okay whenever you're ready take your time the following is the agenda for the regular burough council meeting of burough Pon L mayor and Council Municipal Corporation the county of faake the meeting will begin at it's going to begin at 20 7:40 7:40 I guess yeah on June 12th in the Municipal Building 25 L AV P Lake consistent with the open public meetings act the meeting will be open public Comin and shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the burough municipal code and please stand for a flag sleep to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all please bless this Maring Council as they deliberate on the best of P LS in conformance with the open public meeting Law Public Law 1975 chapter 231 adequate notice of this meeting setting forth the time date place and purpose of this regular meeting through notice posted on the Bolton board in the municipal building mailed to all have requested and paid for same and published and Suburban Trends roll call please here here here coun Ken here Council H here Council D here coun Ben here with us this evening is our attorney dber and our administrator Micha all right presentations and updates before I get to the nomination I just want to congratulate our baseball team for winning the state championships uh it was a very well deserved uh game we will be recognizing the team the whole team next meeting every player will hopefully be down here it was just tough to put together in a day so we're going to do it in two weeks so congratulations to them welld deserved guys you did a great job I also have a motion motion to approve nominations of burrow prosecutor oh boy BL bla peski of petesy law offices for a term from July 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024 got to have a motion motion second uh councilman benon councilman Cruz roll call please councilman Cruz yes yes counc yes yes yes counc yes okay can I have a motion to open the meeting for public comments so moved council president blind councilwoman gilberg all in favor I against anyone from the public like to address please step up uh C shway Pine Street um here again about the uh garbage um but first I'd like to say that Michael has done an unbelievable job it's improved so much from what it was but of course we still have you know repeat offenders and um so I do have some pictures I I'll share I gave some Micha but I I'll share them with you Liz thank you Liz um but uh I wanted to get back to gosh I don't know a year and a half almost two years ago you weren't here mayor Sarah last U meeting that I came to but um originally I had brought up an idea of hiring a part-time retiree you know just pay me you know hourly salary no benefits or anything to to take care of you know just messes you know I I ride through town I ride through town every morning on my way to work there's bottles there's paper there's garbage and it would be someone that would just go through town and you know pick up you know sweep up uh if there's you know a few small bags of garbage on the street throw them in a little truck whatever um and so I've been bringing that up for got to be close to a year and I haven't got any answer on you know I know one time you thought that it could be a conflict with the Union so I would just like to maybe you know move forward with that and see what you know if there's any thoughts on you know doing that but um you know like I said it's it's come a long way but there's still a lot to do as far as garbage because there's just these people that I I I you know I've gone into businesses and you know um Selita I think it is the uh restaurant down there there you know there's constant garbage out there there's there's airplane liquor bottles it's just it's just shabby uh the garbage can out in front of Niki G is one of the garbage cans that on on my pictures um it's just constantly a mess you know and someone if we hired someone part-time they could get a you know sweep out our DPW is is totally over you know they've got enough to do so this would just be somebody extra you know to just clean up and you know I know that they do have someone that comes through and and uh sweeps up once in a while but I just don't think it's enough it still looks very shabby to me so okay that's it thank you thank you anyone else from public like to address Step [Music] Up Down Riverdale bwar on uh just something quick uh I was on a river again um there's a large tree down it's over 2T um it's on the Ping Lakes embankment it goes all the way across to the Panic embankment it's right at water level uh I don't I don't know how much it's under water but it's uh right up water level now um no it's it's it's going to be a bad situation of that one it's going to cause a problem and where is that I'm sorry it's uh on the eastbound section about 150 200 ft east of the north south river where V just below the V just below the V about 200 ft okay thank you anyone else from the public like to address just step up today GE my truck got damaged in recycling down here just refused to take care of it and seem funny they just sitting in this building that's used to penalize American citizens daily for little infractions in traffic and yet it all bailed out on my truck what do I do about it I'm not going to take it from an insurance company the mayor or a politician in front of the judge okay I'll answer your question thanks I'll answer at the end thank you anyone else please step up is that your hand an alley 5 Lambert Street um good evening everybody I've come here this evening for one reason and that's to take the time to commend the man who has been a shade tree commissioner a co-leader along with myself who does more on this commission which I'm talking the pumpt and Lake Shad Street commission then all of us put together it seems as though he doesn't get the kind of necessary recognition for this and I had learned that someone on this Council had stated that he didn't know what Randy does well I'll tell you now I would need an entire hour to run down everything that Randy has done in the 18 years that he has been a member of the shade tree commission as a volunteer don't get me wrong the other Commissioners work hard as well Pete meline and Alexa for that matter and myself but none of us are out there on the street at a moment's notice like Randy is to check out a complaint that a resident may have or to just do a field survey on the condition of trees in order to reassure the people who run this town and the residents who own their homes that the burrow Tree in front of their property is safe enough to remain there and if it is not it will be taken down I will now read something that another one of our commissioners has written on behalf of Randy however she was unable to attend tonight it starts off with a society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they will never sit in we are incredibly fortunate to have Randy our dedicated chairperson for the shade tree commission who embodies this wise saying Randy has been involved with the shade tree commission for over 18 years and his passion for our community's green spaces is unparalleled even in his retirement Randy spends up to 50 hours a month working on shade tree ensuring our Town stays beautiful and green from planting countless trees to overseeing various environmental projects Randy's tireless efforts have made a lasting impact on our community his dedication not only beautifies our surroundings but also creates a legacy of growth and sustainability for future Generations thank you to Randy for his incredible commitment and hard work your contributions do not go unnoticed by most of those in our community and our community is forever grateful thank you thank you thank you thank you anyone else from the public like to [Music] address anyone else from the public 443 month renue pretty tough to follow that up um but I just uh at the May 8th meeting of the council and the May 22nd meeting of the council um it was actually like to say it but it was actually your comments Mr Mayor that you didn't whether it was sarcastic or whatever you know but it it words matter words bring people up words bring people back and uh your words brought me down that night and your words brought me down all month that um in my retirement I give my heart and soul to our town to the people in our town um I've been yelled at quite a few times that I do way too much I don't know when to stop you know I just want to I enjoy what you mayor and the council have let me do with planting trees and and and doing the removals and doing the prunings um Tom om man is our uh Road super for down street service he had said that um out of all the towns that he works with everybody that does removals and prunings are all paid employees of the Burrows the only one that he does work for and it's not a paid employee is the town of pumpt and Lake it's me and uh I still enjoy it I come from a construction background um you had made a comment that you didn't know who anybody that would should back me up and I spent uh two hours today writing a list but I'm not going to bore you with the list because everybody up there knows and people in town know my commitment to the town and uh it's unfortunate um that night at that meeting uh you said those words and that's okay you don't have to apologize if you don't want to or but words do affect people maybe I'm getting soft at over 70 years old but uh that's the way things go but um I I don't want to keep going thank you Ann for what you said and uh it bothered me so much that I was going to step down from Shak tree commission um but I still enjoy I just met at resident today that brought me back up that you know that I enjoy talking about so what I want to say to you Mr Mayor is come over my house I'll buy you a shot and a beer we can sit on the back fors look at the Garden and talk about it you know so uh that's my invitation to you I don't get inv Mr Cru you can come too you know fact the whole Council to come over we'll make burgers and uh we'll have a good time looking at the Garden but I'm a GRE thumb I've always been so every tree bothers me in town if I lose a tree because of a deer or or anything that's where my heart is so um you can come over and come over in the middle of August that's when 130 tomato plants that I planted we'll be putting out tomatoes and we can have some V you're welcome to thanks very much y anyone else from the public like to address seeing no one have a motion to close the public session motion councilwoman poor council president line all in favor I against Kathy thank you for at least a knowledging we're making a little progress um we are trying and we are we we spent a lot of time and energy me and Mike has done a great job in pushing a lot what has to be done there there's still work that has to be done we're playing with ideas Mike did we ever get back from the union about if they had an issue with us hiring someone we'll talk about it offline but uh we could have a potential solution okay so there there's still some situation with the Union maybe giving us some trouble but we'll find out more about that certainly to to move forward but we're at least moving in the right direction you know I I get complaints constantly about I want a garbage can back I don't want the garbage can um I know I can tell you I've been in a lot of businesses and they mentioned that you've come in and told them the way to do things which is great that you're taking that upon yourself to do that but you've also learned that you tell them that and then they still don't do it either right so uh it's a fight and it's just a continued fight but thank you for for handling that well um Mr dunos we'll take a look at that tree uh and see what we can do to help get that out of there yep George I I feel for you 100% on this and I agree with you 100% And you can our administrator will tell you I I am I've called and and said I I don't understand why the insurance company is saying this do we have any more information on this yeah thank you mayor uh Mr vanderhook if you could stop by my office either tomorrow or Friday and uh we'll talk uh about a potential solution right here uh not on me but thank you just come in and you can make a right and you go right to his office right there what's your name again Michael um yeah but you know I you know I'm aware of the situation and it has to be addressed and it has to be fixed I agree with you also okay I can't have you talk but yeah the town can fix fix the situation they put be all right thank you uh I'm going to tie both of these together first of all the shade tree Commission in general does a great job I I yes you identified Mr Hinton as one of the outstanding people but you all do an outstanding job on that commission and you've always done an outstanding job there's never been an issue with what you're doing Mr Hinton you're bringing up statements I made in a sarcastic way which you've made many sarcastic remarks to me and my feelings got hurt I guess and I should make a whole think about the things you said but I don't need to go there because I know you don't mean it when you say it but yet you're going to come up here on a Podium and make a statement about that so it goes both ways about statements you you've mentioned things about my salary and and and many things there's no talking no the facts you got were wrong okay at the end of the day you do a wonderful job for the shade tree commission there's no question in my mind the residents tell me that all the time we we have no issue with that and I have no issue with you to be honest you know for many years we did things together and did some other projects together your I'm sorry if your feelings got hurt but my feelings get hurt too sometimes by the things you say um and of course going back to the shade tree commission there in no way shape or form do we ever feel that the shade tree is lacking and anything they do you're on top of everything matter of fact today and I was told to tell you this Mr Hinton a friend of mine who has the one blooming tree that you put in told me to tell you we have that blooming tree it's it's a beautiful tree that's been put in front of my house and I just wanted to thank everybody for putting that tree there so that's what that's where we are with that okay uh motion to approve the following minutes moved got to read it first oh I'm sorry I thought you I thought you one L regular meeting minutes May 22nd close session meeting minutes May 22nd now you make go ahead so move councilman crew second council president D line all in favor I against um bills and claims motion to approve the following Bill list as stated below motion councilman gine councilman V all in favor I against resolutions anybody need anything pulled out I do which one um 244 252 244 252 and 258 and 258 okay well you were going to mention that right yeah yeah yeah is that the same reason same reason okay 28 no 258 we don't have to pull do we have to pull it up you want to do SE separate yes separate sep in order to give uh to the counil people the opportunity okay besides those um go ahead this so it's 244 252 all right whereas the mayor and ver Council of ver P have R the consent agenda cons of our proposed resolution where May Council comp does desire to remove resolutions for individual action from that agenda now therefore be resolved that the following resolutions on the consent agenda are hereby approved resolution 24-2 39 through 24- 259 we're going to quot 24244 24252 and 24258 for separate action okay can I have a motion motion who was that motion uh councilwoman Tor have a second councilwoman kilberg all in favor against okay uh resolution 24 244 approving a chapter 159 resolution pursuing to States statute providing for the insertion of items and revenue in the 2024 budget local Recreation Improvement Grant $60,000 okay so I know we applied for another grant for this like the other grants is this one also not portable because we're still we've waited a considerable amount of time for a followup from the engineer as to what this actually looks like now and we keep accumulating Grant funds for a project that actually has the possibility of not moving forward as originally implemented is this also portable and perhaps going forward we should cease requesting money for that project and start shifting it towards the ones that we know actually can be executed thank you councilwoman uh so no this is dedicated to the willow Field improvements project uh it's a use it or lose it situation and uh I would advise that any future applications uh maybe be on hold until we have a determination on the project however any other applicable applications that we may submit are at least not available until the fall okay so we should have some time uh to make a determination and then perhaps we can start looking at diverting some of those applications to hershfield correct okay um 252 list do you want to vote you want I was going to do them together but want to do them individually okay you want yeah we'll do them both together award contract to space bars for removal and disos question so we talked about this is did you ever look into whether or not this is something that can be done by the DPW we pay them to come out here and then sometimes it takes days and there's been times in the Summer where a deer will lay um in front of a building or a house four days and uh we've always been told that we can't touch them but I have heard from um Departments of Public Works and other municipalities that perhaps they can be moved internally thank you so this resolution is a result of uh a requirement under the local public contracts law so this is a service that we already have for the year and we already signed an agreement in the beginning of the year so we're just uh dotting the eyes and crossing the tees with regards to the agreement however uh Dan oror and I are looking into alternative Solutions it's my understanding in speaking with the health officer and with the DPW that we may need some sort of freezer if if we're doing it inhouse as bad as it sounds I believe that you have to put the deer in a freezer before it's transferred wherever it goes um so we're working it out and we're hoping to find a financially beneficial solution if it is financially beneficial to invest in that then maybe part of the new DPW plan can you that okay thank you it's actually state law that if you call the town it's actually a requirement that the police remove it so it's actually under state law that the police remove it's interesting that you say I and perhaps we can look into that because I had um actually the police had to end the life of one of them on my front lawn in front of us and then it sat there for 3 days cuz we were told they couldn't touch it yeah by state law it bled into the snow for and laid there until techically we're under obligation and at the police it's the police department function yeah but they are they the ones to remove it yes it is like a very I don't care I don't know it just it doesn't say it doesn't it just says that like if you if a deer dies in your yard and you call the town the police are the respons I can tell you the police have never removed a deer no and when they shot it on the lawn I said are you going to take it away with you and he said no it will stay here and I said but it's bleeding into the snow and my children live here and it stayed there for 3 days we're also looking into maybe some other companies that can provide a faster solution yes yeah there is a problem with the speed on that okay uh resolutions uh those two resolutions Li so you want a motion yeah can I have a motion for resolution 24244 and 24252 councilwoman kilberg need a second second councilman venon all in favor against okay 258 why don't you explain what you want we pulled this because we have um two council members who have children who will be summer hires and so we want to give them an opportunity to abstain from the bill okay so can I have a motion for resolution 24258 motion council president dine coun councilwoman Paul dor all in favor I against abstains abstain two abstains uh councilman bennon and councilman Cruz okay okay uh okay first readings second readings I'm sorry first introduction will be presented to Second meing and final adoption on June 26th ordinance 2426 amending chapter 7 section 7- 431 handicap parking on streets of Municipal Code of the bough Pates to update the description of the Lincoln Avenue parking lot motion to approve ordinance 2426 for introduction so moved council president dine second councilwoman Kent all in favor against roll call please call councilwoman kber yes councilwoman yes Council Ben yes Council yes counc yes Council yes ordinance 247 amending revised General ordinances of the B of Compton L and regulating the removal protection and replacement of trees located on private property motion to approve ORD is 24-27 for introduction motion councilman benon council president the line all in favor against roll call please kber yes councilwoman paor yes councilman benon yes councilman Cruz yes councilman yes Council yes ordinance 2428 amending chapter n General ordinances of the B of Pates regulating the planting of bamboo within the burrow motion to approve ordinance 24-28 for introduction motion Council woman Paula dor second council president dine all in favor I Against roll call please councilwoman K yes councilwoman yes Council Ben yes Council Cruz yes councilman Del yes councilwoman Kent yes ordinance 24-29 an ordance of the county of faade state of New Jersey locating a portion of the RightWay designated as Locust Street in the burough of pton lak between Laura at Street and Gro Street motion to approve ordinance 24-29 for instruction so moved second uh council president line councilman Cruz all in favor I against roll call please Council yes yes yes yes I'm sorry coun yes ordinance 24-30 ordinance authorizing tax exemption and payment in L of tax in connection with the Redevelopment plan for Block 7400 lot 11 and authorizing the execution of financial agreement for payment and L of taxes with 525 WQ Associates urban renewal LLC pursuant to State Statute motion to approve ordinance 24-30 for introduction so moved council president dine second councilman Cruz all in favor talk about this one uh can I can we talk about it in first we are are we are committed y there can be discussion I just wanted to know why this is being done now should this have been done already yeah it was it should have and it was overlooked by some somebody so this is from what 2021 has happened uh it originated in 2022 and uh it came to my attention that the pilot and financial agreement were never executed so we worked with our burough attorney to get the draft finalized there was questions on the draft which is why it got held up but we've since resolved that and uh as a formality we need to adopt this considering the structure is complete so are they not paying yet is that they didn't get their Co yet so they're not even eligible to start paying so a dra so there was adjustments to a draft has has anyone that's voting on this seen the final issue that we're approving well it was provided in the packet uh if you have any questions but there were no major modifications made it was minor uh grammatical changes I saw the ordinance I didn't see the pilot agreement yeah it was in the packet was it yeah okay I'll look for it separately so we have time to review it before we before we uh adopt it we could certainly address questions okay thank you okay um did I do a motion motion yes I did okay roll call please roll call y c killer Yes C yes coun yes coun yes yes yes okay thank you Liz um under my report like I said congratulations to our baseball team pretty big accomplishment for a group that has never done that before um Pompton Lake Sports is always strong and I'm sure we're going to be hearing a lot of it in the future I attended a meeting with the mayor of wanu and the mayor of uh Riverdale and our administrator over at Tilcon to show us the progress they've made in the road that they're building between um uh Riverdale and wanu which would close the road for the trucks to drive through in um Pompton Lakes it's a pretty impressive road that they've built it's probably an eight Lane Highway and it goes straight up for about 100 ft so they blow out the mountain 100 feet on both sides and this road is going to come out on Burger kingside in wanu and then the trucks traffic would be driving through the mountain and getting right on on the highway there so it would eliminate most of the truck traffic here in Pompton Lakes which is a great thing that's a big deal um they're hoping to have it done in the next year um uh they've got about I guess half of it done uh and so the mayor of wanu and the mayor of Riverdale were part of the discussion on on how the traffic will move once that's done but it's that's good news for us uh I attended a meeting a follow-up meeting on the do highway bridge to explain why we really can't raise the bridge and we tried to push it um with the county and the state but our own expert that we hired suggested that it really can't be done that way um we were hoping that we could get more water to flow under there but unfortunately we can't and that was just to explain that um I attended we had some meetings on the parking meters that we had talked about a little bit before you know we will be doing parking meters in the in pond Hole uh with Kate koses and I think Michael might address this a little bit more in his report um once that's working that'll pick up permits for the students for the businesses for the apartments um and then uh individual parking too so we are going to try to keep the meters on the street right now um but eventually that might even change in the future but these will be kios that'll go in the pon hole in the back um we're working with two companies right now that hopefully can put it all together for us we actually bought the kiosks already and we're ready to go we had a meeting with a bunch of some of us up here about Carlo field hopefully that is a approved and the Press Box will be finished there and we can uh move on from there um and I think that is my report that is my report I have a a motion hold on motion to appoint Eric D line as liaison class 3 member of the Compton Lakes planning board on expired term to December 31st 20124 councilwoman poori all in favor against uh I may I made the motion second councilman D council president uh thank you mayor um first of all uh tonight we had a series of police interviews for promotions um I won't speak on them individually but I will say in large uh what stood out is how excellent our police force is we had a lot of strong candidates uh for a limited number of positions and and as I pointed out even for one of them and I noticed it for all of them you know for some of us we interviewed when they came on we interviewed from from their last position so it it it's a real tribute to see these these individual raise through the ranks um be in a strong position for promotion although obviously none of them will not all of them will get it um but it is an important factor and and they had phenomenal answers they really do care about the community so I I think I'm like looking back and the decisions that we made years ago and the decisions that we're going to make today I feel really good about where Police Department is and continues to to go uh for the future and I just wanted to let the residents know um we get to see that a little bit behind the scenes obviously and showing up in our day-to-day um Community as well um couple weeks ago we had the memorial day service and parade and I know a lot of people spend a lot of time thinking about the parade there's hot dogs at the end the BFW which is phenomenal but you know again um it was it's it's actually very heartening to see how many people show up for the service itself um that is really what Memorial Day is about it's recogn recognizing the the the Fallen men and women of Pompton Lake of our nation um people that have served and died in Foreign Wars in service to our country um so it's great that we continue to do this p l continues to hold that tradition and continues to be important and it was a great day for par it was it was a phenomenal day um probably the most people I've seen along the parade room in a while um and it's good to see people show for that as well so everybody who made that happen everybody who marched in the parade all the volunteers or BMW who um help held the barbecue at the end you know thank you to all of us CU it is it is an important aspect of our community as well um last week I attended the annual New Jersey planning and Redevelopment conference um I won't go into everything that I set in on um but a lot of things that we are discussing here are Hot Topics in the state of New Jersey um affordable housing is the the next round of affordable housing is a big thing we heard from the planner Darlene Green from col your engineering it is a major topic of conversation about how municipalities are going to be dealing with these numbers that they don't even have yet um so there's I think there's going to be a lot of TR on error because this is just a brand new iteration fortunately we're not doing it in the courts um at least not at this point um but I know there's opposition there's people that are like this is a good step at least we're not doing it in the courts that's that's what I know um as far as Redevelopment goes I attended a couple sessions of Redevelopment and one of the big takeaways uh I did and I actually reached out to Michael on this I wanted to bring it to the the council's attention um as we previously talked about you know we have Phoenix advisors on contract for us and one of the things that they're doing now is that they're reviewing financials and Redevelopment agreements for their the for the the money that they're we're supposed to get as part of the pilot and one of the things that we also have to utilize them for is to review financials and um to review the Redevelopment agreement to to to identify the Financial benefits of the pilot and also the necessity of the pilot one of the things that does is say and again we go back to um something that council president uh Terry rker used to bring bring up a lot is the pilot is but for if this project would not happen if it wasn't for the existence of the pilot and Phoenix advisors what they would do ahead of time is say there is a financial necessity for this pilot and it needs to be 30 years it needs to be 15 years it's 11% pilot grown to 13 whatever it is um we have that tool in our toolbx now that we should really make sure we use and I think it's important not just for us to make a decision on the council but also to have that backing and and provide a little bit of um credibility to our residents to say you know we have looked at this a number of ways we're not just looking at it from site plan review we're not just doing this to effectuate Redevelopment but there is a real tangible Financial benefit to Pompton Lakes and here are the numbers that we can hold up to say that so again I I think it's something that going forward we have to make sure that we are including in all our reviews everything and again that's that's the cost of doing business for developers they walk into a town they expect that this Phoenix advisors is going to be part of the escrow payment so it's not like it's it's falling back on our taxpayers to take that extra step but we are ensuring that we are being smart about what we're handing out as far as Pilots go um and then lastly I just want to bring up which was a phenomenal um discussion they actually held the governor's candidate round table and they discussed a lot of these things uh climate change public transportation affordable housing Redevelopment all of these things it was assemblyman John brnik it was mayor Ros Baraka it was formerly assemblyman Jack chiarelli and Mayor Scott F it's was very interesting to hear everybody's different perspectives of where they came from what their Visions are I'm biased I thought Jer was the most informed and actually more most engaged and most knowledgeable of all the candidates but it was a really dis good discussion and that concludes my report Manor thank you it's funny you mention that Congressman Pasquel who came to our parade did mention he said it's nice to see so many people here at the ceremony part of of of this so you know that you noticed that and he noticed that that that's a nice thing to say um councilman Cruz thank you mayor I attended the Board of Education meeting on June 4th and June 11th um I would probably I'm going to speak more about the June 11th meeting because it was a full house uh Paul amaroso superintendent of schools uh recognized the pton Lakes High School baseball team obviously for their group one Championship if you did not get a chance to see it in person they did live stream it and I will tell you uh the the athleticism by our boys was amazing um we actually won in five innings because we mer see Point Pleasant so that was amazing I was jumping over joy and you heard the buses and obviously the uh fire department as well I also want to and keing the best of luck he's competing for a section one title in pval which I believe is coming over the next week or so the other reason why the the uh Board of Education offer was packed it was due to the senior trip there were a few hiccups along the way um over the weekend it's a very long story um but the district is working out now um obviously to have some uh things in place for next year so we don't have this problem again this year ultimately all the students were fine they did have a great time they came back and they had nothing but wonderful stories to bring up during the meeting obviously there was some concerns from parents um but the board of V is going to address those concerns obviously going into next year's trip for the next Senior Team hopefully everything will go well and we won't lose obviously this one trip that the seniors get every year upon graduation um the Board of Education approved the new science program for the high school uh paid for by a $35,000 Grant this will cover training materials advanced placement exams um and this is going to be obviously for the teachers and students I also want to bring up it's this is excellent so every year the uh board of education has to provide the New Jersey State Department of Education their hip report which is harassment intimidation and bullying and the max grade you can get is 78 so I just want to read off some of the point scores that we got across all the schools so for lenx school they got a 76 out of 78 absolutely amazing Lincoln Elementary School 76 out of 78 Lakeside Middle School 75 out of 78 and the high school 72 out of 78 so obviously we have a wonderful School District we have wonderful teachers our students obviously I'm it's good to hear that they're respecting each other um and it definitely reflects in this report that they send yearly um the next board meeting is going to be July so remember folks there's only one meeting in July and one meeting in August July 8th and August 13th and that'll do it for my report mayor and thank you for reminding me Liz could you reach out to the it we still have the um the uh High School uh uh money for the budget running in in in circulation you know the uh request for the um the vote that was four months ago so I think we could pull that off what the uh referendum CH 77 yeah there's still still talk about the referendum on our channel oh okay yeah well past that thank you B uh councilwoman kilberg oh I'm sorry councilwoman Ken oh okay thank you may um I also can't wait to honor the baseball team the boys baseball team on their uh on their win that's a tremendous win and uh we also honored the football team one year and then the soccer team I think the football team twice and and the soccer team twice so it we have an amazing school system we have amazing kids in our school system and we have an amazing town so it and it reflects on every aspect of that uh I met with the aqua CLE uh uh company that treats Pompton Lakes and Twin Lakes and he was out a couple weeks ago and he does an evaluation and that evaluation will be coming soon but the Lakes look pretty good um and we did talk a little bit about the uh hazardous algae bloom if it ever comes we're ready for it so we're not worrying about that too much um I attended the pumpt Lake High School scholarship award ceremony it's a beautiful ceremony there are many people who have loved ones who've passed that honor uh honor the students coming in or I mean not not coming in but uh leaving the school to go to college or other vocations and they do give them a very nice scholarship uh Terry rker scholarship I did uh was very fortunate to have to mention that uh Terry was a councilwoman here and she was very involved with the board of education at the time and she gave a very generous scholarship um I also met with the shade tree commission and they are in the process of pruning removing and planting of new trees they are also the Watchdogs of those trees that are planted in the new uh season which need care within the first year and uh I want to thank uh our administrator Michael for taking a very long memo that I wrote to him and he answered every I every question and we are going to make sure that any new trees that are planted will be wooded properly because that's what we pay for um people that do not have a green thumb must understand that if you don't give a tree a lot of water right from the beginning it will not be viable so we spend a lot of money of taxpayer dollars grants and we do appreciate that and we do want the trees to flourish so Michael I want to thank you very much for contacting the um the landscapers and getting them moving on that I appreciate that uh I also signed the burrow bills and um I have just a full disclosure I was elected to the Pompton Lakes Women's Club and I will be their upcoming president starting 1st and I'm very honored to have that uh that title and to represent amazing wonderful ladies who care and advocate for so many Charities both in pumpt lakes in the county and throughout the state of New Jersey um I want to thank Mrs shortway Miss shortway for coming about the the garbage I have to tell you I was at willbrook today and I was appalled at the garbage in willbrook on the sidewalks I was appalled there were shoes there were it looked like somebody slept there and nobody touched it I don't know what's going on but we need a whole entire education program about you know leaving your garbage on the sidewalks it's it's it's it's not just Pompton Lakes unfortunately um we uh I just also want to say that our police force will be uh we're going to be doing some changes and hiring and I'm very very proud of our policemen and our force and they are the people that we're hiring and and promoting our very well um very well versed in what they do and I'm very happy to to support that okay and I just want to I thank uh our chairwoman from the shry commission for a beautiful statement and uh and we do have and Randy you do a great job and I I I hope that we all can sit down and have um a couple tomato sandwiches with cheese and I'll I'll I'll bring the wine if you want okay I'm ready to come I want to thank you very much and that is my report thank you uh Maria I might have some good news for you and that the mayor of Oakland called me to thank me for helping him with getting rid of the cement plant and I put in his ear about treating the lake on that side yes and he said well that's some maybe a discussion we can talk about so with maybe with a little help for Michael and a little push from our side maybe we can get them to start treating the Oakland side of the like which that would help us tremendously it would it would so that that's we'll see what happens there thank you thank you ma'am uh councilwoman kilberg okay first I'd like to make a motion to approve the request of Susan Davis and surrounding neighbors to host a block party on Broadway on Saturday August 17th 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. police fire first a to be notified council president the line all in favor I against um a motion to approve the request for pton Lakes El Lodge uh 1895 to hang a banner across the intersection of hurg Turnpike in Center Street for the Elks Carnival held on August 22nd 23rd 24th and 25th of 2024 Banner to be installed on August 5th 2024 and remove removed on August 26 2024 have a second councilwoman Paula Dory all in favor I against okay um I attended the flood Advisory board meeting um I attended the the Memorial Day Parade um it started with a very Moving Service he makes me cry every year it's it really is touching and I think more people should go um and then it ended um um with Refreshments which was very nice and I thank Bob McGrady um for putting the whole thing together every year um I volunteered at the El CL tonight and uh all proceeds went to support veterans um I attended the juicy Deli grand opening congratulations and best of luck I attended the scholarship award ceremony at the high school and congratulations to all the scholarship recipients I attended the library board meeting and I attended um a Pompton day meeting and um congratulations to the Pomp and lakes baseball team and I do have a few things that um we have a dime to donate um for the smoke shock June 13th from open to close and the proceeds go to um the Pompton Day event so if anyone's interested and then there will be another one at Monica's on June 18th from open to clo um paddle boats kayak rentals there's ping pong and corn H um from uh Memorial Day to Labor Day um at Lakeside there's a concert on Friday June 21st from 7 to 9: the 3M band on the library Long uh we are looking for Pompton day sponsors um and you can reach out at Pompton day yahoo.com let's see um volleyball the Pompton leak direct volleyball adults it it's going to be Monday July 8th through August 19th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at firstfield Park and then we have pickle ball which seems to be the favorite um Monday July 8th through August 19th um Wednesday July 10th through August 21st 6: p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and that's it and we did line a second court for pickle ball now so that is exciting news I people were using it already um next report yes thank you councilwoman Paul Dory thank you so a few shoutouts I want to Echo the sentiments of everyone else up here and congratulating the um High School varsity baseball team they did a great job congratulations group one State Championship uh I also want to give a shout out to our Police Department for participating in the 41st annual law enforcement torch run to benefit uh Special Olympics something they do every year I was told they had uh even more participants this year than normal so thank you to them for doing that Memorial Day Parade was a again amazing Bob McGrady does an outstanding job he really organizes a fabulous parade and the generosity of the VFW to uh host the barbecue for everyone in the town after and provide Refreshments is always outstanding it's really nice to see everyone go back there and we had uh perfect weather um I also participated in the VFW cornhole tournament they have an annual fundraising event which I'll Circle back to in a minute um but it was nice to see the turnout this year was also higher than normal I volunteered to serve at the Elks pasta night uh they were running a dinner this month was for benefit to proceed local veterans organizations so it was an honor to be able to help with that also attended the juicy Deli grand opening amazing assortment of fresh juices and a pretty delicious sandwich so I wish them luck I had suggested that perhaps they put some type of a student special out to take advantage of the fact that our children have open lunch because the the sandwich was really good so I brought one home for my son and hopefully uh they do well and are with us for a long time and last night um to end our year and segue into the new year under uh Council woman and new Women's Club president Maria Kent uh about 15 women from the Women's Club got together for dinner uh at the generosity of one of our local business owners uh at Raz they own some businesses in town also and he assured us when we got there that we would certainly not leave hungry and we did not it was amazing so if you have not been there um it is it is outstanding and that family they happen to be tremendous partners of a lot of our organizations in town they if you need anything for a school or a fundraiser um they never shy away from from their generosity and and helping support everything they can um so clearly ate a lot in the last two weeks um back to the BFW fundraising I so I'm going to ask for a nod to move forward on this because I it's been dragged on for for three years now since I probably had initially brought this to the council the flags for Heroes um I've been in touch with Bob McGrady Bob McGrady did organize um a connection for Michael and I to a gentleman that actually facilitates the program and has done it for kelan Butler Bloomingdale a lot of the local towns he is a veteran he does not charged for this uh it's something he's very passionate about he works very closely with the vfw's um they do everything it's 195 all in uh everything just shy it being mounted to the pole so here is where we've made some developments on this to alleviate the burden from the town and hopefully be able to say that it's okay to move forward at the very least with fundraising efforts because we um were planning on doing this from Memorial Day to Veterans Day so it's a little late this year so after a few conversations with the individual from uh flags for hero and going back with Bob McGrady a few times I think they have offered a solution that should make everyone happy and I I know that there has been a lot of back and forth how this should be implemented who should be able to participate but I really think that if we have um the VFW which is the organization in town that represents all of our veterans and this is how they would like to see it implemented I'm not sure why we would continue to go back and forth with that um it's been successful in every other town around us the suggestion is that uh fund through fundraising efforts which I will tell you in I'm going to partner with them the BFW has offered to take the ownership of so the way they would like to see it implemented is for the first year that the flags are hung they are only hung at the vfw's cost for um veterans that were killed in action so we have 13 he sent me the list ran down the numbers they will help they approved it in their meeting to go ahead with the full fundraising effort for that it is their ask that it is done that way so that the flags for the individuals that were killed in action are honored alone so that those are the ones we see and then through application process it opens up uh application to be received through the town obviously not through the BFW and then from that point forward uh the way it's been done successfully in other towns is that that cost the full burden of that cost lands on the family that would like to purchase the flag to honor a member of their family deceased alive passed away after service obviously not in action because we would have already paid for that should someone be identified after the VFW will take care of that um and really at that point they did not see any reason for why we would not open it up to of course based on spacing an individual that grew up here that may have moved away and passed away in another town but this is where their history was there's no reason to not honor that so that is their request that is how they have asked for this to go forward I I don't see any reason why we wouldn't honor their requests especially considering that they're going to bear the cost of the first year of this so I just would like to know that you're all okay with this and that we can move forward so that if they can move forward with enacting how they're going to move um their fundraising efforts forward they have at least from now until um early next spring so that they can be done completed and up at least the first 13 for Memorial Day all right so I I think what we I agree with the 13th news deceased we should start if everyone's okay with that start right away with that um and then I think we should have a workshop discussion on the other second part of it just to make sure everybody's on the same page on how we want to move forward because I don't know how many polls we have I don't know how much space we have I I don't know I don't know any of those things so I think we need to get some information on that and Michael maybe you could collect that kind of information you know I don't know are we talking about every pole in town or two propos I think we said want to qf and it's if we feel look if if this is something that is really grabbed on to and and it's I mean what greater honor is there than for everyone to want to purchase this and and honor someone so if it comes to the to a point where it's we're running out of space they don't have to be double-sided Flags you can do single-sided and then utilize two flags on one pole um and even if we were to run off partial on kfax have where some of the businesses are at least for that first leg if we run out of space that's a good problem right that means that everyone has wanted to participate in this I I don't know if that's going to happen I I see them I think we we've kind of fallen behind on this I'm seeing them everywhere now so I'm just concerned that if we don't have a a procedure in place somebody's going to complain I want to be downtown how do I get downtown and this person well there's always going to be a complaint and we can and this is why things get held up because we go back and forth continuously with what the issues are well we have Workshop let's bring it up in Workshop that's what the workshop I would like to give the go ahead for the 13 yes I'm okay with the 13 is everybody okay with the 13 yes all right so that gives us 2025 Flags will be 13 uh that we I have identified should there be more it'll be brought to our attention so now we really have until 2026 to figure out what we're going to do with the rest that's fine it sounds good um and then uh something else I had brought to a few of your attention I didn't have a chance to reach out to everyone yet but I did share this with Michael Carelli uh we had an an councilwoman Ken I I didn't I was meant to tell you last night and it just we ate so much I forgot so um councilwoman Kent and I through the Lakeside Park Improvement worked very hard with the schools and a member of our uh historic committee to get some Surplus uh funding from a grant that had not been used to create the sculpture that is now at Lakeside Park which I see online all the time people are constantly taking pictures of it it really did really well it was in part with the special needs children and the gifted intell art students so it was a collaboration across multiple uh groups and it really really was a home run and I think at that time we had talked about the possibility of expanding some of this art to other areas in town so I was on the lake the other night having dinner and um something I see all over now it's there's a big mural on the side of the restaurant it says Greenwood and then Lake in every letter of Greenwood there is a picture um of something very representative of the area this was skewed a little heavily toward the business cuz it was on a business but we have you know however many letters we would need to fill we certainly have enough historic spots in pton lakes to create a mural with the backdrop being the beautiful Lakeside Park renovation new gazebo the floating dock um I asked while I was there who did it and it happens to be the gentleman that owns the bar who was a graphic artist who did this overlay on the wall and um we talked about possibly looking for a grant to move forward uh this individual would do this for our town he doesn't do it professionally but he did an amazing job on his and would certainly like to see it hung somewhere else so maybe we can start looking at some additional grant funding I think the grant we used for Lakeside Park was um the Mars Canal green white art project so I think that was a onetime thing right are you familiar with that they did yeah P County put that out as part of part of right so it was just a one time but there are other art grants that we can look into and we have uh a brand new boat house or I'm sorry a brand new Bath House going up at herfield Park so perhaps the side of that would be a really nice place to Showcase something like that and you know we have a few historic buildings we have the veterans Monument we have the Bell um our library which we're now going to start putting a lot of money into renovating is a beautiful beautiful building in town so I think if we really thought about it we could create something lovely that everyone would want to take a picture of in front of uh our newly renovated herfield Park so I shared the pictures with a few of you I'll send it to you later all well again that would be a workshop a discussion what we can talk about um you know there had to be some discussion I know we're looking at making the building down at hersfield a presentable building to to have some substance to it I don't know if we all agree that we want to put artwork on it that would be a discussion we'd have to have I'm not against putting up the artwork we find a better place to it to me on that building might be a concern because we're putting rock on it we're making it look like a uh um a park a y yosity kind of Park building um so but it's discussion we can have in Workshop we can talk about and then my last question um so yes can we add that to the next Workshop then yes and then my my next question is there any followup on the potential violations for d for behind the hardware store uh thank you councilwoman no we're we're waiting on official notification from the D at this point which I'm told could take up to six months okay so in in the event that we are in violation and we find that it's not only burrow it's not only private but also bural property are we responsible or would that be the contractor that did that work for our property we would ultimately be responsible yes we have no recourse for the individual that had done the work that no okay thank you that is my report okay thank you councilman invented thank you mayor uh I want to Echo my council members uh comments about the police department uh we have a community here a very strong Community built by volunteers I was brought up earlier so I want to take the time to thank all our volunteers whether it be Sports shade tree uh flood board all all our boards are volunteer um that being said last night's uh Girl Scout court court of awards was at the high school I want to thank the leaders and the volunteers the parent volunteers that helped make that happen uh cat Freeman did an amazing job running that and lastly uh I want to acknowledge the pumpt and lakes uh School District music department uh specifically Mr Jason steer from the Lakeside Middle School and Mr Chris Nappa music director for Pompton Lakes High School um I had the opportunity to chaperone these students uh one the middle school went to the high note music festival over in Pennsylvania and they spent time at Dorney Park afterwards and that was a good time uh by all long day but a fun day but lastly Mr Mr Nappa Mr Chris Nappa has a connection with Carnegie Hall and the uh choir students had the unique opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall with other amateur choir uh directors and and uh music IND music folks and I to be backstage and be able to go back and forth between the house side and the backstage side was just an incredible opportunity so uh thank you to those folks but also the music department so if you've been to a an elementary school um concert and you walk in and you don't know what you're expecting to hear when they have these little plastic recorders leaves a lot to be desired let's just be H it's there's a process to learn all that but when you go to a middle school concert which I which I've been uh attended quite a few you see the progression and then when they get to high school it's like wow the kids that stick with it this is what they're capable of and then some of them actually stick with it through college and Beyond so I I support the music department and what they're doing and I thank all the folks that are involved in that and that is my report mayor thank you uh attorney report have any report uh nothing was evening mayor thank okay administ report thank you mayor uh few items for tonight uh for the Howard Street improvements Project work resumed on site today uh with regards to the Ada and curbing improvements uh We've run into issues with the contractor due to uh potential contamination of soil as a result of the DuPont plume uh matter we've confirmed with uh the D and with dupon engineer that none of our work is within the plume designated area and that we are free to move forward with our minor uh sidewalk improvements uh Paving is expected to uh be completed sometime within the next 3 weeks uh we have a pre-construction meeting tomorrow for the hersfield street and acrian place improvements project that work is expected to start uh on or about July 1st so more to come on that uh the burough contractor completed the link and a phase 2 improvements project there are still a few punch list items uh pending uh some of which has to do with uh grass seeding and line striping but in general it was a successful project that was completed and uh glad glad to see that finished we've talked about in the past the uh Lakes Side Avenue guard rail along the Lakeside Park which apparently is in non-compliance with DOT standards uh I just wanted to make the governing body aware that we were discussing this with the open space committee as a as a potential project but we are looking at Lakeside AV for this year's do Municipal aid program so it's looking like we'll be able to get that covered through the grant so it will lessen the burden on the open space trust fund so we could put that uh that's going to be resolved so we don't have to talk about that at the open space meeting anymore um I'm working with Meridia to finalize the permit set and Architectural plans for the new Civic Center so I'm told that we should have the permits filed by the end of the week and we will probably hold a preconstruction meeting to talk about the next steps so that's good progress on that front um I sent the governing body a link to our new website so you should all take a look at the new and improved Pompton Lakes website if you have any questions or comments let me know it's expected to be rolled out mid July so it's a new and improved look uh more user friendly and uh we're looking forward to that residents should see our new street sign replacement program uh Kickstart the DPW has been painting all of the street sign polls has been replacing poles that are crooked and will be installing the new street signs with the Pompton Lakes Cardinal on it within the next few months so we're looking forward to that that look nice as the mayor mentioned uh the new pickle ball court was striped however it's come to my attention from the Pompton Lakes Athletic Director that the striping of the one pickle ball court may or may not cause a competitive advantage or disadvantage to someone else on the adjacent court that does not have the pickle ball lines themselves uh it could be some sort of violation you lost me I don't even know with regards to are we talking tennis or we talking pickle ball the one pickle ball the One tennis court to the right has the pickle ball striping the rest do not right he's telling me that it could be a disadvantage if someone was playing on the court that had the pickle ball lines as playing tennis playing tennis on the pickle ball court could be a competitive issue in a competition oh I don't want to hear the complaining yeah so we're looking into the feasibility of striping the other courts and how much that would cost oh my go so they start tennis is going to start one of the reasons we didn't it for so long is because they told tried to tell us we couldn't play states there if they were live right but then I see other Town yeah so we're looking into that and then lastly the mayor brought this up tonight uh we'll bring this forth probably via presentation at a future council meeting however uh since the mayor brought it up we're talking with some parking vendors um we're specifically interested and I know councilman deline would know the company of Park Mobile yep uh so we're looking at Park Mobile which is a mobile parking app so residents would be able to pay with the coin kiosk on the street or there would be an overlay mapping system that you would essentially zoom into your spot you could pick down to the minute how long you're going to be there and you would pay right from your phone so it provides greater accountability for collecting Revenue because we won't have to physically go out and enforce it so much because we will know from the app if the users pay um and then Park Mobile uh let me also say that the kiosks that we bought uh two years ago do not do the permitting that we do for the high school so they don't necessarily work uh in accordance with our procedures so Park Mobile has a solution for permitting so we're looking into that as a potential solution but I think for your benefit and for the Public's benefit we'll do a public presentation at some point as to what this is because it would be a significant change and and we'll collect and we'll do a better job in collecting funds from those those meters right and our take a nickel Park Mobile's used everywhere yeah so if you have the app it's I mean you you can use it everywhere yeah yeah so more to come on that but we're definitely looking into that um and that's my report thank you ma'am I had a couple yes I do um back to the the signs the street signs you had mentioned that there's a possibility for them to be purchased when they're retired yes can we turn that into something really fun for the town and do an auction you bring up an excellent point we can make a lot of money if you just do all those signs at a big auction I spoke with Dan oor uh we're going to use the M the municipalities uh auction company municibid that we have uh so residents will be able to go on our page and look and see if their Street is available and they'd be able to bid on the sign that's outstanding the lowest bid would be a dollar you know we're not looking to make a killing but you know it might be a fun way to bring the community together you could probably start higher than a dollar and what are they charging for that I'd start at 10 I I've seen from other towns uh anywhere from $5 to $10 per sign no I meant the the uh what are they charging us to facilitate this a zero zero yeah start up 10 yeah so more to come on that we're working the details so sorry I forgot that thank you um website I didn't have a chance to look at it yet but I did have one question the so the calendar is really really hard to find the PDF is can there be something on on the landing page that has it link to the it's impossible to find it's very you could have it right on the homepage absolutely yeah because the the calendar that comes up on the homepage isn't as comprehensive as um what's listed on the actual PDF paper calendar and then my last question or actually comment um I want to thank you for for exped dating the issue for the BFW with the sign for the street and the dog park outstanding yeah so the dog park sponsorships we've sold about 10 so far that is outstanding and more to come uh so it's looking like a nice program if that works and that rolls over every season as anticipated that will that dog park will continue to be able to sustain itself for improvements awesome thank you outstanding Liz the calendars are due to come out July 1 no uh the6th or the 27th they will be in the mail so everyone should get it by the 28th so everybody should received their new paper calendar July or June 28th or so around there okay keep keep that in mind if you don't get it June 28th please wait a day or two before you make a call and say and get it um but everybody who has a residence here in town will have one mail for any new residents watching this that is kind of a Bible of what goes on in this town so if you keep that up there it will tell you when everything is happening in town uh any other questions from the administration I just want to mention one little thing we have the um flag a ceremony at the Pompton Lake sou is going to be held June 14th this Friday it's at 5:45 p.m. so all are invited um hope to see everyone there before I forget um Workshop who's going to do the first one I guess Mike thank you mayor uh I have one business item for tonight um it's come to my attention and I don't necessarily have a lot of history on this but if you recall there used to be a skate park at hershfield Park oh yes I do uh apparently we capped it at some point and put it in the dog park and with regards to doing that there was permitting that needed to be done with the D and uh I've come to find out that we've never done that of course uh so so I have a proposal here for your consideration uh that is at a cost not to exceed $2,500 to file all the necessary permits so any proposal that's not within the budget I like to bring forth in Workshop because it's a separate Standalone item uh so if you have any questions or concerns let me know but we're looking to move forward with that oh I'm sorry what's the permit for it's for a soil remedial action permit so it was capped when it when it was had that when it was cap that had that F yeah that's a good question it was that need a it's a refile it's a bu anual permit so it was due in 2017 2019 2021 and 2023 oh my God so we're going to you know we're going to file the permit and SC this away let's do it the right way you know just wanted to bring it to your attention Okay thank you uh you're I guess you're keep going with hfield Park uh oh that was all you had right yep I'll defer to Dave oh Dave are you going to do the governing body okay um yeah so the question came up recently whether um emails that you have relating you you council members your emails or text messages that are related to burrow business are government records They are in fact government records and therefore um and you should have my memo um it's pretty straightforward you just need to maintain those um I would discourage texts with respect to emails um you should save those in a just a burrow Communications folder create a folder for them put them in burrow Communications with respect to texts as I said best to discourage them but just take a screenshot of the text and email it to your B Communications those Communications are all to be maintained for 3 years according to the uh the schedule of records and um what uh what we can do if we're not already doing it is apply once we get to that that threeyear point just apply to the the state archive uh folks to ask them whether you know whether we can destroy now and discard the records that are older than 3 years and typically um typically that that that is a yes so but the important thing is that you you should maintain those those are govern so our Our IT program like automatically saves all our emails isn't that correct they are archived yes they are all right so I did bring this to D's attention CU I had some questions so as far as deleting then um it doesn't matter if we delete them because they're AR archived regardless as long as they're archived they areil what is the U email so when we have all these emails that come in I mean I'm guessing that we use our discretion as to what is a junk email and what is not right so if it's something that we've corresponded back and forth we've talked about the dog park we we've come to a resolution I want this out of my inbox so that it's not filled if I delete it is it archived or should I create a separate folder and then move it to a folder it is in fact archive so we can delete them yes okay then my next question was um should there be a a conversation about something that and and look there there's a lot of issues all the time now and someone goes back and forth and there is a text message chain that phone can then be taken sure so I think that we have a lot of departments in this town that are issued cell phones and I've asked this before why don't we have cell phones because look if it's impossible at this point to break the habit of we all text people all the time we text each other we we have people text us we live here it's a small community we all get texts um I can't be without my phone they're going to confiscate the phone if there's an issue well only confiscate the part they need well they will have to confiscate the phone to take the part they need yeah but they still got to plug it in and extract that information so they're going to be with your phone for a period of time exactly and that's my phone and you know so I so you know I think perhaps how much more could it cost to issue well it wasn't about the cost the last time we brought this up a lot of the council at the time didn't want to carry two phones that that was so if you want to opt out of that that's fine but if it is an option I would like one because it is my personal phone and because I've seen recently in this last year we've had an uptick in in things that could be considered conflicts and there's a lot of issues happening right now I would like to have some type of a separation from my personal life to government correspondence there's going to be a cost to that too course so Dave I I know the answer to this already but I think we should since it's we're in this venue something that we should also be aware of is social media messages not just posts but Facebook has a messenger app Instagram has a messenger app all of those things those are Oso records that have to be maintained so again whether you're using your personal account or if you created a burrow councilman Facebook account or anything like that but you're using it for burough business those are government records that need to be maintained well yeah but that's easy to I mean you don't have to actually physically hand something over for that to be access true so I'm just concerned about the actual physical property of the phone but I think people have to be mindful their messages are also government records that have to be maintained and if you open a a a town page you cannot block anyone from the town page correct so in other words if they were in your group or however you put them on you can't block them if it's a town page and just to add to that just so you guys know like messenger they have a Windows version of that as well so unless you want your desktop or laptop to be confiscated as well because you're communicating through there as well because if the messages don't match you use a different account just keep that in mind as well because there is a Windows version of those apps that also apply to Mac's windows so I'll throw it out I mean who does anybody want to have two phones I I if they're going to take my phone you can probably I'll I'll opt in if yeah I'm not they're not grabbing m not that I do anyway because I don't I don't want okay do not want all right so if we take a vote on it it's going to be three to three and I'll break the tie if you want no I why does this have to be in all or none three people want a phone three people don't I don't know I then we're spending money for half of a group which you know well we do we do that anyways for laptops well everybody has a laptop though right I don't know if anyone does I think every there's no well I think that if we I mean I guess we can all decide whether we want to if some people want it then they don't have to have if they don't want it they don't have to have it if we want it we should be able to have it it should be AC considering that the cost to add a phone to a phone line is minimal will it'll be a couple hundred you could be yeah it's nothing crazy though it's nothing crazy for for all of us so I mean are you all okay if you don't want a phone and I want a phone can I have a phone I have no issue with that okay so if it goes to a vote it'll pass three of us can have a phone I'm fine with that yeah I don't care if you want I I personally all right so I guess it looks like three people would like okay I'll work on impl implenting don't don't necessarily order get the numbers together cuz you come up with some outrageous number it's going to be a not for me I don't I don't need a I was going to say I was like you know what I'll take a phone give me like a Nokia I don't care if it's a call that's it just call me then that's all I have another question however if you use this phone are you are you going to be limited to you just just Town business just to bus only reason we want it is to be separated from town business and I mean I have unlimited data and calling I don't need to use the just a quick question the AR that's in place right now that policy is it immed or is it based on your retention years want to only for so for example you can set archiving to Archive everything greater than two years so that'll be anything 22 and on or if they do have it that which I will be shocked if they do that the moment a email comes in it's automatically archived at the point of delivery verify that cuz what I do for a living I'm just pointing it out there we have rules we got to follow regulatory rules but we don't do immediate archiving it's usually based on a retention period that you want to hold on and then it archives them out right and then that Liv forever so I would just make sure B case point is that upon delivery of that email is it immediately archived cuz if it's not and you delete it it's not it's not safe oh it's not protecting not no it's not saved it's not a matter of protection you delete an item it's not saved and I only know that because that's what I do so normally it's like two years because it gets a little much when you look at the much emails that you're getting so if he does find out that'll clarify obviously if things are immediately archived or waer than two years or something like that so mik let me ask you this and I you might not know the answer but does Our IT program automatically delete them after three years or do we have to approve that there's a retention policies as assigned to your mailbox so since we're government here I don't know what that is they can tell you but the retention policy is assigned to the mailbox that mailbox determines the years you can put it forever you can put it for 10 years you find out just make sure that's everything that's involved years yeah but but it should not automatically delete them you have to get the consent do we ever ask for that consent is what I'm asking know if we have or if we should start yeah they should ask because normally at the end cuz they don't keep on mailboxes cannot grow forever they become unusable after a certain point so they have to look at what you know legally we're bound to keep if it's seven years then after seven they got to go so more storage if we just create a file and it you move it into a file mailboxes become problematic once you hit 50 gigs okay 50 gig you normally only get 25 so I can tell you once you start hitting the 100 Mark you're going to start having problems that's the archiving is is no different they're not going to let it go to 400 500 gigs they're going to tell you we can't even open it so whatever it is he'll find out but there are retention periods assigned to that depending on the content how it's classified us is probably everything so I don't think there's a separation of that so I'm pretty sure Michael will get all the information on Michael also a lot of us have our personal cell phones on our business cards and and you know we get look I get calls and texts all the time I'd like to be able to put my town cell phone number on a business card and separate that a little bit too sure so and it it just be just a phone just for texting and calling it doesn't have to have any access to anything you have our own phones for that I agree no we don't need any bells and whistles I don't care thank you we'll follow up okay um Redevelopment AG procedures uh Lisa you had a concern yes well I I months ago now seems like forever ago when we were talking about Redevelopment someone um I got a couple of emails and people were asking me questions and so I wanted to ask about it in Workshop um I guess one of my questions is does the council have a say on what projects are allowed to be built in town such as um like if a developer wants to build like a four- story building and they go to Redevelopment does just the Redevelopment agency have have a say in that or or when they're complete with however they want to see the project does it then need to come to us for appr yes so you're going to get approvals for the the pilot can we let the attorney answer please you interrupted I really I just want to hear from the attorney though I mean this is why we ask for Workshop we have questions um well you have the memo that right you get to me so the Redevelopment agency is is really literally an agent of the of the council the council um with working with the planning board puts together you know what areas are in need of Redevelopment then when you have your Redevelopment agency they essentially do your bidding for you in terms of getting the Redevelopment plan um put in place in a way that is going to be um approvable by the by the council but the Redevelopment agency doesn't approve anything it's the council that has the ultimate approval they go out and negotiate things they are your agents so okay so project when a Redevelopment agreement is is is negotiated by the Redevelopment agency it comes here is that just for the pilot or is that both for the pilot and the project both the both the project agreement and the finan financial agreement are they want it together or no they are not they are separate okay so the Pompton Plaza the the the building that's been going back and forth the 15 story building that's been a huge point of contention in town if that were to be approved well that's a bad example because that's an amendment to the Redevelopment plan in and of itself that has to be approved first so let's just say hypothetically something that's well within the scope of the existing Redevelopment plan passes Redevelopment then it comes to us and we decide we don't want it we say no yes you can say no when I was new and the for the beginning of Redevelopment starting the first couple years I was here I was told that if you do that once they're approved by Redevelopment the Builder will sue the town well they're probably not wrong about that because when you when you have a Redevelopment plan you're saying that this is this is fundamentally becomes the zoning code so yes there is the financial aspect that the council has to approve but the planning board has adopted and we've by adopting the Redevelopment plan we've agreed with the vision of this form this taking form in Redevelopment so say somebody comes in and we permit five-story building with x amount of density per per acre and everything like that and this developer comes in and they've got a fully conforming lot they've been through Redevelopment they've got the parking they need they meet all there's no changes that are necessary for the Redevelopment plan they're fun fundamentally consistent with the Redevelopment plan they're and and and it's a Redevelopment plan that that this Council has approved correct well so that's my next question so then so if we turn around and we deny the project we might deny it on the financial aspect of it the pilot but the project itself then we're sort of being arbitrary and capricious because at that point we're saying well we know what we said when we said this but now we don't really like this so that becomes problematic so for the most part this sitting Council wasn't that Council so so I guess my next question is and we are one of the the few one of the smallest municipalities in all of New Jersey to actually have a Redevelopment agency uh there are towns much larger that are undergoing much larger scopes of Redevelopment through their own planning board and their own Council um we have this Phoenix advisers which have now been uh contracted to review the pilots which can even expand the service to identify whether or not the pilot is viable before it's even approved so we have help on that end we have a planning board that really can do the Redevelopment to me at this point seems to be just another workaround we've seen a lot of things slip through the CRA cracks there have been a lot of mistakes made um and this Council isn't necessarily the council that that adopted that plan so I'm if it was created by ordinance it can be dissolved by ordinance and then the power would shift to the planning board and the approval of the council you would there is a there is a step process for that you would have to have the ordinance approved by the state I forget what agency it is there has to be confirmation that the um Redevelopment agency has no debt I can't imagine our Redevelopment they have no there are a few towns that have drafted the ordinance to have the rment AGC do need to have it approved by the state and then you can dissolve the Redevelopment agency okay so that's something I I think we should start having conversations about there is a lot of backlash in the community about about what Redevelopment looks like now and the average resident doesn't know how to delineate how the chain of how this works how decisions are made who's saying yes and really it's you know the council is being held responsible for things that are not being received well and perhaps um I was happy to hear council president deline speak of the fact that there is someone that can actually take some time to review a pilot because it seems like it's been a cookie cutter everyone gets a 30-year pilot regardless of the size or scope of the project that might not necessarily be in the best um in interest of the buau so you know I think it's just been a lot of generalities and ways that we approach things and I would like to have a closer look at what goes on so the reason the the council is elected by the people to make the decisions for what this town looks like and um I just think the Redevelopment agency has been problematic and it's just an extra step that we don't really need but we still do we still do we still we still approve the project we still do the pilot we regardless of whether the review process falls in the hands of the planning board or it falls under the hands of the Redevelopment agency the only difference is is that the step that the applicant would take prior to coming to us so there's really like we're not we're not giving up our authority to approve these projects but we're saying you know again when this Redevelopment agency was created one of the things was to keep the Poli politics out of these decisions where you have you know you have specific um um a Redevelopment attorney you have professionals that are dedicated to this specific topic so that was the idea howel we may disagree on how but we know that idea has Mor we we can disagree on how how it's been effectuated and there I think there are it's more political on Redevelopment than it is on this Council so and part of the other question well only be again that doesn't mean that by moving it to the council it doesn't then become politicals so if you if you okay so if a project if we denied a project say we didn't went through Redevelopment they said yes and it came to the council and the council said no now we can be sued for that potentially could we be potentially but could we be sued if we didn't have a Redevelopment agency and it went through planning or zoning and it can be sued either way if any say yeah no if we didn't have a Redevelopment agency and it just went through planning and and yes okay if you approve if you approve a Redevelopment plan and it and what the Redevelopment agency negotiates complies with your Redevelopment plan and then you say no we' changed our mind after everyone has put their efforts and their time into it that's how you can get Su so um again there you know the Redevelopment a Redevelopment agency is your is your agent you know it's you that puts the Redevelopment plan in place okay so the steps so first someone comes and asks for the pilot I would assume that's what they do first thing they do is conceptual whe do you even think this idea will work to the Redevelopment agency so they go through all of that before they actually ask for a pilot and so we have they could be told at the conceptual by the Redevelopment agency we don't think this is a good project and then it goes away right and we had a developer ask if they could speak to the council and they they came back to one of us and told us that they were told no no you cannot speak to the council uh because I pushed for it initially they had asked and they were told it's not in the best interest for them to to to jump step they jump to step well it is in the best interest to them if if this Council has no intention or has a intention they should know if if we're not going to amend the Redevelopment plan to accommodate for a 15-story building they should probably know that before they go spend all their money the problem was they were asking to just have one specific I want to relay some of this off of date because I I I know but you're bias as to how you feel about this point that is wrong okay they developer told me you told them they're not allowed to speak to the no because they wanted one piece of their development project approved the height we told them everything had to be approved at one time we're not going to peac meal one thing at a time that's not which that was not how it was related to me well they related it wrong that's what Happ or you did or you did okay they wanted a height requirement approval by the council so um if we were to want to move to shift away from this because I will tell you you you are saying wait hold on I I I hate to interject are we this this discussion started off as the Redevelopment process and I think we're going into the necessity of the Redevelopment agency well that was my concern from the beginning well this this Workshop was theel agency process so I think we're getting a little away from what at least question actually it was all of ours I'd like to know the steps and how it works because the public seems to think that we have like we have the Maj the say in this and I'm not really sure if we do you do no we do yeah yeah we do have the final say on whole so the memo spells out the steps so if you if you you as a council determine that there are areas of deterioration blight lack of development underutilization you can adopt a a resolution asking the planning board to look into this the planning board will then do a study and they will hold a hold a public hearing on whether or not the this designated area is in fact appropriately designated as an area in need of Redevelopment um that plan is then if if the planning board decides yes this is an area in need of Redevelopment it comes back to the council and the council makes that designation of it as being an area in need of Redevelopment um Council adopts the boards the planning boards finding um then that goes to the Department of Community Affairs to make sure the Department of Community Community Affairs is comfortable with that um then a notice of that determination goes out to all the affected parties tenants um owners of the property um and then it's at that point that you'll start putting a Redevelopment plan together and it's at that point that you probably want to create a Redevelopment agency to assist you with that and you'll work with the planning board and the Redevelopment agency and put together a Redevelopment plan and this is where you come up with your Heights and what you want in that area do you want residential do you want mixed use do you want commercial how high does it want to be those that sort of stuff I'm going to look at Eric here as as a planner so when we put the r this really gets into his dayto when we put the Redevelopment again and it was the previous Mar even before me um it was so it took the politics out and there changing Council all the time so that the board is stationary like a planning board pretty much the same members okay so they have the say to present to us we have the final say does that property get designated or not designated does that property get a pilot doesn't get a pilot does that property get built or not built this sitting Council has voted except maybe you on every project that's gone forward unanimously okay so everyone sitting here has voted for every project that's happened in town so far in the Redevelopment as a predicate for that you would adopt the Redevelopment plan with your professionals you'll decide on this and then you'll you'll adopt the Redevelopment plan and that's when your Redevelopment ageny steps in and becomes your agent to negotiate with all the different developers who may be interested in pitching their project that complies development plan I heard the attorney for the Redevelopment agency say that we didn't have the say in the I heard he said that we didn't like in the project if they approv the project that we didn't any project like if they approve a project we don't have a say in the project we only have say in Pilot and that's what I was always told too that's not correct okay what we don't do is we don't do site plan site planning as part of this project we leave that to either Redevelopment both the Redevelopment agency and the planning PT which which brings up some concerns that way but generally you know our job at that point is to Leverage The planning board and the Redevelopment agency process and when it comes to us it's a yes or no vote what we're not doing is saying well we wish it was a little bit shorter or anything like that we that's I I don't know if that's what he meant by that but we do have a say in so far as it's an up or down and let's remember the reason we had we started Pilots initially was and we used the building that's been Meridian project now our piece of the taxes the part that the town collected at the property as it was stationary was roughly $26,000 the first year of the pyot is 350,000 after 30 years it's a million dollar for a small town those are very large numbers and we all know how difficult our budgets are are moving forward right now this is going to offset some of those costs that we have if we don't use a pilot and we don't use that we collect just the piece of taxes that we're supposed to collect so there's a lot of speculation as to how effective Pilots are on 30-year versus when you actually realize the real market value of the property and so we're not going to say that it is the right thing or not the right thing because that's beyond the scope of this conversation and just to confirm the the Redevelopment board members they're not stationary they run on terms just like we do so they're not there right yeah so they're not permanently assigned they're volunteers they're not just like the so it's just like anybody so we to say that they are better served to be there because we're not always here and we change and they don't is it's that's a little well the idea is to keep the politics which is what's happening out of that board that's what the idea actually has become more political than I think it was supposed to have been but that's another point so this counil IL was not the council that approved the Redevelopment plan and things have changed we're post pandemic parking has changed I wasn't here when the Redevelopment plan was approved was I was e was um the downtown Redevelopment plan I believe was adopted in 2009 or 2010 so you were on and possibly I was on but pretty sure majority of these people were not so but again like so a majority of the people that are sitting here now have no real working knowledge of it and I will tell you that that's not a misstatement to make because I did witness a Redevelopment meeting where a member of the Redevelopment agency said what is the plan what is the endgame what is the size and scope where are we going what should this look like and another member said that's not really for us to like basically shut down that question so if that's not for them and we don't know it who in the town knows what the end vision is is it unrealistic for this Council to ask to have can we revisit what the actual Redevelopment plan looks like so that those of us sitting up here now know you should be able to see the Redevelopment plan you can see theel someone walk us through it so that we think Michael has a can we dedicate like a a meeting to revisiting what it is that is actually there's two things is first of all the Redevelopment plan for downtown is codified in our Municipal board so anybody can actually read it the second thing is I think it's like if we're going to revisit the Redevelopment area I don't know if we have to redo I don't know if we have to redo the area in need of study we would not necessarily what we might do is just direct the planning board to redo the redel plan but unless we're adding more properties thinking I don't know the answer but what we can do is we can say we're directing the planning board to review the existing Redevelopment plan suggest any changes cuz I mean not years old and now pmic and life is different at this point the the the type of development that people are um undertaking is different so it might need a new materials are different look is different one of the things lifestyle life work life balance but one of the things that works with a Redevelopment plan versus a traditional zoning code okay is that you do have the ability to amend the Redevelopment plan to meet Market needs it's designed to be a little bit more flexible than the zoning code because if it's you don't meet the zoning code now you're in front of the board of adjustment now you're getting D1 variances or whatever it is this even without redoing the Redevelopment plan maybe there's need a need a fresh look at the vision of Redevelopment in the downtown but Redevelopment plans can always be amended to meet Market modern market conditions you know they might have a vision of well we really only want four stories in the down or three stories let's let's take it down and say three stories well if I'm a developer and I've got to go through the the purchase cost all the soft costs associated with the property all of that stuff I have to do affordable housing I have to do you know whatever the other requirements are of the the thing I have to be has to be financially worth it for me and maybe it pencils out that I don't I can't do it in three stores I can't even do it in four stories I I need five stories and that sort of becomes part of the negotiation process of amending a Redevelopment plan so there is a lot of press on surrounding towns for municipalities that are starting to amend their Redevelopment plans and this is 15 years old and I would be okay with that exercise so a lot of towns right now are doing Redevelopment they're not building homes they're building apartments this is what's happening I can tell you speaking for the next four or five years and mik can address this if we don't come up with a plan now to handle what's going to happen from health care costs and retirement cost in the next couple years taxes could increase tremendously has absolutely nothing nothing to do with revisiting and amending what I'm telling you is reasons towns are doing this is to bring income into their towns that's why they're doing we're not the only town every town around us is doing this we're not by ourselves in any means by doing this okay Bloomingdale is in the process of putting in 400 units because of the tax of bet break they're going to get from that so but we are Pompton Lakes we are not Bloomingdale and there's nothing wrong with with the request of asking to revisit our Redevelopment plan to make sure that it's still this meeting was about this is Workshop we are talking I have questions I don't have to follow your protocol I am asking questions about Redevelopment no I do not yes you do I do not you can show respect to this Council and to this mayor and if you don't you're not doing a job to your public you are very disrespectful and very rude we're so what I'm saying is what this discussion was about Lisa asked some concerns and I'm trying to address her concerns s and and Dave I don't know if you have that was the process okay so I would like to add another Workshop session for redevelopment since apparently we're not allowed to have a free flowing conversation about one topic no we have a topic if you want to change a topic you have to add you just don't want me to speak I have sat up here all night and listened to you contradict every single thing I've said you interrupted my report three times to contradict something I said your report shouldn't have been done the way you did it you did not you reported on things that you were asking to be done that's we already had a roles in responsibility meeting this Council does not answer to you this Council all right we're we're now we're definitely out of you are out of the order for saying I'm not going to be told my report is wrong I'm not at one point relax me and tells me to relax your report was wrong okay it wasn't wrong yes it was so if we'd like to have another uh open work session on this we can at least I'll go back to you do you have any other questions or concerns because sure brought this um Dave do you have anything you want to add to this no no um that's the that's the process and amending you know revisiting the the development plan is is yeah that's a that's a whole separate discussion a whole separate discussion yes okay everybody good yes the people should look at the Redevelopment plan all right which Mike if you could send that out here that would be great thank you okay uh that's all the items uh motion open the meet for public comments motion councilman venning council president all in favor against anyone from the public like to [Music] address Randy had 443 month L around um you were talking about the um the exit from the Quarry the new road that they're putting out and that's going to eliminate most of the truck traffic um when that project was started there was talk of talk of turning over Broad back to the town what street is now a County Road um is it going to be turned over or is it the fact that you have a concrete plant now at that property and the concrete trucks are running up and down Broad Street um is that going to hold up that Broad Street being turned over to the town so we've eliminated 90% of the dust from the truck traffic and we thank you for that um but um is it the concrete truck just still going to run there um the conversation that me and you had the little problem that we had the little issue that we had at the May 8th and May 22nd meeting um our conversation was not in the minutes published on the website was there any reason why the my comments and your comments were struck or taken out of the meeting minutes question okay I'll answer um and also I I have to say uh I I'm going to apologize but then not apologize to you about bringing your salary up at one point in the time last year I think it was and I can see it still sticks in your craw but uh you're an elected public official and all your salaries are public information um I obtain those salaries through Liz with an Oprah request so I apologize that you're that upset that I brought that up but they're all public record his salary all your salar are public record and can be brought up at this Podium at any time um I wanted to bring up I was told by our new um administrator that we were awarded $3,555 for a deer count and Forest understory evaluation I wasn't mentioned so I just wanted to bring that up um 24 246 that was uh the Forester that we hired that was John Linson is that what that uh was okay and um also 24254 um taxes being uh taken away or not being paid that's for 279 Ramapo street that was a uh building purchased by the pumpin leges Municipal Utilities Authority um if you're going to delete those taxes you must know a reason why they bought it if you can possibly give some explanation instead of me having to go to the MUA meeting but um for you to forgive the taxes you must know the reason why thank you okay thank you anyone else from the public like to address seeing no one have a motion poos public session some councilman Cruz councilwoman kilberg all in favor against Broad Street we did not we did talk about the cement part of it they said there'll be very limited cement trucks going through there but we did not talk about who will take ownership do we know Mike did we we didn't really speak about that no um so I'll find out I don't know really know much about that um I am not arguing that you can over the salaries what I'm saying is one of the meetings and I'd have to pull it out you had the wrong amount is what you said that's what I'm arguing I'm not arguing that you pulled out o salaries I couldn't promote could you you brought it up numerous times one of the times it was very wrong um uh thank you for mentioning about the forestry uh and the Deer uh situation that is the Forester that we hired all I can tell you about the muas is they purchased that property Eric maybe you want they they they are they purchased the property to build a treatment plant um I had mentioned it a couple of times during my report on the MUA um I can't remember specifically what the chemical is but it's either posos or the other or the one for dioxine so one of those two requires a treatment plan um interestingly enough they had gone through a like a site study site sighting study of saying here's the places that really this treatment plant should have to go and then at that point um one of those properties the one on graro Street went on the market so they just P purchased it as a market purchaser rather than potentially acquiring it via eminent domain or anything like that so that's why the MUA is taking ownership of that there's going to be a new treatment plan being being built there at some point okay okay motion motion to close the public session so Mo coun Cruz council president dwine all in favor against privil to the floor any priv to the floor the only thing I want to say is Maria congratulations on becoming the Inc coming president for the thank you oh we do have a closed session right very very we do have one closed session so motion to adjourn is to close session motion uh who was motion councilman councilwoman gilberg thank you everybody for a thank you now what repor is off in Clos session we discuss Personnel matters okay now we need a motion motion to adjourn moot councilman Cruz Council Ben okay [Applause] [Music]