too well I know I I my family is in Newport Richie so I'm always spying a place to come back to Newport Richie but you know Safety Harbor is pretty good too that's right okay let me get my stuff we'll start with some of the other stuff to the flag of the United States of America and to the na indivis andice chairman M copper here member Todd McClary here member John Eric coer here member Denise McKenzie I'm not used to that you guys handle that or you handle it up here so never have to worry about that I usually have Tom shutting it off on me [Laughter] so uh do we have any comments from the general public nobody signed up is there anybody didn't sign up that would like to make any comments seeing none plus chance no okay comments from uh city manager and committee members uh I have no comments for tonight okay did we kill enough time yes come on ready yeah so we'll go to the first item which is the conference of land use Plan update for Waterfront overlay district and uh at the last me meeting participating consultant tamy ver was here and spoke about the uh scop of services uh she has gone back and sharpened the pencil are we doing scop of services first or we yeah if we could okay got to get a different a different file for that then that's how the agenda is structured so I'm ready to follow agenda yes it yes it is I'll introduce myself how about that ver ver consultant Safety Harbor Florida is there okay hold on a long day it's right it's feeling like I'm feeling right now okay here we go thank you very much appreciate [Music] that documents sorry get down here to my Port Richie [Music] file and I [Music] believe there we go okay we have [Music] this okay I won't look at that cuz that's not we're having so um we had met last time I think it was early February and we went over scope of services I took your feedback um I understand that um a guiding principle is that you want to have a lot of community engagement um so we we tweaked it a bit to where we would um we would first uh our task first task would just be uh developing a project understanding and this would be a collaborative effort between uh my company and airs engineering who has uh a very uh robust um Master planning and graphic uh services or graphic illustration capabilities which I think is a an excellent complement to the type of planning that I do which is more policy planning comp planning Land Development codes so it's kind of a marriage of the physical planning with some of the Regulatory and policy aspects and then of course for Community engagement pictures are super important so especially in this type of U this type of a a a project um the the second task which be uh data Gathering Discovery and assessments where we would actually uh develop a community outreach plan so how to how to figure out how to get the information out as broad as possible because later in the in this process there'll be a visual preference survey it's an actual online survey that people can go to and they can indicate what their preferences are across a lot of different types of physical um physical aspects of devel velopment so buildings and streetcape and vegetations whatever we decide that the things that you would like the community to weigh in on um if we if we rely just on a meeting we may not capture everyone not everyone has the luxury of time to come to a public meeting they have families and getting kids to soccer and uh work and all sorts of things so we're looking at more of a hybrid approach where you can either participate in this visual preference service online and then come to an inperson meeting or if you don't uh have the the ability to do an online survey we could provide that to you in paper or you could come to the meeting and there' also be a station there that you could um put that you take the survey also important about the online survey is it would be open for I would say at least two weeks as long as you're comfortable with uh just so we can kind of see what the we can monitor how many people are taking the survey and then we can do different pushes of information out or figure out you know why we might be not having as good a response as we as we would like so um that gives you some opportunities to sort of like shake the bushes a little harder just to be able to get those numbers up because really with a visual preference survey the more input the better it makes the the statistical results more uh give more confidence to those results um and then just for the audience the visual preference survey uh provides a scale so it shows images you know essentially from one end of you like it or you don't like it and then there's you know possibly five or 10 points in between that you would indicate well you know I I like it moderately or I'm neutral on it I dislike it a lot or and that's actually a data point that's analyzed statistically to understand what the community's preferences are and U conversely what they're um what they they may not like then um after the visual preference survey or at the end of the visual preference survey we would have a community visioning Workshop this would be an open house that would be uh essentially open between and this is proposed we always open to discussion but between um 400 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. so that could capture people um who don't necessarily want to come out later in the evening but then also allow time for people who are traveling in from um from work someplace outside the the um Pasco County and then what we would do at that meeting is we would uh have a publicized time maybe do the presentation twice if there you know maybe there's one that starts at 4:30 and then another one that starts at 6:30 so you can have an opportunity to capture either either one of those live presentations or we could put the presentation um in a voice over PowerPoint which is what we do a lot of times for some of the uh Department of Transportation projects will they'll just have a video on Loop so you could go to that station you could get a good background on what it is that the whole purpose and and scope of the project is or the the the process and then you could go about uh uh interacting with the rest of the or participating in the rest of the visioning workshop uh activities the next would be what we're calling a data walk station so there would be stations set up around the room that provide information on various aspects of you know what we look at in planning you know what are the existing regulations and policies that affect this this planning area um what are the trends what what are the conditions there how much Upland lowland um how much parking just whatever data that we can pull that makes sense to really give people a good accurate portrayal of what what we're dealing with in that in the um the Cody River Landing area I know that early on with the Waterfront overlay district there was a piece of U um on the east side of US1 19 that was considered in that overall district and I I don't know if that's a piece that we included in the in the future or so that's another aspect too is where should this planning area be you know is it just on the west side of US1 19 or is it also on the east side of us9 as originally envisioned I believe back in the late 90s um I think uh Mr Mayor you had suggested that instead of doing a walking audit which I know that we felt wasn't NE not very practical that we would do a Google Earth station and there could be someone there kind of rep replicating a a walking audit with the Google Earth so we could zoom in and and look at things that may be of interest you know to answer questions and then um a tabletop Mack uh mapping activity so that would be small groups sitting around a big large scale map or small scale or however whichever way you look at it um and then to be able to mark some of their preferences on on that map so that would be facilitated and help people kind of walk through the steps of laying out a physical vision for the Cody River Landing area and then as I mentioned a visual preference survey station where people could take the survey um at that time okay do you want to answer any or ask any questions relative to the workshop before I go forward into the next part well this is my question I guess is tied in partially to the the next part which you're going to be talking about but obviously even though we uh put it up between 4 and 800m I'm assuming we're going to have a a recording of the presentations or something that can be posted on to D the the web page so people who can't make it from 4 to8 still are fully involved and still can provide feedback yes cap well for Effective Community engagement you have to really kind of spread it out so we always say before during and after and that after a lot of times people don't find out about it until after it's done and then you're like oh my gosh I missed my opportunity but we would put um yeah we would essentially package that Workshop you know not as interactive of course because you're not in the same room but put information on the the project web page so people could roll through it they could see what the um the well I guess we'll be looking at the feed back and doing some recommendations but the preliminary the raw data we could put up on that website and people could scroll through it and then also provide an opportunity for comments like they could say you know I agree or disagree or I have other ideas or what about um the suggestion so that's also um you know something that we can work out as to what what input that you want after the meeting yeah so so part of the the web page and I know I'm jumping around a little bit on you but um so it would also include like the Google Earth walkth through on this web page so it is the redevelop redevelop Cody River Landing web page and what do you want to see and here it is and here's what we're thinking here's the vision boards and here's the map and here's everything and oh by the way what do you think love it hate it somewhere in between and I think also like what you did for the uh CRA Vision Workshop that you did you know having some information out here in the lobby is a great at least people know that they could come and look at it physically not everybody feels maybe you have a small screen and can't see things as well but having a couple of modes for people to access the information and and provide comments another thing that um you know aside from a really robust Outreach process cannot be undervalued you really try to I don't know if with your utility billes bills have a spot for that we could have a QR code that gets you to the survey um you know press release um working with the different Community organizations the faith-based organizations and in town and I I always have success or have had success just asking people to ask I always jokes they you know bring 10 other people with you or or ask 10 people to take the survey and you know it's um I think people really they um take take that to heart because they know that the city wants to have input and and uh not everybody hears about things the same way I mean I'm I personally am not on Facebook so I feel like I'm a little bit under a rock sometime in my community but I always have people who tell me so um you know I think that we reach out to those ambassadors so to speak um for different segments of the community to make sure that we have good awareness you know that awareness is what we can achieve um we can't necessarily make them come to a meeting another aspect that because I was talking with Benoy uh panicker with heirs this afternoon and I had spoken with the city manager that you know there is an interest in Rob robust engagement you know it we could have more meetings but would we really achieve more participation but one some things that we've done in the past is um something called like a meeting in a box and it would require some level of of effort to um you know maybe put the box together but it would be almost the the meeting contents that you could take home and maybe host a group of your friends around your kitchen table or your coffee table and so that's I mean that's another way of doing that um but you know it's it's there's many things that we can do it's all a matter of time and effort so I think um during this process you don't get the same same type of Engagement as when people come physically to the the workshop but again we could put a lot of the same stuff on the website the same time we're trying to uh do the uh the visioning as well certainly and again if you can't make it there you know for the most part you'll have everything on the website you can answer all the questions and and overall this is a pretty short process right so we're I think we looked at maybe wrapping up in May or June but you know those all those processes could be parallel and there would be a point when we' want to cut it off so we could start analyzing and making recommendations um but I I don't see any reason why you wouldn't want to have um all those different methods available uh for as long as possible so then after we we received all the input and we gave them a nice time frame so please get your information in by X date then we would take all that information back from the visual preference survey and all the other input that was received at the workshop and to just synthesize it make some sense of it and see what it where it leads us to in terms of a vision so essentially you know what is the future of Cody River Landing what is the the community what would they like to see um then as another engagement opportunity we would come back to a city city council Workshop that provided a lot of opportunity for the public to come and stand up and and express themselves regarding the feedback that they heard and then um and after that Workshop we would go back and develop a scope which would outline uh what the need s were for your comprehensive plan and also your Land Development code and any other sort of programmatic Matic um um things that needed to be addressed after you know in towards achieving your vision your community's vision so that is it in a nutshell looks like we would do that first task just project understanding have that done in March for task two which would be the visual preference survey we're looking at towards the end of April that's that's the community workshop and then the task three where you've got the feedback and recommendations concluding that in May and granted I know it takes it always takes time to get things started so these are you know flexible they're just sort of starting points aspirational they're aspirational exactly good good [Music] word questions comments yes I think it's great I think you captured everything that we talked about in the last meeting um I think this is a great path forward for it uh cost-wise I think it's very economical um we we did a lot of you know I'm sensitive to budget with my smaller communities and so um yeah I'm glad that you appreciate that yeah I I think uh you know for the bang we're getting it's very good for the buck obviously this isn't Council and they'll probably uh talk about the money itself I don't know if this even Falls before Council or not but but um I think it's very good for that cost the couple comments I do have is um one for the in item D you have the project web page my recommendation is um and maybe this is your plan already I don't know but the I would establish the project web page immediately uh in task uh a and make it the single point of contact throughout so when you're doing your visual preference survey it's always one point always they're always going to the same spot no matter what it is all the way through I would also increase the time for the visual preference surve survey to three weeks at least yeah yeah just to capture we just said it it needs to be at least two full weekends I I would get it the longer the better and the and the idea was to have a work or a web page from the beginning okay just wanted to make it sure clear that the workshop was a um the workshop the postworkshop opportunity was a web page okay perfect yeah yeah so so it's a project web page no matter what and I think we set that up like you said right from the get-go because really to have a Outreach effort without a web page is um a lost opportunity then then it has the opportunity to hit all of the various Facebook I know there's I guess a half a dozen now Facebook richy Facebook web pages uh outside of the city and then it's a simple link all the way through and then you know that time and not everyone checks their Facebook daily so the longer the better for that um preference survey and really for the rest of it as well so that that was my comments I mean other than that I don't I don't have anything else to talk about uh the only comment I have this it's difficult to make sure that it's just the the Port Richie residents that are providing feedback uh obviously people around the the city their their feedback is important too but not as important as actual residents that have to actually live close to this area and what not so is there an idea of how you can police that certain degree so with the um with the actual online survey you could request um address Cod if I mean a zip code ZIP code would too broad yes zip code would go out um you could ask what neighborhood you live in or that sort of thing like you live in um outside I don't I live in the city a lot of times people don't know exactly a lot of people don't know where they live so we could probably the street what street do you live on yeah then be close enough yeah that'd be close enough yeah just to be certain ones that into Newport Richie but um but yeah I think that would be close enough otherwise you know public meetings are public meetings everybody can come but um but you do want to kind of segregate if you can City input yeah data up a little bit so we know who's coming from the residen size folks outside yeah and then also um at the workshop and I it wouldn't really necessarily like pin residency on an individual participant but sometimes we'll put a map up that says you know where do you live so we can can see the dots where do you live or where do you work it depends on you know cuz maybe you want to have the business community in Port Richie also weigh in if um but you know just that's up to you as to however you want to collect that data but I think that's um that would be good information to have going forward yeah no I like said I I appreciate all feedback right even a neighbor if you live right side the line you know that that's a good opinion to have if if they're willing to participate but as we collect that if we could actually at least have a way to get back to the core residents as well to see what their thoughts are is it which which areas of the city were represented and if there were areas that were not and and sometimes we'll go back and we'll figure out a way to get input if it looks as though um certain segments you know sometimes in communities where we're looking for um lowincome house households to be participants in whatever kind of planning project we can go back to those locations and try to do some something with a community organization or a church or something where there's a kind of an established organization to kind of help us get that information because we want to make sure that there's good representation across the community yeah just important policy is to have that data point in the beginning so you don't absolutely all this information like oh you know I forgot to find out who these people are or if you don't have the data to begin with and you can't tell sure so thanks the okay anything else okay so I as well as for the looks good pricewise and that for the amount work we're getting out of it I think it's you did a veryy nice job getting all the points covered thank you and I'll try to go back and work in a couple of the questions that you just so that those are abundantly clear within the scope and then I'll get those back to you Matt and you can go forward so okay I guess for one comment I do have I know you know part of our oh sorry no it's okay I was getting ready to go to the public see if they oh but I was waiting because I figured you'd have something so the the the end dates aren't set in stone correct I mean we're gonna make it okay that was it yeah I mean again I think that's why I termed it aspirational yeah if you want to I know I I always tend to like try to you know make I try to make it as accommodating to what you might need but certainly to spread that out um you know not too long because you want to make sure that self fresh in everybody's heads and not people don't get lost in the process but certainly we could add more time to that now I'm done is there any public comment on this see I didn't want to talk anyway yeah do you have another comment then real quick no I'm [Laughter] good okay um and so uh the next step with that is so we'll be taking it to uh city council to get the uh funding piece uh locked in you could vote on it right here yeah we good almost um next item is the comprehensive land use Plan update for Peril of flood which I know is why everyone is here actually oh really topic Hot Topic no topic it is everywhere it's a wet topic it's a wet topic oh my God it's very very recent topic sorry am [Music] I I just had it up and then it it went away let me try it again okay I think I can do this maybe without but helps me a little bit so this is just informational of course all your stuff's informational um but this is just an introduction to the coastal and excuse me conservation and Coastal management element where the Peril of flood policies will reside um the city has an element has actually probably I'm thinking there's probably nine eight or nine elements in your comprehensive plan this is just one of them uh in last year we did an evaluation of your comprehensive plan to see how it stacked up with State statutes which are always changing and so we did a report and we came up with a list of things that needed to be updated in the comprehensive plan and I've also said numerous times that you do have a 2020 comprehensive plan which means that that's the Horizon date so we're beyond that so we do need to do some adjustments to but that's if we get through this process with the state um at least you'll be square with that and you can think about bigger things um as as you have time to so the let's just get into here currently your conservation and Coastal management element which in some communities is separate not every Community has a coastal management element those are only local governments within a coastal zone that have to have a CO conser excuse me a coastal management element um I think in back in the day you did have two elements now there's one element but essentially they're separated so you've got topics these goals objectives and policy topics on the left that are just related to conservation but then you also have those that are Coastal management related a lot of the topics are the um yeah the topics are the same but because you're almost I think you're entirely within a coastal zone so we're kind of repeating oursel on natural resources like here are the natural resources and oh here are the natural resources in the coastal zone so I have a different idea so I'm going to pitch those to you so oh I thought I put these all together but I get so so this is what my ideas are I have five goals and it would be integrated conservation Coastal management element the first uh relating to natural and also cultural resources are required by State Statute to be addressed um in this in this plan so we would look at regardless of whether or not it's considered Coastal or non- Coastal we would have sensitive lands and water portable water resources air quality energy resources cultural resources and water dependent land uses and these are the requirements per chapter 163 part two um the requirements for the conservation and Coastal management area that relate to natural and cultural resources the next goal is Coastal resiliency and there would be a goal i' have a goal written for it but right now it's truncated uh the topics are risk assessment and mapping so understanding what the data how the the data is changing and informing your policies based on so this would be a policy that says you know assess your risk periodically and map map your findings then there would be resiliency as it relates to public infrastructure as it relates to Natural flood protection such as uh living shorelines or uh low impact development like um bios swes I guess that's I'm skipping ahead here uh land planning and regulations would be more low impact development so how do you develop land so that you have more um area for storm water to seep into the ground and to be captured where it falls as opposed to you know when it runs off and it gets faster and it does erosion and it ends up someplace that you don't want it to then that's one way of of handling it really with with flood prevention it's a lot of things Al together um to solve it's a really big problem the next one is uh building standards so are are you building out of the water are you building away from the water resilience Partnerships so your Partnerships with Pasco County maybe with Newport Richie with the state definitely so and federal so what sort of um Partnerships particularly as it relates to funding would be um worthwhile and then risk financing insurance I'm sure all of you are related or related are aware of the um FEMA Community rating system through the nation flood insurance program you know when you do more things in your local government then you get those additional credits and it helps bring down your flood insurance rates and then finally just monitoring and evaluating over time and making adjustments um as needed and I over to the right I I put in the Peril of flood because and as we'll go through um in a little bit those specific requirements of chapter 163 part two regarding parall of flood I'm think thinking would live in this Coastal resiliency section later on we're going to have a goal that's called Emer what is it a post post disaster Redevelopment and evacuation but really A lot of these steps that you would take are before post disaster or like before or disaster hits so especially as it relates to how you're regulating development today as it's coming in as opposed to how are you regulating development when you're trying to rebuild after a disaster so a little aside there so the parall of flood has six different um provisions and the first relates to principles strategies and solutions that reduce uh the flood risk from and these things are specifically mentioned High Tides storm surge flash floods storm water runoff and the related impacts of sea level rise the second one are best practice IES for development um that result in the removal of coastal property from flood zone designations and you may be um I'm sure you're aware of the repetitive loss flood plane programs where properties are taken there you know some the government comes in I'm not quite sure how that whole process works but they'll buy that property and then it's not developable anymore and I know you've got some vacant Lots in your town that have been um taken development out of the flood zone as a result of that process number three is site development techniques and best practices that reduce losses due to flooding and claims so making sure that you're you're not developing in Risky areas or you're building out of the water or you're doing things to help mitigate for the water that that will uh eventually come to the community number four is to be consistent with or more stringent than the flood resistant construction requirements in the Florida building code and the applicable flood plane management regulations which I'm sure that you you are doing right now and number five is to require construction activities seword of the Coastal Construction Control line which I think is not in your I think the coastal construct is that it's outside I don't know that there's a is there a coastal con I can't even say it Coastal Construction Control line I don't know if there's any developable land in that seems like I looked at that before and it's out yeah it's more like Clearwater Beach probably has uh and then also to participate in the National flood insurance program that I that I just mentioned which you you are so those are the the six things that need to be hit that which I think the the biggest ones would be these so um what sort of policies that you would have to put into place that would guide the development of regulations or programs or things to um to create the to reduce those Perils of flood so as I mentioned before goal three is emergency no I skipped it emergency preparedness and evacuation is goal three and goal four is post- disaster Redevelopment and a lot of the post- disaster Redevelopment U deals with you know how are you handling repairs and Redevelopment because everybody wants to get back online as quickly as possible sometimes you wave certain things but you also want to end up with good quality safe construction at the end so that's um a policy policy decision that your city council will make and then also limiting your infrastructure expenditures in places that are vulnerable to uh so if you're going back in and you're reestablishing infrastructure after disaster you know do you assess that and say well is this the way we should do it should we put it back the way it was or is there some other way that we can we can do that and then the last one very very important especially in times of um disaster is stakeholder engagement Community engagement um people need to be aware of what they can do their personal decisions and and actions that they can make to make their properties uh less vulnerable to flooding uh Community engage engagement so having people involved in the policym and the program development um engaging your collaborative Partners as I mentioned before you know local regional state and federal and then having uh a robust network of channels to make sure that the information goes out so it's not just a flyer it's not just a Facebook page but it's kind of that whole Suite of how do you how do you get the information out to the the corners of the community cuz not everybody's on Facebook and not everybody reads the newspaper um and not everybody has a television set anymore to to watch the news so this next step I'm not really going to go into depth but you all aware that there was an adaptation plan developed uh by the city and it was I think what was it is it a or November of 2023 I can't see this I didn't I have not been progressing my slides no there we go um but essentially these are the overarching recommendations the categories so the first would be that data driven aspect of understanding you know what's happening with conditions what are the trends and using that data to develop your Capital Improvements um plan your five-year Capital Improvements plan so that you're making sure that you're putting facilities in the right place versus places that they could be um harmed over time with uh sea level rise and severe storms and whatnot the second one was to have a city resilience manager to kind of oversee all of these different um strategies the third one was funding mechanisms so looking at ways that you would go about funding those things they're they're never inexpensive and sometimes you just have to start start somewhere and and um and Al of course prioritize um and then the last one is community engagement again making sure that that the community is aware so that um you know not only for the before anything happens that they can be making using good best practices but also afterward when you're pulling the community together that the networks are strong and people are helping each other to to um to uh spring back as quickly as possible so the next is definitely not going to go through all these but the these were the actual strategies that were listed in the adaptation plan I'm sure you've read them but you can go back and read them again I'll tell you that whenever I am updating your comprehensive plan I'll be looking at each one of these to see which ones are policy related you know not specific actions that we we wouldn't put this long list in the comp plan but there are certain things that we can say the city will perform you know they'll develop um recommen or policies that relate to x y and z so I'll go through these city-wide adaptation strategies there were strategies that were identified just west of us9 uh those that were along US1 19 Ridge Road Washington Street Grand Boulevard and pineh Hill Road I believe those were in areas east of the east of US 19 specific policies for Cody River Landing and then those Rel related to storm water management systems and infrastructure I'm thinking Citywide and the last one is Wetlands Marsh and or Marsh environmental preservation so again those green infrastructure uh projects that would let you harness the power of nature so to speak to uh support because there's there's green infrastructure and there's gray infrastructure and um they they both have their their uses and their benefits and their um I guess their not impacts impacts okay so the next one is the next steps um given that you you want to go forward these next steps would be to draft the evaluation and appraisal report based comprehensive plan amendments that I spoke about earlier um you would present those um at public meetings including your planning and zon owning board this committee certainly city council and then ultimately city council would authorize staff to transmit those amendments to the state for review and that needs to be accomplished by July 6th to be in compliance with um the requirements and I think that was it I should have had a question slide but so this is information um mostly to get you thinking because I think we should meet again uh to really kind of get into the the nitty-gritty of of the of the policies and the topics that would go in the policies um but may you know I'm sure that you'll share this if you haven't already and then people can just you can read through it and just sort of be thinking about because I'll know what you should do from a from a policy perspective to get State approval but you know your community you know the you know where things are happening or where opportunities might lie and those are things that I think would be um especially in conjunction with your adaptation plan results to really kind of bring the because you can't do it all can't do it all right now um what are the priorities you know what what are the things that you need to do first and and and I know that this is you guys are the um comprehensive Landes plan committee but certainly you know your recommendations would rise up to the decision makers um Lo local governing local governing body does anybody have any questions on the comp plan yes I do I I just wanted to say that you wanted this so uh one comment I do have and it's actually not so much to this though you did have the recommendations for Cody River Landing from our previous uh report um back back there we may want to integrate those when you do the website and everything else for the project okay so people realize hey this is what we have to abide to um and what is recommended as the best for the resiliency of the city so when people see the overall you know the future development of that area you know also keep these in mind too they may ignore them but at least that's their choice but to you know that's the direction that was recommended we should go to and this is really Paramount right so looking at everything the city does through a resiliency lens is it's just a smart way to go about it and um just so you don't do something unintended you know that but I I agree I think this would be a good really good information to as a sort of that data walk right correct yeah to to set this is the direction that we we need to go in how does these developments whatever they may be conform or conflicts with this overall path that we need to go and I could see like for instance uh identify opport opportunities to expand Green Space as opposed to hardened amenities you know as you know I always say I was with on a phone call with a bunch of Engineers today and it's like you know you know that there's something that you're going to do based on your best practices and safety but when you take it to the community they may have very different there's more than one way to solve those problems they might say well we think you should um take away the the surface parking and make it permeable pavement or we think there should be a rainard whatever there there's other there's many ways to solve for things um and Engineers look to the community to decide to help them to pick a solution that's best for that community so I could see where people might look at this and say well this is the kind of green space I have in mind you know I or whatever so we tell them to start thinking about those elements generally people don't do it but when you bring it up and say hey oh yeah okay well then and it puts them down a direction and I think going through these and making sure they're plain language is probably a good yes yeah definitely want to yeah because I was just looking at this Waterfront Alliance wedge design standards I'm not even certain what that is but you anybody can look it up but not necessarily in a they won't so we need to explain it and that was does anybody else have any questions before I let the public speak real quick so in terms of the next steps and I think everyone's committed hopefully to to be meeting on a regular basis because there's a lot to do before July 6 um went from zero meetings to I've just saying you wanted your parttime job now he he told me when I first got here you know he hasn't had a meeting yet on I had had a meeting in seven years he comes on board I have three meetings already that's what happens yeah as you recall last time I was here I think I I think I went through the ear-based amendment y uh list uh one of them is a water supply facili work plan which that's a little bit it's not a huge lift but it a little bit more to put together than just a couple of policies so um that's something to need to factor in the timeline right okay so big part is it wasn't done before so we're doing that's the good thing not everybody's always on time with this you know it's it's extra stuff that cities don't always have time to to deal with so anyway well thank you if there any questions you can let me know there anyone do you have anything no is there anybody in the public that wishes to address this no okay see is that is the last item on our agenda um before we leave the next meeting when do you think you'd be ready let me can I I mean I need to think about that a little bit okay I have a u I'm doing this big training push March do across the stat certaines but you want to just get together I mean we could like in two weeks we could just start yeah I don't have to well that's what I mean I think we're kind of on on the cycle that we could possibly meet every couple weeks at least for my schedule I can make work on Thursdays Thursday seems be good case like th looking at the 14th yeah it's exactly the day I went to two weeks God forbid now you don't have me coming here every two weeks just trying to give you a reason to come in yes open okay it's closed 14 be our next meeting okay nothing else motion Jour don't need the motion hit the g I