following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the P Lake zoning Board of adjustments imediately follow the reord meeting for 2024 meeting is to be held in Building 25 on Tuesday January 23rd beginning at 8:00 a written advance notice as required has been provided of this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today giving the time date and location and to the extent known at the time the agenda of this meeting notice stand the formal action may or may not be taken this meeting will be videotaped recorded and will be broadcast for later viewing by the the notice was posted on the Bolton board outside of the offices of the municipal clerks reserved for the this and other similar announcements provided to the Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the council and planning board to receive such notices and filed with the Burl please stand for to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all before I start Dave and Mike SAR you guys in and you can stand up through you want to out come where's the [Music] newspap [Music] yes you're all getting raise last year I stes swear all together swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of the State newe theti of the State of New Jersey I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Govern establish govern the United States United States and in this state and in this St under the authority of the people under the authority of people I will Faithfully Faithfully partially and justly and justly perform all the duties uping best of my ability thank you for your time and energy and everything Bo do thank years yeah three years double your it says four years and just fill those it's AE it's a foure term okay that's the I have a roll call please yes Mr Hunt here Mr aate here miss curan here Mr CL here miss bernstock here Mr Rowan here Mr Bag was absent um Mr lucani here Mr Fula here we have mayor Sarah and councilman Cruz as the new le um can I have a nomination for chair I nominate Willie Willie hunt Willie hunt I second all favor have should ask anyos anyos okay take it away okay um so um we need an appointment for vice chair I nominate Frank B second second all in favor opposed I got to get [Music] no I'm sorry okay I'm sorry disrupting my meeting what's up with that you need a pen cuz I got a leave does anybody need a pen okay sure okay with the uh chair Vice chair okay uh appointment of secretary I have a motion please motion to appoint caralina toera second second second all in favor opposed uh two open positions alternate number one and alternate number four so they are still open uh can I get a motion for the bar attorney board attorney board attorney I apologize uh we have a great attorney right here Andy Brewer so I nominate him for another time I'll second that second who second I'm sorry Mar all in favor I [Music] opposed real briefly thank you very much for place for trusted me I appreciate it I uh also don't take it lightly I know that I have to earn it uh every month so um please feel free to call text right anytime and and once again I appreciate your faith in me thank you appointment of board [Music] engineer uh I give you a chief Nomine carlb she for carlb yes I'll second all in favor [Music] opposed none thank you look forward to continue working with you appreciate that appointment of burrow planner board planner I'm sorry why you keep saying that board planner where we're looking for I don't see oh here it is call yours engineering and design Christen R Russ Russell [Music] sorry I make that motion second all in favor that none thank you I say yes appointment of open space rep Community representative can I get a motion you appointment of open space so I I nominate Mr Jared second who's second I'm sorry all favor I opposed appointment of legal newspaper that would be the Suburban Trends so moved second anyone second all in favor all approval of alternate legal newspaper we have NS there Harold News the one in the same paper y can I get a motion please Mo all in favor second opposed none approval of meeting dates and times I have a question regarding December 24th 2024 that needs to be moved so uh at this time if we move it planning board is the week prior and if we move it up another one it'll be right after our November meeting so if we leave the date and then if you choose to cancel or at that time just leave the date for now and then November's meeting we can choose to see if that's needed I have a motion to accept or you could just cancel it now for the it's another op I would say that we'll um go with the date yeah so we'll go with the date okay so can I get approval of the meeting dates and times I just had one question on that will 28th how close is that the Memorial Day what day is talking about it should be after May 28th how close is that to Memorial Day the day after has to be a Tuesday tues Tuesday okay yeah so right here it's okay can I have approval of the minute the meeting date and time move second [Music] y okay so we are going to adjourn the reorganization meeting time 810 [Music] motion to adjourn so move second and roll call [Music] yes right8 [Music] 81 okay Mr Hunt yes Mr aate yes Miss Curran yes Mr C yes Miss bernstock yes Mr Rowan yes Mr B is absent uh Mr luani yes um Mr Fula yes and we have Sarah and perfect allend okay okay go regular minutes from our November 28th 2023 everyone had oppor so we are now call the regular meeting to order okay we are now going to call the regular meeting to order I please that we roll call we just just did this is a roll call for the Pres for the all right Mr Hunt here Mr aate here miss Cur still here okay Mr here M Bern yep I'm here Mr Rowan yes Mr Bag is absent Mr lucani yes uh Mr fagula here um and mayor Sarah and Bobby Cruz CC okay minutes from the regular meeting from November 28 2023 everyone had an opportunity to read those minutes are there any Chang are corrections to the minutes if not can I please have a motion to accept those Mo second all call Mr Hunt yes Mr aate yes M Curran yes Mr C yes Miss bernstock yes um Mr uh Mr Rowan yes absent uh Mr luani yes and Mr Fula yes perfect okay we have a lot of Correspondence since our last meeting anybody have any questions on those uh correspondents that we received God bless you bless you application number one boa 23-7 Pro print graphics um they have asked to have this um moved to our next meeting meeting so if anybody is in the public for that application if that will be heard uh to February meeting no further notice will be given so there is none okay so we're going to call our next applicant boa 23-6 Michelle cores cich I SP said that wrong I apologize please come on forward set it's terrible I [Music] apologize so have yes good evening hello good evening s Witnesses I'm I'm just introduce myself I'm Frank M I'm the represent the show tell us what uh i' would like to introduce um my client at the applicant Michelle CTI sennik uh on the application that you have just referenced this application is for uh Nuance business that is starting to take root in New Jersey and across the United States this is a micropigmentation uh business which is in the paramedical field uh very different it may get lumped in with tattoo R but this is specifically micropigmentation where clients would be going to uh uh my client to look for help with certain cosmetic discrepancies that they feel uncomfortable with that they feel that there's something in that they feel uncomfortable insecure with themselves and they would be seeking the help of my client in order to have some cosmetic augmentations done in order to feel more comfortable with themselves in order to be president public especially as you know it's happening in this in the world now everything is much more superficial more cosmetic and it causes a lot of people in our society to feel a little more insecure about themselves uh we have provided the full application uh I we felt best that uh we would put in the words of my client alone who could describe the business the FI the micropigmentation best herself uh so I would like to have my client would possibly be sworn in pleas raise your right hand state your name spell your last uh Michelle courti setnik c o r TS e c TI i n i h do you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give this evening with this board will be the truth the whole truth truth help you [Music] got thank you Mr bur uh Michelle don't be nervous I'm ready um so just the way you explained to me uh describe first of all how long have you been uh a resident of pton lakes so I've been a resident in pton lakes for about 25 years now so I grew up in the school system um I graduated from pton Lakes I lived down the street for my parents in pton Lakes um I went through you know the camp I worked at the camp I did Holiday Stroll pmon day my family runs the uh fishing derby so I've been you know around here and I want to live here as long as I can for sure and you currently run have a business in in P yes so I chose um this town where uh I put my business is right on Wan qab so I have like a two-minute drive to work which is perfect um so that would be fantastic to stay here um and also I help out future and current businesses I help out the ptaa I help out the fire department I do all the tricky trays with shirts and stuff like that um so I a lot of people know me in town so I try to stay really local and and you chose uh your new location on f191 on Hur Turn Pike but what particular reason why did you choose that location to purchase particular because it was perfectly right down the street 2 minutes from my house local um great secret little property that just is perfect for the business that I'm you know hoping to uh bring to fruition now tell about this so tell tell tell us tell the the members of the board micropigmentation go through what if I was a client I would say Michelle describe to me what micropigmentation is what is the nature of that practice in the paramedical business yes so a lot of people don't know micropigmentation mostly CU hopefully you don't need it but micropigmentation is basically just like a umbrella um term which is basically Advanced permanent makeup so permanent makeup can go from um cosmetic eyebrows eyeliner lips all the way to you know surgical procedures such as like uh scar camouflage aerial or reconstruction for masectomy or other you know transitioning uh surgeries as well as um scalp micropigmentation which is basically replicating follicles of the hair to make it look like you know you're not balding or thinning which is one of my most popular procedures right now what are you trying to say about that wink win so okay you describe that and when when when clients come to you uh first of all when they come to you do you get provide a consultation about what your procedures are you explain to them in detail what occurs so basically every procedure is either a text or an email conversation just to have everything you know settled and out in the air then there's a in-person consult where they come in and we chat and then there's more you know text messaging and email throughout that so most of these procedures are booked like few months in advance with just like a bunch of conversations going back and forth just so that we're on the same page and come to like the best results in their procedure and do usually clients uh when they do when they want to come through these procedures uh what is about the Privacy the confidentiality do they want to make sure that it's in a private setting where you know right so that's a big part of these procedures because a lot of these clients one don't want anyone to know they're getting it done two they had a traumatic experience where there might be like some emotional um trauma and it's kind of like a healing type procedure for them so most of the procedures I like to do are in confidence and a private setting where it's just like me and the client and it's up to them who they want you know to know that they had the procedure done but I leave that up to their discretion so it's usually a one-on-one only procedure and how did you get training for micropigmentation um so basically you have to go through extensive training test um to get the permanent makeup certification and then there's multiple training situation that you have to go through for um like areola Scout micro pigmentation and all those um Extended procedures for especially for New Jersey because they're super super strict when it comes to licensing uh is in mentation in New Jersey there a lot of facilities a lot of businesses that provide that in New Jersey because of the extensive training and Licensing it's not crazy in New Jersey it's very limited um so luckily I am part of like the uh there's two main New Jersey licensing facilities so I'm part of the aam which is the American um Academy of micropigmentation which you need special testing and certification to be approved so I'm approved with that there's also the spcp which is the semi the Society of permanent makeup professionals so luckily I am part of both of those so so that's a limited group for New Jersey and uh and there's licensing for and when is a is a licensing uh renewed yearly uh every two years what is the licensing uh yep so there's specific board um exams that you have to take first and then it's just every year renewed renewed your license and you maintain these licenses yearly yes okay uh when you purchase this this Union for it being perfect for the confidentiality for your clients uh do you have the you have an idea how many stations you going to have for if this is granted there will be how many stations for mation um right now we're hoping we're planning for four with an additional room that just has a secret special entrance and it's more private for those really really sensitive procedures but four total and what would be those sensitive procedur would be the arola arola scalp micro pigmentation a lot of people don't want to know that they have that done um so it's more just about confidentiality for that um cuz there's a separate entrance nobody sees you um so that's why it's just private okay and uh when uh how many when would you be having these uh these appointments when when typically when do these appointments for micropigmentation when are these clients available for these procedures um usually it's during um their after hours just because they don't want you know be questioned leaving work or anything like that so it's usually done after work or super early in the morning when they have like a 4-day weekend just to you know get the procedure done heal relax and decompress so usually we're after hours they they say he an appointment only so it's just whatever they're comfortable with is I since I live right down the street I just accommodate the client luckily good and you said heal it's there is so that describe let's say I come to you Michelle I'm interested in scalp micropigmentation yes uh my next question to you would be is it a painful procedure so luckily it's not bad you're numbed the whole time um so I usually you know do a few few uh 30 minutes or so of numbing so the procedure is basically painless and numbing throughout the whole thing but I do like to just give the client a few days to heal just you know in case they're feeling insecure or nervous or anything like that and how do you so and how do you actually and this is a late person how do you actually apply uh the permanent cosmetic print on on the scalp just it's done with a tattoo machine but just um very very thin uh needles so but it's all uh luckily my tattoo machines are battery operated so it's all Wireless and I can move wherever I got moved there's nothing in their face or whatever um so everything's Wireless and disposable so that makes my life way easier and I think it makes the clients more comfortable because it's not loud like a tattoo machine when you think about it it's there's like virtually it's the Tesla of tattoo machines it's a very quiet U and and you have everything part of your licensing you have the procedur for the Health Board what disposable of all of the instruments I guess like better word the use needle yeah yeah and that's all under you know the body art licensing that you have to follow so so it's not the it's not the whole machine it's just like the one section I guess that I guess makes contact with the blood exactly there's a membrane uh separating any body fluids from the machine okay and then you have and you will have uh I guess disposable containers where all of these I guess used I'm call them needles they yeah well they technically are it's just they're in little cartridges so the needle is protected so that when you throw the needle out it's in a Sharps container it's not you know thrown in the garbage but the needle is also protected in the plastic cartridge so it's like an extra added protection and where and where do you put the these these cartridges yeah so they go in the sharps container and then uh just like you know a medical Sharps red container hazardous material that gets later dumped at you know chilling for us local okay so you actually send it to the chilling Hospital okay and uh do you have to have to contract with Children Hospital is there a procedure where you have to go to the hospital say we're going to be dropping off these yeah it's good just to give a heads up but it's not you know they know who we are it's just so you have all of the metal you have all of the safety and U uh standards that you will then dispose of all exactly um now have you thought about will there be any signage outside so this unit doesn't have any signage for businesses um which I which isn't bad they have the you know obviously 191 is on the front of the building which is perfect just to show where you are um but there's no like business huge sign or anything like that it's just in Once you walk in then you just see the little chart of everybody and that's it and who uh and i' I've seen seen pictures of that as she looked at all the the the planner pictures uh in around your vicinity uh I guess I would like to say your your adjacent business owners uh what kind of businesses do they have um so around me I have a dentist office a surgical medical dentist office um I think there uh the plastic surgeon is around there um and then there's a couple businesses on the lower level um that I think are more just a retail but really around it there's this dentist office yes uh so in a sense you in a sense having this place where you're a paramedical right next to a dentist and all that in a sense it it creates a Synergy of uh of a medical facility for in a sense also Fe your CLI feel comfortable when they're coming to this new location right exactly um and you typically your clients uh see micropigmentation I'm sure it's not something where it's an inexpensive uh Endeavor uh would you consider clients to be more of economically uh they're not just your they're going to be economically uh affluent uh clients I I would suppose yeah especially for the uh just the personal cosmetic procedures for sure and then a lot of the other procedures are covered um sometimes by sure they are C by Insurance yeah that's why I'm also hipa certified and uh so and not but not all of them are covered by insurance but but a lot of them are covered by Insurance [Music] okay that [Music] bad Michelle you have any questions for Michelle actually um yes sir a lady in the a school where I lecture somebody made her a comment about her new lipstick and she said no that's permanent so would that be the same yes yes so yeah like eyeliner eyebrows lip color I have all of it too any procedure I do I mostly get done just just so I could you know okay experience it well I don't know if she's your client say but she looks really good it's not meant to be like holy middle AG crisis I guess and it's also too like losing your eyesight a lot of my clients are a little bit older or just have eye problems so it just makes life way easier um if you had four clients in there at the same time how many workers would also um well right now I have uh three workers total um so normally we just work on the appointment um based on what the client's time is so we don't have like all set hours at the same time so luckily we're normally staggered um but if we do have multiple people in the same area at once we also have barriers so everybody is still separate if they Well normally it's separate of parking how many people could possibly be there yeah so luckily there's at least 30 parking spots right now that are you know designated for the whole building um but yeah I guess if we had four people at the same time but three workers so we'd have probably Max like seven cars give or take which I think is like in the average per Suite um but luckily my husband drops me off and I don't have a car too first uh thank you very much for all your volunteer around town that that's great and uh as far as I'm concerned God bless if people want that and makes them feel good and you're offering them something a service for them makes them feel good about themselves and that that's great I think it's awesome thank you I like it do you only do that or would you also uh do tattooing um luckily I have a tattoo business down the street so I'm just going to keep that there as long as I can um and then that's not on my radar right now luckily I'm just trying to expand the permanent makeup just to have a more private facility cuz where I'm at right now it's a little tiny so it doesn't it's not super comfortable for anybody that's getting a permanent makeup procedure done um so that's why I jumped on [Music] this it's right now it's yeah it's pretty tiny I just got lucky with that spot and actually one more thing I just want to double check you did say and this is something that I I was going to bring in my closing well I'll have you stay in uh you say you have three there'll be three of you uh since you and two others yeah and all of you have the the same licensing to do for the permanent makeup yeah okay and and it's always going to be by appointment yes it's not going to be that uh somebody Drives By and says you know what I heard on the radio I think I want to get my eyebrows or I passed by the school and those women's lips look fantastic I think I'm going to do the same thing and just knock on your door and say can I have an appointment it's going to be uh there consultation and then it's it's going to be by appointment in a sense how you would run in the sense a medical office yeah pretty much yeah and then you know consult appointment you know uh second appointment whatever that come back and and you would have these appointments status location yeah okay uh any any further questions for for Michelle what I would like to do is I would like to open it up callers to ask questions [Music] about engineering perspective I'm fine with everything everything's internal so from an engineering aspect I'm not concerned about it I'll pass everything to a planner um you mentioned about the parking you're under I think you're under 1,000 square ft so the parking that appears to be available should be sufficient with what you have that's out there um but it all Christ there but any yeah I just have a few questions and I I agree with Carl on his parking comment um now the use isn't um contemplated in the zone and or anywhere in town and therefore there's not a precise parking requirement but using um as kind of a frame of reference retail sales for the a space of this size would require five parking spaces an office would require four so it sounds like whenever the building was built enough parking for the whole building was provided so I think it's fair to assume that as tency changes and it's not completely um you know an off-the-wall although the use isn't contemplated it's comparable to the other uses it's not totally off the- wall so I think it's fair to assume that the number of parking spaces that exist should be adequate um I did want to ask on your floor plan I see the private room and I'm wondering for the if there are more than if there's more than one customer there at a time and you're using the kind of bigger room with three beds would those customers use the bathrooms in the hallway or do they need to go into that private space yeah so the luckily the bathroom in the hallway is available for those clients if they choose so it's only um it's a key only m so it's it's private you them access yeah yeah so we would give them access and also if they if we needed to use the private bathroom if they didn't feel comfortable um there would be a barrier anyway blocking that other client okay um but I figured give that up like that would be up to the client right um and I mean if any further on plans we do have our architect then could have better help if you have any questions no no no absolutely not more questions that you feel would be any more of a technical answer uh you know Mr Thomas boner would be able to answer he's one of our experts but do you have a planner expert we have a planner expert and we do have an architect then I will then I will hold anything else that I sure was going to raise okay I have a question your clientele is there uh an age limit like a young age can you get the permanent um eyebrows if you were under 16 yeah so normally it would be 18 and older if it was to be under it would be uh maximum 16 but they would need parental consent and uh I haven't had luckily anyone that was under 18 needing a procedure yet but if they needed it such as like an alopecia client or something like that then they would need parental consent which is you know bunch of paperwork and okay certificates Etc but 16 minimum would be the age and would they have to have um written consent from parents M yep the parent would have to be there written consent first certificate proving that it's the parent cuz some people you know just have the same last name um but it would be birth certificate IDs and IDs for the minor and would it also include a doctor's you know uh recommendation I would suggest that especially if it's like like a um if they have a condition like Alpa or anything like that just to you know just to double check and make sure like everything's okay or you know obviously cancer but they'd have to be um after their radiation and chemotherapy okay now Melle Tes [Music] to okay is there anybody from the public that would like to ask uh the client or the applicant uh based on her testimony uh anybody from the public that would like to come forward please do so now I see no one so um basically sorry right okay so call your next witness please thank you Mr chairman uh sh thank you uh my next witness is Mr thas B good evening everyone please raise your right hand state your name spell your last my name is thas Bon I'm an architect um of B Arc architecture and design spell your last uh last name b o n a you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give this evening before this board will be the truth the whole CH nothing but the truth shall help you got yes I do thank you thank you will not qualify the the witness M uh sure you done this million times well maybe not a million okay 900 and I don't have any trick or treats U thas we'll start out by where did you receive your degrees uh my degree is uh from Europe uh from Technical University in D in Poland I finished with Magna Kum LA and uh then I practiced in United States so I finished all my education in in Europe I came here and uh I worked for a big company uh I started my own business over 10 years ago I got live licensed in New Jersey in 2010 I'm also licensed in the state of Massachusetts and in Puerto Rico and how long have you've been practicing in New Jersey since you said 10 years uh since pretty much since 2001 oh so being licensed since 2010 I've been doing projects throughout the tri state area um and farther have you uh provided expert witness in other zoning uh boards in New Jersey yes I've been testifying across the boards from Central to Northern Jersey uh closest to here most recently in Butler kinon hokus uh West Milford and uh many other townships uh Mr chairman and uh gent of the board I present uh Mr Thomas B as our expert witness in architecture welcome thank you so um the focus of my presentation will be of course the technical aspects of the space that we're uh uh talking about uh space is located at 191 Hamburg Turnpike we are all familiar where it is at the Crossing of Hamburg Turnpike and pic Avenue it's a corner property uh the particular um uh space located in the second floor of this building um that uh our the applicant is is taking over is located in the South wing of of the building and um it has a direct entrance from a common Corridor and uh accessible from the atum as well well as from the elevator that connects both floors um the space is approximately 930 ft gross area it comprises of a larger open space uh that has direct access opposite of the elevator as board members can see on our only deliverable uh the floor plan and then there is a staff Lounge uh which positions this suit well I believe it was a tax office before it was so with minimum modifications to the space can be accommodated for a uh for the new tenant there's also um a forementioned private room located in a in the South um east corner and which has the direct uh hallway access from from the commum corridor which works very well as the applicant stated uh for nature of her business and that permanent makeup room the isolated space uh has access to the existing uh bathroom the bathroom has a day um toilet labatory sink and a shower um across the corridor across the common Corridor there's a set of um restrooms U men and women restrooms they're serving generally uh all of the building occupants so they're accessible to the [Music] containers um the uh um the applicant would like to have in the open space maximum of three uh um t uh stations and then one station uh most likely in the uh in the private room there's a little bit of a waiting area next to the main entrance and um and the building um and her employees have access to staff Lounge so this is uh this as as the applicant stated this this Suite is positioned very well for her needs and um with ease of access the elevator of course space is accessible and um it fits needs and uh as as well as the um the scare footage of the space is adequate thank you toas any questions for Mr [Music] B okay I open it up to the public uh anybody would like to question the testimony given by the planner I see none so I will close that session hold question okay thank you very much thank you toas thank you witness uh I like to call Mr Michael Solano thank you for that pronunciation like I did it right you're among the few I did it right thank you sir okay please raise your right hand state your names I asked I am Michael J pesano p e s s o l a n o you swear affirm the testimony give this evening before the the whole truth nothing but got thank you I know him well I recommend you be accepted okay thank you Mr a few moments time uh so we'll make this qualification much briefer uh no Michael uh just for the for the for the board uh please State your educational background I will I'm a licensed professional planner in the state of New Jersey and and a me member of the American Institute of certified planners uh which is a National Organization I was originally licensed in 1984 and have been practicing professional planning uh at the municipal level ever ever since uh in recent history I did have some involvement uh as a Consulting planner for the burough of prompton lakes uh in the mid 2000s or late 2000s I should say I didn't work on the master plan then I was more focused on the island uh conformance stuff at that time but I've also testified as an expert planning witness uh recently well the past few years uh at 237 Hamburg Turnpike a few doors down uh from the subject property uh I've qualified hundreds of times uh never been not qualified as an expert planning witness wherever I was uh testifying throughout U uh the state of New Jersey I uh operate my own Municipal planning practice as a so a member of my LLC mjp planning I'm sorry mjp L use planning LLC located in pagota New Jersey I've also lived in pton Lakes two different addresses but I can't say I was born or raised here but I I Adore the community it's a it's a lovely place um I do have a master's degree of urban planning from uh City University of New York as well you I continue Mr Balano uh ladies and gentlemen board I present you our planning expert Mr Michael Molano thank you for that kind introduction the opportunity to uh get help you get to know me a little bit I do have a uh planning exhibit to distribute which will help everyone absorb what I'm about to say about the the site in the setting okay let Lael A1 A1 and then once it get said I'll just just describe it on the record I'll wait until everybody has [Music] speak thank you you're welcome while that is being handed out I'll say that I did visit the site of and the neighborhood walked around completely photographing it all uh look the municipal zoning and master plan material of course consulted with the applicants of consultants and the applicant your and L materials uh from the burs of of various agencies to prepare for my appearance tonight so with A1 in everyone's hands um let's just jump into it uh sheet one of A1 is simply an excert of of the BS tax map sheet 11 showing the subject property uh in yellow shading in the center at the corner of of the Avenue and uh Hamberg turnp going on to sheet two of representation of where in the zoning uh scheme this property lies and it shows at of the the B2 Zone uh business district professional office Zone fully within that zone and actually uh tangent to the B1 Zone diagonally across the way uh past the triangle that is U you can see on this map that uh North that North is to the top of the page and north of this site you see uh the green indicating the R3 District um but that is is not used that way as you'll see in the next um image but the site itself is within the fully within the B2 district and framed on two sides of by the R3 District so going out to sheet 3 of A1 um this is an aerial image uh downline from downloaded from an online source and I added the U annotations as to use based on my field observations uh from walking the area the subject property uh indicated within a a dashed uh perimeter around the property um so the takeaway uh for this is I remember I I paused a minute and said north of the property is the residential Zone but you can see uh directly across our three nonresidential uses um so the significance of that is and if there be any impact whatsoever it's not on to residential uses on that side uh of the street and I think that's uh significant in this analysis the site is sprained by all office uses um to the South and uh South East and across Hamburg Turnpike uh is another is a religious uh use institutional use a house of worship excuse me and detached dwellings uh at the corner of James Terrace uh very little interface with um I'm sorry do I need to speak louder just a little bit okay thank you for that thank you at the uh there's very little interface with uh residential use just one occurrence of that but remember the the nature of this proposal is to occupy a fully enclosed space in an invisible manner literally because there's no change in signage there's no change in the building there's really no change in anything people coming and going and using cars to do it it it's it's that similar to uh the existing operation by the other occupants uh of this uh office buildings so on to uh sheet four or five uh we have some ground photos taken by myself on the upper left is image one showing the very prominent um address signage which every occupant relies on for their identification um and these the majority of occupants are medical office uses and they all do so without any outward signage and my client proposes to do exactly the the same thing relying simply on the address uh for identification I superimposed with the yellow Dash rectangle the actual physical space on the second level uh facing uh Hamburg Turnpike um as to where the the proposed use would would be located image two simply shows uh the existing parking field lying between the uh JY building in Hamburg Turnpike in image three in the lower left we have a view along pic Avenue excuse me looking sort of Northeast northwesterly excuse me um the fire station the Burrows fire station is on the right side and the subject structure is on the left side you can see a little portion of driveway that pokes out into uh pic Avenue and from the point where you see that oneway sign uh near that driveway uh back of the photo you can't see it in the photo on that side of the Street are some on street parking spaces on the other side of the street parking is not permitted at all uh in image 4 and the lower right uh this is an office a mixed um occupant office building under expansion um maybe it came to this board because it's a non-conforming property uh in the R3 District but quite clearly no residential use in it and it it houses uh a number of things in uh including Medical Professional offices of an acupuncturist and dentist finally on sheet five of five uh upper left is image five and this is a very uh discreet office building there there's no outward signage on it either about its use but it is uh used for a design office and this is located directly across from uh the AL Mustafa Center across pic Avenue Image six is the office uh building um in a historic building uh lying just to the south of the subject property at 227 Hamburg Turnpike image 7 is the religious use I mentioned of being across Hamburg Turnpike and you can see uh the the last couple of homes uh on the Street approaching Hamburg Turnpike the final image in the lower right is u a view of the the Marquee as I saw it in June when I uh captured these photos uh June of 2023 and you can see a number of MD uh indications five in total out of nine so that says to me a majority of the office businesses here are Medical in nature the applicant uh has purchased the AI tax and financial services uh States at the second level so that is the uh input of from information gathering about the setting that informed my planning analysis which I will move through quite quickly um for everyone's benefit we do have uh an existing office building on a a lot containing 20,473 ft a minimum of 20,000 is required in the B2 Zone uh building floor area of 9733 ft 931 is actual um occupied space the rest is common area according to the tax record there are 32 existing uh parking spaces by my count uh on the existing property including two uh handicap accessible uh ADA compliance bases the the use you heard describe very well so I won't go into that but I I do want to say that I was struck so U prominently by the Sim similarity to a medical office which is permitted here uh the services uh of the applicant would be provided on appointment only basis highly trained service providers in the mix and only them uh serving patients who have undergone sometimes disfiguring medical uh treatments to restore normal appearance and the treatments uh conducted in a private setting so I see very very very little in the way of deviation from a traditional medical practice with the this paramedical micropigmentation uh proposed use in the B2 Zone uh as you know it permits as of right Business and Professional offices Banks clubs lodges fraternal Civic organizations also allows a host of conditional uses uh that aren't particularly material to it so I will skip that um I'll note that in the dbd one the downtown business district that's where um offices for uh licensed professionals are permitted um just so you so you know that I did check into that uh but since licensed body um excuse me since licensed micropigmentation uh services are not uh permitted in the B2 District a D1 use variance is required and here we are uh brief uh touch base with the master plan materials the 2007 master plan has a a new land use plan in it which simply designates this property for commercial use nothing more embellishing than than that uh but I recognize um why office use is designated here simply uh deducing that um the intersection that triangle is uh an intersection where accidents have shown up more so than other places in the community and that's noted uh in the master plan circulation plan but it makes little sense to load up an area like that with high volume in andout traffic for retail uses so the most appropriate economic use I think becomes naturally uh office use so it it makes sense here and I'm comfortable that what we're proposing is a good fit here for the same reason that office belongs in this location we have a low turnover low intensity use to uh insert in the space available uh at 191 Hamburg Turnpike the 2017 re-exam report mentioned only in the last par paragraph that the the business owns outside of the downtown Zone can be used to um bring uh to drive economic growth in the community and um what you heard in uh Miss corti's testimony was that her clients will need to be fairly fluent to afford her Services it's a good thing to bring uh people with uh that kind of income into Comm commun that wants to strengthen its Merchant base and you do that by attracting uh people just like that so I think it plugs in the master plan realm very nicely as a as an appropriate use because of of that among the other things that it it does so um what would be the basis for granting the relief that we're requesting this is a commercial use although it's pretty close in my mind based on what I've heard um and you did too to an inherently beneficial use it is not named that in the land use law and I'm not representing that it is it is a commercial use and because of that uh it is uh evaluated under the medich standard which is a four-part evaluation uh I'll just take go right through those four parts first we start with particular Su suitability of the site is the site par particularly suitable for the proposed use I found by my analysis that it's particularly suitable uh for two reasons by virtue of the condition of the space and by the context of of of its setting as to the condition the the space is mingled with the offices of other licensed professionals uh as I stated including doctors and dentists the nature of the proposed use highly similar to the nature of those professional offices uh and I won't detail the the points about how other it is also similar because I I started my comments with that but the adequate adequacy of the of the particular space is uh by finding because um of the the appointment only basis um there's adequate signage barking waiting restrooms ADA accommodations and the space can easily be made compliant to Board of Health requirements which must issue and renew every year the license for this type of use as to the context uh of the setting I believe the site which is at the junction of the major and minor arterial uh roadway system can be easily found by virtue of the prominent address signage the low traffic uh office uses are particularly suitable here I touched on that a moment ago so we have a good match of the use intensity and location the building is fully within a business Zone intended for these types of offices uh in general u a mixed multi-tenant office building was recently at larged en large across the street and that houses similar uses so the board at that time found that was particularly suitable location for accommodating offices such as dentists and and agricultures other special reasons now part two of the analysis um the the aspects I just mentioned of particular suitability of the site advaned the general welfare which is purpose a of the municipal land law there are other purposes that this application does advance um the general welfare is also Advanced by providing for a proper safe sanitary and private facility for micropigmentation to assist in the restor restoration of dignity and self-esteem to clients who have experienced disfiguring interventions for their health and well-being and those seeking to enhance their appearance purpose G of the land use law is to provide for a variety of commercial uses and appropriate locations to serve the CI to meet the needs of the citizens of the State uh clearly this service is rare and uh we intend to deliver it professionally uh as it's intended to be discreetly and with privacy so that uh in that uh purpose is squarely Advanced purpose I is also Advanced no change to the physical appearance of the site so that the visual character as preserved purpose ey is to promote a desirable visual environment and purpose and the final purpose in the land use law this advances um the repurposing of this space with a highly compatible use bi licens practitioner uh is efficient use of land and purpose M speaks to promoting the efficient use of land now moving into those are the positive criteria moving into the negative criteria again I'll try to be brief um I see no detriment of a substantial nature here the site will continue to function as an appealing location for Prof profal offices with or without this use in there so there's no basis for a detriment on those grounds the operation of the use is nearly identical in nature to the operation of existing permitted offices of license other licensed professionals the parking and access are adequate and safe and I I concur with the your professionals findings of of that very fact adequate parking does indeed exist but I can speak to questions if you have them on that there's no evidence that the use will be visible on the exterior of the building uh the proposed use is similar in operation and intensity to the prior use and to other building occupants appointment only scheduling the unit Owners Association I understand welcomes the proposed use um by its recent action on that question U the required Board of Health license is renewed annually allowing for intervention should it be needed for uh non-renewal in you know in the way of non-renewal if any unan anticipated issues we don't cover tonight might arise for these reasons I find that there's no detriment whatsoever to having this use here let alone any detriment that would rise to the level of substantial the final part of the analysis um this is not permitted here so does it by allowing it does this uh create an impact on the intent and purpose of the Zone plan or the zoning ordinance for the burrow and I see no substantial impairment to uh either uh the is a small part of the overall zone so it's not tantamount to rezoning here still going to look like an office building uh as was intended by The Zone plan there will be no evidence of change that this use is even there here if you wish leaving unchanged the carage of the location and the Integrity of the intended results we close with a look at the enhanced quality of proof the final step here of uh is this use inconsistent for the intent and purpose of the zone plan because the governing body presumably looks at the zoning and still has not allowed this use here uh simply put this is an emerging land use and probably not on the radar whatsoever as the governing body contemplated uses that might be in any of its non-residential zones so because it is so similar to a traditional medical office I find no basis for finding that the use is inconsistent with the intent purpose of the Zone plan and zoning ordinance so those words I that I know people love to hear in conclusion the applicant satisfies the required proofs of the medich analysis and soundly at that uh the applicant has put forth a very well thought out uh well-considered application and plan for Success here and I submit to you respectfully your approval is warranted thank you so much thank you Mr one one question in regards to the previous use you said what was the specific frequence used for this space it was a tax Consulting office [Music] okay I no I would just I would agree with the testimony that was provided and I would just um add to it that the fact that this use isn't contemplated in town at all is well I suppose you could argue that it is because you don't want it I think it's more likely that it's because nobody thought of it um it's it's a uncommon use it's a relatively new use and it's just one of those things that is probably a good example of why D variances exist um now you you can you could tell me otherwise that you all thought of this and you and and you um were intentional but I would I would expect it more likely like I said it was just not contemplated anybody else on the board have any questions for I have one it's not well it's how if you do not have any signage how will people know that you're there what are your plans for advertising mostly it's nowadays on Instagram and Facebook but more so than that uh so right now all my clients are basically Instagram or Facebook Bas but more so than just like I don't even really advertise it's all Word of Mouth um which benefits me luckily but yeah it's usually just word of mouth and who did you go to or who knows about this so that's mostly my business Bas and also just cuz I'm local so a lot of people just know me from school or my family or something like that luckily okay thank you I think it's important because of of this location that was chosen when my client purchased it is because as as as Mr PES mentioned there's no outside signage so the building remains a very discret building in a sense when her clients will be going to the location part of is because they want that privacy uh in order so it's not a sign that says micropigmentation available so if somebody's going there parking their car there and there's other Medical Offices it it provides that client a little bit of it presid in privacy and security that there's no sign outside so they're going into the facility it's a private entrance therefore it remains in a sense between Michelle and the client that what procedure they're getting they're they're getting so in a sense it works out perfectly there is no there's no sign out sign that it's word of mouth and by her her doing a great work and then you know other patients may talk to another patient they may recommend and and I think that's how business will will grow and really the only advertising I do is Pompton Lakes local where it's just my name it's not even explaining what I do so it's like oh well what's this and then you know people just start talking basically that way versus like a billboard or something but you're not going to be doing regular tattoos no I have a separate location right after that that's a pretty in P yeah that's yep yep next that's the building that's done you you state that uh she purchased the property is this a condominium or she owns the whole building well she owns that unit it's a it's a profession cond or is it a lease it she purchased it it's she owns that unit okay uh and part of our application that we provided uh the actual HOA board the chairman of the HOA board provided U endorsement that they were they fully endorsed the opening of this new business in there so it's it's in a sense condominium suweet and she purchased that one particular unit because it's it it's perfect for what she envisioned with her micropigmentation building because because it was a former as Mr pesano said it was a former tax office so that it it's a professional building so it's it's a suite that can be easily converted to look like a paramedical facility right next to dentist office MDS so it it it suits perfect for that business so her clients can feel that they're entering into a medical facility for their uh you know for these cosmetic procedures and I think that's why she purchased it and also as we had mentioned that in her testimony she's been a resident for 25 years you know she she's she's one over your own she's she's pumped and links through and through and she wants to grow her business here and as you Mr pesan had mentioned and and Michelle had mentioned people who are going to get micro pigmentation are usually going to be in a higher economic bracket so in a sense it can also benefit the other businesses in PPT and links uh because the fact this is as as technology grows and as there's more sophistication with technology and the youth can figures out new ways how to prosper with technology there's going to be other places other communities in New Jersey where micropigmentation is going to rise up as a as a clinic and pton lakes will be one of the first that will have one and a lot of these higher bracket at uh clients will be then driving through pton Lakes uh becoming clients and customers of other businesses in Pon links and P link could be one of the first in New Jersey there are other areas in new but not many as as Michelle had mentioned so we could be one of the Pioneers in fostering a a new one a new business that is grown as as as technology grows in [Music] micropigmentation questions okay um what we'll do now is we'll open up the um questioning of the applicant uh planner uh on his testimony regarding this application she and that I see none I would say that we're going to close that session thank you for your courcy thank you Mr chair so a motion to uh approve the application for Dearing and site plan uh as as presented okay so can I get a motion motion to approve second roll call [Music] sorry motion make the motion all right Mr Hunt yes Mr yes M curin yes Mr C yes M yes Mr ran yes and Mr yes Mr only only seven votes only seven appr day so whatever the ultimate no 27 votes for ladies and gent thank you so very much thank you thank [Music] you thank you resol y all right oh you tell about the resolution no oh yeah well you know resolution will be I'm sure resolution will be adopted at next month's meeting um obviously if they want to move forward um they could go to uh to the U construction board sign a labor and you know that someone May challenge it go to court but you can get your permit to be able to start so next meeting there'll be the AC that's cor if you want to attend and then the be emailed to me I'm assum once you V on and published a few days by thank you so very much yeah you're welcome thank you take care thank you congratulations Michelle Good Luck conat Good Luck Good Luck thank you congratulations M car was a pleasure work and in car with email so okay so we're going to move on to resolution boa 23-9 36 parent [Music] Avenue they had an opportunity to read that resolution are there any changes corrections to the resolution if not can I please have a motion to accept that moved second roll call [Music] sh okay Mr Hunt yes Mr a yes M cin yes Mr C yes M BR yes Mr Rowan yes yes what I it's just on a on a variance only seven votes they need five votes new unfinished business I would uh ask Jarett to report on open space we did not have a meeting this past month there was no meeting so we will not have any report on that I will open up the meeting to the public anybody in the public like to come forward to talk to the board about any subject I see no one other than Rich so will close that session can I please get a motion for adjournment so move all in favor [Music] motion yeah Mar