as call to order City Port Richie city council Workshop Tuesday March 5th 2024 like stand state pledge allegiance i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all M cler you take roll please Mayor John Eric coover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman Tom canella here councilman David Mueller here councilwoman Cherokee Samson here city manager Matthew coppler here thank you like open up comments from the general public I don't have a sign up she I'm not sure anybody signed up and we have one everything say right along welcome to the Mee pass on to comments from the city manager n okay that comments from the May mayor city council I'll start on my right with thank you as well nothing with that I will turn over Council business to discussion of city council vision and go say for City Port Richie to Mr coppler okay so first uh I want to kind of go back in time and uh we have here in different places um the results the Raw results I know everyone should have received what the ra results were for our first session and hopefully brings back fond memories right yes very much so very fond memories um I remember you know we went through for the city of Port Richie to be its best at must right so that's that's no not yet oh not yet I know we didn't we didn't we provide these at each setting session place but not for everyone yet so I'm just going to go over it okay right so you know we went through and we listed out the things that that you all felt for the city of Port Richie to be its best it must do something right then we talked about what is the city of Port Richie doing well let's come back to you remember all these great things then we talked a little bit about what is the city of Port Richie not doing so well then we talked a little about what factors are out of the control of the city council remember this flashbacks good then we spent a long time going over a question about what is the city going to be known for I think it was in five years 2026 if I'm not maybe 2027 whatever and we came up with a list a lot of different things and if you remember that list was really long and I could pull that out but I don't want to use up my white space here um that's for later and what that ended up resing in is me consolidating that all down into can share you can see this now I don't want to get into word smithing because we're G have time for that but what I did with all of that was take what what we all kind of looked at and said hey that's a really good vision statement to transform the city of Port Richie to a model City and then started working from there and and the mission statement I realized really was more of a vision statement of what we wanted to become and again I've done some word smithing here for this and and we can talk about that at a later time but I think just from a a a practical work from statement I came up with this city of Port Richie aspires to become a safe highly effective and efficient City with sustainable development practices high quality of Life robust Community engagement and distinguished status becoming a model that inspires and guides other communities towards prosperity and wellbeing now that wasn't just from that one to transform the city of for Richie to a model City it was everything that you spent those three plus hours working on that that really gave me that that language and and hopefully you know we kind of look at that and again we can we can toy around with it but hopefully that resonates at at you know very with everyone that that's something that we all want you know it talks about being effective and efficient with our our city services it talks about engaging the quality or engaging the people the public um and and I think it it's a good base to start from and and one of the things I just I I like to play around sometimes and you know I took all those things that that we did all these words here from this and did word cloud because I like word clouds but it also helps start focusing on themes right you know and and you see what the big one was the word the word that you use the most residence residents and so I think that you know became what what that vision statement was is this is to develop the best community for our residents and and you know if we do that for ourselves we should share that model the next step on this this journey was then looking at all the rest you know what what did it mean what what what putting together these words what did it did it generate and to me I started forming a strategic outcome and and that's the next piece of this is you know last meeting was about what what is our our overarching thoughts of what we want to produce and provide for our residents and so it led to six strategic outcomes because I don't like odd numbers so I had to do sex um and so the first one is an adaptable efficient effective and fiscally responsible government that easy that is easy to do business with and follows through on what it says it will do and again I think there was a lot of discussion about all those points and and again when you kind of go through all those that last piece that we did you know I think you can easily find you know the little city that could you know a place where or me city that listens and cares for provides highest level of services I mean those words are found in the words that we put up on the uh the the boards at the last meeting the second strategic outcome is a well-maintained infrastructure in Parks or natural environment again may not find those exact words in here but I took a little liberty in in kind of putting things together and saying that's what we really mean with this the third one is a vibrant Waterfront that enhances the community and provides opportunities for residents and visitors to experience the benefits of the Port Richie lifestyle there's something to be said for the community we live in right I mean this is a great place to live and it's Unique in very many ways and and to be able to share that not only with people that want to come and visit and you know visit the Waterfront go to the restaurants you know visit our businesses but but also our residents because you know there are probably new residents definitely that haven't experienced everything here in the city and and you know we have to do a job to get them introduced in into those Lifestyles that they can have here in the city the fourth one is constant continuous engagement with residents and businesses that encourages is feedback and participation in the governance process and and again I think going back to our our word cloud you know it's about residents and how we get them engaged in the things that we think are important to do is because they think it's important to do the fifth uh thing and and by the way these are not in any particular order it's just how they came out fifth one is seek to develop strategic partnership sh with our with other municipalities levels of government quasa government agencies nonprofits and Commercial entities that will better the city for riching and I think uh for those that that were able to make it this morning to our our joint meeting with the county and and uh City of Newport Richie you saw what Partnerships could be there and how we could take advantage of those things that they offer to make our our little piece here in in Pasco County better place and I think you know we we do need to develop that strategic partnership and strategic Partnerships aren't about taking it's about what do we exchange and so again I think that's a strategic outcome but we have to figure out how do we do that and then the last one is strengthen Port Richie's abilities so it can be a safe resilient Community by delivery of high quality Public Safety Services and again I think that's something that that we spoke about you know wanting to have a safe environment you know having clean and and well-maintained sidewalks and having a good Police Department having a good fire department all these things that that you know we hold as value should be the Strategic out but now the hard work is giving you know meat to those that skeleton there that's what we're going to do tonight and joining us tonight our department directors because in the end once we have these goals you know they're the ones are going to be responsible for carrying out your goals that you lay out so having a partnership today is going to be important to fostering and furthering what the goals that we ultimately come up with are going to be so the way that we're going to play this game tonight and this will be fun hopefully is uh through using the latest artificial intelligence I fed in everyone's name and ask the question what what is the best configuration of teams that I can put so we come out with the greatest outcome and so there's team one there team two will be here team three will be over there and the names that the computer spit out nothing to do with this by the way it's all AI right Ashley you you was there she helped me program this we built we built these teams so if you can find your name that's where you need to sit name oh I mean don't make me go back to the computer because it'll probably be a totally different different one looking for your name and I think you are I think you're over here I think you're over here the computer says you have to go over there got my Apple didn't fall far from the well you know we thought you were sitting there you might as well Chief you're up [Music] here five years out in the audience we got we got connection we got grants and we got some finances that's pretty good right there Mone okay the the task is really easy in looking at the Strategic outcomes under our vision statement there's six different six six different outcomes so you're going to go through each of those outcomes give it a certain amount of time to brainstorm come up with projects ideas to help create those strategic outc first thing before you start write down your ideas you are in charge of this do I need this yep I thought I was loud enough okay so you need to appoint someone to be the Scribe just let you know that part of that responsibility is that they will have to write what you come up with on these boards here so penmanship is important the second thing that you'll have to appoint is the person that's going to explain what you come up with it can be the Scribe if you want to do that but it can be someone else so I'll just let you know that and then once you start that we'll start with the first the very first strategic outcome so the first one is an adaptable efficient effective fiscally responsible government that is easy to do business with and follows through on what it says it will do so we need to come up with projects plans ideas that helps create that outcome you will have well okay so here's the question I have for you you know if you come up with one idea in one minute ideas out of 10 minutes or is it you're just going to get one idea in 10 minutes and see that's not acceptable so then I'm going to go 30 minutes and we're going to be here till midnight so what I'm going to do I'm going to give you 15 minutes for first one to see what you do and I'm going to start the clock I right down and don't go beyond when you're done with number one when you're done with number one please raise your hand so should we leave the mics on or [Music] no we have nine minutes nine minutes to go so we we have we have a little less than four minutes left right now how are we doing and you're doing well nobody else is listening to me so yeah yeah I get I get one one third onethird of people listen to me 348 hopefully you have at least 10 things by now okay that's that's 15 minutes did it feel like 15 minutes so I feel like I'm in a department director meeting again people start talking I have the microphone no um so it was 15 minutes I you know I actually planned on 20 minutes do you want to go another five minutes or you you comfortable with what you got good you're good you're good okay so the Scribe needs to put them up here I only have two because I didn't think far ahead to get three so so you have to take turns so two people start filling those up go you have 30 seconds what am I with oh it's up there no giggling [Music] day I [Music] know e okay so uh group one do you want to tell us what you have up there increase multiple Avenues of communication to residents regarding City processes we do you want to explain it maybe a little bit I would love to um we were going in getting into real detailed stuff as to what needs to be done but we felt the operative words in here were easy to do business with the government the government that is easy to do business with and follows through on what it says it does and we used they was they were talking about the blue um BL Point Blue Point grave and how that was talked about for a long time probably over a year on and off and nothing was done and then it was finally done it even as a council person I would not have known that was even completed had I not seen it on Facebook so um one of my things is all our things is communication you can in that communication you can do what group two head and multiple forms of communication yes Facebook is wonderful but not every everybody has Facebook so then maybe there's email maybe there the website maybe it's a print copy I mean Ju Just blank it out um to get what we are doing and if you see people having problems you can fix it with communication to all the residents if they're having trouble filling out forms or they're having trouble getting building permits or as you go along fix it with the communication to the res okay okay any questions on that can I just add something I think what we're also trying establishes a repeatable process here across all departments in other words when something occurs and we're trying to effectively address adapt uh efficiently effectively and fiscal be fiscally responsible have a process that each department follows through on so it's each department could stand independent and the process is the same so that would make us more efficient and make us more potentially easy easy to do business okay good again any questions group two so we're kind of amplifying and you know the same same information what they just said about reaching out to Citizens um but we were also thinking of expanding that to simplify process um one of the main concerns was you know the streamlining payments streamlining any type of process resident may have and maybe one of those things would be training through tutorials videos set up that anyone would be able to find so if they had to do a fill out a permit um through the building through the building department or um any type of process through utility billing or any other department that these videos it would be a series of videos that they can follow um simple instructions even for even for you know the handicapped disabled um people who can hear will have you know have captions at the bottom so that they can follow these instructions because what we talked about is that there are a lot of residents who don't who don't go online don't have Facebook don't have any type of way to to surf the net or anything like that they really just do not understand so if we made these videos and made it aware through mailers and stuff like that that they're used to seeing then they can go ahead and come here we can we can present these videos show them and then you know make them understand one of the other things we wanted to point out is to you know Implement and identify programs that will continue yearly one of the things that we we've done is that we'll we'll do something when we have the money available as far as a grant but we don't continue these programs that are needed you we try and wait for um something to come but I think that if we even did 100 feet of sidewalk a year if that's what the budget allows that's 100 feet less than we had to do the year before you know so even if we have a pavement program right now we're going to be doing pavement because of arpa what do we do next year what do we do the year after that so I think that if we have these programs locked in place that no matter what mone's even if they're even if the money comes out of the budget and we do at least a little bit of something we're continuing that program until we can receive further Grant dollars thank you any questions um let add to that if you're going to have videos and those kinds of things would it behoove us to set up a PC in the lobby or somewhere where they uh let kosk people know that they can come in and and do that and get assistance well it's it's good that we have the front conference room because that would work out excellent for anyone that would came on if we sent out a general mail to all the residents and of course once again if they don't know how to surf a computer don't have any IDE what it is at least we can set something up they can sit down we basically select that video and have it easily accessible for staff you know they just hit the video say this is how you fill out a permit this is how you pay your utility bill um this is how you change the batteries in your um in your a smoke detector any type of video that would help residents in in all the different departments but of course that would have to start out with reaching each department head and creating an outline for What videos would need to be created and then move forward from there other questions okay group number three you gots similar to um the first one we said an intake system for tracking by Department um it would allow them to our departments to take action and priority prioritize things um it would then inform public of the process the result we could track hours we could track the cost it could help justify you know purchasing equipment adding more staff funding things like that um then we also had an updated website that's user friendly and easy you know they can find things better um refine processes to be flexible not rigid um document them maybe even some flowcharts um and then look at surrounding communities for examples um and adapt them to our needs and then partner with them as well and just to expand on that obviously so we we first started talking about the the tracking system again not Shing not sure what we have internally but I think we have tools eyew works whatever but we want we want a multimodal way to interact with the city um where there your cell phone your web um a kiosk great idea you know some documentation where you come in and get the forms uh even set up an appointment to have uh somebody help with that so basically any any any possible way we can Engage The the resident uh in their preferred method to get the information in and once we have that information that we we put it into an internal tracking system so just to kind of walk you through an example I go out I see a pothole I I get out on the website and I say hey no pole and Bay Boulevard here's the address and I'm able to create a ticket and that ticket I can put if I want to continuous uh push updates to me I can put my cell phone in there and so immediately I get feedback the emails text or whatever saying that we've received your your uh your issue and we're it's it's in process so they get that immedate feedback that you know there's a acknowledgement that it was submitted and then we we set up the system in a way that it continues to push that information so if it gets transferred over to the uh the pothole people there's a a message that goes out says your your your ticket's been forwarded to the next department and then that Tech goes out and says you know I've reviewed it and so basically they're engaged the entire process if they choose to be uh but they could also go out and engage the system and actually look at that those data points themselves or they can actually get a push to them so they could just sit back and continually be updated and that way it keeps people from having to call in and see where they're at they constantly feedback as we hit LS and that that there's a trigger internally say maybe it's been five six days and nothing's been acted on that particular ticket it it uh it it calls out to one of our staff to reach out to that individual just to kind of give them update hey I know there hasn't been an update on this in four or five days but we're looking at combining some stuff together because we got some similar things going on in that area to be more efficient we kind of we look at as that data comes in grouping those those areas that we need to work on and actually deploy it all at one time so the key here hly is get the information in track it well internally get the information out as updates and then follow through on it and it goes a long way and then obiously as we start to do that we have that data we're able to do a lot more with it on refining processes seeing what it's costing to do certain things and seeing if we need additional stack we need a new piece of equipment because we're doing a lot of pothole refills or whatever we're able to use that data to make better decisions I don't think I've ever heard refer to that process as a pothole refill learn something new every day any questions good so we got one done five more to go so uh number two which is well-maintained infrastructure good segue potholes and well-maintained infrastructure and parks that promote a sustainable community and protects our natural environment 15 minutes good or could you do it in 10 minutes I'm just asking let's try 10 okay let's do 10 and if you have a rooll going okay thank there Rec okay that's 10 minutes how are we doing are we done you want to do more no no you have a question you're good you want more I'm willing you know I'm here all night I mean the second show is until midnight so I'm good you good okay um if you're done scribes start putting them up right oh you know I think we actually have in one of our medical boxes we have eyewash it's like yes yes yes yes exactly I know we have it because I saw the price on it like how much do you pay for eyewash it a yes yes open your okay I have contact so I have you know saing solution everywhere practically okay part of our group is missing but we're still Mighty and strong uh we're going to start with number group two first yeah so we're starting with group three group three I need a number there so yeah your uh create a plan read address the plan constantly update the maintenance plan allocate funding um you know obviously track the state of infrastructure um you know what it's do for replacement and just stay on top of that yeah the key thing that we were concerned about is you know we we do these things right we get the funding we get them done and then they just kind of they're done until they need to be done again right so what we really to do is when we do something and the Limestone Pier would be a perfect example of that the Limestone Pier eight nine years ago the city went out there and they resurfaced it and whatnot and probably never went out there again after that until they realized they had to shut it down well you do that and then create this maintenance plan schedule where employee goes out say monthly just inspect see if there's anything loose and then they hit the little things and if you you do those little integral things as you go you don't end up with a a big mess later on so let's I think we can really enhance uh our infrastructure keeping it maintained if we actually put a plan together to continually look at that and the needful as we go as supposed to wait until okay any questions no questions uh group number two I see right there we have a list so we y okay okay can you hear yep Implement continued maintenance programs so that we can work on everything together examples like underground um From The Underground the roads sidewalks to make sure that we aren't you know stepping on other Department's Toes that we aren't missing things and having like an oversight or something um Department Communications with continual updates to and four each department so again that leads back into the first point um that we're all not missing something so who's that communication with depart so in in between inter inter Department not no well I guess I just wanted to make sure you weren't talking about the council and the public just okay just the inter Department okay um continued Park maintenance with written procedures for each department for followup it needs to be a collaborative effort again that's kind of the same as one and two um but see a theme here uh setting up recycling stations in the park um having public suggestion boxes in the park and other places in the city where we know that a lot of people go and then establishing living shorelines flood proofing the park amenities um just to make sure that you know when there's a flood that everything is just destroyed that we just did you so okay very good any any questions everybody understand all that okay group number one evaluate prioritize and take action um next one we'll do is the agricultural storm water and the swes so that is um planting trees plants stuff by the salees so it doesn't take uh so doesn't create wash outs so if you have the trees there it absor it'll absorb all the water and keep it uh you know environmentally uh natural environment there so um didn't want to have good maintenance records so say you know uh we just did all that stuff at olar we write it down that we just from A to Z and like you guys said we can go back and and look right back at it when last time this playground was taken care of when olner for example when was the last time that was maintained painted so on and so forth um family oriented uh adult and uh make the parks more Ada right now I think Waterfront is our only bathroom that is ada8 compliant um same with fishing there's somebody in the wheelchair can't go up and fish because the rails are too high well cut some of them down so people wheelchairs wheelchair high can go fish whatever they need to do they get access to uh Waterfront Park some of the the tra the the trail that goes back there people in the wheelchair scooter and stuff some of them can't go down there because just the way the wash outs is the the potholes so on and so forth um at these Parks make it more uh some of it towards the kids you know basketball courts tennis courts the adults for pickleball courts volleyball stuff for kids to do you know more more for all them so w any questions yeah shade sales on the shade sales on the playround okay no question is that okay we're going to move on to number three there's going to be a little process Improvement instead of writing it down that we're going to give you a sheet so you can write it directly onto the sheet I'll go around and deliver those to you but number three is a vibrant Waterfront that enhances the community and provides opportunities for residents and visitors to experience the benefits of the Port Richie lifestyle we have 10 minutes good y okay keep going so okay that's 10 are we done we need more time we good everybody's good okay uh we start with group two if you could hold up your your work and explain it that you know whoever came up that idea deserves Kudos nope it was the mayor it was the mayor okay except you know I have to say this is a little bit more messy though but you [Laughter] [Music] know so one of the things that we did talk about was what what oh oh thanks thats I didn't know that pick it up as well okay all right so one of the things that we were talking about was you know what what do other places have that we don't have obviously we're not Tampa we're not clear water we're not large enough for that there you know those places will'll have you know downtowns due to our real estate we'll just never have but what do we have and what can we amplify for that we have new pori right here that already has a you know a great downtown area so how do we connect the two how do we bring those two together so years ago we started the hike and bike trail we started that a long time ago and there's been talks recently about continuing that you know going under the bridge or anything like that I think that we should definitely move forward in that process just you know you're talking about a small stretch from where the waterfront park ends next to gild doogs restaurant to Massachusetts uh and Grand Boulevard so how can we connect that to us and that's just for the physical part of it but what we need to do is a trolley system Water Taxis things like that bridge us to them so people can have the downtown down there and then also come here for the the more quieter um lifestyle but also the other amenities that we have here so that was what we were kind of emphas um emphasizing on um the other the other thing is is that you know as far as our our Waterfront and everything like that we should we should allow we should allow jet skis motorboats things like that smaller vehicles that we've talked about recently but also we need to EMP you know we we need to make stronger rules for them you know the last thing we want I mean what what we got to remember is that we have got a lot of residents that you know they they came here they they bought homes in Port Richie they want the quiet lifestyle but we do want to attract everyone to come here and go to our restaurants and go to our businesses and help them too and it's it would be fine to rent a dread ski or stuff like that but we need to we need to really push on the own you know the the business owners who are renting those units making sure that the that the clients are you know actually doing um the proper paperwork being educated making sure they're taxing slowly maybe you know maybe helping the police department making sure that any of these people are um you know following the rules so then in that way we can draw these people in but also be quiet for our residents so so so just to be clear on this as we put we'll put this up so there is there one two three four five six seven eight different ideas there or is there a couple ideas there it's kind of like a it's like a few few of our ideas and then they expl you know like the hike and bike trail we kind of wanted to say how can we do that how can we how can we connect that not only phys you know of course there's the physical problem of connecting us you know the you know the fact that it's been separated for so long but maybe we can just do it through trolleys Water Taxis maybe a small River Walk of our own um and then of course allowing allowing small Motorcraft but implementing laws that are more sting so so would it be okay to consider each one of those a separate Point okay any questions no no questions good okay let's go to group number one doie did you want me to talk I've got a microphone phone we want an observation tower that's cool at Waterfront Park okay we're done no I know I know we're smart like that um we have one that a good idea yeah someone very smart in this room came up with that and it wasn't at this table all right um finish what we started Cody River Landing we're trying to make the Waterfront beautiful and bring people down let's finish what we start they made me spell it wrong so I had to fix it I spelled it right the first time we also put a Riverwalk and we were thinking maybe like include the south side of our city maybe Sunset we know it's all private property but just giving ideas so all Riverwalk Canal maintenance Dave I made but make the Waterfront appealing to people investigate improvements to improve water quality um sedimentation Basin to help the r the storm water runoff go down that there's some sort of a basin you can fix and that fixes that don't ask me um engage Waterfront businesses and the state park um Warner boy I right across Tom I had signed up for a sunset kayak tour there and Tom and his family were there and and it was it's really beautiful and they're a part of us so they have a great little organization up there so I think we need to include them and also the Waterfront businesses and partner with Newport Richie for joint Waterfront activities like the boat parade why are we not like a co-sponsor or they start in Miller's Bayou but we're not even really recognized in that it's just a Newport Richie Boat Parade Christmas parade Chasco Fiesta parade and we're not included in that so um partner with Newport Rie and joint ventures questions we have a question yes sir yes engaging the Waterfront business yes sir are we talking about having them actually invest some money into the development of the Waterfront or just you know get giving suggestions and have a city Pap everything I I think it's it's open for interpretation we need we need to look into that and see how far we can go yes that's certainly not off the table welcome any other questions I got the mic you mic okay excellent I think there's something wrong I keep tripping on it group number three it's in it's tilted you can you can if you want you can temporarily put it up on the wall and explain it oh so we talked about uh making sure we have adequate parking to have stuff down make sure that our Waterfront is very unique and desirable and compliment to what we have in are hopefully we have one destination we have down and we have water we can do waterf activities and enjoy what Nature has off things so what do you mean by unique well we want to example would be you know this it's been kind of tagged as a a fisherman Village Theme as whatever we developed down there we want to when we have people come visit they want to realize that they're not just at a Clear Water Beach they're not at Den they're in Fort Richie and because it has unique attributes to it whether it's an architecture or uh amenities just we want to really set us apart from other Waterfront areas to pull those people in to come come see what we have off so is that is that attracting businesses is that all the above okay anybody come bus I mean I guess unique is it it's Unique because of the businesses is it unique because of you know the the signage the wayf finding we do there is it unique because yeah what what makes it unique I guess so I don't I don't want to necessarily cubby ho us into a certain thing um the best I can describe it is is if I'm let's say I'm in uh Kentucky and I'm looking for a place come down to Florida to vacation you know I'm immediately going to go to the big right a beach there's that but if I'm looking for some other different type things that you know not just laying on the beach right I can go here I can get some water sports I'm right here on you know the mouth of the Cody River I can do all these different things plus I've got these eateries and these these shops that are unique to the area and I can you know just the ability to draw in um people that where we we we're actually we're desirable to visit so it's hard to on what the uniqueness would be right but we want to be something that stands out gotcha in all in all aspects okay any questions I was saying Scout would be perf sure yeah now the kind of defacto place to do that is Fernando County right well if we do the right things we would be number one or number two in that scal season so Charter businesses you know I can also expand a little bit more on that when we going back to what s stated about the water taxes and stuff I mean we're in a unique position here to where we we have a sister city next to us that has a vibrant downtown it's connected to us via Grand Boulevard we get a try going we via the river Cody River we get a water taxi so we can really do some neat things very similar to what Tampa does uh on a smaller scale that's more quaint and intimate and you know more you know really desirable that people would say hey I want to try that stuff out that's it's a neat place to visit there's a lot to do there right okay very good excellent uh moving on number four constant and continuous engagement with residents and businesses that encourages feedback and participation in the governance process 10 minutes start ready [Music] now okay that's 10 minutes do we need more time no you good good good everyone good good we're back to you first you me to help you there yeah don't don't damage the city equip equip okay I'll try to control myself okay here we go thank you hi me again um one of the things we said is have remote workshops SL citizen in citizen input um Tom had mentioned that previously I think it's raining out um previously a previous I don't know mayor or city manager had um like workshops like at the fire station they cleared out the fire station and the residents just went there or maybe go to Sand Pebble obviously we have a lot of residents at Sand Pebble Waterfront Park different restaurants you know that that would be willing to host it and just let people come in and ask questions almost like the town hall um or workshops we have our workshops we want our citizens involvement take them to the diff take it to them don't have them always coming to us we want to get the citizens involvement let's go to them let's make it a two-way street um a display billboard the fireworks Works we're going to do how a lot of people get us confused with Newport Richie obviously what are they doing theirs whe they don't know about ours get the um the billboard and that we can just park in different spots we're going to have a city council meeting tonight or we're going to have Waterfront you know the the fireworks announce to the residents what's going on or maybe put a sign outside City Hall I don't know meeting tonight meeting tonight um informative um pamphlets um one of the biggest things we want to get the citizens here people are intimidated by coming to city council and if they do come they're intimidated by coming up here because they don't know the rules I know I was for a long time um so let's write the rules down for them so they know that we're following Robert's Rules of orders that you know you got to give your name your address you have three minutes and no there is no discussion once in a while there would be but that's not we're not being mean but write the rules and you know put the rules outside or maybe put a couple pamphlets here so that people can pick them up while they come in um so that they feel more comfortable if they choose to say something it is intimidating to to stand up there um box outside for questions I don't know if this is possible like anonymous questions if somebody has a question for the council can they put it in the Box out there throughout the week and then can it be brought up in city council I don't know if that's legal because there's no name or address to it but it just was one of our suggestions and then all forms of communication we went back to that informing the citizens of what's going on so informing that we went right back to communication which is what we said at the first time question you have a question no I wanted to expand on on on the information pamphlets we we talked about maybe adding that put your mic on Dave we uh about the pamphlets we talked about adding that possibly to the water bill and as long as that's going out use that to help uh effectively communicate some of these things that were working event calendars so on and so forth I I want to com I really like the informational pamphlet for the you know get you got regulars that come in that kind of know how it is but if we had a little thing out front for the newcomers that come in right there by the door this you know how how the city council rules or operate whatever right there that they grab when they come in I think that'd be really help very good it is it is intimidating you know I mean not everybody is as quiet is me so um question okay I didn't trip number [Music] three I'm silent IDE um let's see so we said hosting more workshops um having meetings that are also over Zoom to get people that are maybe at home that they can't come in um have some mailings um signs like you had mentioned we actually talked about that exact same thing there's some grants out there for that kind of item um having an events calendar and putting it out you know way ahead of time so people can make you know plans ahead of time hey going back for going back to the signs Chief actually brought up so you know I originally brought this up about the you know council meeting tonight or Workshop tonight that you know we're a small community it does take a whole lot of signs to basically get the word out you put Bay Boulevard you're going to get everybody there just to remind them that stuff is going on but you had the idea that I think you mentioned before they've got the signs mares I guess or whatever you call them whatever we get a couple of those that we can use them for other things as well like you know some maybe water main break and for traffic purposes but we're not we can actually put the council meeting or Workshop meeting in more details on there and roll those around were necessary might be good investment so uh newsletters emailing that out um you know the calendar of events online on our website and encouraging businesses to get involved um you know currently they all have to pay for a BTR a business tax receipt so maybe during that process we somehow you know encourage them to come to a meeting or give us their feedback um and then working with the chamber as well one thing I I meant to add that uh that I forgot um Newport Richie actually has a Citizens account that they put on maybe quarterly or something like that I think it'd be nice to have something like that to where it's it's a class and it's a you know maybe a week long or over course of a couple weeks or whatever and each half hour hour session one is Building Services Department to basically train residents on our government and how things work and then they you know they go through that process and they graduate and get a certificate that they're they're a well-informed Citizens or something I think was that Junior mayor be junior mayor for a day something like that absolutely all serious I think I think that's really project that we can you know hopefully we get some this train the more training that they have the more app they are to be engaged very good we're going to be putting him right up against that wall there if you could write Citizens Academy on there so he has that okay okay group number two [Music] so what we were going over was uh I'm going to go backwards but uh I'm going to put number four at the top at the end but we talked about um the the CAC how they have great communication with it with the city and they have a pretty good following um whatever you guys did to start that and get that going seems to be a great process and we were trying to find a way to piggy back off of that success and one of the things was like promoting um um a c meeting and then every quarterly do a instead of meet your neighbor do meet the staff so quarterly we would come out and be part of that CAC meeting and that specific one would be dedicated to meeting the staff of the city and give them time to have your interaction with us um in process of that it was the promoting of the Town Hall events what can we do to create um more attendance at the Town Hall events and one of the ideas was hey you know what maybe um offering some food some light snacks or finger foods and people do like to follow snacks and it's it gives a a chance to break the ice so to speak and get you to be here so they brought about that idea um also the possibility of having Town Hall meetings outside of City Hall going to different venues or locations and having that and maybe having light snacks or finger foods there um to make all this happen the best way to make all of this and really several of the the topics that you guys all brought about is for us to Institute with in the city a Pio officer so a pi a Pio officer for those that don't know what that is is a public information officer and their job is to specifically uh inform the public of what's going on you'll notice uh they're they're on Snapchat and Instagram and Facebook and social media they're keeping up websites and they're going out doing live you know live shoots when things are going on or they could be here doing a live shoot of this right now live stream of this right now but having one person committed to being a Pio officer committed to getting all of this information out to the public would be a big asset did I miss anything I knew it I knew it Pio officer sorry is that Pio officer something that could be worked into a volunteer and rolled uh forward like that we talked about that it's dangerous because usually they have have to be trained they got to be cautious of what they put out because really they they become the spokesperson for the city so having a Pio a Pio officer that wasn't trained with uh um HIPPA laws could get us in trouble so but they are a great asset and if you look at every agency every uh large business never mind just like the county the county has Pio officers within each department that send out and regulate information Tom is our Pio officer he's went was trained on what to do and how to put out information and what to put out but again those turn turn into big assets when it comes to getting information out to society so I would be very cautious with having volunteer that that topic came up in ours and one of the reasons that we said all of this too was because like for instance I went to an event and my grandpa was like oh my granddaughter was appointed the city council and three people said oh for Richie has a city council they didn't even no so I think having a specific person going out there and informing the citizens like they're going to be at a park they're going to be doing something somebody's gonna be who are you what are you doing they're oh I'm the pi officer for the city of Port Richie and talking about the city council meeting and stuff like that so that that would be a great asset any questions I don't have a question I have comment obviously going to the town hall and then and the CAC meet gr events you know obviously the town hall format is new um and I my whole intent was Bring It Forward was to evolve that into something better as we trial and error and I think I think a great aspect of that could be maybe a half hour before the town hall meeting be a social hour where we mingle and um you know could have some some snacks or whatever more informal and then actually have the meeting and then maybe 30 minutes afterwards could could continue to mingle because we have that anyway but if we could uh kind of sell it to come out and you know have more participation with staff or whatever opportunity to come out and and and kind of mingle we kind of kill two birds with one stone we get more personal aspect of it and then we get down to business and we come go back to the personal as it's it's an inviting environment a good idea the beginning of the CAC um that's what we did we had different departments come out like uh excuse me um we had different department heads come out to the CAC and and they just were like part of the group but they knew the fire chief was coming out the police chief was coming out the city manager was coming out different meetings and they did come out and we did get some some good participation in that so um instead of making more meetings incorporating them and and making them you know people have lives and they can't go to six meetings a month sure so incorporating and and making killing two birds with one stone for the residents to come out I think is a good idea yeah and you know the town hall is the Cadence is courtly right right so it's four meetings a year not very many but if we could no but then there's two City Hall me then then there's count two City Council meetings and I mean so then it does start to build up we have workshops now so it start to build up for the residents they get overload and they have you know soccer and football and baseball and doctor's appointments and nothing to do no no and and I will say I've had I've had several comments about you know the the two Town homers that we have had that people said yeah I really like that I'm G to come to next one I was you know as we see we've kind of grown and like I said the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive but uh you know if we can make a little more social we can get more involved I know the cadences off for a year not because it's it's a different format too Ian we want to make sure that um as we get the feedback from the residents that we're able to communicate with them in real time as opposed to them coming to a council meeting having that three minutes the whole format of town hall is B directional so the towards me I'm missing my dad and that's what we meant with the draw like to draw people in maybe have that 30 minutes before town hall or 30 minutes before a CAC meeting or you know and be have like a collaborative effort because even if they don't come to town hall they might be able to come to the CAC meeting and you all talk about important stuff too stop for the social aspect of it or they come late and they miss that they [Music] good very good we're almost there so we're now on number five seek to develop strategic Partnerships with other municipalities levels of governments quas governmental agencies nonprofits and Commercial entities that will better the city of Port Richie we got 10 minutes not yet 10 minutes [Music] please you'll get [Music] [Applause] it first home I think I don't really up going AC like the way t was they I'll different I'm pretty sure that was one of go well again you know something but I think it was about three minutes TR I pi e went death pictures e need more time anybody you're good group two group two is good group three good group one group one group one group one done nope we're starting with group two we're starting with group three group three group three okay group three microphone on I can do this so you know this is this is probably the most important thing that we can really do is to develop our relationships I I think it's it's something that I've focused heavily on since my my election back in April was building Partnerships with uh Newport Richie with the county um so I want to encourage council members of staff to participate in any event that they can that's available uh I can tell you as an example you know there's conferences and stuff that are out there I attended Florida leue City's conference last year I was the only one fory there and I know there's there's Financial constraints too so I was we went on talked about OB if we have the opportunity or you have the opportunity to participate in those those are great opportunities to do so but it could be as easy as and I use example of you know Rachel reaching out to the finance director of of Newport Richie and have lunch know what you do with the city manager um you know build those relationships with your with your counterparts and then you can even expand a little farther than that obviously you you may as a finance director you may be doing Finance director stuff but you could also have uh you know a certain relationship with internally the fire department police the way you interact with with those agencies Within in the city there may be opportunity that makes sense to reach out to the Fire Department chief of uh Newport Richie or the county to to pass some things off of so create opportunities to build relationships because the end of the day the more we get out there and we interface with our counterparts as as things come up where we need to interact together they say oh I know Rachel I've met her I've had lunch with her and um you know they they're they're they go above and beyond really to help us and as the same so you build those relationship so very very key um same thing on the business owner side you know if there's opportunity to reach out and try have lunch with a say Eric gildogs the opportunity to to meet them and ask them what their needs are um the more we can interface with the community uh build those relationship the better off we're going to be viewed and the better off we're going to be because we're going to get that input that we're looking for and then um is also brought up that we don't have this as part of the benefit package for the the staff to take a volunteer day where they might uh one day a year staff can volunteer for organization and do uh Human Habitat for Humanity or unite away or you know get involved in the community and give back um and then you know by doing that people you're Ser first Port Richard was really nice they came out and helped us and it just it really pays dividends beyond what we can imagine um our image so very good any questions okay group number two all right so one of our biggest associations that the city has been tied in for many years is map Municipal Association of Pasco we need to expand it we need to make it bigger need to get more involved it's more or less a you know it's a meet and greet it's a dinner and you know what did each City do and we're done but how can we strengthen that we're all in the same room already you know we're we're sitting there with every city the county um you know why can't we bring more to that table I mean those meetings are already set we're already doing it if we need to have more of us go there and you know and emphasize change we should do that um that's really a big deal um looking to create more co- events with you know with newp Richie um you know for instance what was brought up our firework event you know that we do new pori does their own we do our own you know we we've become so segregated many years ago when when I was younger um uh councilman canel remembers we the Gulu Square Mall held a firework event and it was it was monstrous it was huge none of the others independent you know the cities didn't have to do their own because they had that large event maybe we should consider combining that once again you know bridging that Gap you know instead of us worrying about well they're doing theirs on this day and they're doing you know we'll do our own thing you know we should look to doing more co- events and that that was just of course an example um if I can interject on that so just to to go back to it so I can tell you right now we are our relationship with uh Newport Richie is the closest it's ever been um I've I've worked hard on that me and Chopper meet three or four times a week socially um you know we he comes our Council meetings as you've seen out there I go to his Council meetings um so and I know that the city managers meet so this is a real opportunity to look at where we can get together and do some things you mentioned the the boat parade you know it's all new Richie new Richie well let's partner with these guys we've we've got the connections built there's no reason why we can't uh capitalize on that and like I said share in in those events thanks for bringing that up um investigate ways to help an offer incentives for new businesses developments things like that um what can we do to bring them in you know like what can we offer what you know maybe there's tax incentives um you know impact fee breaks something now of course you know we don't want to give away you know everything for someone to come in but there has to be ways that we can provide um especially us being a Coastal Community one of the biggest problems is that um some of our developments are falling through because of um they have to fill the property they have to they have to go above base flood elevation um that can cost almost you know anywhere between 500,000 to a million dollars a loan in Phill um so that initial investment is turning away developers from like wait a minute you know I got to develop this property but you know my initial investment is is monstrous so maybe we can look into incentive program or something like that to draw more businesses in you know some sort of break or or something that we can do to provide to them um expanding our relationship to of course with the with the new Chamber of Commerce with the port Rich Chamber of Commerce they just started um uh they're they're starting to play events they're starting to build starting to Broad so I think that now this is an opportunity for us to start working with them work on these events plan things moving forward and going on um expanding with Pasco County um memorandums of understanding uh we the police fire department have uh M us for assistance and helps I'd like to you know we talked about expanding that to maybe our Public Works our utility departments we only have a handful of those um in in each department and you know getting getting some sort ofou agreement with them in any event that we have emergencies or something like that would be really helpful um and establish establish our city sisters in other states and countries um types of programs like that um did you want to elaborate just a little bit more on that real quick oh well okay so in I mean we are a tiny town but that doesn't mean that we couldn't find other towns that are similar to us in other states and other countries just to establish and say hey our mayor's going to go to their Town their mayor's going to come here we'll have events let let's say um I know the chambers wanting to do a Sturgis a bike fest like a sturis bike fest potentially at the mall right um well Sturgis might be interested in being a a sister or an aunt to to Port Richie those kinds of of connections can I mean that's that's a continental connection that we could have and we should limit ourselves to just let's say I know Newport Richie is like a sister city but we could expand and expand even the the tourism that would come to Port Richie with sister cities like that and I know I I lived in Germany for almost eight years there were the town that I lived in it had three sister cities with little towns here in the United States you know and people would come directly to those cities directly from Germany because they knew that they existed because they'd seen all about it over you know in museums and on their City signage and Etc so that's a great uh chance for um for people to hear about Port Richie even overseas and I know that that's like crazy but it's an option thank you any questions okay group number one I'm up can anybody hear me so uh the first we talked about is adopt the road program uh to maybe bring nonprofits and other organizations inside the area to have them feel like there are more of an impact of making a difference with being able to adopt a road and they maintain and take care of that road you'll see them going up and down the other side uh the other one was strength in public and private Partnerships um you know it's something I think that's been brought up in everybody's topic here um and it's been brought up in almost every one of the ideas going through is to really strengthen those relationships and open those doors um to our private partnership the public side come strengthen what the the private sides uh look at governmental agencies as allies not as enemies and you know it's in the past it's been looked at you know maybe other organizations say really an enemy but you know maybe somebody like what are they doing what's their intentions you know they have more of a Proactive or an open eyes approach to other working with other agencies um informal local and County new pory meetings uh I brought up to our group that every three months well so every quarter the uh the it's called the fire chiefs meet for Pascal County so the Newport fire chief well it's the fire chief and their assistance um meet and every three months sit down and just talk about what's going on work with each other hey are you making a large purchase because if some make that purchase and get your pricing instead of getting our independent pricing um and it really opens up those areas you know than just shooting off an email and say is what we're doing um be the first to extend you know always want people to help us but sometimes that means we need to reciprocate that be the first to offer that hand I know we're a small City I know we have limited resources but maybe sometimes extending that hand for them to say oh look you know hey pory took the time to reach out to us maybe we should go see what's going on over there and that that's for everything nonprofit compal agencies everybody um use verbal Communications prior to official written emails sometimes calling the individual ahead of time and saying hey we got this email what's going on like where you know what what's this you know you know especially with like grants and stuff you know we receive you receive an email from FEMA and fima saying hey this this and that well hey what's what what's what's going on with this email what what is what's the direction oh okay and then you just followed up with as for our conversation all that stuff because you can speak with passion it's hard to email so I think if you have those verbal communication and it looks like you're not trying to just respond to that email and move on with your day you know you're taking that personal time to give them that Personal Touch any questions okay well we're down to the last strategic outcome strengthen Port Richie's ability so it can be a safe resilient commity by delivery of high quality Public Safety Services three more firefighters another truck and a bigger station 10 minutes already done e done I don't know if he's saying no no to me or if he's not done done done we're done who's whose turn to go first okay time is up group number one hit it uh so we wrote that there needs to be a constant evaluation and re-evaluation of the needs and processes and Equipment of our Public Safety uh to support the community's needs uh set public safety abilities Community what that means is like we were explaining here is that um you know we're a waterfront Community um and I'm speaking from obviously the fire side because I work for the fire department but there's times that we have more water rescues than we do structure fires well so we need to address those needs to make sure that our people have have the safest onite we still need to focus our attention on our bread and butter but also be able to respond appropriately into those needs be fiscally responsible in this process um you know we you could literally purchase yourself way out of the public safety business by spending money on just because you think we might need it um Define Public Safety so we were talking about that in there is that you know obviously if you talk to a firefighter Define Public Safety from a fire department needs you're going to Define Public Safety from a police department needs and darl was bringing up you know other public safety issues potholes in the road sidewalks equipment needs you know and all that other stuff so really defining what Public Safety meets to to our city um and then those Public Safety organizations do community risk reduction programs for what the community has uh you know obviously a a 10 story well that's a bad example but a a 20 story building um you know education on fire escapes doesn't do any of our city residents any justice here but a maybe a fire program on proper fueling of your boat or the electric shock or hazards that are in our community so that's what we put down for our Public Safety how to maintain a resilient Community any questions nope group three what we looked at is what call Smart annexation which means not necessarily going out and taking a large amount of uh that's unincorporated and bringing it into uh Port the city of Port Richie but doing it in a methodical way so that we can not only keep the same level of service that we have so in other words if we just basically Square Off the the city we're really not going to need any more additional Personnel but if we start expanding like with all the different uh some of the surrounding areas that are a little further out then what we can do is if we need to hire another officer that's fine but we want to stay we want to be able to provide the citizens of the city the same level service that they have now so we don't want to overextend ourselves by taking on too much at one time and then losing that uh that Personal Touch if you will um with the systems that we have right now uh that's part of cleaning up the lines is the the same annexation where you go around the corner and you have uh the storage unit that's in across the street you have one lot that's our it's the next lot belongs to Pasco and 91 FM is so cleaning up those those lines I think are important for not only us but the fire department as well U moreor on some of the businesses that we have coming in the city such as the game rooms I think we're if the next one goes in we'll be up to 10 in a roughly three mile little over Three Mile Square city um a lot of smoke shops popping up and we also have uh I think like a car out every hundred yards within this the city I think we need to start looking at some moratoriums because we're trying to promote the city as a family oriented and nice and a quiet place to live want to have to drive past we already got enough bars but you don't want to have to drive past smoke shops and you don't want to have to drive by these game roads um that are cash businesses that could lead us to some f some more violent crimes um uh the creating zip code yeah there was one thing brought up about um a lot of our statistics are based on 34668 as a whole um and so it makes us look worse than we actually are so I don't know if there's something that processed where we could actually create our own separate zip code so that we are treated differently that's insurance purposes across the board there's a lot of advantages to not having the stuff that's outside the city affecting our actual statistics right sherokee and I talked about that I talked about that with Ronald McDonald I've been talking about that since we got here is that if you're a prospective homeowner coming from another state or you're looking to to bring a business here to the city and you look on the website you know crime rates an f and that's not a true representation of the incorporate area of Port Richie but we have to take you know we we take that hit and that's that's not fair and it's and it's could be preventing us from having more people in business moving into the city so that's something we need to look at I think that's a post office thing because for instance my zip code is totally different from everybody else's that's why I get the new Port Richie letter because when they built my Comm my my area the only way to get to me is through Newport Richie so they Incorporated my zip code is 34652 into the Newport Richie zip code for the mail truck so they just come excuse me I apologize um they just come through and so that's how that is so I I think that's a um post office post office thing that's not easy I don't think that's not easy St Leo Le that right now I think or yeah there's there's there's I've done it before there's a process um as with everything with federal government I think that would be worth I think it' be worth it be worth it I don't get a lot of stuff that you guys get right and then we looked at U making sure that we have the proper equipment to do the job and that not just police vehicles but fire engines and whatever other Public Works type of vehicles so we can provide the service that the citizens are expecting and deserve if you can't get to them and perform the service and what good is it yeah the other thing was on the department structure you know a lot of times when um a new department head would come in at least in the corporate world first thing they're going to do is reorganization Right find out how he wants things run um I don't think it's necessarily always great to wait on that to happen I think it's important that in order to provide these Services we constantly take a look at an organization and look for ways we could improve that tweaks here maybe we add a a sergeant add a captain add a lieutenant or whatever Place same thing on the fire you know Bas always look at your organization to see of course as we grow and contract and and the things that happen what staff you need how best to organize that and make those changes and be more agile in that as opposed to just waiting for a change of Direction because obviously we're always going to have people coming in and out of these roles um take it upon yourself to to make sure you got the right Department structure to do the best work you can any questions good okay group number two [Music] Education and Training this is for everyone staff members residents all the way just getting the word out there making them aware of what uh we have but this also brings in our idea of a Pio having someone that will be able to be instrumental pulling this all together and making it work um Again part of that training is is the videos that we have we talked about this little room right up here converting in where anyone who walks in the door here's a training room that they could sit down and and get some basic information uh that is needed expansion of our training budgets getting more grants out there and what whatever we can uh again we heard earlier let's you know Tom talked about Captain talked about uh reaching some of these other departments that they have opportunities for Grants sharing that information and then piggybacking with them on it so we can move forward uh a new facility more so for a fire department something that they can actually back a real fire truck into it without having to worry about flattening the tires uh so that would be nice we talked about uh the the CSUS which are the citizen service units uh the sheriff's office has something going on like that it's volunteers it's going back to the volunteers that we talked about um having the ability to if there is a traffic accident or they block off you know having a a unit as such to be there to assist not take away from the actual investigation but there to relieve some of the First Responders whatever they're doing uh having these the CSU you know take over that work and uh uh again utilizing our the volunteer program uh more so also uh hopefully that school opens up a Pine Hill uh uh eventually they may need crossing guards there so the CSU could be a part of that you know going on utilizing some of the volunteers in the area uh and again these volunteers would be simple tasks uh something that yes they have some proper training but at the same time uh helping relieving our our staff members and doing some of the work things to include we talked about possibly getting some Scout groups in here to assist uh they all have to do community uh projects uh which they which is a must an example would be after the fireworks when we have the firework display who's going to clean that up well we know Public Works is they're going to be right there so the volunteers could be there to do that work so our paid staff will take care of what is needed out there so utilizing some of our Volunteers in areas that we could actually use them in use them in and um and go a long ways with it to include internship uh reaching out to some of the Pasco Hernando State College they got a police academy I believe they got a fire academy uh USF they have uh uh uh yeah medical uh training uh getting some interns that be able to come here to fulfill some of their obligations you know their requirements for uh their degree but at the same time take advantage of this free service so those are our our ideas very good any questions than kind of love the volunteer staff I'd actually went out to uh Pasco County job site and there was jobs out there that were pay jobs and were volunteer because actually I think they have active volunteer staff program for certain issues so I think it's a great great thing that uh get free help and uh people involved in community that's great and I would just like to add that besides internships and Etc um when I was in college also we were required to have certain amount of hour of volunteering like for instance anthropology and Etc um you know being out and observing people and stuff but you know that could be a thing too that's for your resume and it looks really good on your resume to have this volunteer like having certain amount of volunteer hours and so we could Target not just people who require internship also look to volunteers who want to buffer up or beef up their their resumes too okay you want to put that last one up on so a lot of good ideas up here how how do you feel at this point besides tired Wonder wonderful wonderful I mean I think one we should feel very proud I I think there's a lot of great ideas here the unfortunate thing is that there's a lot of ideas here right and that leads us to this last exercise we're going to do you have dots you have 12 dots each right you want to count them 12 yep yep yep just like the number of fingers 12 so we got 12 so now the way that we're going to do this is we're going to take some time and everyone's going to go around and put your dots on the ideas you like rules though you can't put more than two dots on any one topic yourself so you can put two on you really like the expansion of training budgets but you can't put six right you can only put two each and then we'll see what we come up with when we're done now the end you know I'm just saying that that you know although there's a lot of ideas you know I don't think we should lose any idea in our goals but that being said we have to prioritize and you know when we get into the budget this is how we're going to build budget towards these prioritized goals but opportunities sometimes come along when gez you know this isn't the highest priority but we have a grant program or someone comes in and I want to donate money or a city contacts us say hey we're doing this do you want to be a part of it I think you know these other ideas come in and say hey there they're a goal that we have we should take advantage of it so they're kind of you know opportunities that come along that we can take advantage of but let's focus on priorities so you have 12 you can only put the most of two on any one idea and you're going to have 10 minutes to complete this so because there's six strategic outcomes y we should be putting two on each group of three for each one so group one well that's one way you could do it but but you see and and I think staff probably knows this I like to do things in an open-ended way not give that direction to see to see what happens two two on any one idea yeah you could use them all on one idea if you want but you can only put two on any single idea single idea yes yep yep so you could put 12 on yep got it can I one yes go ahead GR has to start at the opposite grou um well see so let's all just shift one you come here we'll go there and you go there there you go sounds like a plan see that's teamwork teamwork I the fact that so many people pointed out that all kind of on the same page already because a lot of ideas were present on almost every single sheet so that was really encouraging else related we didn't talk about we didn't capture these boards that talk about the You' had a similar exercise with staff or is that we we did kind of an internal how to make the organization and City better and so in doing that you know focus more on things that interesting enough were some outward Focus like you know having city council have goals um came across you know had there there there is connection points here throughout this um you know where they highlighted that you know we need to have Sops and and you know kind of a step by step on how we do things and you know it kind of came out again here that we need to do that as well as a way to communicate to make sure that we replicate something over because you know something we do today good we want to be able to do good tomorrow do good five weeks from that right and and really develop process of those process those Sops and step by steps are very important fantastic exercise I think very very valuable that the information we' able to put together collectively fantastic the only the only sad part about it is it'd be nice to have some res participation maybe have separate excise similar to this for the residents but again you know it's it all based on participation but it's would be really nice to somehow engage them via electronic means or something to try to get some answers back so I think um you know was actually talking to our one our loan Resident was here earlier tonight about that and and what i is normally you know when you when you do this process you start with residents first you start you know what their ideas are and then you mix it in here you know because we wanted to get this going sure you haven't had that that run up time to be able to do that here um but it's going to be a part of the process and and you know I think then on the back side which is we're we're starting twoth thirds of the way in effectively you the third one is okay now council's going to be voting on these it's going to give the public an opportunity to speak to you about what you're what what you see the goals are so you're kind of getting the the end back art you're not getting the input art yet um again that'll be a part of the process forward yes I think though for this evening you asked us to come up with goals that we thought of as well so I think at some point we should discuss like departmental pain points or items that we had thought of well and again you know one the importance of you hearing firsthand and being a part of these overall go back to your department and say okay I understand where council's going you know these are things that that we are going to prioritize within our department help achieve these and and as you know that becomes part of the budget so we can then start developing okay Council scho whatever it is and you look at it and when your meeting me with departments we're going to say okay how does this achieve you know adap efficient effective fiscally responsible government tell us how that is we go down each one of those and ask that question the way that they're spending money and it becomes tool for Council to make those decisions when it comes to you you know is this meeting what our outcomes are is this helping us achieve Vision to be laid out so this this is a very important piece but it's only a piece again there's a lot of work behind scenes that departments now are going to have to be t with to start developing their work plan to achieve these goals that's one of the things that you know I I I don't really call budgets budgets I call them work plans this is what we're going to do to achieve goals that Council laid out for us so there is that opportunity and again everyone sitting here that's not a council member you know over here this because that's how we're going to be run into budget is is you through that filer how is what you're doing one of these strategic outcomes and particularly which which one of these goals that we identified do it do okay I you know if there's nothing else I I'll release you I mean I was prepared another hours so minutes thank only those snacks thanks m is there any is there any old business n motion second all in favor by saying I I oppos me