please turn off all cell phones the agenda of the Z pump the leg Zoning Board of adjustments May 28 2024 the following is the agenda of the regular meeting regular meeting of the ppon lake Zoning Board of adjustments the meeting is to be held in the Municipal Building 25 lenx Avenue on Tuesday May 28 2024 beginning at 8:00 p.m. a r advanced notice as required by njsa 10 4-1 it said has been Prov provided of this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today given the time date and location and to the extent known at the time the agenda of the meeting such notice that formal action may or may not be taken this meeting will be video recorded and will be re uh will be broadcast for later viewing for the public the notice was posted on the Bolton board outside of the offices of municipal clerk reserved for this and similar announcements provided to the Suburban Trends and newspaper designated by the council and planning board to receive such notices and filed with the bur clerk andone wee stand for the Pledge of [Applause] Allegiance pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with and for all no this hold on one second I lost my sheet okay it's not ready roll call roll call please yes Mr hun here Mr B here M Curran is absent Mr CL is absent miss bernstock here Mr Rowan here Mr big is absent Mr Lucen here Mr fagula here Mr Deon here and we have mayor Sarah can M Cruz is Andy minutes of the regular minute meeting yeah okay regular meeting minutes from April 23rd 2024 everyone had the opportunity to read those yes any questions or comments one comment just my name spelled incorrectly that's all if it matters [Music] yes what page is that on anywhere my name is mentioned but right in the front for roll call you can see it how is it fig u l a you have uu L UL l l okay okay I will make those Corrections we make that correction can get a motion to accept the minutes with the correction so mooved break let move roll call please Mr Hunt yes Mr aate [Music] yes M Burnstein your pres Mr Rowan here yes yes Mr yes Mr fagula yes Mr devanti yes correspondence we didn't have any um so we will be calling up applicant boa 23-7 Pro print graic I just wanted to put on the record very quickly not quickly um this is the application B use SP cor one you need five affirmative votes um while there are seven members that are here only five are qualified to vote because they were not here nor did they sign a certification yet so you can decide how to proceed as much as you would like to proceed with this I respectfully request that we adjourn it because I mean obviously we have to get all five votes and uh a rather proceed with a full board okay so we're going to carry the uh the application available next month next absolutely okay all right and what day is that fourth Tuesday fourth Tuesday 11 be later 4th it'll be June 25th June 25th yes all right thank you we'll see you then yeah we'll see you then I'm sorry about that [Music] problem okay so we're going to carry that until our next meeting um we need to do that's it that's it that's it we're carrying it okay so we're going to move on to the resolution boa 24-1 EV Rebecca on 168 Hilltop Court of laks everyone had an opportunity to read the uh resolution any changes or Corrections or any questions about the resolution good tonight none can I get a motion to approve the resolution I'll make a motion we approve the resolution and second second roll call please Mr Hunt yes Mr aate yes Miss bernstock yes Mr Rowan [Music] yes Mr yes Mr Kula yes Mr deante yes new unfinished business um like to open it up to Jared about anything about open space uh I don't think we didn't have one this past right we didn't have an open spech yes I think miss it you have it okay nothing else close that session uh for uh new and unfinished business public discussion Mr Mayor okay I'll just let everybody know the good news is uh we put we get out the permits for this oldc Jam building so we'll start building on that where what is that building thec Jam that trying to build 20 units there for the Last 5 Years the one that's crumpled and fallen down in the middle of town okay um and somebody else bought that has to follow the plans exactly as they were before which they did pted five and um they got their approvals and did they pick them up yet or yeah they're about to pick them up and then they should start the next week or two which is that's big news because it's been sitting so ugly for so long now I know that um on the planning board meetings we they talked about the building um on Hamburg ter pipe with the retaining wall can you just re recap what's going on over there so if you're familiar with the building that been building for the last six years at the Town Hur Turnpike there um they were building a pharmacy with some doctor's offices uh they did a lot of nice inside but then there's a mountain behind it and without putting it into the permit it took part of the mountain down to make the parking lot bigger which becomes an issue because they've already taken the mountain out but now they have to figure out a way to make it right so they've been meeting with with parties involved to see what could be done meanwhile Summit Falls which lives on top of that had some concerns about it but I think a lot of their concerns were addressed um and that have to figure out how to move forward because they can't it's all it's a solid rock wall so they can't put it back but they're building um blocks to make a bigger parking lot in the backgound hopefully they finish that and we'll get that agreed to they should be done within the last months and the um the strength of the wall and any kind of questions of further erodent of that massive wall that's there behind it um is there any concern or how they going to that's all part of the engineering yeah all the engineering has looked at and and what people don't realize what one of the reasons they had to do what they're doing is they added pits to collect all the water that comes off there so they have submergible P pits under the ground there now that it's absorbing all the water storage it doesn't go to the street or going through other buildings but because of doing that they had they took it upon themselves but they made the the parking lot that's why they were chipping away at that wall for a while is that uh that's the property that adjoins the um furnace right a furnace no that's just down not behind citros it's near CIT yeah near citros yeah well the furnace is up up more though yeah yeah near the mobile what used to be the Mobile station yeah so if you're familiar with Summit Falls you know they're above they sit on top of this rock Brite Mountain that's there their concern was um slope and trees that they're losing and like that so the public has come numerous times from suit WS to State their opinion and I and I think they've worked out some concerns did they H take any consideration in for wildlife as far as a deer dropping off of that thing well I don't know if it was about Wildlife it was about human life but they they added some fencing on top even though there's a fence up there already they added another fence up towards the summit side so in case somebody is walking back there they have to get through that fence and then get to the next fence cuz what it does it kind of flats out and then drops off the other question the other question I had is on the construction that's right here how how's that all coming along yeah no problems coming I know there was a lot of craziness on social media about it but remember what we're looking at is the underlying part of building there's going to be everything going on top of the cement work so it's it's not done to look professional because you're not going to see that it's all going to be covered by other things um they're they're on track we just got the plans for the Civic Center uh they will be building us a brand new Civic Center um it's going to have a women's locker room for our police officers that not to coming in there we have some new women coming in so they'll get a women's locker room out of that your bathroom uh offices for some police officers new Civic Center New bathroom new kitchen and then an upstairs storage just for storage for which we desperately need but they hopefully going to finish that in the next month or two so they're going to start that now because I told them we have can't keep paciic Center close had close to now the um historic stuff yeah oh yes that's right and the historic uh I've worked with them too with the historic commission uh we're going to put cabinets on the inside of the walls and store some historic stuff in there too so they have a place to keep some of their stuff up Mike what will be the footprint what there now exact same footprint except it upstairs there's no [Music] upstairs um the question I also have a lot of um people I run into were asking where can they go to uh is there anything online that they can go and and see like U the design of that project which project the Civ Senate the big one yeah the bid office has it right on the wall you can go in the bid office you can come to town hall we have it here the building department has a copy of it um it's been all over social media you can look right on the fence has a picture of what do good cuz if I'm walking by people ask me question I said I don't know find out out uh it might be on the website too yeah no it's not oh it's not we can post it on the website yet might be a good idea under whatever board it was on and now just put the site PL visible yeah that's that's fine awesome anybody else have anything like to discuss NOP that's the case I'll close the public session I have a motion for adjournment oh wait before we do that regarding all this question and answer can we talk about this at all or we have to wait for the I have a motion for adjournment if the engineer wanted to send out a a uh summary to people other than that that could that could be done no communication for it back and forth anything like that but no we can't you can't discuss that appliation that very good okay can I have a motion forour I move motion second second all in favor hold the phone motion second and who there we go all in favor any obain so be I would just check for the next meeting because that's around graduation time just make sure you got which vo need that was going to happen today yeah and actually people if you can get the tape from listen to