she yeah thanks Cass good evening Welcome to the public meeting of the Princeton Board of Education the board is an elected unpaid group of 10 citizens who set policy and make decisions on educational financial and personel matters for the Princeton public schools on behalf of all residents we're always pleased when members of our community attend our meetings the board and the school district operate under applicable New Jersey laws and under regulations of the New Jersey State Board of Education each meeting includes an opportunity for those attending to comment on items on the published agenda or other matters of interest to them the board reserves a right to limit the time allotted to public participation law limits discussion of individual personnel and confidential matters we hope our meetings provide useful opportunities for communication between the board and the community thank you for attending as required under the open public meeting act njsa 1046 at sequentia adequate notice was given for calling this meeting it was authorized by the Board of Education and forwarded to the municipal clerk Princeton packet and the Trenton Times on January 6 2024 it was also distributed to the schools and others on the standard distribution list the board reserves the right to enter into executive session during all meetings of the Board of Education board policy 168 recording devices requires that we inform those attending this inperson meeting that the proceedings are being recorded this meeting is being live streamed the representative of the sending district is authorized to vote on such matters that affect sending District students or affect the governance of the prince of public schools as more specifically designated in njsa 18a 38 .1 sending District votes pertaining to Personnel actions refer to high school Central administrative and districtwide staff only votes otherwise are considered extensions in the event that the statute is amended the law shall take presidence over this bylaw thank you Mr Balon would you please call the RO sure DNE Kendall here Betsy Bagel here Beth Baron here Adam Beerman here Debbie bronfeld here Martin franceski here Elanor hubard here Susan caner here Brian McDonald pres Rob Christopher here we have a quorum thank you Mr Balden um thank you everyone for attending our our meeting tonight um before we begin um we just wanted to take a moment to recognize the loss of a 2023 PHS grad uh James Lee good evening I just want to uh say a few words about James um uh what James was passionate about science and I have a wonderful quote from one of his teachers that I think is uh good to reflect on tonight James was one of those gentle Souls who surprised us with his thoughtfulness and wisdom we want to acknowledge the loss of James and we also want to surround uh his family with love as they struggle through this difficult time thank you thank you Dr Foster um moving on um to the adoption of the minutes uh from January 30 30th can I get a motion Debbie second Mara D Kendall yep yes Betsy Bagel yes Beth Baron yes Adam Beerman yes Debbie bronfeld yes Martin franceski yes Elanor hubber yes Susan caner yes Brian McDonald yes Rob Christopher yes motion passes thank you Mr baldon can I get a motion for the adoption of the minutes from February 6 2020 24 Beth second Brian daon Kendall yes Betsy Bagel yes Beth Baron yes Adam Beerman yes Debbie bronfeld yes Martin franceski yes Elenor hbert yes Susan canther yes Brian McDonald yes Rob Christopher yes motion passes thank you Mr Balden so good evening again everyone welcome thank you for attending um we have a pretty packed agenda so we'll move this along as quickly as we can before we begin we also wanted um to um say a few words about Pat Ray who was the Drama teacher at Princeton High School um who longtime Drama teacher who passed away in December Debbie thank you Pat Ray was a beloved Drama teacher at PHS for over 18 years she R retired in July 2018 and her last musical was Pippen this was from a student that wrote To Me Miss Ray loved teaching and loved her students she took us seriously and trusted us even when we didn't take our El seriously there was never a boring day in her class Miss Ray impacted so many students whether in drama or orchestra or the spectacle theater club or simply students who just came to see her shows she will be missed Miss Ray was one of the teachers that made PHS special she gave her students a freedom to express themselves through acting singing writing and she loved to see them do it for the musical and the drama Play She Went above and beyond her commitment as a teacher but for me the student student it was during the student directed plays that she most celebrated us and let us shine we will miss her dearly Miss Ray would hate that anyone is giving a tribute to her and that is why she deserves one she was a teacher who pushed and nurtured her students and knew what they were capable of even if they didn't thank you Debbie and on behalf of the board we want to extend our deepest condolences um to Pat Ray's family um as a district we're lucky to have teachers that have um such impacts on children and we're grateful for that so thank you um so like I like to say um we're in the business of educating children and we're all here for children so I'm so excited tonight to first uh ask um Miss Sarah Moore our elementary supervisor to come on come come on up to talk about the scripts Elementary National Spelling be winners and I understand we will not be quizzed tonight than yes it's probably a good thing because some of these kids spelled words that would blow your mind yeah um thank you so much for having us this evening we're so excited to celebrate our scripts winners one of the best parts of my job is that I get to experience the joy and tenacity that students bring into the classroom every day um and this is an example of our student body who diligently studied and are not only wonderful academics but even better friends and teammates to their peers I can say that every winner here cheered on their classmates was so gracious um when they when they placed in the spelling be and we're just so very proud of not only your tenacity for learning but your kindness to your friends and your leadership that you showed in the spelling be so so so proud of you let's call uh let's call names okay so we have um Theodore Allan Benjamin Sophia Pocky Jeremy Len and Genevie can you come on up do you want to shake our hand all right more some question congratulations we wish them the best of luck when they head into the diamond Regional B um some of our friends are repeat winners that will go on for the second time to this B so we are going to cheer you all on okay as you enter into this next step so if we could just go Um from Miss Moore's right to left and if you could tell me your name and the word that you spell you want to start that what I mean by no no no what's the word that you won that you won what word the winning word the winning word okay it it was too easy to leave an impression okay and what's your name Jeremy Jeremy nice to meet you Jeremy sopia Sophia hi Sophia I think it was photosynthesis photosynthesis ah [Music] okay okay remember okay except for two yeah but I bet your mom knows she doesn't now all right who's going on to the next um well who's who is this a repeat year for who's been here before our friends who are repeats are not here they did not come Theodor and Pocky Theodore and Pocky okay so you all are congratulations first time don't don't don't forget about us so if you win again please come back and we want to know the and I'm G to ask you what the word is and could you tell us what grades you're in as well all right you're all leaders of our elementary schools congratulations who's going on to the next round okay all right well we wish you all the best than and I think we want to get a picture with Miss Moore yes Mrs Moore and the winners uh what beautiful backdrop should we have them come over here all right that's and then I'm gonna have Miss email the parents because if you're parent like me I know you want that too [Applause] congratulations and I know it is almost 8 o'clock so if you would like to go on towards bedtime you completely understand do that go for us too I mean 8:00 bedtime it's you I know well thank you so much much for coming we really appreciate it thank you Mrs Moore um so I'll just give it people all right and then um next up on the uh my report is the student um msan report and that's uh msan stands for Multicultural student achievement Network interiew proba put my mic on so msan in case folks in the audience don't know uh the district has been an msan partner for over a decade I believe um uh it started in 2012 here in our district and really it's about racial equity in schools and how we can do more to support racial equity in schools uh it's housed in Wisconsin and this group of students here got to go on a conference there and we'll talk a little bit more about about that it also has leadership opportunities for staff to learn more and also um membership uh throughout the year different sessions and check-ins besides a student conference um we have a club at the high school which is led by Miss Andre and we are going to really talk about the student conference it's the first time it's been back since covid um and so one of the tasks of the conference for students is an action plan and so these students are going to talk about their action plan so thank you guys so much for being here tonight they had very busy schedules we had some varsity basketball last month that you know coincided uh with this so we just really appreciate everybody's time so thank you so much and mque for being here thank you Dr to so I just wanted to kick off and just introduce myself my name is Bethy and sadique I'm the coordinator student services and I have the pleasure of being the adviser for msan so many of these students have been a part of msan since I started at PHS their sophomore year and some even started as early as Middle School um so I'm just really honored and proud to to see them do their thing and I will pass it to Lena to kick us off with the introduction hi so m s is very proud to present um tiger talk as part of our 2024 action plan go to the next slide please so hi my name is Lena Hamilton I am a junior and I am our social justice project coordinator as well as the president of Pauls and I am currently enrolled in AP laying and AP World History awesome um hi everyone my name is Sheena Ash I am a junior as well I am the co-president of msan and I am currently in AP World History and AP [Music] L hello my name is CJ Foreman I'm a senior at Princeton High School and I'm the co-president of msan as well and I got admitted and I'm going to seen Hall University for it [Applause] management hi my name is Justin McLoud I'm a junior uh and I also am the social media manager of the M Network and I am currently enrolled in AP World History hi my name is Chance Robinson I'm currently a senior at um PHS I'm just a regular member of M and I'm currently uh accepted to uh Kane college and on the in the process of going there um hello everyone my name is Joshua Figaroa um I'm a senior in PHS I'm a part of peer group um I am the recruitment manager for msan and I am between Temple University and Cen hall for civil [Applause] engineering hello my name is rosini I'm a senior at PHS and I'm also a regular member of msan next slide please so what is msan msan stands for the Multicultural student achievement network msan is a coalition of diverse school districts that has come together to understand and eliminate opportunity gaps that persist in schools the mstand chapters across the country make up around 3,000 to 3,300 students um and the districts share a history of high academic achievement and connections to Major research universities like Princeton University Princeton public school district has been a member of msand since 2002 and Princeton was the host of the 2004 student Conference next slide [Music] please um in November um we went to uh Madison Wisconsin I yes Madison Wisconsin and we uh we went to the 2023 National National students conference the the theme for the conference was you belong we had the chance to connect with over 300 of our fellow msan leaders from around the country and learn Network and share ideas we experienced great speakers including msan founder Dr Allan olon and motivational speaker Dr Dyer who led an emotional charge presentation encouraging us to live Purpose Driven lives we had the opportunity to tour the University of Wisconsin and we ended the conference with a party which was one of my favorite parts of the trip what I really valued about attending the m conference was an opportunity for students like me that don't see themselves represented often to connect with like-minded students student leaders of color who take AP classes and have big plans for their future but often feel a lack of belonging in their school Community the theme of you belong was felt throughout the entire presentation and we built a community we learned we partied and most importantly we felt empowered to make a difference in our [Music] school yes next slide please slide thank you so about our belonging project so while we were at um the conference we talked a lot about different ways that we could be co-conspirators in our environment and how that we can lift one another up and create some new project that would benefit our school community and so prior to attending the conference m San had asked us each School delegation to create that social justice project that could be presented at the conference and later implemented in our school and so miss sque had brought us together for several planning meetings and we discussed ideas of how to create this inclusive um platform where activities and achievements of students could be highlighted um highlighted with an emphasis on um highlighting diversity groups in clubs such as Latinos unidos growup PS Asian-American Club Etc and after researching what other schools are doing in nearby communities chance had actually suggested that we create a short TV um show sorry chance TV show podcast and collectively came up with the name tiger talk which the next slide will tell you about so Tiger's talk stands for or tiger stands for talking about inclusivity greatness and Equitable relationships at PHS and ultimately the goal of this would be to interview cultural clubs and create a space to celebrate Multicultural students which we've already kind of them started now we started to go around the school interviewing um students about their experiences in the school and some of their like cultural um knowledge and just to like find a fun way of connecting um and seeing the cool diversity in our school and so why is is important so since Princeton is um predominantly white it's especially the high school it's important that we make our Multicultural students feel seen and uh like a part of their community so tiger talk will hopefully um achieve this goal yeah so yeah here is the um oh we're the video is not showing up guys uh oh did something happen to it it's not on the [Music] slides most updated is this the um preview PR or [Music] coule it's fire the same but hold on okay one second everyone thank you for your patience to talk about the recording [Music] process oh fine where does it say that while they're trying to find that what was have how many of you have had never been to Wisconsin before okay so my son always wanted to go to Wisconsin for the cheese so did you have cheese curds there yes you did they I actually so at the airport they had um lot of cheese and I've actually brought my mom back some of the cheese and I also brought her back they have this um candy called pigs poop and it's it's Pig but it's like chocolate covered like peanuts it's really good yeah and it's really I'm sorry that's totally awward but I was like I was surprised cuz this concert is known for chees and they have really great like Pig poops so well that's that's good to know yes and no we also like did actually like expore the campus of Madison W sorry I know you're missing the video but it's no no it's okay great thank you for sharing that all right so I'm gonna play the video now that works hope you enjoy oh oh um no sound I think because I'm air streaming right is that why yeah you guys repeat yeah reenact it Rea it was actually I hold on we're getting some technical assistance right now from Matt but yeah something also cool about W was um we got like three different tours about the campus and uh I know Henry and I went so like not everybody that's here now went but I know Josh went um Justin went chance you were there were you CJ was there um sorry exclude you um but I was also there it was it was a really great experience we had um teamed up we were um in rooms together we met a lot of different kids at the conference and we kind of we ended up going to a bunch of different groups so like while some of us are interested in like computer science and like technology some of us went to like more art oriented and like um engineering oriented groups so like the college really was like um accommodating for each of our specific like interests and they paired us off really well so I thought that was cool and was it cold there yeah yeah and it was free they said like oh you should come during the winter time because the whole lake is freezed over are ice skating okay I can put the mic here for the quick fix that' be the quickest right now we're gonna kind of make do we're going to put the mic by the speakers of my laptop and then the folks at home it will be stream because Cass has it playing so everyone at home will be able to hear okay awesome thank you hello PHS welcome to Tiger talk New Year in today's segment we are going to be interviewing PHS students and staff to see how informed they are on black history and black cultures black history is often portrayed to be strictly African or African-American although there are loads of black culture throughout the world and that is something we want to emphasize we already have a diverse set of black ethnic groups in the school now let's see how much our fellow students know about black history throw it to the hallway Tria yeah [Music] here with all all right who am I here with Ali hi and we're here with haa so I'm here with charlen Kazo okay all all who's your favorite black artist and why do you like them Beyonce because I've just loved her ever since I was little who's your favorite black artist and why do you like them Rihanna because she makes good music um who is your favorite black artist and why do you like them it's honestly an interesting question but I'm going to have to say um the weekend just because he has good music so who is your favorite black artist and why do you like them h a black artist um who should I say uh I'm really into music and this might be controversial but I do like Beyonce would you say that is participating highly in Black History Month this year yes why because the staff are really supportive and let us be creative and stuff for the assembly would you say that PHS is participating highly in the Black History Month this year yes why do you think so because um they're doing like an assembly and a whole bunch of things and we're doing an interview right now um and would you say that PHS is participating highly in Black History Month this year and if not why I would agree that they are they um have daily announcements talking about the history black history so say that's pretty participative this is the best [Laughter] part [Music] okay so our next steps in future belonging belonging projects tiger Talk's next steps were for from Miss sadik actually she wanted to further our education and video production so she arranged for us to have a meeting and tour with an advertising executive from BET and vacom and additionally to continue building a sense of belonging the students of msan would like to see the following PPS support of creating media platforms for students with an emphasis on inclusivity PPS support to enhance cultural education by developing an AP africanamerican and Latino studies elective course at PHS PPS create or and also PPS to create a strategic plan specifically around increasing Recruitment and Retention of educators of color and bilingual Educators counselors and a quote from Latoya holiday the msen executive director there is no greater there is no greater current challenge in education than creating schools where each and every student feels like they belong and can Thrive so we would just like to thank everyone for all of their support a special thanks to miss sadique our amazing adviser a thanks to another thanks to Mr Johnson our vice principal and then yeah and then a thank you to all of our conference sponsors and supporters thank you very [Applause] much well thank you so much for joining us um that was very uh interesting and also entertaining um so um I guess if there's you know one thing that you would want us to know about the culture at Princeton High School and things we could do to to make it better what would that be the culture um could you possibly like reward that a little B just yes Shea I will sorry thank you um I might ask you to sing though but all right oh my gosh no no I won't um so you know over the years we've heard that uh the culture might not be as welcoming to black students of color uh as as it should be and um I I have to tell you I was surprised when you when were asking about Black History Month and everyone said that the high school um seemed to be celebrating it so so is there anything that we can do or anything that you would like to see done to improve the culture at Princeton High School or has it just got has it gotten better I would say that the culture at Princeton High School has definitely improved since my time here although I would say that's largely due to being around teachers and counselors who are very supportive of what we wanted to do for example the um assembly we haven't had an assembly in a very long time for black history month so it was really great having administrators behind us to support us in planning these types of events throughout black history month and then outside of black history month so that black students feel like they have AA safe space to share their voice and contribute to their school Community thank you I appreciate it and is there anything I'm sure other people have questions too but is there anything that you would like to leave us with tonight to think about and you can always email us too right um I think one big thing is that like um diversity and representation and inclusion is always going to be an ongoing process it's not something that we can just do in a day you know it it's it's also about students feeling seen and um that's probably going to be a gradual thing like you can hire more black teachers and staff and you could incorporate more of you know black dialogue into our curriculum but at the end of the day students have to feel like um they're being seen and heard so I just I think a big thing is just like getting more of us to speak and come out and feel comfortable and safe um you know I I guess representing ourselves and saying like hey this is what we need because this is a very select group of students and Miss really pulled us out because we know we're dedicated to school we we love our school um but it's hard when a lot of our friends and our our fellow students of color don't really feel as seen in our school environment so I don't want to sit here and speak for everybody um but I will say like on behalf of us like I feel like there's definitely a lot um of improvement that's coming but I can see that the district is making um a step in the right direction so thank you all and and I we appreciate that and we're glad to hear it um because it has been a focus for a long time but you have our emails if if something comes up and you think there's something that you know we should be aware about aware of or or we can make better just let us know please and thank you and I'm also going to jump in and just say we love to hear from students at our meetings you're welcome at any of our meetings any of our public meetings we always have public comment time and if we know there are students they're going to go right to the top so that you can you know go home and have more time for homework but please just um or fun or anything that you might want to do um or sleep sleep is important but I would say I just want to thank you so much um hearing from you is really meaningful for us and we're really proud of of all of you and and your your teacher as well thank you thank you for listening thank [Applause] you thank you and I just want to give another shout out to Bethany sadik um you know because uh you are all leaders but but miss sadik is modeling leadership um by really getting you active and not only getting you active in school but taking you on the road as well so um thank you thank you Dr Foster uh so now we are moving on to item F1 which is the revised uh 2324 school calendar and would you like to say a word or two about that please yes I would thank you yeah it is it is my fault it's all my fault so I want to say um there is it I caused the snow Yeah it um so want to say there is such value in changing one's mind uh and so yes hence uh the 20123 24 calendar is being revised again and we hope um uh for in in a positive way so um sometimes changing your mind means listening uh and uh we listened well uh to um staff concerns parent concerns family concerns about taking the spring break the Monday of the Spring Break um away and so we really looked at our uh calendar high and low and searched uh and what we uh have decided to do is to um have school on June 4th which is a primary day and there are elections held in the Four elementary schools however um we did the research as far as the number of citizens who actually physically show up on that June uh day to vote and we feel with extra security and building monitors um we can secure a place for polling um as well as have um a school in session um so that we can give back at least for now um and hopefully you know we'll have a a really mild rest of the winter but we can give back that um Monday of spring break to families um if this is approved tonight uh we will will send out a communication uh tomorrow morning uh to All Families um to let them know of this decision thank you Dr Foster I just I would like to add that um we are in discussions with the mayor and he's looking to help us um move voting out of the schools so that um uh you know um just for safety reasons we feel other districts have done it and it's something that we've been talking uh with him about for a while so we're hopeful that um that can be done it has to be done relatively I think by April 1st is that right and so we're hopeful on that so that we are still working on that in the meantime we'll have school on June 4th and if you could also um just clarify so I think there was a thought that if we had three snow days then we could shift to remote learning but that is not correct that is not correct I um and I confirmed it today because I did want to have that in the back of our pocket it is three days but it has to be three consec itive days uh in the calendar so that would be uh as an example if you remember Hurricane Sandy storm Sandy where there were multiple days out you don't remember that no he does oh oh you don't I'm sorry to bring up yeah um but that's an example or a a massive uh snowstorm that would require the school to close for three consecutive days thank you Dr Foster and I'll just say that we hadn't had snow in two years um and then you came here and it's just snowing so please stop yeah we're good we're good all right thank you um and now we're going to move on to your report oh so I'm going to turn uh my report uh this evening over to Dr two who is going to talk about our DLI uh Lottery good evening again everyone um so as we talk about long-term planning in our district and future growing enrollment uh we work really closely with our uh District demographers um and our long-term planning committee really takes thoughtful um considerations as we talk about population shifts in our town and what to do to support them so one of the things that we talked about is as we keep you know moving toward um sort of some cesing around the idea of expanding uh Community Park expanding Littlebrook and expanding the middle school that's sort of the three main touch points in in this larger referendum that we're still you know contemplating And discussing the demographers and have said and we have shared with the Architects the plan of having two DLI classrooms and two traditional classrooms per grade at CP with possibly a third buffer classroom if needed in case enrollment grows and because CP is a huge catchment Zone um so as we work with the demographers for short-term planning one of their recommendations is that we start start capping at two sections now because we sort of have these odd Triads in some of our grades at CP and it's a big burden on the teachers because they're Crossing grade levels it's sometimes they're teaching um you know I partner with DNA and with Cathy it's a lot of coordination and not a lot of common planning time um so we have said that if we're capping at two sections that's 44 students 22 students a section um and so that we would probably need to have a lottery system I believe it was before my time here when DLI was first brought about we did have a lottery um system this is very similar to that but also has a couple of tweaks because um things have changed in the interim of time that has happened um and so we had have we currently have about 52 students in our DLI program at Community Park six of them being staff um students so this sort of does match the need we just don't have large kindergarten classes across our district we tend to have uh families move in later in the Elementary years to our district and we have higher classes in uh class sizes in like third to fifth grade and up our K1 numbers are extremely low compared to the other class grad so we feel at least for the interim that 44 is a very solid number and might not even be needed as a loty cap this year um we kind of have said sometimes when you put a cap on something human nature means there's more demand um for it and so that's why this uh Lottery system will be in place and is being uh discussed tonight so um there's two sort of layers to the lottery system and you'll see here and this is attached in the uh board agenda uh we replacing students before a lottery in some situations so we currently have a prek DLI program at Community Park students who are in that program will be rolled up first and will take seats uh if they if they want them at community park and continue their DLI program that's about 13 to 15 students if all take us up on that offer uh Young siblings of Resident students who are already in the program will also get sort of first dibs because we want families to um be able to practice language at home and to have that support in you know having all the siblings at one school versus split schools sorry I keep hitting my mic here the next is that we will uh prioritize students who are zoned for community park because the goal would be as we look at long-term planning kind of keeping folks in their original catchment area so that if they have an interest in DLI and they live in CP they would be placed before the lottery as well and then historical Trends have shown that the last week of August or so we tend to have um more students register late who are Spanish Heritage speakers um so we are reserving five spots of the 44 to have that those late registrants who speak Spanish because the goal in the program is to have Heritage English speakers and Heritage Spanish speakers that's the goal of the program so after sort of those uh slots are taken the balance of the slots will be lotteri if we have more than 44 or 39 really interest in it then we'd have a lottery to begin with um and it's I'm kind of going through this fast but the outline is sort of here and I'm happy to take any questions um from uh the community and you can email me at kimberly2 Princeton um so at the lottery each student will receive a random number uh twins will be treated as one application so if you have twins interested they all share that number um and then both children will be accepted and then we will be doing the lottery on May 1st we feel that gives a little bit more time we know there's still inter sessions happening at CP right now there was one tomorrow there's one on the 25th um to show that there parents interest in DLI and then once again this is for those who want to commit to the DLI program um students in the uh CP catchment Zone who do not want to do DLI can still opt out and then will be placed at another school across the school district okay so I would you know if the board has any questions happy to answer any of the following thank you Dr two I have a question yes um and I appreciate all the work and thought you you and your colleagues have put into this what by what date will families know if they're in the DLI program if there is a lottery uh if there is a lottery if you know May 1 they will know yes and then if there's a weit list so say that you know 39 have been taken and we're holding those five it'd probably be by August 23rd because we really now need to determine class sections and teachers and things like that right so kindergarten orientation is in the spring so what happens to children who were on the weight list and then get in do they get will there be another orientation for them that's a good question I think this is something we haven't like fully contemplated with these change in procedures but yes I would assume that we would have another we would either delay cp's orientation till later in May and then have something the last week of August for folks who are switching into it yes thank you and I also want to say I'm so sorry I didn't say this this is a uh temporary stop Gap it might be tweak next year it might be tweak the year after as enrollment changes and things like that so this is for the kindergarten class of 2024 25 this is not for upper classes at the elementary level kids who are in the program are in the program we're not changing anything this is just for the in incoming kindergarten students in September thank you Dr two any questions no all right um so we're moving on um we have an acceptance of a donation uh a piano um this will be part of the consent agenda but we want to thank um PHS alumni Mohawk matri and joy deep action item on the di oh I'm sorry that's okay I'm sorry sorry moving back to di can I get a motion Mara second Debbie and we're voting on The protocol is that correct yes okay got it D Kendall yes Betsy bagale yes Beth Baron yes Adam Beerman yes Debbie bronfeld yes Mara franceski yes Elanor hubard yes Susan caner yes Brian McDonald yes Rob Christopher yes yeah oh that's well all yes what her knows all supported yeah well but thank you excellent we appreciate it of Good Help yeah um okay Mr Bal you're all set all right and the next the next item is a consent and we just want to thank um so PHS Alam Mohawk matre and joy deep Baner boner J for Yamaha u3 vertical piano um which is going to be donated to Princeton middle school and we are very grateful and appreciative of this generous donation uh moving on now to our student board memb report sorry gentlemen it's been a long evening already um but we can't wait to hear what you have for us okay um hi everyone Alex and I are as always um happy to be here even on our Tuesday night um for tonight's report we'll share a few exciting updates from pH alongside some feedback that we've gotten from the student body at large definitely uh we'll start with some good news the preton high school girls swim team uh became sectional championships after defeating Manasquan not sure how to pronounce the punon unfortunately but in the njs I AA tournament uh last Thursday the team remains illustriously uh undefeated PHS is home to you know a really special swimming program and it's really exciting uh yeah what they're accomplishing and have been accomplishing the success of the girl swim team team reminds us of how many talented individuals fill our hallways and how education and school Success doesn't just end at the final Bell of course plenty of impactful activities do happen during the school day uh this Thursday PHS will hold a Black History Month assembly which as the students from Nan pointed out earlier tonight is an important step towards building a school community that celebrates our diversity and values classrooms that are enriched by a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints we should also note that after winning both a tournament and a subsequent runoff round phs's ethics Bowl team qualified for the national tournament additionally our studio vocal and Studio band collectives played first and second respectively at the national jazz festival competition exciting stuff Oliver uh in other news as PHS heads into a third quarter the busiest quarter um by most metrics we'd like to take a moment to talk about our guidance office and the important role that they play at our school despite managing hundreds of students in all areas of our lives our guidance officers managed to pull it off it's super impressive and we really appreciate it one of the things however is with each counselor responsible for several hundred students it's often difficult for students to meet with their counselors face to face indeed one thing that Oliver and I think might be helpful and that we've heard from a lot of students could be helpful is offering clear open hours during Counseling Services uh so that students can meet with their counselors uh more easily and more frequently although many counselors are happy to meet with their students at any time during the school day we technically need to make an appointment beforehand and then check in and it would certainly be helpful uh to hear more directly from the school administration that meeting with a counselor is not only helpful but also easy and something that's being you know actively encouraged and fostered even though obviously it already is right it's not like they're pressuring us not to go to counselors in the status World um separately as Emon pointed out this evening with students speaking dozens of languages and coming from various backgrounds it's important to to make sure that all students feel supported regardless of their background PHS guidance has offered a lot of help through Affinity support groups such as the Asian-American support group I know that with seven counselors not every student's experience will be representative with seven people but I hope that the district continues its efforts to hire teachers staffers and counselors from a variety of backgrounds experiences and histories to help better support our students in addition I hope that PHS can work to continue to build these Affinity groups that previously mentioned to help better support everyone certainly uh yeah it seems as though PHS is on the right track uh in terms of getting all of its students involved and we hope that when it comes to diversity and Equity uh PHS continues to prize it in both intra and extracurricular contexts thank you well thank you so much for that report uh and go girl swimming um with regard to counseling do you see um do you think there's a need um that isn't being met right now um I think actually something we're talking about with um Miss Burge and Mr McMichael who's the director of counseling um I think next week is a bit about College counseling services and it's something that I've thought a little bit about especially with career guidance because I know um like there's a lot of opportunities outside of school that um are really good in that the sense that they're sometimes pay paid and they're mostly free but um often a lot of students don't really know about them so last year I was really lucky to participate in um the lab learning program at princeon University um and despite it being like under a mile away um I didn't really hear about it until like my third year here so I was um one thing I was thinking about and talking about is kind of helping students find these opportunities so they better understand like what careers they want to pursue and what they're interested in yeah as a whole um the counseling department of PHS is uh really strong department and a department that's really committed to the students and we really appreciate that um and we just feel as though sometimes uh maybe it can be hard for students to realize that you really can just stop by and talk to your counselors and sometimes it can feel as though when you enter the counseling suite and they're like oh do you have an appointment you need to sign in you need to you know jump through some of these hoops uh it might be more helpful to have a more direct way to talk to your counselor um or at least to you know incentivize students to email them and get in touch um because they're such great people working there who are really really helpful for the student body at large but do you really read your emails uh I try not you I meant like your generation yeah because our generation is big on email yeah you know we're we're smaller on emails admittedly um uh but but I I believe I believe in the PHS students's body ability to uh to to figure out their inbox situation well if you if if you look so they don't want you texting your counselor but um it's against board policy but if there's a another like you know we're behind right so we don't know things like what you just said um you know let let you know bring that up in the conversation are there better ways for the adults to communicate absolutely yeah that's that's something that's really interesting to think about and and maybe not something we've answer to right now outside of the emails exist but we'll we'll think and we'll talk to PHS students I appreciate that and I appreciate that you check your emails do our best yeah thank you so much all right now uh and we're moving on to our first public comment on any item uh first we have um so Amy Lynn l here Emma okay you got it okay um thank you so much for having us we might we're going to talk about something that might come up later in the agenda but because we're high schoolers um we have a busy night tonight sure homor so thank you for um understanding so um we'd like to talk about um something in regards to Mr Ferguson well we just like to say a few words about him um a few appreciative words so I feel like I speak for a lot of people and I want to also represent the voice of a lot of people when I say that Mr Ferguson was actually a really great teacher despite um some recent things that might have um gone around the school but um I just wanted to say that he really puts a lot of passion into our classrooms and I think that we should really recognize that and consider that so I remember like as soon as I stepped into his math class I really felt like this um safe environment because he was really um actually encouraging me to speak about um what I was passionate about in math instead of like like you know the typical like um the typical person talking too much in math class and everyone else is getting bored like he didn't make me feel like that um and that was really exciting and another thing um I wanted to point out is that he really um he does things outside of just his paycheck or his salary um I remember last year for the AP Cal BC Exam he actually organized and for his AB class he organized um a test on a Saturday morning because like you know that's the only time we can schedule it outside of school but he was like oh why don't we go to the middle school I'll bring like this big stack of like 80 tests um I'll even bring food um so that just we can practice and we can review and I thought that that was really unique because no teacher had ever done that for us and um I just wanted to say that I hope we can like recognize the all the good things he's done for us there's always two sides to things and in this case I feel like the good side of him is also very very strong as I'm sure other students would also agree um anything else to add um yeah we also wanted to mention that um M the math club at PHS will be um be opening up to peer tutoring um and offering help for anyone that may need help with understanding any materials or concepts or help with their homework um after school on Wednesdays in room 232 or 237 depending on room availability for context for the um PHS math team captains or two of them out of the three that's that's um yeah and we like to say like if you ever need help like there's there's resources including us and I feel like people tend to forget about us but um I feel like one of our goals as we applied to become captains last year was to make math like a more friendly environment because like as girls in math we know how like it can be toxic sometimes so we also just wanted to like make sure we have that opportunity instead of like people getting like frustrated at math and stuff so yeah thank you so much thank you so [Applause] much all right um is there anyone else for a public comment oh come on up just say your name uh the street the street you live on um and I have to add this now but please direct your comments to the board and not the audience things have changed nice to see you all so nice to see you Michelle I'm Michelle tuck Ponder Laurel Circle and I'm here on behalf of Princeton parents for black children and we are delighted to announce that pbbc is accepting applications for the Shirley SATA field scholarship fund um this has been a long time coming and as my former colleagues are aware um this has been sort of a really important issue for me um about the U accessibility of um extracurricular and curricular activities for students who face Financial barriers and so the scholarship fund um will have an application let me start by saying it's named after Shirley saterfield who is a Princeton Legend um she was an influential guidance Council for 13 years at PHS she is the founder of the Witherspoon Jackson historical and cultural society and um she is just an amazing woman and we're very honored and excited that this fund is named after her so um as you know this fund has been a long time in coming um very very important we're going to have the trip to Washington in April for middle schoolers which is exciting news it's $175 there's a lot of people in our community who can just write a check or carry around $175 and there are a lot of people who can't and so the scholarship fund stands ready to support those families and those children who want to participate not only in um this trip but also in sports and um in all other kinds of activities and with saying that if anybody's watching or anybody's sitting at the table would like to donate they should visit our website which is PBB Princeton parents forch so um we'll take donations there and we'll be doing fundraising over the next few months but this is a really exciting um opportunity for the community to give back and support all of our students and then to ensure Equity so that's that's number one um the second thing I wanted to ask about was I thought the msan presentation was amazing and Fabulous and I think it does great great things for kids and my question is is there funding for that trip included in next year's budget and I know it's not a Q&A but that's my question yes under the C yes wonderful thank you very much and I'm G to go home and watch Abbott Elementary bye thank you Michelle I guess um quickly Dr two um so I think it was mentioned in the presentation by the students that MCN uh the district has been a part of msan since 2002 and and so there's an annual trip um could you just um maybe just go over briefly um how the district supports msan uh sure so there's uh membership fees so as the student shared there's uh school districts Across the Nation that are a part of this Consortium and with that becomes certain resources and uh meetings throughout the year that are virtual but then also a student conference uh in the fall so with our membership fees the students registration is free but obviously the district then takes on the cost of lodging and travel um and then in the spring there is a uh conference for educators more administrators and and leaders but we've have sent oura students we've sent uh Andrea Dinan Dr Dinan one year um we've sent various staff members who have different roles Community layons um and so it sort of cost throughout the year um so I thought it came with Judy Wilson but it sounds like it predated um even her which is amazing um I would love it to come back to Princeton or Boston or Baltimore um because it is sort of a a trek to get kids to Wisconsin um because when you fly to the international airport there it's still an hour and a half Drive um to get them to the campus which I hear is beautiful um they didn't seem to mine too much um I know they had a great experience um and we also um fund the club um so that's a newer um EP so that uh we have the advisor position to help sort of orchestrate everything and organize everything as well um so uh it's a it's a good investment and one of the things that I want to follow up with the students on is there were a lot of Juniors and seniors I want to make sure they're recruiting freshmen and sophomores you know so and I should have asked them but I asked a lot of questions so that there were eight students here tonight um what's do you know what the membership is um I don't think it's that much bigger than that Mr P do you is it 20 yeah they're sort of the senior leadership team I would say and the sort of the dedicated members that that come around but yeah I would say about 20 yes and the the membership fee the district pays covers all the students uh yes the registration and everything like that and then we have separate uh funds to pay for the trip to Wisconsin for the conference and then we have an EP extra pay for extra service position exactly okay so um what's the registration fee a year uh for the membership fees the district but the district pay for the district paay is $115,000 okay and is that in the budget for next year yes okay y it's all in the budget and then um I know we're not supposed to do audience but miss Tech how would family or students reach out about those scholarship opportunities because often times my office does field trips and things like that and I know if students need support how would they uh reach out uh to get that support actually pbbc met with um Mr McMichael last week so so we are going to he's going to help us make sure that all of the counselors are aware of the application Pro um process and have applications available for students all of the epes um Club leaders coaches um everybody's going to know about the program so they'll be able to direct students to us but we have to fundrais and we're also interested in fundraising for that Wisconsin trip because as you know last year there was a number a lot more students wanted to go than the district was able to pay for and we did get some help from the children's Princeton Children's Fund and um so you know we're looking for allies all over town but part of our real work is going to be fundraising over the course of the year so all right we'll have fun with that thank you Michelle um do we have anyone else for public comments hello um Erica Snider Lawrenceville Road um so I'm a parent of three students at Community Park di program who are zoned for Johnson Park uh we moved here in the summer of 2021 specifically for the DLI program at the time we moved the only house that fit our bud budget was not in the CP Zone and it was such a relief to know that our kids could still have the education that we valued the most in this community of dual language since it was a summer we also would have missed the timeline that you all just approved and and proposed um for acceptance into the program if there were a lottery at the time my kids enrolled which at the time there would have been a lottery with a 44 student cap H for all three of mine uh while I understand that the lottery will prioritize zone CP students I ask that the board promptly updates the DLI kindergarten requirements online um and anying literature as well um and in Communications with the other schools especially for those who are not zoned for CP um please be as transparent as possible on the website about those changes as we know more and more of the population is moving to the areas that currently aren't zoned for CP we also know that many of those areas also have slightly more affordable housing options uh it would be a shame for people to miss out on this amazing program because of not understanding how the lottery changes might impact them based on their address where there is inventory and possibly more affordable inventory and the presumption that anyone in the district can have access to the program if they like which is currently what the presumption is and that is not the presumption moving forward um families like myself would be have been excluded not knowing that um in advance and sometimes you know your moves and your timelines and where you can buy and where you can rent it's really not in your control um but this program is in your control and the guidelines are in your control and so I would like you to consider you know what the exceptions might look like for those families who aren't here by May 1 and who aren't zoned for CP um it's just a way to try and make it more um Equitable and accessible to all the students in our district who might want the program thank you thank you all right do we have anyone else go ahead just uh your name and if you're a student you don't have to tell us the okay so I'm Alex Ramirez and Alexander and I would like to speak about Mr Ferguson so Mr Ferguson to me was a very fun teacher to be around and he would always come to class with his enthusiastic nature and one thing I remember about him was his I would say different approach to teaching mathematics that was unlike what I've ever had before in my other in my other schools and I just loved his energy and how he taught math but another thing I want to talk about is that after he left there was about a period of two or so weeks where there wasn't any teacher in our class and no math learning was being taught to us and after that issue was resolved Miss Miss H our our teacher that decided to take over our class taught for a week but then she wasn't here last week too so I'm very concerned about my math progression because we're about 3 weeks or so behind in the math curriculum compared to other classes and and I'm not sure what's going to happen if the same thing happens more or in the future so what would happen to my math progress so and how would I catch up thank you Alexander Dr T would you just um you again this isn't a Q&A but we always we don't want to leave uh students St hang yeah of course um so I I understand Alex um so I I would say um there is tutoring available for Mr Ferguson's classes and if you're not sure of how to access that I would either talk to your counselor or to your your new math teacher and and and get you hooked up with that I'm not sure what the situation was last week um but we can look you know into it to see maybe there this illness you know things are going around um to I I I hear you and I know that um talking with Miss Brennan the supervisor of the math program um she and the teachers were working to see where your classes were where the other like geometry algebra a AP Calculus classes were and trying to align to make sure that there was a plan to get kids caught up who were in those classes so I know it's not perfect but please I would say take advantage of that um extra math support um because we know that you guys missed instructional time it's not your fault sorry would you do you mind coming up and stating your name and the street you live on hi I'm uh uh ages I'm the mama of uh Alex so as I heard there are three math teacher they are absent at the same time so we have three month teacher uh has um vacation or whatever they're absent and then one month teacher has been dismissed so I think they're really short of mass teachers so they they will affect not only my son I think a lot of other students all right thank you and excuse me uh and another thing is there the teacher just no no math teacher in math class for two or more weeks and our parents never been notified so we never know that until we ask the kids he how about the situation about math class and my kids told me oh we don't have any math teacher in our class so how could be possible because we have been relocation um we have here and there so we have been involved in many different um schools communication uh communities we never encounter this kind of situation that no teacher in the class and in so many so many days and no notify to our parents so I just but I think PHS is a really good good um good school and I think we have a quite supportive uh Community we we can really solve this kind of situation with I think we shouldn't work together and the teachers the parents and the administrators we work together we need to find solution we just to keep the high standard education for our kids thank you thank you all right anyone else h a comment no all right uh moving on now to Mr Balon it says the harassment intimidation bullying report is an action item is that correct no it's cons okay great um now moving on to the board committee reports uh and we we are going to start with um Equity with Debbie so the equity committee met on Monday February 12th uh the board me there were board members Administration and community members and we discussed what does Equity feel like what does Equity look like what does Equity sound like and where are we now at PS it was a really great conversation we also spoke about our hopes and dreams around equity in the committee for kind of the next few months our next meeting is Monday April 88th um at 6 o'clock I'm pretty sure it's in this room well we're still just oh okay anyway it's April 8th at 6m please stay tuned and hopefully you can join us thank you thank you Debbie uh moving on to longterm planning and as I see she put her glasses down B will be giving the report glasses I need my glasses the long-term facilities uh planning committee met in close session on February 15th to hear updates from The District's professionals on refinements to demographic projections and Architectural plans updated projections will be used to inform ongoing capacity planning and will take into consideration October 2023 enrollment numbers updated information from town planners on new multifam developments and Princeton specific data on public school students generated by significant local multi family developments completed in recent years the committee also heard briefly from the district Architects regarding ongoing refinements to proposal to proposed expansion and renovation projects at district schools taking into consideration building team and parent feedback the committee will meet again on February 29th and again on March 14th to continue review of these updates and refinements and looks forward to informing the full board and to providing answers to parent and other frequently asked questions in the weeks ahead District demographers Architects administrators and building teams are working hard with a view towards having final proposed projects with supporting demographic updates ready for board consideration at the March 19th meeting thank you Beth um and thank you to and the committee for all the work that you're doing we appreciate it all right now moving on to operations ah Mr McDonald the operations committee met on Wednesday February 15th at 8 in the morning there are a few topics I'd like to briefly report on first the 2022 referendum significant work has been completed several projects remain for this summer um PHS and PMs Roofing projects have kicked off with pre-construction meetings the remaining Elementary School Roofing projects are also moving forward and the elementary hbac bid was awarded and is moving forward with respect to the 2023 referendum four items are on tonight's agenda to make Awards the first three are at the high school the cafeteria two security vestibules at the tower and pack entrances interior doors and door hardware the fourth project includes the security cameras and related equipment at all six schools of these four projects one award is in line with the estimated budget and three are under budget PHS training room renovation this will proceed using Grant monies and capital reserve funds and will result in a significantly upgraded space for the health of our student student athletes and the return of one classroom bus purchases are on tonight's agenda most years we purchase one or two new buses to replace ones that are required by law to be retired on the agenda tonight is the purchase of three buses two Replacements and one new bus needed for the prek program we discussed sustainability with Jenny ludmer from sustainable Princeton who Jo always joins us for this part of the discussion we have applied to the EPA clean School Bus program to purchase two new buses electric buses in the future the winterbreak shutdown Energy Efficiency campaign was successful with four schools reducing energy usage by more than 10% compared to last year the district is working with the municipality to determine if we have suitable Green Space to support a micro Forest that is a town goal our last two topics were the budget where the committee continued preliminary discussions in closed session and playground planning the committee discussed how to move these projects forward as available funding is determined Matt PL Mr Balon informed us that he plans to hire an outside professional to lead and oversee the playground projects our next meeting is March 6 at 8 am thank you Mr McDonald uh moving on now to Personnel right Personnel met on Thursday February 8th and tonight you will be asked to approve a job description for system engineer in the technology department this is not a new position the employees left that job but it's been tweaked to add um some requirements that we that that technology fields are needed in the department uh there was a job fair for AIDS and unfortunately no one showed up so if anyone is out there listening wants to work for the district please call us um HR has received a bunch of resumés for the HR position and more information to follow on that thank you thanks Debbie and Beth is putting her glasses back on so it must be time for the policy report I'll do policy now thank you um the policy committee met on February 7th we continued discussions with the director of guidance John McMichael regarding a proposed addition to policy 56 5600 student discipline code of conduct to reflect current District practice with respect to non-disclosure of student behavioral infractions to P postsecondary institutions the committee considered advice of council and proposed changes to the policy that that are up for first read tonight we moved policies and regulations regarding mandatory school threat assessment teams and attendance requirements onto second read tonight the committee discussed the annual Board calendar and briefly touched on a number of topics that may appear on the committee agenda in the months ahead the committee next meets at 3:45 pm on February 7th nope that's wrong it um in March I don't have the date exactly and the public is welcome to attend all right thank that'll be on the district it'll be on the district calendar thank you Beth uh and then moving on now to student achievement with Bessie thank you and policy is March 6th thank you there you go thank goodness for cell phone calendars on Zoom or in person on Zoom uh student achievement met on uh February 9th at 11:00 am on Zoom Laurence Samara joined us to talk about our K5 um intervention an interventionist role and how she's supporting our students um at the elementary level we heard from Tiffany Bren the 6 through 12 supervisor of mathematics about the middle school math lab which is a new program that has been brought back under a different name to our Middle School to help support students who need a little bit more time in math with their own Math teachers we appreciate their work uh Dr two shared planned field trips at the K8 level which is often uh a topic of interest for all students and their families um so we thank Dr two for after these years where not as many field trips happened uh where bringing them back and we're looking at them holistically um we also reviewed School recess guidance we had a few questions regarding when students were going out for recess what the um temperature needed to be and all of our schools follow the same protocol um also I just want to note end two on our agenda this evening is something we spoke about in Clos session there are a few revisions to the program of studies we have changed some prerequisites for the physics C classes we' just um uh noted them uh in there and then ALS also clarified that there is a waiver process this is course registration time already for the next school year so we invite parents to look at page 12 of the program of studies for information on our waiver process and we thank all of our staff members for making that transparent for our families um our next meeting is Friday March 8th at 11: am on Zoom all right thank you Betsy um any questions from the board nope all right and so we're going to move on um again please stop me you have something to say so L1 um policies for first reading L2 policies for second reason a second re reading I'm I'm going ahead of myself here second reading then M1 resignations um and then we have M2 uh retirements and um who's going first uh who has Kathleen okay um I'd like to speak um to Kathleen bonic who's retiring after 23 years of service to our district uh nurses might see kids when they're physically ill injured or need support for me mental health especially at a middle school it's important to have someone who is kind and compassionate like Kathleen is someone who establishes a rapport easily with both students and staff like Kathleen does so I know I speak for the board and thanking Kathleen for her 23 years of care of our kids in the district and wish her well on a well-deserved retirement thank you Susan and I'd love to say a few words about Mary Gutierrez who is retiring uh as a first grade teacher at community park one of my sons was lucky enough to be in her classroom I just want to thank Mary for her kindness and her care and the true love of reading that she has that she imparted to our students so uh Mary we wish you a wonderful retirement thank you Betsy and I have the honor to say a few words about Val ol um Val kintar District as um the principal over at Riverside she moved over to Valley Road and became uh first the supervisor of um special projects and then as we have expanded um as we've taken advantage of the state of New Jersey's um commitment to prek uh she has overseen the expansion of our program to over a hundred kids across a variety of locations um Val has been looking forward to retirement uh she's got two boys um but I I also understand she's going to be uh going back and and enhancing her education so we wish Val um all the best and a long and healthy retirement um she really um made a difference in our district um and and we're grateful for her contributions and I would like to say about all three that's 46 years of um experience that is uh retiring and uh we wish them all the [Applause] best yeah I'd also just like to say that um I had the privilege of working with Valerie for the last eight years and and also kind of she came to Riverside I think right when I was leaving Riverside and then I watched her come over to the district and she did all sorts of incredibly creative and um additive work as a grants person and was very very just very wonderful person to work with and accomplish so many things for our students and I think she'll be missed very much thank you Beth all right um so moving on M3 appointments M4 transfer reassignment M5 Personnel item M6 leave of absence M7 substitutes M8 curriculum and instruction M9 student services M10 six period compensation M11 is at job description that Debbie was mentioning um moving on to N1 purchase of preschool um furniture and supplies and and to the PHS uh program of studies revision that Betsy uh mentioned uh moving on now to um o1 educational replacement of students two special education agreement three so and health 04 professional Consulting uh Services revised moving on to the business uh P1 Financial reports P2 fire and evacuation drills P3 um the purchase of buses that Mr uh McDonald mentioned and then we have um the submission of uh the long range long range facility plan to uh the New Jersey Department of Education for approval uh and then we have the formal bid awards for the security vestibules of PHS that Mr McDonald mentioned uh and we have end the interior um door replacement at PMS and uh what do we have p7 is the formal bid award for the cafeteria p8 is the security camera contract award um and I would like to just thank the community again for their support report of our referendums that is enabling us to make these um security enhancements in our school um m n we have strategic communication Services M10 registration travel agenda all right moving on to our last public comment is there anyone I just had a question um sure guess one of the reasons I'm here unfortunately I've never shown up before uh Frank area Little Brook Road Little Brook Road North yeah um there are two yeah um and I've applied for a substitute teacher so I was just told like come on this day this is the day that they like I guess approve stuff say yay or nay whatever I'm looking forward to it my kids said I should have been doing it a lot my kids said I should have been doing it a lot a lot earlier so I'm I'm looking for it to help out as I can I've been I've been a stayed home dad for 20 years and it's about time I get out of the house so I don't know I don't know if it was like during the oh let me see let me check you would be so you're going to be under uh seven substitutes let's see Franklin I oh yes there you are number three substitute for the district 221 to 630 at a daily rate of $115 is what we're paying our substitutes I hope they put you over at Littlebrook so you don't have a long commute his property backs up to Littlebrook um I'm not sure I can go back to that yet all right I'll still I'll do it sometimes but all right no I'll still I'll definitely still do it sometimes well it is right behind my house so makes it makes it convenient yeah I mean you know we want to be eco-friendly and everything but you know wherever you want to go I'm sure yeah we appreci I have the school the school systems have been great you get mean I have H one daughter that's already graduated another one that's going to graduate this year and the school system's been absolutely fantastic I got one one son that will well be in the high school next year but uh thank you for all the tough work that you guys do thank you Franklin and we're sorry that someone told you you had to sit through the meeting to get appointed I'm sorry that someone told you you had to come to the meeting tonight oh no they didn't say I just me I was trying to get to learn how everything works you know like behind the scenes you know I mean they they didn't make me come yeah all right good you because you know some people like to play pranks on people so you know no nobody made me come but I'm just kind of curious as how it done and then okay you know maybe may maybe not make um tea time you know tea times if I'm going to be tutoring subbing thank you well maybe you take the kids with you but thank you thanks for coming y um actually I had one more piece of business which is just to let the community know tonight's been a great celebration of our students let's keep it going there's a gospel Festival Friday night night at the high school the choirs are performing 7:30 on Friday February 23rd um the Middle School our esteemed director was here tonight miss Cameron was in the audience Princeton Middle School is is doing Mary Poppins that is March 7th through 10th and then our high school is performing Beauty and the Beast March 14th through 16th so we welcome not only families within the district but our entire Community come and see what students are doing um and there are many other things happening in the district so stay tuned all right thank you bety yeah I think think the Asian festival is March 8th March 7th I think SE what okay sorry 7th yeah and that's at the high school yes and that's seven to nine okay uh 8 to n there will be uh no charge and 8 to n there will be uh performances I believe yes you said March 7th March 7 okay great because I have five things to do that night including a swim meet that's all right I'm gonna is March you're right March 8th oh my bad March 8th see four nights four things to do yep all right and now moving on to that consent agenda that everyone wants to vote for uh can I please get a motion Susan second Mara daon Kendall yes Betsy bagil yes Beth Baron yes Adam Beerman yes Debbie ronfeld yes Mar franceski yes Elanor hubard yes Susan caner yes Brian McDonald yes Rob Christopher yes consent agenda passes all right thank you Mr Balden um all right and with that um is there this is five after nine all right can I get a motion to adjourn Mara second Betsy all in favor all right good night everyone thank you