##VIDEO ID:ZhRhUfMNfJ8## the Reverend Daniel Helms uh you should know that name Brian Helm's brother so the Branch Community Church if you'll come up and the Pledge of Allegiance will be done by commissioner Leota Wilkinson All Rise if you're able to do so Jesus I'm so grateful for the gospel I'm grateful that you uh loved me and died for me and rose from the dead and provided for me what I could never do for myself which is eternal life and I pray now for uh for this meeting I'm uh I'm so glad that I live in this County I'm so glad I live in this city and uh and a lot of the decisions that are made in this room has created this this community this place that is just a wonderful place to grow a family and so I pray for the leaders that are here I pray for everybody in the room I pray God that you might use them to accomplish your purposes in ways that would be pleasing and honoring to you and I particularly want to pray for the Christians I pray that the way that they love and speak and uh behave in this room would be a reflection of who you are Lord and so I just pray your special blessing on this meeting and it's in your name I pray amen amen please join me in the pledge I Reverend Helms thank you um also want to give a shout out to you real quick before you walk out Daniel uh this gentleman right here just had gave part of your kidney was that correct a week ago to someone in need and is here today so thank you very much and God bless you for that thank you um we are going to recess the meeting right now Florida statue gives us just a very short window to have an executive session our board will be leaving to go talk to our attorney and staff about something legal um but Florida statue is very precise about what we talk about so we're going to recess this meeting and we'll be back in just a few minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right thank you for your patience and we apologize for that very like I said in the beginning Florida statute gives us a very narrow window to have an executive session where we talk about only a few things and those conversations will become transparent later on down the line um the next item on the agenda is our approval of the minutes uh move approval of board of county commissioner regular meeting minutes dated July 23rd 24 as amended and also the emergency meeting dated August 2nd 2024 I'll I'll second those but I have a change an amendment on the uh emergency meeting on page 17 I brought it to Mr Wilkinson's attention that says public comment was open by commissioner Turner I believe that should be chairman Harvey okay so we have an amended there is that part of your motion commissioner Wilkinson yes okay so we have a proper motion we have proper second any further discussion on the approval of the minutes hearing n all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it uh we are going to recess our board meeting go into our solid waste collection meeting do we have the other Mayors here from the municipal ities all right so it's just going to be us today so we are calling to order our solid waste collection and Disposal District first item of business is our approval of the minutes Mr chair I move approval of the solid waste disposal District minutes proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing none all in favor seifi by say I I posos like sign the eyes haveit next is our review and approval of special role required for implementation of a solid waste rate resolution Mr julan do you have that or do you want it if I can get my microphone to work sure um you have this is uh ratifying the solid waste rates that you've already set at your last meeting and reviewing and approving the special assessment role which is required for implementation of that okay move approval a proper motion to move this approved second proper second any further discussion hearing done all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it before we go to our presentations I do want to congratulate elections for last week and uh to all the winners of the election and then everybody who put thems out today we do have two in the room Josh Alexander is in the back he will becoming one of our new Commissioners and returning to us would be commissioner Walton palace here so congratulations to the both of you and y we're looking forward to the South putam rep getting here quickly too so but congratulations um presentations Miss Lori Parker if you'll come forward good morning good morning um we received nominations from um managers and employees for their nominations for employee the month and we would like to recognize um Renee Brown as employee of the month for August Renee has been with us for almost two years she is a customer service representative at Public Works and JT is gonna present more for us so Renee uh is turning into a jack of all trades for us she does a fantastic job answering the phones every day all day putting in work orders for Citizens that call in uh she can deescalate a situation quickly on the phone uh those that she can't will tag team together and it'll be fine uh but she does a great job for us talking to the citizens of our County uh is always busy working and is eager to take on more uh now she's being trained to help with our utilities department and is uh eagerly ready to move forward there as well so we greatly appreciate everything Renee does for us in public works congratulations I just want to say thank you pict congratulations come on public work people like that hat there Mr L hey julan can't that ain't right let Julian be [Music] right thank you thank you Miss Brown congratulations next on our agenda is our Robert Jordan the regional planner with the northeast Florida Regional Council and welcome to putam County thank you there commissioner uh morning members of the commission uh name is Robert Jordan uh from the northeast Florida Regional Council um came here two weeks ago uh to introduce a little bit about the evaluation and Appraisal review process we at the Regional Council have been contracted with the county to do the um ear uh compliance update to the comprehensive plan and just I'm going to expand a little bit more on some of the proposed updates um that are not just with the text amendments but the map series and the water supply plan and a little bit into the legislative changes since 2021 that make up part of the basis of this ear compliance so just a little bit about the evaluation and Appraisal review process again every seven years uh communities and J jurisdictions within Florida have to evaluate their comprehensive plan to determine if they needs to be updates based upon statutory changes and this is reflected in Florida administrative code and Florida Statutes um the consequences if these do if this does not occur is that commun communities jurisdictions cannot initiate text or policy amendments to their comprehensive plan un until they get it updated within a year after notification uh so we were trying to get this all to Florida commerce the state land planning agency transmitted by October because that's the date that is associated with transmitt uh but once you transmit that then you you're good there you have about a 60-day time period of review agencies the reviewing agencies to look over your amendments and then there will be an adoption on this slide here uh some of the uh proposed ear amendments these are the specific text amendments that we have proposed excuse me within the comprehensive plan uh most are within the future land element and that's pretty common but there is also a text Amendment we proposed to the infrastructure element and the Capital Improvements element in the first proposal is addressing uh a policy that permits the board of County Commissioners to approve the development of housing that is Affordable by the state's definition of affordable uh within commercial or industrial zoning and I'm going to get a little bit I'm going to get back to this one because this is is this actually predates the live local act that is more preemptive um and there's a difference between what you guys can approve of as affordable housing versus what comes which is what you have to do with the live local that's not in the comprehensive plan because that's not within your power this is just specifically what you guys can approve of and I'll come back to that in the legislative update section the other amend the next Amendment text amendment is allowing for resiliency facilities to be permitted use within your commercial or industrial land use resiliency facilities as divined by state statutes are facilities dealing with Natural Gas Distribution and so those are those should be permitted in your commercial or industrial land use category so th those proposed Tex policies are within those districts the next amendment is addressing solar facilities so solar facilities are by right within agriculture cultural land use districts you already allow them within your AG within your agricultural land use districts but there was just it allowed by permitting solar facilities but I we put in the state statute where the definition of solar facilities are just to cover you guys outside of the future land use element there is text amendment in the infrastructure element and both of these the infrastructure and capital Improvement address House Bill 1373 passed last year and it's dealing with um nutrients uh reduction within the Basin management action plans um or bmaps I'm just going to call them that these are State areas of concern within River and water basins in the infrastructure element the proposed objective and Associated policies uh address the feasibility of Vel of converting the sanitary sewer that is one of the requirements uh putam County being a rural area of opportunity does not have to do that but we've put in placeholder policies that in case that whenever if that does change or whenever it does change uh those can be utilized there have been a certain number of communities like St John's County and uh Clay County North have already at least based on what we've analiz in the region have started putting in policies addressing these their outside of rural area of opportunities so they will be examples if this has to be done but at this particular point just placeholder text the county does not have to do that now what they do have to do is um with the Capital Improvements element with those proposed a new proposed goal and Associated objectives and policies addressing um projects that reduce nutrient loads within the Basin management action plans um there are two within uh putam County the Eastern portion is the lower St John's and the I might mispronounce the name of it in the western portion of the Oco waha I believe is that's in the western portion of the county so there's two and we've uh we determined based upon fdp or sorry the Florida Department of Environmental Protections uh projects they have some projects that they've listed that are current along with County staff and we've adop we are proposing to adopt those into the comprehensive plan as statute requires so those are the main text amendments associated with compliance with the the statutes changes one of the other changes we are proposing is the planning Horizon currently the planning Horizon for the putam county comprehensive plan is 2035 uh there has been statutory changes last cycle that uh bumps up that uh the long time the long planning time frame for a planning Horizon to 20 years so we are proposing it to go up to 2045 and this is based upon the best available data I want to emphasize that it's the best available data from the University of Florida's Bureau of Economic and Business research or Bieber that projects uh population growth to be 4.1% up to 2045 I want to emphasize this is the best available data there's some ground through thing that might change those numbers in the future but for compliance sake uh this is fine with Florida commerce we do recommend however though we we are starting to see developments in the area when you guys if you if you want to once you're in compliance to address this in a comp plan update in the future you can try to get more better numbers that are more truthful to what's happening in the county at this point one of the other changes it's not necessarily related to ear compliance but it is required for all jurisdictions is to address changes to the North Florida Regional water supply plan uh the St John's River Water Management District uh has and in partnership with the Swan River water Management District have updated in December the regional water supply plan and all communities that have a water supply plan a putam county does and is required to um has to update that within 18 months so it's not part of year compliance but why not just do it now at this particular point and really the updates are to reflect any of the demand water supply demand projection numbers within the regional water supply plan and any other changes that we get local knowledge of just to correct things that are within the water supply plan that may have been updated maybe in 2017 when it was last done just to reflect the reality here in putam county and then finally we have a map series Updates this is also not necessarily related to ear compliance but just to reflect data changes so there's five Maps uh that we have found uh well one of them is your future land use maps that we're just putting in the most recent future land use that is current there's no changes to the Future land use map we're just updating it to be what's reflective from the County GIS Department um we also but we do have data updates to the functional classification map from Florida Department of Transportation as well as the annual average daily trips map also from fot a new Wetlands cover map based upon us gs's updated Wetland cover coverage and a planed and proposed multi-use Trails Map There's additional uh data for from F fdp we have some of the proposed they've just done some recent updates to the multi-use trails uh We've also proposed there you guys currently have a a designated Historic District map but it's really just the Melrose area but there are some designated historic structures so I we're not getting rid of the the the district map that's specific because there's certain overlays that are there but we're adding a new map or proposing to add a new map that includes those countywide historic structures and then finally a little bit about legislative update so there's been a series of uh planning legislative updates since 20121 um covering affordable housing utilities the planning process itself they've made add a little more teeth to the ear process for example and Environmental Protection um which is that bmap uh legislation um most of these so resilienc facilities kind of covered by the utilities we are bumping up the 20-year planning time frame to to address some of the planning procedure updates and the Bap legislation is related to Environmental Protection but affordable housing what we proposed is actually addressing some of the older ones from well 2022 pre live local act and so what we have proposed to go into the comprehensive plan related to affordable housing is the board of County Commissioners based upon State statutes does allow uh does allow the local government to approve housing that is Affordable by definition with if as long as 10% of units are affordable within industrial or commercial zoning live local act the one that's preemptive that you you you have no choice to that is 40% with in commercial industrial and it's specifically uh mixed use and multifam whereas the ones you guys can approve of is 10% and could be anything that's considered affordable within that commercial industrial so those are the main differences there there have been some additional changes and amendments in the last year with Liv local um mostly addressing some of the uh the gaps in the live local act uh for example um some exemptions to the hyp uh the the height allowances if near a military installation or near an airport or um near single family residential they've added in certain text to that as well so there has been some changes to live local Act not necessarily reflected in the comprehensive plan because that's preemptive but there has been significant changes in uh the legislation with affordable housing on the live local act and um the there's some um that correct some of those those decisions earlier on um any questions any questions any questions members yes sir Mr Turner you said when on your first page of this presid ation that you were going to put in placeholder policies and that um and that again during the presentation you say you said that you were going to make additions that are possibly more restrictive than is required by current statute um or did I mishar that or what because of my understanding that the only thing that we were hiring you to do was to change the things to make our comprehensive plan consistent with the current statute so in other words make changes that were made by Statute that said we had to not make additional changes that we might or might not need in the future so you basically said why would we need to put placeholder policies in if we don't have to well it it really is just it's an object a new objective saying that the county shall comply with the provisions within the statute and then the only policy added is the county is exempt from the provision okay so that's the only thing it's just it's in case the rural area of opportunity which is only through 2028 goes you have an objective to add new policies under but the only policy that is under that objective is the county is exempt from it at this time I got you thank you any other questions I do I have one uh Bap out at Lake oaha yes kind of the first I've heard about that um so I'd like to get some more information on that from you and when you talk about the historical sites and the Melrose area and then updating it countywide are they named historical sites or just old buildings because I think we got to be careful about that yeah we defitely um so on the first question with um so there is a portion it's very small that comes across into the southwestern portion of the county right um there's not many facilities I'd have to go back and look at the map and I can get that information of what in facilities are there that FTP has listed um but it's a very small area but it's just because it does cross into putam County um there are um potentially let me see actually have you don't need to do that today just get it to us I can get that I think there's only two within that b map that's and the historical sites and the old so the historic sites is from the master site file list from the Florida Department of state's Bureau of historic preservation um and so those are sorry no it's not from that one it's from um sorry the national park services designated historic list so these are actually mixing up another project so the master site file list does include properties that sometimes are just like an old barn that was there because it's just what's surveyed right we are pulling from the national park services designated historic structures list so it's not just an old garage that was surveyed by a the master site file so I want to emphasize that there is the difference between any other questions would you expand a little on the Bap discussion you just had yes I missed that so the bmap there was like there's two areas in the county that are concerned one's East Paca at the Edgefield property correct it's fine we know area yeah and then you mentioned the southwestern part Lake aaaha yeah portion of that be that's the one I was not aware of so that's the one that we want to get some more will will the Bap points see when we took on Edgefield we were told that we would have enough Bap points to cover anything that could happen right within real within uh realistically happen within the future if we took that over if we took Edgefield over so we did and that was the reason why are you saying that we may need more B Bap points because of this other one or will the existing Bap from Edge field cover that one too no I think we just need to be aware of that one out there nothing more than that I mean I I can't see it being there's not a lot of population out there and there's not a lot of industrial out there's no industrial out there so really is just listing current projects either fdp listed projects and um we you know we verify those as well because sometimes the fdp list is not always the best but we could verify those and then the county staff has also provided us potential neut reduction project so it's literally just listing the project and what Bap it's in that's with have saying here Commissioners against acronyms okay so the Basin management action plan and it dictates how we were trying to clean up water before it gets to the river or something in that nature correct okay good any other questions all right thank you Robert for hey one question for you I noticed on your time schedule um you have a meeting you're going to have public meeting on September 11th yeah the Planning Commission we're going to come in front of the Planning Commission okay all right and and then on October 22 you're going to have another public hearing and it's got to be that's the when we have to have it done and transmitted to the state by October 24th yes sir that will be the public hearing to transmit the first reading all right good thank you very much we appreciate it thank you for coming down to us today next on our agenda U Mr Matt Reynolds our clerk of the court good morning Mr chairman and I'll go ahead and and um call the Auditors up good morning Zach and I'll hand it over to Zach I think the presentation's right there on the desktop yeah all right uh good morning Zack shafor partner James Moren there we go I'm also joined this morning uh by part of the audit team uh Brendan mckitrick the director on the audit and Farah rajay senior manager uh both core parts of the audits always like to have as much of the team uh here as we can as we kind of Bring It All uh to a final close uh I would also like to thank uh the board for the opportunity this is our first year working with the county as your external Auditors uh thanks as well to your Administration team the clerk's office and team and your other constitutional officers uh you as you all know there's a lot of work that goes into it uh overall the process um you know very smooth Lots you know normal kind of transition growing pain so to speak but there's a lot of great teams we worked with and we greatly look forward to kind of a more routine year going into year two next year um I'll also highlight um from a a timing perspective the audit was officially released in Late July uh I think July 31st was the official report date um from that standpoint from the the timing of when we started last year the transition and kind of overall flow um it was you know technically one month after the uh State deadline you know a lot of that came down to as we were you know going through had different questions different requests working through items and really kind of a mutual desire I think as we discussed in June with the clerk's office to say now let's make sure we get this right rather than rush so going into next year we've already talked about some of those you know just kind of Growing Pains again that we worked through so that we've got a much more aggressive timeline for the upcoming year and should have it um you know in the springtime from that perspective so I did want to just quickly acknowledge that fact as well for the record um so from the county perspective there are five different reports that we issue uh related to the results of the audit uh the first is the audit report on the financial statements themselves uh we did Issue an unmodified opinion which states that your financial statements are fairly presented in all material respects uh this is the best opinion that we can issue and what you want to see in this report uh as is typical for the county we did perform both a federal and a state single audit and this is because the county expends more than $750,000 in Grant funds in a given year uh both on the federal and state side that then requires for us to perform really a a mini compliance audit on what we call your major Grant programs um so through that work we had no compliance uh matters that came to our attention either any findings of non-compliance or internal control deficiencies related to helping ensure the county does stay in compliance with those Grant programs uh the third report on internal control and compliance we do follow what's called government auditing standards where while this is not an audit of the County's internal controls there are separate engagements um for that in looking in performing a financial audit we do have to obtain an understanding of your key areas of internal control that impact the financial statements and financial processes so if we come across any deficiencies in the design or the functioning of those controls we would report those here there were no such items identified and then the last two reports are separate reports required by the state of Florida auditor general the first is kind of a catch-all if there were any Financial condition concerns that's the primary item here there's a few just other areas that the state says hey if you see this you know basically we have to notify the State uh again the big one is on financial condition no concerns there as we'll get to the counties in a strong position financially and then the final report is we do have to look at the uh the County's compliance with State statutes over investment activity investment policy as well as the administration and use uh of e911 funds and we had no compliance issues there did note the uh County to be in compliance with those statutes uh as I referenced and as it's consistent with prior years we do issue six audits we have the countywide audit and then all of the individual constitutional office um reports uh we always like to do just a quick little tabulation just to kind of show how all the different audits went um outside of the County uh as you'll see here really the the two most notable items would be a material weakness or significant deficiency uh none of your constitutional officers had any of those findings um the only item is what we call other recommendations which is not a deficiency but just kind of us saying hey here here's something that we identified um in terms of areas to improve or you know look at going forward the sheriff it was just you know some ideas to improve the overall yearend close process there again not a deficiency or any other um you know item of concern uh what I always like to do is to take a high level look at your general fund fund balance you know effectively your most of your unrestricted reserves and in total here you can see your fund balance about just under $26 million uh the bulk of that is in your assigned and unassigned buckets uh the assigned basically means earmarked but both of those buckets are unrestricted for purposes of talking about kind of you know where you are at at the end of the year what those reserves look like uh the assigned that number is primarily in your case driven by what was um identified for potential use in the fiscal year in the current fiscal year budget as part of that budget process um last summer and what I like to do is look at that assign plus the unassigned again that unrestricted residual fund balance in your general fund just relative to what you actually spend to kind of say let's take the dollar amount but put it into perspective relative to the size of the county you know how many months do we have in reserves uh as you can see on the slide we're about 35% uh just over four months uh in reserves by that measurement um the gfoa the government Finance Officers Association recommends a bare minimum I always emphasize bare minimum as the key there uh of two months um so we're about double that but they do acknowledge you know Coastal being kind of a major item I always say you know in Florida we're all Coastal for purposes of you know potential hurricane impacts when looking at reserves you know whether or not we have a beach on the ocean um so overall again at a um you know pretty healthy level there consistent with many of the counties that we work with a similar size uh in your Enterprise funds the unrestricted net position is kind of that similar bottom line number that we like to look at um and really what we look at here is to say okay where are we at from a trend perspective are there any you know notable year-over-year kind of consistent declines or things like that um Waste Management uh a little bit of fluctuations last few years a lot of that is driven by the long-term liability if that liability goes up or goes down that kind of flows through to this bottom line figure um you know water um you know a small increase there and then the Port Authority you know not a whole lot of activity that you know Contin to come down um a little bit from the prior year and then if you just catch all items I always do like to touch on for the record as well first again your general fund is your primary operating fund um but there's you know lots of special Revenue funds and other funds where you have restricted dollars specifically identified so in those funds your fund balance is about 30 million up about $2 million from the prior year and I always like to acknowledge that a lot of our testing with regard to those funds is geared on the fact of you know were expenditures charged to those funds in accordance with the eligible uses of those dollars to say hey we've got these restricted funds are they being spent appropriately uh and we had no exceptions during our testing of any situations where that was not um the case and then uh every year you'll get used to me touching on the net pension liability this standard has been around now for close to 10 years um but the county does report almost the 7 million liability called your net pension liability so I always like to at least acknowledge for the record that this is really a theoretical number to comply with Accounting Standards related to the County's participation in the Florida retirement system um but really the key here is that every month the required contributions are made um and that has been done and that's really the the ongoing obligation of the county but that number does have to be reported in order to comply with the standards really as an informational number versus versus a situation where the county would have to um you know cut a check of course for such a large amount so would you do me a favor and repeat that statement again it's just a theoretical number it's nothing because a lot of people will be on Facebook or something noticing that number but it's it's everywhere I go every board I serve on has this unrealistic number that's sitting out there that we carry on a balance sheet that in case of Doomsday if you will the state makes a call and says this is what you got to pay right effectively yes um and and where I like to sometimes kind of say here's where it's more real ver versus more theoretical is you know let's say the city of Paca and we don't work with Paka so I don't know what they're P if they're in F FRS or they have their own plans but let's say the city of Paca has their own police and fire and general employees separate PL kind of a common situation for cities cities that have their own Pension Plan have to have evaluation done just like it's done at the state level and they report that liability and I always kind of say if you're in that City level you have nobody else who's ever going to come pick up that slack um at the state level if in theory it was permitted by Statute and so forth the county were to exit F FRS or any other participant exits as soon as you're out of that plan you have no liability under these standards So in theory that would go straight to zero so there's no impact it's one where kind of based off of the F FRS reality but then that allocation is just theoretically um recorded what I usually say is the Practical side of it is when we look at that liability if it goes up from one year to the next then that probably means there's a greater likelihood that when the new contribution rates roll around the following July those rates probably will be a little bit higher um but that's really the the Practical impact thank you sorry to interrupt I no I was I was ready to go to the uh the question so you hit it uh just right I be more than glad to uh answer any other questions commissioner any other questions no all right thank you Matt you have anything you want to add Mr Reynolds I'm sorry no sir I'd just like to thank Zach and and the team fantastic job and and good presentation I've already got comments that people that have reviewed the agenda and they they gave me some positive feedback so thank you thanks y'all and I'm going to say this publicly it's very important that uh our staff gets from all of our constitu and the BCC staff no material findings no problems whatsoever you know um that's really remarkable for all the moving parts that go on inside because County government is not like a business and as much as we all say we're in business and we can't wait to get there and make it a part of business and I want to too it doesn't work that way and we have some great staff to make this um make this work the way it's supposed to work so Julianne I'll call you out because you are our top budget person over on our side of the fence thank you for all your hard work and um and believe me if you don't think she knows the numbers sit down with her she'll be glad to explain that to you so thank you for all your hard work and you and your staff chairman I appreciate it but I'd be remissed if I didn't extend that to Miss Ryan so um it's certainly a back and forth between Matt's office and Miss Ryan and myself and um it works very very well and we work together to uh make sure both sides of the house stays where they need to be and thank you all very much yes sir Mr Turner I'd just like to say that I'm glad you started out with the explaining the growing pains you had this year and switching over and what have you and that you're going to try to remedy that moving into next year because this year was quite a problem with having them that late in the year it messed up our whole budget season we were we didn't have the information we needed so I was glad to hear when you said that you're going to do your best to address that issue moving into the following year thank you any other questions comments thank you very much for your presentation we greatly appreciate it thank you all and welcome to plam County okay next on our agenda is our Planning Development public hearing um it's 9 o' certain but we're at 10:14 so Zach do you have the first one the vested rights determination yes sir okay thank you Commissioners for the record Zachary Baker planning and development services this is a vesting determination case V2 24-4 property owners are Philip and Julie Beast uh they're they're requesting a vesting determination for two partials of land and interlockin um they're obtaining these vested or seeking to obtain the vested rights so that they can develop the property um it is on the south side of Simpson Road along the Northwest portion of huitt lake so the the two partials in consideration today uh result from the creation of a a non-conforming lot split back in 2004 in other words the properties were split without review from the put from putham County uh they do de do comply with the dimensional requirements of the agriculture zoning District however they do not comply with the future land use categories residential density requirements uh the partials are adjacent to one another they're undeveloped um but they were split from adjoining Parcels on either side of them there was a lot inquiry issued on in 2024 which verified the U unbuildable nature of these parcels and advised the property owners of what sort of Remedies they may seek and the vesting determination is what they chose uh LDC section 45 5 801b uh provides the criteria in which the county staff can uh vest a property unfortunately these properties did not meet the vesting criteria and the Land Development code um 801c kind of goes on to further talk about um whether there's an equitable stopple situation in play which there is not here we can see the two properties in question uh here's a little bit better uh map showing the properties so again parcel one was split from the parent parcel on the West Side parcel two was split from the parent parcel on the east side so a combination which is often times a remedy wouldn't work for these because uh well the parcel west of parcel one is not under the same ownership so ultimately the property was created uh illegally um before the property owners came and possession of the lands um they were advised that this is one of the the options for them is to seek a vesting determination from the board of County Commissioners um and ultimately they were created after the establishment of our comprehensive plan and after the establishment of regulations for splitting of a parcel staff despite all this information still recommends the board of County Commissioners to authorize the chairman to sign the resolution vesting the subject Parcels as depicted in exhibit a and described in exhibit B of the accompanying resolution take you questions for Zach commissioner commissioner Wilkinson you have the floor um I know we updated our uh family lot split and some of our other subdivisions um if those were in place when they had filed this would that would that have made a difference or no because they're not family lot splits do you see what I'm asking I know we've made some changes recently I think so so just to clarify are you asking if we had those Provisions in place in 2004 would they have been able to utilize them yes yes if if they met the criteria they would have been yes ma'am okay all right thank you any other questions Zach I have one is there any I mean I'm very familiar with that area is there any other properties that you know of out there that are in that same position or do you just going to whenever they surface uh that's a good question um we don't know you know offand which properties uh do not satisfy the requirements of our code it's typically a case-by case basis whenever we find them we work with that property owner to to come to some sort of resolution all right since there's no other questions for that and most and if I'm not misunderstanding under the current rules that we have in place this would just go to this would have went to the administrative deviation committee for 150 bucks unless they decided not to hear it instead of what's had to happen because this was initiated before we changed the Land Development code or updated the Land Development code if I'm not mistaken so if there's any more of these under the same situation there's a good chance ADC will just hear it before it comes to us and that was a good move to make that change right there all right um are the applicants here Brian Mr Beast and Julie Beast the applicants are not here but their um their realtor is present would you like to say anything and I need you to state your name and address for the record please tedra Phillips 7110 Middleton Avenue St Augustine Florida 32080 hello good good morning yes the bees were planning on being here and they had an emergency roof leak last last night at their office so they could not make it um they purchased these parcels and basically to fund the previous owner need and then that owner was going to eventually purchase these back and years pasted and he's passed away since so they've listed them with me I was assuming they were both buildable a 6 acre parcel with 190 feet Frontage and a 4 acre parcel with 132 feet Frontage there's residential all out in that area with less Frontage and beautiful land you know beautiful live o slate Frontage and um when I got the lot inquiry back to our surprise they were not buildable so we've gone through the process and here we are so we appreciate your consideration and we can market and sell these properties for them hopefully if it's approved thank you all right this is a public hearing so does anybody want to speak in favor or against this application anybody going once that's enough all right we'll close that portion and Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chairman I move approval of the request second second of resolution 2024079853 probably a few months of of trying to get something done is that correct that's correct okay I think that's a good thing can I make comment you may commissioner wenson you have the floor I just want to say that these are the kind of things that we've been trying to we've been working on and we put policies in place it it it drives me crazy when I see that we put big development in and we allow so many Parcels on a piece of on an acre but then we got six acres like this and they have to go through this whole process so I know that that's something that we've been working on cleaning up and I'm appreciate it that but this is the kind of things we should be be allowing so thank you I agree there's any further comment all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it next item is item C reone rez2 24-6 bwt Property Management thank you for the record Jennifer gazal planning and development services this application is to reone from residential single family R1 and Commercial General C3 to residential single family r1a the applicant is bwt Property Management agent is Alberta hips this is a 2.07 acre portion of an overall 6.96 acre parcel located at 144 South Highway 17 in Paka the applicant is requesting a zoning map amendment to allow smaller lots for a single family home subdivision the purpose of the requested zoning map amendment is to rezone a 2.07 acre portion of an overall 6.96 acre parcel of land from residential single family R1 and Commercial General C3 to residential single family r1a to allow for for smaller lot sizes for single family home subdivision of the 6.96 acre parcel approximately 2.98 Acres maintains a commercial future land use classification and a commercial General C3 zoning designation along the portion of the parcel that aut South Highway 17 the remaining 3.98 Acres maintains the urban service land classification and a residential single family R1 zoning designation towards the north side of the parcel should this rezone be approved the applicant will then submit for a type one subdivision plot process the putam county development Review Committee DRC will review the preliminary Subdivision plat for compliance with local state and federal regulations agencies including but not limited to Florida Department of Health putham County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's River Water Management District will review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties once the DRC is satisfied with the preliminary plat County staff will arrange public hearings for formal consideration by the Planning Commission and the board of County Commissioners in the event that the applicant pursues a subdivision in which no internal roads or other infrastructure is required staff has the discretion to present the preliminary and final plat concurrently to the Planning Commission and the board of County Commissioners in area view future land use zoning flood [Music] zone [Music] Wetlands the conceptual plan staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from residential single family R1 and Commercial General C3 to residential single family r1a staff finds that the proposed resoning is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan and meets the locational requirements of the residential single family r1a zoning District provided in the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan at the scheduled public hearing on July 10th 2024 the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the resoning application question any questions commission doesn't appear to be any right now um this is a public hearing so we'll go out to the public or the applicant is the applicant here wishes to speak please come up and state your name and address for the record thank you good morning my name is Alberta hips and I'm the agent um for Mr Baron who owns this property under his uh corporate name all right I have I'm here I'm appreciate um the plane Department's review and recommendation of approval I'm here for any questions you may have any questions no we don't thank you thank you very much all right so it is a public hearing so is anybody wanting to speak in favor or against this application please work your way to the front and again going once going twice and no one's rushing up so we'll close the public portion and Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chairman I move approval of U case r ez2 24- 0000000000 6 proper motion do we have a second I'll second it proper second any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it next is our future land use map Amendment uh cpa2 24- z002 again for the record Jennifer gazal Planning Development Services this application is a smallscale future land use map Amendment from agriculture to Urban service the applicant is purit Holding Group LLC their agent is Cindy f is two acres I'm sorry two Parcels totaling 2.69 Acres ACR located at 13304 County Road 308 in Crescent City the applicant is requesting a future land use map amendment to allow for the possible future development of mini storage units the subject site is zoned Agriculture and commercial retail C2 and has a future Lan use designation of Agriculture the applicant has also requested a rezone on one of the subject Parcels at 1300 County Road 308 from agriculture to commercial re and commercial retail C2 to commercial retail C2 that will be heard concurrent with this application the parcels have approximately 340 ft of Road Frontage on County Road 308 and approximately 350 ft of Road Frontage on Union Road 1304 County Road 308 is developed with a 2200t commercial building that used to be a convenience store the applicant proposes to reestablish that use with the addition of a coffee shop which is allowed in the commercial retail C2 zoning District 1300 County Road 308 is vacant and proposed to be possibly developed as a mini storage facility should the map Amendment and rezone be approved and the applicant pursues the mini sturge development the applicant will then need to petition the Zoning Board of adjustments to approve a special use permit for the Mini Storage use if the cboa grants the applicant approval of asup the applicant will then submit to DRC to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is require is compliant with local state and federal development regulations agencies but not in not limited to Florida Department of Health putam County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's River Water Management District will review plans to ensure the the development will not adversely affect surround properties your aerial view future land use zoning blood Zone [Music] Wetlands staff recommends approval of the request to amend the future land use map from agriculture to Urban Service as the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the putam county comprehensive plan and is compatible with existing development in the area at the scheduled public hearing on July 10th 2024 the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the resoning application any questions Commissioners Mr Turner could you go back to that map that showing the current future land use would just be extending the urban service to the north yes sir okay thank you thank you any further questions okay is the applicant here thank you please come up and state your name and address for the record Mr chairman Commissioners my name is Don Holes address is 222 North Third Street in patka I think Miss uh fi is the designated agent but she is a staff at our Crescent City office and she's more important at work than I am today so I'm standing in for her um essentially uh Mr Palencia uh is certain that he's going to move forward with the coffee shops and the convenience store there their their plan for that is set as far as the benie warehouses I'm not sure that he's really totally committed to that as of yet but he he owns the property he's purched the property is looking to unify the future future land use and the zoning into the C2 so it would accommodate those if he should decide to move forward with that in the future other than that I'll answer any questions you have if you have any commissioner any questions for Mr Holmes no thank you sir it's a public hearing so is anybody in the audience wanting to speak in favor or against this project and seeing no one come up uh Commissioners what's your pleasure on this Mr chairman move approval of future land use Amendment CPA 24- 00002 second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it next up Jennifer is a reone of Z24 00007 so application is to rezone from Agriculture and commercial retail C2 to commercial retail C2 again the applicant is Pur Holding Group LLC this is a 2.23 acre parcel located at 1300 County Road 308 in Crescent City the applicant is requesting the zoning map amendment to allow for the possible future development of mini storage units the subject site has split zoning of Agriculture and commercial retail C2 and has a future Lan use designation of Agriculture the applicant is requesting a future land use amendment that was just heard concurrent with this application the requested reone however is only needed for 1300 County Road 308 the subject parcel is currently vacant and has approximately 200 ft of Road Frontage on County Road 308 and approximately 350 ft of Road Frontage on Union Road the applicant intends on Commercial development of mini storage units it is worth noting that mini storage is not allow in allowed use by right in the commercial retail C2 zoning District staff and the applicant agreed that the commercial General C3 zoning District which does allow Min surge units by right was too intense for surrounding areas Jen I don't think we need to go through the whole thing if we could just get to staff recommendations if you don't mind I don't mind at all staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from agriculture to Comm and commercial retail C2 to commercial retail C2 staff finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan and meets the locational requirements of the commercial retail C2 zoning District provided in the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan at the scheduled public hearing on July 10th 2024 the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the resoning application questions any further question okay seeing none um again the applicant nope and there is there any public comment on this reone seeing none the chair will entertain a motion Mr chairman I move that we accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve reone re Z24 00007 second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it next on our agenda public comment on on agenda items is there anybody in the public that would like to speak on the consent agenda items coming up and this screen is flashing okay thank you those are I think these items are under new business if I'm not mistaken yeah I believe they're under new business coming up Mr hner a little confused on yours is yours on new business or is it on the agenda item the consent a through I okay so it's on the new business so we'll wait on that then thank you you okay so there's no other public comment on agenda items commissioner Pickins is there any items You' like to pull um yes c c is that right yes okay commissioner Turner I was going to pull C also okay commissioner Wilkinson I have none and I want to pull item fni I so the chair will entertain a motion on the remaining items Mr chair I move approval of consent agenda items a b d e g and H okay we have proper motion we have a second second proper second any further discussion on those items hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes haveit commissioner Pickin you have the floor on item c yeah on the um as per our discussions at the special meeting to go over the fee schedule are the changes that we made are date correct in the last document that we have M julan I thought yes commissioner Turner Is Telling Me No so I I I just wanted to have that have that discussion um so when we had that meeting we had a original and then we had in here a proposed um a conversation where you guys pulled and r I vised um the fee schedules and then what I sent out was the redline version which is the most upto-date version of what you guys what I recorded as you guys's recommended changes and then a clean copy the only change that happened past that was mostly some grammatical um or narrative on the utility fee schedule which was also sent out um which is now 4:30 or the very end of your Pages 338 through 441 that Laura sent out so if there is something there that was inadvertently missed please do uh let me know Mr Pickins would it be all right if Mr turn with you um yes sir thank you Mr chairman um there was one that we missed and I didn't really catch it until over the weekend so my apologies for not pointing it out on Friday during our morning morning meeting um it actually helped when we got the uh the board of county commissioner special Workshop um we got the notes from it on on what the board had actually done during the meeting and it pointed out what I thought that the on page 251 in your packet page 11 of the uh fee schedule uh we we changed the uh under 10 acres and over 10 acres on the puds we had voted in the board meeting to for it to be a th000 and 2,000 on the new um it the major modification is correct for what we voted on and then on the minor modification we actually voted for it to be 350 and 500 not a th000 and 2,000 according to the board actions that were sent out from Laura okay so to be correct under the Pud section of page 251 under new anything under 10 acres would be a th000 anything over 10 acres would be 2,000 and then down here at the minor modification we voted that anything under 10 acres would be 350 anything over 10 acres would be 500 that's what we voted on at the workshop but the cor show the correct okay okay and then um I uh gave this some additional thought since uh since we talked about it last and on page 437 in your packet on 34 of the fee schedule excuse me um we've got under Wastewater grinder pump repairs including but not limited to uh replacement um after having given that some thought you know we we waved water meters to where where you know if you're a lot recer before a certain time and you have a water meter up to 3/4 of an inch will'll put you a water meter in but then it's up to you to go hire a plumber and hook your water up to it we've already done all that so the language that in this new copy just cleaning that up and we did talk about this in the previous Workshop I think we should fix these grinder pumps I really do and the reason why for residential and the reason why is because I can foresee some family that's barely buying groceries and their County grinder pump goes out front and the $400 grinder pump put them out of buying groceries for the next two months so we're not talking about developers here we're talking about grinder pumps in front of single residential homes within the county D makes us fix them but I don't know that D makes us pay for them but I don't know that it's not a good idea so one of them goes out and the next four or five months they have to take the fees from the grinder pump and and use that to repair the pump and then the county gets to keep phone charging them so I mean it's not like we're not going to recoup our investment along the way so I would like to request that that we just take the during normal business hours and after normal business hours and just strike those two lines out of it and just put um and just leave the other one up there with a zero cost on maintaining the residential grinder pumps now I just think that's the right thing to do so to be clear commissioner you're wanting us to fund repairs up to an including replacement for residential sewer customers that's correct okay so we'll use the money that we get from charging them monthly services will use it towards fixing the grinder pumps so it won't work quite like that because the budget for what we assume are going to be fee services are already budgeted for a break even even operations so it what will have to happen is we will have to um build into the budget an additional repair and maintenance line and fund it um from the county in order to make those repairs well that's what we're doing at the present time it is and that's why the com commission the comments from the commission was the last time we wanted the citizens to maintain or repair or or incur the cost and I voted for that I'll be the first to admit that I voted for that but having thought about it further I don't I just see problems with it I mean we're charging the citizens monthly fees to use the grinder pumps for new ones we're going to make them pay them pay for them and put them in unless they're within a grant um so and then we get fees off of them every month but then we've got to maintain them by D but we're going to be charging fees so if we don't think the fees are high enough then go up $3 or something on the monthly service for and use that fund to offset the repairs for everywhere else instead of instead of if I'm unfortunate enough that my pump goes out this month that it cost me $400 even though I didn't have anything to do with it whatsoever and it's not my pump I mean what about the ones that we have to do by Grant we put them in by Grant we hooked them up by Grant we told the people in the area that we were going to repair them because we put them in by Grant and that part of the reason and all they had to do was pay a monthly fee you know such as uh over there in where the water management ones are that we had to put in Grinders hook them up and everything so now it kind of makes me think that we're not going back on the deal here and telling them now except unless your unless your pump breaks if your pump breaks then you got to pay for whatever repairs or Service Plus 15% plus 40% so if I'm the only one that this bothers that's okay and we'll just leave it like it is and move on but I just think I just don't think that's with in line of what we've been trying to do around here Mr St you want to offer something to the good of the conversation you know while he's walking up here I'll be the first to admit that I want out of the grinder pump business I wish we didn't ever have to touch one or mess with it again but according to Jr D saying we got to do it we don't have an option here yeah for under D because it's a low pressure system we do have to maintain all the grinder residential grinder pumps we did get out of commercial last year but with the residential we do maintain them um just the pump is going to be roughly $2,000 the whole system is approaching 4,000 so if we we could front the money upfront to keep them going I agree with what you're saying but we could add it to their billing and spread that out to where they still we recoup the dollars would just be my suggestion for Public Works to try and keep that system solvent and making money not getting in the hole spread that out over whatever you want 12 months 24 months you know we can take guidance from you on on how to spread that out what's the life expectancy of a grinder pump they can they can last for years if you're not putting anything in there that you're not supposed to but when we remove wipes that aren't supposed to be in there towels jeans yeah then it gets messed up but if you use it appropriately it it's indefinite especially if you get the the right ones some of the the E ones that we're trying to get away from are not submersible I'm sorry saying if your car is going to break down or not who knows what's going to break down next week it should last a long time but like I said if I'm the only one that this bothers this fine I'll go on with it but I voted on it before but thinking about it again I just think that this is one of those situations that while it's not pleasant by any means whatsoever I just think that that you're going to take somebody that doesn't have this 1,500 to 2,000 even spread over a year or two and you're going to make it critical on them to where it's not going to bother the County's overall picture much whatsoever if we go maintain a few grinder pumps and if somebody's grinder pump goes out during the year instead of being a devastating loss to the Family household which it very well could it would just be replaced carried on and then paid for over a period of time with the money that's that's paid that they pay in services and I can't give you an exact number but I know it doesn't happen often just for so commissioner let me just say also this is um kind of new for everybody it the fee schedule doesn't have to go into effect until October 1 so if we want to take some time to back up and think through this we certainly can if we want to go down that road if if that's what the board wants to do uh we just need to think through the provisions or the caveats that would be placed on it right um because if you've got a residence who's putting things down the septic system that's tearing up grinder pump after grinder pump after grinder pump a blanket waiver that the county is going to cover the cost if we've repaired three in nine months we may want some sort of ramification and or Sundays if it's a Sunday we've got to pay somebody emergency hours to do it so you're talking about additional cost so perfectly fine exploring any direction you guys want to take but I do want to make sure that we um think through it thoroughly as to what we put in the fee schedule I do understand that every now and then you have a problem residence but most of the areas that have been given us the biggest problems with people putting things in grinder pumps and lift stations that didn't belong were commercial and we got out of the commercial business there might be one here and there I understood I heard a story from somebody where they found a pair of blue jeans in a grinder pump somewhere in a res residential area so we've had there's one but did they find again and again and again I don't know that or if they just found it once so I understand your point completely I really do about that if we're having a problem somewhere but I don't know that that doesn't need to be done in ordinance instead of in the the fee schedule that we pass a separate rule a separate something that says if your grinder pump goes out three times in a year and it's determined because it was from misuse or twice in a year once if it's from misuse that that that you can be charged if we can put that in there I have no issues with that at all I'm not saying cover the people I just don't want to be charging The Unlucky One whose pump goes out this year with when it's not not their fault that's all I'm saying something else that you might want to consider um is could we offer an a warranty program where they pay an additional fee each month minor $5 $10 I'm just throwing something out there that if it went out then they're paying this warranty fee and then it's covered if not that it gets spread out again just he brings up a great point just want to throw food food for thought yes commissioner Wilson I think I would like to um think on this for for till the next meeting um I think Julian brought up some very good points you could have people out there that if they know that it's not going to be a problem that they're just going to do whatever they want to do and I to Mr commissioner Turner's uh comments I agree I am certainly for the little guy and I understand that sometimes when you're living paycheck to paycheck something like that could wipe you out so but I do think I need more information to make a good informed vote on this Mr chairman can they come back with some recommendations because I mean that might not be a bad idea is to just to look at that how you would charge to you know to give them some type of piece of mind and and eventually would they would pay for yeah we can break it down what's the whole Station cost what's just the grinder pump what's a possible warranty like anything that we can think of put our heads together and and give it to you would it be possible that you also broke down how many of these actually go out a year right and I think like three a year go out I know it's not many but yes I'll get that number we talk we're talking about all this putting somebody in trouble for free grinder pump a year but we're going to be expanding those Services correct so we're going to be adding hundreds of people onto these lines but the ones that are inside of like a subdivision or something like that there they probably going we could probably during the DRC make some kind of rule that they pay for that service I don't know I'm thinking we can that we can treat those different but whatever I mean even with thousands of them we got hundreds and hundreds of them now if three a year go out then heaven forbid the poor family that's living paycheck the paycheck that they're just unlucky enough that their grinder pump went out that month and now there's mhm they're financially devastated for the next two years when the it it's such a drop in the bucket in the overall system around here it's just not even worth putting somebody in that position over so like I said if it was if we were talking a 100 Grand a year or something that'd be different we're talking a few thousand that somebody unlucky is going to hit all right so we have the prop we're going to table this part of it but we do have our other corrected numbers so Mr Pickin let's let's table the entire fee schedule because it's one ordinance it's one document um let's bring it back to you guys with some recommendations and some further discussion on what that would look like um to to accommodate because we'll and we'll have some further conversations and I understand it may have been three this year but if we have 20 next year guess what we're going to pay for 20 um so we're going to have to really work through the process as to what you guys are are wanting to see from Staff All right so Mr Pickins are you okay with tabling this item until further notice yes okay Mr turn yeah I would like to go ahead and make the changes that we voted on back at at the last one Mr julan would like for us to okay I can give you clean copy of the if you need them so we're going to table this to the next meeting and that'll be coming back to us or future meeting I want to say next but should be very soon um okay I have a couple of item I JT are you you want to run down here and and just kind of briefly explain what that item is we did meet with do the other day in a zoom call and um Scott thank you I'm should have called you too I'm sorry okay know your strengths and weaknesses yeah go so knows our County engineer go ahead yes sir Scott noes County engineer um and we had the discussion with DOT on what this is and basically what it is is uh based on the the latest census and this was the uh 20 census that they uh expanded the boundary of what they consider the urban area uh and also they they connected the boundar so it made sense in some of the places there were some gaps uh so what what this is is is just a for the use of dot in determining um where their funding goes for like Urban use on the roadways and things like that doesn't really affect the county as much but if we have some some grants that would be uh coming through dot uh we may be able to get uh Urban Road Grants in certain areas that we weren't able to get before so that's really what this map is just add another bucket of funding ailable it's mostly used for funding good all right any other questions chairman l a motion on item I Mo approval second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing then all in favor signify by saying I I passes item F real quickly I just want to say that I did have a little some concerns about that project in West putham this is going to be our fire station out there at baen pal I've I've shared with staff I shared with our attorney and my concerns are are okay we're going to be following this contractor very diligently and looking at the contract is that right Jr okay what were your concerns just um some I guess um performance issues in other areas uh but that could be an anomaly for this company so um but we did do our due diligence and we did look at it and all that's taken care of so the chair will entertain a motion move approval thank you do we have a second picks second okay thank you any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it commissioner Turner do you have any appointments you'd like to make none today sir commissioner Pickins I have none commissioner Wilkinson I have none and I have none we're going to take a two-minute break e e e e e e e e e e let's bring our board meeting back to order please whatever order we had non tasing um little levity never heard any situation we did have one appointment that we need to to clear up on the value adjustment board uh the value adjustment attorney even though the chair and the vice chair are appointed by this board to be on the value adjustment board we also need to be ratified I'll be the chair of that board and commissioner Wilkinson will be Vice chair so this Board needs to ratify but you won't be because the value adjustment board doesn't come up until after you're not cheer any longer that's the problem they won't meet until January the problem is the attorney has to have us right now the two meetings of the VAB will be in October and early November this year yes sir so so the board we need to do that and make and we also need to have Julie Masters appointed to I thought we already did that but let's get all of it done at one time okay so I'll I'll start this so I move that we ratify the chair and the vice current chair and vice chair to be the the chair and vice chair of the value adjustment board correct okay so moved all right we have a proper motion we have a second all right further discussion all in favor signify by sign I iose like sign now we need Julie Masters At Large I nominate Julie Masters for the value adjustment Board second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I po like sign the eyes have it we're going to go to new business and we're going to pull item C up to the top so rich you have the legal litigation settlement thank you Mr chair thank you sir as I believe everyone's aware uh there was a application that came through um both through our planning and zoning and also went through the commission's approval process in that process the commission had decided to vote to deny the application after that there was a actually two lawsuits that were filed um claiming that we had violated our process at which time we conducted a shade meeting and with that shade meeting we we I say myself along with the County Commission and staff took a look at what was being requested from the different um citizens that came and spoke at the meeting what the expectations were from our planning and zoning department in addition to um kind of what was compatible with the area taking that information um I've negot iated with BNR blacka a proposed settlement agreement for your consideration with that consideration um the commission has correctly decided that they want to solicit additional public input before making a final decision also if there's any sort of questions the applicant um has an agent their council is here to answer any questions all right so let's do this Commissioners what's any comments you have I think I would like um and it doesn't have to be right now but for you to go over what the um agreement was specifically of what we received that we didn't have on the first time that I'm sorry the on the table the first time that we've now negotiated in other words what is it the differences so when you look and I'm sorry I'm trying to find it in I know it's in here but I want us to discuss it yes ma'am in our agenda packet you can see the information starts on page 366 of the copy um when you look at the actual settlement agreement neither side is accepting any sort of wrongdoing um when you get down to the page 372 of the PDF copy right the main portions of what the county had asked for that is being agreed to as part of their application for resoning to a plan unit development was widening the roads originally the application had asked for 20 foot it is now it's been agreed to to Wi those to 22 foot in addition there was discussion about having a secondary access point um which can be used for emergencies and that has been added to the plans that are on it is Page 387 you can see the secondary access point in addition to that um BNR PL is was originally looking at trying to put a sidewalk on the exterior of the proposed Development Area however the actual Topography of the land makes that somewhat difficult if not impossible so the compromise solution was that they will donate property to the county so that if the roads are ever widened um a sidewalk can be added at that time or some sort of alternate solution can be on the exterior yes ma'am and then in addition to that if you look on page 389 um there's a crosswalk that will be put into place to ensure that safety along that cross-section of of roadway and those are the major issues that were brought up by citizens concern the public comment period previously and a turn lane as well right so that's I mean that's what the the land will be for okay the donation of the landan so they don't go ahead Mr turn they don't have to put in a turn lane they're just going to donate land for a turn lane I thought I saw where they were putting in a turn lane yeah are and if if the applicants Council can come up I'm sure he can explain good morning appreciate your time today um the turn lane is not your name pardon me I'm John Wallace I'm Council for BNR Paca uh I'm with the law firm of Smith Hing Bucy in Jacksonville you can close that laptop I may need to use it in a minute but I'll slide it down but um the uh the turn lane nothing is changing about the turn lane the additional dedication is in addition to the turn lane so the applicant is going to be required to that turn lane and nothing in regard to the turn lane is uh changing from the initial application other than the L okay other than the the dedication of additional land for future expansion and the analysis on that was that there are no sidewalks in that area currently I understand that it's a narrow road and the county may want to expand that road and that would probably be the more appropriate time to address the sidewalk issue and that's the reason for the dedication rather than installing a sidewalk in that area okay Mr Turner you have any um yeah I have a couple of uh just clarifications if I could get I understand that this may be in there some of my concerns along um putam County Boulevard I understand that that there is going to be a let me find excuse me um on putam County Boulevard it's calling on Section 4.8 that's calling for a 10-ft landscape buffer with a privacy fence along putam County Boulevard and so that would be 10 foot 10 foot buffer plus the 10 foot setback correct that's correct 20 foot before that's correct commissioner Turner the the buffer is not included within the platted lots and so the uh the setback is measured from the from the platted lot line so 10-ft buffer then a 10ft setback and then that would be there was another area in here that uh which is 4.5.3 on page 8 or 379 in the packet and it uh basically says that the internal Street will be 20 foot fo wide and then 4ft area on each side will remain free of obstructions and then a 15t setback from the street so that'll only be a 11t setback if you include the 4 foot the other 4ft area so is that your intent that it's only going to be a 15t setb from the street will that give somebody enough room to park the the parking in the community is all off Street there's an exhibit in there uh with the number one the develop the development agreement requires parking to be off Street um part of the negotiation and in the terms which came out of speaking with uh the the fire um Personnel uh was that the road widths are in increased to 22 ft there's an additional 4T on either side that is to remain unobstructed and that was is out of the concern for getting um you know emergency vehicles in into and out of uh there is no per parking permitted in the uh in the grass or on the edges of the roadway all parking has to be off Street within the drives and carports and if I'm not being clear with my concern um if if the setback is 15 ft from the street that would be the setback to the where the Bob homes or whatever can begin right that means that they've they've got 15 ft from the street to park a car and so that's in their driveway because their setback would only be 15 ft from the street and so that's my concern is that if the if the if the building or whatever starts 15 ft off the street and not 15 ft from the 4 foot line then you only have 15 ft to park a car I mean everybody in there's not going to drive a Nova or a smart car somebody might actually have a pickup truck or something so and my understanding is that the these these lots are sized to where the parking can be on the side Asos is that yeah the parking in other words there this isn't going to be a house where you park directly in front of the house you could have basically the mobile home manufactured house carport on the right or left side and then you would pull onto the lot and so there will be plenty of space for parking and and again no matter what uh they're not going to be allowed to park uh within the street streets uh or within that 4ot strip so so there will be no parking within that 4ot strip right there's no obstructions that are allowed in that 4ot strip and that's enforcable by on onsite uh staff within the rules that are attached as the last exhibit to the settlement agreement okay thank you commissioner Pickin you have any comments no commissioner Wilson I'm done I have a few um I have a concern and you might not want to address it and that's fine but I I really do think that all the property on phases one two and three I think all of it needs to be constructed prior to and and the reason for it is right now it's farmland and my concern is that it's going to be wet and if these if every all the improvements are put in first I know I can't make you do that but I just think that would be that would be the best scenario to put all your groundwater all your storm water P ponds get everything ready for development instead of doing it in phases but um that's one of the questions I have R isn't that my understanding is that phase one is for infrastructure development which includes storm water ponds horizontal and then phase two begins which is the actual site development a vertical type site development uh begins when phase one is completed and that is in the I'll tell you the sections of the uh that's in section 3.4.4 is the phasing uh and uh essentially uh I believe this was addressed one of uh commissioner Wilkinson's concerns is that the phasing plan did not adequately provide for enough capacity over the life to build all 160 lots and so we've adjusted the phasing plan where uh phase one which is the the infrastructure utilties storm Etc is developed within the first phase phase two only commences upon completion of phase one and then from uh basically phase two and phase three uh it would permit a maximum addition of 25 uh mobile homes per year up to a maximum of 160 year 60 units and that would be measured uh over 10 years from approval so the other thing concern I have is uh page 379 4.4 4.1 and second sentence the development will be served by public water and sewer currently there is not sewer there and currently we just approved a subdivision on 207 that's going to be taking up a lot of our our uh availability at our sewer plant so I don't I just want to make it make you aware I'm sure you are but it says we be served by public water insurer but if available because it might not be available uh when that time comes yes sir uh the applicant is is aware of that and at the time that they submit permitting they'll be submitting requests for reservations and if there's no capacity available they'll have to wait until capacity comes available to permit development and on 4.8 where it says buffer screeners and Landscaping we had this situation happen in East Paca but when we talk about putting landscape buffer with privacy fence along the western boundary we talked about it in our in our some of our Land Development code changes of being at the start of the approved surface not at the current surface so for example we there's a building e Paca that put a fence up at the original surface and not the approved sir well you can look right down I mean the fence did nothing to hide anything so if if I understand correctly um in other words you're you're saying that it was it was from the original surface and not the elevated surface activ correct y i I appreciate the clarification if we need to we can we can probably clarify that through okay through just the record today and I don't know if this is going to happen during DRC but I believe comment's going to have to take place that is that intersection there at uh putam County Boulevard in East End Road no East River Road sorry has been changed so many times where no stop sign three four-way stop sign three-way stop sign um you're going to put a crosswalk there but I believe in the future with the development that it's going to happen in that area that a light of some sort is going to have to be placed there and U I would I would appreciate it if that conversation takes place that it's not on the back of our citizens of putam County but it's on y'all to take care of that so and that's all my comments thank you thank you commissioner Harvey okay so we are um going to is there any other comments you'd like to make before I go to public comment I I I'll I'll reserve and and uh address along along with yes sir thank you all right so we are going to go to a our public comments we are going to ask you to limit your conversation to three minutes um and we're going to get started with Miss Debbie Griffin you ready we can't okay well okay Mr Howard Griffin I've never seen her let you go first but that's a [Laughter] good sorry Miss Debbie there certainly is yes um good morning Mr chairman board appreciate the opportunity to come speak to you today I'm Howard Griffin 125 Oak Haven Lane in East Paca and as you know we were here as a total Community back in November where we we pleaded our case and I thought we did a really good job at that we gave you our reasons for objecting to this development and and and I thought it was sound our reasoning and apparently you thought it was sound because it was a unanimous vote in our favor uh unfortunately after that we had heard rumors that the developer was not satisfied obviously and that he had hired an a a high-powered attorney to plead his case and that we'd be hearing more about that we had a representative to meet with a county official and they confirmed that in the event that there was an objection to this that there was no funds available for um an extended lawsuit and that they would fold uh we naturally didn't welcome that but um we acknowledge the fact that putham county is not a wealthy County but um we as a community f as though that isn't a good fit but apparently there's been a lot of understandings that have gone on uh about this and that um that is pretty much ingrain that that they will get their way but I would like to remind you that the residents there will be paying only a mere portion of of what the surrounding homeowners will be paying it's interesting that one of the comments in their program stated that um the the neighborhood was mainly you know mobile homes with a few um Regular homes and so forth I'd like to correct that because there's there's a lot of riverfront property there and they pay really high taxes it's my understanding that each one of these residents are going to be paying $350 to $400 a year and real estate taxes and I'd like to have that same bill if I could get it um this is um this we don't feel as though this is good this is not fair um I think this will be a drain on the community financially and otherwise it will we the the the the the property owners there that'll be picking up the tab will be paying for the service of these individuals am I am I through already yes sir okay well anyway I'd like for you to remember one thing you're setting the blueprint for going forward um East Palaca is set for tremendous growth whatever you agree to in this agreement you can pretty much know what's going to happen with future developers with even more attorneys that's going to be pleading their cases so we would like for you to at least uh refuse to agree to the waivers that they're asking for those roads out there are congested I I met someone on the road the other day with a with a mobile device and and it's a hazard they need to put sidewalks in their only excuse for not doing that is nobody else has done that but the rules call for sidewalks and I'd like for you to consider that thank you Mr Howard thank Youk you m Debbie Griffin oh she's walking up here Mr chair yes sir M Rich basically we have two options we either accept the agreement as it's been negotiated or we don't accept the agreement as been negotiated and from there it goes and let a judge would then negotiate instead of us is that correct or not that's correct so I don't know that we get another bite at this apple it's either we agree today to do this or we don't and Mr Griffin I'm just telling you I don't know who told you that but it don't have a bit to do with that the county don't have the funds to fight this lawsuit it really doesn't it has with me it has everything to do with can you win cuz I don't mind fighting I just not going to fight when I don't feel like I even have a chance of winning and the other side of it is worse than this because we don't even get to negotiate then the judge does it okay okay okay M Mr Griffin yeah Howard because I started this you're welcome if I you're welcome to come up but we're going to have to put it on record because I started this conversation sorry Mr that's fine if Miss Debbie will relinquish the mic and that's the reason I asked for reserve my time I was going to allot some of my time to my husband I'll all lot some a mind to him if you don't mind go go right ahead Mr Turner I I think I think the the the and I and I'm no position to speak for all the homeowners but for for ourselves we we agree that that the person who buys the land probably has the right to do that but also I totally disagree with with giving in on the waivers because as you know there's another PUD that's right down the street that's waiting the spring and they're not going to be wanting to put in sidewalks either the the problem that I'm having with this if I may Mr the problem I'm having with this is is we just granted the same setbacks the same everything we just granted across 207 so when a judge I mean I can't speak for what he do but if I was a judge and he bring this case to me I'm going to give him the same thing that we've given other people and so I don't think that they're getting anything in addition their density isn't higher they're and I don't I'm please don't put me in a position to defend this thing I voted against it first time around I just need everybody to understand not as easy us just turning it down this time the the big difference in those two communities this is supposed to be 55 plus Community they need sidewalks you get people out there with with wheelchairs and walkers on East platum on on on East River Road it's a hazard and and and let me tell you that is I I don't disagree with you Mr understand understand and I have no we don't get another shot at negotiating this they negotiated this and today we get the shot of either accepting is we didn't have any input into their negotiations they did this in a back room and and that's not to cast any any I'm just saying that I sure wish have they at least come to those those people who have the grievance to at least have our input before they agreed to something my gosh I mean I understand your feeling but all right sir we're we're frustrated thank you Mr how thank you miss deie my my name is Debbie Griffin I live at 1710 Bellamy Road Keystone Heights Florida I'm here regarding the property that we just purchased at 110 Oak Oak Haven Lane um you know I I don't understand what happened to us because the Planning Commission decided against this thing the board of County Commissioners decided unanimously to not approve this this PUD and now all of a sudden we find ourselves harm because we're here again speaking before you and many of my neighbors have just said okay you know we can't be there they did not receive the proper notice they did not receive the proper um designation that this was going to happen today and so I think it's unfair that we relied on the board of County commissioners before we started building our house and as my husb husband has said these people at this 55 and and up uh Community it only takes one person to qualify and everybody else can be in their own ages and I'm saying who's going to enforce this who's going to make these people move and these other puds that come behind here are going to be even more forceful with more attorneys and they're going to ask for more considerations so if we can't rely on the board who do we rely on I mean because we thought it was over we thought we were done with this and we started building our house based on that consideration and we have other neighbors who have built their houses built on the same consideration that we did and I feel like you're not being fair to the uh residents of Eastern of East Paca that are along the river and you're not being fair to us because we have relied on your decisions and we have reacted accordingly thank you that's all I can think up thank you Mr Jerry Hafner you should be rolling downhill right there I got a jumper out in the truck you complely do we we have a okay uh Jerry hner 122 Hilty Lane in East bka uh well d g it now what happened I had one quote here that I wanted to read you all out of your comprehensive plan but where' it go shoot well let me start by saying uh I really think this County needs to review our PUD processes um I think we have found over the past couple of months that uh what we all thought was going to be a really great thing is ended up causing some real difficulties and problems for others uh I think we need to go back and and re-evaluate what we've done and admit that we made mistakes and see if we can't fix them before we get too many more these opportunities coming up uh there have been well this is my opinion and the opinion of many others in the last couple of months I think two approvals by this commission that uh number one I don't think and many others don't think really do fit or that they're really not consistent with the goals and objectives of the uh uh comprehensive plan uh of course both of those yall are very familiar with uh it's our opinion that those two approvals are going to destroy the entire rural character of East patka and in fact it truly does I mean it just changes the entire environment over there what I was trying to find here that I wanted to read you the quote uh I think it's under 45221 uh Mr Harvey you expressed a concern about not being able to tell somebody what to do well your code tells you you can tell somebody what to do it says this commission has the complete Authority to provide any limitations or whatever on anybody in one of these puds so I think youall need to go back and review that code I think your attorney needs to start advising you a little better on what should and shouldn't happen uh one other comment I would make as you all know of course I serve on the Planning Commission and when it was brought to us it was brought to us with a recommendation for approval because it was consistent with the comprehensive plan and goals and objectives of put County well I could tell you the and still in my opinion and many others opinions it's not consistent uh I think our planning staff planning department uh need to start in in these presentations that they make to the Planning Commission or anybody else as far as that's concerned need to start considering that although there are parts of these codes that may make this thing make this unit uh good there are many parts of the code that are conversely totally against these kind of things and we need to go back and clarify some of those differences that we have in there and start being a little more serious about how we handle it I would just you know express my concern and ask you all to be more cautious when we're planning the reviewing planned unit development from now on thank you thank you Mr hner thank you Susan Grand George you might need a jump right there you don't let him run over you that's right hi I'm Susan Grand George I live at 107 St John's Boulevard n Palaca and I listen on Sunday nights to a newscaster called fared sakaria who basically you know reports the news but before he does that he has a little section called This is my take and he gives his take on whatever the situation is so this is my take I'm I'm a resident in East Palaca you're our governing board you welcomed comment from the community on our desires and our likes and our dislikes about this project you heard us you validated our concerns and turned it down and um in exchange in in consequentially this whatever threat of lawsuit occurred which is making you all shaking your boots but I briefly compared the differences and there aren't very many you're getting 22 feet instead of 20 feet you're getting 160 instead of 175 units which is a difference in units per acre between 3.1 six and 2.89 that's both three in my opinion um you've also got um some quicker completion times Phase 1 two and three are all ending sooner and this 4 foot um buffer on either side which is not a sidewalk and in one of your ordinances it says if you're not providing sidewalks you must dedicate money towards the sidewalk fund for the county and neither one of those is being done and and on the reverse those are the few things you're getting that scary you into accepting it for fear a judge is going to do what if if he says I'm going to give you the previous setbacks you've already you've lost what not much if you just refuse it and go before a judge hoping hoping a judge is going to see all aspects of it he's going to go oh this is an additional Community this is a a see the res 55 and over residential Community they need sidewalks they need a place to put a car um they need a way to get in and out of the place um across the street isn't and thank you for bringing up whether water public water is already available it isn't I've been waiting for since 2003 for it to get to my house and EAC it's not there yet not going to be there if it services this Comm community and these additional ones that are coming up there's also the concerns about the flood water which is in issue already and they with more developments coming that has to be an assurance um and the main issue the revenue what's the county thinking they're going to get a mobile home tag fee instead of property taxes on these um rented Lots instead of land own lot so what's going to pay for all this additional water sewer and runoff um also is it needed it's a 55 in over Community with specific regulations that a child can only stay I don't know five minutes or the person's got to move out this is not for the grandparent raising their child came up and address so is it needed in our community is it bringing in the revenue that you want are you going to say okay we'll take the extra two feet because we're afraid a judge might not make a respectable judgmental decision thank you thank you m gr George okay we got one more blue card thank you uh Andrea Conor hi I'm Andrea Conover I live at 105 Rivers Edge Drive in East Pac and I pass by this um property every day and you heard all the arguments we were making before and you didn't like the development either but here we are so whatever happened either in the process or Our Land Development codes or future whatever it is that had to negate all the reasons why none of us wanted this please fix it either the current Commissioners or the new Commissioners just you know whether it was a staff issue or process issue whatever happened that made this now going to happen please fix it so we don't get these uh Tri Parks um throughout the rest of the county because that's not going to get us the revenue that we need for the county to pay for the infrastructure and the services and you know it's just not going to help us in the future thank you thank you all right that's the end of our blue cards is there anybody real quickly come up come on up real quick you got you can come up and speak if you'd like no we're not talking animal control right now that'll be a little bit later okay so is there anybody else all right seeing none I think the applicant wanted to say a few words Mr chair can I just address a couple issues while Mr Wallace comes up so just because it was referenced a couple of times about the notice um you know the courts kind of look at it in a very unique way where it's a very difficult position to claim that there wasn't notice when we have people that showed up and actually spoke and even spoke to other neighbors about being here um but you know it's a big picture one thing that I know the commission's aware of and I think it probably helps our citizens to be aware of is you charged with making decisions based on confident substantial evidence so when somebody articulates a feeling of being harmed or a feeling that their property values change that's not competent substantial evidence and the courts have been very clear about that so when there's the comment that we're afraid of a lawsuit I don't think there's anybody up here that's afraid of a lawsuit I mean honestly as a lawyer I miss being in court I know Mr Wallace does we were um work together at the state attorney's office and you know that's not something that scares most lawyers at least most good lawyers that I know and it's still an obligation that we have an advising each of our clients that you have to make decisions based on what the law is and when you look at the law that includes what our ordinances are and from the perspective of what our ordinances are we set forth the vision and the plan for different areas of the county and it's not just East placa that's poised for growth in the county there are a lot of different things happening with infrastructure the port um development of businesses you see um restaurants retail coming to the county and with those things you're going to see schools being Bu you're going to see Development coming and that's a good thing that's a good thing for our County but when our County looked at kind of what should happen in this area before us there was an overlay District created that said this is exactly where this type of future development should occur so when a court looks at those things I mean these are not Secrets this is all done in transparent open government when the court looks at those things they look at where we designate these plans to occur and that's part of the calculus as to kind of what the right thing is for the commission and the final comment I just wanted to make is there's been a comment about you know if this is approved then you're basically backed into a corner on app approving future developments and I just want to be very clear that the courts have said there is no precedent when reviewing land use and Zoning applications just because you decide something for one application does not back you into a corner or does not require you to vote the same way in a future application because you're charged with reviewing every application on its individual merits so thank you Mr chair thank you sir yes sir you're right ahead thank you um I'm I'm going to address the comments I heard in turn uh the first was this idea of the waiver um I I don't we are going to ask you to kind of go really quick because we need to move on okay I I don't think the characterization as a waver is really accurate we are we're granting we're we're dedicating right of way to address that and the fact of the matter is that if we were to build a sidewalk there right now it would potentially interfere with future plans to expand this road and it would also be a sideway kind of to Nowhere really because there's no connecting sidewalk there at this time there's an internal pedestrian uh path that leads to the existing public access across East River Road uh so we think uh we we think it's highly unlikely we're going to have residents out walking on on putam County Boulevard there um as to the property tax issue obviously this property currently is being taxed as z uh property it's taxed at a low rate when this is converted to a PUD with 160 Lots it's going to be reassessed on an income basis and the the taxes it generates are going to uh sky rocket we can expect them to pay more than $100,000 a year and that's the property owner paying it it's not the individual residents um as to the notice in addition to the normal notice Mr Commando uh followed uh this was actually published according to chapter 163 3215 this is uh the lawsuit that was filed as a comprehensive plan consistency challenge the notice describing the exact purpose of this meeting was published in the newspaper last week within seven days from meeting which is what's required by Florida Statutes um as as as uh it pertains to density I just want to remind that as as Mr Commando alluded to this property the future land use designation is urban surf service area that permits a density of up to 24 units per acre uh we're at 2.89 units per acre um I I think we're well within the density and that is part of the basis for why we filed the lawsuit incidentally we would have loved to have come and tried to negotiate ahead of filing a lawsuit that is simply you have 30 days to do it from a decision and we had to do it to preserve the right and then I think it's entirely appropriate we met with County staff we talked to Rich about the concerns of the commission and tried to address those and uh obviously we're here today for a vote a up or down vote so I mean I think it's um I don't appreciate the comment that this was done in the back in the back room we're here today making a decision on it um lastly there was a comment about the Water Service um my understanding is that the plan is actually or excuse me the the staff is moving forward with plans to extend the water main and to the extent we submit permits uh and get started on this project we're going to be required to pay for the extension that reaches our property and so that's actually going to assist everybody to the east of us because they won't be having to pay for that uh so with that I'll take any questions thank you for your time right I think we're good thank you very much all right so we'll go into Mr stole we're done with public comment so I'm sorry we we moved on so Commissioners you've heard what's the pleasure of the board obviously everybody's having a issue with this um my my biggest issue is like I tried to explain earlier it doesn't bother me to Bow up with lawyers but I've got that Le bow up with lawyers with somebody with my counsil telling me that I have a chance to win and that chances are it's going to be worse if I don't because I'd rather the county be doing some of the negotiating instead of none of the negotiating it's just all done between the judge on the J by the judge's behalf so I voted against this last time and I'm still not really for it I just don't I think they've got me backed in a corner here and it ain't because I'm scared of fighting because if anybody in this room knows me I'm not scared of going to court I'm not scared of hiring lawyers I'm not scared of doing any of it but I just feel like that while this may not be completely advantageous it beats the option they'll really do um like uh it was brought out last time and brought out this time that piece of property could have had a density of 25 units per acre with the in the urban service are and they're asking for 2.8 or something in that neighborhood so while like I said it's not completely Advantage just I just think it's the best deal we got going right now so Mr chairman I move approval proper motion do we have a second I'll second it and I'd like to Echo his comments his sentiments um we've been in a a similar situation before really on a vesting determination and the board had to decide what is the best for um that area um as commissioner Turner said and I believe our attorney alluded to it that if if we do turn this down I I don't think we're going to win um if we turn it down then the judge decides and then none of these concessions or anything will be considered or they may and they may not so even though I voted for it voted against at last time um I think this is the best uh Avenue for the county to take any further comments all right we'll call for a vote M will you do a roll call vote please yes yes yes yes thank you very much next item we're going to continue on as quickly as possible um let's go to item e Public Works acceptance of the drainage easement A and D okay you want A and B A and D A and D D is in dog okay let's go with a then Julian yes sir this is your um first draft of your fiscal year 2425 Capital plan this takes into effect obviously we always do in compliance with State Statute a 5-year Capital plan the only actionable executable items that you're approving or will be approving today are those listed in fiscal year 25 column the rest of those are for forecasting projection um forecasted needs assuming everything falls each year we revisit that if we don't come to a point where it's an absolute need then we don't include it in the upcoming year um you'll see the totals there of those the general fund will fund about 2 million which is including the general fund operations the transportation fund operations and the East puam Regional water fund operations um the general fund funds the transportation and the water fund because both of those funds do not generate enough dollars on their own to fund their own Capital the fire fund will generate it generates enough funding to have in reserves to cover its capital expenses the solid waste fund generates an operational revenues enough to fund its capitals and then the guard rails are traditionally done out of the BPP plan the BPP numbers have come in from the state and after we allocate the dollars to dirt to PVE and resurfacing as well as the debt obligations that were required to be paying the there is a sum of money of roughly about $750,000 that the board can direct staff what you want to do with those dollars we can do a project as long as it's compliant with BPP last year we split this excess between Georgetown and duns Creek in order to try to further fund those projects we could do that again or we could do something different the other item for consideration was that during this year the board accounting Commissioners also funded a million dollar which was split five ways for the special Commissioners project funds um this would be the time where we start talking about whether or not you foresee wanting to do that again next year those funds are funded from general fund reserves all right I'll start the convers I don't I I like what we're doing right here with the exception I think we need to put more money into to the guardrail project we have guardrails sitting out there one was brand new that got hit a week later one was uh still sitting out on 315 North with with a barricades up I mean you know guard rails are there for a safety reason and for us to just for years disregard that we we need to clean this up so I would like for us to add another 100,000 to guard rails um out of the 750,000 extra that we got in our BPP and that would give us 650,000 P you of page 351 I'm sorry so um and that's my only recommendation on that the rest of it I'm really good with so okay I was commissioner wion you got the floor lights ain't working anymore lights AR working I did push mine before you though okay see um I don't see anything here about the St John's Harbor water plant so should we be including um what our anticipated expenditures are for that infrastructure at that plant so this does not include anything that's carried forward from last year that million dollars you've already moved we are uncertain at this time what the capital need is going to be so this is forecasting what we know is a capital need today we will revise this before it comes back to you guys as Incorporated to the budget with the fiscal year 24 carry forwards as we finalize them the dollars that we put into St John's Harbor reserves and capital um will be included in there in next year's budget in reserves at this time because remember we don't have an identified Capital project yet we know there's Capital needs but it so the next year what will happen is it'll once we identify the capital need and the specific dollar amount we'll come back to you with a budget resolution and move it from reserves into the capital line to take care of it okay um and just so this board will know I have been getting calls about the Rody Road culbert where we shut that down and at first we had gotten a few emails that said people were a couple people were happy in that area that it was quiet and they were getting some good sleep however since that time I have received emails and phone calls of people wanting that back open so at some point whether it's this board or the next board we're going to have to have a discussion regarding the roty road Culvert um I know that we when my I I believe that what we discussed was we would wait six months and see if we had gotten any uh feedback and I'm telling you now I'm getting the feed back okay and then second um the 200,000 per uh County Commissioner is that something that we have to determine dur at this board cycle ma'am you can determine it at any time just if you know it I'll move it from general fund and build it in the budget if you're uncertain we'll start the year we did last year we started the year and then we moved the funds after the year began I just feel like that that should be the new board that's my thoughts on that I don't disagree Mr Turner go ahead and give me the money I still got two Mony come on now go ahead go ahead go ahead and give me the money I'll see if I can't get it spent in the next two months I was at least going to get it started Get Fit until October 1 even if we gave you the new money well then I'll have it already then I got a month a little over a month to get it all spent okay so I'm being for ceas sorry I agree prob needs to be next year's board that figures that out um the additional money could we could uh could we agree to split that between those two boat ramps and then they'll be fully funded going into the future like we did last year that's a board decision but that's kind of what what we were looking trying to get those two projects funded we've been working on one of them for many years and one of them for two years now and that's going to be the hurdle is is to get it funded if we take this last dollars like we did last year with this exact pot of money and split it then those two boat ramps should be funded between the the money that's set aside right now and the fishing fund which is what we've always said that we've been not paying maintenance out of the fishing fund from years now trying to let that pot build up to where we could do a capital project with the fishing fund money so if we had these two that should if we split this money between those two Georgetown and duns Creek that should pretty much fund them along with the other and you wouldn't have to find Capital funding in the future for those two recreational projects that we spent literally years working on so that would be my recommendation to do like we did last year split that split to 650,000 yeah split to 650 well put your 100 in the rail in your rails and then what the the the money left over would be split between the Georgetown project and the dun Creek project which is exactly what we did last year yeah Mr chairman I'm definitely in agreement well really with both of them the guard rail project we need more money in it because I know of three in South putham that have been damaged for for years and um need to probably figure out how to try to build those people back if possibly with a Florida have a Patrol report that run into them some of them do pay insurance back get their insurance back on them um I will say and it is in my district but to to be able to to go to the Finish Line to have um both of the boat ramp some one at duns Creek and one at uh Georgetown to the permitting stage where we just need money uh that and get those things built that's going to be really really big for access to the river because we have boat ramps but none of them have parking and this is going to give you both at each location so I'm in agreement of that I'll vote to go ahead and do the 200,000 but I have no problem waiting um on the new commission I think that is a tool that uh each Commission did each other project exactly and so um that that really is benefit so I'm I'm in agreement with the 100,000 and then split to 650 for the boat Rams I agree all right so consensus is we're going to you've got it you'll bring it back to us probably need a motion motion y you won't see I move that we move that we put $100,000 additional dollars in the guard rail fund and the rest part of that particular money we split between Georgetown and duns Creek boat ramp projects so we had 750,000 excess on better place uh proposed 100,000 goes to guard rails with the other 100,000 650,000 to be split between Georgetown and dun Creek right yes sir all right good second we have a proper motion we have a second do we have any further discussion hearing down all in favor signify by saying I POS like sign the eyes have it Julian item D yes sir this is a capital asset policy update um this our office worked on this with Ryan Miss uh Nicole who is not with us does our fixed assets and uh we currently are on a very outdated policy this moves the threshold for tagging inventory up to 5,000 um this is in alignment with the state's guidance so we've been very um outdated and it's uh required us to tag much more inventory than what's required it does still allow us to tag anything we deem attractive so if there's a concern about it going somewhere we can still tag it it doesn't mean we can't but the threshold moves to $5,000 okay commissioner Pickins hang on commissioner Pickins had us no I'll just turn appr thank you we have proper motion we have proper second any further discussion thank you very much I will say it's been a long time coming having this conversation and getting this to the finish line also all in favor signify saying I I like sign the eyes have it okay Julian you got to go I just want to say something as she's walking out on the capital asset plan that we just kind of finished with I'm assuming we need to keep in mind that the capital asset is just a suggestion by staff on what that they feel like certain needs are going to be in the future that we're not approving any of that money to be spent today we're just saying that that's our plan that if the money is available and future commissions can do it so we're not spending next year's commissions money no we're just accepting a plan you've accepted the what you've authorized today is um execution of the fiscal year 25 plan that is is actionable items right funds spent ex executable the future years is just that a forecast or a projection of what may be Capital needs at that time that could change drastically it could go up or down every one of them is coming back to the board for approval you can't spend the money off that Capital plan without board approval so it's not like you're not anything that hit a threshold of G it's coming back to you guys for approval anything 65 and above remember 65 and Below unless the Chairman's not on board then it's 25 and above correct thank you thank you and Nicole thank you for all your hard work bringing this forward so appreciate it very much we're going to go to item e real quick Public Works accept of the drainage that's the one that we're going to accept part of the drainage or whatever because we couldn't until hopefully we can get the one in the future yeah move approval thank you we got a proper motion do we have a second second proper second any further discussion I do I just want to say this guys I know that area very well um you know expectation might be that we're going to put water down into that Lake we're not so you know we just need to be careful mindful of that but all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it thank you Item B FL Florida Small Business Development Center bunding we have cards yes sir Mr chairman this is a request that has came in from our Small Business Development folks and uh as you know we've had a multi-year agreement with the uh spdc and I believe the agreement in place has been for $112,000 a year for several years and this year I I believe the request has been for $22,000 uh instead of the uh the usual 12 so we brought it to the board for some direction some conversation and I believe Mr Rick Paul is here to answer any questions on behalf of the sbdc as well I think um in the last we tabled it the last time based on the fact that we want to do do some more research on where funds were available at um so Rick do you want to come up real quick when is when does your budget year start in other words when is this money due from the county I believe oober 1 in the new budget year is the microphone on I believe it's in October so Rick Paul the Small Business Development Center 1100 Reid Street good morning it's October one I believe is when this is next year budget we're asking to add this to I have a quick presentation if you have the time or would you prefer just to go to question I'm fine I think we're all fine okay so any questions for Rick I mean I'm fine we can doing a present oh you're fine with doing a presentation all right commissioner we'll go right ahead with your presentation all right well good morning thank you we just had our uh Florida Small Business Development Center annual conference last week and Alex Kelly the Secretary of Florida commerce was there and had some very interesting statistics um Florida is now number one in new business formations number one in entrepreneurship and number one in job creation in the country that makes the Small Business Development and are number one in the country for helping clients in calendar year 2023 um our Statewide Small Business Development Center had 164% increase in government contracts that amount is now $575 million we've helped our clients obtain we had 120% increase in business starts that's over a thousand uh business starts 108% increase in capital formation that's 346 million throughout the state and personally that uh mine was over 6 million most of that was for here in putam County 131% uh increase in unique client served in jobs supported was a 107% increase to 52,000 over 52,000 so much so that secretary Kelly changed the uh buzzword or the slogan I guess for Florida commerce that it's now called small business is the new Benchmark is what he said at the meeting uh so uh the some of the areas of concentration are clients by consultant um I'm in in second place on that out of the 18 18 County uh region that region runs from Amilia Island to uh St Augustine over to uh Cedar Key and then up on the east side of the river to Hamilton County back over to uh uh Nassau County uh in that 18 County region I'm I'm number two for clients by consultant number uh number four for Capital by consultant I have uh 1 and A5 million uh so far and I just got got another million recently that is actually a client in St Augustine but that client is a manufacturer and he's been here uh before and is coming back to look to purchase property in your industrial part for 30 very high paying jobs um new business starts by consultant I'm about fourth in the list there and Ours by consultant I'm number three so the recommendation for the Florida state Small Business Development Center is that there's a $50,000 annual buyin by the county in this case it's split between the uh City CRA commission which is now at 25,000 and I just figured a round number of 10 grand to increase it from 12 uh to 22 for the county um also of note in the letter I sent out uh the email recently additional projects worked on is currently about four and a half million Rick I want to ask you a question real quick um last year we funded you at $122,000 yes sir and you're requesting 22,000 yes sir and I see the city apply or the CRA went from 20 to 25,000 yes sir what if the board did not approve all 12,000 what would happen then um where would that where would I'm not exactly sure uh this is a request for funding so we were at 12 we're we're trying to go to 22 to get it to that $50,000 level that the Florida uh State office wants for the S there been any talks with the chamber on their new Elevate putam about getting money from that uh no sir that's a totally different project that's for the economic development portion I think everything almost we do in putam county and this board is e economic development but that's just my opinion but yes sir all right any questions for Rick yeah what Rick and you may have said it last time am I reading this correctly that uh the funding through the University of North Florida is lower than in past years why is that uh I I'm I'm not exactly sure on the funding with University of North Florida that's what I was told that some of our funding is is a little bit more questionable uh this year than it has been in the past but the main increases are due to inflationary pressures of course and also trying to reach that $50,000 Benchmark that the state office likes or is trying to require I guess best way to that I would just like to say Mr Paul I I realize the um the impact you're having in our community um I've sent people to you over the years and I know that small business small businesses is the backbone of any small community like this and while it's great to see large larger developments come in and larger Industries small businesses is where people go when they need their little league paid for for and when they need their Girl Scout cookies bought and everything else and so um I understand that you know with Elevate putam we're going to be we have a goal to bring in you know many more jobs and with that you're going to see I believe you'll see an increase in your workload for small businesses that are going to be looking for loans looking for assistance looking for opportunities to grow their business for the existing ones here so I think what you're asking for is reasonable and I would be in favor of this that a motion that's a motion a proper motion do we have a second I'll second it proper second any further discussion on the motion at hand to increase the funding from 12,000 a year to 22,000 in the next budget year next budget Year yes sir okay all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it thank you very much thank you Commissioners thank you okay next on our agenda do we have any cards for the public comment on miscellaneous items again this portion of the agenda is designed actually not to is to allow the citizens opportunity to bring matters to the attention of the board it is not reasonable to expect the board will engage in debate or deliberations about matters on which the board has received no prior information as part of the agenda please limit your comments to three minutes commissioner Wilkerson will be keeping time and public comment cards are conveniently placed at the meeting room at the entrance and should be submitted to the deputy clerk who sits to the right of the podium and my left uh it's not that important that you have a car but we do appreciate it Sharon longi is that your name longle I'm sorry I messed up your name I do apologize please come up and state your name and address for the record please yeah my name is Sharon longi and I live at 292 Jordan Road out there behind Rodman d and um the animal control is really starting to bother me the animal pound like I Vol I donate out there once a week that's where I'm going when I leave here we have no social media at all for people to look up and see if their pets are in the animal pound the website has adoptable pets from 2020 on it and this is 2024 there's no reception area the there's steps that go up it old people can't get up it you go in it there's pets in the in cages in the hallway there's no office for anybody it's an embarrassment it really is and I used to work for putam County over 30 years ago and that's the same animal pound right there except the entrance used to be closer to where wasbo is so when is the new animal pound going and when are we going to get media like Maran county has Maran County Animal Services on Facebook they post all their animals you can click it look up if you want to adopt one we have nothing at all all right any comments no thank you for your time the animal services building is being built right now you can go by and see if it's anything by the one where they built with the new office building they've been building that eight months it just broke around that too long ago so you'll see it out behind the sheriff's department no I know but the the guy Brian Helms he's told me it would be done by Christmas he's here in the building now so okay well it's not done by Christmas thank you it's Christmas this year is it Christmas this year okay thank you should be one Mr steel please come up my name is Dan Ste I live at 202 M Lane out there lock in Florida and I'd like to congratulate all the officials that were elected this term and I'd like to say that we really don't want to follow the same footsteps that we have followed these last few years we want to make butam County better I mean we're all for there's people here I'm sure everybody will agree with me we want to make this County known for the State of Florida and uh the other thing I'm here for is that baseball field or softball field out there at Twin Lakes Boulevard out there in interlock I was alter yesterday I here were somebodys mow it uh what is going to be done about that because that thing setting there deteriorate okay real quick there is a private group out there that is trying to form uh to do anou with the county I have directed some of my $200,000 allotment to fix those fields but until we get a group out there we're putting new water in right now because the water well went dry but until we get a new group it's going to be hard to maintain those fields and keep people from going out there and spinning donuts and tearing the whole place up like they want to do so but we're working on that and I I hope to see some great progress here in the next couple months and the kids being used one thing commissioner adamac and I both agree to once that field was going to be used we were going to dedicate money to it and I did that so thank you thank you I appreciate doing that but uh also the other thing is I know you all represent of your districts and everything and if we have a you have a meeting in your District I wish you would all go to them because there's a lot of citizens out there and see what the people have to say about these areas because right now there's a lot of stuff out there where I live in my neighborhood uh a lot of people moving in with drugs people are sitting there with sewer going on the ground I mean I can take you to three or four place right now they got piped on other bat just going to trick on the ground I've been to uh the different agencies here and can't seem get nothing done about it but we need to really get something done about this because it's getting rampant out there in West putham with the tents out there in the woods we've got tents all over the place no power going to them just just T so thank you very much thank you sir M shaa McCrae I probably messed up your name really bad please state your name and address and thank you for being patient yes sir um I'm shamaya McCrae I'm a new Resident to Punam County um I moved two weeks ago from Cincinnati Ohio I'm on my nurse FLOTUS um I live at 111 Jim Bryant count um East Paka I'm might have a couple of concerns uh justice reassurance and dedication I writing this letter to Punam County missra could you step away from the microphone just you have a very loud voice and it's there I'm sorry is better yes much better okay um Justice reinsurance dedication I am writing this letter to Punam County East Paka County for justice respect to be treated fairly and continuous of the statutes of Florida a Sterns such as bullying from the other race in our County with new residents I recently bought excuse me I recently bought an acre of land which the other race bystanders tried to invade and Destroy which is private property stalking from other races also camping on my property at Jim Bryant Road and also um city water refuses to go undergo our Ro sulfur water should not be infused it's bacteria and black um black deteriorated water in my um neighbor's um toilet it's like the sulur water it has like a strong X well coming from like the city I'm not used to stuff like that I was told that I have to infuriate a um well um I'm not familiar with that but they want me to undergo over $8,000 to $10,000 just to have running water um that was a concern for me as well um Mr Tony could I get y'all to take your conversation out sorry about that ma'am no you're fine and um I know it's a difference between East Paka and Paka it's not the same region that's correct so um they had gave me a list when I had bought the land that stated that I could use those water resources that was across the board but that wasn't the case at all so I've been having problems with getting electric electricity and also running water clean water I think that should be resource to the community of East Paka because we are very short for utilities as well so um that was a main concern for me um did you say you're on Jim Bryant Road yes 111 on Jim Bryant Road no how far is it from water right in front of 207 in front of thought we had water on Lewis Brewer t or somewhere in there that went out to 17 okay there's another water line coming when is that coming okay be going in front of Jim BR cool cool cool cool yeah that was my main concern just getting electricity because electricity POS is costing like $10,000 I'm running paycheck to paycheck and I can only afford so much and then the utilities like he was saying I'm new to this I'm 27 so this is my first property that I ever had bought so I was just like okay I was so excited but when I get here I don't have any resources I had called multiple counties I had called the health department no help whatsoever so that helped so much and thank you so much because we need it over there a lot of people we do not have water over there why don't you water this is our Public Works director back there in the back go introduce yourself to him and I thank you so much for your time thank you and welcome to putam County okay thank you is there any more other people in the audience willing to speak okay we're going to close that portion uh Clerk of the Court Mr Matt Reynolds good morning Mr chairman I have nothing this morning thank you thank you sir County attorney Mr Rich Commando I'm good thank you sir commissioner County Administrator Mr Terry Suggs uh thank you Mr chairman I have no further comments today okay commissioner comments Mr Turner um yeah I want to just reiterate one more time that you know some of the things that we do in sitting up per at this Das are very uncomfortable and it's things that we don't want to do like the case this afternoon in East blacka um I'll take this opportunity to say it one more time in my opinion it sucked it really did I wish that we had a better option but we've got to listen to our legal counsel when he tells us that's our best option and we' we got to do it um if this was me personally I don't know that I would have took the other option or not but it's not me personally I represent the citizens and the and the best interest of the county and I feel like that's what we did today as much as distasteful is what it turned out being to me so uh I think that's all I have today Mr chairman thank you Mr Turner Mr Pickins yeah chairman Harvey I I I agree it's um you know each one of us up here um you know want just want to make the best decision for the county as a whole and the citizens and I think we did and I think we did again today and um it it just um in my mind it after listening to Rich a couple times it just made no sense to move forward other than the way we did um I'd like to just um commend and compliment um our board staff um Julianne administrator sugs everybody there's board in this audit and also Matt on the clerk's side with your staff another clean audit even though we did switch uh auditing firms um they still found that we are in compliance and in good solid shape in this County I just thank everybody for their efforts that's all I have thank you Mr pick Miss Wilkinson um I just want to concur with my colleagues regarding today's um decision that we had to make for the 55 and up community in East faka that certainly was hard um while I don't necessarily like the business model and it's not a place that I would particularly live um at the end of the day we have to do what's best and throwing good money after bad is not never what's good for our community and I am not afraid of a lawsuit as well but at the same time I was uh had some concerns of what we would lose in the process and so I think that uh we had to make the decision with the best knowledge that we had and I think it was the right decision um and then on regarding Animal Services um we do have some issues um she is correct we do not have a Facebook presence we do have some other things like I know um Kathy Tillman put some adoptable dogs out there I share it all the time but I know Mr Helms is going to be coming forward with some suggestions I believe in the future and I think we're going to have a conversation in the next board meeting September 10th and I think that's just one of the many things that we have to discuss and that's going to be another one of those hard conversations that we have to have September 10th in Workshop right is it a workshop I believe so yes sir I hope so afternoon I think I heard the chairman was thinking about calling it for afternoon Workshop was yeah I would be good with that but anyway um so that's all I have I do want to also congratulate our staff and um the cler of Courts on a great audit thank you thank you commissioner and I again I'll say congratulations uh Clerk and your staff and our staff you know wasn't always like that so we've got a great audit and um you know it's it's nice to see no deficiencies and no problems with with the with the amount of money with the amount of moving parts that government has that's a good thing so um look forward to look forward to the future and um and I'll also Echo I don't like to be painted into a corner and I think I was Pro well I was very frustrated earlier today and I apologize but you know we have to make the right decision for count money wi and when we start spending money that we shouldn't or or maybe not should not then we we're going to face we're spending other people's money and that might not be the right thing so I'm just saying you know we do we get paid to make the tough decisions we made it today we'll move on and we'll learn about puds and maybe we'll get some more concessions going into future puds but if there's nothing else good for the order this meeting is now adjourned thank you