okay you're on okay following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the ppon Lakes planning board which immediately F well this is the me meeting um the meeting is to be held mpal Building 25 Linux Avenue on Tuesday January 16th beginning at 7:30 written notice as required has been provided this meeting at these 48 hours in advance today's time date and location and to extent known uh time the agenda of the meeting such notice stated this formal action may or may not be taken no was posted on the bothen boards outside of the offices of mpal clerk reserved for this and other similar announcements provided to the Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the B Council to receive such notices and filed with please stand for to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay we have the oath of office if M Simone Dr pendexter and John K would stand up [Music] ience up big TR okay I say your names that I'll support the Constitution of the United States that'll support the Constitution of the United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and aliance to the same to the same and to the government's established to the government established in the United States in the united St States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I will Faithfully I will Faithfully partially and perform all the duties of perform all the duties of board member class four class two class two okay to the best of my ability thank you congratulations are they signing back to me uh I'll take [Music] okay you want the address on here wish going to make one up what's your what's the number on your house again you would William your name's falling off I think that that thank you okay first order of business and appointment of a chairperson have a nomination of Nate Mike Simone second second you get that all in favor against take her away Mr chairman thank you mayor and thank you all again okay uh appointment of the vice chairman I'd like to nominate richf car as Vice chair need a second please second second Mr tro all in favor I any opposed we call to this meeting yet yeah no no it wasn't on here do we have to start we start the meeting we're not on the for meeting this is a reorganization meeting yes you're fine but I think you ought to have a roll call during this meeting okay we'll do that now doesn't no that's okay do now it's fine pull the roll please this is for the advice no this is oh we we're on yeah we have a vote everybody was in favor okay so but finish that one up but go ahead do the roll call and then we'll continue on the board secretary Etc so Mr Simone here Mr tro here Mr pararo here um Miss Miss Michael is absent Mr a here Dr pendexter here Mr keing here Mr egular here and Mr fby here fby May Sarah here and councilman venon here okay pman now has to do appointment of the board secretary which is not I nominate uh k f caralina fusaro okay I'm used to K I'm sorry okay any second we have from Rich all in favor sorry who was first me and can we do a roll call for that we need a roll call okay board attorney uh the recommendation is to continue with Mr Brewer so I would uh make a motion that we reappoint Brewer from bar Falcon and F okay and do we need a a roll call vote since it's a professional appointment okay okay any um I'll second seconded by Mr keing anyone have any questions I think Mr Brewer's done a fine job for the board so I'd like to see him continue okay all in favor I any opposed uh just a quick thank you uh for your support and for your question you put me I know I have to earn it um every month any questions or if you ever you know have anything for me to do don't believe I am please let me know thank you very much and thank you for appointing me a secretary of course another and and you know what I forgot to mention what a fine job Karma has done for us all year too so thank you for that yes thank you you forget all about that other person that used to be that there was another person before car okay appointment of board planner uh that's going to be engineer first and then planner engineer um that's going to be cers I I don't know if we have who do we have for the representative from colar so for engineer for cers will be Carl O'Brien Carl O'Brien okay so we're going to uh have a motion to approve coler's engineering for the board engineer and O'Brien would be the guy we would normally expect to see M okay um I'll make the motion okay Steve I'm sorry who was that that right Steve I say Steve if you were looking that way that's right second then okay uh all in favor of a board engineer I and he opposed okay uh and we have the same thing with cers but de is going to be the still the planner no it'll be Kristen Russell what happened with that she's uh well um Kristen does uh Carl and Kristen do the planning board and the U Board of adjustment and then uh planner um Debbie ller will be involved with Redevelopment you that you P for the last couple the blond yes we we've had a backup I just I thought so de L is only going to be at Redevelopment now okay okay so Kristen what was her last name Russell and that's K or C Russell r u s k or c k r i s t i n sorry double L's dou s double L's dou s 1K yes okay uh motion for that I make a motion all right a second second okay second I'm sorry Rich Steve did thatting okay all in favor I any opposed okay um open space committee representative I would like to get someone I only made a couple last year um I would like to get someone to take that position the open space committee meets once a month but not every month right Thursday pretty much every month if they don't have form mhm and this is a non um required you part of the the um you're not required to be there the but it doesn't affect the Quorum but it's they like the opinion there and you do get to vote right and there's no meetings in the summer no meetings in the summer so there's there anyone have any interest in doing that to be determined no sorry I'll do it thank you Rich and if you need backup on something you just let me know um approval of the legal newspaper do we have to uh do a motion no the appoints I think you have to move the appointment assulted space that's fine yeah that's fine chair approval the legal newspaper we still using the trends okay yeah okay that's what the town uses so sad uh motion for TR Mo second second okay rich and Steve um all in favor I any opposed and the alternate legal newspaper record heral motion Rich second Tim all in favor I I uh me meeting dates and times you've all had a chance to see that memo at the third Tuesdays at 7:30 anyone have any questions about that otherwise we just ask for a motion to approve the meeting dates and times as Chown second hold [Music] on okay so I'm sorry rich I made the motion second second Tim Tim all in favor okay motion to adjourn can I stand one sure I just want to thank all you guys for being dedicated to this board this is a really good board in my opinion you guys have been around for a long time doing it and it helps bringing you new bodies and new helps but you guys really stay on top of from the town thank you very much mayor appr I I represent several boards this is an active board board and it is good to have people that have different views and challenge things you do you do do a very good job thank you and your old volunteers uh Mike can I mention before we I think before we finish this meeting you'll recall the conversation you and I had back end of last year um now our kids are in college we're going to be moving from Pompton Lakes in a couple of months so I'm not going to be here Beyond April May um and um I'm I'm I'm going to be here until April or May you know depending on when we move so I'm happy to continue in position until we find an alternative uh to represent me is that how you would like to do it it's fine with me but a letter of res resignation okay and whatever I'm not telling you when that yeah yeah yeah and then from there we'll we'll find an appointment once you're no longer resent can't be exactly right so if if you want to continue on for a few months until you are ready to go be at your discretion and before you move you just let Karm know that you are going to resign due to relocation and U we will appropriately thank you and also I will keep that in mind now because we have to weedo the master plan committee which you were on so that's fine yes so thank you for that okay good thank you and then an alterate would move into that position yes wait a minute you get appointed alternates don't just move up yeah but he we can can appoint the alternate to that position or put a person in as a full member it's not right right okay uh to adjourn motion please so move I wait that was rich rich and second I'll second thank you Bill okay all in favor and we are adjourned okay at 7:45 no you can't go anywhere people sorry okay 7:45 uh we were now going to go into the next part of the agenda which is the regular meeting and I will reread the uh paragraph to get us legal and that is the following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the ppon Lakes planning board which immediately follows a reorganization meeting for 2024 the meetings to be held in the Municipal Building 25 Lennox Avenue on Tuesday January 16 2024 beginning at 7:30 p.m. formal written advanced notice is required by njs JSA 10 col 4-1 at SEC has been provided of this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today giving the time date and location and to the extent known at the time the agenda of this meeting such notice stated that for formal action may or may not be taken the notice was one posted on the bulletin board outside the offices of the municipal clerk reserved for this and other similar announcements two provided to Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the burrow Council to receive such notices and three filed with the borrow clerk please once again stand for a pledge of allegiance I pledge alleg black of the United States of America and to the repic for stands under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay so the first thing is the regular meeting minutes for December 19th has anyone had a chance to review the minutes yeah oh I'm sorry roll yeah Mr Simone yes here Mr tro here Mr F here miss Michael is absent Mr aotto here Dr pendexter here Mr keing here Mr ular here Mr Balby here mayor Sarah here cman venon here okay um first of all let me uh ask for a review of the regular me minutes for December 19th have everyone had a chance to review it and if so what is your pleasure motion next Mo minutes okay second I second second uh any comments questions was Bill no comments questions okay all in favor sign say I I any opposed okay thank you I wasn't here for that okay so you just note that rich was not present okay okay um there's nothing major on the agenda tonight so we'll just go through a couple correspondents first one is a memo from Liz Brans regarding the appointments approved by the mayor and Council and another one for the council Lea Zone Council Lea zone is e venon welcome e again and we look forward to working with you this year um there's a burrow of ordinance buau of Bloomingdale ordinance regarding zoning regulations governing certain uses if anyone cares to see that Karm has that um that's it for the correspondence uh the appointments we already went through because that was storing the reorganization and there are no applications resolutions or conceptual plans so one of the things I'd like to do is talk about master plan we have um been advised again that 20127 has to be approval year for the plan changes are being made including as we discussed last month with uh affordable housing which I'm sure that's going to put some additional time into the mix and because this can't just be an update it needs to be a full master plan it's going to take time and and money so I hope budgets in arrange for that so um I had K order copies of the municip New Jersey municipal master plan manual and whoever is on that committee is going to get a copy of this your homework for next month will be to memorize the first 100 pages uh but it's going to be real important this year that we do this in Earnest because I want to make sure that we get a jump on things but in a very orderly manner I don't know how many applications we'll get I don't know how busy we'll be as a board but I want to make sure we have time over this year and next year to do as much as we need to do there's got to be a lot of professional input on this and it will take probably the better part of two years to get this all done um we'll be looking to the mayor and Council for input on this as well and you'll get it from us in Spades because there's a lot to do here so we will get involved with the mayor and Counsel on a regular basis once we get moving so with that said the existing master plan was Steve edel was it you rich no who was on the other two John keing John keing and I'm Marie and and Marie and me okay so um with Steve not being able to stay the year I would prefer to have someone be placed on the master plan committee and that this way uh John do you want to continue on that yes okay fine and Amar is not here you said she was on I don't know if she intends to stay on or not probably does I think this's very interested interested okay and besides Tim is there anyone else interested in working on the master plan as the third person on the committee Rich okay well um between you two guys uh I have no I'm sorry which can happen he's been here longer than I am okay if you'd like it I'm happy to uh keep the Eenie Meenie rock paper scissor yeah there you go rock paper scissors from the distance Stu it's up to you guys if you want to I'd like to be on it but I'm not going to I'm okay with that okay well then Tim since you spoke up first uh you'll be on the master plan committee and Rich if we need any help on it I'm going to certainly look to you because of your experience um everyone okay with that that's an appointment that the chair makes okay um so you guys will get the manual and then at your leisure we'll start reviewing you know whatever has to be done for that so I'm not in I'm I'm out no you're you're not out oh oh you're you're the secretary you don't you don't carry as part of the quum so we we only we can't have four members on a committee so no you're not out at all okay you're there to help in any ways that you can and and also to input certainly provide structure yeah and you keep the guys in line too you know exactly if anything goes wrong we're going to look to you you got it okay so yourself as the Secretary of this board plus John plus Tim plus um Amory all right um so you two guys make sure you get your books tonight and then the other one will go to Amry when she comes to the meeting okay every every January when we have reorganization meetings uh that I've been a chair of both before and after my time on the council I've always taken the opportunity to speak about the board and this year is no exception uh the board is the board it's not the Chairman's board it's the board of the of the town and the chairman has a privilege of working with all of you to make sure that the planning board does the best it can for the municipality all within the requirements of the law the fact that we continue to be reappointed shows that the burrow has that faith in us and as you heard by the mayor so this is the board chairman speaking now I am very proud to be the chair of the board because of you guys doing everything that you do in the manner that you do the consistency of showing up the meetings the good questions the challenges that we get from members because the last thing I want to hear is a yes board so my my Commendation to all of you for doing such a good job and my accommodation to Karm for doing the job that she has picked up admirably from her predecessors and continuing again now uh along with the zoning board and the Redevelopment board right so kudos to you for juggling a lot of things in the air and still managing to get them all done so with all that said I just want to thank you all because that's what it comes down to is you all have the biggest part of this board so thank you all for doing such a fine job and with that we have no resolutions we have no conceptual plans there is no unfinished new or unfinished business um but I will ask before we go to public discussion if there's any members of the board that wish to have any discussion about anything that's maybe to be going on or that's currently goinging on I just will give you an update on uh on what's going on reeling wise we just sold the CGM building to a new owner we're meeting next week to go through the plans which are already provided those are the pl that ride from the first owner so hopefully if the weather continues start working on that in the next two to three weeks which would be a big deal it's been sitting so ugly looking at made it there um I see the uh the larger project project is in the process of finishing their permits I think they're very close to having to sign complete permits so then they will start doing all the non cement work they have permit to do the cement work first and as you can see the county started demolishing the old uh County Garage through the senior in vet housing which will start probably in this r that was a great big ey sort it's g wow Mike I got a question on the CGM uh building so we had talked before he disappeared on us and we talked about putting extra windows on the back of that because we thought it looked a little uh Bland and he he agreed to that who's he the owner the original owner uh M Miss Mushi or whatever I don't have pronounced his name but um he had he had given word he said he would do that I don't know if it ever made it to the plans or not to good point you might want to send a notice to s that you guys had discussed that okay I think there were window possibly we we talked about I there might have been um it's a couple years ago but it might have been like a stairwell up the middle in the back and you know and it just was a big blank wall and I said you know it would probably look better with Windows and he he agreed to it on a gentleman's agreement if you will um well if he agreed to it here it's not a gentleman's agreement he did agree to it here under but what I'm what I'm what I'm concerned about is that did it ever make it to the point right so I think it was I think Andy did bring that to the Redevelopment agent for one of the condition one of our conditions for I don't remember if that's the case that it would be in on yeah I can report that I just didn't want to fall between the cracks and it not happen good point I'll report back exactly what was was this on the resolution yeah P five right yeah good point Y all right Bill did you have something um no that answered that I do do have something but after we're out of the board okay any other board members comments uh one other thing I was going to ask K did did we ever get a a resolution on the time that s is allowing 7:35 Hamburg Turnpike to be back to the board and get approvals he's working on that right now um we're right now they just uh sent in their plans and it's going to call your it still hasn't been deemed complete yet so it's going to call yours right now for another review of the review that needed um that was outstanding that was missing items on that uh review for the first time so right now I just sent it today actually and he is given the time limit we he already sent them a warning again indicating um you know you know let's start we got to get this moving along that's the retaining wall on 7:35 right does he have the wherewithal to provide a deadline whereby there becomes penalties so one of the things he doesn't he can't put a deadline on them but he can put pressure on them to get it to you guys because they've been sitting on it so that's what he's doing he's put pressure on and I think as car mentioned I think just today I was talking sou today they they uh they did that but there's no real fine attached to it as long as they're putting an NA on the wall this could go for a while but there're let me just say this I've met with them also they want to fix the problem and they know to fix the problem they have to come to this and then you guys are going to decide how you the fix bill I don't know did you see the soils report of the um the structural engineer if you could send the SS report to Bill I'd be right up your alley with your experience on this the way that they have designed this gravity wall and the they've uh dug test pits to determine how many square how many pounds per square feet they could have the retaining wall and the soils underneath it and I and it talks a little bit about the slow composition and uh how the wall is going to react I I just thought maybe you know if you read it you could offer the board some opinions on what you think give you my opinions whether they have much behind them or not that's okay but I mean it's you know you have a lot more experience in the geology and one of the issues that you guys are going to have to decide on too which is a new issue since the what they've done to make things better until they put this wall up we have more runoff now running down across the driveway and on the ham turn Pikes and I don't know what the reason is I can't answer the questions but that's something you might want to dig into and have for well just so you know the runoff between the two buildings has been there forever it has every time we get a heavy duty rain the runoff comes between that like a little stream so I don't know how much they've exacerbated it but let them address it they have to deal with storm water containing anyway and I'm sure the county won't let him get away with it either so but that report will and the plans like I said for your experience maybe we could get something from that too um anything else on projects that we have interest in or comments about oh how how are we doing with um Grant Avenue with the three houses I just went and S got one up my daughter was interested in buying them they're beautiful homes you guys should go take a look at them yeah they're I took a complete tour the first house is up there three-bedroom three bath 9t ceilings in every floor including the basement um big walk-in closets an office on the first floor nice property um it fits very well I I if you're bored and have nothing to do take it right over to Grant the first one is up and it looks really nice I think it's sold sold sold the first two doctors actually two doctors yes cool um and I you know the asking prices are around 8 to 850 for each one I can tell you that so they're not cheap and they're selling right away the second one could be also s they come with an elevator no you don't need it's a nice setup no I'm taking a Val she's having such a tough time with the stairs in my house um okay well that's good to hear because you know projects like that are a to the town both tax-wise and appearance-- wise and if they sell quickly that's another good sign yeah um one other comment I'll make generally too is the flooding um the borrow has been very proactive acve in working on flood issues and consequently U we have been hit less hard than we have in the past and when you look at some of the downstream towns they've gotten it worse than we have for similar storms so um I know the news was in Wayne was in Lincoln Park they were in Little Falls they were in TOA and Patterson but they didn't really get to pumpin except for the dam and that's a good thing may we did have some flooding of course but not as bad now the dam there is a lot of complaints about the functioning of the dam and apparently now Kristen Kara the senator from the next District over is pushing to have the DP and the and the core of engineers get reinol with the assessment of not only the dam but Downstream flooding so not basically not opening it you mean well talking because that really doesn't do a whole lot especially when you have water topping over the dam the other part of the dam anyway yeah yeah but the resir see my argument has always been hasn't been the dam it's the reservoir it's 100% spillage when it's 100% filled so why not let water out of the reservoir a controlled way before a storm they're going I understand it's privately owned and I understand they make their money on the water but they should let out you know 2 in off the reservoir that size makes a huge difference and it would give us a lot of time not just a little they don't have a me it makes a small difference doesn't make a large difference understand they don't have a mechanism up there either as far as I know it only has a pump to pump in not out yeah so I mean I don't know how that would the problem is right now no one truly knows exactly how to fix it and to fix it is big bucks that's why they wanted the tunnel that time but it's it's generated a lot more complaints Downstream this time and uh us not being in the news so much was nice so e you made out okay good okay all right that's all I have so without any no other discussion on board from the board members okay um go ahead go if there's any property you build pickle ball courts on I'm working on it right now absolutely top top indor it this could this could be a a decent Revenue source for the town you're right you're right everybody it's amazing really oh absolutely so one of them I'm going to throw out to you who's brought to me and it's going to involve you guys and the county his suggestion was to take River viw Drive where where the road is closed off and there's no more homes on there and see if the county would allow us to build pickable courts right on the street and close the B off which I thought was an interesting idea I did um the county the county Rose so they would have to okay that and it would there are a couple houses on the end where residents would instead of driving straight down would have to just go around to get to their house they still could get there um but I thought it was an interesting idea and it could get two or three at least get a building tomb property somewhere and get eight or 10 you to have people in there constantly you have uh teams then too in in uh comp maybe some uh competitions yeah and an open play and we we go to pcti and and they have it every day of the week yeah agree and um it's especially indoors it that that can anyway so another thing you guys should be aware from playing stage you probably know this already but remember Dupont had about 60 Acres that was usable for us to build on well they changed the flood flood standards in the state and that reduced it to about 15 in how many 15 15 rough rough um the claiming that the state changes their guidelines we have to follow it puts a lot of the property now in a flood way which can't be used which really screws us and I already spoke to some up up people and said look why can't we grandfathered into the old rate and keep us there to keep the property and all those things I don't think that's going to happen we still talk about moving our DPW up there and and that can still happen within those 15 Acres um but it went from 60 to about 15 wow and there's still nothing going on on their site anything at all we all know it works very slow and the D and and the EPA have to agree to the levels there's some talking back and forth right now okay this a general question when the flood Maybe the engineer really would answer this but when when you put a flood house a house in a flood zone you can't put anything into basement but you can build walls as long as there's as long as it's not in a flood way as long as there's vents in there to let the water in and out so it can't doesn't restrict the flow or rather the volume I understand is that basically flood way is different from the flood plane have real moving water whereas the other flood PL is just you end up having standing water um and yeah the first I forget the and it is what's recently changed um there's a certain flood elevation you have to be 2 feet or or certain amount above that for the first livable floor uh and anything below that you have to build such that the water can go through or or so here's a thought I think I'm sure they built Breakaway walls or something no they put vents in yeah the vents are theyve got a minimum number of events so here's a thought would we have a flood plane area that you could build a steel frame building for pickle ball courts which are just asphalt you can have it elevated sure and you don't have to work I mean oh I see what you mean actually use that floor as has the paved floor because let you build anything going to be able to build in the flood plane like that because any structure but there's nothing inside except I I know I know and it would basically if you took if you took a court and you said okay I have a net and I have an asphalt base and then you built a frame building around it that's the problem it's building with VCH no with VCH yeah they don't want any building in they yeah that's they would allow structure in the building no they won't even let you put in the footing that's bured in the ground yeah cuz I mean if you think about it what would be the difference if having a house there it it well you can't build new houses by rule isn't it wouldn't allow that it wouldn't I don't think so flood way is um you can't build then that would actually be a functional thing you know would hurt just mention somebody just mentioned if there is an existing house you theoretically could raise that house and then I would say use the downstairs for that reason because you allowed to use the space you just can't live in the space you can't live in it yeah exactly that's what I was saying you know if you I know but it it to do something new DP would never provide a permit for that can can you build can build houses on stealths in yes so there's a new program coming out from the state again to raise so the argument myself and a lot of made when the last Buy app came you know we had about 50 homes bought out and that hurt our tax Bas and it took 3 years for us to bounce back from that losing those taxes you lose those taxes so they're pushing they they hurt us and they're pushing more elevations now than removals the problem with elevations is especially elderly people they don't want to have to walk up 29 30 steps every time they go in out of your home putting an elevator in is just too expensive and they won't pay for that so there's the problem you run to elevations they are the answer though because they don't and there but there's also access too when it's flooded right can't get Emergency Services getting into so it's it's both issues that they're concerned about okay and there will still be buyouts I think the state is coming out with a new program for some buyouts but it will be more elevations than buyouts okay any other board members have questions comments or discussions anyone from the public wish to comment tweet tweet tweet okay nothing else we can go under gourment Mo second rich and Bill what Rich for Carol and William pendexter I got a lot people asking all in favor we are thank you all what's going on with h there is nothing there anymore I drove by no crazy