I ready okay you're on please turn off all [Music] cell cell phones the agenda of the pumpin lake Zoning Board of adjustments April 23rd 2024 the following is the agenda for the regular minute uh regular meeting of the pump and lakeon board adjustments this meeting is to be held in the Municipal Building 25 lenux Avenue on Tuesday April 23rd 2024 beginning at 8:00 p.m. a written advance notice as required by njsa 10 4-1 etet has been provided of the meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today given the time date and location and to the extent noted at the time of the agenda of the meeting such notice stated a formal action may or may not be taken this meeting will be video recorded and will be broadcast for later viewing for the public the notice was one posted on the B board outside of the offices of the municipal clerk reserved for this and other similar announcements two provided to the Suburban trans the newspaper designated by the council and planning board to receive such notices and filed with the barrel clerk can everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pled Alle to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all okay so we are going to uh we can move the we okay so we're going to move the oal office around a little bit so um so if the mayor does show we will get Jared of the roice done uh can I please get a roll call yes Mr Hunt here Mr aate here miss Curran here Mr C here miss bstock is absent Mr Rowan here Mr Bag here Mr Luciani here Mr Fula here Mr Dean pres no not yet you're here okay mayor Sarah next one okay councilman Cruz here Mr Brewers here and we are not have we don't have any Engineers tonight or planner no okay minutes regular minutes meeting uh meeting minutes from February 27th 20 24 has everyone had the opportunity to read those minutes yes he does anybody have any um changes to those minutes statements no can I get a motion to accept those minutes so make car and Rowan yes roll call please okay Mr Hunt yes Mr aate yes M Curran yes Mr C yes FR St is absent Mr Rowan yes Mr Bag yes Mr usani present Mr Fula yes Mr Devon president perfect okay okay correspondence uh we have a memo from Mr clerk uh regarding your financial disclosure filing please make sure everybody gets that in on time they are due April 30th of 2024 if you have any concerns or questions regarding how to do that reach out to the CL uh uh Clerk and she will guide you through that or give you some instructions to help you understand how to do that but it is imperative that you get it done because they will be finding if you do not so please get that done okay okay um applications boa 23-7 Pro print graphics this is being carried um and that they are required to re notice um so we're going to move so is there anything else that we need to do they have to re notice they have to Ren notice y okay uh second application bo8 24-1 Eric and Rebecca e huh yeah it's Evan Evan Evan I am sorry it's okay I'm my sorry no I'm sorry I thought I took everything in I apologize okay uh 168 Hilltop Court pump Lakes New Jersey 0744 um so um you're here so please swear you in raise your right hand state your name tell your last uh Evan eagleson e a g l s o n if you swear or affirm the testimony you give this evening before this board will be the truth the whole truth nothing but truth s yes proceed okay uh Evans um engineer not here so when you're going to present your application to the board correct uh yes okay so I want to tell us about your project uh so basically moved here in about 2019 I believe it was um basically my family is getting bigger I have a daughter now my I have a son on the way do in about 3 months so we're kind of outgrowing the house a little bit um and half of my property is pretty much unusable so it's not like we can go back or can't go up so what we're proposing here is pretty much the only option to expand it and we really like where we live we love love our neighbors we love the neighborhood so we really wouldn't want to move unless we really had to um cuz what we currently have is it's three bedrooms the one bedroom is really small um we currently use that as an office my wife and I both work from home two days a week so we kind of do need an office space and with a a second kit on the way we feel like adding in this extra bedroom and the office space downstairs uh could really help us out with space and we' also convert that current small bedroom into kind of a playroom it's got a really small closet it's not really not really that usable to be honest but yeah that's that's why we're looking to do what we're doing I had the opportunity to go uh are you done yeah yeah okay uh I had the opportunity to walk your property I did bring your doorbell no one was home I did take the opportunity to go take a walk around um I noticed that you're on your engine report they said that no steep slopes uh very U concerned uh it's only 10% versus you know with 15 um however I do have a question sure on the back portion of the um where the proposed house Edition is y how close is that to that Back Fence the the back of the house the the back corner of the proposed Edition from the back corner to where your property where you have that bench that goes along there and the reason why I asked that is that that is a very steep slope yeah off the back it is yeah and I know that's unusual uh as you had mentioned but that closeness of the corner of the property to the fence line would you happen to know what the distance is I don't know it exactly but yeah based on where the trees are and I know the distance from the trees I would guess somewhere in the 10 to 12 foot range right now I don't see in your application that was mentioned of what that distance was but my concern is is is very close from what I can see from your diagram yeah um safety aspect is there any thoughts about what may be done over there to uh address uh the post and the the the securing of the fence a little bit better to uh ensure the safety of everyone in the property well hardest if you want to get a whole new fence too to be honest cuz that fence is if you saw it pre beat up it's been there a long time right um so we want to get one of those kind of you know those white plastic right fences that would go around I think what they about 6 ft High um that's what we would be replacing that fence with part of this uh remod or is or a change of the house is that going to be part of this or is this something going to be done after uh uh to be honest it really depends what it costs but either shortly after or I would like to do it during this to be honest like I said I'm just concerned of of the the closeness to the the property line for the fenes and then behind that fence it's it's a severe SL and I'm just concerned for safety reasons yeah no believe me that's a party with kids that are going to be running around in the yard 100% okay um but everything else that I saw and and you're not um moving forward of the house you're staying within um the uh stics of the home as it is um so that's um from what I can see from the diagram plus of your home um so I have no concerns about that in your patio cavers I see that you know you have something there now um as a as a patio to to use barbecuing and things of that yeah and I see that you're doing the the um uh paper patios is that's something that's going to be added on yeah yeah small one yeah just so there's some kind of outdoor space you know like you said your back property line is very narrow toally get it and you have that side property so it's totally understandable um that's the only things I had for you I'm sure the board has other questions for you guys actually I drove by before and I wanted to look at the fence but uh Evan had a bunch of deer feeding out of his plant we have deer oh my God we have so many deer every day so backyard without uh disturb the deer yeah we we learned pretty quickly that we can't put flowers outside you were feeding out of your planter yeah that sounds about right I don't know why yeah they normally sleep in the yard every night to be honest [Music] okay anybody else on the board have any questions ask who when when the uh as close as it is to the edge there is there someone that when they when they build it is the engineer or who who reviews it to make sure that you know like the dirt isn't going to give out or anything along those lines who's usually accountable for that um that's a good question I'm not sure I don't know if that I don't know if that would be the contractor or if the contractor does it yeah I'm not sure yeah I'm not I'm not sure to be honest yeah everyone knows that answer who would be accountable for that my guess would be the contractor but I'm not sure what was question the question is remove some of the dirt to the addition cons the question is the dirt that they remove and they move aside how what is going to prevent it from going down the steep slope behind the fence say you get like an abalan or something you like the ground gives up who's like who's supposed to check to make sure that the house is going to be held up it there's like a you know heavy whatever storm or something like that sure um typically on Well site PL it's soil cons Soil Conservation District I don't know if they have to do that on single family home but I think the building inspector building inspector would be on fire to make sure they have a snow fence or something that was orange ones keep that okay probably okay you've seen it where people go into property where steep slope or something like that there's a safe like a barrier that's put up or a line Ence I don't know what that erosion but um as part of the um applicant I did see that the engineer said that there was no steep slopes um yeah uh there there is a a letter saying that U it didn't require steep slope out or anything long road uh that's from the engineer uh his planner I believe yep that's good El I've never done anything like this before so this is all new to me I did I did see [Music] that engineer the engineer yeah there was something in here he did a waiver is that what you're looking at I saw something from his Eng here there it is that's from South I saw something else I see something else in here canany the letter yeah he did a waiver yeah so look at the I think it's right in the first where the denial letter is like the bur steep slope ordinance when he addresses number 11 [Applause] yeah so it is mentioned and it is something that's going to be required to make sure that you don't have that erosion no additional this Ste anybody else have any questions the opp um no questions I have some comments I mean sure I mean I think it's it's Unique property and it is the last house on the street right there's nobody to the right of them um I he doesn't really have much other U ways of using the property uh other than what he's describing I I see no real issues other than as you said some structural things I mean that's on the engineer or the architect as far as the design of the flooring and things like that uh that that also be your insurance and everybody else in yeah that it goes right I mean it's a nonconforming l with a front property set back it doesn't um square footage is required but it's not conforming loot anything El anyone else your deck on the back yeah how close is that going to get your property uh well to the fence pretty pretty close I notic that when I was looking at it yeah and and I'm it's really just have a spot on grill to be honest I'm not going to be you can't do anything too big back there um but yeah hanging over be pretty close to the fence yeah [Applause] [Music] you get a nice view back there but there's not much room only the only 8T deep right in respect to anything slopes in terms of this property itself I mean this application has nothing on there saying anything about that right because as far as our slope ordinates it's not impacting the slope per se correct if you're not going to disturb you could have them on the property but if you're not going to disturb it that's what and if he had been going into this area I think that would have been comeing more into play in terms of question the thing that like I said the only thing that I was concerned about is the proposed um house addition to the corner of that to the defense line is that's that's really tight yeah and that's one I was just concerned about people walking by there and things of that nature and as you mentioned the fence isn't as as uh sturdy as it um and that was that was my concern yeah because of the steep slope yeah and if you look behind the fence you can see that it is uh reinforced there's Stone on it um so it is is you know obviously had to be that way so there's there's nothing you really can do with that um with that area property but it is it's very steep there I did look over Great Heights any uh but uh yeah so uh that's that was only my only concern and that is a concern for us too obviously with kids so we know I to point it out [Music] y okay anybody have anything else to add no uh if not I would like to open it up to the public to ask any questions of the applicant based on his testimony and see that I have no one in the audience I'll close um can I uh get a motion from someone on the board to either accept or deny this I'll make a motion that we accept the applicant second sorry give a second thank you vo okay Mr Hunt yes Mr bit yes M Curran yes Mr CA yes Mr Rowan yes Mr Bag yes to skip over Mr luani uh Mr fagula yes Mr devanti yes okay Lu with your project I'll ask the keeper uh to communicate to you with the next okay what happens is um next there'll be a written resolution that they'll approve and then that will get published in the paper and once that's published the public has 45 days to challenge what's been done and theoretically a judge could say nope this was a bad decision and overt okay you yourself can judge How likely that might be that would happen um if you want to go forward with that risk um you can go to uh building department sign a waiver that say s says I understand that I'm at risk because the time to appeal hasn't won yet I'd still like to pull permits cuz theoretically there's possibility if I went and built it and then they overturned it I have to take it down but um you can either wait till the end of the 45 days or just ex away okay that's the process okay luck with your pro thanks everyone appreciate it thank you Evan yeah no thank you thanks for all your help throughout problem do you want an extra set I have plenty I have so many these so if you oh yeah that my next question any extras do you want me to just uh spread them yeah you thank you and then will have on your heart away no problem okay uh resolutions we have none new unfinished business we have none well I just got one quick question go ahead so with the first applicant uh going back um to the Pro print graphics MH so he has to Ren notify us to come back but in the meantime is he's still he was storing stuff on his property is he still able to store or does he at this point get fined you're storing by the grace of God and not getting finds the okay putting in the permit doesn't doesn't you know stay that that is a that is a discretionary decision by sou okay so that's up to sou and I know he uh on uh this applicant and and try to get him he is he is U that's why I just want to do a dou addressing it with the applicant okay thank you welcome okay um new unfinished business uh what I like to do is open the floor to Mr Jarry anything from open uh space that we uh can report on there was no meeting last time no meeting okay I will open up the meeting to public and ask them if there's anybody here that would like to come up and have some [Music] conversation I see no one to do that so can I get a motion for adjournment all in favor St sharen and B thank you everyone thank you see you next one thanks everyone great