##VIDEO ID:0HF0emxpJzY## e e we're going to call our meeting back to order we ready in The Sound Room good okay good good deal it is 505 and uh this is our midyear budget amendment so Julian I'll turn it over to you thank you chairman um what's brought to you today is the midyear budget amendment um although your um audit report hasn't been presented yet we did get those numbers and because time is of the essence I went ahead and brought this to you today the audit report is expected to be presented in in presentation mode at the next meeting however um what the mid-year budget amendment does is true up the projected carry forward or closing balances of each of our funds with the actual carry forward or closing balances with each of our funds so as you will see in the um documents that are provided it TRS up each of the funds um to Ure well it would have ended 24 it is for fiscal year 23 right okay no I lied to you it would have ended 23 for fiscal year 23 you're currently in 24 we're building 25 right good deal all right go right ahead some of these figures are including some true up money for this year correct and some funds that we knew we were short like the health care we treed it up some because we knew it was short this year and last that's correct some of these figures FES um for in healthcare is one Medicaid hospitals is another that um the number projection or expense requirement is released in June of each year by the state so when they released them this year's July 1 to June 30th number went up about $300,000 which puts us um negative for the remaining quarters of our fiscal year because the state operates on a different fiscal year than we do so we had to Tri up that account um health insurance and and there's a number of other ones that have some minor adjustments to them to fix this year's what what we brought into this year and projected out so the state the state actually operates from July 1 to June 30th yes that's correct it it does mess this up a little bit anything else you want to explain through here before well yeah so the total amount is 26 m69 3 $25 that's of all funds and remember um we have to have a balance in governmental Finance so what you do on one side of the house has to match the other so you'll see the revenue and expenditure lines um some of what you were seeing as housekeeping for instance um the $1.25 million that's being transferred out of the general fund and into the water fund that's a a a product of an action that the board actually took last July but due to some accounting um applied principles at the finance division they didn't actually move the money so on my H side of the house which is budget we moved the money and the accounting because there were no actual expenses they didn't move the money so it's not that you're moving twice you're moving the same set of money two times but you're not doubling that down if you will um again just some hous keeping again when you look at the fire taxing unit you start off with a -2 million and then a positive 1.8 that was a projection that we were going to not have the fire legislative appropriation closed out by the end of last year it we did get all those expenses in so instead of that Revenue being captured last year which we assumed the revenue would we pulled it forward to this year so you're going to see it flush right so some of this is simply um transactions that are going to flush each other out again another example would be in the miscellaneous Grant funds you're seeing us bring in um just under $5 million that is the same uh principle that we talked about earlier although that is arpa money and you did not get any new arpa money this is already monies you committed it's in the 160 fund and there were no actual expenses related to those arpa projects in the one in in the 405 fund which is what the projects they're funding and so you're seeing that transaction happen again it's not new dollars it's old existing dollars that on the budget side of the house and the finance side of the house we simply have to reconcile the way it works I can answer any additional questions that you may have about any specific item did you want to go first no um under uh better place plan it looks like so we have dirt to pay projects and resurfacing projects are the same exact number is that a duplicate or can you explain why that it's doubled in also reserve for contingency reserve for Capital outlay are also the same exact number yes ma'am so the better place plan the projected Revenue that number is given from the state was well under actual Revenue so we ended up taking in $3.7 million more than what was projected by the state and budgeted by the county when those revenues come in we appli the same formulaic approach that the board has required in the past and so of dirt to pave and resurfacing I think we're averaging just under 68% of the revenues and so we split them in half half of those revenues went to dirt to pave half of them went to resurfacing and then the other two were split 5050 between reserve for contingency and reserve for capital outlay for the board to direct staff as to what and when they would like a BPP project to be executed so those are true additional funds to those project yes ma'am it is okay and then the net is the net is um I know we have reserves for contingency up under the 99.99 um at the beginning um reserves for contingency 1, 42,71265 to reserves um the 6 point or 7.2 which is the aggregate sum of the reserve for cency and restrictive reserves for Capital outlay um that is money added to the general fund if you continue kind of going down that list the transportation fund is adding those two balance numbers for reserve for contingency and future projects an actual million dollars is coming into the transportation fund okay um so so the the bottom line it for each of those funds that you're seeing is going to be where you add to reserve for contingency or reserves for capital outlay or reserves for future projects that's that's Reserve real dollars adding to your current Reserve balances and the respective funds okay I got it thank you any other questions all right this is a public hearing so we'll open up the public is the public willing to speak any public comments please come up really quick not really quick just please come up that's fine just state your name address and County for the record please and any questions you might have Leslie Mullins pull that microphone to you there you go Leslie Mullins putham County and what else did you want address address yes 105 Riverside way Sano um I had a question cuz um it looked like the dollar amounts asked for in the amendment were very specific as in the money had already been spent and that the requested increases were to cover those expenditures and then my other question was um it looked like close to the 10 million was coming out of reserves what does that leave in the reserves Julian if you it's the opposite so yeah I'm gonna try to try to best explain it so those very very um specific number Amounts is where we true up what we projected the year en closed to be and what the actual is so you're right it may be um you know for instance the fishing fund balance was $1,053 right a very specific amount of money and that happens when we project the when the state gave us projected fishing fund revenues we pluged that number in and those revenues fell short by exactly 1,00 $53 so it wasn't an expenditure that went over it was simply revenues that came in under and so when we began this year's budget we assumed to be made whole when the audited financials came in we we understand that the realized actual revenue is $1,053 short so in order to correct that projection difference you deduct 1,053 so it's not and in the fishing fund is a great example because there's not a single dollar spent out of the fishing fund as directed by the board however we still have to keep those balances correct um with respect to your question nothing's coming out of general fund reserves we're adding two so the 10 million coming into the general fund is then allocated out as needed in order to True up some of the accounts and then the rest is being put into reserves new monies into Reserves in the amount of roughly $7.2 million for the general fund but to get an aggregate total of what you're putting into the reserves you'd have to add up each Line's additional Reserve dollars okay and so then the balance of the reserves is going to be what I do not have that for you but I can get it for you because because remember we're operating current reserves right now today and they change as needed as the board directs staff to do um but in the last budget report or quarterly budget report we had roughly $1 million in reserves and we would add this now we're talking general fund only because each fund has its own set of reserves um and then you would add the point2 to those reserves okay thank you thank you any other comments all right seeing n we'll close the public portion of that and what do we need to do oh we pass a resolution so commissioner the chair will entertain a motion Mr chair I move approval of resolution number 2024 d77 resolution of the board um amending the budget for fiscal year 2324 second got proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing that all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it and this meeting is now adjourned --------- ##VIDEO ID:3UD8-CBYpYA## e e e e e we'll get started good morning and let's call our meeting to order today is Tuesday August 13th it is 9:00 um the invocation will be done by Reverend Ted stackpole the chaplain to Foster Care Community Pudge Allegiance will be done by commissioner Bill Pickins please rise if you're able to do so and remove your caps would you bow your hearts with me in prayer this morning Heavenly Father we come before you today with Hearts full of gratitude for the many blessings you bestowed upon us we thank you for this opportunity to gather and serve our community we ask for your guidance and wisdom as decisions are made that affect the lives of those in our County May Integrity fairness and compassion be the guide for all that is said and done and Lord we also lift up our County's teachers faculty and students as they return to school we pray for their Protection keep them safe and healthy throughout the school year Grant the teachers and faculty the wisdom patience and strength they need to nurture and educate our young people fill them with your peace and encouragement even in challenging times for the students we ask that you open their minds and hearts to learn and grow may they feel your love and support in their studies and friendships and as we begin this meeting we invite your presence to be with us help us to work together in unity seeking the best for all those represented and may everything that is done be said For Your Glory and the good of our community in Jesus name I pray amen amen Jo of Al Al to flag of United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all well thank you um rever stackpole appreciate it and commissioner Bill Pickins next on our agenda Commissioners is approval of the Amendments Mr chair I move approval of the minutes with one change um for July 9th I was absent due to it illness so if that first paragraph second paragraph will just get changed then um a move approval with a change okay we have proper motion to do we have a second second by commissioner Turner any other discussion on the motion hearing done all in favor signify by saying I I poose like on the eyes have it I'm going to take a point of privilege real quick before we go to our Port Authority and call upon Miss Jenny Robins to come up and bring up your guest and your other people that are with you Danny you want to come up no no okay told you I'd get you in and out quick so I know no worries no worries good morning uh Commissioners I am here today Jenny Robbins chairman of the board of the chamber this year um we have did uh have our new hire new president for the chamber moving forward Miss Laura um pavas and and I'm going to let her tell a little bit about herself if that's okay yes thank you Miss Laura welcome today good morning thank you all for having me here today some familiar faces and some new faces it's a pleasure to meet you all I really look forward to working in this community and serving the the residents and the businesses there's so much opportunity here um I'm absolutely thrilled to be a part of what you guys all have going on and the momentum that you've created so just look forward to serving you all my last uh nine years I spent serving Clay County um there's a lot of momentum on the south end of Klay County that I think will be a really nice um congruent to to what's going on in putam County so a lot of unity for the the northeast Florida region as well so thank you for having me here this morning it's a pleasure to to meet you all and I look forward to working with you all good thank you thank you thank you have nice meeting you thank you Jenny okay next on our agenda we're gonna uh recess our Board of County Commission meeting and we're going to call to order our Port Authority and Commissioners we have an item of approval of the minutes Mr your chair I move approval of the minutes of the Port Authority meeting July 9th 2024 second we have a proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it is there any public comment on Port Authority this is Port Authority items only at this point and see no one rushing for we'll close that public comment period General discussion amongst Commissioners is there any discussion on Port items commissioner AMAC commissioner turn no okay then we'll end our Port Authority meeting and reconvene our Board of County Commission meeting and go into presentations Miss Lorie Parker good morning good morning um we're here to present the award for employee of the month for July 2024 and the employee of the month is Cindy Driggers she's with sanitation Cindy started with us in early um 2023 and she has been a very big asset to the sanitation department Jay we are thankful for this opportunity to be here with you today and to uh thank Miss Cindy for all of her hard work you know in the in the sanitation department we seem to be always trying to optimize and do things a little bit better and um show up at that scale house so we thank her for her uh willingness just to be a good employee and she's very deserving of this award and we're grateful for the opportunity to be here thank you thank [Applause] you I picture you don't want to say anything no okay get everybody in place congratulations congratulations we do have some great employees and we appreciate the opportunity to recognize them today um now we can move right into our Planning Development public hearing 9:00 and we're going to do our first one is a PUD 24-3 Kings Family LLC good morning everyone for the record Jennifer gazell planning and development services the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from residential 1 r1a and Commercial neighborhood C1 to plan unit development PUD the applicant is Kings Family LLC the agent is pendulum Properties LLC parcel is 8090 Acres located at 1160 County Road 309 in Crescent City the applicant is seeking approval for the purpose of establishing an overnight recreation park consisting of up to 600 RV sites no more than two caretaker residences cabins lamping sites Camp store restaurant bathing and bathing facil ities laundry facilities RV and Boat Storage events and meeting facilities a park office and outdoor recreation areas the parcel is designated Rural Center and Rural residential on the adopted future land use map the parcel is currently vacant and has approximately 350 ft of pave Road Frontage on County Road 309 and 2600 ft of pave Road Frontage on County Road 308 according to the the puam County GIS reference map there is approximately 18 Acres of wellons the submitted site plan indicates the majority of those areas to be avoided should this P be approved the applicant will then submit to the development Review Committee to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations as it pertains to this property the RC will ensure the placement of RV lots is acceptable based on the development agreement and the Florida Department of Health will review plans for potable water and sanitary sewer other agencies including but not limited to putam County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's riverwater Management District will review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding Properties by complying with each agency specific regulations associated with the new development we show your aerial view the future land use zoning FEMA flood zone Wetlands the Pud agreement conceptual plan staff recommends approval of the request to to amend the zoning map from residential 1 r1a and Commercial neighborhood C1 to plan unit development PUD with staff proposed development agreement as the request is consistent with the requirements for PUD zoning consistent with the future land use designation and consistent with other comprehensive plan goals objectives and policies at the scheduled public hearing on June 12th 2024 the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning application questions any questions Mr Turner once this um if this goes through today then it will go to DRC yes sir and then it would come back to to a future board for approval of a development order no sir okay so this is it yes sir except for what requirements DRC puts on them yes sir okay I noticed on page 85 that it said that they had a u the caretaker residence that was allowed actually two of them I believe it cannot be larger than 12200 Square ft yes sir why is that that is the stipulation the applicant put in the development agreement themselves okay just surprised that they would build something that small for a caretaker's residence um the other thing on this particular one is that it's my understanding that the NFPA minimum which is National Fire Protection is that correct Jr that is correct yes sir um says that the roadways that they're asking for the minimums on the roadways are not allowable they have to be 20 foot for One Direction roads and 24t for two direction roads uh by that fire code so while I know that DRC would pick that up I want it to be in a development agreement that understand straight up front that's the minimums that those roads can be by NF NFPA um I think those were the two issues that I had for right now oh excuse me one more the site plan doesn't it it calls for that they're going to do this in five phases but the site plan doesn't lay out those phases or what part's going to be done first or if the amenities are going to be in place before for the whole place before Phase 2 three 4 and five come in if so in other words would they be allowed to come in and just put in their roads and sewer and water and start putting the phase one in without the other amenities or they got to have all the amenities such as um bathrooms and showers and the other things that have to be there to to uh to be in RV Park Mr chair if I may answer that or I'm sorry excuse me uh commissioner Turner if I may answer that um so in phases state your name and oh yes for the record Zachary Baker planning and development services um when it comes to a phase development the phase or the infrastructure that is critical to the completion of those phases will be required so in some cases it may be all of the water and all of the Wastewater because typically we don't see several of those especially on a park um for the roads they would put in those roads that are necessary to access those campsites and then of course like the office uh some recreational spaces um and then all of the Power and and supporting infrastructure for the actual RV lots themselves they have kind of the their own discretion if they want to put in all the roads up front and then build on uh add the New Lots later on or if they want to kind of compartmentalize the development um but those critical infrastructure water sewer and waste water uh will have to be in place for all of the phases are complete I guess my concern is mostly the U the other amenities that are re required for them to have RV park such as the bathrooms and the showers and those sort of amenities do they have to be put in before phase one can start or can it be or can they be done later my one of my concerns is they start this project and it won't work and we got a non-conforming RV park out there because the original amenities haven't ever been put into place yes sir so our Land Development code specifically requires a uh centralized restroom within 300 ft of Camp spaces so they will be required to put in the restrooms and shower facilities that would service those nodes but we would not expect them to put in a a restroom on the Southwest or Southeast Corner if all of their development for phase one is in the northwest corner I understand that but they would have to put in what is required to service that phase that they're uh putting in at the moment that is correct I think that's all I have thank you Mr Turner Mr Pickins you have the floor yeah thank you chairman Harvey um Jennifer on page 53 of the Development Dimensions and uh intensity standards it doesn't say anything about the the front raway setbacks but it does on 71 it's highlighted in Red so they will be 25 ft yes sir okay and then the um instead of 70% density it's a maximum of 7.5 sites per acre yes sir okay and then I believe it had in there so we're changing the the time frame from 24 to 36 months to time of where he has to start doing something before the permit goes v void yes sir okay all right and in development review this is where the possibility for the need for turn Lanes would be discussed and in that okay because turn Lanes need to be in this project CU that's a just to Tang Road and U so I highly recommend that um also is the quiet hours in here yes sir okay all right what's the time frame I miss that while they're looking for that I don't see any reason why that we can't put in this development order things that this commission is passionate about such as that there will be turn Lanes off there and then the DRC can then go in and design the minimums on the turn lane but there's nothing that I know of that says we can't require them to put a minimum turn Lanes to be designed by DRC I can okay we're not going to do that okay it's hard to hear up here when people in the audience are talking we'll get you'll have your chance to come up and speak and there's just excuse me chairman har there just one will be off of 309 there's no access to this from 308 correct Zachary sorry repeat that there's no access from 308 to the possibility of this project there's no access to 308 just an emergency emergency well the conceptual plan currently shows access just for the infrastructure the water and the the Wastewater um but we don't have any access for uh the public on three right the general public okay would you like to come back to that question while you're researching that yeah it seems as though we don't have it readily available for us I'll come back we'll come back to that question I'll give you time I'm going to go to commissioner Paul Adams that I just wanted to make sure I was right but across the street is there's already a smaller RV part that correct Renegades is across the street thank you I'm struggling to find that time line that they put in there so I want to defer to the applicants agent on that okay thank you I didn't see it in there but I know we discussed it all right so we'll uh go to is the applicant here today the applicant's agent is yes would the applicant like to come up and speak good morning Mr Kennedy Patrick Kennedy 673 3rd Avenue waca Florida I'm here on behalf of the uh they did call they're trying to be here but they're running a little late in traffic I guess from where they're coming uh the answer should be on I I'm looking at the actual development agreement it' be page five of the development agreement section 3.3.3 was added for location and hours of operation and uh uh the event meeting facilties and restaurant uses instru shall be located away from the project boundaries towards the center the project is generally represented the concept plan attached as exist one is understood and agreed that entertainment special events on the property shall be limited to the event meeting facilities or the restaurant and any Amplified sound of the property shall be subject with putam County Sound Ordinance and limited to the following hours Sunday through Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday through Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. which mirrors uh Renegades across the street although we have an application requirement in ours that's not in the Renegades ped and then it says refer to putham County Sound Ordinance for the actual decel requests page 85 okay thank you Mr Kennedy will you put that microphone to your mouth please yeah it's kind of I know it's kind of a weird microphone needs to be tightened up kind of bond in there all right is that better that's much better thank you um on the NFPA uh the development agreement specifically references that we're going to do what NFPA requires as far as the roadways and access and things of that nature I believe there is a secondary access to 308 but it is for emergency secondary purposes not for the uh customers to be coming and going unless of course there is an emergency where they have to evacuate or something of that nature um and then of course the water and sewer is currently planned for the north corner and it will have its access uh just for staff and uh and maintenance personel things of that nature um obviously we concur with the staff recommendation the planning recommendation uh as far as the turn Lanes uh certainly my clients aren't opposed to whatever is required we would ask that we just be required to follow whatever your Land Development code requires in that regard rather than any kind of special consider ations we anticipate a turn lane is going to be required due to the size of this park um and we have no problems with that but specifics of that we would like to leave to your Land Development code if we could that would be my only comment on that particular issue I'm not asking for special consideration just whatever your code currently requires commission attorney you have a question for the applicant uh yes when it comes to quiet times there I think that Renegades has done a good job fixing their up and what have you but it seems to me like the one problem that they're having down there is that at 10 or 11:00 at night you can hear the music all the way in we La them and I'm being a little fous but not by far um because they do turn it up pretty old um would they be open to a I know that when we've had other discussions with possible RV parks in the past that we've talked to them about possibly a an earlier quiet time in the evening or whatever where the um maybe they'd at least have to go across the Renegades or something if they wanted 11:00 music because there's not much we can do about it at this point to have two of them right across street from one another and both of them being pretty loud I don't know if that would be advantageous to the neighborhood I don't think think they'd be opposed to to that uh depending I guess one of the issues the main issue I have is not so much for maybe a regular person with a guitar at the restaurant kind of thing but uh if they're having a special event like a wedding or something like that they wanted to leave open the opportunity to meet these particular hours that's what they spoke to me about that was their main concern with the hours was the uh you know the people were having a wedding or some other kind of event and they want to go till 11:00 they want to be able to allow that but well the the problem that we've run into and I can come up with a lot lot of analogies but another one's at the fairgrounds for instance we've got a 10:00 I believe it is quiet time at the fairground and I've had calls at 1:00 in the morning that it's still raging so it's an issue um well certainly it needs to be done by whatever hours you guys set not winding down I I would agree with that um and they are here now they snuck in on me um so we can ask them if you have a if you want to reduce that down at 10:00 on the weekends is that what you're referring to or I don't I don't know what hours you're thinking right now we have 11:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday and then uh Sunday through Thursday is 9:00 p.m. they're done I don't want to negotiate on behalf of the board so I'd like to have some of the other board members chime in on that if that's possible thank you thank you Mr ter Mr Adams that yeah I think what you're asking for makes sense um a little bit different than Renegades Renegades is out on the water so the noise just amplifies everywhere this is kind of it's centralized in the property so it's got 20 some acres to go on all sides before the sound leaves the property um so I think the people that'll be most offended by the noise to be the people paying to be there and hopefully they're participating in their activities if that's what they're doing um so I have no problem with 11 pm in in this case is another board member to give you my input any other comments questions I'm good with the regular so we gonna go to 10 on weekends is is that no it's currently reads 11 in the agreement and then we go to 10 I'm okay with 11 to n yeah 11 to 9 is the uh Sunday through Thursday Friday and Saturday will be 11 to 11 the way it's currently written and renegades gets to do what I they it stop at 11 or 10 this came out of the Renegades PUD that those hours did well I don't know how we pick and choose I have a problem with that I think that if you allow the person across the street to play music to 11 then you should allow this person to this company to to play till 11 I I don't think it's our job to pick and choose I don't think that's Equitable and I think part of our job is to be Equitable that's my thoughts commissioner Turner um I think that part of our job is also that if we've made a mistake in the past not to make that mistake again if possible and so I think that it's shown by just the problems that they've had down there in the past with late night music noise and what have you that that I I would feel more comfortable with it being backed off till 10:00 and I don't think that would keep them from being able to do the things they want to do and then hopefully if we have a 10:00 in there and they they'll get it cut off by 11: or 11:30 I mean we've all been to places where that happened where it went on past time so I I would be more comfortable with the 10 Patrick I have a question for you um the 24mth to 36 Monon extension that you're requesting for development is that correct yes you know I'm going to be honest with you I'm getting from where I sit puds are becoming more more and more used I think to circumvent some of our zoning I'm just going to speak as myself and and I'm frustrated with some of this I think puds were designed for the the anomalies that are out there but I don't we recently this board or maybe myself and I'll just say that found a PUD in the East Pac area that's been kind of dormant for a long time I don't want these puds to be dormant I don't want them to sit out there for three years doing nothing or maybe being sold to somebody else I mean I I think the the intention is if we're going to approve it then we should see something happen to it immediately and that's how I feel I might be the only commissioner feels that way but I don't see the point in going 36 months but that's just me well and for a project of this nature it sometimes be more about uh the financing putting the money together doesn't happen overnight and uh and you also want to try to hit the the interest rates as best you can and things of that nature go into it's not just about moving the dirt it's about putting the uh all that stuff up front before you put in the dirt uh the design is going to take some time DRC is going to take some time so it's not just about how long it's going to take to get the bulldozers out there it's about all the stuff you have to do before you can put bulldozers out there so I I appreciate your concern I will say this the Pud is required by your code with rardy overnight recreational parks yeah I know so we have we had to do it this way yeah um but uh that said 2 years is a little tight uh if we were going to try to put that to your limitation there we'd like some language that gives some flexibility we're showing some due diligence on these other issues such as financing and permitting that we're working on it but uh uh you know the idea that you can move dirt within two years is not always feasible for a project to nature and I I just there was another question I want to make sure we answer that the bathroom facilities and things of that nature that will support each phase uh we we'll be going in for this project it just makes good business sense for an RV park but it's also as indicated required by your your code so anything uh that's necessary to support whatever phases are going in will be put in before we're allowed to occupy that phase Zach you had a question or an answer Mr chairman I just want to to add to the conversation regarding the um the deadlines for completion or uh uh commencing construction our own Land Development code stipulates that if a deadline is not identified in the development agreement that it should be eligible for commencement for up to 48 months uh so just wanted to add that out there as well the 24 to 36 is um kind of common to see still might be a little too long that's my opinion Mr Turner you have the floor um Zach what would be the scenario if they started within their 36 months with phase one but then they didn't go on to any of the additional phases that looks to me like they've got it five five phases out and the maximum phase five is within 10 years what if they don't go do Phase 2 3 four and five so at face value they'd be found to be in violation of their development agreement for not completing the phases uh but at the same time they would have the opportunity through working with staff to come back and approach the board for an extension of their timeline they would have to provide with you know circumstances causing the delays but that would be the route we would take or they could ask to just not do the additional phases if they had the amenities that justified the phases they had already done yes sir they could amend to cap it at whatever development they had at that point in time thank you Mr chair Mr Pickins yeah good question um I when I spoke to to Mr McCoy about this project um my biggest concern was well definitely traffic but then noise so I'm in favor I understand we've got renates at 11 and it does just echo down the river is the problem this is a little different situation is across the road and not in the middle but close to be the middle of this property but I do think we need to consider consider a 10 10:00 quiet hour um on the weekend so that's all I got all right thank you thank you is there any further questions okay Patrick thank you for coming is now we're going to open up our this to our public so is there anyone here that would like to speak and let's just say in favor or against so please work your way up to the podium you will be Ed for three minutes we would ask that you keep your comment to three minutes and keep them very civil if you will uh no shotting out come on come on up state your name address County that you live in please my name is Thomas yisc I live at uh 105 elvirus Street in southeast putham County Down uh 309 from both Renegades and the proposed properties um my con concerns are um for emergency purposes and also public health and safety um as far as their development meeting the criteria of each phase having a actic system that's in place um once all those properties are developed will it be overwhelming the uh area's ability to absorb all the toxins out of the uh water table because 90% of us down there are on Wells I don't think there is any other than small public facilities in a few spots that do their own water purification and in an emergency there's not enough Road access out 308 or 309 if there was an emergency reason to evacuate the area the roads could not handle the motion of all that traffic at one time you have not finished the extension of 17 down through Cresent city either so it's going to bottleneck and people are not going to be able to get her out if there's an emergency such as forest fires from maybe Georgetown Preserve waca State Forest there's a lot of open forest in that area and we all know it turns into a Tinder Box sometimes of the year I don't think the safety issues have been addressed thank you sir thank you anybody else would like to speak in favor or opposition of this request going once twice three times okay we're going to shut our public meeting off and Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chairman um you have to read this by title yeah okay so the ordinance number 2024 is that correct on 45 do we have a number for that ordinance yeah it's just not listed on page it's 17 okay so with the discussion uh commissioner Turner do you think we should just allow the DRC to handle the the lanane situation I mean I don't see how they can do it without a turn lane I and I also agree with the 10:00 on the quiet time for the weekend in my opinion if you were asking my my opinion I think we should put it in there I think that that we should just put it in there that turn Lanes will be required and they'll be designed by the DRC okay I make the motion that we approve um PUD 24-3 um an ordinance of the county of putam State of Florida amending the putam County zoning map for a certain parts of of land from res presential 1A r1a and Commercial C1 to plan unit development providing for a development agreement providing for cability and providing for an effective date with the caveat that turn lanes are required they're working with the DRC to develop those plans and also a 10:00 quiet time um on the weekends I'll second that motion under discussion Mr chairman we have proper motion and this proper second under discussion Mr I also think we need to add in there that the one-way roads are going to be a minimum of 20 foot and the two-way roads a minimum of 24 because that is a requirement and that's not what's in there now would you like to amend your motion Mr Pi yeah I will amend the motion and I have a question I'll amend a motion I'll amend the second okay Patrick addressed roads um I if I missed it that I thought that they would be to the standard that you were talking about which I think these two widths are there is some flexibility inside that code for oneway streets two-way streets and the minimum clearance but it doesn't Define an NFPA um one chapter 14 I think it is um of what the minimum requirements so we would enforce whatever the minimum requirements are and then an NPA code but in our motion if we designate with size R then that's going to be the way the development is going to be that they're a minimum of that size yes sir okay I have if I may you may I have an email from your fire marshal that someone gave me that he he came up with these I didn't dream them up of the 20ft minimums for Runway and for oneway and 24t minimums with a and then they additionally added in there that they had to be at least 13 foot something in height that that was in that code so that's where I came up with those numbers at was straight out of the email that I got from the Fire Marshall and I I spoke to the fire marshal following that conversation and there is some exclusions where you can put oneway streets down to a minimum of 14 right now the motion stands amended with 20 foot oneway and 24 foot directional both directions is that correct and you've amended your motion and you've second the motion so is there any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it thank you very much next will be uh rezone of PUD 24004 Charles alord and Katherine clap ordinance number 2024 d017 thank you chairman for the record Zachary Bay planning and development services uh this is an application to amend the putham County zoning map from agriculture to plann unit development um this is uh four Parcels comprising a total of 165 acres of land um the applicant is seek an approval for the establishment of a mixed use subdivision and residential development uh with a maximum of 580 single family homes which is a residential D residential density of 3 and A2 units per acre it would also include approximately 60,000 Square ft of non-residential commercial space an amenity Center Park uh infrastructure within the subdivision would include ax roads internal roadways sidewalks lift stations and storm water management the parcels are designated Urban services on the adopted future land use map vacant undeveloped Parcels have approximately 3500 ft of paved Road Frontage along State Road 207 and approximately 3500 F feet of unpaved Road Frontage on Alfred Road which would become paved if the development is approved the pro the parcels are also affected by approximately sers of jurisdictional wetlands um this slide is designated to kind of summarize the concession that were determined uh after the first reading held on J July 23rd 24 um of those would include minimum fot lot widths 5,000 squ foot minimum lot areas and uh increasing the sidey yard setback from 5 to 7 and A2 ft also included are 24t minimum interior roads that are paved the inclusion of a two-car garage on each home plus parking for two cars in each driveway total of four spots per home site modification to the perimeter buffer language to ensure a minimum 30 foot separation between the improvements of this Pro prop project um and adjoining boundary lines of other Parcels there's also kind of some new language for the creation of a CDD or HOA kind of giving the developer options on that and then Improvement options for Alfred Road um those amendments can be seen in explicit detail by referring to page apologies 153 of the agenda that is a supporting development agreement so after um approval if approved today uh the the developer will be required to submit their subdivision plot um we get a preliminary plot that comes in it goes to DRC the development Review Committee um they're not only going to make sure that this development complies with uh local County regul also the development agreement and the conditions established within that development agreement as well as statutory requirements for the creation of a new Subdivision plat um once the development review feels that the applicant has satisfied all of those design standards we will schedule uh the the plat itself for consideration in front of the Planning Commission and then Board of County Commissioners at that time the chairman of the board would be um recommended to either approve or deny a preliminary development order preliminary plat that would allow the developers to obtain site work permits uh so that they can go in and start laying the infrastructure putting in Road storm water um Power utilities so on and so forth once all that work is completed and the infrastructure is in place they would then submit their final plat final plat would also include as builts of all those infrastructure components we will know where every manhole is located every sewer water line um Power all of the details to support this development only then will the final plat come back to the board of County Commissioners typically it's done as a consent agenda item but of course it can be pulled further discussion at that time it would be requested if all is compliant that the chairman signed the final plot that plot is then recorded and then the applicant can start selling lots or developing those lots um that whole process is kind of summarized in these next two slides so I'll just skip over those here we can see an aerial of the property it is currently cropland with the exception of like that Southeast corner has kind of got some the jurisdictional wetlands and other wooded areas the future land use map we can show the entire property is within the urban service map category um as well as being surrounded by the urban service map category the zoning is agriculture there are some commercial and Industrial uses around it um it's worth noting too that agriculture one of the primary uses in that zoning district is single family residential so uh here we can see uh a FEMA flood map showing that the property is majority within FEMA flood zone x uh here you have your Wetland map um this came from the uh the applicant kind of to show some of their options for the uh reconstruction configuration of Alfred Road if you will so this is a newer conceptual plan than the one we saw at the last public hearing and I kind of exploded out the um possible cue saac uh for for Alfred Road um so staff is recommending approval on this at the Planning Commission meeting on June 12th 2024 we received a 52 recommendation for approval as well I can take any questions commissioner wilon you have the floor are there any time frames on this as far as development if it were to move forward um I know in the last one we specifically said 24 to 36 months what's the time PRS on this so the the applicant has identified a single phase to complete to be completed with than 10 years okay I missed that I'm sorry the applicant has provided a singlephase development to be completed within 10 years 10 years any other question Mr Turner um so in DRC part of the process would be for um the DRC commit to come up with an offset for capacity on the sewer system in other words they would either come up with a fair share assessment to expand the current plan or to to handle this or they would um or they would make them put in a plant whichever was advantageous I guess in y'all's negotiations is that correct yes sir so uh one of the chairs for the development Review Committee is the putham County Utilities Department um we have Scott NES that kind of sits with that as well um but yes they would they would assess whether or not our plant and all facilities have capacity for this use and if there is a uh if there's not enough if it's deficient then we will require either the applicant develop their own uh storm or I'm sorry Wastewater system or pay into uh the expansion of our storm or Wastewater system okay and so I I guess I'm not communicating well the developer would not necessarily have to buy have to furnish the capacity that they're going to be taking if that capacity is already available somewhat because our capacity is getting our projected capacity is getting towards the limits so my concern is the developer needs to offset the cost of whatever capacity capacity they use you saying that's possible or that we have to give them whatever capacity that that we have until we run out of capacity so it's not necessarily we give that to them there are connection fees associated with connecting to our our utilities um and it would either be a connection fee or an impact fee whichever is relevant at that time of the development um but they're they they either connect to ours if we have the capacity available with the appropriate fees or they expand our current system or they develop their own onsite system okay if if it was deemed you and I had a conversation I think it was Friday that um if it was deemed that we didn't have the capacity or they did couldn't furnish the sewer for it um at the capacity level needed that that that would mean that the maximum density would be 2 units per acre is that correct that is correct uh but I don't know that the DRC would be supportive of this type of subdivision without those those utilities being in place know that I would be either so that's why I'm asking that question yes sir but there is a safeguard within the future land use category that if water or sewer are not provided to the property then their density cannot exceed two units an acre okay would they be able to Cluster because of the Wetland and so to a maximum density for the whole site they could cluster but they could not exceed the the two units per acre for the entire property including the Wetland though yes sir we have a wetland transfer in play all right that's all I have for now Mr chairman along those lines and before I move on to Mr Adams act uh one of my concerns last meeting is the same as this meeting um Zach you may mention a pain into a future expansion where that plan is located now there might not be room for future expansion there and we all know that so I think that telling a developer that there might be something you can buy into might not be the the best idea so I've asked I've asked Jr to kind of look at uh our ribbing that took place and where we're at right now so Jr I'm going to turn the floor over to you about the future and also let me say this before I do turn it over to him we made a lot of promises out there to people and to other agencies to take septic to sewer conversion all the way from basically duns Creek back up and if we really had everybody on the system we'd be overc capacitated now at this point so I think we're a victim of our own success in that area which needed to happen but truly we need to be very mindful ful I'm all for development don't get me wrong but it's got to have the right parameters in place and telling someone that they we have capacity might not be the true statement so J.R I'm going to turn it over to you for a minute so we've checked our capacities uh we've got a riy rate which allows us to treat 300,000 gallons a day of effluent currently I talked to Mr Jackson this morning which is our wastewater operator and we're currently um treating 134,000 gallons on average a day e fluent today um and that's with 178 customers the anomaly in there is PCI which is putam correctional institute which uses a lot of water um so if you use the average and this is about 300 gallons per day per residence is is a is an accurate number um currently right now in our set to sewer phase 4 construction which is a board initiative that we did and we took um money from the Water Management District and EP has got we're going to go in front of 400 rooftops so if if we were to get all 400 of those um which the statute says and Mr Commando could weigh in on this that if it's in front of your home they have 365 days to hook to it if we if we enforced it that way and if we did at 300 gallons that's 120,000 so that takes us up over 250 to 300,000 gallons per day which would get us close to a um maximum that we were able to treat with just a septic to sewer phase four project uh which is underd designed and should be completed um the designs do back to us by October did that answer your question sir it does it really it really does because I've asked you to make up a list of things that we promised people to do and that's you know I mean we did put promises out there to agencies and to our to our people to get them off of yes the only other place that we did any construction in this area aside from what we already currently have is we just did the um Overlook in Rio Vista loop which is only going to produce s 17 or 18 20 customers in that area that was just one of those small ones that we had on the um west side of Highway 17 that didn't have sewer before I turn it over to Mr anac I do want to say the but there's other ways to meet that we could spray fields and stuff like that so would you explain that real quick yeah there's a lot of different options reuse would be one of them um I know that there some of the surrounding counties around us use reuses as a requirement of their of of their subdivision is they required to use reuse water for their irrigation and not use um treated groundwater um that's our problem now is is is we're kind of landlocked in that 20 25 acre facility we have there with our current ribs um so that kind of what throws us off where we can't we just can't arbitrarily go out and put another ribbon to treat additional now we can add on to the plant to treat additional affluent but the problem is we don't have anywhere to put it right um the city of Paca puts some of theirs in the aod farm and uses it for reuse water um they put it on their golf course they got an area at the airport they utilize um River Park and Fruitland uses the golf course there to to to do reuse but the problem is comes in time and times of the year like we're currently in where there's plenty of groundwater they're not going to want to sit there and continually to irrigate the yard when they're already um got plenty of water on top of the ground so we got to be cognizant so I mean you'd be looking for some kind of reuse plan or something or an additional spray field or a way to procure land somewhere else to to build additional ribs there's a lot of different things I believe you could work out but they're just not on the table today thank you Jr Mr Adam that you have the floor I think Jr you answered the question that I had and that basically is that we don't have enough ribs it's not that we can't have enough of those big tanks to do more because we could always add those so um you answered the question but that's for the public to understand there's so much of a field that when it's treated that we can dump it into that it eventually seeps into the ground and that's just a high level understanding that I had from the tour that I had thank you yes sir we currently have eight ribs um and we've maximized the amount of land we have to to put put beds in Mr Turner you have the floor capacity has always been a tricky animal to figure um it's easy to sit here and say that that we're bumping up against capacity but those are the same figures that's made us run it less than 50% for since the plant was first operated to start with if you take the reality of the situation you when you run a backbone you don't get 100% participation you get a percentage of that and if you look back on the ones that weren't required or that we didn't have to hook up as part of the grant like at um Pico Road area we we had to hook those people up but I don't even think we have every body in there either um we just have a percentage of them because nobody's going to go in there and tell them that if you don't dig up your septic tank we're going to run you out of your house nobody's going to do that and so you get a percentage of it so I think that while we're discussing these capacity issues I think we just need to be very recogniz of the fact that you're not going to get 100% of the people that are in the area and the the um the board has been trying to make the sewer system and water system self- sustainable now for a couple of years and if we figure our capacity like we've been figuring capacity it's going to never be sustainable because we're going to be running at 50% capacity um or maybe 60% capacity that plant needs to run at 70 to 80% capacity and then whenever you get to bumping on the capacity that's when you go to the people who are using that capacity up and make them pay more money as their fair share to get some more capacity rather that's building a new sewer plant or rather that's expanding the sewer plant that we have buying more property or using some fpl's power lines for for a spr additional spray fields or adding another set of ribs I mean there's a lot of things that can be done that may not be as expensive as putting in a complete sewer plant would be for somebody so that's why the negotiation has to be done at that phase and make sure that we don't run ourselves into a problem but but we just can't continue like we've done in over the since that sewer plant was built and say oo if we're not careful and we let somebody come in then we're going to use up our sewer plant and so it runs at 40% and we don't make with we actually have to supplement with a taxpayers money instead of letting the thing run itself and pay for itself which is what we should be trying to do I agree commissioner Wilson you have the floor yeah I have a couple questions uh Jr um somebody mentioned solinity another farmer mentioned solinity to me yesterday in conversation um do you feel like this development would have an issue with salinity in the water I mean development can always have that problem right when you pull too much fresh out and you get saltwater intrusion which I think we've dealt with for many many years over there but that's when that water when our our water plant was built it was built around the designed for salinity it is an roor plant um that's currently there that can remove the the the solinity out of the water you know each one of these irrigation Wells is permitted for whatever it is through the Water Management District most of them usually get a million gallon a day allotment um that's the same allotment that we have for our current Wells that we have at the water plant so we are not using anywhere near the capacity that we already have permitted to us through the Water Management District so we're using I think around 250,000 gallons a day and a million gallon a day plant so we're run at 25% capacity and of our own current consumptive use permits so we have the ability through the Water Management which is who does the studies on that that says you guys are good for a million gallons a day what is that development going to use I don't know I mean probably around 300 gallons per house per day uh which would give you up um at 700 you know you're looking at 210,000 gallons a day which would put you at about 50% capacity of your of your water plant but it was designed when it was done back in 2009 was designed to go to a 2 million gallon a day plant right so there there's options for expansion in that plant as well it's just not done today they they kind of every one of our plants was kind of built to be able to be built on to so um salinity that's a real dangerous question to answer because I mean at some point you're removing a a flood irrigation that they're using now to to water crops are you going to start stop using that probably so is a direct trade maybe I don't I mean it's really real difficult question to answer okay well thank you you did a good job with that and then uh zacher um or Jennifer I'm not sure who handling the rest of the questions is is there a preliminary storm water plan or does that happen happen during the development review we've not received a preliminary storm water plan but storm water is one of the components that the DRC reviews uh St John's River Water Management District has a seat at our DRC table as well okay and with the new density and the setbacks our new density um is what 500 maximum 580 maximum houses yes may have a Max 580 houses which would be a residential density of 3.51 repeating units per acre okay thank you and um another question is roow crop land considered intensive agriculture no ma'am that would be considered General agriculture okay okay and I believe that most of these questions regarding the capacity was addressed in on page 157 in paragraph 3.7 where it talks about the development will connect to county-owned sewer and water Wastewater facilities the developers shall contribute to the extension of water and or sewer lines into increased capacity of the county infrastructure providing such utilities if needed and then it goes on to say that applicable water sewer tap fees as provided in the putham county fee schedule shall be imposed on the developer during construction of this project so um I know we had asked for that in the last um meeting so I appreciate you um getting that cleared up that's all my questions thank you commissioner wilkon commissioner Adams at yeah so if they do 580 homes that puts us at maximum capacity just with that so times 300 is 174 plus the 134 Jr said that puts us over the 300,000 we're speaking about that's if we don't add another person for um septic to sewer and that's if the other trailer park thing that were being sued for that we denied actually passes because we lose a suit or we decide to make a settlement which is another 100 some houses um so I think this just sets us up for disaster I don't see where we have a place unless if the the property to the left of the sewer facility is is very wet and drops right off the property behind it similar so the only way you would could do it is to the right I guess that's the west of the property and I don't know that that property is available for sale or for purchase so how would we even expand that um is is my concern and I don't want us or the developer to get in a situation where we're like well you told us we might be able to expand and and they say you know it just seems like chaos but I'm just want to add that to it Mr chair thank you Mr Adam Mr Jr I I would just Mr Adams act's concern about the property right there um property doesn't necess have to be right there right it's just like running the ReUse line we could run a fluent line to a piece of property a mile away and if the county had 100 acres a mile away nothing says it has to be kept on that site we could we could move it somewhere else so I don't want us to get that we're landlocked there we could always put in a fluent pipe and send it to a treated pipe somewhere else much like we would a reuse line or something if we found a partner that wanted to do a cattle farm or hay Farm operation where they want to use um reclaim water I mean there's there's a lot of different options that you could use could we spray it on a solar farm I'm just asking it's right down the road okay all right any other questions for staff all right is the applicant here and would like to speak do we have it here they were I think they're in the booth there they come if you like that noise you can hit that button again and it'll do the same thing that's have a USB PL we're going to take a three minute break I don't how they do that or we're not how you doing M they just problem [Laughter] we've done that yes we've done that I got the answer you're right do the thing maybe are we good probably not how we doing not very good doesn't look well huh there we go all right if everybody can find their seats we'll get started as soon as everybody's back together hi Terry this is Carol Sav give me a call when get a chance thanks okay Che like to blew my ear up when I stuck it into my [Laughter] ear e all right we're going to call our meeting back through that whole show that we did the last time I think everybody's seen that I want to address what we have changed in response to the comments from the board and from the audience first we did reduce it from a Max of 700 to 580 we increased the minimum lot size from 4,000 to 5 a 50ft minimum the density went from 5 units per acre to 3 and2 in a land use that allows up to 24 we increase the side setbacks from 5 to 7 and A2 so there's a minimum of 15 ft between buildings we will put a privacy fence all the way around the property we'll put it on the rear lot lines so the buffer the 20ft buffer will be outside the fence that way we can grass it and they won't have our neighbors won't have right on their property line to have to worry about if they're trying to turn equipment or whatever we are putting in four spaces parking spaces a two-car garage and a two-car driveway on every lot at the suggestion of the planning department we added six foot wide sidewalks on both sides of Alford Road from 207 back to minity Center is which I think will make a really nice presentation there increase the roads from 20 ft of P to 24 ft again as as requested and these are all curb and gutter so really back of curb to back of curb ends up being 27 ft which is plenty of space we will contribute to the water sewer if we've got to expand it I think we all know we have to do that and we will pay connection fees for the water and sewer like we do everywhere so we will be able to help that plant get closer to capacity we realize there's not capacity we get that we're going to have to work with with Jr with the county to try and figure out where we go but we don't need that capacity immediately and I understand we don't have the right and would not go try and buy it all up so that nobody else can get in uh but we will spend nine months to a year getting our permits we will spend close to a year just developing the first phase so over two years before we bring on our first homes so even if the neighborhood does really well which I think it will it's going to take us 8 to 10 years to build all the houses in there so during that period of time we should be able to figure out the expansions that need to be taken care of so here's the site plan we made a few changes the biggest change is at the end of Alfred Road we're showing a culdesac now we would proposed to make that a paved culdesac with a curb which should discourage the through traffic and then we came up with a list to present to you of ways that we could deal with it so we would leave the existing Road it's a county road Dirt Road we'd pave our part with a culdesac at the end and there are a number of ways we could treat it we could have the fence go right across it so that without running into a fence you could not drive down toward cracker swamp we could put in what's called a crash gate which physically blocks it but can be pushed open by the fire department Emergency Services whatever we could have no fence with a sign saying emergency vehicles only or no through traffic local traffic only and none of those is a problem for us as a developer because our traffic is is going to be coming and going from 207 so we will do it whichever way this board would like or we can leave it to the DRC and do it as they ask us to I know we talked about traffic and I just wanted to show again from your staff report we're even after all the homes are built we'll be less than half of capacity on 207 staff recommended approval Planning Commission recommended approval and that is the end of what I've got here one thing I mentioned or would would mention is we talked about salt intrusion uh which understand comes from some of the irrigation Wells obviously we will be capping the Wells on this property uh in accord built on road crop land in the in the past have we built on R crop before yes ma' okay all right and what how do you normally your normal day-to-day business when you set up these developments in other areas that you're selling homes I mean you've got somebody you've got your own staff that sells some is that correct yes but probably close to 80% of our stuff was done with Realtors we will have our salespeople will be in the model right they will write up the contracts if someone wanders in without a realtor then they will deal with them but the majority of the customers we get are realtor bringing someone into our sales office working with our staff okay all right those are my questions all right any other questions all right seeing none thank you very much thank you and now we're going to to open the public hearing part for those people who would like to and I did fail to mention the last one the blue cards are in the back of the building back here on both sides and the entrances coming in um would like for you to fill out one you don't have to would like your name address and County that you live in when you come up and speak please so we'll start off with Willie McKinnon McKinnon I'm sorry Mr M Kinnon if you'll state your name and address in County please my name is Willie McKinnon I live at 391 State Road 207 I will be directly affected by this development with traffic flow and all that I'm not opposed to growth either I heard y'all say that some of y'all say we need the growth we do need growth in puton County but we need jobs in putam County more than we need the growth because we're automatically getting growth from the county around us with people escaping the high taxes so as far as this project goes it ruins a way of life for me all of my life I've lived in East Paca in the early years of growing up I could could have told you every neighbor in East Paca now you don't know your neighbors except for a few I know the tiltons and some of the others but I I want y'all to realize this is a way of life it's not just property that's being sold and developed it is a way of life for a whole group of people and you're changing it by allowing them to put in five six 700 Acres of houses I mean you know and from what I understand that's not where they want to stop at they want to take the rest of the agricultural land and develop it too at one time the county had had a plan that as soon as some of the farmers retired they were going to buy 5 600 acres and put in an industrial park we're still waiting on that we need people to understand that represent us that we don't like high taxes that's why we live here and we do want jobs to keep our children live living in the area but as far as major development big housing developments most of us couldn't for that to start with which means sooner or later we're going to be forced out because of taxes getting higher and higher and we can't afford to live here all of my life I have lived in putam County I went to puton County schools and I enjoyed my life growing up you could go hunting fishing all of that kind of stuff and I've given up that part because I'm too old but I want you to know I still worry for my children children and my grandchildren that they might have some of what I had growing up and I would ask y'all to consider just rejecting the project and allow natural growth to occur in our County because it is growing and it's growing rapidly no matter what road you get on there's a lot of traffic and it's not just passing through they're living here and that's what I'd like to say thank you Mr Mr question for him real quick Mr mnon that's fine when you say natural growth can you you explain what you mean by natural growth well the natural growth that I have seen lately is people in St John's and valua and other counties are moving here just to escape the TA high taxes and all and they're buying little places and they're putting in mobile homes or they're putting in a small house or something like that and that to me is more natural than bringing in 500 homes on a piece of agricultural land uh just to have the homes thank you thank you sir thank you yeah thank you I was remiss to say earlier and I need to you will be limited to three minutes of your conversation if you run over we're not going to we're just going to ask you to try to wrap it up as quickly as possible we are keeping time we have a lot of cards to go through today our next speaker Mr Mark Spalding Mark Spalding 3400 kill Avenue Paca uh chairman commissioner staff just want to say thank you for the opportunity to be here I will be short and sweet this morning as I normally am but um the offord family has already a lotted an additional 500 acres in another part U of our farming Community to be turned into cropland in the previous conversation previous meeting there was worried about removing crop land from our area and they have already begun the process of converting some additional land and had conversation with the existing tenant on this property about leasing that land at some point so uh they'll more than uh putting back into Supply what they're removing thank you very much thank you Mr spaly Marlene legassi and again if you'll state your name and address and County for the record please Marlene lag 125 Cypress Point Circle East Palaca putam County Florida sorry I messed up your name that's okay everyone does that um my biggest you've addressed a lot of my concerns that I've had today is the water and sewer I live in East balaka I'm on the river and I have a septic tank I would love Water and Sewer at my house okay then I wouldn't have to deal with the septic tank the pumps and the salty water that we get from from the wells um so if you will just just think about this what's best for us in the county we need growth that's for sure subdivisions are coming but you guys need to do your due diligence on that to make sure that it's going to work out for us people will say I'm new to the county I've only been here 22 years right we've got people that have lived here all their life and I want for my grandchildren the same thing they do so look at the developers that are coming in I like that you ask about timelines because I do see I work in St John's County and I do see developments over there that get started there's a PUD they put the infrastructure in and it sets vacant for years what we don't need is a vacant subdivision on 207 that makes us look ugly and it makes it look like we don't value or we're not valued here as a County everyone is going to flock to putham County we don't have impact fees I know you're doing a study on impact fees but there is a moratorium on impact fees which you guys could actually lift right now a developer coming in for a subdivision this large if they built it in St John's County it would cost them $8 million in impact fees $8 million that we are leaving on the table okay so you as a commission need to Value the property and everything that we have here so you could do the moratorium lift up put impact fees on which would help with the development controlling it let's not get crazy and end up like St John's County and price the locals out of our County okay thank you thank you Mr Mr Turner maren Marlene marene um just to let you know we we visited impact fees and because the study that was done back when the moratorium started is so old they wouldn't let us reenact those impact fees without a study the study has been funded by us and it's underway at the present time but until that study's done we cannot reimplement impact fees just to let you know okay thank you hopefully you'll do that thank you there's something going on here uh Gina counts imagine that it broke again right guys it looks like my picture is broke again here so there we go thank you might have been operator error Miss Gina go ahead I'm sorry you need to restart my three minutes yes ma'am you're correct we got you okay thank you my name is Gina Tilton counts I live at 9470 Barrel Factory Road Hastings Florida my husband and I along with our four grown kids their spouses our grandchildren um we own and operate a cattle ranch in which we all live on the proposed development is 310 of a mile from our Ranch and the site can be seen from our property across the pasture I'm here again in opposition to granting a special variance to allow a high density residential planned unit development that borders an intensive agricultural industry this type of change is not compatible with The Agrarian nature of the surrounding lands and can be defined as planned urban sprawl it's obvious the impact that this would have and just to name a few the traffic issues pressure on the natural environment overcrowded schools increase in property taxes drainage issues and there are many many more problems that this could cause or will cause I have been witnessing this type of development in St John's County and it has caused a lot of problems once it starts it doesn't slow down all this planned growth has not been held accountable and has been allowed to continue and has not created the desired result of the increased Revenue That was supposed to solve all the problems I remind you uh the Planning and Zoning meeting that I attended and spoke at pertaining to this was terrible most of the boards seemed to feel this was not a correct fit for the area however they seem forced to vote for it at least one board member had a conflict of interest um an appearance or an appearance of impropriety that was not disclosed in closing I would like to emphasize the severe impact that a high density residential development will have on our couny agriculture ranching and farming community and there will be many more problems that come with it so please consider this in your decisions thank you thank you Miss je Mr jet count J if you going to call a scurvy do that first time we're not doing that not I'm just playing with him okay my name is Jack counts I live at 120 Turner Road he's black puton County Florida my house is about a half a mile from where the subdivision is supposed to go and if it is approved I will have the great disappointment of being able to look across the Tater fields from my front porch and see the terrible cancer that y'all led into this County as we know this proposal is in complete opposition with Goal A1 of the comprehensive plan if you go just a little bit further you'll find policy a 1.4.2 which states stes the Land Development code shall provide protection measures for the continuation of agricultural use within the county the county shall analyze land use changes and development activities proposed adjacent to existing agure areas to ensure compatibility with agricultural uses not only is this adjacent to Agland it will be on top of Agland if you go to the next policy a 1.4.3 that states residential commercial or industrial uses shall not be permitted as a mixed use in the agricultural area where such uses will adversely impact on the agricultural productivity of the area for example Community reaction to Agricultural oders and noises or livestock reaction to development noises and activities that could result in litigation requiring reduced levels of agricultural activity I can't count how many people have already stated that this community reaction to agriculture odors and noises will result in litigation requiring reduced levels of Agriculture activity policy a 1.6.5 States all applications for comprehensive plan future land use Amendment shall provide justification for the need for the proposed map Amendment and demonstrate how the proposed amendment would minimize or altogether avoid urban sprawl as defined herein as commissioner adamac has stated this is her braw if anyone needs a definition I think some of the Commissioners need to look at the definition is pretty much the whole page 39 of the comprehensive plan and gives many examples of exactly what this subdivision will do there are many more policies and objectives of this comprehensive plan that the sub subdivision totally defies this is about um as much time as I have to speak on that if you keep on going through policies B through J I'm sure that there will be plenty of more deviations that the subdivision will have I hope that y'all choose right decisions on your votes thank you sir thank you Mr Jody count I'm Jody counts 331 cracker Swamp Road um definitely against it 100% with my family my brother couldn't have said it better This Will Destroy agriculture around the area and if you don't believe that you don't know much about agriculture just take a drive through the surrounding Clay County St John's Flagler and you can see you know it just it takes over and that's the goal get it out in the middle get it out there and then it'll spread spread like wildfire we use land around there for agriculture we drive down these roads with equipment livestock cattle people it's already getting way too crowded way too many people and have an offer Road little gate little sign says through traffic I know a lot of places say through traffic everybody uses it and it's going to come out on us farm equipment gets hit constantly on the roads we have people trespassing all the time cars running off the roads hitting our fences tearing stuff up these people that move in here they don't know about agriculture they don't understand it when they start getting those smells that a privacy fence is supposed to I guess cut out because a fresh plowed field of cabbage or potatoes does not smell good at all then you get all those people complaining there's only a few of us that stand up against a lot of people complaining so what is that going to do for us in agriculture right there I just hope hope that y'all will have our backs on this and really consider what y'all are doing through this and uh what an impact it will make on East baa it'll be the death of Agriculture we've already got offers people asking coming to us you know wanting to sell they're speculating because soon as this goes through it'll be the end of it thank you'all thank you Mr counts Johnny counts going to be hard for you to outo either one of them boys Johnny they did a great job they did you might not want to say them afterwards though you know they they called it right I'm Johnny counts 9470 Barrel Factory Road cracker swamp Florida um planned urban sprawl that's what this is put it out there on the end of it where you can back fill it in I still have not had a redress of that planning meeting uh we know that it was uh at the best uh poorly conducted uh nobody that I've talked to said that it was a very good meeting um there was some ethics involved uh there was a chairman that didn't disclose um expart Community commissions and there was also a board member uh that is uh a part of the real estate company that is doing the deal for this property that did not disclose um that's a that's a conflict that's ethical and I don't agree with the 52 vote because I don't believe those uh board members could vote their conscience they were badgered into doing that so that needs to be redressed that needs to be looked at but if that doesn't matter then I don't know why we have a planning board um I had some meetings with Commissioners right afterwards and some of you told me that where did these 700 houses come from I said well it was at the Planning Commission meeting the developer came to y'all and said 450 to 500 and so there was no real put back on that at this uh at this last meeting we had here the um changes they made I disagree with the uh the uh density I mean the density is just too much for our area doesn't fit our area uh no one else around is allowed to do anything like that um it's um you know it's well within doing a house or two an acre um they can do some nice um 10 acre uh ranches those are pretty popular too that fit with our area um some Industrial and Commercial that fits with us we talked about that before but I just can't I can't deal with the um that many people up against uh an intensive agricultural Community uh we got three Commissioners that are leaving office I mean I think I hope this does saddle these uh incoming Commissioners with uh handcuffs that they can use to say that oh that was the last commission that did this that they're not able to make any changes and cracker Swamp Road should be designated as our agricultural Corridor that is a main road that we do a lot of Agriculture on Alford Road should be stopped at that development and used only for emergency access I don't believe it should be used to come out on cracker swamp because when the impact starts as soon as the construction begins on us um we have a commissioner here that disclosed that she was a part of the same company that's doing business with them and out of the appearance of priety I would ask her to recuse herself just for that just to keep this body integrity as a governing body and I hope you vote no thank you thank you Mr counts Mr Larry Tilton I'm Larry Tilton I've lived 340 East cracker Swamp Road for 58 years and in the East Paca area before that except for a few years when I was in Southwest putam before I start saying uh what I got to say I'd like to follow up on Mr spaling statements what he said was basically true but he didn't go far enough the Timberland the alfords are clearing for Farmland is in Flagler County and and that's not going to help uh the agricultural industry in putham County I assume this board has studied this proposal and understands the Havoc it will create on ways 207 17 and 100 I assume if you care enough about the future of putam County and the quality of life we enjoy that you understand proposals like this would destroy and that you understand the destruction it will bring I assume you understand this proposal is cancer and will spread until it kills a whole body the agricultural industry will die with it millions of dollars in annual revenue and hundreds of jobs and for what exchange it for a GTO that will prove a liability on putham County I ask you to put putham County ahead of your obligation to the state real estate industry and the thousands of dollars they may have contributed to your campaign do not do this vote it down if you got any questions or statements you want to throw at me I'm ready thank you Mr Tilton thank you for coming Mr Marshall rson if you'll please come up state your name and address and Cy for the record please I'm Marshall Clayton rosson uh my address is 10528 US Highway 301 Hampton Florida and while I do not live in putam County I invest in putam County I run an organization of putam County and I own Agland adjacent to this County I've come out here today not only to support a friend and friends but to defend Florida its culture our environment food security and a quality of life by 2060 if current trends continue Florida's have a population of 36 million people and while that is an issue for the legislature to address and I have a policy proposal for that zoning is a function of County government and it is in the interest of this County Commission and this County to defend the historic Tri count a area what's at stake here well food foods for food for millions of people across the United States and elsewhere jobs for many water retention for the Florida aquafer and flood mitigation for this County and others I've heard politicians my whole life talk about smart growth and sustainable development um but they never can put a needle on when that where that line is drawn in the sand and at some point it's no longer smart or sustainable and we're at that point by 2060 if current trends continue Florida loes over 7 million Acres another 7 million Acres of green space that includes 3 to4 million Acres of existing a lands 2.7 million Acres of forest lands and 1.3 million ACR of existing other existing habitats and that's on what we've already and that is on top of what we've already lost one should not expect to buy land with the idea and the expectation that it'll be rezoned at a f at a future meeting County Commission meeting or Zone board planning meeting we must have some hard set zoning boundaries and putham County cannot afford to perpetually move the zoning lines um I encouraging this board to deny the zoning change and to defend putham County and the beauty and the beauty left in this state thank you thank you sir Teresa Drago reading a letter from trayon trayon Alford Davidson Mr Rego if you'll state your name and address and County for the record please good morning my name is Teresa Drago I live at 117 7 Commercial Avenue East patka I'm reading a statement from travel and Alfred uh Davidson she had sent the letter to all of y'all but she wanted to make sure it was read says putam County Board of Commissioners regarding the zoning of the property of Charles ski Alford and K uh clip on State Road 207 sorry I've attended both of the meetings regarding the resoning of the offered property on State Road 207 at both meetings very legitimate art arguments were made against resoning this property yet it appears that the board is determined to rezone anyway the only board member who seems to truly understand the consequences of such a change is board member Paul Adams and I apologize if I Mis mispronounced it I cannot understand why people who are voted into office to represent their Community are not doing just that there are three major reasons that make it clear to me and others in the East patka community that rezoning this particular property is a huge mistake my question to you is why why is this property and not other property in putam County if the board was truly concerned about the welfare of putam residents they would look elsewhere This Land Is Black Gold this land is much too valuable to place houses on there is plenty of other available land in the county that would work great for housing but can't grow decent crops the board would be wise to consider sorry the board would be wise to consider a less expensive option for building housing if they truly want to provide resident housing that they can afford number one the chamber and others seem to believe that this development will provide affordable housing for putam County residents this is clearly not true with a mean in income of 33,000 per year Dr Horton's development with house with houses having a 350,000 and up price tag will not help the housing issue in the county instead it will bring people from outside the county how are you helping your constituents by providing housing to people from other places number two all through your comprehensive plan it is stated that the county must protect and promote the agricultural nature of the area a person would have to be blind or very out of touch with reality to not see how this development will lead to the de demise of agriculture in putam County with approximately 7 100 new families living in this area there is literally no way the farmers can continue to farm productively Mr I see that I see and I'm only halfway through the letter but y'all have each received this letter so hopefully you will take it into consideration it's part of the public records thank you thank you very much Mr regga Mr lonard Freeman Mr Freeman in the good morning everybody good morning morning state your name and address and County for the record please sir I am Leonard Freeman and my address is 134 Pierce Street East patka Florida 32131 I am a federal Point farmer I've had a very good telephone conversations with all of you about this project and I'm I sincerely thank you for listening and for your time the project as proposed will not comply with the future land use and comprehensive plan as it is not compatible or harmonious with the historic existing agriculture uses of the lands of the immediate neighborhood you must return the application to the Planning Commission and staff for review reconsideration and Revision in addition and approval of the proposed project would mean that this citizen employee historically High productive agriculture land will never grow anything again once you dig it's irreversible I think that would be an honorous Legacy to own some of you have stated that you are concerned that there are legal questions regarding future land use aspects of the project that would compel a denial we share those concerns and since you nor I are attorneys it is therefore necessary that the project be referred to the staff Council for another review there is ample reason for concern because our very own future land use goals objectives and policies that members of the commission and others that are here including me put together some years back clearly states goal A1 as previously discussed maintain and manage the County's natural resources and Quality quality of life by establishing a pattern of development that is is harmonious with the County's natural environment and supports the rural and agrarian nature of the county while providing a desired lifestyle for County residents I find it impossible to believe that any of you can truly believe that allowing 580 residents on Lots 111 100s of an acre nearly surrounded by hundreds of Acres of production agricultural land is by any stretch of the imagination in any way compliant with our simply stated goals and objectives on the phone we discussed the Wastewater concerns and the stated fact that this project will require all the remaining capacity of the county treatment facilities the storm water management requirements that may impact water quality and drainage on nearby properties and demand completely different plans than the application depiction the groundwater salinity issues that can decrease potato yields according to University of Florida Studies by 50% that two vegetable packing houses are 4/10 of a mile and a mile away have been there for decades and have hundreds of semi- trucks and tractor drawn cards on the roads along with very large equipment add maybe a thousand more vehicles and we've got chaos in the making local corn production may lead to feeding silage to larger numbers of meat animals relatively close by they can be quite a difference and so can ground and aerial chemical Harvest and pesticide application for three of you this is a personal Legacy decision one of your last decisions in this job don't make a decision that Saddles your successors with a project that was not well thought out not well researched and not respectful of the past and the rural nature lifestyles of the people who have supported you don't approve or disapprove this project send it back to the Planning Commission the staff Council and the applicant to develop a plan that will be harmonious and compatible with the current historic use and the desires of the County residents you are sworn to represent thank you sir thank you for coming today Mr Wade off you come up and give your name and address in County on your card you did not leave so I'll fill that in when you say it okay I'm wait offer 236 worest Road pona Park putam County so right off the bat there Inc compatible uses it's Urban spra we know that I don't know this March paing fell does he represent K and ski is he their attorney or is he uh represent them in some way he's making promises for a offset for property is this hear sa I don't know um don't take here stay into consideration because we didn't see it in the deal did we there's a lot of great areas in that deal my great-grandfather started this this particular Farm they started in Stark in Bradford County Florida has summoned the poorest Soul on the planet they went to grandon that didn't work either they found that property as my sister stated in her letter that's productive Farmland I don't know what this other potential place is or what the qualities of it are let's get to uh the dollars the chamber never mentioned that L&M performs does about $300 $400,000 a week in payroll there's between 3 and 400 people work out there so now they're going to have to pull their cabage cart from flager County that doesn't make much sense property taxes may be going away I don't know if y'all know that legislator is talking about it what's the $3 million going to mean if it's gone we're going to get our money from sales tax and other things is that relevant there's never been a 911 call went to Sheriff's Office and pulled the records from these four addresses there has never been a 911 call so what's that $1,700 a month going to it's pretty being used pretty efficiently right a fence is not a mitigation for smells spray drift dust clouds went through that Southwoods Elementary in St n county with Mr forner built an elementary school next to his farm oh my gosh you should have seen the mess that went on over that for years this the Legacy y'all want to leave you guys that leave us you suppos to represent us not build places for imports to come and use up our space take over our our crop land interfere in our neighborhoods and our way of life I'm also a grower I've fed 18,000 kids in a week Three Counties for this partment school program I understand what these guys are talking about and they're right so you got to pick your legacy is this what you want to do is this what you want to leave for us opening the door to St John's County as I told you before I used to live in St John's County and I came back here because I didn't like what was happening there takes too long to get anywhere so but this is this is Legacy y'all want to leave so be it I had to find me a new home and I've been here almost all my life thanks for your time I hope you consider it thoroughly thank you Mr Alford Mr Hafner Jerry Hafner he's going to need a microphone brought to him he's Zach would you get him we're going to bring you a portable microphone we wouldn't be able to see you I don't think so I think bring him well thank you all for getting me come up a little bit more so so commissioner Pickins can there you go okay thank you thank you all for getting me up here I'll tell you chairman uh I'm a little disappointed that almost everything I want has already been said so I'm not going to repeat a lot of it you do have to state your name and address that's I was going to say the one thing that wasn't with my name and address Jerry hner 122 Hil Jerry hner 122 Hilty Lane in East batka U by the way I'm one of those folks that live within a mile of the current water system I don't have water I've heard nothing about any sewer boy I'd love to see them come down East River Road vot at some point uh but anyway I I think the uh I'm was very pleased to see the discussion here today I'm a little disappointed that it had to come all the way to a second reading of this commission for some of these items brought up I I don't understand it I don't know if y'all remember or not well I'm a member of the Planning Commission by the way which I think most people know but maybe not for long but um I voted against sending this to you folks uh the planning Department tells us that these things all meet the comprehensive plan well when I read the comprehensive plan my belief is it doesn't meet the compr plan uh and I think we need to start looking at a lot more of these kind of projects a little more seriously a lot of folks have brought up the fact that we're now going to be bombarded if this project goes through we'll have nothing but homes from there all the way to the county line vegetable stand uh it will happen mark my words go take a look at petti Road up in uh North St John's County all the farmlands disappeared it's all now schools houses Etc and traffic so it's the kind of thing we can't let happen uh putam county is a rural area uh I'm proud of the rural nature of this County uh I think it needs to be continued my my family comes from long line of farmers not particularly all in putam but close to putam uh so I'd kind of like to see it continue the way it's been uh Mr Harvey brought up up earlier the uh issue on the puds and my belief has been for a long time I I like puds to an extent uh but I feel like they're being uh I don't want to say shoved down her throat but I think they're being used by folks coming into this County now uh to be able to bypass a lot of our current zoning and regulations and I think we need to start taking that into more serious consideration so along with all of those things uh I'm going to leave it there I certainly I guess you figured out don't support this project going forward but I'm proud that we might be reviewing some additional things thank you thank you Mr hner do they trust you in high gear I don't know Caitlyn Lee would be our next speaker and again if I remind you to state your name address and County please good morning my name is Caitlyn Lee 11 15 Saddleback Trail pla Florida I am a fifth generation putham County resident and I'm raising my two sons who are the sixth generation of my family to reside in putham County specifically residing in Bon today I come to you as a highly concerned generational putam County resident you may think that I don't have a dog in the fight as to being able to speak on this issue and I have been told many times no matter what what goes on during these meetings most the Commissioners have their minds made up before they even get here if so then as a citizen of putam County I would ask the County Commissioners not only state but provide the people of our County with their proposed plans to get ahead of these issues I'm about to address before they allow them to take place in our commit you've heard from many people that have come up and very emotionally stated their opinions on the matter I'm here to make you think about these facts I've been a lifelong advocate of Agriculture but today we're going to address some other things because everybody's else has already addressed those major issues on March 20 2021 Florida Power and Light purchased 1,246 56 acres of land in the Bon area the land was purchased for solar panels the company or companies that have done the site prep construction work and maintain the land have a numerous amount of employees that obviously have to drive up and down Bon Road from March 2021 to March 2024 there have been 295 traffic stops and 53 accidents on Bon Road alone Bon the small community has a population of around 500 people had 294 traffic stops in 3 years compared to the prior years March of 2018 to March of 2021 before they purchased the land the numbers have increased almost 14% now I ask each of you to think about this this a solar power company that has increased the amount of traffic stops imagine a community with an approximate 580 homes 580 homes equals 580 families so let's crunch a few numbers the average family in America is a household of four people then that would mean we're looking at an approximate of 2,320 people can you as the board of County Commissioners Commissioners tell us how you plan to get ahead of the traffic maintenance and patrol of the East plaa area surrounding this land that's has been requested to be resoled according to the US Census Bureau putam county is 827 square miles laying in water that is patrolled under the jurisdiction of the put County Sheriff's Office along with some few smaller agencies uh our Sheriff's Office employs only 137 sworn deputies and 62 Corrections off officers that are to patrol and help maintain the safety of our County an agency that is already under staff that they constantly or almost constantly have vacant spots for RO deputies as well as dispatcher positions now before you think you can throw traffic issues to Highway Patrol just remember that only there's only so many Highway Patrol officers that are in our County at a time but it's not even about the off officers and deputies we have to worry about it's also about the predictable amount of 911 Sheriff's Office phone calls that will not maybe increase but will increase with the resoning of this plan to become a subdivision how have you prepared to make sure that our Sheriff's Office is capable of upholding this of an increase to our County miss Lea you could wrap it up okay yes sir thank you as well as the Sheriff's Office deputies and dispatchers the lack that we have of them there's also our jail is almost at Max Capacity more people equals more crime how it is our jail is a capacity of 450 inmates we have almost 400 right now at it okay yes sir the last issue is our schools which has already been stated so I won't get there as our elected officials the people of put County depend on you to make the decisions that are the best interest of putam County the ones that are already here uh can each and every one of you truly and wholeheartedly that bringing in a drastic amount of homes to one small community will benefit putam County okay Miss Lee I really need to come okay yes sir thank you thank you for coming today is there anyone else that did not fill out a blue card that would like the opportunity to speak before we shut the public hearing down going once going twice no one's running to it so the public hearing is now closed and go into commissioner deliberations Commissioners commissioner wilon I would like to uh discuss with our County attorney the the issue that was brought up regarding the suggestion that I recused myself I had given a disclosure I'm obviously an independent agent only paid by the transactions that I um adhere that I buy or sell for a customer I'm not a party to this transac at all so I wanted you to weigh in on your thoughts of whether you thought I should um recuse myself I don't I think actually under flal law you're required to vote unless there's a conflict I think in addition to that um you and I have gone through the um Florida Sunshine manual and not just that you didn't participate in transaction but you don't or you will not get any sort of financial gain from anything to do with your vote okay thank you thank you Miss Wilson any other comment okay Commissioners what's your pleasure commissioner H yeah okay is there any has there been any expar Comm Communications Mr Adams um I have had expar Communications with both sites and it will not affect my vote Mr Turner I have had to RTE Communications with um one side of the issue since the last meeting and both sides since the beginning and it will not affect my decision thank you Mr pix I've had uh xart communication with both sides um whether it was in person phone calls emails also um the applicant um last week um and also Mr Spalding yesterday I believe it was so it will not my decision Miss Wilkinson I've had xparte communication with both sides most through via emails and um phone calls but yes with both sides and it will not affect my decision and so have I I've had on both sides of the applicant in the beginning of the conversation and I'm very glad that we do have a two meeting system here going on so a lot of things were addressed and cleaned up so um that's the end of our expart he Commissioners what's your pleasure on this commissioner amzac I'm sorry I didn't see the light um I make a motion that we deny the reone Pud 24- 00004 reone from egg to plan unit development do we have a second do we have a second motion dies for like a second this uh Mr chair this um this case is if it passes today then it's got to go to development Review Committee then after development review it's going going to come back to the board of County Commissioners in the future for approval of the development order after it gets done is that correct that is correct commission will be tasked with um approving or denying a preliminary development order for them to move forward through the plat process I understand but it'll be approved and then the final development order will also be approved that comes back to you guys as well you guys whoever's here the commission yes sir all right um Mr chairman I move that we approve this um this PUD what what page is the uh thing on that I have to read the ordinance yeah 148 bottom of page 148 actually the top of page 148 okay um ordinance number 24 202 24-17 amending ordinance number 24-12 do I need to read the whole title rich or am I even on the right one because we just did 17 this is on page 148 I think it's 18 we did 16 which one are we on the right one what's the number 17 is say I thought so too 17 or 18 okay we're good if I don't actually number the or ordinance but um read the whole ordinance you can just do by title only and that is the correct one on page 148 correct okay Mr chairman I move approval of ordinance an ordinance of the putam county of the county of putam State of Florida amending the official zoning map for putam County incorporated into article two of the putham County Land Development code ordinance 20 24-12 resoning 165 Acres from agriculture to plan unit development providing for severability and and an effective date case number PUD 24- 00004 with the changes that were made okay we have proper motion do we have a second I'll second it for discussion for discussion we have a second Mr adamak is first light and I'll come back to you Mr pick yeah so I I'll be voting against this and I'm going to State the reasons why um I do believe it absolutely is urban sprawl it will result in the backfill process which then would be mandated by Our Land Development code so it actually would be enacting a portion of Our Land Development code which is a161 which is the county shall encourage infill and higher density and intensity development within the urban service does the an area of the county where services and facilities are available to accommodate additional growth um the is issue is here there is no backfill until you put this development in if you put this development out in the end of the line which is where it is then you're basically now anything that happens from here forward is going to be backfill you're not backfilling from the end in you're backfilling from where you start out um so we're going against that we're going against the fact that uh it doesn't sport a comprehensive plan it is not conducive to agricultural next to it it's not congru to the egg and Rural nature of our community that it surrounds it so it's it's just everything about it is not doesn't meet what our comprehensive plan or Land Development code says in my opinion so I will be voting no thank you Mr Turner it's probably it's probably going to surprise everybody here that I don't agree with Mr Adams act but um I think that if we're going to have development in this County it's going to have to be in a good place and I know that some people may or may not agree with this but I happen to believe that if you're going to have have land use of urban Reserve in that area you're going to have a four-lane highway for Access it's going to be right next to water and sewer system if you're not going to put it there where you going to put it that's my problem with the thing putam County does need some my granddaughter has got to live in another County because there's no affordable housing and yes she could afford a $300,000 house she has a good job but you can't find one around here here so I'm telling you there are some housing that needs to be put in putam County it's easy for us that live here already to say hey we don't want any more houses we're here already we don't want any more houses but we do need some housing in putam County we need some so I I am going to try to uh I am going to vote for this and I did make the motion and that's it and it's really easy for us all to say that we don't want anything to change or not in our backyard or what whatever I just don't know of a better place to put a subdivision other than in this area thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr chair Mr picking did you have a comment yeah with the particular future land loose um that's what I've been struggling with if you going to put some a subdivision like this where where you going to put it it is off the four-lane road I understand it's agricultural properties um but if the app if the uh owner of this property wasn't willing to sell then we wouldn't be having this conversation would we no we wouldn't we're having this conversation and we have Land Development codes and comprehensive plans to try to do the best job to manage the growth and the growth is coming there's no question I live in the south end and we're seeing lots just that haven't sold for years and years uh are being bought a major development no not yet not sure what Mr Johnny Morris of BFFs Pro Shops is going to do with the four 4,500 plus acres that he's planning on developing but he probably going to do something so with this particular one I've probably struggled as much with this one as any decision that I've made and you talk about a legacy if you want to pin a legacy on me maybe you'll have to do that when I was elected all I wanted to do to try to do the best job for the citizens of putno County and yes I chose not to run there a number of reasons why but making tough decisions is not one of them and this is a tough decision so I I will be supporting this uh this motion thank you Mr Pickin Mr Adam at yeah so Mr McKinnon I think his name was made a good point about natural growth or natural growth of the community right and what that is is exactly what Mr commissioner Pickins described there's lots that are available there's thousands of lots that are available in putham County to be built on today and those lots are available and people are starting to purchase them and build the home that they want on a lot that's a reasonable size um they're not looking to change the look and the feel the entire Community change the look and feel of entire agricultural area the Land Development code allows for puds it doesn't mandate that we approve puds so the Land Development code has for that land that's out there even under urban service has rules and requirements for that land um that could be followed and then they could do I think it's 70 or some homes that could be done today um the only way they reason they need a PUD is because they want to increase the density beyond what the Land Development code calls for um I'm against that and that's that's where I stand and um I just think we're making a huge mistake here and that's all I have to say Thank you Mr H that Miss Wilkins and you other the floor for me this comes down on to uh property rights I think our American Founders understood clearly that private property rights is the foundation not only of prosperity but of Freedom itself and through the common law a state law and the US Constitution they protected property rights the rights of people to freely acquire use and dispose of property and um the seller of this property has the right to sell to who to whoever they choose to do to do so uh then it looks then it comes to us to look at our policies and to see what's what what we have in policy to um in our comprehensive Plan and there's not any proposal that's ever going to adhere to every component of our plan I think it is consistent with our in our plan and our policies um as stated on page 93 of our packet there's several policies mentioned uh one of them obviously talks about um the fact that there's already Water and Sewer available and that it's located in an urban service area and that infrastructure is there and so I'm I'm more on the property right side of it I don't know how we can sit here and say that we're Republican or constitutionalist or a um conservative and not be willing to uphold the freedoms that were given to us in the US Constitution further uh we do need houses in puam County I pulled the stats on houses that were built in 2023 and we had 21 homes that received permits in putham county in 20123 I can assure you that many counties around us and across the State of Florida are building a lot more homes than 21 in a year and that includes modular and mobile homes as well so we it's hard for us this is something that I did not take lightly I have really thought about it and really done a lot of work and I've spoke to a lot of people about this who have called um including many people in the audience who had some very valid points but at the end of the day when we want people always say well how come we don't have this in Pam County or how come we don't have that we can't grow our County if we continue to do the same thing that we're doing and so that's where I'm at I think that this capitalizes on um bringing new families and boosting our economy and keeping the families here that to Comm commissioner Turner's Point um affordability is based on the person who whether they can afford it or not the market sets that so people who can't afford it aren't going to buy them and people that can't afford them will um and that's the that's on the developer he's taken that risk or they're taking that risk so um I'm going to I'm going to be voting up on this thank you thank you Commissioner Adam that yeah unfortunately not being a Libertarian um being a republican conservative um property rights where the rules and laws of the land to protect the other neighboring properties begin so that's that's how this works so it has nothing to do with political affiliation unless we're in a pure libertarianism chaotic Society where we can all do whatever the hell we want which we can't that would apply so your statement is is offensive and doesn't apply at all to the situation um it is absurd to think that this is a good use for this land I I don't care who you are it's it's an absurdity um alls it is is it's a land play it's a land grab to enable developers to further grab more land between the end of East placa and where this property the edge of this property on the the south side is um that is what will happen over time there's no way to avoid it because once you allow that one to be out at the end we're instructed through our Land Development code to allow infill from between the two so that's what's going to happen and uh we're setting up the future commissions we're setting up this community for failure um growth what Define growth we've grown since I've been the seat in 3 years2 something billion dollar almost 50% of property value in in the county how much more growth do we need that 50% at a time in three years that's that's it's a huge click of growth um we're at a sustainable level we're not building big subdivisions and we're growing at 50% um so it it doesn't add up so we want to grow that growth at 300 500% that that's not what our community is asking us to do at least not anyone that I speak to in the community and that's both business people and private citizens um so thank you all right we have a proper motion we have a proper second Miss as if you'll do a roll call vote please yes yes yes absolutely not yes okay passes four to one thank you very much for attending today next item of business is our ordinance amending section 3026 of the putam code Library system who's got Miss Julianne yes sir thank you chairman could you take a two minutes yeah take a take a break I want to wait just a minute H wait just a minute why okay we're going to take a two-minute break thank you e e e e e e e on our ordinance amending section 30-26 of the putam county code Library System M Julian chairman okay I will yes yes uh at the July 9th board meeting the board requested staff to bring back an amendment to this ordinance to remove terance the current ordinance pre um prevents a member from serving more than two consecutive terms and so the redline version before you just simply strikes the Senate's members may not serve consecutively more than two terms to allow them to serve as appointed by their Commissioners okay commissioner Pickin you have a comment or question yeah thank you Julian this was brought to my attention actually when um a u member of the library board um representing district one Nancy Taylor uh she was up for reappointment so I called her and she actually told me she said in the in the ordinance or bylaws that you can only serve two consecutive terms she was ready to step down so it really didn't affect uh her um but if she had wanted to that would have now avette Jones who's actually the uh chairman of the U library board she reached out to me and asked us to see if we could take a look at it CU she she had a couple of strong board members that were willing to continue but they also going to be terminated out so I would hope that we would uh move this thing forward to take to strike that thank you Mr pick anybody here from the library system or our library boards all right so ending that yeah is there any public comment based on the ordinance amended section 3026 concerning library system board of directors and hearing no one coming up here for that we have a proper motion by commissioner Turner proper second by commissioner Adams act commissioner Wilkinson you have a comment nope all in favor signify by saying I I like sign the eyes have it next is our public comment on agenda items uh is there any public comment on the consent agenda items that are listed from item a through W any public comments and seeing no one rushing to the microphone we're going to close the public comment portion and now go to consent agenda commissioner Anzac items you want to pull I have none commissioner Turner I have none commissioner Pickins yeah I'd like to pull e through O E and O E through o e through o okay and commissioner Wilkinson I have none okay so the chair will entertain a motion on the items that weren't pulled Mr chair I move consent agenda item a b c d p QR s t U V and W proper motion we have a second proper second hearing any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by I POS like sign the eyes haveit Mr Pickins items e through o yes as um being chair of the affordable housing committee um it was brought to my attention after I read the packet um that there were some scrier errors uh which I believe that laa barardi has taken care of and corrected and I spoke with Miss Don um C from guardian and she agreed that she just made a couple of mistakes but also on your uh information that you have or your cover sheet for the agenda um it all it says that all of these are Rehabilitation uh grants and that's not true two of them are down payment assistance one of them was down payment assistance with uh some renovation in it uh Rehabilitation which is what the board has been working for is to try to spread these monies out where they're available to different people to get in their first home uh whether it's new construction or their first home or in a home uh with Rehabilitation so uh I wanted to clarify that and it is correct in your cover sheets or your letters in there it does State whether it's Rehabilitation or if it is uh down payment and also Mr Lindsey Lambert um who comes to some of meetings uh she brought it to our attention that it looks like um there was a misunderstanding with the amount of time that you have down says a w letter is valid for 120 days that is actually and Julian correct me and I want you to add to this it's a 20 days to get the project started and then you have a full year of Eligibility is that correct Julian yes sir and you'll notice in the uh letters prepared the memorandums prepared by Guardian in the very top title the the regarding section it states that you have onee certification uh certif Certificate of Eligibility the award letter stipulates 120 days because as we all know ship funding is time sensitive and so we want employe into that awarde um that time is of the essence and they need to get everything rolling within 120 days we have the full year for anybody who may let's say we started at day 121 we absolutely still have the full year to get them all the way through the process but the letter the timeline and the letter written to those applicants is intended um to stimulate action quickly okay and just a couple more things one of the the neat things about this is one of the applicants for D payment would not be able to get into a home without this assistance now there is a requirement uh they have to stay in the home for 20 years uh but that that is agreed on so but I also want to to just say I want to um thank the guardian Corporation for being the 30 party administrator Julianne administrator sugs our staff um Miss Cindy Trent from uh the clerk side she does the financial parts of this um and the County Commission the previous board this board for the uh nominations of our board um for I've been on this uh chair for about three years and we have had a hard time getting quorums uh we have not had that problem in the last year and a half um and it's a lot of discussion they're interested in it and what we have done in the last three years and I give this all credit to the board our staff guardian and Miss Cindy Trent especially Antonio Jenkins with Guardian that we have come out of the situation that we're in we were behind and not staying in compliance we are now in compliance we have received three different years of money this is the first years that we're using is 2122 uh so we're in a a place as far as the ahac committee and administrating this ship money that we've not been in a while so we're we're giving out new monies and hopefully we will be able to have five six more come in the next couple of meetings and then continue as we distribute these money so I just want to thank everybody for that and with that Mr chairman I make the motion that we accept consent agenda item e e f g h i j k l m n o second you can tell by the popularity of Mr Pickins who is very humble man about all the that he just got so Mr Pickins a lot of that was your leadership and and we realize that and thank you very much for continuing to that group together we have a proper motion we have numerous seconds any further discussion on the item hearing that all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it Mr Moore if you'll come up do we have anybody in the audience for any of these fine request C cases any fine request codes case please come up what codes case are you here for we're going to try to move this along pretty quick I'm sorry 0 five okay Brianna Johnson D okay Mr Mo if you we'll start with item b d d is and dog D is and dog okay P okay hang on just a minute he's gonna he's going to give it to us and then we'll give you a chance to speak okay go ahead Mr Mo C 22- 5014 address is 205 North pal meow Avenue property owner's name is Brianna Johnson violation was unsafe structure original F amount was 15,4 $87 total cost of enforcement action was $1,840 the property owner recently purchased the property it's now compliant and requesting the fine reduction if the board approves we recommend the reduced fine to be within 90 days thank you the applicants here would you like to speak um good morning please state your name and address for the record it's Briana Johnson address is 22204 US Highway 301 in Hawthorne um I was assisted with purchasing this property and and we are just looking to get a fine reduction since we completed the demo to remove the unsafe structure and currently we're just seeking for approval on that thank you thank you all right anybody else want to speak in favor or against this okay we'll close the public hearing Commissioners Mr chairman yes sir uh before I make a motion on this I want to have a discussion I notice at this month on our um codes list that they're supposed to be the cost of Co of what we have in these cases that we've added a line item since last time that says legal cost just a blanket legal cost line item um I'm totally opposed to this and the reason being is twofold number one this is supposed to be a report of what it's costing us not what we're just projecting it could cost and we're not paying that $250 to anybody so I don't believe that we should just arbitrarily add $250 and say well it's costing that at least that much to us in legal fees I I think that's just a wrong attitude to have here um we're already pushing this is not paying for the magistrate because the the line above it is is the magistrate the uh we're already we're already um saying that inspections and postings are are uh are $50 every month and I don't know that they did 15 different postings and inspections but they may have and but all those are are essentially hard cost yeah hard cost having a $250 legal cost just in case we might incur some legal expense number one I don't I I was told that that this would be a k to a car dealer putting it on their sales contract $250 legal expense just in case we ever need to hire a lawyer and I'm told that it ain't legal it might be against bar rules I think is what I was actually told whether that's true or not I'm a roofer from s 10 don't know but one one thing I do know is for us just throwing $250 out of case and saying this has got to be cost that just ain't right so so Mr chairman I'm prepared to make a mo a motion on this case you're right ahead sir I move that U that we that we reduce this fine to $1,590 if paid within 90 days that's the staff recommendation minus the 250 in fictitious legal cost you have a second I'll second it Mr chair can I respond to some of that that's why I pushed my button because I would called fictitious illegal violating okay okay no really I'm serious who do you pay the 252 okay hang on I called Miss Wilkinson she's got the floor thank you um that was what my question was going to be if you could respond to those um discussion and let us know what your thoughts are about the 250 so the legal contract that I have with the county is anything that's outside of what is routine as part of my work with the commission is buil at $250 an hour so when you look at these cases from the review of The Code Enforcement find from the actual times where we have the abatements one came through today um review of the claim satisfaction reductions all of those things are legal costs that are incurred by the county this is an actual cost that's already occurred it's not something that might happen in the future so you have an entitlement as a County Commission to recover your actual cost and you do pay me and as you pay me that is to recover those costs not for something that might happen in the future so what you're telling me is we write you a check for $250 for every one of these code cases no you write a check for a lot more than that for what you pay me every month I understand that but that's for your overall legal services not for your code not for your not for your services on this code case this is supposed to be cost of our code case not what we're paying you overall so I guess I could send you a separate bill if that's what the commission would like you to do do we owe you $250 for every code case did you look at this code case and charge us $250 I looked at the code case and there's not one of these that between your paralal and I that is ever less than one hour not one so if you don't want to recover that cost and you want to take that money out of your General Revenue for we didn't even charge for administrative monthly and we started doing that to try to recover more cost and now we're adding a legal fee on top of that I'm not going to support it but the Comm the commiss decision but it's not that it's inappropriate or legal or something in the future these are costs that are actually incurred by the county M Wilkinson you tell the floor I'm sorry I know he answered my question I mean it seems reasonable what you're what you're saying thank you okay I have a question if we're going if these are hard costs we I understand that the cost from the $300 up to the 100 goes back to Planning and Zoning but the 250 goes back to Legal so do we have a a fund a revenue source for that does it offset it in the that's a good question do we have a revenue for legal now I don't think you have a separate fund that pays for our services anyway again I that's a Julian question unless I check you're I'm paid out of the gr money as is the codes Department funded out of gr as is their abatement function or activity funded out of the gr so essentially none of it is itemized in the way you're thinking and split funded but all of it is is going is generating Revenue into the general fund and is expenses in the general fund both codes abatement and legal all right so we could create a legal fund where we col let myy back I don't think she's saying it's necessary I don't believe that's necessary um okay all right we have a motion we have a second on the floor my light's lit up oh I'm sorry Mr Turner I didn't see your when we try to calculate how much that we owe for each one of these items we do it by saying that an inspection costs about or a posting costs about EX amount of dollars and that's 15 of them we they track them on how many we use not on any one of the other line items that we have do we have one that says we're going to just put money in there to pay for our overall bill that to help pay for legal counsel on an overall bill um it's not the same thing to me uh like I said earlier for years around here we didn't we took the administrative monthly off of every single one of these because we didn't feel that should be being paid and the board changed her mind and started adding that in there over a period of years so Mr chairman my motion stands at $1,590 and you have a second so we'll call for the vote all in favor signify by saying I I I pose like sign I I the guys have it thank you $1,590 within PID within 90 days days thank you thank you okay let's go back to item a under 9A is anyone there's no one else here for Co reduction of any sort okay Thomas let's move through those pretty quick if we don't mind I can move through them Mr chairman thank you I've just got to do the math um Mr chairman on C on code n case number 201223 um I move that we reduce that fine to $1,492 have paid within 90 days proper motion we have a second what was the reduction I apologize $1,492 we have a second I'll second it okay we have a second any further discuss question on the motion all in favor signify let me sorry Mr I guess if because otherwise we're going to have a 3 to2 vote I think forever now um and I'm going to have to speak for every one of these cases I think from hearing the attorney he said they work at least an hour so they're they're they are doing that due diligence of saying and I and I know there's been some that I've been involved in where we got called where we had to refer to them where I'm sure it took multiple hours and time um just because of the chaos that the citizen possibly was creating and neighbors were um I know that he gets involved as well as as Miss ler on on several things with regards to these cases and I don't think one hour at a time is absurd um I just I don't know what else to say but I'm going to have to vote knowing all of these is going forward if we subtract the $250 you didn't vote didn't vote no on the one when we used to take the administration out of it yeah because I didn't get what we were doing and then we we agreed to add it back in because it was a cost all right so there's a motion on the floor of 1492 there's a second all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign I and I did that because I the first one I'm going I'm good for but after that I'm not so let's move on there's no motion on the floor nothing's been done Mr chair I move for approval of $258 for um code case 2021 d51 second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I I pose like sign the eyes have it excuse me commissioner she say 258 yes sir did yes repaid within 90 days you're not remain consistent with the 250 what they just did they just over Road the 250 no more the no more 250 as posted in the book are we going to go back and redo the others no over with okay go ahead commissioner wion Mr your chair move approval of code case fine reduction 2021 d00 66 $289 to be paid within 90 days second a proper motion proper second all in favor signify by saying I I I POS like sign the eyes have it we've already done D so now all we got left is e yes ma yes sir I I think what Thomas's confusion was is on B because there's a denial that means the full fine amount goes back into effect have to remain consistent on every no we're able to change those fees the board those are Bo deny so we we we fixed it we approved that different we approved it the cost what it was perect so okay yeah I know there's some okay Mr chair I move approval of codes case fine reduction 22-00 6574 $226 to be paid within 180 days yes ma'am second we have proper motion proper second all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it okay appointment Mr Adams at do you have any I have none Mr Turner uh yes um the thing that I want to U I want to say something before we move into to the next phase if that's all right be fine I think it's wrong and I just want to say that I think it's wrong that we sit up here and require fees to be PID to people that are trying to do their their best to get by um I think that it's wrong on the fee schedule we're going to talk about this afternoon I think it's wrong on a lot of issues but this is one the one that we just went through is one I think is wrong again I think that we're we're charging people because we can not because we have to and I think it's wrong so Mr chairman please move on what was your question do you have any appointments no sir I don't Mr Pickins I have none Miss Wilkinson I have none and I have one Miss Carolyn Bennett for the library board now that she can serve and that's the end of our appointments so we're probably at a good spot right now to go ahead and you know what there is somebody in the audience though um item C under new business Meridian Behavior Health Care you've been sitting here very patiently and before we break for lunch why don't we go ahead and hear that case so page three 49 in your packet and we'll hear that then we'll break for lunch who's got that Julian do you have that aren't they asking for the same amount we gave them last year that's exactly yes but they're required to give you this real brief report um it's very very short so if you have questions she can answer but otherwise brief okay your name address I mean I'm sure you all have already um seen it it it basically just a little background on uh Meridian as an agency we've been around for 50 years we're newer to the putam County area I think we Ed in 23 um we have our our Clinic um down KL Avenue back that way um it'll talk you I'm sure have seen all this our mission vision and so on um in the last year we have served 350 people uh via tella health and it goes on um to show more um specifically what we've done for individuals who have gone to our crisis stabilization unit which is a cute care patient counseling psychiatric care medication assisted treatment um and then our residential programs um so basically we are required um to ask for County match funds to uh match those funds that we get through state and federal funds um and so total in total we have to um go to all of the counties um and try to round up nearly $2 million um but this year for putham County we are staying the same and requesting $55,000 and this is to fund those individuals who do not have insurance um to provide them um the care that they need through any of these services that we talked about previously any questions from Commissioners any anything from staff on this move approval second proper motion we got a second any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing that all in favor signified by saying I I po like sign the eyes have it thank you very much we are going to break for lunch it before and we'll re we'll reconvene at 2:00 Mr chairman what about public comment I mean they're going they're going have to come back in two hours a miscellaneous I yeah I'm just asking I don't know if I'm sorry you do whatever you want all right so we'll spend 12 minutes on public comments or less but do we at Miss Ashley do we have thank you Mr Pickins for let me assure you that you have this portion of the agenda is designed to allow citizens an opportunity to bring matters to the attention of the board it is not reasonable to expect the board will engage or debate in deliberations on which this matter has first been approached uh so you will have three minutes to make your speech the first one Marlene Legacy are you here NOP let's see Lawrence Perkins please come up state your name and address for the record thank you my name is Lawrence Perkins I have property at 153 Power Line Road I live in Mandarin at 1753 red Cypress Drive thank you I'd like to speak to you about the uh the Constitutional ballot measure coming up at the Florida sheriff's Association in July Governor santis decribed the deception of the campaign promoting ballot Measure 3 proposing constitutional amendment to legalize the recreational use of marijuana the governor pointed out the damage to local jurisdictions as cartel and black market Growers invaded the states that have approved similar measures there's an extensive amount of information out there there's a site that I would recommend uh keep Florida fresh.com that has quite a bit of information uh in February of this year the CDC site published this statistic in 2022 30.7% of 12th graders reported using cannabis in the year and 6.3% reported using cannabis daily in the past 30 days again that's the cdc.gov site February of this year also cannabis use can have permanent effects on the developing brain when use begins in adolesence especially when regular heavy use occurs again February of this year CDC site uh cdc.gov uh ke Florida fresh outlin some of the critical threats especially the Adolescent young adults the critical development of mental capability during the critical teen years through age 25 can be dramatically impacted by the consumption of the psychoactive component of cannabis THC in the July Florida Trend issue truly the $ 1.1 billion doll Canadian company boasts of its THC potency increase of 15% uh in 2019 to over 28% now in its uh 380,000 ft facility in Quincy just on the other side of Tallahassee they currently have 38 stores in Florida they have stated that Florida they believe will rival the size if this passes it will rival the size of California because it's not just the the population of Florida it is the 160 million visitors to Florida and it will change the culture change much about what we do there's even one of the uh there are multiple facilities here to buy medical marijuana here in Paca and across the state Dr Daniel Amen of of Atlanta's Amen Clinic has published a study of over 66,000 individuals that show a definite accelerated mental aging of cannabis users this study shows the early onset of dementia and other mental aging maladies here's one I'd like you to really think about Mr Perkins thank you very much I like one last sentence from 2018 to 2022 Florida Saw 2 5,17 alcohol rated vehicle crashes compared with 2411 marijuana intoxication related the fatality associated with each category last sentence were 194 for alcohol versus 1892 fatalities for marijuana intoxicated thank you Mr Adam Zach you have the floor yeah so I mean just because you brought it up I'll be actively lobbying against it as a constitutional amendment um I think that it's the place legislator to make these type decisions so that we can either vote them in or out based on their decisions um not because I have any PR stance on number three I stance that it shouldn't be done codified in the Constitution where it's not easily changed it's not easily up updated it's not easily applied a text to it there there's a lot that goes on once it becomes part of the Constitution um so I'll be lobbying against it I'll just share that with you thank you Mr ad thank you Mr Mr Johnny Co counts again state your name and address County for the record please Johnny counts 9470 Barrel Factory Road crackers SW Florida I'm here to introduce uh a resolution or what we would call a constitutional County uh I've sent some of y'all most of y'all the information on this spoke to y'all about it and others but U uh there's a growing movement which towards the establishment is called a constitutional County this presents itself as a resolution pass legislative body within the County uh the concept of the Constitutional County implies nullification adopting the body simply the adopting body simply States it will not use any assets to support state or federal interventions that are contrary to the United States Constitution while this may mean on enforcement ultimately constitutional County will rely on the court process as it does similar processes you know whenever the government law regulations and other actions are challenged um almost a daily basis uh we see fedal State branches of government enact unconstitutional acts as administrative orders executive orders Judiciary rulings legislative actions mandates proclamations regulations rules and treaties these acts violate and or at least unreasonably restrict impede or impinge on our individual constitutional rights and then and violate the fundamental American Doctrine of separation of powers during the 2020 Co crisis this was especially true these acts were used to usurp our god-given constitutional rights that are new enumerated in the Bill of Rights in our constitution what we can do people is to have good constitutional officers that will support our constitutional rights and the last hope we have for that is with the Constitutional sheriff and a constitutional legislative body all of our constitutional officers that will support I gave most of you one of these the law of the land um and that bill ruary C County constitutional county is just like we did in January 2020 when we did the amendment Sanctuary only this takes it further and I spoke on that at that time I said we need to do all of them we don't need to do just a second amendment we need make sure that we assert our sovereignty as a county just as we have a sovereignty as a state and federal government and that we are going to protect the citizens of these this County we going to you know sign an Proclamation that we will support them and not allow federal or state overrule to come in and force to use our own assets against us to take away any of our rights so I am with the uh cspoa uh which is the Constitutional sheriffs and peace officers of America they have a website cpa.org and also the uh uh the uh freedom for foundation for freedom. us and our constitutional convention will be September 7th in Orlando and we hope to have every County in Florida as a constitutional County and make Florida one of the first states to be a constitutional Sanctuary state so please consider that thank you Mr count Mr Adams that yeah and I don't know if he supplied all of us different versions that pass in different counties um I in particular like the manity and I'd like to have it put on our agenda as a proposition for the next Commission meeting if possible um and I'll Supply it to the attorney and the rest of I was going to ask that the attorney look over that yeah and make it worded for putham County and the the one that I liked when I read it was the Manatee County one but any of them is suitable so do you want me to supply you all of them or just one or um I prefer the Manatee County one we do have several different counties and and a mall that we can send Sarasota and Coler and others that are that are coming on board okay all right thank you thank you thank you very much okay we are going to recess till 2 o'clock thank you for