their seats we'll get started everyth when that I'd be waiting right no okay good morning everybody I'm going to call our meeting to order our special workshop for Tuesday February 20th it is 9:30 uh the invocation this morning will be led by commissioner Pickins and the Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner adamac if you will all rise if you're able to do so let us pray our heavenly father we just thank you for this blessed day and all the wonders in it father God guide us today as Commissioners and staff concerned citizens father God and in the special board meeting that we have today we also want to thank the members from floor Department of Transportation for coming and the presentation that they will make guide it and lead us in our decisions today in Jesus's name we pray amen Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you commissioner Pickins and commissioner adamac um do want to send out a thank you to our constitutional officer who's here today Miss Linda Meyers Linda thank you for being here today and we have Robbie Carrera the mayor of Palaca here today thank you for being here and Mr Freeman from the town of Pomona Park thank you for being here today um we did reach out to all the municipalities and give them an opportunity to come if they wanted to hear something something from uh do or something that we're talking about today this part of the agenda will take public comments on agenda items is there any public comment on agenda items and seeing no one running to the podium we'll close that Commissioners um there's some items here that we want to talk about today or I did about a three to five year plan of how we can invest back into our County Properties um I want to fly at a very high level L altitude and then see what the appetite of the board is for our properties our spaces of rent our leases things in that nature so I'll start the conversation with few months ago we were had we had a meeting staff and I did with a potential um renter who wanted to rent some properties from us but we really need to start looking at what we have available what we can clean up and make available and then put back on the market for lease and get some of these empty spots that we have even in this in this area um rentable so for example the old Pantry Pride the grocery store down here we have a a company that's interested in leasing from us uh we have a department that might be interested in moving in there but it's going to take some capital investment and we're going to have to commit to that and I think that's something that we should be looking at immediately and then looking at what we want to look at 3 to 5 years on the rest of our stuff one thing I do want to kind of add when we're talking about the investment in County Properties is our old Bank building that sits over here beside our supervisor of elections office years ago we talked about trying to give that to Mr sugs was that the Historical Society of putam County that is correct and um but but my understanding is it's going to take way too much investment for that to be cleaned up is that correct that is correct as well so you know what are we going to do with that and is it time for us to make that decision of you know where do we draw the line on trying to fix it up or just remove it and be done so that's item a so we can go ahead and have that conversation if you like and start moving these items forward Mr Turner go right ahead thank be kind of informal it is a workshop so let's just have open discussion if you don't mind okay thank you uh Mr chairman um I don't disagree with anything that you just said but whatever we do needs to make some kind of business sense as we go it can't just be that we throw money at a building hoping somebody will rent it later on um I think that's been part of the issue before is that a lot of the spaces that we have will take take some investment to make them run well usually in the private world as you know as well as I do that the that you furnish them a good solid envelope good roof walls good and then they come in and do their own buildout as part of the rent and then you give them a longterm lease to help offset some of that so you know if I think that if we could get something like that done it would be very well but as far as going next door and putting a half a million dollars of the County's money in that where we could get $3,000 a month rent or 10,000 a month rent I have a lot of issues with that because it'll take us so long to recapture the investment that we put in there with the tax dollar so I I really don't mind doing some of this but it needs to make the same sense with the government that it would make with private if it was a private investment going forward so that that would be my only comment is that we just need to make sure that we're as Frugal with the taxpayers dollars as we would would be if this was our money that we were putting in there personally thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Adams yeah I agree with everything that commissioner Turner just said as well um one other thing that I think we need to talk about at some point and we've talked about a little bit in the past but with the coming of the Port Authority as far as it becoming a real port and a real entity I think we need to start looking at I know we talked about the the sheriff's department stuff pulling that out of the Port Authority into the county but any parks or other assets that really have nothing to do with the Port Authority or Economic Development from that perspective I think we need to start looking to pulling them into the county as well to separate them from the Port Authority because once the port's Super Active there there are and I don't want to say it the wrong way so there there there are I think it'll become an accounting mess for staff and for us to try to figure out if we start actually taking in funds from the port and it becomes a regular business as far as managing when we do outlays to properties like the Triangle Park and other things I think that could confuse things and cause some issues for us and future commissions down the road once the port's active solvent and we're taking in funds and we're spending funds and uh I think we really got to look into segregating the Port Authority completely from the county like it's like it's written in in the in the rules and just to alleviate any thoughts of you know diffusing monies or parks and wreck and just for us in future commissions and just continue to down that path like we already are good Mr Turner yes and I I totally agree with that statement as far as trying to isolate the two and the biggest thing is is the level of immunity that the county has afforded that the port is not I don't think that the Port Authority has the same level of sovereign immunity as the county does as a government so you know I'm no attorney but that would be a a Mr Commando question but I'm pretty sure that they don't have the same level and if that's the case then we definitely need to bring those Port Properties underneath the county umbrella if nothing else just for liability and sovereign immunity the level of sovereign immunity and for the same reason commissioner Adams act just came up with too that it's going to be harder as time goes by if the port becomes success uccessful like we're hoping it will to keep those separate and I don't know I don't know just don't know how well how much we need to start putting income or revenues from the port into the parks and into the whatever unless we pay in a different direction in a different way but mostly the the the the level of liability is a lot different from the port to the county thank you thank you staff do you have any comments on that on how we move those those properties around a little no we've had some discussion earlier uh uh about some of these issues and we need to look at the funding mechanisms and the bonding issues and things of that nature before we uh move forward with that conversation any further but those are things that we certainly have been looking at we'll get we'll continue to work through uh uh The Honorable Matt reynolds's office on some of those issues as well uh we absolutely agree or I do as a County Administrator that we need to start looking at separation of those properties uh out from underneath the Port Authority for the simple reason you're correct and when we start that Port up and it becomes a viable asset we need to make sure it's as protected as it can be absolutely if you don't mind I'll just add a little bit is and if there is properties that make sense they're owned by the county for them to be to the port maybe there's a way to trade them off and things like that cuz remember the Port Authority isn't just about the sea port it could be about land um so if we have something like on 20 in west putam or somewhere down towards Crescent City where it could be a landing spot for something that comes into the port goes out to there things like that or just even out towards like we we bought the GP property other opportunities like that that may make sense to do swaps and other things where the port may be the better owner for a piece property that might be valid as well Mr chairman that and that's kind of where we I thought the conversation was going so we'll absolutely look at it and you know with that perspective moving forward on it and then from the the little building out front I know we we stayed away from doing anything to it but did did we do the roof on it that was one thing that had come up is I mean under what you're you were saying one thing that we may want to do to preserve the building if that's our intent not to knock it down would be to at least do the roof on that small building out front the Bank building whatever that was um I I think with the we were looking to lease for an organization that I belong to some property and with the rents I think if we got a roof on there there may be takers that would like you're saying redo the property and utilize it for a store or a restaurant or something um possibly through a lease but currently to not the roof is probably IR responsibility even under the traditional means thank you Julian want to bring you into the conversation on um the potential person we met with about leasing some of that property um Mr Turner made a very good point and I believe that was their recommendation too that they wanted to be involved in the buildout part of that if I'm not mistaken so could you elaborate on that just a little yes so we've had um tenants request everything from us to the buildout to them take on the buildout for some sort of exchange or long-term lease um and so certainly there is um various ways that it can be customized some entities want to be able to customize the building to exactly their needs and they have the capital to up upfront to do that or the expertise one of the two um in some of our buildings that those repairs would be substantial um some of them are essentially gutted and others of them have um some mitigation that would have to be done to to make them safe for occupancy um so I believe it's going to be a case by case basis on each uh scenario as well as a caseby case basis with each um potential lessor who may want to entertain some sort of agreement with us I don't know that there's a one one solution to each to all so let me call on Mr Pickins and I'll come back to you but I really want to ask you where do you see us going now I know we all talk about eating the elephant one bite at a time and this is a lot to to throw on to staff and time constraints and all but maybe we start with this complex first and then start working our way out and maybe we maybe the board then says well the bank Bu The Bank building has a floor problem along with a roof problem and it's not worth fooling with but maybe these buildings down there just need x amount of dollars and this potential tenant wants to spend I I think we just need to take little bites again I I open the convers ation with a 3 to five year plan you know to know where we're trying to get to um but but I think it's time that we do look at that because we we have a potential person who's very much interested in being in that building and you know we have God knows we have plenty of parking so that's not an issue here so okay so why don't you think along those lines and we'll go to commissioner Pickins I think that's leading to where my question or comment was do we have a an upto-date inventory of the the buildings that we have and then the conditions that they are in and then like the A&P I guess grocery store where you worked lar entry Pride entry Prim yes sir um if it's 10,000 square fet is it possible to split it into you know to two FS or or 2500s or something like that and and see what needs to be done to these buildings and then maybe you know Market them to just put it out there to some of the Realtors and things like that that they're possible for rent would there ever be any zoning issues and I laugh at that is of what could go in some of these buildings would it have to come before us to to rezone say if somebody wanted to put some light Manufacturing in one of the buildings and it was a didn't fit that so that would have to go through the the zoning process also that would go through the city of patka because we're we're in the municipal boundaries of the city so the City Zoning would take precedence as to allowable uses okay we don't have any outside the build we have some buildings outside the municipal boundaries but nothing in this complex that's being discussed okay that's why I think we need to try to get if it's not too expensive get a list of what we have and you know square footage and things like that and maybe some of the improvements that would need to be made that the the tenant would be responsible for and then see about either a build out or or we build it out and then you know do the rent concessions or something like that I completely agree I think the first deal is just to get a list of the properties that we own that are not currently being utilized and then we need to in my opinion I think we need to start with with u doing some kind of an assessment on the building is it worth trying to save or not I'm not saying any are or aren't I'm just saying if it's if we should be trying to save it and then that's where we need to be putting our money is on things on our buildings that have a future lifespan left in them but they're going down because the roof's bad or the Wall's cracked or a window's broken out of it or things like that and get the get the envelopes of the buildings fixed back up if one of them's full of asbest or one of them's full of mold or if one of them's full of something that's going to prevent somebody from coming in leasing them that's where we need to be focusing on is trying to get them in a in a in a a condition that they are rentable and then you know just like commissioner picking said are some of these bigger spaces um they could have a demising wall built down them and separated the spaces or whatever but we'd be foolish to go in there and do it before we found out what was going in there because somebody might want 10,000 ft and then we just build a wall and they got to go tear it down you know so you know we we could be willing to put put a a wall that splits the things up it's not a big deal but we need to kind of find out how much space they need and you know you know and what they're willing to do and if it's a long-term lease and if they're going to participate in the build out so some of these buildings are going to be a lot easier than others I just don't know what kind of condition the bank building's in up there on the corner it's leaked for years and years and years I just don't know what it I haven't been in it don't know so that would be I think commissioner Pickins hit the nail on the head by we need a list first right and what what it would take in the um in the opinion to at least get the building secured or in the opinion of our building official or somebody like that if we found one is it even worth trying to save because if it cost a million dollars to fix up a $200,000 building that doesn't make walking around sense people and so you know those are the kind of decisions that need to be made as we go along with this and Mr chairman I'm not going to request this in a week I mean this is going to take them months to try and figure out and you know what's going on so if I would like to see it sometime in the next few months you know a list of some kind at least what we got and and kind of what you think might need to be done not maybe a a full-blown assessment of the building but maybe just some comments on yeah we know this one's leaking bad or we know this one the doors are blew out of it and the windows and you know just a a mile high assessment of the property or something I agree and I think we could start right here in our own backyard and work our way out but staff's going to need some directions Miss Wilkinson did you have some comment my comments was the same I um definitely think we need an inventory of buildings I was sitting here thinking that I was the only one who didn't know what they were because I was the newest commissioner so um no inventory of buildings and then maybe like commissioner Turner and um Pickin said a fourpoint I call it a four-point inspection with the main four you know roof you know electricity water and um HVAC what's viable and it's important to also you know when we look at that what is the county space what do we need to be what is some of our departments that are suffering right now where go ahead Mr so you had a comment yeah I can absolutely wait till you finish with that one Mr chairman because that absolutely led to my my comment go right ahead sir and and I see you got it on the agenda for items C and D but while we're having this conver ation I think part of what staff is going to be looking for as well is when we bring back an inventory for you5 to look at and understand where we're at with our with our infrastructure one of the things that I would like for us to certainly consider putting a prioritized list together on is those conditions that staff is currently working in as well I understand we've got vacancies here within the government complex that if we trim them out build them out whatever they will come however we got folks showing up every day that we need to look at as well so when we start prior prioritizing dollars to do Renovations I'd like for us to look at that as well I don't I don't I don't disagree with that at all administrator Suggs but I think it needs to be two separate lists or it's going to get so massive that everything gets lost in the shuffle I think you need to have a list of things and you kind of already know what they are cuz we've been addressing some of these as we've gone along you know as far as the the spaces that we now occupy and things that we need to do to make them better and I see it coming on the list in a minute um to to discuss it but I think it's two separate subjects Al together one of them is buildings that we own that are vacant um and even buildings like the uh the new one we bought out at the GP property out there I know that I've been going to get with Sam and go out and look at but I just haven't had time to fit that we could both fit this in and get it done but I'm still planning on trying to get it done but that's a a good example that's a pretty large building I don't know what kind of shape it is inside if it's leaking we need to fix it if it's not leaking then we need to see about getting it lease cuz it's going to be best I can tell years before that building is needed for some type of a port a Port Authority uh process or business at the port and so it doesn't need to just sit there and go downhill um the we can do before we start spending money on the Four Points I I don't disagree with what commissioner Wilkinson said I think we need to at least have a a mile high assessment of what the building is and we've got people next door that if they can find time they can go assess the building and at least tell us is it worth moving forward or if it's not or whatever and then possibly a four point at that point would be good because they cost money and so you go get a fourpoint done on it unless we have somebody next door I'm sure one of our building officials or one of the inspectors has the licenses and abilities to go do a fourpoint and I would be good with that and it might be and if we can and they can find the time then maybe they can start hitting one here and there the ones that are the most leasable or the ones that are in the best shape and maybe we can and and I think commissioner Pickins um hit the nail on the head most of all we need to U once we get these buildings assessed assessed and we know what what level of of rentability for lack of a better word that we have there we need to get a realtor involved in this thing because right now nobody knows what we've got available nobody knows if we how much it would be nobody knows anything we we need to do an I think we need to do an RFQ on like you would an architect or an engineer or something you do an RFP or QP and and let's see if we can't get a realtor involved that would take some of these properties that we're not going to be using and actually put them out and let's start trying to get revenues out of them so I think step one is going to be capile list step two is going to be an assessment on the different buildings and then what it would take to get them into a rentable condition I don't mean buildout and all just the envelope and the thing that we should be normally responsible for and then the uh the next thing would be I believe we need to have a realtor and we need to let that Realtor go out and Lease the buildings and if it's too much of a if it's too much of a burden because it is time consuming to be a rental person or whatever um it may be that instead of hiring and just assigning that to somebody in putam County who has already got her plate full we know we might need to get one of the property management Realtors there's multiple ones around um that are very good at at it that we could just let them manage the property for us too and collect rents and go out and check on the property just like they would if it was a private property they earn their money yeah they earn every dime of it and so I think that's the way we ultimately need to go but I I think that's down the road just a little bit I think the first thing is the list the assessment and then see where we go and then get a realtor all right so I see dos in the room but can we agree maybe to to start right here in our complex and work out and maybe Sam um since you're Port manager right now maybe um the facilities that you manage under under the port I can't tell you that um but I think staff would you be in agreement that that's kind of a low hanging fruit right now I mean that's not a big one um but again I'm I'm with commissioner Turner we got a building out there at the Port that we bought um don't I I think we do know the roof leaks there uh looks to be like it's doing that but we don't know that for sure so and the port's got the other building over there too I don't think it's been rented out either yet and so I mean you know that could be a separate list of Port from the county because I don't know that we would want I mean that'll be a discussion for later on do we actually want a realtor to manage our port or do we want to let our there's only a couple of buildings in the port it could be we do that but we need to actively go out and and find tenants for them instead of just sitting there until somebody figures out we have a building available and and it not get rented but along with those lines you know we do need we bought that property we do need to make sure it's rentable one day absolutely and it might not I agree with you it might not need a realtor right now but we need to be ready absolutely we need to be ready and we need to say yeah it's a dried in building and here we go we can rent this thing out so do we going to wait just to a few minutes if you don't mind because we do have a 10:00 certain for you um but I think that takes care of item a staff is there any questions concerning that I think we'll start here in the complex with availability and the buildings that we do have available and then we'll work ourself out from that point and anything I can do in my district that that you might because again commissioner welon you're right I found out a building we I didn't know we owned until just a few weeks ago so yeah I think it is time to bring that in for a landing as much as possible and we've done a lot of good things over the years and this will be one of the I'd like to make one more statement yes sir as far as what I was talking about for other areas of the county obviously on the main road but also if it's connected to the rail because that's going to be important from a Port Authority perspective as well and I think Sam understands that as well but I just wanted to make sure I put that out there too that's that's what I was visualizing if there's a location where we have a piece of property even it doesn't have a building on it where it's next to a major highway or the or both both would be obviously the greatest of all um so that's just what I was talking about I just want to add that to it cuz I didn't think of rail when I said it and I'm glad you said that because we you know currently before we Surplus property we look at it to see if there's a value in our neighborhoods that might need it for drainage for roads for improvements in that manner uh so I think it's important that the public knows we do look at these things you know but we're just a lot of times we got we get a lot of property is sheated to us we get property that people want to give us you know and sometimes we say no we don't have a use for it but there might be other times that we had a property manager for example it might we might find a use for it so all right moving on to Item B as you well know the building got painted by a contractor and um the the sidewalks didn't make it through that process uh that good so we're going to be looking at painting that Jr you've talked to me about using the inmate crew to paintt the sidewalks um and we've already went to the con the paint supplier and talk to them but would you elaborate on that just a little yeah we just had um a turnover and change from our inmate supervisor so um now that we're able to go get inmates again I think that is absolutely a possibility um as a matter of fact we've kind we've been talking with the um Sheriff's Office about allowing I think it's this Friday some more of our employees are actually going to go to inmate supervisor school and be able to use some of the labor from our local um jail facility so um I think that's absolutely possible I think the some of the folks from another department have picked out the colors or whatever that was matched the building but I think that's absolute possibility using some inmate labor to try to get the the government complex finished Mr chairman yes sir well I totally agree we need to use inmates for things we can do to save money on I think think we need to be very weary of using inmate labor for issues that require a quality of work that's going to be done um I don't know that they have the same quality level as what you would get from a private contractor I know you pay a little more for it I get it but um you know sometimes you can find a shade tree mechanic to fix your car and it work works out all right but if you pay him in advance and the car is not fixed it might be a little more difficult to get them to come back and fix your car again so um I'm just saying that I think we need to be cognizant of the fact that right here in front of our main County building that we might want a little bit of quality to be involved in the process instead of just somebody that can slap paint on the ground that doesn't care if bubble gums down there that they're going to paint over or that the the surface might need some preparation in areas or what have you they're just going to slap some paint on it like they're told to do so I think that I appreciate the fact that we're trying to save money I truly do but I don't know that inmate labor is the proper thing to use for every project we have so I appreciate that that's Mr Adam that you had a comment well in this particular project we did hire a contractor and I think the inmates would have done a better job um so it is what it is but on this I don't have a a problem with inmates doing the for what we're talking about we're talking about where they miss painting and painting the sidewalks and stuff I don't think that's quite as precise as a roof or something like that but um I I love that you're thinking outside the boxes I appreciate it um unfortunately the contract we had didn't do a good job um and I think that's probably where our minds got to this other idea so um but I appreciate it thank you actually my first idea was Civic groups maybe uh you got your Kanas or your rotary or your Girl Scout Boy Scouts whatever but that seem to get you know some of my ideas don't seem to after they percolate don't U AR such a great idea after a while I could just see disaster all over some of that so but but that leads me to the next thing and the next thing is signage um I kind of noticed one day driving in and and I appreciate all what general Services have done if you you notice the yellow's been painted out there yellow boxes under the lights um they've been really working hard to clean up the tree out front um was really nice to get all I mean it's nice to start getting things done but what we're missing out there is we're missing signs our logo okay out in front of the building here in front of planning and zoning and I could see one over by supervisor of elections I could even see signs that say this is where you're going this is is supervisor election this is planning this I could see that but I think if we're going and out there on the front way out there by the Krill Avenue put our logo our County logo out there on that on that side it would look very attractive it wouldn't cost that much money could we could we find out how much it does cost and then have the thing because we're talking about a few thousand dollars I don't think it's a big deal but we're talking about 100 uh we might have to cut down a little bit on the amount of them signs you want put I I think really all I'm looking for is about three signs on the building and two signs out front but again you know it takes the board to make that recommendation to staff we don't want to take staff's time away so I'm fine with that well on many situations we the board in the past have turned that a certain project over to a commissioner with the authority to look at it and work at and work at it and then bring it back to the board for what they actually need with a recommendation could we just ask that you get with staff and tell them what you have visualized in your mind and then maybe they can get pricing on that and bring it back to the board I would be glad to if the board allows all right good that cleans up Item B so now we're at 10:3 and fdot Jamie and your group please come down and bring all your folks with us and introduce everybody and we look forward to your presentation absolutely thank you for driving from Lake City to here today we if you will introduce your which what I what I may do and uh just let me I'll first I'll introduce myself and I'll kind of give you the perspective of the approach for today my name is Jamie Driggers I work with do and I'm the planning Environmental Management engineer for the district um for perspective we cover 18 counties and as you can imagine 18 counties you know you really get thin so the approach of today and and I'll say this you know the early part of my career we did a lot of Engagement um you know we used to come in the spring and we'd come in the fall and unfortunately with Co you know it kind of set things out of balance so I'm trying to get us back into that motion of making ourselves accessible um so today is kind of my mark of we wanted to give you all an update on some different items that we've working on and also make the make this an opportunity if there are other things that we haven't considered or that we need to take a deeper dive into we can absolutely do that and come back with updates so with me today I've got a few folks and and I'm going to let them present on their projects once again this is succession planning thinking about you know the opportunity tomorrow you can go to all the train in the world about presenting but getting up in front of a commission is a whole different perspective and so with that the first one we're going to talk about we want to give you all an update on Krill Avenue Mr Justin Garland is going to talk a little bit about project thank you Jamie thank sir good morning so I'm Justin Garland I'm with ft I'm a project development engineer um so Krill Avenue this is a a a project that we've had a lot of concern about from the public and even the city um there's a lot of traffic that uses State Road 20 to go out to us 17 and uh right now they um a lot of traffic is actually cutting through Krill which is kind of neighborhood area and so we've looked at drawing up a concept Avenue so back in October we looked at you know drawing up this concept to close Krill our thought processes can I stop you for just a minute mayor have y'all seen this okay if you'd like sit up here where you could see it you're more than welcome to do that I I didn't want you not to be able yeah maybe there's a better spot to put it yeah it anyway don't turn it too much bring it back just there you go right there yeah we're good so we've uh spent the last few months drawing up this concept to close off Krill um basically what we're hoping for is that you know traffic will stay on State Road 20 go up to us 17 and make the ride there to uh basically cross Memorial Bridge but that's our concept um we just got survey yesterday so we're looking at designing it now um we'll take it to the public for a public access management change meeting um targeting summer is what we're looking for and we'll send out flyers and let the community know um that's going to happen um we also took it to a Paca city council CRA meeting and presented it there and showed them we had positive feedback of that meeting so that's really where we're at kill right now I'll take any questions if you guys have any I don't have any questions but I would like to make a comment and it's good to see the mayor waca jamy watts is in the room today thank you for being here um mayor not to throw you off base or anything but I was presented this maybe a month ago and looked at this um there are two roads to the north yes sir okay the first road if you shut that down in my opinion and I'm not a road Builder they're just going to go to that next Road and turn right and still going to have a bottleneck but if you go up to the third the second row which is where the ball field is and the old school administration I think that would be that'll give them a straight shot back down to the river but I think if you're going to do that in that intersection you need to look at that next Road also and shut that one down because it just will it's going to be a bad it's going to make for a bad intersection right there that's just my opinion I could be wrong yes sir no we we've heard that concern we're still looking into to that and I think it you know there is some part of a phased approach here you know if you close Krill then you know obviously you know people may find a different route and then that would be something that we'd have to reconsider well I will tell you since I've seen this I have been trying not to go straight down to the river to get myself used to that it's not bad to do that it takes you into Paca downtown basically to St John's and then you can make a decision if you want to go right left or straight so um I mean it's more convenient for me to go the river it's a it's a nice scenic drive but I understand that that is a very it's it's it's hard to get out in and out of there right now yes sir in all in in all fairness since I uh saw this at the CRA meeting um I think that once you get people around the corner I think that most of them will just go right on out to the four lane on Reed Street I really do there might be a few of them that turn down you know on the next street over and go towards the river but I think that once you uh you make it where they can't go straight off the corner and and and then turn right to the river I believe I really believe that once they get around that corner they'll just go right on up so I think this will quieten the traffic on the neighborhood and I think that's what they're what the city is shooting for is to quiet the through traffic in that neighborhood and so I think this will really help a accomplish that a lot um I find myself driving down it every single day uh coming from town to go back to the house in San mono but I really believe that if somebody made me go around the corner that I wouldn't turn right and go to the river I'd just go on out to the road and turn right again I think about it every time I drive through there yeah through it or whatever that I think once you're around the corner you'll just go on out to the light so Mr Adam that you had your light on oh okay yes sir St do you have anyr is this going to I know we've been discussing it for years about the semi traffic that's still continuing down Krill Avenue that becomes an issue on everybody's Minds that we're that semi- trying to turn right on to Reed Street um I know there's probably not a lot of semis that are traveling this but I mean if we're going to deal with this intersection I think it's about time we deal with the whole thing and not just the one small portion of it I I think that's what they're going to do next right I think we have that in yes and of course that's probably the question why are we showing this this concept to this to the county knowing this is a city issue it's not just a city issue um there's also a parallel for that's happening right now we're doing enhanced signage we have a dedicated truck route it's not being utilized to the full extent so we are going to use educational opportunities and when I say educational Jamie can I get you to talk in the microphone y so so when I Sayed ational opportunities it's it's creating awareness of the dedicated truck route and trying to encourage utilization and we've done the enhanced signage plan that is imminent signs are being fabricated as we speak they will more or less we're doing a pilot opportunity we're going to try to enhance signage we're going to walk ourselves into it we don't want to go to the extreme solution but walk ourselves in we're also you know why are we talking to the county we want to do an educational campaign through social media through Outreach in that manner to to draw a interest of the opportunity so we're going to do that as well and then another thing that we're piloting that's very unique is we're working with with truck W finding apps a lot of these drivers are not locally source so they're passing through and and the current wave finding app directs you to the quickest path so by default of length it's going to take you that way but what we're trying to do is get these truck vendors to actually direct as a prioritization to a dedicated truck route it is the most conducive the Turning movements the vertical clearance all of those things are better suited for a truck so absolutely recognize the grander we're going to walk ourselves in with kind of a two-part this in addition to that Outreach and then we're going to monitor and we'll see how it goes and then there's ultimately you know there's other solutions that we can explore but we want to if we can do it through the educational it's lower cost higher return on investment and then we'll just monitor see where so we need to do for the future Mr Jers commissioner Wilson tried to hit her button but it's not working so sh um thank you Jamie for bringing this uh bringing this up and coming and doing this presentation I know R Payne has been working on this um semi traffic issue on K since he's been in office and I remember meeting with you guys when I worked with him um the signage I think is going to make a huge difference uh the issue hasn't been that we don't have a truck truck route the issue has been the fact that what you just said the truckers continue to to go on through the the shortest route and these this signage from what I understand is going to be huge yes like physically four by four by seven four by seven you're having them specially made and um the way finding that's going to make a big difference too so thank you for doing that because it's a continuing issue that's with this truck traffic going down through a residential area and it's just because that's the way the road road goes but once you pass Palm Avenue there unless somebody's delivering they really shouldn't be down there um we had met early on with some law enforcements and local law enforcement and they said they couldn't enforce anything because it was a state road and so this will at least I think take care of some of that um so I really appreciate y'all doing that Mr Turner um Jamie I really I know this is the city a city issue mostly but I truly believe that once you divert the traffic like you're trying to do and get it around the corner and keep it on K or 20 that you're going to completely blow up the intersection at Reed Street and KR Avenue because you're going to double the amount of traffic that goes on I I believe that I think that as part of this project or something you seriously need to consider is three laning the road up there where between St John's Avenue and Reed Street when you're going out toward 17 and the reason I'm saying that is somebody right now if you want to turn left or you want to go straight that intersection sometimes already backs up all the way down to the park that's how far it gets and so but if you had a free lanane there to where somebody wanted to turn left or go straight or somebody could just go on the the right lane then they could make turns on red they could do whatever I think that it would really help eliminate the traffic there if you just could add one additional Lane going out right between those two roads where you could one person wanting to turn left does and just blow that intersection up for 20 minutes so I I think that's something that seriously needed to be looked at when we're going to divert this amount of traffic off of going towards the river up to that intersection I truly believe that you need to look at some traffic caling in that intersection right there and just an extra Lane I think would take care of that turning traffic or the stuff that wanted to go left or straight that blocks that intersection okay yeah we definitely definitely take a look at it sure I know we received a map did you have a map to put up here as far as the truck traffic Route and the new signage I want to get ahead of we don't we didn't plot aboard but everything we present today we get we'll provide electronically we could you can post it on your website or however you want to disperse absolutely all right thank you well I don't believe the truck traffic while it is an issue for sure and uh I don't think that's what's blocking that up I think that that it's mainly just cars and vehicles that want to turn left or go straight there at that intersection is What's blocking it up more so than than semis are yeah but then you have the additional problem of the trucks that are going through down to absolutely I'm not saying that they that's a wonderful they're going to try to get the truck route back working again that's all wonderful but I'm saying that that when they're fixing to double the traffic the car traffic on that intersection because if you just pay attention to how many people do go straight off Krill towards the river every one of them I'll bet you with the exception of one or two here and there that turn right at the next block all the rest of them going to go right out to that intersection and it's going to just Jam that intersection up it gets jammed up now be honest with you that's why I don't go that way is because even at the current levels if you go around the corner a lot of times traffic's backed up all the way across St John's Avenue and it takes you a while to get across you end up turning right and going in somewhere to get around it so it's going to really be a lot worse whenever uh whenever we divert this much traffic onto that intersection so so yeah I was just going to add my support for that at that light even if you had a right turn lane and a left turn lane um because just like he just said he added to what he said before when you come up to the light that we have on or that the city has on St John's or you guys have on St John's a lot of times you'll be at that light and you can't go forward because the traffic hasn't evacuated that short stretch between St John's and the main road um so I absolutely support that if if that's anything we could do that that would be be almost as important as blocking off the neighborhood from a flow perspective um cuz you are are going to double up and I'm one of the people that's guilty of cutting through that neighborhood but it also gets me downtown a lot too though so it's it's it's a from Robbie from your perspective that's a catch 22 because a lot of times I cut down there I'm like ah well I'm down here I get to where the brewery thing is I turn left and I go down to some shop because I have an extra 10 minutes where if I cut down to the main road I'm just going to bypass downtown so there is there is that and I I don't know how much that's been talked about but um just want to add my support for what commissioner Turner said as far as that intersection well the idea of this it seems to me like is to calm traffic in the area to keep it going straight which is probably a pretty good idea but if it's just going to make it so bad at the intersection up at 17 on 17 re Street then you're going to turn anyhow you're going to force these people to turn back into that neighborhood and just go that direction and down to the river anyhow because they're going to have a long wait if they go straight out to the to out creel and maybe long term that is where it benefits the businesses on St John's is it forces them to turn on St John's I mean that that that is a net win possibly if you were we were able in the future to block off those other roads well if you can to St John's it may be that you have to turn by the ballpark or one of them but I think we're talking about in the future they may they may they may block that off too to protect that neighborhood and with the school going there other things that may be got to let somebody get to their house somehow or another along that street without driving a mile out of the way to I'm assuming they're the ones requesting their the the calm down so I think that's the key is we don't want to bypass but we sure do want to make this community better Mr Jr Grimes you had a comment yeah I just want to switch hats for a second because a lot of times our ambulances are coming down Krill Avenue headed to back south and if I um because that is the major thare they take n9th Street coming from the south Ender the East putam area um they're using that section of krill Avenue um and what is will do is delay those units returning South because they have to drive all the way down to Reed Street now to get back south which the way the city's kind of shaped it will cause a delay but I just want to be cognizant of that and I think when we go into renaming these roads and Emergency Services access into that portion of the community is now going to be a little bit different um because when I worked for the city moris street was the fastest way for us to get to um off a river street from the downtown fire station we used it very frequently to go to um the art facility off of South 10th and I think you're causing yourself some um major thoroughfare changes there that aren't anticipated from an overall look that I mean that sometimes your emergency services do use these access routes to get to specific areas of the neighborhood from their location where they currently are thank you thank you okay all right good thank you Justin next up I Mr Justin Fairman is going to come up and and give you all an update on us7 at SEO access road we wanted to illustrate what we're currently proposing and and just kind of give you all a status of that project yeah thank you good morning good morning so I want to talk about the sem electric intersection on US 17 in particular so sort of a background so we've been having engagement with the business entities using that entrance mostly certained in Cyprus so through those engagements we have come up with various Concepts such as a Shifty alignment West for US 17 as well as this acceleration Lane concept so this we considered an interim concept and so with this we are proposing a, 1400 for cele a lane and what this will allow is for trucks to sort of help decrease the near misses on US 17 and so essentially the truck driver will be able to have space to get onto southbound US 17 and get up to speed properly without having any unsafe hesitation and then we're also proposing signage improvements at the Crossing itself and pavement markings and so essentially that will allow the truckers to know better Define where they should stop in relation to the rail Crossing so that is the concept on itself do you have any questions about it I don't but Mr chairman can I ask question Mr Grim is there any considerations for the semi not being able to pull out of certainty um with the distance are we going to extend that road that comes out there's not enough distance for a semi between the stop sign and the railroad tracks once that's semi comes across about one time a year we do run a A vehic or semi- Tru versus a train um is there any consideration to to Bringing out the road approach to 17 from the two facilities to accommodate a semi so not with this concept so Shifting the alignment West on US 17 will fulfill that but so and the reason why we had this concept is because this is something we can get on the ground in a few years where Shi the alignment US 17 it may be probably 10 years further down the line so and we we are through restrapping we are going to provide some additional space but we're in the grander we still and and to put this respective this is a private rail Crossing so do is limited on our ability to actually make Improvement which is why we got a strong relation we're gonna have to have you talk in the mic or I'm G get you sorry can we get a cordless mic for Jam not going to comply so we're trying to maximize the opportunity and obviously do I mean we see the risk here we've had two amack trains hit trucks we've had a lot of near Miss opportunities and we're just trying to stay out of it so we're trying to maximize through restrapping plan improvements that provide some additional you know offset but the the the grander Improvement for us is to make to make this acceleration Lane Improvement just to prevent that brake tap where there's the confidence for a driver to continue to move we expect there to be a follow-up project with you know certain teed seol as a direct delivery for that private rail Crossing and that would be a companion job as Justin introduced we do have an ultimate concept that would shift the road but it's you know 15520 million and practicality this is a higher returnal investment so we're trying to address the nail safety need we but we'll continue to look at that grander solution as well how much room is there between the road and the railroad track is that one semi Mr Grimes or is that two semis I'm sorry sir I didn't hear your full question 17 and the railroad track how many semis can sit out get on the west side of of that railroad track not not even a whole one the the tail sticks onto the railroad which has become the the issue yeah because I think it's about probably 70 feet and I I think a truck needs about 75 if I'm correct so a portion does take over the rail if it uh stops will be up the edge of travel and just if I could that's an acceleration Lane going north or coming South 17 it will be a cation you go sou so they would still have to cross the Northbound travel but once on put your microphone up to you hello hello yes so they still would have to cross the Northbound travel but then once again the Medan they're able to get into that lane get up to speed without having to worry about any conflict points with the southbound traffic as of yet till they so they can keep moving it keeps the flow going yeah that's got it I think I'm with Mr Grind if we don't solve that I didn't know that there was an issue between the railroad track and the yeah that's the whole purpose of this is that is that they've had those issues right there at that at that intersection with the with the railroad with the trucks being hit there's not enough room is there painting that can be done or yeah this this concept proposes a restripe to push the trucks the bumper of the truck closer to 17 with with enough offset to be safe but it does in it but it doesn't totally eliminate um we're also working with CSX and of course certainty of looking at opportunities for potentially actuated signs that if there is a train coming it would actuate and alert the driver that you need to clear the tracks so we're working that in hand as well to this alternative which sounds like everything's working favorably because in that scenario the flashing side will basically replace the 60 feet sign here okay I see that 60 ft between tracks and Highway way and and the ask of the commission today is you know of course you know we we handle you know we address resurfacing projects different types of projects this one is unique in the sense of the way we're trying to fund it um the funding we're looking at it wouldn't be a competing interest with the county but we would like today if the County agrees and sports is moving forward to at least uh provide concurrence for us to pursue funding a opportunities to bring the project to life we would ask for that today for consider well I truly believe that any any U improvements to that area is better than no improvements at all so I'm going to give you my blessing to move forward appreciate that so will you need a letter of support from us moving this project along is that what you're it would be appreciated or it could just be a you know consent today of the board and we can we can use that as our position to move forward Mr chairman I know we don't usually take motions at workshops but I'd be willing to uh on this particular instance to make a motion that we give them that letter of support that they're seeking second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing done all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have we'll draw that letter up and we'll if you'll get with our staff and let them know what you need in the body of the letter and we'll and I'll sign it for you thank you Jamie and your team for at least trying to do everything you can right now I know there's a long-term goal but thank you for do what you're doing appreciate that thank you Justin next up we have Mr David Tyler I'll let him introduce himself okay thank you I appreciate y'all coming I really do I know a lot of projects are happening in putham county and it's exciting to see we we appreciate being here honestly we we have a lot of work and we do a lot of coordination sorry we're a little bit late we did take State State Road 100 through here so somebody should widen that I know um so you drove 100 we did yes we got stuck behind we we felt your pain so but anyway yeah we do have a lot of projects in in putham county and so um the one I'm here today to talk about I don't have a nice picture I have I'm a little less armed here um is the state road 100 at County Road 315 intersection in in grandon and I know you're all familiar with this we know it's a priority so we want definitely wanted to touch Bas tell you that we're still looking at it still working on it um our traffic Ops Team our safety team have already come up with a roundabout concept and I think they maybe have presented that yeah before before he let me finish so so we realized it wasn't necessarily well received so um we in in the in the planning and Environmental Management office um under Jamie um are working some additional Concepts we're not quite flushed out yet with those but we are working them and um the roundabout is still still on the table but we are coming up with some other ideas that we feel like could probably address the the issue with with a little bit less of a dramatic change to that intersection so hopefully we'll have we we're still looking at it so so don't worry we're still analyzing it um that's all the update I have I know you guys are familiar with the intersection it's it's averaging about if you don't let me speak for long I'm more bust okay all right please by all means um um when I uh became a commissioner there was a project proposed by do out at the corner of East End Road in 100 in San Mato and it was basically what this is here roundabout um after multiple meetings with the residents and them uh threatening to Tar and feather me in my own front yard uh we decided that it would be best to try to move away from that roundabout concept and we put in what they have now which is wonderful absolutely wonderful kudos to do that made that intersection safe easy to get in and out of is perfect um I am not a roundabout guy especially on a major third terare Road like that I think that's the biggest mess up that do ever did down there south of bunell on the four lane Highway where they make you the only good thing about that is they did give you a way to not have to go through the roundabout they gave you a bypass route um I don't see any bypass routes on this one so you got to basically go through the roundabout so semis and truck traffic and motor homes and what have you they these roundabouts give them hell um the one going out of d on 44 I believe it is um if you're in any kind of a larger vehicle even a longer trailer or whatever it is hard to get in and out of that section of the road so is there when you're looking at this would you please take a lot of consideration and put it into for laning that intersection and just leaving the roundabout out that's what the issues are if somebody wants to turn left going out or turn left coming back in there's they got to sit in the middle of the road until the until traffic will allow them to turn but if you just gave them a turn lane going in and same way U not to the extent but the same way coming in on 315 um if you could figure out a way to give them at least a turn lane to turn and go left there then I think it would eliminate the problems I go through this intersection all the time and think about wow this if there was ever a place on Earth that needed turn Lanes this is the intersection right here cuz you come up over that hill and you go down and if you're in a big vehicle then youve got and you're speeding what you shouldn't but if you're speeding when you come over that Hill it's not easy to stop whether you headed down that hill before you get to that intersection but if you had a way for those people to get out of your way you'd be fine so I I just really truly hope y'all would look at some other issues other than a roundabout in that intersection yeah thank you commissioner so rest assured um we were also involved in the East End uh project in Samona and uh we we intervened when we started hearing the feedback and we came up with the solution it's a lot simpler honestly at that location and it works and I think that's the same approach we're taking here it's perfect I live on East End Road okay yes I that's so that was such a great upgrade I just can't tout enough how great that is yeah um and I think we could make this one just as great without a roundabout solution we appreciate that feedback yeah and we are looking at some other Alternatives um I will say that you know the tools we use for traffic analysis and safety analyses you know they're not necessarily taken into account the grades that's coming in the horizontal and vertical curves that you're dealing with at this location and so I think once you really start to take the Practical look at it you come up with ideas that maybe aren't as dramatic for the intersection and that's that's kind of the route we're going well I've even thought more dramatic frankly I mean represent pay I even talked in over pass there but the cost of that would be horrendous but truly when I get to that intersection going north I turn to the east go down to the next Road turn back to the left and then I can because my life's more important than because I'm telling you all of a sudden you're in the middle and you don't notice somebody coming down that hill at a high rate of speed it's scary it really is but I appreciate y'all looking at it that's the main thing is that it's on the radar of FD and Cuz 100 is a very dangerous road from well I say from that intersection back to Paca without a doubt you know doubt it is it's scary Mr Adam Zach you had a comment yeah I like everything that was discussed here the key thing is to get those people turning left off both directions off of 100 but also the the other thing is the people turning right off of 315 from either side correct so that whole instead of a roundabout have a a three lane always kind of of just for that right turn person to get them cleared out and then uh if you're going to make a roundabout the other thing is there's a visual issue going up the hill as well and part of that's on the county I think and part of that's on the state but there's purely like a wall of bushes going up and I I I travel this almost every day of my life and State Road 100 scares the crap out of me to be honest with you and I do everything I can to avoid it exactly like he said from that intersection All the Way East um I I do take get out the other direction fairly regularly um but yeah I support what they everyone just said and uh as long as we have some sort of turnout to turn right off of 315 in both directions absolutely we we appreciate this feedback there's there's some low hanging fruit type projects that we can Implement immediately and some of these other ones we need to there's a process that we got to work through and so be be patient with us it's on our radar we'll continue to update you all and and um as this thing progresses hopefully we get a solution that works for David like the chairman said the most important thing is is the you're looking at it and this is definitely an area that needs to be looked at there's no doubt about it but man I implore you not to put a roundabout there I think people coming over that Hill are going to hit that thing and jump over it and just keep on going and they can't stop sometimes the bigger trucks so absolutely wilon David um thank you um for for looking into this for your team um I definitely agree that with commissioner Turner that a turn in Lane would probably be the best option and just to let you know there was a big movement a couple years ago and people went out and got petitions and and I mean in like overnight they had 500 signatures of wanting to get this inter this intersection they wanted a red light and they didn't understand that you can't put a red light when you're coming down a hill at 60 miles an hour in a semi TR that just doesn't work it's not safe so the fact that you're looking into this and that you're trying to come up with a solution again I make my um fellow colleagues and say thank you for for trying to get something done there yeah absolutely and that and that peti petition really spurred our traffic Ops Team into action this this report I'm reading from them was October of 2023 so it's fairly recent um but again we're we're taking a fresh look at it with this this feedback and hopefully we come up with some good solutions that we can Implement here sure thank you comments from staff any no okay good thank you guys thank you David appreciate it so much all right Jamie you're back up again yeah two last items um of course Paul at your discretion if you want to come up and give an update we I know last time we met with staff we talked about low bid design Bild delivery um and to give you all kind of a where we stand today we we we're piloting our first ever low bid design Bill delivery with Dixie County currently um it's still early and I I say this it's hard to really lay out the road map until you get through the full pilot delivery but absolutely if there's an interest of putham County it's just a matter of if you want to be pilot number two is it's definitely an opportunity as far as our resources um you of course yall know Paul you know Paul from local program but uh Paul's team is ultimately providing that oversight we do dot we have a pretty profound history of as far as the that type of delivery and and really to put it in a nutshell what is low bid design build delivery you know in the conventional design bid build approach you hire a consultant the consultant spends nine months to a year depending on the nature of the project then you advertise it a contractor comes on board you know with CEO oversight inspection the the idea here is you hire what you call an owner's rep early and the owner's rep establishes a request for proposals basically gives requirements of what what is intended of you as an agency to to be delivered by a contractor contractor bids low bid and then they bid in compliance with they're going to meet these terms and then you they hire a designer so everything's front loaded so really it's the argument of the value of a dollar today versus a dollar tomorrow you know you're getting a Contractor on board early in the process considering inflation you know there is some price guarantee there some opportunity on the front end so it's in the end the goal is get to the same product just a different uh mechanism of delivery uh we highly encourage the right projects as you can imagine you know a complex Bridge Project or coal Replacements those things are just they're too profound there's too much gray and you want to be very specific but with a Mill and resurfacing project which is traditionally the scof and scrap uh project format you know it they they did do tend to align very well with that delivery approach so once again I can't I can't show this is perfectly how you know knowing this unique to local agencies versus the way do manages it we absolutely have a project that's I'd say probably 50% through the process um they're working devel ad Jamie can he come can you come up to the microphone or it working hello okay so yes we're currently for the Dixie County Pilot low bid design build we're working with owners rep they're working on preparing all the necessary documents for the RFP development and it's expect expected to advertise hopefully by later the end of this year you know summer fallish time frame they hope to have that RFP advertisement out so it's still pretty early on as Jamie mentioned what project is that in Dixie is that a resurfacing project or it is a resurfacing project I'm probably going to butcher it's either three it's the road from Swan from but 340 about 12 mile resurfacing 11 12 Mish wow Road resurfacing um it ends I think there's a I know y'all don't know much about it there's a pavement joint middle ways and it goes all the way to the town of swan I forget which county road it's 349 or 341 just wanted to to present the opportunity I know I've had several locals that have reached out you know inquisitive and it's I mean I wish in a year from now we will Paul's team will absolutely have the perfect this is how it how delivery goes but right now because we're still in that pilot stage and knowing we've got a lot of other folks around the state that are watching you know to see how delivery goes and if it if it works it works um I'll say this and I know the markets always change but we've got David I think we got 12 we got 11 or 12 low bid design Bild do deliveries going right now and on average we've seen a 25% Savings in the bid alone and then on the design fee you know you're just paying a you're paying a owner's rep to develop an RFP so we've had some projects where you know we $3 million for design fees and we're doing it for $ 800,000 you million kind of range so there's a substantial savings on the front and potentially on the back end with the bid and then it's the price guarantee of getting a Contractor on earlier so that's the short short you know quote premise of it but I just wanted to have Paul here have him available if you want to explore it further obviously staff knows Paul and we'll definitely support you all in any way Mr D Mr Turner has a question um are you done with that subject before I before I lose you today I'd like to uh mention the uh project that I got the email on not too long ago about the uh Highway 17 from duns Creek to Satsuma I understand that the in the design stage that we found some um site issues and some of the roadways that weren't conducive to building a highway over them and so because of the added expense they had to basically take a a year 24 project which was scheduled for this year and defer it back to 28 until some additional funding was necessary um is it possible while we're looking at that that we could see if if the uh the muck layers could be surcharged or it could be something that would I mean the Buck's been there it's not like it was put there it's been there a thousand years and it hasn't really a million years and it hasn't really affected the current roadway very much there so I'm not I'm not very good at talking around the issues and so I've got to be kind of blunt about it I don't know that maybe we couldn't find a second opinion in here that maybe there was a there was a lower cost alternative to getting that road built that would be closer to the funding level where maybe we didn't have to defer it quite so far down the road if we could find another option such as sech charging or the boarding of the holes and putting the concrete in or the you know or something other than just driving 100t piles all the way around the corner or whatever it may be and and I understand completely that you have to work within your perimeters but if if we could please try to take another look at that that is a very important section of road that putam County's worked on my entire adult life to try to get it for laned all the way down to Satsuma once we have the bridge in now that we do so maybe if we could find a way to move that up that would be just wonderful absolutely and and I can actually I'll share with the commission the all of the Alternatives that were explored in the end we ultimately resolved to building a bridge um the reason being the muck the depth is always a problem when you try to do cutouts um just the maintenance of traffic to build the new road is so profound um The Columns unfortunately you're constrained by the the length of embedment um and then search charging just the amount of time it would take but um at a minimum we're we're moving forward with a bridge option but I can give you we've got a full geotechnical study where we' looked at all the different alternative scenarios it talks about pros and cons in each um we we do absolutely intend to bring the project back in unfortunately that was a late Discovery you know the how substantial that that muck pocket layer was and it forced us into a situation we've got to push it out to assess um but now now that we know we have more field field investigation data we can make informed decisions and you know what's cost effective most you know for the long term longevity of the road is Ultimate our goal and we'll try to bring bring the project back in if if we can what are the confines of the muck is it too vast to be able to just reroute the road and go around it yes it's it's one of the it's the issue of we have to contain containment as far as what's in our RightWay but if we if we OV excavate or we go too far we we can induce problems to others you know outside of our rway footprint so we have to consider options that that we can control and we can condense um and I am not a geotechnical engineer I'll tell you that but I abolutely give your report it it really I mean it's multi layers of thought and process and and I know like I say the immediate was oh we push it at 28 that was just to give us time you know the amount of time it takes to design a bridge lay out a bridge believe it or not a bridge option was the cheapest of the options I don't want to say cheapest in the sense of lifespan a bridge is going to give you that full life but com in a comparative analysis and impacts to you know Community public it was it was the more the less impactful of the options that were explored and the most cost effective well just anything you can do to move it up please do absolutely no we to we totally understand we we hear it loud and clear Mr that Mr pick hang on okay along those lines I know it's going to go to 309 you get any idea of of what will happen and when going from 309 into Pomona Park and there's a similar situation just past 309 headed to Pomona park that's a gorge in there have y'all done any investigating there um in in the long-term planning perspective yes we have looked you know to as opport is going further south I would I would highly encourage the and that's part of the reason we're here today I would highly encourage those types of requests you know for us to continue keep it on the radar um considering that everybody's everybody's vying for opportunity but um yes we have looked at a long-term planning perspective but that's long-term planning if if there's a immediate you know desire of the board for us to bring it back refresh and continue to look and monitor we can actually do that and give you updates on Whatever frequency you would like okay all right thank you sir so do you need a letter from US basically we want to continue looking at 17 from dun Creek all the way down to the county line yes I hope I hope of course I've got one more topic um but I'm hoping at end maybe you can condense one one request that would cover the US 17 support the 17 you know extension South and then the very last thing I've got is got the comment okay go ahead the very last thing is just and of course put it in perspective and and this is there's there's two two paths within within dot within our organization there's you know traditional do projects that are sponsored based on community interest or you know desire of the board to look at specific locations um there's also the off System Program scop scrap sigp trip programs that y'all are very familiar with and those programs are solicited through through Mr web's office and it is very specific in timing you know there's a there's a period of solicitation there's a closure period um very very specific that's off system own system is is a little unique um and that's what I want to be be here today you know to really really bring home is the formal a formal request of the board let's say you want us to do a study or if you want us to look at something specific I say that understanding resources the resources you all have are thin you know same with us but we want to least have a prioritization from our commissions of and staff of what we need to be focused on you know everything we do we want to be fully transparent we want to make sure that we're shooting at the same Target so with that if there are opportunities whether it be studies where you know studies are the impetus of driving to that next big move you know it may not be a fires on you know scenaries like we presented today that you got to do something now but it may be that long-term planning objective and uh I would just ask the board for consideration if you would rank out things that you want us to take a look at um doesn't matter where it's at it just needs to be you know the biggest challenge we have is you know difference of opinion on what the priorities are obviously we want that that solicitation that request to come through the board so it' be you know vetted but uh formally as you provide that letter of support for 17 as well as the you know looking further capacity extension on 17 if you have specific areas that you would like for us to focus make you invest some resources in outside of the scop and scrap secb solicitation for own system improvements you just have to formally make that request and we can do that and once again at the same frequency I'm hoping in the future that's why I brought so many folks just because I want to you know understand it takes a team and because we cover so much ground but uh if there are specific projects you want more frequent updates at a minimum I'd like to come back in the in the spring in the fall if you found this useful so that we can you know new items come up we can give you a status update um or at that time you have priorities we understand things change you know all it takes is you know Act of Mother Nature or some unfortunate circumstance and it can change the prioritizations and we can adapt that as well so that's that's what's what that was more or less my closing just say hey if if there's something you want us to dive a little deeper on that we haven't talked about today knowing there's being Canada there's probably another 15 items in putam county that were working we didn't want to over overwhelmed you know today's opportunity but we definitely want to put it put it out there that we are big on customer service um any one of you have access to us as well as staff we want to make sure that y'all yall understand that know that we're committed and we're here here for that purpose and with that I'll hush and if you have any more questions or any other projects you want talk about has a question I got a few so I guess my County Road I State Road 20 when you go to West putam the new area that they built um my biggest thing I think in high s's great right because you designed it based on densities of people and stuff on the side roads but one place that I think we kind of missed the ball and again I was a Community member at that time going to those meetings is where our waste area is where we people come in to dump and stuff for or what do you call it a landfill it's not the landfill but the drop off for landfill collection center has no means to turn left so all these people with trailers and other things are going past tick turning coming back around and it's causing a weird traffic pattern there and we really should look into having a turn lane coming from west to east for people that get down Hickory because that even though there is no houses back there that's like a main traffic place for people to take their garbage and refu for all of West putam so it is the only location to drop off so I'd like for us to consider a turn off there and then the other question I have is from a a lighting perspective what is the I guess the question is is and it's throughout the county really on state roads what is the the state's stance on not stop lights actual lights to light intersections um because over headlights over headlights right CU like there's some key areas from the city of pla out on 20 and it starts at Pride Hollister road which may have one actually Hollister Church Road um one that stands out to me big time is ba and Powell cuz that actually gets very confusing the way that it's lit especially in that Twilight hours when Dollar General has their sign on you're coming up that road and you're going to turn left or right and that actually Shines on that whole intersection strangely where you can't see well for where the roads are to the left and right because of the way that that Hill comes up and then Gordon Chapel those are the main ones but we need to have some sort of overhead light in some of those intersections the one to me that stands out most would probably be Gordon chapel and baen Pa that's just CU that's where I live is out there but that's where I've gotten the most complaints because that's where my neighborhood is and then the other question I've been getting a lot from people recently going to some Community meetings out in West putam is why did the trees in the median stop at the elro county putam county line well there's a project on that okay then that's and I updated them because I did get that feedback like a year and a half ago but then I have there's been no action so I've been starting to get that question again from the same people that ask me a year and a half ago how come they're not putting trees on our part so if that is a project I can continue to tell them that that's great but since I have you here I wanted to know that you need to come up with that answer this is the government nothing happens any no no no I I know but no I think there's a $7 million appropriated for shrubbery inside from from Milat County Line back towards enar and and that was going to be one of the comments I was going to make it seems like a lot of money and and commissioner amzac I'm I'm sorry but I'm not a big fan of all the stuff in the middle of the road I think the road's a beautiful road but $7 million I think it might even be more than that you got look at your fiveyear plan I can yeah I can pull plan it's quite a bit of money that you've got invested coming up speaking can I sure move go ahead okay we need you know when we brought staff up to your office and I think it was Jr and myself and J and Mr sugs I don't know if Julianne made that trip with us but you know we were talking to you about these timelines and that's where your boss Mr Evans said he could build a road with a 8 foot level four foot level okay four foot level so that's why design build really started catching our interest when you look at the Shrubbery or the the plants on 20 in that period you explained to us at that time that Do's fiscal year starts July 1 okay and so if it's programmed for let's just say 2025 that means this coming July that money is available for projects to be used now there's some there's some promiser notes that could help us get shorten some of that length up but if we let do know that we're ready to go July 1 but you usually counties aren't is what you're referring to I don't want to put words in your mouth but I I think it's important to know that when you see a 2025 it's July 1 of 24 and that's the fiscal year programmed in so if it's 28 it would be July 1 of 27 so I think it's important to know that going in that when you look at those things that's that's the date that the money is available now normally you said and your staff did that counties don't draw down that money until March or April because they're getting their planning work done I think what I have seen since I have been here is um that well just take for example County Road 315 North from 20 to 100 that was programmed back years ago and we're still trying to get that off the ground now the cost of balloon we ran into some issues with it you know um but we got to try to find a way we can't keep coming coming back to dot with our hat in our hand begging for money because we realize that you're running out of money too your projects are going up in cost so we got to try to find a way to be prepared to go immediately when that funding comes down and and I think that's very important to drive the cost down I think if we do that with a design build because let's face it on a resurfacing project what are we talking here the contractor knows what they're doing they they're ripping the road up at a certain are you talking about scof and scrap thing I am so how I mean we're not talking about building a nuclear bomb here we're just talking about resurfacing a road and you know how much design does it really need and how much preparation you know I go ahead how much ahead of the date that you just um came up with how far ahead of that would we actually know that we got a scul or scrap gr we know we programed three three years ahead okay yeah it's we're program enough time to do some of the work ahead is what you're saying well actually you program we we put on the radar five years so it's in your fiveyear work but the funding we're we're always building our new third year so right now Paul's Paul's working the solicitation we've received he's doing the analysis independent estimate everything for f our fiscal year 28 29 29 29 okay okay even with Scar and scrap we we try to We Lay we look ahead three years that way it gives everybody time because we understand the you know these are front-loaded programs where you all pay and then pursue reimbursement so even as far as your finances you know we got to make sure the counties have aquo every every rural County you know has a little different uh Financial perspective but but that's exactly that I mean that you know you get it three years ahead you could proactively begin planning for you know even even working with Paul's office there's some there's some strategies tips and techniques things that you can you utilize impl in a little quicker as well I don't know the number right off hand from County Road 315 from 100 to Maran County Line the three segments but it's in the millions of dollars I want to say 12 million at least if might even be more than that but we're looking at some roads down in Crescent City that we're going to that we as a board has has sent up to you that is so important for Rural Florida as you well know you hear this all the time no matter what rural commissioner you're talking to we don't have that kind of money to go out there and spend that to resurface roads and it's such a it's a it's a really a wonderful partnership with do and the counties to to have that money to be able to spend on Rural roads that connect people I don't know how we would do it without it I don't think we could possibly do it without and in in that vein which I'm I'm gon add a little plug I didn't didn't think about earlier but um you know we're we're looking to maybe in the summer host an event for all of our our agencies essentially an opportunity for staff to come and we spent the last four or five years really hitting grants hard as an agency lot of lessons learned built a huge Network um we don't see a lot of our our rural agencies don't tend just because of Staffing Resources don't tend to you know you're you're focused on scop scrap sigp and trip when there's all these other opportunities and actually that's probably a good segue I'm talk about the DP I know I'm jumping around this come on but but the idea is in the summer we would host the workshop we would invite all our rural partners and come we just tell the story of opportunities but David's got a very very good one too yeah just to kind of touch on what Jamie saying so D it's a different state agency but they have the resilient Florida um resiliency grant program and so what we're doing one of the criteria for that program to be eligible is to do a vulnerability asset assessment asset assessment and um we at dot have a lot of that resource already available through GIS platforming that we do on other projects so we're building that for you know our rural County Partners to take some of that that burden off the bureaucracy of having to do this this mapping and so you get a planning Grant you probably have all received a planning Grant from D to do this work at the vulnerability assessment um to make you eligible to go after Capital Improvement projects for uh resilient Florida uh grant program and so if we can help get the ball rolling uh we've already vetted this information through D so the the data that we're developing for putam County to utilize has already been vetted through D GIS specialist and and the resiliency folks and so it's good to go it's good data and so you can then hopefully use that planning grant money that you've received from D to actually develop uh Capital Improvement projects rather than developing these apps and these maps and everything else that that are needed to become eligible for that grant program so that's something we're hoping hopefully to have hoping to have rolled out this month um to all the rural County Partners that we're working with so you guys are on the docket we're we're working hard to develop that material and um you know as soon as we get that ready we'll we'll reconvene and hand it off and let you ultimately pursue and your staff pursue that grant funding hopefully um we selfishly want to see some of these Capital Improvement projects awarded in these rural areas what we're seeing currently again it's a different agency than dot but a lot of this grant money is going down to Miami D St John's County these areas that have dedicated resiliency staff they're big metropolitan areas in the coast and so what we want to see I mean you guys are suffering the impacts of these storms just like everyone else or um isolated flooding or other flooding issues um is we want to get some of those Capital Improvement dollars in our region in the rural areas and I think um you know we're committed as an agency to partner with the EP and partner with our with our County um uh you know repres representation to get these these projects brought to life through different you know funding opportunity that's that's outside of dot so it's a little bit different but um stay tuned we are going to have that resource available hopefully this month to hand off to you all to to utilize however you want thank you that's exciting we talked about we talked about a vulnerability study when I first when I first come on board where do we have that already are we working with their Agency for a vulnerability study or is that something we sent out or I think we did that I just remember it came up and then I just don't remember seeing anything on it I know we're working a vulnerability study in that we likea duns Creek area through emergency emergency management um they've had several meetings with um several agencies on I'm just I can get you an update on that okay so it's not countywide it was specific to certain areas specific to some flood prone areas around duns Creek uh we La a Cedar Creek out in Boswick um there was a set there was a map that was generated that showed the high vulnerability areas that Stefan's been working with the um state agencies on so I know they've got a vulnerability study um I think mayor Watts has actually got in for one in that Waka Sportsman's Harbor area so I mean there there is several of the vulnerability studies working in the coastal areas of the county around the rivers for for timing perspective and just put in perspective this is a $250 million program the only rural agency that has been awarded a grant in the last two years was the City of Greenville in Madison County that's what has caught David and I's attention we are competitive and uh we want to help Foster and and you know promote any way of of uh that we can so but if you go if you if you're curious on the timing perspective it's if you go to DP resilient just type in D resilient Florida and they actually have a portal where you can see the planning Grants awarded the planning Grant serves specifically to address that vulnerability assessment from a timing sense this application are doing September seems like a lot of time but you've got to do community outreach you've got to do the gis inundation layers you've got to do a a formal public engagement you got to develop an application and you you got to do a benefit cost analysis those things take time um but once again opportunity David's presenting is we're willing to help um we can't do it for you but we can create templates and templates that can be shared universally with all of our agencies so we're definitely trying to trying to get the gun loaded we just need a you know the next step of partnership is is really what we're offering today well thank you any other questions I have a question um I'm going to take this opportunity to bring up a project so um the inter section of PETA Bluff Road and Highway 17 North headed toward Greeno so before that you have the intersection of West River Road and Highway 17 and that has a red light then you have the seminol entrance that you guys uh presented today and then past that you have Poma Bluff Road and I think I asked you this in a meeting the last study that was done for that was 2019 is there a time frame do you only if in other words if I were to ask for a study to be done a traffic study now to see if it War a red light in that area is 5 years enough since it was done in 2019 or do how often do you do them it's typically based on the trigger of a of an improvement in the area well that area has definitely been improved and we're seeing a lot of um uh homes and things going to be built in that area so I've been I've received lots of phone calls from citizens that are concerned that feel like they need a red light and of course they always compare it to West River Road because they're like we're the same area West River Road got a red light and we didn't and they do have a flashing light and it's a lot better than it was but there are still plenty of accidents out there and um so whatever you can do whether it's a study or I think the study is the first step and then see if there's enough um issues out there that would warrant a red light okay so that's that's on my ass list thank you Mr Driggers um I know you all M Mr adamack and I serve on the region Council together up in Jacksonville so I know that resiliency study is coming um but one thing that and you have a representative on that board that that represents ex officio member that sits there with us you know when commissioner Wilkinson talks about 17 North and you've heard us talk about our Port today and that's on 17 North when the outer Beltway is done we're 17 minutes from gaps and der or the outer Beltway um we learned just last month that 6,500 homes are going to be built on the Clay County putham County Line and the old mining areas back there you know that's going to put a big strain they're not all just going to go back to Green Coast Springs they're going to come to here and you know um I think they found us if you will U we have rural lands and people have found us and it creates a lot of challenges so again I'm I'm tickled to death that you're here and the projects that are are going on I know they're expensive I know I appreciate the fact that you bring projects that we're not competing with you about because we need to be able to compete with you know to get our own um but just keep mindful of that that puam county in the next 20 years going to look a lot different probably than what it looks like today but if we can build the roads which we've already done 20 is remarkable I will tell you that 207 is is fantastic 17's getting better uh 19 is still a little slow but you got the forest so we're okay with that but 17 South is going to be in 100 let me 100 West from Paca that is a booger right there but and it it's a booger all the way to Stark if you will you know but but that's a long-term project but you know we um we need some help on that so a technical term booger yeah we wondering that's the word of the day it's a bon booger technical term okay so I knew you were going to go there yeah you knew it so anything else Mr ders no sir did we give you everything you needed today we absolutely the honesty is we wanted to try to keep it as informal and and honest dialogue as we can we could um once again if you want us to come back at Whatever frequency if you want us to Target other projects or other things we didn't bring up that you want to hear more about we're absolutely open to do that we can breach staff and they can share or we can come in person it doesn't doesn't matter whatever the pur I think this we be glad to see you anytime you want to come and any any situations you want to bring to us you know I we do appreciate the work in relationship and and it goes back a long way so you know I remember back in 1999 Kelly Smith huie Hawkins um with John Stevenson was not from yeah I believe we walked State Road 20 and talked about what it would look like for in alarin and you know now it's finally happened I mean we talked about getting land that happened recently and I don't know if you've been out that way but the town mowed all that property and cleaned it up and it's just looks wonderful and um we appreciate all the but that was government moving very fast at that time so I do have one more question go right ahead I'm sorry um I saw that in your work plan you have the rest of the money I believe to finish the bike path in putham county is that does that fall under your purview or is that a different group yeah I mean I'm yes uh Miss Amy Amy Robertson that's in our office she I can yeah I can ask ask her to reach out to you I'm not as directly familiar but I know we were we were very fortunate um this year the legislature expanded the suntrail and the TA programs I think the TA program Statewide went up maybe 30 million and suntrail was 165 million we were able to advance $65 million of projects into our current year and we were just given additional $17 million here two weeks ago so we've been very aggressive with Trail so that's why I can't yeah I don't know off hand but I can I can definitely pull it up and we we'll see if I'll reach out to Amy and see if she can maybe come to one of our meetings and give us an update we'd like to see you know what's going on with that there is some gaps in there but I think you guys are funded for it so the question just becomes when is it going to happen yeah absolutely thank you thank you you're welcome back anytime if any other Commissioners have comments staff you have any comments Jamie thank you we're going to take a three- minute recess thank you what thank you try to get out of here by noon we got a few more topics um next on appreciate fdot coming was very good presentation and very good interaction again I want to remind everybody that I'm looking at the three to fiveyear plan here um the next item is item c new parks and recreation building and redesign um looking at that area if you will we have still have those Portables there and I think one day we need to be looking at a new building over on the south side of that property or wherever um and make that a better facility for our workers out there and for the public to be able to utilize maybe more of that area um so just want to throw that out and get some comments on that I don't disagree I just um we we really don't have a capital Improvement plan I guess so this is one of those things that would go in our fiveyear work plan if we want to or whatever but we definitely need to have some kind of a future thought process and funding how we're going to fund it okay next item in public workor I got my board's lit up oh I'm sorry good Mr Pickins and then we'll go to Mr Adam I'm sorry there's a little screen that's in front of you that has there but it wasn't working EXC some of them were unplugged earlier and it's actually working um so I I don't disagree I've only been in that building a couple of times um but it would be a pretty pretty expensive uh Venture so there's no question we probably need to start looking at in within five years of a capital plan like commissioner Wilkinson said so good good I think it's needed Mr Adam yeah so I think the buildings are ugly but I think they are adequate for the use but I think we should in this fiveyear plan and and part of it is getting the property moved out of the port to the county and all that but I think that that area with the usage increases and Earth things may be more suitable to parking and other things for future growth of parks activity and moving parks and wreck maybe into other parts of the building which I think of this area or another part of the county I mean I think that may be something we may want to consider too because that partk continues to just grow and grow and have greater activities and that's where the population is going to grow I think we need to gear everything on that property we can in my vision of a five-year plan to be around the activities that are going to happen there the public activities and and take the administrative type thing out of there potentially to allow for parking more courts more more venues to to do activities um just something to think about when we're when we're thinking about that not just to throw a building up for the sake of building a building go ahead since it's working well it is working it's working I was but it says Larry Harvey up well they're going to fix that Mr Richie Larry Harvey Mr Richie just said he's going to fix it no we're good um I don't disagree with anything that's been said today and it's something that probably needs to be looked at but I agree with commissioner adamac here is that that's premium Recreation space out of thebo Park I'm not sure we don't need to start looking around and finding a maybe a place that's a little better to put something than the right there in the premium recreation area of the County so I think that's something that should be looked at and I appreciate the uh discussion on this today but priorities Mr chairman we have some priorities that probably rank a little higher up to list than this one but it's time to start looking at it for sure thank you Mr Pickins you're lights on please yeah and I I agree with that it is um Prime space out there and and you know when we arrived here seven years ago we we were a little strapped for funds we're a little better now so I think the the focus of the board and the parks and recck um advisory committee and and Julian and the staff were to upgrade parks and um we've done a real good job doing that but you definitely looking forward in the future with this is is probably something should be on the list you know I I totally agree with that but you know it kind of boils down to one of those situations that do we take and I don't want to throw out crazy numbers but do we take $500,000 because you can't build much for less than that anymore do we take that and put in that or do we take that $500,000 and put pars and rec in a in a building somewhere that we already own and take that $500,000 and finish some of the park projects that some of us have been fighting on the whole six years we've been here so good point so it's there's other other ways to look at this also y thank you Mr chairman no that's good I think that's good and I think we can as long as it's on the radar and we can move forward then we're good with that and I agree with that uh Public Works building renovation we talked about that a little bit uh did with some staff members and um do we have some numbers on what the renovation so could we just go ahead head and authorize them to try to get get a small design fee of some kind and see if they couldn't come up with what they're looking for and find out what it is we can do to make the existing building more conducive to the larger staff that they have you know in the engineers and everything else I mean it's really not great at the moment I mean they've got some of their people all the way out back which they probably like being out there some of them so I I don't know maybe we could let U let Jr and JT have some design money and get with whoever they're going to use that does their building design and see if they can't come up with something or at least a budget number before we fully design get a budget number on what the estimated cost would be then we know what we're talking about Jr that's a great idea I mean we just we've got a a big Division and especially over there big Division and staff where we I mean the engineering is on the back of an old Warehouse um which is fine but um sometimes it's just amenities is the light of day right I mean when they built that in there they built a office space inside of a warehouse um so I think that's great I mean we'll absolutely look at it I don't think there's anything wrong with the building itself it's just kind of the way it's designed and laid out we can we can absolutely take a look at it and see if we can bring um a designed idea back to the board and you'll do that in the next few months possibly absolutely absolutely good all right then we'll move on to the next item Animal Service groundbreaking and we've talked about seeking our site work Partners just want to make sure that we're all on board with that before we go out there we do have some of our dirt work contractors that want to help um and what time frame are we looking at I think uh that's what's been asked of me so Julian would you like to take that maybe of what what an anticipated date might look like that we might start seeing dirt being moved that we could ask these guys that they want to participate at some level I don't know that I can give you an exact date at this time that's fine that's we have bi-weekly facility update meetings with the contractor the engineer and staff um that being said the partiel is in the city of PKA and so we have some inquiries into the city of PKA that we're going to need some clarification on that's going to um at this point could be a predicator of the timeline that we're in have we Mr chairman have we done core borings on the new the new spot where we moved it over there by the lime Ro we have not to date um the contractor has not requested them to date I don't know that he will request them it's not usually within his purview basically you tell him to go build it right there and then he does it and you usually do your own site investigations and what whatever to see if that's uh where you want it because I know for a fact that there have been some issues in some of the area some of that area um when we built the jail for instance the latest renovations to the jail there was some serious site work issues there that we had to work through I don't think they go over to that area but I think the next step in this process now that we voted to move the from out in the pasture to inside the jail compound um I think the next step is for us to Pony up and go on and get some uh get some core boardings done in that area and they need to be done uh deeper than the normal 10 to 15 ft that you would get because if we've got if we've got some we just need to know was that area of the site filled in the stuff over on the backside was filled in and that's where the problem light if there had been a mck layer way down that was a million years old it wouldn't have been an issue just like they tried to make it an issue at the fire station in East blacka so they made a search charge that site we we sear charged a site it went 30 days and didn't move an eighth of an inch in 30 days and they said oh yeah well I guess you're okay well some of us could have told them that before we wasted the $220,000 sirar charge in the site I just would like to know somebody in Authority need or one of your engineers somebody needs to know what is under the ground in that area that we're going to build this so it needs to go down to like at least 30 ft deep and and if if they if they go through 30 ft and they find out that it's still a Fillin area which I doubt very seriously that it's deeper than that on any kind of field that um that we need to be able to authorize them to go deeper until they find out where we reach Solid Ground at if it's filled in I just don't know if that area is filled or not so we need to do that next because if we find out that the site's unsuitable and we've got to move it back into the pasture because that it cost more we moved it up there in order to save money on the utility connections and what have you if it's going to cost more money and the parking lot because the line was there you know for a lot of good reasons but if it turns out that it's a bad site selection because of the soil where the building's going to go we may need to get it checked where out in the pasture and go back to uh to the first decision that we made just because of that so my suggestion would be the next step we going and do core boardings in the area where this is going to happen and then you uh I guess we're going to talk to the city to find out can we build an animal shelter on that complex I I don't think the question is if the but the city in that area obviously the building department still does building um but they run planning and zoning and so so um they've had some turnover in their planning Division and we're just need some information from them I think they're trying to help us work through that now okay well before we take three or four months and go if it turns out we need to go through a zoning process at the city and change something or whatever uh the case may be before we do that can we get core boardings so the last thing we want to do is hold all four months and find out the s's not suitable yep not a problem thank you we'll get this afternoon okay okay do you okay never mind I'm sure we got okay so I guess I'm scratching my head to along with commissioner Turner is there is this going to be a big problem with the city or we going to try to or do we think that it's going to be something that I mean because gosh I've been here nine years and we're ready to move forward now Jonathan I'm sorry to put you on the spot no that's fine um Commissioners Jonathan Griffith assistant city manager uh myself Mr Helms Mr Baker met with your civil engineer last week and one of our planners we gave them the site plan checklist and they're working on a site plan for submitt so no okay thank you gosh that made me have a heart attack then I thank y'all so much Lord of Mercy that's all I have does anybody else have anything because we're going to go down to the county attorney and county attorney's not in there County Administrator Mr sug just one thing Mr chairman I didn't Mr Turner Mr chairman yes on your last item when we're going to ground break we did discuss that but we had a site work partner thing um Can Can we resolve that if if site workk Partners want to come and get involved they can but we don't hold the project up waiting on volunteers to to do this if we can if we can do the site work or what I mean sometimes it costs more to use Volunteers in it just to mean to just go on and do it so weren't we going to do that in house anyway Jr weren't we going to bring public yes site work is to be done in house yeah I mean I mean I can appreciate all that um is it possible to get them to do the site work following the building so we can stay on Pace with it I mean there's going to be some final grade stuff amenities that need to be done outside but I think at some point we need to if we're going to move this project and continue to move it forward we need to take this from no better term to bull by the horns and let the the the contractor and all that stuff get this thing up and rolling but I mean there's a lot of Final Grade out work that needs to be done once the buildings are complete I don't disagree I think they just reached out one time two of them did to me and said I want to be a part of the solution and and we sure want that to happen so you know I appreciate that I really do and I appreciate them coming forward but J.R is exactly right we we need to go on and move this project and then we'll let them participate in the S final site grading and the getting ready and the you know those sort of things that are that are not critical to getting in the critical path to get the building started and keep it moving so we need to let we need to let Jr go on and take Public Works and take that done once we get core boring and the city gives us the approvals we need we need to go on and get this thing move got the approval we need those sir that that was not the approval that was very nice of him to say that it just says we're well on the way he doesn't see anything I agree not trying to put anything in your mouth Jonathan how long do you think these core borings are going to take to get back to us I'll have you an answer sometime later today or tomorrow I've got to see because I mean we got to make an appointment with the people that actually do the core borings but we have some that are on continuing services with us so it's not an isue that's fine it doesn't have to be that fast but we I think we're all ready to see that happening any more discussion on item me okay hearing then we're going to go to our County attorney he's not sitting there can whoops Mr Turner when you get your core boings would you give them to Scott nolles and let him review them please sir yes sir I actually have them do the order to get them done so yes sir we sure will thank you sorry no you're fine you're fine I appreciate it Mr administrator yes sir and and I didn't know if you're going to do this Mr chairman uh but uh I'd like to take the opportunity as County administrat to welcome new city manager Mr Bill here today yeah and so uh I've already given him my my business card so he has my contact information and I'm sure we'll uh we'll start working together and communicating on on whatever projects that the city and the county may have today as well as in the future mayor would you like to bring him up and introduce them come on up and I appreciate that thank you I should have said May which mayor but it's all I kind figur anyway everybody would know what mayor but yeah welcome to Mr Troy Bell um to the city of Pacer as our new city manager and we're happy that we have somebody on board and we're ready to move forward good if you want to say anything or tell me a little bit about you quick quickly quickly say thank you to the mayor uh because I am nothing without my mayoring commission of course and I'm excited to be here and I really look forward to an opportunity to meet each of you and get to know you and uh work together so I hope this is uh an excellent opportunity and platform for us to be able to do that and I appreciate uh Mr sugs coming and uh connecting with me and we're setting up some time to get together and begin that process so I'm excited thank you thank you thank you for coming appreciate it Mr s you still have the floor that's all I have Mr chairman all right good commissioner comments Commissioner Adam I have none Mr Turner I have nothing to add Mr Pickins I just want to thank you for putting together this Workshop um and bringing dot down it's always good to have them and with the updates they've been very good to putam County over the over the last few years so so just thank you for putting this together thank you sir Mr Wilkinson I have none other than this to agree with uh commissioner Pickins thank you and thank you all for allowing me to do this and participating uh it's been a great day I think so far any public comment on miscellaneous items is the public like to speak we thank everyone for coming today and we really greatly appreciate it but seeing no public running up to the microphone this meeting is now adjourned thank you