Allegiance and and pray I pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all bless us Council as we deliberate on the behalf apocal amen thank you all right so I am filling in for mayor Sarah so bear with me a little bit tonight I will try not to trip up too many times but uh you have my permission to laugh a little bit if I do uh we'll start off statement of compliance in conformance with the open public meetings Law Public Law 1975 chapter 231 adequate notice of this meeting setting forth the time date place and purpose of this regular meeting through notice posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building mailed to all who had requested and paid for the same and published in the Suburban Trends Liz roll call please mayor Sarah yes council president dine I'm here councilman Cruz here councilwoman Ken here councilwoman ker here councilwoman is absent and councilman bennon is absent with us this evening is our B attorney David renberg our B administrator Michael C okay so first off we have um a proclamation by the office of the mayor and it reads whereas our children are our most valuable resources and will shape the future of the burough pton lakes and whereas childhood trauma including abuse and neglect is a serious problem affecting every segment of our community and finding solution requires input and action from everyone and whereas childhood trauma can have long-term py psychological emotional and physical effects that have lasting consequences for victims of abuse and whereas protective factors are conditions that reduce or eliminate risk and promote the social emotional and developmental well-being of children and whereas effective Child Abuse Prevention activities succeed because of the Partnerships created between child welfare professionals Education Health Community and faith-based institutions businesses law enforcement agencies and families and whereas communities must make every effort to promote programs and activities that build strong children and families and whereas we acknowledge that we must work together as a community in Partnership to build awareness about child abuse and contribute to the to promote the social and emotional well-being of Children and Families in a safe stable and nurturing environment and whereas prevention makes the best defense of our Tri and families now therefore um I'm going to read this on behalf of the mayor I Michael Sarah mayor of the burough of Pompton Lakes in the county of pic New Jersey and to hereby Proclaim April 2024 is Child Abuse Prevention month in the burough of Pompton Lakes and urge all of my fellow residents to become involved in efforts aimed at preventing our children from being abused and neglected um so this this Proclamation actually it's interesting because um it it calls attention to child abuse and and the group that's really doing the the Y's work of bringing that to attention is our is our ppon Lakes Women's Club so I'm glad you all came out tonight I really appreciate it the pin wheels that you see in the municipal build or in front of the municipal building are bringing that to attention so thank you very much for your efforts and we'll just uh I guess do the Proclamation do a photo we have um councilwoman Kent and councilwoman kilberg who are members of the Women's Club and of course our clerk Liz Brandis so Michael can you take a photo perfect thank you so everybody come on up if you're on the Women's [Music] Club yeah I duck I I usually duck a lot [Music] thank you once again thank you to the Women's Club not only for for this effort but everything that you do for for the burough PPT links um the next up we have um an a presentation on a potential Eagle Scout project by Alex Diaz um he's all loaded okay um Alex come on up and just uh give the council a rundown of what you're proposing to do for your Eagle Scout project before I start when name like a hard copy of this presentation to make it easier to follow along yeah that'd be great thank you sorry thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you sure I'll thank you good you have do you need one all right so just to start I'd like to thank you all for having me here and just thank you for your time for my presentation for my potential Eagle Scout project so so just a brief description of what I will be doing um I'm going to start out with a quick project description and the main idea of this project I will then go into the potential plan for this project a location as well as the desired final outcome the fundraising and pricing the assembly and um process and then we can get into questions later on so the main idea for the project is to build kiosks for two locations in pton Lakes where kiosks are commonly used by individuals who want to connect through nature of when walking through a trail and helps people like scouts or just normal citizens or people who would like to explore and make a plan or um take a trip on a hike many kiosks also contain a decent amount of information on Wildlife invasive and endanger species in the area and the plan for this project is that I would potentially be building two kiosks um that is uh subject to change later and areas two areas of Pompton Lakes to help provide individuals with information about the trail and the environment and Wildlife that is on it the plan for this project as I stated like um previously is that I will be building potentially two kiosks at two Trail entrances to provide information about the use of these trails and I will be using potentially be using measurements provided by the Pompton Lakes Trail maintenance committee however I did also go out to a um kiosk and take my own measurements to get as accurate as possible and this project will be completed by myself members of troop 388 the adult leaders my scout master who is a master Carpenter and any others who will volunteer their time to assist in my project the locations I will be building this project on are on the beginning and the entrance on the path of Lincoln a and I will be building a rectangle to encase this kiosk that is about 4 1/2 ft by 8 and 1/2 ft which comes to a total of 38.25 ft and a part of the maab which the path of maab that is 8 by 7 ft which comes about 56 Square ft one thing that I would like to know about these locations that I am aware that they are in flood planes however after talking with Laura venon who is member in of the trail maintenance committee NJ Department permit by rule 8 allows for a below grade Construction in the flood plan next slide please these are the um the this these kiosks are kiosks that I measured and these are the final the potential final outcomes and desired final outcomes for the kiosks that will be built with these two locations for fundraising the main uh idea for fundraising is to send donation letters for any anything that people would like to provide including local businesses in the general area as well as teacher family members and friends to raise as much possible money for this project for the pricing just to note that the pricing below is for one kiosk however I will go to the total pricing in just a second so there are the total prices um for main categories including Lumber the glass and Roofing other materials including hats locks and screws as well as um uh material for the surrounding area like weed block concrete and the paint and the gravel which the pricing for that is below the pricing that is above is about $585 per kiosk and about $1,621 for both kiosks which also includes a delivery for the gravel to the respective areas as well as food to feed um both leaders Scouts and whoever decides to show um whoever whoever decides to appear and get their time assist for the assembling and clearing the kiosks will be assembled at my home address which provides um an easier time for cutting as well as power and a bathroom which makes it easier and that potentially there will also be two groups one group at my house which is assembling and painting the kiosks and another group which will be at the sites which Propel preparing the sites for the kiosks to be inserted and um for power tool safety we will have the adult leaders and anyone who's above the age of 18 to use power tools for cutting and sanding and whatever needs to be done to the wood inem leave these kiosks now do I have any questions I just want to make a comment that I think just even as very short but brief it is very concise and it is really well thought out and uh I've been very involved with the trail maintenance groups and the environmental groups and having open spaces so and I think this is a wonderful project and I totally support it and I want to thank you very much for bringing it to our attention thank you any questions y the only question I have is um the the kiosk are we going to be able to physically lock it using a pad lock or anything like that yes we there will be the um information that will be in the kiosk will be provided um by the trail committee and I just have to go and print it and then you'll be able to insert information and lock it with the pal okay and then the the keys will be held by I believe they will be under the maintenance of the trail committee so they will have the locks to the gals perfect this is uh a great project I think we just have to sort of give an informal go-ahead so I'll just do a Voice vote councilman Kent yes Council Cruz yes all right you have a great project ahead of you I've been involved in the trail so I'm really looking forward to the work that you're going to complete so all right thank you thank you and I I'll just work I'll just have you coordinate with with Michael and Lauren on the uh getting everything right going and everything need a signature for my uh paperwork so if I can figure out who to get it uh I'll I'll have you do it from Michael Crowley yep and then if you go to the last slide um if you have any other questions you can contact me um through my emails should be on the last slide my email is ards and I'm my troth is troop R and I'd like to thank you all for your time once again perfect thank you very much great job all right before we move on to public comment this is usually where we give people an opportunity they don't want to stick around for the rest of the meeting to uh leave um so this is your 30 second warning otherwise we may or may not close the doors and you'll be stuck here until refinish I'm kidding but it's not that bad but thank again for for the presentation thank you for coming have a good night [Music] how many remotes you have M many all right so can I get a motion to open the meeting for public comment mov motion by councilwoman Kent seconded by councilman Cruz all in favor I okay um so we now have an open um public comments please limit your your comments to 5 minutes or less thank you please Hiway Street um P Lakes um back here about the garbage um and I thank Michael for working on it because you're really doing great but anyway um I had a question and I'm sorry U mayor Sarah isn't here because um when I came here over a year ago I had mentioned to him that I thought it would be a good idea to hire a retiree pay him a hourly salary no benefits of anything where he could you know go through town sweep up uh put him in one of those little trucks I see at Pompton day if he sees garbage pick it up um and at the time Mike Sarah said he liked the idea when I came back six months later Mike Sarah U I'm sorry mayor Sarah said well he wasn't sure whether there was a conflict because the DPW is a union and then when I saw him about 6 months later he said at a bid meeting he said well they'd have to buy truck the town would have to buy a truck I so I just wanted to clarify what's been done has it been taken under consideration and if it has what is the um what is the outcome and um again uh I just want to say that the you know garbage situation is is awful here because this is Saturday um at uh 12:45 p.m. you can see that there's a discarded diaper there along with a bag of garbage and then this is Monday April 11th 8 and so it sat there from Saturday to Tuesday okay and um and now today I noticed that the fire hydron by Goldbergs Bagel was completely actually I C and left a message on your voicemail it was um this is this is earlier in the day but it was completely covered with garbage and cardboard around a fire hydron which I'm sure cannot be it's got to be against an ordinance that you you're blocking a fire hydrant you know um so you know again today this is at um 247 they picked up garbage yesterday here we have two bags of garbage and a Red Bull uh can here uh that's you know it's just it's just a ongoing problem um and like I said I've been here this is probably a year and a half ago I started talking about this so I just would really like an update on what has been um decided about can we hire somebody like a part-timer like I said a Tyree just put a broom in a dust pan in their hand because you know even you know our our DPW cannot take the time and and pick this stuff up they just can't they don't have the time they've got a big enough job so that's what I'd like to know what's this status on it all right thank you thank you anyone else Mr Hinton I'd be disappointed if you didn't if you didn't make a public comment I hesitate because you let other people go um in support of Mr short wife uh on the way to the meeting tonight uh at our last meeting pumpt and Plaza came a gave a presentation on what they proposed to build on a pump and PL now I congratulated the council the last time I was here and and Michael uh for what you guys are trying to do with the garbage in town but on the way here the garbage is out in front of pump deposit obviously they're trying to get a project going through here and came and you honored them with a presentation that was supposed to be 15 minutes but it went a half hour but we're not Crossing teas and eyes but obviously they didn't get the message about garbage what are we doing about the getting the message out is what I want to know obviously it's not getting out and I did see in front of Goldbergs when I was coming here the garbage is out two days early so this is not what we're trying to do um other than that I just had questions on uh resolution okay 24179 2483 uh and Humane Law Enforcement Officers what is that the pets um 24887 there's a do Highway Maple lab Improvement project going on I don't know anything about that but then uh I'd like to know and 24882 I just want to thank Michael for um that's the grant submitt for uh deer management program in deer population count so I want to thank him for that and uh just questions on those other resolutions okay good thank you anyone else seeing no one else uh can I get a motion to close the meeting for public comment so move second motion by councilwoman kilberg seconded by uh councilman Cruz all in favor I all right um public portion is closed um Miss short way and Mr Hinton I'm just going to couch both of your comments um again I understand you know this like you said is an ongoing problem it's been going on for years uh we are um making some action on it I'm going to turn to our administrator just to discuss recent actions thank you council president um so of late uh myself in the Department of Public Works we developed an educational packet that we have mailed to every business and every property owner along Wan qav and in the business improvement district area those packets uh hit mailboxes uh last Friday so you know while it has been an issue for a long time time they just did get the educational piece you know it's a variety of issues that are going on but we do believe in part that people are not educated enough about the regulations with garbage so at to start we're going to educate people we're going to monitor we have the police department involved right now and you know at some point we're start we're going to start enforcing and uh following up with people to Mr hinton's comment about the pumpt and Plaza Associates properties um I'm in direct contact with the owner right now to try to rectify the garbage issue I just spoke to him today actually um and he did educate his tenants as of last night about the regulations so I'm expecting to see some sort of improvement at least on that property hopefully within the ne in the next week but we are uh aggressively monitoring the issue and will follow up thank you has there been any discussion about a part-time employee to do any the clean up along lq either employed by the bid or the burrow or anything like that uh no okay maybe that's something we need to have a discussion about then um okay so let's see next is resolution 179 which Awards a contract to Bolter landscaping for sustainable jersey for the haraldson place habitat restoration project I'll feel that real quick um couple years ago we received a sustainable Jersey Grant to remove invasive species from um basically along the Ramapo River um we had done a lot of the work associated with that trying to put the basically remove the knotweed and and Associate things we identified the area uh it's been a couple years now so now we are actually uh Contracting with vulture Landscaping to do the restoration we would be putting in Native species uh restoring the habitat and hopefully use that as a pilot to address some of the other areas um along the river not just along Ramapo but also along panic and wanu as well so that's that's what that resolution um addresses uh one trees are they planting trees I believe there might be a tree in in the cost estimates but I'm not entirely positive there is there's six trees there's six trees okay to know about it okay um well we reach out I'm sure we can provide the the list of species and everything like that I mean I'm I could guarantee that it's in it's in consist it is consistent with the Pompton Lakes flood plane restoration plan and the trees are identified in those um okay so resolution 183 appointing Sergeant Jonathan Williams and Sergeant Brian zerman as Municipal Humane Law Enforcement Officers for the burough Pompton Lakes Michael do you want to explain a little bit about that yes uh thank you council president um this is a requirement as part of the police department uh you know statutes that are applicable to them uh this has to do with pets and having someone in the department designated as a Humane officer that that can take care of um and specializes in pet you know instances with pets lost pets injured pets and things like that so we have to designate someone to do that and I believe there's specific training that too thank you thanks and then lastly resolution 187 awarding a contract to DMC Associates Incorporated land surveyors for engineering surveying services for dos Highway and Maple Avenue Improvement project thank you so uh at the last council meeting the governing body uh uh I'm sorry adopted a bond ordinance to fund the do Highway improvements project and that is due to receiving a New Jersey Department of Transportation Grant from 2022 to repave the full stretch of Dos highway from the bridge to Riverdale Boulevard so these resolutions on tonight's meeting are to award the contracts for the engineering and to do the plans and specifications for the project and I would uh I would say best estimate to go out to bid for the project would be this summer so residents should see that soon thank you okay thank you let's see okay so next is approval of minutes can I get a motion to approve the following minutes regular meeting minutes March 27th 2024 Clos session meeting minutes March 27th 2024 so moved motion by councilwoman kilberg second second second by councilwoman Ken all in favor I thank you uh resolution 24175 authorizing payment of bills wires in the amount of 3,828 19742 can I get a motion to approve the following Bill lists so move second motion by councilman Cruz second by councilwoman cuberg all in favor I thank you next is uh resolutions Liz does anyone want any resolution no seeing nobody can I get a motion to approve uh the consent agenda for Resolutions resolutions 176 through 194 so motion by councilwoman cuberg seconded by councilwoman Kent all in favor I I thank you motion carries um ordinances ordinances will be presented for second reading and final adoption on April 24th 2024 ordinance 24 18 Bond ordinance appropriating 52623 and authorizing the issurance of 51,1 bond also the B for various improvements of purposes authorized to be undertaken by the bur p l in the county of the state of New Jersey can I get a motion to approve ordinance 248 for introduction so moved motion by councilwoman Kent second seconded by councilwoman kilber roll call please Council Cruz yes Council yes Council yes ordinance 2419 amending chapter 4 of the revised General ordinances of the B of PRT L amending the fees for D Park sponsorship can I get a motion to approve ordinance 2419 for introduction so moved motion by councilman kilberg second second by councilwoman Kent roll call please yes coun Ken yes Council K yes coordinance 24-20 amending revised General ordinance of the B of Compton lakes and regulating removal protection and replacement of trees can I get a motion to approve ordinance 2420 for introduction so moved motion by councilman Cruz second second by councilwoman Kent roll call please councilman Cruz yes Council 10 yes Council yes ordinance 24-21 amending chapter 190 the municipal code of B pton Lakes amending the storm water control regulations in compliance with the requirements of the njde storm water rule can I get a motion to approve ordinance 2421 for introduction so moved motion by councilwoman kilberg second second by councilwoman Kent roll call please Council Cruz yes Council yes counc yes thank you all right mayor's report um couple things uh since most of my meetings happened later on actually the MUA meeting in in the Redevelopment meeting I have nothing for myself however I did want to point out a couple things I happen to be in the Madison a couple weeks ago and I picked up this magazine called edible New Jersey and I like food so I was like it appealed to me and I picked it up and I started leaping through it and funny enough we have um our Pompton Lakes bid did an ad in this in this magazine called cultural culinary diverse Pompton Lakes and there's there's a nice ad and later on in this magazine it as part of a New Jersey food tour Pompton Lakes is called out again it's it's an ad but nevertheless um I did want to point out the fact that our our bid is doing work to draw people into Pompton Lakes one of the reasons why taking care of the garbage is so important um but you know we're putting ourselves on the map and we're in the same same magazine as people mentioned in Morristown Hamilton Hammington Madison all of these places and here's bompton lakes and we have a lot of great restaurants and it's good thing that we're dra attention to it what I haven't seen is this magazine in our town so I'm hoping that Liz or Michael might reach out and see if we can get copies put in the municipal building maybe at some of our restaurants and businesses in town and we can you know draw further attention to what our our business Improvement is doing um so that is that I wanted to bring up the spring cleanup begins on April 11th and 12th depending on where you are in the zone and that's whether permitting uh which is coming right up tomorrow and Friday so that begins the spring leap uh bring spring cleanup season um I believe that we don't have garbage pickup on Thursdays and Fridays during that time period is that true or am I just making that up no I think that's correct okay so again we'll be at one garbage pickup a week on Mondays and Tuesdays it's in addition yeah it's in addition to okay my apologies let's check yeah I'm going to check the CU I know Le it doesn't you only have one time a week I'll check okay so and then the lastly um one of the things that our administrator brought up um last month was pet county is doing a a public infrastructure plan um and this is a strategic plan uh that directs uh priorities in in terms of roadways Bridges um signage things like that and I did want to point out to the public uh they are having a public meeting next Thursday April 18th at 6 PM it's an online virtual meeting it's important to lend our voices to these kind of meetings at the county level because when they hear from residents in Pompton Lake saying that this is what we need we need investment on Hamburg ter prip we need upgraded traffic signals those kind of things when people come out the county pays attention so I just want to bring that to people's attention Michael if you could at some point push this out via social media and put up make sure it's on our website and that's it did we get an answer on the spin cout yes we did so they are picking up two days your garbage but you have to take a look at which which days they are because the south is on usually on Thursdays and the north is on Fridays so just make sure you always check you can put both out on on those days um and it's usually Thursday or Friday Friday it doesn't look like it's uh the Monday or Tuesday so it's at the end of the end of the week not at the beginning of the okay thank you okay so it's a little different than the least so there is still garbage pickup twice a week my apologies for making that statement and that concludes my report councilman Cruz uh thank you council president deline um I attended the Board of Education meeting on April 2nd uh during the meeting there was a presentation by the department of guidance and you know for me I think this is a fantastic program and it kind of highlights what we need to do in today with our teenagers um they introduced a Teen Mental Health first aid for all students in the 11th grade and just to um just to recap what this program does uh this is a comprehensive program rooted in evidence-based practices equipping teams with the necessary skills to recognize understand and response to SS of mental health and substance abuse use challenges among their peers um as we know today you know I know when I was younger obviously a lot of this was not a aailable but today to recognize that we do have a mental health issue we do have a substance abuse issue uh Nationwide um that they're able to not Implement these types of programs it's fantastic um leading the presentation obviously was Miss Daphne lenus and Miss Rebecca poo they're both certified instructors endorsed by the mental health first aate USA uh the course is taught in 645 minute sessions includes Topics in the following areas um let me just grab this so the first first is going to be in mental health in general um which is what mental health challenges are how common they are in teens the impact of mental health challenges on teens help people with mental health challenges can better uh professionals who can help session three is helping a friend who's in crisis because they are suicidal introducing the tmfa action plan which is look ask listen help your friends and how it could be introduced in crisis situations and there's also a video associated with that session four is for helping a friend in another type of Crisis such as threatening violence or harm to others section five how to help a friend who may be in crisis due to substance use how to help a friend might be developing a mental health Challenge and lastly recovery resiliency at all final activities to complete uh the course um again this just started this began March 4th is fairly new uh so the results obviously going into next season or next school year will be interesting to see um how the program is moving along now there was a second part to the presentation and they were talking about all the college credit courses that pumpin Lakes High School offers which I think it's amazing that you could actually get a handful of credits before even graduating um and I just want to highlight a few um we have advanced filment studies in production anatomy and physiology astronomy calculus academic contempor Contemporary American Experience creative writing economics introduction to education physics academics and sociology and for the 242 school year honors physics is going to be implemented as well and this is across collaborations with many universities just want to name a few that are here uh William Patterson University ramle College Berkeley College and the University of Delaware and this expansion allows to introduce a broad range of courses tailored to diverse academic and career interest needs and I think this is constantly evolving to remain competitive and offer the right curriculum for our students at ppon Lakes High School so again fantastic programs that we have going on and that'll do it for my repo council president thank you very much councilwoman Kent uh thank you acting mayor um I just want to thank the pumpt Lakes Women's Club and all the members that came out tonight in their beautiful blue shirts to thank them for coming and putting the pin wheels on and doing an amazing job throughout the town throughout the year thank you very much ladies uh I also want to thank uh Mrs short way Kathy for all you do I know I I'm behind you 100% in getting this result Sol so I want to thank you for taking the time because it's very important that we have a clean town because I know the bid I I was uh a bid liaison when they decided to go for the advertisement actually was my idea when I was on the bazon because other towns absolutely they they advertise all of their restaurants they advertise all of their different um community services and and our bid took that up and I think it's a great thing and I wish I had a copy of that I would love to see it myself so we'll get some yeah we'll get some definitely get some so thank you and I also want to thank uh Alex Diaz and the troop 388 for the uh wonderful Eagle Scout project that they're going to provide to us and uh I know a couple of the uh the young gentlemen that are in troop uh 388 and they do a fabulous uh flower sale and and Christmas sale for um waths and they're really a wonderful group and we're very lucky to have have those groups with us in Pompton Lakes uh this this past two weeks I met with the Pompton Lakes Volunteer Fire or first aid Squad I introduced myself uh because I'm the newly asent to them and they were very very nice to me and um uh first time I ever saw the uh ambulance Squad building so I was kind of interesting I'd never been in it so it was nice to see that wonderful dedicated folks as well I also met with the volunteer fire department I introduced myself again I want to thank Al ISTA for a lovely introduction that he gave me uh we have a dine and donate auxiliary fire department fundraiser on April 16th from 5:00 to 8:00 at Wendy's and again if you can go and and support that we'll go to the auxiliary fire department I me the items that they need for for the fire department um outside of what what they do on other on other fundraisers uh I received my CT uh gear so I am officially a member thank you I want to thank uh I want to thank Deborah Ross she does a great job with a big group and um I appreciate her assistance in that and I met with the shry commission on the upcoming ordinance 20 24-20 and this is a a pretty involved in ordinance um because it talks about permitting application fees replacement fees for private property trees and for trees that have to be removed or whether they if you want to remove them or if they have to be removed and there's different requirements for that uh consideration and depends on the size of the tree the caliber of the tree and we're going to have a lot of questions about this there's going to be uh the fees that we have in uh um in the ordinance uh the Sha Tre commission is concerned they feel they may be a little excessive uh and they would like to meet with the administrator and the uh ordinance committee if possible just to iron out a couple different things I do have some details I don't want to take up a lot of time on the details but there's there's a number of details that I think because it's brand new and because we're dealing with private property maybe we could be um given uh an hour hour and a half of your time just to go over some of the questions that they have and they're very valid questions uh we were here till about 10 o'clock the other night so we did were very thorough with our review of that ordinance so I want to thank the Shay tree Commissioners on that and we're still looking for funding for the Ramapo River uh Bank restoration from the December December storms I want to thank M uh M Sarah and uh our administrator for making more and more phone calls to different organizations to try to get money to come in and repair those uh those necessary uh river banks so we're we're not we're we're still working on that okay and let's get this garbage fixed and I want to thank you that's U lastly I just want to thank you and congratulate you on on becoming part of our cir team oh thank you my pleasure my pleasure uh councilman kilberg okay first I'd like to um make a motion to approve a request for Lakeside Middle School to close a portion of Lakeside Avenue on Lakeside AV from vanav to mandaville Street for the 8th grade award ceremony scheduled for Monday June 17th 2024 rain date June 18th 2024 and June 19th 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and to make van Avenue between Lakeside AV and Lennox AV a one-way street from 6 to 8:30 p.m. notify police fire first aid okay I have a motion can I have a second second second by councilwoman Kent all in favor I I any NES all right oh we have another one oh we have another one oh a motion may I have a motion um to approve request for Pompton Lakes volunteer fire department to close bake a from Ramapo AV to Hamburg turnpike westbound oneway Street Sunday May 19th 202 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. for firefighter Raymond Cahill 50th memorial service police to handle closure first fire first a notified I have a motion can I have a second second second by councilwoman Kent all in favor I thank you professional reports I didn't I'm not I'm sorry I'm so sorry my go I actually do my report yes you have your actual report I do um I attend the flood Advisory board meeting and we discussed updates to the prepare and recover info booklet um and to increase visibility um and they talked about adding a QR code um with a link to the booklet on the outside of the calendar um and they would also like to um add or include a QR code with the link on the flood plane notification letter um I attended a Pompton day meeting and um um we have 28 vendors um as of yesterday and if anyone's interested um please you can go to um Pompton day for more information um and you can find the vendor forms at Pompton leaks and um the river cleanup is May 5th 9:30 to 12:30 meeting at hersfield Park um you canite register at Pompton River cleanup or in person that morning and the summer camp is now hiring counselors the applications are due April 15th to burrow Hall um and that is the same p uh pton lakes and that's my report thank you now we can do a uh nothing of substance council president I'll let the council know I will not be here for the next meeting my partner James Brucey will be covering for me my uh I will be on vacation enjoy enjoy okay Michael thank you council president uh just a few updates for tonight um at the last burrow council meeting the governing body awarded a contract for The wqv paer Replacements project so uh businesses and residents and and visitors will start to see work within the next 3 weeks along W qav to reset all of the pavers in between the sidewalk and the road um we're going to start on the Westerly side on the side of Max Bar to start uh given the construction activities on this side with the Meridia property so we're looking forward to that we're going to be hopefully completing the full stretch of the Westerly side of Wan qav I would say the work should take about 3 weeks so looking forward to that we have a preconstruction meeting tomorrow for the Lincoln a phase 2 improvements project so we will have a clear uh understanding as to the project schedule uh hopefully by tomorrow notific notifications will go out to all the residents and the schools were invited to the preconstruction meeting as well to minimize uh the effects of all the school drop off and pickup times and lastly tomorrow we have a bid opening for the Howard Howard Street uh improvements project so again residents should receive a notice soon we should have a firmer date once we award a contract at at a future meeting so uh look forward to that hopefully within the next two months so that is my report thank you thank you uh we have uh we don't do Workshop this this meeting we have no tabled items uh public comment again um please keep your comments to no more than five minutes per person can I get a motion to open the meeting for public comments so moved second all right motion by councilwoman kilberg seconded by councilman Kent Cruz Cruz Cruz I'm sorry um geez man um second by councilman Cruz um any would anybody least uh wish to speak absolutely back to again Street um just wanted to say um quickly uh I have that magazine that you're talking about I picked it up at ARCA in uh oh in Lincoln Park in Lincoln Park yeah and it was a glowing report about Pompton so let's try to get the garbage off the street so when people say wow this sounds really wonderful and they come to Pompton they don't see dirty diapers on the street so that's the only thing and I really would love an update on my suggestion for the parts I got thank you anyone else Mr Hinton hesitated you did I was I was going to go a little faster than you are and close it I was going to scratch my head but um ordinance 2420 I have a little issue of course I have a lot of issues I guess people would say the issue is going to be published in the paper correct in the in the it's already been published today no it goes in on Sunday it's going to be in Sunday MH so that's one way that the town notifies the public also it's h it's hung up in the hallway so that's two ways that it notifies the public this says amending the revised General ordinance of burrow pump the lakes and regulating the removal protection and replacement of trees well that sounds wonderful if you're reading it in the paper but it should say on private properties now you're going to this is the first notification of this ordinance then at the second 2 weeks from now people have a chance to speak on the ordinance but if they don't know that it's on private property how are they going to know to come in and want to find out what's going on with my private property right now it's just kind of generic that everybody wants to uh on removal protection of replacement of trees it's not a big deal but when they find out it's on their own personal property that you know what is going to hit the fan and you're not giving them enough notification that maybe they would like to be at the next meeting in two weeks to voice their approval or disapproval so that's misleading if you're putting that in the paper which he said is probably going to be in the paper on Sunday it's not notifying the public actually what's going to be happening it's on their own purpose personal private property and you know well you all know a lot of people are going to have a lot of issues with this now this is coming down from New Jersey DP so we understand that the town is kind of in a in a bind on this and has to do it but if you want the people to know it's going to be on your own private property and the way this is presented it doesn't say on their own private property it's going to be an issue you're kind of slipping it through without the public really knowing what's going on um ordinance 2418 is a bond ordinance appropriating 526,000 for issues and problems that we have in the town and Michael give him a lot of credit he's been doing a great job on that but I just talked to DPW and there's a major leak in the roof of the DPW garage now I've said this before police department they deserve and need what they get what they need the fire department needs equipment they get what they need the DPW is not like stepchildren they're an integral part of our town they take care of so much in our town and that DPW garage I worked in it 52 years ago that thing is falling apart we're still paying rental on the two trailers that the superintendent and supervisor sit that's ridiculous we could have bought those trailers three times over if you're doing a bond ordinance for one thing do a bar and ordinance for a new DPW garage it's way past time that these guys have been working in that catastrophe of a garage please try to do something for them thank you thank you anyone else seeing no one can I have a motion to close the the meeting for public comment motion motion by councilwoman Kent second second by councilwoman kilberg all in favor I okay a couple things um Miss short way who's left again um we're going to have that discussion about the part-time employee I don't know if it's feasible or not but we will certainly look into it um to ordinance 2420 I have two questions on that um in in to to Mr Hinton is does ordinance 2420 only regulate private property trees the property okay to that point to our attorney would changing the title of the ordinance be considered a substantial change and we would have to reintroduce I I do not think changing the title would be a substantial change because it doesn't change the substance of the ordinance itself okay so can we when we publish this notice I publish the full ordinance you publish the full ordinance it'll be the title and the full ordinance so it it will have it will have the full language but can we still change the title to include on private property yeah okay so then at the very least I I agree with Mr H it provides a little bit more clarity and transparency about um what is being regulated by this ordinance um and again there's no kind of about it we are just so people understand the every municipality in in the state of New Jersey is being required to pass a tree protection ordinance that regulates the removal of trees on private property it's part of um basically they're looking at it as flood flood prevention and it doesn't matter if you are in pped Lakes it doesn't matter if you're in the city of Newark or any of these other places of the other 565 we all have to pass this ordinance it's being it's being sent down to us by DP it's a statutory requirement so I understand that people will be upset I'm not too crazy about the ordinance itself it does have some benefits but it is sort of a one-size fits-all kind of approach by D which is the wrong thing to do in my opinion um ordinance 2418 um again Mr Hinton you're absolutely right the the DPW garage is abor it's been AB bant for quite a while uh we do have investment in DPW operations that doesn't address their facility um as you know facil change in facility has been ongoing we do hopefully we do hope at some point to be able to move the DPW facility but obviously that's um that's not happening anytime soon so in future years we might have to pay more attention right now we're we're plugging a lot of holes and filling a lot of gaps and trying not to invest too much in a new facility but you know at some point we we might our hand might be forced if especially we can't move it but again um you know are are we're in a challenged budget situation Michael went through it last year we're going to be probably adopting the budget at the next meeting uh we would always like to do more but we also have to you know keep our residents at mind and and do what we can but you know I I don't disagree that our DPW in terms of the facility does deserve a lot better than we got a grant for the library why can't we get a grant for well that that that Grant was available and we can explore other options too like that down the road but um you know so we can only you know take care of one thing at a time either so uh again appreciate your comments that's the neglected to Long understood uh privilege of the floor there's no privilege of the Floor Michael I believe we have an uh a Clos session all right so can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting to uh close session I make a motion uh motion by councilwoman Kent second second by councilwoman kilberg all in favor I I thank you thank you all for coming tonight we do have to go into close session open to um open meeting motion second uh motion by Council seconded by councilman Cruz yes now 8:39 close session we discuss Personnel can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting motion motion by Council Lie by councilman Cruz all in favor any n all right thank you have a good night everybody