okay make this chair okay we're good you can [Music] start the following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the to day mayor and Council of the bur of Pompton Lakes P County to be held in Pompton Lakes Municipal Building 25 lenx Avenue Pompton Lakes New Jersey on Wednesday March 26 it's not today 2024 beginning at 6:45 p.m. uh can we take one moment for to salute the flag to the flag of the United States of America and the repu for it stands one nation under God [Music] indivisible in conformance with the open public meetings law PL 2275 chapter 231 adequate notice of this meeting setting forth the time date place and purpose of this regular meeting through notice posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building mailed to all who had requested and paid for same publish in the Suburban Trends and announc on the pumpin Lakes High School announcements roll call time okay mayor Kevin boand president council president Caitlyn vry president councilwoman Madison albourne councilwoman Katy Barbara pres councilwoman elani Fabian present also presid is Jamie tendero the Bur administrator uh we now have a presentation Mich 41 West lenx Avenue we like to always make a little presentation to the incoming mayor that's here it's your G to use here while you're at on your meeting you should bang that proudly if you have to or not have to so that's for you your name thank you very much motion to move um motion move to open the meeting for public comments [Laughter] okay are we a okay no someone else we okay oh you yeah I second that all right all in favor okay yeah any public comments yes getting anything again Michael Sarah 41 we satue I have an issue with all the students when they come out for lunch not using your crosswalks and just walking across the street causing all kinds of problems from the people driving how you guys going to fix that problem um I'd like to direct this question to councilwoman Alani Fabian what I don't know um so I would have an assembly with all the students to make sure that they know to make sure to use other crosswalks and that it's important for their safety and the other drivers any other public comments Yes red vest for Sunset Road how about the stud speeding through the pond hole constantly what was that through the pond students through the ponle speed speed speeding yeah uh that would also be addressed in our meeting that we're going to propose to the Board of Education yes be 12 ROM have a lot of talk on Facebook and other places about all the garbage in town um what do you propose we do in order to get people to stop the garbage out earlyer just throwing it into the streets uh so we do have a resolution regarding uh garbage and garbage collecting that we will get to later in this meeting if you have paent wait for that um anybody else all right motion to close the meeting for public comments yes okay what all in favor yes n what all [Music] right now therefore be it resolved that the following resolutions on the consent agenda are hereby approved resolution 241 allow anytime parking on Adrian Street any discussion J I don't think I discussed this though moving on to resolution 242 no parking from post office to the corner of Adrian Street discussion understand just not okay so we believe that when parking from the post office to the corner of agentry it makes it extremely difficult for cars to pass by cuz it restricts the visibility so we think that even if it it's only for 30 minutes to an hour during drop off pickup time at the high school um it would definitely make it easier for the drivers to be able to see uh resolution 243 approval to purchase section of St Mary's parking lot for lenux teacher parking discussion I could do that one okay so for St Mary's it's just a really big parking lot that's private property and we can't and the teachers can't park in it and we thought maybe if that if we purchased a part of it and then the linnux teachers could park over there we would have more parking in the high school parking lot for students and then the pontel would be open for the residents of the new apartments so then it wouldn't be as much it wouldn't be as crowded in the pontel which is also reducing the amount of accidents and people and cars getting hit because there's so many like people trying to park in that pond Hole uh resolution 244 to move garbage pickup times oh um I think we should move the pickup times because it's causing like traffic in the morning and people are getting the school or like work late because of it so we should move take a later time so that it doesn't like cause traffic uh resolution 245 to add student ID for authorized entry into all entrances of prompton Lakes High School all right this one's mine I think cuz like with senior parking being across from from like our Ponto doors it's kind of like an inconvenience to walk around the entire building and we do have ID cards so if there was a way to be able to scan that to open the doors that is closest to like Ramapo and senior parking I think it would help a lot with like kids being late to class from being on opposite ends of the school resolution 246 wanu have reconstruction of storefronts um we believe that if the wanu you have storefronts were updated it would cause more um business and other people like wanting to rent out the businesses so attracts more Revenue because it would just update the look of the entire Street um we also would like to add more bike racks because we find a lot of the people are biking into town and more of just leaving their bikes next to a building so having bike racks would allow it to be safer resolution 24/7 plant willow trees on the Panic River okay so a really big problem in Pompton is flooding and one of the big reasons for that is because all the deer are eating the underbrush and then when it floods the land the the water is eroding the land so planting trees like willow trees that have really long roots can help keep that dirt there and it'll stop the river and the flood waters from eroding at the land and it'll stop um like the river R from getting wider and prevent more flooding in the future and finally resolution 248 to add mirrors on top of fit Nation nutrition building for safer turning onto Wan qav so we just think that to get onto wqf from kfax it is a bit of a dangerous turn in the middle of the day when there are cars parked on both sides of the street so we think that adding mirrors onto the buildings on top of there would help for safer driving especially with more commuters on any more discussions um to close I'd like to thank um all of our Council people who have helped us through this especially our clerk Liz who has been very helpful all of today and I invite all the council people to their closing statements and committee reports we don't have that I we weren do um with the the Redevelopment going on in Pompton everything seems to be running smoothly and we think the only thing that will be a problem will be the parking between all the apartments the students and the teachers so if we res olve some of the parking issues we think that things will be picked up in pton can sure and then um with the flooding in Pompton it's definitely I think our town does pretty a lot of like a lot of things to help prevent the flooding and it's uh even there a man came today from OEM and was telling us all about all the things we're doing and how we have like a rating already and I think we're doing a lot of stuff already so I think it's going well as well as could be going but I think planting trees just by the rivers would maybe help it just a little bit more I don't um reports from administrator Tena um I think that you guys did a good job you got some good ideas um and we'll get those into motion thank you right uh motion move to open the meeting for public comments once [Music] more oh yes what yes oh yeah all in favor n any public comments Michael Sarah 41 West LS Avenue first of all I want to thank you all guys for doing this I know it's not easy to come up here and do this just to Spur a moment but also talking in front of public it's not easy for a lot of people takes time to understand that and do that so I appreciate the time and energy You' all put into it um and hopefully it helps you move forward when you think about it you know one of the things I know when we spoke with Kevin about it was you guys are the future of what goes on not just here in pin Lakes everywhere you know all the guys that are in high school now you guys are going to be the leaders in the next five six seven years and you need people to understand how government works so it's a big important job when it comes to that kind of thing to make sure the young people take care and take time to understand because it's we leave the next place for you guys to take over so and you will the next one behind you so it's important um just following up on the willow the reason Willow field is called Willow I don't know if they told you that was because we used to have a ton of willow trees back there and then either disease or they came down or we built the field some of them had to come down but you know the willow idea is a great idea because we used to have little trees back there all time so again thank you guys for doing a great job oh have a presentation of uh some little rewards for you guys this Paul here Paul's not here right PA PA's back [Music] there Caitlyn good council president nice job thank you let for you ran put this one down Madison here nice job thank you Katie great job congratulations job lock lock is not president lock J [Music] me job thank you good job thank you very much okay what you going to do bang to end the meeting should I have a motion to end the meeting um motion to adjourn this meeting yes all in favor Nays right meeting [Applause] adjourned yeah stay behind [Music] [Music] thank [Music] you [Music] ideas guys you know we do listen to the ideas like other Council told you so some of the ideas we will pay attention to thank you picture of you and the mayor all right may we just get picture read the down