just click it it works you got it thanks formal written advanced notice of this notice is required by njsa 104-1 has been provided at this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today giving the time date and location and to the extent known at the time the agenda of this meeting such notice stated a formal action may or may not be taken the notice was posted on the voting board outside the office of the municipal clerk reserved for this and other similar announcements provided to the Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the burough Council to receive such notice and filed with the burough Court can we stand for a pledge please pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay may we have a roll call please Mr Silverstein president here rather here Mr Quigley here Mrs Novak here Mr Ross here Mr Sia here Mr kimlan here and councilman the line is absent and so is my mayor uh mayor Sarah sorry correct okay um first of business oh he's here um first order of business is um approval of the minutes from the March 21st 2024 meeting do we have a motion for that motion motion do we have a second second any discussion have one thing that car um car um and Andy Brewer and I discussed uh we'll approve these subject to changing all references to committee to agency and board to agency and us as board members to Commissioners because that's the technical way it should be but other than that we can approve it why are you looking at me okay so with that so with that change Cal we have roll call okay uh Mr Mr Silverstein yes Mr Quigley yes Mrs Noak present okay Mr Ross yes Mr sopa yes Mr kiman uh present and councilman okay um correspondence um nothing we've have to act on but just information is this time of the year the first one um your local Finance um statements are new with um with the um due to the state um they're due April 30th um which it's gotten much easier that all the information flows over from year to year and you just do what they want you to do um the other two um memos from Liz ordinance 24:15 and 2417 um deal with um the P County senior citizen County Senior how housing um and the um um revitalization of that whole plot uh the first one dealt with um a deed of easement from the county um for us to operate our recycling center and the second one uh deals with the pilot um um agreement that we um we recommended that the mayor and Council approve so that's all the correspondence that we have received executive director's report um 2 223 WQ I did get the report from developer from John um they met with s last week last month Engineers have made all the revisions they're submitting revised building plans um based on that meeting and they anticipate construction starting uh end of May or early June good that's progress anything else no that was that was it okay okay um going to take this a little bit out of order so if we can go to new and unision new and unfinished business first Maria some someone here from Maria okay this is not testimony this is just information okay name Andreas Andre right we' met okay um as as you may remember um several months back we had asked Meridia to give us um examples of the finishes that were going to be used on that project over there you can move that um yeah you can move that so the Commissioners can see it a little bit please I just put them out of the [Music] way this here yeah um if you guys want to see it you can yeah that that's pretty good you can just turn that around a little bit you can set up here bite you yeah that's cool um so I I was in town last week and um I stopped in by K's office and I took a look at these um it seemed to me that um it's kind of self-explanatory the dark gray the first one in the top left pretty much deals with the around the windows correct um the lighter gray is I you want to point these out sure I I point out so uh just in summary these three elements are the same product the SE tious for um just a different tonality so the darker gray is going to be on the lower residential levels um the lighter gray is going to be the top crown or band predominantly and then the intermediate gray is going to be on the bump outs BL window those okay yeah and then the brick obviously would be on the superstructure on all these brick reference here on the radius and on the bump out and we have a cast near Stone which we're posing on the uh bottom level on ground yeah when I looked at this in the daylight and it's really hard in this room to see it um CU I have I actually have a question on the brick but the other materials match that rendering almost they were almost identical and that's exactly what I think we wanted my question on the brick and maybe it's because of the sample you have is we were at least I was I don't know about the rest of the Commissioners I was expecting the brick to have more character to it and had those different color variations what you have there just seems to be one color um this specific run of brick comes in a more kind of yeah kind of a monotone color but I did hear comment I reach out to the manufacturer this morning um we have potentially two solutions one we can pull and we could poose different sections uh or different parts of the order from different batches which inherently will give you different finishes um that'll be the same product no you know no issues there um in an extreme case should you guys choose you know to proceed that way I can introduce 10 to 15% of a similar brick with a different finish and that would also produce a you know variation in in in sheine and uh and you know allow us to proceed with with I mean I would be fine again it's up to you guys I mean I would be fine if you use that run and just took it from different different runs so so they're they're willing to do that what I'm going to have them do is actually give me a full mockup of of a larger panel okay if you guys want to do one final know take a look at it before we start installing on the W yeah that fair be great yeah we take sample Bates from different runs which inherently will give us you different personalities and the guys will mix it as they they sto it on the wall can you give us um a a same sample of the alternative or is that difficult to do I could I I can't guarantee that one yet because still in conversation conversation find this morning um just just in case we're not yeah that'll be fair it's easy enough for us to do okay any other questions on any of the materials no I think it's I think you did a great job of matching the um materials to the rendering fantastic a lot of times they come out a lot different I know okay cool just as an aside how's the construction going uh hopefully you know speaks for itself we we picked up a lot made major changes uh I recently stepped in as director so I don't take all the credit for but you know pushing the team as hard as we can to fulfill this as fast as possible our goal good okay question change I see them every morning they're out there early a full crowd full crew they work hard yeah no they're they're they working hard yeah it looks good okay thanks so if you can make you can come back next month yeah sure that would be the next time we meet yeah I'm going to push these guys to give you the sample board as fast as possible I'll have it probably posted in in in the garage somewhere okay I guess I can come photos little difficult to bring well I mean I guess the other thing too for those of you that are here I mean I can take a look at it if you bring it in there and just stop in and you know text me or something when you look at it and then we don't have to do anything formal it's just we want so where where will they be where where we'll be I'll set it up in the in in the retail space or garage area of that building you can walk right through right exactly what I'm I'm confused what building our building oh we can go into it I mean I I could have you escort by you know the okay do we need to make an appointment no no um you let me I'm sorry let me know when it's ready available folks know give all the instructions correct now yeah so I email you once once once it's installed and you got to go in and sign off I put the signning sheet Co that way back easy enough easy enough thank you co I'll leave you a thanks you have four you have a couple I'm going to leave a few one for me that was easy I tried so if I have questions I can contact you now you are you the main contact hesitant to say yes but yes okay thank you all right I'll leave this put this back over no that's thanks have a good night okay um now let's go back to the regular order conceptual presentation Salvador and the police 54 WQ Avenue pton Lakes block 2400 block 2 Zone dr2 come on up and whatever you want to do whatever you like to do another take long okay um my name is Rosa PR this my husband Paul G and this is my father salvator Pichi okay uh we're here because uh we were actually denied um a um a structure to be built actually outside of my parent home about 54 WQ Avenue in Pon Lakes the salvator's tailor shop is located downstairs there's currently a portico uh very small port on the outside which just covers from the rain uh just protected from the rain but unfortunately right now um there's so there's a current Portico the issue right now that we have is unfortunately we're going to need to close off half of the Portico uh to allow for the landing of a chairlift so as my parents are getting older and my mom too uh my mom is actually unfortunately going up and down the stairs with her hands okay going up and down and my father you know even going up the stairs so for them to be able to stay in the home where they have been living here you know for like 49 years you know Pon Lake had the store for that long uh we'd like to have a permission to be able to close it up not the whole thing but partially um it there it's within the uh setbacks so there's really like no issue with that um I brought if you needed to see like a drawing okay um I don't if you wanted to see this or if it's even necessary it's up to you is that and that's work there for when just is on a side um you'll find as you um go through this no I know the as an aside side not side you'll find as you go through this process it's you know kind of bureaucratic and there's things we have control over and things we don't so one of those is did um we get an esro for this did we get an esro no we did not okay um one of the things that should have happened is that in order to do a conceptual presentation before the board um there's a fee involved okay we weren told that but if there's a fee I can pay for that'll be fine it's not going to be very much cuz it's a very small project but we have have to pay our professionals that's perfectly fine that's perfectly fine all I'm concerned about is more they chair yeah okay that's what I need I um okay um I guess before we get into that I mean the main reason um that you were denied um was the flood plane yes okay and um one of the things that we can't do is say okay will'll let you do that in the flood plane because we think it's a great idea so one of the things you're going to do and our engineer will explain it to you is you're going to have to get approval from the D to build in there to build okay the only issue is it's on the sidewalk and the way that the house is it's on actual grocery the same level so for the water to come up I understand I have the water to come up would have to go up 50 feet to come up to the street of one Q add you so I just want to say you know it's the same thing as it's like I said it's like approximately 3x5 area 3x6 area and no more so you want to exp I mean it's actually it's actually the same problem that your neighbor had when he wants to build his his building is that he had to go through and then it took him a long time to get approval can I ask more question sure it's it's a stru that's already there you just want to enclose it half half of it enclos that's all but my point being is why would just to enclose something that's there as I'm asking no I think as I understand it and I think as you'll explain you just can't build in the flood zone but it's there already they're just covering it you are pretending and assuming that the D is rational that presumes that's the presumption behind your question the only issue that I have is that as they get as they're older I mean now we're H talking about you know wheelchair access and all those accesses that we'd have to deal with also with the state if I have to go through that route I'm willing to do whatever I need to for them to be able to stay in the home I feel like they're just being discriminated against excuse my language okay because as they're older they need that they can't get into their house I think go ahead yes go ahead so unfortun Ely uh the state does not look at your age or your need uh the state is required to look at a project and because your house the the structure is within what be called the flood Hazard area technically you're in an area that's regulated by the state so any work that happens within that regulated area has to be approved by the state what the rule rules do have is they have Provisions provided you meet all of the requirements so that you don't have to technically file an application there's something called a permit by rule and you know I did did a real quick look before the meeting provided you meet all the provisions outlined in what we call a permit by rule number 12 which is an addition to a lawfully just just pbr2 pbr2 okay if you talk to an engineer pbr2 I can get you a copy of that I have I have a copy that that Prov provided you meet all of those conditions within the permit by rule you don't have to file with the state well you do have to get an engineer to certify to meet all of those conditions you know one of them is that the structure cannot be within what we call a flood way which is the portion of the river during flood that actually is C carries the water um you're limited to gross area which based upon the size of your addition you you need that you cannot create floor space or all habitable floor space needs to be 1 foot above uh the flood Hazard elevation you're not creating the habitable space you're putting a lift in so you know as long as you check all those boxes off you would qualify for a permit by rule number 12 but how long does that take we've been trying to do this since January you have to all you have to you have to engage an engineer that goes through it looks at your plans or or or an AR a licens professional let's leave it at that um I see a lot of Architects excuse me if there's any Architects out there that like to play engineer um I don't recommend that I don't play architect I do play Planner on occasion I do have a question on that is that something the if they went to an architect or an engineer that's something they do or does she still have to get all of that checked off and then go no no that's all checked off by the professional they submit it to the burrow and you go on and you f per learn from myself I never heard that's what a permit by rule is so Mr chairman if you could afford me I just like so there's different levels of permits with with when it comes to the flood Hazard area we all know about flooding I grew up in Bloomingdale I know all about okay so you have the permit by certification which is really uh permit by rule which is really what I'll call your lowest order permit it's if you check all the boxes you don't have to file anything with the state then there's a permit by certification which means a letter has to be written and just sent down to the state there's General permit by certification there's General permits and then the permit that captures everything that isn't covered in any of those other ones is the individual per so really this is the lowest order it was put in place so that people people would not be burdened with have in the file you'll spend thousands and thousands of dollars on consultants and then the 90-day permit review time after it's being complete by the state so it's meant to help streamline that process for the public I like it not that I'm advocating for this state so the process is an engineer you you hire all right I I have why and again maybe I missed it but why are why do they have to come in front of us because the building is in the Redevelopment Zone because um as there would need it's a commercial partly commercial okay any construction in a commercial on a commercial property requires site plan approval the site plan checklist which is done by ordinance they cannot so in order to be complete go to the planning board number 19 is you have been designated and approved by the Redevelopment that's to make sure everything gets approved thank you okay make this as easy as I think we can I would propose that we pass a resolution tonight um you know we we can look at this pretty quickly um I I don't I didn't see anything in the building of it that was a big problem and it's really it's virtually nothing okay so if we do a resolution subject to you getting the pbr2 or any other D per or any other D permit you need to get um then you'll satisfy our resolution and you can go to the W board okay so so you would uh somebody would make a motion to I'll make a motion wait let's see what it is first thank you motion to designate Salvatore and Alita police as the designated redevelopers of block 2400 lock 2 um to enclose um and do the uh necessary Construction in order to construct the chairlift subject to getting the D approval and just point of question the plans show the improvements on lot one not lot two I don't know if that is a m sorry it's just me looking things I was just reading off the conceptual the site plan shows lot lot too as as the adjoin and lot one being subject lot so corner lot is lot two you're saying based upon the site plan that was provided to our office lot two is the adjoining lot lot one is where your improvements are the the denial from s what's that s um yeah s's letter says lot to yeah I apologize I'm just I'm looking at the plan oh yeah well if they're both in the the area we can designate you for both Lots thank you if that if that if that would cover it so I would amend what I'm saying if it's so if it's also and I and I didn't mean to cut you off but if that works then it would be amending my resolution to be lots one and two if that covers it basically allowing you to go forward on for this the proper designated lot um subject to you obviously you're going to have to get eventually your D okay but let's make yeah let's make sure we're doing that are you trying to [Music] look looks one what happened is what I did is I copied from the denial of the Zone typo yeah it looks like it is lot two well the L here lot one yeah yeah there's a lot there's a lot of confusion those those three properties okay let's do I'll chose the back right one [Music] um looks like it's on that one right because a lot of this I went by the the L hold on everybody but here's the survey okay but turn out turn out if we look at the survey okay we we know where the building is your property does go back to lot one does it not it goes back lot one and lot two yes and lot two all right okay so you actually swing around behind all the way through the river one andot one and two so wherever the thing Falls you were doing it was a lot two no a lot one but they're going to be designated as the redeveloper for lot one and two in order to and I'll do right but in order to do the project you can be designated for seven Lots even if only construction is going to be on one you're going to be the designated redeveloper for one and two okay in order for and what they're approving is one piece of construction the whatever the construction that you've discussed here in order to enclose it and have the chair lift that's been presented to the to the Commissioners so that's what the resolutions does anybody have any issue with what's being done no no no okay so that takes care of that cour so on the other thing this needs to be subject to is the payment of the S of course okay hear that right now so with that do we have a motion motion we have a second second second quickly yep have a roll call please okay Mr Silverstein yes Mr Quigley yes Mrs Novak yes um Mr Ross yes yes Mr Copa yes Mr kimlin yes okay okay so this resolution gives you the ability to go to the planning board and when you go to the planning board you will show them the um engine the engineers report the checklist the DP checklist that you've met the requirements and you'll be on your way thank you but next next meeting there will be a WR resolution also and then when you do your site plan checklist as I said number 19 said you you've been designated so front of the minutes but there'll also be a resolution that will satisfy that requirs and and what you have here is um the planning board will ask you some questions but what you presented to us is what will be built okay I mean that's what they're going to have to approve with that okay got it we're good good luck good luck see that wasn't so hard no thank you very much so I'm going to contact you I'll give you the application I don't know what she'll let you know what it is we don't accept cash or credit yeah you're good thank you taking money on yeah no exactly right okay next up is Mr Ramen one Cannonball Road P Lakes New Jersey block 100 l 9.09 zone V2 okay so when we left this off last month we were I think somewhat confused as to what you wanted to do and how you wanted to do it so I believe you had told us that you were going to bring in architect today and you will explain to us what's going to happen yeah um do you have any drawings do we can we see what's going to the building what's going to be there so I didn't know when I get t uh uh I guess over here passed and then I'm able to like start the project so I didn't know I'm supposed to dra we may not have but we'll try it again we don't approve things just based on what people tell us so we need to have a set of plans as to what the apartment is going to look like where in the building it's going to be okay um how many bedrooms we have to deal with parking okay we have to deal with parking the fact that you're now going to have more apartments and you have the business and I think we kind of all agree that the parking is deficient for that um I don't know how you're going to solve that other than you're going to need us to if we agree with what you're going to do we would need to modify the Redevelopment plan in order to do that um the build you're going to have to I mean your architect your engineer um are going to have to put plans together as to what's going to happen I also think and this part I mean I I'll let the other Commissioners chime in on what they think I think the building also needs overall Renovations on the exterior okay one of the things we're doing in pin Lakes is we have Redevelopment and one of the things we want to do is redevelop either new buildings or rehabilitate old buildings we have I don't want to say the power we have the responsibility as this agency to determine what happens in older buildings when they're renovated so one of the things I think we would like to see you know in no particular order is um probably that vent removed and go somewhere else um we would probably like to see the building repainted on the outside to something that fits more in with the character of the neighborhood um and also probably be resided so that it's it's rehabilitated it looks you know like a new building um the other things that you're going to have to deal with um are fire regulations you know what happens with you know a building an older building that's got how many apartments are you going to have in total so now I have a four apartment and uh we I want to have two more one bedrooms so you're going to have six apartments and you have a business yes can I ask a question go ahead sure do we have um like a Redevelopment step by step that like if a person wants to come in and owns a building and really doesn't know what's you know what I mean like well we've done this before so how we kind of done it oh okay I'm just asking I mean it would be maybe we should put something up so that they kind of have an idea what they need to do prior to coming right so so the six Apartments just on itself need nine spaces and I don't know what a business needs it's based on the square footage but I don't know what what that is but it's certainly at least a couple of spaces you know what the parking space for businesses are I'm sorry we i' have to look it up okay on the top of my head I don't but but I guess to get to the bottom of it we can't do anything tonight unless there's plans and we can see what it's going to look like okay and and I think I gave you some parameters of what we'd like to see outside um I think you know six Apartments over a business I mean think the you know you would probably have some concerns about fire safety in the building whether or not I don't know what the minimum requirements would be if it needs to be sprinklered or not just don't know any of that so that's what your architect and engineer would have to bring to us before we can proceed with the application cuz last time I thought it goes to a a planning board and then I thought I'm going to get a like phone call or something and then I make it a like process from there but no it starts here okay same thing that we told the the the folks that were here before your building is in the Redevelopment zone so we have to approve approve what goes to the planning work okay was for okay sure okay and again we're not trying to make it harder it's just sure resolution all those things that they're asking for all those plans you're going to need them anyway for the planning board so it's not like you're creating anything extra in order to get approval from the planning board you would have to prepare those plans they're going to may have some comments on what would work better and what should be done but all these plans you're going to have to do them anyway okay sure so I uh the architect and everything like the drawing and stuff sure okay and anybody want to add anything to because I just I just got confused because if I'm order to uh do project like I have to get approved from here so that's why I got here last time and then like I didn't get any order or to what to do next you're going to get approvals from multiple places okay we're just the first we're just the first group to approve sure okay got it now I know what to do okay and you uh So based upon what you saying is elevations elevations and what the outside look like interior Improvement yep what what the what the inside's going to look like and FL PL FL plans parking analysis right and a parking analysis okay at a minimum I would think at a minimum yeah but if you've done this before you kind of know what we're going to be looking for okay and a good good way to look at is it look at what you're going to have to produce for the planning board all that stuff you're going to do anyway give it to this board you're going to have to do those things anyway and generally when we approve it they don't change it okay okay okay so get that done and when you get it done um what you're going to need to do when you get it done you're going to need to contact C have a formal application put in okay sure okay um there's an escro that to do with that and then we can go from there okay sure okay what good okay thanks than you thank you good luck thank you okay I don't think we have an executive session tonight there's nothing we need to do there public discussion um no public see no one in the public so we'll open public and close the public session the only other piece of business we need to do um and I know this is uncomfortable for Ben but we got to do this um is we need to form a subcommittee to review the RS we got of which Ben is one need to submitted okay so um along with myself um who would like to help me go through these and we will then pick out you know who we interview from those and the subcommittee will do the interviewing I could do it if if any unless someone else is hankering to you're fine okay and one other person someone else want work on this no don't at once pick Eric he's not here no no council person can't do it I'll do it okay Dean Will Do It Good Under Pressure okay um I will um actually I wrote on these I'll give you each a packet of these okay I have them already oh okay and you can go through them um the resume that's on top don't count because it came and lit okay okay but it's here so you have it okay okay okay that brings us to the end do we have a motion to adjourn motion done I'm sorry ping here I wrote on the my copy yeah I'll um I'll um send you guys an email and then maybe we can set up a zoom or something very good thank you for your input that was very helpful