is one of the things that they buried in my on my lawn this is about a 30 lb 35 lb piece of asle have to all the other stuff that we go down there yeah so what I think happen is I'll step back mic what I think happened is that they did hours improperly because there's other examples where it it remained level and they just put a pitch so the water would would go into the street mine they uh they dug down too far and then they stuck these things in there to build it up I don't know why because when they put it back it made this Crest in my my lawn that they can't even M anymore and where where it's supposed to be pitched up into the street it's level doesn't go anywhere they did a horrendous job and they my house have a beautiful house they ruined the front of my house and I had you know my guy come to do the lawn and he found that amongst other things don't fix it he said there's just too much work to do here you need major equipment is what he was so I do so you understand if then I'll I'll answer everybody at the end at at the end of this session so give me any more statements you want and then I'll answer okay we had a perfect walkway we did it it was Pitch Perfect anything they made it go down and up why I don't know so now the water collects at the bottom of this and you have a puddle so in the winter time you're going to have ice and people are going to slip and fall I mean it looks horrible and because of that because they went down so far and up the lawn has a huge part that's all mud so when it rains the mud goes down all over now I always knew that when someone does work like that that you hire someone they're supposed to leave it the way they found it this is I mean the whole linoln eny not just my house all the other houses they look like hell we swept and clean when they were done we had three buckets full of tra of rocks and stuff that they should have cleared away but I know they had to pay to get rid of it so they left it all right I I I'll answer you as soon as we're done with these questions what we're asking the council is that if we could if you could help facilitate the repair of this I mean across the street right directly across the street from it's done perfect down the block it's done perfectly I don't know why hour was wound up the way that it did but it's not it's it's not fair you know we seeking relief we we I'll get your answer soon and some homes they put the Sy belum blocks to where the land was higher and then they just slapped cement on it looks like a 5-year-old I mean it looks like that we paid so much money to fix everything nice and you have trap like that I would tear it right out if I was there when they did this I would have stopped them immediately cuz I had a COR walkway why they destroyed it I have no like they could have done their easements into the streets without destroying my sidewalk all right thank you I I will answer you in a second one more thing does anybody know way you and get rid of that stuff cuz nobody takes it you have to have an asphalt company I mean it's it's a b it's sitting in front of my again I'll answer you about okay thank you very much time yeah you can leave that there for now and then we'll okay anyone else from the public like [Music] okay good even everyone I was asked to be the messenger here tonight so I'm here representing the fire department as president because I have a presentation who would like to get to to town several of our members participate every year in the uh Santa R the library just need name an address Al Evangelista P links fire department pa um they took a picture a couple years ago it was very iconic it was our old 1926 American France bringing s over library and it was the last year and this is why asked shade tree and stick around I didn't know they were having the shade tree uh presentation tonight but I thought it was very appropriate and I would like them to hear it as well this was the brainchild of one of our guys that sits on the historic committee at grow all right who took the picture and uh took it upon him to have this blown up oh wow okay and this is the last year that that trade was on the liary home so it has a special purpose a special meaning I should say to everyone so they wanted me to present it to the council to uh find some more appropriate to great in the burrow wall here they thought everybody should be pered this picture it is a gorgeous picture got a lot of hits on our Facebook page people in town loved it and um as I said that was the uh the last year for that trade and then it was replaced of course so uh thank you to the guys that did it special thank you to Bill Houston who Cardinal frame and friend it at no cost it was a donation so so I will leave that with Mr Carelli here and U thank you anyone else from the public like to address St up ready hit 443 M app um I really had nothing to say tonight don't believe I wasn't going to speak but I know this lovely couple on Lincoln Avenue and they live right across the street from the other issue that I had brought before the council with that same contractor um their neighbor across the street had an issue when they put the sidewalk this is the handicapped access and uh I would really like Michael Carelli and and you Mr Mayor to really look into this contractor to see if you can help them with their problem and uh the neighbor across the street um so um I don't know who this contractor was I never even know the name of him who what stage he's that I know that Lincoln have has to be repaid yet maybe they can solve these problems once they're back thank you that's it yeah that's all okay well there's another public session anyone else from the public L seeing no one can have a motion to close the public session some council president fine second Council kilberg all in favor against okay so your problem look I understand clearly what you're saying they they kind of did messed up my where I was too where I live um Mike we're going to have to get the engineer to take a look at this so we'll send the engineers out to look at the the site I can't promise anything but so just so you know where this context is coming from we had a different administration at the time when this happened and that administrator kind of took this on to do by by herself and um there wasn't a lot we it was done unusually we don't use usually do Curbing and sidewalks normally um this time we did uh and I don't know if it caused problems or not I have you know I've walked the streets I've gotten a lot of calls from Neighbors about how things were done or why this one was done and this one wasn't done or the curb is too high or all these things so the best I can say is Michael can we send the engineers to take a look we'll call them tomorrow and have the address right yes and then on this piece you think Dan can get rid of this for us I'll inquire tomorrow all right so I'll see if our DPW can find a way to get rid of this for you okay you could take your bag and everything but we'll figure out a way to see if we can get rid of that and you'll hear from our our administrator Mr Kelli at some point about when he comes back with on what we're how we're going to handle this okay uh Al thank you it's a great picture when they posted it initially it was a great picture um we'll find a very nice place to hang that it's you know as we all know we're redoing the Civic Center and there might be a little historic piece to that inside where we're going to have some um Cabinetry to hold some historic pieces maybe that would be a good place for that to go so thank you Mr Hinton you heard we're going to try to help and see what we can do the other problem you brought up um well we'll address it but I I know that that was I think at the time and I could be wrong they said it didn't have to be a certain with for handicap accessibility it's a certain WID that they have to build but it doesn't have to be accessive with that but I could be wrong with that so just double check that so we will double check um Michael what do you want to do with this right now take it with him yeah I'm going to take your name and number and I'll call you tomorrow so if you want to come get it now you can come get it now and then pack it up and just leave it at your house and hopefully we can get rid of it okay approval of minutes motion to approve the following minutes regular meeting minutes April 10th 2024 close session meeting minutes April 10th 2024 have a motion who was a motion counc Kent sorry I didn't hear him either councilwoman Kent all yeah and councilwoman I think I have to abstain no yeah anybody who wasn't here right yeah so that would be pres yeah yeah basically councilman V Council power okay they have to correct us pres you don't vote yes thank you okay uh authorizing payment of bills that's listed below can I have a motion so moved councilman GL second Council Kent all in favor all against resolutions we're going to pull resolution 24201 we got to pull it not for discussion just pull it anybody else need anything else to pull no okay and bur Council bough P and L haveed the consent agenda consisting of VAR proposed resolution mayor coun does desire to remove resolutions for individual action from that agenda now therefore be it resolve that the following resolutions on consent agenda are hereby approve 24196 through 24206 24201 thank you motion to approve the resolutions so second council president exine Council councilman bres all in favor I against resolution for separate action resolution 24203 authorizing the isand not to exceed exceeding 3,630 222 Bond anticipation notes in the B of consolation the county of St motion approve resolution 24-23 so move council president second Council woman kilberg all in favor uh I'm sorry councilman Cruz yes Council yes Council woman K yes Council ker yes Council woman yes Council Ben yes okay there one you're ready coordin coordinates for first reading they'll be presented for second reading and final adoption on May 8th ordinance 24-22 amending chapter of refuse and recycling in the code of the B of confirmation revising the penalties for violation of the provisions of that chapter motion to approve ordinance 2422 for introduction so moved councilwoman Kent second council president deline all in favor I yes roll call please councilman Cruz yes Council yes Council M yes councilwoman K yes councilwoman yes Council yes okay second reading these ordinance have been advertised and posted on the municipal board Bond ordinance 248 Bond Ting 52623 and authorized an issuance of 5,150 bonds or no to the B various improvements or purposes what to be undertaken by the bur conation in county of motion to open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24 18 so moved council president bline second councilman venon all in favor I against anyone from the public like to address just this ordinance seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-18 so moved council president deline second councilwoman Kent all in favor I against motion to approve ordinance 24-18 for final adoption so moved council president blind second councilman venon roll call please Council Cruz yes Council yes Council yes Council yes Council yes coun yes ordinance 24-9 Amendment 4 General ordinances of the B of cing amending the fees for the door cour for sponsorship motion to open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-19 councilwoman gilberg council president Bine all in favor I against anyone from the public like to address Justice ordinance seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-19 Cruz second councilman Von all in favor I against motion to approve ordinance 24 19 for final ad ation motion I'll make a motion council president paor I mean council president BL second councilwoman paor roll call please Council yes counc yes councilwoman K yes councilwoman yes Council yes counc yes okay ordinance 24-20 amending and the revised General ordinances of bur of cting links and regulating the removal protection and placement of trees located on private property motion to open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-20 so moved council president dine second councilwoman Kent all in favor I against so I know some Council people had asked to remove this one we do have to pass it by May 1st we can change it after we we put it in place we can talk about fines and numbers and all those things that can be changed if anybody's interested um I did just ask to have an additional discussion on it I was told it would come in after a Clos cling public okay um anyone from the public like to address just this ordinance no okay motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-20 motion councilman Cruz second Council woman uh gilberg uh all in favor I I against uh discussion can we just walk through it again because I have some conflicting information as to why we have to put this through the way we are putting it through now it seems a little strict to me so I just want to make sure that we can put through what we are the minimum of what we are required to put through without putting too much of a burden on the residents and I think everybody appear agrees with you um and I think that is a discussion we've had when we had the meeting and I think shade tree also agrees with that uh I spoke with Michael and we feel the best thing is to get it through and then we could change it to any numbers that we want to change it to we have a discussion on penalties on on fees we can change it anytime we want but it does have to be done by this meeting or we can get and Michael jump in if it if there's a penalty somehow or involved and it's not done so I just just so that you understand I wasn't done um I did reach out to one of our San to ask for some further clarification which I I did tell you I was going to do uh and apparently we don't have to we're not being required to adopt this as it's written we are being told that we have to have some type of an ordinance on the book which you explain to me ours covers public but not private so it has to be amended to include Provisions for private um but there's a lot of other language we've written into ours that is more than what is being required so I'm just wondering why thank you councilwoman so we have the model ordinance from the Department of Environmental Protection um our stormwater consultant burough engineer bur attorney all reviewed it they recommended the model be adopted as has all of the surrounding min municipalities um our ordinance mirrors most ordinances surrounding pton Lakes um we can amend the fees um but to go back to the March council meeting I did provide an analysis on the fees um and the recommendation was to adopt as is however we can amend it um but if we do not adopt it tonight we are putting our our storm water management program at risk um if it's not adopted so the Commendation is to adopt it and then at the next council meeting we'll go back and look at the fees and talk about anything we would like to change immediately sorry so go ahead sorry I'm sorry does that also include some of the verbiage that states because in there it says um if an arborist comes out and feels that your tree died because you put too much mulch around the bottom of it you can receive a fine for that not like that's up to $1,000 like that's pretty strict we could tone that down yeah so and that was another thing I asked about it doesn't seem that the language requires that we have an arborist CU my question was why do I need to have an arborist come onto my property to look at a tree if the tree is sitting in the middle of the yard where I want to put a pool I don't care if it's healthy or not if I'm putting a pool there it's a relevant taking the tree down so what is the purpose of an arborist examining a tree that I want to remove from my private I understand why they come out to examine girl right of wries right um but on private property there's other reasons that someone would remove a tree that would make whether the tree is or isn't healthy irrelevant well if you were to remove a tree on your private property we would need the arbor to come out to the so if for instance if you uh suggested that the tree was dying the resident wouldn't have to uh abide by the replacement schedule so we need the Arbus to verify that because the ordinance sets forth a replacement schedule of 1: 1 1: 2 1: 3 1 to four trees and we need to make sure that that tree is in fact dead or diseased or Hazard and it at that point it would be waved in the ordinance uh for the resident and the the arborist would also verify the tree caler to determine what needed to be replaced or paid for things like that exactly so if you were putting in on putting on an addition or a pool or a garage or another structure we would need a verification as to how how wide the tree is the diameter because that determines how many trees you have to replace it with or pay the fee to the burrow floor well I I think what I'm having the hardest time with is the governmental overreach like if if the state wanted all of the municipalities to pass this as an why didn't they just make it a state law and I would think that's because it's unconstitutional and in my mind it makes it not right I have that's what I I have a hard time we have to remember we do not live in a silo what one does on one person's property PS your neighbors we don't have acres in between our houses here you chop down all your trees guess what your neighbor has a basement you're getting more water in your basement because there's no tree there to absorb the water so if you're not going to put a tree back up you're going to put money in so that we can put a tree somewhere else so maybe your neighbor might flood a little bit less but I but you know and I'm listening to everybody with that saying I too believe it's too severe I do I I think you know when it's private property we're starting and it and and I agree with Michael we we don't have a say this is coming from the state and they're not doing they're doing it a little sneaky where they're saying if you don't do it we're not telling you're going to but you could lose your funding for this and that's where becomes the issue our soil U uh uh permits could disappear from that um can we play with the numbers $1,000 dollar you know I know what's going to happen someone's going to put a pool in or put a deck in take six trees down didn't know they had to do it and now that could be the way it reads now a $6,000 fine because that's $1,000 a tree um you know and that to me is ridiculous uh but on the other hand we do have to have some type of management of what you're doing on the property like Eric said is it a large tree is it a small tree if it's a if it's a very large tree you might have to replace four trees and that's what the ORD we can't change that one that has to stay um so it's just about the numbers and then I do have a problem with the numbers but according to what Michael and the attorney and and our engineer said we can do that after the fact we do have to pass this now so we have develop coming into town and now we have Lakeside Commons which is a completed project and Meridia which is underway and neither one of those projects have any type of requirement for Green Space whatsoever you have Lakeside Commons that allows dogs which are now we know is problematic because they're letting their dogs go to the bathroom on high school property and neighboring property and at no point in time did we look at the big guy and say you know what you have to have a certain percentage of this allocated to putting green space down and planting new trees and and contributing to the environment no requirements there whatsoever for someone that can absorb fees and expenses but now we're turning around and saying to our neighbors this is your private property your tax is already high but here's some more fees and fines and penalties for you so I think if this is what needs to be done we need to be a little bit more conscientious of how we spread that burden across uh not just the everyday guy who you know who pays to maintain their own home already I just I I just don't understand this the projects you're talking about didn't take them trees down this is but they could have been required to add trees right but that has nothing to do with this part this is about taking trees down if you take trees down they have to be replaced that's what the state is saying not what we're saying that's what the state is saying and if I understand correctly Michael a lot of towns have already Incorporated and have been doing this for a while is that right yes okay Michael Michael do we have to send a copy of this approved ordinance or adopted ordinance to DP yes it's part of our annual storm water uh submission which is actually coming up uh shortly in May and this ordinance is just one of many storm water ordinance that the uh the D puts out that we must adopt there's salt Dome storage there's retrofitting of inlets uh cleaning of inlets there's all kinds of uh different uh regulations that we have to abide by but most of those ordinances we've adopted in the past already okay before we go to roll call I'm just going to say one thing and it's personally I don't I agree with much much of the council that this is this is a an overreach and not necessarily that this this law isn't well intended in its actuality but the fact is that we're PR we're passing pretty much the exact same ordinance in Glen Ridge as you would in Tom's River as you would in barnegate as he would in Wildwood ver etc etc there's 565 municipalities that all have different needs different environs different things like that and we're all forced to pass the same law that being said we we have to pass this law it would be irresponsible for any of us to vote no against this ordinance principal stand aside I get it I would not like to see this ordinance we've had the ability to voluntarily have a tree removal ordinance we've never make made that decision but we should not be risking the burrow and ourselves by not passing this ordinance tonight no I understand that but I would like to be conditional and understanding that we'll pass it so that we can check our boxes and not put ourselves in any trouble but that we have the ability to revisit this and strip it down to what is absolutely required and that we're not being uh overly aggressive and burdensome on our residents I'd like and I'd like to do that soon like I don't want to wa I would say the next meeting we should okay I agree everybody's okay with that okay please motion to approve ordinance I didn't do that motion to approve ordinance 2420 for final adoption motion Council vented second council president dine roll please counc improv yes yes counc yes counc yes Council yes counc yes ordinance 24 21 amending chapter 190 V code of the B com amending the storm W control regulations in compliance with the requirements of the njd storm water rule just want to give us an update on that uh there's a memorandum in the packet from the storm water consult but in short uh this is to bring our current storm water Control Ordinance up to par uh due to uh various state laws that were enacted within the last two years including the Inland flood protection rule uh which was adopted uh in 2023 motion to open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-21 motion Council second councilwoman kilberg all in favor against anyone from the public like to address Justice seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-21 so moved council president deline second councilwoman kilberg all in favor I I against motion to approve ordinance 24-21 for final adoption motion councilman Ved second council president line please coun Cruz yes coun yes counc yes counc yes yes yes okay great thank you okay and M um I was invited by the mayor of Oakland to speak at a summit about the proposed cement plant being built on the border of pton lakes in Oakland representatives from the Bergen County Commissioner's Office were there along with other uh uh state and local Representatives really this is a problem for us too because they build they want to build a cement plant that crushes cement into small pieces of cement right on the line of um P lakes and Oakland off of cax Oakland does not want this none of the residents only Oakland want this obviously we don't want it and and what I really spoke about was what toon does here in our town with the with the dust and the debris and the noise that we've been dealing with for so many years so they we're very grateful to hear that and they're going to push very hard to not make this happen but we can't make any promises so we have to stay on top of that we have talked as a council that we might try to put some something in place from our side on truck traffic coming in and we'll talk more about that okay uh had a nice conversation with conon Pasquel on our historic library in the $500,000 appropriation we'll be receiving for the library this Friday so anybody who's interested at 11:00 a.m. will be uh receiving a check from Congressman Pas uh for work being done at the library he was very interested in the history of the building and I think he's going to bring that up we all know that's one of our historic spots in toy and kind of represents hton lake so it's good to see we're going to get some money to fix that up I've asked for and received a meeting with the DP representative in charge of the dam operations we have invited some surrounding Ms to attend this meeting and hopefully at a couple assembly people and hopefully we can get some answers so a lot of the questions we asking about how it works what I really asked for was a meeting with the D commissioner they gave me this gentleman who works for the D who's in charge of of the uh Dam operations I'm hoping to move forward from there because one of the issues that our flood Advisory board has brought up and others is when you look at Oakland's side the water level is actually lower on Oakland before they open the gate to get on our side so we're actually higher on the pumpin side and lower on the openland side so I want to understand more about that so maybe he can give us some answers I don't know um I had numerous meetings with their Administration and the engineers trying to fix some of the damage and and councilman can councilman um trying to fix some of the damaged Trails down on the south end from all the storms we've had I can be honest we're not really getting too far with that with that proposal and we're bumping heads with a lot of different groups on everything we want to do um if you've walked the trail down there a lot of the trail has kind of fallen into the Ramapo River at this point so we're going to actually if we can't do something have to close the trail down for some time or maybe move the trail so we have still have some more discussions on it but we're really haven't gotten too far with that uh I met with the volunteer ambulance Squad along with Mike at address some concerns with equipment they'd like to get in the future I attended the fireman's installation during last month a great event a lot of great Awards some people getting Awards there 30 years 40 years 45 years think about that you're in your 70s and 80s even fighting fires you got to give them a lot of pray for doing that um and I intended numerous meetings the recreation meeting historic meeting planning board uh a couple others and that is my report council president Dawn thank you mayor um first of all I'd like to congratulate all the the uh winners and essayist and anybody who wrote an essay about for armor day um it's always a great day to hear what our third graders write about the trees in our in our burrow so again and I thank the shade tree for continuing put this on it's nine years running I think as an said and they read every single essay that comes through and I don't know if Maria was part of the reading as well I believe that so good job to you because that's a lot of reading um the uh April 15th uh I attended the MUA meeting this is going to be a slightly long discussion uh first of all I want to congratulate John wegley for an illustrious career um I think he mentioned 39 years almost four Decades of service to the burough pton Lakes um in in water and wastewater he he rose through the ranks he didn't just walk in one day and said I'm the executive director he earned his spot to run this organization as as well as it is and it is a critical organization uh that provides water and water to the entire town they're First Responders ultimately they're always on call they they respond to a fire emergency because the gas has to be turned or not the gas has to be turned off but the water has to be turned off the waste wire turned off they have to assist the the fire department um with the hydrant is necessarily if there's a waterm break you we've all seen them they're out in the middle of the night addressing that waterm break doesn't matter how cold how hot it is how dark it is or anything like that they're addressing those emergencies and to have an organization that requires that does that kind of work you need good leadership and John provided that leadership so again I thank him for a service I uh good luck in his career or the rest of his his uh non-career actually um but I wish him the best of luck uh to let residents know the spring hydrant flushing program uh will be starting on April 29th being performed between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. uh residents may experience a temporary discoloration in their water or a drop in water pressure again and if you experience a uh discoloration water just run the cold water tap of your sink and it'll clear up uh the MUA performed 40 Water and Sewer Mark Arts between the middle of March and the middle of April they did respond to the house fire 154 or 145 Maran court and shut off the water there um the let's see the design for the posos treatment has began uh there is an article I Believe on posos is known as the forever chemical there's ongoing discussions uh with settlements for 3M at Dupont so not every town is going to just be bor has to bear the cost of this posos treatment um there is I think probably be done to the state level and then be distributed to the water um water services that have to address this uh the MUA did complete the purchase of 279 Ram approach Street I mentioned this last meeting or last month um that is being purchased that home is being purchased because they have to build a 14 dioxine treatment plant again another chemical um that is found it's actually found in groundw and drinking water up until recently it was only regulated um in the groundw and not drinking water that's been changed by the EPA and down to the D so now uh water authorities have to uh treat that particular chemical uh they adopted a resolution to they have a resolution to adopt new water rates um these new rates will be placed on the Pompton Lakes mua website not later than April 30th I actually checked earlier tonight these um proposed rates are on the website currently so any Resident can go on see what the new proposed rates are and again as I mentioned last time what the big driving force behind these increased rates is the The increased requirements for capital projects a treatment for the one4 dioxine the treatment for the P things like that so there is a public meeting at the Monday May 20th mua meeting at 6m uh there it's in the MUA uh offices 2000 Lincoln Avenue basically the end of Lincoln Avenue so at that point they'll do a public hearing to vote on the adoption of these new proposed rates um finally the last thing I wanted to bring up is as I mentioned before the MUA uh had began um the be began a was wastewater treatment plant Capacity Analysis report um and they completed this report and this this this I think this report actually has uh significant implications for the town and Redevelopment in the town and I'm not going to read through every single number um but basically there is a limited number of Wastewater capacity um by that the MUA has currently um that affects the size of projects that can come in and there there's a several there's several tiers of it up to 85% of the utilization of of the use of the capacity there's something called a treatment works application that goes to DP anything that requires over 8,000 gallons per day of wastewater treatment has to be approved by DP gets reviewed by D by uh by DDP that's up to 85% so once they cross that threshold where the wastewater treatment goes above 85% anything between 85 and 90% at that point every single connection that is posed in the in the burrow new connection now has to be reviewed by DP so before there was a threshold before it had to be reviewed by D now there's a threshold that D reviews every single connection so the 85% and I know there's some numbers and discussion about well we've only got so much capacity that's the the lower number is capacity up to 85% after that it becomes sort of out of the mua's hands because or at least as as a right so if you got again like a smaller project for example um the county the county property uh utilizes 7500 uh gallons per day of Wastewater that does not trigger that tww application if we were to exceed 85% a project like that would do it regardless of what it's actually generating and then once you get to 95% that's a hard cap they always want some kind of Reserve so at that point it fundamentally stop so there's there's some wiggle room there's not much wigger room and that's going to affect the size of projects that can get approved in Pompton Lakes subject to you know different requirements and then ultimately not at all and I just wanted to bring that to people's attention um you know Redevelopment is I still think it's important I think I think it needs to happen I think we're doing it the right way um in many ways however there are there are there are fundamental issues or capacity issues that need to be addressed as we move forward and that is so then there was a Redevelopment agency that thir Thursday um there was a couple concept plans uh by Mr Ramen and inclus Portico for 54 wanu Avenue which is where um uh the sales Taylor shop Sal Taylor shop is um and I attended the ballroom dance gr Studio grand reopening I got to serve in the capacity of the mayor the facility looks amazing if you haven't seen it I know members of our bid were there a number of members of the council were there um again as I mentioned in in in the discussion that day it's a case of a business that grew and then turned around and reinvested in po links they they grew to a newer and better facility they doubled down on the capacity it was phenomenal attendance there was so many people there and they had a full program for the entire day um I I'd like to say that it was the uh largest attendance of a grand V opening or a grand opening that we've had so mayor you have can work cut out for you now um and that concludes my report well if I would was at that when I would have danced did you dance nobody wants to see me just um okay Council woman K ah thank you mayor um I want to thank uh Al Evangelista for presenting the beautiful photo uh of the uh the fire truck and the uh the tree uh at the library I know everybody was heartbroke when we had to take those trees down the shade tree commission tried very hard to keep them up and running as long as they they could but they were they were just sick and it was their time so having that memorialized in that beautiful picture thank you Bill for for your donation um I'm very happy to see that I I also want to congratulate the winners of the Arbor Day uh uh essay contest and I know that the members of the shade Street commission they do work very hard they reviewed every letter that came in to the town for review and then we discuss it and they do a great job so thank you Maddie you did a great job with the uh packages um I also uh I I've know John wagley since I've moved here almost 40 years ago and he is just an amazing uh he was an amazing person to have as a friend and to have on the MUA he he gave 100% 100% of the time no matter what it was he always helped and I wish him all the best um I tend did the c training session on hand on how to handle victims since I'm a new C member and I'm very proud to be there I also attended the ribbon cutting for the ballroom dancing and the sneakers arcade so it's nice we've got a couple new businesses uh sneakers arcade had so many young kids uh buying sneakers and and doing arcade things so it was a lot of fun and um we were with the bid folks and the Chamber of Commerce so really nice nice event and it's really good to have new business is coming in I also facilitate the open space committee meeting two weeks ago and again we're discussing the upcoming projects including the Gazebo whether we're going to replace it or put in or uh or put a new a brand new gazebo totally uh upcoming Dock and upgrades to the uh the old Muller property and the fence line uh and we're looking at timelines to doing that and we we have a five-year plan which is being discussed so that's all in the works I also attended the bid meeting uh and I'm working U trying to work with the the burrow on the garbage replacement for the tenants and getting that thing resolved so I'm on the sideline on that but I want to see that finished and I also attended the Pompton Lakes Chamber of Commerce dinner there was a large number probably one of the largest that I was under the impression of business U uh owners that attended the dinner when it was at Tony's along with Father John from the Pompton re for church the chamber this in next week is going to sponsor a community meal and that $400 from the the chamber will be uh donated and a number of the bid members and the Chamber members will be serving the the residents um there will be shredding May 4th from 8:00 in the morning to 11: at the high school parking lot so if you can get there and get your stuff shredded it doesn't cost you anything it's a it's a great service that we provide um there's an upcoming Memorial Day concert scheduled for May 25th at the library lawn and it is free uh we in addition to the other businesses I should mention we have uh three new ones juicy Deli Cakes by is and somero takura and they're all on wanu Avenue so it's nice to see those buildings now having uh you know operating businesses um I walked uh in the Pompton Lakes Riverdale Little League parade this past Saturday with councilman venon and councilwoman kilberg um it was and uh Council Ben and I we threw the first uh pitch of the Season I'm G to say I rolled it out instead of throwing it but um but it was truly an honor to attend it was truly an honor to attend and to be a part of that whole event um I do attend mayor to attend the April 26 uh meeting with the congressman at the library for the grant I think that's important that we acknowledge that that's a very generous uh donation and I also signed the borrow bills which is very important and I do want to make mention that it's been all over Facebook that I want to congratulate this town for for however we did this making the number one retirement Town New Jersey I'm thrilled I don't have to move now okay so I want every and that is my report and I should just put a little caveat to that when they did that study it wasn't about the mudy part of retiring it's about the uh auctions that we offer we have a nice Lake we have a beautiful downtown to walk to we have hiking trails nearby I know a lot of people are saying how could I even live here it's north Jersey it is what it is um but a very nice award to have you're right um Cil woman gilber okay um first I'd like to say happy Administrative Professionals Day and and uh thank you to everyone that works uh for the so hard for the burrow and um to keep the town running on a daily basis um I had the honor of walking in the palmton lak Riverdale um little league parade it was fun um it was a beautiful day for a parade um I also attended the grand opening for the ballroom studio and the uh sneaker arcade um M much success to them both I attended the um Environmental Protection committee meeting they're preparing themselves for the river cleanup I picked up the t-shirts for that day so if you have not signed up you can do so that morning or you can sign up at Pompton River cleanup um the library board meeting was cancelled this month um due to lack of quarum um and there is a vacant seat so there there is two um so if anyone's interested they can please reach out to the library director Michael draik I'm the mayor or myself um and uh it was a pleasure to attend the Board of Ed meeting this month um at that meeting they handed out educator of the Year Awards um to Mr Kev Kevin Sullivan from Pompton Lakes High School Miss Tina bindii from Lakeside uh Mrs Jennifer Cooper um and from Lincoln and the Educational Service professional Dr Jessica artisis um I also attended the recreation meeting um you can now register for summer day camp it is for prek to 6th grade the camp runs from June 24th to July 26th Camp is closed on July 4th and 5th Camp runs from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at hersfield Park one child is $450 two children are $570 three children are $675 and if you sign up after June 1st there will be a late fee of $25 per family uh the Middle Middle School summer camp is for grade 7 through 9th at the Pompton Lakes High School it runs from July 8th through July 19th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and it's $190 for two weeks you can register online at capturepoint tocom registration sheets can also be found at Burrow Hall and that is it you have this oh yes I'm sorry um the Pompton Lakes High School will be hosting the B County Tennis Championships on May 2nd 20124 so I'd like to make a motion because they would like to close the dog park at hsvi Park from 2: p.m. to 6:00 p.m. can I have a second second Council uh councilwoman Paul dor all in favor I and they'll take care of the signage list right I'll send a letter to the school and have sign okay yes thank you uh councilwoman Paul D thank you I also would like to wish all of the Administrative Professionals in the buau a happy Administrative Professionals Day thank you for all that you do every day um I would like to congratulate uh the two students that won the uh tree essays for this year I'm beautifully done I always look forward to that every year also I would like to thank John wagley not only for his service to his country but also for his long-standing service to our community uh he's a good man I know him I know the family well and it it was an honor to have him here and I wish him the best of luck in the next chapter of his life uh I was not here last council meeting so I didn't get a chance to say that I was very impressed with the way that CTO day operated again the kids did a great job also I hope that everyone enjoyed their Easter and if you are currently celebrating Passover happy holiday to you as well uh today I wrapped up the financial literacy readings at the Library every Wednesday this month I was meeting with fifth and sixth grade students upstairs in the library to read age appropriate books that pertain to financial literacy Concepts because April is financial literacy month um I actually had some parents sit in this time which was really nice and uh was able to share some good information hopefully some of the kids will follow up and I look forward to doing it again next year uh the books were chosen from an age appropriate reading list based on uh certain topics that pertain to financial literacy I purchased six books I think and then donated them all to the library so they are in the library to be checked out for future use for students that were not able to attend but would still be interested uh I also attended a panel in Morris County where a bunch of Mayors were asked to sit and speak and uh numerous elected officials Mayors Council women Council men um other professionals that serve as municipalities had attended it a a panel discussion topics were um pilot programs Redevelopment uh Oprah requests amongst a few other things um opinions on how the referendum for marijuana was then versus what they've seen now and many towns haven't really changed their stance on it it it seemed to has has not really changed much of a pos position but it was interesting to hear different perspectives from different leaders in different communities on where they stand uh and particularly Redevelopment so I know we have some future discussions on that and uh I have some some thoughts and and concerns that I hope we have the opportunity to discuss in Greater detail especially considering now that we've come to the realization that the project am I to understand the project that is being proposed at pumpt and Plaza uh exceeds current capacity so yes and no and that was my point originally um it would exceed the 85% it would not exceed the 90% okay that project upon completion would make it difficult for projects after that because of the size of that project then that's correct okay so I you know we we have and and I will tell you of those mayors that were sitting there uh not one of them has a Redevelopment agency Redevelopment is run through the planning board and the council uh and there are 565 municipalities in the state of New Jersey and I was sent information by an attorney that specializes in Redevelopment that he believes there's approximately 20 towns in New Jersey that have Redevelopment agencies and we are one of the smallest if not the smallest so I think we're we're hitting a point where we have a lot of um information being moved around planning board to Redevelopment to council here and there and maybe we're not Crossing all of the te's and dotting all of the eyes because I I feel that this project has now been proposed numerous times and we're only finding out after the fact that we are at War near capacity and I spent a lot of time last year asking for updated information on the impact of Redevelopment on utilities infrastructure schools and was told that the information was there it was relevant and we were fine and in fact that might not be the case so I'd like to continue to discuss really what the role and and responsibility of Redevelopment is and if in fact they they are necessary if this isn't something that the planning board itself shouldn't be handling I watched a tape where one of the Redevelopment members was asking about the the overall Concept in endgame um the question was kind of kicked back to the engineer and then it was passed over to the planning board and now there's a lot of explanation coming out that they are in fact not the approving entity they're just kind of like a uh like a middleman so I'm not even really sure what the purpose of that is there is highly competent Council elected by the residents of this town sitting up here that are perfectly capable of reviewing documents with just as much skill set as anybody else and a highly qualified planning board that actually drafted the master plan so perhaps that's something we could talk about um Friday is Arbor Day I would like to thank Michael for helping me in a pinch this year typically this is run by the state through the schools this year the burrow stepped in to help out the trees were not available for the free third grade tree program but we didn't want to see it um not happen this year I've been doing it for almost eight years now so uh I along with uh Randy Hinton from the shat Tre commission and Council M kilberg will be at Lennox and Lincoln for the third grade tree presentation on Friday so I'm excited that we are able to do that uh and there is a pasta dinner at the Elks on Friday it is a fundraiser this year for a scholarship for one of our First Responders that has taken a step away from her career to return to uh full-time paramedic school to continue to service the bro and um to continue to help in another capacity so they are doing some fundraising for to help offset the school cost so if you're around pasta dinner is a big hit at the Elks and it is Friday night uh and that is my report okay thank you Council V thank you mayor I want to congratulate the pumpin Lakes High School on their uh performance of The Little Mermaid the the it was an amazing performance uh bunch of kids that we recognize and know are we're in the uh we're in the show uh Saturday morning sticker shock thank you Ryan for putting that together as well as M uh Rick Rickard Deli from the hawk club uh we put stickers on we visited did I believe half a dozen liquor stores and put stickers on that indicate if they can't buy it don't Supply it um and we were done within about the within an hour and then um speaking of Ryan uh the stigma-free walk for for Hope is on May 11th please sign up we're we're aiming for 100 folks we're we're almost there I think reached out to the scouts today um congratulation to the uh Grand Opening folks we we we attended a handful of grand openings this past week uh the Pompton form church is holding our free dinner uh tomorrow night Thursday night at 5:30 5:30 7:30 it's free for the community and that is my report mayor that sh sticker shock program we brought up is such a nice program because it's kids going into liquor stores and putting on those stickers explaining what they have to do you know that's them taking the initiative to do what they have to do to protect their themselves and their regular classmates and I give them all the credit in the world for doing that and I always have that's a hard thing for them to do when you're a senior in in high school one more thing mayor uh May 11th uh Trails maintenance 10: a.m. okay we meet down by the MUA that's all I got uh counc thank you mayor I have a short report this evening uh but before I begin okay so I think my laptop is uh good timing just give me one second while my laptop is updating right in the middle of my uh can I add something real quick while Bobby's updating maybe I can like jump in real quick for one second I did forget to mention and I apologize um I did attend the bid meeting and I thought of that while I looked up until all you fine folks here with us still um I was uh I'm working with the bid on making sure that the language in the sign and Awning faade grants are at least in line and somewhat similar to what is listed borrow code so that uh the bid can actually execute that program which is outstanding right so for all of you that don't know the bid has a program where they uh offset and subsidize some of the cost for upgrades to facades and signs should you be a new business coming in or a business or building owner looking to upgrade the outside uh we just want to make sure that the language speaks the same so that there's no conflict as to why they would why an individual wouldn't want to abide by the criteria set forth by the bid so that they can get reimbursed because because I think the goal is that um we have some uniformity and neatness and at least some type of a style that's approvable so I think there was some questions as to whether or not their language match with ours so hopefully we can have that resolved before the next bid meeting yeah again I just want to with the rest of council as well to uh congratulate all the Arbor Day contest winners uh and also jum with there his retirement excuse me after 39 years of service uh that is amazing and I wish him the best I just want to remind the public that the pump and lak prevention Coalition is occurring May 11th uh that is to begin at 10:00 a.m. for registration they do offer it online as well it is a Google form it's very easy to do um and please share this with your friends and family there will be water food and fun activities for everyone and there is no rain date so it's rain or shine I think there's a meeting Monday to and there's a meeting is is this Monday I think so right um and lastly I attended the uh Board of adjustments meeting it was a very brief meeting they approve application boa 24-1 and that next meeting is May 28th at 8m Burrow hall now V for my report thank you uh our substitute attorney have any uh report um nice meeting all of you tonight uh nothing to report on specifically tonight um gone basically through everything good welcome thank you uh administrator thank you mayor uh so for residents uh you may see work uh being undertaken taken along WQ AV the WQ AV P repairs and Replacements project is underway and is expected to be completed within the next 3 weeks the contractor will be doing the work on the Westerly side of WQ AV and all of the pavers uh that were in disrepair sunken or broken will be uh replaced so I think the businesses will appreciate the uh work that's being um the library parking lot repairs started today so uh just so for all of you that so you're aware the back Library parking lot was not in ADA compliance and was never finished when the renovation was done to the back structure so the contractor is uh flushing the asphalt with the back concrete pad and that should be finished tomorrow so that should be a good Improvement uh for residents uh lincol a improvements project Milling will begin on May 23rd and May 24th with Paving on May 28th and May 29th directly after Memorial Day uh the school system is off on May 28th and 29th so that is why we picked those days to minimize the effect on the Lincoln Elementary School drop off uh zone so uh police presence will be involved and we are certainly going to immediately address the uh concerns that were brought up tonight we will be holding a preconstruction meeting for the Howard Street repairs project next week so residents should have a firmer schedule uh within the next uh week or two on that that'll be posted to the burrow website tonight the governing body adopted the dog park sponsorship program so that's posted on our burrow website and has been mailed out to all of Pompton Lakes business owners and again businesses can sponsor a banner at the Pompton Lakes dog park and those funds go towards the maintenance of the park moving forward and potential upgrades so looking forward to that and lastly I'm working with DPW on installing American flags on all of the utility polls along kofax a I'm told that that was done many years ago and we're looking to make that Improvement for the Memorial Day Parade so we're looking forward to that and lastly I wanted to address the garbage situation along WQ AV in my opinion it has gotten drastically better in the last two weeks I have not seen as much garbage out there I will tell you and I thank Mrs shortway for coming to see me the other day um we did get some uh contact information for one of the repeat offenders and we are uh going after enforcement there so I do think moving forward we're working on it we're working with our business owners our property owners I do think we will come to a solution and hopefully by the summer the situation should be resolved in whole um and that is all I had thank you so the only thing I I have had a couple businesses it's small businesses saying kids are not anybody is putting garbage out on the sidewalk because they can't find a can um while they're walking with it and they're put chopping it like in front of a store you know not garbage like for someone put a Starbucks cup filled with coffee right in front of somebody's business um so as we get moving in this and this starts to take hold a little bit maybe we can visit putting another one or two garbage cans in down down along just so when someone's walking down our town they have a place to drop something off at some point too we will look at that can we send something out to the schools telling the kids like I mean that's ridiculous so I was just in Pittsburgh and it's a huge City and there's no garbage cans anywhere and there's no garbage on the street and I and now because this has been such an issue here I'm like consciously aware of it everywhere I go there are not garbage cans all over the streets in towns everywhere you go and there's not garbage laying everywhere so there there's some disconnect between I don't see a garbage can let me throw it on the floor you know why are we having this problem here maybe a program I mean is there something that we can do like like a no litter program yeah environmental Club that's something can bring up to them because I I I witnessed a kid throw his garbage over the weekend right on the sidewalk and course that's not like a garbage can problem that's a maybe you don't know the difference between right and wrong problem regardless we'll reach out to the school system and uh and consult on the matter I will say the garbage can you put over by the pond hole for the high school and I spoke has really improved the area it's nowhere near how it used to be before so thank you so some are doing it of course obviously you're going to have a few that are going to you know instead of walking the extra extra steps to throw it out may not do that so any questions for the ministry no okay okay a workshop uh we'll start with the first one amended code for residential requirements um before we begin um I have a potential conflict of interest related to this particular discussion so I'm going to recuse myself on this discussion you stay or you getting out I can stay you can stay yes okay start anybody have anything to say I have reached out over since this last conversation um to and I would say as far down as hunon County all the way up to Sussex County Council people and Mayors alike in numerous towns just to see if we're missing the Mark here and I will tell you no absolutely not no no one of them said uh there's an exception on their historic Commission because they have language that deems that individual an expert so there's an allowability for one person that's noted as an expert that is not a resident and there were two towns that made uh mention of having exceptions for individuals that own businesses in the town particularly as it pertains to what they would consider Economic Development groups or or bids or whatnot but this is something other towns are not doing you cannot pick up the phone and call another town and say I live in Pompton Lakes I would like to join your whatever board and and you're not going to be met with sure fill out an application come on over this is this is not a normal practice so I I don't even know what the conversation is that we're having we have a board that is being run by an individual and and yes we are being board specific now because it only pertains to three and it is a board that will fundamentally reshape and change this town forever and it should be overseen by people that live here and someone being dedicated to the community or loving the town is not a good enough reason because there are plenty of people that have lived here that have moved away that love the town that no longer serve as Volunteers in the town it's it's it's just not and I I don't know if you have experience with other towns I've asked numerous other people it's just not something that other towns do I don't even know why we're having this conversation all right so as I said previous this Council votes on every appointment of every position on on every board Council poor voted for this gentleman the last five years to me on this board um she knew he didn't live out of town um all of a sudden it's becoming an issue now but we have the opportunity as a board as a as Council to to not put anybody on any board I don't think we need an ordinance to specifically expel that out if we don't want somebody on we don't vote to put them on it's just the way it is and that's for any board that's not just for one board beginning of the year we do a reard meeting every name on every committee person is on that list and on that list tell we vote individually for for those people so if we decide we don't want somebody we say we don't want that person we don't in my opinion we don't need a special ordinance or rule to to to make this happen that's just my opinion it's standard practice for the language to be included in the ordinance as it is exists in plenty of our ordinances for some reason not this one and you're skirting around the issue particularly for this particular board for this person and 5 years ago it's a 5-year term I was brand new and at the last meeting we specifically asked for a list and at that time no one even knew who did or didn't live in town and you didn't even want to give out the information so you know no that's not true well well so take a step back yes you do vote on every position that comes in every year um and that's a 5-year term yes you voted for it you voted for yes for when I didn't know who anyone was 5 years ago did you know he didn't live here I don't even remember if I knew that it's been brought to my attention recently whatever the and you didn't even know at the last meeting who didn't live here you're on record saying I don't know I still don't know it's not my job to know it's not we don't have a procedure in place on making that happen we are working on that but we've never had a procedure in place put in front of us to any man not just me so we need uniformity across the board I can tell you the gentleman that sits on the uh Health Board was asked by a mayor 24 years ago to sit on this board and the the gentleman that sits on the Health Board actually drives into town every day takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door of a building that is domiciled in this town he gives back to the community and he also uh sits on a board that completely totally aligns with his profession and I'm guessing he has some type of serf saafe qualification right because he is a restaurant tour or food service provider so he sits on a health board for that reason and not only that but he sits in a building that's subject for redevelopment so it's going to totally impact him right so this is someone that has an actual footprint and purpose for being in this town as opposed to someone that lives two hours away doesn't own any commercial or residential property here nor does he have business interest here so you're comparing apples to oranges okay I okay I think that that the they should all read the same you should have to live in town I also do believe that we shouldn't just toss someone off a board I think that when their term is up then they leave I don't think you know kicking people off of boards I think that we should make some concessions for someone who has a business in town I can understand that for someone who um all right let's just say it's someone who lives in Riverdale we collaborate with Riverdale on many things whe whether it's our kids you know um their kids are going to go to high school here our kids play ball together um we do a lot of things together so that I can understand but if you live far away I mean I can even be 30 minutes you know they live in a town they should be providing their services to that town I mean you know and if they have something great to offer they should be doing it for the town they live in and there's a lot of people in this town you know someone else could so going to your point I I'm not I'm disagreeing with your point the gentleman that one the boards we're talking about is do up this this year so if this board decides they don't want him here we would just not put him there do you have a logical reason for not wanting the language to be incorporated into that board as it is in plenty other boards in this town that specifically require residency do you have but do you have a reason you're saying you don't want it or it shouldn't be interrupting me do you have a reason you're interrupting me first of all I was talking secondly I I have no reason to do any of those things if people want to work on a board I can tell you the board that Lisa sits on the library board very difficult to get people on there we're short too if we remove one more we don't have a meeting for Library we don't have a meeting that board goes away this doesn't pertain to that board historic another one that's usually hard to find members on okay one of them might be questioning there okay well we start picking and choosing people are not going to want to volunteer to be on board you're being asked to allow something to continue that's not standard practice in any other town and it's insulting to your residents to think that a seat in something that impactful should be held and occupied by someone that does not live here heuse one out of seven he's not he's one member out of seven he chairs it but he gets one vote out of seven and he CH more than one more than one vote as a chair he runs the meeting and if you watch the last meeting there was a a member that lives here questioning and and he's basically like not to mention the fact that at two different meetings that building openly came out on the record which anyone can watch and made comments numerous times about being given a will serve letter by the MUA which they have not and why isn't anyone not like picking this up I questioned it I questioned it the first time it was set on the record but so look it's not standard practice the bottom line is we can talk about this all day you cannot go to another town and volunteer to sit on another I don't know that I'll tell we have volunteer firefighters from out of town First Responders do not apply this why because first of all we don't have jurisdiction over the bylaws of first responder units so it it's not even a conversation so but going back to X point the board picks who the chair of the of the board is it's not about the chair I know what you're doing and you're mincing my words and it's not about the chair tomorrow if he steps down someone else on that board will be the chair picked by the chair of the board the largest majority of your boards have language written into the the ordinances that residency is a requirement more do than don't so why is it it's a state at ordinance no it's not no the only one that's covered by the state is the planning board this is also a state Orin we can change if I'm we can change Redevelopment is drafted at the municipality level I don't know I believe that's correct I have to double check but the planning board and the you know council is CED by the statute planning board is development is not we're fighting over uniformity of ordinances and why are we fighting the tree ordinance that Wayne Oakland Riverdale all these other municipalities have why we fighting that then there is no uniformity there we're adopting it the fact of matter is they've had it in place for years we're adopting it you guys there's no uniform we're not fighting it we're we're questioning the fee structure that's what we're revisiting we passed no you guys were fighting the fact that it even exists question Mar waste of time so so the the the goal at this point is just to focus on this one agency right one agency are we looking because at this point if we're going to because that you know more than planning board I think is a good example I mean they have a very big impact in the community and alongside the Redevelopment agency as well um we don't dictate that that that's fine I mean I guess I'm assuming at the the state level the the ordinance for the planning board requires a has a residency requirement as well for that or no I believe it does I don't know but we can't change that but I do believe it does just it I don't know that answer I don't know the planning board yes it well obviously they must have adopted what the state ordinance must be do they have a requirement a residency requirement for the planning board that's my state statute so that the planning board in the zoning board are regulated by the municipal land use LINE it is a residency requirement state state statute so then why wouldn't read so the question is is this is there any reason why not to include it I I've heard a lot of argument the four what is the downside what is the downside of including a residency requirement we're going to lose people off our boards well how many do we know today that are non-residents of pton lakes that reside on the Redevelopment agency three people three three including obviously the chair and then whatever sitting positions that they have on there no it's not all one all one board different boards oh from different boards but assuming that we're only targeting the Redevelopment agency the conversation seems to involve Redevelopment agency well I wouldn't want to Target anyone but I go question for Eric because I think you mentioned this last time and not about Redevelopment because I know you've accused yourself but as far as historic is there a caveat that there is a that there is an allowability for a non-resident that's deemed an expert by some condition I think the specific ordinance related to the St commission should be reviewed because there a specific we looked at it today Michael and I we didn't see anything but you know it might be we looked at it quick but anyway so to answer your question no this is a couple different boards couple of different boards and what are those boards a lot Library could be Library could be it's not could be Library you historic we have a member in library who who's not owns a home in pumpt in Lakes okay but misses more than three meetings so that's not a residency requirement zo yeah she well that's a whole another thing but we have allowed that we we had a councilman that sat on Zoom meetings for eight months okay before we we forget about the other yeah committees go back can we just focus then and apply this to just one versus blanket across all and review them on a caseby Case basis cuz this initially started for redevelopment yes and now we're pulling in more so I thought the focus of this was to decide whether or not we want to move forward with a residency requirement for redevelopment I didn't here by I'm hearing history now it was the requirement was for redevelopment but we threw other names in to make everyone feel that well no no they're not you can't say one group you have to have a residency in the other group but you do you have that now you have ordinances that dictate residency for some and not others that is exactly what you have now so can you or can't you you're like the words are like all over the place fix that according to you we should be uniform oh my goodness okay I prefer to take this on a case-by Case basis so my comments now are only on the Redevelopment I don't want to hear about other boards agree I don't want to hear about other boards because the the start of this conversation did not involve other boards I'm not going to sit here and start judging or evaluating the residency requirements for every single person that's in because they do volunteer but here's the problem with that statement if our res if there is a residency requirement on the board and they don't live in town they're breaking the but we're not there yet where Focus talking about Redevelopment you are well within your right to do the health department has we're not talking about theth let ask another question says I'm not I was not born and raised here of are all three were they all residents at one time and pomed Lakes did they raise their families did they go through school did they do any of that with imp pomp l two of them were one of them never one of them never you have asked for this to apply to Redevelopment now and you're being steered away from that because it doesn't suit the no no I'm not going anywh Redevelopment we're talking about on Redevelopment right you said there's three no no no no there's other boards if you're those three involved one person on Redevelopment one on R only on Redevelopment is okay and planning and zoning both have residency requirements so this gentleman that you if you want to talk just about re this gentleman is up for reelection in January so going to Lisa's point reappointment we we could at that moment we're going to make a decision no matter what we do here we're going to make a decision on that gentleman in January good or bad I don't you know I don't know how everybody's going to vote but doesn't matter what we do here he's going to still be but it doesn't preclude anyone from applying for that position that's out of town no so if you put the residency reir in place because it's going to be open to whoever I'm not saying that that's going to happen look I'm pretty sure there's there's many qualified people that live in the town that can probably fulfill that role just as well all right and you know obviously we don't have to entertain anyone that applies from out of town put the provision in place but how do we know they're from out of town is there that's a different SE is how do we know when they do they have to give me your address your years that you're living there how do we determine that don't you fill it out you fill it out so I'm saying how do we know we haven't kept track of that how do we know and that's just not now it's been years and years but when I filled out the form I first sat on the library board I filled out the form and it had my name and address on it I had to hand that in right but who's checking you don't do that form I feel we're fighting very hard to keep a non-resident on a very important board and I'm not really sure why if I may so to the last work session in March we talked about implementing a citizen leadership form so the bur Clerk and I are developing that you have to put your primary residence residency address on the form and we're going to verify that on our end moving forward but just to simplify the discussion the burough attorney and I are looking for further guidance to potentially draft an ordinance and the question really is should Redevelopment have a residency requirement or not yes and I think we need a yes or a no we we need to move forward because we'll be here all night talking about it yes and and I have no problem with the term expiring at the end of this year and then going forward starting for reappointments in next year that board should have a residency requirement it is not there's no reason for a nonresident to sit in that seat and I and I'm hearing the conversation being steered in that direction but I'm not really told being told why why we need to have because at the end of the day we do this as a fair system if one you're not being fair to your residents right now fair to my residents being fair to sit on these boards who have put the time in and now we're telling them you're not going to you don't when they interrupting me please stop interrupting me okay when Michael and Liz put together this application we'll know right away who lives in town and doesn't and at that point you're going to say this person doesn't live in town anymore correct and then they're not going to be on the board anymore all right so then we have a residency requirement in place saying that starting in 2025 non-residents are not allowed to be appointed and and so I'm fine with that so that would solve the problem whether or not this gentleman is reappointed when his term expires at the end of 2024 correct all right so so we are in agreeance we will make that ordinance Co we have to we have to vote on that we're doing nothing now this is just a conversation Michael why can we not vote on this now no it works we would need to prepare an ordinance okay so can you draft an ordinance for a residency requirement for redevelopment starting in 20125 thank you thank you only that board I want to make it clear only that board I don't know if we can say that yes you can well the other ones already have so we have yet I'm not we would have to visit that differently the the other Bo that we're talking about have a you so we have we have to visit that but they're not that's a separate that's a separate issue like this let's just F before we continue to muddy the waters let's focus on this now wait a second so you're telling me there's residency requirements already in place in an ordinance for people that are current okay you got to pause there then you can you can't apply no no no no no because I don't understand that you knew that you were told that last time it's the health department requirements now if they're already in place for other boards and we're not enforcing it and we're putting ourselves in a position to enforce this and ignore their well councilman deline brought that up at the last meeting we are in violation of the health board right now that's already been addressed that's who Jen was saying own I remember remember the health one I remember the heal no that's the only one Bobby no that's the only one that is in violation right now no historic is in violation no it's not we were told there was no without that Michael can you find that out who told you that I was under the impression that Eric said the only one we were it's on the recorded meeting from the last meeting the only one we're in a violation of right now is no Health if I Eric is saying yes and you're saying no we just looked it up today and hour will be if I could just provide one point of clarification so the burough attorney in February drafted a memorandum to the governing body citing that the only agencies or commissions that require residency via the burrow code to date are the open space Environmental Protection Trails shade tree and flood board every other agency excluding the planning board and Zoning Board which are governed by State Statute do not have a residency requirement in the code right so which ones do again I'm sorry environmental open space Trails shade tree and flood board and for the purpose of this conversation because of the impact that this board has I believe we are addressing specifically Redevelopment right now which legally we can do so please don't tell us we cannot because we can so I'm assuming that with those audiances right now for those other committees that council at that given time whoever was here today is voted to include yes you were told at the last meeting that we weren't even given the addresses no one knows then he didn't say his story one of them is 24 years well I'm saying he didn't say his stor so that person violation that's what I mean they included the residency requirements but it wasn't mandated by no that's it's not on there and they're not in violation it's not in there oh it's not it's in there so it's not in there for librarian it's not in there for um EPC so now we had you know Council M wanted to move ahead and we're being derailed again the conversation was Redevelopment we're starting here can we please draft the ordinance starting in 20125 that there is a residency requirement for redevelopment we we agreed to this and now we're being talked out of it again who's talking out of it we're discussed can you do me a favor just if if it's something you can obtain I just you need to know what committees have residency requirements whether it's I don't care the state the ones that are mandated by the state CU we have quite a few do any of them have residency requirements that are now mandated by the state that was implemented through a prior Council yes to include yes open space environmental Trails shade Tre and flood and that's something Council voted on to include residency requirements at time of establishment of the group yes okay and that would have two of them would have been this sitting Council and that excludes what you had mentioned already Library EPC and historic commission and or and possibly others I can't think I you to think about the size and scope of of the impact that some of these committees have I mean you're comparing Redevelopment that's going to that's going to urge to push ahead of 15-story building and the library with all due respect every volunteers fabulous but Library isn't going to fundamentally change the shape of the town forever and you know what what are we talking about but you're talking about one vote like said but there already is a mix of some that do and some that do not so adding one more to the some that do list isn't going to be a big deal you're trying to make it sound like we're not being the vote doesn't change anything removing this gentleman he's only one vote there's seven people on the board a very influential vote that happens to cheer it so I'm okay with moving forward with a 2025 you have to be a resident to sit on Redevelopment and I'm not even really sure why any council person wouldn't support that I'm not sure why we wouldn't be supporting our residents in this community and wanting to encourage our residents to occupy seats that are so incredibly important I am here to work for the people that live in this town I support the people that live in this town I want my residents on my boards and you voted for this gentleman to Media five years and I know you already told us a bunch of times that didn't even have the addresses before so you're you're changing your words to suit The Narrative and I'm standing by my convictions our boards that are this impactful in our community should be served by residents vetta so have we left it with we will we hav left it with anything yet he's pretty sure we did I think that's up you guys yes I would like to see it okay we heard from you I got to hear from everybody Council no no councilman Ken woman Ken uh what what Bobby suggested I thought was the way to go yeah that's what you suggested correct I don't know what that is what is 202 2025 will start just for the just for the uh for now just for redevelopment Redevelopment okay just I thought that you yeah I said it already yeah yeah all right so that's what we're going to do okay thank you all right moving up next one you want to upgrade the system here thank you mayor so uh as a result of a prior council meeting uh the bro Clerk and I uh got a proposal to upgrade the sound system in the council chambers I know that we have experienced some sound system issues in the past and the system wasn't working so we did obtain a quote the uh scope of work includes all wireless mics microphones for the M Municipal Court a new setup in the corner to uh get rid of wires wiring within the deis so the total cost is 58,000 and we don't have the funds available right now to do that so the discussion right now is would you like to move forward with that my suggestion would be we're looking at uh possibly installing cameras at all of our Parks so I'm thinking maybe a tech technology uh upgrades project and including this potentially sometime in the fall maybe all right so let me ask you this because the biggest issue we have is over our board meetings they come with the computer and it doesn't work this will fix that problem yes this will be Wireless they don't have to plug in any they do anything uh they'll still have to plug in an HDMI but we'll have new plates and a new set Bobby would have the most knowledge on this is there a way to just do that piece where we can get them to plug in and we get them on and not fix everything else right now all he's going to do is run an HDMI cable over there to that's all they're going to do that's all they're going to run they're going to replace the connections that are in there what I was going to suggest is probably what mayor Sarah's suggesting is there any way to to to you know have a smaller scope of work to address some of the more immediate issues because I know that's that's obviously been a problem Liz I know you've had problems with the connection yourself over there versus doing all of them and just to bring up a a side note I you know I was at the board of adjustments meeting and just facing this TV here this TV is very dark I don't know how anybody reads anything from here from the public and these two are not that much better but in particular because this is facing the public I could not even read almost anything it was so dark and I was not about to interrupt the meeting to move for forward so here's the issue about and you know this no it's not it's it's dark and if it is the angle it shouldn't be because this is I'm assuming the viewing angle should be the same across the board for these kind of TVs so what what has to happen again I'm not knowledgeable enough to know you run this HDMI cable to here how do you get these televisions and to war off this they're all wired through the back so you'll see that there's holes in the back of both of them so have to run cables to all of them they're going to end up probably replacing either what down there that they're connected to or behind to the boxes that you have back there in the uh in the office that's over there CU we do need at least one of these for the people sitting on the dance and this is for the audience so maybe Michael you ask to see if something we could because that's a big number they're using a splitter that's all they're using is a splitter to be able to you know obviously show the same screen across all three but really the problem is sometimes Liz and whoever sitting there it doesn't work what ends up happening with a lot of these connections is is that over time it does wear down then no longer go in as firm as they used to and they do begin and that connection begins to wear down unfortunately you have a lot of plates you have a lot of plates over time so they're going to I'm pretty sure they did their assessment they value what needed to be replaced I'm not in position to tell you because I didn't do the installation but they do wear down over time and that's where sometimes the TVs lose their connection so I would suggest address the immediate if you want to I mean like I said you would have to get a list of things that you feel need to be addressed now reducing the scope of cost you know to something that's more feasible for us to pay for anybody else it's too much money you know too much it's too much too much this point plate in the front and it is working right now I believe the TVs correct yeah but the problem was I was at one of the meetings this telion would go on this one would go off and this one would go on and this one go on that's been fixed that's been fixed are we sure that's fix con okay that's been fixed con all right so maybe we just get an HDMI cable to all these three that they just plug into their computer and it shows up on everything and then we're worri about everything else later it they had it working last night yeah it that has been the board of adjustments yeah they had it working it was working last night was a mess again you got to weigh out between it's you know you know the the computer itself the user making sure that they're able to get that you know you just unless it's the person that does it all the time and they're familiar with it no no and that's the other issue we have different people sitting in Liz's seat you know Liz does us but then we but I do believe it's been working at least the last meting have all right so why don't we do this could you find out Michael if it's working from all the board secretaries if they're having any issues if they're not having any issues then maybe we can put this off for a little bit until we get some money to fix it got it is everybody okay with that thank you ask um what's the last one the Le thank you mayor lastly uh so just so the governing body is aware the state enacted a new law in 2022 which governs lead paint in private dwellings so uh the burrow attorney drafted an ordinance uh which requires dwellings that were constructed uh during or were constructed prior to 1978 are subject to lead based paint inspections so this ordinance establishes the program for that inspection um the resident has the option to either retain a third-party inspector uh on behalf of themselves or they can use our inspector now some municipalities have trained staff on hand that can do this unfortunately Pompton Lakes does not so the suggestion from the code enforcement department is to retain a third-party provider that we could provide to the residents now part of the new law is the burrow does have to provide the opportunity to the resident to use our vendor so that that does have to be an option but I'm working with code and enforcement uh an important aspect to this is what the cost of what the cost would be to the borrow from the third party vendor because we want to make sure we're covering our fees properly we don't want to be losing money on the program um and then just some further background on the law uh some municipalities have a dust wipe sample and some are visual inspections and the DCA uh has put out that Pompton Lakes is a visual examination which uh does reduce the scope of work and the cost uh throughout the program so again uh we have a draft ordinance prepared by the burough attorney the inspections for the applicable dwellings must be completed by July 22nd of this year so we are under the gun to get the ordinance adopted and to make sure that the program is implemented I have developed a a packet that's going to go out to all of the applicable homeowners and Property Owners uh notifying them of this law and directing them to the code enforcement department for further action so everybody's allware it's like you said there's 100 homes that are in this and they figure that out we have nothing to do figure it out so we're talking about only a 100 homes it's not a huge number of homes but we do have to put a a fe scale in places I think that's trans yeah who pays for it they the homeowner pays yeah okay so there's a $20 fee to the bough uh for the inspection fee and then the suggested fee for the certified lead paint inspector is $550 if you would like to use our inspector but the resident does have the option to use their own and the rationale with the fee of $550 for the lead paint inspector is to make the fee for for the burrow higher that way we're incentivizing the resident to use a third party provider we're seeing anywhere from 200 to $300 for the inspection uh so we're trying to get out of the inspection business and put it back on the property owner will he take Bed Books no so the the way that your report reads and I I just wanted to clarify we're not requiring that the property owner that has to go through this hire a third party we're just incentivizing it by making our fees higher correct so we can't force them to say we're not doing this the burough is not offering this service you have to go find your third party correct they could still say I don't care I want the bur to do it basically according to the Bur attorney we have to provide the we have to provide some kind of mechanism for the burrow to be able to provide that service okay this is going towards the tenant or the the the landlord good question it's towards the property owner yeah property the property owner is this like a one andone so like if if they go in and there's no lead paint then they never have to go there again no it's really weird actually it's like every 3 years has be certified it's it's such a ridiculous ridiculous if you don't have lead paint now you're not going to exactly exactly exactly another D brain child well it's an it's a it's a money grab so the saint I didn't know that so the the same owner if they have tested no has to get retested every three years M yes or upon change of occupany too that's the other one and there's no way to fix that by painting it over with a paint that covers it and say I'm done I don't know how you treat that paint if they find it then obviously has to be addressed but the law states the LW States it has to be recertified every 3 years or upon change of tenen okay what it is that's what it is hope I don't have Leb Tain in my house that's all I'm saying well you have to unless you're again this is only for rentals oh this is just rental so yes it's it's it's rentals for for one unit two unit and we're saying single family two family multif family but really it's one unit two units and above so if you rent your house you're responsible for this if you live in your house and you turn around and sell your house this is not they don't care if you eat lead okay so it's for rentals okay and again it's it's prior to 1978 so if you're I don't know how many apartment units we have sounds like 100 maybe that are pre built after 1978 just because we're rental they don't have to go do this build okay so what are you ask for Mike then right now I'm just writing a draft ordinance that'll be uh on for introduction on May 8 okay everybody's good with that yeah we're good okay thank you okay motion open the meeting public Council M Cruz Council woman paor all in favor I I against anyone the public like to address are you maybe both um Randy hon 443 Monclair Avenue um I just want to thank councilman dine for the good words he said about John wegley I've known John wegley over 50 years and that ex marine he runs a tight ship and uh I always felt confident all the years that I've been in pump the life drinking the water I don't use any of those filters or anything but uh talking with John and the job that John has done I always felt totally confident drinking the water pump the lights without filtering them um just a little announcement about the bid being here bid bucks for sale on May 18th um nobody had mentioned that so I just did um I want to thank the mayor and um the administrator and uh Maria Kent we had a meeting on uh the um ordinance 2420 on treeses and um through since that time I had been asking does that ordinance cover also the burrow trees and there was some indecision I was told that it didn't but then I did a little research on the ms4 tree removal replacement ordinance frequently asked questions and um who needs to adopt the tree removal replacement ordinance every municipality in the New Jersey that is regulated under ms4 tier a permit which we are um is required to adopt this ordinance the ordinance must be applicable for all types of properties that the municipality has jurisdiction over that's burrow right of ways that's the pars um those this apply to both public and private properties should there be separate ordinance yes this ordinance would apply to both public and private property so it does cover our Parks it does cover our burrow trees burrow right away um it is up to each municipality's discretion whether to adopt one or two ordinances however if they are separated they must still address removal and replacement for the entire Community combined and one of the last questions was if the DPW removes the tree do they need to replace it yes the municipality should be subject to the same standards as the rest of the community if the tree the town is removing is not a hazard tree they should be replacing it so it's just a point I want to make on that um and finally in your discussion about the U Redevelopment I personally as a lifelong resident do want all members of Redevelopment board to be residents of pumpt and lakes because of the immense profound effect their decisions have Upon Our Community my personal opinion thank you thank you anyone else from the public El please step up good evening again AL evangelist Emergency Management coordinator I want to speak to John Wigley as well I want to say some things about him that people don't even realize what this gentleman has done for this burrow and for OEM for Emergency Management you know everybody thinks water you know I open my top I get a glass of water I flush my toilet it works and everything's happening down there and everything's fine but it goes way beyond that let me give you an example of some of the things that our DB that our mua has done they sit on our local emergency planning committee okay in all the years that John has been the superintendent and you know a lot of people have titles doesn't make them a leader John is a leader he makes things happen he anticipates he thinks ahead of the curve and he's right there and I'll give you some examples of that um if he couldn't make an l PC meeting a local emergency planning committee meeting he had someone here to represent him never missed a beat on that one every year I request an inventory list from our DPW from our schools from our mua I don't even get a chance to request it in January I have a list automatically in January first one every year to submit their list of complete inventory of their resources lights we borrowed their lights uh you know on those trailers equipment Jack cam just recently we stepped up our game with heavy rescue in the fire department they made available their air compressor and their Jackhammer to do heavy uh rescue as far as uh you know building collapses and things of that nature where we might have to Jackhammer things could find space for years before we bought our own equipment we had them at our becking call they had a duty man on all all the time as they do they'd come right out for us if we needed it uh generators I was so proud at meetings in the count County and at the state level when I'd go there and they'd ask the question do you have backups on your water pumps for your water system do you have backups on your lift stations do you have backups in your sewer plan and I would say yes we do we have generators on everything and they were the first to do it without even being asked they were head of the curb again knowing where we were headed as an oem organization they were on the ball they got it done and kudos to the whole Commissioners down there they run a they run a Class Act down there there's no doubt about about it so we had generators we got them a truck they put a fuel tank on the truck and they come around and not only service and and fuel their generators they fuel ours here at the fire department and municipal building so forth they've always been there to assist us even in a couple snowstorms we had 95 96 we had a week of snow up to here they came out with their plows they assisted our DPW okay with plowing our roadways it's something that other entities wouldn't necessarily do with they did uh no boil water advisories amazingly in all the floods that we had we never had an issue a boil water advisory that's incredible and that just shows the Integrity of our water system because unless it's breached as long as it's under pressure we have 80 to 100 pounds on every fire hydrant in town the system stays continuous okay it stays up and we don't have issues with uh foul water getting in there contaminating our water supply even when they have a water main break they know how to route it reroute it and keep that system safe and kudos to them and John for that especially for the acne fire okay biggest fire in the history of burel Pop the ls in the county and maybe even in the state of New Jersey 12 stores burned to the ground in an hour end to end no fire protection systems no sprinklers no alarm systems we pumped 7,000 gallons per minute out of Twin Lake we dropped that Lake 3 in in 3 hours with four fire pumps in there our Municipal system was first to be used and at no point did it falter we brought it to the brink of where we had to go further okay but at no point did it falter John was ahead of the curve he had already called the other towns we have four interconnections I believe it's we with other towns okay with was Valley with wanu Reservoir with uh with wanu and he had those interconnections open without me and I was fire chief at the time without even me requesting it he was ahead of the game he knew the game plan and he had that done just incredible leadership on the part of that gentleman um that supplemented our system our ISO rating people don't understand this insurance services organization rating for our fire we are a four on a scale of 1 to 10 one being the best and usually one two or three of career departments okay and some of our bigger cities for example Jersey City's a class one okay we're at class 4 for volunteer department that's incredible okay 10% of the 100% evaluation is dispatching receipt and dispatch of course 40% is our water system they scored perfect every single time okay every single time they scored perfect 50% is our fire department thanks to you okay we have excellent equipment so we scor very high in that area where we lose credit is the fact that we're volunteer we're not there we don't train every day we certainly can't do that and um you know could we get a three we're trying we're trying to get there and maybe someday we will a 52 and9 for example West Milford areas of the town have no water protection no water systems at all they have to go to draft surface reservoirs lakes rivers and pump that water and draft uh that's a nine a 52 a nine so we're doing very good and thanks to them for the 40% and they flush our hydrant twice a year and people still don't understand why that's done it's done number one for the quality of the water but it Services every single fire hydrant just the other day in a city and I won't mention the name they went to two hydrants and hydrants didn't work okay because obviously they're not being exercised twice a year the purpose in addition to quality of drinking water to flush out the uh you know the sediment that might be in the pipes is to make sure that every single one of those fire hydrant Works we've never had an issue with a fire hydrant if we have they've come right out while we're unseen and they'll service it right there it's just incredible so kudos to John John thank you for for an excellent leadership I've worked with him 30 out of his 40 years okay as I as o am coordinator and it's been a pleasure so thank you thank you for yourk you anyone else public see no one and a mo public session councilwoman Bor Council Cruz all in favor I against um uh going back to Mr hit's Point uh I thought we just got an email from the attorney do you want to discuss that that we we didn't have to but maybe I'm thank you mayor um yes so Street trees are governed by chapter 12 of the burough code uh currently um however the street trees are subject to the replacement requirements in the new ordinance and the new ordinance does govern you know trees in the RightWay Street trees so yes Street trees are subject to the replacement requirement but might have a different permitting fee up front separate from the residential yes okay so that's a little explanation on that both of you thank you for the nice words with John you know we've all said it today he he was dedicated to the town he cared about the town he worked in and lived in and grew up in and he he didn't make an excuse about it right somebody mentioned before I think was Council line that you know they've been out there in the middle of freezing cold weather taking a hole for 6 hours straight never one concerned about it just to get the water back on for you know a bunch of residents and I do remember many times calling her down to to mua to ask them to help us plow and they would jump right on it they said let us finish our driveways and then we'll hit your streets and start plowing so you know he he was a great leader and we thank him for everything he has okay um uh approves the floor anybody oh I'm sorry motion to close the public session council president uh all favor I approves to the flo any approv to the Flor okay motion motion oh it says right here no