[Music] and we're ready thank you following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the Pomp and L planning board the meeting is to be held in the Municipal Building 25 lenx Avenue on Tuesday June 18 2024 beginning at 7:30 p.m. formal written advanced notice is required by njsa 10 col 4-1 at SEC has been provided at this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today getting the time date and location and to the extent known at time the agenda of this meeting such notice stated a formal action may or may not be taken this meeting will be video recorded and will be broadcast for later viewing for the public the notice was one posted on the bulletin board outside of the offices of the municipal clerk reserved for this and other similar announcements two provided to the Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the council and planning board to receive such notices and three filed with borrow quote pleas stand for pledge I pledge Alle flag of the United States of America and the for it stands na God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all when you're ready can you do a vote call please yes Mr Simone here Mr fro here Mr tro here Mr Mr AO here Dr pendexter here Mr keing here mayor Sarah here councilman deline will be absent Mr BBY here and then we have Andy Brewer we have Jamie and Kristen Russell okay hi Jamie yes welcome thank you I apologize for being a couple minutes late no problem you're good okay um first thing I want to just talk about is one of our members unfortunately passed away between the last time we had a meeting and this meeting and Marie Michaels was a longtime member of planning board she made pretty much all the meetings um she was on the master plan committee she made a lot of efforts to help the burrow I just want to acknowledge the fact that she'll be missed that uh it's unfortunate but uh she did she was a good help for the planning board in thearrow and for that I thank her okay minutes of the regular meeting minutes for April 16 2024 have you all had a chance to review the meeting meeting minutes and what is your pleasure make a motion to approve motion to approve Mr pararo second second by Mr tro any discussion Corrections Mr ke Mr chairman um just on page three there was a paragraph where it was talking about a full proof and I just want to know was that supposed to be failed not sure how far down uh it's 1 2 3 4 it's the fifth paragraph from the bottom last sentence there C proof yeah that should be fail proof I believe anybody else have recollection on that that that makes sense yeah makes I don't know what was said but it does make sense okay thank you that's it Mr chair doly noted I have rised any other comments if not let me have a motion to approve in a second so all in favor I any opposed and that care the minut under correspondence there is a letter from the buau of Oakland ordinance 24 code 946 an ordinance establishing a dust control C luck at that W uh number two legal notice ordinance number 31 Township of Wayne in ordinance amending chapter 134 Land Development of the code of the township of Wayne number three legal notice ordinance number 33 P Wayne an ordinance to amend chapter 134 Land Development article 6 Environmental Protection the code of the C of War number four notice of introduction of ordinance for Bloomingdale County ofate adopting Redevelopment plan for Block 50105 Lots 1401 and SEC and last we have is a memo from B Clerk Elizabeth Francis indicating that um Mr venon will no longer be the representative of the council and will be replaced by Mr gine Council uh who was not here tonight but we'll welcome him when he comes back so that's all the correspondents and the miscellaneous information tonight we have an application before which we welcome P County and their representatives it's application pb24 d04 town reportable housing commission 5 19 Ringwood app P Lake block 2600 Lock 3 Zone Downtown Business Development 2 Mr Kim is the is the attorney representing them welcome Mr Kim thank you Mr chairman um we will basically have you control your complete presentation if anyone's in the audience given time I may ask for questions but for the most part we'll let you do your presentation and then we'll go through our questions and comments the engineer and the planner will be the first ones to go with comments and then we'll proceed from there thank you understood Mr chairman so for the record again Carl Kim the attorney we have to the applicant which is the um P sorry the state county affordable housing corporation which was an entity that was created by the county um to provide affordable housing within the account Andes the applicant before you we have provided notice in accordance to Municipal landage slot and local ordinances best forward jurisdiction here this matter and we have for you this evening we have two witnesses we plan calling we have our site engineer CH Lawrence and we have our architect Steve Kaa we have other members of the design and operation team here to answer questions may be needed from the board the staff and public um the application in short is where the old salt Dome and DPW Yard used to be as you know there's a the salt is going to be moved to the north of where Locust Street is and then the remaining property P to the South so to speak is what we're developing here with the support the housing project it'll be 65 exactly I think somewhere we had the word approximately going be 65 units they were all be affordable housing with a Veterans Preference for residents of the burrow um we have a number of amenities on the site which we will go through uh we are in the um senior housing Redevelopment plan area subject to that as our basic Zoning for the property uh we have received the report from cers the board engineer dated June 4 2024 and essentially we agree with all the comments we'll go through a few to discuss with you we've also received a report of June 8th from the fire prevention Bureau which kind of withheld comments we received a uh review letter from the uh police department dated May 29 2024 most of those questions deal with operational issues during the course of construction we will comply with those requests of the police uh police department as a condition of approval there was kind of what you call a memo there was some questions back and forth with the MUA regarding uh water lines the fire line the sewer lines so we provided them with the information May required uh we have submitted to the County planning board have approval um with a few conditions which will address with the county and we've also received our Conservation District um approval again few conditions which we take care of um unless there's any other further preliminary matters I will call the first witness Mr chairman please do thank you our first produc will be our engineer Jeff Morris um Jeff is going to put uh some stuff up on the easel testify I'll put the speak up everything he'll be using for his testimony has been previously submitted it's not been changed or marked so we'll just refer to it to need to Mar hasn't exhibit nope and just as a preview of coming tractions um one of the comments from the professional was some further details on elevation so architect will have a new document which will Mark will make sure we getting a copy to the board secretary um with that in mind we have Mr pleas state your name and spell your last uh Jeffrey Morris m o r i do you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give this evening before this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so you got yes I do and Mr Morris w we just make a quick your license engineer in the state of New Jersey I'm a license engineer surveyor and professional planner in the state of New Jersey and um you've been accepted as an expert in those areas before other boards in the State uh approximately 200 of them and as well as Superior Court and six different jurisdictions in federal tax court and you also represent a number of planing boards and Zoning Bo yes I do and we offer uh Mr Morris as an expert in all three areas thank you thank Jeff please continue thank you okay just tell me sheet so I can change it on the screen I'm going to start with the cover title sheet [Music] okay I'm sure everybody's familiar with the site it's uh it's considered 519 Ringwood Avenue but it goes back behind and and back up into lenux Avenue uh and along the railroad tracks along the post uh it's we you all know it's the existing DPW site uh the site was uh almost 100% asalt with a small amount of gravel and building uh we plan on removing approximately 38,000 ft of as wall as part of this application planting [Music] it next you I'll show you the demolition plan so you know a lot of the site has been done the asph has not been removed with the DPW site building has been removed and the has been removed and there's a shed in the back a longer rrow has been removed what we plan to do is construct four story building for affordable scen housing we will have an entrance on Len on Locust Street I'm s Loc Street and the entrance On Ringwood Avenue uh the two entrances obviously 65 we two entrances a means of PR Ingress to satisfy all the criteria for that it is we push the building back as far as we could uh in the lot there's uh raran buffer zones which had we had to respect along the post Brook and along the uh thean River those are respected the areas I plan we plan to restore are along the ly River here and along the coast Brook they're 50t wide uh areas of existing asphalt which be removed and planted uh primary entrance will be on Ringwood Avenue we have space for 85 cars parked around and then the main entrance to the uh facility would be in the center uh garbage and would be picked up on the North side uh and uh all utilities will also enter in the north side we have a war system coming in off a ring would Avenue which would be a double fire and domestic and which would run into the northern portion which was the machine mechanical gr um we uh did a little further the je if you would mind on that that sheet so um one of the variances we need is for a setback to Locus Avenue and presently Locus Avenue is developed and then as we head to the to the um Eastern side it's just a what we call a paper Street it's a right of way that doesn't exist um the town is in the process of vacating that right of way so we do need a variance there um which will go away once the rway is vacated thenone to the center line so you just show where the paven ends the rer way where that set the pay yeah the payment ends where Locus uh makes a turn uh this for the locus was vacated by the buau approximately a year ago unfortunately that vacation ordinance was not signed was not filed with the county so they have to repeat the ordinance uh first and second reading and then file with the county then it will be officially vacated so just again show where that setback issue from the set back issue is our access to the rear of the building the north side of the building which we from garbage access and utility access is actually in a portion of the uh right away of locus so that that just to explain that bar go ahead please sure but can you clarify once that is vacated what will the set back will will your property line move to the center line yes and what will the setback be then from the building or from the driver driver it'll be approximately uh 10 ft and then this way where where the other side of locus is the Burrow's recycling facility which Sal which the county is now uh as part of the construction of salt Dome will be restructuring part of that recycling facility so that uh vs would be relocated along the 12 [Music] distance in addition to me show you what we propos and this was obviously to get also D approval is we're showing approximately 25 30 trees along Coast Brook and R the war River uh that will go all the way back to Lo Street and then also to the larer trees we front that uh there is proposed in the location of the existing uh County tpw facility one of our uh infiltration basins another infiltration Basin located behind these builds so those areas uh would be also landscape screen from ring Aven and from Lo show show you [Music] here yeah uh and I'll briefly start going through uh Ker letter but uh these are these are the areas where our our storm water management would take place and then we would be discharging it into the post Brook uh at the uh Raywood Avenue County culer uh we've received approval from the uh County of Mars because the county of had a conflict in interest we in the process we're almost complete with uh soil erosion I expect their approval next week and in two to three weeks we expect approval from the njt on this project um there's a series of walkways around the back of the building this this now new newly landscape areas be very nice be a passive area for walking these walkways can go out the Ringwood Avenue and won't go out the locus so uh it's it's for the residents since some of the residents probably will not be able to drive with the senior citizens they can walk into the town it's not that far away that's about it want me go through Mr yeah why don't we do that I think we hit number one and we clarified it's going to be 65 units um I think we hit number two regarding the variance to Locust Street right of way issue um yeah actually I run through and jump when I need youall po so number three um there was a subdivision line issued on the site plan that was um before we what was going on with loc Street there won't be no sub yeah there won't be no subdivision once loc Street was vacated uh the center of locusts division line between the county the property the countyy is going to retain and the count uh affordable housing property and then Jeff number four would you address truck circulation sure uh we uh obviously we designed this so our trucks could very easily our own delivery trucks and fire trucks could very easily negotiate coming in the the main one entrance Locus and or ring would can either come around in front of the building and out or along the side if there was a fire uh our fire uh siames is located Northern of Northern end of the building so that we assume the first truck of cing here in charge in charge on that and then I know you did it briefly but show the the rout for the trash collection rout for the trash collection is very easy you come in back in the dumpster fill up and then exit out off the ring and is a condition approval will provide turning templats on our those and then before we hit the next one the remaining Varian as we talked about the Locus Street setback the remaining variances in design labers we've asked for C again not to cry the blues on dollars but this is 100% affordable housing here we're not we're not a market rate developer who's given 10 20% we have kind of a pool with money to play around with uh money's very tight as you will notice and there's a comment we'll get to about there's a gazabo in the back corner right now we may not be able to afford to build the Gazo so some of the variances that we're asking for um have to do with the cost Factor we'll certainly go through them and justify the reasons why we're asking for them I just want to put it generally in context so Jeffy would turn to number five regarding the Landscaping in the parking lot yes uh we do have an island in in the parking lot we did not provide Landscaping in it obviously we could as I discussed earlier we're planting over 30 trees as part of our uh mitigation uh for this site uh and we would prefer to put lower Landscaping in in the island and uh in that area some more of a shrub yeah than a tree right and then uh number six we agree to provide the curve return details on the revised set of plans for resolution for clients yes seven and eight kind of go together they talk about sign details and there's a proposed decorative wall which I think is actually going to be the monument sign talked about that yeah there's a monument sign proposed On Ringwood Avenue it would be the a standard County uh type sign uh I guess there a standard County logo that would go on it and it would be for the say County affordable hous just Identify the property and we'll we'll submit with the revised plans in detail on the signage you know the the finishes um the architect will talk about the finish we'll have a coordinate with the the building beside itself uh number nine again this is a uh a design waiver as you as Jeff explained there's quite a large uh network of walkways and those are going to be asphalt the ordinance requires brick or slate or concrete papers or slabs so we're asking for that design waiver cuz again it's a lot of linear feet of of walkway be expensive to have it be anything but assle and specifically it would be the walkway around the rear of the building and the walkway out to Ringwood Avenue the sidewalks On Ringwood Avenue and the sidewalks on loc Street and the sidewalk in front will be concrete and Jeff you while you're on your feet did you show the location of the sign the sign yeah the sign of okay so that's a angled piece in the front yes it it be right in front of the detention right and then um one so it's not distinguished on the plan what is asphal and what is concrete okay we will show you you just explained it but I'm just saying I'm just confirming that what you show is actually a it's a Concrete right are not we're requesting as around the rear of the building and out the ring would Happ the front will be concrete and inside will okay so at some point that should be distinguishable yes yes we'll revise the plant to provide the detail exactly what's asphalt what's concrete so it's very clear um the next um item Jeff is the street trees we're not complying with the street trees we're not complying with the street trees uh primarily uh as I indicated uh there will be two trees along Ringwood which would probably qualify as green trees we don't have a lot of room in front of the detention uh Basin and along Locust that's another storm po Basin uh and again we're planting I think believe 30 trees in the site we're just asking for a relief not to plant those everything will be attractive it's not it's not like we're going to leave this stuff there just just trying to save on a few of the trees since it was a big to have to plant trees we have to plant on the outside while you're on your feet the next item discuss is the chaining FS along loc Street location that yeah we had proposed a chaining fence along Locus Street we could modify that to a vinyl fence if that was question and then the next um I'm sorry was there a question are you you were missing some trees or you know we have some capacity through shade tree to get more trees if that's something to that's interesting that's something that maybe you guys want to talk about if you want trees inside there I just made a note about thank you mayor the next item as I mentioned before is the Gazo um we will provide the details um the setbacks need to be 10 ft from the rear sidey yard which it is more than that we we'll call that out and then the height can be more than 16 ft it will be compliant um and it's not in a front yard area so we don't have to worry about that so we agree to provide that Jeff could you address number 13 with crosswalks yes the architectural plan shows crosswalks uh it's slightly different location we do we will conform show what we what we make the two plans con form obviously we have to show across walk across our driveway on both uh Locust and Ringwood and I believe each other a crosswalk out into the Island area to and then uh I'll address them kind of in a chunk 14 15 16 and 17 go to issues like there's two sets of um Z charts on the architecture PL engineering plans and parking calculations we're going to move all of those onto the engineering plans make sure they're updated they're correct and they and they jive with one another yes the um end string dimensions for the setbacks and those details you I actually bought a site plan which has them on it Mr arri was correct uh there was a layer that was had the parking tan and that layer hid the uh the elevation the uh Dimensions once I took turned off the layer the dimensions were all there magic yeah it's amazing how that works yeah aoat has a whole new set of AR come up with yeah you try to take off some layer so it's not hard to read and you end up pulling out stuff by accident number 18 the EV charging details we'll provide them on the revised chart yes and the locations of those and the revised plans and the we will be complying obviously with the uh EV statute and the local ordinance um as far as number uh the Make Ready the uh charge ready uh and then the schedule for uh installing them as well will be included on the revised set of plans um the next item Jeff you address the height of the light poles in the parking lot yes and the reason we're asking for a waiver on that and unfortunately it's very difficult to re but [Music] possible your typical uh LED fixture these days uh will throw out light comparable uh based on the height at 25 ft you can cover the full uh two aisle and the parking space on the other side so we proposed three on the island which would throw out light to the to the both curve lines at at the minimum required if we had to go down to 16 ft we had two we'd have two choices either add four more lights there's there's five total now 1 2 3 four five we either add four four more lights to the building or we angle these up and not don't throw them straight down I'd much rather have a higher light which a more efficient throw pwder and obviously again it saves us fixtures and then as far as the what's proposed for the light size and height is there any um issue with light spillage to neighbors or into the residents of the buildings on the higher floors no actually uh you're better off with the lights aing straight down uh and out of out out here so they're not they're not in uh you know at all or Ang uh in addition this site is and you're all aware it's isolated from pretty much any residential you know there's a multif family all the way over here but I mean this site back here we're pretty isolated from all the residential areas thank you Jeff um the next point in the review letter is any potential non-residential uses on the site there will a um an office for the manager the superintendent of the building one of the units will be occupied by the superintendent so it's just for cool kind of internal use we're not going to have a an office there for a doctor a lawyer dentist or anything like that there's going to be no retail use of any kind so it's just going to be the the management office for the building itself um the last two comments are architectural address regarding the elevations and the thead materials and um that is our engineering test testimony we available for questions from the board and the board professionals my first thing I'll do is ask our professionals to discuss you know a letter so that you guys can get your answers if they haven't been given already sure so whoever wants to go first go ahead okay um I will just skip over the questions that you've already satisfied a lot of things you said you will just revise on the plans um I would just ask that first of all that when they submit revised plans that they be included sent to me and the engineer so that we can um you know verify that it's satisfied our requests we agree with that um I will so in terms of the things that I have outstanding questions on um going through them I think that the so the the the Redevelopment plan requires Landscaping both in the parking lot and the street trees both of which you're asking for variant or waivers for I think that i' I'd be interested to hear more about the street tree opportunity that um that the mayor has mentioned I would also suggest that while the trees in the buffer areas are necessary um I'm not sure that it would be harmful to remove a tree or three to um put them in the parking lot or around the perimeter of the site I would also note that the parking lot landscaping that's required includes both both um trees and ground cover and the plans that I saw um and perhaps I missed something in which case feel free to correct me did not even show ground cover in the parking lot or Shrubbery or whatever you want to call it so if that is being proposed in in the um parking lot Islands um we need to make sure that that is reflected on the plans um and we have no problem uh relocating a couple trees to the two end islands that are that are on the parking did you I may have missed this while I was taking notes the um it looked like there was a proposed decorative wall where there is also a sign was that a labeling error or is there a wall and a sign or it's it's a very short wall with a sign incorporated into it and I don't know if we have details of that the architect has uh proposed it and we talking with the county today they they have their own version of what they want to sign to sh okay and you will provide details of that absolutely okay um yes I think that the chain link fence should be replaced with something more aesthetic um [Music] the other primary concern I have are these lights that are being proposed at 25 ft height I mean that's the height that you're going to see in a warehouse where you know Trucking is going on I don't think it's in scale with a residential use um I I'm concerned about how much light that's going to spill um I I'm concerned that the Aesthetics don't align with the Residential Building um and I hope that that can be resolved um I understand that the applicant is working on a slim budget but I think that this is an important item that should be looked at carefully um the other items were largely [Music] if not answered promised to be answered in revised plans so um with you know without having them in front of me um all I can say is that we will review them upon receipt um with a caveat that if there's problems there may have to be more back and forth or another conversation or hearing if there's really something that can't be resolved after effect okay okay thank you Mr chairman good Eventing Mr Morris um question for you just going through your testimony you had indicated that you're anticipating your D permits to be uh granted or approved yes shortly which permits have uh Q just list out so we have it on the record which permits it's a a flood Hazard area verification and flood flood Hazard area individual permit okay that and so the trees that you're proposing along the banks are they require for mitigation for the for the repairing s they're not required for mitigation because we're not required to mitigate okay but uh what in in our dealings with d and obviously the horse trading that usually goes on we said uh we'll give you basically a forest where where the 50ft from top of bank and they were very appreciative of that and they're still considering being a little more lenient on some of the other things they wanted us to do well one of the things that I was I was thinking that if it's not a requir not required for mitigation it may be potential to take three or four trees out this area and move it into the island just because you know heat we hear about heat island effect and on a day like today you clearly understand how important the shade trees are and we we can do that okay and that that won't impact your D approval it should not okay cuz I'm not I'm not looking to to create the waves I'm looking to find a way let's put this I'm not going to call the DB tomorrow tell I'm taking three of their trees out understood understood um with so we talked about the D per and is the D with with the individual permit are they reviewing your storm water management yes they are okay and you will stipulate on the record that you will provide a copy of an operation of Maintenance manual yes and it will be filed in accordance with regulatory requirements just a brief history I don't want to get in too far into the weeds but prior to uh July 17th 2023 we this would have been a slam dunk we were removing 38,000 ft of impious area there would not have been any calculations required unfortunately now with the new D regulations they can't seem to get out of their own way and have uh made us redo the calculations four or five times which is why I'm sitting on this side of the table where a year ago I was sitting on that side of the table those regulations have definitely uh changed my opinion but that's a whole story um with regard to the to the 25 ft Li height you know the board really should consider that 25 ft with with your fix with the height of your fixture you're up around Second Story Windows if not above them at that point um it's not always the best option it you typically see a higher light like that in a commercial setting whether it be a mall or a commercial parking lot 16t definitely is one pedestrian scale understanding yes four more fixtures I do not agree with tilting them up it does create glare for people as they're passing by and driving so um that's one thing that the board uh may want to consider with regard to that with regard to many of our other comments Mr Mars has stipulated that he will address them as the storm wars being reviewed by the D we yield to them as required by orans so with that I don't have any other questions unless the board has any questions for me um I'll take first shot at this addressing a couple items trees that's important for the sight end for just like you said about the heat the heat waves that we have um there's a couple of options for trees that I weren't discussed one is the site itself is being constructed by someone who's going to bid on the plants but that's not to say that say County DPW with all of its equipment can't plant some trees where you just purchase a tree and they do the labor work so I mean if if it really came down to Dollars and cents I would think you could impose upon the county to do some of the work for you I'd like to have you look into that possibility if it turns out that you're that tight they could buy the trees at wholesale they it wouldn't cost anything to put them in and I would think that the county with their name on the project would be happier with that than cutting them out secondly as the mayor started to say we have been very active in getting free trees that we've been planting all around town and some of them are very nice trees they're not just plain old common trees but some of them are flowering trees some of them are are more specimen trees and some of them you know they're plain trees so I would like you to also possibly talk to the mayor about or I don't know if you have I guess Randy could talk to them about it you should start with Mike Carelli start with Mike Carelli okay the administrator would be able to guide you on that talk about it I mean if you mind what the chairman is saying is uh we're always looking for places to plant trees we have too many trees sometimes my place is to okay so if if if a spot would fit on your property we can get do some trees yeah the only caveat to that is when you're within the 100t 50t rip are buffer they has to be native species yeah they're all Native people will only let us put native species on the site and that makes sense for that site anyway cuz it's got water on two sides so yeah and it might make it look nice like the chairman said you maybe get some flowering trees um another thing about the trees is uh one of the specimen trees you call for is Sycamore him can that Fe change what would you suggest yes we can change it uh especially you don't want them but the screen I camores are one of the dirtiest trees you can get I thought they went out of I thought they went out of favor like 50 years ago I know London Plains and sycamores uh most DPW people can't stand them but Tree Huggers love them so I don't and the other one is thinking of the the uh pear tree that they they don't want to use they out out so I mean you know there certain trees that uh what was the one we put on a Min something or other um the one by the uh Car Wash I can't think of the full name of it but it was uh more of a v-shaped tree mhm and sorry was it a Ginko no it it was a regular leaf tree V something or other the point I'm making is I would really prefer not to see sycamores there okay and if you can find other trees that are acceptable to the DP we or not I mean gee if one Trea appeared that wasn't official I don't know I understand okay yes okay I hear you loud and clear okay um lights I the board can decide how they want to go but I would agree with the engineer that 25t lights are just untable um I don't think we have anything sorry they're too big yeah and then I think you have to come up with the better way I don't know if uh onsite on the building lights would be suitable or they have to be Standalone lights um we'll look we we'll actually look at building lights and maybe that may pull them off the island and put them in the rear I'll I'll we'll look get some more so was going to suggest is you look into an alternate lighting pack for and I it's up to the board to decide but my suggestion would be to find an alternative okay and U the lights that they show that they're more like our typical um Community St lights or are they just using regular LED we we're using right now we're using Straight LEDs just is the most efficient light there is uh if you want to do a decorative light a lot of times they lose some efficiency that's the only thing the lights that we have in the middle of town and in our projects are they're uh classical historical lights from hton Lakes right and they're uh they are LED lights and they're a little more money so I don't know how that falls and I'm not personally saying it has to be that but i' just like you a look into that we will look into what R into type of light you have and then you can discuss with the engineers about you know what works and what doesn't work um the office is plain that's just a simple office for management of the facility I saw there was a community room which I guess Mr C will talk about yes uh but other than that it's just residences right first through four four floors yes um and I see Kristen had the same comments about landscaping and lighting so the Landscaping again the Shrubbery makes a big difference they're not they're not expensive um and if they're flowering all the better it's just something we like to see on our projects unfortunately Landscape Architects hate me because I just usually use zelas in boxwoods but hisas are good the the other thing is they know that pump Lakes has a deer problem so whatever you pick for low growing stuff they'll be box with that yeah you know you got to watch cuz they love to eat a lot of stuff and and uh you know the stuff that say deer resistant the green Giants are the only shrub that I know that are somewhat deer resistant but they grow so fast they're they're hard to control so again just a suggestion however you come up with it it's not I'm not the landscape architect I just know our experience in town uh other members of the board who has questions comments uh just about the vinyl fence they mentioned I I would just say anything anything but white you know um cuz you know that one road uh is is pretty traveled so I think if we get about the darker fence whether I don't know what color the building is um maybe something that matches that other than white green or black line yeah yeah anything that's just is much better you know M gets the green on it just looks like hell you know a short amount of time sure I agree way to go yeah use considering the change in use in the property from a DPW to residential uh was a phase one or phase two environmental site assessment done on the property yes and any findings yes there was and it's all it there is a there's an NFA on it no further action no further action I mean your Rao The Rao was was filed and the NF yes they're all done he's our he's our super consultant for uh contamination because it was all filed with and I don't know why you would think a DPW might have something in the ground yeah I got a question that that was a car dealership it was many things it was a trucking company a construction company um two comments uh if you're putting any kind of street light and I didn't see it on the plant in in the sidewalks are you putting any in the sidewalk we were not proposing an even sidewalk all right because I was going to suggest if you to plan on doing that in the future at least try to match what we have in our we if we were putting if they were putting one the roadways our our street frage is so small on both streets we didn't think it was necessary but if we do put one in we obviously have to mat and then I just a question just for the residents that live on that River there you are putting more water you said you're dumping into the Basin into the wue no we're dumping into the post into where post oh post okay no we we don't we actually don't have any direct access to the W you believe it or not okay it's close but it's not direct access the only direct access we have is on the ring would have okay oh and I had another question for Mr Morris um did you see the M sent out to um address the issue of the water main fire department connections I don't recall seeing no one Mr chairman my concern is and I discussed this with the Fire official who's here tonight as well um when we look at the site it's unclear from the drawing because the water man on the utility dra the water man is very very hard to see it's blue I know it's and it's cluttered with a lot of other stuff so it really blocks the uh image that we were looking at so the fire department connection um was proposed on the Northern end of the building yes and the water M just shows a blue line with no indication of size and it runs up somewhere near the building we don't have any detail on that uh assume that on the Architects plan it may show the location of the FDC but I would like to know exactly what you're doing with the water mains coming in from the road we were looking I think the uh MVP engineer you may have just gotten what the fire line has to be it's a 2in we're going have a 2in domestic and but the fire line I believe will be the four or or six that makes sense but I you know you don't have it addressed anywhere right now we have it yeah we actually address it to uh your uh mua it would be it's a 2 and half inch domestic and a 4 in fire 4 in fire to your question chairman we we'll provide a utility sheet that will have the details of where it's going that's easier to read with the details those layers off yeah but we can create a separate sheo yeah actually when we go we apply the MUA we'll have a sheet just with the sewer and the the firearm and the sanitary as well sanitary line the details on that goes out to loc that's fine and just for the record there's no horse trading allowed on the site that's not in his only War so just keep that in mind Mr can I just follow up on your on your last Mr Morris have you investigated if a hot box is going to be required for this because you are quite promote we will deal with the MUA on that there's not this is does not have uh violia or New Jersey American Waters the mua's water department so understood back flow preventers aren't permitted to be below grade and typically the back the back Flor prenter will be in the building okay yeah there's utility room in there we'll have both the rpz for the domestic and the back for PR better for the fire and that is actually very close to let to Locus Street okay one other question do you have a fire hydrant within 50 ft of your fire department C no we propose one on the plan yeah I believe code's going to require within 50 ft you're going to need a Hy so you're going to need a separate tap for that yes that was going to be the next we had too because we looked at where the hydrants are located and we also asked about the Turning radi I we have a brand new tower ladder I would hate to see that it can't get around well if you just give me the Tower ladder came with a a program for the Turning radi with it just have somebody email that to me and I'll I'll put it on our plan John can you get that and send it thank you and as far as the hydrant is concerned yes I checked the site and the nearest hydrant is up on Ivy mhm so we originally do show it's hard to say we do show our I in the island and that'll obviously have to stay there because it's I don't want the the for the fire department connection have to run 150 200 foot of Hose well that's one of the things we had discussed is where you want to go into any more detail on that John if you don't mind John's are also our Fire official so you have any questions he to guy to ask so my question was on that Northern island in the parking it's like a 90° turn for the water is that designed for fire hyd yes okay so that hydrant going off yeah it's going it's going to be on the island right there and and you can what I always do is I show it and then I meet with the Fire official and say where do you want it because I've always tried to most find the most logical place to put your first truck to have the deamer connection up against the hydrant and then run your other connect to charge FTC but you have you always have better ideas got all right thank you um now the FDC itself I know you said where the location's going to be but I see all the parking stalls in front of it is there going to be one that's going to be blacked out for access to the FDC either that or we'll have to work out a way to get it I I we we're short on parking but I I will make the FDC still successful got it it might have to be go turned and put into that near the uh aisle where the trash is been okay John can the FPC actually be run away from the building so that it's close to the hydrant and then it wouldn't require maybe the uh parking space to be lost correct it could be right there on the island and run we did that with the a with the with Aldi when they put that in that we actually put the fire department connection away from the building and we put the hydrant right there so the engine can hook right up so maybe you could suggest a couple things to them absolutely cuz again it would put the fire trucks out of the collap Zone because you're right up and close to it so at least here if you had a um right next to where the hydren is on that Northern Island it would work yes yeah cuz I'm looking at the plan now I a Flo on Virg you probably can't see the hydrant is right in the middle of that Northern Island okay yeah we had trouble seeing it with the light blue I know that's why I've been black got it would Mr ke you provide the the detail on the turning radius for the new truck you and Jeff can work out the locations of the hydron and the FTC connection is to where you think it'll be best and Jeff can make it work for you and we certainly agree to do that we'll work we'll work with Mr KY to make sure those are are correct in location OB the engineering needs to review it as well but we'll start with you you two guys to make sure it it works you know for the fire department and works and works for being able to physically accommodate it but we'll certainly work you know fire safety is important everybody it's probably the most important thing on the site right just quickly one just one thing that from years ago I remember someone telling me is that you could get that fire department connection remote over to that same island you're not dropping hose across a drive aisle and you're not worried about vehicles or trucks driving over that hose it depends again it depends on how you want to fight the fire cuz you might park the truck on that in that aisle too and then one side goes out that way the other side goes out the other right so it's just I'm putting it out there for o now while we're talking about water supply so that would be kind of on the Northern end of the building right would there be any consideration to put One On Ringwood a before the main [Music] entrance there's a cost Factor um you know I I agree with you there I think the next one is up broad yeah it's up up Brad and then it's further down Ringwood AV and then it's prior to railroad tracks so it's kind of like an empty hole on the can't run across the tracks that wouldn't be a good idea although there's a cartoon running around that shows the fire ramp on the hoses as being across the track so that it proof the train would go over them it's a Joe C so I would certainly put that in for a consideration [Music] anyone else on the board have questions have questions of the engineer Mr chairman just one more I'm sorry um also your EV parking spaces you have it in a spot that goes from um you know south to North and it has a 15 next to it they're they're moving right so those four where do you think they're going to go as close to the is possible probably probably in that Northern Area room as okay so not by the entrance there right okay the um the idea with EV spaces and uh for practicality purposes is it's since they're secondary they're 240 volts and they're they draw a lot of aage do you want it as close to your U service entrance as possible you spending a lot of money in CER sure okay so I would just be concerned I'll leave it up to to the board I know the ones that got put in over by leadle after the fact there was concern about the green lighting so I'll leave that up to the board to decide location of those we don't want a lot of uh IR lighting exactly so good thing is he's going to be primarily for residents so they should know where they are yeah so bottom line is you know we we uh we're very concerned about safety for the building and I'm sure when we talk to the architect he'll have you know codes will be covered yes and um the fact that the uh EVS now will be right next to a hydrant is pretty good John right not bad we're both on the fire department so you know we have uh been forewarned and thank God there hasn't been any but uh EV fires are not pretty as say you don't want to put one of them out no we don't want to put them out but we don't want them next you know too close to anything where we can't get watered to them either we're actually we actually purchased a blank which we're going to try to use uh if you have a problem where you're you're able to actually lay it across the whole vehicle right which tends to Snuff it out but still I haven't seen one work yet so chairman just one a quick question the gpw they're going to have parking for trucks is there still an entrance and through the site for them or they they're doing their own they're coming off I everything is going to be through that everything's going to be right yes get two separate the only the only thing that's shared by the two sites is the storm water man anyone else on the board have questions on the engineer seeing none um why don't you go ahead and introduce the architect and we'll have one more set of questions at the end before we move on to the architect just to Circle back for a second to the trees we certainly will pursue U getting trees from alterate Services working with the town for trees but it's kind of a Bell safe I was just speaking to Jeff um we can certainly agree that we the buffer that Jeff has created that the trees along the caring bre we have more trees than we need there so we can move some into the parking lot aisles we can move some as the the uh planner suggested up to the road Frontage so we we get a stall somewhere with and know I'm sure the mayor in the town during the can but there's a stall we can relocate some of those out to the road Frontage to create the street tree effect with the normal street trees that you would prefer there um so we do have a way to to fill that in if if we' run short somewhere in trees so we'll certainly talk about that provide with plans how the professionals would view that as kind of a fail seek scenario for trees absolutely and I promise I won't move any sycamores out the screen so with that thank you Mr chairman we call our next witness as our architect stepen Kaa M morning please please state your name spell your last stepen Copa do you swear or affirm that the testimony you'll give this evening before this this board will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you God and Steve just to go short um your license architect in the state of New Jersey is that correct 44 years for 44 years one a few years too and you've been accepted as an expert before boards before and before this and before this thank you expert and um I'll turn over to you to go through your plans and again just the two issues on the elevations the facade materials and the reports if you hit those as well and I'll get your plans up on the screen heard some of your questions and I'll try and get to them right away um the early ' 80s and sequentially to the early '90s I designed both of senior citizen housings and Butler uh this is a breath of fresh air HUD 202 Section 8 were very restrictive although very popular I'm sure you could fil them twice now or maybe three times so sure the demand is there and this is quite quite more attractive and it offers more for the residents and also from the town I've done a lot of work with the Dan Pate an architect for many other major projects and uh this was their initiative how Authority Janice and and the administration and decided to do this and I think it's a a big Improvement to the site um so basically we have 65 units one of the units will be just as they were in the 202s for the resident director uh there's a meeting room and some area of kitchen space you know po type kitchen where the seniors can activities elevators laundry all the accommodations for them and all one vs just as they were in the other 202s same thing um some of the questions that were asked regarding parking um we actually have more this is the same application we make to redevelop we have more parking than we need uh we're required that 65 Spaces by the ordinance we have 85 spaces so we did that in accommodation for visitors and others I based on what we saw in the other two projects a lot of the seniors don't have Pro cars and this will be geared toward veterans so that's another component that you're going to find an older age group than um some of the questions you have regarding the um parking C again as I said we're excess what we we 65 and we testify to The Reel just exactly that same and we have 8 um calculations that we did on our s Jeff will consolidate on things again these are architectural engineer will be more precise about what he's showing all the coverages setbacks Etc U on Locust Jeff said 10 ft but the street was being vacated it's a 35t street so there's 17 ft there and then another 10 15 ft so an ample site there for fire access anything that you require uh for Access around the build building this is a fully suppressed building we meet the IBC all the classification for this type of construction four stories of s on a concrete slab very rarely hopefully this will be fought from the outside if there's a fire because it's really Su time you find it from the outside if you lost Water Service throughout the area and then of course that's another whole issue most times there's none of that even in combustible construction um there was another question regarding think we covered the B table just go through them now the lining design I think Jeff's going to answer that he asked me about it also the LED LEDs are more efficient the luminat is going to be an L dat not going to be condent or Mercury VAP it's going to be an El dat but they reduce the height and of course the shading factors that they can accommodate in the fixtures so I'm sure they can accommodate your desire to have no white spread to the surrounding areas um and I discussed the non-residential use um we did do another elevation this is the front elevation it's composed of thin brick and Hardy panel which is a ctitious panel so there's no maintenance involved we have some Freedom with color we have a a base of a probably a split face block give it some interest um and of course the windows high efficiency windows and triple blazed but what you see there is a combination of panle cement panel and thin brip we're going to maximize the best we can um that's why I say it's bre the fresh a the 202s at the Choice take a look at the building and up year that's it you had Windows you got breaking that was it was no discussion so we're very happy to be able to contribute that um have the colors been chosen on that yet um like probably brick it'll be a reddish brick and a dark brown brick like that that's just the rendering but we'll make final samples available for the town before we actually bu it we do a mockup that's typical of all our projects so you'll see a window you'll see the snap panel you'll see the glass you'll see the so you'll be able to see it's not going to be a dark Bri like that that's and this is the rear elevation so this is a new exhibit this was not your we mark this is A1 with tonight's date and best sheet 8201 is that correct correct and is what's the and the DAT uh 53124 thank yes response to your problem um basically that's it the EVS these are Level twos you're not going to get level three here because you can't do it you have to keep the spaces open for anybody to use them so there's not going to be any flashy green lights or monitors from from the distance it's uh it's a level two it'll be an accommodation for the residents and as Jeff testifies they're going to be as close to the building as we can get them because we still have to brought electric service and it's expensive uh we do figure that into the service demand which we can get from jcpnl PSG and it will be economically proposed I think that's the questions you had of me but I'm open for any comments that you have thank [Music] you um on your layouts of the individual units I see there's like some that have like a six chair table and some that don't some look a little bigger than others is there a variance between the units yeah there is um like some of them are a little bit larger because of the projection forward we did that for Aesthetics uh they have to meet a minimum standard and all of them exceed so we're fighting like hell because of budgetary constraints to keep that interest in it we like that movement elevation if you go see the 202 a brick wall straight down five stor that's what you told you to do and that's what you could do this little yes some of will be a little bit larger not a lot but it's 2 3 ft in depth uh planning and Engineering questions for the architect I don't have any in good couple quick questions Mr chairman on your elevation I'm assuming underneath the windows are grills for Min splits unit yeah as far as Elric as far that's fine as far as cooling your common spaces where do you anticipate putting your condensers those Willl to the back okay everything's going to be split there'll be no condensers on the floor nothing on the room just for the common areas provide that some of these buildings you get away with it we have ventilation requirements are much more stringent right now by the way these all have operating windows are not fixed so someone else open window in the middle the evening to bring the air fresh air in and cool down that we do but those are yeah those are through will tax okay you said the building is going to be fully suppressed NFPA 13 or 13 R oh no 13 so all the interal space had ask ask question with your EV parking so is the the the EV charging stations are they going to be open to the public no no it's strictly for that's level three that's what you see energize America Etc um you have to have a lease you have to bring in primary power no this is strictly for accommodation come to red and if you use those that way you have to open them up to the public you have no choice that's why I was asking if the public was going to be able to come on site and Char the car if they need to you will not be able will there be any signings to that effect well what you'll do is you'll have a control so you'll either have a swipe okay at at the meter so only people on the site people that are residents site or their visitors they can give them but again a 7our charge is level two so if you have typical EV you get 200 m on a charge that's a 7h hour charge no one's going to sit there for 7 hours so level three 20 minutes 15 20 minutes and you can pay for that's the difference but yeah I think it's a good idea and I think we have to start out with four and end up a few [Music] moreel all I okay thank you any members of the board have questions for architect can't let them off this easy um John just a couple question so lightweight construction is going to be the uh hold it all right and then four story on slab what you're seeing a lot of in the area now is they p a 4 on two so there's a Podium and then a second Podium that way you can go up to 73 or 74 ft once you reach 75 ft you're in the highrise C I have to BU the entire thing non going so that's the state of the art but we're doing on slab on four stories of sticks okay and you said fully sprinkler St stamp pip you discuss the hydrant I don't know about that right now leave but yes so that's that's okay when we tore the uh DPW building down I saw that work there is a water supply coming off a ring we have it located there's also a sanitary sewer coming off the ring I'll leave that to jet to do the final design on that we already had two utilities come into the site oh and gas and and natural gas so I don't anticipate using EOG gas here we're not completely done with the hot water analysis heat pumps definitely through AC all right and I I know you're familiar with the senior housing the stairwells are fully pressurized when the fire alarm system goes off yeah that's the five story non combustible both of those would that be no we have Towers in here but they will not be pressurized standard fir to to hour between spes even be sprink also even with the type of occupancy you have it's not re all right yeah those buildings you see that I did in the 80s and 90s those are five stories you had no choice and 202 demanded it was a Hut 202 they told us what window to use have no choices at all Lighting on the site you have no choices you put it in with this is a little bit different concept all right just last thing uh generator is there any plans uh I don't know as I said we're fighting a tight budget right now we have we met today we have our budget step pending this boards the pool we're going full speed ahead to start this project as there's some demands from the county to spend this money between now and the end of the year so we got to get moving um we had a very nice reception from your redevelop agency and then we're back to the county and now they're ready to push forward with this with the housing auor so we're ready to go okay CU I think the generator might be a consideration because of the senior housing that we have now situation $300,000 yeah even if it's a limited to where it's just your community center where it's a cooling station usually you do life safy you put your fire alarms you put your smoke alarm abely exting as a minimum it's in discussion let me just tell you but it's not required by the IBC got it might be consideration Mr chairman and what is the maximum height that you're U projecting on the building uh this is four stories say roughly 60 ft be I'm sorry 60 said yeah say 15 to 4 there's a power there follow up on John comments when the power goes out for the time you know your you built and we get many calls from senior housing about apparatuses they have to run things they need power out so if it could be found in the budget I think it's a good thing for you it's just and Redevelopment they brought up uh are you going to be matching the grills to the color of the wall so we don't want a white grill with brown and the last question and maybe you won't know may JN will know this is a 24-hour person in there on or is it just main main ISS it's it's an onsite the person will live on site and run the office during the day no other questions for Mr C thank you Mr C thank you very much at this point I'll open up the meeting for public comment if anyone's here from the public that has any [Music] questions seeing none close the public portion okay so we have a an application we have testimony we've had explanations questions answered there's some conditions to be discussed that I guess you've been dutifully copying um what I'll ask the board now is uh for final deliberation and um I'll ask Mr Brewer to summarize the conditions make sure that Mr Kem is in agreement with everything uh there's some engineering that will come your way as far as the result of the meeting um I will say that U I do thank the county and the Professionals for bringing this to the board we are thrilled to be able to say it's going to it's going to happen and um you know we did our best to get you guys on the agenda as quickly as we could so hopefully uh we can move this along and help you spend your money so uh with that said um let's just run over the conditions real quick and we'll ask for a motion uh the rev the revised plans are going to go to the planner and the engineer for review um you can show uh shrubs on plans and some the Landscaping uh you'll relocate three to four trees um to the parking lot uh we'll provide sign details um you're going to change the chaining fence to a nonwhite vinyl fence uh you're going to work with the engineer here to reduce the height of the lights um let's see here uh you provide an onm manual which will also be filed uh you're going to look into the county uh donating the labor to plant trees you're going to contact uh bur administrator Michael Carelli about uh getting some trees from uh the burrow to contribute um your go going to Pro uh put the turning radius for the truck for the fire trucks on the plans also investigate um the possibility of adding hydrant uh we'll meet with the fire department and put the hydrant to put in the FDC where the work with the fire department and place them um with the approval of uh the fire department and and the board engineer [Music] those are the conditions that I and you're going you are considering a generator and I don't know if the board wants a condition but that the EV charging stations will be for residents only I don't know we agree to that that's our plan they want no ugly green lights and yeah or not VI View and that they're being moved they're going to be moved and for residential use resid on site only okay that's everything I have on mind as well thank you comments from members of the board uh yeah I with the generator I I think we should press some on that I I don't think it's a big expense and I like John's idea as far as saying you know have a a room where they could all plug in and um that could be a possibility you know generx is you know um you know let say 10,000 and I got to bring you know it's maybe another 20 grand but I think it it's it'd be money well spent um to to have that available for especially that's a senior especially that's a senior building um I I think that's something we should press them on a little bit I got to be honest with you I really do I think it's important I think it is and I just don't know if we are in the position where we can require I I I I I agree but I don't think it's I don't think it's a huge expense for what you can gain yeah I don't think anyone would argue with that okay so I I think if we can we should I emphasize that we'd like to recommended yes absolutely um yes um Mr Brewer is there a way that we can have a condition that kind of more explicitly says that the applicant should continue to work with the engineer and the planner to satisfy the the the um comments in our letter just so that we understand there's more dialogue going on I should have St that explicitly but compliance with both with all the review letters is it would be a condition of approval except as explicitly placed on the record they have to comply to your written satisfaction okay and of course it's subject to other approvals which they have to get a couple and did you get an official letter from the MUA for service or that's still coming no they just had details that they wanted answered before the hearing so we'll continue to work with Okay so it's subject to all the usual things agencies yeah as to the generator I just speaking with client and our operator um we we agree with the comments of the board the issue running is again it's the budget's getting Tighter by the minute like I said something as insignificant as the dis we might not be able to build because it's that much of a cost factor and it's a few hundred so we will do we can our priority would be is if we're limited we can do a generator we're limited on cash we would certainly do the common area cooling areas you're were saying other P of people come charge phones they have oxygen tanks or whatever to the we have a compromise that we might be able to work we'll put the transfer switch in now then possibly look for funding to go and get a generator in the future it's a huge expense it's up for Upward to $300,000 minimum yeah you can't use the little ones that we get you can't use gener no to and then of course it's a maintenance issue but if we put the transfer switch in now at any time they could go out and find funding that's not a big expense for us to do why don't you run the gas line up to also while you're in the ground yeah we have natural gas on side right so we could do that on the size that's a good compromise to give you a good faith effort that we'll try and get it done but I can tell you right now after today's meeting at the budgetary meeting this is the most expensive time in the last 30 years to build buildings the course the materials has conable ever since the pandemic I think we can put in take a little bit of money from the jail project that you're tearing down yeah actually that came in under budget hope you go oh there you go there you go there you go but we will we'll put the transfer switch in and then you know what at that point the whole building has to go on you can't just use parti it's not going to give it's not going to give local services not to give convenience out it's got to be minimal what you're looking for is a Senor is trapped in there in a time where you lose electricity so but we'll look at it okay the elevators are key you know well the elevator would be life safety but again this is not in intial use it's a residential use so we will try and do that okay why don't we just leave it that uh we will make a strong recommendation that that be done and um I don't want to put it in there that we require that's not appreciate your consideration just want to remind the board we forget because the Count's here presented this is not a county project the end of the day the County's throwing some money into this but it's not profit that's that's their Prof yeah it is it is thank you for Mr it is a standalone project the county created a separate entity the to say County affordable housing Corporation so this this project this property is being bought from the county and it's it's a stand alone so like as you said we will certainly pursue asking the county to assist with things like planting trees and all but at the end of the day the county is saying Standalone project like you're a private developer um I've worked with plenty of affordable housing companies that do these 100% affordable product uh projects and and they're not easy to build um but uh you know but again we will pursue any Avenues from Canen get anything generators anything that will help make it a better project for the town as well as the residents we certainly I'm not saying we're not going to pursue I'm just trying I can see that you guys are doing the best you can I and I personally uh as a veteran appreciate the fact that you've taking care of some of the veterans yeah I think you know that's something that is uh Missing in a lot of places I was thrilled when I found out this was better in preference and even better that it's pumped in preference so anyone else have any comments yeah on on that on that uh topic Mr chairman um we all know how difficult it can be for like the VA to take care of veterans who have we'll say ongoing long-term issues um there's not going to be that sort of support that medical support that psychiatric or whatever support here in Lakes when this gets built and if it is veteran preference I think the idea is a great idea I don't I'm not saying anything about that um it just you have to go with it in Clear Eyes I mean obviously if you have senior housing you always have to recognize that you have people there that are going to have physical disabilities and there may be more ambulances more doctor that sort of thing but this is another sort of diff Different Twist on that and the the town should under understand that before going forward with this because we don't have those sorts of support facilities for whatever number of veterans that are actually going to be in here again like I said I think the the project is great um but it it's just something you have to go in with your eyes wide open got please raise your right hand St your name spell your last janesty John D e j o hn do you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give this evening before this board will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you got yes I do and J just for the record you're you're the executive director of the saate County criminal housing Corporation yes okay so why don't you go ahead and explain word no no just little formality there so please continue what you're saying no we have put thought into that and the beauty is that we are part of the county and we are going to use their systems their depart departments we have the senior services department we have a veterans department we have a health department so we do want to bring all those services to the building as much as we can and your points well taken Mr pendexter I just finished a project for another client that's an affordable housing senior um senior and Veterans project in Emerson so I'll reach out to them to see how they're addressing those issues because they don't have the on-site care you're talking about the veterans needs so I I'll coordinate those those two my two clients talking together extent they can help each other on how they take care of those issues when they arise it was an existing project we added a couple more units on so they probably have something in place so I'll certainly share information to make sure it runs as smoothly as possible but we do you know we deal with that of gratitude to our veterans make sure we take care of them so we'll certainly coordinate that good thank you for your comments thank you thank you for the input okay anyone else all right I like a motion and a second please so we can move to discussion on the motion I make a motion to approve this tb2 24-4 taking into account our attorney's comments our professionals comments and requirements further discussion as needed okay second I'll second second Mr AO okay discussion on board members I'm going to just take a couple quick minutes to say thank you um I think this is an excellent facility for us certainly what was there was not very pretty but uh it looks like you guys put a lot of time and thought into how it's going to look how it's going to function it's a reasonable size for the property uh aside from what I said earlier about being a veteran thing where you know they they will get true benefits out of this I I think it's an excellent um addition to Pompton Lakes and I I thank theay County and it's sub group of whatever you want to call uh housing what what was it housing Corporation Corporation um for for proceeding with this so um comments or any other statements from the board members mayor I just exactly what you said but don't forget we're also getting out of this a new Sal check and a bigger recycling center so now we'll have an entrance into our recycling center and out of our recycling center separately and there'll be some more space within that area to work yeah so this whole project developed a lot so these were all trade-offs that wean when we were talking initially you know having the s shed here is a big deal if we didn't have that shed here we had no place to keep our salt and we' be the county would be going all the way down to 23 to pick up the salt to come all the way back here and put it down so the fact that they'll keep it here do Northern counties with the salt is going to help us tremendously now out of curiosity are you guys working in conjunction with development of the other site or there's no intent to combine anything of the two no they're two separate Standalone sites I know is there any development going to go on on the other site at the same time the engineer indicated we're going to be sharing the stormw um systems between the two sites but otherwise they kind of stand alone okay the other site will be redeveloped to it's going to basically incorporate because it's part of our PL TP it's going to incorporate the exit from the recycling center into the soul ship proper so you drive into the recycling center get the bins and drive out on to lus that's and is there a time frame on that I'm just curious I believe the contracts DOD has been awarded okay okay and then this is you're looking just to do work before the end of the year yeah we need we need to get started yeah there's some funding deadlines we have to meet okay if um there's no other questions or comments I will look for a roll call vote Please Mr Simone yes Mr frara yes Mr tro yes Mr AO yes Dr pendexter yes Mr keing yes mayor yes and Mr BBY yes it is unanimous and we thank you again very much for the presentation we enjoyed having you guys here and uh we're very happy to see this moving forward and if I may say that we seem solic I really do want to thank um the board professionals and your board secretary very very helpful to us and very professional you're well represented uh and again appreciate everyone getting us on quickly uh and the board's consideration this matter and thank you all and have a good evening back we can good luck and Brig walks I remember great I town that's weird hope [Music] [Music] get willing they don't need it [Music] so have resolution to discuss on a minute Tove on [Music] Morris give Kevin bosel my regards please she's very busy now trying to run the company you off you sho [Music] okay we worked with um I was with crew Engineers we worked with Boswell many times my thank you good night thank you oh that's Steve Steve Steve nice have a good night okay we have resolution pb23 03 Pi Holdings LLC um I just want to make a statement about this this this resolution memorializes what we did at the meeting two months ago it has nothing to do with what's going on today which has some uh issues with the building department so this is basically the last thing that we do and once the resolution is complete that's what goes to the building department and uh out of our hands so did you did everybody have a chance to look at that resolution and if so um do you have any questions on it Mr keting Number Two uh mentions the subject property having to be the liability of getting the testing done but I think when they said that system they're putting in it's going to be crossing over to the adjoining property so even though it's owned by the current owner p holding he owns two of them but I think Carl mentioned that it might be in the best interest that it goes on the deed for that one so I think it should be plural property e just a suggestion can I see I don't have it in front of me so let me make sure here here okay got number two on top there no problem I that was my intention because the property is listed as both Lots but I will uh and it says the Deeds but I will say I'll make it it's both cost property yeah subject property is defined subject property is Lot 4 and 4.01 but I will make sure that's clear in that paragraph got it thank you okay with that said does um anyone have a motion for approval of resolution 23-3 anyone well I'll make the motion okay Mr a in a second please oh second that motion okay we have a second by Mr keing any discussion on the resolution that we didn't have already if not we call please okay Mr Simone yes Mr F Cara yes Mr tro yes Mr OT yes M Dr pendexter present Mr keing yes mayor Sarah say here yes it's only two meetings a month right yeah you were here I was here okay yes then yes okay uh Mr Baldi yes okay thank you short uh the only other thing is we were done [Music] good with that okay the only other thing is um because we unfortunately lost anory who was on the master plan committee um I need to appoint another person Rich you had expressed interest are you interested in that sure okay so we'll add Rich picaro to the m committee which is Tim and what John yeah so I'm the second so that will become the master plan committee you guys have anything else you need to add about anything thank stepping in my pleasure Ser pleasure of the board Mr chairman just one followup so and with the approval of that Pi Holdings I'm okay with so Deeds um so I heard any even in tonight's discussion that I guess with that paper Road deed was not followed through sced and sent through didn't get fil to the county yeah correct so that's the second time cuz when we had the discussion on one% G our burrow Firehouse was settled 30 years ago but it wasn't filed with the county so what is the Burrow's process with following to with the county to make sure that it should be well so it's the attorney who handles we went through a couple different attorneys okay in that short time and it fell through the cracks for this last one 30 years ago I can't speak but it should go from the clerk to the attorney and then they should register it with with the county that's the way it should go so our bur clerk bur clerk is our bur attorney bur attorney then files it okay and I guess you have the right as a board and so does the council and there to follow up to see you know hey was that done you know I it's probably not a bad idea just because we've had it happen twice just follow just throw it at find out like this last one we didn't find out to our new attorneys we have a new attorney this year said I can't find it register that's the only reason we knew oh man so would we like to have a request made of the B clerk to confirm that it was in fact filed with the county could do because she can confirm it even though the attorney files it and if it hasn't been by now then we would want to have at some point a letter back from Liz saying that yes it's not it's now on the record where are we as far as mayor and counsel first reading second reading first read second okay so at whatever point it's official we would just want to make sure that it's vile that's all and somebody could end of July beginning of August send a letter back to the board send an email or you or somebody just saying hey look when this is officially filed can we get a notification that's keing I'll give you an example of the GP we represent a um uh sewage Authority that has about 15 Mi of Interceptor line through many towns and it was placed in there in the 1970s and early ' 80s and as it turns out now when work has to get done you have to have an easement we are the line is easement is not where the line is so if you want to go in for many miles it is not the same place where the line is installed so things do happen who range that's not P say did no no I'll I'll take that yeah okay all right um that's it from the uh official agenda does anyone have anything else to report or questions Mr Mayor what's going on with that big hole in the down in the downtown area that building cjm cjm got their permits they pulled them they paid for them and now the 60-day count starts he's he's ready to start working probably maybe the next week or two but he had 60 days I think it was from June 6 yeah June 6th he has he gets F he do fact that he pull his per it's a new owner so it's a new owner so uh he pulled his per and paper so getting to be almost as long of a project as the one on am terik well then we'll see which one I think the one on am turnpik breaks the records and and just so the board's aware that and I didn't want it to be confused with the resolution there were some construction done without the permits after we had our meeting we agreed that uh we would uh let them start provided they got their building permits um with on at their risk and uh that the resolution would follow and apparently there was um work done prior to the permits being obtained and consequently the project was Ed by the uh the burrow construction official and there is now the wall is constructed I don't know if anybody saw it and the um wall apparently is completely built I don't know if they've done all of the work but um it is now in the building officials hands in the barl engineer's hands to decide what has to be done since it did not it was not constructed with the final permits received and with inspections so all that work that we did to try to push that along and get them the approval they needed to let that project complete um is now for not and to be determined by others we have no responsibility for it tonight's official approval of the resolution is the last thing that we do and it's out of our hands completely if anybody says anything the planning board is out of the picture as of tonight take it down and start over yeah well again it's entirely in the building Department's hands and U in a way I'm thankful that we have no more involvement with that so anything you want to add to that no okay and nothing else then we'll take a motion to adjourn so move second second all in favor any oppos we are thank you all for for coming and for proceeding with this rvr [Music] [Music]