okay we're ready good evening everyone formal written advance notice is required by njsa 104 has been provided of this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today giving the time date and location to the extent known at the time of time the agenda of this meeting such notice stated that formal action may or may not be taken the notice was posted on the bulletin board outside the office of the municipal clerk reserved for this and other similar announcements provided to the Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the burrow Council to receive such notices and filed with the burrow Court can we stand for a pledge please pledge allegiance PL the United States of America and the for it stands one nation God indivisible with Justice for All okay can we have a um there's no okay there is no oath of office that shouldn't be on here okay um have a roll call please Mr uh Mr Silverstein here Mr Quigley here Mr Miss Noak is absent Mr Ross here Mr Copa here Mr kimlin probably absent uh councilman deline here okay then we have mayor Sarah yeah we have uh Miss Lawler Ben and Mr O'Brien okay uh Mr kiman did email that he is ill okay um first order of business is um Regular meeting minutes approval of those from the meeting we had last month February 15th can we have a motion to approve those minutes please so moved it moved second and seconded any discussion all in favor I I anyone opposed anyone voting present inde okay correspondence um just two memos from El from Elizabeth um one was um the the burough Council had I guess the first reading of an ordinance to um deed and easement from the county for the operation of our recycling center and also um the council passed on first reading um the um tax exempt payment Le of taxes ordinance um that will be backed up by the finance agreement that we um hopefully approve tonight so that's was done just a little bit out of order but that was okay um one thing before we start I just thought I would just pass this around to everybody um because this is really cool um there's there's a magazine in New Jersey called edible New Jersey and um uh I don't pick them up when we go out to eat but my wife does and um she was combing through it and son of a gun on page nine there's a whole ad that the Pompton Lakes bid took out about um eating in Pompton Lakes and how what's great great about Pompton Lakes and then in the back um there's a part called um edible New Jersey destinations and there's a nice welcome to from Pompton lak sign on the cover and then in the back of this section I clipped it for you is a whole nice article um on Pompton Lakes and why it's a great place to visit um talks about the little market um Tesla charging stations the Redevelopment we're doing nature trails fall walks everything we're doing so if you haven't seen it um I'll pass it this way you guys want to look at it you can pass it around and um it I I thought it was just terrific and kudos to the bid for doing a great job of getting it placed okay EX on the map yep um executive director's report um 223 oneq has not started construction I I have not got a report from them this month so I'll reach out to them and find out what what's going on but my sense is it's pretty you know not much has changed other than trying to get the project off the ground um pton Plaza um not much for us to do right now I mean they need to get Amendment to the reall plan to advance their project so that's something I think we going to be pursuing with you know Council um we had a meeting uh with Billy Smith and his uh Team about his project um they certainly made some some improvements some changes they listened to some of the comments from last time um but you know still uh you not of easy project right because of the access issues through the through the P so there's a lot yet there to be worked out um let that's it for me okay um you want to add anything Tom you were at the meeting with um uh I was a well-run meeting good job putting out together Ben had to be a nightmare with all those people but I thought the meeting went well um Abby had some great put on it she was on a meeting as well uh it really boil down to uh a couple things but one of them is retail space available so uh that was that was one of the sticking points but it was a good meeting uh really was a good meeting and thanks again okay good so we'll follow up on that and see if he comes back um with what they're what they're going to do um Eric you want to just report on the meeting that you the mayor and I had with the um other potential redeveloper sure um I forget seven equities uh Partners uh we met with them last week or two weeks ago um more of a meet and greet they are the new owners of Lakeside Commons they've been doing some improvements to the building itself um and they are generally interested in seeing what Redevelopment opportunities there are in Pompton Lakes they haven't identified specific sites so they met with uh the mayor uh Andy myself and Mike Carelli just to discuss what are we looking at what's the vision of Redevelopment and again some some opportunities that might be right right for those opportunities so that pretty much pretty much after the meeting I spent about an hour with them driving around and we were just looking at different lots and things and things that they thought were were interesting um he had a um Keen interest in the um not just I'll mention the properties he thought were cool for redevelopment he had a keen interest in where citro auto body is that whole strip across from the wall um he also thought The Block where the Washington building is is a prime block and also where the um the uh gas station is uh on that same corner he was very he he kept talking about trying to develop those Corners even where Billy Smith's project is so um it was I it was good we'll see if anything comes of it but it was a um a good meeting and mayor do you want to report on the meeting that we had with um Meridia and the Civic Center yeah we have an update on the Civic Center uh we had another meeting they agreed to all our terms that we had asked for now the Redevelopment agreement remember we had to asked them to do the whole building over we initially had asked them to tear it down and build a new building they can't do that but they are going to add an upstairs storage area with a set of stairs inside that will go upstairs so we can use it for storage they're going to build us a women's locker room for our our growing women's Police Department so that's going to be in there the trailer in the back that sits in the back of the parking lot will be removed and they'll build two offices on the back of the Civic Center or within the Civic Center to move those offices in and then refab the whole building Windows Doors new roof it'll be now a gable roof instead of a flat roof um new bathrooms new new everything so we'll have a new building and it's going to happen sooner it's not going to be at the end of the project we're hoping in the next couple months they start this because I got to get the Civic Center back open that's the KE over yeah was it was a we as a board I think putting that in uh into the redevelopers agreement was a was a home run for the town okay like add one thing sure just yesterday I saw developers looking behind AR harder again uh I talking to RI the owner I walk my dog there every morning and uh that project is not dead so that's all good news all good news for good well that that is the one thing that the gentleman did say from um um seven equities is that they're going to um put in a um a dog walk uh oh that's right dog walk lawn so that the uh complaints that people have had of folks walking their dogs on other people's properties um should be alleviated and the dogs that are in that project should be at least limited to there to do what they need to do okay all right thank you Ben thank you all for your input and thank you all for all the work we did between the last meeting we had a lot of meetings lot of things going on okay I think we're going to do this in the order that we have if SE County if you're okay with us doing a short conceptual um first um that would be good so the first thing on the agenda is Mr Ramen one Cannonball Road Pompton Lakes New Jersey block 100 lot 901 in the zd2 zone no come on up here give us your name and um no you can sit you can make yourself comfortable it's okay hi um I'm a k and I'm a building owner in know one can and right now there's a four apartment in my store Mr Ramen and uh there there's a huge EIC and I want to use that for apartment I want to build up two apartment over there so it upstairs now is vacant it's vacant and it is vacant it's uh we use for attic right now and but there's a separate entrance over there and uh it's like kind of like huge for the EIC so uh want to build one or two apartment over there okay um I have a picture my is can I bring it here yeah please this is not a pilot um probably not two units probably not very very hard it's going to go to the plan really right yeah um yeah probably I think so but it's in the R zone so we usually hear these and then we just they have to because they need um one of the checklist items for site plan is that they get designated here so no matter what he actually any any work at all in a Redevelopment area they would need to get designated okay so right now it's really just an attic yeah okay are you going to raise the roof um so if I get the F uh I'm going to talk with I didn't hire a architecture yet but if I hire so right now uh roof is like a triangle but over this area is like high enough but this is not so hoping just like make it like little bit up here cuz here is like very high so I'm hoping like all depends on the like the price you like make like this yeah that's what it sounds like a dormer what what would happen to the large exhaust how does that exhaust Contraption I heard few times about that um like I I'm really to make it like the p on it I I just don't know what towns wanted to do it or not but they one before I open up to Mr Ramen the previous owner the uh uh the deli they built it up like that and uh I didn't change anything but I'm willing to change when this project going three together like cover it with a some kind of fence but that wouldn't interfere with the apartments at all no it's all exterior is I I'm sorry it's all on the exterior of the building none of it goes through the building yes correct okay what what what would you do about parking so right now we have a nine parking lot so I don't know that's one I don't know it's a like issue or not there's about nine parking L currently where and those are the the spaces along the side of the building yeah cor you can get nine cars in there yes it's bigger than one one they are striped you striped yeah they are striped yes they are uh one to the restaurant and then eight to the end so everything goes right this okay and is it I mean the last time I parked in there um part of one of the couple of SPAC is like we're over the curb so is that is the is the apron the whole width of the drive way or is part of it curve high but everything like strive and um like I know like the entrance in the beginning it's kind of tight but if unless it's not a big car it's not a like like that tight I think in my opinion I mean this looks like early a planning board issue at this point so what what do we need from what does he need from us this is conceptual he has has to be designated yet so you would have to come back with that to the extent anybody wants my advice making sure that what if they're going to done consistent if you want it to look nice look like everything else if this is separate I don't really know that might be more of a planning issue should they dress it up a little to make sure it'll mixes well with what you have but that's up to you really you can just designate or you can require some things not if it's a small thing that probably wouldn't be done anyway and he's going to spoce it up and make it better but get decided this is what you want and should anything else but right now it's just conceptu what what would you do with trade you have a dumpster we have a dumpster okay and would you change the I know you you just put the sign on the one side and sign on the other side the upstairs would keep the same out exterior or you're changing it um if we do the roof we want to do change the the roof areer but you would change the siding on that on it or not um I didn't think about that but I could change it like well I just it would upgrade it a little bit Yeah but I was I was thinking same thing because up there by the loop is kind of like coming out so I was fixing it I was going to fix it there are you suggesting May the whole building be resided well we can't really make them because that's a retail right that's retail and that's not affecting this I don't know if Andy I don't know in the Redevelopment area um you have discretion on your designation and the reason with the development agency is that you want a the whole area to work and to the extent you if there is anything that you think would be appropriate the way it looks uh to make sure it Blends well with other things that are being done in the Redevelopment area you could discuss that with them when they shows you some some elevations of things I I don't know anything other than that a standalone it doesn't require much or it's not going to impact the rest of the Redevelopment area you can take that into account but if it's part of if it's in the Redevelopment area and it may then you can discuss probably how it looks okay me required that's something that you may want if I'm understanding it correctly there are Apartments kind of there already it's just going to fix them there are there's no nobody's living up not now but the previous times there was uh there was a uh so I have a first Flor second floor they are like four tenants we have and we are building on a third floor oh so third floor okay yeah we we this is the third floor but there was a no one lied before okay so I thought okay now now I'm confused when I asked you before so there are tenants in the building right there are apartments in there already already yes but not in that space okay I didn't understand so first floor second floor is uh four apartment and then we are making it two apartment on top so first floor two apartment second floor two apartment first Flor is this retail is retail no first floor retail two apartment oh there's two apartments on the first floor so uh Mr Ramen is like separated Mr Ramen is like coming up from the okay so we have a business and we have two apartments on the first floor yes on the second floor we have second floor we have two apartment two apartments okay so Mr Ramen is kind of like Second Story and the third floor you want to build two more Apartments yes so we would need nine parking so you need nine parking spaces just for without including the business you need nine parking spaces just for those six Apartments so now you don't have enough parking I kind of like wanted to ask I I I wasn't I don't know anything about like parking Ms something but right now there's only one tenant as a car so like yeah but that might always not always be the case yeah that's why we have the rules this because that may not always be the case that's exactly right I mean I'm going to wait in here and and you know unless we're looking at this as a pure Redevelopment project he's actually looking to redevelop that building cuz that's not what I would look what it should look like it shouldn't look if we were to redevelop that particular property we're talking about you know making the entire building at least three stories at the at the street Frontage that's that's what H that's not what is happening here and things like that again to me whether you can convert the the the the attic to two residential units to me again hold I I understand it's a checklist item but let's just make it a checklist item though and then not torture ourselves with trying to design this project for them where all they're going to do if the Redevelopment agency didn't exist would go to planning board and say this is what we want to do so if we're okay making this formal application RDA I I I just don't think that the scope of the project that he's trying to do at this point um it feels like a little bit of a waste of our time to spend too much time here I agree I think we should send him on to get the architector and get everything done so we can see what he's even talking about the architect will know about the the P par I think that's I think that's what you're saying no I'm I'm you guys can do everything from Simply designate adop the resolution designating as the redeveloper to proceed to the plan board or you could designate him with having seen some plans and say do it this way or change it from very simple as as Erica said go you are now have permission to go to the planning board yeah you could do that or you could discuss and require some other things that you so you have the ability to do those things your discretion to what's the best way for this okay just sending it to the planning board let the planning board deal with the ins and outs of it we're just check in the box right now agreed okay y good okay so then we have to have a resolution resolution to designate um we obviously need some more information yeah we need some information um be the property owner I don't know it's is it Mr Ramen or who is the owner of the property Lo and lot so I would say they can get us that information by next meeting and we could get I'll have a written resolution get it done be on the way that's so um if you can give km your contact information um I'll be in contact with you next week just so we get the specifics of who would be owning who's going to be designated and who would be going to the planning board and next month there' be a resolution designating with a very simple designation yes they are and you said that would check that off the checklist okay perfect okay well done good so I'm a little bit confused cuz I went to fing department and they sent me here soing Department I I I could help you a little bit what you're doing is big enough that you would you can't just get permits you're going to need to go to the planning board at a minimum because this is in a Redevelopment area you have one other entity this entity that has some say kind of like a gatekeeper I you go to to the planning board what they've said informally is yep sounds good to just allow you to go to the planning board but we have to do that in a written resolution that will be ready for next month's meeting so that's so next you know tomorrow and the next week you and I and Karm could talk so I can get the right information to put it down exactly the name of your entity get the block and lot um get it all right on exactly the permission that you're getting to then go to the planning board and and tell the planning board what you want to do so next month so you'll be on for next month and there'll be a resolution that is sending you to the planning board okay thank you we're giving you the permission to go to the planning board you have my number yes I have it on you gave me your on your email yes okay thank you thank you thank you good luck you okay formal application SE County affordable housing Corp senior veterans housing and review development plan 519 Ringwood Avenue pton Lakes lot 2600 Lot 2 Zone DB two thank you thank you Mr chairman I have we have uh your Council and I have gone over um we sent all the information in uh as request your Council and I have gone over Redevelopment agreement we have uh an agreement uh among us as to the form of that Redevelopment agreement um the architect is here uh to go over any of the specifics of the project and um the the executive director of the county affordable housing Corp is also with us this evening um as discussed last time um what is set forth in the Redevelopment agreement is on this piece of paper here but I can't read uh what I said revelop is in fact what we're building that is what we're proposing excuse me I'm I'm sorry can you just state your name and stuff the record yes uh Will William North k mman Scotland and Balman uh on behalf of County affordable housing Corp thank you sorry Janice De John is the executive director who's here with us is Steve Kaa is the architect uh thank you thank you can I just bump in one thing I think it's clear I think it was on the record FL but um that the the applicant and who's going to be designated redeveloper will be going to the planning board for site plan approval correct that's correct yes okay yes uh okay so just just a quickly overview um about 519 Ringwood Avenue block 2600 lock 2 uh senior housing complex can be 65 units um there are going to be 85 parking spaces um 80 is required the entrance is going to be on Ringwood Avenue um there will be a community room or a large program room laundry room mail and package room room offices uh for staff um there is a walking path going to appear around the building this Zebo um we anticipate approximately 50 temporary construction jobs and 15 permanent jobs that will be part of the project um there is in in the fa County forall Housing Court filed a uh a housing plan with HUD that identifies this as um the first the first cut if you will of of residents it's an affordable building first cut uh there'll be a preference for both veterans and P Lakes residents given the extent of the various lists as we've seen it we doubt that that list will ever get exhausted uh that there'll ever be a need to move Beyond um pton Lakes um we anticipate 18 to 22 months between approvals construction that whole thing uh and so the um we hoping to have occupancy uh in the beginning of 2026 um it is the plan I mean the uh agreement is fully compliant with the Redevelopment plan as approved by the council um the my understanding is is the financial agreement long-term tax exemption uh was before Council uh I believe last week and was introduced the ordinance was introduced to to approve that um there was a requirement to go to the County planning board because of SE County um we went to mors County they heard it today um and I'm try to it would be a conflict of interest confli oh okay got it yeah yeah it just yeah just to avoid any I mean we we B it about it's it's it's a uh it's charitable organization you know could be but for the same reasons we're discussing here about courtesy review versus you know full site plan review in the interest of doing it right uh they went to mors County um so we got uh conditional approval today there's a couple of checklist items that still need to be provided um so that box if you will is checked um and so after we're uh assuming that we get approval here uh and the uh the long-term tax exemption is approved the next step uh we're ready at site plan application has already been made that's exhibit to the uh to the uh Redevelopment agreement and we're prepared to move move there to get those approvals um the buildings that were on the site as I understand are fully demolished so we're ready we have a we have a pad ready site if you will um do you guys have any questions from last meeting no we're good based on last yeah I think that there was a Mr North grave has done a phenomenal job of this Pres presentation um what had happened is that last time we you had asked for some of more of the information uh in in the plans and stuff and I taken that as you also wanted anybody to talk about them which Mr North grave has done I don't think that there was a need for it apart from to make sure that the what's going to be built is the attachment to the agreement you know what I remember from last meeting and I remember a lot from last meeting but one of the things I think that was you weren't quite sure of as to where that walking path was going to go has that been figured out I think it's actually on the plan see it's on our dra it's it's at this point and we um we have an application before the de the area that's put your name on the right yeah I'm sorry even in Papa architect a while we um that's no we good that y um yeah Our intention as we show on the drawing this architectural rition there walking pth on it now all the way up for Ring app okay um but the areas that are in Gray are areas which are going to be buffer zones for the DP requirement and they're going to be planted so there's no reason why we can't have the activity not showing it outright the DP that allow us to use it anywhere we want just not build on it okay that's in process right now we're looking forward to it there's quite a bit of area there that will be restored as you see it now it's nothing but fromal RCA it's going to be planted it has to be by a requirement ol the trees Landscaping in there I told before our fingers that they'll accept it the way we do it okay did do I'm sorry uh did we get a landscaping plan as part of this yes okay this is representative of it but Vos dra also have and we review the proposed genus and species of the trees make sure they're consistent and and appropriate for and you can ask for during the pl Board hearing also okay what Jeff did Mars did we well provide plants that are consistent with what they're looking for beig okay not Square they're indigenous but they'll be close sure what's there now is nothing but R so so I brought up at the planning board meeting is there there's grass involved with this proposal right yes and you'll be responsible for cutting the grass on both the county site and this site I'm not going to I'm not going to state to the county site but I know our site will be maintaining proper that they did say at the meeting PL board they would be responsible for the cut my understanding is that it will be maintained I think what the in certainly be maintained but what's anticipated is perhaps the uh we'd enter into some type of shared services agreement with the county um for you know for them to take care of it as as it would end and I think the other question I had last time and you've mentioned it this time we didn't last time is that P County affordable housing Corp is a non for-profit organization yes okay filed with the IRS as a 501c3 C3 yes okay okay forgive me for the overset last time I that's okay um is there anything in here where we need to Def Define that that it's a 501c3 we need to know who the officers or anyone is of that no you have the officers any we do it's it's in the application so the original application seem like it was inaccurate do you need that because un like unless Mike lados who's a planner in Virginia is still on the Board of Trustees um he was listed in the original application yeah there was the original application there was a um yeah there was the I don't know I don't know I don't remember the names of who was on it yeah but the the what is in the application that was submitted is the updated is the updated application okay I just want to be sure okay good so I should also add just for your acknowledge they came they came the county came on Tuesday to the planning board for the piece that's attached to this which is the recycling center and the um salt set that they're building just to make you guys aware part of this project is bring is bringing in a separate exit entrance into our recycling center we're moving all the dumpsters to one area it'll be a circle drive through and then out of their property this way there'll be an area there we'll be able to use the salt Dome at their building for our own salt Dome with theirs there'll be a place to park trucks for the county when they're salting there'll also be a area for our workers and the county workers to warm during winter month you know cold time and air finishing when they need to in there so there's a little office built in there so this is a major project that the county took on as part of this project that was approved by the planning Bo just so you guys know okay any other questions I have a Qui question yes um so the the annual service charge the pilot rate is 5.5% over 30 years um that's pretty atypical from the pilots that this board has seen um couple things is that nature of being a nonprofit agency and then is there low-income housing tax credits being utilized to fund this project at all no there's no there's no L tax being used but it is that the rate is typical for uh affordable housing programs including those um funded by hmfa we're not going down that route because it limits Us in terms of uh preferences and that type of things so the uh the mayor was was pretty clear as to what he was looking for and so we structured our financing to make sure that we could achieve those goals and still make the project pencil out if you will okay understood thank you yeah I do think you mentioned last time that the 5.5 was typical of these projects yeah okay okay it's I mean it's always negotiable but it's it's that's the the number that works and makes the project pencil out so that we can it's negotiable to the extent the to go higher than 5.5 right exactly okay good thank you so much okay thank you and I appreciate your time okay um we have a um some resolutions for this project I believe yeah I could explain okay why don't you do them and one is you've seen them before it's um the first resolution 01224 um it's authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement with the S County affordable housing corporation uh that's the one where that designates them as the redeveloper allows them to go forward put set schedule set all that those plans are in front of you are attachments as the project to be built um and designates them as the Redevelopment that's the first one um that's before you the second one we can talk about that's recommending the financial agreement um at early on um this agency had kind of done a lot of the leg work for financial agreements um and and it's is it's always a function of the governing body adopting them um for about 2 or three years then that task was done a little bit more by burrow the burrow burrow attorney um the current burrow account attorney uh I think still going to be significantly involved but also wants the input for the recommendation of this body so the second resolution is simply recommending that the financial agreement which is goes to State 5.5% and for the 30 years um that recommend to the governing body that that be approved that's really what it is so your your formal function is the first resolution that's actually authorizing the execution of the agreement the second one is just recommending to the governing body that they adopt on second reading the financial agreement okay um before we take motions for those I'd like to open it up to the public anybody have any questions for us or for the county on the project seeing none we'll close the public portion and sure we do have the director here if you had any questions on how it will be operated before you vote on that she she's actually going to be running the the facility so if anybody has any questions about that no but thank you for coming if I could break it in one side Mr John my brother George says [Laughter] hi okay so it's time for Resolutions um let's do 0201 2024 first resolution of the pumpkin Lakes Redevelopment agency authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement between P County affordable housing Corporation and Pompton Lakes Redevelopment agency do we have a motion motion motion and a second any further discussion have a roll call please okay uh Mr silin yes Mr pigley yes it uh Mr Ross yes Mr sopa yes Mr kimin oh sorry um and counc goine yes okay second one is um resolution 02 2024 resolution of the Pompton L re development agency recommending approval of the financial agreement between P County affordable housing Corporation and the burrow of pton lakes do we have a motion I'll make a motion a motion a second second and a second any discussion have a roll call please okay uh Mr Silverstein yes uh Mr Quigley yes M Mr Ross yes Mr Copa yes and councilman G yes okay very good you're on your way from this agency thank you very thank you very much to the county and to all your hard work this is a phenomenal project for ponon Lakes um it is phenomenal it looks better already with the buildings we'll just leave just leave it no thank you very much it's going to be great make a new okay it does not look like Meridia is here no [Applause] no no he's oh he's me yeah he's going to your board to council 10 minutes minutes sure okay what you want to explain resolution 32024 this May's a lot of explaining so I'll explain it um as you know uh Mr D has been our executive director for a few years uh he followed in the the same see relationship between the buau and Redevelopment agency as the prior uh Mr fio in which he has been a consultant retained by the burough um talked with Mr D and you know and he is he has has raised the issue and it is correct that Redevelopment uh executive director is to be an employee um I spoke with uh the uh DCA and they are uh in agreement that it is to an employment relationship so with that being said we have to figure out how to get that done correctly so um there are several requirements within both the statute and the administrative code on the means in which you are the the advertisement that goes out um negotiations keep a record of it um the qualifications Mr D has absolutely perfect qualifications but um hasn't been an unemployment uh agreement um we as as the Redevelopment agency don't or you I'm not I'm I'm Consultants you don't have employees the the the means by which um things are financed and all expenditures go through the burough so your budget is through the burrow cost to go through the burrow those go through that way so um in order for the you know I had discussions with uh the burre attorney and and the business administrator on the best way to go forward with this and it's having gone through that and talked with the DCA and gone through the regulations it is my opinion that the best way and I know this is some discomfort it it shouldn't be as I want to keep on explaining why um to Mr D but I it's my recommendation that the best way to to start and and go forward with the executive director being an employee is to redo the hiring and finding an executive director Mr D has been here for two years plus so obviously I think it would be a Me Gap where you are well experienced with them but the it's my recommendation what's in here is that you start the process with a new advertisement keep the notes that are supposed to be kept keep the record of salary negotiations make sure that the advertisement goes in the correct papers and that be done I put in this resolution that this decision has nothing to do with job performance of Mr D it doesn't has nothing to do with it um and also an a recommendation encouragement that he follow up and apply but I think that's the cleanest way to start and and go forward with the path of an employment relationship if it is and again if it is going to be there's still one or two things to work out with the burrow if um if it is a bar employee but it has to be an employee of the Redevelopment agency there are shared services agreements or other ways that we are working out with them and I'm going to talk with the DCA to make sure that gets done correct correctly but this is a long way of saying it's the way it be formed is that the way this is written is that we have to end the relationship as as it exists which is why it says it's going to um uh relieve Mr uh D of his current duties uh as of 120 days from there that's what the statute says you have to give at least 120 days notice but there'll be an advertisement run and then an executive director will be hired as an employee with the with the recommendation that Mr D go forward with that and I know there's discomfort or some I don't want to put any words in his mouth it has nothing to do other than making sure the mechanics are put in place to do this correctly and the your executive director is an employee as required that's the resolution that is uh 03224 questions is that fulltime or part-time it can be full or part-time that's up to subject to negotiation can we do all this stuff behind so if 120 days she's gone 121 is's back I'm sorry what can we do this all this stuff now while the 120 days is in effect so hopefully oh yes 121 day absolutely that's that's that's that's what's going on is that the the notice will be given that in 120 days it'll be relieved because you have to give 120 days notice but it also authorizes the advertisement to be to be made to go out and that process to start to to send out to put out the correct um advertisement for an employee um to be the an executive director and the correct newspapers and and then the correct negotiations to go forward to have that employment relationship yes they'll be going on simultaneously that's the intention that's perfect does any of that change these rules change though if it becomes part-time no the the it's it's pretty clear in the regs and and and most definitely the regs and the St that it can be part time so it doesn't have to be a it doesn't have to be a full-time position that's not really what I'm asking I was just wonder if if you were to hire somebody part-time do you still have to go through all of them is there any yes okay yep yep the the the regulations are the manner in which you you employ and authorize and exemp okay okay sorry sorry about all this I don't know can ask questions now sure was there any discussion with DCA about just fixing it the way it is I mean it was advertised it was in the leag of municipalities that's how I found out about it inter been sitting here sending my resume for the qualifications why go through unless DCA said you need to go through all this I mean they're the the implementers of it if you will right it's in their administrative rules why not just ask them to fix uh because I don't my recommendation is because it is unclear exactly whether Kevin Bole then the administrator that went through the process did every step correctly and it very well might have but at least this has to be done and it's my recommendation to do everything from the start the same you know do it that way rather than do a minimalist and say do we have to fix one thing start it from the beginning so it have all done correctly that's yeah suggest doing it in the vacuum and you know just get dca's blessing on it but you're right it certainly is uncomfortable and disconcerning that in this position right now understood and I wish that wasn't the case but my recommendation on the best way to go forward with the position being an employment position and I stress what I put in this resolution that this has absolutely nothing to do with performance that's not what this is and that there's a this resolution is recommending and essentially asking you to to apply for it so that I want that I want that clear you have money in the budget mayor what we have money in the budget for another yeah you know we've always you know nothing against Ben but this has always been foreseen as a part-time position this was never going to be a full-time position even when we hired Ben we we told him that initially uh so the the question of what's going on here actually came from Ben Ben's the one who brought it up we weren't aware of any of this and you go back to the third administrator when he put this in place it was a new event for us you know we had done never done this before we make mistakes and we probably made a mistake at that point uh so we're trying to fix it that's all okay and as to the budgeting typically it has been typically the the manner in which the executive director is paid is on an hourly basis built toward since this will there's discussions that um a way to fund part of this is that in each Redevelopment agreement going forward there will be a fixed cost that would go toward the the costs that are incured by the agency or the burrow still can be a again hire whether position is hired by the B and there's an agreement by which they are employment they are employee of the Redevelopment agency but there's a so some of those funds will be offset the Redevelopment law is clear that um you can you negotiate with redevelopers but on a variety of things one is for them to pay cost to defay the cost of Redevelopment so flat Fe that goes toward administrative type which we don't have by the way right now typically we have not professionals we were taken care of but our our administrator we did not so that's something again we're learning we should put that in that should have been in right okay and last the costs get recovered the costs get but yes that it is another funding mechanism to defay the cost if there's going to be more cost that can def should yeah so then you ask for this kind of law Dam laws damn laws that's a tough spot yeah sure is not fair but it is what it is any other comments questions no okay then do we have a motion to approve resolution 03 2024 resolution of the pump and lry development agency relieving executive director of his duties as of July 22nd 2024 and authorizing the publication of an employment advertisement for executive director motion we have a motion do we have a second second moved and seconded any further discussion have a roll call please Mr Silverstein yes Mr Ross yes I'm sorry went out of Mr Quigley yes uh Mr sopa yes Mr kimberland not not here and sorry Mr uh councilman deline yes okay can't see uncomfortable but done um maridia doesn't seem to be here tonight they were supposed to be to um present to us um what the finishes on the building were going to be so we could approve them but they are not here um we don't need an executive session so with that I'll open the meeting up to public discussion anyone in the public wish to address us on anything seeing none we'll close the public portion any further comments from the board oh one Yes actually when Liz did the sent us the emails with all the attachments on it actually it wasn't K you're not here Liz was filling in for you she sent me two things called mime attachments I don't know what they are but I got viruses on them at my computer at work and I still can't open them really it says on it it says MIM right on it m m m m so I don't know what it is I'm just saying that be careful all I want to talk to her tomorrow about that yeah I know what it is okay I'll show you could somebody hacked and just use their name no no no the other on the fun did she send you she I would be sending she sent us the two the um there are two emails I actually have it right here it was the um this here right here I can't see how they say so two them say my on them I don't there I don't know what it is but I can't open them yeah it's funny that you mention that I I didn't get a virus from it I couldn't open it but my um Microsoft um word on Apple my Apple Microsoft Word stopped working and then I had to reboot the computer and it worked again all let me look into it might it might be virus yeah all right a head up you it might not be a virus though because if it's a large send file there's a program that we actually use too called mine pass that sends it but if you are not on like Outlook it won't open it so that could be an issue with why it won't open that may be it yeah so if we're sending plans like plants that's are really large yeah on Outlook on Outlook it's kind of like a zip file it compresses everything so then you open it on Outlook and it like dumps everything on your desktop or something wherever you're going to put it you have access but I just found out yesterday because I was sending something to somebody and they didn't have Outlook they couldn't open it they said they got to their office and it opened yeah don't use Outlook work I I use Outlook personally but not not at work I so okay I I just want to give everything because some people have been asking about the CGM building um I spoke to S yesterday so when when Joe had the project there were some outstanding deficiencies in his apply app of permits that's what this gentleman is is addressing right now there's about six of them they're almost to the end of those six once he addresses them nothing changes the plans all stay the same but he has to address those deficiencies and he applies for the permits and and the attorney could the directly if I'm wrong once he pays for the permit okay he then has 60 days to start building that so he hasn't paid for the permit yet but that should be very soon and then the clock starts at 6 days and then you'll follow up with him for the his 30-day report that he missed yeah okay okay motion to adjourn thank motion thank you all Jan the John the head time of year