##VIDEO ID:QkzwV0KUqPg## e e e e e e e e uh good afternoon board members it's 4 o'clock uh Unfortunately today our chair and vice chair are absent and so for the purposes of this meeting we need to elect a chairperson to preside over the meeting can I hear a nomination for one of the attending board members I want to make a nomination for August I'll second all right are there any other uh nominees okay nominations are closed can we have a vote please on this nominee all in favor I okay that's five passes Aon you're going to be our uh interim chair today I will call this meeting to order um and I have an announcement this is a public hearing and we are the putam County Planning Commission we are the designated local planning Agency for the county as prescribed in chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes and we function under the authority of article 11 and 12 of the putam County Land Development code the primary responsibility of the commission is to serve as an advisory body to hear and make recommendations to the board of County Commissioners on matters related to provisions of and propose amendments to the putam county comprehensive plan and the putam County Land Development code the members of this board will review each case each application and make a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners at their next regularly scheduled meeting on September 24th 2024 procedurally we will call each Case by name and number a member of the staff will then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by any public comments concerning the request please direct all comments or statements to the board and not to other people in the audience before speaking we will a ask each person to be recognized come forward to the lean and identify his or herself by name and address after all persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from this from the board the motion will be voted on by the board members and become our recommendation to the board of County Commissioners the board of C Board of County Commissioners will make the final determination regarding the application all applicants have the right to withdraw their request at any time during the application process the following cases were advertised as being considered today but will not be oh sorry there is none that are not going to be considered [Music] um uh the first case to be considered is Rez 24- 000000008 U Madam chair before you proceed can we uh can we pull our board as to exp parte Communications and conflicts of interest on this particular thank you is there anyone on this board that has had any ex parte communication or needs to declare a conflict of interest in this case no no no thank you ma'am no for me as well okay first case thank you for the record Jennifer gasa planning and development services this application is a rezone from agriculture to Industrial heavy IH the applicant is Georgia Pacific Paca LLC the agent is heal Associates Incorporated at this is 16512 acre portion of a 23797 acre parcel located on the west side of the intersection of County Road 216 and US Highway 17 in Paca the applicant is requesting a zering map amendment to allow for a semi-truck parking lot along with an inspection station the subject site is split into Agriculture and Industrial heavy and has a future Lan use designation of industrial the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment for a portion of parcel ending in 0030 d 000000 total in approximately 16512 acres to allow for a semi- parking lot along with an inspection station the parcel has an unassigned address but is located on the west side of the intersection of County Road 216 and US Highway 17 in Paca has approximately 3,145 ft of Road Frontage on County Road 216 and 2,145 ft of Road Frontage on US Highway 17 according to the puam County GIS reference map there appears to be approximately 30 Acres of wetlands on site the FEMA flood zone layer indicates flood zone X and flood zone a are present on site flood zone X is not a special flood Hazard area however flood zone a is a special flood Hazard area should this reone be approved the applicant will then submit to the development Review Committee to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations agencies including but not limited to Florida department Department of Health putam County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's River Water Management District will review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties our aerial view future land use zoning FEMA flood zone wetlands and a conceptual plan staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from agriculture to Industrial heavy as the proposed amendment is consistent with the adopted goals objectives and policies of the putham county comprehensive plan and is compatible with existing development in the area questions anyone have any questions for staff uh that partial two is that that's owned by Georgia Pacific also I'm sorry the parcel 2 which would be the piece closer to the river or to the creek that belongs to Georgia spefic as well but it's not included in this present all right and on the on the uh not this map but the ones before there was a little I don't know was it a driveway or something what's the little spur that comes in it it is a little like drive I'm not sure if it's an easement or is that owned by Georgia Pacific as well or is that something somebody else it's by somebody else I can we can defer to the applicant on that she may know okay I was just I was just curious about what that was did you have a question is there any way to ensure that this won't turn into a how do I want to put this a dilapidated vehicle lot the main reason I asked the question is we approved one on uh Highway 20 or 207 a number of years ago it was put there for servicing semis and things like that never be more than two or three on the lot right now it's a dead zone nothing but 10 or 12 dead Vehicles sitting on that lot now is there some way to ensure that won't happen on this l no there's I mean if it's industrial heavy and it can be storage of semis I mean that's allowed and it would it would probably only be protected by someone in the public complaining about it if it happened could yes okay any other questions for staff one more this parking lot's going to be hid by Woods is it the way it looks here you ain't going to see it it's going to be way off the high you won't be able to see anything correct pretty thick as it is there today yeah but the the resoning doesn't tie them to actually using parking lot there I mean in in effect that could if we reone that to IH the mill could grow that way with equipment and structures and everything else correct it could they'd have to go through DRC obviously okay all right okay um any other questions for staff seeing none would the applicant like to speak please state your name and address for the record good afternoon Commissioners I'm Laura Dietrich and with half Associates I'm a senior project manager and Senior planner we're located at 9995 Gate Parkway North Jacksonville Florida 32246 and I'm here to represent Georgia Pacific Paca LLC um I want to answer a couple of your questions that you'd asked uh staff um but I just wanted to clarify uh a little bit of the background this was a very large parcel and the portion that's subject to the resoning um actually through the chair to commissioner Norris your question about parcel 2 the reason why this has been bifurcated or the reason why the parent partial the larger area that you see is being divided and not applied to the northern portions because it's got pretty intense Wetlands so it's not usable land and that has agricultural land use so we first looked at doing an industrial land use amendment to that and Industrial zoning just so that way the entire parent parcel was contiguous even if we weren't going to use it but then we realized one it may be misleading that we may impact the wetlands and all the permits that would require that even if we couldn't use it or didn't want to use it so that was not fruitful to do so and then I looked at the land use Amendment or the future land use map and the future land use element and in two policies it actually speaks to in uh future landage element policy A1 936 uh in so many words it lists that certain uses that are allowable in agricultural land use would be manufacturing assembly processing or storage of products of course that would be if it did not create odor fumes noise any of those more hazardous impacts to any surrounding areas and there was one other policy flu policy a193 9C that in so many words uh reduced that also anything that is contiguous to a county paved Road collector Road or Arial Road or railroad could be utilized with an agricultural land use for some industrial purposes again not creating any of those hazardous negative impacts so because of the wetlands and because of the fact that you have policies in your comp plan that allow for certain things that behave as industrial uses to take place in the agricultural land use given no negative hazardous impacts that we can do so by right now if we ever wanted to propose doing something we would have to come back before you so at this time the reason why the northern portion is not being uh discussed or subject to any application is because it is not in play um and then to answer a couple questions uh that you had asked with regards to the spur there are there were numerous Parcels uh that constituted this land and it was it was funny because I kept saying we've got to really organize this it's like a big puzzle and and there were different titles on the pieces of the puzzle because Georgia Pacific has a lot of different llc's so the LLC this used to be in was called Georgia Pacific consumer Serv or consumer operations LLC but they don't operate under that anymore it's under Georgia Pacific Paka LLC so before we could really get the resoning submitted we needed to clean our house right so we had to First file and record with the clerk of courts the new LLC or the proper LLC for all the parcels then we had to combine them because we thought it'd be cleaner to re re-record those in the right name and merge them right so that was a combination request and Mr Baker helped us through all of this staff and all the different departments in the county which was kind of great so what it resulted in was all this land is no longer a bunch of pieces it's one big piece and it's all under Georgia Pacific Paca LLC which by the way the site that you will see um going through some other pretty large uh production and development that U Brian is overseeing is uh that's all going to be re-recorded into Georgia Pacific Paca LLC as well so with regards to the the uh spurk connection right so because of all these little Parcels one of the parcels leaned out of the the boundary and we're like what is that well there're are numerous slivers that when I look through the survey there's lots of little old easements and usually when easements are recorded they're identified as an easement on the survey but in this instance in putham County they were they were given an actual partial number which is sometimes pretty unusual so while they may appear to be partials they really act as easements in the old days probably to connect as they little by little consumed more property en able you know to enable them to connect through it because there easements that are lateral all the way through that connect two different s sides there are some that are going north south and one of them that continues to go across and over to connect to the spur I don't believe that's been active for some time but I can imagine when that rail was being utilized or the potential to use it they needed that connectivity so that easement is still in force today it still exists I don't believe it's being used but that is part of their their property or at least their right to the ement and then to another question I looked up real quick while you were deliberating about whether or not this could become a dilapidated or um utiliz truck or parking lot for something other than what's intended um staff was correct but I just wanted to quote one thing from your code and it states that in the industrial heavy zoning District uh there are certain things that have to be um accompanied or allowed per special use permit and one of those things would be a vehicle salvage yard so this isn't a vehicle salvage yard this is a tractor trailer parking lot there's one that exists currently to the Southwest we are utilizing that to expand the facility so we need that footprint so that's why we're relocating that parking lot to the site so with that I'm here to answer and by the way just in case you're curious I know it's going to go through development services but the tractor trailer designated spots I believe uh unless it changes a little bit with any kind of revisions or review a site plan would be about 508 spaces because there will be an increase in the square footage for the existing site and hopefully the potential for some expansion for building in the future for the site but right now we're not prepared at this time to propose that because we don't have the plan for that yet and thank you for this opportunity I have one question um your site map shows um the main access is off of that 216 kind of where they access the existing one and then hanging around to the right is that that's correct and and there's also an internal lateral connectivity between the two sites so that way the trucks can can move without entering the roadway so and and I think a comment was also made earlier about buffering so that that will be tucked in as it is now it'll just be opened up in that area that's going to be functioning okay thank you any other questions okay thank you you hang around in case we have any more questions is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak in this case um seeing none I will come to the board for discussion and a motion I'll make a motion to approve resoning Rez 24008 as it's consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the putton county comprehensive plan second okay we have a motion and a second the second was by I I'm not sure it don't matter call call one of these three guys one of these guys somebody raise their hand okay Jason um Justin has the second um any discussion okay we have a motion and a second for approval okay if you'll come forward to set your name and address and we have three three minute limit um Wendy broak 474 North Highway 17 pla okay so say your name in Hunter Atkins 474 North Highway 17 Paca Florida um I was just curious cuz I got a thing in the maou about coming to this mhm how is that supposed to affect towards my portion of the property cuz I was told that we had to take a portion of the shop off the property so can bring the actual roadway back to where it's supposed to be at okay I'm I'm not sure is your property that mobile home um just no ours is a ours is a house okay it's not the mobile home supply place that's kind of okay um so did you look at the maps here does your property this property around yours if that's if that's Rice Creek service it does okay um do we have the aerial do oh yeah you can't see it from where you are you want to go look at that real quick and see if you can see where your property lies this a c case the only thing in there is the only thing in there is yeah I don't Madam chair I believe Madam chair yes hey I believe I don't think this has to relate with them I think they got notification on another case I don't believe it's with this one at all but they're entitled to give their three minutes okay you guys decide what you have to do but I don't believe this has to do with their case that is for us today that make sense are you on Highway 17 North between the Mill Road and Rice Creek okay so this is all on the on the I guess it would be the West side yeah of Highway 17 so if you want to come back and just ask your questions um I think the the question was how does it affect them but I don't think it does I think they just got notified because everybody within 300 yards or whatever has to get notified corner corner yes yeah well they would meet immediately across 17 from the subject property it's all Jenny's fault [Laughter] if I may clar Madam chair if I may clarify okay um let's unless get back together here sorry meeting becoming in dis yes I I am not very good at enforcing these rules Madam chair for clarification um it's been explained to the citizens that are here uh interested in the uh subject application based on the notification of a 300t radius notification right so they received one so um without having a lot of experience with that of course they're here because they're concerned that that may mean that they directly are being impacted so we explained that they live within 300 ft of our outer boundary of our property and they do uh live they reside or have a shop that is 300 feet to the east on the other side of 17 gotcha so they're in the radial uh notification boundary however they're on the other side of 17 so we are not directly impacting them okay okay thank you okay um Zach are we is she good she do you not want to speak ma'am are you okay all right all right so we have a motion I'm closing the public hearing again we have a motion um and a second for approval of this case I'm going to call for the vote all in favor signify by saying I I chair votes I um all um unanimous okay anyone opposed okay it was unanimous which is 60 um all right sorry I'm Rusty at this um so that will go to the County Commission on September the 24th uh for their um public hearing any old business any new business you have any cases next month okay that's time um then I have Janie said yes yes we have um at this point one rezone that is going to be coming forward it's for the Tiffany Village subdivision down in Crescent City what is the cut off where can you not be in uh that's a very good question the application deadline for any given Planning Commission meeting is the first Monday of the prior month so we've we've already a month and a half basically we've already surpassed the application deadline for next month so there's only one case that we've got an application for one case will come to you um I will entertain a motion on the minutes if everyone's had a chance to review them second motion and a second all in favor I chair votes I anyo any opposed motion passes um that's it meeting is adjourned for