I'm all frazzled well the only one I saw that wasn't coming from was um was Dean no Eric see ER I didn't see Abby I thought she she oh your Rec for recording your recording okay the following is the agenda for the uh reorder meeting of the p n development agency which is immediately uh which will be followed by the regular uh meeting meetings to be held in missal Building 25 lenx Avenue on Thursday January 18th beginning at 7:30 formal written advance notice as required has been provided of this meeting at least 48 hours of Advance of today giving the time date location to the set known the timely agenda of this meeting such notice shall stated the formal actions may or may not be taken this notice was posted on the bulton board outside of the mpal office clerk reserved for this and other announcements provided to the Suburban trans newspaper designated Council receive such notices and wild please stand for the United States of America andice for all okay I'm going to swear in I'm going to swear at or swear in so he can please rise rise right hand oh rise I state your name I James cro who solemnly swear to solemly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established to the governments established in this state in this state and the United States and the United States under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially and Par L and justly and justly perform all the duties of perform all the duties of Redevelopment agency Redevelopment agency according to the best of my ability to the best of my ability help you got all you got thank you for your time welcome aboard again [Music] again okay roll call please oh do we no we're not going to do person can do I have to I think we should cuz then we adjourn this and then just go right back into the other one well see who's at and then do okay uh Andy Silverstein here stein sorry Mr Quigley here um Miss Novak is uh absent Mr Ross present here here uh Mr cop is absent Mr kimlan here and Eric councilman deline is AB mayor Sarah is here here and then the okay so we have a COR okay can I have a motion for a chair of the Redevelopment agency I'd like to i' would like to nominate Andy Silverstein for the position of chairman can I have a second second can I a roll call please okay Mr Mr Silverstein yes just call Andy here Mr Quigley yes Mr Ross yes Mr kimlan yes okay the motion carries congratulations thank you you may now take over okay another year sentence um here we go um appointment of Vice chair we have uh a nomination yes I'd like to nominate Tom quick Tom quickly um do we have a second no second been seconded roll call please okay Mr Silver Stein yes Mr quickley [Music] yes Mr Ross yes Mr kimlan yes okay okay I have a um motion to uh appoint Ben delile as um executive director um secretary so moved moveed we have a second second moved and seconded I discussion have a roll call please you can do all in favor we can do all in yeah we can do all in fav let's do all in favor yes I okay the opposed and the opposed um appointment of um Carolina fararo as assistant secretary so moved second second any discussion all in favor I appointment of the agency attorney this will be a problem maraziti and Falone Andrew Brewer Esquire do we have a motion so moved second moved seconded any discussion all in favor I anyone opposed want to say quick uh thank you for putting your trust in me I don't take you lightly I know I have to earn it uh and I appreciate that you need anything please give me call well done I know we were doing speeches you missed the opportunity it's too late too late appointment of um our our agency engineer Coler engineering Carl O'Brien so moved moved the second second any discussion all in favor I anyone opposed um appointment of our agency planner coler's engineering Debbie L so moved second moved and seconded any discussion all in favor anyone opposed I can't write that appointment of the legal newspaper Suburban Trends so moved second moved seconded any discussion all in favor I I um alternative newspapers um The Herald news and the record so moved second any discussion all in favor anyone opposed and finally approval of the meeting dates um I went through all the meeting dates um and the only one that seems to there's none that fall on a holiday um the only one that seems to uh be a could be a problem is November 21st that's the last day of the league of municipalities remember this year we couldn't change that date because Thanksgiving bumped into it but what I would propose is we change that to um November 14th the Thursday before that way if anybody's presenting or anything like that everyone can be back and um that's the only change I would suggest on this so would that change a suggest as long as the room is open I don't yeah I was just as long as the room is open but we we we put it in a year in advance so yeah but there might be a scheduled meeting true and that is a Thursday night no that's a Thursday yeah when when we be work okay so um approval of that please so moved as second excuse me as as amended as amended any discussion all in favor I any one opposed um move to adjourn the it was Quigley and Ross yeah yeah move to adjourn the reorganization meeting so move okay um we the mayor read the um yes sunshine for the both meetings um so we have a roll call for the regular meeting I got get the time hold on okay 7:39 sorry okay regular meeting all [Music] done okay you're on okay have a roll call for the regular meeting please okay time was 7:40 yeah okay Mr Silverstein present Mr cley here Mr Ross here Mr Kimberlin here mayor Sarah here and Ben deline Ben y okay um have a set of minutes to approve from December 7th um if we can approve those minutes um we have a motion to approve them please motion we have a motion do we have have a second second moved in second any discussion on the minutes all in favor I anyone opposed and I think that's right because everybody was here so we can do it that way um correspondence there's two items of Correspondence um both from um Elizabeth Brandis um the um um mentioning that um James was going to be nominated and that Eric would be the Council L is on the only problem with the memo is that it says the planning board not the Redevelopment [Music] agency all right fire Li what you you know that's that oh no there okay no she wrote to me and said I'd like to let you know that the mayor and councel made the following appointments to the planning board Mr kimberland and Mr line there's a revised one it's my fault I copied the L and then there's one that just has then there's one that just has Eric to the Redevelopment agency I didn't do it I I'm just saying I'm just saying what's the difference this is not the planning Court that's the only difference no I understand but it has Eric as both of them yes I I don't know why that is Eric is not no he's not so the the planning board me one memo is the one that's incorrect yes okay they took care the okay takes care of that the the other thing that um um you sent to me as which I would assume as correspondence is um a diet tribe from Bloomingdale um about changing um the square footage of apartments in the burrow depending on what zone the apartments are in so you all should have gotten that we did okay has no real effect on us no um executive director report anything um I would just remind people um to do training if there's anyone that's off with training um to be on the board think about reorganization and re appointments um and 223 WQ we there was a meeting or they meeting with the we'll be meeting with the building department to get going on that project so that's exciting to see that me January 31st excellent he's got his permits in he's ready to go we just want to talk that meeting is uh with the construction official and the artist yes yeah yep the architect the architect yes yeah I don't think a technical yeah I I had mentioned I had mentioned to K that I would have like I would like to go just to make sure they're building what they said they're going to build um so I'm probably going to go yeah s Sal want just wants to do a construction y I just want to see they're going to build what we said they're going to build so that's it okay that's cool um I had a meeting um with um vasin um based on the um meeting we had the other day or the last last month um and um we had we had a fairly lengthy discussion and what I wanted to report to you because I don't know what he's going to do but um I am convinced that he has moved off of the 14 story building so um you know I think he's got a couple of things that he may want to present to us but the 14 story building I is is not going to be one of them okay okay um he he also um so if you probably prepare yourself for next month he does want to be on the agenda for next month they come back and talk conceptual again to us okay um other than that um then you mentioned the minucci project um mayor you mentioned to me that sujan is still trying to mess around with the county and decide what to do um and other than that I don't think there's anything one thing I think brought up bring up about the escrow oh yeah escrow for the county is is lacking so then you're going to have to call them again are they they promised yeah attorney promised and what attorneys promise I haven't seen it can can I say something they I spoke to the director and he said that he spoke to someone or or his engineer spoke to someone about uh the number being too high it's a set statute isn't it by the number what no how do we come up with the number I mean there were short anyway so it doesn't matter I wasn't here the last escrow we received from the senior project was uh 2019 and it was uh 22,000 I thought at a meeting we came up with a schedule of escrow based on on the size of the projects that rings a bell what that rings a bell my answer is just to him it's not set by ordinance it's just they have to pay um Redevelopment is solely a matter of contract their their agreement to pay as was solely contract so it's an agreement it is not limited by ordinance law everything that since we work for a municipality all charges have to be reasonable so I can't go 15 hours you know things like that but that is not limited by or by staff no sorry I misspoke we we definitely had a meeting and we definitely came up with a schedule of what that what those estos would be and the reason we did it was to avoid situations like this where it's it's willy-nilly as to what we're charging people so if someone if someone comes with a 100 unit project and we decide that we want to charge that person estro of 10,000 but another person comes and we only want to and we want to charge them 2,000 we didn't think that was fair you you remember this I do remember that but the other point is that that's just the initial amount they still are always obligated always obligated to always o they gone over so they have at least come clean come always obligated to replenish it but all those numbers should be dictated in your escrow agreement what the initial amount was and what the rep punishment amounts are they signed the agreement so it's well I don't do we sign escrow agreements yeah typically it is a a um tentative designation designation and cl es in fact unless I'm really crazy I thought when we red when we redesigned the application right right on that application there was a schedule a grid of what the escr were I don't know it was done but we did talk about that right I believe and I'm I'm I'm positive we did that yeah that rings the bell also absolutely but no matter what they're out of it yes yeah no matter what they're out of it and when was the last time we contacted them I have to email last email yeah Bill North attorney said he was going to be forwarding money but he has and and and I'm going to tell them they have to pay only because we have bills that are different uh that are have to be paid at esro that we have as of uh December 11th um Ben uh spoke with the attorney and they would be sending a check soon M and then I then uh I just followed up just recently and I said as of today we haven't received any right right yeah we can't really forward with anything until we receive so it's been a month and just for clarification uh they did take the building down um and that's all they can do at this moment they can't do anything else they have no Clan CH and they have no you know approvals to do anything so that's where but they want to move fast I okay anything else the bills are probably more because I know Mark has been doing some look at the agreement and the financial agreement so that number you know bars you have the Dakotas firm and then Mark is I know doing things too well don't forget we had all those roads we had move those paper roads and everything else was part of that agreement take that down so there was a big use of the time to do all that and they should understand that that's a cost you know not fre M okay so we'll follow up on that and if you can find the application that we use and and send it to me because I I'm I'm almost positive we had a grid on there just to avoid these initial type things yeah cuz we were talking about big projects and little projects and we were trying to find something that's eable yeah no we definitely did that you're absolutely right d and maybe James you know better but how's uh fortunado PL he coming along right he's pretty much yeah I mean it's it's definitely matter of fact I just emailed him the other day just asking like what's the status up like when it's going to be finished it it seems to be moving along so my My Hope Is that it's going to be he didn't give me any type of dates but I'm thinking sometime maybe March okay cuz I know they just replaced the whole entrance that was part of the the deal where the fire trucks going in and out they had to lower the the ramp that all up PR new so it seems like it mov along it does okay um the other thing too for that January 31st meeting with the um on um metamuc project that that ordinance the um the agreement that we passed I'd like to see also because that had specific timelines in it and I want to make sure s is aware of that uh was that the um which resolution and then there was the the agreement the agreement the agreement that had when they start timelines things of that nature and you know I think based on how long that's been a hole over there we've got to make sure that he lives up to what he's going to do I think he will okay they also supposed to give us progress reports what time is that meeting at on January 31st you know what time that is anybody we haven't he he's not he's away right now so I haven't set anything yet until he gets back from uh he's he's overseas right now traveling okay and so I don't have any confirmation yet if that date is still good so okay um we have no conceptual presentation tonight we have no formal presentation tonight new and unfinished business I just want to formally um form a subcommittee with Tom and Abby on um site on sites and um um what did we call it I forgot I can't just can't get the word what design standard design standards okay which also brings me to a question I mean that I saw the other day when I was in town too is I thought we had some type again I I keep saying ordinance but I think this may be it where you couldn't completely cover your windows and it appears that school has completely covered their Windows yeah it's a little touchy right now with that I think because there's there's corporate like w Wendy's for example that's part of the deal when you have Wendy's you have to have certain signs up so if we go after one store we have to go no I didn't say Wendy's no I'm just saying W school we go after wers we can't pick shoes we have to do everyone but let me just give you my two cents on this the problem that we had and this goes all the way back to when the bid was just doing signs and things of that nature they came up with the stand okay couple of stores in town didn't want to do it and S has always been reluctant to do to do it that's just my opinion but now we get to the point where a business says well okay obviously nothing's enforced we're going to cover all the windows but it it would be every store would be bi at this point because the way the percentages are working it's every store some of them are corporate but they're told they have to or you don't use your your corporation understand that but there's a difference I think between corporate and saying okay 50% of the windows are covered to non-corporate and 100% of the windows are covered yeah but there's no distinction in the law so the law says 50% okay 50% is 50% but then I then I guess it's is just rhetorical question because because this is the this is the stuff I think that gets us and I've always thought this in all the years I've served on these boards is when it comes to enforcement we're not very good and we passed these ordinances and we just then we just don't enforce them and then we wonder why things look that way what I thought they're not supposed to cover have have some kind of opening so they don't know they do they do it's 50% is the actual percentage but excuse me mayor I don't understand that going after corporate part of this so like r&m hardware part of what their deal is when they buy them the franchise is you have to have these signs in your windows and they cover more than 50% okay but that but that's their problem if you have if you have a local ordinance or local zoning that says you can't cover more than 50% when they come in for site plan approval to put up the signs or whatever they would get deny yeah this is ongoing so what would happen is they would be fined and be removed and that's what's going to happen to almost every business downtown that's what you guys want to Sal will do that s all Sal is saying is I can't just go after one school I got to go after everyone well that's true yeah yeah School everyone's got I get all that but but but but what happens is what the Windsor School does they just say okay now so then you should make that suggestion to the bid and to uh s and see what they want to do with that cuz the bid was supposedly going to go talk to all the store owners to make them do it I don't know what happened with that okay but it I would say almost every store we find okay does does it make sense to change the ordinance then it it because if you're at the point where we're not going to enforce it and I understand why having it there obviously doesn't make any sense I mean there were there were businesses in town that just had you know basically like a Vine of FL up saying that that's their sign for their store right that one that one was actually yeah so I think it's one of those things that if we need to modify or again try to do some sort of process to be exempt I'll give you another part of that you not only is it 50% you can't have your cash register in the front windshield on the front window okay that would mean changing whole house whole stores are set up you know it's not just a fine that means you pull out your whole thing and you stack it it's all part of that same group if they want to do that then we're going to go after a lot you think the grandfather they're already there there's no grandfa well maybe it's time to revisit yes I think that is probably the best suggestion revisit the the law the ordinances and possibly change them right I think that would probably yeah is go out of date I mean I mean the ordinance could say that you know I'm making this up you know 35% of your window can be covered except if you are a have a corporate franchise agreement that requires more you could do that right so that's something that could happen yes okay but that would be done at the planning board plan at a suggestion from the bid yes okay okay um any other new or unfinished business I won't be here next meeting you here next year next meeting oh next meeting okay who will be here I don't know going to be a big meeting huh we'll get some okay all right with that um we're going to move into executive session to discuss Personnel um oh I never did this motion to move into ex motion to move into exec I would just like to thank everyone for sitting on this board you know as all our boards I said this is the planning board l say that this board we have we have outstanding people on our boards that do a great job it's not just people sitting here taking a space they all do what they all have a a set that they know how to do and this is another board that has that so we're lucky to have that that on this board thank you thank you you're welcome the motion to go into executive session to discuss a matter of personnel so moved that's my Cee to leave that's your Quee to leave all right I'll see you guys later yeah mik and then I just pause this right what you just pause it you have to close the door even there's nobody here is the camera being on turned off what the cam we're on okay can we have a motion to um go back into public session please so move move we have a second all in favor I I anyone opposed um public discussion seeing no one in the audience we'll close the public discussion do we have a motion to adjourn so moved second second second goad I think we you thank you the executive session automatic thank you yeah okay you want to give me those things to sign please um