please turn off all cell phones the agenda of the pump and Lake Zoning Board of adjustments February 27 2024 the following is the agenda of the regular meet regular meeting of the pump LS Board of adjustments this meeting is to be held in the Municipal Building 25 lenx Avenue on Tuesday February 27 2024 beginning at 8: p.m. a written evance notice required by NJ SA 10 sem call 4-1 at said has been provided of this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today given the time date and location to the extent known at the time of the um at the time the agenda of this meeting such notice stated that formal action may or may not be taken this meeting will be video recorded and will be broadcast for later viewing for the public the notice was posted on the bulletin board outside of the office of the municipal clerks reserved for this and similar announcements provided through the Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the council and planning board to receive such notice and filed with the barel clerk please stand for the pledge of [Music] allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation under God indivisible with [Music] we have the O office okay you start your business get okay can I have a roll call please yes Mr Hunt here Mr aate here miss curen here Mr C here miss bernstock yes Mr Rowan here Mr Big here Mr Lucien is absent um Mr Fula here and Mr Deonte is AB yeah but he's moving too okay the minutes from reorganization in regular minute meetings for January 23rd 2024 has everyone had the opportunity to read the minutes yes yes are there any changes or corrections to those minutes can I get a motion to accept those minutes second roll call please okay Mr Hunt yes Mr aate yes M curan yes Mr CLA yes Miss Brock yes Mr Rowan yes Mr bade present okay Mr Fula yes okay uh correspondence we have an adoption of an ordinance 20 2- 2024 in the burrow of Bloomdale anybody have any questions regarding that correspondence no um Memo from Elizabeth uh February 14 2024 regarding approval appointment to approval by the mayor and councel um we had a memo from Elizabeth February 14 2024 for resolution 20- uh 24-104 24- 105 24-16 approval by the mayor and councel anybody have any questions regarding that correspondence okay so with that do both of all so just actually two he's not here actually three but now two we not here stand up I state your name I'm Mar you Solly swear Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constition of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same the same and to the government's established and to the government's established in this state in this state and in the United States and in the United States under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will Faithfully partially partially and justly and justly perform oral duties of perform oral duties of office of uh adjustment Board office of adment according to the best of my ability to the best of my ability help thank you [Music] congratulations okay now we're going to move on on to Applications boa 23-7 Pro print graphic LLC please come [Music] forward morning good morning good evening good evening uh for the record uh I appear back in November I'm Harold cook I'm here on behalf of the applicant and uh the man is our planner cath Gregory who to testify this evening address the D [Music] variant please State your names B you ask Catherine first k r y cor g g o r y if you swear or affirm the testimony you give this evening before this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth else got yes Captain you tell board your educational achievements uh educational oh okay um I have a master of architecture and a master of planning from the University of Illinois and I particular I've been a licensed Prof professional planner in the state of New Jersey since the year of 2000 I am the principal of Gregory Associates with the address of cour New Jersey um I've testified throughout the state in myen year over the last 2 four years um I actually have testified here but probably not in a long time um could probably be about 15 years ago um but I also am a municipal planner mostly in County um I'm the planner in h Heights in edgear and also the Z planner in grandis faan um and I have had the opportunity to be planner in some other towns here and there tock well time um my go been testifying for years captain that being said we testified regarding uh bances bances as well as all that's us okay um any questions for acceptation great C uh if you had an opportunity to Rew the plan prepared by uh Mr was but just matter yes have you had you may be comfortable standing typically you like it's up to [Music] you have you had an opportunity to actually the property uh yes um actually I do the property at L Sunday as a matter of fact and I have a photos of that I wanted to out I [Music] may exactly we do any ex last time we did other than just [Music] [Applause] [Music] describe [Music] was holding [Music] there okay K before you actually go through the FL there yes an exhib you prep yes and it contain and did you take those yes except for the aerial that's located the lower right number okay when did you take those phots okay and they were clear and ACC portrayal of premises we did yes okay right ahead um okay so uh the photo exhibit is an 11 by17 that is entitled existing conditions and surrounding the characteristics 615 bring of avue New Jersey uh what you'll see is a series of photographs that are taken of the site and the surrounding area um they are all labeled but to go through them um to the upper left is the property that is to the north um across the post Pro and this used to be the um the P County Road division uh property which has since been raised you can actually see that in the Google Earth photograph that I have in the lower r that there was some truck parking and things in the back there and couple of buildings as well which have currently be um been taken down and that site is actually Z FAL housing now um and while I'm not 100% sure I'm assuming there's probably an affordable housing development that's to going on that site um the next photograph to the upper rate is the prod of essential property um you can see the access point right in the center there um with the existing building that is fronting on r um the next series of photographs are taken from the middle of the site um I'm going to draw your attention actually to the right middle photograph first um because this is taken from the parking lot that is in between the front building and the rear building um and when you're in that lot as you can see um or as you can't see you really can't see the fact that there is a building back there um so then I'm going to swing back to that middle photograph in the middle loud which that is the existing building but you have to get get really close to the edge of the parking lot um on the upper level if you going F that um to actually see that building and then to the left on the middle of row what we have is a picture of the access drive or what was also referred to by engineer as a ramp because it is a street or driveway rather that goes down and grade and you can see that obviously because of the pic wall that's located right there there is a significant change in grade and then the next series of photographs um what I have in the lower left hand corner is I'm actually at a residential property that's located across the railroad I'm standing at the street um and that's the view that you see when you when you refer back to the aerial I understand that we have a good comparison because the aerial has all of the trees right there is like lots of vegetation and stuff but now we have photos without all the trees having to do so it's a good comparison to see that there's still a lot of vegetation that happens to be surrounding this property um even in the off season if you want to call it that um and then also um there is one non-conforming use that is catty corner to our property that's also located in the same Zone that's water body um which I have a picture of too so um those are the photographs that I took and also an aial uh for reference um I know that you know the engineer was here last time and he discussed the site itself but obviously the site itself was a very unique site in so many ways I'm not even sure I've seen a site that is this unique and the reason that I say that is because number one it's triangular shap okay I've probably seen a triangle before but it's also bounded by a railroad and a brook and a significant change in grade and not only is it a significant change in grade but it's a significant change in grade even on the property itself so there's a lot of Dynamics going on in this site um and and that leads to some of my testimony tonight uh talking about the D1 use variant and why I think the site is particularly suited um so I'll go right into that um we need a D1 usarian for the landscaping business the applicant would like to park uh six vehicles and three trailers on the site um and obviously as you can see from the photographs there are some vehicles that are being part there now um but with that said um for the D1 variant we have to prove that the site is particularly suitable and we have to distinguish it from properties in the immediate area and I think I just did that before there is really no other property that is like this that's located anywhere in the intermediate area due to the fact that it does have so many barriers the post flow the railroad the fact that it's a the fact that it has such a change in grade the fact that there's an existing building in the rear which can be used for storage for this particular type of use um so this site is really geared towards this type of use because I can't see it really being used for any of the Comm uses um based on the fact that we do have you know the the shop in front um so we're kind of making efficient use of the site which is actually one of the purposes that we use for LA for the them talks about efficient wees um so I also believe that um you know it's probably unlikely that rear site would probably be utilized for anything else because it is in closing so there's a lot of reasons why I think it's particular sued to just outdoor storage if you will or outdoor parking so parking is contemplated in importance as an assesses to permitted pess the Landscaping in business is not permitted however it's not specifically permitted in your out storage so we're going to I think I'm talking about the second the negative criteria where we have to reconcile add use this particular use from the Zone um and with regard to the DBT dbd Z and the dvd1 so the idea really was for redevelopment and Mi walkable then uses and obviously we're not proposing that here but I also don't see how the ver would be accessible in walkable anyways um so I think that we can sort of reconcile that um in that fact um we did need a couple of uh bulk variances um however I know that they were discussed at the last meeting um they are all existing conditions that include things like the aisle width um that the ramp withd or that that driveway that goes down um and in terms of that obviously it's it's not as if people coming going to the site this is one out and one in you know once they're done with from go work during the day then they're coming back to par the vehicle so it's not like a res operation where people are coming and going it's very limited um also planted area parking area buffer to a the residential lot um we already have a buffer which chap to be the avable um so have not having a buffer that's not there now I don't think that necessarily judgment um the fact that we also need urance for a loading space and it's not really required for this use and while the trucks are moving coming back no loed materials or except that if they probably putting stuff on the trucks themselves and uh parking is not pered in the front yard um it appears to be an existing condition um but anyway so I believe that we do promote to the purpose of M land use law I mentioned one before of M which is tox efficient use of land um also I believe that we are still going to provide at light a space the proposed use of this location is not going to impact any light a space um this or any properties also du to change um and I also believe that we need the M criteria um I don't believe there's anything substantial that to the public good mostly because the public us can't see the where it is um if you're walking by if you're driving by you're never going to know if there are trucks back there unless you are literally on the site and you are literally at the edge of that ramp that goes down as driveway as INSP photographs I'm show some the members ear numbers have been out to the site to notice that but you really can't see the Ser in that location um but I don't believe there's any substantial impairment to the intent courus of the zone for the zoning ordinance um that was for the reasons I stated before I mean accessory parking is permitted inverted surface parking is essentially what we're doing EX in this instance you can Define as having a landscaping business about for storage and so therefore um as I said I think that we can reconcile the back that had it been permitted use the parking itself was permitted and that's what we're looking to do we're looking to park the vehicles overnight um and like I said before the use is just not permitted anymore in your buness specifically so I think that uh the site is particularly suited I believe that we need both positive and the negative criteria in granting of variances [Music] atation you have any questions Mr Greg potential I have one question you say that you can't see behind the building from uh the road you can well no I mean you can see this is an example if you are driving on either side of this building you can you can see the rear but you can't see the sunin rear that's what I mean you can obviously see the um the parking lot that's located between the front and the back though but everything that was back there is at such a grade that it Su but it literally the roof was the the same height as the grade of but right one can see the roof of that build um can you see it in this picture uh I can see it front of subject property behind it's it's you have a very small picture but it's right behind where the red the yeah right but the fact is there's really there's still a lot of vegetation that's going on in that even in that location that bling in so obviously in the winter you can see it a a little bit more in the summer changes are you don't see this at all you know when everything is [Music] bloming um I would disagree but that's that's fine your statement was primarily for the building in the back and I'll accept that well no that I mean that's what we're talking about this the location that we're pushing to actually Park these vehicles is in I just want to be clear that that is visible from the street well visible would be is a general term but I would say that it's mostly not from from the ACC stre and I disagree okay when we were talking last time um there was talk of material being stored at this site that the landscaping and it was concern regarding the runoff of that material um and that was going to be addressed at the next meeting I don't think we I can have and you're saying there's not going to be any vehicle parking behind on the first grade of the building there's not going to be any in the front there's no parking is what you said and then in the back of the that first building there's not going to be any uh truck or equipment being stored there is that did I did I hear that right behind the first building On Ringwood Avenue right now I think there were some plows or something stored there the last time I drove by which was yeah those are the photographs there's some some CLS there right so that's so so the question I have there was two my two-fold question there was an issue with the buffer uh from the railroad apparently there was some sort of letter that was given to the applicant that was not available to us at the last meeting and number two is the material or equipment parking um behind the building can you clarify that for you I I don't know anything about letter address it okay then the other thing that I have is the ramp going down to the back storage area where you have the trucks that seems very tighten there um and run off uh for flooding perp you know questions um and the uh is I see there's a cone uh in the middle of the driveway and a ramp going down um I don't know if that's I I can't make out what that reason for the that's a pipe from the drain from the upper lot so and that was discussed at our last meeting as well we haven't have any kind of anything in addition to what was discussed at the last meeting so basically that if you're looking at this as let's call it three parking lots you have the front parking the middle parking and then the lower parking that pipe that you see in that picture is draining the middle parking area and it's a direct connction from the corner of that Park that middle parking lot across this ramp area in direct discharge into the BR so there's concern yeah I remember that at our last meeting that brought up right yeah and then um um the landscape business that you're talking about is that in any way related to one of the structures that's on the site are they utilizing either of the structures or is this just renting to this landscape company that's trucks on the C well my understanding is that um the rear building will Beed would be utied for business because the renting would be properties but Mr answer that specifically if I'm if I'm misunderstanding okay cuz we want to know what they're intending to store in that like we said it's in the flood you know the flood area and we need to know more about this the other thing is the adjacent property that you were mentioning for affordable housing that's actually um the senior housing project um and that's before the Redevelopment cord right now um um and the visibility from that site to this part of the site um that's a brand new project that's going to be going into town that is Redevelopment that's the intg zone and it's directly next store and I think that that's overlooking that back part of it from where the senior housing would be proposed on that site just so that you aware okay so we're going to need that Tes appli again as to what's going to be stored in that uh piece Jason dman um any other questions from members of the board is um are there any plans for lights to you know to uh light up that driveway going down and then uh my second question has to do with that um looks like an accordion type of drain that's extended across the driveway in the picture the first picture of the second row that's actually what Mr was just mentioning okay but is that going to go [Music] underground I I don't know that I'm not the engineer so I think that that primarily for the usage of the property right just just not all about the intricate issues so for that pipe from the engineering perspective that was discussed last meeting and we have not received anything way otherwise I would have here I didn't want to ask to C this again no I understand but it I would ask if this board looks favorable for this application they have some homework to do with the drainage right so they would have to work with us to iron that out the applicant would certainly do that and then I have one more question and that is uh about a month ago we had some flooding in our town and I was wondering how your property made out because there's a corner your property that's rather low I see sh I can have to I'm going to have to testify to see anytime you w be up there we we'll pull you up one other point with the parking when you know I think we've been out to the site when and you even showed in one of the pictures Catherine the one that's in the middle on the left hand side yes those vehicles that are at that site right now are not parking in parking spaces they're parking all over the place down there how will that be controlled at night you're showing parking spaces but then it looks like there's more Vehicles than parking well that's something that I think Mr Rel Lang answer um however just you know functionally because it is literally just storage overnight it's not the yet in out I mean you heard T spaces in residential projects so if they were to Let's to say use like first three for trailers and then a car and then I mean a a truck and have trucks in front of it it's it is sequestered back there that and again it's only one in one out so that would be controlled even if that be the case okay it's not like regular parking lot where people are coming to use business or even even an office you know this is literally just landscaping business that has their trucks and so the trucks go out you know and they come back at so that would all be you know worked out in terms of that it's not situation but you know he he'll he'll talk to you to and I think that our concern would be that you know we know that this development is going in next door and we don't want it to look like a junkyard right next to it you know in the evenings you know with just Vehicles stre all over the place so we have to have control over that and that's as you know that's the reason for having parking spaces that's the reason for having circulation plans that's the reason for you know the regulations being written the way that they are so I think that we need to just be cens in that and that's something that South holy our construction official has brought [Music] anybody else have any questions for the testimony that was good when I open it up to the public to question the applicant and the testimony that was given Michael S 41 West um so just so I understand I know bu to land company they in and out but like for example right now there's plows stored on the sun on the back side of that but they stay there in the off season or or then they can move somewhere else move them and then there is a business running out of the front of that building TR consuming right do they have dedicated parking for the business how is this working out going back to what that was asking was a dedicated parking like for the business and then landscaping or is it just first come first serve or is it you got plows here park over here today park over there I is there a plan set Place enough I think that the [Music] end I'm not trying to pass no that's yeah he's been operating so he can explain how that and just to go back to what was mentioning just so the courts understands that senior housing and that housing that's being built in front of that project on the Ringwood side is going to be mostly green area and the building is set back towards the recycling center a little bit so they are trying to make it the Green Space up front with entrance exit out the driveway so the building is not going to be right is going to be is going to clean up anybody else that would like to question testimony from the public see none so I'll close that session thank you come up mray right back in November if you want to re swear him he remains War right good evening just a refresh board you operate out of that site correct right all right how will you can operate uh about 5 six years um you use any of the build that's located on the site just on lower and then what do you do in that lower building it's just Overstock of whatever it do so what do you use anything from Landscaping to slow removal equipment and it's ear they would take could be grass seed top soil mosts inside and it's mostly we if we have over stopped we use it about 10 times left over something put it in there next week we got another job comes up out the door so nothing's really sitting in there um that home as far as mat as far as trying to draw a distinction you actually operating your business for you meet in an office in that bu you uh you don't have it office where you bu your business from this from my home all right now the board had some questions as to allocation of parking spaces you want to address that okay the we do not use any of the upper parking lot that Gil's apparel has we have nothing to do with the other La we park all our equipment at the bottom two of the snow plows that are at the top are actually PS so we just continue the line and we park five or six clows behind that off season again no problem with that so that's it there's no vehicles it's just five of my own plows behind two of his own plows so that's it so even if I took my five plows out he's going to keep his two plows there it property so um that's it as far as the upper parking lot parking our stuff at the bottom is just park we have we park as many truck as you can against the back wall of the railroad and then anything that's large or overstock just back down in Qui kitty corner there nowhere near the ramp it's away from the ramp or a junction to the front of the building so you if you look down the ramp you really can't see any of the vehicles you might be able to see the top of the building but you really can't see the build TR well gild are P using any this bace the lower parking the customers he has his own parking he's got to be at least 10 parking up at the top so yours you're us be limited to the lower part correct um just burnstock had a question about a month ago what if any flooding Ur we have never gotten any at all I took two pictures of the last two storms that we had couldn't find the one but I found two from the the storm in December we are still 3T down at that point from the gra okay there is a little BM there that was there from the beginning it's a little bit of a um black top maam BM there I mean might seen it it doesn't come anywhere near that Irene came we didn't get anything then and we even have taken steps to take stuff out of there you never know you know what I'm saying you just never know so even if our trucks have left there and gone to another place temporarily for a day or two until water goes down to its which is really only like 2T deep so on a normal basis there so well that's good yeah it's always been good the board mentioned uh a letter from the railroad okay can you testify s a letter from the railro there was I guess a lot of dumping going on there way before we were there um and the railroad was concerned that that stuff was eventually going to go into the bank of the water or whatever there's nothing the water itself but we cleaned it all up spent a lot of money got rid of a lot of recycled materials brought it to other parts of you know where they recycle it to get it out of there to satisfy them they just didn't walk the stuck anywhere near their uh Crush Stone on the burm of the railroad tracks and they didn't want anything to fall into the bridge but what was there was there way before I was even there so we got rid of it even that pi all AC to so just so that I could send them to him and he was satisfied with what we did and unfortunately we SP a lot of money doing that too so uh if the bo work to application like we you agree as the condition of the application if you're limited your parking would be limited to the one parking lot oh yeah that's all we and uh one of the uh the engineer had mentioned that that there is a pipe uh coming from the roadway and appears to be grining lot to it can you testify what that is the pipe was always there comes through the retaining wall all we did was extend the pipe there so that we didn't get mud and everything at the bottom that's all it is it just discharges the water from the upper lot which if we took the pipe off the way it was existing automatically it's still going to drain wherever it want that's just the way it was set up we're just trying to keep a little cleaner for our own use so that we don't go driving out with mud and keeping the Upper Park not clean as we drive out so the board would look fa we upon this application would you agree as a condition of the approval if this gring would be addressed with Mr Weissman and the missal engineer uh to do what whatever they thought necessary with that I'll get we needed to take the pipe off the where it would just run freely that's all they made we do more than that you agree to uhow bement and the fort engineer yeah I guess if we we really needed to it's going to come down to a lot of work you think that's really necessary the roll that way anyway but you would agree to sure I have question this there's another question about way up the park the track the park I have any truck can you park them at night in the spaces that would be allocated they normally are they they they are parked that way and then we back down the hill usually with a trailer and that kind of flows down to the end and then there's usually one or two trucks that are parked right to the build so there's like five or six spots I think from the um there's four spots there's four spots against the uh railroad yes okay so there's four spots there there's three trailers in one truck and one larger truck that would park there and then there's the smaller trucks there's a few pickup trucks and two small Mason D Landscapes but that's that's more than the spaces you got four spaces and you've got about seven trucks then you're saying well the application is to to park six trucks and three trailers that's what it's going we park everything we can park in the parking place that's not the picture on your plan your plan showing four spaces what you're saying right now is contradictory to what's shown so the additional three or four vehicles that you're going to park we need to see that on the plan so you're engineer should be putting that on the plan in addition to that looks like there's five spots there he marked it out as we can they have rep par spots that's the whole thing it's grabing you I mean making up a parking place just to park each truck next to each other you know is really what it would be that's it's forming its own proding so yeah not the other the other item with this is all that parking and the building it's all the flood R so there's permitting involved with that so whatever you're doing down there you need permits for it through either s conservation possible D you're right there with the brook so you're dealing with a you're dealing with vehicles that are in the floodway you just testified that you had um fertilizer and landscaping material that's in the floodway if this ever does flood out all that stuff's being washed down the street I'm not it was in there it would be in the trailer and we hold the trailer out of it's not big store so all right so it's in the building the building is still in the floodway it will flood out according to the maps it'll flood out I know you're testifying that it never flooded there or whatever that's really up to your engineer to testify that it's going to or [Music] not the app yeah so there's there's engineering aspects with storm water permitting that are necessary that you know the town has exposure on their end because we have to as a town we have to abide by certain criteria for storm water management rules that the state puts on the town we then put it on each individual applicant resident developer to abide by those rules this particular area on the lower portion because it's in the floodway there's concerns there so that's what where your engineer should come up with how is that going to be addressed so you have no concerns with it it meets the regulations the town has no exposure from it so there's items there that should be addressed and it was in our review letters prior we haven't received anything about it as far as the pipe goes on the on the middle parking lot if you now I don't I don't know if that's you that owns it or the building the other building owner that owns it somebody has to deal with it he's a tenant right so whoever he will deal with it he'll deal with it right so here so here here's what dealing within needs okay so you have it on that middle parking lot area when that middle parking lot area is now going through a corrugated plastic pipe and then sheep flowing out into the brook if this thing gets buried and put through a manhole and then tied out into the brook with proper piping and everything you're now creating an outfall into the brook which requires pering through D because you created a new outfall by allowing it to continue as it is it's an illegal discharge because it wasn't originally designed to do that so someone I don't know if that's you or the or the applicant who who will I'm sorry not the oant the owner of the entire property someone's responsible to get that water discharged properly from that middle parking lot into the brook without causing any potential Downstream erosion erosion to the um the side slopes going into the brook possible wall failure right there because you have a about 6t drop from that wall down your ramp so there's concerns there there where if that wall has too much water pressure behind it it could bail so someone's got to look at that I don't know if that's your engineer or the other so this was one please let him talk got tap recorded and we have to make sense of it so no it's not conversation no you know so I don't know if that's your position to take or if it's the land owner or the building owner of the upper lot who uses that middle lot but someone's got to address some um and I don't know if that gets answered tonight or not but it's something's got to be done there as far as the parking on the front that's very clearly not allowed on the county other from the county so that's not that has nothing to do with your application per se but it's all tied together one big L so there there's some concerns through it yeah done now you're I'm good I'm good yeah this was all there you know I mean all we did was put a pip I could take the pipe off and it was just the way it was when we started 5 or 6 years ago you know I mean that's just the way it was this was a building this was an operating restaurant going back years and years ago so up at the top so so so when you came in 5 six years ago how did that middle parking lot function drainage wise it didn't drain it just held water yeah so we cleaned it out we snaked it out okay put the pipe in so that he didn't get a proper drain at the top we actually solve the problem because now that retaining wasn't holding any pressure anymore it was all released and it just clearly runs and the only reason we did that was so that we didn't have to deal with the water at the bottom of the hill so you're not getting flooded out from the middle part that's it we took the pipe off it we just be washing down the hill down that's get out so either way so by so by looking at it from that perspective if it's just washing out going down in the bottom of the parking lot where you guys are right now that's the flood way that's where it's supposed to go so by you putting the pipe in you're changing the water flow Direction where it should be going it's going to flood down there that's that's why it's in the flood R so there's concerns there and your engineer or the property owner engine someone's got to look at this to rectify it cuz although you I understand what you're doing you're trying to make the bottom good so that you can park down there that might not be the solution you might not be able to park down there you might not be able to have a building down there because it's in the flood light that's where your engineer the property owner engineer puts their heads together and comes up with something at this point it's on him because he's making the application well for this application this so uh let me suggest this I would have had Mr Weissman here away uh between now and the next meeting uh Mr W to get in touch with you over these issues and uh present a solution or proposed Solution that's fine so he can reach out to me at any time these comments were in the prior engineering he's not here so I know but he hasn't addressed them at all understand with not even a revised plan or a memo or a point BYO memo on yes we agree or we're not going to do this or we are going to do this he's been nonresponsive so if you can get him to revise the plans come up with a solution give me a point by Point even call my office on what you're proposing to do or not do that would be appreciated I'm going to start with this make him pull your love and be back on Thursday that's perfect I'll make employ your office first because I don't want him to do things that you may may not want and then we can address point but that's fine and I will point in directly to our review and I appreciate that no problem fair enough okay yeah I I agree I think that's something that should be done so we move this to the next meeting yeah now before you go um in the minutes from last um conversations we had there was a letter that we had I had requested from the railroad company um but it's in the minutes that it was requested they were they were okay with this that was the question that needs to happen I think the building owner has his contact I can get that for someone needs to provide that but most importantly you need to have that moment you're engineer get hold up our engine go ahead um in in addition to the flooding concerns there's also environmental issues because you are right next to a brook and so I would ask the engineer to address and be responsible in in answering the questions about all everything you're storing there I mean do you say that you're only let me ask the question are you storing any fertilizers or pesticides only in the trailers if it's left over from that day which would go back out the next day okay but we' also would have drainage uh ISS as far as your vehicles I mean they're going to be leaking transmission fluids and oils yeah well let the engineer answer that as well that whether or not these vehicles are going to be permitted to be this close to a brook okay that is fresh water and and leading to I don't know exactly where I'm thinking based on the our Engineers stipulation that this isn't a flood Lane that may not be suitable for that Tye marking but that's something that the engineers really investigated first the other the other question I have if you don't mind you mentioned that you've only been there five or six years you say but you said that in Hurricane Irene you were there you said that Hurricane Irene it didn't even the the building owner told me that when he bought the building he asked the pre his owner if he got any fllying from any of our but I'm sorry but your statement was that you had seen it was only 3 feet within in even in Hurricane Irene oh I'm sorry oh yeah that's correct and and I just don't know which date was which hurricane or which storm that we've we've had a few here that have caused some issues locally I don't know which one exactly was which but the one in December and the one that we got recently I have pictures of my phone right here I can show me up for the meeting if you want or whatever um that it's still 3et lower than the THM that's on the uh what I would do what I would do public record make some photographs print them out make it part of the exhibit in the application this way we have no okay I have a quick question for me yes yeah the building itself you're saying that the the fertilizer stored in a trailer the trailer what goes in the building I never I never said fertilizer at Aller and then two other people brought up fertilizer I said mulch grass seed and um uh soil right my question was yeah that those are in the building not in trailers they're in trailers only if it's over stock in right I just don't understand what goes in the building is it separate stuff going in the building itself or tra stock we know like we take it out for that day move it then two days I need it again it goes back in the truck it's gone again it's it's not a storage right it's just like a station put that can we see can we see inside of well yeah what I would suggest keing comes and does fire inspection every year yeah he sees that we pay the we pay the bill everything passes every year so you don't keep any inventory we only buy what we use so we're trying not to store stuff you know so you know if if it's something that's left over most of our stuff is season so it just keeps on moving you know I mean it's a few bags tier left over from one job 3 days later we're doing the same job we move it and put it in the other job did it would be the same thing if you bought fertilizer or seed for your house you're going to put it back down again in two or three months and let me ask a question about the trailer uh do you have racks in the trailer so that you can get this stuff up sure off the floor yeah there there's racks and there's rails that you're have all equ that's I mean that's already a foot and a half above grade level so higher than the bag off the trailer you're pretty far off the ground [Music] okay okay so I'm um we're going to carry this to the next me and and please have the engineer get a hold of our engineer address all the issues that have been brought up previously and tonight um so that we can uh get all the information that we need order move on this cop of minute so I can give it to the [Music] engineer we can have if you want this and the only other thing if I can just say one thing I don't rent this Stu we it's a bar I plow was lock and I clean strawbery blows bar you know that's it we've been friends for legally rent prop don't hold on one question business right what is your C grass or you thing walls what kind of comp have done some um but mostly we're just weekly Landscaping weekly so like so so building P you got to shity new Rec there are some down there that are left over and uh it was addressed at the last meeting that oh this could float down the river whatever we took care of all left cinder block is not known anywhere so that's only the only thing that's I I think the part that's being missed and I understand what you're saying did use that you can't see I think that that makes perpose the issue is state regulations with water when it comes to what you can put on the edge of the water that's out of our ground and if the state comes in after this board says yes to something it says who okay this we get in trouble it's not you guys get in trouble we get in trouble we get home so that's why they're do very cautious about I get it and I would only be doing what you allow so okay so we're going to carry this to the next thank you we'll see you next one see you next one thank you very much wel hey K when's the next meeting [Music] sorry is March 28th thank you next meeting good night every good night good night I'll get that over [Music] to thank [Music] you okay we are now going to move on to resolution bo8 23-6 March 26 sorry next meeting back on next meeting Yeah March 26 March 26 sorry it's okay okay uh resolution Bo got it thank you all [Music] good I couldn't see we're [Music] good Okay resolution boa 23-6 Michelle vertiz uh pretty and pink um everyone had an opportunity to read the [Music] resolution can I get a motion to accept that resolution second and actually we have a roll call [Music] oh is that in current yes okay Mr Hunt yes Mr bit yes M curan yes Mr C yes Mr Brock yes Mr Owen yes Mr big present Mr and Mr Fula yes okay new unfinished business um we're going to discuss open space at this point or does that go into public discussion you can do it now right okay so uh Jared uh has provided a report on the um open space um the willowfield uh they're moving two fields and making a new one estimated cost is going to be between $600 and $1 million baseball doesn't want to move to Riverdale no concession stand um 250,000 in engineering cost for Willow um there is 400,000 for Phase 1 herfield already bonded through grants um 436,000 000 in open space uh the dog park will have a spons will have sponsor signs to fund improvements and that's his report I guess I'll CL that to your three records um I will now open it up to public for public discussion is there anybody from the public that would like to have a conversation with us answer is no so we'll close that session I got a motion for adjournment all in [Music] favor so